Pioneer Pride September 2018

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2 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

Dr. Mike Roth, Superintendent of Schools

2018-2019 BoaRD of EDucation Mike Carney, President Alisa Murphy, Vice President Doug Darling John Goodman Nancy Klemp José Morales Loyal G. Torkelson


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200 N. 4th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 684-1400 | The PRIDE is a quarterly publication distributed throughout the Leavenworth community.




Message from the Superintendent Fall Sports Preview New Year, New League Leavenworth Kicks Off New Year Hall Pass - School Security Student Highlights Pioneer Career Center 2018-19 School Calendar AP Scholars Parents as Teachers New Student Orientation District’s New Website

CONTACT US: PeteTweets453 LeavenworthUSD453

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 3

Message f rom the Superintendent

it’s a Great time to Be a Pioneer In education, there’s something magical about the start of a new school year. There are few things that can compare to the feeling of a fresh start and excitement evident on the faces of our students, staff members, and families as they return to our buildings from summer break. Leavenworth USD 453 works extremely hard to provide safe and modern facilities that meet the needs of our student’s educational environment, which means that the preparation for a successful start to a school year begins in early June and carries through into August. There are definitely some new things in store for our school community this year that we are confident will make our schools safer and enhance learning opportunities for our students. The district launched Hall Pass - School Visitor Management, a checkin system that adds additional protections through stricter vetting of individuals seeking access to our schools; we partnered with the Atchison school district and were awarded a $3.2 million literacy grant to positively impact literacy skills of our students from early childhood through the 12th grade; Leavenworth High School joined forces with five other area schools to form the United Kansas Conference for Kansas State High School Activities Association interscholastic and athletic competitions; and a new web site and mobile app was launched to improve connections between school and home. The Leavenworth Board of Education approved a budget for the 2018-19 school year that not only sus-


STRATEGIC PLAN Preparing students today for their success tomorrow


Architectural rendering of the 5th/6th grade intermediate addition to the Richard Warren Middle School site, with work anticipated to begin in October 2018.

Leavenworth uSD 453 has lowered local taxes by 10 mills during the last 5 years. tains educational programming for students and staff at our four elementary schools, middle school, high school, state-accredited virtual school, and special education programs district-wide, they also decreased the local tax burden by reducing the mill levy by four mills. When combined with a previous reduction of six mills in 2014-15, Leavenworth USD 453 has lowered local taxes by 10 mills during the last 5 years. The tax reduction followed the passage of a $36.7 million bond issue this June that will result in increased safety and security, Kindergarten readiness, and an increased focus on next generation learning. The first, and most significant of the bond projects, will break ground in mid-October with the addition of a 5th-6th grade intermediate center at Richard Warren Middle School. Earl M Lawson Elementary will be converted in to a Pre-K/Kindergarten school, with the other three

elementary schools transitioned to serve 1st thru 4th grades. This investment will help to alleviate existing building capacity challenges at Warren and multiple elementary schools, while also delivering much needed collaborative learning spaces district-wide. As Superintendent of Schools, I am continuously amazed and humbled by the collaborative spirit prevalent throughout the Leavenworth community, with an ongoing strengthening of partnerships to positively impact our students. Today’s students are preparing to enter and compete in a global marketplace that requires much different skills and abilities than myself and my classmates had acquired by the time we graduated from high school. It is definitely an exciting, as well as a challenging time, to have the privilege of working in public education. Thank you to the entire Leavenworth USD 453 school community for your continued interest in our students and staff, and your willingness to partner with the Board of Education and school district to support the well-being and success of our students. --Proud to be a Pioneer, Mike Roth

Preparing every student for success in every classroom, every day.


Leavenworth Public Schools is a community dedicated to partnerships in support of student well-being and success.

TEACHING & LEARNING Goal Statement: Provide a comprehensive curriculum at all levels that aligns with state and national standards.

SUPPORT SERVICES Goal Statement: Provide a secure and supportive environment in every school that ensures high levels of learning for all students.

PARENT/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Goal Statement: Encourage meaningful family involvement throughout the school district, and offer opportunities for parents and the community to partner to support student achievement.

FACILITIES Goal Statement: Provide safe and modern facilities that meet the needs of our students’ educational environment.

HUMAN RESOURCES Goal Statement: Develop and implement strategies to recruit, retain, and support highly qualified and diverse staff who will positively

TECHNOLOGY Goal Statement: Utilize viable technology resources to provide and sustain a modern learning environment.

4 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

BLUE AND WHITE GAME on friday, august 24, Leavenworth High School friends, families, and fans received a ďŹ rst look of the fall Sports season during an evening of indoor and outdoor Blue & White exhibition play. fall Sports features boys football, boys soccer, boys and girls cross-country, girls volleyball, girls tennis, and cheerleading.


THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 5

new Year, new League - Leavenworth Joins uKc The 2018-2019 school year is the inaugural season for the United Kansas Conference (UKC). Having formally departed from the Sunflower League for Kansas State High School Activities Association interscholastic competition at the end of last year, Leavenworth High School now joins Basehor-Linwood, De Soto, Lansing, Shawnee Heights, and Turner. The collaborative process to create a new league began approximately 18 months ago, with development of by-laws, schedules, and of course, a new name. The name, United Kansas Conference, was agreed upon during a meeting of student athlete representatives from each school.

Unlike the Sunflower League, comprised largely of 6A schools, the United Kansas Conference consists primarily of 5A schools. Leavenworth High School has been classified as a 5A school for the past five years. James Vanek, athletic director at Leavenworth High School explains,“We were competing as teams drawing from a student body of 1,300 against schools that were as large as 2,400 in size, which could be perceived as an imbalance at times, especially for sports with larger rosters. After much analysis, and meetings with our

2018 LHS Homecoming - Dare to Dream LHS youngsters are always dreaming. That is the spirit of this year’s Student Council (STUCO) has taken for this year’s Homecoming festivities. Following the theme of“Dare to Dream,” STUCO will host a number of school spirit activities throughout the week of September 24-28. Homecoming is scheduled for the weekend of September 28-29, with the football game vs. Lansing at Pioneer Stadium on Friday night, September 28 at 7:00 p.m. As a repeat of last year, the Leavenworth School District will once again have a Homecoming Parade in downtown Leavenworth, beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 28. The parade route will begin at Haymarket Square and conclude at the Riverfront Community Center. Floats from all schools will be included,

as well as some key floats from organizations that support Leavenworth High School, such as the LHS Alumni Association and the Board of Education. Beyond parade participation, the LHS Alumni Association will host its annual hot dog dinner and Bonfire again this year, supporting the senior class Powder Puff Football Game, and an LHS All-Year Tailgate Reunion on Friday, September 28 at 5:00 p.m. in the LHS south parking lot. This is an early release day for students, with middle school and high school dismissing at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, September 28, and elementary schools releasing at 12:00 p.m., allowing families, community members, and school staff to join together to spread Blue and White throughout downtown Leavenworth for a true community homecoming event.

coaches and students, we chose to form a new league with schools that are more similar in size and demographics as Leavenworth. This inaugural grouping of six schools also provides the Pioneers with some new geographic league rivals.” League updates will be shared throughout the year via Twitter (@UnitedKSConf), with additional league information, schedules, and standings made available on the United Kansas Conference website: . “The United Kansas Conference will be focused on providing a positive environment for the de-

velopment of sportsmanship, character, and showcasing athletic skills of talented young adults. As a Leavenworth High School alum, a parent and as an AD, I am excited to watch on both a personal and professional level,” said James Vanek, LHS athletic director. Research shows that students who participate in extracurricular activities show an increase in selfdiscipline, self-confidence, and responsibility. The new United Kansas Conference is focused on these foundations of positive involvement, character development, and sportsmanship.

6 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

Leavenworth USD 453 Kicks off the 18-19 School Year There was great excitement in the air during the first days of school throughout the Leavenworth Unified School District, as students returned for the first full day of classes on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. Students, teachers and the rest of the staff were all so excited to reconnect with friends, get into the classroom and start learning! The first weeks of school have proven that excitement with great productivity and fun, as teachers and families work together to prepare Leavenworth students for success in every classroom, every day.

New Teacher Academy 2018 The Leavenworth School District welcomed in the new teachers and staff during the school district’s annual New Teacher Academy. Approximately 60 new staff members participated in four days of orientation and professional de-

velopment, as well as a scavenger hunt that was spread across all school campuses so that participants could get a feel for the city and community. They also connected with other employees at their respective schools.

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 7

New for New for 2018-2019 2018-2019 S School chool Year chool Year ear S affety and secur itty are are top top priorities priorities in the th he LLeavenworth eavenworth P ublic S chools. W e rrespect espect the e trust that that fami Safety security Public Schools. We fami-lies plac e in us w ith their children children and w e ar e alw ays look ing ffor o inno or vative w ays tto om make our schools place with we are always looking innovative ways saf fer and mor e se ecure. With With that that in mind, mind, the Leavenworth Leavenworth School Schoo ol District District is unveiling unveiling a new n visitor visitor manmansafer more secure. agemen g t sy ystem for for the 2018-2019 schoo ol yyear ear called Hall P ass. agement system school Pass. Hall P ass is a fast, fast, eff ective way way of ensuring ensurring family members and nd other visitors visitors can gett ac cess to to their Pass effective access schools while also o keeping students students and staff saf fe fr om se xual p redators and other rrestricted estrricted individuals safe from sexual predators individuals..

H ere’s er e’s ho w it w orkss or Here’s how works - When When entering entering a Leavenworth Leavenworth school, school, each visitor visit or must present prese ent a government-issued gover gov ernment nment-issue ed ID ed aatt the front front offic office e or security security desk desk.. A Allll d doors ar e locked and n o one may may enter enter a sc chool are no school without first iden identifying t tifying themselv themselves es and their purpose pur pose ffor or visiting visiting. visiting. -T The he ID will then be b scanned and the informainffor o mation is checked against the National National S Sex ex O ffender ff ender R egistry and a school issued list ist of Offender Registry rrestricted estricted visitors. visitors. - IIff a visit visitor or is found found ou und on either list, list, but has h a legitimate leg itimate rreason eason n for for visiting (Example: (Examplle: a parent par ent meeting w with a tteacher eacher or principal), principal), thatt visitor secure tha visitor will be directed directed to to a secur e area area e of the building away from from students, students, dur ing their building,, away during visiting time. time. If If a visitor visitor has NO leg legitimate itimate purpurschool,, they will pose ffor or visiting the school willl be escorted property police esc orted off the p pr operty and the polic e will be notified immea immeadiately. adiately.

visitor - IIff a visit or is clear ccleared, ed, Hall Pass print P ass will pr in nt a time and dated stamped an nd da ted photo badge.. Each visitor phot o badge E visit or wear is rrequired equired to to w ear this duration badge ffor or the dur ation of visit.. Each their visit h badge will be labeled ffor or the rreason eason including visitor, of visit includ ding visit orr, vvolunteer, olunteerr, substitute, subs substitut stitute, etc. etc.

Forms F orms or ms off Identification Identifica tification tion Accepted A c pted ccep cce ted The T he e ffollowing ollowing government governm ment issued IDs are ar e accepted: accepted: State License -S tate Driver’s Driver ’s Lic ense State -S tate issued issu ued ID -P Passport assport car card d U.S. Military Card -U .S. S M ilitary C ard Permanent -P ermane ent rresident esident card card

- IIn n the ev event ent tthat hat a person does not ha have ave a go goververnment-issued nmen t-issued IID, D, he/she can still be given givven ac access cess tto o the building will be esc orted b scho ool staff member building,, but w escorted byy a school once The onc e a building g administrator administrator has been n ccontacted. ontacted. T he administrator administr ator will make the det determination ermination tto o allo allow w entry en try or refuse refuse e ac access cess tto o facilit facilityy and/or or studen student. t. IIff the visit or doesn't doesn't ssupply a pr oper identification, identificcation, the visitor visitor visitor proper can g ive full n name ess, and da te of bir th, tto o be give name,, addr address, date birth, checked-in.

The Hall P The Pass ass sy system stem e is desig designed ned tto o keep studen students ts and staff saf safe fe b byy ensur ensuring ing tha thatt kknown nown w se sexual xual pr predaedattors ors ar are e kept away. away. The The Hall Pass Pass system system iss not a law law enforcement enfforcemen nt tool. tool. The The Leavenworth Leavenworth h School School District District will not not be using Hall H Pass Pass to to try try and catch catch h people with outstanding outstanding warrants, warrants, residency residency sta status tus issues, issues, or other similar issue issues. es. Family Family members and d other visitors visitors with leg legitimate gitimate reason reason ma mayy stil stillll ha have ve access access to to our schools schools.. S Safer affer schools mea mean n bett better er lear learning ning and tteaching. e eaching .T Thank hank yyou ou ffor or yyour our ccooperation ooperation as w we e launch the new Hall P Pass ass visitor visitor management management system. system. IIff yyou ou ha ou have hav ve an anyy other questions questions stions or concerns, conc oncer erns ns, plea please ase ccontact ase ontac on tact yyour our our student’s studen t’s ’s school. school.

8 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

LEaVEnWoRtH HiGH ScHooL HiGHLiGHtS LHS theatre - a Busy Year ahead Significant growth in the Leavenworth High School Theatre department over the last few years is creating a positive buzz for the program. More students are getting involved, shows are becoming more technically and visually advanced, the sets are increasingly beautiful, intricate, and interactive, and awards and recognition are starting to pile up. This year’s theatre schedule for the first semester: Novice Plays September 13 - 15, 7:00 p.m. at LHS Performing Arts Center Festival of the Arts Dinner Theatre Series Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery Sponsored by the Leavenworth Education Foundation, featuring the LHS Theatre - October 27, 7:00 p.m. at Luigi’s Italian Restaurant (tentative location)

Joseph Song named to World Schools Debate team For the second year in a row, Joseph Song represented Northeast Kansas on their World Schools Debate Team at the National Speech and Debate Association‘s National Tournament in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, June 15-24, 2018. The team advanced to elimination rounds after defeating teams from all over the nation. After winning triple and double octagonal rounds, they finally lost on a split decision. Joseph‘s successful performance at Nationals ensures another trip to nationals‘ competition this summer.

NEWSIES Fall Musical November 9, 10, 16, 17 7:00 p.m. at LHS Performing Arts Center It’s a Wonderful Life Radio Play December 15, 7:00 p.m. at the LHS Performing Arts Center LHS was one of only 50 high schools nationwide awarded an NBC R.I.S.E. America Grant this past spring. The program, inspired by the networks drama,“Rise,” about a high school theatre department and its effects on a small town, awarded a half-million dollars to high school theatre programs across the country. As a winner, LHS received a grant for $10,000 to help cover critical needs of their theatre program. Leavenworth High School’s Theatre Program utilized the funds for a new stage in the Performing Arts Center. It is a beautifully installed floor that modernized the entire theatre environment. In conjunction with the opening night of the production, a dedication ceremony will be held to honor and recognize the major supporters of the program. Representatives from NBC, the EducationalTheatre Association (EdTA), and local district leadership will be on hand for the celebration.

Joseph Song (second from right) showing off the hardware earned with his fellow World Schools Debate Team this summer.

community Support for the arts

community Support for the arts (continued) cation to a legislator who has demonstrated public leadership in support of theatre and other arts education policy and practice on a national or state level. This year’s recipient is Kansas Representative Jeff Pitman of Leavenworth. Representative Pittman, a Democrat, accepted the award at EdTA’s Leadership Summit in Kansas City, Missouri in July. The award was created to demonstrate and support the association’s ongoing and growing national and state advocacy efforts on behalf of theatre and other arts education. Legislators are considered based on specific actions and outcomes that have demonstrated their leadership in support of theatre and other arts education policy and practice on a national or state level. Representative Pittman is being recognized for his commitment to arts education in his state and the key role he played in the Kansas Theatre in Our Schools Advocacy Day this past March. Among his many contributions to the success of the event was the securing of a Kansas State Governor’s proclamation of Theatre in Our Schools month and a reading of the proclamation on the House and Senate floors. Representative Pittman also gained special permission for attending students to sing in the rotunda balconies, and visited individually with them to discuss their concerns regarding theatre and other arts education.

Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) annually awards the Legislator Leadership Award for Arts Edu-

LHS Stella students pose for a group photo during their first meeting of the 2018-19 school year.

Representative Pittman (center) with Mrs. Jennifer Morgan-Beuchat (right), LHS theatre instructor, received recognition from the Educational Theatre Association.

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 9


P PIONEER CAREER R CENTER R 1 901 SPRUCE 1901 SPRUC E · LEA LEAVENWORTH, LEAVENWOR V VENWORTH T H , KS 66048 The PPioneer ioneer Career Center gives LHS students the opportunity pportunity to explore e 12 different career paths inn a hands-on environm environment onm ent while earning g college credit credit.. Credits edits earned Associate’ss Degree at the PPioneer ioneerr Career Center mayy be used toward ann Associate’ e at KKCKCC CKCC institutions.. or other accepting pting institutions

Culinar y Ar Arts ts Students will m master aster ter the fundamental skills of food ser service vice hotels, catering,, etc. in hotel s, restaurants, restaurants ants, hospitals, hospitals, catering etc. Opportunity portunity service to receive practical al experience in food ser vice preparation eparation public meetings for publ ubl ic m eetings and banquets. banq uets.

H e alth Careers ((CNA/M&T) Health C NA CNA/M&T) A/M&T)

The CNA course se will teach basic nursing care skills and concepts needed for the student to function on as a nurse’ aide. This course is authorized zed by the state of KKansas ansas nurse’ss aide. and upon completion ompletion , allows the student to sit for the nurse aide certification completion, examination . The he Medical term inology course is taught inn conjunction with the CNA examination. terminology course and is designed to give the student a com prehensive nsive understanding of the comprehensive term inology used across all health care disciplines terminology disciplines..


B iomanufacturinng Biomanufacturing ng

TTraining raining is comprised ed of heating heating,, ventilation ventilation,, air conditioning, conditioning nditioning , and refrigeration brazing , electrical and mechanical chanical refrigeration.. Silver brazing, etal techniq ues are also practiced troubleshooting and sheet m metal techniques practiced.. PProgram rogram approved for EPA EPA and RR-401A -401A refrigerant certification. certification ertification .

Thiss two-sem two-semester ester certificate program m with m mix ix of classroom instruction from industr y professionals nals and hands-on learning ing in sm small all team teamss working with state-of-the-art state-of ate-of - the-art biomanufacturing biom anufacturing equipment. eq uipment nt.

C onstrruction TTechnology Construction e chnolo gy echnology gy

O ffice Assistant Office Assistannt nt

Students will prepare epare for careers in plum plumbing, bing , electrical electrical, ctrical , mason work d carpentr y.y. Eligible for CERT A after fter two work,, and semesters enticeship opportunities with more e than semesters.. Apprenticeship 10 skilled craft unions unions..

The Adm Administrative inistrative istrative Office Professional P rofessional Program P rogram ram is designed to give students ents a well-rounded preparation for a career in an office by providing knowledge and skills necessar ecessar y to adapt environment.. to a continuously tinuously changing administrative work environment

RRobotics o botics obotics

C yber Securityy Cyber

PPrepares repares students ts for technical jobs in the growing ng field of robotics robotics,, specifically pecifically focused on field work skills required to repair epair and m maintain aintain robotic machiner m achiner ner yy..

B uilding & PProperty Building r operty Maintenance roperty Mainten M aintennance n ance Teaches fundam Teaches fundamentals dam entals of m maintaining aintaining com commercial mercial cial property and apartm apartments. partm ents. Apprenticeship opportunities tunities with more ore than 10 skilled craft unions unions..

C riminal Justice Criminal P rovides insights to jobs related to crim Provides criminal inal justice such uch as US Customs, Custom s, private investigation, investigation vestigation , or working with a private ate police force. force. Instruction willll prepare students for applications applications, ons, exam exams, s, interviews, profession.. inter views, and background kground checks respective to this profession

Commercial Com mercial & RResidential mercial esidential Technology esidential Technology echnology nology PPrepares repares students for entr yy-level -level positions working onn in-home appliance repair repair. air. Detailed D etailed instruction on refrigerators refrigerators, rators, ranges ranges,, dishwashers dishwashers, ers, washing machines machines,, dr yers, yers, wallll ovens ovens,, microwaves, microwaves waves, and kitchen ventilation ventilation..

Introductionn to topics of network security security, y, threat eat prevention prevention,, and appropriate e response to data breaches breaches.. Ideal deal for participants degrees,, and/or pursuing academic ademic or technical degrees d/or network security e engineer ngineer or security technician certification. certification rtification .

Electrical TTechnology e chno logy echnology l ogy P rogram Program am to develop basic electrical skil skills, kil ls, technical knowledge e, and related occupational information inform rm ation to prepare knowledge, for or initial em employment ploym ent in the electrical cal trade trade..

FFor o r more or m ore o re inform information a tion ation a bout about b out enrolling enroll ing at a t the PPioneer i oneer ioneer o neer Career Center Center, C enterr,, visit with your LHS L HS G uidance Guidance u Counselor Co unse e lor or elor email em a i l ail enroll@lvpion enroll@lvpioneers . org .

10 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 11

aP Scholars celebrated

On June 12, KSDE announced that Leavenworth USD 453, as part of a consortium with Atchison, was awarded a grant totaling more than $3.2 million from the Literacy Network of Kansas (LiNK), a project of the U.S. Department of Education’s Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy program. LiNK projects will help advance literacy skills of children from birth through 12th grade, helping them to become successful readers and writers. Dollars will be used to support literacy instructional support, professional development, data collection, family engagement, and program management over the three year grant period. Throughout the three-year grant cycle, a network of resources for educators and families will be developed for future use. These resources will impact literacy at the state, regional and community levels, as well as providing professional learning opportunities for teachers and families. There are five main goals of the grant which include:

Leavenworth High School celebrates 19 students named as AP Scholar Award winners in 2018! The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers several AP Scholar Awards to recognize high school students who have demonstrated exemplary college-level achievement through AP courses and exams. The AP Scholar Awards are among the highest academic distinctions for students to add to their credentials. Each AP course concludes with an AP Exam. The exams are scored on a scale of 1 to 5 by college and university professors and experienced AP teachers. Many U.S. colleges offer credit for AP Exam scores of 3 or higher. AP Exams are administered at authorized schools and test centers. national aP Scholar (granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams)

Amanda Ayers aP Scholar with Distinction (granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams)

Amanda Ayers Zachary Bolen Jonathan Downs Magdalena Kellogg aP Scholar with Honor (granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams)

Nicholas Hawley Tyler Prosser Austin Shoffner

USD 453 Secures $3 Million Literacy Grant

Language Acquisition Content Area Literacy Balanced Literacy Family and Community Engagement Innovation and Impact Christy Lentz, LHS principal, celebrates with Amanda Ayers, for her accomplishments while at Leavenworth High School and her achievement on 11 AP Exams. Ayers is the first LHS student in recent history to receive this level of recognition.

aP Scholar (granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams)

Chase Allen Jessica Atwood Katelyn Blackburn Alise Boal Rhiannon Brookshire Edward Conrad Alexander Curl Carson Fowler William Franklin Jacob Hoskam Jacob Karrasch Benjamin Konczey

These goals directly relate to the district’s KESA goals and fall right in line with the direction the district is already moving. In August, groups of educators began learning new resources as well as discussing instructional shifts that will occur with the resources. The implementation will be staggered throughout the next three years and an overview of Year One’s plans are included below. Elementary: To implement a balanced literacy approach to reading instruction, First & Third Grade teachers will be the first groups trained and to receive Fountas & Pinnell resources. These two grade levels began training together this August. Middle School: To promote academic language across all content areas: ELA, science, math, and social studies, English Language Arts and Social Studies teachers will be trained and receive the integrative resource Word Gen, while Math and science will be trained in project-based learning. High School: Grade 9 Teachers will be trained and receive the resource ThinkCERCA to use. Grade 10 Teachers will be trained and receive resources for project-based learning, which ties in with the KSDE Gemini School Redesign Project. Finally, the district will move ao a new a K-12 universal screener (iReady) to be given to all students. Assessments will begin in September, and will also be administered in the Winter and Spring also. We will ensure a smooth transition in this process and make sure all buildings are comfortable with this change. Building principals will be sharing out updates specific to this heightened focus on literacy, and working with families to achieve the shared goal of preparing students for success.

12 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

Parents as teachers Recognized as Program of Excellence Parents as Teachers is an organization dedicated to providing the information, support, and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life. Parents as Teachers is a child development program, sponsored by the Leavenworth Unified School District at no charge to families living within the district's boundaries. Services include: personal visits, group connections, playgroups, screenings and links with other community resources. Certified parent educators facilitate services with specialized training in working with families who have infants and toddlers. Program participation is entirely voluntary. As funding is available, services has been extended to kindergarten age. USD 453 is pleased to be recognized by Parents as Teachers National Center as a "Program of Excellence" following an assessment of program quality performance standards. Families that reside in Leavenworth (USD 453) or Fort Leavenworth (USD 207) School Districts and are currently pregnant, or have a child up to kindergarten age (5-6), can receive services simply by providing their name, address, phone number, email, and child(ren) name and date of birth. Enrollment for PAT does not have a deadline, so if you are interested at any point throughout the year, please reach out. You can send this information to or call (913) 6841450. Regular office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, during the school year.

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 13


WELCOME NEW STUDENTS The Warren Middle School and Leavenworth High School new student orientations are a great way for current students and staff to share their school pride with their newest classmates. The half-day of school, held on the morning of August 14, allows 6th and 9th graders, as well as students new to the school, to get a feel for classes, their schedule, lockers, and the cafeteria. Warren Middle School 6th graders were supported by Ambassadors and Mentors who helped them learn about the building, where their classes are, and how to manage lockers. At LHS, students were greeted by Pioneer Mentors, who cheered them into being Pioneers, and educated them on the ways, routines, and traditions of LHS. Cheers and chants were shared, students ran through their class schedules, and they got a feel for how to navigate the hallways of the school. The Pioneer Mentors stay with the freshmen throughout the first semester, supporting them in the transition to high school. During the first week of school, students received a District owned Chromebook for use at home and school as their personal learning device. Students who

are enrolled full time and attend classes at Leavenworth High School and Richard Warren Middle School are eligible for a Chromebook, as both schools facilitate a 1:1 digital learning environment. Middle

and High School students are now well into their weekly routines of classroom instruction, and first semester athletics, activities, and school events.

14 – THE PRIDE, September 2018

New Web Site and Mobile App for 2018-19 Leavenworth USD 453 is excited to have launched a series of new school websites this summer. These sites allows for easier navigation, news updates, language translation and ADA navigation features, and additional information for school families and much

more. Check it out and find your student's school at . USD 453 is also excited to announce the launch of a new mobile app. This app will provide additional ways for you to access

school information while on-thego and at the convenience of your fingertips from any wireless connected device. Receive push notifications, view school and activity calendars, and more, customized to your personal information needs. The district's

mobile app can be downloaded for free by searching for "Leavenworth USD 453" in the iTunes Store or Google Play. Enjoy this free information tool for up-tothe-minute Pioneer news and updates.

THE PRIDE, September 2018 – 15

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