Quran Recitation for Muslims is Obligatory The Holy Quran contains the words of Allah Almighty He revealed as an infallible source of legislation for mankind. It contains regulations and recommendations about all aspects of life and references to hereafter. Being so important, the Holy Quran must be read, written and recited must be correctly, so as not to create any sort of ambiguity and misunderstanding. Allah Almighty addressed His messenger (P.B.U.H) “And recite the Quran with measured recitation.� (73.4)
Listening to the Holy Quran being recited correctly is enough to soften even the hardest of hearts. Every Muslim has to recite the Holy Quran in the prayers, but many of us do not realize that recitation of the Holy Quran while observing the rules of recitation is not an advanced science for expert reciters alone. Rather it is the obligation upon every one of us whenever we recite it. Quran Recitation is directly connected with heart: The heart plays a very important role in our life and it has an amazing status in Islam. When we have a pure heart then ultimately our character and soul will also be pure. Is not just a piece of flesh in our body, but it is the center of all our
feelings, emotions, desires, remembrance and attention. Quran recitation is an open guidance and source of peace and heart purification. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty states: “Their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah.” (39.23) If you want peace of heart and purity of your soul then remember Allah Almighty by heart. There has always been an emphasis on improving our character in our religion Islam. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “Nothing is heavier on the believer’s Scale on the Day of Judgment than good character” From above saying we can conclude that on The Day of Judgment a person’s good character and pure heart will matter. In another hadith the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H), said, “Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire, but He looks at your hearts and accomplishments.”
Purpose of Tajweed: Holy Quran style in itself is unique. When the recitation of this style is done in the rightful manner that the true effect of Quran can be observed. This is why Quran recitation is to be done with Tajweed. As Quran recitation should be done with Tajweed is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). There are some other purposes or importance behind the observance of Tajweed while recitation of the Holy Quran. Tajweed is the fact that the Quran is revealed by Allah Almighty. It is important that we should read and recite the Holy Quran in the very same way as He has revealed it. The recitation of the Quran serves the fact that words do not change their meanings. Quran is in the Arabic language which is a very eloquent and sensitive language. And any variation in the form of shortening or elongation of sounds might result in a change of meaning. Therefore, observing the rules of Tajweed prevents the reciter from making mistakes while reciting the Holy Quran. Some rules of Quran recitation are:
First thing that needs to be done related to learning the Quran is finding a proper Quran tutor. Who is familiar with the Tajweed rules? Also choose a hassle free time when your brain is free from any stress. Seat yourself in a peaceful spot where there is no disturbance and you can easily concentrate on Quran recitation. It is a must, set your daily goals for practicing.