My Book on Antonyms

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all (1)


all x none all – everyone or the whole example – Payal has got four children, all under the age of five. none – not one or not any example – None of the students knew the answer.

big (2)


big x small big – large in size or amount example – Sharma family lives in a big house. small – limited in size or amount example – We have a small farm. Page 1

new (3)


new x old new - recently created or having started to exist recently example – My uncle has got a new car. old - having lived or existed for many years example – The building where Anil lives is very old.

tall (4)


tall x short tall - of more than average height example – One of my friends is 7 feet tall. short - small in length, distance or height example – Mira is a short and sweet girl. Page 2

day (5)


day x night day – the period between the time when the sun rises and the time it goes down example – The days get longer in the summer. night - the part of every 24-hour period when it is dark because there is very little light from the sun example – The nights get longer in the winter.

up (6)


up x down up - towards a higher position example – Put all the books up on the top shelf. down - in or towards a low or lower position example – The children ran down the hill to play. Page 3

near (7)


near x far near - not far away in distance example – The office is near the airport. far - from a great distance in space or time example – She lives very far from my house.

good (8)


good x bad good - very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant or interesting example – The weather is really good today. bad - unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm example – Their holiday was spoiled by bad weather. Page 4

give (9)


give x take give - to offer something to someone, or to provide them with it example – Please give me some candies. take - to remove something, especially without permission example – You can take my pen if you want.



(10) in x out in - towards the inside of a container, place or area, or surrounded or closed off by something example – The spoons are in the top drawer. out - used to show movement away from the inside of a place or container example – I’m planning to go out for a walk, would you like to come with me. Page 5



(11) stop x go stop - to not move any more or to make someone or something not move any more example – Stop the car and let me get out. go - to travel or move to another place example – I will go for shopping tomorrow.



(12) fast x slow fast - moving or happening quickly example – Shaunak is a fast runner. slow – doing, moving or happening without much speed example – She’s always slow getting ready for the party. Page 6



(13) wet x dry wet - covered in water or another liquid example – The paint of my room is still wet. dry - describes something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it example – This coat will keep you dry in the rain.



(14) hot x cold hot - having a high temperature example – Here is a cup of hot coffee for you. cold - having a low temperature example – It’s very cold outside. Page 7



(15) pull x push pull - to move something towards yourself, sometimes with great physical effort example – The door was very tight but somehow I managed to pull it open. push - to use physical pressure or force, in order to move something away from you example – They pushed the door open and rushed in.

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(16) young x old young – having lived or existed for only a short time and not old example – Many young children participated in the debate competition this year. old - having lived or existed for many years example – My grandmother is very old, still she is very active and strong.



(17) thin x thick thin – having a small distance between two opposite sides example – She was wearing a thin summer jacket. thick - having a large distance between two sides example – She has thick black hair. Page 9



(18) short x long short – small in length, distance or height example – It’s a short distance from here to the office. long - measuring a great distance from end to end example – It takes a long time to walk to the market.



(19) clean x dirty clean – free from dirt, marks, or stains example – My hands are clean. dirty – covered or marked with an unclean substance example – Arpita’s shoes were dirty. Page 10



(20) full x empty full - holding or containing as much as possible or a lot example – My shelf is full of books. empty - not containing anything or people example – Your bowl is empty, would you like to have more soup.



(21) high x low high - being a large distance from top to bottom or a long way above the ground example – My sister has a very high voice. low - not measuring much from the base to the top example – He threw the ball too low. Page 11



(22) fat x slim fat - having a lot of flesh on the body example – She worries a lot about getting fat. slim - attractively thin example – My friend is tall and slim.



(23) heavy x light heavy – weighing a lot example – My bag is too heavy to carry. light – not weighing very much example – My bag is quite light and easy to lift. Page 12



(24) on x under on - used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it example – I kept the book on the shelf. under - in or below something else, often so that one thing covers the other example – She was sitting under the tree.



(25) top x bottom top - the highest place or part example – The child climbed to the top of the hill. bottom - the lowest part of something example – The diagram is made at the bottom of the page. Page 13



(26) left x right left – on or towards the side of your body that is to the west when you are facing north example – The hospital is at the left of the road. right – on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north example – He broke his right arm in a road accident.



(27) active x lazy active - busy with or ready to perform a particular activity example – He’s 80 years old but he’s still active. lazy - not willing to work or use any effort example – Natasha is a very lazy girl. Page 14



(28) start x stop start – to begin doing something example – The race will start in 10 minutes. stop - to finish doing something that you were doing example – We need to stop to get some petrol.



(29) happy x sad happy – feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction example – I’m very happy to see you again. sad – feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy example – Khushi felt very sad that the holiday was ending. Page 15



(30) float x sink float – to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink example – A boat floats on water. sink – to go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid example – Tanmaya watched his paper boats sink to the bottom of the river.



(31) asleep x awake asleep – sleeping or not awake example – The baby fell asleep in front of the TV. awake – not sleeping example – I find it so difficult to stay awake during hindi lessons. Page 16



(32) dark x light dark – a dark place is one where there is not much light or no light example – Please turn on the light, it’s dark in here. light – the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen example – The light from Akshay’s lamp showed us the way.



(33) rich x poor rich – having a lot of money or valuable possessions example – She became very rich when she won the lottery. poor – having little money or few possessions example – The lady was too poor to buy food for the children.

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(34) sweet x sour sweet – having a taste similar to that of sugar; not bitter or salty example – I need a cup of hot sweet tea. sour – having a sharp, sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, and not sweet example – These oranges are a bit sour.



(35) front x back front – the part of a building, object or person's body which faces forward or which is most often seen or used example – The front of the building is very impressive. back – at the back or behind something example – Aashi was playing in the back yard. Page 18



(36) lead x follow lead – to control a group of people, a country, or a situation example – I’m sure we've chosen the right person to lead the team. follow – to move behind someone or something and go where they go example – I didn’t follow what you were saying.



(37) tame x wild tame – not wild or dangerous, either naturally or because of training or long involvement with humans example – Dogs are easily tamed and one soon learns to love them. wild – living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated example – The woods are full of wild flowers. Page 19



(38) ugly x beautiful ugly – unpleasant to look at; not attractive example – She thought she was ugly and boring. beautiful – very attractive example – My friend looks very beautiful in her pink dress.



(39) weak x strong weak – lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks example – She was recovering from jaundice and was very weak. strong – having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks example – The leader should be strong enough to face any problem. Page 20



(40) quiet x noisy quiet – making very little noise example – She spoke in a quiet voice so as not to wake her daughter. noisy – making a lot of noise example – The teacher said that the class was very noisy.



(41) inside x outside inside – the inner part, space or side of something example – The inside walls of the house are painted cream. outside – not inside a building example – I’ll meet you outside the theatre. Page 21

(42) more x less more – a larger or extra number or amount example – This book is more interesting than the last one. less – a smaller amount; not so much, or to a smaller degree example – Sarthak took the bag that was less heavy. (43) first x last first – coming before all others in order, time, amount, quality or importance example – Aashi came first in the competition. last – after everyone or everything else example – The last boy who came in the party was Manan. (44) easy x hard easy – not difficult; needing little effort example – I need a book that is easy to understand. hard – firm and stiff; not easy to bend, cut or break example – Vaidhali’s handwriting is very hard to read. (45) late x early late – near the end of a period of time example – She was 20 minutes late for her dance class. early – near the beginning of a period of time, or before the usual, expected or planned time example – We agreed to go for a walk early in the morning. Page 22

(46) lose x find lose – to no longer have something because you do not know where it is, or because it has been taken away from you example – Did you lose your keys again? find – to discover, especially where a thing or person is, or to discover where to get or how to achieve something example – I can’t find your keys. (47) sell x buy sell – to give something to someone else in return for money example – What does that shop sell? buy – to get something by paying money for it example – Radha was planning to buy a small car. (48) on x off on – working or in use example – Is the kitchen light on? off – not working or not in use example – All the lights were off.

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