President's Report 2012-2013

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P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT





A Message from Dr. Lewis E. Thayne P R E S I D E N T





Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends, For this issue, I had two requests of our editor, Tom Hanrahan. The first was to bring the President’s Report to press before the end of the calendar year. The second was to focus on technology at Lebanon Valley College. By tradition, the President’s Report highlights events and accomplishments of the fiscal year, which ended June 30. I have excerpted what I consider the key accomplishments of a very eventful first year of my presidency. None of this is news, but it should convey a longer-term perspective on ways in which the College is executing on its mission. The content focus of the President’s Report is relevant now and will continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future. Technology will have a huge impact on higher education at Lebanon Valley College and on how we educate our graduates for work and life in a global economy. The stories accompanying the report are testimony to what we are already doing exceptionally well with technology, but they also look ahead to where we are going in this area. A third and very important role of the President’s Report is to acknowledge and thank those people who are so integral to the ongoing work and success of the College. The Honor Roll of Donors is contained in this issue for the first time in many years. It includes the names of individuals who provide the greatest financial support to the mission of LVC and to the work of individual faculty and students. The fact that every gift makes a difference is especially true when one realizes that many charitable foundations count the percentage of alumni who donate to their alma mater as a primary measure for consideration of financial support. Philanthropic support is increasingly important as we enter a period of transition and innovation on campus. I am very grateful for the generous support of our donors. In addition to their philanthropy, I am also delighted to acknowledge and express gratitude for the extraordinary

dedication and commitment of our Board of Trustees, led by Chair Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05. In August 2012, a liaison officer from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education visited me and emphasized that our accreditation was in jeopardy if we did not move quickly and effectively to comply with the standards of our peers. This situation called for an immediate and intensive response. The signal accomplishment for the year is the completion of comprehensive assessment and institutional effectiveness work that was required by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. In response to the campus community’s efforts, our warning status was lifted as of June 28, 2013. All agree that we are a better college as a result of the college-wide effort on compliance. In a very real sense, the assessment and institutional effectiveness work will serve as preparation for the collaborative strategic planning process we will begin in January 2014. Lebanon Valley College has exceeded my expectations at every turn and in no area more so than in its commitment to academic innovation. In response to this faculty ethos, I instituted the President’s Innovation Fund and presented the first grants to 13 programs ranging from a new course in designed experience to a service learning project in Peru, and from collaborative diversity initiatives to a feasibility study for a new program in athletic training. The entrepreneurial strengths of the faculty are fully reflected in this first round of awards. Hands-on learning is one of our signatures at LVC. As part of Inauguration Week, Inquiry 2013 showcased the accomplishments of 170 students during our celebration of the scholarly and creative achievements of the student body. This program is held in the gymnasium and is as energizing and exciting in its way as any athletic contest could be. If you have an opportunity to attend Inquiry 2014 on April 10, I urge you to do so.



A year can also be memorable for what did not happen. The College came through Hurricane Sandy mostly unscathed—classes were canceled and administrative offices were closed for two days. However, registration filled in just four minutes for the spring break trip to help rebuild the Jersey Shore. Thirty-five of our students spent a week repairing devastated homes. Our students received national recognition for their commitment to service and interfaith dialogue. In the spring, we were named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Lebanon Valley College students—under the leadership of Chaplain Paul Fullmer—have an exemplary record of service and commitment to interfaith dialogue. Recognition by the White House was well deserved and very affirming. I am building a new leadership team at the College to enhance our strengths and meet the challenges ahead with new ideas and perspectives. Janet Wiley, formerly vice president for development and alumni affairs at Goucher College in Baltimore, Md., began her duties on January 14, 2013. Janet is charged with strengthening efforts in alumni and parent engagement as well as increasing gift income. In her first year, Janet and her staff reached the goal for The Valley Fund for the first time in 15 years. Steven O’Day was named to the newly created position of special assistant to the president for innovative programming at Lebanon Valley College. Steve is responsible for innovative, high-priority programs, including coordination and expansion of high-impact experiences, comprehensive post-graduate preparation, and leadership learning programs involving students, faculty, and staff. During my seven years at Franklin & Marshall, Steve



served as senior associate dean so I know he is well suited to this role at LVC. Finally, Karen Feather recently became my executive assistant to the president and assistant secretary of the College. An Annville native, adjunct faculty member, and former chief of staff for a congressman, Karen is well matched to this senior position at the College. One-third of our students participate in intercollegiate athletics. Many students choose our college because of the opportunity to engage in a firstclass educational experience, to participate in top-tier athletics, and to work with coaches of unquestioned integrity. During the 2012–2013 academic year, we garnered MAC or Commonwealth championships in women’s basketball, women’s indoor track, and women’s softball, and an ECAC Championship in women’s lacrosse. We added women’s golf, which finished second at the MAC Championships in their first season. The College also opened the renovated Arnold Field to rave reviews from student-athletes, alumni, parents, and fans. In July, I attended a gathering of college and university presidents from Central Pennsylvania. One of the longerserving presidents asked me how long I had been at Lebanon Valley College. “It will be one year in August,” I said. He looked at me with a wry smile, “In the first year, we are permitted to make mistakes. In the second year, it is very important not to make the identical mistakes.” A sense of humor is important, even essential. But there is also wisdom in his comment. Every year there are accomplishments and much to be grateful for—and every year there are reasons to improve. I am very glad to be in my second year at our College and focused on new accomplishments and a promising future. Nothing gives me a greater sense of joy and mission than watching our students as they shape their education and the life of the College. I hope you will have a sense of this as you read the President’s Report. Warmest Regards,

Dr. Lewis E. Thayne, President

by christine brandt little

(User Experience),

the shorthand version of what is the newest of the six concentrations in the College’s Digital Communications major, is probably a term unfamiliar to most of us. However, the addition of a new concentration is representative of how LVC’s faculty and students—and alumni— continue to move forward in today’s world of technology.

Whether it is in the classroom through traditional majors such as computer science and English communications or through emerging majors such as digital communications and music recording technology, Lebanon Valley College has long been at the forefront of educational technology. Dr. Lewis E. Thayne has committed support for technology at the College through the President’s Innovation Grants, the revitalization of the Lynch Technology Center, expansion of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and the establishment of a Technology Task Force. The task force—comprised of trustees, faculty, students, and administrators—will examine current and emerging technologies, and develop a plan to establish LVC as a leader in the use of technology to support teaching and learning. This path would not be possible without the financial support of our many alumni and friends. This issue of the President’s Report highlights alumni involved in various technology sectors and a few of the many faculty and administrative technology-related projects occurring on campus. To see a list of all donors to the College during the 2012–2013 academic year—alumni, parents, and friends spanning generations of supporters—please visit Enjoy the “fun facts,” many of them technology related, that are scattered throughout the Honor Roll of Donors. Thank you to everyone for all that you do for the Valley!



When Technology

Tells the Deepest Stories Caitlin Murphy ’12 didn’t come to the Valley to learn about technology, but ultimately she found that it gave her the tools to communicate some of her most important lessons. Murphy was a basketball standout at LVC, participating in a record-setting 115 games. She also carried a 3.92 GPA while triple-majoring in English, sociology, and international studies, and studying abroad—twice. It was when she returned from her first semester in the Netherlands that Murphy found she needed a succinct, impactful way to communicate what the trip had meant to her.

Marie Bongiovanni, chair and professor of English, suggested that Murphy explore an emerging form of videography known as multimedia narrative. “It’s really about deep reflection,” Murphy explains, describing the intensely focused and tightly edited form of filmmaking. “You write a short script, usually just 250 words, and spend a lot of time editing and thinking deeply about your topic and what images you want to use.”

“During my internship, I will help evaluate videos for foreign service officers and make suggestions for ways to make them more relevant and user-friendly.” make the videos, but because of my knowledge I can share my Working with Bongiovanni, Murphy crafted an arresting threeminute digital film that encapsulates the fundamental experience of her travel abroad. Visit to see the video. She also later worked with Bongiovanni on an Arnold Grant-

feedback,” she says. Murphy is also interning with the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute, where she is involved with research and training. She expects to use her multimedia narrative skills during

supported student-faculty research project that explored the

this experience. “During my internship, I will help evaluate videos

potential of multimedia narrative to help other returning study-

for foreign service officers and make suggestions for ways to

abroad students integrate and communicate their experiences.

make them more relevant and user-friendly,” she says.

Murphy presented her findings at NAFSA: Association of International Educators, in Houston. Currently pursuing a master’s degree in international

Murphy has found that multimedia narrative has many applications beyond helping her share her experiences with friends and family. “It’s relevant in just about every facet of my life here,”

communication at American University in Washington, D.C.,

she says. “It’s the first thing people see on my résumé, and

Murphy has been helping the school to incorporate videos

employers always ask about it. This is something I use to enhance

into its communications with international students, who may

whatever I do.”

struggle with text-heavy materials. “In this position I don’t actually


expectations, make a storyboard, help edit the films, and give my


Leading Future Teachers

Into Technological Competency That college students should master the ins and outs of personal

what PowerPoint is capable of, how to insert movies and clips

technology is a given these days, but the skill has perhaps the most

into their presentations, and why it is essential for Smart Board

far-reaching impact when the students are future educators—those

presentations. Excel is very useful because teachers can keep

who will be responsible for introducing their own students to all the

track of their students’ work and assessments. They can also set

capabilities at their fingertips.

up a blog or an online newsletter to better communicate with the

Dr. Andrew Darian, assistant professor of education, teaches Educational Technology and Instructional Media to education majors

parents of their students.” Darian’s goal is to move his students past the superficial

with an eye toward fostering a deep technological competency

proficiency that they pick up on their own by writing college papers

among his students that they in turn can pass on to future

and surfing the Internet. He wants them to develop an informed


technological expertise in a broad range of hardware and software.

“We’re educating teachers to be teachers of young children,

“Students need to understand and know their technology because,

who can make clear academic and social choices when using

from Kindergarten on, teachers are required to teach technology

technology,” Darian says. “I teach technology because the students

to their students,” he says. “They come in knowing how to use

are being asked to choose, use, and monitor it as a day-to-day tool

their phone or computer to do social media. But in the classroom,

in the classroom.”

they will need to make informed choices about time spent on

Darian teaches his students to be fluent in both Microsoft and

technology, age-appropriate programming, and its academic value.

Apple operating systems, as well as each system’s most relevant

My job is to make sure they not only understand their technology

applications. “They need to know what they can do in software

on a deeper level, but also its social and academic implications.”

programs such as Microsoft Word,” he says. “They need to know



Success Yielding Success A track record of excellence, combined with a tight alumni

Impressed by LVC Alumni Hires, a Local WebBased Company Begins Recruiting on Campus The WEBstaurant Store. His work requires him to write for many

network, has led to a cluster of LVC grads pursuing technology

different audiences, from external customers to colleagues to

careers with Lancaster County-based Clark Associates, a family of

high-level company executives, and he credits his academic and

companies that repeatedly has been named to the Central Penn

internship experiences at the Valley for helping him to develop the

Business Journal’s list of Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies. In

versatility he needs every day. “I had classes ranging from basic

fact, they were #1 this year.

literature to public relations and copy editing,” he says, adding that

Many of the 15 Dutchmen currently working at Clark are heavily

he also worked on the student-run newspaper, La Vie Collegienne,

involved with Web development and content, while others are

and participated in three different internships. “My participation in a

working in the financial sector. They all credit LVC for preparing

diverse range of activities and programs gave me great experience

them for their careers.

working with and for different audiences,” he says.

Brian Montgomery ’07 has been with Clark the longest. An

Montgomery believes that the College’s liberal arts focus also

English major with a music minor, today Montgomery is a content

helped prepare him for his web-oriented career. “My professors

writer for Clark’s web-based food-service equipment supplier,

challenged me to come to my own conclusions and solve problems

3D Printing:

LVC Participates in the World’s First Collaborative 3D Sculpture Over the past year, the Digital Communications Program and the Office of Information Technology have been working with 3D printing and have brought this new technology directly into the hands of LVC students. Furthermore, LVC participated in a groundbreaking art sculpture in which makers and hobbyists around the globe created interlocking designs for the world’s first collaborative 3D sculpture. The sculpture, “Linked,” was unveiled in Calgary, Alberta, on Sept. 14, and included two LVC-specific designs. Naturally, they were the LVC logo and the Dutchman. Taking advantage of the new technology and the ability to quickly design, prototype, and create products, the Office of Information Technology also has created and printed mounting brackets and accessories for the new Lynch Technology Center.



for myself,” he says. “At The WEBstaurant Store, that kind of

so interdisciplinary,” she says. “The school also has a very good

thinking is highly encouraged. I believe that’s another reason why

technology program, and the Lynch Technology Center is filled with

LVC grads are successful here, because that mindset fits really well

computers that include the relevant software students will need to

with what we’re looking for in new hires.”

be familiar with when they graduate. “I use my writing and technology education from LVC every

LVC’s close-knit social fabric is another factor leading so many Valley alumni to Clark Associates, Montgomery says. “We’re

day,” Gertenbach adds. “All of my English classes prepared me for

increasing our staffing, and since we’re all doing well here and we

a career in a writing field, but particularly my journalism classes.

work very well together, we’ve been encouraged to reach out to

My grammar class with Dr. [Gary] Grieve-Carlson [professor of

LVC and step up our recruiting on campus.”

English] was extremely helpful. I also took classes in multimedia

That networking played a key role in helping Emily Gertenbach

narrative, graphic design, and web enterprise, and worked in

’11 start her career at The WEBstaurant Store. She is currently a

the Office of Information Technology, and all of that has been

content writer and product applications specialist at the company.


“I was in a job search and came across an advertisement for the

Gertenbach notes that the success of LVC alumni at Clark

position I have now,” Gertenbach says. “I recognized the name of

is leading to a more formal connection between the company

the company and knew Jake [King ’11] had a job there. I called

and the school. “We’re actually now actively recruiting at the

him and he helped get my résumé to the manager.”

school,” she says. “We go onto campus and talk to classes

Like Montgomery, Gertenbach has found that her Valley

and set up information tables. Just the other day I had an LVC

education was an ideal foundation for her career. “LVC prepared

student shadowing me, and we visited a class this fall, so we’re

us well for technology careers because its liberal arts model is

intentionally spreading the word.”

LVC Alumni Currently Working at Clark Associates Name


Position with Clark

Suzy Biever ’12

English (Literature and Communications Concentrations), Religion Minor

Content Writer

Russell Calkins ’13

English (Communications Concentration)

Photo Editor PT

Logan Corl ’12

Accounting and Economics, Business Administration Minor

Accounts Receivable Manager

Ashley Decker ’13



Sean Deffley ’11

Digital Communications

Web Designer

Emily Gertenbach ’11 English (Communications Concentration)

Content Writer/Product Applications Specialist

Emily Hewitt ’10

English (Literature Concentration), Business Administration Minor

Digital Media Director

Jake King ’11

English (Communications Concentration)

Content Writer

Jamie Latshaw ’11

History (Secondary Education Concentration), Spanish and Political Science Minors

Customer Solutions Representative

Amy Mastrangelo ’13

English (Literature Concentration), Art History Minor

Web Content Trainee

Brian Montgomery ’07

English (Communications Concentration), Music Minor

Content Writer

Laura Suzanne Mutchler ’11

Accounting and Business Administration

Accounting Assistant

Cody Shepp ’12

Digital Communications and English

Web Developer

Ryan Tiburtini ’07

Accounting and Business Administration

Project Developer

Shay Zeiders-Knouse ’11

Business Administration

Logistics Coordinator



“I’m also the volunteer coordinator for The WEBstaurant Store, so I’m still using all the good community service principles that Chaplain Fullmer instilled in us.”

“English classes and working for the College paper definitely prepared me for the writing and editing I do on a daily basis.” —KING “Organization and promptness—the best skills for any career.”









learned @lvc

fav app

fav app

learned @lvc

fav app

fav app



“Versatility as a writer—all the different classes I had taught me to be able to write for a variety of audiences and in different styles.” —MONTGOMERY “Digital communications classes helped me to understand what it takes to create a better user experience…” —KING

“Analyzing situations to provide the best outcome and solution.” —ZEIDERS-KNAUSE

“Time Management”

Emily G.


learned @lvc

fav app

learned @lvc

fav app

fav app

fav app

“Communication Skills”

Brian Jamie


Emily H.

Not Pictured: Russell Calkins ’13, English Communications, Photo Editor PT; Ashley Decker ’13, Accounting, Accountant; and Ryan Tiburtini ’07, Accounting and Business Administration, Project Developer P RE S ID E N T ’S REPORT


Not Your

Parents’ Computer Lab

In the early days of computing, a college computer lab could be a stuffy, demoralizing place, filled with long tables where students would sit in rows facing computers with little flexibility or opportunity for working together. This summer, LVC’s Lynch Technology Center (LTC) broke that mold with a major renovation—driven by data—about how Valley students actually use computers and technology. LVC’s primary student computing and technology resource, the LTC features more than 30 Windows and Apple computers, a scanning station, high-speed color and black-and-white laser printers, two multi-user touch-screen stations, and four group collaboration spaces. The collaboration spaces, perhaps the most innovative aspect of the redesigned center, enable up to five students to link their tablets and laptops to one large video monitor and work from each computer collaboratively. “It works well for anything from writing

years. “We looked at how many students enter the room, what

a paper together to creating a presentation based on a research

computers they typically go to, and what software they used,

project,” explains David Shapiro ’99, LVC’s director of information

and we built the space around that data,” he explains, noting that


students seem to especially appreciate the couches, chairs, and

That flexibility is central to the

to have this room breathing and livable, not a stuffy place where

the center is structured so that

everyone sits in a row and writes a paper.”

students can use it in whatever

600 individual logins each day—a figure Shapiro says probably

to give students the ability to

underestimates the center’s actual usage, since it doesn’t take into

use the center in a variety of

account collaborative groups or those who work from their own

ways, whether it’s working on


of the collaborative spaces, or using your own technology stretched out on a couch,” Shapiro

Shapiro adds that the LTC is just one of many ways in which the College is continuing to offer the latest in technology to students. “We are continually monitoring the technology needs of our students and looking toward where technology and industry trends are moving,” he says.

says, adding that the

From adding new technology-oriented concentrations to

center’s renovations

the digital communications major, such as the user-design

were built around

concentration, to helping faculty incorporate technology into their

data on student

daily curriculum, LVC strives to stay ahead of the technology curve

usage gathered over previous


The LTC is already quite popular on campus, with up to

way is most helpful. “We wanted

a touch-screen computer, in one


ottomans available for individual or group work. “We really wanted

entire redesign of the LTC, and

so that students have a distinct advantage when they enter the global economy.

LVC’s Tradition of Excellence Opens Internship and Subsequent Employment Opportunities computer language structure is made helps—that gave me a good

In 1999, computer science major Mary Barrell Kunkle


base for quickly learning any language that I needed to learn.” Hocker agrees: “Dr. [Ken] Yarnall [chair and associate professor

was looking for an internship for the summer before her

of mathematical sciences] always told us that he was preparing

senior year. Robert Dillane ’77,

us to be able to learn new things. It was my ability to quickly

director of enterprise information

understand new technology that made me a good candidate. You

systems at LVC, suggested

have to be able to keep learning and working on new technology.”

that she apply at Datatel, a

Like Kunkle, Hocker was offered full-time employment at Datatel

company based in Fairfax, Va.,

during the spring of his senior year, and he began his career there

which specialized in creating

after graduation. Today, Hocker works at Ellucian as the iOS and Android

and implementing administrative software for colleges and

developer of the company’s mobile phone application Ellucian

universities—including LVC.

GO. He remembers that Dillane interviewed potential internship candidates from LVC,

“The internship allowed us to work onsite for the summer. They put us up in apartments

essentially nominating

Mary Barrell Kunkle ’00

students for the

and paid us and had us work on

internship, and that

various projects,” Kunkle explains. “Then after the summer was

Dillane’s recommendation

over, part of the internship was to spend time working on campus

went a long way toward

with the product. So I spent the next year working in the IT

winning a candidate an

Department at LVC.”

internship. “At Ellucian, we have a really good

Datatel evidently was pleased with Kunkle’s work—the company made her a job offer in March of her senior year. She started

relationship with our

her career at Datatel right after graduation, and today is a senior

clients, such as LVC,”

consultant with the company—now known as Ellucian—working

he says. “If you say

with new clients to migrate data into their new software systems.

Bob Dillane’s name around here, people

Kunkle remembers that the internship was a great experience—

know who he is.

and that several of her fellow majors were interested in it the following year. Eric Connelly ’01, Parrish Fessler ’01, and Jason

Hocker ’01 applied and were awarded internships at Datatel in the

Jason Hocker ’01

“One thing I love about Ellucian is working with

summer of 2000. Today, Fessler (associate project manager) and

colleges,” Hocker continues. “I feel good about what we’re working

Hocker (principal software developer) are still with the company,

on, and I love our relationship with LVC and other colleges.” Hocker

while Connelly is an application developer at JPMorgan Chase.

notes that the insights he gained as a student intern still inform

Over the years, several other LVC students have interned with the

his work today. “When I’m working on a new product, I’m thinking

company, including Sarah White ’02 and Chris Ulicny ’12.

about how it will affect the school and how it will help them better

Kunkle believes LVC prepared her well for her work at Ellucian. “More than anything else, I think the work ethic required by the

their systems,” he says. “It’s helpful to keep in mind what kind of impact this new technology will have on the school.”

professors made a difference,” she says. “And learning how any



Helping Companies Make the

Best of Their Workforce

LVC trustee Ryan Tweedie ’93 was an exceptionally well-rounded

Tweedie joined LVC’s Board of Trustees in 2010 and is gratified

student at the Valley, majoring in management, playing on the College’s

to have been called to serve his alma mater. “The experience has

golf and soccer teams, and pledging Tau Kappa Epsilon. Perhaps it

been terrific, and challenging, but more than anything, rewarding,”

was this wide-ranging college experience that prepared Tweedie for

he says. “I have a massive passion for LVC and believe in it as

the work he’s done over the last two decades helping more than 200

a great experience for our students. That I can play a real role in

organizations—many of them Global 1000 companies—to enhance

helping shape sustainability for LVC for decades gives me immense

their workforce through software that optimizes their human capital

personal satisfaction.”

management and human resources management systems. “After graduation I was fortunate, in a very difficult market, to find a job working for Thomson Financial in New York City,” Tweedie says. “I learned, in depth, all about the Internet and network computing, and I was able to work directly with very big clients.” Tweedie then moved on to a position as director of information technology for a small software company near his home in New Jersey. “Ultimately, I ended up running and selling that company,” he says. “After that, I’d caught the entrepreneurial ‘bug,’ and I began a company called HRSoft.” At HRSoft, Tweedie specialized in developing and implementing human capital management software for large organizations such as DuPont, Chase, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, and Pepsi. After eight years, Tweedie sold the company and founded Sapien Software LLC, which today is a leading provider of global human capital management software, with clients such as Constellation Energy, GE Plastics, and MetLife. At Sapien, Tweedie set the company’s vision and international strategy, as well as oversaw sales, marketing, and business development. Tweedie sold Sapien last summer and today serves as a partner at Ernst & Young for Human Resource Technology. “Fortunately, I actually enjoy what I do and find it intellectually stimulating,” he says. “Every day, I can affect real positive change in global companies. That they trust me, rely on me, and give me appropriate recognition is very rewarding.” Tweedie believes strongly in the value of an LVC education for those interested in the technology field, in large part because of the well-rounded education it provides. “LVC offers excellent academics, but equally important is that it offers a very diverse college experience,” he says. “I made friends and connections for life there, was in a fraternity as well as other social clubs, played formal and intramural sports, was involved in community activities, and more. That experience was very valuable to me, and I believe it’s a major differentiator for LVC.”



Still Thinking on His Feet When LVC trustee Terence “Terry” Brown ’78 graduated from

At the Valley, Brown continued to excel in football and track &

Lebanon Valley, the technology sector of the U.S. economy was

field—he was inducted into the LVC Athletic Hall of Fame in 1996—

largely unknown. And truth be told, it wasn’t his first career choice. A

while pledging Phi Lambda Sigma and studying political science.

heavily recruited high school football standout from the Washington,

“At Lebanon Valley, my professors and classmates pressed

D.C., area with a professional career in his sights, Brown found

each other—we challenged each other,” Brown says. “That liberal

himself in the spring of his senior year suddenly without college

arts approach taught us how to think on our feet, how to become

scholarship prospects when a patellar tendon injury sidelined him

critical thinkers, how to solve problems. It prepared us for a wide

during his final high school track meet—the state championships.

variety of fields.”

“But my assistant track coach was good friends with [the late vice

After graduation, Brown still had his heart set on the gridiron.

president of admissions emeritus] Gregory Stanson ’63, and that

“I had a brief stint trying out for the Dallas Cowboys and the

got the ball rolling at Lebanon Valley,” Brown says. “And from the day

Philadelphia Eagles, but I didn’t make either roster,” he says.

this city boy took a step onto the campus, it was a done deal.”

Ultimately, he took a position in sales at Xerox Corporation and discovered that he was well suited to the work and enjoyed it. “I found that I was very well prepared and motivated—I was also smart enough to follow the trends,” he says. “I started in copier duplicators, then moved on to computer hardware and ultimately to software sales.” After Xerox, Brown progressed through leadership and management positions with Eastman Kodak Company, Unisys Corporation, and Oracle Corporation. In 2007, Brown co-founded Brown Technology Group LLC, which specializes in enterprise resource planning applications implementation, database management and optimization, data migration, learning systems, and information security. As company president, Brown shares executive responsibilities with his brother and co-founder James “J.B.” Brown and Chief Executive Officer Reggie Brown, who is no relation. The group serves customers in federal, state, and local government, as well as the health care and commercial sectors, and recently moved its offices to Rockville, Md., from Chantilly, Va. Three decades into his career, Brown is still excited to be in the technology field. “I love what I’m doing right now. It’s a wide open field, constantly changing,” he says. “And the young folks that we hire continually keep me on my toes. I love that I get to go out and hire the brightest and the best, and I will say I’m partial to liberal arts graduates. I know they can think on their feet.” Brown joined the LVC Board of Trustees in 2011 and is chair of the board’s Marketing and Enrollment Committee. He values his ongoing relationship with the Valley. “I enjoy giving back,” he says. “I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Lebanon Valley College, so it’s a pleasure to be able to give back with my time and financial resources.”




Valley History Online

Vernon and Doris Bishop Library Online Archives Since she returned to the Valley in 2010 as LVC’s access services librarian, Maureen Anderson Bentz ’00 has focused on making the College’s historical documents available online. She has overseen the digitization of thousands of archival materials—most recently, 100 years of LVC publications, including the student newspaper—making them searchable for anyone with online access. By all accounts, the Valley community is thrilled to have access

The College’s online digital archives— which include decades of yearbooks, course catalogs, and issues of The Valley magazine—attracted more than 16,500 page views...

to these documents. The College’s online digital archives—which include decades of yearbooks, course catalogs, and issues of The

Students working in the library have been a great help in the

Valley magazine—attracted more than 16,500 page views during

project, Bentz says, especially Ally Stengel ’13, Betty Ross ’14,

the 2012–2013 academic year alone, and Bentz expects usage

and Leann Hyatt ’13, D’15. “These students have contributed at a very high level to the digitization preparation and behind-the-scenes work,” she says, noting that the project was funded in part by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. LVC’s online archives project extends beyond paper documents. Frank Mols, director of the Vernon and Doris Bishop Library, is currently working with Rick Beard ’90, M’92, LVC’s director of athletics, to digitize the College’s athletic films. In addition, Bentz will soon work with the Office of Marketing and Communications to digitize the Valley’s photograph collection. Bishop Library’s online holdings extend far beyond the College archives. Mols notes that the library recently increased its collection by 130,000 books—all of them e-books accessible remotely through its online catalog. The library also provides access to more than 500 electronic reference books through the CREDO Reference Database, and more

to continue to grow as the newspaper collection becomes fully

than 48,000 electronic journals through various databases and

available online in the spring of 2014.

e-journal packages. “Part of our mission is to make our students

“Our physical archives are accessible only by appointment,

lifelong learners,” Mols says. “If they learn these searching tools

and we have limited staff, so it’s really important that folks have

and master these databases, the world of knowledge is at their

access to these documents online,” Bentz says. “It’s also helpful to


make the information accessible not only for myself, but for other librarians and people on campus.”




Using Technology to

Enhance Learning

As director of LVC’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and

Learning Senior Graduate Fellow for Teaching Excellence and won

Learning (CETL) and Educational Technology, Megan Potteiger

the Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Potteiger is also teaching

spends much of her time investigating the most innovative

a chemistry course at LVC. She has quickly adapted many of these

classroom technologies available. She then shows College faculty

skills to her role with CETL.

how to use these technologies to enhance the ways they share

CETL programming, which includes monthly workshops,

ideas with students and to perform stronger assessment and

informal discussion groups, and longer-term learning communities,

outcome measurements.

doesn’t focus exclusively on technology in education. Still,

“Our students are coming in already having been exposed to

Potteiger says, most discussions about enhancing the classroom

a wide variety of technology. Our challenge is to find the best

experience tend to include technological innovation. For this

ways to reach students and have them learn, not just information

reason, she has become a kind of ambassador between LVC’s

on the surface, but deeply,” Potteiger says. “We look for ways to

Office of Information Technology and the faculty. “Part of what I

use technology to create learning experiences for students that

do is help to inform IT about what the faculty needs are, and then

go above and beyond what you traditionally think of—not just in

inform the faculty about what our IT capabilities are,” she says.

presenting information, but even mapping out concepts better or

“It works out really well that we can have this conversation about

interacting with people that they’ve never had a chance to interact

what the faculty want, and IT can investigate the technological


aspects, and I can interpret that for the faculty. There really is a

Potteiger, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a bachelor’s

lot available out there on the tech side, and we want to make

degree in chemistry from The College of William and Mary, spans

sure that we can provide the best support for the faculty—and

the faculty-administrator nexus by virtue of her experiences at the

therefore to the students.”

University of Pennsylvania, where she earned a master’s degree in organic chemistry. At Penn, she was the Center for Teaching and



Using Technology to

Explore Their Curiosity

For Ryan Humphries ’12, computer technology offers more

that subject and then record it through something like GarageBand,

and middle school gifted support teacher for the Solanco School

where they can add music and some pizazz to what they’re doing.”

District in Lancaster County, Humphries is passionate about using

Humphries looks forward to future innovations in the way

computers to open doors for his students to explore the contours

students can use technology to explore their interests. “It’s so

of their curiosity. “When it comes to teaching gifted students, there

essential that they’re technologically literate,” he says. “It’s tough to

are a lot of opportunities that technology can provide that it couldn’t

predict where technology will go in the future because everything

even 10 years ago,” he says. “A lot of what we do is project-based

is changing so fast, but we can see inklings in the way media is

and very individualized to meet each student’s learning strengths,

changing.” He anticipates innovations in the video gaming field

so there are a lot of opportunities for exploration with my students.

that would enable his students to use games to explore an idea or

They can really dig into things that interest them, direct their own

tell a story. But no matter which direction new technologies take,

learning, and make connections across content areas, which is

Humphries is committed to helping his students stay abreast of the

really big.”

changes as they explore the ideas that excite them the most.

But for Humphries, who studied elementary and special education at LVC, technology is about far more than surfing the Internet. “We use technology for a lot of Internet research, but also as a tool for manipulating thoughts and ideas,” he says. “It allows for a lot of creativity in how they present projects. PowerPoint is an option, but it’s not the only option anymore. They can record videos, make more creative presentations, even make podcasts.

“We use technology for a lot of Internet research, but also as a tool for manipulating thoughts and ideas,” Humphries says. “It allows for a lot of creativity in how they present projects.”


The kids might have a subject and create a transcript explaining

than a tool for making life more efficient. As the elementary


Anticipating the

Pace of Change

Once they’ve taught a class several times, some professors

or digital animation using both the technology and the design

can reuse lecture notes and materials, because course content

principles they learned in the classroom, developing everything

doesn’t change dramatically from year to year. Such is decidedly

from basic storyboards to videos created using programs such as

not the case for Mathew Samuel, assistant professor of digital

Adobe AfterEffects.

communications, who finds that he constantly revamps his courses

“One of our new concentrations focuses on user experience,”

to encompass technological innovations in the marketplace.

Samuel says, noting that advertising agencies have begun to

Still, Samuel doesn’t allow his students’ need to master

rebrand themselves as “user experience agencies.” “A lot of

advances in technology to obscure their parallel need to master

our focus is shifting toward the user’s experience and how the

foundational principles of design. “In my Fundamentals of Design

user interacts with product features or the company website or

class, the first task in any project is to begin concepts by hand,”

its mobile app,” he says, adding that he’s teaching several new

Samuel says. “I want students to understand the basic design

courses in upcoming semesters that explore such topics as

principles by hand so that they get a grasp of the key elements

prototyping and packaging.

they need to develop for a project. Then, the second half of

The speed of change in digital technology presents an ongoing

the project uses software, such as Adobe Photoshop, as a way

challenge to Samuel. “Even the most basic aspects of the Web

to execute those principles into solutions. So there’s a direct

change every six months,” he says. “We just revamped our Web

correlation between what they’ve learned by hand and what they

markup and layout course to fit with HTML5 and CSS3 to get the

then use technology to execute—so that they use technology as a

students more involved and experienced with current standards

tool rather than a crutch.”

in the industry, because they’re expected to know it when they

Samuel says his graduates tend to go into design-based careers


where they are called on to craft presentation components



How can I make

Online Course Options for Graduate Students The Office of Graduate Studies & Continuing Education Steps Into Online Programming This Spring

When Dr. Gregory Buckley signed on as LVC’s associate dean of graduate studies & continuing education last summer, one of his first projects was moving the College toward offering online classes. “Adults have very different needs than traditional-age students, and one of those is convenience,” he says. “With work and family, older students often need the flexibility of online coursework.” The College will offer its first fully online classes this spring, one in each of its master’s programs: business administration, music education, and science education. But that will be just the beginning. “Within the next several years, we expect to make the entire MBA degree available in an online format,” Buckley says. “Online programming will never replace face-to-face coursework, but it will be there for those who

a significant impact on LVC, and avoid paying any income tax on the amount of my gift?

A Charitable IRA Rollover enables you to transfer directly a gift from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Lebanon Valley College. When you ask your IRA custodian to send a distribution directly to LVC, you may exclude the amount from your taxable income, making your gift taxfree. The amount you transfer also can fulfill all or part of your yearly required minimum distribution (RMD).

choose or need online education.” The College’s timing couldn’t be better, Buckley says. “One of the advantages of getting into online education at this stage is that we really do have a sense of what best practice is. Educators have done research into the most effective online teaching strategies, and there’s a solid pedagogy emerging that we intend to take full advantage of.” New technologies also are available that enable online students to replicate the experience—and the rigor—of a face-to-face class. “Online education has come a long way since it first started,” Buckley adds. “There is so much technology that enables group interaction, where you’re actually seeing each other and working together in real time instead of just emailing back and forth.” The bottom line, Buckley says, is that LVC’s online courses will deliver a uniquely LVC experience. “Our online coursework shares the College’s overall educational mission, and a lot of that is related to the interactive experience students encounter,” Buckley says. “We’re designing our courses to incorporate, as much as we can, that type of experience using a different delivery model.”



To learn more, visit: and select WAYS TO GIVE.


Honor Roll of Donors

The Laureate Society The Laureate Society was established to recognize those individuals whose extraordinary gifts to the College, made during their lifetime or posthumously, total $1,000,000 or more. It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge these generous benefactors.

E.H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 Suzanne H. Arnold H’96 ✝Mr. Vernon Bishop and ✝Mrs. Doris

Bishop ✝Mr. William F. Brossman and ✝Mrs. Jemima Brossman and Family ✝Mrs. Adelaide S. Burgner ’43 ✝D. Clark Carmean H’85 and ✝Edna J. (Jenkins) Carmean ’59,

H’85 ✝Dr. Dale W. Garber ’18, H’59 and ✝Mrs. Ellen M. (Moyer) Garber ✝Mr. Parke H. Lutz and ✝Mrs. Cecil B.R. Lutz

Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Mrs. Janet B. (Blank) Rismiller ’59

To see a list of all donors to the College during the 2012–2013 academic year—alumni, parents, and friends spanning generations of supporters—please visit All of us at Lebanon Valley College thank you for your generosity and service, and for helping make the Valley what it is today. ✝Albert Watson H’61 and ✝Mrs. Naomi Watson

Mr. Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Mrs. Nancy N. Wengert

The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society Lebanon Valley College has been shaping the lives of students for more than 147 years with help from those who believe, like our founding president Thomas Rhys Vickroy did, in its mission of service through knowledge. Alumni and friends who are members of the Vickroy Society demonstrate outstanding leadership in supporting the College. During the past academic year, Vickroy Society members provided more than $1.45 million in financial resources for College programs, totaling 47 percent of all contributions to the Valley.

Lifetime Vickroy Associates Recognizes those whose cumulative lifetime giving totals $100,000 or more.

Mrs. Anne B. Bashore ✝Mr. John E. Bex and ✝Mrs. Jeanne

R. Bex Ms. Katherine J. Bishop and Mr. Bruce W. Kreider ✝Mr. Vernon Bishop and ✝Mrs. Doris

Bishop Mr. Edward D. Breen and Mrs. Lynn Breen Dr. Nancy H. Bright ’50 Mr. Donald L. Burkholder ’54 and ✝Mrs. Phyllis B. (Barnhart) Burkholder ’53 ✝Mrs. Hannah Sachs Cantor ✝D. Clark Carmean H’85 and ✝Edna J. (Jenkins) Carmean ’59,

H’85 ✝Mr. Robert U. Cassel ’36, P’64 and

Mrs. Carol Cassel ✝Mrs. Jeanne B. (Bozarth) Cleaver ’50 ✝Mrs. Marian E. (Heaps) Cote ’30

Mrs. Betty R. (Rutherford) Daiber ’41 Mrs. Curvin N. Dellinger Jr. P’75, P’77, P’85 ✝Mrs. Ella Mae Dellinger P’62

Mr. Mac Aichele and Mrs. Shirley J. (Jacobs) Aichele ’59

Mr. Ronald J. Drnevich and Mrs. Mary Katherine Drnevich

*✝Dr. John B. Allwein ’56

Mr. Gary D. Eisenberger ’58 and Mrs. Gail C. Eisenberger

Anonymous Mr. Arthur E. Arnold II E.H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 Suzanne H. Arnold H’96 Dr. Elizabeth M. (Miller) Bains ’64

Dr. Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03 and Mrs. Betty L. Fasick ✝Dr. Eugene C. Fish H’82 and

Mrs. Marjorie S. Fish Mr. John M. Galat ’67 and Mrs. Ellen G. Galat

✝Mrs. Sylvia E. (Evelev) Baker ’36



✝Mr. Darwin G. Glick ’58 and ✝Mrs.

Elizabeth R. (Speicher) Glick ’58 Dr. Martin L. Gluntz ’53 and Mrs. Karen M. (McHenry) Gluntz ’82 Mr. Frederick R. Haas

Mrs. Amelia Troutman P’84

✝Allan W. Mund H’66

✝Dr. Samuel D. Ulrich ’33 and ✝Mrs. Evelyn L. Ulrich

✝Dr. H. Anthony Neidig ’43, H’04, P’73

and Mrs. Helen T. Neidig P’73

Mrs. Colleen C. (Clemens) Harris ’74

Mr. Clair W. Noll ’55 and ✝Mrs. Jeanne C. (Winter) Noll ’57

Dr. Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Dr. Linda H. (Heefner) Heindel ’59

✝Dr. J. Robert O’Donnell and ✝Dr. Agnes M. O’Donnell

✝Mr. Eugene D. Heisey and ✝Mrs. Blanche Heisey

*John S. Oyler, Esq., and Ms. Gail C. Faulkner

Mr. Lloyd R. Helt Jr., Esq., ’70 and Ms. Ruth C. Gray

Mr. Bernard J. Penturelli ’48 and Mrs. Martha M. (Miller) Penturelli ’49

Dr. Rex A. Herbert ’72 and Mrs. Lisa Herbert

Mr. Thomas E. Philips and Mrs. Marcia W. Philips

✝Mr. Philip C. Herr Sr. and ✝Mrs. Philip

*Dr. Lynn G. (Garrett) Phillips ’68 and ✝Dr. Edward L. Phillips

C. Herr Mrs. M. Louise (Hackman) Hess ’78 and Mr. Kenneth E. Hess Dr. William R. Higgins ’64 and Mrs. Judith B. (Baker) Higgins ’64 Mr. Steven J. Holsinger and Mrs. Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger Mr. John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 and Mrs. Deborah R. Jurasits P’03

✝Mrs. Rhea P. Reese

Mr. George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Mrs. Carol A. Reider Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Mrs. Polly A. (Risser) Reinhart ’57 Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Mrs. Janet B. (Blank) Rismiller ’59

Mr. Malcolm L. Lazin ’65

Mr. Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Mrs. Janet L. (Gessner) Roberts ’68

Mr. Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 and Mrs. Linda Leedy P’92

✝Mr. Richard K. Rohland and ✝Mrs. Ruth A. Rohland

Mr. William Lehr Jr. and Mrs. Beverlee B. Lehr

✝F. Allen Rutherford Jr. ’37, H’85 and ✝Mrs. M. Ann Rutherford

Donald W. Lesher H’00 and Mrs. Nancy O. Lesher

Dr. Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mrs. Mary Jane Sample

Mr. Richard L. London ’65

Mr. George D. Shaak ’55

Mr. Ted Lyter ’71

Dr. Tibor Sipos ’64, P’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89

*Dr. Stephen C. MacDonald and Ms. Mary C. Warner

Mr. Frank Rupp Sourbeer ’72

Dr. William J. McGill H’98 and Mrs. Ellen B. McGill

✝Mr. Earl J. Spangler ’48 and

✝Mr. Roy J. McMindes and ✝Mrs. Prudence McMindes

Morton Spector H’02 and Mrs. Alyce Spector

✝Dr. Stephen J. Metro ’43

✝Mrs. Elaine F. (Frock) Stepanek ’48

Dr. Daniel K. Meyer ’81

Mr. Nicholas Streeter ’76

✝Mr. Peter S. Miller and Mrs. Lois

✝Mr. E. Peter Strickler ’47 and ✝Mrs. Mary Jean Strickler

(Brong) Miller ’61


Mr. George R. Moyer ’69

Mrs. Trudy Spangler

Mrs. Virginia C. Miller P’80

✝Mrs. Anne B. Sweigart

✝Mr. James A. Mitchell Jr. ’58 and ✝Mrs. Louise Mitchell

✝John A. Synodinos H’96 and


Mrs. Glenda J. Synodinos

*Mr. Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 and Dr. Elizabeth R. (Robinson) Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 ✝The Hon. John A. Walter ’53, P’85,

P’91 and Mrs. Patricia L. (Lutz) Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 Mrs. Marian M. (Marcus) Warden ’57 Mr. Ronald B. Weinel ’58 and Mrs. Dorothy A. Weinel Dr. Elizabeth K. (Kreiser) Weisburger ’44, H’89 Mr. Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Mrs. Nancy N. Wengert ✝E.D. Williams Jr. H’88, P’76 and Mrs.

Nancy Jane Williams P’76 Mr. Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Mrs. Elaine J. (Joy) Willman ’68 Mr. Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 Dr. Ralph E. Yingst ’55 Harry B. Yost, Esq., ’62 and Mrs. Carol A. (Smith) Yost ’62 Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 and Mrs. Nancy C. (Cramer) Zimmerman ’53 *New Lifetime Vickroy Society member in 2012–2013

Provisional Lifetime Vickroy Associates Recognizes those who execute a pledge instrument that will, when completed within a seven-year period of time, bring them to $100,000 lifetime giving.

Mr. James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Mrs. Patricia A. Glasgow Elyse E. Rogers, Esq., ’76

Mr. Martin G. Lane Jr. 10+ Mr. Malcolm L. Lazin ’65

✝Mrs. Cora G. (Graby) Limmroth ’39 Dr. Paul Lipsitz ’44 25+ Mr. Ted Lyter ’71 15+ Dr. Stephen C. MacDonald and Ms. Mary C. Warner 25+ ✝Mr. Edwill B. Miller and ✝Mrs. Rachel H. Miller

✝Mrs. Lois J. (Seavers) Miller ’42

✝Mr. J. Robert O’Donnell 10+ John S. Oyler, Esq., and Ms. Gail C. Faulkner 10+ Dr. Lynn G. (Garrett) Phillips ’68 and ✝Dr. Edward L. Phillips

✝Ms. Yvonne L. Raab ’45

Trustee Associates Recognizes gifts in 2012–2013 of $10,000 and above. 10+ E.H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08 Mr. Jeffrey E. Arnold 25+ Suzanne H. Arnold H’96 and Mr. Ronald Schrotberger 25+ Dr. Elizabeth M. (Miller) Bains ’64 10+ Ms. Katherine J. Bishop and Mr. Bruce W. Kreider

✝Mrs. Jeanne B. (Bozarth) Cleaver ’50 5+ Mr. Geret P. De Piper ’68 and Mrs. Theresa F. (Featherstone) De Piper ’71

10+ Dr. Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 and Dr. Kimberly S. Harbaugh

10+ Mr. Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 and Dr. Elizabeth R. (Robinson) Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 10+ ✝Mrs. Catharine H. (Hellick) Van Ness ’59 25+ ✝Albert Watson H’61 and ✝Mrs. Naomi Watson 10+ Dr. Elizabeth K. (Kreiser) Weisburger ’44, H’89 25+ Mr. Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Mrs. Nancy N. Wengert 25+ Mr. Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Mrs. Elaine J. (Joy) Willman ’68 Dr. Ralph E. Yingst ’55 25+ Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 and Mrs. Nancy C. (Cramer) Zimmerman ’53

15+ Mr. Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. ’62 15+ Mr. Anthony M. DeMarco ’70 and Mrs. Cynthia E. DeMarco 15+ Mr. Warren D. Ditzler ’68 and Mrs. Carol E. (Edgecomb) Ditzler ’68 15+ Mr. Ronald J. Drnevich and Mrs. Mary Katherine Drnevich Mr. George Ebel and Mrs. Margaret Ebel Mr. Gary D. Eisenberger ’58 and Mrs. Gail C. Eisenberger Mr. Louis J. Fitzpatrick III ’81 and Dr. Susan L. (Smith) Fitzpatrick ’80 Mr. Donald S. Fleming ’54 and Mrs. Janice W. (Walker) Fleming ’54 5+ Mr. Carey C. Garland ’73

25+ Mrs. Colleen C. (Clemens) Harris ’74 and Mr. Loy H. Harris 25+ Dr. Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Dr. Linda H. (Heefner) Heindel ’59

✝Ms. Anna M. Herr ’36 25+ Dr. William R. Higgins ’64 and Mrs. Judith B. (Baker) Higgins ’64

✝The Rev. Alvin S. Hildebrand ’49 5+ Mr. Eric L. Himelright M’98 and Mrs. Amy Himelright

✝Mrs. Jessie R. (Robertson) Holcombe ’43

25+ ✝Mrs. Ellen Moyer Garber

5+ Mr. Steven J. Holsinger and Mrs. Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger

5+ Mr. James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Mrs. Patricia A. Glasgow

5+ Dr. Albert R. Jarrett and Mrs. Ellen K. (Kreiser) Jarrett ’67

5+ Mr. Larry Q. Hall ’61 and Mrs. Sandra K. Hall

✝Ms. Judith A. Kressler ’61

25+ Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Mrs. Janet L. (Blank) Rismiller ’59 5+ Elyse E. Rogers, Esq., ’76 5+ Ms. Linda S. Rothermel ’69 15+ Mrs. Carol A. (Bronson) Steiner ’61 and Mr. Richard E. Steiner

Five Founders Circle Recognizes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. 15+ Mr. Mac Aichele and Mrs. Shirley J. (Jacobs) Aichele ’59 5+ Mr. Terence C. Brown ’78 and Ms. Kristin J. Bell

20+ Mr. David P. Stover ’91 and Mrs. Tracey A. (Smith) Stover ’91

Mr. Edward D. Breen and Mrs. Lynn M. Breen

10+ Mrs. Amelia Troutman P’84

25+ ✝Mr. E.W. Coble

25+ Dr. Nancy H. Bright ’50

25+ Mrs. Carolyn L. (Kiblinger) Hearsey ’83 25+ Lloyd R. Helt Jr., Esq., ’70 and Ms. Ruth C. Gray Mrs. Judith M. Hess P’69 Mrs. M. Louise (Hackman) Hess ’78 and Mr. Kenneth E. Hess 5+ Dr. Paula K. Hess ’69 Mr. John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 and Mrs. Deborah R. Jurasits P’03 25+ Mr. George J. King ’68 and Mrs. Eileen King



15+ Mr. William Lehr Jr. and Mrs. Beverlee B. Lehr

25+ Mrs. Joan G. (Gilbert) Wengert ’53 and Mr. Clifford J. Wengert

10+ Mr. Carl E. Miller ’65, P’89 and Mrs. Bonita G. Miller P’89

25+ Mr. Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58

25+ Dr. Carroll L. Missimer ’76, ’79 and Mrs. Linda L. Missimer 20+ Mrs. Helen T. Neidig P’73

10+ ✝Mr. John L. Witmer and ✝Mrs. C. Jeanette Witmer Dr. James F. Wolfe ’58 and Mrs. Nancy L. Wolfe

The President’s Circle Recognizes gifts of $2,500 to $4,999. 20+ ✝Dr. John B. Allwein ’56 25+ Kristen R. Angstadt, Ph.D., ’74 15+ Mrs. Barbara J. (Macaw) Atkinson ’67 20+ Dr. Loy C. Awkerman ’50 and Mrs. Rose Marie (Root) Awkerman ’49 Mr. Daniel P. Post ’99 and Mrs. Allison E. (Henry) Post ’98, ’00 20+ Mrs. Edith K. (Kreiser) Probus ’46 Mr. Ryan S. Redner ’99 25+ Mr. George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Mrs. Carol A. Reider 25+ Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Mrs. Polly A. (Risser) Reinhart ’57 20+ Mr. Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Mrs. Janet L. (Gessner) Roberts ’68

Mr. Michael S. Beyer ’80 and Mrs. June C. (Collier) Beyer ’80

Susan A. Engle, Ph.D., ’78 25+ Dr. Herbert Fields ’54 and Mrs. Susan E. Fields 10+ Mrs. Marjorie S. Fish 5+ Shawn M. Fitzgerald, Ph.D, ’88 25+ Mr. Walter F. Fullam ’80, P’07 and Mrs. Deborah R. (Reimer) Fullam ’81, P’07 20+ Mr. John M. Galat ’67 and Mrs. Ellen G. Galat Dr. Michael R. Green 25+ Dr. Judith F. (Fonken) Grem ’72 25+ Mr. Jensen H. Groff Jr. ’70 and Mrs. Linda H. Groff 5+ Dr. Jonathan Grote ’79 25+ Mrs. Estelle B. (Berger) Hartranft ’59 10+ The Rev. Jack R. Hoffman ’58 and Mrs. Jean H. (Henninger) Hoffman ’58

5+ Mr. Paul W. Brockie ’80

25+ Betty C. (Criswell) Hungerford ’54, H’09

25+ Mr. Donald L. Burkholder ’54 25+ Mr. Richard F. Charles and Mrs. Pauline C. Charles

Mr. Richard H. Rotz ’63 15+ Mr. George D. Shaak ’55

5+ Mrs. Andrea J. (Davino) Danch ’81

25+ Dr. Tibor Sipos ’64, P’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89

25+ Mr. Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 and Mrs. Amy K. (Hoopes) Dellinger ’78, P’05

Mr. Ryan H. Tweedie ’93 and Ms. Shana E. Barnes

Mr. Harold G. Engle Jr. ’51, P’78

Dr. Kevin P. Black P’11, P’12, P’14 and Mrs. Saralynn L. Black P’11, P’12, P’14

Mrs. Janet (Else) D’Alessandro ’68 and Mr. Conrad D’Alessandro

10+ Mrs. M. Rosie (Hollinger) Sorrentino ’54


10+ Mrs. Anne B. Bashore

Mrs. Susanne H. Dombrowski, C.P.A., ’83 and Mr. Frank Dombrowski

5+ Carroll E. Ditzler, D.D.S., ’58 and Mrs. Jean V. Ditzler 5+ Mr. Frank J. Dixon and Mrs. Elsie Dixon


5+ Mrs. Dorothy J. Jennings-Williams ’04 20+ Mr. Robert E. Johns Jr. ’75 and Mrs. Holly Johns

25+ Mrs. Margaret A. (Weinert) Kramer ’63

10+ Mrs. Mary E. (Mehaffey) Roth ’43

5+ Dr. Francis T. Lichtner Jr. ’75

5+ Dr. David V. Rudd and Mrs. Shirley Rudd

20+ Mr. Richard L. London ’65

5+ Dr. Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mrs. Mary Jane Sample

25+ Mrs. Nancy M. (McCullough) Longnecker ’72 25+ Mrs. Rufina B. (Balmer) Marquette ’51 20+ Frederic J. Marsik, Ph.D., ’65 Ms. Joyce E. Martin ’60 20+ Mr. James M. McArdle ’57, P’83 and Mrs. Selina H. (Hill) McArdle ’61, P’83 25+ Dr. William J. McGill H’98 and Mrs. Ellen B. McGill Mr. James M. Mead and Mrs. Elaine L. Mead Dr. Mardia Melroy ’52 5+ Dr. Malik N. Momin ’83 Mr. Chester Q. Mosteller ’75 and Mrs. Janet C. Mosteller 25+ Mr. Thomas G. Myers ’83 Ms. Anna M. Ostrow 25+ Dr. Jacob L. Rhodes ’43, P’87 25+ Mr. Robert A. Riley and Mrs. Brenda M. Riley Mr. Elliott Robinson and Mrs. Jeannette Robinson

10+ Mrs. Karen A. (Lewis) Schmitt ’80 25+ Dr. James W. Scott P’97 and Mrs. Carolyn B. Scott P’97 Mr. Dennis L. Shalters and Mrs. Karen Shalters 5+ Mr. Thomas I. Siegel ’76, P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 and Mrs. Linda R. Siegel P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 Mr. Frank R. Sourbeer ’72 and Mrs. Diane Sourbeer 5+ Mr. James G. Stoltzfus ’81 and Mrs. Karen E. (Veigel) Stoltzfus ’81 20+ Mr. John J. Stouffer ’60 and Mrs. Sandra S. (Stetler) Stouffer ’62 20+ Mrs. Bonnie C. (Cunningham) Tenney ’96 and Mr. Edwin D. Tenney 25+ Mr. Brian C. Trust ’83 5+ Mr. L. Nelson Umble ’60 and Mrs. Marian B. Umble 15+ Mr. John C. Vaszily ’66 and Mrs. Diane A. (Aldinger) Vaszily ’67

25+ Ms. Beverly A. Walp ’58

10+ Mrs. Nancy M. (Meyer) Gingrich ’49

5+ Mrs. Patricia S. Wiedeke ’49

10+ Ms. Jayanne N. (Hogate) Hayward ’01

25+ Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel ’49, H’68 and Mrs. Lois J. (Shank) Yeakel ’49

5+ Dr. Roger A. Heckman ’73 and Mrs. Nancy J. (Hunt) Heckman ’73

The 1866 Circle

5+ Mr. Gregory A. High ’92

Recognizes gifts of $1,866 to $2,499.

5+ Mrs. Linda J. (Weber) Hissner ’63 and Mr. William Hissner

20+ Mr. Kevin M. Adler M’99 and Mrs. Shanna G. Adler

John C. Hoak, M.D., ’51 and Mrs. Dorothy W. (Witmer) Hoak ’52

15+ Mr. James R. Atkins and Mrs. Deborah L. Atkins

25+ ✝Mr. Sidney L. Hofing ’56

5+ Capt. Charles D. Bolan ’48 and Ms. Anna L. Light ’51 5+ Dr. Lewis W. Bowman ’50 and Mrs. Erla M. Bowman Dr. J. Patrick Brewer 15+ Mrs. Patricia D. (Davis) Bullock ’62, P’95, P’97 25+ ✝Mr. William S. Bushnell 5+ Mr. J. Matthew Cecil M’10 and Mrs. Jamie N. (Deck) Cecil M’07 15+ Mr. Jerome C. Chepulis and Mrs. Faye A. Chepulis 15+ Mr. G. Stuart Close ’65 The Honorable Thomas W. Corbett Jr. ’71 and Mrs. Susan M. (Manbeck) Corbett ’72 10+ Mr. Robert J. Dillane ’77 and Mrs. Deborah M. (Madeira) Dillane ’77 Ms. Linda J. Evans ’83 10+ Dr. Hiram E. Fitzgerald ’62 and Mrs. Dolores K. (Koncar) Fitzgerald ’63 25+ Dr. Arthur L. Ford Jr. ’59 and Mrs. Mary Ellen Ford

Mr. Keith P. Hicks and Ms. Veronica Holbrook

25+ Dr. Michael P. Hottenstein ’58 25+ Dr. John P. Kearney and ✝Mrs. Carol J. Kearney

5+ Mr. Stephen M. Nelson ’84, P’12 and Dr. Deborah D. (Detwiler) Nelson ’84, P’12 15+ Mr. Thomas V. Quinn ’56 20+ Mrs. Diana L. (Leedy) Reilly ’91 10+ Mrs. Jessica B. (Bostdorf) Ritchie ’99, M’06 and Dr. Jeffrey J. Ritchie 25+ Mr. Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 and Dr. Gail E. (Edgar) Ritrievi ’54 Dr. C. Richard Schott ’67, P’95, P’98 and Mrs. Judith Schott P’95, P’98 10+ Mr. Robert H. Sinclair and Mrs. Jean S. Sinclair 5+ Mr. Todd C. Snovel ’06

Robert M. Kline, M.D., ’50, ’72 and Mrs. Ann R. Kline

10+ Mr. William J. Sponaugle and Mrs. Carol Sponaugle

5+ Mrs. Wanda P. (Price) Koehler ’38

15+ Mrs. Doris M. Stanson

5+ Capt. Alfred J. Kreiser ’61 5+ Mr. Gregory H. Krikorian and Mrs. Mary Krikorian 5+ Mrs. Theresa A. (Rachuba) Leatherbury ’86 10+ Mrs. Lisa S. (Burke) Lee ’93 Mr. Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 and Mrs. Linda Leedy P’92 25+ Donald W. Lesher Jr. H’00 and Mrs. Nancy O. Lesher

10+ Dr. Dale E. Summers and Mrs. Linda L. Summers 20+ Mr. Daniel S. Sweigart ’77 5+ Dr. Dennis W. Sweigart ’63 25+ Mrs. Glenda J. Synodinos Lewis E. Thayne, Ph.D., and Mrs. Dorothy G. Thayne 15+ Mr. J. Kenneth Thomas Jr. ’68, P’99 and Mrs. Mary (D’Anna) Thomas ’68, P’99

20+ Mr. Leonard Washington Jr. P’86 and Albertine Washington H’91, P’86 15+ Mr. Robert M. Weissman Ms. Janet A. Wiley and Mr. Michael Mulderrig 25+ The Rev. Dr. J. Dennis Williams H’90 and Mrs. M. Lenore Williams 5+ Dr. Paul L. Wolf P’90 and Mrs. Martha R. Wolf P’90

Ms. Carolyn S. Anderson 20+ Mrs. Jennifer E. (Crouter) Arthur ’80 15+ Mr. Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 and Mrs. Lisa M. (Henry) Beard ’93 25+ Mr. Kenneth S. Berry ’67, P’94 15+ Mr. James R. Biery ’70 20+ Mrs. Linda M. (Weaver) Blair ’77

Dr. Kenneth F. Yarnall and Dr. Mary K. Pettice

25+ Mr. Theodore L. Blumenthal ’57

25+ Harry B. Yost, Esq., ’62 and Mrs. Carol A. (Smith) Yost ’62

Dr. Michael E. Brown ’76, P’03 and Mrs. Sherry T. (Etter) Brown ’77, P’03

15+ Mr. James H. Zimmerman ’64, P’91

25+ Mr. William J. Brown Jr. ’79, P’07 and Mrs. Donna M. Brown P’07

Society Associates

15+ The Rev. Norman B. Bucher ’50 and Mrs. Janet E. (Eppley) Bucher ’50

5+ David G. Thompson, Ph.D., ’65 and Mrs. Elaine B. Thompson ’67

20+ Mr. Joseph C. Mesics and Mrs. Sandra B. Mesics

15+ Mrs. Brenda B. (Brown) Troisi ’62 and Mr. Frank X. Troisi

Dr. Bruce A. Albert ’70 and Mrs. Sharen Albert

20+ Mrs. Louise B. Metka P’84

Mrs. Donalee Unal ’11 and Dr. Abdurrahman Unal

Mr. Justin L. Albert ’05 and Mrs. McKinley Albert

15+ Mr. Edward Vinarski ’77

Mr. Steven Alger and Mrs. Susan Alger

10+ Mr. George R. Moyer ’69

10+ Mr. H. William Alsted ’65

25+ Dr. Allan F. Wolfe and Mrs. Juliana M. Wolfe

Mr. Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10 and Mrs. Amy J. Mendelsohn

10+ Dr. Glenn A. Moser ’65

10+ Mr. Charles B. Allwein ’64

Recognizes gifts of $1,000 to $1,865.

Mr. Barry D. Buckingham ’79 5+ Mr. Joseph E. Buehler ’89 and Mrs. Jennifer L. Buehler 15+ Mr. Anthony Calabrese ’73 and Mrs. Kathy N. (Neidig) Calabrese ’73



Mr. Douglas A. Cifu and Ms. Melissa B. Lautenberg 10+ Mr. Gerald A. Collins Mr. Douglas C. Cooney 25+ Dr. Salvatore S. Cullari and Mrs. Kathryn Cullari 10+ Mr. Donald DeBenedett ’54 Dr. Camille DeClementi ’90 Dr. John B. Dickenson ’76 15+ Dr. Johannes Dietrich and Dr. Marie-Aline Cadieux 20+ ✝Mr. Henry G. Douglass ’58, P’81 and Dr. Jacquelyn F. (Fetterhoff) Douglass ’57, P’81 Ms. Berneice L. (Klink) Eby ’58 5+ Dr. Robert E. Enck ’67, P’03 and Mrs. Martha Y. Enck P’03 Ms. Beth Esler 5+ Mr. Walter S. Frankowski Jr. ’73 and Mrs. Kathleen Frankowski

25+ Mr. Donald S. Gingrich ’52 10+ Mr. William C. Gingrich ’65 Dr. James K. Graby ’59 and Mrs. Janice W. (Weaber) Graby ’59 5+ Mr. Steven E. Grove ’74 5+ Mr. Richard M. Harris and Mrs. Sukey Harris Mrs. Doris C. (Cortright) Heck ’54 Mr. Todd L. Herring P’13, P’14 and Mrs. Donna M. Herring P’13, P’14 5+ Dr. Russel C. Hertzog ’64 10+ Dr. Edward J. Hilton ’78 and Mrs. Dorothy A. Hilton 10+ Mrs. Melissa H. (Howard) Jimeno ’96 25+ Dr. John W. Jones ’72 and Mrs. Gail P. (Peters) Jones ’76 15+ Mrs. Susan S. (Sarisky) Jones ’92 and Mr. James W. Jones

15+ Mr. Willard L. Light ’57 Mr. Donald C. MacGowan ’66 5+ Ms. Karen L. Mackrides ’87 5+ Mr. Paul S. Manubay P’11 and Mrs. Carol P. Manubay P’11 20+ Mr. Ellis W. McCracken Jr. ’63 and Mrs. Jacquelyn J. McCracken 20+ Dr. Mark L. Mecham and Mrs. Patsy T. Mecham 25+ Mr. Larry M. Mentzer ’59 10+ Dr. Gary D. Miller ’71 Dr. Owen A. Moe Jr. and Mrs. Kathleen Moe 10+ Mr. George L. Morse ’70 25+ Mr. Ronald J. Mosemann ’57 and Mrs. Geraldine S. (Sheaffer) Mosemann ’57 25+ Dr. James R. Newcomer ’68, P’94 and Mrs. Janice E. Newcomer P’94

15+ Mr. Frank S. Rhodes ’83, P’08 and Mrs. Kay K. (Koser) Rhodes ’83, P’08

Mr. Mark T. Stout ’77 and Mrs. Stephanie J. (Bond) Stout, C.S.E.P., ’77

Mr. Thomas A. Richards

25+ Dr. Sterling F. Strause ’52

Daniel L. Robey, Esq., ’72 Mrs. Beatrice L. Roth P’77 Mr. Joseph R. Rotunda ’85 and Mrs. Terri R. (Roach) Rotunda ’85 Mr. Frank A. Rutherford III ’74 10+ Dr. Craig J. Sansonetti P’06 and Dr. Jean E. Sansonetti P’06 20+ Mrs. Cheryl D. (Green) Sault ’84 and Mr. Charles J. Sault Mr. Stuart G. Schoenly ’68 Mr. James Seaton P’15 and Mrs. Carolyn V. Seaton P’15 10+ Mr. Benjamin B. Shankroff and Mrs. Suzanne M. Shankroff 5+ Dr. Samuel J. Shubrooks Jr. ’61 5+ Dr. Gary K. Smith ’74

10+ Ms. Joan R. Taylor ’68 Mr. Bill Thorum 15+ Mr. Merrill C. Thrush P’00, P’03 and Mrs. Barbara A. Thrush P’00, P’03 Dr. Perry J. Troutman 25+ Dr. Dennis J. Tulli ’69 Mr. John J. Tus ’80 and Mrs. Linda J. (Wilson) Tus ’80 5+ Dr. Mary Louise (Young) Wagner ’55 5+ Mr. Paul W. Wagner and Mrs. Sandra L. Wagner Anthony F. Wallace, Ph.D., ’45 25+ Mrs. Patricia L. (Lutz) Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 Mr. Thomas W. Weik ’64 and Mrs. Donna D. (Ditzler) Weik ’72 Mr. Steve Weiss and Mrs. Yukiko Canfield Mr. Bruce R. Wieder ’65 and Mrs. Janet R. Wieder Mrs. Debbie K. (Morgan) Wilkowski ’82 and Mr. Stephen Wilkowski Mrs. Jeanne S. (Lukens) Worley ’74 25+ Mr. Joseph T. Yost ’69

Dr. Robert S. Frey ’77 and Mrs. Terry R. Frey Mrs. Elma B. (Breidenstine) Frysinger ’52 Mrs. Joanne G. (Grubb) Gain ’59 Mr. Todd M. Gamble ’98 5+ Mrs. Kim M. Gardner Mr. Thomas M. Garman and Mrs. Doreen K. Garman

25+ Mr. William H. Kiick ’57, P’97 and Mrs. R. Lynne Kiick P’97 10+ Mrs. Suzanne H. (Hackman) Kirkhoff ’77, M’98, P’11 and Mr. Randall J. Morgan Mr. Thomas J. Knapp ’63 Dr. H. Dale Kreider ’59 Ms. Barbara A. Kreiser ’54 5+ Mr. R. Lee Kunkel ’57 and Mrs. Rosalind H. (Horn) Kunkel ’60

Mr. Alan M. Newsome ’07 5+ Mr. Kevin M. Poole ’05, M’09 and Mrs. Melissa A. (Ulrich) Poole ’05 Dr. Roberta G. (Gable) Reed ’67 5+ Mrs. Gail S. (Fox) Reeder ’74 10+ Mr. Timothy L. Reese ’76 and Mrs. Jean B. (Boag) Reese ’76 25+ Mr. Michael D. Rhoads ’75

Khristian D. Snyder, D.P.M., ’93 25+ Morton Spector H’02, P’79 and Mrs. Alyce Spector P’79 15+ Mrs. Joan H. Squires ’79 10+ Mr. Michael T. Stamm ’97 and Mrs. Jennifer P. (Pellegrino) Stamm ’00 Mr. Stanley A. Steiner ’70 and Mrs. Anita Steiner Dr. Cheryl A. Stoddart ’79



Vickroy GOLD Society Recognizes Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) as Vickroy Society members for a reduced amount, dependent on the number of years since their graduation. 10+ Mr. Ryan J. Arnold ’03 and Mrs. Ann E. Arnold

Mr. Jordan M. Beaver ’12

Mr. Matthew D. Morell ’12

Ms. Rachel B. Beazley ’12

5+ Mr. Andrew T. Moser ’05 and Ms. Shaylene R. Scheib ’07

Mr. Donald A. Burton ’09 5+ Mr. Thomas D. Busteed ’09 5+ Mr. Jon-David Byers ’05 Mr. Kevin S. Daub ’08 and Mrs. Richella (Hankins) Daub ’08 Ms. Kristin A. Donohue ’12 Mr. Daniel J. Dunkelberger ’10 Ms. Rhiannon M. Eckinger ’12 5+ Mr. Justin R. Engle ’05 Mr. David M. Gardner ’09, ’10 Mr. Jason M. Gigous ’11 Mr. Christopher W. Hall ’12 Mr. David A. Hallinan Jr. ’12

Mr. Michael S. Nelson ’12 and Mrs. Brittni J. (Garvin) Nelson ’12 Ms. Robin W. Opperlee ’08 and Mr. Allen Orlick Mr. Patrick J. Orndorf ’10 and Mrs. Lauren A. (Train) Orndorf ’10 5+ Mr. Ted Pinca P’03, P’09, P’10 and Mrs. Ann K. (Pitt) Pinca ’10, P’03, P’09, P’10 Mr. Donald J. Poligone Jr. ’12 Dr. Kristin N. Rendall ’08, D’10 Mr. Eric D. Ruppert ’10 and Mrs. Michelle A. (Little) Ruppert ’11

American Endowment Foundation— The Edward H. & Jeanne D. Arnold Foundation

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities—Bill and Beverlee Lehr Fund #2

AON Foundation

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities—Donald W. Lesher Jr. In and Out Fund

Apex Advertising, Inc. Atlantic Shores Corporation Baker Interactive Services, LLC

Dr. Stuart J. Hartman ’07

Ms. Audrey A. Satterfield ’12

Ms. Sheila L. Hershey ’06

Dr. Jason E. Scala ’08, D’10

The Baltimore Community Foundation—The GrayHelt Family Fund

Dr. Kyle R. Himmelreich ’08, D’10 and Mrs. Tracey A. (Fortugno) Himmelreich ’10

Mr. Matthew A. Schaeffer ’09

Barnes & Noble Booksellers

Mr. Jason T. Sneeringer ’11

The Bishop Foundation

Mr. Justin W. Hutchinson ’10

5Mr. David J. Sodl Jr. ’08

BlueScope Foundation, North America

Ms. Jaclyn M. Kain ’10 Ms. Emily K. Kalda ’03 Mr. Gregory A. Kauffman ’09 Mr. Daniel J. Kelly ’07 and Dr. Jamie L. (Kovacs) Kelly ’07, D’09 Mrs. Alicia M. (Gurdus) LaFrance ’09 Mr. Maxwell C. Linn ’06 and Mrs. Sarah B. (Dietrich) Linn ’03

Mr. Collin A. Tanawath ’09 Mr. Sean S. Tetreault ’10 Mr. Joseph A. Tomtishen ’07 Mr. Derek R. Ulrich ’05, M’09 and Mrs. Shila W. (Williams) Ulrich ’05 Ms. Evelyn E. Unger ’08 Mr. Mitchell T. Waddell ’05 Mr. Daniel M. Wolford ’08 Mr. Jared S. Zeigler ’09

Mr. Jonathan D. Lintz ’07 Mr. Michael P. Manubay ’11 Mr. David C. McLaughlin ’10 and Mrs. Katie M. (Markey) McLaughlin ’07 Mr. Alexander T. Meyer ’98 and Mrs. Carole J. (Roethlein) Meyer ’10 Ms. Rachel A. Moore ’08

Corporation, Foundation, and Organization Members ACTEX Publications Aetna Foundation, Inc. American Chemical Society—Petroleum Research Fund

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brossman Charitable Foundation

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities—Alyce and Morton Spector Philanthropic Fund #2 FPMR LLC Fulton Bank-Lebanon Division GE Foundation Matching Gift Center Golden Glove Promotions

GSH Home Med Care The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Harrisburg Art Association The Hartford The Hershey Company Hershey Palmyra Sertoma Club The High Foundation Russell and Eleanor Horn Foundation Johnson & Johnson Lebanon Valley Engraving, Inc. Lebanon Valley Insurance Company Foundation

Central Maryland Rehabilitation Services, Inc. Cherry Tree Foot and Ankle Specialists PC The Delta Kappa Gamma Society The Francis J. Dixon Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Fava & Maria Eye Associates Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund—Anne B. Bashore Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund—Mesics Family Fund First National Bank of Fredericksburg



The Lutheran Community Foundation—The Dr. Richard D. and Isabel G. Schreiber Family Fund Marsh & McLennan Matching Gift Program

Mrs. Virginia C. Miller P’80

Mrs. Dorothy M. (DePalma) Dyer ’78

Mr. George R. Moyer ’69

Mr. Frank W. Eiler ’64

Marthom Corporation McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC The Merck Company Foundation

Mrs. Helen T. Neidig P’73

Mrs. Lois C. Eiler

The Rev. Grant T. Nicholls ’69

Mr. Richard W. Fowler ’72

Mr. Clair W. Noll ’55

Mr. Eugene R. Geesey ’56, P’76

Mrs. Doris Novinger

Mr. Donald S. Gingrich ’52

Mr. John F. Onofrey ’64 Mrs. Leah T. (Thorpe) Page ’54

Metz Culinary Management

Mrs. Karen M. (McHenry) Gluntz ’82

Metz Family Foundation

Dr. Martin L. Gluntz ’53

Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan Foundation

Mr. Robert E. Harnish

Mr. George M. Reider Jr. ’63

Mosteller and Associates

Mrs. Colleen C. (Clemens) Harris ’74

Mrs. Polly A. (Risser) Reinhart ’57

The National Science Foundation

Mrs. Estelle B. (Berger) Hartranft ’59

Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97

Mr. Arthur E. Arnold II

Dr. Linda H. (Heefner) Heindel ’59

Mrs. Doris S. Riley

Mrs. Ellen H. Arnold, CFRE, P’91

Dr. Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85

Northwestern Mutual Foundation Novartis Matching Gift Center Pennsylvania Power & Light Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Presser Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program— The Dickenson Family Charitable Fund Verizon Foundation Women’s Club of Lebanon YHB Investment Advisors, Inc.—The Reider Family Charitable Fund

PRL Industries, Inc. Rachuba Family Foundation, Inc. Redner’s Warehouse Markets Schwab Charitable Fund— The Steiners Family Endowment Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Susquehanna Bank Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church TE Connectivity Employee Matching Gift Program The John Frederick Steinman Foundation Trinity United Church of Christ United Methodist Women of Eastern Pennsylvania Conference United Way of the Capital Region


Mr. Kenneth C. Donmoyer ’54

The Honors Society The Honors Society of Lebanon Valley College celebrates and recognizes alumni and friends who have planned for the future of the College by establishing deferred gifts of $10,000 or more, or by making gifts of real estate or insurance policies to the College. It is with gratitude that we list their names below.

Mr. Theodore L. Blumenthal ’57 Mr. Larry A. Bowman ’70

Mr. B. Thomas Henry ’70 Mrs. Mary M. (Kesler) Henry ’74

Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 Mrs. Janet L. (Blank) Rismiller ’59 Mr. Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 Dr. Gail E. (Edgar) Ritrievi ’54

Dr. Nancy H. Bright ’50

Mrs. Judith B. (Baker) Higgins ’64

Mr. Donald L. Burkholder ’54

Dr. William R. Higgins ’64

Ms. Linda S. Rothermel ’69

Dr. Thomas B. Carmany ’58

Mrs. Gail P. (Peters) Jones ’76

The Rev. Charles W. Salisbury ’81, P’08

Mrs. Phyllis B. Carter

Dr. John W. Jones ’72

Mrs. Carol Cassel

Dr. William G. Jones ’50

Mrs. Victoria S. (Shaw) Salisbury ’82, P’08

Mrs. Pauline C. Charles Mr. Richard F. Charles

Mrs. Alice D. (Daniel) Kelly ’54, P’78, P’81

Mrs. Betty R. (Rutherford) Daiber ’41

Mrs. Margaret A. (Weinert) Kramer ’63

Dr. Ruth S. (Sheaffer) Daugherty ’52, P’76

Mrs. June L. (Lykens) Lantz ’57

Mrs. Nancy Davison P’83, P’86

The Rev. W. Franklin Lantz ’57

Mrs. Amy K. (Hoopes) Dellinger ’78, P’05

Mrs. Ann Lasky P’86

Mrs. Curvin N. Dellinger Jr. P’75, P’77, P’85

Mr. Malcolm L. Lazin ’65

Mr. Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05

Dr. David I. Lasky P’86

Dr. Paul Lipsitz ’44

Dr. Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 Mrs. Mary Jane Sample Mr. John A. Schoch Jr. ’72, P’14 Mr. Michael G. Scolamiero ’81 Mrs. Jane G. (Gruber) Seiverling ’43 Mr. George D. Shaak ’55 Mrs. Adora R. (Rabiger) Smith ’55 Mrs. Glenda J. Synodinos

Mrs. K. Elaine Longenecker P’77

Mr. Albert J. Taylor Jr. ’65

Ms. Jane L. Martin ’52

Mr. William J. Van Etten ’86

Mrs. Shirley J. (Jacobs) Aichele ’59

Mr. Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. ’62

Ms. Debra Jo Alexander ’80

Mr. Anthony M. DeMarco ’70

Mrs. Ellen B. McGill

Mrs. Margaret A. (Fake) Anders ’50

The Rev. Joseph B. Dietz ’60

Dr. Harry K. Miller Jr. ’43, H’70


Mrs. Carol A. Reider

Dr. William J. McGill H’98

Mrs. Diane A. (Aldinger) Vaszily ’67 Mr. John C. Vaszily ’66

Ms. Kathleen C. Wall Dr. David H. Wallace ’50, H’76 Ms. Lynette E. Waller ’55 Mrs. Patricia L. (Lutz) Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 Mr. Matthew A. Weaver ’06 Mrs. Lindsay J. Weaver Dr. Elizabeth K. (Kreiser) Weisburger ’44, H’89 Mr. Harlan R. Wengert H’87

Mr. Edward R. Bachman ’37 Mrs. Henrietta A. (Wagner) Barnhart ’32 Mr. George C. Bartley Mrs. Imogene R. Billett Ms. Louise E. Bishop ’36 Mr. Salvador A. Botello Mrs. Winona S. (Schroff) Botello ’36 Mr. Charles T. Brightbill ’58

Mrs. Nancy N. Wengert

Mrs. Adelaide S. (Sanders) Burgner ’43

Mr. James A. Wilhelm ’50, P’83

Mrs. Hannah Sachs Cantor

Mrs. Marion G. (Geib) Wilhelm ’49, P’83

D. Clark Carmean H’85

Mr. Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 Dr. Suzanne H. Worrilow P’71, P’75 Dr. Ralph E. Yingst ’55 Mrs. Carol A. (Smith) Yost ’62 Mr. Harry B. Yost ’62 Mrs. Grace K. (Keener) Zerbe ’30 Mrs. Nancy C. (Cramer) Zimmerman ’53 Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman H’92

Dr. Elizabeth M. Geffen Mr. Harvey W. Gehr ’21 The Rev. Marjorie A. Glascow ’85 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Glen Dr. Murray B. Grosky ’57 Dr. Alvin R. Grove ’36 Mr. Jack D. Gramm ’51 Mr. William A. Grill ’26 Dr. Dorothy F. Grimm ’36 The Rev. Thomas W. Guinivan ’39, H’66 Ms. Anna M. Herr ’36 June E. (Eby) Herr ’34, H’97, P’62

The Legacy Society recognizes members of the Honors Society and other generous alumni and friends of the College who, on their passing, provided $10,000 or more for Lebanon Valley College in their estate. We remember them below with gratitude. Mrs. Agnes C. Alderdice Dr. John B. Allwein ’56 Mrs. Mary A. (Albert) Attick ’40

Mrs. Edith M. (McCartney) Jones ’51 Mrs. Dorotha E. (Eldridge) Kline ’31 Ms. Judith A. Kressler ’61 Mr. Howard F. Lebegern ’49 Mrs. Margaret L. Lebegern Mrs. Cora G. (Graby) Limmroth ’39 The Rev. Robert P. Longenecker ’51, H’78, P’77 Ms. Grace Loraine Lowther Mr. Edmund Madciff

Edna J. (Jenkins) Carmean ’59, H’85

Dr. Monroe H. Martin ’28, H’58

Ms. Doris L. Carter ’43

Mrs. Lois J. (Seavers) Miller ’42

Ms. Kathleen E. Cassidy Mrs. Helen M. Christman

Mrs. Helen G. (Groh) Milewski ’32

Mr. Willis R. Christman Mrs. Jeanne B. (Bozarth) Cleaver ’50

Dr. John H. Moyer III ’39, H’69, P’73, P’75

Mrs. June M. Clodoveo

Mrs. Suzanne K. (Krauss) Moyer ’63

Ms. M. Blanche Cochran ’30

Mr. David B. Myers

Mrs. Madeline M. (Mark) Colman ’27

Ms. Mildred E. Myers ’30

Ms. Sara L. Corbin Mr. John L. Cousler

Legacy Society

Ms. Barbara G. Johnson ’58

Mr. Ronald M. Daugherty ’60

Mr. Ralph S. Espenshade ’50 Dr. Mae I. Fauth ’33 Ms. Wanda K. Flinchbaugh Lt. Col. James T. Frantz Jr. ’33 Mrs. Sara A. Frantz

Dr. Nancy D. (Deimler) Seiders ’52 Mrs. Louise S. (Stoner) Shaffer ’38 Dr. Ralph S. Shay ’42 Mr. Ross R. Sheesley Dr. David P. Sheetz ’48 Mr. Alvin W. Shenk Ms. Elizabeth S. Sloat ’25 Mrs. Eileen L. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth G. (Gallatin) Snoke ’18 Mr. Robert E. Snyder ’57 Mr. Edward E. Stansfield ’44 Mr. Alfred E. Stevens ’42 Dr. George R. Struble John A. Synodinos H’96 Ms. Evelyn Toser ’52 Ms. B. Elizabeth Ulrich ’32

Mrs. Evelyn L. Ulrich Mrs. Catharine H. (Hellick) Van Ness ’59

Dr. S. Elizabeth Piel

Mr. Stanley G. Eberly

Capt. Marlin D. Seiders ’47, H’73

Dr. Agnes M. O’Donnell

Mr. Curvin N. Dellinger ’38, P’75, P’77, P’85

Ellen Jane L. (Lorenz) Porter H’47 Ms. Yvonne L. Raab ’45 The Rev. Alvin S. Hildebrand ’49

Dr. Richard D. Schreiber ’34

Mr. Harry Newcomer

Ms. Neva Mae Pickwell

Mrs. Gladys S. Eberly

Dr. William H. Schindel ’45

Dr. Samuel D. Ulrich ’33, P’71

Mr. Philip S. Davis

Ms. Edythe S. Dundore

Mrs. Grace U. Sanders

Mr. William J. Myers ’30

Mr. J. Robert O’Donnell

Mrs. Ella Mae Dellinger P’62

Dr. Robert C. Riley

Mrs. Anna Mae B. (Bomberger) Reber ’41 Mrs. Rhea P. Reese

Mrs. Mary E. (Eckert) Hoffman ’48

Mr. Charles E. Reigart

Mrs. Jessie R. (Robertson) Holcombe ’43

Mr. E. Wayne Reinbold ’65

Ms. Ruth E. Reigel ’29

Ms. Eva M. Horn

Ms. Keturah L. Renshaw P’67

Mrs. Olivette H. (Haas) Husted ’28

Mrs. Gertrude E. (Enders) Richards ’43

Ms. Alice M. Wagner Mrs. Jeannette S. Walter Mr. Elvin W. Walters ’49 Mr. Leslie D. Wareham Ms. Margaret I. Weaver ’35 Ms. Margaret S. Weimer ’40 Mr. William Wertz ’50 Mrs. Amelia C. Winter Mr. John L. Witmer Mrs. C. Jeanette Witmer Mr. Charles W. Wolfe ’44 Mr. Guy R. Yarrison ’20 Ms. Margaret I. Zeigler



The Walter Society The Walter Society recognizes alumni, parents, and friends for their continued support of LVC for five or more years. Recent graduates can qualify for membership by making at least one gift in every year since their graduation.

Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society Level Members 20+ Mr. Kevin M. Adler M’99 and Mrs. Shanna G. Adler 15+ Mr. Mac Aichele and Mrs. Shirley J. (Jacobs) Aichele ’59 10+ Mr. Charles B. Allwein ’64 20+ ✝Dr. John B. Allwein ’56 10+ Mr. H. William Alsted ’65 25+ Kristen R. Angstadt, Ph.D., ’74 10+ E.H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08

5+ Mr. Terence C. Brown ’78 and Ms. Kristin J. Bell 25+ Mr. Kenneth S. Berry ’67, P’94 15+ Mr. James R. Biery ’70 10+ Ms. Katherine J. Bishop and Mr. Bruce W. Kreider 20+ Mrs. Linda M. (Weaver) Blair ’77 25+ Mr. Theodore L. Blumenthal ’57 5+ Capt. Charles D. Bolan ’48 and Ms. Anna L. Light ’51 5+ Dr. Lewis W. Bowman ’50 and Mrs. Erla M. Bowman 25+ Dr. Nancy H. Bright ’50

10+ Mrs. Anne B. Bashore 15+ Mr. Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92 and Mrs. Lisa M. (Henry) Beard ’93


25+ Dr. Salvatore S. Cullari and Mrs. Kathryn Cullari

25+ Mr. William J. Brown Jr. ’79, P’07 and Mrs. Donna M. Brown P’07

5+ Mr. Geret P. De Piper ’68 and Mrs. Theresa F. (Featherstone) De Piper ’71

15+ The Rev. Norman B. Bucher ’50 and Mrs. Janet E. (Eppley) Bucher ’50

10+ Mr. Donald DeBenedett ’54

5+ Mr. Joseph E. Buehler ’89 and Mrs. Jennifer L. Buehler 15+ Mrs. Patricia D. (Davis) Bullock ’62, P’95, P’97

25+ Mr. Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 and Mrs. Amy K. (Hoopes) Dellinger ’78, P’05 15+ Mr. Woodrow S. Dellinger Jr. ’62 15+ Mr. Anthony M. DeMarco ’70 and Mrs. Cynthia E. DeMarco 15+ Dr. Johannes Dietrich and Dr. Marie-Aline Cadieux 10+ Mr. Robert J. Dillane ’77 and Mrs. Deborah M. (Madeira) Dillane ’77

15+ Mr. James R. Atkins and Mrs. Deborah L. Atkins

25+ Dr. Elizabeth M. (Miller) Bains ’64

10+ Mr. Gerald A. Collins

5+ Mrs. Andrea J. (Davino) Danch ’81

20+ Mrs. Jennifer E. (Crouter) Arthur ’80

20+ Dr. Loy C. Awkerman ’50 and Mrs. Rose Marie (Root) Awkerman ’49

15+ Mr. G. Stuart Close ’65

5+ Mr. Paul W. Brockie ’80

25+ Suzanne H. Arnold H’96 and Mr. Ronald Schrotberger

15+ Mrs. Barbara J. (Macaw) Atkinson ’67

15+ Mr. Jerome C. Chepulis and Mrs. Faye A. Chepulis

25+ Mr. Donald L. Burkholder ’54

15+ Mr. Warren D. Ditzler ’68 and Mrs. Carol E. (Edgecomb) Ditzler ’68

15+ Mr. Anthony Calabrese ’73 and Mrs. Kathy N. (Neidig) Calabrese ’73

5+ Carroll E. Ditzler, D.D.S., ’58 and Mrs. Jean V. Ditzler

5+ Mr. J. Matthew Cecil M’10 and Mrs. Jamie N. (Deck) Cecil M’07 25+ Mr. Richard F. Charles and Mrs. Pauline C. Charles


15+ Mr. Ronald J. Drnevich and Mrs. Mary Katherine Drnevich 5+ Dr. Robert E. Enck ’67, P’03 and Mrs. Martha Y. Enck P’03 25+ Dr. Herbert Fields ’54 and Mrs. Susan E. Fields 10+ Mrs. Marjorie S. Fish 10+ Dr. Hiram E. Fitzgerald ’62 and Mrs. Dolores K. (Koncar) Fitzgerald ’63 5+ Shawn M. Fitzgerald, Ph.D., ’88 25+ Dr. Arthur L. Ford Jr. ’59 and Mrs. Mary Ellen Ford 5+ Mr. Walter S. Frankowski Jr. ’73 and Mrs. Kathleen Frankowski 25+ Mr. Walter F. Fullam ’80, P’07 and Mrs. Deborah R. (Reimer) Fullam ’81, P’07 20+ Mr. John M. Galat ’67 and Mrs. Ellen G. Galat 5+ Mrs. Kim M. Gardner 5+ Mr. Carey C. Garland ’73 25+ Mr. Donald S. Gingrich ’52 10+ Mrs. Nancy M. (Meyer) Gingrich ’49

5+ Mr. Frank J. Dixon and Mrs. Elsie Dixon

10+ Mr. William C. Gingrich ’65

20+ ✝Mr. Henry G. Douglass ’58, P’81 and Dr. Jacquelyn F. (Fetterhoff) Douglass ’57, P’81

5+ Mr. James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Mrs. Patricia A. Glasgow 25+ Dr. Judith F. (Fonken) Grem ’72

25+ Mr. Jensen H. Groff Jr. ’70 and Mrs. Linda H. Groff 5+ Dr. Jonathan Grote ’79 5+ Mr. Steven E. Grove ’74 5+ Mr. Larry Q. Hall ’61 and Mrs. Sandra K. Hall 10+ Dr. Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 and Dr. Kimberly S. Harbaugh 25+ Mrs. Colleen C. (Clemens) Harris ’74 and Mr. Loy H. Harris 5+ Mr. Richard M. Harris and Mrs. Sukey Harris 25+ Mrs. Estelle B. (Berger) Hartranft ’59 10+ Ms. Jayanne N. (Hogate) Hayward ’01 25+ Mrs. Carolyn L. (Kiblinger) Hearsey ’83 5+ Dr. Roger A. Heckman ’73 and Mrs. Nancy J. (Hunt) Heckman ’73 25+ Dr. Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Dr. Linda H. (Heefner) Heindel ’59 25+ Lloyd R. Helt Jr., Esq., ’70 and Ms. Ruth C. Gray 5+ Dr. Russel C. Hertzog ’64 5+ Dr. Paula K. Hess ’69 25+ Dr. William R. Higgins ’64 and Mrs. Judith B. (Baker) Higgins ’64 5+ Mr. Gregory A. High ’92 10+ Dr. Edward J. Hilton ’78 and Mrs. Dorothy A. Hilton

5+ Mr. Eric L. Himelright M’98 and Mrs. Amy Himelright

5+ Mr. R. Lee Kunkel ’57 and Mrs. Rosalind H. (Horn) Kunkel ’60

5+ Mrs. Linda J. (Weber) Hissner ’63 and Mr. William Hissner

10+ Mr. Malcolm L. Lazin ’65

10+ The Rev. Jack R. Hoffman ’58 and Mrs. Jean H. (Henninger) Hoffman ’58 25+ ✝Mr. Sidney L. Hofing ’56 5+ Mr. Steven J. Holsinger and Mrs. Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger 25+ Dr. Michael P. Hottenstein ’58 25+ Betty C. (Criswell) Hungerford ’54, H’09 5+ Mrs. Ellen K. (Kreiser) Jarrett ’67 5+ Mrs. Dorothy J. Jennings-Williams ’04 10+ Mrs. Melissa H. (Howard) Jimeno ’96 20+ Mr. Robert E. Johns Jr. ’75 and Mrs. Holly Johns 25+ Dr. John W. Jones ’72 and Mrs. Gail P. (Peters) Jones ’76 15+ Mrs. Susan S. (Sarisky) Jones ’92 and Mr. James W. Jones 25+ Dr. John P. Kearney and ✝Mrs. Carol J. Kearney 25+ Mr. William H. Kiick ’57, P’97 and Mrs. R. Lynne Kiick P’97 25+ Mr. George J. King ’68 and Mrs. Eileen King 10+ Mrs. Suzanne H. (Hackman) Kirkhoff ’77, M’98, P’11 5+ Mrs. Wanda P. (Price) Koehler ’38 25+ Mrs. Margaret A. (Weinert) Kramer ’63 5+ Capt. Alfred J. Kreiser ’61 5+ Mr. Gregory H. Krikorian and Mrs. Mary Krikorian

5+ Mrs. Theresa A. (Rachuba) Leatherbury ’86 10+ Mrs. Lisa S. (Burke) Lee ’93 15+ Mr. William Lehr Jr. and Mrs. Beverlee B. Lehr 25+ Donald W. Lesher Jr. H’00 and Mrs. Nancy O. Lesher 5+ Dr. Francis T. Lichtner Jr. ’75 15+ Mr. Willard L. Light ’57 20+ Mr. Richard L. London ’65 25+ Mrs. Nancy M. (McCullough) Longnecker ’72 25+ Mr. Ted Lyter ’71 15+ Dr. Stephen C. MacDonald and Ms. Mary C. Warner 5+ Ms. Karen L. Mackrides ’87 5+ Mr. Paul S. Manubay P’11 and Mrs. Carol P. Manubay P’11 25+ Mrs. Rufina B. (Balmer) Marquette ’51 20+ Frederic J. Marsik, Ph.D., ’65 20+ Mr. James M. McArdle ’57, P’83 and Mrs. Selina H. (Hill) McArdle ’61, P’83 20+ Mr. Ellis W. McCracken Jr. ’63 and Mrs. Jacquelyn J. McCracken 25+ Dr. William J. McGill H’98 and Mrs. Ellen B. McGill 20+ Dr. Mark L. Mecham and Mrs. Patsy T. Mecham 25+ Mr. Larry M. Mentzer ’59

3+ Mr. Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10 and Mrs. Amy J. Mendelsohn 20+ Mr. Joseph C. Mesics and Mrs. Sandra B. Mesics 20+ Mrs. Louise B. Metka P’84 10+ Mr. Carl E. Miller ’65, P’89 and Mrs. Bonita G. Miller P’89 10+ Dr. Gary D. Miller ’71 25+ Dr. Carroll L. Missimer ’76, ’79 and Mrs. Linda L. Missimer 5+ Dr. Malik N. Momin ’83 10+ Mr. George L. Morse ’70 25+ Mr. Ronald J. Mosemann ’57 and Mrs. Geraldine S. (Sheaffer) Mosemann ’57 10+ Dr. Glenn A. Moser ’65 10+ Mr. George R. Moyer ’69 25+ Mr. Thomas G. Myers ’83

5+ Mrs. Gail S. (Fox) Reeder ’74 10+ Mr. Timothy L. Reese ’76 and Mrs. Jean B. (Boag) Reese ’76 25+ Mr. George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Mrs. Carol A. Reider 20+ Mrs. Diana L. (Leedy) Reilly ’91 25+ Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Mrs. Polly A. (Risser) Reinhart ’57 25+ Mr. Michael D. Rhoads ’75 15+ Mr. Frank S. Rhodes ’83, P’08 and Mrs. Kay K. (Koser) Rhodes ’83, P’08 25+ Dr. Jacob L. Rhodes ’43, P’87 25+ Mr. Robert A. Riley and Mrs. Brenda M. Riley 25+ Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Mrs. Janet L. (Blank) Rismiller ’59 10+ Mrs. Jessica B. (Bostdorf) Ritchie ’99, M’06 and Dr. Jeffrey J. Ritchie

25+ Mr. Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 and Dr. Gail E. (Edgar) Ritrievi ’54 20+ Mr. Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Mrs. Janet L. (Gessner) Roberts ’68 5+ Elyse E. Rogers, Esq., ’76 10+ Mrs. Mary E. (Mehaffey) Roth ’43 5+ Ms. Linda S. Rothermel ’69 5+ Dr. David V. Rudd and Mrs. Shirley Rudd 5+ Dr. Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mrs. Mary Jane Sample 10+ Dr. Craig J. Sansonetti P’06 and Dr. Jean E. Sansonetti P’06 20+ Mrs. Cheryl D. (Green) Sault ’84 and Mr. Charles J. Sault 10+ Mrs. Karen A. (Lewis) Schmitt ’80 25+ Dr. James W. Scott P’97 and Mrs. Carolyn B. Scott P’97 15+ Mr. George D. Shaak ’55

20+ Mrs. Helen T. Neidig P’73 5+ Mr. Stephen M. Nelson ’84, P’12 and Dr. Deborah D. (Detwiler) Nelson ’84, P’12 25+ Dr. James R. Newcomer ’68, P’94 and Mrs. Janice E. Newcomer P’94 10+ John S. Oyler, Esq., and Ms. Gail C. Faulkner 10+ Dr. Lynn G. (Garrett) Phillips ’68 and ✝Dr. Edward L. Phillips 5+ Mr. Kevin M. Poole ’05, M’09 and Mrs. Melissa A. (Ulrich) Poole ’05 20+ Mrs. Edith K. (Kreiser) Probus ’46 15+ Mr. Thomas V. Quinn ’56



10+ Mr. Benjamin B. Shankroff and Mrs. Suzanne M. Shankroff

20+ Mr. John J. Stouffer ’60 and Mrs. Sandra S. (Stetler) Stouffer ’62

5+ Mr. L. Nelson Umble ’60 and Mrs. Marian B. Umble

5+ Dr. Samuel J. Shubrooks Jr. ’61

20+ Mr. David P. Stover ’91 and Mrs. Tracey A. (Smith) Stover ’91

2+ Mrs. Donalee Unal ’11 and Dr. Abdurrahman Unal

25+ Dr. Sterling F. Strause ’52

10+ Mr. Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 and Dr. Elizabeth R. (Robinson) Unger ’72, P’98, P’08

5+ Mr. Thomas I. Siegel ’76, P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 and Mrs. Linda R. Siegel P’06, P’08, P’11, P’16 10+ Mr. Robert H. Sinclair and Mrs. Jean S. Sinclair 25+ Dr. Tibor Sipos ’64, P’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89 5+ Dr. Gary K. Smith ’74 5+ Mr. Todd C. Snovel ’06

10+ Dr. Dale E. Summers and Mrs. Linda L. Summers 20+ Mr. Daniel S. Sweigart ’77

10+ ✝Mrs. Catharine H. (Hellick) Van Ness ’59

5+ Dr. Dennis W. Sweigart ’63

15+ Mr. John C. Vaszily ’66 and Mrs. Diane A. (Aldinger) Vaszily ’67

25+ Mrs. Glenda J. Synodinos

15+ Mr. Edward Vinarski ’77 5+ Dr. Mary Louise (Young) Wagner ’55 5+ Mr. Paul W. Wagner and Mrs. Sandra L. Wagner

10+ Mrs. M. Rosie (Hollinger) Sorrentino ’54 25+ Morton Spector H’02, P’79 and Mrs. Alyce Spector P’79 10+ Mr. William J. Sponaugle and Mrs. Carol Sponaugle 15+ Mrs. Joan H. Squires ’79 10+ Mr. Michael T. Stamm ’97 and Mrs. Jennifer P. (Pellegrino) Stamm ’00 15+ Mrs. Doris M. Stanson 15+ Mrs. Carol A. (Bronson) Steiner ’61 and Mr. Richard E. Steiner 5+ Mr. James G. Stoltzfus ’81 and Mrs. Karen E. (Veigel) Stoltzfus ’81


10+ Ms. Joan R. Taylor ’68 20+ Mrs. Bonnie C. (Cunningham) Tenney ’96 and Mr. Edwin D. Tenney 15+ Mr. J. Kenneth Thomas Jr. ’68, P’99 and Mrs. Mary (D’Anna) Thomas ’68, P’99 5+ David G. Thompson, Ph.D., ’65 and Mrs. Elaine B. Thompson ’67 15+ Mr. Merrill C. Thrush P’00, P’03 and Mrs. Barbara A. Thrush P’00, P’03 15+ Mrs. Brenda B. (Brown) Troisi ’62 and Mr. Frank X. Troisi 10+ Mrs. Amelia Troutman P’84 25+ Mr. Brian C. Trust ’83 25+ Dr. Dennis J. Tulli ’69


25+ Dr. Allan F. Wolfe and Mrs. Juliana M. Wolfe

1+ Mr. Matthew D. Morell ’12

25+ Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel ’49, H’68 and Mrs. Lois J. (Shank) Yeakel ’49

4+ Mr. Andrew T. Moser ’05

25+ Harry B. Yost, Esq., ’62 and Mrs. Carol A. (Smith) Yost ’62 25+ Mr. Joseph T. Yost ’69 15+ Mr. James H. Zimmerman ’64, P’91 25+ Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 and Mrs. Nancy C. (Cramer) Zimmerman ’53

Vickroy GOLD Society Level Members

2+ Mr. Michael S. Nelson ’12 and Mrs. Brittni J. (Garvin) Nelson ’12 5+ Mr. Ted Pinca P’03, P’09, P’10 and Mrs. Ann K. (Pitt) Pinca ’10, P’03, P’09, P’10 1+ Mr. Donald J. Poligone Jr. ’12 3+ Mrs. Michelle A. (Little) Ruppert ’11 and Mr. Eric D. Ruppert ’10 1+ Ms. Audrey A. Satterfield ’12 5+ Ms. Shaylene R. Scheib ’07

25+ Ms. Beverly A. Walp ’58

10+ Mr. Ryan J. Arnold ’03 and Mrs. Ann E. Arnold

25+ Mrs. Patricia L. (Lutz) Walter ’57, P’85, P’91

1+ Mr. Jordan M. Beaver ’12

20+ Mr. Leonard Washington Jr. P’86 and Albertine Washington H’91, P’86

1+ Ms. Rachel B. Beazley ’12

Valley Club Level Members

5+ Mr. Thomas D. Busteed ’09

15+ Ms. Lois L. Adams ’52

10+ Dr. Elizabeth K. (Kreiser) Weisburger ’44, H’89 15+ Mr. Robert M. Weissman 25+ Mrs. Joan G. (Gilbert) Wengert ’53 and Mr. Clifford J. Wengert 25+ Mr. Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Mrs. Nancy N. Wengert 5+ Mrs. Patricia S. Wiedeke ’49 25+ Dr. J. Dennis Williams H’90 and Mrs. M. Lenore Williams 25+ Mr. Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Mrs. Elaine J. (Joy) Willman ’68 25+ Mr. Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58 5+ Dr. Paul L. Wolf P’90 and Mrs. Martha R. Wolf P’90

5+ Mr. Jon-David Byers ’05 2+ Ms. Kristin A. Donohue ’12 4+ Mr. Daniel J. Dunkelberger ’10 1+ Ms. Rhiannon M. Eckinger ’12 5+ Mr. Justin R. Engle ’05 2+ Mr. Jason M. Gigous ’11 1+ Mr. Christopher W. Hall ’12 1+ Mr. David A. Hallinan Jr. ’12 4+ Mr. Gregory A. Kauffman ’09 3+ Mr. David C. McLaughlin ’10 and Mrs. Katie M. McLaughlin ’07 4+ Mrs. Carole J. (Roethlein) Meyer ’10 and Mr. Alexander T. Meyer ’98

2+ Mr. Jason T. Sneeringer ’11 5+ Mr. David J. Sodl Jr. ’08

15+ Mrs. Suzanne E. (Enterline) Agi ’96 10+ Anonymous 25+ Mr. Stephen M. Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 and Mrs. Lois A. (Moore) Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 20+ Mr. D. Larry Bachtell ’67 and Mrs. Pixie H. (Hunsicker) Bachtell ’69 25+ Mrs. Kathie M. (Diehl) Bittenbender ’76 and Mr. Robert Bittenbender 5+ Charles H. Blevins, Ph.D., ’78 5+ Mr. Samuel J. Boutselis 5+ Mrs. Maria M. (Montesano) Boyer ’86 10+ Mrs. Jessica A. (Thrush) Burchfield ’00 5+ Mr. Brian L. Cain ’84, P’09 and Mrs. Theresa Cain P’09

5+ Mr. Scott V. Carney ’78 10+ The Rev. Richard L. Cassel ’60 15+ Mrs. Judith B. (Bowman) Downs ’65 25+ Dr. Scott H. Eggert and Mr. G. Daniel Massad 5+ Mr. Ralph J. Fetrow, C.F.P., ’73 20+ Mr. David E. Fisher ’78, ’93 and Mrs. Lou Ann (Buffington) Fisher ’78 25+ Mrs. Lucille P. (Dunne) Forrest ’69 25+ Mr. Eugene R. Geesey ’56, P’76 and Mrs. Barbara R. Geesey P’76 25+ Dr. Martin L. Gluntz ’53 and Mrs. Karen M. (McHenry) Gluntz ’82 25+ Ms. Nora M. Goodman ’47 20+ Mr. Charles K. Greenawalt ’49 and Mrs. Eloise L. Greenawalt 10+ Mr. Nathan J. Greenawalt ’98, M’02 25+ Mr. Robert C. Greiner ’70 and Mrs. Margie L. (Hardenstine) Greiner ’70 25+ Dr. Michael F. Gross ’82 20+ Mr. Warren R. Heidelbaugh ’58 and Mrs. Helen F. (Felty) Heidelbaugh ’90 25+ Mrs. Rebecca S. (Burtner) Hein ’74 25+ Mrs. Sharon S. (Stetler) Herr ’66 10+ Mr. Rory C. Hertzog ’90 and Mrs. Diane C. (Capece) Hertzog ’90 15+ Gregory J. Hessinger, Esq., ’87 20+ The Rev. Dr. Julie M. (Mader) Hostetter ’73 5+ Mr. Andrew R. Hower ’89 and Mrs. Christine M. (Richmond) Hower ’89

10+ The Rev. William A. Hower ’59

10+ Mr. Robin E. Rowand ’75

25+ The Hon. Wayne G. Hummer ’59

10+ Ms. Jill E. Samples ’76

25+ Mr. Lawrence E. Jones ’56, P’85, P’88 and Mrs. Georgianne B. (Funk) Jones ’57, P’85, P’88 20+ Ms. Michele A. Klinsky ’92 15+ Mrs. Geraldine N. (Nichols) Koppenhaver ’54 25+ Mr. Russell P. Labe Jr. ’78 5+ Mr. Thomas M. Lantz ’83, P’15 and Mrs. Jennifer M. Lantz P’15 5+ Dr. Robert C. Lau ’65 5+ Ms. Joanne I. Lazzaro ’83 20+ Mr. Robert E. Lemke ’83 25+ Mr. Richard A. Look ’72 5+ Mrs. Bryna L. (Vandergrift) McCall ’89 25+ Mr. Robert P. McCoy ’49 15+ Mr. John C. Moeckel ’78 5+ Mr. Stephen M. Mozi ’96 and Mrs. Rebecca E. (Miller) Mozi ’96 5+ Mrs. Janet Neiswender P’79, P’82 10+ Mr. George R. Petrie ’72 and Mrs. Connilu G. (Givler) Petrie ’73 10+ Mr. David E. Pleet and Mrs. Lynn Pleet 5+ Dr. George R. Plitnik ’63 10+ The Rev. Christopher M. Rankin ’01 5+ Dr. George A. Reiner ’86

10+ Mr. John Sant’Ambrogio ’54 15+ Mr. James C. Schoch ’76 20+ Dr. Henry D. Schreiber ’70 5+ Mr. Bradley A. Shatinsky ’83 5+ Mrs. Glenda S. (Scott) Singiser ’54 20+ Mr. Steven E. Snyder 15+ Mr. E. Lee Spancake ’64 and Mrs. Lynn L. (Lewis) Spancake ’64 15+ Mrs. Olive B. (Binner) Stoops ’63

5+ Ms. Rosemary Yuhas

25+ Mr. James L. Boyle ’63

5+ Mr. Christopher J. Zebrowski ’91

10+ Mr. John A. Brennan ’01 and Mrs. Beth A. (Light) Brennan ’01

Charter Club Level Members

10+ Mr. Daniel J. Bruno ’92

20+ The Rev. David H. Andrews ’51, P’71 and Mrs. Grace M. Andrews P’71 5+ Mr. Matthew J. Andris ’90 10+ Mrs. Karen L. (Fuller) Ayres ’82 25+ The Rev. Michael A. Baal ’79, ’00

10+ Mrs. Jasmine (Ammons) Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14 and Mr. Mark Bucher P’14 10+ Dr. Randy A. Bull ’75 10+ Mr. Ronald L. Bush ’69 20+ Bernerd A. Buzgon, Esq., ’59 15+ Mr. Roque J. Calvo ’80 and Mrs. Marianne W. (Willever) Calvo ’79

20+ Ms. Barbara H. Bailes ’63

15+ Mr. Thomas M. Strohman ’75, P’08 and Mrs. Sherie A. (Warlow) Strohman ’79, P’08 20+ Mr. David M. Sullivan ’92 and Mrs. Catherine E. (Crissman) Sullivan ’94 5+ Mr. Charles W. Taylor and Mrs. Josephine J. Taylor 5+ Jeffrey A. Bomberger, Esq., ’78 and Dr. Elaine A. Thallner ’79

10+ Dr. Marianne Bartley

5+ Mrs. Grace M. Tom

10+ Dr. Robert M. Bashore ’48

20+ Mr. Stephen W. Trapnell ’90

5+ Michael Bechtold, Esq.

10+ Mr. Paul A. Vollberg ’98 and Mrs. Erin E. (Paxson) Vollberg ’00

5+ Dr. Joseph P. Bering ’52

5+ Dr. Karen E. Beres ’91

15+ Mr. John D. Wade ’91

20+ Mrs. Brenda H. (Funk) Berry ’60

5+ Mr. Matthew D. Weaver and Mr. Phillip Neiswender

25+ Dr. Philip A. Billings and Mrs. Sue A. Billings

15+ The Rev. Charles E. Weigel ’66

25+ Mr. John D. Boag ’51, P’76, P’80 and Mrs. Margaret B. (Bower) Boag ’51, P’76, P’80

25+ Dr. H. Joshua Weiser Jr. ’47 and Mrs. Frances W. (Workman) Weiser ’46

20+ Mr. Ronald L. Richcreek ’68

5+ Dr. Mark R. Witmer ’85 and Mrs. Barbara N. (Nace) Witmer ’85

20+ Mr. Joseph F. Rilatt ’91 and Mrs. Susan M. (Partilla) Rilatt ’90

10+ Dr. Jeffrey A. Yocum and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yocum

25+ Mr. David Boltz IV ’72 20+ Mr. Thomas A. Bowman Sr. P’88, P’96 and Mrs. Donna L. Bowman P’88, P’96 25+ Mr. Larry A. Bowman ’70

10+ Dr. James W. Carpenter ’60 and Mrs. Barbara L. (Burns) Carpenter ’60 10+ Mr. James M. Carroll ’90 5+ Dr. David K. Carter ’84 and Dr. Wendy K. (Kauffman) Carter ’85 5+ Mr. Stephen J. Clark P’12 and Mrs. Kelly A. Clark P’12 15+ Mrs. Joan H. (Heindel) Colliflower ’58 5+ Mr. Michael B. Danko ’96 and Mrs. Jennifer C. (Calabrese) Danko ’97 15+ Mrs. Becky D. (Huber) Davidowski ’72 10+ Jennifer S. Davis, D.M.D., ’96 25+ Mr. John W. Davis ’64



25+ Mr. Robert J. Mrazik ’79 and Mrs. Susan S. (Slaybaugh) Mrazik ’80 20+ Mr. Walter H. Muller ’59

5+ Mr. Spencer J. Dech ’96

20+ Mr. D. John Grace Jr. ’55

25+ Mr. William F. DeLiberty ’59 and Mrs. M. Nancy (Ovates) DeLiberty ’61

5+ Dr. Dorothy L. (Landis) Gray ’44

25+ Mrs. Lisa S. (Hocker) Dew ’79 20+ The Rev. Timothy M. Dewald P’04 and Mrs. Carol J. Dewald ’86, P’04 5+ Mrs. Alice S. Diehl 5+ Mr. Ronald K. Dissinger ’57, P’98 and Mrs. Judith G. (Garvin) Dissinger ’64, P’98 5+ Dr. Dennis J. Easter P’15 and Mrs. Jennifer K. Easter P’15 10+ Mrs. Ruth A. Elder P’07 5+ Mr. Sylvester F. Eppley ’66 10+ Philip H. Feather, Esq., ’60 and Mrs. Judith K. (Kline) Feather ’62 5+ Mr. Kenneth R. Feather ’62 25+ The Rev. Richard G. Felty ’63, P’99 and Mrs. Joy A. (Klingler) Felty ’65, P’99 15+ Mr. Cameron L. Ferdinand ’96 25+ Mr. Robert R. Fischer ’51 20+ Mrs. Sara S. (Schott) Fisher ’47, P’71 20+ Ms. Kay F. Fontenoy ’65 25+ Kenneth R. Gilberg, Esq., ’73 25+ Ms. M. Gwendolyn Gilroy ’68 10+ Mr. Robert W. Goodling ’67


15+ Mrs. Terri A. (Folkenroth) Konzen ’76

25+ Mrs. Geraldine R. (Rothermel) Nease ’50 10+ Dr. Renee L. Norris 25+ Mr. Robert D. O’Hara

5+ Mr. Theodore W. Kozlowski P’12, P’14 and Mrs. Maryann G. Kozlowski P’12, P’14

20+ Dr. Donald A. Haight ’68 and Mrs. Diane B. (Bott) Haight ’68

25+ Mr. Craig C. Olinger ’81, P’14 and Mrs. Christine L. (Lowther) Olinger ’81, P’14

25+ Mr. John M. Lafferty ’66

5+ Mr. Roy J. Osborne M’05

25+ Mrs. Diane G. (Giovanis) Hankinson ’69

15+ Mr. Steven L. Lambert P’96 and Mrs. Pamela V. Lambert ’96, P’96

5+ Mrs. Barbara J. (Donnell) Osenkarski ’85

10+ Mr. Robert A. Gustin Sr. ’53

3+ Ms. Caitlin M. Harman ’13 5+ Mr. James W. Haslam ’69 5+ Bishop Susan W. (Wolfe) Hassinger ’64, H’97 5+ Mr. W. Roger Hayes ’91, M’10, P’16 and Mrs. Ann C. Hayes P’16 15+ Mr. Mark N. Heinly and Mrs. Amy L. Heinly 25+ Mrs. Gail M. (Fasnacht) Henschke ’72 5+ Mr. Herbert L. Hoover P’80 and ✝Mrs. Joanne M. Hoover P’80 15+ Dr. W. Jeffrey Hurst P’95, P’95 and Mrs. Deborah J. (Degenhart) Hurst ’84, P’95, P’95 15+ Mrs. Nancy A. (Myers) Inners ’52, P’83

15+ Mrs. Barbara K. (Kleinfelter) Lawver Teel ’50 5+ Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Baker) Lewis ’76 5+ The Rev. Charles W. Lightner ’58 and Mrs. Harriet M. (Mickey) Lightner ’58

10+ Dr. Laura E. Pence ’87 25+ Mr. William H. Phifer ’74 and Mrs. Sue B. (Boohar) Phifer ’75

10+ Mr. George Radanovic ’55 10+ Mr. K. William Reighter ’62 and Mrs. Judith K. (Kuchta) Reighter ’62 5+ Mr. Dennis J. Ritter P’02 and Mrs. Alexandra O. Ritter P’02 15+ Mrs. Alice B. (Bomberger) Savastio ’55

15+ Mr. Doyle W. Ivey Jr. ’62

15+ Dr. Robert S. Martin ’59, P’87 and Mrs. Patricia S. Martin P’87

5+ Mrs. Arlene S. (Schlosser) Keller ’47

25+ Mr. David E. Miller ’71

10+ Mrs. Sarah K. (Kuntz) Sergesketter ’74

5+ The Rev. Dr. Dennis R. Keller ’79, P’04 and Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Miller) Keller ’79, P’04

5+ Mr. James P. Monos Jr. and Mrs. Mary E. Monos

20+ Mr. Eugene K. Shaffer ’70, P’95 and Mrs. Shirley D. (Deaven) Shaffer ’69, P’95

5+ Mr. Kenneth J. Klein P’09 and Ms. Susan J. DeFord P’09


20+ ✝Ms. Darlene J. Sitler ’81 25+ Mrs. Adora R. (Rabiger) Smith ’55 20+ Mr. Joseph K. Snare ’58 5+ Mr. Chester E. Snedeker ’54, P’79

5+ Mr. G. Eugene Stambach ’62 and Mrs. Marena C. (Colgan) Stambach ’65

10+ Mrs. Sharon J. (DeBoer) Porter ’87

15+ Mr. George J. Morrow and Mrs. Katherine D. Morrow

15+ Mr. Conrad M. Siegel and Mrs. Gail Siegel

5+ Dr. Walter A. Patton and Dr. Stephanie M. Patton

20+ Mrs. Sharon P. (Love) Luyben ’81 and Mr. William N. Luyben

20+ Dr. Rodger C. Martin ’81 and Dr. Madhavi Z. Martin

5+ Dr. Valentino V. Sica ’50

20+ Mr. Steven W. St. John ’82

25+ Dr. Sidney Pollack and Mrs. Hanna Pollack

15+ Mr. Wesley J. MacMillan ’64 and Mrs. Elspeth L. (Lowrie) MacMillan ’66

25+ The Rev. William A. Sherman ’63

10+ Mrs. Roberta C. (Johns) Otto ’65

5+ Mrs. Joy H. (Hannigan) Littell ’74

25+ Mr. Robert Mackrides ’54, P’87 and Mrs. Rita J. (Castiglia) Mackrides ’55, P’87

25+ Mr. Joseph J. Shemeta ’52, P’76 and Mrs. Anne E. (Shroyer) Shemeta ’51, P’76

15+ Mrs. Barbara G. Schroeder-Buck ’75

25+ The Rev. Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, P’62, P’68, P’72

25+ ✝Mr. Joe L. Stauffer ’58, P’82 and Mrs. Sandra Stauffer P’82 15+ Mr. Glenn R. Stech, C.P.A., ’65, P’06 and Mrs. Carol J. Stech P’06 5+ Mr. Gregory A. Steckbeck ’99 5+ Mrs. Elizabeth R. (Reber) Steinbach ’74, P’02 and Mr. Glen L. Steinbach P’02 25+ Mr. Thomas E. Stewart ’73 20+ Dr. Roger J. Stopkie and Dr. Joelle L. Stopkie 10+ Mr. Robert H. Stull ’62 and Mrs. Nancy W. (Wagner) Stull ’64 15+ Mrs. Ann C. (Cunningham) Sylvester ’81, P’14 and Dr. Lawrence J. Sylvester P’14 5+ Dr. David G. Taylor ’02 5+ Dr. Arthur L. Terr ’48 20+ Ms. Joanne L. Toby ’76 25+ Mr. Curtis C. Troutman ’56

20+ Mr. Russell R. Urey ’62 20+ Dr. David H. Wallace ’50, H’76

5+ ✝Mr. Archie Battistelli and Mrs. Patricia J. Battistelli

5+ Mr. Brian D. Wassell ’91

5+ Mr. Thomas C. Bauer P’09 and Ms. Jenifer Courtney-Bauer P’09

10+ Dr. Michael K. Weed P’06 and Mrs. Susan D. Weed P’06

10+ Mrs. Miriam W. (Wehry) Bazar ’48

5+ Ms. Melissa Weidler 15+ Mrs. Martha R. (Rudnicki) Williams ’60 5+ Mr. Kenneth R. Wilson, C.P.A., ’90, ’91 and Mrs. Josephine M. (Cardinale) Wilson ’92 10+ Mr. Philip B. Wolf ’63 10+ Kenneth L. Wolfe H’00 and Mrs. Gloria Wolfe 10+ Mr. Joseph G. Yacklovich 15+ Mr. A. Barry Yocom ’65, P’98 and Mrs. Carol C. (Clay) Yocom ’67, P’98 5+ Mr. Winfield R. Young ’99 and Mrs. Meghan J. (Rouse) Young ’99 5+ ✝Mr. Larry L. Ziegler ’57, P’85 and Mrs. Mary Ellen (Risser) Ziegler ’58, P’85

Quittapahilla Club Level Members 5+ Ms. Marilynn E. Ade ’70 10+ Mr. Michael T. Alleman ’66 5+ Mr. Paul B. Baker ’79 and Ms. Tracy E. Allgier-Baker ’79 5+ Mr. Tony Allwein and Stevie A. Falk, Ph.D. 10+ Mr. Tad C. Andrews P’06, P’08 and Mrs. Janet E. Andrews P’06, P’08 25+ Anonymous 15+ Mr. John Aponick P’98 and Mrs. Linda Aponick P’98 15+ Mr. Scott A. Barlup ’90 5+ Mr. Richard E. Basta ’69

5+ Mrs. Mary A. (Fuller) Beazley ’77, P’10, P’12 and Mr. Thomas R. Beazley P’10, P’12 5+ Mr. Donald E. Beck ’86 10+ Dr. Ronald S. Beckley ’66 and Mrs. Bonnie M. (Moyer) Beckley ’67 5+ Ms. Christine E. Bennethum ’02 20+ The Rev. D. Michael Bennethum ’75, P’02, P’05 and Mrs. Diane S. (Schaefer) Bennethum ’76, P’02, P’05 15+ Ms. Leslie A. Berger ’75 25+ The Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Bickel ’74 and The Rev. Nancy N. (Nelson) Bickel ’75 10+ Dr. Edward J. Billingham Jr. ’56 20+ Mrs. Thelma H. (Hostetter) Blouch ’68, P’97 25+ Mr. Russell J. Boeshore ’59 20+ Ms. Marie G. Bongiovanni 5+ The Rev. Dorothy M. Book ’57 5+ Mr. Roy E. Boush ’57 15+ Ms. Frances S. (Shroyer) Bova ’54 5+ Mr. Gerald L. Bowman ’63 and Mrs. Elizabeth V. (Vastine) Bowman ’64

15+ Dr. Joseph A. Brechbill ’57 5+ Mr. Douglas Broderick 25+ Mrs. Emily J. (Bowman) Brown ’62 25+ Mrs. Judith A. (Newton) Brown ’63 10+ Ms. Alice M. Brumbaugh 20+ Ms. Kathleen A. Bryniarski ’70 20+ Mrs. Fern L. (Liskey) Bucher ’58

25+ Mr. William N. Campbell Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Theresa M. (Martin) Campbell ’88 25+ Mr. George J. Cardone ’54

15+ Mr. James W. Davis ’63 and Mrs. Sallie S. (Slocum) Davis ’65

10+ Dr. Charlene A. Cassel ’67

25+ Ms. Carol J. Davison ’86

20+ Mr. Henry T. Chadwick ’56

5+ Dr. Michael A. Day and Ms. Judy L. Pehrson

5+ Mr. William C. Bucher II ’70 5+ Ms. Marylouise (Lamke) Burke ’62

10+ Susan H. Cooper, Esq., ’77

10+ Mrs. Virginia S. (Smedley) Burkhart ’58

15+ Mrs. Betty E. (Edelman) Creamer ’51

5+ Mr. Ralph H. Buys ’66 10+ Mr. David E. Byers III P’05 and Mrs. Tinia M. Byers P’05 5+ Cdr. Michael Cackovic ’87, P’13 and Mrs. Barbara J. Cackovic P’13 25+ Mr. William A. Cadmus, C.P.A., ’67 10+ Mr. Thomas J. Callan P’07 and Mrs. Robin L. Callan P’07

5+ Dr. Ruth S. (Sheaffer) Daugherty ’52, P’76

5+ Mrs. Barbara C. (Courtney) Carroll ’76

5+ Mrs. Sheila M. Roche-Cooper ’77 and Capt. Charles T. Cooper

5+ Mr. Michael A. Bushner P’09 and Mrs. Deanna G. Bushner P’09

5+ Mr. Alan H. Curtis ’73 and Mrs. Debra D. (Sample) Curtis ’74

10+ Mr. Thomas B. Crisman ’65 and Mrs. Mary B. Crisman 20+ Mr. Gary A. Crissman P’94 and Mrs. Helen Crissman P’94 5+ Mr. James L. Cromer ’64 and Mrs. Marcia H. (Hannah) Cromer ’66 5+ Mrs. Shirley B. (Bair) Crumlich ’59 15+ Mrs. Carol G. (Gieser) Cunningham ’78, P’13 and Mr. Lawrence K. Cunningham P’13

5+ Mr. Brian A. DeBiasse P’08 and Mrs. Laura S. (Sealey) DeBiasse ’78, P’08 5+ Mrs. Susan E. (Hibbs) DeFalcis ’93 5+ Charles J. DeHart III, Esq., ’68 5+ Ms. Stephanie K. Deppen ’95 15+ The Rev. Joseph B. Dietz ’60 and Mrs. Shirley L. (Landis) Dietz ’61 25+ Mr. Ronald L. Dietz ’60 15+ Mrs. Debbie P. (Patschorke) Dolbow ’80 5+ Mr. Keith Donnachie P’12 and Mrs. Amy J. Donnachie P’12 5+ Dr. John E. Dougherty III ’67 and Mrs. Nancy L. Dougherty 5+ Mr. Russel L. Duryea P’83 and Mrs. Marie M. Duryea P’83 10+ Mr. Jay N. Dutweiler ’52 5+ Mr. Donald E. Dwyer P’05 and Mrs. Mary B. Dwyer P’05 10+ Dr. Paul B. Eaken ’77

5+ Dr. Robert H. Boyd ’54 and Mrs. Dorothy G. (Grabau) Boyd ’56

25+ Mrs. Jeanne A. (Anspach) Earnshaw ’69 and Mr. James A. Earnshaw

15+ Mrs. Sessaly P. (Prugh) Boyd ’58

5+ Douglas O. Ebersole, Esq., ’78

15+ Mrs. Phyllis E. (Snyder) Boyer ’46, P’75

5+ Mrs. Esther M. (Wagner) Ebright ’44



20+ Mrs. Nancy E. (Dice) Fennell ’65

20+ Mrs. Nancy P. Garber P’72, P’78

10+ Mr. Kenneth M. Hale Jr. ’71

20+ The Rev. Claire L. Fiedler ’72

10+ Mr. James B. Gardner P’09, P’13 and Mrs. Mary M. Gardner P’09, P’13

5+ Mr. Glenn L. Hall ’49, P’86 and Mrs. Gloria Hall P’86

15+ Dr. Augustus M. Filbert P’87 and Mrs. Joy O. Filbert P’87 5+ Mr. William F. Flamisch P’95, P’98 and Mrs. Linda M. Flamisch P’95, P’98 10+ Mr. Stephen N. Fleming ’78 10+ Mrs. Beverly H. Fowler-Conner P’92 25+ Mrs. Jayne D. (Drake) Frankenfield ’76

25+ Mrs. Sandra B. (Beltz) Edmunds ’64 10+ Mr. Earl V. Edris ’58, P’75 and Mrs. Patricia W. (Wood) Edris ’53, P’75 20+ Dr. Debra S. Egolf ’83 5+ Ms. Heather R. Ehrlich ’68 5+ Mr. William B. Eisenhart ’69 and Mrs. Maryann E. (Eastman) Eisenhart ’69

5+ Mr. Fred R. Eshleman ’60 15+ Mr. Guy J. Euston ’51 and Mrs. Beatrice M. (Meiser) Euston ’49 10+ Mr. Mark Evans and Mrs. Jennifer M. Evans 10+ Mr. George F. Everingham P’03 and Mrs. Ann E. Everingham P’03 15+ Mr. Jeff A. Fackler ’77 25+ Mr. David J. Farling ’56

5+ Mr. John E. Gentile Sr. P’07 and Mrs. Wendy J. (Talhelm) Gentile ’99, P’07 10+ Mr. Kenneth R. Geringer P’01 and Mrs. Linda A. Geringer P’01 5+ Ms. Judith H. (Holt) Gibney ’72

5+ Mr. John D. French P’96 and Mrs. Judith A. French P’96

5+ Mrs. Elizabeth M. Giles

5+ Dr. LeRoy G. Frey ’68

5+ Mr. Steve Ginter and Mrs. JoAnn C. Ginter

10+ Mr. Millard C. Freysinger P’83 and Mrs. Barbara L. Freysinger P’83 5+ Dr. Michael D. Fry and Mrs. Suzanne Fry 25+ Mr. Tilman R. Frye ’67, P’84, P’85, P’90 and Mrs. Nancy K. (Kettering) Frye ’80, P’84, P’85, P’90 5+ The Rev. Dr. Paul M. Fullmer and Mrs. Rebecca Fullmer 5+ Ms. Gloria S. Fultz ’69 5+ Mr. V. Carl Gacono P’76, P’85 and Mrs. Mary Jane Gacono P’76, P’85

5+ Mr. Donald F. Engle ’71

10+ John E. Feather Jr., Esq., and Mrs. Elaine Feather

10+ Mr. Fred M. Gaguski Jr. P’03 and Mrs. Rose M. Gaguski P’03

10+ Dr. Dale J. Erskine

20+ Ms. Sally A. Fegan ’92

15+ Mr. Peter Gamber Jr. ’48

5+ Mrs. Nancy H. (Hollinger) Enders ’70

20+ Mr. Joseph R. Gebhard ’81

20+ Ms. Jean E. Frantz ’51

10+ Dr. George E. Fava and Mrs. Margaret M. Fava

20+ Mr. Jonathan B. Ellsworth ’76

5+ Mrs. M. Irene (Urian) Gattiker ’56

5+ Mr. David H. Gittleman ’56 and Mrs. Sylvia R. (Rosenberry) Gittleman ’56 5+ Mr. George S. Glen ’70 and Mrs. Nancy J. (Alber) Glen ’73 5+ Dr. Helaine H. (Hopkins) Golann ’67 2+ Mr. Kenneth D. Golden ’13 5+ Mr. Jeffrey L. Goodyear P’10 and Mrs. Sandra L. Goodyear P’10 5+ Mrs. Naomi S. (Sprenkle) Gorrell ’56 25+ Ms. Susan J. Green ’67 10+ Mrs. Sonja H. (Hawbaker) Grewal ’68 10+ Dr. Gary GrieveCarlson and Mrs. Bridget M. GrieveCarlson 5+ Maj. Bonnie G. (Phillips) Guggenheim ’73 5+ Mr. James D. Hagelgans and Ms. Gale M. Zorian 10+ Ms. Dorcas R. Haines ’65



5+ Mr. John M. Halligan P’10 and Mrs. Karen P. Halligan P’10 25+ Dr. Robert E. Hamilton P’92 and Mrs. Judith C. Hamilton P’92 20+ Mr. Robert G. Hamilton Jr. ’72 25+ Mr. Walter S. Hamsher ’64 5+ Mr. Wilbur A. Hamsher Jr. ’71 15+ Dr. Miles D. Harriger ’47 10+ Mr. Robert D. Hartnett ’61, P’81 10+ Ms. Pat Hartranft 15+ Mrs. Mildred T. (Trautman) Hartz ’56 5+ Mr. Ronald A. Hartzell ’87 10+ Mr. Richard V. Hawk ’51 5+ Mr. Kenneth C. Hays ’61 and Mrs. Joan H. (Higgins) Hays ’66 15+ Dr. Paul A. Heise and Ms. Roberta Warshaw 15+ Mrs. Dorothy S. (Smith) Heisey ’49, P’73 10+ Mrs. Karen Helsel P’05 15+ Mr. Parker V. Hennion P’02 and Mrs. M. Joan Hennion P’02 5+ Mr. James E. Herr ’93 10+ Mr. David P. Hively ’64 10+ Mrs. Esther E. (Engle) Hivner ’47 5+ Dr. Clark S. Hoffman Jr. ’60 15+ Mr. James R. Hoffman ’69 10+ Mr. George W. Hohenshelt ’66 5+ Ms. Stacey L. Hollinger

25+ Mrs. Fay L. (Weik) Horst ’61

5+ Dr. J. Michael Kildee ’64

10+ Mark J. Hostetter ’36, H’68

25+ Ms. Marilyn G. (Graves) Kimple ’72

20+ Mr. Melvin E. Hostetter ’53

25+ Mrs. Marsha C. (Church) King ’70

5+ Mrs. Lisa M. (Godlewski) Lancellotti ’01

25+ Dr. Abram M. Hostetter and Mrs. Patricia Hostetter

5+ Mrs. Joan E. (Eckenroad) Kirk ’56

10+ Mrs. Kathryn H. (Hoerner) Lanz ’58

5+ Mrs. Mary G. (Glover) Kleinfelter ’49

10+ Mr. Rand Lapp P’00, P’07

10+ Mr. Richard L. Kline ’51 and Mrs. Barbara M. (Metzger) Kline ’51

20+ Dr. Gene R. Layser ’59 and Mrs. Marilyn K. (Kreider) Layser ’59

10+ Mr. Barry E. Howard ’66 15+ Mrs. Adele M. (Moss) Hunt ’61 20+ Dr. Gregory L. Ilioff ’80 5+ Mrs. Rachel L. (Gibble) Irvin ’67 5+ Mr. Richard T. Irwin ’65 and Mrs. Linda P. (Pierce) Irwin ’67

10+ Rosalyn R. Knapp, Col., USAF (Ret.), ’61 5+ Mr. Stephen M. Kollinok ’79, P’16 and Mrs. Marissa Kollinok P’16

2+ Ms. Stevi E. Laird ’13 5+ Mrs. Karen C. (Cooper) Lamb ’66

5+ Mr. Daniel E. Lehman ’96 and Mrs. Ann E. (Weicksel) Lehman ’97 5+ Mr. Ronald L. Lehman P’07 and Mrs. Bonnie S. Lehman P’07

5+ Mrs. Misty L. Ludewig ’02

25+ Ms. Cynthia S. Melman ’69

10+ Mrs. Deborah L. Lutz

25+ Mrs. Brenda C. (McClelland) Messera ’75

5+ Dr. Charlotte A. Mackenson-Dean ’76 5+ Stuart J. Magdule, Esq., ’72 5+ Mr. Enrico Malvone ’99 10+ Mr. Jeffrey L. Manning ’93 20+ Mr. John F. Mardula ’73 and Mrs. Elizabeth Mardula ’72 10+ Mrs. Phyllis J. (Miller) Mariskovic ’00 5+ Mrs. Margaret L. (Seaber) Markert ’62 25+ Mr. Carl L. Marshall ’69 15+ Mr. Charles H. Martin ’64 5+ Mr. Perry T. Mayers P’12 and Mrs. Denise M. Mayers P’12 5+ Mrs. Judith A. McClain P’92 5+ Mr. Thomas J. McClain ’92, M’94 20+ Mr. Frank R. McCulloch ’57

5+ Ms. Athanasia Johnson ’74 5+ Ms. Cindy M. Johnson ’80 5+ Ms. Beth E. Jones ’72 10+ Mr. John J. Jones ’99 5+ Mr. R. Martin Kain P’10 and Mrs. Gail L. Kain P’10 25+ Mr. Pius H. Kaltreider ’56 5+ Dr. Ruth W. (Wilson) Kauffman ’73 5+ Mrs. Brendalyn K. (Krysiak) Keefer ’91 10+ Mrs. Mildred R. (Rittle) Keiser ’41 20+ Mrs. Alice D. (Daniel) Kelly ’54, P’78, P’81 5+ Mrs. Susan B. (Bahner) Kercher ’81

5+ Mrs. Mary B. (Bollman) Kreider ’62 5+ Dr. Ralph R. Kreiser ’63 15+ Dr. Thomas H. Kreiser ’58 15+ Mr. John W. Krieg ’80 25+ Mr. Joseph F. Krolczyk ’83 10+ Mr. Vincent E. Krovic P’04 and Mrs. Judith M. Krovic P’04 5+ Ms. Jacqueline L. Kruper 10+ Mrs. Kay E. (Bennighof) Kufera ’84

20+ Mr. David W. Leigh ’65 20+ Mrs. Carol D. Lenker 5+ Mrs. Barbara Y. (Yingst) Light ’71 5+ Mrs. Mary R. (Russo) Lombardo ’74 and Mr. Anthony Lombardo 25+ Mr. Ronald L. Long ’69 10+ Mr. Robert E. Longenecker ’58 5+ Mr. Robert W. Longenecker ’79 5+ Mr. Thomas A. Loper and Mrs. Dianne N. Loper

5+ Mr. Frank A. Kuhn Jr. ’70

5+ Mr. Spyros S. Loukas and Mrs. Elaine M. Loukas

20+ Mrs. Donna D. (Diehl) Kuntz ’67

15+ Mr. Gregory R. Lovell ’89

5+ Mr. Lance W. Laird P’07 and Mrs. Doris J. Laird P’07

5+ Mrs. Sally S. (Suter) Lownsbery ’70

15+ Mrs. Amelia H. (Hartman) McElwee ’61

25+ Mrs. Dorothy B. (Boyle) Meyer ’80 25+ Ms. Jane L. Meyer ’81 5+ Mr. Walter A. Mickens ’79 5+ Mr. Charles J. Middleton 25+ Mr. Brian R. Miller ’79 5+ ✝Mr. Nolan E. Miller ’61 and Mrs. Marjorie P. (Peters) Miller ’61 10+ Mrs. Shirley H. (Huber) Miller ’63 2+ Mrs. Laura K. (Laudermilch) Mincemoyer ’89 10+ Mr. Richard A. Moder P’02 and Mrs. Ruth A. Moder P’02 10+ Mr. Scott A. Mongo ’95 10+ Mr. Philip G. Morgan P’95 and Mrs. Susan Morgan P’95 5+ Mr. Bradley N. Morrill ’79 10+ Mr. William J. Morrison ’73

10+ Mr. Peter P. McEvoy ’58

5+ Mr. Albert E. Moser ’53

20+ Mrs. Susan G. (Gunn) McGuire ’81

5+ Mr. H. Lee Moyer ’62, P’82 and Mrs. Barbara Moyer P’82

10+ Mr. William D. McHenry and Mrs. Joan A. McHenry 15+ Mr. Stephen O. McKeown P’02 and Mrs. Isabelle F. McKeown P’02 5+ Mr. Roger M. McKinley ’49 5+ Mr. Brian J. McLaughlin M’01 5+ Mrs. Janet M. McLeod 20+ Mr. Don E. McNamara ’53 5+ Mr. Robert K. Meier P’08 and Mrs. Kathleen J. Meier P’08

25+ Dr. Dennis J. Nagy ’72 10+ Mrs. Mary H. (Horn) Nelson ’70 20+ Mr. Robert J. Nelson ’57 5+ Mr. Gary L. Ney ’95 20+ Mrs. Dorothy M. (Morgan) Nye ’51 5+ Mr. Kevin O’Brien P’07 and Mrs. Kathryn O’Brien P’07 5+ Mr. John D. O’Neill P’10 and Mrs. Patricia G. O’Neill P’10 5+ Mr. David J. Padley ’68 and Mrs. Barbara C. (Cressman) Padley ’68



10+ Mr. Larry J. Painter ’67

5+ Dr. Barry P. Skaler ’60

5+ Mrs. Jill C. (Casper) Palanzo ’84

5+ Mrs. Doris B. (Bryden) Skinkus ’69

5+ Mr. Andrew J. Panko ’99

5+ Mrs. Carrie (Stull) Skovrinskie ’98

5+ Mr. Vincent E. Pantalone P’11 and Mrs. Carla Pantalone P’11

5+ Mr. Edmund J. Slezosky Jr. ’59 and Mrs. Mary E. (Ranck) Slezosky ’60

5+ Mrs. Nan L. (Dupler) Papp ’72

5+ Mr. Alton M. Smith ’48

10+ Mrs. Carol L. (Flexer) Parker ’86, ’01 20+ Mrs. Patricia M. (McDyer) Pece ’64 5+ Dr. Robert G. Pembleton ’74 and Mrs. Sandra A. (Anderson) Pembleton ’75 15+ Jackson G. Perry, D.D.S., ’58 20+ Mr. Donald G. Peters P’92 and Mrs. Jerilyn A. Peters P’92 20+ Dr. Glenn A. Phelps ’70 and Mrs. Catherine M. (Merkel) Phelps ’70 25+ Mrs. Margaret G. (Garber) Philp ’60 10+ The Rev. Dr. David W. Pierce ’63 5+ Mr. Michael C. Pittari and Ms. Karen R. Beall 20+ Maj. Gen. Ross S. Plasterer, USMC (Ret.), ’57 5+ Mr. Samuel G. Poet ’59 and Mrs. Cynthia J. (Patton) Poet ’56 10+ Mr. Frederick B. Pope III P’07 and Mrs. Mary J. Pope P’07 20+ Mrs. Gail S. (Seitzinger) Posey ’77 20+ Mr. William C. Quairoli ’72 25+ Dr. Deanna M. (Metka) Quay ’84 and Dr. Jeffrey R. Quay

25+ Mrs. Judith N. (Nichols) Renzulli ’63 5+ Ms. Melissa A. Rhoads ’00 5+ Mr. Charles F. Ridewood III P’11 and Mrs. Linda J. Ridewood P’11 5+ Mr. Joel S. Riedel ’70 25+ Mrs. Ruth N. (Nickerson) Rittmann ’73 10+ Dr. Jeffrey W. Robbins and Dr. Noelle Vahanian 5+ ✝Mr. George G. Rolles and Mrs. Marian N. Rolles 5+ Mrs. Alice J. Rulapaugh 5+ Mr. Joseph D. Rutter ’65 and Mrs. Mary Ellen (VanHorn) Rutter ’65 5+ Mr. Joseph S. Ryzewski and Mrs. Patricia A. Ryzewski 5+ Mr. Carl R. Sabold ’68 and Mrs. Patricia B. (Buchanan) Sabold ’69 15+ Mr. Thomas M. Sarisky P’92 and Mrs. Mathilda A. Sarisky P’92 5+ Mr. Keith E. Scala P’08 and Mrs. Diana Scala P’08 10+ Dr. Carol A. (Miller) Schaeffer ’78

5+ Mr. Daniel Schultz P’12 and Mrs. Jennifer R. Schultz P’12 10+ Mrs. Mary (O’Donnell) Sechrist ’49 25+ Mr. Charles R. Seidel ’62 and Mrs. Sarah L. (Lane) Seidel ’63 5+ Mr. John K. Seymour ’62 20+ Mr. Frederick L. Shaak ’55 and Mrs. P. Sally Ann (Whitmoyer) Shaak ’55 5+ Ms. Donna M. (Williamson) Shafer ’58 5+ The Rev. Aaron M. Sheaffer ’55 and Mrs. Patricia O. (Oyer) Sheaffer ’56 25+ Brig. Gen. Robert M. Sheaffer, USA (Ret.), ’57 5+ Mrs. Edna R. (Rutherford) Sheckart ’41 25+ Ms. Susan J. Shedenhelm ’70 5+ Mr. Douglas E. Shober P’10 and Mrs. Stacy A. Shober P’10 5+ Mr. Byron L. Shoemaker ’73 15+ Mr. William R. Shoppell Jr. ’53

15+ Mr. Charles W. Schatzman III M’96

10+ Mr. Robert L. Showalter ’79, P’05 and Mrs. Susan Showalter P’05

1+ Mr. Dylan D. Reed ’13

5+ Mr. Dale C. Schimpf ’69, P’98, P’03

25+ Mrs. Pearl M. (Miller) Siegel ’47, P’76, P’77

10+ Mr. Donald L. Reigle ’75

10+ Mr. Wayne Schrack Jr. P’90

10+ Dr. Damon L. Silvers ’67

10+ Mrs. Anne E. (Opfer) Quirin ’80


5+ Mr. Ronald R. Renshaw ’72


10+ Mrs. Audrey W. (Wahler) Smith ’65 10+ Ms. Debbie M. Smith ’99 20+ Ms. Janet E. Smith ’72 15+ Mrs. Kathleen S. (Simmons) Smith ’74 25+ Mr. Lee C. Smith ’54 5+ Mr. Benjamin Smith ’89 and Mrs. Lottie A. (Leakey) Smith ’89 15+ Mrs. Sybil H. (Haddon) Snee ’76 15+ Mr. Richard M. Snell ’70 25+ Mr. Howard L. Snyder ’79 and Mrs. Kathleen W. (Wolfe) Snyder ’79 5+ Mr. Michael Snyder Sr. P’09, P’11 and Mrs. Susan M. Snyder P’09, P’11 5+ Mr. Harold L. Spangler Jr. ’95 5+ Mrs. Julia A. (Ulrich) Spangler ’54 5+ Mr. Harry D. Speece and Mrs. Patricia A. Speece 15+ Mr. John H. Sproul ’58 20+ Mr. Gregory J. Stachelczyk P’06 and Mrs. Susan S. (Shemeta) Stachelczyk ’76, P’06 20+ Mrs. Hannelore W. (Wanner) Starsinic ’57, P’92

25+ Mrs. Mary Ann (Horn) Stewart ’69 15+ Mrs. Annette B. (Boyles) Stork ’90 15+ The Rev. Sandy R. Stover ’58 5+ Mr. Daniel E. Strawhecker ’87 15+ Mr. Walter A. Stump ’64 10+ Mr. John M. Sultzbaugh ’79 10+ The Rev. Richard W. Swartz ’50 5+ Mr. Kenneth J. Swisher ’60 20+ Mr. Richard H. Swope and Mrs. Joyce L. Swope 5+ Mrs. Judith H. (Heyser) Taylor ’75, P’02 and Mr. Attalee S. Taylor P’02 5+ Mrs. Barbara R. (Ranck) Taylor ’54 10+ Mrs. Edith W. (Werntz) Taylor ’55 20+ Ms. Helen E. Templin ’69 5+ Mrs. Janet H. (Hull) Tenser ’80 15+ Mr. Ford S. Thompson ’63 and Mrs. Nancy D. (Dutro) Thompson ’63 20+ Mrs. Helen C. Thompson P’71 10+ The Rev. William M. Thompson ’69 and Dr. Leta T. (Tompkins) Thompson ’69 25+ Mr. Richard B. Thompson ’71 and Mrs. Linda L. (Witmer) Thompson ’73 25+ Mrs. Elaine K. (Kreller) Tomlinson ’66 15+ Mr. Joseph A. Torre ’69 5+ Mrs. Marie H. Tousley

5+ Mr. Francis M. Stearn ’67 and Mrs. Cheryl A. (Seacat) Stearn ’68

5+ Mr. Ronald M. Train P’10, P’11 and Mrs. Merrylynn Train P’10, P’11

25+ Mrs. Barbra S. (Storaker) Stehlik ’61

5+ Mr. Thomas M. Uhrich ’76

10+ Mr. Franklin H. Unger ’47 10+ Mr. Keith A. Wagner P’08 and Mrs. Linda M. Wagner P’08 10+ Dr. Scott N. Walck and Mrs. Peggy Bright 5+ Mrs. Cynthia L. (Lerch) Wambold ’95 10+ Mr. Weston B. Wardell P’79, P’85 and Mrs. Catherine A. Wardell P’79, P’85

25+ Ms. Doris E. White ’59


5+ Dr. Daniel J. Whittle ’76 and Mrs. Holly S. (Shirk) Whittle, C.F.P., ’75

2+ Ms. Kayla M. Baldwin ’12

10+ Mrs. Paula C. (Snyder) Aboyoun ’68

5+ Mr. David C. Ballaban ’79

2+ Mr. Adam M. Abruzzo ’12, D’14

5+ Mr. Terry L. Barber P’07 and Mrs. Debra A. Barber P’07

5+ Mrs. Nancy H. (Hendrickson) Wieman ’69 and Dr. Robert J. Wieman 20+ Ms. Diane R. Wilkins ’72

10+ Mr. Joseph B. Adamczyk P’07 and Mrs. Evamarie C. Adamczyk P’07 20+ Dr. Gene R. Adams ’56

5+ Mr. Drew R. Williams ’87

10+ Mrs. Marsha E. Alandar P’96 5+ Mrs. Joy L. Albright

10+ Mrs. Marian M. (Marcus) Warden ’57

15+ Mr. Jeremy D. Wilson ’98 and Mrs. Rayna E. (Schell) Wilson ’99

10+ Mr. Matthew D. Wary ’98

25+ Mr. Ivan M. Wittel III ’79

20+ Mr. John R. Weaber ’63

5+ Dr. Mariano Woo P’11 and Mrs. Karen J. Woo P’11

10+ The Rev. George M. Weaver Jr. ’63 5+ Mr. Robert E. Weaver ’76 25+ Mr. Theodore O. Weaver ’65 5+ Mrs. Phyllis I. Weber P’71, P’83

15+ Mrs. Norma J. (Morris) Wright ’62 5+ Dr. Robert Yannaccone ’43 and Mrs. Dorothy C. (Cox) Yannaccone ’44 20+ Mr. Charles W. Yarger P’69, P’79

1+ Ms. Mandi S. Albright ’13 5+ Mrs. Ann M. Algeo ’74 15+ Mr. Robert L. Allen ’51

2+ Ms. Lauren T. Baran ’12 1+ Mr. William P. Barry ’12 15+ Mr. Michael E. Bastian P’99 and Mrs. Donna L. Bastian P’99 10+ Mr. Greg L. Baum P’04 and Mrs. Celine M. Baum P’04

10+ Ms. Kelly A. Alsedek

1+ Mr. Edward J. Beall ’13

5+ Mr. David C. Amsden ’75

5+ Mr. Scott P. Beesley ’09

1+ Ms. Kate E. Anderson ’13

5+ Ms. Eva S. Bender

20+ Mr. Terrence M. Anderson P’00 and Mrs. Catherine U. (Uhrich) Anderson ’71, P’00

1+ Mrs. Kyi L. Benkowitsch ’13 5+ Mr. Adam T. Bentz ’04 and Mrs. Maureen A. (Anderson) Bentz ’00 5+ Mrs. Helen L. Bernat 20+ Mrs. Denise L. (Achey) Berry ’82 5+ Ms. Elizabeth R. Bersano ’01 5+ Mr. Shawn A. Berwager ’01, M’09 1+ Mr. Travis S. Bicher ’12

15+ Mr. William C. Webster P’98 and Mrs. Catherine A. Webster P’98 20+ Mr. Stephen A. Weicksel P’97, P’01 and Mrs. Charlene M. Weicksel P’97, P’01 5+ Mrs. Dorothy K. (Kline) Welsh ’50 5+ Mr. Lynn R. Wenger P’94 and Dr. Diane E. (West) Wenger ’92, P’94 10+ Mrs. Linda E. (Ehle) Wheeler ’82

10+ Ms. Jo Ann Yeagley ’70 15+ Mr. Allen Yingst P’89, P’99 and Mrs. Beverly A. Yingst P’89, P’99 10+ Dr. Martha Jane K. (Koontz) Zachert ’41 10+ The Rev. Donald E. Zechman ’60 5+ Mr. Michael C. Zeigler and Mrs. Barbara Zeigler 25+ Mrs. Sarah K. (Koury) Zimmerman ’45 5+ Mr. Joel H. Zinn ’60

15+ Mrs. Sue L. Andrews P’89 5+ Mr. Aaron M. Arndt ’07 5+ Mr. Enrico J. Attanasio P’12, P’15 and Mrs. Christine Attanasio P’12, P’15

5+ Mr. Thomas G. Bigler P’09 and Mrs. Beth B. Bigler P’09 5+ Mrs. Valeria M. Billowitch P’09 15+ Mrs. Lavinia B. (Beckner) Biltimier ’64 5+ Ms. Janet M. Binner ’92

5+ Ms. Kristen Y. Augustine ’05

15+ Ms. Janet E. Bisbing ’64

10+ Dr. Richard W. Bailey ’50

5+ Mr. Gregory A. Bishop and Mrs. Debra J. Bishop

10+ Mr. John E. Baittinger ’64 and Mrs. Carolyn H. (Hoffman) Baittinger ’64

1+ Ms. Laura B. Blacker ’13

15+ Mr. John D. Boag Jr. ’80, P’14 and Mrs. Jennifer A. Boag P’14 5+ Mrs. Yvonne S. (Stefanick) Bohlander ’74 25+ Mrs. Patricia H. (Hagerty) Bohrs ’60 10+ Mr. Harvey J. Bomberger 5+ Ms. Mary Lou Bongiovi 5+ Mrs. Courtney A. (Lindgren) Boone ’08 25+ Mr. Herbert L. Booz ’51 20+ Mr. Karl W. Bordner ’62 10+ Ms. Jennifer L. Borgerding ’04 15+ Mr. Terry L. Bostdorf P’99, P’03 and Mrs. Judy M. Bostdorf P’99, P’03 5+ Mr. Norman M. Bouder Jr. ’44 10+ Ms. Elizabeth A. Boyd ’75 5+ Ms. Jane A. Boyer ’06 5+ Dr. Thomas G. Brandecker P’12 and Mrs. Kathryn Brandecker P’12 10+ Mr. David R. Brandle P’03 and Mrs. Schelley A. Brandle P’03 1+ Mr. Erik J. Brandt ’13 10+ Mr. James K. Brandt ’66 10+ Mr. Dennis M. Brehm P’03, P’10 and Mrs. Dorothy A. Brehm P’03, P’10 5+ Mr. William T. Bresch ’07, M’12 5+ Mr. Donald J. Brickley P’99 and Mrs. Donna L. Brickley P’99 10+ Mrs. Jean K. Brinser 5+ The Rev. Dr. Truman T. Brooks ’79 and Ms. Roseann M. (McGrath) Brooks ’82 5+ Mr. Frederick N. Brown P’94 and Mrs. Linda A. (Bell) Brown ’69, P’94



5+ The Rev. E. Luke Carlson and Mrs. Louise R. Carlson 1+ Mrs. Noemi Carrera ’13 5+ Mr. William F. Casey ’81 1+ Ms. Brianna V. Cassel ’12

LVC again named a


10+ Dr. RaLoy E. Brown ’57 10+ Mr. Todd C. Brown P’03 and Mrs. Gail F. Brown P’03 5+ Mrs. Dolores J. (Slade) Bruce ’68 15+ Thomas S. Brumbaugh, Esq., ’83 2+ Ms. Brandine E. (Williams) Buccialia ’12 10+ Mr. David F. Buffington ’82 and Mrs. Heather W. (Walter) Buffington ’85 10+ Mr. Roger A. Bushey P’04 and Mrs. Cynthia A. Bushey P’04 5+ Mr. James S. Bustard ’60 and Mrs. Joyce F. (Fuller) Bustard ’60 5+ Mr. Samuel E. Butz ’60 1+ Mr. Douglas L. Byers M’12 1+ Ms. Hannah E. Cackovic ’13 5+ Mr. Robert B. Campbell ’54 15+ Mr. William E. Campbell ’69 4+ Ms. Alyse M. Canciello ’10 15+ Mr. Harry M. Capper ’68 5+ Mr. Ralph J. Carfagno P’08 and Mrs. Wendy L. Carfagno P’08


15+ Ms. Diane F. Cerutti ’69 15+ Mr. Ted M. Cetron ’59 10+ Mrs. Virginia H. (Metz) Chalinsky ’65 5+ Father Joseph C. Chehata P’11, P’13 and Mrs. Mary Chehata P’11, P’13

10+ Mr. Morris S. Cupp ’70, P’07 and Mrs. Kathy K. (Knauer) Cupp ’71, P’07 10+ Mrs. Jeanne B. Daubert P’77, P’84, P’93 5+ Mr. Daniel E. Davis P’02 and Mrs. Margaret W. Davis P’02 5+ Ms. Jennifer L. Davis ’02 1+ Mr. Timothy D. Davis ’12 5+ Mr. Eric Dawson M’06

3+ Ms. Veronica J. Chehata ’11

10+ Mr. Michael A. Deaven ’86

10+ Mr. Craig A. Chestney P’07 and Mrs. Pamela R. Chestney P’07

5+ Mr. William J. DeBlock P’09 and Mrs. Linda J. DeBlock P’09

25+ Ms. Dolores H. Cipar ’80 5+ Mr. Peter N. Clark P’98 and Mrs. Susan L. Clark P’98 5+ Mr. George C. Clauser ’67 15+ The Rev. Albert L. Clipp ’69 2+ Mr. Antonio A. Coach ’12 15+ Mrs. E. Judy (Frederiksen) Coble ’96 20+ Mrs. Beth A. (Trout) Coder ’89 5+ Mrs. Keeta Kay (Wolfe) Cole ’70

10+ The Rev. Charles J. DeBoeser Jr. ’70 5+ Mr. Thomas Deffley P’11 and Mrs. Janet Deffley P’11 5+ Ms. Kristin L. DeFrehn ’01 2+ Ms. Claire E. Deibler ’12 20+ Mr. Harold O. Deitrich P’91 and Mrs. Elsie Deitrich P’91 5+ Mr. Nicholas G. Delcalzo P’14 and Mrs. Gloria Delcalzo P’14

10+ Mrs. Cynthia G. (Grubb) Condran ’74

5+ Mr. Michael D. Delcollo P’05 and Mrs. Pamela J. Delcollo P’05

5+ Ms. Karin M. Congello ’77

4+ Mrs. Emily K. (Berger) Dempsey ’10

5+ The Rev. James D. Corbett ’63, P’86 and Mrs. Shirley D. Corbett P’86

5+ Ms. Catherine Deraco ’46

5+ The Rev. Lloyd H. Crall ’43, P’85 5+ Mr. Robert N. Creznic P’05 and Mrs. Diane L. Creznic P’05 15+ Mr. Dennis K. Crotty P’00 and Mrs. Janice S. Crotty P’00


1+ Mr. Brandon M. Derr M’12 10+ Mr. Jeffrey J. DeSimone Sr. P’07 and Mrs. Lorraine J. DeSimone P’07 20+ Mr. Norman J. Dieffenbach P’96 and Mrs. Susan Dieffenbach P’96

15+ Mr. Stephen W. Dieringer 15+ Mr. Robert E. Dinsmore ’40 10+ The Rev. Harold J. Dom ’62 5+ The Rev. Daniel O. Donmoyer ’94 and Mrs. Susan L. Donmoyer 1+ Ms. Rachel B. Donnachie ’12 5+ Mr. Michael C. Dougherty ’05 5+ Mr. Brian Dow and Mrs. Lauren A. Dow 5+ Mrs. Madalyn Q. (Quickel) Drew ’47 5+ Ms. Zofia (Goclan) Dripps ’99 2+ Ms. Julia M. Dunn ’11 5+ Mrs. Marie E. (Miller) Dunstan ’75 10+ Mrs. Dorothy M. (DePalma) Dyer ’78 1+ Mr. Tyler D. Eberly ’13 1+ Ms. Kira M. Echeandia ’13 5+ Mr. Jan W. Edwards ’70 and Mrs. Cecelia D. (Deitrich) Edwards ’68 5+ Mr. Matthew C. Eicher ’98 1+ Ms. Rae A. Eidam ’12 10+ Mr. Guy R. Eigenbrode and Ms. Patricia Nicholas 5+ The Rev. Charles M. Eldredge P’09 and Mrs. Barbara A. Eldredge P’09 20+ Mr. Lee E. Emerson P’85 and Mrs. Cindy S. Emerson P’85 5+ Mr. Dennis J. English P’01 and Mrs. Katherine A. English P’01 25+ Mr. Paul D. Enterline ’65, P’96 and Mrs. Carolyn S. (Leitner) Enterline ’65, P’96 5+ Mr. Darnell A. Epps ’08

5+ Mr. John T. Ervin ’54 10+ Mrs. Joan E. (Myers) Eshleman ’61, P’85 20+ Mr. M. Ross Evans ’53 10+ Mr. James C. Ewin P’76, P’79 and Mrs. Gail P. Ewin P’76, P’79 10+ Mr. Michael A. Falkner P’04 and Mrs. Laurel N. Falkner P’04 10+ Mr. Eric G. Farner M’02 5+ Mr. Lloyd J. Fasnacht Jr. ’69 15+ Mr. Paul A. Fatula P’02, P’07 and Mrs. Linda L. Fatula P’02, P’07 5+ Ms. Kendra M. Feigert 5+ Mr. Larry A. Fenner ’71 5+ Mr. Ronald F. Fenning P’12 and Mrs. Linda F. Fenning P’12 1+ Mr. Chase A. Ferrario ’12 5+ Mrs. Kathleen S. Fielder P’12 15+ Mr. Ray K. Fields ’60 10+ Mr. Shawn A. Fies ’04 and Mrs. Christina M. Marco-Fies ’04 5+ Mrs. Kelley A. (Gingrich) Finkelstein ’91 20+ Mr. Robert L. Fiscus P’93 and Mrs. Linda J. Fiscus P’93 5+ Ms. Mary E. Fisher 5+ Mr. Doug Fleegle P’04 and Mrs. Nancy Fleegle P’04 5+ Mr. Dean A. Flinchbaugh ’62 25+ Mr. William W. Focht ’63 5+ Mr. Fred B. Fore ’50 1+ Ms. Talia K. Frantz ’13 5+ Mr. Tyler A. Frantz ’07 and Mrs. Erin C. (McGarvey) Frantz ’09 5+ Mr. David C. French ’96

5+ Mrs. E. Maxine (Garvin) Fritz ’52 1+ Ms. Jamie L. Frye ’13 1+ Ms. Lauren E. Fulmer ’13 10+ Mr. John G. Funk ’99 1+ Ms. Katalyn R. Funk ’13 5+ Mr. Gary S. Furman P’80 and Mrs. Eugenia D. Furman P’80 20+ Dr. Gary S. Furman ’80 5+ Ms. Kara B. Furman ’07 5+ Mr. G. Edward Gahres P’04 and Mrs. Paula Gahres P’04 5+ The Rev. Golden A. Gaither ’52 and Mrs. Barbara H. (Hess) Gaither ’54 1+ Mr. Alex D. Gamble ’13 1+ Mr. William J. Gardner ’13 1+ Ms. Tina M. Gares ’12 25+ Mr. Floyd R. Garland P’73 and Mrs. Evelyn R. Garland P’73 5+ Mr. Edwin M. Garver ’64 and Mrs. Elizabeth Garver 25+ The Rev. Roland E. Garvin ’51 5+ Ms. Suzanne C. Gavin P’06 5+ Kristopher J. Gazsi, Esq., ’07 and Dr. Jessica L. (Bagley) Gazsi ’07, D’09 15+ Mr. Richard L. Gehr P’99 and Mrs. Dorothy M. Gehr P’99 15+ Mr. Dennis T. Geib ’64 and Mrs. Julie J. (Johnston) Geib ’64 5+ Mr. Matthew L. George and Mrs. Katherine E. George 10+ Ms. Patricia E. Gerber P’07 5+ Ms. Alice H. Gerow P’94 3+ Ms. Emily L. Gertenbach ’11

10+ Mr. Eric M. Gervase ’01 and Mrs. Melissa A. (Black) Gervase ’01 10+ Ms. Norma J. Gibble ’92 5+ The Rev. Carolyn A. (Winfrey) Gillette ’82 20+ Mrs. Cindy A. Gingrich ’78 10+ Mr. Keith D. Gittermann ’71 and Mrs. Marianne C. (Cake) Gittermann ’71 5+ Mr. Robert M. Gogoj P’08 and Mrs. Barbara L. Gogoj P’08 5+ Mr. David J. Golias P’98, P’02 and Mrs. Kathleen E. Golias P’98, P’02 2+ Mrs. Kelsea L. (Lamphere) Gonzalez ’12 2+ Ms. Jennifer M. Good ’12 5+ Mr. Michael P. Gottschall ’02 10+ Mr. Peter Grandi Jr. and Mrs. Sylvania A. Grandi

5+ Mrs. Elizabeth L. (Light) Hamilton ’44

5+ Mr. W. David Hess ’77

5+ Mrs. Evelyn K. (Krammes) Hanley ’58

10+ Mr. Stephen C. Hildreth ’64

10+ Mrs. Jane M. (McMurtrie) Hart ’53

1+ Mr. Christopher R. Hippeli ’13

5+ Ms. Amy E. Hartman ’07

5+ Ms. Sharon Hippensteel P’04

5+ Ms. Helene E. Harvey ’67

15+ Mrs. Jane M. (Kissinger) Hlavaty ’98

5+ Mr. David H. Hayes ’97 5+ Mr. James W. Heckard P’09 and Mrs. Louise M. Heckard P’09 1+ Mr. John J. Heenan ’12 10+ Mr. Kenneth Heffner P’96 and Mrs. Janice Heffner P’96 5+ Mr. Frank L. Heilman Jr. ’93 10+ Ms. Jean L. Heilman ’69 5+ Mr. Jeffrey F. Heintzelman P’11 and Mrs. Sharon E. Heintzelman P’11

10+ Mr. Richard C. Hoffman ’66 10+ Mrs. Suzanne R. (Duryea) Hoffman ’83 5+ Mrs. Dorothy S. (Singer) Hoglund ’87 20+ Mr. George J. Hollich Jr. ’65, P’95, P’98 and Mrs. Carol F. (Frey) Hollich ’66, P’95, P’98 15+ Mr. Richard V. Hollinger P’01 and Mrs. Suzanne K. Hollinger P’01 1+ Ms. Jacquelyn M. Hoover ’13

10+ Mr. Howard J. Horstman P’06 and Mrs. Nancy R. Horstman P’06 25+ Mrs. Janet Z. (Zuse) Hostetter ’59 10+ Mr. Marlin Houck ’64 and Mrs. Barbara A. Houck 25+ Mrs. Eileen B. (Briggs) House ’75, P’09 and H. Kirk House, Esq., P’09 10+ Mr. Robert D. Houseal ’84 5+ Mr. Ronald P. Hovis ’60 1+ Mr. Michael M. Howard ’13 10+ Mr. Phillip J. Howard P’96 and Mrs. Darlene R. Howard P’96 5+ Mrs. Linda S. (Shirey) Huber ’59 10+ Mr. Rodney Hubler and Mrs. Ruth A. Hubler

15+ Mr. Daniel W. Greenawalt 15+ Mr. Fred Greenawalt P’98, P’01 and Mrs. Susan M. Greenawalt P’98, P’01 5+ Mr. Edward Grieger P’04 and Mrs. Sylvia Grieger P’04 10+ Mr. Stephen A. Groff ’68 1+ Mr. Ryan C. Grozinski ’12 2+ Mr. Ryan J. Grusemeyer ’12 5+ Mrs. Mildred S. (Stineman) Gundel ’58 15+ Mr. Walter Haber and Mrs. Barbara J. Haber 10+ Mr. Raymond E. Haines P’00 and Mrs. Joanne F. Haines P’00 5+ Ms. Kelly A. Hall ’81 20+ Mrs. Elizabeth Z. (Zimmerman) Hallman ’51

15+ Charles V. Henry III, Esq., and Mrs. Jean D. Henry 15+ Mr. Ronald L. Henry P’98 and Mrs. Marilyn E. Henry P’98 10+ Mr. William H. Henry P’95 and Mrs. Barbara A. Henry P’95 1+ Mr. Nathan K. Hepler ’13 1+ Ms. Sarah E. Herb ’13 1+ Ms. Brittany A. Herr ’13

25+ Mr. Sheldon K. Hoover ’59 5+ Mrs. Christine M. (Harner) Hopple ’86 5+ Mr. Charles A. Hopta P’08 and Mrs. Raynelda L. Hopta P’08 20+ Mrs. Rebecca E. Hornberger ’93 5+ Ms. Barbara E. Horst ’63 5+ Ms. Alexis L. Horstman ’06

5+ Mr. John A. Hubley ’73 and Mrs. Christina H. (Hunsicker) Hubley ’74 5+ Mr. Robert L. Huffman ’66 5+ Mr. Timothy D. Huggins and Mrs. Suzanne E. Huggins 10+ Mr. William G. Hughes ’65 2+ Mr. Ryan T. Humphries ’12 5+ Dr. Shirley F. Hunter ’94



LVC ranked 8th out of 350 baccalaureate

colleges, based on social mobility, research, and service.

10+ Dr. Robert M. Hurst ’61 5+ Mr. Jon E. Hurst P’08, P’11 and Mrs. Sharon B. Hurst ’06, P’08, P’11 5+ Mr. John L. Hutley ’81 15+ Mr. Lonnie L. Hutton P’92 and Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hutton P’92 25+ Mrs. Rebecca W. (Wagner) Hyman ’68 5+ Ms. Kristin M. Iacobino ’06 10+ Mr. Michael J. Iacobino P’06 and Mrs. Patricia Iacobino P’06 1+ Mr. Kyle P. Irvin ’12

5+ Dr. Diane E. Johnson 5+ Dr. Wayne D. Johnson ’73 and Mrs. Phyllis E. (Brown) Johnson ’72, ’73 5+ Mrs. Alison D. (Doney) Jones ’73 10+ Mr. Peter C. Jones ’76 and Mrs. Cindy C. (Crampton) Jones ’78 5+ Mrs. Cecelia R. (Repiscak) Jordan ’73 5+ Ms. Amie M. Jumper ’99 1+ Mr. Kyle J. Kahl ’12 5+ ✝Mr. Marvin E. Kahn P’85 and Mrs. Sandra B. Kahn P’85 25+ Mrs. Donna G. (Gay) Kaplan ’76

1+ Ms. Darcie R. Jenkins ’13

20+ Mr. David G. Kartzman P’01 and Mrs. Mary D. (Didden) Kartzman ’74, P’01 10+ Mr. Charles Katcavage P’95 and Mrs. Marjorie M. Katcavage P’95 5+ Mr. Harry D. Kaufman P’07 and Mrs. Stephanie M. Kaufman P’07 25+ Mrs. Cheryl W. (Wubbena) Keckler ’73 25+ Mr. G. Thomas Keehn ’63 and Mrs. Cecelia A. (Reed) Keehn ’62 1+ Ms. Heidi M. Keene ’13

10+ Mrs. Mary S. (Seitz) Kessler ’85

5+ Mr. Kristofer E. Kohler ’94

1+ Ms. Nahed S. Khalil ’13

5+ Mr. Philip C. Kohlhaas ’65, P’94 and Mrs. LaRue K. Kohlhaas P’94

10+ Mrs. Mary L. (LaBella) Kimberley ’69 5+ Mr. Henry R. Kiner P’06 and Mrs. Shirley A. Kiner P’06 4+ Mrs. Mary E. (Eldredge) King ’09 5+ Mr. Jason L. Kinney and Mrs. Angela E. Kinney

15+ Mrs. Vicky W. (Work) Kosoff ’61 5+ Mrs. Michelle A. (Campbell) Krall M’11 and Mr. Travis Krall 5+ Mrs. Gail B. (Barger) Krebs ’65 5+ Mr. John B. Kreifels and Mrs. Justine J. Kreifels

5+ Mr. James L. Kissinger ’77, P’09 and Mrs. Rebecca A. Kissinger P’09

20+ Mrs. Lois J. (Johns) Keiter, R.N., B.S.N., ’72

1+ Mr. Cody T. Klaus ’12

5+ Mr. Robert L. Krieg ’54

10+ Mr. Barry P. Kline P’04 and Mrs. Lynn I. Kline P’04

5+ Mr. Brad A. Krock ’95 and Mrs. Sharon L. (Possessky) Krock ’97

10+ Mr. Jeffrey S. Kline ’04 and Mrs. Jenna L. (Micozzi) Kline ’03

10+ Mr. Sterling R. Krumbine ’59

15+ Mrs. Tammi J. (Kiick) Kelly ’97 10+ The Rev. Barry S. Kendall ’77, P’12 and Mrs. Carey D. (Diemer) Kendall ’76, P’12 2+ Ms. Erin L. Kendall ’12 10+ Mr. Edward A. Kennedy P’04 and Mrs. Patricia E. Kennedy P’04 5+ Mr. Michael R. Kenny P’11 and Mrs. Maribeth Kenny P’11


10+ Mr. Don Kohler P’94 and Mrs. Joann J. Kohler P’94

5+ Mr. John L. Keiser P’01 and Mrs. Adelheid B. Keiser P’01

20+ ✝Mr. Robert J. Keller P’85 and Mrs. Almeda E. Keller P’85


5+ Mr. Patrick J. Kerwin P’03 and Mrs. Pamela A. Kerwin P’03

1+ Ms. Sheryl Ann C. Klus ’13 10+ Mrs. Shirley W. (Warfel) Knade ’56 2+ Ms. Brittney E. Knauss ’12 5+ Mrs. Rochelle L. (Zimmerman) Kniss ’88 5+ Ms. Dawn L. Koch ’96

1+ Ms. Kaitlyn L. Kepler ’12

5+ Mr. John J. Koch P’08 and Mrs. Charmaine T. Koch P’08

5+ Mr. Dennis L. Kerns P’09 and Mrs. Mary V. Kerns P’09

5+ Mr. William T. Koch III P’00 and Mrs. Donna C. Koch P’00

15+ Mrs. Susan I. (Kramer) Kreitz ’76

15+ Ms. Doris P. Krysiak P’91 10+ Mrs. Lori R. (Jarmoska) Kunkel ’82 5+ Mrs. Jennifer S. (Peirson) Kuntz ’03 and Mr. Jason A. Kuntz 5+ Mr. Steven M. Kurtz ’09 5+ Mr. Thomas A. Kury P’06 and Mrs. Rose M. Kury P’06 5+ Mr. Anthony J. Kutchever ’50 5+ Ms. Nada P. (Powley) Kutz ’73

10+ Mrs. Paula S. (Stevens) Labonte ’03 and Mr. Walter E. Labonte 20+ Ms. Nanette L. LaCorte ’76 20+ Mr. Ray A. Landis P’05 and Mrs. Priscilla L. (Lamparter) Landis ’76, P’05 10+ Mr. Khary A. Lane ’02 20+ The Rev. W. Franklin Lantz ’57 and Mrs. June L. (Lykens) Lantz ’57 5+ Mrs. Patricia S. (Shearer) Larthey ’72, P’00, P’04 15+ Dr. David I. Lasky P’86 and Mrs. Ann Lasky P’86

20+ Mr. Clifford D. Leitao P’91 and Mrs. Marion P. Leitao P’91 10+ Mr. Michael W. Lenker ’64 20+ Mr. Mervin K. Lentz ’66 5+ Mrs. Dana K. Lesher 15+ Mrs. Marie E. Lesher P’87 5+ Mr. Daniel A. Lessard and Mrs. Yvonne C. Lessard 2+ Mr. Heath N. Lettich ’12 1+ Ms. Christa V. Levko ’12 1+ Ms. Kathryn M. Lewis ’12

10+ Ms. Deborah M. Lucas ’83

5+ Mrs. Phyllis P. (Proctor) Martin ’76

3+ Ms. Megan B. McGrady ’11

20+ Mrs. Rebecca L. (Supplee) Lundgren ’80

15+ Mr. Raymond K. Martin P’99 and Mrs. Sally J. Martin P’99

20+ Mrs. Joanne C. (Cestone) McHugh ’69

5+ Mr. Leo S. Lutz P’96, P’97 and Mrs. Kathleen A. Lutz P’96, P’97

5+ Mr. Sheldon N. Martin ’04

5+ Ms. Mackenzie R. Lynch ’03 10+ Mr. David W. Lyons P’07 and Mrs. Donna L. Lyons P’07 5+ Dr. David W. Lyons P’13 and Ms. Maria B. Howe P’13 1+ Mr. Oliver D. Lyons ’13 2+ Ms. Megan E. MacDonald ’12

2+ Ms. Kirsten R. Martzall ’13 5+ Mr. John F. Mathis P’04 and Mrs. Stacey E. Mathis P’04

10+ Mrs. Lauren S. (Sutherly) McIntyre ’04 5+ Mr. G. Jeffrey McLaughlin P’00 and Mrs. Frances S. McLaughlin P’00 10+ Mrs. Mary A. (Vath) McMullen ’93

10+ Mr. Wayne Maus P’04 and Mrs. Anne Maus P’04

15+ Bishop Charlie F. McNutt Jr. H’96 and Mrs. Alice T. McNutt

5+ Mr. Harry Maxwell P’12 and Mrs. Carol Maxwell P’12

5+ Mr. John P. Mehl P’09, P’16 and Mrs. Carolyn R. Mehl P’09, P’16

20+ Mr. Bernard R. Mazzoni ’50

1+ Mr. Michael J. Mellon III ’13

1+ Ms. Leigha M. LaTourette ’13 1+ Ms. Maurissa A. Laudeman ’13 20+ Mr. Joseph E. Lauver Jr. P’92, P’97 and Mrs. Carolyn A. Lauver P’92, P’97 10+ June E. Lawrence, R.N., Ph.D., ’62 5+ Mr. Craig A. Layne ’05 10+ Mr. John B. Layne P’05 and Mrs. Jean B. Layne P’05 5+ Mr. Steve Layser and Mrs. Janet E. Layser 15+ The Rev. John R. Lebo ’58 and Mrs. Darlene S. (Steiner) Lebo ’58 4+ Ms. Kymberly A. Lebo ’10 10+ The Rev. David S. LeDuc P’06 and Mrs. Karen M. LeDuc P’06 1+ Ms. Caitlin E. Lee ’13 15+ Mr. Donald J. Lee P’99 and Mrs. Patricia A. Lee P’99 2+ Ms. Emily E. Lefin ’12 5+ Mrs. Mary L. (Maxwell) Leisey ’70

15+ Mr. Michael L. Lichtenwalner ’91 and Mrs. Debra L. (Reagle) Lichtenwalner ’91 20+ Mr. Karl D. Liedtka ’91 and Mrs. Jennifer S. (Peters) Liedtka ’92, M’00 1+ Ms. Caitlyn M. Light ’12 4+ Ms. Sarah J. Linde ’09 5+ Mrs. Eve Lindemuth Bodeux ’87 5+ Mr. Jay W. Lingerman ’65 5+ Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Ebersole) Lingle ’89 5+ Mrs. Sara A. (Etzweiler) Linkous ’51 3+ Mr. James F. Lloyd ’11 5+ Mr. Jedediah E. Looker ’67

20+ Ms. Mary A. Maguire ’61 5+ Mr. Jeremy A. Maisto 1+ Mr. John T. Makatche ’13 5+ Ms. Kathleen E. Maniscalco ’80 10+ Mr. David Marco P’04 and Mrs. Brenda Marco P’04 20+ Mrs. Elizabeth R. (Reiff) Marino ’46 5+ Mr. Joseph L. Markley ’50 5+ Dr. Leon E. Markowicz 5+ The Rev. Earl R. Marks ’47 5+ Mr. John B. Martin Jr. ’85 5+ Mrs. Joyce R. (Kauffman) Martin ’98 20+ Mrs. Pauline M. (Fitz) Martin ’61

25+ Mrs. Linda S. (Ammlung) McAlpin ’71 and Mr. H. Thomas McAlpin 5+ Mr. Charles McClelland P’69 and Mrs. Eleanor K. McClelland P’69 15+ Mrs. Karen L. (Klopp) McConnell ’95, M’06 5+ Mr. Joseph J. McDonald Jr. P’97 2+ Mr. Charles F. McElwee III ’11 10+ Mr. Kenneth M. McFadden ’03 and Mrs. Liana M. (Voinier) McFadden ’03 5+ Mr. Howard M. McGarvey III P’09 and Mrs. Roseann D. McGarvey P’09 5+ Mr. Jack M. McGinley P’09 and Mrs. Joan L. McGinley P’09

10+ Mr. Michael E. Melocheck ’98 5+ Col. Jay A. Mengel ’68 5+ Mr. Kenneth R. Mengel ’97 10+ Mr. Richard W. Mentzer 1+ Mr. Ryan M. Merwine ’13 15+ Mr. Clair G. Metzler P’89 and Mrs. Charlene G. Metzler P’89 25+ Mr. Larry M. Meyer P’91 and Mrs. Boneta F. Meyer P’91 20+ Mr. Kevin B. Meyer ’86 5+ Ms. Bettylou R. Mihal ’07 20+ Mr. Gary M. Mikos ’81 5+ Mrs. Amy (Zubek) Miller ’06



25+ Mr. Larry H. Miller ’64 and Mrs. Barbara A. (Rice) Miller ’72 20+ Mr. Donald N. Miller ’52 5+ Ms. Gwendolyn A. Miller M’12 20+ Ms. Jean A. Miller ’73 5+ Mr. Robert G. Miller ’56 15+ Dr. Robert K. Miller ’51 10+ Ms. Rose M. Miller P’05 5+ Mr. Scott A. Miller and Mrs. Tammy L. Miller 1+ Mr. Shane D. Miller ’13 2+ Mr. Aaron M. Mills ’12 2+ Mr. Robert J. Miske Jr. ’12 5+ Mr. Carl W. Mohler Jr. ’89, ’97 5+ Ms. Cynthia J. Mohn ’81 15+ Mr. Michael D. Mohn ’93 5+ Mr. Craig Morgan P’05, P’14 and Mrs. Tami S. Morgan P’05, P’14 10+ Mr. Glenn A. Moser P’01 and Mrs. Brenda Moser P’01 5+ Mr. Stephen L. Mott P’06 and Mrs. Melinda J. Mott P’06 25+ Mr. Clifton E. Mowrer Jr. P’81 and Mrs. Barbara E. Mowrer P’81 5+ Mr. Francis M. Murphy P’12 and Mrs. Joanne J. Murphy P’12 5+ Dr. Julia N. Murphy P’95 15+ Mrs. Susan S. (Swartz) Musser ’68 25+ Mrs. Lois Q. (Quickel) Neidermyer ’67 5+ Mr. George L. Neill ’76 5+ Mrs. Karen R. Nelson P’05


5+ Mrs. Marjorie M. (Miller) Nelson ’68

5+ Mrs. Nickole L. (Smith) Porter ’02

1+ Mr. Michael G. Ness ’13

15+ Ms. Charel Porubiansky ’92

2+ Mr. Gregory L. Newman ’11

10+ Mr. Peter P. Post P’99 and Mrs. Mary L. Post P’99

5+ Mr. Walter C. Newman P’11 and Mrs. Janine M. Newman P’11 20+ Mr. Ronald D. Newmaster ’67 25+ Mr. Clair W. Noll ’55 and ✝Mrs. Jeanne C. (Winter) Noll ’57 10+ Dr. Ira G. Nolt P’84 and Mrs. Dorothy M. Nolt P’84 10+ Mrs. Elaine W. (Woodworth) Norcross ’83 5+ Mr. Lloyd P. Nyce P’89, P’92 and Mrs. Georgianna Nyce P’89, P’92 5+ Ms. Lori A. Nyce ’92 5+ Mr. David L. O’Brien P’11 and Mrs. Tammy S. O’Brien P’11 5+ Mr. C. Robert Orndorff P’93 and Mrs. Mary L. Orndorff P’93 5+ Mr. Thomas E. Orndorff and Mrs. Patricia A. Orndorff 1+ Ms. Kelly E. Palmquist ’13 5+ Mrs. Nancy L. (Lewis) Patton ’60 5+ Mrs. Elizabeth E. (Evans) Payne ’61 5+ Mr. Dennis C. Phillippy ’63 1+ Ms. Lacy M. Phillips ’13 1+ Ms. Kristen A. Pifer ’12 5+ Mr. Daniel A. Pitonyak ’08 5+ Mr. Francis P. Pitonyak ’05 10+ Mr. Donald L. Plank P’85 and Mrs. Carol Plank P’85 5+ Mr. Jason P. Porta ’06


10+ Mr. Peter M. Progin ’04 and Mrs. Cindy L. (Gingrich) Progin ’04

25+ Mrs. Jean S. (Schultz) Ross ’75, P’08 and Mr. Gregory B. Ross P’08 20+ Mr. William J. Rossnock ’92 20+ Mr. Allen Z. Roth ’75 5+ Mrs. Shirley C. (Carl) Rothenberg ’43

1+ Ms. Erin E. Pruett ’13

25+ Mrs. Jane H. (Hoffman) Roush ’57

10+ Ms. Jill M. (Kauffman) Rabuck ’04, P’99

5+ Dr. Benjamin K. Ruby ’96

1+ Mr. Daniel RamirezBao ’12

5+ Mr. Michael Rugalla Jr. P’11 and Mrs. Christine M. Rugalla P’11

5+ Mrs. Ruth E. (Obert) Ranalli ’58 5+ Mr. Douglas R. Rau P’03 and Mrs. Marilyn J. Rau P’03

5+ Mr. Byron A. Rusher P’09 and Mrs. Barbara J. Rusher P’09

10+ Ms. Carol A. Scott ’74 5+ Mr. Howard P. Scott ’75 5+ Jennifer L. Selin, Esq., ’04 15+ Mrs. Katherine Z. (Zechman) Seyler ’88 5+ Mr. C. Scott Sharnetzka ’68, P’96 and Mrs. Sandra G. (George) Sharnetzka ’70, P’96 5+ Mr. Thomas H. Shartzer P’06 and Mrs. Kelly C. Shartzer P’06 5+ Mr. Daniel F. Shearer ’62 and Mrs. Norma W. (Woolston) Shearer ’65 10+ Mr. Richard J. Sheeto P’06 and Mrs. Margaret R. Sheeto P’06

5+ Mrs. Bonnie M. (Mills) Rausch ’67

5+ Mr. Nicholas M. Sacco P’86 and Mrs. Theresa C. Sacco P’86

5+ Mr. Dean T. Rearich P’06 and Mrs. Roberta B. Rearich P’06

10+ Ms. Mabel R. Sadler ’81

10+ Mrs. Genevieve S. (Stansfield) Shenk ’43, P’71

5+ Mr. Joseph C. Saile ’59

2+ Mr. Cody A. Shepp ’12

5+ Mr. Alexander R. Reber ’07 and Mr. Christopher C. Dietz 1+ Mr. Tyler J. Reinbold ’12 and Mrs. Lauren Reinbold 5+ Mr. George J. Reitbauer and Mrs. Deborah A. Reitbauer 5+ Mr. C. Richard Rhine ’62

5+ Mrs. Lauren N. Salerno 5+ Ms. Gail A. Sanderson 15+ Mr. Richard L. Schaefer P’89 and Mrs. Patricia A. Schaefer P’89 10+ Mr. David H. Schell ’58

1+ Ms. Laura J. Shifflett ’12 5+ Mr. Kevin P. Shiner ’06 and Mrs. Lauren A. Strafford-Shiner ’06 5+ Mr. Charles T. Shirey ’86 and Mrs. Kristine I. (Barbatschi) Shirey ’85 15+ Mr. P. Bruce Sholley ’66

3+ Mr. Timothy T. Ridewood ’11

20+ Mrs. Jo Ann R. (Rinehart) Scheu ’85

15+ Ms. Marie E. RiegleKinch

25+ Mr. John F. Schlegel ’60

10+ Mr. Evan T. Shourds ’78

20+ Dr. Carl B. Rife ’62 and Mrs. Judith S. (Snowberger) Rife ’63

15+ Mrs. Mary M. Schmidt P’98

5+ Mrs. Krista A. (Weisser) Showers M’96

5+ Ms. Stephanie A. Ritter ’02

5+ Mr. Dennis R. Schnader ’63

5+ Dr. Robert H. Rittle ’65 and Mrs. Loretta A. (Schlegel) Rittle ’64

5+ Mr. Glenn F. Schoenberger P’10 and Mrs. Kathleen W. Schoenberger P’10

10+ Mr. Walter N. Robertson and Mrs. Nancy B. Robertson

25+ Mrs. Jeanette B. (Browning) Schroeder ’80

5+ Mr. Keith T. Roden ’83

1+ Mr. Nicholas J. Schultz ’12

5+ Mrs. Nancy J. (Shupp) Rohrer ’84

10+ Mrs. Priscilla B. (Brush) Schwenk ’63

5+ Mrs. Doris A. Shook P’10

20+ Mr. William D. Shumway ’75, P’00 and Mrs. Thelma M. Shumway P’00 1+ Mr. Alexander J. Simms ’13 1+ Mr. Anthony M. Sinico ’13 and Mrs. Kelly J. Sinico 5+ Ms. Kathryn S. Skewis ’63 4+ Ms. Courtney E. Slack ’10

10+ Mr. Robert A. Slobozien ’01 15+ Mrs. Lisa M. (Fleck) Smarsh ’98 5+ Mrs. Jane L. (Lawler) Smith M’00

10+ Mr. Charles Strohl Jr. P’89 and Mrs. Wanda Strohl P’89

15+ Mr. Francis H. Tumpey Jr. P’99 and ✝Mrs. Agnes K. Tumpey P’99

5+ Mrs. Nancy J. (Schilling) Strohl ’95

10+ Mr. Charles D. Ulmer P’91 and Mrs. Linda L. Ulmer ’87, P’91

5+ Ms. Stephanie J. Smith ’87

5+ Mr. LaMar L. Stutzman and Mrs. Elizabeth Stutzman

5+ Mrs. Virginia V. (Vought) Smith ’48

1+ Ms. Suzanne P. Sullivan ’13

5+ Mr. Garry J. Smith P’13 and Mrs. Wendy E. Smith P’13

10+ Mr. Robert Summers ’98

25+ The Rev. Dennis R. Snovel ’69, P’06 and Mrs. Cynthia G. Snovel P’06 10+ Mr. Robert I. Snovel P’69 and ✝Mrs. Lael Snovel P’69 5+ Mr. Phillip L. Snyder ’74 4+ Ms. Sarah A. Snyder ’09 20+ Mr. Sherdell A. Snyder ’52 10+ Ms. Susan E. Snyder ’74 10+ Mr. William M. Sotak P’03 and Mrs. Patricia A. Sotak P’03 25+ Ms. Agnes M. Souders ’54 10+ Mr. Gerald R. Spadjinske P’90 and Mrs. Lucille R. Spadjinske P’90

5+ Mr. Robert Y. Supowit ’60 1+ Mr. Andrew D. Suprock ’13 5+ Ms. Louise G. (Gay) Swain ’59 10+ Mr. Keith A. Symons ’77 15+ Mrs. Carol W. (Warfield) Tallman ’66 25+ Mr. Robert J. Tarantolo ’53 15+ Mr. Albert J. Taylor Jr. ’65 5+ Mrs. Victoria E. (Kerwin) Taylor ’03 and Dr. Grant D. Taylor 5+ Mr. Zachary T. Teisher ’07 and Mrs. Jennifer L. (Wert) Teisher ’08 15+ Mrs. Jeanne E. (Edwards) Tesnar ’51

5+ Ms. Christine L. Stachelczyk ’06

25+ Mrs. Carol W. (Woolley) Testa ’66

10+ The Rev. Ruth M. Stambach ’52

25+ Ms. Gale M. Thompson ’67

10+ Mr. Allen W. Steffy ’69

10+ Mrs. Cynthia E. Tiedeken P’05

25+ Mr. Michael R. Steiner ’67 1+ Ms. Allyson M. Stengel ’13 5+ Mrs. Heidi A. (Hartsock) Sternberger ’82 5+ Mr. Ronald D. Straley and Mrs. Donna R. Straley

1+ Mr. Matthew M. Topping ’13 1+ Mr. Nicholas H. Toth ’13 5+ Ms. Georgia D. Touloumes 5+ Mrs. Mary D. Townsley ’89

5+ Ms. Evalyn M. Strickler ’39

10+ Mr. Kerry L. Troutman P’98 and Mrs. LaRue A. Troutman P’98

15+ Mrs. Sandra J. (Renninger) Strogus ’67

20+ Mr. William H. Trust P’83 and Mrs. Barbara W. Trust P’83

5+ Mrs. Kimberly A. (Umbenhaur) Umphrey ’01 5+ Ms. Angela C. Undercuffler ’07

10+ Mr. Daniel Weber P’97 and Mrs. Rosanne L. Weber P’97 5+ Mrs. Linda S. (Sentman) Weeks ’69 20+ Mr. Kent A. Weidemoyer ’91 and Mrs. Lisa D. (Biehl) Weidemoyer ’90

3+ Ms. Joi-Yan Woo ’11 5+ Mrs. Sylvia M. (Wolfskill) Woodin ’54 5+ Ms. Lauren E. Woodring ’08 10+ Dr. William C. Workinger ’57 5+ Ms. Kimberly A. Wright ’81

2+ Mr. Justin A. Weidman ’12

10+ Mr. Paul D. Wummer ’79

10+ Mrs. Mary E. (Grube) Weidman ’43

1+ Ms. Elise C. Wysocki ’13

10+ Mr. John H. Weller Jr. P’06

20+ Mrs. Erma G. (Gainor) Yeakel ’49

10+ Mrs. Jann C. (Helbig) Van Dyke ’72

4+ Ms. Emily K. Welsh ’10

1+ Mr. Jeff S. Yorgey ’13

5+ Ms. Annalouise Venturella ’04

10+ Mr. William C. Wenrich ’60

20+ Mr. Fredric Vespe ’60 and Mrs. Marion B. (Brooks) Vespe ’59

5+ Mrs. Ruth R. (Robinson) Werdt ’84

5+ Mrs. Karen-Beth Underkoffler ’03 10+ Mr. Alfred R. Uzdella P’04 and Mrs. Diane M. Uzdella P’04

5+ Mr. Richard F. Vogel ’74 and Mrs. Susan A. (Thomas) Vogel ’75 15+ Mr. William S. Vought Jr. ’53 10+ Lt. Col. Clair D. Wagner ’54 1+ Ms. Katherine M. Wagner ’13 5+ Mr. Theodore E. Wagner ’51 5+ Ms. Inge J. Walker ’05 5+ Mr. David M. Walmsley P’01 and Mrs. Jayne E. Walmsley P’01 3+ Ms. Alyssa M. Wargo ’11 25+ Ms. Helen M. Warnke ’66 10+ Mr. Donald C. Wary P’98 and Mrs. Linda K. Wary P’98 5+ Mr. Leonard J. Wasileski P’08 and Mrs. Anita L. Wasileski P’08 1+ Ms. Jordan L. Weaver ’13 5+ Mrs. Sylvia B. (Bucher) Weaver ’62 1+ Mr. Christopher Weber ’13

15+ Mrs. Julie A. Werner ’98 15+ Ms. Sharon K. Whitlock P’97 10+ Mr. Donald E. Whitner P’04 and Mrs. Joanne C. Whitner P’04 10+ Ms. Katharine Whitner 1+ Ms. Carly A. Wilfong ’13 5+ Mrs. Beth M. (Rineman) Williams ’00 2+ Ms. Abigail M. Wise ’12 5+ Mrs. Marian A. (Achenbach) Wise ’50 15+ Mr. Stephen L. Wisler ’61, P’98 and Mrs. Barbara E. Wisler P’98 5+ Ms. Melissa M. Witchey ’98

5+ The Rev. Paul M. Youse ’50 15+ Mr. Michael H. Zang P’00 and Mrs. Karen F. Zang P’00 5+ Mrs. Courtney C. (Dellinger) Zechman ’05 10+ Mr. Thomas C. Zeiser P’05 and Mrs. Diane M. Zeiser P’05 1+ Ms. Jennifer Zeller ’13 5+ Mr. Dale L. Zerfing P’99 and Mrs. Evelyn E. Zerfing P’99 20+ Mrs. Ruth A. (Brown) Zimmerman ’51 2+ Mr. Daniel W. Zoll ’12 5+ Mr. William M. Zoll P’12 and Mrs. Kyle K. Zoll P’12 10+ Mr. Samuel F. Zook P’92 and Mrs. Retah E. Zook P’92 15+ Ms. Jill E. Zwiesdak ’97

1+ Ms. Liesl K. Wolf M’13 10+ Mr. Melvin H. Wolf and Mrs. Joan S. Wolf 10+ Mrs. Phyllis M. (Morrow) Wolfe ’63 5+ Mr. Thomas G. Wolfgang ’55, P’82 and Mrs. Betty Jane (Swisher) Wolfgang ’54, P’82



Board of Trustees 2012–2013 Board Officers Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 George M. Reider Jr. ’63 Katherine J. Bishop Geret P. De Piper ’68 George J. King ’68

Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer

2012–2013 Board Members Kristen R. Angstadt ’74, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Supervisor of Pupil Services, Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15 Katherine J. Bishop, B.A., M.S. President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairperson, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation Edward D. Breen, B.S. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Tyco International Terence C. Brown ’78, B.S. President, Brown Technology Group LLC Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05, B.S. Director, Lebanon Operations, Brownstone Real Estate Geret P. De Piper ’68, B.A. Retired Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, CSX World Terminals LLC Susanne Harley Dombrowski ’83, B.S., C.P.A. Principal and Shareholder, Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz Chief Financial Officer, Controller, and Shareholder, 12:34 Micro Technologies Inc. Ronald J. Drnevich, B.S. Former Senior Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Board, Capital Blue Cross Renée Fritz ’13 Student Trustee, LVC James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81, B.S., M.B.A. Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Five Mile Capital Partners LCC Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger, B.A., M.Ed. Chief Executive Officer, ASK Foods Inc. George J. King ’68, B.S., C.P.A. President, RWS Energy Services Malcolm L. Lazin ’65, B.S., J.D. Founder and Executive Director, Equality Forum Seth Mendelsohn M’10, J.D. Vice President-Legal, Virginia American Water Company Carroll “Skip” L. Missimer ’76, ’79, B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Global Director for Environmental Affairs, P.H. Glatfelter Company



Chester Q. Mosteller ’75, B.S. President and Founder, Mosteller & Associates Stephen M. Nelson ’84, P’12, B.S. Risk and Safety Manager, Haines and Kibblehouse Inc. Renee Lapp Norris, B.A., M.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Music, LVC Lynn G. Phillips ’68, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. Former Chief Administration Officer and Director, Aresty Institute of Executive Education, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Michael Pittari, B.F.A., M.F.A. Chair and Associate Professor of Art, LVC George M. Reider Jr. ’63, B.S. Former Officer, Aetna Inc.; Insurance Commissioner, State of Connecticut; Former President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners; Adjunct Professor, Fordham University Law School and University of Connecticut Graduate Center Jeffrey W. Robbins, B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Chair of Religion and Philosophy, Professor of Religion, Director of American Studies, LVC Stephen H. Roberts ’65, B.S. President and Chief Executive Officer, Echo Data Services Inc. Elliott Robinson, B.S. Vice President, Administration, Milton Hershey School Elyse E. Rogers ’76, B.A., J.D. Partner, Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers Tracey A. Stover ’91, B.A., M.B.A. Partner, US Assurance Industrial Products Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers Alan A. Symonette, B.A., J.D. Arbitrator, Alan A. Symonette, Arbitrator Lewis E. Thayne, A.B., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. President, LVC Ryan H. Tweedie ’93, B.S. Partner, Human Resource Technology, Ernst & Young Elizabeth R. Unger ’72, B.S., M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Chronic Viral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Roberto M. Valdes ’14 Student Trustee, LVC Albertine P. Washington H’91, P’86, B.A., P.D. Retired Educator, Lebanon School District Samuel A. Willman ’67, B.S., M.Com. President, Delta Packaging Inc.


Publication Staff

Edward H. Arnold H’87, B.A., L.H.D. Chairman, Arnold Logistics

Executive Director of Marketing and Communications: Martin J. Parkes

Raymond H. Carr, Ph.B., LL.B. Realtor; Commercial and Industrial Developer

Editor: Dr. Tom Hanrahan

Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., L.H.D. Retired Senior Vice President, E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. Eugene R. Geesey ’56, B.S. Retired Owner/President, CIB Inc. Martin L. Gluntz ’53, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Retired Vice President, Technical Services, Hershey International Division, Hershey Foods Corporation

Editorial Staff: Lauren Baran ’12, D’14; Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14; Becky Fullmer; Christine Brandt Little; Emily Summey M’13; and Anita Williams Writer: Christine Brandt Little Designer: Tom Castanzo, Afire Creative Group Photography: Dennis Crews


Elaine G. Hackman ’52, B.A. Retired Business Executive

Kelly Alsedek—Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Publications

William Lehr Jr., B.B.A., J.D. Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Capital Blue Cross

Dr. Scott Eggert—Professor Emeritus of Music

*Kenneth H. Plummer Retired President, E.D. Plummer Sons Inc. Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97, B.S., L.H.D. Retired Owner/President, T.C.R. Packaging Inc. Bruce R. Rismiller ’59, B.A., M.S. Retired Executive Vice President, Northwest Airlines The Rev. Daniel L. Shearer ’38, H’65, A.B., M.S.T., S.T.M., D.D. Retired Pastor, United Methodist Church Morton Spector H’92, P’79 Design House Kitchens and Appliances LLC Elizabeth K. Weisburger ’44, H’89, B.S., Ph.D., D.Sci. Retired Chief of Carcinogen Metabolism and Toxicology Branch, National Cancer Institute Harlan R. Wengert H’87, B.S., M.B.A., D.Sci. Retired Chairman of the Board, Wengert’s Dairy Inc. The Rev. J. Dennis Williams H’90, B.A., M.Div., D.Min., H.D.D. Retired Pastor, United Methodist Church, Former District Superintendent and Dean of Cabinet of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church Harry B. Yost ’62, B.S., J.D., LL.M. Senior Partner, Appel & Yost LLP

Margaret “Peggy” Lehr—Director of Housekeeping Angela Weaber—Facilities Services

Deaths Dr. John “Jack” Allwein ’56—College Benefactor Judy Wright Burger—Founder of Kindermusik for the Community Music Institute Nicholas John “Nick” Pantalone ’15—Member of the Class of 2015 Kenneth Harris Plummer Sr.—Former Member of the Board of Trustees Glenn H. Woods ’51, P’79, P’86, P’90—Associate Professor Emeritus of English

On the Cover Dr. Lewis E. Thayne has committed to leading the College to the forefront of educational technology. (l. to r.): Professor Mat Samuel, Ryan Humphries ’12, and Megan Potteiger are three examples of those who are helping to make that happen.

Inside Cover


President Thayne chats with (l. to r.) Emily Moatz ’16, Alex Beard ’14, Dom Alston ’16, and Tori Kuntz ’16 in the Peace Garden.

Suzanne H. Arnold H’96, L.H.D. Community Leader and Philanthropist

2012–2013 Honor Roll of Donors

Bishop Peggy A. Johnson ’75, B.A., M.Div., D.Min. Bishop of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church F. Obai Kabia ’73, P’99, P’00, P’02, B.S., M.P.A. Retired Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Bishop Jeremiah J. Park, B.Div., M.Div., D.Min. Bishop of the Susquehanna Conference of The United Methodist Church

To see a list of all donors to the College during the 2012–2013 academic year—alumni, parents, and friends spanning generations of supporters—please visit All of us at Lebanon Valley College thank you for your generosity and service, and for helping make the Valley what it is today. *Deceased



Statement of Activities 2012–2013 Change in Net Assets:

Revenues and Other Additions Total Revenue and Other Additions:




Interest on Loans

Gains on Property and Investments, Net

Room, Board, Student Fees, etc.


$113,596,956 Net Assets at End of Year:


Auxiliary Enterprises

$114,952,309 62%

Tuition and Fees (net of institutional financial aid)


Endowment/ Investment Income


Gifts and Private Grants


Government Grants

Expenditures and Other Deductions Total Expenditures and Other Deductions:



Auxiliary Enterprises



Student Aid (Government)



General Institution


Academic Support


Student Services


Operation and Maintenance of Plant


Public Services 48


Net Assets at Beginning of Year:


101 North College Avenue Annville, PA 17003-1400


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