President's Report

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n the reimagined Vernon and Doris Bishop Library, nostalgic and futurist visions of a college library converge. We’ve developed a 21st century library space that is uniquely LVC and a destination that is the envy of our peers in higher education. Students are collaborating with access to the latest technology for interdisciplinary problem solving.

There was never a question that Kathy, Thomas, and Trudie Bishop were focused on the future of the College and trying to anticipate the needs of a residential learning community. Their extraordinary $1.5 million commitment, made through the Bishop Foundation, to this project made it possible for this amazing renovation to occur. The Lebanon Valley College community appreciates your generosity, your belief in our students, and your dedication to learning. Thank you!

KATHY BISHOP (see pp. 5, 42, 55)


P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT



An Interview with Dr. Lewis E. Thayne P RESI DENT O F L EBA N ON VA L L EY COL L E G E

As the College’s 150th Anniversary year comes to a close, this President’s Report celebrates a century and a half of philanthropy at Lebanon Valley College, from the original gift made by five local families that established LVC, to the recent $10 million challenge gift made by Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold to build a $20 million facility to house our health professions departments. We sat down with LVC President Dr. Lewis E. Thayne to discuss the role of philanthropy in the success and future of the College. Q. Why is a culture of philanthropy important to LVC? A. I think “culture of philanthropy” may be a phrase we often hear, but I’m not sure everyone understands it in the same way. A culture of philanthropy is a network of relationships that are built up over time around shared values. It’s about connecting people in a meaningful way with what we’re trying to accomplish at the College, and it’s about being willing to ask for help and support as we work toward goals that we all share. Meaningful relationships do not just happen, and they are not one-sided. At LVC, we feel strongly that we need to reach out to our friends and alumni in ways that nourish their real and vital connection to the College. To this end, we’ve worked to make Homecoming and other alumni events even more exciting and meaningful, so that they’re truly worth returning to campus for. We have revamped and re-formatted this magazine and increased substantive communication with alumni. Certainly we have asked for financial support. Moving forward,



we’re looking toward a comprehensive fundraising campaign that we hope will enable our friends and alumni to play a significant role in the future of the College. Dan Helwig, vice president of advancement, and his team are finding through their outreach that alumni feel a tremendous amount of pride toward The Valley. They have a great curiosity about what is occurring on campus today. These alumni are happy with the experience they had as students, they remember how well prepared they were to launch their careers, and they’ve witnessed the increase in the value of their degrees over the years. We seek to respond to their pride and curiosity by inviting them back to Annville to connect with the College on a deeper level. Those who return to campus are consistently delighted by the care that has gone into improving the College’s curricular and co-curricular experience, and by the quality of our new construction and renovation. This is the essence of our commitment to our alumni and friends: to be an institution worthy of their pride and their continued support and involvement.



Q. What role do you see philanthropy playing in achieving the goals of Envision 2020, the College’s strategic plan? A. Money can’t solve every problem, but it can solve some problems. Formulating new academic programs is the work of the faculty, but having state-of-the art facilities to house those programs is where philanthropy can make a difference. The Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion is an example where generous philanthropists stepped forward to support the College’s academic vision while adding to our already strong programs in health professions. But it’s important to remember that while philanthropy can help the College be a better school, it can also help it to be a more affordable school. Scholarship dollars are always the most substantial dollars we raise, and that’s something we want to focus on in Envision 2020. Q. How do you see philanthropy assisting in implementing One Campus, the College’s new campus master plan? A. From the very beginning, place has been very important at Lebanon Valley College. This campus is central to the educational experience of our students. Leaders of the College have been excellent stewards of the campus, and that’s going to continue. I’ve already mentioned the new Arnold Health Professions Pavilion as a prime example. The Bishop Library is another. Thanks to a $1.5 million gift from the Bishop Foundation, and its family members Kathy, Tom, and Trudie Bishop, we’ve transformed the library into one of the most popular student spaces on campus. Other examples where philanthropy has dramatically improved our campus experience include our athletic facilities, including the new Shankroff Tennis Center, and the revitalized Frederic K. Miller Chapel and Mary Capp Green Residence Hall. Q. Why is it important for the alumni giving rate to increase over time? A. One measure of the relevance of the College— the ongoing relationship between the College and its alumni—is alumni participation. We know



through surveys that an exceptionally high percentage of our alumni are proud of the College and feel that they received an excellent education here, and yet the percentage of alumni who give to the College falls short of that. Alumni participation matters tremendously, and all small and large gifts matter. When people see that we’ve received a $10 million gift, they may think, “Oh well, my $50 won’t make a difference.” But the whole point of the Arnold’s challenge gift is to inspire more people to give and to give more often. Private institutions do not have the luxury of depending on taxpayer assistance. In our case, if alumni and friends don’t give, others will not follow. So alumni philanthropy is essential to the future of the College. Q. If you were asked to give one reason why a donor should consider a gift to this College, what would it be? A. That’s easy: the impact our graduates will have on their communities and our society. Our students are exceptional young people. It’s unthinkable that they might not have the support they need to be able to accomplish the things they’ve been inspired to do. Or that they might not have the facilities to provide them the very best education we’re capable of giving them. Every time I make a gift—and I hope every time anyone else does—we should think about the students who will benefit. Q. It all seems to come back to our impact on students, doesn’t it? A. Yes. It certainly does! It also sets an example for the future. Our students have always been exceptionally service-oriented and charitable themselves. I can’t tell you how much money is raised on this campus, year in and year out, by student groups that support a variety of worthy causes. Philanthropy on the part of our alumni and friends helps encourage our students’ charitable impulses in a way that bodes well for the future, not just of the College, but for our society at large.

FOUR campus

facilities were recently transformed under the leadership of Dr. Lewis E. Thayne, LVC president. We highlight the four projects here.

The Vernon and Doris Bishop Library was revitalized into a center of technology, collaboration, and academic engagement through a $1.5 million gift from the Bishop Foundation, and family members Kathy, Thomas, and Trudie Bishop.

The Mary Capp Green Residence Hall was transformed this summer through $3 million in improvements, including the new kitchen/lounge area and multi-use seminar/ conference room pictured here. These improvements will further connect the curricular and cocurricular student-learning experience. (l. to r.): Victor Lopez, Janessa Cruz ’19, and Kara Strack ’17



Major updates were made to the Frederic K. Miller Chapel through the generosity of Lois Brong Miller ’61, Dr. Susan Engle ’78, The Hershey Company (in memory of Richard A. Zimmerman H’92, former Hershey president and CEO), and other friends. The College Choir celebrated the new space with a 150th Anniversary performance during Homecoming Weekend in October.

The new Shankroff Tennis Center debuted in August. The premier tennis complex in the Middle Atlantic Conference was made possible through the generosity of Benjamin Shankroff, Suzanne Shankroff, Michael Beyer ’80, June Beyer ’80, and other College friends. Number one singles player Marla Scacchitti ’18 tried out the new courts at a recent practice.





Editor’s Note: We recently sat down with Jeanne Arnold H’08 and Edward H. Arnold H’87 to discuss their $10 million challenge gift to build the Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion, which opens in 2018. The Arnolds’ $10 million gift is by far the largest ever made to LVC—and one of the largest ever made to a college in our region. Jeanne Arnold, a former nurse and vice president at Good Samaritan Hospital, is a member of the College’s Board of Trustees. She is active on numerous charitable boards locally and nationally. She received an honorary doctorate from LVC in 2008. Edward H. Arnold, former owner and chief executive officer of Arnold Logistics and Arnold Industries, is a longtime member of the LVC Board of Trustees and now holds emeritus status. He is active with numerous charities and organizations in Lebanon County and the surrounding region. He received an honorary doctorate from LVC in 1987.

Q. Why did you make this historic challenge gift to help construct the Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion? E. A challenge gift ensures that alumni and friends of the College learn about the innovative programs and projects that the LVC community is pursuing. Moreover, it encourages them to support the project because it basically doubles every gift they make to The Valley. J. We enjoy using challenge gifts in our philanthropy because they inspire others to participate to make an even greater impact. Further, challenge gifts increase the College’s visibility, which creates curiosity regarding important projects. Q. Your gift will transform the College in many ways. What do you see as the greatest benefits of the new building? J. The new building will help the College grow, particularly through the recent addition of new health care majors and other industryrelated majors that are under consideration by the faculty. These majors are where the jobs are, and they represent a stepping stone toward challenging, but fulfilling, careers for our students. E. LVC already has a strong reputation in the area, but the addition of high-demand health care majors will only enhance this reputation. My biggest concern is making sure that our students are job-ready when they graduate. Because of the





country’s aging population, the need for highly skilled health professions graduates will grow exponentially.

and medical facilities in the region, which will help bring various groups together for the greater good.

Q. What words of encouragement would you offer alumni and friends who are considering supporting this initiative?

E. I mentioned earlier that there is a growing need for health care professionals nationwide, but it is especially critical in Lebanon County, which has an aging population with many medical needs. The new building will enable the College to become a strong partner with the major medical providers in Hershey, Lancaster, and Lebanon, as well as with retirement communities and other area health care providers. The new building, and the skilled students it will help recruit to the area, will help fill a coming void.

J. The College is an excellent academic institution— it’s an innovative place that offers a high level of academics and myriad opportunities for students. Our students have access to amazing experiences at LVC, whether through student-faculty research, international study, internships, or regional and national academic presentations. But all of this is possible only through donor support. E. I want to emphasize that what is happening at the College, particularly through the Envision 2020 strategic plan, is good not only for the College, but for the nation. By expanding its health care-related offerings, LVC will provide its graduates with tremendous employment opportunities as it provides the country with much-needed, highly trained health care professionals. It’s a win-win scenario in that this expansion will provide skilled practitioners who can help fill some specific—and critical—needs in our country.

Q. What benefits do you expect current and future students in programs such as athletic training, communication sciences & disorders, exercise science, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology to derive from this new facility?

J. This nation faces a health care crisis, particularly with the aging physician population. There is going to be a physician shortage, which means that other professionals, such as physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and speechlanguage therapists, are going to have to take a more active role in patient care. I see the College helping to fill that need. Q. How do you see this facility increasing community partnerships? J. The new building will provide unique opportunities for the College to expand some existing partnerships, such as our physical therapy students studying in the anatomy lab, and science majors working in the cancer research lab at Penn State Hershey. It could also lead to new and increased partnerships with other academic institutions



E. As Jeanne noted, the health care industry is changing rapidly, so LVC has to continue to provide the greatest possible education in this area. To do this, it must provide the best possible facilities to attract and retain the best students and faculty.

Great professors want to teach at a place that clearly prioritizes their area of expertise. The new building will also attract better students, who know they will learn on the latest equipment from the finest faculty, which ultimately results in strong job placement and career prospects.

programs housed in the health professions pavilion. It’s going to be special!

J. The Physical Therapy Program has been extremely successful, so successful in fact that it needs additional space and equipment. This new facility will provide additional space for all of our health professions programs, and will be designed so that learning can be easily integrated with other

E. Our family has always been involved in trying to help Lebanon County flourish, and Lebanon Valley College is an important part of that. Many LVC graduates remain in the area, going on to become teachers, doctors, ministers, lawyers, and more, so the College is an important part of the future of Lebanon County. Specifically, our family has always

Q. Ed, your family has a long history of philanthropy and involvement at LVC. Tell us about this friendship.





recognized the value of education so, given LVC’s academic credentials, it was a natural connection. Q. Jeanne, you have extensive experience as a nurse, hospital administrator, and philanthropist. What special insights does this help you bring to the table for projects such as the new Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion? J. I am active on numerous boards in health care and with the national council for the Boy Scouts of America, and increasingly I see the need for organizations to collaborate—to share their distinctive skills or programs—in order to be successful. As an LVC trustee, I hope to bring some of these connections together, including between the College and the Hershey Medical Center, where I also serve on the board. That is one of the things Ed and I can bring to the College. We both feel that we want to get up every morning with a purpose, and to spend the day doing things that benefit others. It’s rewarding to see that many of the connections we facilitated between organizations now help people exponentially. The greater the College’s participation in these collaborations, the greater the benefit to our students, and ultimately, the community. We’re pleased to know that we’re setting an example for these students, and we hope that they will become the donors and leaders of the future and continue to make a difference in the lives of others. Q. What do you find most rewarding about your work at the College? E. Working with the faculty. They’re doing interesting things about which they’re very excited, and their excitement is contagious. The actuarial science major is a great example where the faculty have done a tremendous job in creating an excellent program with a national reputation, in a way we need to emulate: Rather



than competing against larger schools, we need to realize that we can’t be all things to all people but instead focus on being especially good in some distinctive fields. Adding a forward-thinking health professions facility will help the College continue to attract impressive faculty and great students. All of this will enhance LVC’s reputation—and its possibilities. J. For me, it’s the relationships that I’ve developed, including those with my fellow board members and the students. It’s nice to know that you are appreciated, a member of the team, not just for the money we donate but also for the knowledge and experience we offer, and because we’re building relationships along a shared mission and goals. My very favorite part of being a member of the College family is interacting with the students, whether having them at our home, watching them present at the Arnold Grants luncheon, or working with the women’s basketball team for the annual Pink Game. I feel such pride in being part of this organization and seeing that our support is making a difference. Moreover, like Ed, I give gratitude to the faculty who get involved, above and beyond expectations, to help our student grant recipients succeed, whether they are conducting scientific research in Puerto Rico or Spain, interning with politicians in Washington, D.C., or inspiring young music students in Brazil. It’s wonderful to provide opportunities for our students and faculty—and to see the great results of our philanthropy. E. I’d also like to add that the current strong leadership of the College is an important part of the equation. These are challenging times, and I’m glad that we have strong leadership with new ideas. We have to adapt to these changing times, particularly in American higher education, and the current leadership realizes this and is responding.


Philanthropy As the years roll on, I see the children, grandchildren, and a long line of their descendants flocking back to this spot bringing with them thank-offerings to endow the College and provide the needed means for the highest and best education. —1892, Thomas Rhys Vickroy, first College president (1866–1871)


rom the day of its founding in 1866, Lebanon Valley College has achieved great success and academic recognition due to the extraordinary generosity of those of you who believed in this great institution. Thank you!

Your financial support has enabled students to learn from the best faculty, experience innovative and engaging learning opportunities, and prepare themselves to be global- and job-ready citizens. In very real and tangible ways, this community of support builds the endowment, which in turn

provides scholarship funds. It creates unique opportunities, such as study and service abroad, that would not be possible otherwise. It makes dreams possible. This circle of support helps extend the College’s impact throughout campus and into the world. As we near the end of the College’s 150th Anniversary celebration, we look back at the rich history of the College through the lens of this generous philanthropic support. In addition, we consider upcoming needs as we move into our next 150 years.

NOTE: Timeline facts appear courtesy of: Lebanon Valley College: A Centennial History, by Dr. Paul A.W. Wallace ( details/LebanonValleyCollegeACentennialHistory), Of High Grade: A Sesquicentennial History of Lebanon Valley College, by the Rev. Dr. J. Dennis Williams H’90 (available soon as part of the College’s 150th Anniversary celebration at, and the LVC Archives located in the Vernon and Doris Bishop Library (



1866—The East Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren Church accepts an offer from five

Annville businessmen—Rudolph Herr, George A. Mark Jr., Rev. L.W. Craumer, John H. Kinports, and

George W. Hoverter—to purchase the Annville Academy for $4,500 and donate it to the conference to “establish and maintain forever an institution of learning of high grade…” The College’s first president, Thomas Rhys Vickroy (1866–1871), recognizing that the College could not survive on tuition payments alone, immediately called for the establishment of an endowment to support the College.

Rev. Thomas Rhys Vickroy

2015–2016 LEADERSHIP GIVING SOCIETIES Thank you for your investment in Lebanon Valley College. Through your powerful support, our College community has provided life-changing educational opportunities that produce confident graduates who are prepared to succeed in the world. Be assured that your generosity is having a meaningful impact on LVC and our students. This report recognizes all gifts received by Lebanon Valley College between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Detailed attention has been given to the preparation of these donor recognition lists. Please contact Donald L. Raiger ’01 at 717-867-6443 or if you notice an error or have a concern. Thank you!

THE LAUREATE SOCIETY The Laureate Society was established to recognize those individuals whose extraordinary gifts to the College, made during their lifetime or posthumously, total $1,000,000 or more. It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge these generous benefactors. John B. Allwein ’56

Parke H. Lutz and Cecil B.R. Lutz

Edward H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08

Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Janet Blank Rismiller ’59

Vernon Bishop and Doris Bishop

Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger H’96

William F. Brossman, Jemina Brossman, and Family

Albert Watson H’61 and Naomi Watson

Adelaide Sanders Burgner ’43

Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89

D. Clark Carmean H’85 and Edna Jenkins Carmean ’59, H’85

Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Nancy N. Wengert

Dale W. Garber ’18, H’59 and Ellen M. Garber Howard F. Lebegern ’49 and Margaret L. Lebegern


LIFETIME VICKROY ASSOCIATES OF THE THOMAS RHYS VICKROY SOCIETY Lifetime Vickroy Associates are members of The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society whose cumulative contributions to Lebanon Valley College total $100,000 or more during their lifetime, thereby demonstrating outstanding leadership in support of the College. Mac Aichele and Shirley Jacobs Aichele ’59 John B. Allwein ’56 *Kristen R. Angstadt ’74 Arthur E. Arnold II Edward H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 Elizabeth Miller Bains ’64 Sylvia Evelev Baker ’36



Ann Boyd Barshinger Anne B. Bashore John E. Bex and Jeanne R. Bex Katherine J. Bishop and Bruce W. Kreider Vernon Bishop and Doris Bishop Edward D. Breen and Lynn Branstner Breen Nancy Hafer Bright ’50

Donald L. Burkholder ’54 and Phyllis Barnhart-Burkholder ’53 Hannah Sachs Cantor D. Clark Carmean H’85 and Edna Jenkins Carmean ’59, H’85 Robert U. Cassel ’36, P’64 and Carol Cassel Jeanne Bozarth Cleaver ’50

jan. 1867—The College makes what may

1871–1876—The first College scholarships are offered,

be its first public appeal: “The Boehm Library,

and possibly the first endowment campaign started, during

consisting of well-selected books, is accessible

President Lucian H. Hammond’s tenure. College endowments,

to all students. Donations in books or money

including endowed professorships and equipment funds, offer

are earnestly solicitated [sic].”

benefits that transform student lives in perpetuity. “No College can be permanent without an endowment,” President Hammond noted.

Marian E. Heaps Cote ’30 Betty Rutherford Daiber ’41 Mrs. Curvin N. Dellinger Jr. P’75, P’77, P’85 Ella Mae Dellinger P’62 Ronald J. Drnevich and Mary Katherine Drnevich Gary D. Eisenberger ’58 and Gail C. Eisenberger Harold G. Engle Jr. ’51, P’78 *Susan A. Engle ’78 Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03 and Betty L. Fasick Eugene C. Fish H’82 and Marjorie S. Fish John M. Galat ’67 and Ellen G. Galat James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Patricia A. Glasgow Darwin G. Glick ’58 and Elizabeth R. Speicher Glick ’58 Martin L. Gluntz ’53 and Karen McHenry Gluntz ’82 Frederick R. Haas Colleen Clemens Harris ’74 Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Linda Heefner Heindel ’59 Eugene D. Heisey and Blanche Heisey Lloyd R. Helt Jr. ’70 and Ruth C. Gray Rex A. Herbert ’72 and Lisa Herbert Phillip C. Herr Sr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Herr *Garry C. Hess M. Louise Hackman Hess ’78 and Kenneth E. Hess William R. Higgins ’64 and Judith Baker Higgins ’64 Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger and Steven J. Holsinger John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 and Deborah R. Jurasits P’03 Malcolm L. Lazin ’65 Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 and Linda Leedy P’92 William Lehr Jr. and Beverlee B. Lehr Donald W. Lesher H’00 and Nancy O. Lesher Richard L. London ’65 Ted Lyter ’71 Stephen C. MacDonald and Mary C. Warner William J. McGill H’98 and Ellen B. McGill Roy J. McMindes and Prudence McMindes

Stephen J. Metro ’43 Daniel K. Meyer ’81 Peter S. Miller and Lois Brong Miller ’61 Virginia C. Miller P’80 James A. Mitchell Jr. ’58 and Louise Mitchell George R. Moyer ’69 Allan W. Mund H’66 H. Anthony Neidig ’43, H’04, P’73 and Helen T. Neidig P’73 Clair W. Noll ’55 and Jeanne C. Winter Noll ’57 J. Robert O’Donnell and Agnes M. O’Donnell John S. Olyer and Gail C. Faulkner Bernard J. Penturelli ’48 and Martha Miller Penturelli ’49 Thomas E. Philips and Marcia W. Philips Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 and Edward L. Phillips Rhea P. Reese George M. Reider ’63 and Carol A. Stouffer Reider Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Polly A. Risser Reinhart ’57 Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Janet Blank Rismiller ’59 Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Janet Gessner Roberts ’68 Elyse E. Rogers ’76 Richard K. Rohland and Ruth A. Rohland F. Allen Rutherford Jr. ’37, H’85 and M. Ann Rutherford Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mary Jane Sample *Karen Lewis Schmitt ’80 and Andrew W. Schmitt Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger H’96 George D. Shaak ’55 Benjamin B. Shankroff and Suzanne M. Shankroff Tibor Sipos ’64, P’89 and Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89 Frank Rupp Sourbeer ’72 Earl J. Spangler ’48 and Trudy Spangler Morton Spector H’02 and Alyce Spector Elaine Frock Stepanek ’48 John J. Stouffer ’60 and Sandra Stetler Stouffer ’62

*Tracey Smith Stover ’91 and David P. Stover ’91 Nicholas Streeter ’76 E. Peter Strickler ’47 and Mary Jean Strickler Anne B. Sweigart John A. Synodinos H’96 and Glenda J. Synodinos Amelia Troutman P’84 Samuel D. Ulrich ’33 and Evelyn L. Ulrich Elizabeth Robinson Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 and Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 Lynette E. Waller ’55 John A. Walter ’53, P’85, P’91 and Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 Marian Marcus Warden ’57 Ronald B. Weinel ’58 and Dorothy A. Weinel Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89 Clifford J. Wengert and Joan Gilbert Wengert ’53 Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Nancy N. Wengert E.D. Williams Jr. H’88, P’76 and Nancy Jane Williams P’76 Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Elaine Joy Willman ’68 Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 Ralph E. Yingst ’55 Harry B. Yost, Esq., ’62 and Carol A. Smith Yost ’62 Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 and Nancy Cramer Zimmerman ’53 Deceased * New Lifetime Vickroy Society Member in 2015–2016



june 11, 1874—The

College’s first Alumni Association,

jan. 1888—President Edmund S. Lorenz (1887–1889) launches the College’s first monthly magazine, The College Forum. In the

which would become a vital ally in

inaugural issue, Lorenz wrote, “A college cannot run on its regular

philanthropy, is formed.

income any more than a missionary society. It is a benevolent institution where students get twice as much as they pay for.”

MILES RIGOR SOCIETY The Miles Rigor Society recognizes and celebrates alumni and friends who have planned for Lebanon Valley College’s future. The Society, named after George Washington Miles Rigor— co-founder of Lebanon Valley College—was established in 1987 as the Honors Society. Members include those individuals who have made planned gifts such as bequest intentions, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, insurance policies, real estate, and retirement plans for the benefit of Lebanon Valley College.

ALUMNI 1910s Edwin H. Zeigler ’17

1920s Harvey W. Gehr ’21 Rachel Heindel Fink ’24 Samuel K. Clark ’27 Madeline Mark Colman ’27 Marian Dorsheimer Campbell ’28 Frances Long Shroyer ’28, P’51, P’54, P’65

1930s M. Blanche Cochran ’30 Mildred E. Myers ’30 William J. Myers ’30 Grace Keener Zerbe ’30 Dorotha Eldridge Kline ’31 Henrietta A. Wagner Barnhart ’32 Frederick W. Mund ’32, H’59 Mae I. Fauth ’33 James T. Frantz Jr. ’33 Luella Heilman Myers ’33 June Eby Herr ’34, H’97, P’62 Louise E. Bishop ’36 Winona Schroff Botello ’36 Irma Keiffer Shearer ’36, P’62, P’68, P’72 Robert U. Cassel ’36, P’64 Edward R. Bachman ’37 Ruth Goyne Berger ’37, P’59, P’61 Mr. and Mrs. Curvin N. Dellinger Jr. ’38, P’75, P’77, P’85 Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, P’62, P’68, P’72 Thomas W. Guinivan ’39, H’66


John H. Moyer III ’39, H’69, P’73, P’75

1940s Mary Albert Attick ’40 Daniel S. Seiverling ’40 Betty Rutherford Daiber ’41 Edna Rutherford Sheckart ’41 Fredericka Laucks Albert ’42 Lois J. Seavers Miller ’42 Ralph S. Shay ’42 Adelaide Sanders Burgner ’43 Doris L. Carter ’43 Elizabeth Kerr Ewen ’43 Harry K. Miller Jr. ’43, H’70 H. Anthony Neidig ’43, P’73 Jane Gruber Seiverling ’43 Marian Kreider Bosien ’44 Paul Lipsitz ’44 Elizabeth K. Weisburger ’44, H’89 Elizabeth C. Ehrengart Gassman ’45 Edith Kreiser Probus ’46 Winifred J. Kitchen Winemiller ’47 Robert M. Bashore ’48 Nellie Walter Eaton ’48 Alvin S. Hildebrand ’49 William T. Moore ’49 Marion Geib Wilhelm ’49, P’83

1950s Margaret A. Fake Anders ’50 Nancy Hafer Bright ’50 Jeanne Bozarth Cleaver ’50 Ralph S. Espenshade ’50 Charlotte Rohrbaugh Jones ’50


William G. Jones ’50 David H. Wallace ’50, H’76 James A. Wilhelm ’50, P’83 Harold G. Engle Jr. ’51, P’78 Jack D. Gramm ’51 Robert P. Longenecker ’51, H’78, P’77 Ruth A. Sheaffer Daugherty ’52, P’76 Bernard E. Fogle ’52 Donald S. Gingrich ’52 Jane L. Martin ’52 Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 Phyllis Barnhart-Burkholder ’53 Martin L. Gluntz ’53 John A. Walter ’53, P’85, P’91 Nancy Cramer Zimmerman ’53 Donald L. Burkholder ’54 Kenneth C. Donmoyer ’54 Doris Cortright Heck ’54 Alice Daniel Kelly ’54, P’78, P’81 William H. Kelly ’54, P’78, P’81 Leah Thorpe Page ’54 Lucie A. Portier ’54 Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 Gail Edgar Retrievi ’54 Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03 Clair W. Noll ’55 Alice Bomberger Savastio ’55 George D. Shaak ’55 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Lynette E. Waller ’55 Ralph E. Yingst ’55 John B. Allwein ’56 Eugene R. Geesey ’56, P’76 Jack H. Thomas ’56, P’85 Theodore L. Blumenthal ’57

Paul F. Fulk ’57 Murray B. Grosky ’57 R. Lee Kunkel ’57 June Lykens Lantz ’57 W. Franklin Lantz ’57 Jeanne C. Winter Noll ’57 Polly A. Risser Reinhart ’57 Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 Jerald G. Bachman ’58 Charles T. Brightbill ’58 Carroll E. Ditzler ’58 Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 Beverly A. Walp ’58 Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 Shirley Jacobs Aichele ’59 Edna Jenkins Carmean ’59, H’85 Merritt A. Copenhaver ’59 James K. Graby ’59 Janice Weaber Graby ’59 Estelle Berger Hartranft ’59 Linda Heefner Heindel ’59 Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 James G. Novinger ’59 Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 Janet Blank Rismiller ’59 Doris E. White ’59

1960s Ronald M. Daugherty ’60 Joseph B. Dietz ’60 James A. Eckenrode ’60 Rosalind Horn Kunkel ’60 John J. Stouffer ’60 Shirley Landis Dietz ’61 Emily J. Bowman Brown ’62 Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. ’62

june 11, 1888—The Board of Trustees accepts from William Bittinger, father of Josephine Bittinger,

the gift of 204 acres of farmland in Shiremanstown, Pa. Josephine, whom the Forum described as “a cultured woman of kindly considerate ways,” was the spouse of Rev. Daniel Eberly, LVC professor of Latin languages and literature (1876–1884).

Sandra Stetler Stouffer ’62 Carol A. Smith Yost ’62 Harry B. Yost ’62 Margaret A. Weinert Kramer ’63 Shirley Huber Miller ’63 George M. Reider Jr. ’63 Richard H. Rotz ’63 John R. Weaber ’63 Frank W. Eiler ’64 Judith Baker Higgins ’64 William R. Higgins ’64 John F. Onofrey ’64 Robert J. Ludwig ’65 Glenn A. Moser ’65 Edward B. Ruth Jr. ’65 Albert J. Taylor Jr. ’65 John C. Vaszily ’66 Alma Payne Bobb ’67 Robert W. Goodling ’67 Diane Aldinger Vaszily ’67 Joan R. Taylor ’68 Maryann Eastman Eisenhart ’69 William B. Eisenhart ’69 George R. Moyer ’69 Grant T. Nicholls ’69 Linda S. Rothermel ’69 William D. Sharrow ’69

1970s Larry A. Bowman ’70 Anthony M. DeMarco ’70 Lloyd R. Helt Jr. ’70 B. Thomas Henry ’70 Stanley A. Steiner ’70 Becky D. Huber Davidowski ’72 Richard W. Fowler ’72 John W. Jones ’72 Nancy M. Longnecker ’72 John A. Schoch Jr. ’72, P’14 Ralph J. Fetrow ’73 Kristen R. Angstadt ’74 Kenneth R. Bickel ’74 Colleen Clemens Harris ’74 Mary M. Kesler Henry ’74 Sarah Kuntz Sergesketter ’74 D. Michael Bennethum ’75, P’02, P’05

Nancy Nelson Bickel ’75 Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 Irwin H. Siegel ’75 Diane Schaefer Bennethum ’76, P’02, P’05 Gail Peters Jones ’76 James C. Schoch ’76 Amy K. Hoopes Dellinger ’78, P’05 Dorothy M. DePalma Dyer ’78

1980s John D. Boag Jr. ’80, P’14 Charles W. Salisbury ’81, P’08 Michael G. Scolamiero ’81 Karen McHenry Gluntz ’82 Victoria Shaw Salisbury ’82, P’08 Linda J. Evans ’83 David N. Blauch ’84 Karen A. Young ’84 Marjorie A. Glascow ’85, P’84 William J. Van Etten III ’86

1990s David G. Schott ’98

2000s Matthew A. Weaver ’06 Alexander R. Reber ’07

2010s James F. Kroll Lloyd ’11

PARENTS Ellen H. Arnold, P’91 and Richard B. Arnold P’91 James J. Davison P’83, P’86 and Nancy Davison P’83, P’86 Ella Mae Dellinger P’62 Nancy P. Garber P’72, P’78 Gerald C. Hotzman P’96 and Janet L. Hotzman P’96 David I. Lasky P’86 and Ann M. Lasky P’86 K. Elaine Longenecker P’77 Virginia C. Miller P’80 Helen T. Neidig P’73

Jamie L. Schoch P’14 Suzanne H. Worrilow P’71, P’75

FRIENDS Frank Aftosmes John A. Aftosmes Peter A. Aftosmes Agnes C. Alderdice Arthur E. Arnold II Virginia A. Ludy Bachman George C. Bartley Mildred M. Beattie Ethel A. Beittel Imogene R. Billett Salvador A. Botello Andrea F. Bromberg Norman Campbell Hannah Sachs Cantor D. Clark Carmean H’85 Phyllis B. Carter Carol Cassel Kathleen E. Cassidy Richard F. Charles and Pauline C. Charles Richard C. Chernich Willis R. Christman and Helen M. Christman June M. Clodoveo Sara L. Corbin John L. Cousler Donald B. Dahlberg and Cheryl A. Dahlberg Frank J. Davidowski Philip S. Davis Edythe S. Dundore Stanley G. Eberly and Gladys S. Eberly Lois C. Eiler Betty Lehmer Fasick David R. Fink Wanda K. Flinchbaugh Sara A. Frantz Margaret M. Fulk Barbara H. Geesey Elizabeth M. Geffen Mary H. Glant Mary Elizabeth Glen

Robert E. Harnish Loy H. Harris Ruth C. Gray Eugene B. Herr Amelia Fisher Holtman John P. Kearney Mrs. Barbara Ludwig Barbara Griffin Ludwig Ellen B. McGill William J. McGill H’98 Joseph C. Mesics Sandra B. Mesics Arley K. Miller Mary Ellen Moser Allan W. Mund H’66 Irma Mund Frances B. Newcomer Harry Newcomer Karen Byerly Nicholson Doris Novinger Agnes M. O’Donnell S. Elizabeth Piel Christopher C. Dietz Rhea P. Reese Carol A. Stouffer Reider Doris Sponaugle Riley Mary Jane Sample Grace U. Sanders Joseph A. Savastio Alvin W. Shenk Robert H. Sinclair and Jean S. Sinclair Kaj Skov John A. Synodinos H’96 and Glenda J. Synodinos Kathleen C. Wall Lindsay J. Weaver William Weigle and Ethel Weigle Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Nancy Nicholas Wengert John L. Wise Hobson M. Zerbe Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 Deceased in 2015–2016



dec. 1889—Students donate a new bell for the Administration Building—the first student-led

philanthropic gift. This tradition continues today with recent gifts, including a new beach volleyball court and the Flying Dutchman mascot uniform. Known as the Senior Gift Drive, funds raised by these students support The Valley Fund, scholarships and financial aid, academic departments, athletics, cultural activities, and other immersive experiences.

THOMAS RHYS VICKROY SOCIETY Named after our founding president, Thomas Rhys Vickroy, The Vickroy Society recognizes leadership gifts of $1,000 or more given to the College for any purpose during each academic year. The Society is open to all alumni, parents, and friends of the College on an annual basis. Members of The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society provide financial aid to deserving students, keep academic resources current, and ensure that each student receives the best education that Lebanon Valley College has to offer. The laurel wreath is the symbol for The Vickroy Society. An important element of the College seal, it represents honor and excellence, and thereby, the exceptional generosity Vickroy Society members have shown to Lebanon Valley College. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: Trustee Associate: Gifts of $10,000 and above Five Founders’ Circle: Gifts of $5,000–$9,999 President’s Circle: Gifts of $2,500–$4,999 The 1866 Circle: Gifts of $1,866–$2,499 Vickroy Society Associate: Gifts of $1,000–$1,865 Vickroy GOLD Associate: For Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), membership is available for a reduced amount of $100 for each year since graduation.

TRUSTEE ASSOCIATE Kristen R. Angstadt ’74 W B Edward H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 W Jeffrey E. Arnold and Hillary Keck Arnold Ann B. Barshinger Katherine J. Bishop and Bruce W. Kreider W Edward D. Breen and Lynn Branstner Breen W Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger and Steven J. Holsinger W Kenneth C. Donmoyer ’54 Susan A. Engle ’78 Linda J. Evans ’83 B Jayanth J. Franklin ’97 and Cristen Dronsfield Franklin James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Patricia A. Glasgow W Robert W. Goodling ’67 W Jonathan Grote ’79 and Elizabeth Grote W


Larry Q. Hall ’61 and Sandra Espenshade Hall W Colleen Clemens Harris ’74 and Loy H. Harris W Garry C. Hess M. Louise Hackman Hess ’78 and Kenneth E. Hess W William R. Higgins ’64 and Judith Baker Higgins ’64 W Eric L. Himelright M’98 and Amy Himelright W Robert E. Johns Jr. ’75 and Holly A. Johns W William Lehr Jr. and Beverlee Balch Lehr W Donald W. Lesher Jr. H’00 and Nancy O. Lesher W Ted Lyter ’71 W B Lois Brong Miller ’61 William T. Moore ’49 George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Carol A. Stouffer Reider W Elyse E. Rogers ’76 and Richard M. Robey W Linda S. Rothermel ’69 W


Karen Lewis Schmitt ’80 and Andrew W. Schmitt W Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger H’96 and Ronald Schrotberger W Benjamin B. Shankroff and Suzanne M. Shankroff W Carol Bronson Steiner ’61 and Richard E. Steiner W Tracey Smith Stover ’91 and David P. Stover ’91 W B Joan R. Taylor ’68 W Ryan H. Tweedie ’93 and Shana E. Barnes W Elizabeth Robinson Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 and Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 W Miriam Muth Vanderwall ’29 Anthony F. Wallace ’45 Thomas W. Weik ’64 and Donna Ditzler Weik ’72 W John L. Wise Hobson M. Zerbe

FIVE FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE Shirley Jacobs Aichele ’59 W Spiros P. Anastas ’10 and Lindsay Anastas B Elizabeth Miller Bains ’64 and James A. Bains Jr. Kevin P. Black P’11, P’12, P’14 B Jeffrey E. Boland ’86 Nancy Hafer Bright ’50 W Terence C. Brown ’78 and Kristin J. Bell W B

Joseph E. Buehler ’89 and Jennifer L. Buehler W B Janet Else D’Alessandro ’68 and Conrad D’Alessandro Warren D. Ditzler ’68 and Carol Edgecomb Ditzler ’68 Douglas S. Dohner and Rosanne Stabler Dohner Ronald J. Drnevich and Mary Katherine Drnevich W John M. Galat ’67 and Ellen G. Galat Elizabeth Ehrengart Gassman ’45 Judith Fonken Grem ’72 W Paula K. Hess ’69 W Ellen Kreiser Jarrett ’67 and Albert R. Jarrett W John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 and Deborah R. Jurasits P’03 W George J. King ’68 and Eileen M. King W Malcolm L. Lazin ’65 W Glenn S. Lostritto ’89 and Jeanine Lostritto B Ricky C. Mellinger ’77 Joseph C. Mesics and Sandra B. Mesics W Carl E. Miller ’65, P’89 and Bonita G. Miller P’89 W Carroll L. Missimer ’76, ’79 and Linda Serfass Missimer W Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 and Randall J. Morgan W B Chester Q. Mosteller ’75 and Janet C. Mosteller W B

1899—Benjamin H. Engle, a Harrisburg contractor and trustee of the College from 1898–1911, donates

funds to underwrite the construction of Engle Hall, later known as the Engle Conservatory. This may be the first College building named in honor of a donor—and marks the beginning of the Engle family’s generous philanthropic connection with the College, which continues to the present day. This past summer, Dr. Susan Engle ’78 contributed $100,000 to the renovation of the Frederic K. Miller Chapel.

Helen T. Neidig P’73 W Eric W. Noll and Georgiana Noll Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 W Edith Kreiser Probus ’46 W Jacob L. Rhodes ’43, P’87 W Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Janet Blank Rismiller ’59 W B Richard H. Rotz ’63 George D. Shaak ’55 W William S. Shillady ’78 and Judith Shillady Elizabeth Brumbaugh Smith ’76, P’03 W B James G. Stoltzfus ’81 and Karen Veigel Stoltzfus ’81 W Beverly A. Walp ’58 W Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89 W Clifford J. Wengert W Samuel A. Willman ’67 W and Elaine Joy Willman ’68 W Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 W Ralph E. Yingst ’55 and Helen Yingst W Nancy Cramer Zimmerman ’53 W

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Justin L. Albert ’05 and McKinley Albert W Barbara Macaw Atkinson ’67 W B John J. Banks P’16 B Roy E. Boush ’57 and Carole Boush W Paul W. Brockie ’80 W Marjorie H. Brubaker ’61 Donald J. Burns ’64 and Linda Plequette Burns ’66 Richard F. Charles and Pauline C. Charles W G. Stuart Close ’65 W Camille DeClementi ’90 and Kenton Rexford W Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 and Amy Hoopes Dellinger ’78, P’05 W B Anthony M. DeMarco ’70 and Cynthia Peck DeMarco W B


John B. Dickenson ’76 and Christine M. Dickenson W Susanne Harley Dombrowski ’83 and Frank Dombrowski W Michael G. Dryden ’90, P’18 and Maria Elena Falato Dryden ’90, P’18 B Louis J. Fitzpatrick III ’81 and Susan Smith Fitzpatrick ’80 W Janice Walker Fleming ’54 Nancy Meyer Gingrich ’49 W Michael R. Green and William D. Loftin W Jensen H. Groff Jr. ’70 and Linda H. Groff W Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 and Kimberly S. Harbaugh W Estelle Berger Hartranft ’59 W Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Linda Heefner Heindel ’59 W Gregory J. Hessinger ’87 and Paula Hessinger W Gregory A. High ’92 and April Poyck High W Linda Weber Hissner ’62 and William Hissner W Jack R. Hoffman ’58 and Jean Henninger Hoffman ’58 W Michael P. Hottenstein ’58 and Star Campbell W Betty Criswell Hungerford ’54, H’09 W B Dorothy J. JenningsWilliams ’04 W Margaret Weinert Kramer ’63 and Harold J. Kramer W Alfred J. Kreiser ’61 and Anna M. Kreiser W David I. Lasky P’86 and Ann M. Lasky P’86 W Francis T. Lichtner Jr. ’75 W Nancy McCullough Longnecker ’72 and Willard M. Longnecker W Stephen C. MacDonald and Mary C. Warner W Nancy Watson Mahoney ’62 and Donald L. Mahoney

W Walter Society Member

Frederic J. Marsik ’65 and Pam Ehleri Marsik W Roy D. Meyer and Gloria D. Meyer Malik N. Momin ’83 and Mumtaz Momin W George R. Moyer ’69 Thomas G. Myers ’83 W Stephen M. Nelson ’84, P’12 and Deborah Detwiler Nelson ’84, P’12 W Kevin M. Poole ’05, M’09 and Melissa Ulrich Poole ’05 W Daniel P. Post ’99 and Allison Henry Post ’98, ’00 Michael D. Rhoads ’75 Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Janet Gessner Roberts ’68 W Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mary Jane Sample W B Dennis L. Shalters and Karen Shalters W Robert H. Sinclair and Jean S. Sinclair W Morton Spector H’02, P’79 and Alyce Grunberg Spector P’79 W Bonnie Cunningham Tenney ’96 and Edwin D. Tenney W Lewis E. Thayne and Dorothy Gennaro Thayne B James K. Thomas Jr. ’68, P’99 and Mary D’Anna Thomas ’68, P’99 W Brenda Brown Troisi ’62 and Frank X. Troisi W Brian C. Trust ’83 W L. Nelson Umble ’60 and Marian Zimmerman Umble W John C. Vaszily ’66 and Diane Aldinger Vaszily ’67 W B Edward Vinarski ’77 and Kathryn Vinarski W Lynette E. Waller ’55 Harry B. Yost ’62 and Carol Smith Yost ’62 W

THE 1866 CIRCLE H. William Alsted ’65 and Lyn Alsted W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Deborah L. Atkins and James R. Atkins W B Kenneth S. Berry ’67, P’94 W Jeffrey A. Bomberger ’78 and Elaine A. Thallner ’79 W Lewis W. Bowman ’50 and Erla Weist Bowman W Joseph P. Brewer P’18 W Robert J. Brooks and Susan Brooks Ronald L. Bush ’69 and Carlene Bush W Geret P. De Piper ’68 and Theresa Featherstone De Piper ’71 W Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. ’62 W B Francis J. Dixon and Elsie Dixon W Arthur L. Ford Jr. ’59 and Mary Ellen Ford W B William C. Gingrich ’65 and Emalene Rodeffer Gingrich W B James K. Graby ’59 and Janice Weaber Graby ’59 W Richard E. Harper ’81 and Deborah J. Harper Carolyn Kiblinger Hearsey ’83 Daniel S. Helwig Russel C. Hertzog ’64 and Kathleen Kreichbaum Hertzog W John W. Jones ’72 and Gail Peters Jones ’76 W Jennifer Wood Kanupka ’01 and George J. Kanupka IV W John P. Kearney W Michele A. Klinsky ’92 W Gregory L. Kratzer ’00 and Natalie Taylor Kratzer ’02 B Gregory H. Krikorian P’16 and Mary Krikorian P’16 W B Donna Diehl Kuntz ’67 W Lisa Burke Lee ’93 and William L. Lee Jr. W Michael S. Long P’04 and Amy R. Long P’04 W Donald C. MacGowan ’66 and Diane Grabowski W



jan. 11, 1905—President Hervin Ulysses Roop (1897–1906), Class of 1892, announces that Pittsburgh

industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie had pledged $50,000 to the College for rebuilding after the Christmas Eve fire that destroyed the College’s Administration Building. It was Carnegie’s second generous gift to LVC. In 1904, Carnegie had given $20,000 to construct the Carnegie Library. The new pledge was made on the condition that an equal sum be raised by the College, thus establishing the College’s first successful challenge gift. Funds poured in from trustees, faculty, and the greater community, and Andrew Carnegie made good on his pledge on Oct. 10, 1905.

Rufina Balmer Marquette ’51 W James M. Mead and Elaine L. Mead Louise Beistline Metka P’84 W Jane L. Meyer ’81 W B H. Edgar E. Moore ’74 and Mary Gowan W Michael E. Morrison ’71 and Karen Streib Morrison Glenn A. Moser ’65 and Mary Ellen Moser W Karen Byerly Nicholson Thomas A. Nussbaum ’80 and Lisa Nussbaum Brian Partington P’17 and Alexandra Berrie Partington P’17 B William H. Phifer ’74 and Sue Boohar Phifer ’75 W Thomas V. Quinn ’56 George A. Reiner ’86 and Vicky Lai W Cheryl Green Sault ’84 and Charles J. Sault Stuart G. Schoenly ’68 and Deanna G. Schoenly W James W. Scott P’97 and Carolyn B. Scott P’97 W Todd C. Snovel ’06 W B William J. Sponaugle and Carol Sponaugle W Dale E. Summers and Linda L. Summers W David W. Swartz ’79 and Martha Swartz Daniel S. Sweigart ’77 W Dennis W. Sweigart ’63 W Glenda J. Synodinos W David G. Thompson ’65 and Elaine Brenner Thompson ’67 W Robert M. Weissman and Sara Weissman W Bruce R. Wieder ’65 and Janet R. Wieder W J. Dennis Williams H’90 and M. Lenore Williams W


VICKROY SOCIETY ASSOCIATE Lois L. Adams ’52 W Suzanne Enterline Agi ’96 and Scott M. Agi W Bruce A. Albert ’70 and Sharen Albert Steven Alger and Susan Alger Charles B. Allwein ’64 and Charlotte Ditzler Allwein W Carolyn Sandel Anderson Frederick W. Anton III Jennifer E. Crouter Arthur ’80 Stephen M. Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 and Lois Moore Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 Lois I. Bachman Marianne T. Bartley W Richard E. Basta ’69 and Maureen M. Basta W B Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 and Lisa Henry Beard ’93 W B Matthew R. Becker ’10 and Lauren E. Horst ’09, D’11 B Michael S. Beyer ’80 and June C. Beyer ’80 B James R. Biery ’70 and Beth Saylor Biery W Edward J. Billingham Jr. ’56 and Betty J. Billingham W Mary Jean Bishop ’84 Marianne Boltz ’92 and Tuan Gormican John A. Brennan ’01 and Beth Light Brennan ’01 W B Lesley Olewiler Brouse ’79 James H. Broussard and Margaret Day Broussard Alice M. Brumbaugh W Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14 and Mark Bucher P’14 W Randy A. Bull ’75 and Geri Stanley Bull W Patricia Davis Bullock ’62, P’95, P’97 W Ryan S. Buzdygon ’02 and Melinda Baker W


Brian L. Cain ’84, P’09 and Theresa Cain P’09 W Debra S. Callahan B Roque J. Calvo ’80 and Marianne Willever Calvo ’79 W Karyn A. Camilo ’09 Beverly Cooney Campbell ’81 and Neil J. Campbell David A. Cass ’93 and Julia Wonderly Cass ’94 J. Matthew Cecil M’10 and Jamie Deck Cecil M’07 W Jerome C. Chepulis and Faye A. Chepulis W William F. Christ and Carol Rotunda Christ Treva A. Clark W Thomas W. Corbett Jr. ’71 and Susan Manbeck Corbett ’72 Salvatore S. Cullari and Kathryn Cullari W Shawn P. Curtin and Lindsay B. Curtin Andrea Davino Danch ’81 and Robert Danch W Michael B. Danko ’96 and Jennifer Calabrese Danko ’97 W John W. Davis ’64 and Connie Davis W B Kenneth E. Dearstyne Jr. ’81 and Janet Jacobs Dearstyne ’82 Susan Hibbs DeFalcis ’93 and Daniel C. DeFalcis Stephanie K. Deppen ’95 W B Jonathan B. Ellsworth ’76 and Nancy Y. Ellsworth Cynthia L. Evans ’73 W Ralph J. Fetrow ’73 W Pamela Shadel Fischer ’81 Shawn M. Fitzgerald ’88 and Cheryl Fitzgerald B Walt S. Frankowski Jr. ’73 and Kathy Bomberger Frankowski Elma Breidenstine Frysinger ’52 Paul M. Fullmer and Rebecca Fullmer W

Joanne Grubb Gain ’59 and Michael C. Gain W Thomas M. Garman P’17 and Doreen K. Garman P’17 Margie Rutherford Gausby ’71 Eugene R. Geesey ’56, P’76 and Barbara H. Geesey P’76 W B Jacob George P’19 and Sherly George P’19 Donald S. Gingrich ’52 W Robert C. Greiner ’70 and Margie Hardenstine Greiner ’70 W Michael F. Gross ’82 W Maria Fazzolari Hamilton ’89 B Richard M. Harris and Sukey Meyer Harris W Richard V. Hawk ’51 and Vanda Hawk W Robert Hay and Carla H. Hay N. Susan Bender Heard ’67 and John Heard Rebecca S. Hitz Hearsey and Todd Hearsey Doris Cortright Heck ’54 and David D. Heck W Roger A. Heckman ’73 and Nancy Hunt Heckman ’73 W Warren R. Heidelbaugh ’58 and Helen Felty Heidelbaugh ’90 W B Lloyd R. Helt ’70 and Ruth Gray W Peggy Heller Hengeveld ’92 and Cecil B. Hengeveld Andrea R. Hill Amy J. Himmelberger ’90 W Dorothy Witmer Hoak ’52 and John C. Hoak ’51 W Alfred J. Hockley III ’75 and Rosita B. Hockley Andrew R. Hower ’89 and Christine Richmond Hower ’89 W B Warren Hudak Kathy Davidson Ireland ’77 and James F. Ireland W Rachel Gibble Irvin ’67 W

june 12, 1907—Lawrence W. Keister (1907–1912) becomes the ninth president of Lebanon Valley

College. The College was more than $89,000 in debt, and within a year, the College’s debt exceeded $92,000. But Keister was a member of a prominent family with interests in western Pennsylvania coal mines. Keister reduced spending, increased income, and prevailed on his wealthy family to donate generously to the College. By the end of his tenure, the College’s debt was reduced by some $43,000.

Melissa H. Jimeno ’96 and Greg Jimeno W Beth E. Jones ’72 W Charles Jones II P’17 and Amy Boswell Jones P’17 B Lawrence E. Jones Sr. ’56, P’85, P’88 and Georgianne Funk Jones ’57, P’85, P’88 W Susan Sarisky Jones ’92 and James W. Jones W B Brendalyn Krysiak Keefer ’91 and Todd Keefer W Daniel J. Kelly ’07 and Jamie Kovacs Kelly ’07, D’09 B Kandice Kerwin Hull M. Alison Kibler and Dennis Deslippe R. Lynne Kapp Kiick P’97 W John Kingham P’17 and Kathleen Callan Kingham P’17 B Rosalyn R. Knapp ’61 W Thomas J. Knapp ’63 W Gregory D. Kohler ’00 and Tricia A. Kohler Thomas H. Kreiser ’58 and Liese M. Davis-Kreiser W R. Lee Kunkel ’57 and Rosalind Horn Kunkel ’60 W Jon R. Kuntz P’16 and Mary J. Kuntz P’16 W B Gregory J. Kutchma ’02 and Carrie Fetterman Kutchma ’00 B Pamela V. Lambert ’96, P’96 and Steven L. Lambert P’96 W B Lisa Godlewski Lancellotti ’01 and Jeremy Lancellotti Theresa Rachuba Leatherbury ’86 and John P. Leatherbury Robert E. Lemke ’83, P’17 and Carol Cammarata Lemke P’17 W B Willard L. Light ’57 W Amy J. Lintz and Scott A. Lintz Robert J. Ludwig ’65 and Barbara Griffin Ludwig W


Jeff MacLean B William R. Magill Robert J. Martalus ’67 and Barbara Mehle Martalus W B Joyce E. Martin ’60 W James B. Maurer M’02 and Susan Jones Maurer ’85 W Amelia Hartman McElwee ’61 and William R. McElwee William J. McGill H’98 and Ellen B. McGill W Nancy McKay-Rosa P’19 and Jeff Rosa P’19 Janet Miller McLeod W Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10 and Amy Sabold Mendelsohn W Larry M. Mentzer ’59 W B Robert L. Mikus ’90 and Donna Teator Mikus ’90 W B Gary D. Miller ’71 W Marjorie Peters Miller ’61 W Rachel A. Moore ’08 and Victor W. Willis IV W Ronald J. Mosemann ’57 and Geraldine Sheaffer Mosemann ’57 W Stephen M. Mozi ’96 and Rebecca Miller Mozi ’96 Geraldine Rothermel Nease ’50 and Charles S. Nease Jr. Janet Faus Neiswender P’79, P’82 W James R. Newcomer ’68, P’94 and Janice E. Newcomer P’94 W Steven P. O’Day and Cecelia O’Day Brian F. O’Leary and Susan L. O’Leary Dale E. Oehler ’75 and Holly Oehler B Martin J. Parkes and Catherine C. Theron-Parkes W Kenneth A. Phelps and Mindi Phelps B Ronald A. Pieringer ’57 and Dorothy L. Pieringer W Patricia A. Pingel ’69 Lucie A. Portier ’54

W Walter Society Member

Kenneth Rabedeau P’16, P’17, P’17 and Judy Snyder Rabedeau P’16, P’17, P’17 B Christopher M. Rankin ’01 and Anne Rankin W Roberta Gable Reed ’67 and William M. Gates Gail Fox Reeder ’74 and Jeffrey N. Reeder Timothy L. Reese ’76 and Jean Boag Reese ’76 W Diana Leedy Reilly ’91 W Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Polly Risser Reinhart ’57 W B Frank S. Rhodes ’83, P’08 and Kay Koser Rhodes ’83, P’08 W Susan Partilla Rilatt ’90 and Joseph F. Rilatt ’91 W Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 and Gail Edgar Ritrievi ’54 W B Daniel L. Robey ’72 and Lisa M. Castillo W B Beatrice L. Roth P’77 W Joseph R. Rotunda ’85 and Terri Roach Rotunda ’85 W Robin E. Rowand ’75 W Eric D. Ruppert ’10 and Michelle Little Ruppert ’11 W Frank A. Rutherford III ’74 and M. Deborah Rutherford Carl R. Sabold Jr. ’68 and Patricia Buchanan Sabold ’69 W Jill E. Samples ’76 W Gail A. Sanderson W Craig J. Sansonetti P’06 and Jean E. Sansonetti P’06 W Shaylene R. Scheib ’07 and Andrew T. Moser ’05 W B Gregory P. Schmidt ’79 and Donna Schmidt Francis G. Schodowski and Amy Schodowski Barbara Schroeder-Buck ’75 W Winifred Shetrom B Thomas F. Shott ’82 and Dolores F. Shott W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Samuel J. Shubrooks Jr. ’61 and Gretchen Shubrooks W Thomas I. Siegel ’76, P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 and Linda R. Siegel P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 Khristian D. Snyder ’93 and Lori Kreiser Snyder W Steven E. Snyder W B Joan H. Squires ’79 W Michael T. Stamm ’97 and Jennifer Pellegrino Stamm ’00 W Doris Wonderling Stanson W Francis M. Stearn ’67 and Cheryl Seacat Stearn ’68 Thomas E. Stewart ’73 and Gaynor Stewart W R. Thomas Stone ’93 and Michelle Stone B Olive Binner Stoops ’63 and Donald Stoops Mark T. Stout ’77 W Sterling F. Strause ’52 and Barbara M. Strause W David M. Sullivan ’92 and Catherine E. Crissman Sullivan ’94 Michael A. Susi ’96 B Charles W. Taylor and Josephine J. Taylor W B Judith Heyser Taylor ’75, M’00, P’02 and Attalee S. Taylor P’02 W B Merrill C. Thrush P’00, P’03 and Barbara A. Thrush P’00, P’03 W Kathleen M. Tierney B Stephen W. Trapnell ’90 and Jeanne M. Rose W Dana Centofanti Triantafillos ’95 and Michael Triantafillos B Perry J. Troutman P’88 Dennis J. Tulli ’69 and Judith Tulli W B Matthew D. Vera ’90 and Michele Reichert Vera ’89 John J. Wagner ’77 and Jeaninne Alvino Wagner ’79 B



summer 1912—George Daniel Gossard (1912–1932) becomes the

10th president of Lebanon Valley College. Under his leadership, enrollment

jan. 15, 1913—LVC’s Class of

1913 donates the clock in the tower of the

grows from 226 in 1913 to 709 in 1931, and the faculty increases from five

Administration Building, furthering the

in 1913 to 24 in 1932. In addition, the school’s debt was liquidated, the

strong tradition of student philanthropy at

endowment grew to more than $900,000, budgets were balanced, and

the College.

the College received Middle States accreditation for the first time.

Mary Louise Young Wagner ’55 and Leo H. Wagner David H. Wallace ’50, H’76 W Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 W B Albertine P. Washington H’91, P’86 and Leonard Washington Jr. P’86 W Matthew D. Weaver and Phillip Neiswender W Charles E. Weigel ’66 and Patricia Zerr Weigel W Leonard E. Whitford Jr. ’85 and Denise Mastovich Whitford ’86

George R. Wilbanks and Ann Flocken Wilbanks John Wilson P’18 and Vicki Wilson P’18 B Paul L. Wolf P’90 and Martha R. Wolf P’90 W Allan F. Wolfe and Juliana M. Wolfe W Kenneth L. Wolfe H’00 and Gloria Wolfe Edwin R. Wright and Carla Hamson-Wright Maurice R. Yanney and Erica Yanney

Kenneth F. Yarnall and Mary K. Pettice W Jo A. Yeagley ’70 W B Joseph T. Yost ’69 and Roxanne S. Yost W Winfield R. Young ’99, M’14 and Meghan Rouse Young ’99 W B Christopher J. Zebrowski ’91 and Greg Holden

VICKROY GOLD ASSOCIATE Jocelyn M. Davis ’15 W Joseph K. Kutch ’14 W Andrew J. Livingston ’15, ’16, D’18 W B Stephanie A. Monico ’14 W B Jeraldine Stoltzfus M’15 W Clayton E. Williard ’15 W B

2015–2016 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Thank you for your investment in Lebanon Valley College. Through your powerful support, our College community has provided life-changing educational opportunities that produce confident graduates who are prepared to succeed in the world. Be assured that your generosity is having a meaningful impact on LVC and our students. This report recognizes all gifts received by Lebanon Valley College between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Detailed attention has been given to the preparation of these donor recognition lists. Please contact Donald L. Raiger ’01 at 717-867-6443 or if you notice an error or have a concern. Thank you!

THE WALTER SOCIETY The Walter Society, established in 2004 and named for Patricia Lutz Walter ’57 and the late Judge John Walter ’53, recognizes our most loyal donors for their consistent dedication to supporting educational excellence at The Valley. This honorary society is reserved for those alumni, parents, and friends of Lebanon Valley College who contribute five or more consecutive years to the College, or for recent graduates, those who have contributed to LVC every year since their graduation.



ANNUAL GIVING RECOGNITION LEVELS: Trustee Associate: Gifts of $10,000 and above Five Founders’ Circle: Gifts of $5,000–$9,999 President’s Circle: Gifts of $2,500–$4,999 The 1866 Circle: Gifts of $1,866–$2,499 Vickroy Society Associate: Gifts of $1,000–$1,865 Vickroy GOLD Associate: For Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), membership is available for a reduced amount of $100 for each year since graduation. Valley Club: Gifts of $500–$999 Charter Club: Gifts of $250–$499 Quittapahilla Club: Gifts of $100–$249 Contributors: Gifts of $1–$99

1914—The Alumni Gymnasium is

june 1917—In response to enrollment declines during

constructed as part of the Administration

World War I, LVC launches a fundraising campaign with

Building, thanks to $5,000 in donations

a target of $350,000. The goal ultimately was surpassed,

from alumni. Designed with basketball in

enabling President Gossard to hire additional faculty, raise

mind, the gym made possible the return of

faculty salaries, and increase College enrollment.

the College’s women’s team.


Trustee Associate Miriam Muth Vanderwall


Quittapahilla Club Daniel L. Shearer W


Valley Club Betty Rutherford Daiber Quittapahilla Club Edna Rutherford Sheckart W Martha Jane Koontz Zachert W


Five Founders’ Circle Jacob L. Rhodes W Quittapahilla Club George W. Wilkialis Contributors Genevieve Stansfield Shenk


Five Founders’ Circle Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger W Contributors Norman M. Bouder Jr. W Elizabeth Light Hamilton W


Trustee Associate Anthony F. Wallace W Five Founders’ Circle Elizabeth Ehrengart Gassman

Contributors Elizabeth Reiff Marino W

Valley Club Robert R. Fischer W


Charter Club Valentino V. Sica W

Valley Club Miles D. Harriger W H. Joshua Weiser Jr. W Quittapahilla Club Sara Schott Fisher W Franklin H. Unger W Contributors Arlene Schlosser Keller W Betty Gingrich Rauch Winifred Kitchen Winemiller W


Charter Club Peter Gamber Jr. W B Quittapahilla Club Arthur L. Terr W


Trustee Associate William T. Moore President’s Circle Nancy Meyer Gingrich W Valley Club Howard F. Lebegern Ella Shultz Roman Charter Club Robert P. McCoy W Mary O’Donnell Sechrist W Quittapahilla Club Mary Glover Kleinfelter W Roger M. McKinley W

Quittapahilla Club Sarah Koury Zimmerman W

Contributors William J. Keeler



Five Founders’ Circle Edith Kreiser Probus W

Five Founders’ Circle Nancy Hafer Bright W

Valley Club Frances Workman Weiser W

The 1866 Circle Lewis W. Bowman W

Quittapahilla Club Phyllis Snyder Boyer W Nancy Sattazahn Hoff W

Vickroy Society Associate Geraldine Rothermel Nease W David H. Wallace W


W Walter Society Member

Quittapahilla Club William G. Fisher W Robert M. Kline W Jack Snavely Dorothy Kline Welsh Contributors Richard W. Bailey W Fred B. Fore W B James E. Gregg Anthony J. Kutchever W Joseph L. Markley W


The 1866 Circle Rufina Balmer Marquette W Vickroy Society Associate Richard V. Hawk W John C. Hoak W Charter Club John D. Boag W Margaret Bower Boag W Quittapahilla Club Betty Edelman Creamer W Jeanne Stine DeLong W Robert K. Miller W Robert Mrgich Dorothy Morgan Nye W Anne Shroyer Shemeta W B Raymond J. Swingholm Ruth Brown Zimmerman W Contributors Robert L. Allen W William J. Boyd Roland E. Garvin W Joan L. Klingler Jeanne Edwards Tesnar W Theodore E. Wagner W


President’s Circle Frederick P. Sample W B Vickroy Society Associate Lois L. Adams W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Elma Breidenstine Frysinger Donald S. Gingrich W Dorothy Witmer Hoak W Sterling F. Strause W Charter Club Joseph P. Bering W Nancy Myers Inners W Quittapahilla Club Ruth Sheaffer Daugherty W Joanne Ricedorf Jacoby W Donald N. Miller W Joseph J. Shemeta W B Sherdell A. Snyder W B Contributors E. Maxine Garvin Fritz W M. Elizabeth Roper Hess


Five Founders’ Circle Nancy Cramer Zimmerman W Quittapahilla Club Allen C. Boyer Harold G. Brandt Joyce Hammock Carson Grace Frick Coady Patricia Wood Edris W Martin L. Gluntz W B Robert A. Gustin Sr. W Jane McMurtrie Hart W Thomas H. Israel W Albert E. Moser W Robert J. Tarantolo W B Contributors M. Ross Evans W William S. Vought Jr. W B


Trustee Associate Kenneth C. Donmoyer President’s Circle Janice Walker Fleming Betty Criswell Hungerford W B Vickroy Society Associate Doris Cortright Heck W Lucie A. Portier Frank A. Ritrievi W B Gail Edgar Ritrievi W B



1924—A new endowment campaign is launched with a

goal of $575,000—though the campaign ultimately raises more than $700,000. On April 25, the United Brethren Church pledged $175,000 to the campaign if the College

could raise double that amount, or $350,000. At the time, this was nearly the largest single gift ever made to any

Valley Club Geraldine Nichols Koppenhaver W Quittapahilla Club Robert H. Boyd George J. Cardone W John T. Ervin Julia Ulrich Spangler W Barbara Ranck Taylor W Contributors Frances Shroyer Bova W B Robert Mackrides W B Chester E. Snedeker Agnes M. Souders W


Five Founders’ Circle George D. Shaak W Ralph E. Yingst W President’s Circle Lynette E. Waller Vickroy Society Associate Mary Louise Young Wagner W Valley Club Alice Bomberger Savastio W Charter Club Adora Rabiger Smith W Quittapahilla Club George Radanovic W B Frederick L. Shaak W P. Sally Ann Whitmoyer Shaak W Contributors Richard D. Gingrich Rita Castiglia Mackrides W B


The 1866 Circle Thomas V. Quinn W B Vickroy Society Associate Edward J. Billingham Jr. W Eugene R. Geesey W B Lawrence E. Jones Sr. W Charter Club David J. Farling W Gerald A. Steger


cause in the history of the denomination. The challenge was met, in part, by a $60,000 donation from College alumni in honor of John Evans Lehman, a professor emeritus of mathematics and astronomy who had taught at The Valley for 40 years. As an Annville teenager in 1866, Lehman, Class of 1874, carried mortar to build the

President’s Circle Estelle Berger Hartranft W Linda Heefner Heindel W Ned D. Heindel W

Quittapahilla Club Russell W. Barr W Harold E. Bird W Dorothy Grabau Boyd Henry T. Chadwick W B Herbert M. Forrest W David H. Gittleman W Sylvia Rosenberry Gittleman W Pius H. Kaltreider W Joan Eckenroad Kirk W Jack H. Thomas John W. Walters B

Contributors Joseph A. Brechbill W John K. Feaser George B. Johnson Dorothy Lentz Monaghan Henry W. Shuey Jr. Doris Kane Younken W Five Founders’ Circle Beverly A. Walp W Gerald S. Wingenroth W

Vickroy Society Associate Joanne Grubb Gain W Larry M. Mentzer W B

Contributors Louise Loeper Cottrell-Cawley Gloria Ritter McCauley Robert G. Miller W

President’s Circle Jack R. Hoffman W Jean Henninger Hoffman W Michael P. Hottenstein W

Valley Club William A. Hower W Wayne G. Hummer W


President’s Circle Roy E. Boush W Vickroy Society Associate Georgianne Funk Jones W R. Lee Kunkel W Willard L. Light W Geraldine Sheaffer Mosemann W Ronald J. Mosemann W Ronald A. Pieringer W Polly Risser Reinhart W B Patricia Lutz Walter W B Valley Club Jacquelyn Fetterhoff Douglass W Ross S. Plasterer W B Marian Marcus Warden W Charter Club Ronald K. Dissinger W Quittapahilla Club Carol Dannettell Biederman Barbara Schwaghart Bird W Theodore L. Blumenthal W Nancy Kettle Lenker B Frank R. McCulloch W B Robert J. Nelson W B Jane Hoffman Roush W Hannelore Wanner Starsinic W William C. Workinger W



Vickroy Society Associate Warren R. Heidelbaugh W B Thomas H. Kreiser W Thomas C. Reinhart W B Valley Club Jerald G. Bachman W Quittapahilla Club Sessaly Prugh Boyd W Fern Liskey Bucher W Earl V. Edris W Nancy Grace Good Glenda Wilson Kirker William P. Krick Jr. W Robert E. Longenecker W B Ruth Obert Ranalli W Donna Williamson Shafer W B John H. Sproul W Contributors Sara Crobaugh Beaver W Virginia Smedley Burkhart W Marshall D. Cook W Evelyn Krammes Hanley W Darlene Steiner Lebo W John R. Lebo W Sally A. Miller-Checket Robert C. Monroe D. Lorraine Eshleman Royer David H. Schell W


Five Founders’ Circle Shirley Jacobs Aichele W Bruce R. Rismiller W B Janet Blank Rismiller W B

The 1866 Circle Arthur L. Ford Jr. W B James K. Graby W Janice Weaber Graby W

Charter Club Bernerd A. Buzgon W Nello M. Lavorini Robert S. Martin W Walter H. Muller W Doris E. White W Quittapahilla Club Russell J. Boeshore W Shirley Bair Crumlich W William F. DeLiberty W B Sterling R. Krumbine W Gene R. Layser Marilyn Kreider Layser Edmund J. Slezosky Jr. W Marion Brooks Vespe W Ethel Fake Wolf Contributors Janet Zuse Hostetter Linda Shirey Huber W James O. Lebo Carolyn Schairer Moyer Karl E. Moyer Louise Gay Swain W


President’s Circle L. Nelson Umble W Vickroy Society Associate Rosalind Horn Kunkel W Joyce E. Martin W Valley Club Richard L. Cassel W William F. Derr Martha Rudnicki Williams W



College’s first new building. As a result of the campaign’s exceptional success, the College was able to escape a recurring struggle with budget deficits, rising debt, and an inadequate endowment.

Charter Club Brenda Funk Berry W David E. Heberlig Quittapahilla Club Edward J. Alexander Patricia Hagerty Bohrs James W. Carpenter W Joseph B. Dietz W Ronald L. Dietz W Fred R. Eshleman W Philip H. Feather W Clark S. Hoffman Jr. W Margaret Garber Philp W Mary Ranck Slezosky W Robert Y. Supowit W Fredric Vespe W Donald E. Zechman W Contributors Georgia Hertzler Bartholomew W Charles F. Gerberich Sr. Ronald P. Hovis W Nancy Lewis Patton W Jacqueline Simes Rossi John F. Schlegel W Kenneth J. Swisher Shirley Angle Tannenbaum W James O. Wargny


Trustee Associate Larry Q. Hall W Lois Brong Miller Carol Bronson Steiner W President’s Circle Marjorie H. Brubaker Alfred J. Kreiser W Vickroy Society Associate Rosalyn R. Knapp W Amelia Hartman McElwee W Marjorie Peters Miller W Samuel J. Shubrooks Jr. W Valley Club Kenneth L. Peiffer Charter Club Robert D. Hartnett W Kenneth C. Hays W


“...the campaign ultimately raises more than

Quittapahilla Club Jane Levine Alexander M. Nancy Ovates DeLiberty W B Shirley Landis Dietz W Barry L. Keinard Joan Mumper Linnane Barbra Storaker Stehlik W Charles J. Tobias II Forrest R. Vogel Contributors Janet Hammerschmidt Barndt M. Ruth Messersmith Erb Joan Chapman Hamme Elizabeth Black Jones Lois Sholley Kaylor B Vicky Jay Work Kosoff W Judith Leith Lohmann Mary A. Maguire W Pauline Fitz Martin W Elizabeth Evans Payne W


President’s Circle Linda Weber Hissner W Nancy Watson Mahoney Brenda Brown Troisi W Carol Smith Yost W Harry B. Yost W The 1866 Circle Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. W B Vickroy Society Associate Patricia Davis Bullock W Valley Club Gloria Fitzkee Carter Kenneth R. Feather W Hiram E. Fitzgerald W Robert H. Stull W B Charter Club David H. Fortna W Mary Bollman Kreider W Quittapahilla Club Aglaia Stephanis Ahmed Emily Bowman Brown W Marylouise Lamke Burke W Judith Kline Feather W Doyle W. Ivey Jr. W Marilyn Rinker Jennerjohn Gayle Schlegel Keinard

W Walter Society Member

Richard E. Klinedinst Suzanne Grace Klinedinst Delores A. Mounsey Carl B. Rife W Charles R. Seidel W John K. Seymour W Daniel F. Shearer W Contributors Karl W. Bordner W Harold J. Dom W Georgiana Kunzler Doner Harold F. Donley Barbara Wogisch Fragasso Cecelia Reed Keehn W June E. Lawrence W Carlin R. Rhine W B Norma Morris Wright W


Trustee Associate George M. Reider Jr. W Five Founders’ Circle Richard H. Rotz President’s Circle Margaret Weinert Kramer W The 1866 Circle Dennis W. Sweigart W Vickroy Society Associate Thomas J. Knapp W Olive Binner Stoops Valley Club Richard G. Felty W Dolores Koncar Fitzgerald W Ellis W. McCracken Jr. Charter Club Barbara H. Bailes W James L. Boyle W Robert J. Brill R. Frederick Crider Jr. W William A. Sherman W Vance R. Stouffer Jr. Quittapahilla Club Judith Newton Brown W James D. Corbett W James W. Davis W William W. Focht W Sandra Kelly Gahres Ralph R. Kreiser W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Shirley Huber Miller W George R. Plitnik W David A. Rabenold B Judith Nichols Renzulli W Barbara Smith Rhine Priscilla Brush Schwenk W Sarah Lane Seidel W Robert R. Shope John R. Weaber W George M. Weaver Jr. W Philip B. Wolf W Contributors Barbara E. Horst W G. Thomas Keehn W Dennis C. Phillippy W Dennis R. Schnader Kathryn S. Skewis Harry M. Voshell W Phyllis Morrow Wolfe


Trustee Associate Judith Baker Higgins W William R. Higgins W Thomas W. Weik W Five Founders’ Circle Elizabeth Miller Bains W President’s Circle Donald J. Burns The 1866 Circle Russel C. Hertzog W Vickroy Society Associate Charles B. Allwein W John W. Davis W B Valley Club Susan Wolfe Hassinger Wesley J. MacMillan W B Nancy Wagner Stull W B Charter Club Judith Garvin Dissinger W Walter S. Hamsher W Judith Ruhl Shearer E. Lee Spancake H. Lynn Lewis Spancake Quittapahilla Club Helen Haskell Bosart W Joseph M. Clark James L. Cromer



march 23, 1943—Under the leadership of President Clyde A. Lynch (1932–1950), Class of 1918, the College launches

its “Bearing the Torch” fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $550,000 for building a new gymnasium, bolstering the

endowment, and further paying down debt. On May 19, 1944, President Lynch made a cheerful report to the Board of Trustees indicating that the goal had been reached, despite the campaign having taken place during the “difficult war years.” By 1945, the College was free of debt and held an endowment of $1 million at the time. Several previous presidents had launched endowment campaigns with some success. However, much of the endowment funds they did raise were devastated by the Great Depression.

Edwin M. Garver W Richard B. Hiler David P. Hively W Hannah Pisle Kaufmann W Jerome M. Kildee W William T. Kreichbaum John Lubans Jr. Larry H. Miller W Lovella L. Naylor W Patricia McDyer Pece W Patricia Ziegler Petrak Robert F. Rhine Sandra Diener Shope Contributors Carolyn Hoffman Baittinger John E. Baittinger Linda Bell Becker Lavinia Beckner Biltimier W Larry L. Funck Marlin Houck W Michael W. Lenker W Sydnae Rouse Steinhart Walter A. Stump W


Five Founders’ Circle Malcolm L. Lazin W Carl E. Miller W President’s Circle G. Stuart Close W Frederic J. Marsik W Stephen H. Roberts W The 1866 Circle H. William Alsted W William C. Gingrich W B Glenn A. Moser W David G. Thompson W Bruce R. Wieder W Vickroy Society Associate Robert J. Ludwig W Valley Club Joy Klingler Felty W Charter Club Kay F. Fontenoy W Richard T. Irwin W Robert C. Lau W Roberta Johns Otto W Glenn R. Stech W B A. Barry Yocom W


Quittapahilla Club Thomas B. Crisman W Sallie Slocum Davis W Nancy Dice Fennell W Dorcas R. Haines W Suzanne Hollingsworth Hetrick W George J. Hollich Jr. W Donald R. Kaufmann W Audrey Frye Metro Norma Woolston Shearer W Theodore O. Weaver W Nancy Shroyer Wilson Martha Harbaugh Wolfersberger

Dennis P. Gagnon B Richard C. Hoffman W B George W. Hohenshelt II W B Carol Frey Hollich W Claudia Nagle Hostetter Barry E. Howard W Robert L. Huffman W Karen Cooper Lamb W Philip J. Lehn Richard N. Simington Carolyn Miller Soderman Carol Warfield Tallman W Elaine Kreller Tomlinson W Michael G. Wolfersberger Frank F. Yeager

Contributors Virginia D. Bergey Jeanne Bogart Brody W William G. Hughes W Kenneth L. Laudermilch Charles R. Plantz Barry L. Reichard W Dorothy Hudson Robson Audrey Wahler Smith W

Contributors Edward L. Arnold W Albert C. Bullard Jennifer Codington Campbell John W. Gregory W Barbara Hoffsommer Mark David E. Stum Ellen McFaul Swierk Carol Woolley Testa W Helen M. Warnke Bonnie Hood Witmer


President’s Circle Linda Plequette Burns John C. Vaszily W B The 1866 Circle Donald C. MacGowan W


Trustee Associate Robert W. Goodling W

Vickroy Society Associate Charles E. Weigel W

Five Founders’ Circle John M. Galat Ellen Kreiser Jarrett W Samuel A. Willman W

Valley Club Elspeth Lowrie MacMillan W B Richard C. Reed

President’s Circle Barbara Macaw Atkinson W B Diane Aldinger Vaszily W B

Charter Club Ronald S. Beckley W Joan Higgins Hays W Sharon Stetler Herr W John M. Lafferty W Gail M. Rice

The 1866 Circle Kenneth S. Berry W Donna Diehl Kuntz W Elaine Brenner Thompson W

Quittapahilla Club Michael T. Alleman W Ralph H. Buys W Robert D. Corsaro Marcia Hannah Cromer David H. Deck Virginia Shedd Deck Kristin Bond Fortna W


Vickroy Society Associate N. Susan Bender Heard B Rachel Gibble Irvin W Robert J. Martalus W B Roberta Gable Reed W Francis M. Stearn Valley Club D. Larry Bachtell W Gary N. Brauner

Charter Club Bonnie Moyer Beckley W Helaine Hopkins Golann W Linda Pierce Irwin W Carol Clay Yocom W Quittapahilla Club William A. Cadmus W Charlene A. Cassel W John E. Dougherty III W M. Margaret Dowling W Susan J. Green W Jedediah E. Looker W Lois Quickel Neidermyer W Larry J. Painter W B Damon L. Silvers W Gale M. Thompson W Marilyn Gulley Wagner Richard W. Wentzel W John A. Wiest W Contributors Tilman R. Frye W Helene E. Harvey W Donald B. Kitchell W Ronald D. Newmaster W Luise Wubbena Reading W Margaret Barto Snyder Sandra Renninger Strogus W Lucy Lefevre Sumner Martha M. Tjhin W


Trustee Associate Joan R. Taylor W Five Founders’ Circle Janet Else D’Alessandro Carol Edgecomb Ditzler Warren D. Ditzler George J. King W Lynn Garrett Phillips W Elaine Joy Willman W President’s Circle Janet Gessner Roberts W James K. Thomas Jr. W Mary D’Anna Thomas W The 1866 Circle Geret P. De Piper W Stuart G. Schoenly W Vickroy Society Associate James R. Newcomer W

1955—President Frederic K. Miller (1950–1967) announces the launch of the “Pattern for Progress” fundraising campaign. Its original goal was $900,000, but ultimately raised $1.09 million. On May 18, 1957, three buildings

made possible by the campaign were dedicated: the George Daniel Gossard Memorial Library, the Science Building (constructed in memory of long-time professors Dr. Andrew Bender, Class of 1906, and Dr. Samuel Derickson, Class of 1902), and the Mary Capp Green Residence Hall for Women (named in honor of the long-time social dean of women).

Carl R. Sabold Jr. W Cheryl Seacat Stearn

Dennis J. Tulli W B Joseph T. Yost W

Valley Club Mary Lippert-Coleman W Ronald L. Richcreek W

Valley Club Pixie Hunsicker Bachtell W Diane Giovanis Hankinson W Michael R. Hollen W

Charter Club Charles J. DeHart W M. Gwendolyn Gilroy W Diane Bott Haight W Donald A. Haight W Barbara Cressman Padley W B David J. Padley W B Margaret Hamilton Sipe Quittapahilla Club Heather R. Ehrlich W LeRoy G. Frey W Eugene Katzman W Keith G. Kreamer Christine Banes Simington James R. Van Camp Contributors Paula Snyder Aboyoun Margaret A. Black W Dolores Slade Bruce W Harry M. Capper W Stephen A. Groff W Alan P. Hague Cecelia Baeckert Hanscom W Ralph L. Heagy Rebecca Wagner Hyman W Susan Swartz Musser W Marjorie Miller Nelson W Jack C. Sawyer W C. Scott Sharnetzka W


Trustee Associate Linda S. Rothermel W Robert L. Unger W Five Founders’ Circle Paula K. Hess W President’s Circle George R. Moyer The 1866 Circle Ronald L. Bush W Vickroy Society Associate Richard E. Basta W B Patricia A. Pingel Patricia Buchanan Sabold W


Charter Club Bruce R. Decker W B Leslie Bair Decker W B Ronald L. Long W Carl L. Marshall W Elaine Pearce Papiernik Shirley Deaven Shaffer W B Kenneth L. Sipe Helen E. Templin W Joseph A. Torre W B Nancy Hendrickson Wieman W Quittapahilla Club Kenneth P. Bunting Michael J. Campbell William E. Campbell W Jeffrey L. Conway Jeanne Anspach Earnshaw W Maryann Eastman Eisenhart William B. Eisenhart Gloria S. Fultz Karl E. Guyler James W. Haslam W Charles G. Kachur W John D. Maclary Cynthia S. Melman W Jack R. Reid Doris Bryden Skinkus Mary Horn Stewart W Leta Tompkins Thompson W William M. Thompson W Harold J. Todd B Carlin L. Wenger Jan H. Wubbena W Ronald G. Yarger Contributors Thomas R. Bross Linda Bell Brown W Diane F. Cerutti W Albert L. Clipp W Lloyd J. Fasnacht Jr. W B Jean L. Heilman James R. Hoffman W Joanne Cestone McHugh W Sandra Hughes McKinley Stephen C. Mefferd

W Walter Society Member

Louise Long Rahalewich Dennis R. Snovel W B Allen W. Steffy W James T. Wenrich Douglas R. Winemiller W


President’s Circle Anthony M. DeMarco W B Jensen H. Groff Jr. W Vickroy Society Associate Bruce A. Albert James R. Biery W Margie Hardenstine Greiner W Robert C. Greiner W Lloyd R. Helt W Jo A. Yeagley W B Valley Club Marsha Church King W J. Michael Meyers George L. Morse Henry D. Schreiber W Charter Club Larry A. Bowman W Barbara J. McCann Eugene K. Shaffer W B Quittapahilla Club Marilynn E. Ade W Patricia Rau Beckman Kathleen A. Bryniarski William C. Bucher II W Donald C. Carter George S. Glen W Frank A. Kuhn Jr. W B Sally Suter Lownsbery Mary Horn Nelson W Catherine Merkel Phelps W Glenn A. Phelps W Leroy F. Reist II Joel S. Riedel W Richard Dick Snell W B Michael P. Waltz Bruce T. Welsh W George E. Zeiders Contributors Charles J. DeBoeser Jr. W Rolanda Hofmann Divelbiss Nancy Hollinger Enders W James B. Fraytic B. Thomas Henry

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Judith Kerns Hunter Mary Maxwell Leisey W Dorothy Bassett Lewis B Carol Hoeflich McCall David M. Murphy Sandra George Sharnetzka W Carol Irwin Shellenberger Gloria Roush Winemiller W


Trustee Associate Ted Lyter W B The 1866 Circle Theresa Featherstone De Piper W Michael E. Morrison Vickroy Society Associate Thomas W. Corbett Jr. Margie Rutherford Gausby Gary D. Miller W Charter Club Thomas W. Cestare W B Wilbur A. Hamsher Jr. W Quittapahilla Club Terry E. Carrilio Nancy Werner Carter Barbara Jones Ebersole Donald F. Engle W Mona A. Enquist-Johnston W David L. Feldman B Larry A. Fenner Robert W. Gotwalt Jr. W Harvey G. Gregory B Jessica Leonard Gregory B Barbara Yingst Light Anita J. Meiser W David E. Miller W Cheryl Hartman Morrison Margaret K. Potteiger Roger H. Probert Jane C. Snyder Gutowski W Richard B. Thompson W Contributors Catherine Uhrich Anderson Paul S. Fisher Kevin E. Garner John R. Gibble W Keith D. Gittermann W Marianne Cake Gittermann W Barbara Wert Hague



feb. 11, 1957—Dr. Vivia B. Appleton, a Honolulu, Hawaii, physician, and Miss Elizabeth Appleton donate $25,000

to endow the Judge S.C. Huber Scholarship and the Cora Appleton Huber Scholarship in memory of their parents. Judge Huber graduated from LVC in 1892 and served as a judge in Honolulu for many years. The purpose of the scholarships, according to Dr. Appleton, was “to help superior students to become better and more useful citizens.” Dr. and Miss Appleton established an enduring legacy by creating these scholarships and have positively affected generations of LVC students. Still awarded today, these scholarships continue to help students afford an LVC education.

James M. Hansen Linda Ammlung McAlpin W


Trustee Associate Elizabeth Robinson Unger W Donna Ditzler Weik W Five Founders’ Circle Judith Fonken Grem W President’s Circle Nancy McCullough Longnecker W The 1866 Circle John W. Jones W Vickroy Society Associate Susan Manbeck Corbett Beth E. Jones W Daniel L. Robey W B Valley Club George R. Petrie W B Frank R. Sourbeer Charter Club David Boltz IV W Becky Huber Davidowski W Gail Fasnacht Henschke W Richard A. Look W Dennis J. Nagy W Ronald R. Renshaw W Janet E. Smith W David L. Stein Quittapahilla Club Sue E. Bowman W Claire Fiedler W Larry P. Frey Judith Holt Gibney Elizabeth Graft W B Karen Tortora Haas W T. Richard Haas W Patricia Dougherty Helt W Carol Rutt Jennings Phyllis Brown Johnson Patricia Shearer Larthey W Stuart J. Magdule W Barbara Rice Miller W William C. Quairoli W Steven R. Saubel W Lydia Kauffman Schnetzka W Allison C. Smith Kenneth H. Stoltz


Natalie Cvijic Treece Jann Helbig Van Dyke W Craig R. Werner B Diane R. Wilkins W Contributors Dorothy Hartman Gaul Robert G. Hamilton Jr. W Alice Schade Hansen Rex A. Herbert Edward B. Johnson Marilyn Graves Kimple W Nan Dupler Papp W Jeffrey E. Rowe W


Vickroy Society Associate Cynthia L. Evans W Ralph J. Fetrow W Walt S. Frankowski Jr. W B Nancy Hunt Heckman W Roger A. Heckman W Thomas E. Stewart W Valley Club Sandra Snyder Gunn W Anthony T. Leach William J. Morrison W Connilu Givler Petrie W B Charter Club Anthony Calabrese W Kathy Neidig Calabrese W Kenneth R. Gilberg W B Julie Mader Hostetter W Quittapahilla Club Kathleen A. Bangert Alan H. Curtis W Nancy Alber Glen W Bonnie Phillips Guggenheim W Edward C. Iannarella B Wayne D. Johnson John F. Mardula W B Joann Paff Miller Linda Scharf Petrecca W Barry J. Rittmann Linda Witmer Thompson W Jean Gingrich Weidler Marsha Edwards Zehner Contributors Abraham Greg J. Detweiler Janice A. GaNun W


Carey C. Garland Terry M. Heisey W Alison Doney Jones Cheryl Wubbena Keckler W Janice Colyer Sage Scott T. Sener


Yvonne Stefanick Bohlander Cynthia Grubb Condran W Jane Keebler Egermann Mary Kesler Henry Phillip L. Snyder Patricia Hamilton Tison Richard F. Vogel

Trustee Associate Kristen Angstadt W B Colleen Clemens Harris W


President’s Circle Robert E. Harbaugh W

Five Founders’ Circle Chester Q. Mosteller W B

The 1866 Circle H. Edgar E. Moore W William H. Phifer W

President’s Circle Wesley T. Dellinger W B Francis T. Lichtner Jr. W Michael D. Rhoads W

Vickroy Society Associate Lois Moore Autenrieth Stephen M. Autenrieth Gail Fox Reeder Frank A. Rutherford III Valley Club Rebecca Burtner Hein W Charter Club Joy Hannigan Littell W Sarah Kuntz Sergesketter W Elizabeth Reber Steinbach W Quittapahilla Club Ann M. Algeo W Christine Walborn Couturier Debra Sample Curtis W Frank J. Dilger W Vicki L. Hackman Michael E. Huber Mary De Loache Jennings Athanasia Johnson W Mary Didden Kartzman W James P. Kiernan Jr. Davis J. Knauer Lucinda Burger Knauer Mary Russo Lombardo W Patricia J. McLaughlin Robert G. Pembleton John M. Pumphrey W B Gary K. Smith Kathleen Simmons Smith W Susan E. Snyder W Contributors Randal C. Berriker

Trustee Associate Robert E. Johns Jr. W

The 1866 Circle Sue Boohar Phifer W Vickroy Society Associate Randy A. Bull W Alfred J. Hockley III Dale E. Oehler B Robin E. Rowand W Barbara Schroeder-Buck W Judith Heyser Taylor W B Charter Club K. Douglas Dahms J. Gary McDivitt Thomas H. Sheaffer W B Irwin H. Siegel Joan L. Walker Quittapahilla Club D. Michael Bennethum Leslie A. Berger W Dianne Hepford Dilger W Douglas K. Franz B Richard S. Harner P. Chase Howse B Penny Pratt Huber Peggy Olver Johnson Lorraine Killheffer W Frank W. Kushler Brenda McClelland Messera W Nancy E. Murphy Sandra Anderson Pembleton Howard P. Scott W Elizabeth L. Shivell Martha M. Smith Richard D. Smith

aug. 20, 1963—The Lebanon Daily News

march 1965—The College trustees launch the

announces that a remarkable 48 percent of College alumni

“Centennial Fund” campaign with a goal of $1.3 million.

had made financial contributions to the College during

Campaign funds, which ultimately totaled $1.6 million,

the previous fiscal year. Donations from alumni that year

made possible the construction of a campus chapel and

topped $45,000, with total donations exceeding $140,000.

renovations to Clyde A. Lynch ’18 Memorial Hall, as well as building the endowment.

Lonna Snavely Thompson Thomas R. Ward Holly Shirk Whittle Contributors David C. Amsden W Cheryl Otto Arndt Elizabeth A. Boyd W Matthew J. Eisenhauer Laura Wysolovski Goss Eileen Briggs House W Wendie Wood Kiskaddon W Cynthia Pike McGary Jeffrey O. McGary Roberta Sheriff Pennington Jean Schultz Ross W Allen Z. Roth W William D. Shumway W Thomas M. Strohman Susan Thomas Vogel


Trustee Associate Elyse E. Rogers W Five Founders’ Circle Elizabeth Brumbaugh Smith W B President’s Circle John B. Dickenson W The 1866 Circle Gail Peters Jones W Vickroy Society Associate Jonathan B. Ellsworth Jean Boag Reese W Timothy L. Reese W Jill E. Samples W Thomas I. Siegel Valley Club Nanette L. LaCorte W Charter Club Kathie Diehl Bittenbender W Michael E. Brown W Jayne Drake Frankenfield W Kevin B. Pry W Joanne L. Toby W Jed T. Uhrich Quittapahilla Club Diane Schaefer Bennethum Suzanne Schucker Boyer Theresa V. Brown W


John M. Cullather Denise Dietrich Bokum Dale H. Everhart Neil E. Fasnacht Carole Daugherty Haigh Karen Hollowell Harner Wendy Sost Hawes Priscilla Lamparter Landis W Phyllis Proctor Martin W James J. Navarro Jan Johnson Navarro Cynthia Scharr W Michael D. Sherman Sybil Haddon Snee W Susan Shemeta Stachelczyk W Elizabeth Jones Stingley Paul G. Thompson Thomas M. Uhrich W B Daniel J. Whittle Contributors Richard L. Barnet Susan Adler Crews Susanne Beers Essex Donna Gay Kaplan W Susan Kramer Kreitz W Stephen G. Osborne Marlene Windham Riela W Wanda E. Rozelle W Fred A. Scheeren Anne Shuey Robert E. Weaver W Anthony S. Winter


Five Founders’ Circle Ricky C. Mellinger Suzanne Hackman Morgan W B President’s Circle Edward Vinarski W The 1866 Circle Daniel S. Sweigart W Vickroy Society Associate Kathy Davidson Ireland W Mark T. Stout W John J. Wagner B Charter Club Sherry Etter Brown W Jeff A. Fackler W Diane Whiton Lupia Roberta Burkholder Stock W

W Walter Society Member

Quittapahilla Club Mary Fuller Beazley W Karin M. Congello W Susan Hollowell Cooper W Paul B. Eaken W Larry J. Feinman W K. Steven Fidler Kent V. Flinchbaugh Nancy C. Fox Wayne A. Hawes Patricia Mann Juhl Fred E. Longenecker LuAnn Flickinger Longenecker Gail Seitzinger Posey Sheila Roche-Cooper W Robin Mathias Stevenson W Richard D. Wong W Contributors Deborah Madeira Dillane W Robert J. Dillane W Gladys Roth Dyson Glen O. Gray W James L. Kissinger W Joyce Nihen McGowan Paul E. Neidigh J. Hope Hall Stinson Keith A. Symons W

Quittapahilla Club Connie R. Burkholder W Mary Blouch Cantrell Douglas O. Ebersole Nhung Vu Fidler Stephen N. Fleming W Cindy Gingrich W Michael L. Helman Duane R. Luckenbill Lonnie Swanger-Riley Deborah L. Wiley Contributors Donna Brinkworth Cullinan B Laura Sealey DeBiasse Dorothy DePalma Dyer W John T. Ebert B Peggy Childress Filizzi David E. Fisher W Lou Ann Buffington Fisher W Evan T. Shourds Jr. W B


Trustee Associate Jonathan Grote W Five Founders’ Circle Carroll L. Missimer W


The 1866 Circle David W. Swartz Elaine A. Thallner W

Five Founders’ Circle Terence C. Brown W B William S. Shillady

Vickroy Society Associate Lesley Olewiler Brouse Marianne Willever Calvo W Gregory P. Schmidt Joan H. Squires W Jeaninne Alvino Wagner B

President’s Circle Amy Hoopes Dellinger W B

Valley Club Cynthia Shaw Graff

The 1866 Circle Jeffrey A. Bomberger W

Charter Club Michael A. Baal W David J. Bomgardner Lisa Hocker Dew W Dennis R. Keller W Elizabeth Miller Keller W Christopher J. Neville W Cheryl A. Stoddart W

Trustee Associate Susan A. Engle M. Louise Hackman Hess W

Valley Club Joseph E. Graff Russell P. Labe Jr. W Stephen C. Scanniello Charter Club Brian S. Allebach Scott V. Carney W Carol Miller Schaeffer

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Quittapahilla Club Lorraine Heitefuss Barry Truman T. Brooks Julia Woods Heneks



sept. 1966—The College’s

early 1970s—The College launches the first phase of its

remarkable growth of nearly $1.9 million

construction of a student center, music building, the pedestrian

in 42 years, testifying to the College

bridge over the railroad, the endowment, and other purposes. The

community’s strong support and the

campaign’s initial goal was $4.5 million, which again was exceeded—

administration’s careful fiscal management.

by September 1978, pledges totaled more than $4.6 million.

endowment reaches $2,238,281—a

Steven G. Jones Stephen M. Kollinok W William T. McNerney Brian R. Miller W Harold D. Morgan W William D. Patterson Robert L. Showalter W Howard L. Snyder W Kathleen Wolfe Snyder W John M. Sultzbaugh W Doreen Dourte Weaber Ivan M. Wittel III W Contributors Robert P. Baker W Malcolm D. Coe W Jan Margut Habecker Randy C. Habecker Jefferson L. Hatch Richard A. Hurst Sr. Carolyn Summers Kreider Beverly Holzer Munz John S. Palmer Diane Carroll Pugh Sherie Warlow Strohman Virginia Larter Zellers


Trustee Associate Karen Lewis Schmitt W President’s Circle Paul W. Brockie W Susan Smith Fitzpatrick W The 1866 Circle Thomas A. Nussbaum B Vickroy Society Associate Jennifer E. Crouter Arthur June Collier Beyer B Michael S. Beyer B Roque J. Calvo W Charter Club Charles R. Mershon Sarah Strickland Mershon Charles L. Scheidler Jr. Quittapahilla Club Eugene F. Barry Ronald E. Beatty W Michael B. Buterbaugh John S. Champlin B Dana S. Felty Amy E. Fowler


“Fund for Fulfillment” campaign, which targeted monies for the

Gary S. Furman W Beth Green Hertz John W. Krieg W Alison Gittleman McNerney Dorothy Boyle Meyer W Anne Opfer Quirin W Contributors Kathy Miller Bennett W Dolores H. Cipar W Beth Leary DiGiulian Nancy Kettering Frye W Michael J. Garnier Kristie Olson Kroll Rebecca Supplee Lundgren W Linda Zerr Powell William T. Reinecke Jeanette Browning Schroeder W Timothy P. Smith Cynthia Kihn Todoroff David S. Todoroff Christine Yntema VanDyke Ann Calhoon Wagner


Trustee Associate James G. Glasgow Jr. W Five Founders’ Circle James G. Stoltzfus W Karen Veigel Stoltzfus W President’s Circle Louis J. Fitzpatrick III W The 1866 Circle Richard E. Harper Jane L. Meyer W B Vickroy Society Associate Beverly Cooney Campbell Andrea Davino Danch W Kenneth E. Dearstyne Jr. Pamela Shadel Fischer Valley Club Sharon Love Luyben W Charter Club Suzanne Fisher Fries Margaret Huml Hendershot B Christine Lowther Olinger W Craig C. Olinger W Carol McCleary Orndorf W Thomas P. Orndorf W


Quittapahilla Club Carla Stauffer Buterbaugh Timothy E. Flatley B Kelly A. Hall W B Susan Gunn McGuire W Colleen N. Mullikin B Michael G. Scolamiero W Carol Withers Zellner Gary R. Zellner Contributors William F. Casey W Joseph R. Gebhard W B Lisa Grozinski B Kay King Hatch Susan Bahner Kercher W Keiko Yunoki Komine James R. McElhenney Gary M. Mikos W Cynthia J. Mohn W Kathy M. Robinson Mabel R. Sadler W Charles R. Sapp John P. Shott


Vickroy Society Associate Janet Jacobs Dearstyne Michael F. Gross W Thomas F. Shott W Valley Club Carol Nixon Potts Lawrence H. Potts Charter Club Karen Fuller Ayres W Kenneth R. Hendershot B Steven W. St. John W Barbara J. Strock Quittapahilla Club Roseann McGrath Brooks Eric D. Chamberlin B Scott M. Dallas Karen McHenry Gluntz W B Robert P. Hogan Karen Tulaney Mailen B Scott A. Mailen B Robert J. McGrorty W Jud F. Stauffer W B Susan Vought Stone B William E. Toner

Contributors Denise Achey Berry W David F. Buffington Anthony G. Ellis Margaret Endslow Kramer W Debbie Morgan Wilkowski W


Trustee Associate Linda J. Evans B President’s Circle Susanne Harley Dombrowski W Malik N. Momin W Thomas G. Myers W Brian C. Trust W The 1866 Circle Carolyn Kiblinger Hearsey Vickroy Society Associate Robert E. Lemke W B Frank S. Rhodes W Kay Koser Rhodes W Valley Club Thomas M. Lantz W Charter Club Garry M. Freysinger Quittapahilla Club Thomas S. Brumbaugh W William N. Campbell Jr. W James R. Empfield Scott T. Inners Joseph F. Krolczyk W Nick E. Magrowski Bradley A. Shatinsky Contributors James C. Bezanson B Marilyn Wolfe Knott W Deborah M. Lucas W Lois Mark Mease Elaine Woodworth Norcross Gregory A. Weaber B Kimberly Colvin Webster W


President’s Circle Deborah Detwiler Nelson W Stephen M. Nelson W

mid 1970s—The College launches the second phase of the “Fund for

april 1987—Construction

Fulfillment” campaign to raise $10 million for the construction of a new science

begins on the Edward H. Arnold Sports

center (later named the Garber Science Center in honor of Dr. Dale Garber,

Center, home to Dutchmen Athletics

Class of 1918, and his wife, Ellen). The Garbers donated $1.75 million to the

and numerous student fitness activities.

science project in 1981, the largest gift in the history of the College at that time. By November 1983, the campaign had exceeded its goal by $400,000.

The 1866 Circle Cheryl Green Sault

Maryann McFadden Palanzo Gary N. Rhine W

Karen L. Mackrides W Laura E. Pence W

Vickroy Society Associate Mary J. Bishop Brian L. Cain W

Contributors Laura Fowler Blauch Heather Walter Buffington Jonathan P. Frye Cindy Mathieson Geib W Mary Seitz Kessler W John B. Martin Jr. W Kristine Barbatschi Shirey W B Kathleen Yorty Thach W

Quittapahilla Club Stephanie Butter Gundermann William P. Rhodes W Stephanie J. Smith W B Thomas E. Weaber Drew R. Williams

Charter Club David K. Carter W Pamela Kramer Freysinger Deanna Metka Quay W Karen Milliken Young Quittapahilla Club Patricia Kowalski Empfield Amy J. Hostetler Robert K. Krasley Jr. Michele Glascow Malone W Rhonda Beekman Ochs Ann Buchman Orth Jill Casper Palanzo W Nancy Shupp Rohrer V. Lyle Trumbull David G. Twamley B Contributors David N. Blauch Kathleen McKinnon Boyer W Robert J. Ferrick Lois Kaslow Hartley Robert D. Houseal W Kay Bennighof Kufera W Diane Kiley Miller Jill Trostle Wenrich Ruth Robinson Werdt W


Vickroy Society Associate Susan Jones Maurer W Joseph R. Rotunda W Terri Roach Rotunda W Leonard E. Whitford Jr. Valley Club Todd S. Dellinger Barbara Nace Witmer W Mark R. Witmer W Charter Club Wendy Kauffman Carter W Quittapahilla Club Carol Benedick Cope Lynn A. Cornelius Daniel E. Eisenhauer John F. Overman III



Five Founders’ Circle Jeffrey E. Boland The 1866 Circle George A. Reiner W Vickroy Society Associate Theresa Rachuba Leatherbury Denise Mastovich Whitford Charter Club David J. Ferruzza Quittapahilla Club Donald E. Beck W Carol J. Davison W Barbara Long Kuehn Kenneth C. Kuehn Kevin B. Meyer W Rebecca Wise Neafcy Jacqueline Newcomer Owsinski B Thomas E. Owsinski B Carol Flexer Parker W William A. Spancake Contributors Michael A. Deaven W David N. Fishel W Christine Harner Hopple W Janet Sacco Kelsall Charles T. Shirey W B


President’s Circle Gregory J. Hessinger W Valley Club Carol Dillman Dewald W Charter Club Ronald A. Hartzell W

W Walter Society Member

Contributors Judy Carl Hershey M. Anthony Kapolka III Eve Lindemuth Bodeux Debra Segal Stern Daniel E. Strawhecker W Karen Karapandza Townsend Le Roy G. Whitehead Jr. W


Vickroy Society Associate Shawn M. Fitzgerald B Charter Club Paul J. Walsh W B Quittapahilla Club Diane Fuss Brown W Theresa Martin Campbell W Susan Toland Dans Sharon Dubbledavenport Susan Scott Hoskins Brian P. Luckenbill W Paul A. Smith Philip E. Troutman Contributors Kimberly Burd Minke Katherine Zechman Seyler W Richard W. Umla Cheryl Stoltzfus Whitehead W


Five Founders’ Circle Joseph E. Buehler W B Glenn S. Lostritto B Vickroy Society Associate Maria Fazzolari Hamilton B Andrew R. Hower W B Christine Richmond Hower W B Michele Reichert Vera Quittapahilla Club Susan B. Crispen Elizabeth Ebersole Lingle W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Laura Laudermilch Mincemoyer W Carl W. Mohler Jr. W Christopher S. Strohl W Contributors Robert C. Loughney Jr. Douglas L. Nyce Mark D. Phillips B Suzanne Taylor Phillips B Mary D. Townsley W


President’s Circle Camille DeClementi W Maria Elena Falato Dryden B Michael G. Dryden B Vickroy Society Associate Richard L. Beard W B Helen Felty Heidelbaugh W B Amy J. Himmelberger W Donna Teator Mikus W B Robert L. Mikus W B Susan Partilla Rilatt W Stephen W. Trapnell W Matthew D. Vera Valley Club Arran R. Adams B Charter Club James M. Carroll W James F. Dillman III Melissa Linkous Dillman Diane Capece Hertzog W B Rory C. Hertzog W B Timm A. Moyer W Sharon Boeshore Wilson B Quittapahilla Club Allison Gow Duffy Matthew S. Guenther Daryl A. Hess B Debra Schlegel Mills B W. Jay Mills B Annette Boyles Stork W Kenneth R. Wilson W B Anne Wolf Wirth Edward F. Wirth Contributors Scott A. Barlup W Kirk A. Cremer Heidi Derhammer Eck



1991—The College trustees launch the “Toward 2001” campaign

with a goal of $21 million for the construction of a new library. Nearly $24 million is pledged—including $2 million by Vernon and Doris Bishop. The state-of-the-art Vernon and Doris Bishop Library opened its doors in January 1996.

Timothy J. Eck Suzanne Bolinsky Fortna Rachel Snyder Hills Christine Patanow Light Jeffrey D. Osborne B Melanie Fleek Sherman Robert G. Sherman Edward J. Smith B Lisa Biehl Weidemoyer W B Catherine Wheeler Yeagle


Trustee Associate David P. Stover W B Tracey Smith Stover W B Vickroy Society Associate Brendalyn Krysiak Keefer W Diana Leedy Reilly W Joseph F. Rilatt W Christopher J. Zebrowski Valley Club Brian A. Hand B John D. Wade W B Charter Club W. Roger Hayes B Quittapahilla Club Kathryn Tisdel Guindon Andrew C. Hildebrand Patricia Haeusler Kroth Richard A. Kroth Karl D. Liedtka B Robert G. Mattoon Jr. B Dina Litzenberger Slechta Michael J. Slechta Contributors Michelle Simpson Connor Carl H. Fortna Christopher R. Hills Debra Reagle Lichtenwalner W Michael L. Lichtenwalner W Kent A. Weidemoyer W B Alexander Zettlemoyer W B


President’s Circle Gregory A. High W The 1866 Circle Michele A. Klinsky W


Vickroy Society Associate Marianne Boltz Peggy Heller Hengeveld Susan Sarisky Jones W B David M. Sullivan W B Valley Club Rebecca Dugan-Hand B Charter Club Daniel J. Bruno W Quittapahilla Club Lisa Braccini-Barletta Sally A. Fegan W Jennifer Peters Liedtka B Thomas J. McClain W B Jay R. Richmond B Tammy O’Roark Stone Diane West Wenger W Josephine Cardinale Wilson W B Contributors Ralph W. Bieber II W Janet M. Binner W Laurie-Ann LaBarre Cardell Dawn Hickman Connelly B Norma J. Gibble W David P. Jenkins Jr. Mark A. Kapolka David N. Lauver Lori A. Nyce W Joanne Grajewski Osborne B Charel Porubiansky W William J. Rossnock W Sarah Thompson Smith Cherie Lingle Van Zant Robert L. Wolfgang III


Trustee Associate Ryan H. Tweedie W The 1866 Circle Lisa Burke Lee W Vickroy Society Associate Lisa Henry Beard W B David A. Cass Susan Hibbs DeFalcis Khristian D. Snyder W R. Thomas Stone B Charter Club Jeffrey L. Manning W


Quittapahilla Club Timothy P. Butz James E. Herr W Mary Vath McMullen W Michael D. Mohn W B Scott P. Stone James E. Stouch B Contributors Paul J. Carey Sandra L. Fauser W Lori Folk-Barron W Michael L. Gensler Jennifer Hanshaw Hackett Sean P. Hackett Holly Kreiser Leahy Malissa Noll Weikel Jonathan D. Wescott


Vickroy Society Associate Julia Wonderly Cass Catherine Crissman Sullivan W B Quittapahilla Club Kristine Kuhn Butz Melissa Fleegal DeMotta Christine Berry Gartner David V. Gartner William L. Groves Jr. Shirley F. Hunter W Brady A. Smith B Bonita Keller Snyder Contributors Craig C. Connelly B Daniel O. Donmoyer Carol L. Edris Michael A. Hartman Michael J. Kitchen Kristofer E. Kohler W B Jodi L. Price W Mark T. Schiefer


Vickroy Society Associate Stephanie K. Deppen W B Dana Centofanti Triantafillos B Quittapahilla Club Timothy A. Bean Anthony J. Geiss Jeffrey G. Koegel B Brad A. Krock W Daniel R. Neyer

Nancy Schilling Strohl W Timothy J. Terrell Tracey Light Werner Contributors Donna Centofanti Felty B Hal M. Fero Julia Foose Lauver Karen Klopp McConnell W Joan Ortiz Meisenhelter Robert G. Meisenhelter Kevin J. Poole Christopher M. Seiler Harold L. Spangler Jr. Daniel K. Tucci Jennifer Lightner Tucci Deborah Bullock Wescott


President’s Circle Bonnie Cunningham Tenney W Vickroy Society Associate Suzanne Enterline Agi W Michael B. Danko W Melissa Howard Jimeno W Pamela V. Lambert W B Rebecca Miller Mozi Stephen M. Mozi Michael A. Susi B Valley Club Melissa Reiss Boretti B Spencer J. Dech W Quittapahilla Club Jack C. Beidler B John D. Brewer B David C. French W B James R. McNeal B Charles W. Schatzman III W Contributors Jennifer Hotzman Bender B Matthew R. Bender B Elizabeth Clerico Eshbach Joan Brooks Hartman Sandy Bambrick Holt B Lori Sheetz Jones Daniel E. Lehman W Kelly Fisher McKinney Jeffrey L. Sanno Krista Weisser Showers Jennifer Yohn Tobin

june 16, 1994—The Zimmerman Recital Hall, housed in the Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery, is dedicated.

The hall is named in honor of Richard A. Zimmerman H’92, and his wife, Nancy C. Zimmerman ’53, who both served on the College’s Board of Trustees. Richard, who retired as president and CEO of Hershey Foods in 1993, died in 2014. The Hershey Company made a $250,000 memorial gift honoring Richard Zimmerman’s service and charitable works. On his passing and in consultation with his widow, Nancy, a portion of the gift was designated in support of the 2016 restoration of the Frederic K. Miller Chapel.


Trustee Associate Jayanth J. Franklin Vickroy Society Associate Jasmine Ammons Bucher W Jennifer Calabrese Danko W Michael T. Stamm W Charter Club Sarah E. Eckenrode Scott E. Henck W Cory J. Snook W B Quittapahilla Club Troy M. Elser B Brian C. Hughes Kerry Clelan Hurst Sharon Possessky Krock W Mary Bullock Neyer Karick E. Stober Contributors Karen Neal Arneson Robert A. Bednarczyk Victoria Webb Harsh W Wendy Westcott Huber W Jason B. Kopp B Jennifer Byers Kopp B Ann Weicksel Lehman W Robinn Hess Moyer Rachel Shaak Sebastan Natalie Baruka Smith B Thomas L. Trone Jr. B Nathan A. Wisniewski Staci Kowalczyk Wisniewski Dawn Redensky Zatorski Jill E. Zwiesdak W B


Trustee Associate Eric L. Himelright W President’s Circle Allison Henry Post Valley Club Todd M. Gamble W Nathan J. Greenawalt W B Charter Club Jeffrey M. Templeton B Ashley Wineske Uhler Michael G. Uhler Jeremy D. Wilson W B


Quittapahilla Club Julie Stenger Beidler B Keith K. Bender Stephen W. Dieringer W Jon R. Fetterman B Richard S. Hornberger W Beth Paul Saunier William M. Schwartz Carrie Stull Skovrinskie W Contributors Nicole Breczewski Castagna Kathryn E. Clark Rachael Rascoe Curry Elizabeth Borders Downey W Sue Benedict LeBaron-Tonini W Joyce Kauffman Martin Daniel P. Palopoli Erin Schmid Sanno Joshua M. Schucker Lisa Fleck Smarsh W Robert Summers W Richard D. Townsend Lisa Epting Underwood Paul A. Vollberg W Wendy Warner B Matthew D. Wary W Michael G. Weist II Gregory M. Wilson W Mark D. Wisler B Deborah J. Worley


President’s Circle Daniel P. Post Vickroy Society Associate Meghan Rouse Young W B Winfield R. Young W B Valley Club Alicia Fioravanti Arnold Charter Club John J. Jones W David W. Shapiro W Debbie M. Smith W Gregory A. Steckbeck B Rayna Schell Wilson W B Quittapahilla Club Michael L. Faux W Matthew J. Grzywacz Amie M. Jumper W

W Walter Society Member

Contributors Kevin M. Adler W Vicki Weierbach Cantrell John G. Funk W Wendy Talhelm Gentile Matthew T. Haag Susan Barry Hess Lynn R. Hibshman W Heather Draper Lesoine Amy Vituszynski McKelvey Mary McNitt Palopoli Christopher J. Pugh Megan Miller Pugh Erika Miller Rabuck B Sheri Strickler Richard Wendy D. Umbarger Craig A. Underwood

Selena Rodgers Mallios Thomas J. Mealy Jr. B Lisa Crnkovich Minney Keith A. Phoebus B Erin Paxson Vollberg W Marcia Reed Weist Beth Rineman Williams W Elspeth Shumway Williams W


Charter Club Tammy D. Askey Jessica L. Haloskie W Brian J. McLaughlin Jayanne Hogate Sevast W Lynne Tenley Shapiro W Claudia Vester-Hawthorne W

The 1866 Circle Gregory L. Kratzer B Vickroy Society Associate Gregory D. Kohler B Carrie Fetterman Kutchma B Jennifer Pellegrino Stamm W Valley Club Jessica Thrush Burchfield W Charter Club Amanda Ott Templeton B Quittapahilla Club Phyllis Miller Mariskovic W Leonard N. Oriel W Brian J. Patson W Michael A. Rose B John S. Ross Jr. Jason M. Vogtman B Jodie Krum Vogtman B Contributors Sarah M. Annibali Maureen Anderson Bentz W Brian J. Cerullo Elizabeth Geist Cerullo Laura A. DeGraff Jennifer Gottlieb Dixon Ronald A. Dowey B Amanda Snoke Dubbs Beth Brennan Fisher Erin D. Harding Nancy Kostuk Hutton Bernard T. Lynch

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor


The 1866 Circle Jennifer Wood Kanupka W B Vickroy Society Associate Beth Light Brennan W B John A. Brennan W B Lisa Godlewski Lancellotti Christopher M. Rankin W

Quittapahilla Club Stephanie M. Bender Jessen K. Bishard B Thomas J. Killian Jr. W B Michael C. Myers Donald L. Raiger Contributors Kristin L. DeFrehn B Matthew W. Edgcomb Derek J. Fisher Eric M. Gervase B Melissa Black Gervase B Timothy R. Rabuck B Matthew R. Ralph W Gerard M. Reilly Jr. W Kimberly Umbenhaur Umphrey Brandie May Warren Andrew S. Weicksel


The 1866 Circle Natalie Taylor Kratzer B Vickroy Society Associate Ryan S. Buzdygon W Gregory J. Kutchma B James B. Maurer W



nov. 4, 1994—The Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery is dedicated. Made possible, in part, by a gift from

Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger H’96, College benefactor and founding chair of the College Art Committee, the Gallery is housed in the retired St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on North White Oak Street, which the College had purchased in 1971. Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger would later donate $1 million to build the Heilman Center, current home to the College’s Athletic Training, Exercise Science, and Physical Therapy programs. She continues to be one of the Gallery’s most generous benefactors.

Valley Club Jason C. Gamble Nickole Smith Porter W B Charter Club Lindsey De Sio Snyder W B Quittapahilla Club Christine E. Bennethum W Daniel W. Fox Shaun C. McGinty Contributors Abigail Stoltzfus Acker B Nathan S. Acker B Elizabeth Bresch Blew Jennifer L. Davis Jenah Macdonald Edgcomb Jeffrey M. Intoccia B Khary A. Lane Stephanie M. Lezotte Abby Smith Mazzoni Jessica Bartholomew Mealy B Renee S. Nelson Sandra Schrawder W Jennifer Newcomer Stahlnecker Cheryl Beezup Tomlinson Beth Gross Widener B Douglas A. Widener B


Charter Club Jenna Micozzi Kline W B Quittapahilla Club Ryan J. Arnold W Jacklyn Ebert Kratz W Melissa Youse MacCormack Darren M. Pugh B Kristi Riley-Platt W B Victoria Kerwin Taylor W Holly L. Zimmerman W B Contributors Brent A. Hoffman W Laura E. Klabunde Jennifer Peirson Kuntz Mary Long Kenneth M. McFadden Liana Voinier McFadden Anne Small Parmer W Brenda McElwee Pulaski W Jennifer L. Reigle Jordan Sigler Stoner B


Grant C. Walter B Michael J. Williams Erin Hutley Yokum William R. Zeiders B


President’s Circle Dorothy J. Jennings-Williams W Charter Club Jeffrey S. Kline W B Matthew J. Urban Quittapahilla Club Jennifer L. Borgerding W Jason A. Clay B David B. Kline B Sarah O’Connell Kline B Eric R. Kratz W Mary Lalino W Douglas A. MacCormack Jeffrey P. Marsico Andrew J. Platt W B Cheryl A. Wyble W

Mitchell T. Waddell W Laura Erdman Wiland Charter Club Lynn Leidig Bentz Russell L. Bentz Roy J. Osborne W Quittapahilla Club Adam G. Frantz Megan Deveney Frantz Kate Ruhl Gerdes Adam M. Gingerich B Craig A. Layne W Sean R. Weir

Contributors Adam T. Bentz W Shawn A. Fies W Tara Seefeldt Gentile Judith Leidy Hudacs B Christina Marco-Fies W Lindsay Maus Psulkowski Jennifer L. Selin Angela McCracken Settle Stephanie Malay Spangler Abby Pfingstl Spessard Jason P. Spessard Dawn Snyder Templeton Annalouise Venturella W Kristen Stichler Weaber

Contributors Kristen Augustine Backenstoe W Nicholas P. Buckwalter Steven G. Buzinski B Samantha J. Cunningham Justin R. Engle Timothy E. Flynn B Daniel J. Gallagher Crystal L. Gibson Gina Mirenzi King James W. Klingler Kristin L. Mickel Amanda Bahn Myers B Wesley J. Neal Robert A. Nordall Jr. Jennifer Walter Richardson Carolina Russo-Holding Sara A. Smith Kimberly Citrone Wascavage Elisha D. Weaber Ronald B. Weaver II Alina Gottschalk Zilinskis Daniel R. Zilinskis



President’s Circle Justin L. Albert W Kevin M. Poole W Melissa Ulrich Poole W Vickroy Society Associate Andrew T. Moser W Valley Club Jon-David Byers B Derek R. Ulrich Shila Williams Ulrich


The 1866 Circle Todd C. Snovel W B Charter Club Steven M. Kratz Quittapahilla Club Todd D. Dietrich Aubrie L. Ensinger Brendon M. Herr Alexis L. Horstman W Christa Kolp-Mummau

Rayne Keeney Loder Christine L. Stachelczyk Matthew J. Willig Contributors Eric L. Dawson W Kristen M. Erway W Isaac S. Greene B Kelly Hilkert Greene B Steven M. Gyomber B Michael S. Holding James C. Holzman B Matthew P. Hooper Betsy Weik Jamison Steven E. Kaylor Christopher J. Metzger Heidi Ellsworth Metzger Karen Nee W Jason P. Porta W Michael J. Renoll Andrew D. Schlegel Phillip M. Serio Kevin P. Shiner W Lauren Strafford-Shiner W Jeremy A. Umbenhauer Jason W. Vannoy B Christy Davis Weaver Kimberly Weed B Melanie A. Weller W


Vickroy Society Associate Jamie Deck Cecil W Daniel J. Kelly B Jamie Kovacs Kelly B Shaylene R. Scheib W B Charter Club James A. Curran B Alexander R. Reber W David P. Zimmerman B Quittapahilla Club Donald D. Dangle Lindsey Engbert Killian B Katie Markey McLaughlin W James F. O’Brien W B Kelly Wenrich O’Brien W B Sheila R. Redcay Robert T. Schaeffer W Will D. Seibert W Joseph A. Tomtishen W B Kara Furman Willig W

1997—LVC launches the $50 million “Great Expectations” campaign, ultimately raising $55.5 million—“the largest

single fundraising effort in the College’s history.” The new Heilman Center, Louis A. Sorrentino Gymnasium, a revitalized Clyde A. Lynch ’18 Memorial Hall, and redesigned Neidig-Garber Science Center resulted from the campaign, which was inspired by a $5 million leadership gift from Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 and Edward H. Arnold H’87.

Contributors Allison A. Abayasekara W Kaitlyn Adams Blase William T. Bresch W Holly Lantz Buckwalter Ellen E. Burgess Ashley Visneski Candler Tyler A. Frantz W B Jessica Bagley Gazsi W Kristopher J. Gazsi W Kathleen Pawlewicz Haas B Jonathan D. Lintz W Michael D. Martin B Sarah Pizzuto Martin B Erin M. McManus Bettylou R. Mihal Nikki Wynn Nelson Robert J. Richardson Jr. Adam R. Schies B Tighe C. Sheldon Daniel J. Smith John A. Smith Andrea Blom Stengele Amy Gilkey Struzinski Matthew D. Struzinski Zachary T. Teisher W Lindsey Parent Walmer Matthew R. Wells Daniel G. Youngs


Vickroy Society Associate Rachel A. Moore W Charter Club Kristin Rendall Burton B Alisa Sterner Grove Megan Pierce Zimmerman B Quittapahilla Club Heidi L. Allison Jennifer L. Gallagher W Kyle R. Himmelreich W Molly J. Hoshour Elizabeth Potts Klucka Durrell K. Martin Alison M. Sands Jamie Bowman Yocum Contributors Sharon Hall Alexander Rodney J. Barnett Ryan M. Bartz Sarah Semmelman Bartz


Amy Dedrick Bealo A. Blaine Carfagno W Lauren Sanford Dewey B Darnell A. Epps Mallory E. Hane Janet Arey Hopta Dana R. Jackson Nicole Interdonato Kuhns B Kathryn Hewitt McDermott Kristin M. Nawoczenski Holly Frey Serio David J. Sodl Jr. W B Jennifer Wert Teisher W Christopher M. Walmer Lauren E. Woodring W


Vickroy Society Associate Karyn A. Camilo Lauren E. Horst B Charter Club Donald A. Burton B Timothy J. Mehl B Quittapahilla Club Thomas D. Busteed W Gregory A. Kauffman W Steven M. Kurtz Andrew J. Raudensky B Bradley C. Schott B Heather Aurand Zeigler B Jared S. Zeigler B Contributors Erin McGarvey Frantz W B Megan B. Haneman Emily E. Johns Dustin A. Kerns B Alicia Gurdus LaFrance W James P. Luchansky Jordan M. Lynch Todd A. Miller B Sara Wagner Rusniak B Matthew A. Schaeffer Kyle D. Sylvester Erin Staab Treese Jonathan R. Treese Shelly M. Burkholder Wessner W Breanne L. Zipko

W Walter Society Member



Vickroy Society Associate Matthew R. Becker B J. Matthew Cecil W Seth A. Mendelsohn W Eric D. Ruppert W

Charter Club Michelle Campbell Krall W James F. Kroll Lloyd W

Five Founders’ Circle Spiros P. Anastas B

Valley Club Andrew J. Brandt B Charter Club Daniel J. Dunkelberger W B Leah Worrell Mehl B Quittapahilla Club Eileen S. Beazley Lauren N. DuBois Tracey Fortugno Himmelreich David C. McLaughlin W Lisa M. Niethamer Lauren Train Orndorf Patrick J. Orndorf Colleen O’Neill Segall Contributors Julie E. Adams Mary Auker-Endres Alyse M. Canciello W B Melanie Tober Cichy Ryan C. Cichy Katelyn E. Davies Justin W. Hutchinson B Jaclyn M. Kain Laurel B. Klappholz B Joseph C. Kopchick B Leanne Mercadante Alan J. Myers Ann Pitt Pinca W Charles R. Schmidt W Justin M. Sitzai Courtney E. Slack W Yvonne Mohr Specht Travis L. Steedle B Marta K. Trainer Kristen E. Uhas Jennifer M. Wagner Emily K. Welsh W Kymberly Lebo Wentsler W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Vickroy Society Associate Michelle Little Ruppert W

Quittapahilla Club Charles F. McElwee III W Kaitlin M. Miller Donna E. Prokay Contributors John M. Auker-Endres Veronica J. Chehata W Emily Gertenbach W Andrea C. Hoover Kevin J. Pirring Jr. B Timothy T. Ridewood W B Shane R. Specht


Quittapahilla Club Christopher W. Hall W B Kathryn M. Lewis Megan E. MacDonald Brittni Garvin Nelson W Michael S. Nelson W Adam L. Wenger B Contributors Christopher J. Adams B Drue A. Bahajak Jordan M. Beaver B Antonio A. Coach W Katherine R. Costolnick Timothy D. Davis W Brianna K. Eroh B Joshua M. Fitterling Kristin Donohue Gallagher Brittney Knauss King Patrick S. Kingree Christa V. Levko W Andrea Kozlowski Lynch Emily Stine Maisto Gwendolyn A. Miller Timothy M. Picerno Laura J. Shifflett W Lisabeth Wieand Shoemaker B



2003—Lois Brong Miller ’61 establishes The

Oct. 9, 2004—The John Zola Memorial is dedicated in

to support LVC music education majors. In

in a game against Drexel University in 1961. The Zola Memorial and

2016, she made the lead gift that led to the

the Zola Memorial Award, presented annually to a student-athlete

revitalization of the Frederic K. Miller Chapel,

who displays courage, heart, and integrity on the football field, were

and the sanctuary is now named in her honor.

funded by Zola’s teammates and other caring LVC alumni.

Lois Brong Miller ’61 Music Education Scholarship


Quittapahilla Club Jamie Frye Makatche W John T. Makatche W Travis A. Miller W B Dylan D. Reed Stephen B. Simonian W B Andrew D. Suprock W B Kirsten Martzall Wenger B Contributors Mandi S. Albright Erica M. Ameigh B James P. Clements Jr. B Sarah E. Colton Madeline M. Cox W Talia Frantz Doud Lauren E. Fulmer B Rachel M. Heenan W Aubrey T. Heilman Nathan K. Hepler Darcie R. Jenkins W Natosha L. Kreamer W Joseph T. Krug B Maurissa A. Laudeman W Matthew T. Miller Anthony M. Sinico Thomas C. Stout III Caitlin E. Vasey Dwight E. Weaver Steven J. Wildberger B Fanny C. Wraback Brianna M. Yoder Lisa M. Young W


Vickroy GOLD Associate Joseph K. Kutch W Stephanie A. Monico W B Valley Club John M. McNulty W Quittapahilla Club Melanie B. Modrick W B Contributors Noelle D. Brossman B Rosemary L. Bucher W Corey R. Cinicola Bryan J. Cooney B Matthew E. Dwyer W B John E. Englebert W Brian F. Frasca W B Christie L. Graf B


honor of the sophomore football player who suffered a fatal injury

Kara A. Gunderman Haley M. Hercik W Melodie S. Hoff W Julia E. Hurley W Andrew M. Kruter B Kirstin M. Lutz W Katelyn R. Mackey W Alyssa A. Miller B Brittany Nice Pfautz Kelsey E. Robinson Betty A. Ross Alex J. Sliazis W Zachary A. Snavely W B Garth F. Stefan W B Rebecca K. Sykes Kyle S. Wagner Logan E. Walters Lauren E. Ward Nathaniel A. Wilson

Jesse R. Shetrom W Jordyn N. Shields W Michael Sis W Douglas J. Stansley W Amanda J. Strohl W Katie B. Ulrich W Patrick S. Vares W Rachel E. Yeater W


Contributors Amanda N. Albright Mary M. Baldassarre Emily B. Banks Leeca N. Baran Jeffrey A. Bates Morgan M. Bates Jeremy S. Beaver Sara L. Behm Megan L. Berner Eric B. Bieber Alyse K. Bingham B Megan E. Blauch Brittany L. Brubaker Luke W. Bunting Stephen J. Chappell Madeline M. Chronister Robert M. Conlon B David P. Corvino Stephanie J. Cosgrove Caitlin C. Courogen Desmond P. Daly III Austin M. De La Ronde Colin T. Decker Aubrey E. Dietrich Paige S. Diller Kevin L. Doty Larissa A. Eriksen Ariana S. Freeman B Aaron C. Gambini Julian A. Gerace John P. Gething Lucas G. Gienow

Vickroy GOLD Associate Jocelyn M. Davis W Andrew J. Livingston W B Jeraldine S. Stoltzfus W Clayton E. Williard W B Contributors Joseph A. Bennett W Sarah Kerstetter Bryan W Kiely L. Chaklos W B Samantha C. Devine W Charles Dorrough W Felicia D. Dragon W Jonathan M. Fogleman W Kyle W. Fronk W B Kim D. Gailey W Emily B. Johansen W Kathleen E. King W Stephanie J. Kish W Heather L. LaSalle W Robin M. Lilly-Foreman W Trent M. Mars W B Alyssa N. Murphy W Brian P. Murphy W Blace J. Newkirk W Kevin J. O’Connell W Zachary E. Pardo W Stephanie A. Price W Octavio Romero W B Michell Santa W Nicholas J. Seaton W Taylor E. Seiber W



Charter Club Rachel J. Cummings B Jeremy M. Franck B Joseph D. Gallagher B Ryan L. Vaughn B Quittapahilla Club Shelby L. Morris B John Pellow Sara J. Shissler B

Victoria A. Gluszko Tyler A. Good Collin D. Greer Krysten L. Guilfoyle Clayton M. Heebner Emily K. Hockley Dean R. Howey Megan M. Hummel Ian P. Jackson Alayna M. Kalinay B Julie M. Kehs Cody P. Kelly Kristina M. Kelly Sarah J. Kensinger Aileen N. Koch Morgan A. Kratz Ashley E. Kutz Allison M. Laufert Brigham E. Lewis Rebecca L. Light B Kiera R. Long Timothy W. Lupia Cody D. Manmiller Shannon E. McCarthy William C. McGowan Meaghan I. McLuckie Kendall A. Mehaffey Emily L. Moatz Kayla E. Muff Haley S. Neff B Cory J. Paternoster Haley N. Patrick Christopher M. Pellow Jeffrey M. Pellow Theresa Peters Carrie O. Pfleiger Connor S. Pierce Gabrielle S. Pretot B Lindsey R. Pukas Amanda K. Quinn Alli E. Quirk Kaitlyn N. Rappoldt Scott K. Reagan Derrick C. Reed B Hannah E. Reedy Ashley N. Reeling Amanda M. Ringenbach Jackson P. Roberts Rebecca G. Sausser William R. Sausser Victoria H. Seader Maggi L. Secrest Eric A. Sharp

2011—The Edward H. Arnold and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold Experiential Education (Arnold Grant) Program

is established by Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 and Edward H. Arnold H’87. The program provides $50,000 per year to support student-faculty research, independent student summer research, and independent student internships. Since its inception, students have used Arnold Grants to conduct research around the world, and experience internships at distinguished places such as the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the Center for European Studies in the Netherlands.

Juliana R. Shuty B Andrew J. Siscaretti Zach M. Smith B Matthew G. Snader Laura M. Snyder Taylor N. Steinsnyder Hannah E. Stone Lucy A. Thompson Dylan D. Tobias Morgan T. Townsend Vincent J. Tranchitella David W. Tull Taylor M. Umbrell Blade A. Umstead Amy E. Wagner Curtis J. Washburn Erin E. Wetzel Alyssa K. Wiekrykas

PARENTS Trustee Associate Elizabeth Robinson Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 W and Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 W Five Founders’ Circle Kevin P. Black P’11, P’12, P’14 B John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 W and Deborah R. Jurasits P’03 W Carl E. Miller ’65, P’89 W and Bonita G. Miller P’89 W Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 W B and Randall J. Morgan W B Helen T. Neidig P’73 W Jacob L. Rhodes ’43, P’87 W Elizabeth Brumbaugh Smith ’76, P’03 W B President’s Circle John J. Banks P’16 B Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 W B and Amy Hoopes Dellinger ’78, P’05 W B Michael G. Dryden ’90, P’18 B and Maria Elena Falato Dryden ’90, P’18 B David I. Lasky P’86 W and Ann M. Lasky P’86 W Roy D. Meyer and Gloria D. Meyer


Stephen M. Nelson ’84, P’12 W and Deborah Detwiler Nelson ’84, P’12 W Morton Spector H’02, P’79 W and Alyce Grunberg Spector P’79 W James K. Thomas Jr. ’68, P’99 W and Mary D’Anna Thomas ’68, P’99 W The 1866 Circle Kenneth S. Berry ’67, P’94 W Joseph P. Brewer P’18 W Gregory H. Krikorian P’16 W B and Mary Krikorian P’16 W B Michael S. Long P’04 W and Amy R. Long P’04 W Louise Beistline Metka P’84 W Brian Partington P’17 B and Alexandra Berrie Partington P’17 B James W. Scott P’97 W and Carolyn B. Scott P’97 W Vickroy Society Associate Stephen M. Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 and Lois Moore Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14 W and Mark Bucher P’14 W Patricia Davis Bullock ’62, P’95, P’97 W Brian L. Cain ’84, P’09 W and Theresa Cain P’09 W Thomas M. Garman P’17 and Doreen K. Garman P’17 Eugene R. Geesey ’56, P’76 and Barbara H. Geesey P’76 W B Jacob George P’19 and Sherly George P’19 Charles Jones II P’17 B and Amy Boswell Jones P’17 B Lawrence E. Jones Sr. ’56, P’85, P’88 and Georgianne Funk Jones ’57, P’85, P’88 R. Lynne Kapp Kiick P’97 W John Kingham P’17 B and Kathleen Callan Kingham P’17 B Jon R. Kuntz P’16 W B and Mary J. Kuntz P’16 W B

W Walter Society Member

Pamela V. Lambert ’96, P’96 W B and Steven L. Lambert P’96 W B Robert E. Lemke ’83, P’17 W B and Carol Cammarata Lemke P’17 W B Nancy McKay-Rosa P’19 and Jeff Rosa P’19 Janet Faus Neiswender P’79, P’82 W James R. Newcomer ’68, P’94 W and Janice E. Newcomer P’94 W Kenneth Rabedeau P’16, P’17, P’17 B and Judy Snyder Rabedeau P’16, P’17, P’17 B Frank S. Rhodes ’83, P’08 W and Kay Koser Rhodes ’83, P’08 W Beatrice L. Roth P’77 W Craig J. Sansonetti P’06 W and Jean E. Sansonetti P’06 W Thomas I. Siegel ’76, P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 and Linda R. Siegel P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 Judith Heyser Taylor ’75, M’00, P’02 W B and Attalee S. Taylor P’02 W B Merrill C. Thrush P’00, P’03 W and Barbara A. Thrush P’00, P’03 W Perry J. Troutman P’88 Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 W B Albertine P. Washington H’91, P’86 W and Leonard Washington Jr. P’86 W John Wilson P’18 B and Vicki Wilson P’18 B Paul L. Wolf P’90 W and Martha R. Wolf P’90 W Valley Club Bruce W. Berguson P’15 W B Gregory A. Bishop P’17 and Debra Houser Bishop P’17 Rene Boltz P’92 W James A. Burkhart P’16 B Victoria Sandoe Burkhart P’16 B Gloria Fitzkee Carter ’62, P’85, P’89, P’93 and C. Neal Carter P’85, P’89, P’93 Joseph Clarke P’18

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Karen Demangone P’18 and Michael Demangone P’18 Carol Dillman Dewald ’87, P’04 W and Timothy M. Dewald P’04 W Richard G. Felty ’63, P’99 W and Joy Klingler Felty ’65, P’99 W Thomas Frederick P’12 B and Ginny L. Frederick P’12 B Theodore W. Kozlowski P’12, P’14 W and Maryann G. Kozlowski P’12, P’14 W Thomas M. Lantz ’83, P’15 W and Jennifer M. Lantz P’15 W Craig A. Linn and Tracy L. Linn John Mars P’15, P’19 W B and Kris Renninger Mars P’15, P’19 W B Lawrence H. Potts ’82, P’08 and Carol Nixon Potts ’82, P’08 Bruce Puglisi P’17 B and Roseann Mango P’17 B Robert J. Salerno P’19 B and Francine G. Salerno P’19 B Douglas R. Schmidt P’17 B and Marguerite M. Schmidt P’17 B Susan Y. Swavely P’91 W Charter Club Margaret Acker P’19 B Michael E. Adams P’19 B and Karen L. Adams P’19 B Robert Agosti P’18 B and Linda Agosti P’18 B Timothy C. Alexander P’16 W B and Polly R. Alexander P’16 W B Brian S. Allebach ’78, P’17 and Jennifer Henne Allebach P’17 Edward Amarose P’19 B and Lisa Amarose P’19 B Grace M. Andrews P’71 W Richard Angelini P’17 B and Jeanne Angelini P’17 B Kevin Antol P’15 B and Debra Antol P’15 B Kenneth Arner P’19 B and Anne M. Arner P’19 B



aug. 22, 2013—The College received a nearly $5 million gift from the estate of 20-year U.S. Army veteran

and renowned oral surgeon Dr. John “Jack” Bowman Allwein ’56—the largest ever estate gift to the College. The gift established the John Bowman Allwein Scholarship, the most prestigious scholarship offered by the College. Allwein Scholars receive a full-tuition scholarship; an annual stipend of $2,500 for research, travel, or study expenses; and an assigned faculty mentor who serves as their primary faculty advisor.

Michael Barron P’18 B and Jacqueline Kiss Barron P’18 B Donald S. Beaver P’16, P’19 B and Kris E. Beaver P’16, P’19 B Mario Bergeron P’16 B and Christine Bureau P’16 B Thomas Bialas P’19 B and Audrey Bialas P’19 B William H. Blanke P’16 B and Mary Ann Blanke P’16 B John D. Boag ’51, P’76, P’80 W Margaret Bower Boag ’51, P’76, P’80 W Jerome Bost P’17 B and Sandra Bost P’17 B Thomas A. Bowman Sr. P’88, P’96 W and Donna L. Bowman P’88, P’96 W Michael E. Brown ’76, P’03 W and Sherry Etter Brown ’77, P’03 W Bruce Bruso P’18 B and Amy Bruso P’18 B Craig Campbell Jr. P’19 B and Danica Campbell P’19 B Mark L. Christ P’15 W and Audrey Christ P’15 W Michael J. Conlon P’16 B and Therese M. Conlon P’16 B Robert Cummins P’19 B and Kathy Cummins P’19 B Jennifer Seeds Davis P’17 B Thomas P. Deardorff P’14, P’15, P’18 W B and Robin M. Deardorff P’14, P’15, P’18 W B Andrew Domovich P’19 and Linda Domovich P’19 Robert S. Dungan P’19 B and Diane Dungan P’19 B John E. Eckerd Jr. P’15 and Cynthia L. Eckerd P’15 George F. Everingham P’03 W and Ann E. Everingham P’03 W Andrew J. Feick P’16 B and Lilibeth O. Feick P’16 B Nicholas Fiadino P’19 B and Donna Fiadino P’19 B Angela Fisher P’15 B Joseph K. Fitzpatrick P’18 B and Kimberly S. Harris P’18 B


David H. Fortna ’62, P’91 W Michael Franck P’16 B and Tammy Adair Franck P’16 B Stephen L. Frantz P’07, P’13 and Doris M. Frantz P’07, P’13 Douglas Freeman P’18 B and Julie Freeman P’18 B Daniel J. Gallagher P’16 B and Mary E. Gallagher P’16 B William Garbrick P’17 B and Tina Garbrick P’17 B Mary Meyer Gardner P’09, P’13 W and James B. Gardner P’09, P’13 W Frederick E. Garman P’17 B and Lori A. Garman P’17 B Randall Garner P’18 B Michael M. Gaval P’17 B and Cynthia A. Gaval P’17 B Mark Gilger P’18 B and Paula Polifka Gilger P’18 B Scott B. Goldsmith P’19 B and Kim M. Goldsmith P’19 B Timothy A. Good P’16, P’19 W B and Lori J. Good P’16, P’19 W B Steven A. Gooley P’18 B and Kathleen E. Gooley P’18 B Ben J. Gorton P’19 B and Claire M. Gorton P’19 B Anthony R. Greggo Sr. P’19 B and Stacy M. Greggo P’19 B Robert H. Guissanie Jr. P’19 B and Karen B. Guissanie P’19 B Robert D. Hartnett ’61, P’81 W and Patricia E. Hartnett P’81 W W. Roger Hayes ’91, M’10, P’16, P’18 B and Ann C. Hayes P’16, P’18 B Michael O. Herron P’16 B and Wanda Herron P’16 B Rory C. Hertzog ’90 W B and Diane Capece Hertzog ’90 W B Herbert L. Hoover P’80 W Nancy Myers Inners ’52, P’83 W Bernard Kaminsky P’19 B and Nancy Kaminsky P’19 B Jerrold L. Keefer P’18 B and Kimberly S. Keefer P’18 B Daren Keen P’17 B and Karen Keen P’17 B


Dennis R. Keller ’79, P’04 W and Elizabeth Miller Keller ’79, P’04 W Peter D. Kingshill P’17 B and Barbara Czajkowski Kingshill P’17 B David Kleeschulte P’14, P’18 B and Darlene Kleeschulte P’14, P’18 B Kenneth J. Klein P’09 W B and Susan J. DeFord P’09 W B Michael Kochanek P’18 and Kathy Groller Kochanek P’18 Steve Kok P’17 B and Lesley Kok P’17 B Stephen Koshinski P’15 B and Dawn Davidson Koshinski P’15 B Brian Kramp P’19 B and Lisa D. Kramp P’19 B Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 and Linda Leedy P’92 Joseph Longenecker P’19 B and Daena Longenecker P’19 B Thomas J. Lupia P’16 and Diane Whiton Lupia ’77, P’16 Christopher Lysczek P’18 B and Lori Zweizig Lysczek P’18 B Jill R. Maguire P’19 B Daniel R. Maleski P’18 B and Catherine A. Maleski P’18 B Douglas Manmiller P’16 B and Colleen Manmiller P’16 B Robert S. Martin ’59, P’87 W and Patricia S. Martin P’87 W Brad F. McAlester P’15 W B and Anne Marie McAlester P’15 W B Terence P. McAuliffe P’12 B and Rebecca A. McAuliffe P’12 B John W. McMinn P’18 B and Susan M. McMinn P’18 B Robert K. Meier P’08 W and Kathleen J. Meier P’08 W Mark E. Mellendick P’19 B and Lani M. Mellendick P’19 B Roger M. Moll P’14 B and Maria E. Moll P’14 B Anthony J. Monico P’14 W B and Joyce L. Monico P’14 W B

Philip G. Morgan P’95 W B and Susan Morgan P’95 W B Kenneth P. Murray P’17 B and Darlene Hewson Murray P’17 B Thomas D. Newton P’18 B and Tracy A. Newton P’18 B Brent A. Oberholtzer W Craig C. Olinger ’81, P’14 W and Christine Lowther Olinger ’81, P’14 W Thomas P. Orndorf ’81, P’07, P’10, P’20 W and Carol McCleary Orndorf ’81, P’07, P’10 W Joseph M. Panko P’19 B and Toni Panko P’19 B Christophe J. Paton P’15 W B and Shauna A. Paton P’15 W B Christopher S. Petrie P’17 B and Sharon K. Petrie P’17 B Michael Peugh P’17 B and Dawn DiFrancesco Peugh P’17 B Robert S. Pierce P’16 B and Tammy L. Pierce P’16 B James Pretot P’16 B and Patricia Pretot P’16 B Steven Quirk P’19 B and Rebeca H. Quirk P’19 B Gavin P. Reed P’17 B Dale L. Reichert P’14 W and Katherine L. Bittner P’14 W Diane Snavely Reinhold P’17 B Patrick S. Riley P’19 B and Melissa R. Riley P’19 B Dennis J. Ritter P’02 W and Alexandra O. Ritter P’02 W Jose Roca P’18 B and Debra Roca P’18 B Maureen Ross P’18 B Attilio Santoleri P’18 B and Kendra Ginter Santoleri P’18 B Anthony D. Savelli P’19 B and Deborah A. Savelli P’19 B Judy R. Saylor P’17 B Rodney Secrest P’16 and Candace Secrest P’16 Eugene K. Shaffer ’70, P’92, P’95 W B and Shirley Deaven Shaffer ’69, P’92, P’95 W B Carolann Shiley P’19 B

jan. 24, 2014—The College received a gift in excess of $1.384 million from the estate of Howard F. Lebegern ’49 and Margaret Neal Lebegern. The Lebegerns had been members of The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society since 2000 and

had provided financial support to LVC throughout their lives. Proceeds from the Lebegerns’ gift helped underwrite the renovation of the Allan W. Mund College Center’s lower level, creating the Lebegern Learning Commons, a communal space encouraging active, engaged learning for all LVC students.

Scott Sides P’16 B and Christine Sides P’16 B Donald L. Smith Jr. P’16 B and Sherri L. Smith P’16 B Michael Smoluk P’15 B and Deborah B. Smoluk P’15 B Susan M. Snyder P’09, P’11 W and Michael Snyder Sr. P’09, P’11 W Stephen R. Soltys P’15, P’19 W B and Delma J. Soltys P’15, P’19 W B Robert Sorbin P’17 B and Elizabeth McCauley Sorbin P’17 B Curtis R. Sorensen P’16 and Ann Sorensen P’16 Carl M. Stasyszyn P’17 B and Theresa Zizzi P’17 B Glenn R. Stech ’65, P’06 W B and Carol Moyer Stech P’06 W B Elizabeth Reber Steinbach ’74, P’02 W and Glen L. Steinbach P’02 W Randy P. Stevens P’17 B and Cheryl D. Stevens P’17 B Lorie E. Stover P’19 B and Daniel M. Stover P’19 B Alan S. Tanz P’17 B and Gina Riggi Tanz P’17 B David L. Tobias Jr. P’16 and Patrice A. Hendrickson P’16 Bruce Toppin P’15 B and Mary Ann Plasencia P’15 B Dennis G. Tucker P’19 B and Bernardine A. Tucker P’19 B Charles R. Vaughn P’16 B and Tammy R. Vaughn P’16 B Craig C. Wagaman P’19 B and LeeAnne Wagaman P’19 B Matthew Walker P’19 B and Renee Walker P’19 B Richard C. Weller P’17 B and Elaine Weller P’17 B John M. Wentworth P’18 B and Nancy Krantz Wentworth P’18 B Richard Werner P’19 B and Beth A. Werner P’19 B Sharon Boeshore Wilson ’90, P’19 B and David H. Wilson B


Jeffery C. Winemiller P’19 and Janet L. Winemiller P’19 Maria T. Witmer P’19 B Robert S. Wood P’17 B and Cheryl Wood P’17 B E. Gerald Woodward P’00 W and J. Kim Woodward P’00 W Jeffrey Wright P’17 B and Linda Wright P’17 B A. Barry Yocom ’65, P’98 W and Carol Clay Yocom ’67, P’98 W Barbara Yodice-Pavlak P’16 B Peter Zimmermann P’17 B and Lisa A. Zimmermann P’17 B Charles E. Zimnik P’17 B Quittapahilla Club Michael G. Abdalla P’18 B and Patricia M. Abdalla P’18 B Tad C. Andrews P’06, P’08 W and Janet E. Andrews P’06, P’08 W John Aponick P’98 W and Linda Aponick P’98 W Timothy F. Arnst P’17 B and Dawn M. Arnst P’17 B David Avery P’18 B and Julie Avery P’18 B Edward Bannan P’18 B and Elizabeth Bannan P’18 B Joseph Bartoszek P’09 W and Cheryl Bartoszek P’09 W Thomas C. Bauer P’09 W B and Jenifer CourtneyBauer P’09 W B Bradley S. Baxter P’18 B and Angela M. Baxter P’18 B Mary Fuller Beazley ’77, P’10, P’12 W and Thomas R. Beazley P’10, P’12 W Glenn G. Beidler Jr. P’18 B and Lynnette M. Beidler P’18 B D. Michael Bennethum ’75, P’02, P’05 and Diane Schaefer Bennethum ’76, P’02, P’05 Mark Berner P’16 and Robyn Berner P’16 Brad A. Bingham P’16 B and Joni A. Bingham P’16 B Richard A. Blauch Jr. P’16 and Carolyn C. Blauch P’16

W Walter Society Member

Marilyn E. Boeshore P’90, P’92 B and Donald L. Boeshore P’90, P’92 B Richard T. Bowers P’16 Allen C. Boyer ’53, P’82 and Joan B. Boyer P’82 Phyllis Snyder Boyer ’46, P’75 W James F. Brennan Jr. P’19 B and Colleen B. Brennan P’19 B James M. Brown P’16 B and Karen J. Lee P’16 B Thomas L. Browning P’18 B and Mary J. Browning P’18 B Dennis Buckley P’04 W and Kathy Buckley P’04 W Lorraine B. Buglione P’17 B Michael A. Bushner P’09 W and Deanna G. Bushner P’09 W Steven K. Bushong P’18 B and Julie C. Bushong P’18 B David J. Butcher P’18 B and Gael S. Butcher P’18 B David E. Byers III P’05 W B and Tinia M. Byers P’05 W B John W. Byers P’97 Douglas A. Cable P’17 B and Melanie M. Cable P’17 B Scott Caka P’19 B and Rose Caka P’19 B Eric D. Chamberlin ’82, P’15 B and Sharon Chamberlin P’15 B Julio C. Colon Jr. P’18 W B and Evelyn C. Colon P’18 W B Terry A. Conrad P’17 B and Kari Conrad P’17 B James D. Corbett ’63, P’86 W and Shirley D. Corbett P’86 W Michael W. Cottle P’18 B and Mireille Morgan Cottle P’18 B James Coughlin P’17 and Elizabeth Coughlin P’17 Gary A. Crissman P’94 W B and Helen Crissman P’94 W B Ruth Sheaffer Daugherty ’52, P’76 W Rex L. Davis P’19 B Michael Decembrino P’15 and Mary Decembrino P’15 Lee F. Derby P’17 B and Shelley Graham Derby P’17 B

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Stephen W. Dieringer P’17 W and Rita Dieringer P’17 W Michael DiMaggio P’17 and Susan C. DiMaggio P’17 Brian G. DiPaula P’19 and Krista M. DiPaula P’19 Peter A. Donia P’13 B and Valerie G. Donia P’13 B Gerald Doughty P’16, P’17 B and Joan Clement Doughty P’16, P’17 B Phylis C. Dryden P’91, P’95 W and Michael M. Dryden P’91, P’95 W Brian E. Dunlap and Christina M. Dunlap Kevin W. Dunn P’18 B Allan Dziczek P’19 B D. Scott Eaby P’05 and Janice S. Eaby P’05 Phillip W. Eberhart P’19 B and Dena L. Eberhart P’19 B Darren Eckman P’16 and Rebecca Eckman P’16 Earl V. Edris ’58, P’75 W and Patricia Wood Edris ’53, P’75 W Eric B. Ek P’15 W B and Lee A. Ek P’15 W B Terrilyn M. Ely P’09 Noldeke R. Emaman P’19 B and Lynn R. Emaman P’19 B Jill S. Epple P’19 B Dana S. Felty ’80, P’14, P’16, P’18 and Joyce Heeter Felty P’14, P’16, P’18 Augustus M. Filbert P’87 W and Joy O. Filbert P’87 W Sara Schott Fisher ’47, P’71 W Dominic M. Fittizzi Jr. P’19 and Cheryl A. Fittizzi P’19 William F. Flamisch P’95, P’98 W and Linda M. Flamisch P’95, P’98 W Kent V. Flinchbaugh ’77, P’16 and Margaret Ringer Flinchbaugh P’16 Michael Frace P’17 B and Kristine Kopko Frace P’17 B John D. French P’96 W and Judith A. French P’96 W George Fundell P’16 and Dawn Fundell P’16



july 20, 2014—Alice Brumbaugh, LVC assistant professor of sociology from 1952–1965, made the first of

two donations of a number of works to the Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery in memory of her brother, art historian

Thomas Brendle Brumbaugh, Ph.D. Brumbaugh’s donation includes 10 works by the renowned American ceramic artist Toshiko Takaezu (1922–2011). These works will be included in the exhibition, “Painting on Clay: Toshiko Takaezu and the Abstract Expressionist Movement,” on view in the Gallery from Sept. 1 through Oct. 15, 2017.

Barbara J. Furst P’14 W and David I. Furst P’14 W V. Carl Gacono P’76, P’85 W and Mary Jane Gacono P’76, P’85 W Fred M. Gaguski Jr. P’03 W and Rose M. Gaguski P’03 W Kent D. Garman P’16 and Kelly D. Garman P’16 Rebecca Geiser P’19 B and Philip K. Geiser P’19 B Alexander P. Gerus Jr. P’17 B and Lori L. Gerus P’17 B Philip Gilbert P’18 B and Lori Gilbert P’18 B Marie Gilroy P’19 Robert Goelz P’15 B and Mary Ann Goelz P’15 B Jeffrey L. Goodyear P’10 W and Sandra L. Goodyear P’10 W Glenn A. Gorniak P’03 W David A. Greer P’16 and Laurie L. Greer P’16 Henry W. Hall P’12 B and Nancy J. Hall P’12 B Robert E. Hamilton P’92 W and Judith C. Hamilton P’92 W William L. Hand Jr. P’15 W and Elizabeth Hayes Hand P’15 W Karen Helsel P’05 and Robert E. Helsel Parker V. Hennion P’02 W and M. Joan Hennion P’02 W Andrew C. Hildebrand ’91 and Jennifer Snow Hildebrand P’19 Pamela S. Hillegas P’97 W and Robert M. Hillegas P’97 W Karen Bitzer Hoff P’18 B Gary M. Hogan P’17 and Susan Stockstill Hogan P’17 George J. Hollich Jr. ’65, P’95, P’98 W and Carol Frey Hollich ’66, P’95, P’98 W Howard J. Horstman P’06 W B and Nancy R. Horstman P’06 W B Jeff T. Hovanec P’19 B and Janine S. Hovanec P’19 B Richard Howey P’16 Jeffrey K. Immel P’17 and Laura Grove Immel P’17


Lewis Irving P’17 B Gerry C. Jepson P’19 B and Dawn Jepson P’19 B Peggy Olver Johnson ’75, P’05 and Michael C. Johnson P’05 Thomas Kachel P’16 and Cynthia Kachel P’16 Paula S. Kahl P’18 Steven R. Kahl P’12 B and Audrey D. Kahl P’12 B R. Martin Kain P’10 W and Gail L. Kain P’10 W John M. Kalinay P’16, P’17 B and Teresa A. Kalinay P’16, P’17 B Mary Didden Kartzman ’74, P’01 W and David G. Kartzman P’01 W Kenneth L. Kauffman P’16 and Sandra Kauffman P’16 Shawn P. Kelly P’16 and Kelly Kocher Kelly P’16 Patrick J. Kerwin P’03 and Pamela A. Kerwin P’03 Timothy Kilonsky P’18 B and Carolyn Corea Kilonsky P’18 B LaRue K. Kohlhaas P’94 W B Stephen M. Kollinok ’79, P’16 W and Marissa Kollinok P’16 W Vincent E. Krovic P’04 W and Judith M. Krovic P’04 W Robert D. Kudlak P’17 B and Daneen M. Kudlak P’17 B Dennis J. LaBonte II P’17 and Laurel L. LaBonte P’17 Daniel M. Landis P’16 and Beth A. Landis P’16 Jeff Landis P’16 and Debra Landis P’16 Priscilla Lamparter Landis ’76, P’05 W and Ray A. Landis P’05 W Walter F. Landon P’17 B and Tracye S. Landon P’17 B Rand O. Lapp P’00, P’07 W Patricia Shearer Larthey ’72, P’00, P’04 W Todd M. Latshaw P’19 W B and Melisa Latshaw P’19 W B Darrell A. Laudeman P’15 W and Kelly L. Laudeman P’15 W


Jean B. Layne P’05 W and John B. Layne P’05 W Keith A. Leamer P’18 B and Cindy Leamer P’18 B Debra A. Leeper P’04 and William S. Leeper Ronald L. Lehman P’07 W and Bonnie S. Lehman P’07 W Ronald T. Leidigh Jr. P’17 and Mary Ann Gavazzi Leidigh P’17 Marie E. Lesher P’87 W Edward R. Lloyd Jr. P’18 B and Tina Carns Lloyd P’18 B Joseph E. Lloyd P’16, P’18 B and Patricia Bombach Lloyd P’16, P’18 B Brian P. Luckenbill ’88, P’16 W and Nancy Good Luckenbill P’16 W David W. Lyons P’07 W and Donna L. Lyons P’07 W Michael P. Maguire P’19 B Paul Mattaini P’17 B and Pamela Mattaini P’17 B Joseph O. McCarthy P’17 and Suzanne Passamenti McCarthy P’17 Judith A. McClain P’92 W B Stephen O. McKeown P’02 W and Isabelle F. McKeown P’02 W James R. McNeal ’96, P’19 B and Robin V. McNeal P’19 B Jonathan Meyer P’17 B and Kathleen O’Brien Meyer P’17 B Jeffrey A. Michaels P’19 B and Catherine M. Michaels P’19 B Tammy Ambrose Miller P’18, P’19 W and Scott A. Miller P’18 W Gary R. Minnich P’17 B and Melanie Reiner Minnich P’17 B Brian Moatz P’16 B and Roslyn Moatz P’16 B Lawrence H. Morgan P’80, P’82 Glenn A. Moser P’01 and Brenda L. Moser P’01 Robert Mowry P’19 B and Amy Mowry P’19 B Todd W. Mrozek P’17 B and Tammy L. Mrozek P’17 B

Ronald C. Muldoon P’16 and Sally A. Muldoon P’16 Steve Musselman P’15 B and Sandra Musselman P’15 B Patrick J. Naimoli P’10 and Kathleen A. Kreider P’10 Erik Nolte P’17 B and Cori Kurtz Nolte P’17 B Joni L. Oates P’13 Kevin O’Brien P’07 W B and Kathryn O’Brien P’07 W B Michael S. Olives P’19 B and Kelly Olives P’19 B Sean E. Oneill P’18 B and Bridget Oneill P’18 B Kenneth A. Orr P’18 B Gina Overpeck-Kittek P’17 Thomas E. Owsinski ’86, P’19 B and Jacqueline Newcomer Owsinski ’86, P’19 B Vincent E. Pantalone P’11 W B and Carla Pantalone P’11 W B Yvonne Y. Payton P’17 John Pellow ’16, P’16, P’16 and Carol Pellow P’16, P’16 Donald G. Peters P’92 W and Jerilyn A. Peters P’92 W Gerald Phifer Jr. P’19 and Jennifer Phifer P’19 Francis L. Pitonyak P’05, P’08 B and Anita M. Pitonyak P’05, P’08 B Rick L. Posey P’16 and Tina M. Posey P’16 Todd Pyle P’17 and Kathryn Pyle P’17 Barney T. Raffield III P’99 W and Sharon H. Raffield P’99 W Christopher W. Reed P’16 and Peggy L. Reed P’16 Ralph Reichert P’16 and Kim Reichert P’16 Jay R. Richmond ’92 B and Anne Marie Richmond P’19 B Charles F. Ridewood III P’11 W B and Linda J. Ridewood P’11 W B Joel S. Riedel ’70, P’17 W and Terri M. Riedel P’17 W Douglas M. Roach P’85 and Joan G. Roach P’85

summer 2014—The College launched the Blue

april 30, 2015—A generous gift from Benjamin

& White Club to provide annual support for Dutchmen

and Suzanne Shankroff transforms the College’s tennis

Athletics. In its first two years, the Blue & White Club raised

center into the Middle Atlantic Conference’s premier

more than a quarter-million dollars from alumni, parents,

tennis complex. It is named the Shankroff Tennis Center in

and friends to support and enhance the student-athlete

their honor. The Shankroffs are grandparents of two LVC


graduates, cousins Kelsey ’13 and Jordan ’15.

Jeff J. Robins P’16 B and Susan L. Robins P’16 B James T. Rosenberger P’13 and Christine L. Rosenberger P’13 Nicholas M. Sacco P’86 W and Theresa C. Sacco P’86 W Thomas M. Sarisky P’92 W and Mathilda A. Sarisky P’92 W Richard A. Schappell P’95 and Sarah Schappell P’95 Cynthia Scharr ’76, P’04 W and Joseph Cliffe W Linda Schendel P’17 B Lydia Kauffman Schnetzka ’72, P’03 W and David M. Schnetzka P’03 W Wayne C. Schrack Jr. P’90 W David Shaffer P’18 B and Cynthia Lewis Shaffer P’18 B Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, P’62, P’68, P’72 W Joseph J. Shemeta ’52, P’76 W B and Anne Shroyer Shemeta ’51, P’76 W B Richard D. Shetrom P’15 and Amy Shetrom P’15 John Shissler P’16 B and Jane Shissler P’16 B Robert L. Showalter ’79, P’05 W and Susan E. Showalter P’05 W Rahul R. Shukla P’11 W and Stuti R. Shukla P’11 W Peter Slomski P’06 and Doreen D. Slomski P’06 Bonita Keller Snyder ’94, P’92 and Charles Snyder David J. Sodl Sr. P’08 and Mary Louise Sodl P’08 Christopher Spahr P’18 B and Shannon Spahr P’18 B William A. Spancake ’86, P’98 and Suann L. Spancake P’98 Brian Sproul P’17 and Michelle Fogle Sproul P’17 Susan Shemeta Stachelczyk ’76, P’06 W and Gregory J. Stachelczyk P’06 W Randy K. Stahlman P’16 and Shelly K. MoormanStahlman P’16 Hannelore Wanner Starsinic ’57, P’92 W


Jud F. Stauffer ’82, P’14 W B and Kelly S. Stauffer P’14 W B John J. Stone P’16 B and Susan Vought Stone ’82, P’16 B Jack H. Thomas ’56, P’85 Helen C. Thompson P’71 W William E. Toner ’82, P’96 and Nancy A. Toner P’96 Gardner Torrence P’19 B and Julie Torrence P’19 B James S. Travers Sr. P’14 W B and Cheryl L. Travers P’14 W B David J. Tull P’16 and Syble Tull P’16 Robert E. Van Horn P’17 B Jeffrey L. Wagner P’18 B and Kristelle Myer Wagner P’18 B Keith A. Wagner P’08 W and Linda M. Wagner P’08 W Mark Wagner P’16 and Karen Wagner P’16 Michael P. Waltz ’70, P’11 and Marie Waltz P’11 Jeffrey Wanner P’15 W and Lori Wanner P’15 W Weston B. Wardell P’79, P’85 W and Catherine A. Wardell P’79, P’85 W David A. Warmingham P’19 B and Becky A. Warmingham P’19 B Donald C. Wary P’98 W and Linda K. Wary P’98 W Leonard J. Wasileski P’08 W B and Anita L. Wasileski P’08 W B Thomas E. Weaber ’87, P’05 and Doreen Dourte Weaber ’79, P’05 Clifford Weaver P’18 B and JoBeth Forney Weaver P’18 B Phyllis I. Weber P’71, P’83 W William C. Webster P’98 W and Catherine A. Webster P’98 W Michael K. Weed P’06 W and Susan D. Weed P’06 W Stephen A. Weicksel P’97, P’01 W and Charlene M. Weicksel P’97, P’01 W James C. Weidensaul P’16 and Laura Weidensaul P’16

W Walter Society Member

Diane West Wenger ’92, P’94 W and Lynn R. Wenger P’94 W Donald E. Whitner P’04 W and Joanne C. Whitner P’04 W Frederick Wilcoxson P’17 B and Jean Wilcoxson P’17 B Michael D. Wolfe P’07 and Susan M. Wolfe P’07 Mariano Woo P’11 and Karen J. Woo P’11 John A. Worhach P’16 and Julie Worhach P’16 Charles W. Yarger P’69, P’79 W Francis R. Yingling Sr. P’91 W and Anna C. Yingling P’91 W Allen Yingst P’89, P’99 W B and Beverly A. Yingst P’89, P’99 W B James D. Yoder P’15 W and Pamela G. Artz P’15 W Roger D. Yoh P’17 B and Robin L. Yoh P’17 B George F. Youngs Jr. P’07, P’17 B and Elizabeth A. Youngs P’07, P’17 B Brenda M. Zeigler P’02, P’11 and Warren W. Zeigler P’02, P’11 David G. Zimmerman P’18 B and Bernadette Palmier Zimmerman P’18 B Roger Zyma P’12 W and Patricia A. Zyma P’12 W Contributors Mark Adams P’19 Marsha E. Alandar P’96 W David Albright P’18 and Joy Albright P’18 Eric W. Ameigh P’13 B and Margretta J. Ameigh P’13 B Catherine Uhrich Anderson ’71, P’00 and Terrence M. Anderson P’00 Sue L. Andrews P’89 W Edward L. Arnold ’66, P’06 W John T. Balas P’08 W and Ellamay K. Balas P’08 W Terry L. Barber P’07 W and Debra A. Barber P’07 W Joseph Barone P’19 and Amie J. Barone P’19 John Barwin P’19 B and Mary L. Barwin P’19 B

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Jonathan Bates P’16 and Michele Bates P’16 Greg L. Baum P’04 W and Celine M. Baum P’04 W Robert Behm P’16 and Susan Behm P’16 Jim J. Beidler P’12, P’14, P’15 B and Kelly J. Beidler P’12, P’14, P’15 B Bruce Bennett P’19 and Katrina Bennett P’19 David L. Biggs P’09, P’13 and Kathleen A. Biggs P’09, P’13 Thomas G. Bigler P’09 and Beth B. Bigler P’09 Valeria M. Billowitch P’09 Laura S. Bitter P’10 W Thomas F. Blaisse P’07 W and Roberta A. Blaisse P’07 W Richard R. Bolger P’17 and Donna J. Bolger P’17 Terry L. Bostdorf P’99, P’03 W and Judy M. Bostdorf P’99, P’03 W Gloria J. Bowman P’12 W Randall N. Bowman P’19 and Tina A. Bowman P’19 Edward L. Boyce Jr. P’16 B and Christine J. Boyce P’16 B Thomas G. Brandecker P’12 W and Kathryn Brandecker P’12 W David R. Brandle P’03 W and Schelley A. Brandle P’03 W Dorothy A. Brehm P’03, P’10 W Paul Brewer P’19 B and Una Brewer P’19 B Donna L. Brickley P’99 W and Donald J. Brickley P’99 W David C. Brightbill P’16 and Cynthia L. Brightbill P’16 Balinger R. Brown P’00 and Jane M. Brown P’00 Linda Bell Brown ’69, P’94 W and Frederick N. Brown P’94 W Michael J. Brown P’17 B and Christine C. Brown P’17 B Todd C. Brown P’03 W and Gail F. Brown P’03 W James C. Bruno P’18 and Lisa A. Bruno P’18



March 24, 2016— Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 and Edward H. Arnold H’87 pledge $10 million in

support of construction of the College’s new Health Professions Building, opening in 2018. It is named The Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion in their honor. The Arnolds’ gift establishes a challenge to the College’s alumni and friends to raise an additional $10 million in support of programs and facilities at LVC. The Arnolds’ gift is the largest in the College’s history and among the largest to be received by any college or university in central Pennsylvania.

David Buie P’16 and Paula K. Buie P’16 Dennis Burke P’19 and Lori Burke P’19 David Burns P’18 and Lisa Burns P’18 Robert S. Burton P’19 and Lysa M. Burton P’19 Donald J. Busteed P’09 W and Anna H. Busteed P’09 W Derrick ByDeLey P’19 and Monica ByDeLey P’19 Joseph Calderone P’15 and Anne M. Calderone P’15 Brian Calderwood P’19 and Sadhana Calderwood P’19 Thomas J. Callan P’07 W and Robin L. Callan P’07 W Paul Cammarota P’19 and Peggy A. Cammarota P’19 Vicki Weierbach Cantrell ’99, P’98, P’01 and James W. Cantrell P’98, P’01 Wendy L. Carfagno P’08 W B and Ralph J. Carfagno P’08 W B Daniel L. Carl P’92 and Darlene M. Carl P’92 Craig A. Chestney P’07 W and Pamela R. Chestney P’07 W James R. Cicchino P’17 and Andrea Cozzo Cicchino P’17 Lori A. Cinicola P’14 and Lorenzo P. Cinicola P’14 Peter N. Clark P’98 W and Susan L. Clark P’98 W Michael Corvino P’16 and Katharine Corvino P’16 Alfred Cosgrove Jr. P’16 and Sandra Cosgrove P’16 Louise Loeper CottrellCawley ’56, P’83 Robert N. Creznic P’05 and Diane L. Creznic P’05 Robert G. Crnkovich P’00 W and Julie A. Crnkovich P’00 W Dennis K. Crotty P’00 W and Janice S. Crotty P’00 W Steven W. Cummings P’16 and Theresa Willits Cummings P’16


Carol Cummins P’14 W B and Edward Cummins P’14 W B Kimberly Dandridge P’18 Jeanne Beaver Daubert P’77, P’84, P’93 W Daniel E. Davis P’02 W and Margaret W. Davis P’02 W Kimberly N. Davis P’19 B Laura Sealey DeBiasse ’78, P’08 and Brian A. DeBiasse P’08 Thomas Deffley P’11 W and Janet Deffley P’11 W Harold O. Deitrich P’91 W and Elsie Deitrich P’91 W Thomas Dempsey P’18 and Janine Dempsey P’18 Frederick C. DeSio P’02 and Karen E. DeSio P’02 Norman J. Dieffenbach P’96 W and Susan Dieffenbach P’96 W Michael Diller P’16 and Dana Diller P’16 David J. Distilli P’19 and Jodi L. Distilli P’19 Thomas Donlan Jr. P’19 B and Lisa C. Donlan P’19 B Harold F. Donley ’62, P’91, P’95 and Jean Bechtold Donley P’91, P’95 John D. Dotson P’01 and Angela R. Dotson P’01 Michael Dotson P’16 B and Angela Dotson P’16 B Richard Dworzak P’19 and Dianne Dworzak P’19 Ruth A. Elder P’07 W Charles M. Eldredge P’09 W and Barbara A. Eldredge P’09 W Michelle Emerich P’17 Lee E. Emerson P’85 and Cindy S. Emerson P’85 Dennis J. English P’01 W and Katherine A. English P’01 W Frank Esposito P’17 and Cherie Esposito P’17 Raymond W. Evans P’16 and Theresa L. Evans P’16 James C. Ewin P’76, P’79 W and Gail P. Ewin P’76, P’79 W Michael A. Falkner P’04 W and Laurel N. Falkner P’04 W


Michael W. Fecik P’06 and Deborah E. Fecik P’06 Peggy Childress Filizzi ’78, P’03 and James M. Filizzi P’03 Dennis R. Fink P’14, P’19 B and Kimberly D. Fink P’14, P’19 B John E. Fioravanti P’99 W and Hope A. Fioravanti P’99 W David E. Fisher ’78, ’93, P’17 W and Lou Ann Buffington Fisher ’78, P’17 W Michelle Fisher P’17 Daniel G. Flanagan P’10 and Jacqueline A. Flanagan P’10 Nancy Fleegle P’04 and Doug Fleegle P’04 Bruce G. Fleming P’99 and Marjorie A. Fleming P’99 Michael J. Forgotch P’14 and Donna M. Forgotch P’14 Lester E. Fortney P’02 and Linda J. Fortney P’02 Graham Fowler P’17 and Angela Fowler P’17 Gerald T. Frasca P’14 W B and Jacquelyn M. Frasca P’14 W B Brian D. Fritsch P’19 and Jacqueline Fritsch P’19 Jonathan P. Frye ’85, P’13 and Leslie Billhimer Frye P’13 Tilman R. Frye ’67, P’84, P’85, P’90 W and Nancy Kettering Frye ’80, P’84, P’85, P’90 W Gary S. Furman P’80 W and Eugenia D. Furman P’80 W Edward Gane P’17 and Bonnie Gane P’17 James E. Garvin P’12 W and Patricia H. Garvin P’12 W Suzanne C. Gavin P’06 W Claudia C. Gazsi P’07 and Kalman J. Gazsi P’07 Dorothy M. Gehr P’99 W Wendy Talhelm Gentile ’99, P’07 and John E. Gentile Sr. P’07 Kenneth R. Geringer P’01 W and Linda A. Geringer P’01 W Francis Giarratano P’18 and Cira Giarratano P’18

David M. Gingrich P’19 and Karen K. Gingrich P’19 Joseph Gober P’18 and Anne Gober P’18 Robert M. Gogoj P’08 W and Barbara L. Gogoj P’08 W David J. Golias P’98, P’02 W and Kathleen E. Golias P’98, P’02 W John Gonzalez P’17 and Mary Doyle Gonzalez P’17 Robert L. Good P’12 and Lorena A. Good P’12 Marianne Goodfellow P’12 W Jeffrey E. Gorman P’18 Susan M. Greenawalt P’98, P’01 W B and Fred Greenawalt P’98, P’01 W B Edward Grieger P’04 W and Sylvia Grieger P’04 W Scott Grimes P’16 and Anita Grimes P’16 Rodney Gross P’17 and Stephanie Gross P’17 Randy C. Habecker ’79, P’12 and Jan Margut Habecker ’79, P’12 Sean P. Hackett ’93, P’19 and Jennifer Hanshaw Hackett ’93, P’19 Raymond E. Haines P’00 and Joanne F. Haines P’00 John M. Halligan P’10 W and Karen P. Halligan P’10 W Angela Hanna P’19 James C. Harper P’94 W B and Bonnie Harper P’94 W B Johnathan Harris P’19 B and Courtney HughesHarris P’19 B Nancy J. Hartman P’99 B and Barry A. Hartman P’99 B James W. Heckard P’09 W and Louise M. Heckard P’09 W Kenneth Heffner P’96 and Janice Heffner P’96 Jeffrey F. Heintzelman P’11 W and Sharon E. Heintzelman P’11 W Tracey A. Heizenroth P’14 and David M. Zelechoski P’14 William H. Henry P’95 W and Barbara A. Henry P’95 W

june 2016—Renovations to the Frederic K. Miller Chapel are completed. In addition to the aforementioned gift from Lois Brong Miller ’61, the College received a major gift from Dr. Susan Engle ’78 toward the chapel renovation in celebration of her family’s many contributions to Lebanon Valley College. The Engle family—for whom the chapel lobby is named— has been friends of the College since 1890, when family members first began serving on the Board of Trustees, and the family’s generosity has helped grow and beautify the campus and support students ever since. Engle family members have graduated from Lebanon Valley, served on the faculty and Board of Trustees, and established three endowed scholarships.

Michele Hercik P’14 and Robert F. Hercik Jr. P’14 Robert J. Hess P’19 and Tracey L. Hess P’19 Barry P. Higgins P’19 and Cathy L. Higgins P’19 Sharon Hippensteel P’04 W Ronald Hodges P’19 B and Patricia M. Hodges P’19 B Richard V. Hollinger P’01 W and Suzanne K. Hollinger P’01 W William J. Holloway P’17 and Mary Neagley Holloway P’17 Richard G. Holzman P’06 W B and Jean S. Holzman P’06 W B Scott L. Hoofnagle P’02 and Beverly J. Hoofnagle P’02 Warren G. Hoopes P’78, P’78 and Katherine M. Hoopes P’78, P’78 Jane A. Hoshour P’08 W Eileen Briggs House ’75, P’09 W and H. Kirk House P’09 W Phillip J. Howard P’96 W and Darlene R. Howard P’96 W Alice K. Huey P’85 Frank Hullihen P’18 and Michelle Dula Hullihen P’18 Lonnie L. Hutton P’92 W and Elizabeth H. Hutton P’92 W Michael J. Iacobino P’06 and Patricia Iacobino P’06 Anthony Ingelido P’16 and Angela Ingelido P’16 Joseph A. Itkor ’87, P’18 and Heidi Itkor P’18 Gary Jackson P’15 B and Susan Jackson P’15 B Gordon W. Jones P’16 and Barbara Buzinski Jones P’16 Joan H. Joyce P’96 Gregory Katshir P’19 and Tracy Katshir P’19 William J. Keeler ’49, H’84, P’74 and Mary Mauger Keeler P’74 Nevin Keeney P’18 and Wendy S. Keeney P’18 John L. Keiser P’01 and Adelheid B. Keiser P’01 Almeda E. Keller P’85 W


Michael R. Kenny P’11 W and Mary E. Kenny P’11 W Dennis L. Kerns P’09 W B and Mary V. Kerns P’09 W B Thomas P. Kilcoyne Jr. P’07 and Elizabeth M. Kilcoyne P’07 James L. Kissinger ’77, P’09 W and Rebecca A. Kissinger P’09 W Marshall Kleckner P’18 and Kelly Millhouse Kleckner P’18 Gregory Kline P’17 and Amy Troup-Kline P’17 John J. Koch P’08 and Charmaine T. Koch P’08 Doris P. Krysiak P’91 W Richard Kukulski P’18 and Regina Kukulski P’18 Thomas A. Kury P’06 W and Rose M. Kury P’06 W David J. Lane P’18 and Charlene Bertrand Lane P’18 Walter S. Langdon P’16, P’17 and Carol A. Langdon P’16, P’17 Paul Laufert P’16 and Valerie Wolf Laufert P’16 Joseph E. Lauver Jr. P’92, P’97 and Carolyn A. Lauver P’92, P’97 David Lawton P’17 and Deborah Greenawald P’17 James O. Lebo ’59, P’78 David S. LeDuc P’06 W and Karen M. LeDuc P’06 W Donald J. Lee P’99 W and Patricia A. Lee P’99 W Licia Snook Lehman P’18 William D. Leid P’16 and Jill Gerhart Leid P’16 Clifford D. Leitao P’91 W and Marion P. Leitao P’91 W J. Brooke Lewis P’16 and Holly Weaver Lewis P’16 Frederick Linker P’17 and MaryAnn Linker P’17 Howard R. Lloyd P’16 and Elizabeth Haniman Lloyd P’16 Robert C. Loughney P’89, P’99 W and Eleanor M. Loughney P’89, P’99 W Leo S. Lutz P’96, P’97 and Kathleen A. Lutz P’96, P’97

W Walter Society Member

Randy Lutz P’15 and Kerrin Scott Lutz P’15 David W. Lyons P’13 W and Maria B. Howe P’13 W Robert Mackrides ’54, P’87 W B and Rita Castiglia Mackrides ’55, P’87 W B Zelda F. Marcinkowski P’84 David W. Marco P’04 W and Brenda L. Marco P’04 W Dan Markiewicz P’19 and Christine Markiewicz P’19 Eric Marshall P’18 B and Lucia Marshall P’18 B Raymond K. Martin P’99 W and Sally J. Martin P’99 W John F. Mathis P’04 W and Stacey E. Mathis P’04 W Douglas E. Matzke P’16 and Mary C. Matzke P’16 Albert J. Maury P’08 and Carolyn E. Maury P’08 Carol R. Maxwell P’12 W and Harry S. Maxwell P’12 W Francis McCaughey P’16 and Carol A. McCaughey P’16 Joseph J. McDonald Jr. P’97 W Howard M. McGarvey III P’09 W and Roseann D. McGarvey P’09 W Jack M. McGinley P’09 W and Joan L. McGinley P’09 W Matthew McGinley P’19 and Maria McGinley P’19 Gregg McGinnis P’17 B Kimberly McGinnis P’17 B Christine M. McGlory P’18 Sandra Hughes McKinley ’69, ’93, P’96 and Daniel B. McKinley P’96 Jeffrey Meiselwitz P’16 and Gabriele Meiselwitz P’16 Michael Messenger P’18 and Gina M. Messenger P’18 Clair G. Metzler P’89 W and Charlene G. Metzler P’89 W Larry M. Meyer P’91 W and Boneta F. Meyer P’91 W Sally A. Miller-Checket ’58, P’88 Bosko Mistrelovic P’19 and Minerva P. Morana P’19 Nicholas Mogle P’18 and Jacqueline Mogle P’18

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Michael A. Moletress P’00 and Cynthia M. Moletress P’00 Damaris Montanez P’19, P’19 David W. Moore Jr. P’15 W and Monette Moore P’15 W Craig W. Morgan P’05, P’16 W and Tami S. Morgan P’05, P’16 W Clifton E. Mowrer Jr. P’81 W and Barbara E. Mowrer P’81 W Beverly Holzer Munz ’79, P’10 and Ralph Munz P’10 Julia N. Murphy P’95 W John S. Murray P’17 and Christine Barger Murray P’17 Robert M. Murray P’96 and Barbara A. Murray P’96 Joseph S. Myers P’16 B and Lisa M. Myers P’16 B Walter C. Newman P’11 and Janine M. Newman P’11 Jeanine Kloss Nielsen P’18 B Ira G. Nolt P’84 W and Dorothy M. Nolt P’84 W Lloyd P. Nyce P’89, P’92 and Georgianna Nyce P’89, P’92 David L. O’Brien P’11 W and Tammy S. O’Brien P’11 W Thomas Orlando P’16 and Janet Chesnutt Orlando P’16 Francis O’Shea III P’19 and Deborah O’Shea P’19 Donald H. Packheiser Sr. P’19 B and Judith I. Packheiser P’19 B Michael E. Pagels P’15 W B and Kim S. Pagels P’15 W B Enrique Pardo P’15 and Susan Pardo P’15 William L. Patrick P’16 and Laura K. Patrick P’16 Richard D. Pavlik P’16, P’18 and Jayne Stouch Pavlik P’16, P’18 William M. Penjuke P’07 W and Carol L. Penjuke P’07 W Gregory L. Phillips P’05 and Brenda L. Phillips P’05 Ann Pitt Pinca ’10, P’03, P’09, P’10 W and Ted Pinca P’03, P’09, P’10 W Donald L. Plank P’85 W and Carol Plank P’85 W



summer 2016—The Vernon and Doris Bishop Library underwent a dramatic revitalization thanks to a

$1.5 million gift from the Bishop Foundation, and family members Kathy, Thomas, and Trudie Bishop. The gift enables the College to invigorate the first floor of the Bishop Library and provide technological advancements for generating and sharing ideas. “Technology and the digital age are transforming our world in ways that we could not have imagined 20 years ago when the Bishop Library was built,” noted Kathy Bishop, vice chair of the LVC Board of Trustees. “My family is proud to facilitate the transformation of the Bishop Library to support this new learning environment.”

Donald L. Podjed P’16 and Sandra A. Podjed P’16 Timothy Pollak P’18 and Nancy Pollak P’18 Walter J. Porambo P’09 W and Karen L. Porambo P’09 W Peter P. Post P’99 W and Mary L. Post P’99 W Robert L. Raiger P’01 and Cynthia Miller Raiger P’01 Dean Raughley P’19 and Susan Raughley P’19 Robert Reagan P’16 and Marjorie W. Reagan P’16 LuAnn Reed P’18 Kelly L. Reigle P’19 and Ruel Reigle P’19 William Reynolds P’17 and Joanna Nezovich Reynolds P’17 Walter Rigg P’16 and Michelle Rigg P’16 Gregory Riley P’17 and Pamela Slaybaugh Riley P’17 Lois A. Ristenbatt P’12 Thomas J. Rodgers P’03 W and Ruth B. Rodgers P’03 W Jean Schultz Ross ’75, P’08 W and Gregory B. Ross P’08 W Carolyn M. Rueppel P’18 and Samuel Rueppel P’18 Michael Rugalla Jr. P’11 W and Christine M. Rugalla P’11 W Joshua Ruhl P’16 B and Mandi Ruhl P’16 B Byron A. Rusher P’09 W and Barbara J. Rusher P’09 W Joseph Rusonis P’16 and Joy Rusonis P’16 Dianna Russell P’16 Ricky Rutter P’18 and Joy Rutter P’18 Tony Scheuerman P’17 and Wendy Scheuerman P’17 Mary M. Schmidt P’98 W David Schultz P’18 and Joanne Heffner Schultz P’18 Ronald D. Seale P’14 James S. Seaton P’15 and Carolyn Ventello Seaton P’15 James Seifrit P’18 and Carolann Haines Seifrit P’18


Jed Seitzinger P’17 and Michele Christman Seitzinger P’17 Gregory E. Senko P’12 W and Crystal E. Newcomer P’12 W George Shaffer P’19 and Candice Shaffer P’19 C. Scott Sharnetzka ’68, P’96 W and Sandra George Sharnetzka ’70, P’96 W Kelly C. Shartzer P’06 W and Thomas H. Shartzer P’06 W Richard J. Sheeto P’06 W and Margaret R. Sheeto P’06 W Daniel Shervin P’15 and Mary Pat McHugh Shervin P’15 Douglas E. Shober P’10 W and Stacy A. Shober P’10 W William D. Shumway ’75, P’00 W and Thelma M. Shumway P’00 W John M. Simensky P’15 W B and Kimberly A. Simensky P’15 W B Harry E. Simonton P’01 W and Jane L. Simonton P’01 W Eric Sipe P’17 and Teri Sipe P’17 Andrew T. Siscaretti P’16 and Maria Montes-Siscaretti P’16 Louis S. Sliazis P’14 W and Patricia K. Sliazis P’14 W David A. Smith P’14 W B and Jolene D. Smith P’14 W B Garry J. Smith P’13, P’17 W and Wendy E. Smith P’13, P’17 W Chester E. Snedeker ’54, P’79 Dennis R. Snovel ’69, P’06 W B and Cynthia Core Snovel P’06 W B Robert I. Snovel P’69 W Karen M. Sorrels P’98 W William M. Sotak P’03 W and Patricia A. Sotak P’03 W Gerald R. Spadjinske P’90 W and Lucille R. Spadjinske P’90 W Rick L. Sterner B and Laurie J. Sterner B Carol M. Stock P’91 Charles Strohl Jr. P’89 W and Wanda Strohl P’89 W


Thomas M. Strohman ’75, P’08 and Sherie Warlow Strohman ’79, P’08 Douglas A. Strouse P’17 and Lisa Strouse P’17 Robert J. Swigart P’15 and Elizabeth A. Swigart P’15 Kathleen A. Talarico P’13 and Timothy M. Talarico P’13 Michelle Stone Tart P’17 Robert F. Tesoriero P’19 and June Tesoriero P’19 Kathleen Yorty Thach ’85, P’84, P’85 W Jeffrey Thompson P’16 and Carolyn Thompson P’16 Cynthia E. Tiedeken P’05 W Suzanne D. Trapnell P’90 W LaRue A. Troutman P’98 W and Kerry L. Troutman P’98 W Angela Green Ulrich P’18 Mildred N. Umla P’88, P’91 W Robert P. Upton P’15 and Karen Upton P’15 Diane M. Uzdella P’04 W Sheila-Llyn Van Nederveen P’17 Philip Vontor P’18 and Tammy Boyer Vontor P’18 David M. Walmsley P’01 W and Jayne E. Walmsley P’01 W Jennifer A. Wanamaker P’17 Michael Washko P’18 and Maryellen Cisick Washko P’18 Teresa Bogdan Wasik P’18 Kirby E. Watson P’18 and Amy Cunniffe Watson P’18 Gregory A. Weaber ’83, P’10, P’13 B and Michelle Weaber P’10, P’13 B Rosanne Snyder Weber P’97 W and Daniel Weber P’97 W Donald A. Wert P’08 W and Maria D. Wert P’08 W Jeffrey Westerhoff P’98 and Donna Westerhoff P’98 David M. White P’09 W and Gail M. White P’09 W Sharon K. Whitlock P’97 W Donald J. Witchey P’98 W and Susan E. Witchey P’98 W William M. Wright P’88 W and Connie A. Wright P’88 W

David J. Yasenchak P’13 and Pamela A. Yasenchak P’13 Donald E. Yeagley P’16 Kevin R. Yeiser P’01 W and Cheryl L. Yeiser P’01 W Theresa Yocum P’16 and Mike Yocum P’16 Timothy P. Young P’05 W and Sharon L. Young P’05 W Doris Kane Younken ’57, P’86 W Roeyat Zaglol P’14, P’15, P’18 Michael H. Zang P’00 W and Karen F. Zang P’00 W Thomas C. Zeiser P’05 W and Diane M. Zeiser P’05 W Harry Ziff P’19 and Andrea Ziff William M. Zoll P’12 W and Kyle K. Zoll P’12 W Samuel F. Zook P’92 W and Retah E. Zook P’92 W

EMPLOYEES Five Founders’ Circle Joseph E. Buehler ’89 W B Jacob L. Rhodes ’43, P’87 W President’s Circle Richard F. Charles W Michael R. Green W David I. Lasky P’86 W Stephen C. MacDonald W Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 W B Lewis E. Thayne B The 1866 Circle Joseph P. Brewer P’18 W Arthur L. Ford Jr. ’59 W B Daniel S. Helwig Jennifer Wood Kanupka ’01 W B John P. Kearney W Gregory H. Krikorian P’16 W B James W. Scott P’97 W Todd C. Snovel ’06 W B Dale E. Summers W Linda L. Summers W Dennis W. Sweigart ’63 W Vickroy Society Associate Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 W B James H. Broussard Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14 W

Jamie Deck Cecil M’07 W Treva A. Clark W Salvatore S. Cullari W Shawn P. Curtin Paul M. Fullmer W Rebecca Hitz Hearsey Susan Sarisky Jones ’92 W B Amy J. Lintz William J. McGill H’98 W Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10 W Robert L. Mikus ’90 W B Steven P. O’Day Martin J. Parkes W Mary K. Pettice W Kenneth A. Phelps B Mindi Phelps B Gail A. Sanderson W Shaylene R. Scheib ’07 W B Francis G. Schodowski Perry J. Troutman P’88 Matthew D. Weaver W Paul L. Wolf P’90 W Allan F. Wolfe W Juliana M. Wolfe W Edwin R. Wright Kenneth F. Yarnall W Valley Club Philip A. Billings W Debra Houser Bishop P’17 Ann E. Damiano W Todd M. Gamble ’98 W Marc A. Harris W Eleanor M. Lewis W Barbara R. McNulty W Owen A. Moe Jr. W Renee L. Norris W Jeffrey W. Robbins W David V. Rudd W Noelle Vahanian W Danielle Vigilante Webb Alison Hischak Wenger B Rosemary Yuhas W B Charter Club Melissa Weidler Byler W B Stan M. Dacko W Alice S. Diehl Michael R. Diesner Deanna L. Dodson Kendra M. Feigert W Michael D. Fry W James B. Gardner P’09, P’13 W Mary Meyer Gardner P’09, P’13 W Alisa Sterner Grove ’08, M’11 John G. Haus III Ann C. Hayes P’16, P’18 B Corey A. Hoffer Stacey L. Hollinger W B Jessica L. Ickes Michelle Campbell Krall M’11 W Robert C. Lau ’65 W Brad F. McAlester P’15 W B Mark L. Mecham W James P. Monos Jr. W B Philip G. Morgan P’95 W B Brent A. Oberholtzer W


Gabriel Paz Sidney Pollack W Kevin B. Pry ’76 W Matthew R. Sayers W David M. Setley W David W. Shapiro ’99 W Irwin H. Siegel ’75 Lindsey De Sio Snyder ’02 W B Susan M. Snyder P’09, P’11 W Delma J. Soltys P’15, P’19 W B Robert T. Valgenti W Quittapahilla Club Sharon O. Arnold Karen R. Beall W Jo Lynn Steiner Brummer Marie-Aline Cadieux W Voorhis C. Cantrell P’86, P’87 Sarah H. Clark Evelyn C. Colon P’18 W B Charles T. Cooper W Michael A. Day W Johannes M. Dietrich W Christopher J. Dolan W Sean V. Droms Phylis C. Dryden P’91, P’95 W Scott H. Eggert W Dale J. Erskine W Jennifer Dawson Evans W B Stephanie A. Falk Karen M. Feather Gary Grieve-Carlson W Robert E. Hamilton P’92 W Thomas M. Hanrahan W Paul A. Heise Andrew C. Hildebrand ’91 Pamela S. Hillegas P’97 W Barry L. Hurst Susan A. Kenderdine Robert M. Kline ’50, ’72 W Samuel R. Kolins W Courtney M. Lappas Todd M. Latshaw P’19 W B Debra A. Leeper P’04 Michael Lehr W B Stephanie L. Lewis W G. Daniel Massad W Kelly A. Miller Tammy Ambrose Miller P’18, P’19 W Shelly K. MoormanStahlman P’16 Robin O. Myers W Roseanna K. Nikles Joni L. Oates P’13 James F. O’Brien ’07, M’15 W B Kathryn N. Oriel W Vincent E. Pantalone P’11 W B Michael C. Pittari W Barney T. Raffield III P’99 W Sharon H. Raffield P’99 W Donald L. Raiger ’01 Beth E. Romanski Alice J. Rulapaugh W Timothy L. Sandoe Carrie Stull Skovrinskie ’98 W Joelle L. Stopkie W Grant D. Taylor W

W Walter Society Member

Scott N. Walck W Glenn W. Zehner Marsha Edwards Zehner ’73 Brenda M. Zeigler P’02, P’11 Contributors Emily Acri B Joy L. Albright Sarah Semmelman Bartz ’08 Adam T. Bentz ’04 W Maureen Anderson Bentz ’00 W Nicole Sparano Berkhimer Marie G. Bongiovanni W Shannon Y. Brandt W Dorothy A. Brehm P’03, P’10 W Robert Brestensky Donna L. Brickley P’99 W Gregory A. Buckley Vicki Weierbach Cantrell ’99, P’98, P’01 Wendy L. Carfagno P’08 W B Ann M. Coleman B Brenda J. Collins Colleen Ackerman Cordial Mark H. Costello W B Jacqueline M. Dando B Sharon G. Davis Robert J. Dillane ’77 W Susan L. Donmoyer Sharon L. Dove Keith D. Evans B Michael L. Fink Becky A. Firestone ’19 W B Mary E. Fisher Caitlin G. Foltz W B Michael R. Freeman B Elizabeth M. French Carmen Garcia Armero W Claudia C. Gazsi P’07 John R. Gibble ’71 W Kelsea Lamphere Gonzalez ’12 Marianne Goodfellow P’12 W Stacy Hazen Goodman Carol M. Hanosek Nancy J. Hartman P’99 B Susan K. Hinkle W Diane E. Johnson Jaclyn M. Kain ’10 Constance W. Kershner Stephanie J. Kish M’15 W George T. Klemick B Lynne S. Konan Jennifer Peirson Kuntz ’03 Dana K. Lesher Kirstin M. Lutz ’14 W David W. Lyons P’13 W Jeremy A. Maisto W Olajiwon McCadney Gabriela McEvoy B Gina M. Messenger P’18 Jani R. Mitchell Tami S. Morgan P’05, P’16 W Joseph M. Murphy Lori A. Nyce ’92 W Jordan P. Ott Donald Parsons ’18 B Unique A. Patterson Walter A. Patton W

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Brian S. Peers Margaret L. Reddinger Kelly L. Reigle P’19 Lois A. Ristenbatt P’12 Carolyn M. Rueppel P’18 Mathew T. Samuel Erin Schmid Sanno ’98 Leah D. Schade Michael J. Schroeder W Steven M. Schuetz Melissa Sherwood Edward J. Smith ’90 B Wendy E. Smith P’13, P’17 W Harry D. Speece W B Thomas M. Strohman ’75, P’08 Amy Gilkey Struzinski ’07 Kathleen A. Tacelosky Jennifer Wert Teisher ’08, M’14 W Rosemary E. Troebliger W LaRue A. Troutman P’98 W Nathaniel C. Tulli W Carol L. Tulos W Erin Kolacek Ulrich B Craig A. Underwood ’99 Rebecca Urban Cherie Lingle Van Zant ’92 Susan E. Verhoek Matthew Walko Shannon M. Walko Holly M. Wendt B Anita L. Williams W Stephen E. Williams Kevin R. Yeiser P’01 W Dorothea M. Yordy Michael C. Zeigler W B Breanne L. Zipko ’09

FRIENDS Trustee Associate Edward H. Arnold W Jeanne Donlevy Arnold W Jeffrey E. Arnold Hillary Keck Arnold Shana E. Barnes W Ann B. Barshinger Katherine J. Bishop W Edward D. Breen W Lynn Branstner Breen W Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger W Cristen Dronsfield Franklin Patricia A. Glasgow W Elizabeth Grote Sandra Espenshade Hall W Loy H. Harris W Garry C. Hess Kenneth E. Hess W Amy Himelright W Steven J. Holsinger W Holly A. Johns W Bruce W. Kreider W Beverlee Balch Lehr W William Lehr Jr. W Donald W. Lesher Jr. W Nancy O. Lesher W Carol Stouffer Reider W Richard M. Robey



Andrew W. Schmitt W Ronald Schrotberger W Suzanne Arnold Schrotberger W Benjamin B. Shankroff W Suzanne M. Shankroff W Richard E. Steiner W John L. Wise Hobson M. Zerbe Five Founders’ Circle Lindsay Anastas B James A. Bains Jr. Kristin J. Bell W B Jennifer L. Buehler W B Conrad D’Alessandro Douglas S. Dohner Rosanne Stabler Dohner Mary Katherine Drnevich W Ronald J. Drnevich W Ellen G. Galat Albert R. Jarrett Eileen M. King W Jeanine Lostritto B Joseph C. Mesics W Sandra B. Mesics W Linda Serfass Missimer W Randall J. Morgan B Janet C. Mosteller W B Eric W. Noll Georgiana Noll Judith Shillady Clifford J. Wengert W Helen Yingst President’s Circle McKinley Albert Carole Boush Star Campbell W Pauline C. Charles W Cynthia Peck DeMarco W B Christine M. Dickenson Frank Dombrowski W Linda H. Groff W Kimberly S. Harbaugh W Paula Hessinger April Poyck High W William Hissner W Harold J. Kramer W Anna M. Kreiser W William D. Loftin W Willard M. Longnecker W Donald L. Mahoney Pam Ehleri Marsik Gloria D. Meyer Roy D. Meyer Mumtaz Momin Kenton Rexford Mary Jane Sample W B Dennis L. Shalters W Karen Shalters W Jean S. Sinclair W Robert H. Sinclair W Edwin D. Tenney W Dorothy Gennaro Thayne B Frank X. Troisi W Marian Zimmerman Umble W


Kathryn Vinarski Mary C. Warner W The 1866 Circle Lyn Alsted Deborah L. Atkins W B James R. Atkins W B Erla Weist Bowman W Robert J. Brooks Susan Brooks Carlene Bush W Elsie Dixon Francis J. Dixon W Mary Ellen Ford W B Emalene Rodeffer Gingrich B Mary Gowan Diane Grabowski Deborah J. Harper Kathleen Kreichbaum Hertzog W George J. Kanupka IV W Vicki Lai W William L. Lee Jr. W Elaine L. Mead James M. Mead Karen Streib Morrison Mary Ellen Moser Karen Byerly Nicholson Lisa Nussbaum Charles J. Sault Deanna G. Schoenly Carol Sponaugle W William J. Sponaugle W Martha Swartz Glenda J. Synodinos W Robert M. Weissman W Sara Weissman Janet R. Wieder W J. Dennis Williams W M. Lenore Williams W Vickroy Society Associate Scott M. Agi Sharen Albert Steven Alger Susan Alger Charlotte Ditzler Allwein Carolyn Sandel Anderson Frederick W. Anton III Lois I. Bachman Melinda Baker Marianne T. Bartley W Maureen M. Basta B Beth Saylor Biery Betty J. Billingham Margaret Day Broussard Alice M. Brumbaugh W Geri Stanley Bull Debra S. Callahan B Neil J. Campbell Lisa M. Castillo B Faye A. Chepulis W Jerome C. Chepulis W Carol Rotunda Christ William F. Christ Kathryn Cullari W Lindsey B. Curtin Robert Danch


Connie Davis B Liese Davis-Kreiser Daniel C. DeFalcis Dennis Deslippe Nancy Y. Ellsworth Cheryl Fitzgerald B Kathy Bomberger Frankowski B Rebecca Fullmer W Michael C. Gain William M. Gates Tuan Gormican Ruth Gray W Carla Hamson-Wright Richard M. Harris W Sukey Meyer Harris W Vanda Hawk Carla H. Hay Robert Hay John Heard Todd Hearsey David D. Heck Cecil B. Hengeveld Andrea R. Hill Rosita B. Hockley Greg Holden Warren Hudak James F. Ireland Greg Jimeno James W. Jones W B Todd Keefer Kandice Kerwin Hull M. Alison Kibler Tricia A. Kohler Jeremy Lancellotti John P. Leatherbury Scott A. Lintz Barbara Griffin Ludwig Jeff MacLean B William R. Magill Barbara Mehle Martalus B William R. McElwee Ellen B. McGill W Janet Miller McLeod W Amy Sabold Mendelsohn W Charles S. Nease Jr. Phillip Neiswender Cecelia O’Day Holly Oehler B Brian F. O’Leary Susan L. O’Leary Dorothy L. Pieringer W Anne Hambrick-Stowe Rankin Jeffrey N. Reeder Jeanne M. Rose M. Deborah Gruppe Rutherford Donna Schmidt Amy Schodowski Winifred Shetrom B Dolores F. Shott Gretchen Shubrooks Lori Kreiser Snyder Steven E. Snyder W B Doris Wonderling Stanson W Gaynor Stewart Michelle Stone B

Donald Stoops Barbara M. Strause Charles W. Taylor W B Josephine J. Taylor W B Catherine C. Theron-Parkes W Kathleen M. Tierney B Michael Triantafillos B Judith Tulli B Leo H. Wagner Patricia Zerr Weigel Ann Flocken Wilbanks George R. Wilbanks Victor W. Wills IV Gloria Wolfe Kenneth L. Wolfe Erica Yanney Maurice R. Yanney Roxanne S. Yost Valley Club David J. Arnold Jr. Virginia Ludy Bachman Sue A. Billings W Brett Boretti B Samuel J. Boutselis W B Jamison Burchfield Alysia Chaves Diane K. Dellinger Mary D. Fischer Patricia A. Flannery Patrick J. Flannery Heather Greenawalt B Bruce Gunn Judith K. Hallahan William F. Hallahan Brian Hankinson Sheila Harris W Klaus H. Hein Douglass Henry Jr. Judy W. Henry Daniel J. Hilferty B Joan Hilferty B Robert P. Hoffman Janet Hollen Cynthia Deaven Hummer Carolyn Christmas Joyner David M. Joyner Sanford E. King Karen Parker Labe Herbert Lasky Margaret Neal Lebegern William N. Luyben W Jacquelyn J. McCracken June Wagner Meyers Kathleen Cook Moe W James C. Monos B Patrick T. Moran Leslie Ketchem Morrison Brian O’Donnell Carol J. Orphanos B Peter M. Orphanos B Robert J. Phillips W Lesley Plasterer B Vincent Porter Debra B. Richcreek Evelyn Rivers Wilbanks Elliott H. Robinson W Jeannette Robinson W

Shirley Rudd W Gloria Sassani Joseph Sassani Diane Sourbeer Ashlin Thomas Wilbanks Grace M. Tom Dane Twining Jennifer Gieniec Wade B Robert W. Webb Corey B. Wenger B Wayne F. Wilbanks Elizabeth A. Yocum Jeffrey A. Yocum Charter Club Lee D. Amarose B William P. Ayres Dorinda S. Bankert B Randy Bankert B Patricia J. Battistelli W B Michael Bechtold W Agnes Q. Bering Robert Bittenbender W Suzanne Martin Boltz Sharon J. Bomgardner Linda Boyle Benjamin G. Brewer Randy Byler B Bradford H. Capatch Jr. B Jennifer Carroll Anthony T. Caruso B Roberta Brunner Cestare B Alan Clarkson-Dodds Meghan Cleary B Alyssa Collins Keith J. Costello W B Louise A. Costello W B Diane Crider Frank J. Davidowski Madelene Dehart Rusty Denner B Sallie Denner B Christopher C. Dietz W Betty Eberhart B Douglas K. Eberhart B Mary E. Evetuschick B John W. Evetuschick B Lynn Fackler Mary Urban Ferruzza Gregg A. Foreman B Neil A. Frankenfield Thomas M. Fries Suzanne Fry W Barbara Long Gamber B Kim Uhler Gardner W Justin Gaval B Nanci Gilberg B Dwight E. Golann Diana F. Graham B James D. Hagelgans W Mary E. Hamsher Pat Hartranft W Raymond S. Hawthorne Victoria Fay Heberlig Ryan J. Heim B Dorota Henck W William H. Henschke Robert L. Herr II


Joshua Ickes Jonathan E. Jones B Nancy J. Jones Michael Kapp James F. Keblinger W Kevin Keith Maine Keith Travis Krall W Jakob Krebelj B Janet M. Kupsho B Robert J. Kupsho Sr. B Karen Meyers Lafferty Cathy Langley B Irene Lavorini Ian J. Lichty B John H. Littell Shane Lloyd Carolyn Long Rachel Boris Manning Larry Marraccini Zachary R. Martin B Alice Jean Matuszak Charles Matuszak Deborah B. McDivitt Barbara McLaughlin Jermaine J. McQueen B Patsy Tomlinson Mecham W Mary Ellen Monos W B Kristen Kaufman Moyer Jeri Williams Muller Priscilla Gillespie Nagy Javon M. Nelson B Diane Neville Beverly S. Olson Richard Papiernik Albert R. Phipps B Shirley J. Phipps B James Pierson David E. Pleet W Lynn Pleet W Hanna Pollack W Marcia Purcell Kira L. Pushart B Jeffrey R. Quay W Cecelia Ritchey B John Ritchey B Eric D. Schaeffer Thomas J. Schatzman Cindy L. Scheidler Timothy B. Schumacher B Dan L. Sergesketter Jason Sevast Megan E. Shaner B Susan G. Sheaffer B Kay Sherman Conrad M. Siegel W Gail Siegel W Brian Sinotte Gary W. Smith Colleen Snook W B Chad Snyder B Bonnie S. St. John Lindsay Steckbeck B Diane T. Steger Marguerite Stein William D. Stock Jr. W Mary Wagner Stouffer

W Walter Society Member

Kara A. Strack B Larry T. Swistoski Joyce L. Swope W Richard H. Swope W Lee Torre B Tina Valgenti W Carlie Vaughn B Scott C. Werner B Robert J. Wieman W Gary L. Wise B Ethan Witmer B Barry D. Young Gale M. Zorian W Quittapahilla Club Mumtaz Ahmed Shahlan Aldabagh B Bronwyn I. Alleman Tony Allwein William M. Anderson Roxanne Ando Sheryl Anspaugh Ann E. Arnold W Gordon C. Arnold Richard Baker Gail Banigan W John Banigan W Daniel K. Bare Benjamin F. Barletta Jacquelyn D. Barr Wesley Barth Jane E. Baxter B Reginald L. Baxter B Tammy E. Bean Nancy J. Beatty Kenneth Beckman Lindsey Bender Oliver Biederman June E. Blouch Richard G. Blouch Harry Bohrs Robert C. Bokum Jr. Lance F. Bosart Peggy Bowman B Catherine Brandt Donald E. Bricker Jacklyn E. Bricker Peggy Bright W Douglas Broderick Kevin C. Brown B Scott E. Brown William H. Brown Jr. Cynthia M. Brumbaugh Eric G. Brummer Denise Bucher L. Gene Bucher Jane R. Cahn Craig Callahan Linda Callahan Donna L. Campbell Mary Carol Hicks Campbell Joseph Carson Anne S. Carter Willie J. Carter B Colette Chadwick B Melissa Wulfman Champlin B Judith Clark Thomas Clark

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Joseph Cliffe Matt Clifton B Nancy I. Coghill B Thomas E. Coghill B Garrett J. Collins Christine Connell Anthony P. Conrad B Cynthia M. Conrad B Douglas C. Cooney Thomas N. Cooper William Cope Mary McCole Corsaro Mary Bues Crisman W James Crispen Floyd Crumlich Kathleen Brown Cullather Dana Dallas Kylie Dangle Joseph Dans Marc C. DeMotta Robin O. Dickinson Rod Dickinson Rochelle Erb Dietz Holly G. Dolan W Richard Donaher B Marie S. Dorsch Raymond M. Dorsch Nancy L. Dougherty W Lynn Douglass Ray Douglass Debra A. Dries B Leonard G. Dries B Michael F. Duffy Marilyn S. Eaken James A. Earnshaw W Maureen Bevans Ebersole David M. Eisenberg Nancy DeVol Ervin Patricia Eshleman Ali Esmaili Mark Evans W B Eileen M. Everhart Barbara Fasnacht Suzann M. Faux George E. Fava W Margaret M. Fava W Sheryl Fiel Feinman George P. Fennell David J. Fennelly B Jane K. Fennelly B Lori A. Ferguson B Gregory Ferree Arlene W. Fisher Kathy Flatley B Ruth A. Focht Janice Forrest Henry M. Fortna Vicki Franz B Deanna S. French B Joel Friedman Steven Funderburk Ginny Furman Virginia Gagnon B Gale E. Gardner B John Garofola Susan J. Garofola Elizabeth Garver W



Linda Hodge Geiss Jedadiah J. Gerdes Elizabeth Hehn Giles W Kathryn Gingerich B Orland D. Good Patricia Gorgone B Salvatore Gorgone B Daniel W. Greenawalt W B Bridget M. Grieve-Carlson W Tami Groves Karen Grzywacz Raimund A. Gundermann Clara Gustin Timothy Gutowski Lucinda Guyler Kathryn H. Hackman Jere W. Haigh Sr. Gerald K. Haines Joanne G. Haines Gretchen C. Hanrahan W Aarin Harding B Dianne E. Hargust B Julia A. Harrington Harold D. Hart Martha A. Hayes B William A. Hayes B Barbara A. Hazlett Bruce Hazlett Amy Ludwig Heinly W Mark N. Heinly W Jeffrey A. Heneks Charles V. Henry Jean D. Henry Charles D. Hertz John A. Hetrick Judith Hiler Betty L. Hodges B Lawrence D. Hodges B Mary O. Hoff W R. Andrew Hoff W Mary Ann Hoffman Renee K. Hoffman B Tayebeh Hogan Nancy W. Hohenshelt B JoAnn Hoskin B Robert L. Hoskin Sr. B Steven Hoskins Devyn C. Houck B Becky Horner Howse B Robert L. Hunter Kimberly Iannarella B Tara Benson Inners Joanne Ivey John Jacoby Frederick A. Jennerjohn Gary H. Johnston Linda Jones Randy Jones James S. Juhl Sharon G. Kachur Lorraine Kaltreider Darlene Kastner B John Kastner B Bob Keen B Linda Keen B Dennis Keith Joseph E. Kirk


Ann R. Kline W Glenn Klucka Robert L. Knupp Evonne Kochanasz-Uhrich B Susan Smith Kreamer Cynthia Kreichbaum Janie Krick Sandra Rudis Krieg Cheryl A. Krogan B Kelsey Kurtz Paul L. Kyber John C. Lalino Robert Lamb G. Theodore Laubach Thomas Lauta B William S. Leeper Mary Elizabeth Esterline Lehn Carol D. Lenker W Laura Leonard Terry W. Light Susan A. Lingle William S. Lingle William Linnane Michael W. Loder Jr. Anthony Lombardo W Janet S. Longenecker B Dianne N. Loper W Thomas A. Loper W Elaine M. Loukas W B Spyros S. Loukas W B Darryl R. Lownsbery Glenn MacIntyre Susan MacLary Beverly B. Magdule Joyce R. Magee Richard D. Magee Ronald L. Malone Marion M. Markowicz W Thomas Martin Nancy McCadden Kathryn Starr McCulloch B Mollie McCurdy Jill Miller McGrorty David McGuire John J. McHale Jr. B David V. McKeever Sally Walmer McKeever Kevin McKeon Genevieve McKinley Lenus McMullen Alice T. McNutt W Charlie F. McNutt Jr. W Pamela A. Mehrens B Leslie A. Menear B Michael J. Menear B Ralph S. Messera Joseph P. Metro Arley K. Miller Barbara A. Miller Bernard Miller Dorothy P. Miller Kaye M. Miller Michael B. Miller Nancy Miller Theresa T. Minogue B Frank Morrison Mary Jane Moser


Judith A. Mrgich Brian R. Mummau Mackenzie C. Murray B Karen E. Myers Arthur P. Naumann Norman Neafcy David A. Nelson Joy Nelson B Kevin J. Ochs Katherine O’Connell B Tom O’Connell B Charles E. Orth Randall A. Oyer Rosanne H. Oyer Melissa Painter B David Palanzo John Parker Dominick T. Pece Judy L. Pehrson W Patricia M. Pellegrino B Ethel M. Perry B Darryl Petrak Ronald W. Prokay Stephanie L. Pugh B Deborah L. Quadri B John H. Quick Jeffrey J. Quirin Dawn Shuey Raiger Molly Forney Raudensky B Linda Newton Reid Curtis R. Reitz Thomas C. Renninger B Margaret Peggy Rhine Betty Rigberg W Corey Rigberg W Louis Riley John Rivera Marc A. Robeson B Patricia S. Robeson B Craig A. Roda Dianne M. Roda Tobias Rohrer Marian N. Rolles W B Kathleen K. Ross Elizabeth B. Rothermel Anna M. Saubel Mael B. Saunier Alletta Schadler Cynthia S. Schatzman Linda Schreiber Kristi Parrish Schwartz Dennis P. Schwenk Michael D. Segall Valerie Seiber Gina Seibert Joan Sherman Michael Showers Jacqueline Schonek Singel Mark S. Singel John Skinkus Michael M. Skovrinskie Amber Smith B Bonnie Claeys Smith Jane Gretsch Smith Kenneth Smith Marion D. Smith Charles Snyder

Ernestine D. Snyder B Roger Soderman Michele Sola James R. Spahr B Judy A. Spahr B Martin L. Spangler Jeff Speece Carolyn C. Spence Talbert B. Spence Michael Speziale Bertha B. Sproul Matthew T. Stapleton B Theresa P. Stapleton B Corinne R. Stefanic Michael J. Stefanic John M. Stehlik Mike Stevenson Robert R. Stewart Kyle Stilley B Patricia H. Stilley B Amanda Stober Linda L. Stoltz Roger J. Stopkie W David B. Stork Kelli Erb Stouch B David M. Strausbaugh Maria Strohl Brenda L. Sultzbaugh Joan E. Sweigart Eleanor Tarantolo B Adrian L. Tarquinio B Kimberly A. Tarquinio B Jen McCann Terrell Kenneth M. Tinsley B Adeline Todd B Richard W. Tomlinson Mary Touloumes W B Marie H. Tousley Glenn Treece Caren Trowbridge B William Trowbridge B Tamara Jones Trumbull Robert Tundermann Foster G. Ulrich Jr. Lois E. Ulrich M. Grayson Van Camp Norvel M. Van Dyke Frances B. Vogel Errol K. Wagner John Wagner Diane Ward Grace Warmingham B Larry Warmingham B Roberta Warshaw Corinne Weaber Anne W. Weaver Robert Weeks II Dennis L. Weidler Marny Wills Weir Michael F. Welsh Shirley A. Wentzel W Bryan J. Werner Jean Werner B Betty Westlake-Reist Cathy Wetzel Steve Wetzel Rod Wiggins B

Sara Wiggins B Anita C. Winer Stephen Winer Pamela A. Wise Maryanne Witman R. Gary Witman Daryl Witmer Shari Witmer Kim Wolfgang Wittel Leon I. Wolf Teresa Wolf Susan Wenger Wong Phyllis Workinger Teresa Wubbena Sharon Capron Yarger Paul Yarrish B Carol Nielsen Yeager Beth Yeakel Steven Yeakel Martin D. Yocum III Faye Gamber Zechman LeRoy S. Zimmerman Contributors Charles Aboyoun Kevin Acri B Albert Adamson B Zach Alexander Lillian O. Allen Iris Alster Carol Steele Amsden Michael Arndt Michael Arneson Betty L. Asick Eric Athey Bridget E. Avant Richard M. Avant Cody O. Backenstoe Ann Meier Baker Carole J. Bargar B Harry J. Bargar B Kathy Boulton Barlup Ralph V. Barndt Robert J. Barrett Jr. B Michael Barron Howard Bartholomew Alexa L. Bash Lois M. Beardwood W Erin Bednarczyk Cole J. Bell B Charles A. Benford B Tammy C. Benford B Timothy Bennett Helen L. Bernat W Philip H. Berns Brenda L. Berriker Guy Berry Cheryl A. Bieber Eric J. Billingkoff B Kerrin M. Billingkoff B Charles Biltimier Brian Blase Gretchen Blasser Helen Bricker Blasser Epiphany L. Bliesath Reynald Bodeux Harvey J. Bomberger Meghan M. Boran


Nancy Bordner Taylor Borrelli B Jeanne Zeiders Boyd Russell E. Boyer Eric Bradburn Lois H. Brechbill Linda Bresch Julia C. Brewer David L. Brooks B Stephanie Brooks B Debbie K. Bross Allie Browning B Angus Browning B Lindsay Browning B Tilly Browning B James Bruce C. John Bryer Kelly K. Burns Amy Buzinski Zachary Candler Cheryl A. Capitani Andrew Capodanno Ella Capper William A. Cardell Katherine Carey Courtney Carlson B Daniel E. Carroll B Rose M. Carroll B Steven L. Castagna Marisela Chaplin Michael Clapper W Jane Masner Clipp Sabrina E. Colbridge Rosene Coleman Gerald A. Collins W Jaylan A. Colon Lee L. Condran Joseph S. Connor Barbara Conrad B Margarete M. Conrad B Phillip J. Conrad B Thomas J. Conrad B Bernard D. Cordial Jr. Kristi Costello B Bonnie G. Cottle B Donald E. Cottle B Kate Stewart Cremer James K. Crews Gabriel Curry Charlotte Davie Michael C. Davie Deborah Clements Deaven Margaret DeBoeser Susan Dengler B William Dengler B David P. Deysher Richelle M. Deysher Judith F. Dillon Peter W. Dillon Jane E. Dinan Robert C. Dinan Samuel L. Dixon Claude Doner Margaret A. Donlan B Thomas C. Donlan Sr. B Ryan D. Dotson B Timothy Doty

W Walter Society Member

Karen S. Douds Robert D. Douds Brian Dow W Lauren Herb Dow W Christopher Downey Matthew B. Dubbs David Dulick Dorothea Dulick Rachel D. Duong Christopher Dyer Jack Dyson Cindi Bistis Ebert B Evelyn Eckstein Howard M. Eckstein William J. Edmunds Susan G. Edris Anne Effland Kenneth Egermann Michele S. Egrich Julie Ek B Valerie A. Ek B Melanie S. Ellis Mary Jane Emery B Michael Emme Earl C. Erb Richard Essex Nelda B. Evans Christina M. Faris B Kay Keller Feaser Emily J. Federowicz John L. Felix Jr. B Justin M. Felty Michael Felty B Charlene Ferrick Michael F. Ferrie B Heather F. Fink Boyd A. Firestone Nancy P. Firestone Christine Fisher Sharon A. Fitting Thomas L. Fitting Robert Fitzgerald B Sharon Flaig Lauren N. Fleming Carol A. Flickinger Frederick W. Flickinger Andrew C. Flinchbaugh Emily M. Franke Ellen M. Fraytic Jay Frederick Mikayla L. Freed Robert P. French Edwin Frese Haya Greenberg Fried Willard T. Fritz Helen Froehlich B Melissa K. Fuhrman Alethea Schlagel Funck Kevin E. Gane Doris Herwig Garland Linda Garnier Sue A. Garvin Ann Gebhard B Scott K. Geib Nicole Gentzel Katherine E. George Matthew L. George

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Marilynn Gerberich Alice Forrey Gibble Valentino Gonzalez Jr. Robert Goodman Amelia M. Gorgone B Charles Gorgone B Amanda L. Gorman Audrey A. Goss David Goss Patricia A. Gray Henry W. Graybill Jr. Jacqueline W. Graybill Lyla Korb Gregg Cathryn S. Gregory Diane Groff Cynthia A. Hall B Harry E. Hall B Daniel W. Hanley Jr. Gerald L. Hanscom Christopher Harding Elaine Hartlieb B Stacy K. Heiserman B Macey Heizenroth Paitra Heizenroth Charles Hepler B Marilyn E. Hepler B Glenn R. Herbert Holly Herbert Joy Herbert Lisa Catalano Herbert James Hershey Edward Hess Larry W. Hess Bill G. Holt B Danielle Unflat Holzman B Alison Hooper Jonathan Hopta David L. Horst Judith Horst Abram M. Hostetter W John W. Hostetter Patricia Hostetter W Barbara A. Houck W Shana Houghton B Carole Hovis Kenneth Huber Robert F. Huber Dennis Hudacs B Doris J. Hummel Joseph H. Hunter Robin F. Hurst Brian D. Hutton Neil L. Irons Judy Isacoff Richard H. Jeffries Suzanne Jeffries Esther Jenckes Cynthia A. Jenkins Ellen Jenkins Ronald C. Jenkins Catherine E. Johnson Jane Johnson Susan Johnson Robert Jolliffe Sr. B Charles Jones B Emma Jones John C. Jones



Michael Jones Rachel E. Jones William T. Jones Nathaniel A. Kachel Megan E. Kastner Hannah Kaufhold Carl Kaylor B Ben F. Keckler C. Edward Kennedy B Mary A. Kennedy B John A. Kenneff Nancy W. Kenneff Talon Kephart Lee Kercher Megan E. Kerwin W Patrick O. Kerwin W Michael R. Kinch Stephen Kirner Charles W. Kiskaddon Carolyn Kitchell Myra Knox Kitchen Corinne C. Kline B Robert E. Kline B Dilwyn J. Knott Melaney J. Koch Doreen Kohler B Carol Kohr Karlton K. Kohr Michael Kosoff Bradley R. Kramer Lou Kraus B Peggy Kraus B Donald E. Kreider Justine J. Kreifels Beatryce F. Kreiner E. Rosemary Krenz William F. Krenz Danielle E. Krick James T. Kroll Joseph Kufera Troy Kuhns B Jason A. Kuntz Victoria L. Kuntz Sylvia Kutchever Matthew J. LaFrance Virginia A. Lambert B Colleen M. Landis Amy Schappell Lane Kaitlyn Lane Lindsay E. Lane Nancy Laudermilch Steven Layser W Diane Lazar Jeffrey Leahy Becca Lebo Dan Lebo H. Richard Leisey Jill C. Lenick B John W. Lenick B Dorothy Nicholson Lenker Jeffrey M. Lesoine Yvonne C. Lessard B Eric Lesser Sheryl Lesser Ron Lewis B Daniel Light Jane E. Limpus


Ronald C. Limpus Ian E. Lloyd Watson M. Lohmann Tricia Loughney Sheila Lutjens Pete Lysczek B Tina Macko B Peni MacMeekin James R. MacMillan Mathew Mallios Leslie S. March Ruth E. Markley Charles Marshall B Ciara M. Marshall Helen Marshall B Robert Marshall B Susan Marshall Ernest W. Martin Judy Martin B Wilmer Martin Paige Matern Mike Matson B Al Mazzoni H. Thomas McAlpin W George L. McCall Jr. Richard E. McCauley Sean McDermott Monica McElhenney Thomas A. McElwee Heather McGahan B William H. McGowan Joan A. McHenry W William D. McHenry W John D. McKelvey Stephen McKinney Jack McNamara Mary Jane McNamee Beverly Mefferd Bradley L. Mehl B Amanda M. Mellendick Corine J. Mendenhall Richard W. Mentzer W Theresa L. Messenger Mary Ann Wertz Metcalf Michael S. Metcalf Alison J. Metz Jessica L. Meyer LuAnne Buck Mikos Michael P. Miller Peggy Kline Miller Bruce A. Minke Matthew C. Minney Francis J. Monaghan Patricia Monroe Lisa S. Mosher Timothy J. Mosher Michael Mulderrig Jordan R. Mummau B Victoria L. Mummau B Dorothy Murphy Rodger D. Murphy II B Erikka Myers B Shawn L. Myers B Ronald Nee Brad Nelson David Nelson Mary A. Nespoli B


Paul Nespoli B Suzann Torquato Newmaster Rose M. Newswanger B John Norcross Jennifer Babic Nordall Ian R. Norman B Marsha Novick Donna I. Nurick Herbert R. Nurick Rosalind M. Nyce Linda Olson B Patricia A. Orndorff W B Thomas E. Orndorff W B Abigail L. Packheiser Lois M. Padilione W B Thomas F. Padilione W B Ann Padula B Maria Padula B Brad R. Pannebaker B Molly Pannebaker B George D. Parker B Geraldine Parker B George E. Patton Jr. Lorraine Patton Stephanie M. Patton W William Payne Scott L. Pennington Troy A. Peters Elliot Pfautz Ellen Aungst Phillippy Angelia Estepp Phoebus B Robert D. Pittenger Patricia A. Plantz Wendy Jo Hammaker Poole Samuel D. Porter Arthur P. Powell David Powell Kortney J. Powlison Ralph Price Douglas R. Psulkowski Joseph Pulaski Joseph Rahalewich Sara Schlappig Ralph Amelia F. Rauser W Charles M. Reading Ray E. Reddinger Jr. Elaine Reddy B William M. Reigle II Deborah A. Reitbauer W George J. Reitbauer W Kerri B. Renoll Jean Bowman Rhine B Jeffrey Richard Gerald W. Richards Sue Ann Richards Fredric Richter Tanya T. Richter Marie E. Riegle-Kinch W Anthony Riela Joanne M. Rill B Lynn Rill B Caitlin R. Ritchey Jean E. Roberts Richard W. Robson James M. Roland Sandra Dilliplane Rossnock Cynthia B. Roth

Ronald A. Royer Alex M. Rubin Bradee A. Ruhl B Larry E. Ruhl B Linda Ruhl B Andrew Rusniak B Randall L. Russelavage B Joseph S. Ryzewski W Patricia A. Ryzewski W Annette Sacco B James Sacco B Nicholas Sacco B Stephanie Sacco B Richard Sage Stephanie Samuel Abigail M. Samuelsen Pam Saunders B Sal Saunders B Kathy Sawyer Sally Scheeren Anna Louise Kline Schell Patty A. Schiefer Jacqueline Schlegel Marie B. Schleicher E. Joseph Schneider III Mary Theresa Schneider Diane Schneller B Kristy Keisch Schucker Brent J. Schuetrum Bernard W. Schweibinz Jr. Sandra J. Schweibinz Rosemary A. Scott Patrick Sebastan Kristin Seiler Carol Ann Houseal Sener Marlin D. Seyler Heather Sherman Jason Sherman Thomas M. Showers Nancy Groh Shuey William Shuey Kelly J. Sinico Martha Ballantine Slayman William O. Slayman Leslie C. Smedley W Sally Smedley W Roy W. Smink B Caitlin Begnoche Smith George Smith Guy W. Smith B Jane Smith Jennifer Smith B Robert J. Smith Jr. Mariah L. Smolka Josephine S. Smyser Janet Smyth John Snyder Janet E. Snyder-Layser W Eryn L. Somers Marsha Dayan Spangler Patricia A. Speece W B Sophia D. St. John-Brainerd Brent Stahlnecker Linda Steffy William Steinhart Michael B. Stern Tyrone L. Stinson

Betty W. Stoner John E. Stoner B John Strogus Doris Stump Elizabeth Stutzman W LaMar L. Stutzman W Olivia M. Susskind Richard B. Swain Thomas E. Swierk Carole D. Swisher Joan Symons Marie E. Szilard Benjamin S. Tanner Rebecca C. Tanz Mark Templeton Margaret Terwilliger B Michael Terwilliger B Eldan D. Testa Susan H. Thomas Colice C. Tison Scott Todd Jeffrey Tomer B Matthew Tomlinson Robert S. Tonini Beth Toven B Chris Toven B James Troebliger Kim Trone B Jess Tulli W Christ J. Tulos Jr. Kyale Tulos Jessica Culp Umbenhauer Aslynn Hinkle Umla Brian Umphrey Richard Van Horn B Stephen K. Van Vechten John H. Van Zant Lisa R. Vannoy B Judy M. Vollertsen B Louis R. Vollertsen B Lawrence Von Barann Janice Voshell Nina Vought B Robert L. Wagner Cara Walters B Christine D. Ware B Carolyn Wargny Ash Warren Brenda L. Wasilewski B Michael J. Wasilewski B Jean R. Weaver Brian Webster Kenneth G. Weikel Barbara J. Weiss Robert E. Weiss Harlan R. Wengert W Nancy Nicholas Wengert W Bette K. Wenrich Daniel Wentsler Rick R. Werdt Ross W. Wessner W Carrie White Katharine Whitner W H.L. Wiest Susanne H. Wiest Michael C. Wildasin B Robert L. Wildasin B


Susan S. Wildasin B Paul S. Wilkowski W Jackson H. Will Yvonne M. Will John H. Willey Jeffrey S. Williams Steven E. Williams Debrah Wilson Teresa L. Wilson B Thomas L. Winemiller Herbert N. Witmer Joan S. Wolf Melvin H. Wolf Erika W. Wolfgang Donna Worcester Glen Worcester Douglas Worley Charles C. Wright Bonnie S. Yocum David A. Yocum Stephen P. Yokum Ann B. Young Eileen M. Young W Gary Young Robert R. Young John R. Zatorski Frances Zehren Barbara Zeigler W B Robert Zeigler B Jessica L. Zeiner W. Jeff Zellers Michelle Neibert Zettlemoyer B Carolyn D. Zimmerman B Marion Zweizig B

CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, AND ORGANIZATIONS Trustee Associate Albert Watson Trust American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund American Endowment Foundation Arthur Funk & Sons Inc. Bethany United Methodist Church Edwill B. & Rachel H. Miller Trust Ellen Moyer Garber Trust Fulton Bank: Downtown Lebanon J. Robert O’Donnell Trust Lebanon Federal Credit Union Metz Culinary Management Naomi Watson Trust National Collegiate Athletic Association National Science Foundation Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Scott Electric—Headquarters Scott Electric Foundation Inc. The Bishop Foundation The Breen Family Foundation

W Walter Society Member

The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation The Foundation for Enhancing Communities The Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brossman Charitable Foundation The Presser Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Five Founders’ Circle AT&T Barnes & Noble Booksellers BlueScope Foundation, North America Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC Metz Family Foundation Mosteller & Associates Paramount Games Inc. Pinnacle Health System St. Gertrude’s Club Steel Los III LP The Hartford—Corporate Office The John L. and C. Jeanette Witmer Charitable Trust United Way of the Capital Region Women’s Club of Lebanon President’s Circle Association of Independent Colleges & Universities of Pennsylvania Capitol Power Inc. InFaith Community Foundation Lebanon Seaboard Corporation McCormick Family Foundation Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling Inc. Shalters Insurance Inc. The E.W. Coble Trust The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation United Methodist Women— Eastern Pennsylvania Conference The 1866 Circle Brooks Family Foundation Lebanon Valley Engraving Inc. Marthom Corporation Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan Foundation The S. Dale High Family Foundation William S. Bushnell Trust Vickroy Society Associate Cherry Tree Foot & Ankle Specialists PC

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Council for Advancement and Support of Education Diocese of Harrisburg Fava & Maria Eye Associates FPMR LLC Good Samaritan Health System Henry Molded Products Co. Inc. Hershey—Palmyra Sertoma Club IPS LaserExpress Inc. Jump Street Inc. Kohl’s Department Stores Inc. L.E. Whitford Co. Inc. Lebanon Valley Insurance Company Foundation M.A. Brightbill Body Works Miller & Bixler Auto Parts Inc. One Main Financial PRL Industries Inc. Robert J. Phillips Insurance Agency Inc. Rohland Funeral Home Inc. Stanilla Siegel and Maser LLP The Baltimore Community Foundation The Delta Kappa Gamma Society The Francis J. Dixon Foundation Wagman Inc. Wilsbach Distributors Inc. York County Community Foundation Valley Club Beers & Hoffman Berguson Dairy Farm Candoris Technologies Fidevia Highmark Blue Shield In Group Associates Jonestown Bank & Trust Company L.V.E.P. Golfers Merrill Lynch Mid-Atlantic Coca Cola Bottling Co. Miller’s Asphalt Sealing Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) Simon Lever LLP Steckbeck Engineering & Surveying Inc. Strock Insurance The Burkhart Group The IFF Foundation The Nutrition Group Vermont Community Foundation Veterinary Medical Center of Lebanon Inc. VIP Trucking Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program



Charter Club Al Phipps Trucking Inc. All Saints Episcopal Church Amerman Ginder & Company LLC Control Point Technologies LLC DBR Industrial Services LLC Gal’s Sports Bar Greensburg Salem High School Football Parents Association Kreamer Funeral Home & Crematory Inc. Lebanon Valley College Lebanon Valley Lacrosse Club McAuliffe Chiropractic Office Meyer Oil Co. Pavlik’s Carpet Cleaning RTK Realty Corp. Salisbury Fire Company No. 1 Schwab Charitable Fund SneakerVilla Swiss Premium Dairy The A.G. Mauro Co. Inc. TNT Services Group Inc. XPEDX Quittapahilla Club Advantage Sport & Fitness Aluminum Athletic Equipment Co. American Legion Post 419 Annville Free Library Armorboard Packaging Inc. Bankert’s Auto Sales Bergen County United Way Bushwood Inc. D.B. Fisher Charter Bus Company Inc. Deerfield Associates Executive Search Inc. Farnham Insurance Agency Fetterman Insurance Agency Inc. Gallagher Printing Inc. Gallery Miscellaneous Global Data Consultants LLC Hoaster Gebhard & Co. I. Auman Machine Company Inc. Ken Bunting Consulting Kercher’s Custom Upholstery Klick-Lewis Inc. Lebanon Building Supply Lebanon Gasket & Seal Division of Lebanon Machine & Manufacturing Co. Manheim Historical Society Mease Motors Melnick, Moffitt & Mesaros ENT Associates Rumson Fair Haven Youth Lacrosse Association Inc. Schutt Reconditioning Sharp Management Solutions Silicon Valley Community Foundation Smigel, Anderson & Sacks LLP Spring Township


Travel Champs Walters Service Inc. Zinn Insurance

Devin J. Distilli ’19 David J. Distilli P’19 Jodi L. Distilli P’19

Contributors AmazonSmile Foundation Brant’s Asphalt LLC Breckert Illustrated Shirts Elizabethtown Boys Club Food Creation LLC Gray’s Mountain Studio J.B. Marketing Koinos Community Church Nick Gould Photography St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church The Hummel Family Trust Women’s Club of Manheim YourCause LLC

Talia Frantz Doud ’13 Doris M. Frantz P’07, P’13 Stephen L. Frantz P’07, P’13

TRIBUTES Alexa L. Bash ’19 Kimberly N. Davis P’19 Megan L. Berner ’16 Mark Berner P’16 Robyn Berner P’16 Katherine E. Bialas ’19 Audrey Bialas P’19 Thomas Bialas P’19 Alyse K. Bingham ’16 Brad A. Bingham P’16 Joni A. Bingham P’16 Jon-David Byers ’05 David E. Byers III P’05 Tinia M. Byers P’05 Rachel Camaligan ’19 Barbara Wogisch Fragasso ’62 Jamie Deck Cecil M’07 Brian Dow Lauren Herb Dow Phillip Neiswender Matthew D. Weaver Charles T. Cooper Marilynn E. Ade ’70 Tyler J. Cottle ’18 Michael W. Cottle P’18 Mireille Morgan Cottle P’18 Jessica Coughlin ’17 Elizabeth Coughlin P’17 James Coughlin P’17 Catherine Crissman Sullivan ’94 Gary A. Crissman P’94 Helen Crissman P’94 Jacqueline M. Dando Kenneth A. Phelps Mindi Phelps Michael R. Diesner John Kingham P’17 Kathleen Callan Kingham P’17


Danielle K. Dubenezic ’19 Cheryl A. Fittizzi P’19 Dominic M. Fittizzi Jr. P’19 Amy E. Evans ’16 Raymond W. Evans P’16 Theresa L. Evans P’16 Erika M. Fisher ’17 Michelle Fisher P’17 Tyler A. Frantz ’07 Doris M. Frantz P’07, P’13 Stephen L. Frantz P’07, P’13 Mary Meyer Gardner P’09, P’13 Alyse M. Canciello ’10 Dennis Hudacs Judith Leidy Hudacs ’04 John Kingham P’17 Kathleen Callan Kingham P’17 Nathaniel P. Gibbons ’18 David Avery P’18 Julie Avery P’18 Joy Graeff Andrew Rusniak Sara Wagner Rusniak ’09 David A. Heckard ’09 James W. Heckard P’09 Louise M. Heckard P’09 Dean R. Howey ’16 Richard Howey P’16 Allison M. Laufert ’16, D’18 Paul Laufert P’16 Valerie Wolf Laufert P’16 Abigail M. Leidigh ’17 Mary Ann Gavazzi Leidigh P’17 Ronald T. Leidigh Jr. P’17 Andrew C. Linker ’17 Frederick Linker P’17 MaryAnn Linker P’17 Timothy W. Lupia ’16 Diane Whiton Lupia ’77, P’16 Thomas J. Lupia P’16 Cody D. Manmiller ’16 Colleen Manmiller P’16 Douglas Manmiller P’16 Ciara M. Marshall ’18 Tina Macko Ian McGinnis ’17 Cara Walters Bradley L. Mehl ’16 Garth F. Stefan ’14 Timothy J. Mehl ’09 Rebecca Dugan-Hand ’92

Brian A. Hand ’91 The Sunoco Foundation Amanda M. Mellendick ’19 Lani M. Mellendick P’19 Mark E. Mellendick P’19 Robert L. Mikus ’90 John Kingham P’17 Kathleen Callan Kingham P’17 Emily L. Moatz ’16, D’18 Brian Moatz P’16 Roslyn Moatz P’16 James P. Monos Jr. Jennifer Hotzman Bender ’96 Matthew R. Bender ’96 John D. Brewer ’96 Craig C. Connelly ’94 Dawn Hickman Connelly ’92, M’03 Catherine Crissman Sullivan ’94 Danielle Unflat Holzman James C. Holzman ’06 Daniel J. Kelly ’07 Jamie Kovacs Kelly ’07, D’09 Jennifer Peters Liedtka ’92, M’00 Karl D. Liedtka ’91 Jeffrey D. Osborne ’90 Joanne Grajewski Osborne ’92 Mark D. Phillips ’89 Suzanne Taylor Phillips ’89 Charles F. Ridewood III P’11 Linda J. Ridewood P’11 Timothy T. Ridewood ’11 Amber Smith Brady A. Smith ’94 Colleen Snook Cory J. Snook ’97 James E. Stouch ’93 Kelli Erb Stouch David M. Sullivan ’92 Michael A. Susi ’96 Joseph A. Tomtishen ’07 Mary Touloumes Kim Trone Thomas L. Trone Jr. ’97 Jennifer Gieniec Wade John D. Wade ’91 Adam L. Wenger ’12 Kirsten Martzall Wenger ’13 Jeremy D. Wilson ’98 Rayna Schell Wilson ’99 Randall J. Morgan Carol Kohr Karlton K. Kohr Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 Carol Kohr Karlton K. Kohr Samuel B. Peters ’17 Charlotte Davie Michael C. Davie Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 David V. Rudd Shirley Rudd

David M. Remsburg Andrew Rusniak Sara Wagner Rusniak ’09 Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 Joseph S. Ryzewski Patricia A. Ryzewski Gail Edgar Ritrievi ’54 Joseph S. Ryzewski Patricia A. Ryzewski Joseph R. Rotunda ’85 Douglas M. Roach P’85 Joan G. Roach P’85 Terri Roach Rotunda ’85 Douglas M. Roach P’85 Joan G. Roach P’85 Shayna Heintzelman Rourke ’11 Jeffrey F. Heintzelman P’11 Sharon E. Heintzelman P’11 David V. Rudd Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 David M. Setley Christa Rusher ’09 Barbara J. Rusher P’09 Byron A. Rusher P’09 Joseph A. Scerbo ’15 Kerrin Scott Lutz P’15 Randy Lutz P’15 Rosemary A. Scott Jayanne Hogate Sevast ’01 Brian Dow Lauren Herb Dow Carolyn M. Shervin ’15 Daniel Shervin P’15 Mary Pat McHugh Shervin P’15 Jesse R. Shetrom ’15 Amy Shetrom P’15 Richard D. Shetrom P’15 Khevna R. Shukla ’11 GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Rahul R. Shukla P’11 Stuti R. Shukla P’11 Barry R. Smith Marion D. Smith Mark A. Sorensen ’16 Ann Sorensen P’16 Curtis R. Sorensen P’16 Elizabeth G. Sturm ’19 Brian G. DiPaula P’19 Krista M. DiPaula P’19 David M. Sullivan ’92 Gary A. Crissman P’94 Helen Crissman P’94 Glenda J. Synodinos Foster G. Ulrich Jr. Lois E. Ulrich Rebecca C. Tanz ’17 Alan S. Tanz P’17 Gina Riggi Tanz P’17


Lewis E. Thayne Deerfield Associates Executive Search Inc. Douglas C. Cooney Lucy A. Thompson ’16 Carolyn Thompson P’16 Jeffrey Thompson P’16 Alexander L. Toppin ’15 Mary Ann Plasencia P’15 Bruce Toppin P’15 Robert C. Van Horn ’17 Charles Hepler Marilyn E. Hepler Lindsey A. Wanner ’15 Jeffrey Wanner P’15 Lori Wanner P’15 Betty Lou Weicksel Charlene M. Weicksel P’97, P’01 Stephen A. Weicksel P’97, P’01 Bruce T. Welsh ’70 Lois M. Beardwood Allan F. Wolfe Bruce A. Albert ’70 Sharen Albert Richard Baker Marianne Boltz ’92 Jeffrey A. Bomberger ’78 Gary N. Brauner ’67 Theresa V. Brown ’76 Alysia Chaves James K. Crews Susan Adler Crews ’76 Conrad D’Alessandro Janet Else D’Alessandro ’68 Dana Dallas Scott M. Dallas ’82 Donald D. Dangle ’07 Kylie Dangle Joseph Dans Susan Toland Dans ’88 Spencer J. Dech ’96 Marc C. DeMotta Melissa Fleegal DeMotta ’94 Beth Leary DiGiulian ’80 James F. Dillman III ’90 Melissa Linkous Dillman ’90 Matthew E. Dwyer ’14 Gladys Roth Dyson ’77 Jack Dyson Barbara Jones Ebersole ’71 Dana S. Felty ’80, P’14, P’16, P’18 Joyce Heeter Felty P’14, P’16, P’18 Carl H. Fortna ’91 Suzanne Bolinsky Fortna ’90 Dorothy Hartman Gaul ’72 Cindy Gingrich ’78 Tuan Gormican Judith Fonken Grem ’72 Michael F. Gross ’82 Matthew J. Grzywacz ’99 Karen Grzywacz Kathryn Tisdel Guindon ’91

W Walter Society Member

Raimund A. Gundermann Stephanie Butter Gundermann ’87 Jessica L. Haloskie ’01 Kimberly S. Harbaugh Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 Beth Green Hertz ’80 Charles D. Hertz Robert P. Hogan ’82 Tayebeh Hogan Steven E. Kaylor ’06 Lindsey Engbert Killian ’07 Thomas J. Killian Jr. ’01, ’11 Ann R. Kline Robert M. Kline ’50, ’72 Elizabeth Potts Klucka ’08 Glenn Klucka Brad A. Krock ’95 Sharon Possessky Krock ’97 G. Theodore Laubach Michael W. Loder Jr. Rayne Keeney Loder ’06 John D. Maclary ’69 Susan MacLary Patricia J. McLaughlin ’74 Charles R. Mershon ’80 Sarah Strickland Mershon ’80 J. Michael Meyers ’70 June Wagner Meyers Daniel R. Neyer ’95 Mary Bullock Neyer ’97 Ann Buchman Orth ’84 Charles E. Orth William D. Patterson ’79 Frank A. Rutherford III ’74 M. Deborah Gruppe Rutherford Donna Schmidt Gregory P. Schmidt ’79 Colleen O’Neill Segall ’10 Michael D. Segall Angela McCracken Settle ’04 Brian Sinotte Dina Litzenberger Slechta ’91 Michael J. Slechta ’91, M’04 David L. Stein ’72 Marguerite Stein Sydnae Rouse Steinhart ’64 William Steinhart Scott P. Stone ’93 Tammy O’Roark Stone ’92 Barbara J. Strock ’82 Elaine A. Thallner ’79 Katie B. Ulrich ’15 Ann Calhoon Wagner ’80 Robert L. Wagner Melanie A. Weller ’06 Carlin L. Wenger ’69 Deborah L. Wiley ’78 Ruth Brown Zimmerman ’51 Cassandra L. Yeagley ’16 Donald E. Yeagley P’16 Rosemary Yuhas Bank of America Matching Gift Program Lois I. Bachman

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor

Laura A. Zimmermann ’17 Lisa A. Zimmermann P’17 Peter Zimmermann P’17

MEMORIALS Loy C. Awkerman ’50 American Legion Post 419 C. John Bryer J. Matthew Cecil M’10 Jamie Deck Cecil M’07 Rosene Coleman Marie S. Dorsch Raymond M. Dorsch D. Scott Eaby P’05 Janice S. Eaby P’05 Boyd A. Firestone Nancy P. Firestone Alice Forrey Gibble John R. Gibble ’71 Henry W. Graybill Jr. Jacqueline W. Graybill Barbara A. Hazlett Bruce Hazlett Doris J. Hummel The Hummel Family Trust John A. Kenneff Nancy W. Kenneff Beatryce F. Kreiner Manheim Historical Society Rufina Balmer Marquette ’51 Craig A. Roda Dianne M. Roda Elizabeth B. Rothermel Jason Sevast Jayanne Hogate Sevast ’01 Spring Township Betty W. Stoner Helen M. Warnke ’66 H.L. Wiest Susanne H. Wiest John H. Willey Maryanne Witman R. Gary Witman Rose Marie Root Awkerman ’49 D. Scott Eaby P’05 Janice S. Eaby P’05 Alice Forrey Gibble John R. Gibble ’71 Barbara A. Hazlett Bruce Hazlett Doris J. Hummel The Hummel Family Trust John A. Kenneff Nancy W. Kenneff Koinos Community Church Spring Township H.L. Wiest Susanne H. Wiest Maryanne Witman R. Gary Witman Women’s Club of Manheim Barnard H. Bissinger William E. Campbell ’69



Janet Tingley Boehm ’58 Carol Dannettell Biederman ’57 Oliver Biederman

Frederick Else P’68 Conrad D’Alessandro Janet Else D’Alessandro ’68

Carol Achenbach Keblinger ’55 James F. Keblinger Shell Oil Company Foundation

Lee I. Lapioli ’64 Donna Ditzler Weik ’72 Thomas W. Weik ’64

Jay H. Bolton ’36 Deborah B. McDivitt J. Gary McDivitt ’75

Carolyn Leitner Enterline ’65, P’96 Adobe Scott M. Agi Suzanne Enterline Agi ’96

Michael J. Kelsall ’84 Nicholas M. Sacco P’86 Theresa C. Sacco P’86

Florence W. Lenker Carol D. Lenker

Dorothy M. Book ’57 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Frank Braccini Sr. Benjamin F. Barletta Lisa Braccini-Barletta M’92 Harry L. Bricker Jr. ’50 Gretchen Blasser Helen Bricker Blasser Edwin Frese Robert L. Knupp Donna I. Nurick Herbert R. Nurick LeRoy S. Zimmerman Foster M. Brinser ’49 Deborah B. McDivitt J. Gary McDivitt ’75 Evelyn Evans Broderick ’40 Douglas Broderick Andrea F. Bromberg Alyce Grunberg Spector P’79 Morton Spector H’02, P’79 Barbara Burns Carpenter ’60 James W. Carpenter ’60 Anthony B. Creamer Jr. ’56 Betty Edelman Creamer ’51 Patrick M. Cullinan ’79 Donna Brinkworth Cullinan ’78 Jacquelyn Fetterhoff Douglass ’57, P’81 Betty L. Asick Barbara Macaw Atkinson ’67 Anne S. Carter Lynn Douglass Ray Douglass Richard A. Schappell P’95 Sarah Schappell P’95 Josephine S. Smyser Corinne R. Stefanic Michael J. Stefanic Marie Bergen Weber ’82 Jackson H. Will Yvonne M. Will Sandra Beltz Edmunds ’64 William J. Edmunds Bruce A. Eisenhauer ’04 Carol Dillman Dewald ’87, P’04 Timothy M. Dewald P’04 Debra A. Leeper P’04 William S. Leeper Anne Else P’68 Conrad D’Alessandro Janet Else D’Alessandro ’68


Doris Evans Linda J. Evans ’83 Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program June Evans Linda J. Evans ’83 Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Paul G. Fisher ’47, P’71 Sara Schott Fisher ’47, P’71 P. Jay Flocken ’51 Evelyn Rivers Wilbanks Ashlin Thomas Wilbanks Ann Flocken Wilbanks George R. Wilbanks Wayne F. Wilbanks Pierce A. Getz ’51, P’76, P’79 Anthony T. Leach ’73 Harold F. Giles ’67 Elizabeth Hehn Giles Almeda Gingrich Gruber Susan G. Edris Stephen T. Hartnett ’81 Robert D. Hartnett ’61, P’81 Bryan V. Hearsey Charles T. Cooper Marion M. Markowicz Sheila Roche-Cooper ’77 Kathleen Henderson Christine Walborn Couturier ’74 Robert Tundermann Carl F. Himmelberger Alyce Grunberg Spector P’79 Morton Spector H’02, P’79 Jonathan P. Holt ’04 Steven M. Gyomber ’06 Robert E. Horn ’66 Carole Duncan Horn ’65 Russell and Eleanor Horn Foundation Bruce D. Irvin Sr. Rachel Gibble Irvin ’67 Robert E. Johns P’75 Julia A. Harrington Eleanor Hershey Kauffman ’46 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Gerald D. Kauffman ’44, H’65 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55


William H. Kiick ’57, P’97 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund R. Lynne Kapp Kiick P’97 Robert R. Kirkhoff ’77, P’11 Lisa Henry Beard ’93 Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 Craig Callahan Linda Callahan Jane E. Dinan Robert C. Dinan Michele S. Egrich Donald F. Engle ’71 ExxonMobil Foundation Kathryn H. Hackman Wayne A. Hawes ’77 Wendy Sost Hawes ’76 Lisa Catalano Herbert Rex A. Herbert ’72 Kenneth E. Hess M. Louise Hackman Hess ’78 Kathy Davidson Ireland ’77 Frank W. Kushler ’75 Jane E. Limpus Ronald C. Limpus Susan A. Lingle William S. Lingle Duane R. Luckenbill ’78 Michael B. Miller Randall J. Morgan Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 Thomas A. Nussbaum ’80 Stephen G. Osborne ’76 Jeffrey E. Rowe ’72 E. Joseph Schneider III Mary Theresa Schneider Linda Schreiber Susan G. Sheaffer Thomas H. Sheaffer ’75 Joan E. Sweigart Edward Vinarski ’77 Daryl Witmer Shari Witmer Ethel Fake Wolf ’59 Leon I. Wolf Donna Worcester Glen Worcester Blanche Hawkins Knapp ’63 Thomas J. Knapp ’63 Philip C. Kohlhaas ’65, P’94 LaRue K. Kohlhaas P’94 Walter E. Labonte Carol Dillman Dewald ’87, P’04 Timothy M. Dewald P’04 Judith F. Dillon Peter W. Dillon

Jacob T. Linn ’18 Craig A. Linn P’18 Tracy L. Linn P’18 Leon E. Markowicz Charles T. Cooper Sheila Roche-Cooper ’77 George R. Marquette ’48 Joy Nelson Robert J. Nelson ’57 Elaine Heilman Marshall ’48 Susan Marshall John W. Metka Sr. ’60, P’84 Louise Beistline Metka P’84 Frederic K. Miller H’68 Janet Miller McLeod Marion S. Miller Janet Miller McLeod Martha Schreiber Morgan ’72 Lisa Henry Beard ’93 Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 Craig Callahan Linda Callahan Jane E. Dinan Robert C. Dinan Michele S. Egrich Donald F. Engle ’71 ExxonMobil Foundation Kathryn H. Hackman Lisa Catalano Herbert Rex A. Herbert ’72 Kathy Davidson Ireland ’77 Frank W. Kushler ’75 Jane E. Limpus Ronald C. Limpus Susan A. Lingle William S. Lingle Duane R. Luckenbill ’78 Michael B. Miller Randall J. Morgan Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 Thomas A. Nussbaum ’80 Stephen G. Osborne ’76 Jeffrey E. Rowe ’72 E. Joseph Schneider III Mary Theresa Schneider Linda Schreiber Susan G. Sheaffer Thomas H. Sheaffer ’75 Joan E. Sweigart Edward Vinarski ’77 Daryl Witmer Shari Witmer Ethel Fake Wolf ’59 Leon I. Wolf Donna Worcester Glen Worcester

Horace F. Moyer ’51 David P. Deysher Richelle M. Deysher Carolyn A. Lauver P’92, P’97 Joseph E. Lauver Jr. P’92, P’97 Bonnie S. Yocum David A. Yocum H. Anthony Neidig ’43, H’04, P’73 Anthony Calabrese ’73 Kathy Neidig Calabrese ’73 Amy J. Hostetler ’84 Georgianne Funk Jones ’57, P’85, P’88 Lawrence E. Jones Sr. ’56, P’85, P’88 Paul L. Kyber Clair W. Noll ’55 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Jeanne Winter Noll ’57 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Agnes M. O’Donnell Marilynn E. Ade ’70 Priscilla J. Ott P’00 Amanda Ott Templeton ’00 Jeffrey M. Templeton ’98

Lawrence F. Riedman ’70 James R. Van Camp ’68 M. Grayson Van Camp George Roman ’50 Ella Shultz Roman ’49 Robert L. Roudabush ’31 Jane R. Cahn Casimir Rudnicki P’60 Martha Rudnicki Williams ’60 Martha Kreider Rudnicki ’34, P’60 Martha Rudnicki Williams ’60 Helen Ross Russell ’43, H’73 Michele Sola Robert S. Russell Jeanne Zeiders Boyd William J. Boyd ’51 Judy Isacoff Michele Sola Carolyn C. Spence Talbert B. Spence Dennis C. Schmid ’65, P’90 Donna Teator Mikus ’90 Robert L. Mikus ’90

Howard J. Pachasa ’56 Diane Lazar

Sharon Schmid Donna Teator Mikus ’90 Robert L. Mikus ’90

Harold H. Quickel Pat Hartranft

Jan Garber Schoch ’72 Jo A. Yeagley ’70

James T. Reilly ’61 Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 Linda Leedy P’92

Jane Gruber Seiverling ’43 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55


W Walter Society Member

Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, P’62, P’68, P’72 Pat Hartranft E. Rosemary Krenz William F. Krenz Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 Mary Jane Sample Errol K. Wagner Pearl Miller Siegel ’47, P’76, P’77 Alletta Schadler Lebanon Valley Engraving Inc. Grace Naugle Sinclair ’37 Jean S. Sinclair Robert H. Sinclair Robert F. Sinclair Jean S. Sinclair Robert H. Sinclair Charles Sloca Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 John A. Smith Michael D. Mohn ’93 Edward W. Solem ’79 Adora Rabiger Smith ’55 Louis A. Sorrentino ’54 Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 Gail Edgar Ritrievi ’54

John A. Synodinos H’96 Foster G. Ulrich Jr. Lois E. Ulrich James M. Thurmond P’65 Mary Carol Hicks Campbell Michael J. Campbell ’69 John A. Walter ’53, H’06, P’85 George E. Patton Jr. Kreamer Funeral Home & Crematory Inc. Lorraine Patton Joan Gilbert Wengert ’53 Clifford J. Wengert Kathleen Keefer Wilhite ’77 Gary Wilhite Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program John L. Worrilow Dorothy Gennaro Thayne Lewis E. Thayne Ruth Whitman Yingst ’48 Andrea R. Hill Robert Young Colleen O’Neill Segall ’10 Michael D. Segall

Gregory G. Stanson ’63, P’92, P’95 Steven Alger Susan Alger Joe L. Stauffer ’58, P’82 Jud F. Stauffer ’82, P’14 Kelly S. Stauffer P’14

B Blue & White Athletics Club Donor



BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2015–2016 BOARD OFFICERS Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 Kristen R. Angstadt ’74 Katherine J. Bishop Geret P. De Piper ’68 Shawn P. Curtin Steven P. O’Day

Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Assistant Secretary Treasurer Secretary

George J. King ’68, B.S., C.P.A. President, RWS Energy Services Vidya K. Lala ’17 Student Trustee, LVC


Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10, J.D. Executive Deputy Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Insurance Department, Harrisburg

Kristen R. Angstadt ’74, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Retired Supervisor of Pupil Services, Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15

Carroll “Skip” L. Missimer ’76, ’79, B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Global Director for Environmental Affairs, P.H. Glatfelter Company

Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08, B.S.P.A., L.H.D. Retired Senior Vice President for Patient Care Services, Good Samaritan Hospital

Chester Q. Mosteller ’75, B.S. President and Founder, Mosteller & Associates

Jeffrey A. Bates ’16 Student Trustee, LVC Philip Benesch, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Politics, Faculty Director of External Scholarships and Fellowships, LVC Katherine J. Bishop, B.A., M.S. President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairperson, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation Edward D. Breen, B.S. Chairman, Tyco International Terence C. Brown ’78, B.S. President, Brown Technology Group LLC David A. Cass ’93, B.S., E.M.T.M. Chief Information Security Officer, IBM Susan Manbeck Corbett ’72, B.A. Former First Lady, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05, B.S. Director, Lebanon Operations, Brownstone Real Estate

Lynn G. Phillips ’68, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. Former Chief Administration Officer and Director, Aresty Institute of Executive Education, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Jeffrey J. Ritchie, B.S., B.A., M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Chair and Professor of Digital Communications, LVC Elliott Robinson, B.S. Vice President, Administration, Milton Hershey School Elyse E. Rogers ’76, B.A., J.D. Partner, Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers Karen A. Lewis Schmitt ’80, B.S., M.B.A. Chief Financial Officer, Maiden Holdings Ltd. William S. Shillady ’78, B.A., M.Div., D.Min. Executive Director and CEO, United Methodist City Society Tracey Smith Stover ’91, B.A., M.B.A. Partner & Rockies Market Assurance Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Lewis E. Thayne, A.B., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. President, LVC

Geret P. De Piper ’68, B.A. Retired Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, CSX World Terminals LLC

Ryan H. Tweedie ’93, B.S. Partner, People Advisory Services, Americas HR Technology Practice Leader

Susanne Harley Dombrowski ’83, B.S., C.P.A. Principal and Shareholder, Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz; Chief Financial Officer, Controller, and Shareholder, 12:34 Micro Technologies Inc.

Elizabeth R. Unger ’72, B.S., M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Chronic Viral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81, B.S., M.B.A. President, Building and Land Technology M. Louise Hackman Hess ’78, B.S. Retired Director, Quality Insurance, Lancaster Laboratories Gregory J. Hessinger ’87, B.A., J.D. Partner, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP


Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger, B.A., M.Ed. Chief Executive Officer, A.S.K. Foods Inc.


Samuel A. Willman ’67, B.S., M.Com. President, Delta Packaging Inc. Kenneth Yarnall, B.S., Ph.D. Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, LVC



Edward H. Arnold H’87, B.A., L.H.D. Retired Chairman, Arnold Logistics

Bishop Peggy A. Johnson ’75, B.A., M.Div., D.Min. Bishop of the Philadelphia Area of The United Methodist Church

Ronald J. Drnevich, B.S. Former Senior Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Board, Capital Blue Cross

F. Obai Kabia ’73, P’99, P’00, P’02, B.S., M.P.A. Retired Political Affairs Officer, United Nations

Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., L.H.D. Retired Senior Vice President, E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.

Bishop Jeremiah J. Park, B.Div., M.Div., D.Min. Bishop of the Susquehanna Conference of The United Methodist Church

Eugene R. Geesey ’56, B.S. Retired Owner/President, CIB Inc.

Suzanne H. Arnold Schrotberger H’96, L.H.D. Community Leader and Philanthropist

Martin L. Gluntz ’53, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Retired Vice President, Technical Services, Hershey International Division, Hershey Foods Corporation


Elaine G. Hackman ’52, B.A. Retired Business Executive


Malcolm L. Lazin ’65, B.S., J.D. Founder and Executive Director, Equality Forum

Editor: Dr. Tom Hanrahan

William Lehr Jr., B.B.A., J.D. Chairman, Capital Blue Cross George M. Reider Jr. ’63, B.S. Former Officer, Aetna Inc.; Former Insurance Commissioner, State of Connecticut Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97, B.S., L.H.D. Retired Owner/President, T.C.R. Packaging Inc.

Chief Communications Officer: Molly O’Brien-Foelsch

Editorial Staff: Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14; Maureen Anderson Bentz ’00; Rev. Dr. Paul Fullmer; Christine Brandt Little; Marty Parkes; Ali Wenger; Barb West ’98; and Anita Williams Writers: Christine Brandt Little and Dr. Tom Hanrahan Designer: Tom Castanzo, Afire Creative Group Inc.

Bruce R. Rismiller ’59, B.A., M.S. Retired Executive Vice President, Northwest Airlines

Cover, Presidential, and Feature Photography: Nick Gould (; Additional Photography: Charles Grove ’13 and Jeremy Long ’06

Stephen H. Roberts ’65, B.S. President and Chief Executive Officer, EchoData Services Inc.

ON THE COVER: Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 and Edward

*The Rev. Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, A.B., M.S.T., S.T.M., D.D. Retired Pastor, United Methodist Church Morton Spector P’79, H’92 Co-owner, Treasurer, Design House Kitchens and Appliances LLC Albertine P. Washington H’91, P’86, B.A., P.D. Retired Educator, Lebanon School District Elizabeth K. Weisburger ’44, H’89, B.S., Ph.D., D.Sci. Retired Chief of Carcinogen Metabolism and Toxicology Branch, National Cancer Institute The Rev. J. Dennis Williams H’90, B.A., M.Div., D.Min., H.D.D. Retired Pastor, United Methodist Church Harry B. Yost ’62, B.S., J.D., LL.M. Senior Partner, Appel & Yost LLP

H. Arnold H’87 recently made a $10 million challenge gift to LVC to build the Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion, which will open in 2018.

INSIDE COVER: Kathy Bishop, vice chair of LVC’s Board

of Trustees and chief executive officer, president, and chairperson of Lebanon Seaboard Corporation, is pictured in the transformed Vernon and Doris Bishop Library.

Visit to view the digital version of the 2015–2016 Honor Roll. You can also see the Honor Roll of Donors for the Friends of the Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery at and for Valley Musica at All of us at Lebanon Valley College thank you for your generosity and service, and for helping Lebanon Valley College offer a strong academic and residential experience for 150 years.



STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES 2015–2016 Revenues and Other Additions Total Revenue and Other Additions:



Interest Income and Losses (realized and unrealized) on Investments, Net


Government Grants

Total Revenue: $56,790,641


Total Expenditures: $54,366,783

Gifts and Private Grants

Change in Net Assets: $2,423,858 60%


Tuition and Fees (Net of Institutional Financial Aid)

Auxiliary Enterprises

Expenditures and Other Deductions

Change in Net Assets

Total Expenditures and Other Deductions:

Total Change in Net Assets:




Student Aid (Government)


Auxiliary Enterprises



Permanently Restricted





General Institutional


Student Services


Operation and Maintenance of Plant

Temporarily Restricted

Academic Support


Public Services






Temporarily Restricted:

Permanently Restricted:

$1,244,292 ($448,842) $1,628,408

Class Year Giving by Participation Class Year

Gifts Received by Source $5,059,218 Other Organizations 0.9%

Corporations 7.1%

Foundations 15.5%

Friends 26.7%

Trustees 16.6%

Alumni 30.8%

Parents 2.4%

Top 10 Classes for Participation Class Year 1938 1959 1957 1941 1945 1956 1966 1951 1969 1962

Participation 50% 36.3% 34.6% 33.3% 33.3% 32.3% 31.6% 30.7% 29.2% 28.8%

Top 10 Classes for Gifts Class Year


1954 1964 1978 1961 1968 1983 1949 1974 1967 1969

$420,347 $159,905 $137,036 $133,431 $103,134 $56,715 $54,311 $52,640 $51,803 $47,953

Visit to learn about other ways in which your generosity can make a difference.



1938 $200 50.0% 1959 $35,455 36.3% 1957 $16,569 34.6% 1941 $902 33.3% 1945 $30,125 33.3% 1956 $7,820.80 32.3% 1966 $14,470 31.6% 1951 $6,013.58 30.7% 1969 $47,953.20 29.2% 1962 $21,375 28.8% 1953 $6,335 28.6% 1975 $47,251 28.6% 1970 $19,162.20 27.5% 1963 $44,369.58 27.1% 1958 $28,260 26.7% 1960 $10,000 25.8% 1964 $159,905 25.4% 1947 $1,625 25.0% 1954 $420,347.12 25.0% 1967 $51,803.20 24.9% 1961 $133,431 24.8% 1965 $33,200 24.6% 1968 $103,134 24.4% 1950 $12,010 24.2% 1972 $47,607.20 23.5% 1944 $6,325 21.4% 1946 $6,120 20.8% 1952 $9,873.58 20.0% 1990 $20,974.96 20.0% 1976 $31,025 19.2% 1980 $38,713.16 18.2% 1949 $54,311.09 18.0% 1974 $52,640 17.9% 1979 $31,310 17.5% 1981 $47,930 17.0% 1955 $16,212.68 16.9% 1971 $21,151 15.7% 1977 $22,983 15.5% 1943 $6,114.25 15.0% 1973 $10,044 15.0% 2010 $12,735 14.3% 2005 $15,151.67 14.2% 1978 $137,036 13.6% 2015 $1,405.49 13.4% 1982 $6,875 12.7% 1987 $4,650 12.3% 1985 $8,180 12.2% 2007 $7,412.97 11.7% 1991 $41,410 11.4% 1986 $10,626.05 11.4% 1983 $56,715 11.4% 1995 $4,080 11.4% 1992 $10,591 11.3% 1984 $12,810 11.0% 1993 $23,528.56 10.5% 2006 $3,927 10.1% 1989 $21,465 10.0% 2013 $1,563 9.4% 1998 $29,845 9.4% 2000 $7,963.33 9.4% 1996 $14,765 9.0% 1988 $2,905 9.0% 1994 $3,215 9.0% 2014 $1,948 8.6% 1948 $450 8.3% 2008 $2,817.08 8.3% 2009 $4,045 8.0% 2001 $7,769 8.0% 2004 $5,244.71 7.8% 1999 $7,490 7.5% 1997 $15,362.47 7.5% 2012 $1,220.12 6.3% 2002 $7,280 6.2% 2003 $1,366.48 5.3% 2011 $2,685 3.5%


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Establishing your legacy


planned gift to Lebanon Valley College can help create a lasting and meaningful impact on students, deliver a tax deduction for you, and may

even increase your income. Such gifts—often bequests— have provided millions of endowment dollars to support our students through scholarships, research funds, facility needs, and countless other critical resources. If you choose to include The Valley as part of your estate plans, please share your plans with the College. You’ll join


more than 100 other members of the Miles Rigor Society, and we’ll help you turn your dreams and generosity into a lasting legacy of support for the College you love.

Learn more about planned giving opportunities and membership in the Miles Rigor Society by contacting Joseph Martellaro, director of gift planning, at 717-867-6323 or You can also visit


101 North College Avenue Annville, PA 17003-1400


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Two alumni donors have challenged those who care most about LVC to grow our Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society by 150 new members to mark the College’s 150th Anniversary. It’s never been easier to join this leadership giving society for the first time or renew a lapsed membership: 1. Make a gift of $750 between now and the end of the 150th Anniversary year (Feb. 22, 2017), and

Thank you to our 2015–2016 Vickroy Society members. The names of these distinguished donors are listed on pp. 16–20 in this President’s Report.

2. The challengers will contribute an extra $250 on your behalf and make you a year-long member.

Visit to make a gift or call 1-866-LVC-1866 (1-866-582-1866) for assistance.


101 North College Avenue Annville, PA 17003-1400


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THANK The loyal support of those listed in this report make it possible for Lebanon Valley College students to learn, grow, and achieve.


The Valley Fund supports services and opportunities that students depend on daily— generous scholarships, inspiring faculty, and programs that help define the LVC experience.

“It’s Possible at The Valley”— for all our students and faculty— thanks to your gift.

Individuals like you are the heart of Lebanon Valley College. Make your gift today at or call 1-866-LVC-1866 (1-866-582-1866).

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