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The minor in Common Law offers 15–21 credits of LVC coursework to support students’ dual enrollment in a University of London distance-learning program leading to the Certificate of Higher Education in the Common Law (equivalent to the first year of a British law degree). The University of London materials are arranged in four modules (Legal System and Methods, Public Law, Criminal Law, and Contracts) and the student will need to complete required self-directed studies and pass a three-hour unseen essay exam in each module. Students will be able to transfer 24 credits to LVC (6 credits for each successfully examined London module) following their successful completion of the Certificate of Higher Education in the Common Law. Additional information on the law and society minor can be found in the undergraduate academic programs section of the College Catalog.
In the cooperative 3+2 Engineering Program, a student earns a B.S. degree from Lebanon Valley College and a B.S. degree in one of the fields of engineering from another institution. Students do three years of work at Lebanon Valley College and then usually do two additional years of work in engineering. To assist the student, Lebanon Valley College has cooperative (contractual) agreements with The Pennsylvania State University and Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. There are two tracks for 3+2 engineering. For most fields of engineering, the student completes the B.S. physics track. For chemical engineering, the student completes the B.S. chemistry track. Contact Dr. Keith Veenhuizen, director of engineering, at veenhuiz@lvc.edu for additional information.
The goal of the Medical Laboratory Science Program is to prepare students for a career as a clinical laboratory scientist with certification from the American Society for Clinical Pathology and the National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel. Medical laboratory science is a 3+1 cooperative program in which the student spends three years at LVC to fulfill the requirements of the College and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). During the third year, the student applies to a NAACLS-accredited school of medical laboratory science, where they will complete the fourth year of clinical training. After successful completion of the fourth year, the student is awarded the bachelor of science from Lebanon Valley College. Degree requirements are listed under the Medical Laboratory Science Program. The College is affiliated with the following clinical programs: Florence M. Cook School of Medical Laboratory Science of the Jersey Shore Medical Center, and the Clinical Laboratory Science Program of the Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences. However, the student is not limited to these affiliated programs and may seek acceptance at other accredited clinical schools.