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request, in writing, a one-time probation extension. Extension requests will only be granted to students who have the support of the advisor and/or program director and have a high likelihood of successful program completion. Extension requests must be approved by the program director and will be submitted to the registrar’s office and retained in the student’s academic file along with the approved academic plan. The extension request must include a realistic timeline for returning to good standing that is endorsed by the advisor and/or program director. Dismissal. Students will be dismissed from the program when either (1) they fail to return to good academic standing after two semesters (in which the student is actively enrolled in one or more courses) or within the timeline agreed upon within an approved one-time probation extension; or (2) they have earned more than two C or F grades (excluding repeated courses in which a grade higher than a C was earned). Appeals Process. A student may appeal a dismissal decision to the assistant dean for student success and retention (ADSSR). No later than 14 calendar business days following the date of the letter informing the student that they have been dismissed, the student may appeal the decision. Failure to appeal within the limited time period constitutes a waiver of the student’s right to appeal. The appeal must be made in writing. An appeal will be granted if severe mitigating circumstances sufficiently documented by an authority contributed to the student’s poor academic performance. The ADSSR will assemble an appeals committee, consisting of a member of the Academic Affairs Council, a full-time faculty member, and the graduate program director. The ADSSR will serve as the chair of the appeals committee. The appeals committee has the authority to affirm or reverse the decision to suspend the student. The decision of the appeals committee is final. An academic dismissal is recorded on a student’s academic transcript. Reinstatement. After one year, a student may request reinstatement following a dismissal by submitting a written application for re-enrollment to the appropriate program director. The student must provide evidence that they are prepared for the rigors of graduate education and have addressed whatever difficulties contributed to their poor academic performance. This may include letters of recommendation from employers, counselors, or medical professionals. The application for re-enrollment must be received with sufficient time to allow a student to complete the program within the maximum timeframe indicated in the Time Restriction policy. After reinstatement to a graduate program following a dismissal, the dismissal will be removed from the student’s academic transcript. The student will be reinstated on Academic Probation and must follow the guidelines outlined above to return to good academic standing. A student who is dismissed a second time will not be eligible for reinstatement.
In addition to meeting academic standing requirements, described above, all degree-seeking students must also maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward a degree to maintain eligibility for federal and institutional financial aid. This includes grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study. Students must earn a minimum