Le Bilingue June 2013

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Gay Rights in France

Mirum: Vivamus est ipsum, vehicula nec, feugiat rhoncus, accumsan id, nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer


Manifestation 13/01/2013 at avenue Rapp Photo Taken By: Franklin Dusserre Term S

The question revolving around homosexual marriage in France Equality between hetero-­‐ and homosexual couples is one of the emerging debates of the 21st century. As the 20th century is a?ached to a wave of equality between sexes, could the 21st century be a?ached to a wave of equality for same-­‐sex couples? It certainly looks this way as one naEon aFer the other is beginning to legalize what is known as 'equality marriage' or 'same sex marriage'. In France, the issue has been at the heart of many debates since May 2012, when President Francois Hollande included it as part of his campaign. Indeed, just a week before President Barack Obama started a new era by menEoning gay rights in his inauguraEon speech, France had already inserted the ma?er in its history. On the 13th January 2013, half a million people were parading through the streets of Paris, protesEng against the gay right to civil marriage. President François Hollande, elected in May 2012, had announced his plan to legalize same-­‐sex marriage and adopEons in his campaigning last year. The bill legalizing the right of civil marriage between same-­‐sex couples and the adopEon by two people dolor of the same lorem ipsum metsex was set approved on Friday the 18th of May 2013 by nunc parum the quam consEtuEonal council.


In France, the ma?er is very controversial as the populaEon is completely

divided on the ma?er. On Sunday the 24th of March, 300 000 french ciEzens restarted the “ManifestaEon Pour Tous” in the streets of Paris. In a desperate a?empt to change the government's opinion, men, women and children were walking around holding banners with messages someEmes more aggressive than last Eme, wanEng their voice and their opinion to be heard by the French Government. For them, the fight was not over unEl the mandate had been voted on by the S e n a t e . N o w t h a t i t h a s , t h e l a s t demonstraEon was on the 26th May at which point most of the opponents are hoping for the right-­‐wing to win the elecEons in 2017 and cancel out the bill. L o o k i n g a t t h e s i t u a E o n internaEonally, we can see that France is not doing anything extraordinary by legalizing equality marriage. In Europe, same-­‐sex marriage is already legal in Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Belgium and Sweden. Bills proposing legal recogniEon of same-­‐sex marriage have either been proposed and are pending, or have been approved by one legislaEve house, in Germany, Finland and the Luxembourg. There are many issues revolving around the legalizaEon of same-­‐sex marriage, most of them consisEng in the right to have children through adopEon, ferElity treatments or surrogacy. On the 13th January, the men and women protesEng against same-­‐sex

marriage were proudly holding up banners saying that “Le marriage c'est un homme et une femme” or “Papa, Maman et les enfants”. ConservaEve catholics was also there claiming “La France est chreEenne et doit le rester”. ScienEfic communiEes have argued for same sex marriage as they believe that children would benefit from being raised by two parents who are joined in a legally recognized union. In Europe, all countries that allow same-sex marriage also allow adopEon, with the excepEon of Portugal. Some naEons allow joint adopEon even though they do not have equality marriage such as most parts of the United Kingdom, some states in the USA, Brazil and parts of Australia. The quesEon of homosexuality which arose throughout the 20th century up unEl now has revoluEonized one of the founding pillars of society. Some people see same-­‐sex marriage and homosexual parents as a pillar being torn down others see it as a step towards a be?er world. Are we adding a brick towards the stable wall of our society or are we tearing one down?

Justin Bieber: Hate vs. Love by Yasmin Akhavan

Photo taken by Paloma Nahon 1re IB

A poll was taken for the 1re IB class that asked “do you like Justin Bieber?” Out of a total of 20 votes, 9 said no, has become one of the biggest phenomenons of the 21st being almost half of the voters. 10 said they did not mind, and century. Having 36.1 million followers on Twitter, and his only 1 person voted yes. Why is this? A close interview with music video of “Baby” at the second most viewed video on one of the voters who voted against this conveys their Youtube with 840 million views and counting, it is safe to opposition to this popstar, being thought of as “fake” and say that he has had an immense inGluence on the “average”. The anonymous voter stated that their opposition worldwide population. His fans are mainly young girls, but was not as much toward Justin Bieber himself, but more also young inspired musicians. Bieber has become a great toward what he represented which was the “bad sides of the inspiration himself due to the fact that he was discovered music industry”: commercial songs with no real meaning by Scooter Braun-­‐ one of the most inGluencial talent behind them. When discussing his actual songs and talent, the managers in America-­‐ through uploading videos on his voter expressed that his big hits had no depth, contrary to Youtube channel. This has given hope to millions of other musicians who are not as recognized, and that Bieber musicians around the world, to upload their own videos in “overshadows all the talented musicians out there”. It can be the hopes of being discovered. However, studies have inferred by this discussion that it is more Bieber’s image and shown through the popular opinions of voters, that this his superGicial persona that embodies the shallow sides of the teen popstar is not so loved by everyone. In fact, on most of music industry, that are strongly opposed by viewers. An his videos he receives threatening comments and critical indifferent voter was also interviewed on this subject. responses. Even going in the street, the name “Justin According to said voter, Bieber does have talent in that he can Bieber” seems to have a negative effect on most people, his sing, however his songs are “solely commercial and have no name representing the superGiciality of commercial music. depth”. Now the question is: why so hated? Moreover, the image of Bieber has turned into a “money-­‐making commercial artist”. Once again, it is his representation that makes him so unloved amongst many people. One voter who voted yes was also interviewed. In response to the question of being the only person who voted in agreement to this survey, the voter stated that he was “successful, young, and made it for himself”. This voter also expressed, however, that he did not like his music or his musical style, but he respected the ensemble of his self-­‐made career. The fact that he actually was discovered and had no help of his own to become famous was highly recognized and admired by this voter, in contrast to the Girst voter who said that Bieber was merely “lucky”. Bieber does have his fans, and his opposers. His fans, besides the young girls who Gind him physically attractive and enjoy his music, mainly respect the fact that he has managed to be successful by putting videos up himself on his Youtube channel. However, since almost half of the voters were against him, it can be concluded that Justin Bieber’s depiction of commercial music and of the money-­‐making industry have worked against him. As these are also two extremes, most of the population is indifferent, Ginding him talented but not enjoying Photo taken by Yasmin Akhavan 1re IB his image that has become much too fake.

The 19 year-­‐old pop singer, Justin Bieber,

White Smoke Through Dark Clouds:

by Hugo Lieber

Photo taken by Yasmin Akhavan 1re IB

Pope Francis will have to be more than “a conservative with a common touch” as some are calling him. He must implement much needed change to the Catholic Church.

In a way, the arrival of a South American at the Vatican can be compared to the election of an African-American to the White House.

Elected on March 13th, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, is a unique pope. He is the first pontiff from the Jesuit Order, which was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 then at the University of Paris and has been known for its missionary work. He is also the first non-European pope since Syrian-born Gregory III in the 8th Century. As Cardinal of Buenos Aires, he lived in a small apartment, used public transportation, and refused to have meals cooked for him. He was considered a humble, down-to-earth man, a fervent protector of the poor. Following his election, Father Jorge (as he liked to be called) has demanded a “poor church for the poor”, and insisted on the importance of reform.

People hope that Pope Francis will take quick action to implement the necessary reforms to save the Church. The Vatican bureaucracy, reclusive, inefficient, and filled with conflict, has lost its credibility. The Church has failed to report cases of sexual abuse, and the Vatican Bank has been unsuccessful in reducing money laundering. So the question remains, what should Pope Francis do? One of the issues at the top of his list may be priestly celibacy. Many believe that if priest were allowed to marry, it could curb abuse of young boys and girls. Then, maybe, the taboo on contraception could be lifted. He must urgently reform, clean up, and bring up to date the Vatican. He must confront, deal with, and remedy sex-abuse and financial scandals, which may go a long way to reversing the decline of Catholicism in Europe.

Yet Francis may not be as tolerant as he seems. He has strongly defended the Church’s opposition to abortion, euthanasia, and adoption by homosexual couples. In 2010, when Argentina was legalizing same-sex marriages, Cardinal Bergoglio declared it “a destructive attack on God’s plan.” However, because he sees contraception as an acceptable way of combating the spread of disease, he may have a more tolerant attitude towards contraception, a recurring issue among Catholics around the world. But Francis represents a hope for renewal for the Catholic Church. The same way that John Paul II’s election turned the papacy into a position that not only Italians, but all Europeans could hold, Cardinal Bergoglio’s election makes it no longer a role only given to individuals of the Old World.

Pope Francis is unlike any other Pope, in ideas, origin, and in his belonging to a particular order of Catholicism. Although at 76, he may seem like a transitional leader, he has the opportunity to restore the world’s faith in the Catholic Church and to its previous glory. But to do so, he must first clear his desk of the nasty and pressing files.

The Secret Behind a Cheeseburger: by Dori Csontos Photo taken by Dania Kawar 1re IB

When you’re on a tight budget, catching a flight or just simply want to treat yourself to some comfort food; fast food restaurants usually win over millions of customers everyday. It can be easy, quick and even tasty, and with hundreds of meal choices and combinations ranging from breakfast to vegetarian meals; there is something for everyone. Although everyone is aware that a delicious cheeseburger and a frosty shake may not be the most nutritious selection, only a few know about some of fast food restaurants’ top secrets that can make you think twice about ever eating another mouthwatering chicken nugget again.

When it comes down to nutrition and health, fast food is not the first to come to mind. Even with some luring commercials on “new free-range chicken breasts” and “low fat” options coming to surface, the reality of fast food nutrition has made it a scandalous topic.

If desiring a more wholesome option, most people would opt for a salad, thinking that it is a healthier choice. Well think again, considering that a Bacon Ranch Chicken Salad at McDonalds similarly contains 22 grams of fat with 7 grams of sugar. By adding the ranch dressing on the top of the salad, which contains 17 grams of fat alone, a surprising 37 grams of fat can be consumed. In other words, this figure is equivalent to eating over three tablespoons of pure butter, making this salad a heart attack on a plate in the long run. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular sale items at McDonalds comes from their Chicken McNuggets. With its moist chicken and crunchy breading exterior, these favorites are amongst the top picks of many customers. Yet what seems to be an innocent piece of juicy chicken is actually only 50% real chicken and has the potential to be deadly! While a regular home made chicken nugget might contain up to seven

ingredients, these famous favorites contain over 38 listed ingredients, most of which are so lengthy and artificial that they take about five minutes just to pronounce. To name a few, dimethylopolysiloxane is an antifoaming agent made of silicone that can also be found in cosmetics, which might help out your skin in the long term, but certainly not your digestive system. Another ingredient that seems harmless at first, but is ever so deadly would be tertiary buthylhydroquinone or TBHQ, which is a preserving chemical that can lead to fatality if consumed over five grams. So next time you peruse that elaborate menu, expect to consume anywhere from 88 to 1110 calories on average and ingest about same amount of food as some chemicals we normally use for make up.

Many people believe in starting the day off right by eating breakfast. Luckily for them, there are a few options out there at popular food chains such as Burger King, where perhaps ordering a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit might just be the perfect idea. Though containing 470 calories, almost a quarter of the suggested calorie intake per day, that figure might not seem so bad when compared to its 28 grams of fat and 4 grams of sugar. Along with this hefty amount of fat content, this special delight is made with a staggering 1420mg of sodium, 59% of the daily value, and 180mg of cholesterol, 62% of the daily value, making that early workout completely pointless. Within all fast food joints, speed is the key to ensure business. Everything comes down to timing, even the cooking. Some employees of fast food restaurants have revealed that many popular food chains cook their food ahead of time and might sell expired or overcooked food because they simply don’t have the time to make more. At McDonalds for example, all burgers come with grill marks already stamped on them by the factory machines and a regular patty meat can be fully cooked in

only 38 seconds. In the case of Tacobell, if too much food is made during a busy weekend, nothing goes to waste; it is merely reheated and served the next day. With Wendy’s, the chili meat is actually overcooked burger meat that has not been sold to customers. To top it all off, in case beef wasn’t already a primary component to all meals, even the drinks, such as milk shakes, contain beef additives. Sanitation is not always a top concern of these restaurants. One study revealed that the ice used for drinks often contain more bacteria than toilet water. Mold can also often be found in the various drink machines we retrieve our beverages from. As for that perfectly finished look, when it comes to advertisements, it takes up to two hours to airbrush and paint a new delicacy to make it seem as fresh and healthy as possible. So next time you walk through the doors of a McDonalds and make a daunting choice over which meal or tasty food item you should order next, just remember the secrets of fast food restaurants that are all disguised in that delicious crispy chicken burger.

Style Section: by Dania Kawar The way we look is extremely important to most of us teenagers. What should I wear? Looks Some items you want to have for: A rock look -­‐A band T-­‐shirt -­‐A plain black leather jacket -­‐Some combat boots (Doc Marten’s for example) -­‐Some ripped jeans -­‐Black or red pants

How should I wear it? With what do I wear this? Does this look trashy? Does this look like I’m trying too hard? Ultimately, we like to look good. Obviously, no one should be victim of any style or stereotype, and we should all dress however we like, and however we think expresses our personality best. However keep in mind that some things just don’t work, not because they’re too “eccentric” or whatnot, but because it shows you’re trying to dress a certain way in order to convey an image of yourself. Therefore, here are a few tips and ideas to make dressing yourself easier.

A hippie look -­‐Flowery or patterned tops -­‐Washed out light blue jeans -­‐Pastel colored tops, sweaters or cardigans -­‐Feathery necklaces or headbands A simple sporty look -­‐Blue jeans -­‐Flats (ballerinas for example) -­‐Plain or patterned t-­‐shirts and sweaters -­‐Jean shirt -­‐Black pants -­‐Sneakers (converse for example) Remember: Never overdo it, or it’ll look like you’re trying to hard. Always incorporate your own style, and don’t try to copy a stereotypical look. Above are just ideas of items that could work if you want to give your outGit a certain Glair.

Some nice inexpensive shops in Paris: Biba – 18 rue de Sèvres 75007 Et vous -­‐ 42 rue Etienne Marcel 75002 Alambic – 34 rue du Four 75006 Gran Bazaar – rue de Sèvres 75007 Candy Rockets – 22 rue du Four 75006 Debbi Debbo – rue Saint Dominique 75007 Aridza Bross – 5 rue des Cannettes 75006 Allison – 65 rue du Bac 75007 Eleven Paris – 54 rue de Passy

Must haves – there are certain things you really must have in your closet at all times. No matter what your style is, you can always wear this item, and it makes everything a whole lot easier. -­‐A black or grey sweater -­‐A solid pair of blue jeans -­‐Nude color tank tops -­‐Black tights -­‐A black jacket -­‐An oversized sweatshirt -­‐An LBD (little black dress) As you can see, most of these items are black. The reason is simple: black goes with everything. If you’re wearing something really colorful, its always good to pair it with something black to tone it down. Sweaters, sweatshirts and blue jeans are good for no-­‐brainer outGits, like if you just woke and need to be in class in 20 minutes; you’ll always be able to wear them with anything. Some don’ts – Obviously, we’re all individuals and should dress however we want, but ther e are a few “errors” that really won’t look good with any style. Don’t wear two patterned items together; it looks a little trashy to pair pants and a shirt that both have patterns. Instead, pair a patterned item with a black or unicolor item. Jeans also look good with anything colorful on top. Choosing a pair of pants that are the same color as one of the colors on the pattern always looks really good! Don’t wear jewelry if your shirt has beading, lace or any kind of sewn in ornaments Instead, if you want to wear jewelry, such as a colorful necklace, its better if your shirt is plain or unicolored. Don’t dress counter seasonally; wearing summer clothes during the winter or and vice versa never looks good. Wearing a pair of ripped up short jean shorts in the middle of February looks trashy, even if you’re wearing tights.

Photos taken by Yasmin Akhavan 1re IB

Vintage stores Hippie Market – 21 rue du Temple 75004 Episode – 12-­‐16 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Freep’star – 8 rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie 75004

Book Review: Ferhoncus de plub Omare foremne The Fault In Our Stars, John Green

Lemacord Promwn

Trenz Pruca Aliquam de Mantis Leo Praesen Mauris Vitaequam

Chauncey de Billuptus

Curabitur Leo

Orci Aliquam Vivamus Nunc

Tortor Rasellus Quisque Porta

Recommended to people who like: young adult fiction –

Diam Nobis Nobis Eget comedy, 90% Urna Sodales characters, 80% 70% love, 40% insightful Senmaris Calla Ipsum Sed accumsan Libero Aliquam Mattis Felis

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

by Urna Gabriela GriffithCras Maecenas Semper

Eget Toque Aliquam de Manti

Hazel Grace is diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at

thrilling and captivating, 5% sad, and 100% pure genius. Fermen Pede

Veli Ligula

Similar Vestibulum books? Possibly Green’s books. Other Bibendum all of John Morbi congue Magna

teenage stuff like: 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher or It’s kind

Fringilla Viverr Uamstory Scelerisque of a funny by Ned Vezinni. Odio Pede 13, a tumor in her lungs. However, a medical miracle saved Seargente de Fermentum Maecenas Interdum Eget Purus

her at 14, allowing her to live. But, Hazel at 16 doesn’t take living much into account: she spends all her time at home,

The Outsiders, S.E Hilton

attached to an oxygen tank, due to her condition. One day,

This classic novel is about a group of youthful greasers

- gorgeous and intelligent, he takes her on a plot twisting

socs. The greasers and socs (short for ‘social) are rivals: the

and different than the journey she intended to pursue:

and the second has money to spend and can get away with

notably life and death. As her best friend, they quickly fall in

proud greaser who in the end, after a series of awful

Houten, the author of their favorite book: An Imperial

1960’s and written by the author at 16, this book can be

beautifully explores how being alive and in love can be

for yourself and find out. If not, just watch the film

barely goes out, and the worst for her is that she has to be

she meets Augustus Waters at a Cancer Kid Support Group

living in Oklahoma and their struggle to live against the

ride leaving her mesmerized. Being with him is unexpected

first lives on the outskirts and barely has money to live on

Augustus brings her to consider sickness and health, also

almost anything. This is the story about Ponyboy Curtis, a

love with each other and together try to look for Peter Van

events, wants fairness in the world they live in. Set in the

Affliction. Hazel Grace’s life is re-written and John Green

considered as heroic, poignant and emotional. Why? Read it

tragic at times. The Fault in Our Stars is probably John

adaptation starring Patrick Swayze, Ralph Macchio, Rob

Green’s best book yet.

Lowe and Tom Cruise.

People who have read this book:2 are you aware that it will

Similar books? The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier and

be interpreted into a movie? Shailene Woodley is said to be

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

part of the cast. Be sure to keep yourself updated on IMDB!

Photos taken by Gabriela Griffith 1re IB

“Functional” Cure for HIV? by Anastasia Pollack HIV, or Human immunodeficiency virus, is a lenEvirus that causes AIDS, a condiEon wherein a human’s immune system slowly fails, allowing life-­‐ threatening infecEons and cancers to thrive easily. This deadly pandemic has plagued all areas of the world for decades, with almost 2 million people dying from it each year and about 34 million infected as of now. AnEretroviral treatment can only slow the advance of the disease at best and in some, cause a near normal life expectancy, but there exists no known definiEve cure or vaccine for the virus. In the past weeks, however, there has seemingly been a breakthrough in the world of medicine, in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. It started with a Mississippi baby girl who, only 30 hours aFer being born, was given an aggressive three-­‐drug treatment for 18 months and to the astonishment of many became the first person successfully cured of HIV/AIDS, having remained HIV-­‐free more than ten months aFer her last treatment. In another case, doctors followed a group of 14 HIV infected paEents who were treated within 10 weeks of infecEon with combinaEon anEretroviral drugs for three years on average and then stopped therapy. One of the doctors, Asier Sáez-­‐Cirión of InsEtut Pasteur in Paris, and his co-­‐authors concluded in this week's issue of the journal PLoS Pathogens, published by the Public Library of

Science, that the treatment can effecEvely “achieve long-­‐term infecEon control and may have important implicaEons in the search for a funcEonal HIV cure." Some of the virus remains in those who are cured, but is dormant or small enough that it does not harm the well being of the paEent. In this sense, a more accurate word would be “remission” instead of a “cure”, as the virus is sEll present, but essenEally harmless and unable to reproduce. However, many doctors remain skepEcal, not wanEng to give people false hope. Dr. Myron Cohen, director of the InsEtute for Global Health and InfecEous Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill says that “only massive amounts of Eme will say whether this child is not infected.” With only a single sure case, this must be taken with a grain of salt.

Lance Armstrong continues to change the game: But for the better or Worse? By Noa Halff

Photo taken by Noa Halff

Lance Armstrong, the figure that comes to mind when cycling is involved, and the formerly well respected prize winning athlete is now being quesEoned of his heroic persona and is currently the punch line of many jokes. He transformed the sport of Cycling beginning in 1999 with his extreme successes, strength, and courageous disposiEon and is now exposed for doping offenses by the United States AnE-­‐Doping Agency in 2012. He is currently disqualified from the Tour De France and banned from cycling for life. Armstrong has not stopped changing the game, while remaining the topic of discussion in the cycling world. (interview…….etc……) The Public has now a different view of the cycling world due to this scandal, but has it changed for the be?er or worse. Is this scandal allowing further support and awareness of the sport or has it deromanEscized it, undermined its credibility and ripped away it’s respect. Will the upcoming Tour de France withhold its standards or will there be new expectaEons. In the United States, this scandal has made people cynical but not toward the sport rather just toward Lance Armstrong himself. There has been ly no talk of the sport or other athlete users. Armstrong is currently receiving nothing but bad press. The USADA said Armstrong would be banned for life from the sport. Any current deals that Companies were in the process of following through ill cancel and past deals will wait for the contracts to expire. Armstrong will lose an esEmated $10 Million lost endorsement opportuniEes. “Many of the people who had confidence in him will no

longer have confidence in him, this will lead to a significant loss” Bob Dilenschneider, founder and principal of The Dilenschneider Group declared. He lost his fans, the people who believed in him, who looked up to him. People are cynical toward him rather than the sport because he is considered selfish and conceited to the eyes of the public. He has been earning thirty million dollars a year, mostly from endorsements and he gets paid millions of dollars by the United States government by leading a cycling team that was sponsored by the United States Postal Service. He was outraged when accused of violaEng the rules even though he was guilty and completely denied it. He made a commercial for Nike in which he ridicules any suggesEon that he was ever “on” anything other than his bicycle, “busEng my ass six hours a day.” Finally he declared a forced confession for his advantage. I think what’s worse about the scandal and a reason why virtually no one is on his side is because of the appearance he was a?empEng to represent. He tried to appear to the press and public, a pure man, dedicated, and strong. A hardworking athlete who would exhaust himself and endure the highly demanding and tough work that takes to win the Tour De France, one of the toughest athleEc races, numerous Emes consecuEvely. Lance Armstrong was more than a just an athlete in America, he was a hero and then the truth shocked the public and exposed Lance Armstrong, showing that it was all a lie.

EABJM’s Ecology Club: by Yishen Xu Back in 2011, four Seconde students, Melanie, Lynne, Amy;s and Agathe, created their ecology club. Every student has probably seen their posters. Some may have par;cipated in the club. It was indeed a success story. Interview with one of the founders, Melanie Guillochet: Q. What gave you the idea of crea1ng the ecology club? A. There already was an Ecology Club at school. We used to hear about it in 6eme and it disappeared a;er a while. We thought it would be good to rejuvenate it. Q. How did you officially found the club? A. We planned on leading the ecology club at the end of our Seconde year and created it in October/November 2011, the beginning of our Premiere year. We had to do some research on possible projects and put together a presentaHon which we then showed to Mrs. Gonnet and Mrs. Bercoff and convinced them that we should create our club. It was not complicated. Q. Last year, the Ecology club was much reputed and the en1re school has been hearing about the ecology club. Could you describe your own impression about the success? A. Yes, indeed last year was a success. The club was very acHve. We had a variety of acHviHes going on throughout the year. Our projects included Back Sale, Swaporama (garments exchange), puSng up eco-­‐friendly reminders (to switch off the lights when leaving) in classrooms etc. Q. How does the Ecology club work? A. There are in fact several ecology clubs at school. The greenhouse actually belongs to a group of Sixieme students. Students from 6eme to 3eme can parHcipate in planHng in

an environmental club led by Sion who is in IB. And us, we are in charge of 3eme to Terminale. Last year, we had an IB teacher Dave Way as the supervisor of the club. Our members were around 40 people and we held meeHngs twice a week. This year we meet regularly on a monthly basis. AmyHs was responsible for contacHng an associaHon in HaiH (with the assistance of Mrs. Koncewitz) to which the fond we raised would be contributed. We work in groups of four and each group is responsible for a project. Q. What was the biggest problem you have dealt with? A. Last year everyone was accepted to adhere to the club without any criterion to be met. Thus, a few people were not persistently contribuHng to the club and it was hard to moHvate them. It is however much easier to work in groups because we tend to be more efficient. This year, we have a new recruiHng policy: only people who are really moHvated can keep their membership. Q. What did you most appreciate from this experience? A. Having a part of my own responsibility and to work, organize and cooperate with other people has been a pleasure. We have achieved to raise people’s awareness about the environment through our own acHon. Q. What are your current projects? A. We work in recycling waste with an associaHon called Benson. Otherwise, we are planning some new project with other schools in Paris through the organizaHon Roots and Shoots which is under the supervision of Julia, a Premiere student.

Les Cafés de Paris

Photo taken by Yasmin Akhavan 1re IB

Have you always enjoyed that light breeze flow past you as you sip your "petit noir" on a terrasse of one of the great Parisian coffee shops? Cafe Flore, le Tourville, Carette, la Cafeotheque and Coutume Cafe are just some of these cafes which I immediately associate great memories with.


A couple of streets off of Bastille; it is by far the most expensive but my personal favourite. Slightly isolated and on a beautiful square in central Paris, it offers a big sidewalk terrasse which has become a gathering point for all of the students who usually chat over coffee. 25 Place des Vosges, 75003

Cafe de la nouvelle Mairie In the heart of the 5eme and close to the most renowned literary schools of Paris, the cafe de la nouvelle Mairie welcomes French intellectuals to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon reading a book over coffee. This cafe is in one if those old buildings that have managed, throughout the years, to keep that cosy, friendly and welcome atmosphere.

La Cafeotheque Following the same concept of the Coutume cafe, the Cafeotheque is another coffee shop for “connoisseurs”. If you are in search of the purest and tastiest coffee beans, this is the place to go. It was created just a couple years ago by a Guatemalan woman who wanted to glorify the rich southAmerican coffee culture. 52 Rue de l'Hôtel de ville 75004

Coutume cafe

The paradise of every coffee aficionado. It was opened recently by two young Franco Australian men who wanted to put the declining Parisian coffee industry back on its feet - and it worked! At Coutume cafe, they make the coffee you crave the most in front of you by roasting the beans and brewing them into a delicious, mesmerising black mix. You can go and experience this café at 47 rue de Babylone in the 7th.

Le Tourville Unlike the two other coffee shops described above, you won’t find exotic mixes and rare coffee beans here - you will have to stick to the ordinary espresso but, it is all worth it for the terrasse. In my opinion, a coffee shop is only complete if it has = a terrasse. I cannot enjoy a cup of coffee whilst being restrained by walls, under a ceiling and in a heavy atmosphere. Part of the experience of having a coffee is sitting outside, appreciating the fresh air and allowing your drink to warm you up. That is why the location and the huge terrasse make it one of the best in Paris. You can find it near Ecole Militaire on the Avenue de la Motte Picquet.


Editors in Chief: Yasmin Akhavan and Dania Kawar Editors: Lara Gruering Gabriela Griffith Dori Csontos Yishen Xu Anastasia Pollack Noa Halff Daniel Leach Canibano Hugo Lieber

Are you interested in participating? Join the Le Bilingue team!

Contact lebilingue@eabjm.net

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