The Valley Magazine: Spring 2019

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THE VALLEY Volume 34 | Number 2 Molly O’Brien-Foelsch, Chief Communications Officer

EDITORIAL STAFF Dr. Tom Hanrahan, Editor, Writer Colleen Cordial Michael Freeman Rebecca Hearsey Susan Sarisky Jones ’92 Victoria Kidd, Feature Writer Molly O’Brien-Foelsch, Writer Jaime Rowe M’18 Ali Wenger Anita Williams, Class Notes


PHOTOGRAPHY Emily Acri Andy Boehme ’19 Madeline Broderick Photography Blue Cardinal Photography Douglas Coombe, Tim Flynn ’05 Michael Freeman Nick Gould Eric Nkurunziza A.J. Nutter, Feature, News Jaime Rowe M’18 Joey Ulrich

WWW.LVC.EDU SEND COMMENTS OR ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement Maud P. Laughlin Hall Lebanon Valley College 101 North College Avenue Annville, PA 17003-1400 Susan Sarisky Jones ’92, Director Rebecca Hearsey, Assistant Phone: 717-867-6320 Email: The Valley is published by Lebanon Valley College® twice each year and distributed without charge to alumni and friends. The deadline for submission of information to The Valley is approximately four months before being received by its readership. Class Notes received after the deadline will be included in the next issue of the magazine.




“GOING FURTHER. ACHIEVING MORE.” LVC alumni consistently outperform expectations.














ON THE COVER The idea of performing beyond expectations appeared consistently as a theme in market research the College commissioned last year. Alumni, parent, and student audiences overwhelmingly attributed their success to their hard work combined with LVC’s challenging academic programs, empowering and connected community, and focus on the well-being of humanity. As a result, generation after generation of the College’s students and alumni have made significant contributions to the arts, sciences, business, and health professions.

INSIDE COVER Spring blossoms on campus.




Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends, On March 16, more than 300 families brought their accepted students to campus for LVC Live, an event that, unlike any other besides Commencement, captures the essence of what LVC stands for. You could see and feel the enthusiasm as accepted students connected with faculty, made new friends, chose their rooms—and in some cases, their roommates—and rang the gong to celebrate making their commitment to attend LVC. Fifty-eight students enrolled that day alone, compared to 40 on the same day in 2018, a year that brought in the largest class in history. It was an incredibly uplifting day. Colleagues at other colleges and universities have asked for LVC’s secret formula for attracting students. The truth is, it isn’t a secret—it’s a system that the College’s faculty and staff designed to sustain an exceptional academic experience. This system centers around developing in students the qualities employers seek in the 21st century: critical thinking, communication, creative, and analytical skills. Through our core curriculum, Constellation LVC, students learn deeply within their majors, integrate fields of study, and gain real-world experience and global competencies. The Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success complements the curriculum with career guidance that spans a student’s first year through graduation and aligns programming to academic and developmental needs. We deliver our education in a highly coordinated, crossdepartmental environment that enables us to adapt quickly to the needs of students, employers, and society. For instance, the College rapidly added successful new Athletic Training, Exercise Science, and Speech-Language Pathology majors and our popular eSports program. The result of this highly intentional and adaptive system? Our students go further and achieve more than they ever thought possible. For example, 70 percent of LVC students graduate in four years, compared to the graduation rate across the Pennsylvania State System of 36%. This percentage ranks LVC among the top eight percent for actual graduation rate among the 644 regional institutions in U.S. News and World Report’s 2019 “America’s Best Colleges.” Our students also consistently receive Fulbright awards to conduct research and teach English abroad, earning LVC the distinction of being listed once again as a top Fulbright-producing institution for 2018–19. This past fall, LVC students launched a program to teach girls at a Palmyra middle school how to code, assisted low-income and elderly residents with their taxes, presented research at professional conferences, and more. As graduates, these high achievers will go on to contribute to the social, economic, physical, cultural, and psychological well-being of



(l. to r.) My Ho ’20, Matt Yansick ’22, President Lewis E. Thayne, 2019 Fulbright Finalist Alexa Kanakry ’19, Tyler Okomba ’20

humanity—all while remaining the genuine, kind, and supportive people who make our community so special. Students and graduates tell us time and again that it is the people of LVC who pushed them further and helped them achieve more in their careers and their lives. Alumni and friends: You have the insider knowledge to tell prospective students and their families about the advantages of an LVC education. Who better to share the many stories of how our graduates have led the way forward in breakthrough technologies, advances in science and healthcare, global understanding, and more? I invite you to share your LVC pride boldly and proudly, wherever you go. My deepest gratitude to you for being part of this empowering community,

President Lewis E. Thayne




Community Collaborations Students in LVC’s Storytelling for Online

veterans to campus for various events,

Media class collaborated with military

including a military-themed show,

veterans from the Lebanon VA Medical

Witness to War, and Veteran Paper

Center to share stories from those who

Workshop in the Suzanne H. Arnold

fought for freedom. The students pro-

Art Gallery.

duced a series of short videos dedicated to the veteran’s lives. Kayla Shuman ’21

(far left): Sgt. Troy Shifflett surprised

shared the story of her uncle, Sgt. Troy

his niece, Kayla Shuman ’21, then a

Shifflett, who served in the U.S. Army from 2002 to 2010, including in Iraq from 2005 to 2006.

first-grader at Pine Street Elementary School, when he returned from serving with the U.S. Army in Iraq.

College faculty have established other partnerships with veterans at the medical center, including in creative writing

Students Give Voice to Veterans

(Veteran Voices and a creative writing workshop at the VA), creative arts (Creative Arts Group and The Seeing Lens, a therapeutic photography group), and art therapy/psychology (Art Therapy Practicum), as well as a Hike and Write event this summer. They have also invited the Sgt. Troy Shifflett and his niece, Kayla Shuman ’21

WellSpan Supports New Master’s in Counseling Psychology Pending a faculty vote this fall, LVC will add a master’s in

According to Dr. Lou Manza, chair and professor of psychology,

counseling psychology degree set to launch in fall 2020.

“A master’s in counseling psychology is a high-demand degree

College faculty in the Psychology Department worked with

among students and health care organizations. There’s a clear

WellSpan officials to create a program that includes online

regional need—and it’s one that Lebanon Valley College is

options and prepares professionals to address mental health

well-prepared to answer by building on our strong undergrad-

and counseling needs in the region.

uate psychology program.” He cited data from the Economic

WellSpan provided start-up funding for the program and will

Development and Employer Planning System that projects jobs

offer internships and practicum opportunities for the advanced degree. WellSpan Philhaven is a preferred partner, and qualified employees of the WellSpan system will have opportunities to teach in the program.



for clinical, counseling, and school psychologists will grow 9.4% from 2016 to 2026.

Laughlin Hall

Alumni Awards Bestowed

was honored with the June Herr Educator of the Year Award

LVC recognized three alumni at the 2018 Alumni Awards Cere-

Alumni Award for his quick rise in the field of actuarial science.

for her work in education. Ryan Ledger ’11 received the Young

mony during Homecoming Weekend. Dr. April M. Hershey ’91

Adam Tavel ’03 received the Creative Achievement Award for his work in poetry and education. Hershey has served as superintendent of the Warwick School District since June 2009. She has overseen academic growth at all levels, implemented full-day Kindergarten for all students, and enjoyed a productive relationship with the bargaining unit. Ledger is vice president of major accounts for Chubb Insurance’s North American division, where he is responsible for meeting the property and casualty needs of large corporate customers through retail broker channels. Tavel is a professor of English at Wor-Wic Community College, where he also codirects the Echoes & Visions Reading Series. In September

(l. to r.) Adam Tavel ’03, Dr. April Hershey ’91, Betty Hungerford ’54,

2017, Tavel visited LVC to share his writings as part of the

H’09 (chair, Alumni Awards Committee), Ryan Ledger ’11

Writing: A Life series.

The Hon. Thomas Corbett ’71 Headlines In an event organized by U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, The Hon. Thomas W. Corbett Jr. ’71 spoke to more than 100 area high school students during the new Youth Civic Engagement Symposium held at LVC in October. Students also heard from U.S. District Court Chief Judge Christopher Connor, Pennsylvania State Rep. Frank Ryan, LVC Professor Chris Dolan, and former State Rep. Mike Folmer.

The LVC Symphony Orchestra,

European Tour

directed by Dr. Hannes Dietrich, Newton and Adelaide Burgner Endowed Professor of Instrumental Music, travels to Berlin, Leipzig, Prague, and Vienna in May 2020. Orchestra alumni and friends are invited to join the tour—and are welcome to perform with the orchestra, as well. Please contact Dr. Dietrich for additional details at We also plan to celebrate Dr. Dietrich’s 25th anniversary at The Valley in April 2020. There will be a concert with current students and alumni, as

Prague, Czech Republic

well as an alumni reunion.




The Sporting Life

Softball Superstars Celebrated Samantha Derr Snyder ’14 and Sammy Bost ’17, D’19, LVC softball’s only National Fastpitch Coaches Association All-Americans, had their jersey banners unveiled at LVC Softball Park this spring. Bost, a threetime All-American and the program’s only first-teamer, also had her #14 jersey retired. Bost, who led her teams to three MAC Commonwealth Championships titles, was a 2014, 2015, and 2016 All-American; the 2014 and 2016 MAC Commonwealth Player of the Year; and 2014 conference Rookie of the Year. She is the NCAA record-holder with 97 consecutive stolen bases. Derr was a 2014 All-American and the conference Pitcher of the Year with a 23and-3 record and a 1.03 earned-run average. She also shined as a hitter, posting a .371 (l. to r.) Sammy Bost ’17, D’19, Stacey Hollinger (associate director of athletics), Samantha Derr Snyder ’14

batting average.

eSports Adds Space, Games, and Partnerships LVC’s eSports program, the first varsity teams in Pennsylvania, is expanding. The program will add Call of Duty and Paladins this fall, and partner with ProGuides of California to offer student-athletes custom content and training. Also, the program will expand its eSports arena to provide all nine teams with dedicated gaming space, as well as offer an eSports scholarship to recruited students worth up to $10,000 over four years. The program, which recently defeated #1 Northeastern University in Hearthstone, also has collaborated with area schools like Conestoga Valley (CV) High School to set up a uniform partnership with Akquire, a clothing, accessory, and hard-good company. The College also sponsored the team with the LVC logo displayed on CV uniforms.



Mason Garza ’22 (in LVC eSports hoodie) was the first eSports recruit for 2019.

Student Spotlight

Women Make a Difference LVC students Bethany Kristich ’21 and Kayla Shuman ’21 are shaping the lives of young computer coders at Palmyra Area Middle School through the Girls Who Code after-school program. These digital communications majors started the program with two middle school students exploring an important STEM area last fall and it grew to 25 students this spring. Under the guidance of Jeff Remington, Palmyra teacher and longtime LVC STEM adjunct professor, Kristich and Shuman added Ozobot robots and Makey Makey mini-computers to the curriculum this semester. A video of their work can be found on The Valley’s YouTube channel.

(l. to r.) Beth, Bethany Kristich ’21, Lilly

Actively Intercultural

Include, Not Exclude

Marvin Worthy, Keynote Speaker

Marvin Worthy, an educator with more

ulty and staff that day, encouraged the

Under a new symposium format, faculty,

than 25 years of commitment to minimiz-

full house in Frederic K. Miller Chapel “to

staff, and students dedicated time to

ing the devastation caused by a lack

include not exclude, to accept not reject,

provide the LVC community with a vari-

of civility, was the featured speaker

and to act not ignore.” He also noted that

ety of educational and interactive after-

for LVC’s Sixth Annual Symposium on

“acceptance is a little thing that makes a

noon sessions to further the College’s

Inclusive Excellence in January. Worthy,

big difference!”

commitment to Inclusive Excellence.

who also held training sessions for fac-




Faculty Scholarship


CDC STEM Ambassador

Dr. Keith Veenhuizen, assistant professor of physics, was the lead

Dr. Kathleen Blouch, director of STEM education, was se-

author on a research paper highlighting a breakthrough in con-

lected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

trolling the properties of crystals in glass. The findings may lead

(CDC) for the CDC Science Ambassador Fellowship this

to an increase in the number of optical devices—such as linkages

summer in Atlanta, Ga. There, she will write curriculum

between optical fibers used for data transmission—that can be

and collaborate with professionals from across the coun-

made from these crystals. Veenhuizen collaborated with col-

try. The Ambassador Fellowship is an annual appointment

leagues from Lehigh University, Corning Inc., and the Oak Ridge

through June 2020. These experiences will help Blouch

National Laboratory in Tennessee, where he conducts part of his

lead the Master’s in STEM Education and Integrative

student-faculty research. The paper was published in the journal

STEM Education Certificate programs, which offer blend-

MRS Communications and shared on the National Science Foun-

ed format and online courses to meet the needs of

dation (NSF) and Space Today websites.

full-time educators.

Most Distinguished Dr. Thomas Dompier

Dr. Thomas Dompier, associate pro-

100 publications on athletic injuries and

fessor of athletic training, was named

injury prevention at the youth through

a 2018 Most Distinguished Athletic

NCAA and NFL levels, was also rec-

Trainer by the National Athletic Trainers’

ognized as a NATA Fellow, the highest

Association (NATA) in February. Domp-

distinction an athletic training research-

ier, author or co-author of more than

er can receive.

Ulrich Into Women’s Hall of Fame Erin Ulrich, clinical assistant professor of athletic training (AT) and director of AT clinical education, was inducted into the Lebanon County Commission for Women’s Hall of Fame. Dr. Joe Murphy, director and assistant professor of AT, nominated Ulrich for her role in Women Advocating Athletics. He noted that “Erin excelled at providing outstanding care for the underserved student-athletes before arriving at LVC as the College’s first-ever female head athletic trainer.” He added, “She has shined in her many roles, including becoming a non-physician faculty member at the Penn State School of Medicine,

(front, l. to r.) Professor Ulrich, Dr. Eva Frank (assistant professor of AT), Victoria

and developing LVC’s ‘return to learn’ protocol

ByDeLey ’19, Jack Eble (FOX 43), Shea Fisher ’19, Carlie Vaughn, Tasia Dennis ’19

for student-athletes who sustain concussions.”

(back, l. to r.) Ryan Natale ’19, Michael Dueck ’19



Camino de Santiago Reflections

(l. to r.) Dr. Rachel Albert, Josh Rinehimer ’18, Savannah Toth ’19, Sara Koros ’18, and Austin

Dr. Holly M. Wendt, director of cre-

Martinez ’18 presented their student-faculty research at the Eastern Psychological Association

ative writing and assistant professor of

Annual Meeting in New York City in 2018.

English, co-presented “One Pilgrim’s

Colorado Keynote

Progress on the Camino de Santiago” at the 2019 Casper College Humanities Festival in Wyoming in February. Wendt described the rich tapestry of history, art, and cultural exchange that underpins the Camino de Santiago and reflected on experiences as a pilgrim, scholar, and writer.

Dr. Rachel Albert, assistant professor of psychology and director of LVC’s Baby Lab, was the keynote speaker for a Mile High Early Learning fundraiser in Denver, Colo., in March. The organization, which provides early childhood programs for low-income families, raised $162,000 during the event that was attended by city and state politicians. Albert’s research-based approach to language development, which has been featured on NPR and in Scientific American, focuses on the powerful impact that engaged, responsive adults can have on children.

Philanthropy Transforms Siegel, one of Pennsylvania’s largest em-

here at the beginning,” said Dr. Lewis E.

ployee benefits firms, made a significant

Thayne, LVC president. “Now Connie and

gift to LVC to create a new faculty po-

Connie’s alumni partners at the firm are

sition in the Actuarial Science Program.

giving LVC the means to achieve a new

The professor will focus on teaching and

level of excellence.”

actuarial science research that advances the field of study.

Conrad M. Siegel H’18

Gift Adds Up Conrad M. Siegel H’18, his wife, Gail, and his LVC alumni partners at Conrad

Siegel collaborated with Dr. Barney Bissinger, late chair of LVC’s Mathemat-

Several of Conrad Siegel’s employees

ics Department, to create the Actuarial

are LVC actuarial science alumni, includ-

Science Program in 1964. LVC conferred

ing five of whom became partners with

an honorary degree to Siegel in 2018 for

ownership in the firm. Glenn Hafer ’82,

his “instrumental role in establishing one

David Killick ’81, Bob Mrazik ’79, Frank

of the nation’s early actuarial science

Rhodes ’83, and Tom Zimmerman ’83

programs… and for founding one of the

each supported the program through

most respected actuarial and financial

this gift or by helping further the overall

services firms in the country.” The U.S.

goals of the major.

Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates

“Connie Siegel helped start the LVC

actuarial employment will grow by 22%

Actuarial Science Program. He was

from 2016 to 2026.




Campus Transformation

London Calling

University of London Certificate in High-

of politics and director of the Law and

er Education in the Common Law. The

Society Program. “It is an ideal program

The University of London recognized

program, which will enable LVC students

for high-achieving U.S. and international

to receive a global credential in law, is

pre-law students.” Benesch designed

Lebanon Valley College as a teaching center for the university’s Undergrad-

set to begin this fall.

the program and will

uate Law Program. LVC is the first U.S.

“We will prepare

teach courses prepa-

accredited higher education institution

our students for the

to receive the distinction. Through this

University of London

new, accelerated three-year program,

first-year law modules

selected students may earn a bachelor

using a hybrid mode of study,” said Dr.

of arts degree in politics from LVC and a

Philip Benesch, LVC associate professor

ratory to University of London modules in Legal System and Methods and Public Law. He holds an LL.M degree from the University of London.

President’s Corner

Rep. Dent Awarded Founders Medal Dr. Lewis E. Thayne, president of LVC, presented former U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent the College’s Founders Medal, one of the highest commendations issued by the institution, during a ceremony Feb. 18. Dent also met with students and faculty, and presented the lecture “Presidential Power and Congress: Checks and Balances in a Time of Divided Government,” to students in politics classes. Dent retired in May 2018 after serving nearly seven terms in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 15th Congressional District of Pennsylvania (2005–2018). He has been a close friend of the College and its students since

Dr. Lewis E. Thayne, U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent

1990, supporting pre-law majors, Peace

DLA Piper, a global law firm, and contrib-

Edward G. Rendell; philanthropists

Corps candidates, and those interested

utor for CNN.

Frank Dixon, Jeanne Donlevy Arnold

in interning and serving in government. Today, he is a senior policy advisor for



Previous recipients include Pennsylvania Govs. Thomas W. Corbett ’71 and

H’10, and William Lehr, Esq., H’19; and Maj. Gen. Jessica L. Wright.

Academic Achievements

Rachel Duong ’19

Alexa Kanakry ’19

Calyn Lutz ’19

Four Years, 10 Fulbrights LVC students set two historic Fulbright marks this spring with four scholars receiving Fulbright grants for 2019–2020. The College also had a record seven Fulbright semi-finalists, one of whom is listed as an Alternate for the grant to which they applied and can receive the grant if the circumstances of the principal awardee change.

Matthew Torrence ’19

LVC a Top Fulbright Producer—Again! After having at least one Fulbright Finalist for four consecutive years, LVC was again recognized as one of the select U.S. colleges and universities that produce the most Fulbright scholars. Each year the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational

The newest Fulbright Finalists—Rachel Duong ’19 (English and

and Cultural Affairs announces the top-producing institutions

Spanish, Brazil), Alexa Kanakry ’19 (music and music education,

for the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s flagship inter-

Spanish minor, Spain), Calyn Lutz ’19 (Spanish), and Matthew

national educational exchange program. It is the third consecu-

Torrence ’19 (early childhood and special education, Malaysia)

tive year that LVC was recognized as a Top Fulbright Producer.

brings LVC’s total to 10 Fulbright Finalists in the past four years.

Dr. Philip Benesch, LVC’s associate professor of politics,

Scott Werner ’19 (applied history, pre-law track, Mongolia)

director of pre-law, and director of external scholarships &

is an Alternate. Kristy Sonberg ’18, one of three Fulbright

fellowships, mentors students through the highly competitive

Awardees in the Class of 2018, was accepted to renew her

Fulbright application process.

Fulbright grant in South Korea for a second year.

“I’m delighted by our students’ success,” said Benesch. “The

Other recent Fulbrights from LVC are Katie Hockenbury ’18

Fulbright U.S. student program is highly prestigious and com-

(Wales), Audrey Reiley ’18 (Malaysia), Jasmine Olvany ’17

petitive. The international experience and deep intercultural

(Hungary), Megan Lough ’17 (Bulgaria), and Hannah Pell ’16

learning it cultivates will transform our recent graduates and


enable them to perform as world-ready U.S. citizens.”

New Online, Certificate, and Graduate Offerings LVC has grown its master’s degree, cer-

a Master of Business Administration with

science in STEM education, certificates

tificate, and Act 48 Continuing Education

concentrations in general MBA, account-

in integrative STEM education or modern

Credits for Educators programs in the

ing, healthcare management, human

band, or Act 48 Continuing Education

past year. The programs are designed

resource management, leadership &

Credits for Educators. Credits earned

for working professionals who want to

ethics, project management, and supply

in the integrative STEM education and

go further in their career, and achieve

chain management & logistics.

modern band certificate programs can

and earn more. Students can take cours-

Those looking to enhance their educa-

be used toward one of the College’s ap-

es online, on campus, or in a blended format for most programs, which include

tion and job prospects also can pursue master’s degrees in music education or

propriate master’s degrees for students who opt to continue their education.









Here are a few of the many who came to The Valley with talent and determination and left prepared to achieve more than they ever imagined they could have:

Dr. Daniel W. Fox ’48 inventor of LEXAN polycarbonate, used in CDs and DVDs, car bumpers, and bullet-proof vests

Small Town Titans: Ben Guiles, Phillip Freeman ’11, Jonny (O’Neill) Ross ’12

As the holiday season gained momentum

their own music online, including the now

Ret. Maj. Gen. Ross

last November, the Small Town Titans

famous cover of the theme song of the

Plasterer ’57

noticed something happening on social

classic 1966 film How the Grinch Stole

media. The numbers of views, shares, and

Christmas. They also began vigorous

comments kept going higher and higher

social media campaigning. That diligence

on posts featuring the rock band’s cover

paid off.

of “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” By

“Now when we go out on the road, peo-

the end of the season, the band’s social media followers had grown in number from 8,000 to 235,000—and with that increase a new, international fan base for the baritone voice of Phillip Freeman ’11 [bass and vocals], and hard-rock stylings of Jonny (O’Neill) Ross ’12 [drums], and Ben Guiles [guitar]. The seemingly sudden overnight fame did not, it turns out, happen by chance. The band’s first couple of years follow a familiar garage band story: The Small Town Titans met in college and traveled from gig to gig, gaining a loyal local following and a little income. Then, Freeman, Ross, and Guiles (who also attended LVC) decided to apply their educational training in music business, voice, and digital communications to take the band farther. Supported by donations to Patreon, a membership platform for supporters of artists, they ensconced themselves in a basement studio to record and release

Marine Corps helicopter pilot who flew high-ranking government officials and heads of state on Marine One, including U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin

ple know us and our music,” says Freeman, who credits his training in digital communications and visual design and Ross’s business acumen for the Small Town Titans’ growing success. “Everything we learned at LVC is integral to what we’re doing now.”

Dr. Ned Heindel ’59 former president of the American Chemical Society; cancer, nuclear medicine, and therapeutic drug

The story of Small Town Titans is in many

researcher with 14 patents and

ways the story of so many of LVC’s grad-

more than 260 publications

uates. The idea of performing beyond expectations appeared consistently as a theme in market research the College

Dr. Sophia Lunt ’05

commissioned last year. Alumni, parent,

cancer researcher

and student audiences overwhelmingly attributed their success to their hard work combined with LVC’s challenging

recently highlighted in The Scientist

academic programs, empowering and connected community, and focus on the well-being of humanity. As a result, generation after generation of the College’s students and alumni have made significant contributions to the arts, sciences, business, and health professions.

Todd Snovel ’06 first-ever executive



director of Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ Commission

Dr. Carl F. Schmidt 1914 scientist and chair of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School; along with China’s K.K. Chen, re-discovered

Lottie M. Spessard 1913 a registered nurse who served as a missionary in the Pacific Islands for 34 years, including during World War II, when

ephedrine and introduced it to the Western world; worked with astronauts John Glenn and Neil Armstrong

Dr. H. Darkes Albright ’28 chair of Cornell University’s Department of Speech and Drama; author of Working Up a Part: A Manual for the Beginning Actor, coauthor of the textbook Principles

she had to hide from Japanese soldiers

of Theatre Art, and translator of

while caring for the sick and wounded

Appia’s The Work of Living Art

Dr. Paul Keene ’32, H’76 Dr. H. Anthony

Dr. Mae I. Fauth ’33

organic farming

a pioneering researcher of

pioneer, founder of

father of small-college

rocket propulsion, radar, and the

Walnut Acres

undergraduate research;

environment; research chemist at

namesake of LVC’s Neidig-

the U.S. Navy’s Surface Warfare

Garber Science Center

Center in Indian Head, Md.

Neidig ’43, P’73, H’04

Dr. Elizabeth

Malcolm L. Lazin, Esq. ’65

Miller Bains ’64 NASA scientist who helped train astronaut and astrophysicist Sally Ride to use the robotic arm on NASA’s

founder and executive

The Hon. Thomas W. ’71 and

director of LGBT civil rights

Susan Manbeck ’72 Corbett

organization Equality Forum

seventh space shuttle mission

46th Governor and First Lady of Pennsylvania

Rev. Carolyn Gillette ’82 Bryan Cutler, Esq. ’01

a renowned composer

Majority Leader of the

whose hymns are sung

Pennsylvania House


of Representatives

Andy Panko ’99 20-year professional basketball player

Mike Rhoades ’95 head men’s basketball coach, Virginia Commonwealth University

Dr. Si Pham ’79 Vietnamese refugee who went on to become a worldfamous transplant surgeon SPRING 2019


From Foster Care to Medical School

Dutchmen First

was started

last fall to help first-generation LVC students succeed and retain at higher rates. The program is led by former LVC football coach Vince Pantalone P’11, P’15, coor-

Born in Columbus, Ohio, Terrence

Habiyaremye needed some guidance in

dinator of retention and support.

Habiyaremye ’17 entered foster care

navigating the unfamiliar environment.

These first-generation students

Habiyaremye found a mentor in Dr. Erica

learn about topics important to

Unger ’98, assistant professor of biology

their adjustment and success at

and director of LVC’s Neuroscience

The Valley. The students also

Program. She, herself, had been a

are paired with a faculty or staff

first-generation college student at LVC

mentor who shares their first-

and understands the challenges that

generation experience and advice

he and students like him face. With Dr.

during luncheons and other gath-

Unger’s mentorship and the support of

erings. Students who complete the

with his younger sister, Alice, when he was just four years old. Life in the system was uncertain and unstable—he attended three different schools in second grade alone—until a family from Harrisburg adopted him. Habiyaremye’s parents are Rwandan refugees who wanted to “pay forward” the opportunity they had been given to succeed in the U.S. They supported their son as he excelled academically and athletically at Central Dauphin East High School in Harrisburg, Pa., and cheered him on as he enrolled in Lebanon Valley College’s biology and pre-medical programs and joined the track & field and cross country teams. But they were unacquainted with the demands and complexities of American higher education, and

many across LVC’s campus, Habiyaremye thrived. Today, he attends Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine with the

Twenty-six students participated

practice emergency medicine.

in the inaugural cohort ending

“Entering college, I too was naïve about

GPA of 3.18. In comparison, 61

college and after graduation,” Unger says.

first-generation students chose

She has as many as 10 students conduct

not to participate in the program,

research with her each year. “We discuss

and this group had an average

a lot of everyday things, but also have

GPA of 2.79. Due to this early

lengthy discussions about goals and ca-

success, the College is encour-

reer aspirations,” Unger says, noting that

aging ALL students who qualify

it is one of the most rewarding aspects of

to participate, and holding an

her job. “Having attended graduate school

advancement effort to raise schol-

mentorship for undergraduates is not a

Dr. Kristen Boeshore ’92, Dr. Robert Carey,

priority, the mentoring we offer at LVC is



the fall semester with an average

the opportunities that I would have in

(l. to r.) LVC Science Faculty and Emeriti:

Dr. Dale Erskine, Dr. Courtney Lappas

$500 renewable scholarship.

goal of returning to the Harrisburg area to

at a much larger university where faculty

Dr. Erica Unger ’98, Dr. Walter Patton,

Dutchmen First program receive a

unique and genuine.”

arships to support Dutchmen First students.

WebFX in Harrisburg recruits many LVC interns and employees. (l. to r.) Sandi McMinn (project manager), Erin Servey and Adam Murray (internet marketing specialists), and Chloe McCarty ’18 (web developer)

Getting Students Career-Ready Randall McCarty P’07 is a retired elemen-

nections and helping students prepare for

cessfully having entered the workforce

tary school principal who now serves as

life after college.

with other companies after graduation.

executive director of Clark Associates

Networking and career preparation efforts


are paying dividends for other compa-

Named the fastest growing company

nies in the area, too. Candoris, a business

in central Pennsylvania in 2018, Clark

technology provider in Annville, has been

Associates has gone from 900 to 3,300

employing LVC students and alumni for

employees in just three years. McCarty

several years now. According to Cari Max-

says the only thing that will stop this

well, director of culture and operations at

upward trend is not having the talent to fill

Candoris, LVC is one of the company’s top

open positions.

providers of interns and employees.

That’s why the Clark Associates Founda-

“I have found LVC graduates to be

tion has been working with colleges like

well-rounded, professional, and driven

LVC to connect alumni working for the

candidates. It’s clear that the reputation

company to students looking to enter a

LVC has for high job placement lives up

career for which Clark Associates has po-

to its word,” Maxwell said, noting that LVC

sitions. And it all begins with making con-

employees often come to them after suc-







*Zippia using College Scorecard Data, Class of 2008



Lacey Lausch ’17 visited LVC as part of the Pizza with Professionals series hosted by the Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success.

Ed and Lynn Breen

LVC’s emphasis on career readiness

curriculum. “We’ve partnered with faculty

gained even more momentum last year

to integrate and weave career success

when it established the Edward and Lynn

concepts into the First-Year Experience,”

Breen Center for Graduate Success and

says Randall. In the coming academic

Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success

named Matthew W. Randall associate

year, the Breen Center will complete the

Go further, achieve more, and help


infusion of all career readiness content

the next generation of Dutchmen

During its inaugural year, the Breen Cen-

into Constellation LVC. Additionally, as the

do the same. Please see page 25

demand for one-on-one career coaching

to learn how you can find your next

increases, Breen Center staff have re-

LVC intern or employee, or how

sponded by hiring undergraduate Career

Breen Center staff can help alumni

Peers to help guide their fellow students.

enhance their careers.

ter focused on aligning its services with the developmental needs of students at each stage of their education and tying its programming to the Constellation LVC



Haisam Hassanein ’14

Haisam Hassanein ’14 honed his research

The personal experiences and acquired

skills during several independent study

academic skills paved the road for

projects with faculty while he was a politi-

Haisam to return to Washington, D.C.,

cal science and international studies dou-

and work as a research fellow at the

ble major at LVC. He says the experiences

Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

“Her history is heartening to

served him well during a subsequent

For two years, he researched and wrote

all who wish well of democra-

internship at the Washington Institute

about issues important to American policy

cy. She was not founded by an

for Near East Policy, where he worked

makers related to economic normalization

alongside Jewish interns and research

between Israel and Arab states. Last year,

associates. The experience inspired him

he returned to Israel to pursue doctoral

to attend graduate school at Tel Aviv

studies. After finishing his Ph.D., also at

University in Israel.

Tel Aviv University, he plans to return to

“I found myself as an Arab and a Muslim

the states and continue working on issues

From the beginning: A vision of the Good Life industrial tycoon who took this humanitarian way of preserving his name. She was not founded by an historic church with a great educational tradition behind it. She was created by a body of devout but unlearned people (not one member of the Conference that established her was a college graduate) who shared a vision of

dealing with people from Jewish back-

related to making peace between Arabs

grounds for the first time whom I knew

and Jews in the Middle East.

nothing about,” says Hassanein. “I thought,

The Hassanein family immigrated to the

‘They travel to the Arab world to study

United States a decade ago from Egypt.

and understand my culture, why shouldn’t

They are happily integrated into American

I do a similar thing and go to Israel and

society and would like to keep pursuing

the good life and took the best

learn about theirs?’” As valedictorian of

their dreams in the land of opportunities

way they could think of to pre-

his class in the master’s of Middle East-

as American citizens to make their

serve it for their children and their

ern Studies program, Haisam delivered a

mother proud.

children’s children.”— Paul A.W.

commencement address reflecting on the

Wallace, Lebanon Valley College:

peaceful diversity of cultures and reli-

Please visit

A Centennial History, 1966

gions that was broadcast by the BBC and later highlighted in an essay published in the Jerusalem Post.

to read additional stories about alumni who are Going Further. Achieving More.





NOTE: All locations are in Pennsylvania and all years are 2018 unless otherwise noted.

Aug. 28. He joins sister Cadence, age 3.

Russler, Aug. 30. She joins sister Charlie,

Allison is a teacher at Mahanoy Area

age 3.

High School. Eric Moucheron ’14 is the children’s uncle.

Kennedy Montijo Stella George

Kenny Montijo ’09 and his wife, Maria, welcomed a daughter, Kennedy Eliza-

Siena Tedesco

Mark George ’84 and his wife, Jennifer,

beth, June 30. Kenny is the CEO of the

Stephenie Thomas Tedesco ’10 and

welcomed their first child, Stella, Dec. 27,

United Way of Lebanon County.

Benjamin Tedesco welcomed a daughter,

2017. Mark also retired that month as a

Siena Violet Mirella, June 15. Coinciden-

hearing officer with the New Jersey State

tally, she was born on her parents’ fifth

Parole Board after 31 years of service.

wedding anniversary!

’00s Allison Zimmerman Reagan Baver

Colette McGovern

Kristin Turcovski Zimmerman ’09 and her husband, Arin, welcomed a daughter,

Lindsay Bauman Baver ’11 and Alex

Renee Kitchenman McGovern ’05 and

Allison Richele, March 12. She joins

Baver ’11 welcomed a daughter, Reagan

Nicholas McGovern welcomed a daugh-

brother Austin, age 4.

Joy, July 7. Lindsay is a teacher at the Woodlynde School in Stafford, and Alex

ter, Colette Mary, Oct. 23. Jaira McJilton Waddell ’05 and Mitchell Waddell ’05 welcomed a daughter,


is a manager at Ascensus in Dresher.

Juliette Ruby, July 17.

Maryn Bauer Chason Kline

Allison Moucheron Kline ’08 and Darren Kline welcomed a son, Chason Joshua,



Maeve Baker

Jennifer Cronin ’11 and Christopher

Alexis Wilson Baker ’10 and Benjamin

Bauer ’09 welcomed a daughter, Maryn

Baker welcomed a daughter, Maeve

Shea, Dec. 11.

Lindsay Bauman Baver ’11, Alexander

Casey L. Goryeb ’12 and Aaron W.

“Alex” Baver ’11, Charles McElwee ’11,

Glasbrenner ’11 married July 20, in

and Tyler Cisarik ’10 attended.

Hackettstown, N.J. Walter Choplick ’12, Shannon Neifert Peters ’10, Jeremy Neese ’12, Sarah Fritz ’12, Tim Peters ’11, Dr. Allison Wiegand Kudrak ’09, D’11,

Callen Johnson

Michael Kudrak ’09, Eric Woods ’12, Dr. James Glasbrenner ’06 (brother of the

Sherae Jones Johnson ’11 and David

groom), Stephen Spotts ’10, Alyson

Johnson welcomed a daughter, Callen Reese, Oct. 23.


’00s Amy Hartman ’07 and Jonathan Norton married Aug. 25. She is the administrative assistant for Metz Culinary Management at LVC.

Reitmeyer Trout ’12, Dr. Adam Abruzzo (front, l. to r.): Nick Averona ’13, Sarah

’12, D’14, Jason Shaffer ’11, Kristiann

Black ’14, Colin Thompson ’11, Corey

Vogler ’12, Margaret Taylor Woods ’12,

Conte ’11

Meghan Kurta Glasbrenner ’06 (groom’s

(middle, l. to r.): Megan Rizzardi Cisarik ’11,

sister-in-law), and Bria Rose Spotts ’11

Jimmy Black ’11, Alison Black ’11, Ashley

attended. Casey is a pre-K–5 classroom

Weaver ’11, Lindsay Bauman Baver ’11, Alex Baver ’11 (back, l. to r.): Charles McElwee ’11, Dr. Chris Black ’12, Tyler Cisarik ’10, Brad Surdam ’11

Elizabeth Lynn Penn ’10 married Jean-

music and chorus teacher at C.A. Dwyer and Dennis B. O’Brien elementary schools in Rockaway, N.J. Aaron is an audio-visual design engineer at Avectus in Lebanon, N.J.

Louis Emmanuel Castro-Malaspina Nov. 3, in Devon. Elizabeth is a project manager for WeWork, a global network of shared office spaces based in New York. (front, l. to r.): Alyson Reitmeyer Trout ’12, Dr. Adam Abruzzo ’12, D’14, Jason Shaffer ’11, Aaron Glasbrenner ’11, Casey Goryeb ’12, Kristiann Vogler ’12, Margaret Taylor Woods ’12, Meghan Kurta Glasbrenner ’06, Bria Rose Spotts ’11

Michelle Norman ’05 and Bruce Barry Jr. ’05

Michelle Norman ’05 and Bruce Barry Jr. ’05 married Dec. 29, at the Reading Public Museum and Naeg Planetarium. Both teach in the Lebanon School District.


(back, l. to r.): Walter Choplick ’12, Shannon Neifert Peters ’10, Jeremy Neese ’12, Sarah Jean-Louis Emmanuel Castro-Malaspina and

Fritz ’12, Tim Peters ’11, Dr. Allie Wiegand

Elizabeth Penn Castro-Malaspina ’10

Kudrak ’09, D’11, Michael Kudrak ’09, Eric Woods ’12, Dr. James Glasbrenner ’06,

Joi-Yan Woo ’11 married Michael Kue in the Japanese Gardens at Lauxmont Farms in Wrightsville, Oct. 14. Tom and Shell Bender, former F.O.R.-U Bible Study leaders at LVC, attended.

Alison Kordonski ’11 and James

Stephen Spotts ’10

Liz Borgia ’13 and Michael Mullen ’15 married Nov. 10, in Scranton. The couple were surprised with a custom-made LVC hand towel at their wedding shower.

“Jimmy” Black ’11 married Oct. 28, 2017, in Baltimore, Md. Megan Rizzardi Cisarik ’11, Sarah Black ’14 (sister), Dr. Christopher “Chris” Black ’12 (brother), Brad Surdam ’11, Colin Thompson ’11, and Nick Averona ’13 were in the wedding party. Corey Conte ’11, Ashley Weaver ’11,

Joi-Yan Woo ’11 and Michael Kue

Michael Mullen ’15 and Liz Borgia ’13



CL ASS NEWS & NOTES Annese Mauer ’15 and Taylor Walls ’15

Morgan Strickler ’18 were in the wedding

a football coach, teacher, principal, and

married Sept. 1, in Mechanicsburg. Kelsey

party. Caitlin Armour ’17, Aislinn DuBell ’15,

school superintendent before serving as

Crouse Fowler ’15, Sara Piascinski ’15,

Alicia Moyer ’17, Ciara Marshall ’18, Abigail

LVC’s president from 1968 to 1984.

Connor McDonald ’15, Mitch Bell ’15, Luke

Corbin ’18, Jessica Geyer ’16, Bethany

Stouffer ’14, and Kevin Doty ’16 were in

Wickham ’19, Victoria Seader ’16, Audrey

the wedding party. Cindy Daneluzzi

Reiley ’18, and Jennifer Kemmery (AST

Etter ’79, Chuck Etter ’78, Sherry Etter

advisor at LVC) attended.

Brown ’77, Dr. Mike Brown ’76, Jen A.

Thomas H. Israel ’53 traveled to Albania, making it the 76th country he has visited. He continues as organist at Hill Lutheran Church in Lebanon, a career spanning 70 years. Tom enjoys travel and photography.

Brown ’03, Leanne Stansfield Walls ’92

Mildred “Millie” Troutman Hartz ’56 was

(groom’s mother), Rebecca E. Myers ’15,

recognized last fall for 60 years of ser-

and Logan Kurtek ’14 attended.

vice as organist at Grace United Church of Christ in Shippensburg. (front, l. to r.): Morgan Strickler ’18, Caitlin Armour ’17, Aislinn DuBell ’15, Meghan Fowler Kerstetter ’17, Alicia Moyer ’17, Ciara Marshall ’18, Abigail Corbin ’18

(l. to r.): Rebecca Myers ’15, Jen Brown ’03, Logan Kurtek ’14, Sarah Piascinski ’15, Kelsey Crouse Fowler ’15, Annese Mauer

(back, l. to r.): Jessica Geyer ’16, Holly Mitman ’18, Bethany Wickham ’19, Jennifer Kemmery, Victoria Seader ’16, Audrey

’60s Nelson “Nels” Umble ’60 was honored by Arizona’s Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) in October 2017. He has served the OIC movement for more

Reiley ’18, Sharon Sees Nickalls ’17

than 40 years as a volunteer and officer


Marlin Houck ’64 retired in 1994 from


after 30 years as an instrumental music

Dr. Mike Brown ’76

Meghan Fowler ’17 and Jordan Kerstetter

Dr. Frederick Sample ’52, president emeritus of Lebanon Valley College, was

and retired in 2018 after 24 years as a

married Aug. 2, 2017, in McAlisterville. Sharon Sees Nickalls ’17 (bride’s cousin),

inducted into the Columbia High School

Holly Mitman ’18, Jessica Geyer ’16, and

Athletic Hall of Fame in September. He

Walls ’15, Taylor Walls ’15, Leanne Stansfield Walls ’92, Connor McDonald ’15, Kevin Doty ’16, Luke Stouffer ’14, Mitch Bell ’15 (not pictured): Cindy Daneluzzi Etter ’79, Chuck Etter ’78, Sherry Etter Brown ’77,

won six letters in football, basketball, and baseball. He played football and baseball while attending LVC, after which he was

LVC Charitable Gift Annuity Do you hold appreciated securities in your retirement portfolio? Are you concerned about the almost daily ups and downs of the stock markets? You may want to consider a gift to LVC to establish a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). You can contribute shares directly to LVC and receive the following benefits:


of the Arizona OIC. Eastern Lancaster County School District teacher. He retired in 2015 after 26 years as New Holland band musical director, motorcoach driver for Conestoga Tours in Lebanon. Dr. Frederick Marsik ’65, a retired microbiologist, was included in the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement

Donors aged 65 and older may establish a Charitable Gift Annuity with LVC. Contact Joe Martellaro, interim director of

Locked-in value of the shares with decreased capital gain tax exposure PLUS a currentyear income tax deduction;

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The satisfaction of knowing you’ve made a special gift to help LVC students.

own personal rate of return.


development, at or information and to receive your

publication. It honors those who have

Barry Streeter ’71 was inducted into the

this semester. Please contact the Office

excelled in their field for at least

Gettysburg College Hall of Athletic Honor

of Advancement if you wish to contribute

20 years.

in September for coaching. In total, he

to the scholarship.

Ellen Kreiser Jarrett ’67 and Dr. Albert

coached 21 All-Americans, six Academic

Jarrett are pleased to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Sawyer Rae, born Dec. 27. She is their second grandchild. Terry Gehman ’69 and his wife, Joyce, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in August at a party in Lancaster given by their daughters and their spouses. Terry taught 33 years in the Conestoga Valley School District, and operated a music production company, Anjoli Productions, for 35 years, booking entertainment throughout the Northeast. They are the

All-Americans, three Conference Players of the Year, two NCAA postgraduate scholarship winners, and 210 AllConference selections. He retired as head football coach in 2017 after 42 years.

’80s Christine Yntema VanDyke ’80 retired from Fairfax (Va.) County government in August after 33 years. She worked as a daycare center director and social work-

The Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Bickel ’74 served

er. She looks forward to spending time

as senior minister at First Congregational

with her two children and three grand-

United Church of Christ in Dubuque, Iowa,

children and playing the Celtic harp.

for 26 years. His wife, the Rev. Nancy Nelson Bickel ’75, served as minister of church life for 26 years at First Congrega-

parents of Angela Gehman Berkosky ’02.

tional UCC. They retired in 2015 and were


Guy Lesser ’74 retired after a 43-year

named pastors emeritus. career in law enforcement, serving as chief of police in the Lower Saucon

Gary Whiting ’80, professor of the practice of chemical engineering at Virginia Tech, was reappointed as the Joseph H. Collie Professor of Chemical Engineering, a title he has held since 2016. Kay King Hatch ’81 retired from teaching public elementary school music in 2015. George Meyers ’81

Police Department (LSPD) in Bethlehem

saw his short

for more than 30 years. He coordinated

Western film, “Hell

the implementation of many programs

Comes to Mon-

in Northampton County, including the

tana,” named the

first multijurisdictional DUI enforcement

2018 Wild Card

program grant, and LSPD’s first K9 team,

Winner at The

bike patrol, and DARE program. Alumni from the classes of 1969–1975 gathered for a reunion during

Wild Bunch Film

Phillip Snyder ’74 retired after a 51-year

Festival in Willcox,

Homecoming Weekend.

career working for Warner-Lambert

Tony DeMarco ’70 spearheaded another

and Costco. He looks forward to spend-

excellent reunion dinner during Home-

ing time with his grandson in Louisville,

coming Weekend 2018 for alumni from

Ky., enjoying his vacation home in Ten-

the 1969–1975 era. Organized through

nessee, and traveling around the U.S.

the Alumni Office, the gathering has

Jill Greenstein Weisberg ’74 retired as

ing his production company, Pullover

president of Jewish Family Service of

Films, and shooting other short and

Lancaster in October and moved to

feature films in 2019.

become one of the highlights of Homecoming Weekend. There are plans to continue the tradition this October. Please email if you are interested in attending. Sally S. Lownsbery ’70 retired in June 2015, after 22 years of service as a school psychologist with the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13. It was wrongly reported in the Spring 2018 Valley that she had served only 12 years.

Ariz. The feature-

Healthcare, Lockheed Martin Aerospace,

St. Petersburg, Fla.

length version of the film will start production later George Myers ’81

this year. He also plans on expand-

Dr. Michael Goodman ’82 was promoted

Sheila Roche-Cooper ’77 and her son,

to professor of pediatrics at Cooper Med-

Connor, established the Captain Charles

ical School of Rowan University, where

Thomas Cooper III Don Quixote Scholar-

he serves as chair of pediatrics. He also

ship at LVC in honor of her late husband

serves as the chief of the Department

who was chair of LVC’s Foreign Languag-

of Pediatrics and medical director of the

es Department. Julia Seltzer ’21 was the

Women’s and Children’s Institute at

inaugural recipient, receiving a grant that

Cooper University Health Care.

enabled her to study in Valladolid, Spain,



CL ASS NEWS & NOTES Karen Neiswender Kongsmai ’82 retired

try, was elected to a three-year term on

on the Pennsylvania tobacco industry,

from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden after

the Board of the American Translators

with emphasis on the role of women. In

32 years in the science department, work-

Association (ATA). ATA is the largest asso-

the early 1990s, Diane served as an ex-

ing in plant records and the herbarium.

ciation for language professionals in the

ecutive assistant to LVC’s President John

Joy Furlong Dalley ’83 is an ESInet

world, with 10,000 members in more than

Synodinos H’96 and as the College’s

product marketing manager with AT&T in

100 countries.

alumni director.

Dallas, Texas.

Ronald A. Hartzell ’87 is a vice president/

Nick O. Rowe M’94 was named chair of

Dr. Eric E. Roden ’83 is the Albert and

marketing specialist with BB&T in Winston-

the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce’s

Alice Weeks Professor of Geomicrobio-

Salem, N.C.

board of directors. He is president of the

logy, Biogeochemistry, and Microbial

Dr. Laura Pence ’87, professor of chem-

Kentucky-American Water Company.

istry at the University of Hartford, has

Brian Stanilla ’96, vice president of Sew

led sustainability programming at the

Unique Custom Embroidery in Lebanon,

national level through her work with the

rejoined the LVC coaching staff last fall

American Chemical Society, its Commit-

as an assistant coach for the women’s

tee on Environmental Improvement, and

soccer team.

Ecology at the University of Wisconsin– Madison. He has more than 300 publications and has been cited by other scientists more than 12,000 times, according to Google Scholar. Spencer Coover ’84 retired from the

the Division of Chemical Education.

David Bohr ’97 published

Parks and Recreation Department of the

his first fiction novel in

Jason L. Sbraccia ’84 is the director of


MartinFederal Consulting, in Huntsville,

Timothy “Tim” Eck ’90 is the director of

was inspired by his 20

music ministries at The Bath Church in

years as a sportswriter.

City and County of Denver, Colo.

Ala. He is responsible for establishing and managing a practice focused on the Army CECOM market.

March 2019. “The Pride of Central,” a baseball story,

Akron, Ohio. He has been the interim/ guest conductor of Ohio’s Voices of

“The Pride of

Canton Inc. since October 2017 and was

Central” by

previously the director of choral music at

David Bohr ’97

Lebanon High School for 22 years. Steve Young ’91 established the Dave

Travis A. Werley M’99 is senior vice president and manager of agricultural lending at Tompkins VIST Bank in Wyomissing.

the late director of career planning and


Allan A. Dutton ’85 and

placement at LVC. Evans “had a profound

The Rev. Jane Rupert Dutton ’85

impact on my time at LVC and career

The Hon. Bryan D. Cutler, Esq., ’01 was

Evans Memorial Scholarship in honor of

path,” according to Steve. Please contact The Rev. Jane Rupert Dutton ’85 received

the Office of Advancement if you wish to

her master’s of divinity degree from

contribute to the scholarship.

Lancaster Theological Seminary in May.

Dr. Diane West Wenger ’92 was promoted

She is a commissioned deacon in the

to professor of history at Wilkes Universi-

United Methodist Church and serves as a

ty. Her research and scholarship focuses

elected Pennsylvania State House majority leader in November. Thomas Killian Jr. ’01 is the executive director of Garrett County Lighthouse Inc., in Oakland, Md.

chaplain resident at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Her husband, Allan A. Dutton ’85, has taught elementary music for Penn Manor School District since 1986 and was honored as the district’s Elementary Teacher of the Year. Their daughter, Jenna E. Dutton ’13, is a production editor for Bloomsbury USA. Eve Lindemuth Bodeux ’87, a 20-year veteran of the language-services indus-



Stay Connected

Don’t be shy; share your good news. Submit a Class Note for the next issue. You can submit births, weddings, promotions, or a general update anytime at There, you can also learn about other ways to stay connected to The Valley.

Beth Tice ’01 is the director of human resources for VisionCorps in Lancaster. Dr. Stephanie Reissner ’02 received her doctorate in educational administration from Concordia University. She is the transition specialist at the Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents in Baltimore, Md. The late Justin Yingling ’02 was honored by the Central Pennsylvania Interscho-

Go further, achieve more, and help the next generation of Dutchmen do the same.

lastic Hockey League who established an award in his memory for his outstanding years as a player and coach. Justin’s mother, Jane Yingling, is an LVC associate professor emeritus of education. Charles Ermer ’03 studied desert and marine landscapes through ecological

Thinking about pursuing a new job or changing careers? The Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success is here to help.

and social field methods in Baja, Calif. An education aid at Child and Youth Programs, Charles lives in Gricignano di Aversa, Caserta, Italy, and is a graduate student in Miami University’s Global

Breen Center staff are available via WebEx, phone, email, or on campus to:

Field Program. Anne Parmer ’03 was recognized by John Dame through his Evolution Leadership events as one of 10 new leaders in a

Review your


Give graduate

cover letter



and résumé



pay-it-forward initiative that gave emerging or veteran leaders opportunities for

Offer career path

Prepare you through interview

professional growth and development

advice and coaching

practice and feedback

programming. Petty Officer Second Class Jordan Sigler Stoner ’03 was named Junior Sailor of the Year 2018 for the Naval Operations

Career network through Handshake (formerly JobCenter)— contact to register.

Support Center Harrisburg. She received her graduate certificate in intelligence studies at American Military University in October. Lori Evaristo Widney ’03 was promoted to assistant principal for the Lansdowne and Baltimore Highlands elementary schools in Baltimore County, Md. Her husband, Jason Widney ’02, is an adjunct professor of voice at Towson University and Goucher College, and sings regularly at the Washington National Cathedral in

Pass it on. We invite alumni to create internships for LVC students, volunteer for networking events, conduct mock interviews, share career path advice at special campus events, and more.

Contact us at or 717-867-6560. The Edward and Lynn Breen Center for Graduate Success launched in fall 2018 with the support of a $1.5 million gift through the Breen Family Foundation from LVC trustee Edward D. Breen, chief executive officer of DowDuPont Inc., and his wife, Lynn.

Washington, D.C.



CL ASS NEWS & NOTES Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf named

of the board of directors for the 62nd

Todd Snovel ’06 the nation’s first execu-

Annual Lebanon Area Fair. His sister,

tive director of a Commission on LGBTQ

Rachel Siegel ’11, also a CPA with the

Affairs. Todd, LVC’s former assistant dean

firm, has been the chair for the fair’s

for engagement and inclusion, leads a

indoor exhibits since 2011.

40-member commission to “help coordi-

Alicia Gurdus LaFrance ’09, M’18, Penn-

nate and drive statewide equality efforts.”

sylvania director of community devel-

Charles Weber ’06 is the park lighting

opment at Aetna Better Health, led the

The LVC Symphony Orchestra,

crew chief at the Magic Kingdom for

team that partnered with Latino Connec-

directed by Dr. Hannes Dietrich,

Disney Parks Live Entertainment.

tion to earn a 2018 Gold Davey Award

Newton and Adelaide Burgner

Dr. Kym Weed ’06 was appointed assistant

for Experiential & Immersive Live Experi-

Endowed Professor of Instrumental Music, will travel to Berlin, Leipzig, Prague, and Vienna in May 2020. Orchestra alumni and friends are invited to join the tour—and welcome to perform with the orchestra as well. Please contact Dr. Dietrich for additional details at We also plan to celebrate Dr. Dietrich’s 25th anniversary at The Valley in April 2020. There will be a concert and alumni reunion, so watch for details.

director of graduate studies and senior lecturer of medicine, health, and society at Vanderbilt University after earning a

the Forbes list of America’s Top NextGeneration Wealth Advisors. He is a financial advisor with Fulton Financial Advisors and Raymond James Financial Services. Christine Mathis McKibbin ’04 is the financial aid administrator at The Johns Hopkins University—Carey Business School. Dr. Jarred Jenkins ’05 is an assistant professor of psychology at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland. Dr. Mary Olanich ’05 was the featured

campaign with a 38-foot recreational vehicle, affectionately named “Cora,”

doctorate in English and comparative

short for “Corazon.”

literature from the University of North

Hope N. Roaten ’09 is the executive

Carolina at Chapel Hill in August.

director of the American Red Cross Mid

BettyLou Mihal ’07 is a lieutenant at the

Central Pennsylvania Chapter, based in

State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill, working in the security office. Jill Kidulic Whiskeyman ’07 and Steve Whiskeyman ’09 returned to LVC last fall and this spring to teach an advertising and entrepreneurship class. They own Simpatico Studios, an advertising agency, design studio, and marketing firm in

Douglas MacCormack ’04 was named to

ences for their community-based health

New Britain. Jill received the Mid-Atlantic Women’s Leadership Award in October,

State College. She oversees programs for Centre, Cumberland, Juniata, Mifflin, and Perry counties.

’10s Dr. Nicholas C. Boaz ’10 received the Clarence F. Dissinger Award for Senior Faculty. He is an assistant professor of chemistry at North Central College in

which honors CEOs and executives who

Plainfield, Ill.

are moving their companies and commu-

Mary O’Malley ’10 is a commercial real es-

nities forward.

tate broker with The Mele Storage Group

Rebecca Lupfer ’08 was promoted to

of Marcus & Millichap in Tampa, Fla.

vice president of center store at Giant

Dr. Charles Schmidt ’10 earned his doc-

Food Stores in Carlisle. She previous-

torate in biophysics from the University

ly was Giant’s director of merchandise

of Virginia. He is a senior scientist with

planning and has been with the company

Progenra Inc. in Malvern.

since 2016. Durrell Martin ’08 is a senior appeals analyst with Capital BlueCross in Harrisburg.

Dr. Allix Sanders Streifel ’10 is a scientist at Kite Pharma in Gaithersburg, Md. Molly Berwager ’11 is in her second year

Courtney Reapsome ’08 was promoted

of teaching at The American International

from source manager to sourcing man-

School in Vienna, Austria, where she is a

ager at Select Medical in Mechanicsburg

high school learning specialist and sup-

where she has worked since 2012.

ports students who come from all over

and scientific project manager at the Na-

Daniel Siegel ’08, a CPA with Stanilla

the world. Molly previously taught six

tional Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.

Siegal & Master, Lebanon, was the chair

speaker for the Second Annual Homecoming Lecture in Biological and Chemical Sciences last fall. A Fulbright Award honoree, Olanich is a Research Fellow



years at a public school in Pennsylvania.

Edward Beall ’13 earned his doctorate in

cells of the brains of those with MS may

physical chemistry from the University of

contribute to patients’ permanent disabil-

Pittsburgh in August.

ity by damaging nerves through inflam-

Katherine A. Chandler ’13 is a visiting instructor of music at Coker College in Jonny (O’Neill) Ross ’12, Phil Freeman ’11, and Ben Guiles of Small Town Titans

Hartsville, S.C. She is a Ph.D. candidate in piano pedagogy at the University of South Carolina and is a nationally certi-

mation of the brain and spinal cord. The findings were published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology and presented at a major international conference in Brisbane, Australia, in August. Nate Valdez ’14 is a technical recruiter for

Three musicians who met at LVC—Phil

fied teacher of music.

Freeman ’11, Jonny (O’Neill) Ross ’12, and

Justin Weilnau ’13, director of music and

Ben Guiles—received international

education ministries at Glenshaw Pres-

Jordan Bilicki ’15 is a general music

notoriety after their band, Small Town

byterian Church, recently oversaw the

teacher in Hamilton Township School

Titans, remade the holiday classic,

refurbishment of the church’s majestic

District in Hamilton, N.J.

“You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Their

pipe organ, which had not been restored

video surpassed 26 million views on

since 1967.

Rachel Yeater Cassell ’15 is a music

Facebook and YouTube, and they performed at an LVC holiday event in December. The Small Town Titans release a new video on their YouTube channel every Wednesday. Subscribe to receive notice of any new release.

Google in Austin, Texas.

teacher in the Cornwall-Lebanon

Noelle D. Brossman ’14 is the director of

School District.

human resources for the Palmyra Area

Jeff Bates ’16 received his master’s de-

School District. She also is an adjunct instructor of accounting and oversees the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at LVC.

Emily Gertenbach ’11 was promoted to

Isaiah Luck ’14

senior copywriter/social media specialist

was promoted

at Kleen-Rite Corp. in January 2019.

from associate to

gree in education from Appalachian State University. He is the resident director at Tulane University in New Orleans, La. Ian Jackson ’16 is the newly promoted assistant director of residence life at Rosemont College in Bryn Mawr. Braxton Kocher ’17 is a senior account

Kristin Rosenberg ’11 is the project direc-

assistant produc-

tor at TRC in Fort Washington.

er for The Black

Andrea “Andi” Barr ’12 graduated with

Tribbles, Phila-

distinction with a degree in veterinary


Kathryn Hockenbury ’18, one of three

medicine from the Royal (Dick) School

radio and

LVC Fulbright honorees in spring 2018,

of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Haisam Hassanein ’12 is a policy analyst on Arab-Israel affairs in Washington, D.C., and Ph.D. candidate at Tel Aviv University in Israel (see p. 19).

The Black Tribbles

planner at Simpatico Studios in New Britain.

television hosts

is researching the history of the triple

who often engage in thought-provoking

harp at Bangor University in Wales. A

conversation on a culture often lacking a

newspaper article highlighted Kathryn as

Black perspective and influence. Isaiah,

the College’s first Fulbright resident and

aka “Super Saiyan Tribble,” shared that

discussed the music major’s distinctive

The Black Tribbles will host the first-ever

research while pursuing her master’s.

Women’s Podcast Festival, a benefit

Greg Kennelty ’12 is the senior commu-

event in Philadelphia Aug. 24–25. Visit

nications manager at Stevens Institute of

Technology in Hoboken, N.J.

podfest for more information.

Laura D. Vasko, C.P.A., M’12 is the ac-

Hannah Salapa ’14, a Ph.D. student at the

counting manager at the High Construc-

University of Saskatchewan in Canada,

tion Company in Lancaster.

and her professor are one step closer to

Sarah A. Zimmerman ’12 is the executive

finding a cause of the nerve cell death

Alexandria Lehman ’18 is pursuing her

director of operations for Keystone Pet

experienced by people with multiple

Doctor of Pharmacy at Shenandoah

Enhanced Therapy Services (KPETS) in

sclerosis (MS). They were the first to iden-

University—Bernard J. Dunn School of


tify that stress granules found in nerve

Pharmacy in Winchester, Va.

Alexandria Lehman ’18



CL ASS NEWS & NOTES Ricardo Perez Lopez ’18 is a develop-

G. Daniel Massad, A Retrospective,” ran

Queen. She dearly loved LVC and her

ment program intern for the Department

all semester.

years here. She was predeceased by her

of Defense in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Mark Mecham, LVC professor emeri-

husband, William Barnes ’34.

tus of music, and his wife, Pat, hosted a Zeuch, LVC director of choral activities,


and his wife, Bethany, to The Valley. Sev-

Betty Rutherford Daiber ’41 died Dec. 22

eral alumni attended the fun event.

in Venice, Fla. She was a Lifetime Vickroy

brunch in November to welcome Kyle

member who earned a master’s degree in education from Syracuse University. At LVC, she was a member of the Delphian Meghan Ross ’18 and Chole Kapp on the

Literary Society, Kappa Lambda Nu, the

first day of school

women’s debating team, Clionian Literary Society, and Women’s Athletic Association.

Meghan Ross ’18 is completing her first

Daiber was a reporter and girls’ athletic

year teaching first grade at South Moun-

(front, l. to r.): Pat Mecham, Bethany Zeuch,

tain Elementary School in Northern York

Sarah Herb Topping ’13, Katherine “Katy”

County School District. Jennifer Keller

Raines Naimoli ’11

Kapp ’04 and Galen Kapp ’06, ’13 were

(back, l. to r.): Dr. Mark Mecham, Matthew

excited that their daughter, Chloe, had an

Topping ’12, Kyle Zeuch, Mark Naimoli ’10,

LVC grad as her teacher! Jennifer, now in her 14th year of teaching, shared with Meghan her two favorite elementary education professors (Dale “Doc” and Linda Summers), and knows firsthand the quality of the education training offered at LVC.

Jennifer Hanshaw Hackett ’93, Sean Hackett ’93

Vince Pantalone P’11, P’15, longtime football coach and current coordinator of retention support programs at LVC, published, “Incident on the Road to

Cyree Sutton-Ames ’18 is a digital

Barnes & Noble, and elsewhere. The

specialist with Balance Marketing Group

debut book features a young Geoffrey

in Berwyn.

Chaucer 20 years before he wrote “The Canterbury Tales.”

is the membership and logistics coordinator for Americans for Fair Treatment.


G. Daniel Massad,

makeup for Wig & Buckle, and competed in archery and class field hockey. She was predeceased by her brother, former LVC president, F. Allen Rutherford ’37, H’85. Rae Sechrist Kauffman ’42 died Jan. 8 in

Canterbury,” available at Amazon, iTunes,

Rebecca Whalen ’18

editor for La Vie Collegienne, helped do



Dallastown. She retired from Dallastown School District, where she spent her entire teaching career as a choir director, accompanist, and piano teacher. She was a lifelong member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Kauffman is survived by daughters, Julie Kauffman Claeys ’81 and Ellen Rae Ziegler ’67; son, Richard Kauffman ’74; son-in-law, Brian Claeys ’81; and granddaughters, Bailey Claeys ’07 and Kelly Kauffman ’07. Polly Keller Rutt ’43 died April 9. She met the love of her life, the late Dr. George P. Rutt ’46, at LVC, and they were married

Minna Wolfskeil Barnes ’34 died Aug. 27

for 61 years. She lived a happy, full life in Allentown; Ormond Beach, Fla.; and Edmond, Okla. She is survived by a daugh-

Last fall the Palmer

in Ponte Vedra Beach,

Museum of Art at The

Fla. She was LVC’s

Pennsylvania State

oldest graduate at age

Verna Kreider Schenker ’43 died Sept.

University displayed

105. She was a proud

1, 2017, in Wilmington, Del. She taught

member of Christ

music for more than 80 years, including

Episcopal Church,

at several Pennsylvania schools, and

Ponte Vedra Beach, for

became a pillar in the Wilmington Jewish

a retrospective of

Minna Wolfskeil

ter, Carol Rutt Jennings ’72.

“Six Wooden

the work of G. Daniel

Blocks.” 2007,

Massad, LVC art-

pastel on paper,

ist-in-residence. “A

64 years. Barnes was a member of Delta

community. A member of Congregation

Small Radius of Light:

Lambda Sigma and was LVC’s 1934 May

Beth Emeth, Schenker served on its

24 x 23 1/5 inches. Private collection.



Barnes ’34

IN MEMORIAM board of trustees for 33 years as mem-

Evelyn Stine Ziegler ’43 died Aug. 14 in

she attended West Huntsville Baptist

bership chair. Her many contributions to

Alabama. She taught elementary school

Church and was a volunteer in mission,

the synagogue led to the establishment

in the Red Lion Area School District for 19

serving at various work camps through-

of The Verna Schenker Volunteer Service

years and was a member of the Bethany

out the country, and was a member of

Award in 2012.

United Methodist Church. In Alabama,

numerous other organizations.

Dr. Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89

food additives, drugs, environmental pollutants, and many prod-

Dr. Elizabeth Kreiser Weis-

Weisburger created the analytical methods and research proto-

burger ’44, H’89, former two-term chair of Lebanon Valley College’s Board of

ucts used by industry, such as the antioxidants in rubber tires. cols that led to a better understanding of how those chemicals metabolize to cause cancer. This then led to a rational, scientific basis for finding ways to control the disease and for removing

Trustees and one of its most

harmful chemicals from the environment.

distinguished alumnae, died

Her work resulted in the publication of more than 200 profes-

Feb. 12, 2019. Weisburger

sional articles and several book chapters. Her accomplishments

was one of 10 siblings, six of

were recognized through numerous prominent awards, includ-

whom graduated from LVC.

ing the Hildebrand Prize of the Chemical Society of Washington,

After graduating from LVC

the Garvan Medal, and the Distinguished Service Medal of the

with a degree in chemistry

U.S. Public Health Service.

and minor in biochemistry,

Committed to LVC, Weisburger served on the College’s Board of

Weisburger earned her

Trustees for 19 years, including two terms as chair (1985–1989).

Ph.D. in organic chemistry

Her family held regular reunions at the College for decades,

at the University of Cincin-

staying in dorms and eating in the dining hall. She received the

nati in 1947. She remained at Cincinnati as a postdoctoral asso-

Distinguished Alumna Award in 1978 and an honorary doctorate

ciate, beginning a career researching carcinogenesis through

(D.Sc.) from LVC in 1989.

a program financed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and marrying fellow Ph.D. student John Hans Weisburger. Next, she moved to the NCI Laboratory of Biochemistry in Bethesda, Md., for a postdoctoral fellowship.

A member of LVC’s Laureate Society, which recognizes those individuals whose extraordinary gifts to Lebanon Valley College total one million dollars or more, Weisburger supported several campus facilities, including the Neidig-Garber Science Center,

In 1951, Weisburger became an officer in the Commissioned

Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion, and

Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, a position like a cap-

Vernon and Doris Bishop Library. Along with her siblings, she

tain in the U.S. Navy, according to an interview for LVC’s alumni

supported several LVC scholarships, including the Kreiser,

magazine, The Valley. A decade later, she helped form a re-

Snavely, Pfeiffer Scholarship, Grantham/Weisburger ’44 Scholar-

search group to test for carcinogenic activity in environmental

ship, and Elizabeth Weisburger Scholarship for Health Sciences.

and industrial compounds. Weisburger served as head of the Laboratory of Carcinogen Metabolism until 1981 when she was named assistant director for chemical carcinogenesis in the NCI Division of Cancer Etiology, retiring in 1988. During her career, Weisburger initiated the investigation of the fire retardant that was used to make children’s sleepwear in the 1970s, determining that it contained a carcinogen. It was later banned. She also established the National Toxicology Program at NIH. The lab investigated the carcinogenic potential of hair dyes,

She was predeceased by a brother, Wesley “Wes” R. Kreiser ’49, and is survived by her two sons, William and Andrew; daughter, Diane; sisters Edith Kreiser Probus ’46 and Ellen Kreiser Jarrett ’67; and brothers Dr. Thomas H. Kreiser ’58 and Capt. Alfred J. Kreiser ’61. Information from “County History Peppered with Influential Women” (by Jo Ellen Litz A’89) and the Journal of Chemical Education was used in this obituary.



IN MEMORIAM Ziegler is survived by a brother, C. Richard

and gardening. He is one of 20 family

service, and was one of the longest living

Stine ’48; sister, Jeanne Stine DeLong ’51;

members who attended LVC. One of his

members of the Toms River Yacht Club.

sister-in-law, Nancy Souder Stine ’49; and

sisters, Dr. Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger

Wiedeke was an avid reader and enjoyed

niece, Andrea DeLong Kranz ’97. She was

’44, H’89, died Feb. 12, 2019. He is sur-

spending time with her family, friends,

predeceased by her father, the Rev. Dr.

vived by sisters Edith Kreiser Probus ’46

and dog Daisy.

Cawley H. Stine 1920, H’44, and her hus-

and Ellen Kreiser Jarrett ’67; brothers Dr.

band of 62 years, George C. Ziegler ’42.

Thomas H. Kreiser ’58 and Capt. Alfred

Miriam Wehry Bazar ’48 died Oct. 16 in Or-

J. Kreiser ’61; and daughter-in-law, Beth


wigsburg. She was a music teacher for the

Sumerfield Nevill ’79.

Orwigsburg School District and a piano

Virginia Werner Richards ’49 died July

in Kalamazoo, Mich. He served as a U.S.

teacher. Bazar was the organist and choir

22 in Fredericksburg, Va. She earned her

Army medic during World War II. Albert

director at Hetzel’s Church for many years.

bachelor’s degree with a major in social

served on the faculty at the University

Wesley “Wes” R. Kreiser ’49 died Aug.

science and a minor in history at a time

of Rhode Island in the department of

when only 3 percent of all women gradu-

biological sciences for 30 years, retiring

birthday. He was a U.S. Army veteran of

ated from college.

in 1990 as professor emeritus.

the Korean War. Kreiser was a member of

Patricia Sutton Wiedeke ’49 died Sept.

Sara Etzweiler Linkous ’51 died Oct. 1 in

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Leba-

1 in Bayville, N.J. She retired from First

West Hempfield Twp. She was the owner

non; sang with the Jonestown Men’s

National Bank of Toms River, N.J., as

of C.A. Herr Inc. and C.A. Herr Antiques

Choir; and enjoyed hiking, the outdoors,

senior vice president after 40 years of

Annex in Columbia, and a member of

21 in Cornwall, one day shy of his 90th

The Rev. Norman Bucher Jr. ’50 The Rev. Norman Bauman Bucher Jr. ’50, former LVC adjunct professor in religion, died Feb. 9 in Hershey. Born and raised in Annville, he was the son of the late Norman Bucher and Edna Mae Smith Bucher, 1918 graduates of Lebanon Valley College. Bucher served as an enlisted member of the U.S. Navy (1945– 1946) before enrolling

Dr. Luke Samuel Albert ’50 died July 23

Theological Seminary and later a master of science degree in theology from Temple University. He ministered to pastorates at the Quentin-Rexmont United Church of Church (UCC) and St. Paul’s UCC in Manheim. From 1973–1993, he was the Penn Central Area Conference Minister of the UCC. Bucher also served on UCC national boards and agencies and represented the Conference at many General Synods of the national church. In retirement, Bucher continued to serve his faith and the church as interim pastor at several churches, including Christ Church in Annville where he was a member and sang in the church choir through his 91st year. He celebrated a lifelong dedication to learning and growing through doctoral work at Temple University. His studies resulted in the publishing of a book, “From Scarcity to Plenty: A Study of Christian Financial Stewardship for the Churches.” Bucher led his life with integrity, dependability, faith, and a love of people. His hobbies included golf, reading, writing, and meteorology.

at LVC. At The Valley, he played baseball, was president of the

He was predeceased by a daughter, Jane, and is survived by his

Young Men’s Christian Association, and met Janet Eppley Bucher

wife, Janet; son, Mark, and his wife, Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97,

’50, who would become his wife of 67 years.

M’11, P’14, P’23; son, Alan Weir, and his wife, Kathy Valtos Bucher;

After graduating with degrees in mathematics and philosophy,

and four grandchildren, Rosemary ’14, Kaitlin, Andrew, and

Bucher earned his master of divinity degree from the Lancaster



Mark Aaron ’23.

Columbia United Methodist Church. Link-

aide in the Clyde-Savannah Schools,

Barbara A. Kreiser ’54 died Jan. 4, 2019, in

ous was a volunteer at Columbia Hospital

drove a bus, owned a bike and ski shop,

Annville. She worked for Johnson Con-

and served on the Columbia Borough

and devoted more than 25 years to the

trols and was a member of Heidelberg

School District School Board.

Roosevelt Children’s Center in Newark,

United Church of Christ, York, where

where she served as an aide. Woodward

she was co-treasurer and served on the

was active in Rotary, receiving its Paul

church consistory. Kreiser was a mem-

Harris Award.

ber of the York Audubon Society, York

including Christ United Methodist in

Keith H. Lebo ’53 died Aug. 22 in Landis-

Historical Society, and the York White

Yoe for 14 years. He then served as the

ville. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the

Rose Wanderers. She is survived by

visitation pastor of Bethany United Meth-

Korean War. He began his career as a

great-nephew Zachary M. Smith ’16.

odist Church in Red Lion, where he was

secondary teacher in the Annville-Cleona

Robert B. McFarland ’55 died Sept. 18 in

a member. He enjoyed fishing, playing

School District, later becoming superin-

York. He retired from Central York School

horseshoes, country music, playing string

tendent of the Lebanon School District.

District after 38 years as a music edu-

instruments, gardening, and cooking. His

Lebo was a member of Salem Lutheran

cation teacher, and was a member of St.

wife of 64 years, Barbara Hess Gaither ’54,

Church, Lebanon, chair of the Lebanon

John’s United Church of Christ in Red

died Dec. 1.

Civil Service Commission, and a mem-

Lion. McFarland was a member of the Red

John E. Giachero ’52 died Sept. 2 in West

ber of the Shillington and Lebanon

Lion Troubadours for more than 60 years.

Rotary clubs.

He is survived by granddaughter Olivia G.

the U.S. Army National Guard, last serving

John A. McKenzie ’53 died July 4 in

Uberti ’18.

as Second Lieutenant. He was a music

Manheim Township. He taught elemen-

Alice Bomberger Savastio ’55 died July 12

teacher for more than 40 years, beginning

tary instrumental music in the Lampeter-

in Lemoyne. She served as the College

at Lebanon Catholic Parochial School.

Strasburg School District for 36 years, and

nurse while attending LVC. She was a

Later, Giachero taught and directed the

played in the 553rd Air National Guard

nursing instructor at Hahnemann Hospi-

marching band in South Plainfield School

Band of the Northeast for 10 years. He

tal in Philadelphia, then served as office

District and Bridgewater-Raritan Regional

was an avid flyer and commercial pilot

manager of her husband’s family prac-

School District, both in New Jersey. He

at the former New Holland Airport, and a

tice in Camp Hill for more than 20 years.

enjoyed playing clarinet with the Ringgold

member of Highland Presbyterian Church.

Savastio coordinated the officials for the

Band in Laureldale, and saxophone in the

Markus Schneiderhan ’53 died Nov. 4 in

first Avon Futures tournament held in

Reading. He taught music at every level

Hershey and played in the Eighteen Hol-

in the Cocalico School District through-

ers’ golf league.

out his 39-year career, and played the

David J. Farling ’56 died Oct. 4 in Glad-

clarinet and taught private lessons.

wyne. He served two years in the U.S.

Dr. S. Sava Macut ’52 died July 13 in Har-

Schneiderhan performed with the 553rd

Army Reserves and enjoyed a career

risburg. He served as a medical officer

Air National Guard Band of the North-

at PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he

at the naval station at Chaguaramas,

east and at Grace Evangelical Lutheran

became a partner in 1969. Farling was ac-

Trinidad, B.W.I., for two years, caring for

Church, Shillington.

tive at his retirement community, serving

sailors, marines, and their dependents.

Barbara Hess Gaither ’54 died Dec. 1

as president of the residents’ association

in York. A former teacher, she later

and on the board of trustees.

worked at Dentsply International and

M. Irene Gattiker ’56 died Aug. 12 in

The Rev. Golden A. Gaither ’52 died Sept. 7 in York. He was a U.S. Army veteran. As a pastor, he served many churches,

Reading. He was a 10-year member of

Windjammers Unlimited Band in Sarasota, Fla. Giachero is survived by his wife of 66 years, Eleanor, and daughters, Jennie Giachero Begeja ’80 and Carla Giachero ’84.

He next opened his medical practice in Rutherford Heights. Macut served as a physician for 25 years at the Dauphin County Home, later becoming the chief medical officer. He was a lifelong member of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Oberlin and is survived by his wife of 65 years, Dorothy Bontreger Macut ’52.

Allis-Chambers Co. She learned to play piano at age 5, was a concert pianist in high school, and played saxophone with the marching band. She was a member of Bethany United Methodist Church in Red Lion. Gaither was predeceased by

Diane Randolph Woodward ’52 died

three months by her husband, the Rev.

Sept. 23 in Clyde, N.Y. She worked as an

Golden A. Gaither ’52.

Chambersburg. She played basketball and field hockey at LVC, being named Miss Athlete in 1954. She held various college teaching positions and had a long career as a reading specialist in the Chambersburg Area School District. Gattiker was a member of St. John’s United



IN MEMORIAM Church of Christ where she volunteered

a good meal, family get-togethers, and

place finishes in some of the country’s

for many activities, including as proof-

summer vacations.

most prestigious parades.


William B. Hawk ’61 died July 14 in Lower

Gordon J. Gingrich ’64 died Dec. 2 in

David H. Gittleman ’56 died Aug. 25 in

Paxton Township. He was an administra-

Lebanon. He was a fifth-grade teacher for

Pottsville. He worked at Callery Chemical

tor of the Leader Nursing & Rehabilitation

Eastern Lancaster County School District

Co. for several years as a chemist, then

Centers and the Susquehanna Center.

for 38 years. He was passionate about

ran the family business, Ben Gittleman

He and his wife founded Hawk Gallery &

scouting and involved at the unit, district,

Shoe Store, from 1960–1980. In 1985, he

Framing Studio. Hawk was the super-

and council levels. Gingrich worked on

and his wife co-founded HawkMtn Metals

visor of Lower Paxton Township, chair of

various summer camp staffs and was the

and Labs, now HawkMtn Labs Inc. Gittle-

the board, and a member and president

first of three generations of Eagle Scouts.

man was a member of the Oheb Zedeck

of the Pennsylvania State Association

Synagogue and Masonic Lodge. He is

of Township Supervisors. He is survived

survived by his wife of 61 years, Sylvia

by his wife, Miriam Wiker Hawk ’61; son,

Rosenberry Gittleman ’56.

David W. Hawk ’88; and daughter-in-law,

George Henry Wade ’56 died Nov. 17 in

Elizabeth “Libby” Kost Hawk ’87.

Springfield, Va.

Larry E. McGriff ’62 died Nov. 19 in West

with international students through China

Chester. He was band director for Lit-

Outreach Ministries at the University of

tlestown High School and then for Marple

Florida. He was well-known and loved for

Newtown Senior High School. McGriff

using his God-given talents in accounting

launched the Bandarama Marching Band

throughout his life. He was predeceased

Festival that has now run for 46 years.

by Lynne McWilliams Hendrix ’63, his wife

During his tenure, he had many first-

of 48 years.

’60s James Wargny ’60 died Oct. 20 in New Jersey. He was an instrumental music teacher for 36 years. He loved singing,

Janet Blank Rismiller ’59 Janet Blank Rismiller ’59 died Nov. 17 in Lakeland, Fla. She was an active undergraduate and student leader at LVC, holding positions with the Student Christian Association (chair), Wig & Buckle (publicity chair), Student-Faculty Council (secretary), Kappa Lambda Nu (CLIO, president and treasurer), Quittapahilla (co-editor), and Women’s Athletic Association (sports leader and treasurer). She was a member of the Childhood Education, History, and Political Science clubs; Student Education Association; La Vie Collegienne staff; and Student Education Association. She also sang in the choir and was the 1958 May Queen.



Marin Hendrix ’64 died Sept. 28 in Gainesville, Fla. Hendrix, the father of Liana Hendrix Riviere ’88 and Holly Hendrix Waddell ’92, had a mission that led him to serve others, including most recently

Rismiller taught elementary school for many years, including in the Lebanon City, Nether Providence Township, and East Rochester (N.Y.) school districts. She was active in various parent-teacher organizations, the Pennsylvania State Education Association, National Education Association, and Rochester Jaycees. She also remained deeply connected to her alma mater, establishing a highly successful phone chain with her husband, Bruce, encouraging class reunion attendance. Together, they supported numerous campus projects, including the Heilman Center, Clyde A. Lynch Memorial Hall, and Jeanne and Edward H. Arnold Health Professions Pavilion. The Rismillers were recognized for their extraordinary generosity to LVC through induction as Lifetime Vickroy Associates and as members of the Laureate Society, the College’s most prestigious honors for philanthropic support. In retirement in Williamsburg, Va., and later Lakeland, Fla., Rismiller enjoyed playing golf, exploring the U.S. in the family’s RV, and traveling. She was a member of the Garden Club and Ford’s Colony Travel Club while living in Williamsburg. She is survived by her husband of more than 60 years, Bruce Rismiller ’59, and their son, Gregory.

Arthur “Art” R. Dunn Jr. ’67 died Sept.

Stingley was later a vicar of St. Hilary’s

the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral

29 in Louisiana. He was an ensign in

Episcopal Church in Hesperia, Calif.

and treasurer of the American Hellenic

the U.S. Navy, serving as a submarine warfare officer aboard the USS Chivo. He was honorably discharged as a captain after 28 years of service in the U.S. Naval Reserves. Dunn retired from Shell Oil Co. after 30 years as a senior procurement specialist. He was a long-distance runner, competing in more than 25 marathons, and was an honored participant in the 1984 Olympic Torch Relay.


Educational Progressive Association.


Joseph “Joe” B. Soupik ’09 died Aug. 29

William T. Reinecke ’80 died Dec. 9 in

for Berks County. A member of LVC’s

Titusville, Fla. He spent more than 30

baseball team, he had a lifelong love

years teaching and directing bands in

for the game and continued to play first

Florida at the Apopka High School in Or-

base through the summer of 2018. Soupik

ange County and various middle schools

firmly believed in conservation, and was

in Seminole County. Reinecke also spent

an avid hunter and outdoorsman.

several years as the music development coordinator at the county level. He was


an adjudicator of band competitions in

Jack A. Bixler, former LVC equipment

Florida and a member of Mensa.

manager, died Jan. 2, 2019, in Lebanon. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean

The Rev. Margaret “Peg” Rasmussen Olson ’70 died Nov. 7 in Omaha, Neb. She taught music and special education before being ordained in 1987. Her first ministry was with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Elkins, W.Va. Olson also ministered at churches in Oberon, N.D.; Sutherland and Pender, both in Nebraska; and Philadelphia.

in Boyertown. He was a probation officer

’90s Capt. John J. Maransky ’90 died Sept. 1 in Lebanon. He served as a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps during the first Persian Gulf War. After his Marine Corps career, he worked for Microsoft. Maran-

War. Before LVC, he worked for Bethlehem Steel Grace Mines in Morgantown, and then as a foreman for Hershey Pasta. He was the 2012 recipient of LVC’s Hot Dog Frank Award. Bixler was a member of the Central Democratic Club and Lebanon Maennerchor Club.

sky was a member of the Holy Resur-

Matthew B. Boyer died Nov. 17 in

Eric Harp Gibson ’72 died Aug. 26 in

rection of Christ Serbian Orthodox

Whitehall. He played football for LVC

Rutherfordton, N.C. He worked for AFA

Church, Lebanon.

in 2008 and was a member of Holy

Products Inc., in Forest City, N.C., and was a member of First United Methodist Church. Gibson was a member of the Order of the Arrow and a Life Scout. He helped found the Rutherfordton Enrichment Council, and was instrumental in fundraising and planning for the Scout Hut.

Kenneth W. Potter ’98 died Dec. 1 in

Trinity Catholic Church in Egypt.

Camp Hill. He taught social studies and

Randall “Randy” Marks, longtime adjunct

coached boys’ basketball at Susque-

professor of music and student-teaching

hanna Township High School, and later

supervisor at LVC, died July 1 in Myer-

was the assistant varsity boys’ basketball

stown. He taught at Eastern Lebanon

coach for Hershey High School and head

County High School for 13 years, also

varsity boys’ basketball coach for Big

serving as the marching band and choral

Spring High School in Newville. Potter

director. Marks also spent 23 years as the

Abraham ’73 died Oct. 19 in Grand

attended St. Peter Lutheran Church in

choral director in the Cornwall Lebanon

Junction, Colo. He worked for Concept

Mechanicsburg. He is survived by his son,

School District.

Printing in Denver, Colo., then opened a

Dr. Kenneth F. Potter ’09.

Tyrone Matthew Page died Oct. 23 in

printing business in Moab, Utah. He was well-known in Moab for his style, generosity, and philanthropy.


New Jersey. He attended LVC for three years before transferring to become a preacher, leading the Asbury Methodist

The Rev. Elizabeth Jones Stingley ’76

Paul Giannaris ’04 died Aug. 18 in Har-

and Berean churches, and Union Baptist

died June 18 in Texas. She was a public

risburg. He worked in the Pennsylvania

Temple. In 2015, he and his twin brother

school music teacher and organist, choir

Office of the Attorney General in the

opened the Berean Church in Pleasant-

director, and hand bell choir director for

comptroller’s department. Before that,

ville, N.J. Page also ministered to those

a Lutheran church and a Jewish syna-

he owned and operated the Maverick

who were in recovery from drug or alco-

gogue. She was ordained to the diacon-

Restaurant. Giannaris was a member of

hol addiction.

ate in 1990 and the priesthood in 1991.



IN MEMORIAM Dr. Clyde Robert “Bob” Rose died Oct. 28

taught music at Concord, Otterbein, and

worked at Interstate Container before

in Lebanon. He was a U.S. Marine Corps

Valparaiso universities, and Lebanon

becoming president and CEO at Bicknell

veteran of the Vietnam War. He played

Valley College.

& Fuller. Trout attended LVC for two years

Harry R. Trout Jr. died Nov. 11 in Newbury,

before transferring to the University of

clarinet in The President’s Own U.S. Marine Band in Washington, D.C. Rose

Mass. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He

William H. Fairlamb Jr. William H. Fairlamb Jr., professor emeritus of music, died Sept. 23 in Cornwall. He taught piano, piano pedagogy and literature, and music history as a 45year member of LVC’s Music Department.

Tampa in Florida.

ful professional career. He was inducted into the inaugural class of the Lebanon County Musicians’ Hall of Fame, received an LVC Alumni Citation, and was named Outstanding Educator in America. He was awarded the College’s top teaching award, the Lindbach Award for Distinguished Teaching (now The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Award) in 1988. “Professor Fairlamb’s innate ability to sight read music amazed me as one of his students and continues to amaze me to this day,” said Tom Strohman ’75, professor emeritus of music. “He was always generous with his time to help students succeed— something I have tried to emulate as a teacher, parent, and

Considered a “legend”

community member.”

by many LVC music

For 46 years, Fairlamb was the choir director at St. Andrews

faculty and alumni,

Presbyterian Church and later became the church organist. He

Fairlamb taught hundreds of piano students, including Dennis

also served as rehearsal accompanist for the Lebanon County

Sweigart ’63, who would also become professor emeritus of

Choral Society for many years.


Fairlamb is survived by his wife, Joanne Kessler Fairlamb ’49,

Fairlamb, a U.S. Army veteran of World Word II, graduated from

and daughter, Erika C. Tibbitts (Mark).

the Juilliard School in New York City before pursuing a success-

Dr. Klement Main Hambourg Dr. Klement Main Hambourg, professor emeritus of music, died Oct. 22 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He was a prominent violinist, conductor, and scion of a famous musical family



At LVC from 1982 to 1995, Hambourg established the LVC Honors Orchestra, an annual event that brings promising young string players to the College. He also was instrumental in the early success of the Summer Music Camp. Previously, he established and conducted the Peterborough (Ontario) Symphony Orchestra and, in retirement founded and directed the Celebration of Chamber Music series in Victoria, British Columbia. Hambourg studied in Switzerland, Canada, England, and the U.S. He studied at the Hambourg Conservatory, Royal Conservatory of Music (associate degree), Royal Academy of Music (advanced degree), Trinity College of Music London (advanced degree),

that established the

and University of Oregon (doctorate).

Hambourg Conser-

He is survived by his wife, Leonie Lang Hambourg, former LVC

vatory in Toronto,

adjunct instructor in German; daughters Corrine (Murray) and

Canada, in 1911.

Tanya (Shawn); and grandson Gavin.

affiliation with LVC. Thus, I came to know this intelligent, dignified, and accomplished man. His presence made things better no matter the circumstance. He will be missed by many.” A renaissance man, McGill taught history at three colleges before coming to LVC, was an ordained Episcopal priest, appeared in numerous theatrical productions in Michigan, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, and was a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals fan. He also authored several books and short stories, served as co-owner

Dr. William J. McGill Jr. H’98 Dr. William J. McGill Jr. H’98, senior vice president and dean of faculty emeritus, died Oct. 14 in Lancaster. He also served as LVC’s interim president in 1998.

and editor of Spitball magazine, and was an avid cyclist and sailor. The College named its baseball stadium, McGill Field, in honor of McGill and his wife, Ellen Buck McGill, in 1999. Loyal Dutchmen, the McGills contributed to LVC in numerous ways: establishing the William J. McGill Sr. and Ethel W. McGill Scholarship (in honor

McGill earned his bachelor’s degree from Trinity College in

of Bill’s parents); financially supporting the creation and continu-

Connecticut and his master’s and doctorate degrees from

ity of the annual European Union Simulation in Washington, D.C.;

Harvard University. He also received an honorary doctorate

and joining The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society, which recognizes

from LVC in 1998.

donors with lifetime giving greater than $100,000.

“Bill and I shared Trinity as an alma mater,” said Marty Parkes,

McGill is survived by Ellen; daughters Sara Ondrejko (Thomas),

retired LVC executive director of marketing and communications.

Susan Suprock (Curt), and Alison Harris (Jeffrey); six grand-

“When I was considering joining the LVC staff, the Trinity College

children, including Andrew Suprock ’13; and brother Michael

alumni magazine featured an article about Bill that disclosed his

(Mary Beth).

historic Durham Cathedral, England. He was a true leader of the extensive project, and his work received media attention in the U.S. and England. He and his late wife, Vivian, also supported LVC through their establishment of the Perry Troutman and Vivian Schreffler Troutman Scholarship. “I saw a whole new side to Perry in 1993 when, as the organizer and head of The American Friends of Durham Cathedral,” he gave a brilliant speech in England at the dedication of the Cathedral’s gorgeous new signature window the group had funded,” said Judy Pehrson, former LVC executive director of college relations. “The event was part of the Cathedral’s 900th anniversary, and Perry also expertly presided at a press confer-

Dr. Perry J. Troutman Dr. Perry J. Troutman, professor emeritus of religion, died Dec. 24

ence attended by British news media and the Associated Press’ London Bureau.”

in Annville. He taught at LVC for 34 years and visited campus

Troutman received his bachelor’s degree from Houghton Col-

daily after retiring, especially enjoying spending time with the

lege, his divinity degree from United Theological Seminary, and

students and staff in the Vernon and Doris Bishop Library. He

his doctorate from Boston University.

also was a frequent exerciser in the LVC Sports Center.

He is survived by daughter Lynda Troutman O’Sullivan (P. Kevin);

During his distinguished academic career, Troutman founded

son Philip ’88; grandsons John and Michael O’Sullivan; brother

The American Friends of Durham Cathedral, a nonprofit orga-

Richard; and sister-in-law Merle. The family hosted a memorial

nization dedicated to promoting appreciation and support for

service in the Frederic K. Miller Chapel in February.




LVC students participate in the Donning of the Kente and Lavender Ceremony before Commencement in May.

(l. to r.) Jacob Whitfield ’19, Chance Atkins ’19, Ricky Pereira ’19, Nancy Diaz Fajardo ’19, Ryan Horn ’19



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101 North College Avenue Annville, PA 17003-1400

We’d Love to See You! Here are some fun events that our Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement has scheduled for you and your family this year.

JUNE 5 LEHIGH VALLEY IRON PIGS COCA COLA STADIUM PARK Picnic at 6 p.m. and game to follow. $28 per person including admission and dinner at the Berks Food Picnic Patio.

JULY 1 HARRISBURG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Academic Quad, Lebanon Valley College Free concert begins at 8 p.m.

JULY 28 KNOEBEL’S AMUSEMENT PARK AND ALUMNI PICNIC Picnic at Pavilion Q begins at 2 p.m.; $13 per person. Ride tickets/ wristbands on-your-own.

OCTOBER 11-13 HOMECOMING Lebanon Valley College

NOVEMBER 23 NEW YORK CITY ON-YOUR-OWN BUS TRIP Bus departs LVC at 8 a.m. $60 per person.

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