Best professionals android training in bangalore

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Best Professionals Android Training in Bangalore Android is the biggest and strongest player among operating systems when it comes to the net market share. Let us know some unknown facts about Android training in Bangalore. The name “Android” was derived from the analogy of a technology which is a Human like Robot. The developer of Android, Andy Rubin, was researching on this project for many years. In due course of time, Android OS was bought by Google Inc and now it is an authorized property of Google whereby their intention was to implement the technology in Mobile development industry and come up with profitable Mobile Technology. The result is that today the entire electronic market is dominated by android starting from phones to tablets to smart watches to gaming consoles to TV etc. The most powerful and eminent in this field i.e. Apple and Windows are lagging behind in terms of business when it comes to the gadget market share wherein a majority of the portable gadgets are using android platform. But do you know; only a few some companies like Open Hand Set Alliance are the ones who support Android in terms of its supply of hardware or software or telecom APIs. The basic purpose of open hand set alliance behind coordinating Android development is to maintain the low price of Android gadgets as an open source technology while also providing up-to the mark experience to users. Coming to Android app development, a developer must have good knowledge in Java programming and probably should have previous exposure to IDE like Eclipse. Android is recognized by its respective versions of which the latest include the following as listed below:  

The latest is Android 6.0 Marshmallow Prior to that was the Android 5.1 Lollipop, where version is 5.1 and API level is 23.

The usage of Android in real world is wide scale used in many areas which include: Electronic industry: Smart TVs, Music players, Video Players and setup boxes. Medical industry: Location of medical assistance centres, online Doctors appointment, latest medical news, medical insurance records. Travel industry: Travel related info, booking and cancellation of tickets, Travel schedule updates. Gaming industry: Gaming consoles for rich and interactive games to simple gaming apps. Education industry: Online educational content for educational institutions, examination management apps, attendance and fees management systems. With such wide range of applicability, Android courses has become the first choice amongst developers when it comes to mobile app development. That in turn has led to a huge share of android jobs under the software development banner. At LearnIT, we provide the best Android training Institutes in Bangalore under professional expert training with live exposure to projects. Change your future with an android developer certification and training.

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