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professionals (i.e., athletic trainers, physical therapists, and physicians) and are based on supporting documentation and recommendations. The College’s Attendance Policy holds that regular attendance at all courses is essential to academic success, and it is the student’s responsibility to attend class and to be accountable for all work missed in the event of being absent from class. Specific class attendance policies are determined by individual faculty members. When deemed necessary, adjustments and accommodations are outlined in a letter from the Center for Accessibility Resources as “Temporary Academic Accommodations” and students are responsible for communicating the necessary accommodations to individual professors. Temporary accommodations may be provided for both physical and cognitive rest. The student is responsible for any work missed, and arrangements for make-up work must be made in cooperation with course professors. During this process, students are encouraged to speak with each professor to determine course specific requirements that may be postponed or excused (i.e., postponed exams, extra time for project/assignment completion, reduced reading assignments). Students are also responsible for meeting with the director of accessibility resources every week during the usage of temporary accommodations. When the concussed student experiences prolonged cognitive difficulties and symptoms beyond the second week post-injury, the student should consider implications that may hinder the successful completion of coursework. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor and the assistant dean for retention and student support to consider options if coursework missed becomes too onerous to make up.


Student work is graded A (excellent), B (good), C (satisfactory), D (requirements and standards met a minimum level), or F (course requirements not met). For each credit hour in a course, students receive the following quality points:

A 4.00 C 2.00 A- 3.67 C- 1.67 B+ 3.33 D+ 1.33 B 3.00 D 1.00 B- 2.67 D- 0.67 C+ 2.33 F 0.00

F carries no credit or quality points, but grades of F are used in calculating the grade point averages. The cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the quality points by the credit hours completed. Candidates for a degree must obtain a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 and a major grade point average of 2.000. Additional majors and any minors also require a 2.000 grade point average. A student may not take a course that has a prerequisite course they have failed. Students may elect to take courses pass/fail, subject to the pass/fail policy (see above) and receive grades of P (pass), PH (pass with honors, equivalent to a B+ or

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