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➔ Book your meetings by 26 November 2021 Register for the programme, choose your package ( Leader and/or Leader Plus ), and make payment for your total number of meetings.
➔ Onboarding closes 6 December 2021 Complete your company s profile on the Hosted Leaders Platform, confirm the criteria of people you are looking to meet with and upload case studies to showcase your product or service.
➔ Meeting selection takes place 8-12 December 2021 Log in to the platform, review the participating educator leaders and submit your preferred selection of meeting requests.
➔ Meeting confirmation takes place 4-6 January 2022 Confirm or decline additional meeting requests from educator leaders who have asked to meet with you.
➔ Final schedule of meetings provided 7 January 2022 Receive your final schedule of at-event meetings, based on each participant s preferences and availability.
➔ Meetings take place 19-21 January 2022 It s meeting time! In-person meetings take place at the designated times onsite in halls S1 and S2 alongside the Bett and Learnit events at the ExCeL London. Note: all dates are subject to change. Companies on the programme commit to meet our deadlines, and understand that missing them, or not providing full information at each stage, could prevent meetings being allocated to them.