’70s Tax-wise giving from your IRA
The Trumbull Chronicles
P. Michael Reidy ’70 published a three-volume novel, “The Trumbull Chronicles.” The series covers 1963 to present. The novel is available LVC Classes of 1970 and 1971.
on Amazon.
The annual gathering of alumni from
If you’re age 70.5 or older and have an IRA, you can make a gift to LVC and save on taxes— even if you don’t itemize.
1971 were special guests of honor as they
It’s called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), and it’s fairly simple to do.
celebrated their 51st and 50th reunions.
1968–1975 era occurred during Homecoming 2021. The classes of 1970 and
Fifty alumni and their guests attended:
Instruct your IRA administrator to make a distribution from the
Jim Biery ’70, Lt. Col. Steven Brandsberg
IRA directly to LVC. We’ll direct
’69, Terry Carrilio ’71, Susan Casagrand
your gift to whichever College
MacNew ’70, Thomas Cestare ’71, Kathy Knauer Cupp ’71, P’07, Morris Cupp ’70, P’07, Tony DeMarco ’70 (founder and organizer), Geret P. De Piper ’68 (former trustee), Theresa Featherstone De Piper ’71, Susan Yinger Dietrich ’71, John Dottolo ’70, Don Engle ’71, James Evans ’69, Deborah Strickler Freer ’71, Jensen Groff ’70, Paula Hess ’69, Beverly Houser Roche ’70, George King ’68 (trustee), Robin Kornmeyer ’70, William MacNew ’70, Linda Diehl Mains ’73, P’94, P’97, P’99, Robert Mains ’71, P’94, P’97, P’99, Elizabeth Levens Martin ’69, Carol Hoeflich
priority you choose. Cow #50
Annual Black and White Spider Awards honorable mention in the abstract
honored as a nominee in the wildlife category for his image, Cow #50.
You do not claim it as income for tax purposes since the distribution comes directly to The Valley.
And the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) returns in 2021. A QCD gift will count toward your RMD (if you have one this year).
For many donors, a QCD is the most tax-advantaged way to support LVC students because it’s a gift made from pre-tax assets.
Miller, LTC, USA (Ret.) ’70, Carol Grove Miller ’71, Linda Rood Miller ’71, Ernest Miltner ’70, Michael Morrison ’71, David Murphy ’70, Rev. Gregory Myers ’70, Capt. Roger Probert, USN (Ret.) ’71, Jeff Rowe ’72, Tom Sheaffer ’75, Allison Smith ’72, Linda Witmer Thomspson ’73, Richard Robert Walsh ’70, Bruce Welsh ’70, Julia
Nomination and Winners Photo Show live-streamed in November. He also was
Gifts of up to $100,000 are eligible.
category at a prestigious International
McCall ’70, Anita Meiser ’71, Dr. Ronald
Thompson ’71, James Van Camp ’68,
Nelson Rudiak ’76 received the 16th
Brenda J. Reigle
Wettach ’70, Thomas Whittle ’70, and
Brenda J. Reigle ’80 retired as the
Nancy Hendrickson Wieman ’69.
director of the Bureau of Historic Sites
Please contact Joe Martellaro, director of gift planning, at martella@lvc.edu or 1-866LVC-1866 for additional information on IRA giving.