LVC Catalog 2020-2021

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this level, the problem is resolved, and no further action needs to be taken. If no agreement is reached, either the student or the faculty member may elect to proceed to Grievance.

GRIEVANCE • Within 10 College business days of completing Mediation, the student may send to the assistant dean and director of Constellation LVC (ADDC) a written request to have the case heard by a Grievance Hearing Board. The ADDC will, within 10 College business days of receiving the written request, convene a Grievance Hearing Board that will serve for the term of the grievance in question. Voting members of the board will consist of two faculty members and one member of the student body. The student representative will be selected by the associate dean of student affairs. The ADDC will serve as chair of the Grievance Hearing Board and is responsible for documenting the events of the hearing. The process of forming the Grievance Hearing Board conforms to the Faculty Policies Manual. • The student and faculty member must be present during the entire hearing, excluding deliberations. Each may be assisted during the hearing by an advisor from among current students, faculty, administration, or staff. This individual serves in an advisory capacity only. They may not actively participate in the hearing. • The hearing board shall have three College business days from the time it is convened to decide. The student, faculty member, and department chair/ program director are to be notified in writing regarding the board’s decision.

RECORDS The Grievance Hearing Board is the final source of appeal. The ADDC serves as a repository of all records that are kept of the grievance. After the dissolution of the board, a repository of grievance records will be kept in the Registrar’s Office for five years following a student’s last date of attendance at the College.

Academic Honesty Lebanon Valley College expects its students to uphold the principles of academic honesty. Violations of these principles will not be tolerated. Students shall neither hinder nor unfairly assist the efforts of other students to complete their work. All individual work that a student produces and submits as a course assignment must be the student’s own. Cheating and plagiarism are acts of academic dishonesty. Cheating is an act that deceives or defrauds. It includes, but is not limited to, looking at another’s exam or quiz, using unauthorized materials during an exam or quiz, colluding on assignments without the permission or knowledge of the instructor, and furnishing false information to receive special consideration, such as postponement of an exam, essay, quiz, or deadline of an oral presentation. Plagiarism is the act of submitting as one’s own the work (the words, ideas, images, or compositions) of another person or persons without accurate attribution. Plagiarism can manifest itself in various ways: it can arise from sloppy, inaccurate note-taking; it can emerge as the incomplete or incompetent citation of resources;


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