LVC Viewbook

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Career Services

Student Life

A full range of guidance and support, including Career Connections, an online network of hundreds of LVC alumni. (pp. 30–31)

More than 95 organizations including music and theater groups; student newspaper, yearbook, and radio station; sororities and fraternities; and clubs and student-run organizations of many kinds, including pre-professional, political, athletic, recreational, religious, language-focused, and service-related groups. (pp. 38–41)


abroad/Off Campus

A member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC), and Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC), LVC offers 24 sports (pp. 44–45):

LVC offers programs in 13 countries, several shortterm international programs, plus semester-long programs in Washington, DC, and

Residential Life 27 residence halls of various styles; housing guaranteed

Baseball Basketball Cross Country Field Hockey Football Golf Ice Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track & Field (indoor and outdoor) Volleyball



all four undergraduate years. (pp. 36–37)

•• •• •

(pp. 28–29)

. . . you’re going to college because you want to be successful. But along the way, you want to learn about the world and your place in it.

• •• •• • •• •• •• •

• men’s • women’s

Financial Aid and Scholarships Approximately 98 percent of students receive some form of financial assistance.

Scholarships are guaranteed to students in the top 30 percent of their high school class. (pp. 60–63) Spirited, bold, and knowledgable, the Dutchman is the proud mascot of LVC’s athletic programs—and a living embodiment of our community culture.

Rolling admission. We encourage completed applications by March 1 for fall admission and December 1 for spring admission. (p. 65)

After LVC In an average year, approximately 78 percent

Presidential Scholarships top 20%: $11,633


top 10%: $17,450

top 30%: $8,725

of surveyed graduates are employed within six months of graduation;

approximately 28 percent are enrolled in graduate school or professional programs. (pp. 30–31)


majors and programs

Accounting majors are in demand. Many double-major or study abroad, and most intern with nearby firms. (p. 15)

Art & art history majors exhibit their art on campus and work as interns at LVC’s acclaimed Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery. (p. 14)

In the past 10 years, more than 45 students have co-authored and presented their research in biochemistry and molecular biology at scientific meetings. (p. 21)

Nearly 100 percent of actuarial science graduates land highpaying jobs; many are company officers or consulting firm partners and principals. (p. 19)

MAJORS • Accounting

. . . you want a strong major. You also want chances to try out what you’re learning—with internships, research projects, and study off campus or abroad.

• Actuarial Science • Art & Art History • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology • Biology • Business Administration • Chemistry • Computer Science • Criminal Justice • Digital Communications

LVC biology majors have a remarkable record of graduate school placement. In the last five years, at least 45 percent have gone on to graduate or professional schools. (p. 21) All of LVC’s undergraduate business administration programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. (p. 15)

Around 70 percent of LVC chemistry students who participated in summer research have gone on to earn advanced degrees. (p. 21)

Two criminal justice majors presented their research project, “Gang Activity in Beach Communities” at the Eastern Sociological Society conference in Boston this year. (p. 23) Computer science stresses software development and internships, leading to a virtual 100 percent employment rate for LVC graduates. (p. 19)

• Economics Economics majors study complex questions from a systems perspective in preparation for employment as business analysts or graduate study. (p. 15)

Digital communications majors have had internships that include starting a record label, designing a book, developing an iPhone app, and filming educational videos. (p. 14)

From freshman year on, education majors are guided by faculty through student teaching and field practicums to prepare for teaching professionally. (p. 16)

English majors choose an area of concentration related to the language arts—literature, communications, theater, creative writing, or secondary education. (p. 18) Health care management is for certified health care professionals seeking to further their knowledge of the field. The international studies program develops analytical skills required for understanding and evaluating global culture, economics, and politics. (p. 17)

LVC French students may spend the fall semester immersed in French language and culture in Montpellier, France. (p. 18)

MAJORS continued • Education Early Childhood (PreK–Grade 4) Early Childhood/ Special Education • English • French • German • Health Care Management • Historical Communications

. . . in and out of classes, everywhere on campus and off campus—there is so much to do. To accomplish it all, you need your college to be on your side.

• History • International Studies • Mathematics • Music

The Music Program features a studentcentered curriculum and ample opportunities to perform as a soloist or with campus ensembles. (p. 20)

Many history majors work on collaborative undergraduate research with faculty, such as maintaining an online archive; several have presented their findings at conferences. (p. 17)

Currently, mathematical science majors constitute seven percent of the student body, compared to a national average of less than one percent. (p. 19)

Students can take an immersive approach to learning German language and culture during a semester in Berlin—or a four-week summer language and culture course in Würzburg, Germany. (p. 18) Unique to LVC, the major in historical communications provides students an opportunity to prepare for work in the field of communications with an intellectual grounding in history. (p. 17)

majors and programs continued Music recording technology students engineer albums for Vale Records and run live sound for concerts. (p. 20)

Philosophy students develop critical thinking and communication skills by exploring the profound questions about the sources of our values and the nature of reality. (p. 23)

Music business majors annually organize and host LVC’s Vale Music Industry Conference, which attracts music industry professionals from across the country to speak, demonstrate, and mentor. (p. 20) Students in LVC’s six-year doctoral program in physical therapy benefit from such resources as state-of-the-art teaching labs and a therapy pool, and they get hands-on experience working with LVC’s student athletes and community volunteers. (p. 22)

In the Music Education Program, five semesters of fieldwork begin during the first semester of study. (p. 20)

MAJORS continued • Music Business • Music Education • Music Recording Technology • Philosophy • Physical Therapy • Physics • Political Science • Psychobiology

. . . we believe you should be able to explore, experience, and enjoy all that college offers—and finish in four years, ready for a good job or a spot in graduate school. Political science majors study government, international politics, and political systems. Many participate in an EU simulation in DC. (p. 17) Psychobiology students prepare for graduate study and careers in fields including neuroscience, behavioral genetics, medicine, animal behavior, and more. (p. 22) Physics majors work closely with faculty on research and have access to optics, atomic force microscopy, atomic/ nuclear, electronics, computational, and advanced physics labs. (p. 21)

Several sociology majors presented research—including “Occupation and Work Force Inequality” and “Upward Mobility: The Power of Opportunity”—at this year’s national conference of the Eastern Sociological Society. (p. 23)

Many psychology students publish research in professional journals or present findings at conferences, either independently or with faculty mentors. (p. 22)

• Psychology • Religion • Self-designed Major • Sociology • Spanish Students of Spanish at LVC learn by teaching when they work in afterschool programs with local elementary school students who speak Spanish at home. (p. 18) LVC students may create a self-designed major with faculty support. Recent examples: biotechnology and business, chemistry and artifact conservation, environmental economics and policy, and mathematics of finance. Religion students engage in the historical and comparative study of religion with the opportunity to delve into specialized study of a particular tradition from the East or West. (p. 23)

The law and society minor is valuable to students applying to law school. In each teaching certification program, students put educational theory into practice using the latest methodologies. (p. 16) TEACHING CERTIFICATION

• Early Childhood Education • Early Childhood Education/Special Education

Theater students and others in the Wig and Buckle Theater Company put on three major student productions yearly. K–Grade 12 certification is offered in French, German, music education, and Spanish. Special Education certification must be combined with a major in early childhood education.

Through this program, students can earn a B.S. from LVC and an engineering degree from any accredited engineering institutution in as few as five years. Secondary education (grades 7–12) is offered in biology, chemistry, citizenship education, English, mathematics, physics, and social studies. Communications students seeking a career in journalism, magazine writing, publishing, media relations, or writing for digital media may complete an internship in one or more of these areas.

• K–12 Education • Music Education • Secondary Education Other Areas of Study

• American Studies • Communications • Creative Writing • Family Studies • Law and Society • Literature

. . . you have dreams and goals. If you want a lot and are willing to work to get it, you’re the kind of student we’re looking for. We get it.

• Theater • World Classics Cooperative Programs

• Engineering • Medical Technology Pre-Professional Areas

• Dentistry • Law • Medicine • Ministry • Veterinary Medicine

Students interested in veterinary medicine can find internships with nearby small- and largeanimal vets. (p. 21)

American studies draws faculty from disciplines and departments across the curriculum. The world classics minor offers the study of the languages, art, history, philosophy, and religions of ancient Greek and Indian civilizations. Pre-medical or pre-dental students typically major in the sciences. The Health Professions Committee advises students and helps them prepare for the application and interview process. (p. 21) LVC graduates have attended some of the nation’s top law schools, including Harvard, Chicago, Columbia, and Stanford.

Family studies students explore such topics as family stratification and family violence. (p. 23) Creative writing students study world literature, poetry, theater, the novel, and more. English majors concentrating in literature study literary theory and explore British, American, and world literature. LVC medical technology students spend three years on campus and one year working and studying in a hospital. Students interested in ministry can intern with the College chaplain to explore higher education chaplaincy.


We have the space and support you need to live a good life—and the tools and technologies you need to build a solid future.


We hold strong beliefs about what you should expect from college. After all, this is your chance to build a foundation for the rest of your life. The experiences you have should sharpen your intellect, build your skill set, and increase your options for the future.

We believe ... . . . you should have access to Challenging academic progr ams , specialized majors, and passionate, dedicated professors


. . . you should pursue hands-on experiences while you’re still in college, whether internships, research, service-learning, or travel-based study


. . . y ou should have the benefit of close guidance to help you make informed decisions and graduate prepared to hit the ground running


. . . y ou should have a full life outside of class—with good friends, opportunities to give back, and access to the activities you enjoy


. . . y our campus should be beautiful, comfortable, and technologically current—with a community that is supportive and inclusive


. . . almost any experience you have in college should prepare you for your future


...h ard work should be rewarded with generous schol arships

. . . you should pay us a visit

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liberal arts education

LVC students are holistic thinkers. Here, math majors learn how to write well, and English majors develop quantitative skills.

You can get a liberal arts education and a good job after graduation.

LVC’s mission is to enable our students to become people of broad vision, capable of making informed decisions and prepared for a life of service to others. To that end, we provide an education that helps students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary to live and work in a rapidly changing, increasingly diverse and fragile world.


Suppose you want to be a doctor but also enjoy playing the saxophone. Or maybe you have your sights set on being a history teacher but also have an interest in ecology. Pursuing different disciplines and exercising the various parts of your mind is what the liberal arts is all about. We know you want to leave college with skills that will enable you to get a good job and earn a good living, but we’ve built our academic programs to also give you plenty of time for exploring the other things that interest you. It’s these pursuits beyond your professional goals that will enrich and enhance everything you do in life.

the liberal arts are focused. Our strong, comprehensive major programs provide a core of knowledge, skills, and experience relevant to your chosen field. We offer pre-professional guidance and support for those interested in law, health professions, or the ministry, and professors in every discipline will help you make good decisions with your career in mind.

the liberal arts are broad. In addition to their chosen major (or majors), our students explore the wide curriculum, building a broad base of knowledge and developing a variety of important skills. They learn how to think critically, independently, and in interdisciplinary ways. They develop skills to communicate clearly and persuasively in speech and in writing. They gain confidence, form opinions, and leave LVC with a strong sense of who they are and what they want to do. 11

It may seem obvious, but one of the most important factors in a college education is the people who will be your teachers—and the degree of access you have to them. Our professors say that one of the best things about teaching at LVC is the opportunity to get personally involved in their students’ lives—whether going to a basketball game or gospel choir performance or meeting with a student for coffee to continue a discussion begun in class.


Be sure to ask a few questions as you consider colleges: How large are the classes? Do professors involve students in their research? Are they available if you need extra help? Will you be taught by professors, or will your classes be led by graduate students? The answers will have a major impact on the quality of your education. Our Faculty The LVC faculty includes scientists, scholars, artists, and professionals in a wide range of fields. They are respected contributors to their disciplines. But above all, they are teachers who love working with young people. They know their students as individuals and take an interest in their lives outside the classroom. They serve as mentors and advisors, helping to shape their students’ overall college experience, career trajectory, and personal development. This kind of personalized education is only possible at a small college like LVC.

Small Classes LVC has only 1,600 students for a reason. We want our classes to be small and focused on the type of instruction that’s most valuable to undergraduates. With a 12:1 student-teacher ratio and an average class size of 20, LVC is able to offer an intensive, discussionfocused, interactive classroom environment that goes beyond merely conveying subject matter. Because our students take an active role in their own education, they develop communication and critical thinking skills that will give them a competitive advantage in whatever they pursue.

average class size:

No Graduate Assistants Because LVC is an undergraduate college, all courses are taught by professors, not by graduate students. This makes the quality of instruction higher than at most larger schools. It also means that LVC students may join their professors in conducting research and scholarship—opportunities typically reserved for graduate students at universities. Working closely with professors builds practical know-how and real-world confidence, and gives our students a leg up when seeking jobs or graduate school admission.

20 13

art and digital communications majors

Art, Art History, Digital Communications Art & art history offer opportunities to explore visual expression and design. Digital communications combines business, communications, design, and programming with course work that emphasizes human-centered design methods and emerging media. Both programs feature close facultystudent interaction, dynamic learning environments, and high-impact experiences.

Art & Art History

Digital Communications

Major concentrations

Major concentrations:

• art history (offers specialization in museum practices) • studio art (media include ceramics, illustration, painting, and photography)

• business technology • communications • design

Comprehensive major emphasizing professional skills in creating and analyzing visual art

• programming • user experience • video

Faculty offers expertise in:

Minors • art history

• studio art

Faculty includes: • art historians • art teachers • artists

• designers • museum curators

• design • business • communications • digital media and technology

Prepares students for careers as:

And graduate studies in:

• art consultants • art website editors • designers • museum curators • photographers • video game designers

• a rchitecture • a rt conservation • art history • art therapy • museum studies

Ideas in motion Art major Stephen Campbell ’11 created a hand-drawn experimental animation that has been screened at film festivals throughout the country, earning Best Experimental Animation at the Savannah International Animation Festival.

• journalism • project management • user experience

After LVC Prepares students for careers in:

After LVC


Interdisciplinary experience, combining design, technology, business, and communications

• advertising • corporate communications • database management • graphic design • e-commerce • journalism • marketing • mobile development • public relations • publishing

• sales • user experience/ experience design • web design/ development And graduate studies in:

• business • digital media • instructional design • library science • studio art

The Departments LVC’s art programs and its digiCOM program are both grounded in a strong liberal arts foundation, allowing students to explore the worlds of visual art, creative communication, technology, and design as vital aspects of the human experience.

business majors

Accounting, Business Administration, Economics Students in a business-related field at LVC learn more than just fundamentals. They explore the humanities, social sciences, and sciences while learning how to communicate effectively in both speech and writing. These perspectives and skills enhance the power—and flexibility—of their degree.


Excellent foundation for certification as a CPA or CMA Prepares students for graduate school or careers in: • finance • government

• industry • public accounting

Business Administration

Prepares students for management positions in the commercial, government, or nonprofit sectors. Solid grounding in fundamentals of: • accounting • economics • finance • international business

• management • marketing • operations

Preparation for management positions in various sectors: • commercial • government • nonprofit


Explores production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, as well as the macroeconomic and microeconomic consequences of economic decisions. Prepares students for careers in government or the private sector and graduate school in: • business • economics • law

The Department Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs to offer:

• Bachelor of Science in Accounting • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration • Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management

• Bachelor of Arts in Economics • Associate degrees in Accounting and Business Administration

Faculty expertise in:

• consulting • entrepreneurship • government

• international studies • research

Builds proficiency and knowledge in:

• ethics • information technology

• professionalism • teamwork

Hones such skills as:

• communications • creativity

• critical thinking • project management

Offers special abroad opportunities in:

• Beijing, China (includes potential internships and study of Mandarin) • Hamilton, New Zealand • London, England • Maastricht, the Netherlands (summer only) • Melbourne, Australia

After LVC Graduates have been hired by many public accounting firms—including major regional firms and some of the Big Five (such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte)—manufacturing and consumer products companies, state and federal government agencies, and small businesses. Many have successfully launched their own entrepreneurial ventures.

(How to) Dress for Success The Department of Business and Economics, in association with the Career Center and Job Center website, offers a number of seminars aimed at helping students gain a competitive edge in their job search. Seminars cover such topics as business attire, living and working as a professional, networking skills, and writing résumés and preparing for interviews.


education majors

Early Childhood, Secondary, and Special Education LVC teacher candidates put educational theory into practice using the latest teaching methodologies and technology. They learn by observing talented teachers at work in a variety of classroom settings. During their senior year, they begin practicing their profession as full-time student teachers.

Early Childhood Education Intensive training in the content and methodologies of all elementary school subjects, pre-K through grade four

Secondary Education

Combines a departmental major with required education courses Certification in secondary education (grades 7–12) is offered in: • biology • chemistry • citizenship education • English • mathematics • physics • social studies

K–Grade 12 Education

The Department LVC education professors work closely with their students, assessing individual strengths and weaknesses and making sure that they are achieving at full potential. During each 16-week studentteaching assignment, professors regularly observe their students in the field. Department strengths:

• emphasis on curricular innovation • excellent advising program • focus on authentic assessment (such as the evaluation of student-developed lesson plans or learning stations) • use of technology in the classroom

After LVC LVC’s education program is respected throughout the region and beyond for it’s strong placement record. Our graduates are not only successful teachers but, in many cases, leaders in the field. Districts actively seek our graduates, particularly those who have earned multiple certifications.

K–grade 12 certification offered in: • French • German • music education • Spanish

Special Education

Dual major program for students completing a primary major in early childhood education


Learning on the Job From the first semester on, LVC education students log weekly hours in a school or preschool, in a library setting, or in an after-school program observing experienced teachers firsthand. The education major culminates in an intensive field placement. The first semester is devoted to close observation of the cooperating teacher and the second is devoted to fulltime student teaching. An LVC education professor works with local school districts to arrange their field placements.

history and politics majors

History, Historical Communications, International Studies, Political Science The study of history and politics offers insights into history, government, and society—and a close look at how they relate to diverse communities around the globe. Students explore and consider the world around them, the values that they inherit, and the future they will help to make.


The history of human behavior and an overview of the skills for examining the present—namely, research, analysis, and communication Certification in secondary education is available.

Historical Communications Combines in-depth study of history with extensive experience developing written and other communications skills

Unique to LVC, the program prepares students to research or write in fields such as: • higher education • museum studies

• p olitical campaigns • p ublic relations

International Studies

Imparts language and research skills, an awareness of cultural dynamics in the workplace, and the ability to work across cultures Helps students develop skills for understanding global culture, economics, and politics, and prepares them for careers in the U.S. and abroad.

Law and Society Minor

A interdisciplinary minor—which can be taken alongside any major at LVC and is particularly useful for students interested in law school—that introduces students to the American legal system through study of the U.S. Constitution and its normative and political context

Political Science

Government, politics, and public policy With a focus on: • A merican politics • comparative politics • constitutional law

• international relations • political philosophy

Certification in citizenship education at the secondary level is available.

The Department

Offers small, discussion-based classes with an accomplished faculty. Students explore topics ranging from the political and social history to the workings of government to international diplomacy. Examples of internships include:

• congressional offices • museums

• political campaigns • public relations offices

Special opportunities:

• semester in Washington, DC • study abroad

After LVC Students graduate able to:

• analyze complex situations • communicate clearly and persuasively

• conduct effective research

Popular career options:

• business • education • foreign service

• journalism • politics • public service

Research Partnership Over the past three years, more than 30 students from this department have presented work at professional conferences and published papers in peer-reviewed journals—experiences that helped them land good jobs. 17


literature, language, and communications majors

English, French,German, Spanish LVC students pursue the study of English, French, German, or Spanish in small and highly interactive classes—the perfect setting for honing communication skills and exploring ideas in depth. Valuable internships, stellar study-abroad programs, and extracurricular options broaden and enrich their studies.


The Departments

Offers areas of concentration in: • c ommunications • creative writing • l iterature

• secondary education (leads to certification) • theater

Study abroad in: • A ustralia • London

• New Zealand

English majors may participate in other study abroad programs, but these offer major courses in English communications.

French, German, and Spanish

Language skills combined with an understanding of culture, advanced readings in literature, and excellent study-abroad opportunities; secondary education certification available Study abroad destinations include: • B uenos Aires, Argentina (Spanish) • Freie Universität Berlin, (German) • Montpelier, France (French)

• Santiago and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Spanish) • Valladolid, Spain (Spanish) • Würzburg, Germany (German)

Students in these majors build skills in:

• critical and creative thinking • cultural understanding • multimedia narratives

• p ersuasive communication • public speaking • writing

And pursue internships in:

• advertising • law • print, broadcast, and digital journalism

• public relations • publishing

Internship placements include:

• American Cancer Society • General Electric • Hershey Foods • M TV • local law firms

• Pennsylvania Governor’s Office • Sony • The State Archives of Pennsylvania • Walt Disney World

Extracurriculars include:

• Greenblotter Literary Society • La Vie Collegienne (student newspaper) • Spanish, French, and German clubs • Wig and Buckle Theater Company • WLVC (cable and web radio station)

Double Majors and Minors Many LVC students double major or minor in a language to build critical communication skills that prepare them for working in an increasingly diverse world with a global economy.

After LVC Going Digital English professors and students collaborated to develop a national online humanities journal, The Valley Humanities Review. Overseen by an editorial board of five faculty and six students from five departments, the journal has created a national presence for the humanities at LVC.


These majors provide a foundation for success in many professions, graduate school, or business. Popular fields include:

• corporate and entrepreneurial careers • government • journalism and communications

• law and politics • marketing • ministry • t eaching

mathematical sciences majors

Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Mathematics LVC’s mathematical sciences programs are well respected, career focused, and built upon close student-teacher interaction. The combination of a friendly atmosphere, high expectations, and a large number of students studying math creates a special program at LVC.


Hones analytical, communication, and leadership skills while producing independent thinkers and effective team members Graduates pursue careers in: • banking • finance • law

• management • teaching

Actuarial Science

Prepares students for careers as actuaries— business professionals who apply mathematics and management skills to analyzing and solving complex financial and social problems • LVC offers one of the few actuarial science programs at a liberal arts college that covers all elements of the preliminary education programs of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society. • Graduates enjoy nearly 100 percent placement, outstanding career advancement, and the attention of major employers.

Computer Science

Through an emphasis on fundamental mathematical, reading, and programming skills—as well as the liberal arts—provides graduates with the agility to be productive team members and leaders in rapidly evolving fields of computing • Graduates often go on to careers in analysis and development of data, communications, and intelligence systems. • Graduates are in such high demand that many are hired by the companies where they complete internships.

The Departments Students in each department might:

• Participate in student-faculty research • Compete with teams from other colleges in a programming competition • Attend a meeting of the Central Pennsylvania Actuaries Club • Plan and run the Math Quiz Bowl for high school students or the Math Olympics for fifth graders

After LVC The best measure of the success of LVC’s mathematical sciences programs is the high demand for our graduates. • Majors enjoy a nearly 100 percent job placement rate • Many secure permanent positions before graduation • Most students complete internships while enrolled at LVC

Breaking New Ground Funded by a National Science Foundation grant, math professor David Lyons, physics professor Scott Walck, and students majoring in mathematics, physics, and computer science have joined forces to research questions surrounding the phenomenon of quantum entanglement—with potential applications in quantum computation and communication.


music majors

Music, Music Business, Music Education, Music Recording Technology With first-rate instruction, many chances to perform, and degree options leading to opportunities and success in a variety of careers, LVC’s music programs are among the strongest of any small liberal arts college. The Department Offers a student-centered experience distinguished by a high degree of individual attention. Our faculty includes outstanding performers and graduates of some of the finest music schools and conservatories in the country. Facilities


Offers concentrations in: • composition • instrumental music • jazz studies • organ

• piano • sacred music • theory • voice

Music Business

Combines study in music and business, preparing students for careers in: • music marketing • production

• publishing • ... among many others

Music Education

Prepares students for Pennsylvania music certification in K–grade 12, vocal and instrumental, including several semesters of fieldwork prior to full-time student teaching senior year

Music Recording Technology

Provides broader career preparation than more technically focused programs Builds proficiency and knowledge in: • analog and digital recording studio systems

• music history • music theory • performance

A strong internship program often leads directly to full-time jobs. 20

Blair Music Center is one of the largest and best-equipped music facilities in the state. It features: • 600-seat Lutz Concert Hall (with a Steinway D concert grand piano) • instrumental and choral rehearsal halls • many teaching and practice rooms • three recording studios Ensembles

The department offers a number of large and small ensembles, which are listed on page 39.

After LVC Graduates pursue careers as professional performers, instructors, and music directors, and work in production and business roles with a range of organizations—from Disney Film Studios to Sony to public radio stations. • The Music Education Program is well known, and school districts in Pennsylvania and beyond actively recruit our graduates. • The College’s nationwide network of alumni in the music field is an asset to new graduates.

Learning from the Pros Each fall, LVC students organize and run the College’s Music Industry Conference, a gathering of professional musicians, engineers, producers, and executives from across the music business. Students attend panels on topics such as getting a gig, copyright law, and marketing, as well as workshops, performances, and product demonstrations. The conference allows students to take part in an extensive array of audio and music experiences, make professional connections, develop skills, learn firsthand about the industry, and explore career options.

natural sciences majors

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics LVC science majors have experiences only available to graduate students on most campuses: small classes with top faculty, access to sophisticated laboratory equipment, and the opportunity to conduct original research (and even publish or present it at a professional conference).

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Departments

Explores the chemical basis of the processes of life.

Science students at LVC benefit from intimate, personal, and supportive relationships with their professors—along with exciting opportunities for collaborative learning and professional development usually associated with larger schools.


Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

About half of all science majors graduate having participated in independent research.

Engages students in their disciplines through research, publication, and participation in the greater scientific community

Secondary Education

Secondary education certification available in biology, chemistry, and physics

• Students co-publish papers in major peer-reviewed journals—a credential that stands out on their applications to graduate and professional schools. • LVC boasts impressive laboratory instrumentation—from electron microscopes and a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to multiple mass spectrometers—and laboratories dedicated to nanotechnology research and cell culture. • Each faculty member has research space that rivals that of principal investigators at Research 1 institutions. A few recent research topics include:

Pre-Health Success LVC offers exceptional academic experience for those interested in careers in the fields of • • • •

dentistry medicine optometry pharmaceutical sciences

• physician assistant • podiatry • veterinary medicine

The Health Professions Committee serves as a second level of academic advising to pre-health profession students, generates composite letters of recommendation, and helps prepare students for the interview and application process. Over the last 25 years, LVC students applying to health professional schools have been admitted at rate of 78 percent.

• computational physics • nanoparticle catalysts • macromolecular design • n erve regeneration and synthesis

After LVC Approximately half of LVC science graduates earn advanced degrees, either in master’s or doctoral programs or in medical, dental, or other professional schools. They study at top institutions, including:

• Johns Hopkins • Princeton • U.C. Berkeley

• University of Pennsylvania • University of Virginia

They become faculty members at colleges and universities, high school teachers, academic researchers, or work in industry for companies such as:

• DuPont • Exxon • Hewlett-Packard • Lockheed Martin

• Merck • Pfizer • Siemens



psychological and health sciences majors

Physical Therapy, Psychobiology, Psychology LVC’s programs in the psychological and health sciences encompass a broad range of interests. They share a commitment to close student-faculty interaction, outstanding facilities, a solid grounding in the liberal arts, and strong preparation for graduate study and professional success.

Physical Therapy

Six-year program leading to a doctor of physical therapy degree; prepares students for clinical positions in physical therapy, meeting the high demand for professionals in this field Benefits include: • curriculum based on accepted evidence for practice and guidelines of the leading professional organizations in the field

• outstanding field placements • u ltramodern 35,000-square-foot Heilman Center

Student outcomes: • On the physical therapy • 100 percent of students certification exam, LVC employed within six students boast a 91 months of graduation percent first-time pass • 100 percent feel rate, and a 99 percent prepared to enter overall pass rate physical therapy workforce upon graduation


Interdisciplinary program that explores the biological bases of behavior. Offers enrichment through internships and involvement in research. Prepares students for research positions with: • government laboratories • hospitals


• i ndustry • u niversities


Explores each major discipline in the field (human development, psychopathology, biopsychology, cognition, and social processes) Benefits include: • access to internships • independent or collaborative research with faculty

• culminating capstone experience

Provides a strong preparation for entry into the workforce or for graduate study in: • business • education • law • medicine

• neuroscience • psychology • social work

The Departments Students intrigued by the science of human behavior or interested in professional practice as physical therapists encounter excellent opportunities among LVC’s programs—from courses exploring human development, perception, and thought to those focused on the structure and motion of the human body and the rehabilitative power of physical therapy.

Life-Changing Research Faculty and students from the Physical Therapy and Education departments are working together to investigate preliminary findings that children with autism spectrum disorders respond positively to aerobic exercise. Faculty and students also collaborate on a variety of other research topics, including the screening/prevention of injury for LVC athletes.

social science and values majors

Criminal Justice, Sociology, Philosophy, Religion Students studying criminal justice, sociology, philosophy, or religion take on the big issues. They mull over timeless questions and tackle current social problems, learn ethics and logic, debate the role of spiritual life in our culture, and explore matters of crime, health care, family, and work life.

Criminal Justice

Focuses on the patterns associated with various crimes, theories of crime causation, victimization, and society’s response to crime.


Investigates relationship between behavior and society while exploring such topics as culture, the family, social justice, and global issues.

The Departments All of these majors offer supportive, stimulating learning environments.


Students have access to:

Explores profound questions—about the impact of values, knowledge, and reality on human nature—while sharpening critical thinking and communication skills.

• s mall, interactive classes • p rofessors who are dedicated teachers and distinguished scholars


Sociology and criminal justice majors find internships with:

Offers comparative and historical study of religion with opportunity to delve into particular traditions and practices from both East and West. Both religion and philosopy majors can explore the foundations of Greek and Indian civilizations through the world classics minor.

• attorneys’ offices • h ealth care organizations

• e xtensive study abroad options • a wide range of internships

• p olice departments • l ocal social service agencies

Religion or philosophy majors find internships with:

• church-related organizations • nonprofit community groups

• l ocal businesses • g overnment agencies • p rofessional practices

After LVC Rewarding Knowledge Religion and philosophy major Carissa Devine ’09 was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, which she used to study how the population of Auroville in Southern India observes and honors its philosophical tenets. Criminal justice majors presented papers at the national conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences on the West Nickel Mines Amish School shooting and on violence prevention programs in London.

These majors provide students with a set of intellectual skills applicable in virtually any profession, in any area of business or public service, or in teaching. Alumni have pursued graduate study in:

• law • sociology • c riminal justice

• philosophy • theology • divinity

Students often combine a major in one of these fields with a second major or a minor in another area, widening their career options.


hands-on research and scholarship

With the offering of a summer research program in 1948, LVC was one of the first schools in the country to involve undergraduates in student/ faculty research; that program has continued every summer since its inception.

You shouldn’t have to wait until graduate school to do real research.

Six recent LVC graduates received the Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award to spend one or two years at the National Institutes of Health. Working side-by-side with leading scientists at NIH’s main campus in Bethesda, Maryland, students in the program engage in high-level biomedical research in preparation for graduate school.


We want you to get your hands dirty. It’s no secret that the foundations of science are best understood through active engagement with the experimental process. Each summer, dozens of LVC students work alongside their professors as funded research assistants, contributing to new discoveries that are pushing the envelope of knowledge. As a result, many of our students co-author articles in scientific journals and present their work at professional conferences while they’re still in college. In the past five years, LVC has attracted $780,000 in external, competitive grants to support student and faculty research. Through the Arnold Program in Experiential Education and the President’s Innovation Fund, resources are available to support independent student research, internships, and student-faculty research/ scholarly work across all disciplines.

Spanish majors Jesus Sandoval and Luisa Perez, along with associate professor of political science Diane Johnson, researched the use—and misuse—of various social media platforms in Latin America. Sandoval says, “In Mexico, social media is controlled by the mobs. There have been killings over tweeting the wrong thing.” Sandoval and Perez presented their project,

“Of Tweets and Blogs: Is the Explosion of Social Media Helping or Hurting the Quality of Democracy in the Americas?” at the Mid-Atlantic Latin American Studies Conference in Washington, DC.

Six students worked with music professor Jeff Snyder to create Vale Records, LVC’s student-run record label—and were awarded an Arnold Grant for the project. In addition to compiling a CD of music by LVC students and faculty, the label will help student bands with production, promotion, and distribution opportunities. Students from all majors can take the Vale Records course, in which they can help the record label operate as a business.

Biology major Daniel Ramirez-Bao conducted research in plant physiology through a nine-week internship at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Specifically, he worked with tobacco and Arabidopsis plants, utilizing DNA extraction and amplification by polymerase chain reaction, enzymatic digestion, and molecular cloning. Daniel also used the opportunity to improve his Spanish fluency. 25


More than 60 percent of LVC students graduate having completed a professional internship, student teaching, or field/clinical experience.

Many things can’t be learned in a classroom.

From the first semester of freshman year on, LVC education majors are in the field four to six hours each week—in a school, preschool, library, or after-school program. Majors lead their own classrooms in the fall of senior year.


You can’t experience the professional world by reading about it in a book, and fortunately, you don’t have to. LVC students in every major get out of the classroom and into real-world settings, logging professional experience, building confidence, and gaining a major leg up when it comes time to apply for a job. With the guidance of their professors and help from Career Services staff, students in every major can find internship opportunities in their areas of academic interest or in keeping with their professional goals. They often earn money in these positions, thanks to grants from the Arnold Program in Experiential Education. Internship placements can turn into job offers down the line, and almost all have a lasting impact on our students’ futures.

Digital communications major Chantelle Simeone ’11 combined her love of fashion and design working as a visual display intern for Anthropologie.

“ Interning at Anthropologie made me appreciate how much I’ve actually learned at LVC. I came up with my own ideas and was asked several times for advice on the main display.”

Funded by an Arnold Grant, music business major Brianna McGoff ’13 spent the summer in Nashville, Tennessee, as production assistant on the CMT show “Rock Raiders.”

“I was on set for anything the producers and actors needed. I set up tables, applied makeup, pulled wardrobes, and did anything that was needed to make a successful filming.”

“ The job market in finance is extremely competitive right now, and my summer experience really helps my résumé. Plus, I was able to network with some really wellconnected people.”

“ Having done this internship and planning to do more in the future, I do not doubt my ability to get a job or continue my education after LVC.”

Biology major Travis Bicher ’12 spent the summer at Penn State University College of Medicine working on a research project aimed at finding new applications for existing drugs.

Amber Keeseman ’11, a double major in mathematics of finance (self-designed major) and economics, interned with Five Mile Capital Partners, an alternative investment and asset management firm in Stamford, CT. 27

off-campus study

Even while studying abroad, LVC students remain enrolled at the College and therefore keep their financial aid and scholarships.

Study Michelangelo in Italy, French in France.

LVC students studying abroad at the Umbra Institute in Perugia, Italy, had a chance to practice their language skills as well as their footwork during a friendly game of soccer—Italy’s national sport—with Italian students from the University of Perugia.

You can read every travel book in the library and not know what it feels like to go tubing through the Glowworm Caves in Waitomo, New Zealand. A big part of learning about the world is venturing out and experiencing it firsthand. LVC students take advantage of overseas study programs in 13 countries around the world, as well as faculty-led short-term programs that make it even easier for busy students to study off-campus. By the time they graduate, nearly 20 percent of our students will have spent time studying and traveling , experiences that will shape and inform the rest of their lives. The bottom line at LVC: if you want to study overseas, you can, regardless of your major or other interests.


Würzburg, Germany Four-week program in July led by LVC faculty; open to students who have completed at least two years of German.

Maastricht, the Netherlands Four-week summer program focusing on the European Union; open to all majors and led by LVC faculty.

Belfast, Northern Ireland Spring semester program for music recording technology students near the center of a large, multinational city.

London, England Fall semester program in the suburbs of London; students choose from a wide range of courses and take weekend trips to various locations throughout Europe. Cambridge, England Fall or spring semester program for music majors in England’s world-famous university center.

Berlin, Germany Ormskirk, England Four-week summer program for education majors led by LVC faculty; students observe teaching in British primary and secondary schools.

Fall and spring semester program in Germany’s dynamic, culture-rich capital; students are housed in private homes where only German is spoken; includes field trips and a one-week excursion.

Athens, Greece Philadelphia and Washington, DC Whether in the Philadelphia Center or the Washington, DC, Center programs, LVC students complete an internship for credit while taking academic courses and living independently in an urban environment.

Santiago and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Students participate in a service learning-based program or live with resident families for a full-immersion Spanish program.

Perugia, Italy

Valladolid, Spain Fall or spring semester Spanish immersion program in a city known for the purity of its Castillian Spanish; students travel to other sites in Spain.

Fall or spring semester program in central Italy focused on Italian language and culture; students explore Rome and sites in Perugia.

Montpellier, France Buenos Aires, Argentina For students at any level of Spanish; participants can explore the spectacular Andes Mountains, famous Iguazu Falls, and beautiful Patagonia.

Fall semester program located in the center of a bustling university city with 50,000 students.

Fall or spring semester program for all students, with a focus on history, archaeology, art history, classical studies, and Greek language; students visit museums and other local points of interest and take excursions to Delphi, Crete, and the Peloponnese.

Beijing, China Students can learn Mandarin while taking other courses taught in English; optional internship opportunities are offered.

Hamilton, New Zealand Melbourne, Australia Program for any major at Monash University, 30 minutes outside of Australia’s second-largest city, and only one hour from Sydney and Tasmania.

Fall or spring semester program in New Zealand’s fourth-largest city; in addition to course work, students travel to local sites and enjoy nearby surfing and swimming beaches, thermal hot pools, and limestone caves. 29

career guidance and counseling

Within six months of graduation, 78 percent of LVC graduates who responded to our annual survey were employed and 28 percent were in graduate or professional school.

There are 15,798 reasons for you to succeed.

Specifically designed to give undecided students a glimpse into potential career options, Project CLOSE-UP, LVC’s career shadowing program, pairs first-year students with alumni during their fall break, providing on-site professional experience.


College is a time for pursuing your interests and sharpening your intellect, but it’s also a series of experiences that lead you toward a rewarding career and the rest of your life. At LVC, help with career planning and preparation is available from day one. Career Services staff work closely with students to identify and learn about their options, find internships, hone résuméwriting and interviewing skills, and— ultimately—identify and apply for jobs. LVC’s 15,798 alumni not only lead successful lives, but also serve as valuable resources to students interested in learning about and getting experience in the professional world.

Career Counseling Career counselors are available by appointment to any student, as early as the first days of freshman year. Counselors help students identify their interests and strengths, explore potential careers, and discover experiences— such as internships, career shadowing, professional networking, and extracurricular activities—that develop the skills needed to successfully market themselves as they apply for jobs. Beyond counseling, Career Services offers a variety of tools, services, and programs to help students research and prepare for their entrance into the professional world. Internship or job fairs give students the ability to meet a large number of potential employers face to face. LVC’s online Job Center allows students to post résumés and links them with employers looking to fill jobs or internships. Additionally, Career Services helps students applying to graduate, medical, or law school prepare for their entrance exams and write their application essays.

Complete Preparation As a pre-professional college, LVC is continually asking students to learn in ways that help them prepare for their eventual careers. Across the curriculum, LVC professors stress the development of universal skills like clear spoken and written communication, critical analysis, and the ability to infer meaning from evidence. These skills help LVC students thrive in internships, impress in interviews, and approach any professional situation with confidence. Alumni Network LVC’s 15,798 alumni are women and men working in many industries, most of whom feel a strong sense of connection to their alma mater and enjoy lending a hand to LVC students getting their start in the world. LVC’s Career Connections database gives students access to more than 450 alumni who have volunteered to mentor them about careers, job search techniques, graduate school options, and making the transition from college to the professional world. Students can search for alumni online—by LVC major, industry, interest, or region of the country.

alumni living in 36 countries 31

four-year graduation

The average four-year graduation rate for schools in the Pennsylvania state system is 34 percent; 70 percent of entering LVC freshmen graduate in four years.

It shouldn’t take more than four years to earn a bachelor’s degree. It’s a long road from freshman year to graduation, but our students get plenty of help along the way. From before the first day at LVC, students work with faculty advisors to think carefully about what they want to do and how they’re going to get there. Want to learn more? Each academic department has its own web page that clearly outlines the nuts and bolts—requirements, departmental policies, advising procedures, and in many cases, a year-by-year plan—for completing a major in four years. Go to for a list of majors, minors, and programs.

Our flexible curriculum, clearly stated expectations, and strong faculty oversight make it nearly impossible for a student to need more than four years to graduate from LVC. In the very rare case that the College doesn’t offer the courses you need to complete your degree within four years at LVC, we will cover the costs of the additional course work. But this almost never happens, because we pride ourselves on supporting our students and keeping things simple.* *The basic requirements for the four-year guarantee are satisfactory completion of (1) a specified number of credits, (2) the General Education Program, and (3) the requirements for a single major. A normal academic load may vary from major to major, but the average number of credits per semester is not less than 15. More specific information about this policy can be found on the College website.



Advising at LVC begins before the first day of freshman year as faculty advisors work with first-year students to think through their four-year academic career. Advisors help students complete their major, build a diverse academic program, and leave room in their schedule for experiences like study abroad or internships.

Approximately 80 percent of our students come to LVC knowing what they want to major in—even what career they want to pursue. For the undecided and “open” majors, advisors help students think through the options and suggest a program that will expose them to a variety of subject matter—and potential careers.

4 @ LVC= Advanced Credit


Students earn LVC credit and placement for AP scores of 4 and 5 (and sometimes 3) or placement without credit for strong SAT test scores in a related subject. This policy allows high-achieving students to skip introductory courses and fulfill requirements, giving them more flexibility in choosing electives, taking on a second major, or studying abroad.

There can be some overlap between classes required for the major and courses that qualify for the general education requirements. This makes it easier for students to have a minor or double major and to take electives in their areas of interest. This curricular flexibility also makes it possible for students to study abroad, pursue an internship, or double major.


Okay, so this photo is beautiful. But how does that improve your life?


Think about it: you spend four years on a college campus. It’s where you study and hang out. It’s what you see when you look out the window. Between your lab work and papers, activities, and time with friends, college can be a bit of a tornado. Our students find that the calm and beauty of our campus provide a nice contrast to their busy lives. They can concentrate here. It’s comfortable and familiar and feels like home.


residential life

Almost every year, LVC undertakes a major renovation to one of its residential facilities, ensuring that each is updated regularly.

The things you learn in class connect to your life on campus.

The annual Dueling Dutchmen contest builds community by pitting residence communities in fun but heated competition with each other. Throughout the year, points are awarded to residence halls for how they place in a series of fun events, which range from various athletic competitions to trivia to a dessert-making challenge to a wingeating contest.


Our campus is a small world in the middle of a big one. Chances are you’ll live within a five-minute walk of any of your classes or friends. We like to think we have everything students need for a comfortable life, including a variety of attractive living options—from traditional residence halls to apartment- or suite-style housing to special interest houses. And students never have to worry about finding a place to live, as housing is required and guaranteed for all four years. Our residential life staff makes sure that each student has a safe, welcoming place to live, as well as access to the resources he or she needs to succeed in school and have a good time.

Many Options LVC offers a range of housing options. For the first two years, students live in traditional residence halls, allowing them to learn about themselves, meet a lot of people, and make friends. Most upperclassmen live in more independent environments, including small houses, rooms clustered as suites, or apartment-style housing. Special Interest Housing Options include the academic house (for students with a 3.0 GPA or above), a house focused on diversity and social justice, the Women’s and Gender Resource Center, and a substance-free house. Each year, students determine the themes for two other special interest houses—such as supporting the St. Jude Medical Foundation or educating the campus community on matters of healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

Resident Assistants LVC selects 48 resident assistants (RAs) from the student body who live in the residence halls and serve as mentors and role models. RAs do a mixture of social and educational programming, helping first-year students make the transition from high school to college and making sure students of all ages have access to the College’s many social and academic resources. Roommate Matching LVC is distinctive in that it matches roommates by hand, based on a student-completed questionnaire. As a result, more than 80 percent of students live with the same roommate their entire first year. Hand matching also allows the Office of Residential Life to create clusters of students who share preferences— for example, an entire floor of science majors or open majors or students who want to refrain from using alcohol and tobacco.

first-year retention: 86% 37

student activities

LVC’s president meets with the president of student government several times a semester.

1,600 students, 100 student leaders.

Recognizing that campus can’t offer everything students want to do, LVC plans weekly bus trips to nearby attractions. Here are a few destinations: • Avalanche Xpress Snow Tubing • Baltimore Aquarium • College Day on the Philadelphia Parkway • Hershey Theatre • Hersheypark • Holocaust Museum • Laser Tag • New York City • Paintball • Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire • Philadelphia Flyers or Phillies game • Rehoboth Beach • Ski trip to the Poconos • Spy Museum • Whitaker Center


Because LVC is a small community, we depend on our students to keep the place lively. We tend to attract people who are interested in being involved in multiple pursuits. Our actors are also active in student government. Our athletes also play in the jazz band. You get the idea: our students keep busy and our campus is teeming with things to do. Student life at LVC is largely student driven, with more than 95 clubs and organizations entirely run by and made up of students. This means it’s easy to get involved, easy to take on a leadership position, and easy to take a new idea and run with it.

Clubs and Organizations

There are more than 95 student-run clubs and organizations at LVC—supporting student interests in the arts, media, government, politics, spiritual life, service, academics, and many other special-interest areas. Leadership Organizations

Music Groups

Special Interest Groups

• Peer Mentors • Student Government • Student Programming Board • ValleyFest Committee

• Chamber Choir • Clarinet Choir • College Choir • Concert Choir • Flute Ensemble • Guitar Ensemble • Handbell Choir • Low Brass Ensemble • LVC Jazz Band • Percussion Ensemble • Small Jazz Ensemble • String Ensemble • Symphonic and Marching Bands • Symphony Orchestra • Trumpet Ensemble

• Active Minds • Anime Society • Asian Society in Action (A.S.I.A.) • Circle K • College Conservatives • College Democrats • Colleges Against Cancer • Community Dutchmen • Commuter Club • The Draft • Equestrian Club • Freedom Rings (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allies student group) • Habitat for Humanity • Hispanic Alliance • Hunger Awareness Leaders of Tomorrow (HALT) • Indoor Color Guard • Lebanon Valley Education Partnership Mentor Program • LVC NORML • Mini-Thon • Multicultural Mentors • The Pallas Society (social justice honor society) • Student Alumni Association (SAA) • Swing Dance Club • Taekwondo Club • Take a Stand (TAS) • Women’s Services and Gender Research Center (WSGRC)

Academic Clubs • Accounting Club • Art Club • Audio Engineering Society • Biology Club • Chemistry Club • Council for Exceptional Children • German Club (Teutonia Vallis) • History/Political Science/ Economics Club (HyPE) • Math Club • Phi Beta Lambda (business leadership club) • Physical Therapy Club • Psi Chi (psychology honor society) • Psychology Club • Society of Physics Students • Sociology and Criminal Justice Club • Student Pennsylvania State Education Association

Campus Media • Greenblotter Literary Society • La Vie Collegienne (student newspaper) • Quittapahilla (yearbook) • WLVC Radio

Greek and Service Organizations • Alpha Phi Omega • Alpha Sigma Tau • Gamma Sigma Sigma • Greek Council • Phi Lambda Sigma • Phi Sigma Sigma • Tau Kappa Epsilon

Music and Theater Organizations • LVC American Guild of Organists, student chapter • Music Industry Student Association (MISA) • National Association for Music Education (MENC), LVC chapter • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (music fraternity for men) • Sigma Alpha Iota (international music fraternity for women) • The Wig and Buckle Theater Company

Spiritual Life Organizations • Buddhist Meditation • Christian Life at LVC • Cornerstone • Fellowship of Christian Athletes • He Is Savior (HIS) • H illel • I nterVarsity • Mars Hill • M inistry Team • Praise Him With Dance • Sacred Strings • Servants of Christ • Songs of the Savior • Youth for Christ

In addition to student-run initiatives, LVC sponsors a variety of fun activities for students—including comedians, coffee houses, concerts, films, lectures, and weekly excursions to nearby attractions—most of which are free to students or very inexpensive.


Constant Motion LVC does a lot to keep campus lively. Friday night events (think comedian or hypnotist), Saturday bus trips to near and farther-flung points of interest (see list on page 38), and Saturday night dances mean that there is always something to do on the weekend.

Leaders in the Making LVC’s Leadership Development program asks students to reflect on and enhance their leadership-related experiences through workshops, projects, and hands-on activities—preparing them for lives of informed decision-making in a rapidly changing world.

The Student Programming Board plans and runs a variety of social and educational events—such as comedians, bands, lectures, films, weekend trips, a coffeehouse series, and events at the Allen Theatre, a beautiful facility in downtown Annville—all of which are well attended by LVC students.

Big Days Two events rise above all others on the LVC calendar. ValleyFest is LVC’s spring arts weekend, with entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights and community-wide activities during the day on Saturday. Dutchmen Day is a surprise day of canceled classes and full-blown campus celebration with inflatable rides, games, food, and even free T-shirts for the first 1,000 students out of bed in the morning.


Many Voices The LVC community benefits from many types of diversity—cultural, religious, political, economic—and celebrates the various views, opinions, and backgrounds of its students, faculty, and staff. To create a welcoming and inclusive environment, LVC supports a number of cultural awareness, advocacy, and social justice organizations; sponsors cultural and diversity awareness programming; and creates opportunities for dialogue about social justice on campus and beyond. LVC’s proximity to urban areas such as Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York makes it easy for students to seek out and experience diverse environments and cultures.

Cultural awareness, advocacy, and social justice organizations and programs include: • Asian Society in Action (A.S.I.A.) • Freedom Rings (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allies student group) • Hispanic Alliance Program • Hunger Awareness Leaders of Tomorrow (HALT) • Multicultural Mentors • Multicultural Student Bridge Program • The Pallas Society (social justice honor society) • Social Justice Institute • Taking a Stand (TAS) • Women’s Services and Gender Resource Center (WSGRC)

41 41

community service and spiritual life

In 2013, more than 500 students participated in LVC’s Relay for Life, raising $44,000 to fight cancer.

Your education is a vital resource for others.

Students can earn recognition for their volunteer work by participating in LVC’s service award program. Distinction at the gold, silver, or bronze level appears on their LVC Job Center résumé, giving potential employers insight into a student’s character.


Along with all the things that define them as individuals, our students share a commitment to service and community outreach. Maybe it’s because of our historic traditions and affiliation with the United Methodist Church, or perhaps this generosity of spirit is just a natural product of our friendly culture, but students and faculty find many ways to contribute to the Annville community and to others farther away from the Valley. Students of many spiritual backgrounds find others with shared beliefs and opportunities to celebrate and practice their faith on campus, in Annville, and in our neighboring towns and cities.

Community Service

Spiritual Life

In keeping with its mission to prepare students for a life of service to others, LVC organizes major service initiatives each year, including campus-wide outreach days and out-of-town service trips. Additionally, more than 60 different student organizations, athletic teams, Greek organizations, theme houses, and other student groups initiate or contribute to different community service projects throughout the year. Giving back is a way of life here.

LVC serves a community with diverse spiritual beliefs and offers many ways for students to celebrate their faith, including a weekly Protestant nondenominational service and Catholic mass, Bible study, a Buddhist meditation group, a Jewish fellowship, and the service organization Servants of Christ. LVC supports a variety of faith-themed performance groups and sponsors activities to bring students together for fellowship and celebrations of faith.


varsity athletics

LVC is the only school in the Commonwealth Conference to field a team in every sport the conference sponsors.

It’s good to be a Dutchman. Competing in the Commonwealth Conference at the NCAA Division III level, LVC athletes get the best of several worlds: the opportunity to play college sports at a high level while pursuing their career and intellectual goals and enjoying their other interests. Playing sports does not limit academic options at LVC. Our athletes can major in whatever they choose, double-major, study abroad, and pursue internships—opportunities that will inform their lives well beyond their playing careers.

Beloved local restaurant owner and avid LVC basketball fan Frank Aftosomes (known as “Hot Dog Frank”) died at age 92—just prior to LVC’s national championship game. Inspired to win one for Hot Dog Frank, the LVC men forced overtime and beat the much larger New York University, 66 to 59. LVC honors Frank with a life-sized bronze statue and the yearly Hot Dog Frank Day.


Rallying behind the beloved Dutchman, LVC students are spirited supporters of the College’s 24 varsity teams. Student-athletes train and play on athletic fields and in facilities that have been recognized with regional and national awards.

Athletics More than 28 percent of the student body plays on one (or more) of LVC’s 24 varsity athletic teams. Several squads are perennial powerhouses, and all are competitive within the division. Support for Athletes The College helps students maintain the balance between athletic competition and academic performance through a variety of orientation, assessment,

and academic support programs specifically for student athletes. Service Athletics at LVC are about more than playing games. Each team completes at least one community service project each year to benefit such organizations as Special Olympics, Easter Seals, American Cancer Society, and Habitat for Humanity. In 2013, LVC hosted the Special Olympics Swim Invitational, and the women’s basketball Pink Game raised nearly $12,000 for breast cancer research; over the past three years, the ice hockey team raised more than $56,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Leadership LVC offers a series of sports-related leadership workshops that deal with such topics as coaching fundamentals, practice schedule development, and dealing with fan behavior. Team captains are encouraged to participate in the workshops, which are open to all students. Marching Band At the intersection of music, athletics, and school spirit is LVC’s famous marching band, Pride of the Valley. With nearly 150 members, the band is easily the largest—and loudest— in the conference.


health and fitness

To accommodate various student preferences—from the early morning aerobics class to the late night swim—LVC’s Sports Center is open 98 hours a week.

Have a good mind in a strong body.

LVC sponsors a number of fitness challenges, including staff and student versions of the popular TV show The Biggest Loser, in which 59 students are currently participating. The program includes a weekly weigh-in, as well as fitness and nutritional tips.


LVC students like to play hard. Although there is no physical education requirement, most students are involved in some sort of physical or wellness activity, whether it’s intramural racquetball, a Les Mills Bodypump class, a nutrition workshop, or games of pick-up basketball. Most students just feel that being active and healthy is part of building a positive, successful life, and LVC goes out of its way to provide opportunities that combine wellness and fun. Every student has a membership to LVC’s beautiful, comprehensive athletic facilities, which, we would argue, are the envy of our conference.

Intramurals Intramural sports are big at LVC. Beginner or advanced, students can participate in any of the following: Badminton Basketball (men’s and women’s) Dodgeball Flag Football (coed) Kickball Ping-Pong Racquetball Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball (coed, men’s, and women’s) Water Volleyball

Athletic Facilities LVC’s athletic and wellness facilities are high quality, up to date, and available to students from early in the morning to late at night. • Artificial turf field • State-of-the-art fitness center • Six-lane, 25-meter indoor pool • Three racquetball courts (which can be converted into wallyball courts) • Four convertible basketball, volleyball, or tennis courts • Four-lane, 200-meter indoor track • Eight-lane, 400-meter outdoor track • Six outdoor tennis courts • Wellness pool • Sauna

Group Fitness LVC licenses with worldrenowned fitness company Les Mills to offer a daily series of high-quality fitness courses (Bodypump, Bodystep, Bodyflow, Bodycombat, and Power Hour). Zumba, water aerobics, and water wellness classes are also available. Fitness challenges allow students to track their own workout goals or compete with others. A series of one-day tournaments encourages participation in group competition. Students can also attend personal training workshops, take tennis or swimming lessons for a fee, or seek CPR, AED (automated external defibrillator), or lifeguard certification.



In an effort to curb food waste and save energy, LVC removed all cafeteria trays from its dining halls in January 2009.

The grass just might be greener here.

Right in the middle of campus is the Peace Garden, a space dedicated to natural beauty and tranquility. The garden has picturesque ponds (which teem with ducks and enthusiastic carp), a footbridge, and a variety of places to sit. Students frequent the garden for quiet outdoor study, to catch up with friends, or to just enjoy a pause in the middle of a busy day.


LVC isn’t just a beautiful place—it’s also up to date. A recent $18 million reconstruction and expansion of our science center and a new student residence hall, as well as a $13.3 million expansion and renovation of the Mund College Center (completed in 2012), are just the latest examples of our ongoing commitment to improvement. Our students have access to an awardwinning athletic complex (including a new, artificial turf field), a comprehensive music center, cutting-edge music recording equipment, our centrally located Peace Garden, and even our own wetlands on the edge of campus. We’re a microcosm of everything a student needs for a full, comfortable life. And we’re not standing still. LVC is always looking forward, full of plans and confidence as our quality, reputation, and enrollment continue to grow.

The former gymnasium, Lynch Memorial Hall is an elegantly renovated academic building with “smart� (technology-rich) classrooms, vaulted public spaces, and a popular coffee bar.

The Mund College Center, renovated and expanded in 2012, provides a gathering space for students along with opportunities for extracurricular learning and development.

The recently renovated Neidig-Garber Science Center offers dedicated student/faculty research laboratories and two new interdisciplinary centers: a biotechnology suite and a nanotechnology/materials science laboratory.

The stunning Heilman Center houses LVC’s Physical Therapy Program and includes athletic training and sports medicine facilities, a wellness pool, and a state-of-theart fitness center and weight room.

The academic center of the College, the Vernon and Doris Bishop Library offers group study rooms, a computer classroom, the Writing Center, a periodical reading area, and numerous private reading alcoves.

Designed from the ground up as a music facility, Blair Music Center houses numerous classrooms, teaching studios, practice studios, rehearsal halls, and high-tech recording studios.


nearby resources

A ticket to the Harrisburg Symphony is half off with an LVC student ID—and in some cases, students get in for only $5.

You can almost smell the chocolate. It may be a myth that the sweet scents from the Hershey chocolate factory find their way to downtown Annville, but it’s true that LVC is surrounded by towns and cities that present valuable opportunities for our students. For internships or part-time jobs, evenings out with friends, concerts, sporting events, shopping, or cultural celebrations, nearby Lebanon, Hershey, Lancaster, Harrisburg, and York provide extended communities and resources that improve our students’ lives. Annville’s historic Allen Theatre features new-release, art, and foreign films; live music; speakers; and other events. This 322-seat art deco landmark offers Dolby Digital EX sound and a state-of-the-art projection system.


Plus, our neighboring community of Annville, a few minutes walk from campus, expands the area our students call home.

Harrisburg Senators/Ashley Grotte

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Popular destinations in Harrisburg: • Harrisburg Senators (AA baseball) • Pennsylvania State Capitol • Harrisburg Symphony

Popular destinations in Palmyra: • In the Net Sports • Klick Lewis Ice Arena • Palmyra Bowling Alley

Popular destinations in Annville: • Kettering Corner Ice Cream Parlor • MJ’s Coffee House • Allen Theatre

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Popular destinations in Lancaster: • Amish Country • Outlet Malls • Fulton Opera House




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Popular destinations in Hershey: • Hersheypark • GIANT Center • Hershey Theater

Popular destinations in Lebanon: • Great Escape Movie Theater • Lebanon Farmer’s Market • Lebanon Co. Rail Trail

Popular destinations in York: • Ski Roundtop • Gifford Pinchot State Park • Strand Capitol Performing Arts


(1.5 hours / 90 miles)


(2 hours / 110 miles)



Many LVC students volunteer as tutors or mentors to students in surrounding communities.

Every experience should matter for your future. By the time our students graduate, their four years at LVC amount to an impressive résumé of academic challenge, hands-on experience, extracurricular involvement, community contribution, and, often, professional credits.

Our students may not realize it, but everything they do in college plays a role in preparing them for their lives after LVC. Whether writing a history paper, volunteering in an after-school tutoring program, playing an intramural sport, interning at a local accounting firm, or navigating the Paris Metro, they are building skills and logging experiences that give them a competitive advantage when they walk into a job interview. We devote tremendous resources to providing opportunities. Our students come to LVC to take advantage of them— in countless ways. The following pages should give you an idea why it’s so difficult to describe the “typical” LVC student.


Alex Talarico GOALS



To pursue a career in the health professions, either as a podiatrist or a nurse practitioner


Majors: Biology and Pre-Med

“ I felt like I would be lost in the crowd at a bigger school. Here, I can really make a difference on campus and get a lot of individual attention.�



skills gained/benefits

Advised and supported by LVC Health Professions Committee

Receives advising, support, guidance, and career counseling in chosen field of health professions In approaching challenging course work, developed time management, analytical, and critical thinking skills


Microbiology and organic chemistry classes

Cross-Country team captain

Developed problem-solving skills and gained leadership experience

Watching movies at the Allen Theatre

Valley Ambassador (student tour guide)

Developed interpersonal and communications skills

Playing intramural football and basketball

Resident Assistant

Will experience the benefits of being in a position of leadership and mentorship

Either attend Temple School of Podiatry or enter an accelerated nursing program

Going to the Underground, an LVC late-night dance club


Academic Extracurricular



skills gained/benefits

Actuarial internship for the PMA Insurance Company (property and casualty) in Blue Bell, PA

Gained professional experience; came away with a lead for full-time job; built professional network

Actuarial internship at Coventry Healthcare in Harrisburg, PA

Got on-site professional training and valuable professional experience

Working full time as an actuary with ACE Group, a global property-casualty insurance company in Philadelphia

President of Christian Life at LVC

Gained experience with leadership, diplomacy, and organization


Musician in a variety of ensembles, including choir, band, and orchestra

Enhanced musical skills and experience

Going to Phillies’ games

Accompanist for LVC recitals

Built time-management skills and honed musical ability

Michael Nelson Majors: Actuarial Science and Music, with concentrations in Piano and Composition Minor: Economics

“ The small-college atmosphere is what attracted me to LVC. The professors know you. They are intelligent and talented, and at the same time, very approachable and willing to help.”


GOALS To have a career in the actuarial profession, but a life that also includes music

Making music

Samantha Pabon Major: Art & Art History

GOALS To have a career in the fashion industry or to be a mission photographer for a Christian organization




“ LVC is like a family, a big family. If you don’t know someone personally, you know their name. People are there to help you out.”

skills gained/benefits

Studied abroad in Perugia, Italy, at the Umbria Institute

Added context to art history studies and build Italian language skills

With LVC professor and a small group of other students, attended College Art Association conference in NYC

Gained professional perspective, refined networking skills, and made helpful professional contacts

Recipient of the Multicultural Fellowship

Attended series of professional development seminars, gaining leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills

Staff member of LVC student newspaper, La Vie Collegienne

Honed time-management and editorial skills

Valley Ambassador (student tour guide)

Developed marketing, networking, public speaking, and people skills

Resident Assistant in LVC residence hall

Gained experience with leadership, management, and problem solving

FUTURE PLANS Moving to Salt Lake City, Utah, to work as a lifestyle photographer (editorial, wedding, and portrait photography).

FOR FUN Going to MJ’s for open mic nights LVC-sponsored trips to New York, Washington, DC, and Baltimore Campus events sponsored by the LVC programming board

Jamie Frye Major: Economics Minors: Math and Music

“ During the spring of 2012, I was able to study in Buenos Aires, Argentina, through LVC’s study abroad office. I took Spanish courses, as well as classes in Latin American politics, economics, and culture. This experience broadened my world view and will definitely help me reach my goals.”

GOALS To work for social justice or environmental stewardship




skills gained/benefits

next steps Move to Chicago to pursue a career in urban planning or environmental economics

Studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gained independence, language skills, and exposure to a new culture

Library student supervisor, overseeing running of the LVC library during her shift

Held position requiring responsibility and organization

Bible study co-leader

Gained leadership skills

Ice skating at Klick Lewis Arena

Volunteer during two service-based trips to Honduras, living and working in the community

Learned about Latin American culture and developed interest in helping the region through microfinance

Bus trips to New York City

Data intern for Sustainability Task Force, putting together a carbon inventory for LVC

Built organizational and quantitative skills

Piano teacher for a family in Hershey


Learned about teaching and built relationships with members of the community


Trip to Niagara Falls over Thanksgiving

Tito Valdes


Major: Political Science Minor: Pre-Law

To attend law school and to work in family law



“ I have come across leadership opportunities at LVC that I probably wouldn’t have had at a larger school where students are just numbers.”


skills gained/benefits

Co-president of Lebanon Valley Education Partnership

Built leadership and mentoring skills; gave back to a program that fostered his own academic and personal development

Internship at Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Learned about legislative process through research an analysis, gained networking skills, and developed a 42-page piece of legislation

Class of 2014 president; executive board president; chairman of the Handicap Accessibility Committee and the Facilities Committee

Developed leadership, political, and advocacy skills and experience

• HyPE (History, Political Science, and Economics Club) • College Democrats • Board of Trustees, voting student member

Go to law school after graduation

FOR FUN Going to the Hearth Restaurant or Allen Theatre Ice skating at the Klick Lewis Arena Bowling with friends in Palmyra Intramural basketball

• Social Justice Council • Hunger Awareness Leaders of Tomorrow (HALT)


Built experience and expertise in matters related to civic involvement, social justice, and leadership


LVC graduate Dr. Daniel Fox (B.S. in chemistry, 1948) is credited with inventing LEXAN polycarbonate, used in CDs, DVDs, and Nalgene products.

Don’t take our word for it.

1% Nonprofit 4% 45% Government/ Business/ Law For Profit 9% Other

14% Medical/ Sciences/ Engineering 27% Education

The LVC liberal arts experience is highly versatile, preparing graduates for roles in a broad variety of areas, from corporate and entrepreneurial careers, to the legal and medical professions, to education and public service.


Our graduates are leading successful lives, doing important things, and putting their LVC educations to work for their families, their communities, and themselves. They are teachers and scientists, business leaders and entrepreneurs, physical therapists and actuaries, accountants and health professionals. In whatever career they pursue, LVC graduates bring something extra to the workplace—a broad, interdisciplinary understanding of the greater world and a set of universal skills that make them adaptable, capable thinkers and problem solvers. They do well for themselves, advance in their careers, and make a difference in the world.

Sophia Lunt ’05, Ph.D. At LVC: Chemistry major Now: Research Associate at Michigan State University

Craig Layne ’05, M.A. At LVC: Double major in English and German Now: Morning Edition host/reporter

Sophia’s passion for scientific inquiry began during two summers of undergraduate research at LVC and grew as she completed her Ph.D. at Princeton and postdoctorate fellowship at MIT. Now, funded by a $368,400 grant from the Department of Defense, she is continuing her exploration of cancer metabolism.

Craig Layne has come full circle. As an LVC student, he interned at Harrisburg’s NPR affiliate WITF-FM. After earning a master’s degree in journalism at USC and working for four years as a television reporter, he has returned to WITF-FM as the host of the four-hour Morning Edition news program.

Alan Michael Newsome ’07, FSA

Andrea Brown D.P.T. ’06

At LVC: Actuarial science and economics double major Now: Actuary

Drawn to LVC by the reputation of its actuarial science program, Alan now works as an actuary at John Hancock Financial Services in Boston, Mass. He is a member of the American Association of Actuaries (MAAA) and a fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA), and he received additional degrees in actuarial science and economics in 2010.

At LVC: Physical therapy major Now: Physical therapist

Having earned her bachelor’s and doctor of physical therapy degrees in six years at LVC, Andrea now applies her skills as a physical therapist at a long-term care facility in Pittsburgh. She loves working with older patients and finds it rewarding helping people gain mobility and independence.



On average, about 80 percent of LVC students receive a Presidential Scholarship.

Hard work should be rewarded. If you’ve done well enough to graduate in the top 30 percent of your high school class, we will give you an automatic scholarship. There’s no extra application or interview, and no hassle. If you are in the top 10 percent, you get a half-tuition scholarship.

Determine which Presidential Scholarship you might be eligible to receive using LVC’s Presidential Scholarship calculator at calculate.

We consider our Presidential Scholarships an investment that benefits all of our students. LVC is a stimulating, dynamic place precisely because we are able to attract so many ambitious, high-achieving scholars to our classrooms. These scholarships are renewable for four years if you continue to earn good grades. That’s all there is to it. We don’t want to make you bother with paperwork. You have more important things to do.


Presidential Scholarships 2013-2014 The criteria below will enable you to see at a glance how much scholarship money is waiting for you at LVC.

Vickroy Award

One-half tuition scholarships are awarded to all entering freshmen ranking in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class. Leadership Award

One-third tuition scholarships are awarded to all entering freshmen ranking in the top 20 percent of their high school graduating class. Achievement Award

One-quarter tuition scholarships are awarded to all entering freshmen ranking in the top 30 percent of their high school graduating class.

top 10%

$17,450 per year

top 20%

$11,633 per year

top 30%

$8,725 per year

High school students who attend schools that do not rank their students or who do not have a rank in the top 10 percent of their class, but have a combined Critical Reading and Math SAT score of 1100 or more or ACT Composite of 24, may be eligible for Presidential Scholarships through an on-campus interview.

Other LVC Scholarships and Awards In addition to the Presidential Scholarships, LVC offers a number of scholarships and awards for outstanding students meeting special criteria. Multicultural Fellowship

Children of Alumni Awards

Renewable awards of up to $12,000 per year are made to minority students in recognition of their commitment to work, service, scholarly achievement, and financial need.

Renewable awards of $2,500 per year are made to students who are children of LVC alumni.

Mary E. Graham Scholarship in Biology Two or three renewable awards of $5,000 each are made to outstanding freshman biology majors in the entering class.

Edna and Clark Carmean Scholars in Music Limited renewable awards of $1,500 each are made to music students in each entering class.

Recognition Awards Renewable awards of $500 per year are made to students who have participated in the Hugh O’Brian Youth Seminar or the Pennsylvania Governor’s School Program or who have been awarded the Girl Scout’s Gold Award or the Boy Scout’s Eagle Scout Award.

Transfer Student Awards Students with 15 or fewer transferable credits are considered for LVC scholarships on the same basis as high school seniors. Students transferring 16 or more credits will be considered for scholarships (ranging from one-quarter to one-half tuition) based on their college GPA, number of credits eligible for transfer, strength of academic program, and major field of study.

O’Donnell Scholarship in English Renewable awards of $2,500 per year are made to students in the top 10 percent of their high school class who will major in English.

O’Donnell Scholarship in Physics Renewable awards of $2,500 per year are made to students who graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class and who plan to major in physics.


Many LVC students help meet college costs with work-study jobs, serving as tour guides, lifeguards, team managers, audiovisual technicians, and event staff, among others.

financial aid

A quality education can be affordable. Do not be discouraged by the high cost of private education. Many sources of financial aid exist to close the gap between what a college costs and what your family is able to pay. In fact, 98 percent of all LVC students receive some form of financial assistance.

Learn More To learn more about financial aid at LVC, including how to apply, visit financial-aid.

In addition to whatever scholarships you might be eligible to receive, you may apply for assistance based on your family’s financial need. Through a combination of LVC and government grants, student loans, outside scholarships, and work-study, our students are able to pursue a quality education—regardless of their financial situation.

2013–2014 Costs The charges for full-time students:




Tuition and Fees



Room and Board






The following are examples of actual financial aid packages received by LVC families from a number of different backgrounds. These scenarios demonstrate the number of factors taken into account when distributing aid and the variety of sources that help meet the cost of a Lebanon Valley College education. family a

family b

family c

family d

This Pennsylvania student is one of two children of a single parent whose income is $34,000. Her family has very little savings or assets. The student is in the top 10 percent of her class.

This Pennsylvania student is one of three children. His father earns $45,000, and the mother is at home. They have $10,000 in savings and investments. The student is in the top 20 percent of his class.

This student is from Pennsylvania and has one older sibling also enrolled in college. His parents together earn $105,000 and have $50,000 in savings and investments. The student has $2,000 in savings. One of his parents graduated from LVC.

This student is from New Jersey and is one of three children. Her parents together earn $160,000 and have $80,000 in savings. The student is in the top 10 percent of her class.

Comprehensive Costs: $48,706

Comprehensive Costs: $48,706

Comprehensive Costs: $48,706

Comprehensive Costs: $48,706

Estimated Family Contribution: $0

Estimated Family Contribution: $2,764

Estimated Family Contribution: $11,249

Estimated Family Contribution: $34,450

Need: $48,706

Need: $45,942

Need: $37,457

Need: $14,256

Presidential Scholarship (Vickroy): $17,450

Presidential Scholarship (Leadership): $11,633

Presidential Scholarship: not eligible Children of Alumni Award: $2,500

Presidential Scholarship (Vickroy): $17,450

Financial Aid Award Need-Based Grant: $10,008* Federal Loans: $5,500 Federal Work Study: $1,750

Financial Aid Award Need-Based Grant: $10,963* Federal Loans: $5,500 Federal Work Study: $1,750

Financial Aid Award Need-Based Grant: $15,695* Federal Loans: $5,500 Federal Work Study: $1,750

Financial Aid Award Federal Loans: $5,500

Total Awards: $34,708

Total Awards: $29,846

Total Awards: $25,445

Total Awards: $22,950

*Need-Based Grant includes a total estimate of the Federal Pell Grant, PA State Grant, and LVC Institutional Grant.

Forms of Need-Based Aid Grants Grants are funds awarded based on your family’s demonstrated financial need. Unlike loans, they do not have to be repaid. Grants may come from the government or from LVC. Loans Loans, usually from the government, are borrowed money that must be repaid, typically

after graduation, on an extended schedule. There are various types of loans with differing policies on interest and repayment. Federal Work-Study This government program enables you to earn money for college by working at on-campus jobs. Eligible students may also pursue off-campus community service appointments.


visiting campus

Attend an admission program or an on-campus interview and your application fee will be waived.

A brochure is no substitute. To really get a feel for what life at LVC is like, visiting is a must. Whether you schedule an individual visit or attend an open house, you’ll tour campus, talk with current students, meet professors, and have plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Learn more at

When you’re shopping for a college, make sure you sample the wares. No matter how many nice things a college has to say about itself in its glossy brochure or online, the important thing is to find a place that fits your life, your goals, your particular set of interests. So visit the schools you’re considering and take it all in. Meet the people who would be your classmates, walk around the campus, eat the food, check out the facilities, and get a sense of the unspoken vibe. Ask yourself if it feels right, and then ask yourself if it has all the other things you’re looking for. Where you go to college is a big decision that warrants careful consideration. Let us know how we can help.



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