17 minute read


Though I’m not a Dutchman myself, after 23+ years at LVC, I continue to be in awe of your Dutchman Pride! Your response to the I Am a Dutchman project was overwhelming and inspirational. From social media through personal interactions, you shared your deep connection to your alma mater.

In these pages, you’ll read about the passion for The Valley expressed by numerous students and alumni spanning more than half a century. At the end of this report, you can see another form of this commitment: the list of new scholarships and endowments.You’ll also see the names of some of our most generous donors, our current financials (healthy, despite today’s environment), and the list of loyal alumni and friends who selflessly volunteer countless hours to serve on the LVC Board of Trustees. On behalf of our alumni, students, faculty, and staff—thank you all!

—Tom Hanrahan, Editor

Marly Aziz ’22, Biology

I am a commuter. I am a biology major. I am a pre-med student. I am a volunteer. I am trilingual. I am a Valley Blue Coat. I am a Dutchman.

Being a Dutchman means having the necessary resources to overcome obstacles.

Julie Schirmer Campbell ’95, P’23

I am a mom, Jesus follower, and proud LVC employee. I am a Dutchman!!

Todd Snovel ’06

I am a lover of the arts. I am a proud member of the LGTBQ community. I am committed to boldly transforming higher education. I am a Dutchman.

Shami Beni ’21, Music and Music Education

I am a jazz musician. I am a Mosaic Mentor. I am a Residential Assistant. I am an educator. I am vice president of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. I am a leader on- and off-campus.

Being a Dutchman means taking advantage of every opportunity to become a better person and make the world a better place.

R. Lee Kunkel ’57, Political Science

I married a Dutchman (the late Rosalind Horn Kunkel ’60, biology). Our family is diverse. We hope The Valley is diverse… and we’re helping make it so. She was a Dutchman. I am a Dutchman!

Katie Bowman Grisbacher P’23, P’25

I am a musician, mother to four, and a graduate student. I am a Dutchman!

Daymond Zweizig ’21

Being a Dutchman is like wearing a badge of honor. Dutchmen are not one-dimensional; they work hard on and off the field to become well-rounded members of their community.

Natalie and Louise

Natalie Hope McDonald ’97, English/Art (and Louise)

We live in Old City in Philadelphia. We enjoy visiting cafes and other places where people outnumber dogs. We are each other’s emotional support pals. We always stop into modern art museums in whatever city we visit. We especially love New York and L.A. We can’t wait to visit LVC’s campus again soon!

(l. to r.): Ashley, Noah, Tracey, and David Stover

Tracey A. Smith Stover ’91, Accounting and Management, and David P. Stover ’91, Management

I am an accountant. I am a collegiate athlete. I am an independent.

I am a stay-at-home father. I am a post-collegiate athlete. I am a Knight (KEK).

We are LVC donors.

(l. to r.): Mark, Jasmine, and Aaron Bucher

Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14, P’23

I am a wife, mom, technologist, educator, friend,community warrior, and lover of The Valley!

Aaron Bucher ’23

Being a Dutchman means being part of a school that values networking and relationships as much as I do.

Jacob Whitfield ’19

I am an athlete. I am an educator. I am a first-generation graduate. I am a Dutchman.

Katherine and Valentino Sica

Dr. Valentino Sica ’50

I am a husband, father, and grandfather. I am a physician. I am a LVC scholarship donor. I am a Dutchman.

Tanner Haynes ’22

Being a Dutchman means having the drive to better yourself everyday.

Rebecca Hitz Hearsey M’21, P’23

I am a wife and mom, volunteer, LVC proud, and I am a Dutchman!!

Andrew Hearsey ’23, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

I am a volunteer firefighter. I am a Valley Blue Coat. I am the grandson of Dr. Bryan Hearsey, late chair of actuarial science. I am a Dutchman.

Roberto “Tito” M. Valdes, Esq., ’14

I am a social justice advocate. I am an athlete. I am a protector of the rule of law. I am a Dutchman.

Adam Kimball ’22, D’24

Being a Dutchman means being part of a genuine family, committed to each other’s success.

Steve, Bennett, Kelsey, and Charlotte Kurtz

Steve Kurtz ’09, Political Science

I am a father. I am a husband. I am a technologist. I am a music lover. I am a Dutchman.

Kayla Spiller ’22, Criminal Justiceand Psychology

I am an on-campus student worker. I am an on- and off-campus volunteer. I am an active club member. I am an entrepreneur.I am a criminal justice and psychology double major.I am an equal rights activist.

Being a Dutchman means having the courage tostand up for what you believe in, even if othersaren’t applauding, and embrace your passionconfidently with others.

Taylor Laliberte ’22, Biology (Pre-Med)

I am a cross country runner. I am a medical scribe. I am a Valley Blue Coat. I am an LVC donor. I am a Dutchman.

Lauren Vandenberg ’22, D’24, Physical Therapy

I am a student leader. I am a singer. I am an avid learner. I am an LVC donor. I am a friend.

Austin Cassatt ’21, Biology, Chemistry Minor

I am a legacy. I am a scientist. I am a TKE. I am a future doctor.

Being a Dutchman means gaining lifetime relationships with members of the LVC community. I am part of something bigger than myself.

(l. to r.) Bodie, Lynn, Eric, and Aidan White

Eric White ’99, English

I am a community volunteer and youth football coach. I am blessed to work with LVC classmates. I am living the dream. I am a Flying Dutchman!

Duke (l.) and Bluebird (r.) White

Duke and Bluebird White, Pet Therapy

We are always hungry. We like to chase things. We love to be pet. We’re too friendly to be great watchdogs. We are Dutch Dogs.

Lekesia Smith ’03, Sociology, Spanish Minor

I am a mom. I am a hard worker. I am a Dutchman!

Benjamin Maul ’23

Being a Dutchman means having the ability to get a quality education while forming friendships with my classmates and professors that will last a lifetime.

Joshua Houck ’21

Being a Dutchman means gaining a support system that will be with me throughout life, through friendships, mentorships, and professional relationships.

Allison, Hadley, Brogan, and Trevor Williams

Trevor Williams ’07, Accounting and Business Administration

I am a father and husband. I am your jeweler. I am a community leader. I am a Dutchman.

Jaime, Bryce, and Connor Rowe

Jaime Rowe M’18

I am a mom, travel enthusiast, and I am a Dutchman!


When Sue Sarisky Jones ’92 posted a Facebook request asking alumni to share why they were proud to be Dutchmen, she expected a modest response. However, 175+ of you responded and commented, showing your LOVE for The Valley! Here is what you posted. Please note that some posts were modified for space or style guide alliance.

Megan Siegel Backing ’09—I am a mom, pastor’s wife, and health coach!! I am a Dutchman!

Katy Dukes Bauer ’02—I worked for 18 years for a 28-year-old fitness company where I am now director of IT. I am a Dutchman.

Jessica Beidler ’14—I am a mama, third-grade ESL teacher, and proud master’s degree holder! Dutchman Proud!

Jennifer Hotzman Bender ’96—I am a mom, wife of Matt Bender ’96, marketing executive, and lover of football and music. #IAmaDutchman

Nicole Berkhimer M’18—I am a wife, dog mom, Candorian, and I am a Dutchman!

Linda Tyrell Bolasky ’81—I am a professional musician and an elementary school teacher. I am a proud Dutchman!

Steffan Bomberger ’13—I am a full-time studio teacher and freelance music director. #IAmaDutchman

Courtney Boone ’08—I am a mom, nurse, and proud Dutchman!

Sara Thompson Brookshaw ’07—I am a French teacher, musician, crocheter, volunteer translator, and mom to a pair of beautiful children and one mischievous cat. I am a Dutchman!!

Courtney Swisher Brown ’14—I am an autistic support teacher, wife, stepmom, and dog mom! Proud to be a Dutchman!

Betsy Martin Bruaw ’87—I am a minister of the Gospel, wife, and mother. I am a Dutchman!

Rosemary Bucher ’14—I am a therapist for theatre teachers and forever Dutchman!

Jennifer Buckley ’04—I am a dog mom, middle school teacher for students with severe and profound disabilities, and an avid reader. I am a proud LVC alum. I am a Dutchman!!!!

Jimmy Buckson ’06—I am a proud dad, husband, Secret Service Agent, and I am a Dutchman!

Ken Bunting—I am in the Class of 1969.

Alix Canciello ’10—I am a jokester, Chicken Tender Thursday fan, coach, proud New Jerseyan, and advocate for inclusion. Most of all, #IAmaDutchman!

Steven Carpenter ’93—I am the widower of Jenn Mellott ’95, husband of Derrie, dad of four, grandolf of two (not old enough to be a grandfather), back in school to earn a bachelor of fine arts in digital photography, and a tired Dutchman.

Alyssa Carter ’12—I am a nationally Certified Counselor with a master’s in clinical mental health who works primarily with kids and individuals with trauma. I will soon have my LPC. I am a dog mom, auntie, and chronic pain and invisible illness survivor. I am a Dutchman.

Joseph Chubb ’14—I am a high school head swim coach, competitive diver, actor, certified pool operator, American Red Cross lifeguard instructor, and proud to be a Dutchman!

Kelly Clark ’04—I am a cat mom, finance manager, and I am a Dutchman!

Tina Clymer ’90—I am the administrator of a mental health and development services agency, a Gamma Sig sister, and LVC proud!

Amy Leibel Cody ’03—I am a wife, mom, and proud to be a Dutchman!

Jennifer Benussi Daggs ’92—I am a mom, wife, regional office manager for the Pennsylvania Division of Centurion, and an artist and model for the Duluth Trading Company. I am a Dutchman!

Steven Deitzler ’09—I am a husband, father, and service coordinator for people with long-term disabilities. #IAmaDutchman

Colleen Delaney-Lewis ’12—I am a Ph.D. in nutritional science, soon to tack on an RDN. I research public health nutrition and mentor Rutgers graduate students.

Ashley Farr Donatti ’12—I am a wife, dog mom, business owner, photographer, community leader, and safety administrative assistant. I am a proud Dutchman!

Abby Eggert ’08—I am a teacher, coach, sister, daughter, and a DUTCHMAN!

Steve Enders ’05—I am a non-profit founder and leader, turtle conservationist and researcher, math teacher, husband, cat dad, and more… I am a Dutchman!

Erik Enters ’86—I am a husband, dad, and soon-to-be pops! I am married to a beautiful LVC woman, Maria Wheeler Enters ’88, counselor, coach, athlete, and I am a Dutchman!

Miranda Evitts ’17—I am a teacher of tiny humans, theater nerd, and forever “proud to be a Dutchman!” #LVCCheer

Christina Felty ’09—I am a veterinarian… and that’s literally all I have time to be. (And, a third-generation Dutchman!)

Donna Centofanti Felty ’95—I am a wife, sister, aunt, friend, loyal to LVC, and I am a Dutchman!

Shea Fisher ’19, M’20—I am a member of LVC’s first Master of Athletic Training Program graduating class, certified and licensed athletic trainer, and meal prep chef. I am a Dutchman!

Lori Folk-Barron ’93—I am a wife, mom, and neuropsychologist, and I am a Dutchman!

Erin McGarvey Frantz ’09—I am a mom, wife, teacher, and I am a Dutchman!

Susan Frieswyk ’81—I am a retired human resources professional, singer, and I am a proud Dutchman!

Kim Gailey-Fitting—I am an early childhood education teacher at the Calvert School in Baltimore, Md., wife, dog and cat mon, and PROUD Dutchman!

Jessica Bagley Gazsi ’07, D’09—I am a physical therapist, wife, mom, proud Harrisburger, and I am a Dutchman!

Bridget Lohr Geisel ’95—I am a mom, wife of Jim Geisel ’94, daughter, sister, friend, CLIO sister, and LOVE to make people smile!

Tony Good ’10—I am a husband, soon-to-be dad (any day!), music educator, musician, director, and arranger. #GoDutchmen

Casey Goryeb ’12—I am a wife to fellow Dutchman, Aaron Glasbrenner ’11, dog mom, music teacher, and Dutchman who owes the most important relationship in her life to LVC.

Patricia Harkins ’12—I am a middle school teacher with a master’s in education, sister to a fellow Dutchman, Kellianne Harkins Worthington ’07, pet sitter, and aunt. LVC gave me some of the best friends I could ever ask for in life. I am a Dutchman.

Erin Campbell Herring ’05—I am an elementary school music teacher, wife, mom, and I am a Dutchman!

Michele Bottomley Hochstrasser ’94—I am a wife, mom, sister, friend, teacher, and coach. I am LVC!

Laura Winiarczyk Houghton ’09—I am an English Language Development teacher, English Learner advocate, instructional leader, wife, mom, and I am a Dutchman!!!

Madelyn Hughes ’10—I am an estate manager, a dog mom, and an auntie!

Michelle Ingram ’17—I am a puppy mom, fitness enthusiast, and an emotional support teacher in the Lebanon School District!!!

Vanessa Ivanitz ’06—I am an arts marketer, a wife, dog mom, and I live in Chicago. Dutchmen pride in the Midwest!

Sue Sarisky Jones ’92—I am a wife, mom, loyal LVC fan, and I am a Dutchman!

Karissa Avey King ’11—I am a stay-at-home mom married to Chris Avey ’10.

Allison Moucheron Kline ’08—I am a sibling of a fellow Dutchman, Eric Moucheron ’14, wife, mom, business owner, band director, choir director, and music teacher!! #IAMADUTCHMAN

Emily Welsh Kohler ’10—I am a wife, assistant director of admission, resident of the great state of Georgia , and will always be a Dutchman!

Heather LaSalle Kordosky ’15—I am a foster parent, teacher, wife, and a DUTCHMAN!

Cathy Connors Kostick ’94, P’20—I am a wife, mom (of a recent LVC graduate, Hannah Kostick ’20), and I am a Dutchman!

Katrice Kirn Koudelka ’17—I am a caseworker for at-risk youth in the child welfare system. I am also a proud Army wife , and brand-new mommy.

Linden Lalley-Chareczko ’08—I am a clinical research scientist and #IAmaDutchman.

Rayanne Behney Lehman ’67—I am a retired entomology program supervisor with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, married to Dennis Meyer Lehman ’69 for 53 years, and dog show superintendent with Dennis. We still live within 10 miles of campus.

Stephanie Hartman MacBain ’02—I am the mom of two beautiful daughters and a second-grade teacher.

Erin Keiper Marek ’07, D’09—I am one of LVC’s doctoral graduates married to another, Scott Marek ’06, D’08. He is a physical therapist and member of LVC’s Athletic Hall of Fame. I am a regional director for the physical therapy company I work for and proud Platinum leader for Young Living Essential Oils. We are LVC.

Cassandra Martinez ’08—I am a child and family therapist in Alaska, hunny, fur-parent, daughter, previous school counselor, and graduate student. I am a Dutchman.

Christine Davis McCarthy ’76—I am a wife, mom, grandmom, retired teacher, writer, and ministry volunteer. I am #LVCProud.

Emily Franke Mori ’16—I am a wife, soon-to-be mom, counselor, and business owner. #IAmaDutchman

Rebecca Douglas Oliver ’06—I am a wife, cat mom, and preschool teacher in an integrated classroom in upstate New York. I am a Dutchman!

Scott Payonk ’05—I am a special education teacher, father, and I am a Dutchman!

Andrew Platt ’04—I am the husband of Kristi Riley-Platt ’03, a dad, elementary school teacher, advocate for equity in education, advocate for teachers’ rights, and proud LVC alum. I am a Dutchman!!

Lyn Zerr Powell ’80—I am a mom, wife, church musician, and almost grandmother (February).

Ana Prewitt-Rodriguez ’97—I am a loyal Dutchman!

Aimee Pellissier Radel ’07—I am an English teacher, wife, and mom. #IAmaDutchman

Courtney Reapsome ’08—I am a sister, aunt, rugby player, coach, mentor, and healthcare supply chain worker. I am a Dutchman!!

Kelly Gondek Renshaw ’07—I am a Spanish teacher, wife, mom to two dogs and a tiny human, and I am a Dutchman.

Jennifer Walter Richardson ’05—I am an elementary school music teacher, cat lover, wife, foster mom, and avid cooker and gardener! I am a Dutchman.

Kristi Riley-Platt ’03—I am the wife of Andrew Platt ’04, a mom, mortgage banker, advocate for diversity, runner, and LVC proud! I am a Dutchman!

Pam Merther Ruddy ’92—I am a wife, mother, teacher, and I AM A DUTCHMAN!

Laurie Sava ’87—I am a church musician, VIPKID teacher, non-profit office administrator, and proud Dutchman.

Jolene Schott ’17, ’18—I am a fur mom, sexual health educator, and an accountant. #DutchmenProud

Chad Schreier ’05, M’09—I am the husband of a Dutchman, Kathleen Oltman Schreier ’04, and father of two future Dutchmen. I’m a non-profit CEO, past president of a national association, corporate board member, hunter, fly fisherman, conservationist, born again, and I AM A Dutchman!

Bryan Scollick ’88—I am a director of instrumental music, and I am a Dutchman!

Barry Selinsky ’80 and Laura Nelson Selinsky ’80—He is a dean and chemistry professor at Villanova University, and I am an English teacher and author.

Whittni Reisch Shaffer ’19—I am a second-grade teacher for the Commonwealth Charter Academy and always a Dutchman!

Liz Shivell ’75—I am a retired family law attorney in San Jose, Calif. I’m married with two grown daughters and a granddaughter. Proud Dutchie through and through!

Staci Storti Silar ’05—I am a wife of an amazing fellow Dutchman, mother, physical therapist, professor, and I AM a DUTCHMAN.

Aleka Smith ’11—I am a social worker, mother, wife, animal lover, and forever Dutchman!

Allison Smith ’08—I am a college and career readiness teacher, math tutor, and piano accompanist. I am a cat mom, sister, and favorite aunt. #IAMADUTCHMAN

Lauren Baptista Smith ’02—I am a middle school science teacher in the West Perry School District, and just finished my D.Ed. to become Dr. Smith. I am a Dutchman.

Sarah Thompson Smith ’92—I am a teacher, wife, mom, and I am a DUTCHMAN!

Leann Perry Snyder ’86—I am a wife, mother, and educator. I am a Dutchman!

Brad Stocker ’73—I am a retired teacher of the gifted, current theatre director for the Annville-Cleona School District, and volunteer at Lebanon Community Theatre.

Lindsey Strauss ’05—I am a high school choir director, private music instructor, mom of two boys, and I am a Dutchman!

Leigha La Tourette Strickler ’13—I am a wife, caseworker, dog mom, and always a Dutchman.

Alyssa Stumpf ’12—I live in Texas climbing the corporate ladder, a general sales manager, independent, and ambitious!

Jessica Sypher ’04—I am a Certified Registered Central Sterile Technician, Auntie to my sister, Cheryl Sphyer-Hoinowski ’06, and brother-in-law’s, Michael Hoinowski ’05, proud sister of the BEST sorority in the world (Kappa Lambda Nu), and I AM a DUTCHMAN!!!!!

Christine Hayden Tash ’08—I am a wife, mom of three, and pre-K-5 music and chorus teacher. #IAmaDutchman

Jen Wert Teisher ’08—I am a mom, military spouse Zachary Teisher ’07, and LVC proud! I am a Dutchman!

Kristin Camilli Ternowyj ’03—I am a school psychologist, mom, and Dutchman forever!

Angela Warriner Thatcher ’04—I am a wife, mom to a three-year-old and one-year-old son, fur mom to my dog and cat, and a nurse. And, I’m a Proud LVC Alumni.

Amie Bickert Tracy ’09—I am a wife, aunt, basketball coach, and teacher. I am a Dutchman!

Shila Williams Ulrich ’05—I am a non-profit leader, podcaster, spouse of a twice over Dutchman, Derek Ulrich ’05, M’09, mom of two future Dutchmen, and I am a Dutchman!

Kevin Wagner ’93—I am a business owner, father of two beautiful girls, and high school and travel coach. I am a proud Dutchman!!!

Ashley Artz Withrow ’14—I am a mom, wife, dog mama, and first-grade teacher. I will always have a special place in my heart for The Valley! I am a proud Dutchman!

Julie Enders Wolfrays ’10—I am a human resource administrator analyst for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wife, stepmom, and proud Dutchman!

Lesley Laudermilch Woodward ’92, P’21—I am a wife, mother, music teacher, and I am a Dutchman!

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