Vol 2
CAS NEWS Writing for you, about you. TEENS FOR KIDS By Olivia Hamant
During this difficult time, being confined at home can be especially challenging for parents and their younger children, who are likely feeling restless. Teens for Kids seeks to provide some much-needed fun and learning for our younger EJM community members. Parents and their children will find a range of short, age-appropriate videos, covering a variety of activities including meditation, read-aloud & storytelling, as arts & crafts, and sing-alongs imagined and carried out by a small team of dedicated, talented, and creative première OIB students. Teens for Kids hopes families will take advantage of these enriching videos that are sure to keep your children entertained! BILINGUAL BUSINESS REVIEW By Maxime de Lanversin TUqPoiqAM7NKZ356VZt91h-lQ The purpose of this newspaper is to expand your knowledge surrounding topics of entrepreneurship, business and technology. Three times a week, you will be able to read articles written by the Business Review team, and videos that invite reputable personalities from the corporate world. Additionally, you can read the review of articles from business news. You will also be able to discover a selection of commented TED talks and a presentation on the many great figures who influence the global economy. Exciting themes, as well as quick explanations of key entrepreneurial concepts can be found on the site:
By Anna Koh
This year, faced with highly unusual circumstances, a lot of us are probably feeling restless, trapped, or inactive. To provide people with the opportunity to relax their minds and bodies, Nina Prunet, a 1er IB student and lifelong yoga practitioner, and Jean Lee, an EJM Parent and professional yoga instructor, have developed online Koh-Ed yoga classes. Prior to these virtual yoga sessions, the pair had been teaching yoga on a weekly basis at Foyer de Grenelle, a local French education center in the 15th arrondissement that offers low-cost or free classes while simultaneously helping underprivileged community members.
Formed by CAS Trips, an organization that provides educational trips to IB students, the Waste Reduction Challenge is a perfect way to help the environment around you, while also getting CAS opportunities during this time when doing so may be a struggle. With the aim of reducing one’s intake and use of plastic, as well as spreading awareness on the issues caused by plastic, there are weekly challenges that every student can complete in the comfort of their own home. Additionally, live Zoom calls have been organized to offer the chance for participants to hear and speak with directly from experts on sustainability (the first one was on Wednesday, May 6 ,20 where special guest Sarah from the Bye Bye Plastic Bags project spoke). More information, as well as documents that have to do with the challenges can be found on their website: utm_source=CAS+Trips+Global+List&utm_campaign=4 a7b5a1cfaEMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_04_28_09_50&utm_mediu m=email&utm_term=0_47ffa8c982-4a7b5a1cfa346197311
Inspired and motivated, Anu (an EJM parent) has offered to teach yoga as well. A new meditation class has been offered by Bénédicte (another EJM parent). Yoga is offered three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 17h30-18h30) and meditation classes are offered once a week (Thursdays 10h-11h). Koh-Ed thrives to create a platform to release any stress and anxiety for everyone going through the confinement. If you haven't signed up yet, sign up at Anyone is welcome to join!
Vol 2
THE SLEEP DIARY By Hunter Brooke Quotes edited for clarity and brevity.
The Dream Team, founded by Mme Laure Zéboulon, would like to teach you about the importance of sleep! Comprised of seven Terminale students, the Dream Team manages an Instagram account (@sleep_ejm) that supports their global aim of raising awareness on the importance of sleep. They also answer sleep-related questions from 3eme, 2nd 1er, and Terminal students, and are passionately working on their latest project: The Sleep Diary.
By Inès Vinciguerra
For several years, Mr. Gregory has hosted the My Favorite Experiment science video contest. This event was made to promote hands-on science, something that Koh Ed’s YES! Team is also exploring, may it be in Ghana, Siberia, or simply the Foyer de Grenelle.The videos are all going to be simple homemade experiments, that can be done by anyone, in any household. Everyone is welcomed to partake, regardless of age or school. Parents can even join their children in the “family” category. High school students might find that this could be a wonderful opportunity, as it could provide good support for university applications. The contest separates in two phases. Phase 1, where participants have to make a video before the 15th of June 2020, and Phase 2, where participants must share their experiment to as many people as possible. The overall goal is to share scientific knowledge to as many people as possible, in a simple and fun way. If anyone is interested in joining this contest, or has any additional questions, Mr.Gregory’s email is
Around 250 3eme to Terminal students took part in a survey, answering questions every morning and afternoon about sleep schedules, mood during the day, physical activity engagement, and more. Not only did this diary serve as a place for students to reflect on the effect of habitual behavior on sleep, encouraging students to eliminate bad habits, the survey’s anonymously collected data (currently undergoing analysis) will be used to raise further awareness about the necessity of sleep and will contribute to an upcoming video that will provide further studentfriendly information. While the Dream Team hopes these efforts will help foster collaboration with scientists around the world, their ultimate goal is to raise sleep-based awareness among younger students, who will then later pass on what they have learned in a cyclic effect. After all, there is perhaps no goal more noble than “helping students improve their sleeping schedules, allowing them to find a personal balance between sleep, schoolwork and leisure time.”
Vol 2
KAISEKI CLUB By Martin Dawson
By Sam Borremans Cette association bénévole, créée pendant le confinement en Mars 2020, a pour but d'aider les personnes dans les EHPAD pendant cette période difficile. Ne pouvant pour des raisons sanitaires, nous rendre dans les EHPAD, nous avons trouvé des idées pour surmonter ce problème et nous nous sommes donnés un nouveau challenge : organiser des projets réguliers pour poursuivre notre mission. Pour Noël et Nouvel an, nous avons organisé des concerts virtuels en assemblant des vidéos de chansons, pièces de musique et autres faites par les élèves talentueux de notre école. A la St Valentin, nous avons avec l’aide du fleuriste Boule de Neige organisé une vente caritative de roses à l’école. Avec les profits, nous avons pu offrir une rose à chaque résident de l'EHPAD de l'Orme. Nous avons également recueilli de nombreux messages de soutien chaleureux de la part des élèves de notre école. Mais ce n’est pas tout : notre prochain projet consiste à aider les personnes de l’EHPAD de l’Orme à utiliser leurs tablettes. Nous espérons que nous pourrons leur apprendre beaucoup de choses, en tant que "représentants de la nouvelle génération". Ce projet Pour Nos Ainés est soutenu par la participation exceptionnelle de Mme Pascale Blachez et les encouragements de Mme Koncewicz. Cette association existe grâce à vous, n’hésitez donc pas à nous rejoindre si vous êtes motivés pour aider les personnes âgées et que vous possédez des talents de management, de technologie, de communication et artistiques. Si vous avez des questions ou voulez nous rejoindre, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse : L'équipe Pour Nos Aînés
Our goal at the Kaiseki Club is to learn everything there is to learn about Japanese culture. Even if we focus primarily on the gastronomic aspect of Japan, we try to touch on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't be apparent in European culture. Our main goal is to understand Japan, and everything that can contribute to that goal is something we strive to learn about. Our club isn’t very demanding in terms of attendance, either. We meet once a month, whether it be on zoom or in person, and discuss about Japanese culture. These meetings usually host a special guest who is proficient in Japanese traditions, ranging from sushi masters to High school students from Kyoto. Due to the current situation with the pandemic, these meetings are currently being held on zoom, however, we intend to expand on the format of our meetings later on. These could become trips to small local restaurants to experience different types of food and ingredients firsthand, or visiting museums to better understand Japanese art and customs. No matter the form, the Kaiseki Club’s main goal is to learn about Japanese culture, and we try to broaden our understanding of a society that is so different from ours.
Vol 2
Le Café Virgule : Une aventure qui ne fait que commencer Début janvier, le Café Virgule ouvrait ses portes au sein de notre établissement. Notre club, destiné aux élèves de la 4ème à la Terminale, compte déjà plus de 10 participants motivés et pleins d'inspiration ! L'idée du Café est venue d'un constat : nous rencontrions des problèmes au cours de l'écriture de nos romans respectifs, et passions de longues heures au téléphone à échanger des techniques pour y remédier. Nous avons réalisé que d'autres pouvaient se confronter aux mêmes difficultés que nous sans pour autant avoir quelqu'un avec qui en parler. Le Café Virgule devint une évidence. Mais en quoi consiste-t-il? La réponse est toute simple : réunir des élèves intrigués par l’écriture et les encourager à s'engager dans la rédaction d'une oeuvre. Romans, nouvelles, pièces de théâtre, scripts de film… toutes les histoires méritent d'être racontées ! Un thème concernant l’écriture est ainsi choisi par les membres et les organisateurs pour nos séances hebdomadaires. Chacun peut alors partager ses astuces et conseils dans la bonne humeur qui caractérise notre café ! À ce jour, nous avons entre autres abordé le développement des personnages, la planification d’un premier chapitre et les sources d’inspiration. Suite à la demande de nos camarades, une session feedback dédiée à leurs écrits a même été organisée ! C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que nous voyons notre café et sa mission se remplir de semaine en semaine. Depuis la création du club, trois personnes se sont lancées dans un projet créatif qui les intimidait jusqu'à présent; cela concrétise nos espoirs et nous réjouit ! Et maintenant ? Nous espérons faire grandir le club et explorer de nouveaux univers avec vous ! N’hésitez pas à faire un saut au seul café ouvert actuellement, tous les mardi à 17h15 en I12. Nous avons hâte de joindre votre histoire à la nôtre ! À très bientôt parmi nous ! 😉 Satine HOMSI & Emmanouil LIATAKIS