DICTUM Tool Catalog 2011/2012

Page 1

Let me introduce you to DICTUM. 100 years Herdim. 60 years DICK.

Dear friends of the crafts,

About DICTUM .........................................| 400 Saws .........................................................| 700

We now have a new name: DICTUM. Since you may ask why, I would like to present a few words of expla-

Chisels .....................................................| 290

nation. The name change is the result of our long tradition.

Sculpting tools ..........................................| 410

More than 160 years of experience in building musical instruments and tools are an achievement to be proud

Hatchets and axes ......................................| 610

of. Such a long experience also means that we have kept developing our products and services. Therefore

Planes ......................................................| 690

we decided to express this continuous development in our name too. DICTUM brings together the two brands DICK and Herdim in our new name DICTUM, from the Latin word for »what has been said«. DICK still stands for the tool segment and Herdim for materials and tools for

Sharpening devices ....................................| 870 Hammers, nails and pry bars .......................| 1010 Wood turning tools .....................................| 107

musical instrument making. All products retain their established labels in slightly modified form. DICTUM – the sound of the word alone already indi-

Rasps and files ..........................................| 119 Measuring and inspection instruments ........| 129

cates that this new name reflects a new stage of development. And, even more, its original meaning shows

Clamps .....................................................| 141

that we place great value on »the word« or, more specifically, on the exchange of ideas. Be it in our work-

Drills, screwdrivers, pliers ..........................| 147

shops on a range of application themes, or in our daily contact with you.

Workshop accessories and toolkits ..............| 159

We are interested in the experiences you make in and with your craft and in learning about what you find

Leather- and paper-working tools ................| 171

helpful and what you would like to have. What matters most to us is that you are satisfied with our products and services. This has always been and will continue to be our focus. We wish you an enjoyable and instructive read and look

Finishing ..................................................| 175 Materials ..................................................| 187 Knives, kitchen utensils, blade blanks .........| 197

forward to dialogue and knowledge exchange with you. Razors and scissors ...................................| 243 Yours sincerely,

Garden tools ..............................................| 251 Arts and crafts ..........................................| 271

Managing Director DICTUM GmbH Books .......................................................| 277 Index ........................................................| 287 General business terms ..............................| 291


Our philosophy is based on a very simple principle: Let the crafts flourish. We are sure you, too, know that sense of fulfilment as you shave ultrathin splints with your plane or make perfect cuts with your saw. This direct contact with materials provided by nature is what makes the crafts so special.


Craft expertise.

We are committed both to the craft tradition and to sustainability. Both are intimately connected. Sustainability is not an invention of our era, but dates back to the Forestry Ordinance of Electoral Saxony of 1560. It stated for the first time that resources may be used only to the extent that they are reproduced by nature. Today, sustainability has acquired an ecological, economic and social dimension.

Our passion for the things we do keeps driving us to improve what we offer and invent new things. In doing so, we build on a continuous exchange of experiences with others. The people engaged in craft work help us advance and become even better.

We implement that idea consistently in all our products. DICTUM primarily provides natural materials: wood, bone, stone, leather and fine steels. These materials are processed carefully, both to protect our natural resources and to ensure that they lose none of their useful functions over the years.

The high regard we have for nature is also reflected in the unique aesthetics of our products. Nothing can be more pleasing than a tool that not only fulfils its purpose, but is also a joy to look at. A true passion grips the senses. It is not easy to explain, but beauty always fascinates us in very special ways.

Ethical principles. This respect for things also extends to how we engage with people. Our business partners, customers and employees can rely on our honesty and fairness. If we promise something, we abide by that commitment. That is important to us. Every day.


And that applies whether you practice a craft professionally or to enrich your free time. Creating something with your own hands is a fundamental experience that changes people’s outlook on life. A discovery of what is original, true and genuine.

Our catalogue reflects this expertise. It was created with love and passion for detail and provides a wealth of knowledge about materials as well as background information so that you can use it like a manual. And it incorporates many experiences you have gained and communicated to us over the years.

For us, values are more than words. Our service will let you see how important it is to us that our philosophy really does inform what we do. Your requirements are our commitment; our values are your benefits. Each and every day.

Quality assurance.

Sharpening service.

A high quality standard is the result of a lot of diligence and commitment. Before we provide you with a tool, it has passed up to 20 manufacturer quality assurance procedures and a 100 per cent receiving inspection in our company. This ensures that we can guarantee the high utility characteristics to you that have already prompted customers to say: »Yes, that’s worth it for me«. And if a fault does get detected occasionally, you can rely on us to find a quick and supportive solution.

A sharp knife is a must-have in cuisine culture and forms part of the basic equipment of every kitchen. You want to cut with knives as sharp as a Samurai sword. Our sharpening experts know how it is done. After all, they were trained in Japan.

For DICTUM quality also means that our products are free of harmful substances. Our materials and tools contain no additives that are potentially hazardous to health or the environment.

And our sharpening service is also available for all other tools for which sharpness matters. To help ensure that your masterpiece will be just perfect.


+49-(0)991-9109-910 or +49-(0)1805-9109-910*

*(14 cents/min. from German landlines / calls from mobiles may cost more).

Origination. It is very important to us to know the origin of our products in great detail. Our business partners include many small family-owned blacksmith enterprises which have cultivated the craft tradition for generations. At DICTUM you can, for example, rest assured that a Japanese saw really was manufactured in Japan. We have coined an expression in our company to define that approach. We call it »origination honesty«.

Spare parts service. For most of our high-quality products, spare parts are readily obtainable even years after the purchase. This means that you can use your proven and trusted tool for a very long time.

The gift service. This may be just the service you need if you want to enthuse others for craftwork too. For example, inspire your friends to build their own folding knife with our new construction set. We will send your lovingly packed gift and personal card to the specified receiver for only € 2.50.


6.00 €


9.00 €


9.00 €

Plane-blades, carving tools, wood-cutting knives

9.00 €


9.00 €

Wood working chisels

9.00 €

Barber scissors

26.00 €

Plus shipping charges (gross prices)

Premium sharpening service. You can have premium class products that bear this logo sharpened by our experts at any time free of charge and without limitation. And you will bear only the postage costs.

Sharpening pass. We sharpen tools and knives bearing this mark free of charge twice. Here too, you bear only the postage costs.


Knowledge grows by communication. You probably know how it works: the more deeply you engage with a subject, the more you want to know. And you then quickly reach the point where literature alone is no longer sufficient. You want to speak with people who share your passion.

The programme. Have you also always thought you’d like to bind a book, build a boat or restore an antique table yourself? Or would you prefer to work with metal? Cast a bronze, forge silver or plate with gold? With more than 100 workshops, there are no limits to developing your creativity and skills. And every workshop ends with a product you yourself have made. An expression of your creative power.

Your teachers. In our workshops, international specialists give their best: they impart the practical craft know-how accumulated over many years to you. In doing so, they take account of your personal knowledge level. Whether you participate in an introductory or advanced course, every workshop provides sufficient time for personal training.

The location. An inspiring environment adds to teaching quality. Our workshop center is situated in an idyllic location, offering the perfect space for a retreat from everyday life and concentration on your personal development. All our workshop sites provide the harmonious and relaxing atmosphere that promotes creative work.

Contact. Telephone Fax

+49-(0)991-9109-909 or +49-(0)1805-9109-909* +49-(0)991-9109-809 or +49-(0)1805-9109-809*





*(14 cents/min. from German landlines / calls from mobiles may cost more).


At the same time, the exchange with you gives us new ideas for product development. Things can always be improved. That is part of our profession. You are therefore cordially invited to participate in one of our workshops.

Japanese saws | 12

Perfect results through clean cuts.

Dozuki saws | 12 Kataba saws | 14 Ryoba saws | 16 Saw sets | 17 Deluxe saws | 18 Quick change saws | 19 Saw cases | 20

Folding saws | 21

Frame and hand saws | 23

Flush-cutting saws | 24

Veneer saws | 24

Back saws | 24

Coping saws | 25

Compass saws | 25

Mitre saws and saw guides | 26

Saws for cutting other materials | 27

Saw accessories | 28

Scroll saw | 28


Japanese saws


are manufactured on highprecision machines

of each individual Dozuki blade) are followed

As Europe’s largest supplier of Japanese handi-

and saws with permanent blades in traditional

by a 100% check of incoming goods in our

craft tools with more than 20 years of experi-

small workshops. The quality of these tools


ence, we have the highest quality standards for fundamentally differs in many respects from every Japanese saw that leaves our company. inexpensive Chinese or Taiwanese imports

Your advantage: You purchase a top product

which sometimes have a similar appearance.

guaranteed to be 100% fault-free! And our

The saws that we offer are manufactured ex-

More than 20 testing processes during manu- responsibility does not end with selling the saw.

clusively in the Japanese master black-smiths’

facture (e.g. the microscopic final inspection

The supply of replacement parts is also ensured

workshops. Saws with interchangeable blades

of every saw blade or the manual sawing test

over the long term.

PHOENIX JUBILEE SAW To celebrate the 40th anniversary of our Japanese saws, we would like to present to you a special limited-edition model made from the highest-quality materials. The handle is coated with black Urushi lacquer and decorated with a phoenix - a good-luck symbol in Japan - and a gold spray effect. On the left side of the handle is a blue phoenix, on the right a red

one. The stainless steel ferrule visually separates the handle from the stainless steel back, which is also embellished with Urushi. The ultra-thin, high-grade carbon steel blade (0.15 mm) has crosscut teeth for extremely fine cuts across the grain. This premium-quality saw comes in a blended fabric roll-up case of cotton and Cupra Rayon (copper silk). This fabric is called Nishijinori (Nishijin textile) and is the most valuable material for kimonos in the former imperial city of Kyoto. In the presentation box provided, you can show off the saw

while keeping it safe and protected from dust. Each of the limited-edition saws has a brass tag with a manufacturer's certificate and production number. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 590 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.15 mm Setting 0.2 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712010 1.088.24 € 1.295.00 €

THE FEATURES OF AN ORIGINAL DICK® JAPANESE SAW Rust protection and reduced friction thanks to cutting edge surfaceplating technology (inexpensive saws are usually only lacquered, leading to increased friction in the saw kerf!)

No play in saw blade guidance for best precision Lighter grip for fatigue-free working

Perfect deburring of the teeth for reduced sawing forces Individual impulse-hardened tooth tips for enhanced tooth-cracking resistance

No play in saw blade attachment for smooth, chatter-free sawing Uniform set of saw teeth and absolutely straight teeth for drift-free sawing


Japanese saws


2. Clean cutting surfaces thanks


to special tooth configuration

1. Low sawing forces thanks to thin blades

Trapezoidal teeth

Conventional saws are pushed. This requires

(crosscut teeth)

Impulse-hardened tooth-by-tooth

thick blades in order to ensure sufficient

Preferred for cuts

(every saw tooth has the same hardness,

stability. Japanese saws, on the other hand,

across the grain. The teeth are sharpened on

therefore the saw stays sharper for longer)

are pulled, allowing the use of very thin

three sides in alternating fashion to cleanly

blades, as they are only subjected to tensile

sever the wood fibres with razor-blade

stress and cannot warp. The saw kerfs are

sharpness, leaving very clean surfaces.

Replacement blade service

therefore finer and the required sawing Quality control at the warehouse in Metten

forces considerably lower.

Triangular teeth (rip teeth)

Uniform and exactly symmetrical tooth setting (no drifting)

PULLING allows the use of a thin blade and keeps this straight

Thin and clean cuts

For sawing along the grain (ripping). The tooth sizes vary over the saw’s length to make it easier to start cuts

Proof of origin

and improve cutting efficiency.

Tool handles without toxins

Universal teeth

(all plastic handles are regularly tested) PRESSURE requires a thick blade and tends to cause warping

Wide and coarse cuts

A hybrid form of the above tooth types, for sawing across, along, and diagonally to the grain. The knife-sharp special teeth produce clean


working surfaces, which normally no longer have to be cleaned out with a chisel or smoothed with a plane.

You can recognise the saw by the DICK label

Your advantage:

Your advantage: You save time.

on the packaging or on the saw blade.

Easy work and little wear.

Even with fibrous soft wood, the cutting edges do not tear out. Your advantage: The result is visually more satisfying.

Tooth checking by microscope

Saw test

Quality control at DICK


Japanese saws


For precise cutting, use a marking knife


instead of a pencil. Approach with the saw

Apart from the type (Dozuki, Kataba, Ryoba,

so that the line just barely remains.

Folding Saw), the intended use (wood, plated


materials, plastic, metal) and the tooth Which size of saw?

patterns (for cutting across, along and diago-


Rule of thumb: The length of the saw blade

nally to the grain), there are a further three

Universal saw with reinforced back

should be at least double the length to be

criteria that are important for choosing the

and therefore limited cutting depth.

sawed (thickness of the workpiece).

most suitable saw.


These distingushing features are:

If the saw does not cut smoothly, change the

Blade thickness, setting and tooth spacing.

For precise, thin cuts and fine surfaces.

angle of attack (20°-90°) to the workpiece. Make certain that the workpiece lies on a

Function and explanation:

solid support or is well clamped so as to Kataba

Blade thickness

be free of vibrations.

The Kataba is a sturdy saw without

The thinner the blade, the quicker and

reinforced back for deep, long cuts.

more energy-efficiently, the cuts can be made.


Starting the cut

Japanese saws are pull saws, therefore the

Use the rear section of the

blades can be manufactured thinner than

blade closest to the handle

those of traditional saws, since they are

to start the cut and use the

under tension. The blade thickness of almost

thumbnail as a guide. Begin

all saws is constant from the back of the saw

sawing with short strokes.

down to the teeth, except for the Silky® saws and handcrafted saws on pages 14, 18, 21

The Ryoba is a double-sided saw with trapezoidal crosscut teeth on one side

The right perspective

and 22. It is only possible to measure the

and triangular rip teeth on the other.

Guide the saw symmetrically

blade thickness of these saws on the back,

The optimum sawing performance is

through your field of vision,

as they have hollow grinding.

therefore available for sawing both across

so that the line of sawing is

and along the grain.

within view of both eyes. Two-handed sawing With larger workpieces, two-handed guidance is re-

TIPS FROM EXPERTS Sawing technique Saw with less force and even strokes, using around 2/3 of the blade length. The saw “bites” under its own weight because of the unique design of the teeth. The lower the force exerted, the better the result. During sawing, change the cutting angle (arching stroke). This improves the saw’s performance and the teeth remain free. Angle For sawing out mortises or dovetails, firstly set the saw at a flat angle and saw along the marking. Only then, tip the saw increasingly towards the right-angle position and saw down to the ground.

commended, with the (right)


pulling hand at the rear end

The setting affects the possibility of adju-

of the handle and the (left)

sting the saw cut as well as the acuteness of

guiding hand close to the

the cut surface and the necessary effort.


Setting describes the bending of the saw teeth alternating to the right and left side.

Rip cuts Drive a small wedge into the kerf to prevent the saw blade


clearly. For easier understanding we specify the setting by the thickness of the saw blade

from getting jammed and to

at its teeth.

make cutting easier.

This dimension also corresponds to the width of the saw kerf. Usually all blades are set,

Cross cuts

except on the above-mentioned Silky® saws,

When you have made a

handcrafted (with little setting) and flush-

shallow cut on the first side,

cutting saws. The setting of the teeth allows

rotate the piece away from

precise cuts without the side of the blade

you. This will improve

being in contact with the groove. With no set-

guidance and cutting

ting, the friction would be too intense, which

precision, especially for large

would result in too much effort during sawing.



Where the setting is measured is not defined Spacing

Japanese saws The blades of the Silky® saws and handmade

Tooth spacing

saws are ground hollow or hollowed out by

You can tell from the tooth spacing how fast

great effort. This enables extremely clean

the saw will cut (feed) and how fine the


cuts and small saw kerfs.

cross-section will be. The larger the tooth

Trapezoidal-shaped teeth –

spacing, the more material you can take out

mainly for cuts across the grain.


of the groove and the faster the saw cuts. Saws with large tooth spacing leave a lessclean surface, as only a few teeth cut the sury


face. A small tooth spacing enables clean surfaces, as many teeth cut the

Normal saws

Silky and deluxe-saws

Diagaonal cuts Universal tooth pattern – for cuts across, along and diagonal to the grain.

surface. The teeth are smaller but cannot cut


Using the dimensions of the setting and

as deep per cut and thus, because of their

Rip teeth – mainly for cuts

blade thickness, you will get a measurement

smaller chip spaces, cannot remove as much

along the grain.

which indicates the possible correction of

material, as saws with large tooth spacing.

Particle boards

the saw direction of the blade and the

Especially suited for hard materials

cleanliness of the surface. Just deduct the


dimensions of the blade thickness from the

Tooth spacing between 1.5 and 3.5 mm (tra-

setting. If this dimension is between 0.15

pezoid toothing and universal tooth pattern)

and 0.35 mm the direction of the cut is

Tooth spacing between 4 and 5 mm

slightly adjustable. Saws to be used for wet

(triangular tooth pattern)


and green wood or rough cuts should have a

• You will easily reach the cut end

Especially suited for plastic

dimension of between 0.15 and 0.35 mm.

• Slightly coarse cuts


like particle boards.

Adjusting the cut with saws with dimensions of 0.1 and 0.15 mm is more difficult, but

Tooth spacing between 1 and 1.5 mm (trape-

once the cut is made precisely, you do not

zoid toothing and universal tooth pattern)

have to readjust it.

Tooth spacing between 3 and 4 mm

Metal Mainly for metal materials.

Foamed materials Used to cut foamed and insulation materials.

(triangular tooth pattern)

Dry wood

The calculated dimension is also

• Extremely clean cuts

Best suited for dry wood.

essential for the surface. The higher the

• Slightly inferior cutting performance (feed)

Wet wood

number, the more grooves will occur on the

Best suited for wet and

surface. You will also need less power for cut- The tooth spacing is measured from one

green wood.

ting. A smaller dimension will result in very

tooth tip to another. In our printed catalogue

clean surfaces.

this dimension is always indicated next to the Hollow grinding Saws with this symbol have a kind of tooth pattern (e.g. triangular tooth


pattern 1.5 mm).

hollow grinding on the blade and

Setting - Blade thickness =

no setting. This results in the

between 0.15 and 0.35 mm

cleanest cutting surfaces.

• Easy adjustment of the saw cut • Less strain needed Setting - Blade thickness = between 0.1 and 0.15 mm • Saw makes straight cuts without

DICK® saw

Cheap article

adjusting the direction • Extremely clean surfaces

Number of strokes required for a specimen 50 x 100 mm (softwood). Knots

Cheap article

DICK saw Slight correction of the saw possible

Hardly any correction possible Number of specimens cut


Saws | Japanese saws

Japanese saws Dozuki saws Dozuki saws are indispensable for making wood joints and precise trimming and pruning. The extremely thin and very fine-toothed saw blade allows the highest precision and clean cuts with very little force. The reinforced back stabilises the blade and reduces the risk of breaking, but without limiting the possible depth of cut. Dozuki saws are principally suited for softwood and hardwood.




Dozuki Universal 240 The most popular Dozuki: Blade length 240 mm Overall length 530 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Universal toothing 1.50 mm 1 Rattan No. 712808 27.65 2 Power Grip No. 712830 27.65 Repl. blade No. 712908 13.36 Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84

€ € € €

32.90 € 32.90 € 15.90 € 12.90 €

Dozuki Universal Compact 180 Handy and compact: Blade length 180 mm Overall length 395 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.40 mm Universal toothing 1.5 mm 3 Rattan No. 712110 19.24 € 4 Power Grip No. 712848 19.24 € Repl. blade No. 712948 12.52 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 €

22.90 € 22.90 € 14.90 € 11.70 €

B DOZUKI UNIVERSAL EXTRA-FINE The closest-ever tooth pitch of a massproduced Japanese saw with universal teeth is 1.3 mm. The 2 tenths of a millimeter that distinguish it from the Dozuki Universal are crucial when it comes to achieving even smoother-cut surfaces. In particular, this allows the most precise hardwood joints and the highest bonding strength in glued joints. You can choose from the conventional Dozuki form or the traditional form.


1 Dozuki Universal extra-fine 240 conventional Blade length 240 mm Overall length 530 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Universal toothing 1.30 mm No. 712994 28.49 € 33.90 € Repl. blade No. 712996 15.88 € 18.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €



A DOZUKI UNIVERSAL These saws are available in two lengths: the standard blade length of 240 mm for general use in carpentry, and the version with 180 mm blade length, which has proven itself especially in apprentice training and in the field. You can also choose the handle type: with traditional rattan-wrapped handle, light and breathable, or rubberised Power Grip, especially durable and slip-proof.



»We have been using Dozuki universal saws for years in apprentice training with great success.« P. Winklhofer, Heinrich-Hübsch-Schule, Karlsruhe (Germany)

Universal Dozuki saws with a universal tooth pattern are especially suited for making dovetail and other wood joints, as well as for all precision cuts across and along the grain.


2 Dozuki Universal extra-fine 240 traditional The traditional version of the Dozuki has an extra-long back, which increases stability and reduces vibration of the blade, and a longer handle for perfect balance. Made from White Silver Steel, it is also harder and has an unsurpassed service life. The handles are stained dark and wrapped in rattan one end crosswise in Japanese style. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 600 mm Cut depth 55 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Universal toothing 1.30 mm No. 712405 37.73 € 44.90 € Repl. blade No. 712997 21.76 € 25.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

Saws | Japanese saws A Crosscut The trapezoidal-shaped teeth of these saws are suited for precise cuts on wooden joints across the grain. They pre-cut the fibre and therefore minimise the risk of tearouts and guarantee extremely fine surface finishes.




A DOZUKI ME 240 - CROSSCUT For especially fine-cut surfaces: Chatter-free handling due to permanent fixing of back and handle. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 535 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712790 35.21 € 41.90 € Repl. blade No. 712890 20.08 € 23.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

For precision cuts, hold the handle close to the tang (shorter strokes), for fast cuts further back (long strokes).




Particle boards and exotic hardwoods Special wear-resistant teeth for laminates, particle boards and exotic hardwoods. Mostly used for crosscuts and cutouts.

F DOZUKI SUPER HARD The curved tip allows cuts to be started mid-panel. Dozuki Super Hard 240 Blade length 240 mm Overall length 530 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm No. 712809 32.69 € 38.90 € Repl. blade No. 712909 15.55 € 18.50 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € Dozuki Super Hard 270 Blade length 270 mm Overall length 590 mm Cut depth 65 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm No. 712121 34.37 € 40.90 € Repl. blade No. 712122 17.56 € 20.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712852 11.51 € 13.70 €





G DOZUKI SUPER HARD COMPACT 180 Available with either slip-resistant, rubberised power grip or classic kiri wood handle with rattan wrapping. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 395 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm No. 712112 20.59 € 24.50 € 1 Rattan 2 Power Grip No. 712795 20.59 € 24.50 € Repl. blade No. 712796 12.52 € 14.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 €

B DOZUKI TENON 240 - CROSSCUT The classic Dozuki with a long back, which stabilises the blade and reduces vibration. Made from White Silver Steel, this traditional version is also harder and has an unsurpassed service life. The handles are stained dark and wrapped in rattan one end crosswise in Japanese style. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 590 mm Cut depth 55 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.40 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712406 39.75 € 47.30 € Repl. blade No. 712507 24.12 € 28.70 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

C DOZUKI COMPACT 180 - CROSSCUT Handy and compact: Blade length 180 mm Overall length 395 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.40 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712111 25.80 € 30.70 € 1 Rattan 2 Power Grip No. 712846 25.80 € 30.70 € Repl. blade No. 712946 17.56 € 20.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 € D DOZUKI MINI 150 - CROSSCUT Perfect for smaller cuts and cuts starting mid-panel. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 370 mm Cut depth 30 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm No. 712816 21.76 € 25.90 € Repl. blade No. 712916 10.84 € 12.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 €

The blades of the Dozuki Mini saws No. 712816 and No. 712780 are exchangeable.

E DOZUKI MINI FINE 150 - CROSSCUT Compact back saw for highest-quality cuts in detail work thanks to a tooth spacing of only 1 mm. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 370 mm Cut depth 30 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.35 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712780 23.45 € 27.90 € Repl. blade No. 712880 14.20 € 16.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 € 13

Saws | Japanese saws

Kataba saws Due to their stronger blades, the backless Kataba saws are very robust and make deep, long or flush cuts in solid or glued wood or composite material. Like all Japanese saws, Kataba saws work on the pull stroke and are therefore especially energy-efficient. Kataba are offered in different blade lengths and tooth spacing for versatile use in cabinetmaking and carpentry.

Universal The universal toothing on the Kataba saw is suited for cuts diagonally, across and along the grain. Mostly used for bigger joints and for cutting deep recesses.

A KATABA UNIVERSAL 270 Becomes a Ryoba in the blink of an eye: Rake teeth quickly transport the sawdust out of the kerf. The Ryoba blade (No. 712480), which is available as an accessory, turns the Kataba into a Ryoba saw in the blink of an eye. Quick, lever-activated bladelocking mechanism. Comes in a heavyduty, transparent plastic case. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 570 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 1.90 mm No. 712478 21.43 € 25.50 € Repl. blade No. 712479 12.35 € 14.70 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € 1 Ryoba Blade 240 Converts your Kataba 270 into a Ryoba double-sided saw with crosscut and ripcut tooth patterns. Blade length 240 mm Blade width 82 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Crosscut teeth 1.70 mm / Setting 0.75 mm Rip teeth 2.80-4 mm / Setting 0.70 mm. No. 712480 14.87 € 17.70 € Crosscut The Kataba with crosscut teeth is the right choice for crosscuts in big lumber. Thanks to the trapezoidal-shaped teeth, the fibre is pre-cut and this saw produces tear-free, clean cutting surfaces.

B KATABA 250 - CROSSCUT For precision cuts with excellent-quality surface finishes. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 580 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.60 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm No. 712818 25.13 € 29.90 € Repl. blade No. 712918 15.88 € 18.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € C HATTORI® KATABA 265 - CROSSCUT Original Japanese saw at an entry-level price. Blade length 265 mm Overall length 590 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.75 mm Crosscut teeth 1.70 mm No. 712620 15.04 € 17.90 € Repl. blade No. 712621 7.14 € 8.50 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € 14







D SILKY® KATABA TSUBASA 285 CROSSCUT Relief-ground blade for low-friction cutting: Due to its taper-ground blade, this saw makes cuts of unprecedented precision and with low friction. The teeth have no set, which makes the saw ideal for flush cuts in order to leave the cutting surface grooveless. This is an advantage especially for sawn glued joints. The specially ground raker teeth reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth, thus increasing the tool's service life. The lateral blade locking mechanism increases stability and reduces vibration. Robust aluminium handle with a soft rubberised grip. Hardchrome-plated (rustproof) blade with impulse-hardened teeth. Comes with a robust, transparent plastic sheath. Blade length 285 mm Overall length 615 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 0.90 mm Crosscut teeth 1.70 mm No. 712495 53.70 € 63.90 € Repl. blade No. 712496 28.49 € 33.90 €

E KATABA SPEED SAW 265 - CROSSCUT Japanese saw blade combined with a rubberised, pistol-shaped handle in Western style for effortless trimming, mitre and shoulder cuts. Fast-locking blade mechanism allows uncomplicated changing of blades. Blade length 265 mm Overall length 435 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.75 mm Crosscut teeth 1.70 mm No. 712794 20.92 € 24.90 € Repl. blade No. 712894 11.68 € 13.90 € Ideal for use in conjunction with our saw guide (712460), see page 26.


F KATABA MINI 175 - CROSSCUT Mini Kataba in Western design for fine, tear-free cuts. Blade length 175 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade width 47 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.65 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm No. 712467 10.50 € 12.50 € Repl. blade No. 712468 6.64 € 7.90 € Ideal for use with saw guide (set No. 712464), see page 26.

Saws | Japanese saws


A KATABA KARIWAKU 333 - CROSSCUT The most popular carpenter saw: Sturdy saw for larger measurements in cabinetmaking and carpentry, also for green wood. High cutting performance, even diagonally to the grain, due to mixed tooth pattern. Light, rubberised aluminium handle. Blade length 333 mm Overall length 705 mm Blade width 55 mm Blade thickness 0.90 mm Setting 1.20 mm Crosscut teeth 2.80 mm No. 712782 33.19 € 39.50 € Repl. blade No. 712882 16.72 € 19.90 € A

How to avoid tear-outs: At the end of the cut use short strokes and very little force. That way you avoid uncontrolled breaking of and damage to the blade. Support the workpiece on both sides to avoid breakage at the end of the cut. If possible, cut very thin pieces »in packages«.

B KATABA ALPHA - CROSSCUT 265 How to make quicker and more precise cuts: This innovative Japanese saw handles even large workpieces, boards and beams. Due to its curved blade, only part of the teeth are in use at a time, the kerf is cleaned better and the teeth do not clog. Furthermore, cuts along deep markings are easier to control. Blade length 265 mm Overall length 600 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 1.80 mm No. 712014 24.29 € 28.90 € Repl. blade No. 712015 12.52 € 14.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €




Ripcut For cuts along the grain with unlimited depths, a Kataba saw with rip teeth is the right choice. The narrower tooth spacing towards the handle facilitates starting the cut and enables a progressive cutting force.

C KATABA 250 - RIPCUT For precision cuts with excellent-quality surface finishes. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 580 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.60 mm Rip teeth 2.20-3.40 mm No. 712817 25.13 € 29.90 € Repl. blade No. 712917 15.88 € 18.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

2 F

E KATABA SUPER HARD COMPACT 180 Handy Kataba saws with choice of slip-resistant, rubberised plastic handle or traditional classic handle made of rattan-wrapped kiri wood. Due to the rounded blade tip also suitable for mid-panel cuts. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 395 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.80 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm No. 712113 19.50 € 23.20 € 1 Rattan 2 Power Grip No. 712845 19.50 € 23.20 € Repl. blade No. 712945 11.93 € 14.20 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 €

Particle boards and exotic hardwoods Special wear-resistant teeth for laminates, particle boards and exotic hardwoods. The backless Kataba design is used for deep cuts.

F HSS KATABA 265 Longest edge life: The ultra-strong HSS blade (approx. 68 Rockwell) of this saw demonstrates remarkable durability and has teeth that are exceptionally resistant to breakage.

D KATABA SUPER HARD 240 The most popular Kataba: Sturdy saw for working with high-wear materials. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 540 mm Blade width 65 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 1.70 mm No. 712204 21.43 € 25.50 € Repl. blade No. 712205 13.36 € 15.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

Blade length 265 mm Overall length 600 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.70 mm Crosscut teeth 1.30 mm No. 712104 20.08 € 23.90 € Repl. blade No. 712105 11.68 € 13.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € 15

Saws | Japanese saws

Ryoba saws Due to its two different cutting edges, the Ryoba saw offers optimum cutting performance, both for rip and crosscuts. This makes it the most versatile saw for cabinetmakers and carpenters. The trapezoidal teeth make the finest cuts across the grain. The triangular teeth are ideal for cutting along the grain. The teeth become finer from the tip towards the tang, which facilitates starting the cut and stabilises the blade with a progressive cutting force.

A RYOBA KOMANE 240 For fine cuts in cabinetmaking: Versatile saw with especially fine tooth pattern, which leaves an extremely fine surface finish. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 580 mm Blade width 84 mm Blade thickness 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.20 mm Rip teeth 2.50-3.90 mm Setting 0.65 mm / 0.65 mm No. 712806 25.97 € 30.90 € Repl. blade No. 712906 16.72 € 19.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712851 13.19 € 15.70 €

B RYOBA SEIUN - IN 4 LENGTHS For versatile use in cabinetmaking and carpentry: Tough and powerful Ryoba in four sizes for all types of cabinetmaking and carpentry work. 1 Ryoba Seiun 210 For detail work in cabinetmaking: Blade length 210 mm Overall length 540 mm Blade width 88 mm Blade thickness 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm Rip teeth 2.50-3.90 mm Setting 0.65 mm / 0.55 mm No. 712803 22.61 € 26.90 € Repl. blade No. 712903 15.88 € 18.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712851 13.19 € 15.70 €





2 Ryoba Seiun 240 Universal saw for cabinetmakers and carpenters. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 600 mm Blade width 97 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Crosscut teeth 1.60 mm Rip teeth 2.50-3.90 mm Setting 0.75 mm / 0.70 mm No. 712804 27.31 € 32.50 € Repl. blade No. 712904 16.72 € 19.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712851 13.19 € 15.70 € 3 Ryoba Seiun 270 Ideal for carpentry joints. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 660 mm Blade width 115 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Crosscut teeth 2.30 mm Rip teeth 3.60-5.80 mm Setting 0.85 mm / 0.80 mm No. 712805 28.49 € 33.90 € Repl. blade No. 712905 20.08 € 23.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712859 15.04 € 17.90 € 4 Ryoba Seiun 300 A durable, high-performance saw. Blade length 300 mm Overall length700 mm Blade width 120 mm Blade thickness 0.70 mm Crosscut teeth 3.50 mm Rip teeth 3.60-5.80 mm Setting 1 mm / 0.95 mm No. 712812 31.85 € 37.90 € Repl. blade No. 712912 22.61 € 26.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712859 15.04 € 17.90 € 16






C RYOBA COMPACT 180 Handy Ryoba saw with classic handle made of rattan-wrapped kiri wood or power grip. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 395 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm / Rip teeth 2.80-3.60 mm / Setting 0.60 mm / 0.70 mm No. 712114 20.76 € 24.70 € 1 Rattan 2 Power Grip No. 712849 20.76 € 24.70 € Repl. blade No. 712949 14.20 € 16.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712858 10.67 € 12.70 €

DICK saws undergo a 100% final inspection at the Japanese manufacturer.

Saws | Japanese saws









Saw sets Price advantage Depending on the size of the saws, all saw sets come in a jute carrying roll. - 712877 (External dimensions 400 x 400 mm) - 712878 (External dimensions 600 x 600 mm) - 712879 (External dimensions 740 x 740 mm)

A JAPANESE DUO 2-PIECE SAW SET With these two versatile saws you are equipped for any jobs in the household and workshop. Dozuki Universal 240 (No. 712808) for precise cuts across and along the grain, and Ryoba Komane 240 (No. 712806), for deep rip- and crosscuts. No. 712141 57.90 € 68.90 €

Precise cuts succeed best with little force and calm, even strokes.

B BASIC 3-PIECE SAW SET First choice for professional work: This popular set of standard-length 240 mm saws will allow you to tackle just about any cabinetmaking project. The very popular Dozuki Universal (No. 712808) is ideal for making dovetails and other wood joints, the double-edged Ryoba Komane (No. 712806) is one of the most versatile saws available for cutting solid wood, and the Kataba Super Hard (No. 712204) is capable of taking on rougher jobs and cutting composites. No. 712833 72.18 € 85.90 €

D 3-PIECE SAW SET COMPACT Handy sizes for demanding work: The handy, yet sturdy Compact saws with 180 mm blade length fit into any tool bag. The 3-piece set includes the Dozuki Universal for dovetails and other wood joints (No. 712110/712848), the double-edged Ryoba for deep rip- and crosscuts (No. 712114/712849), and the Kataba Super Hard for laminates, deep mid-panel and flush cuts (No. 712113/712845). No. 712120 57.90 € 68.90 € 1 Rattan 2 Power Grip No. 712834 57.90 € 68.90 €

C BASIC 4-PIECE SAW SET As above but with an additional Dozuki Tenon saw (No. 712407) for highestprecision cuts and fine surface finishes. No. 712865 109.16 € 129.90 €

E 4-PIECE SAW SET COMPACT As above, but with an additional Dozuki Compact - crosscut (No. 712846) for very precise cuts. No. 712863 79.75 € 94.90 €

F CARPENTRY 3-PIECE SAW SET When working on site, it’s especially important to have lightweight, highperformance tools. With this trio of saws you will be prepared to take on any big task. The Ryoba Seiun 300 (No. 712812) has rip- and crosscut teeth for constructing wood joints and for other large-scale precision work. The Kariwaku (No. 712782) performs exceptionally well even when cutting diagonally to the grain or working with green wood. The Oyakata Professional Folding Saw (No. 712738) is an ideal companion when working in the field. No. 712864 120.17 € 143.00 €


Saws | Japanese saws A





Deluxe saws Our hand-made master saws for the highest expectations are aesthetically pleasing surprisingly light and incredibly long-lived. Their blades are made in numerous steps from vacuum-cast white paper steel and forge-welded with the tang. After hardening, the smith works on them with a scraper to produce differentiated blade thicknesses: Ryoba blades taper towards the middle, Kataba and Dozuki blades towards the back. This produces friction less strokes with little vibration and the cleanest cut surfaces. Each blade is straightened by hand with a flattening hammer and signed with a graver by the master smith. The handles are made of light kiri wood and are generally wrapped in rattan. The full-hardened blades are more delicate than those of saws with replacement blades and should be treated with the greatest care by experienced craftsmen to avoid breakage of the blade or teeth. With proper use and care, the saw will last a lifetime.

A HON DOZUKI DELUXE - CROSSCUT The finest Dozuki: Hand-crafted saw for highest-precision cuts, well-suited for fine cabinetmaking and restoration work. The extremely thin blade and minimal setting (0.1 mm) result in very little cutting loss. Superlight wooden handle, rattan-wrapped. Hon Dozuki Deluxe 180 Blade length 180 mm Overall length 480 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.20 mm Setting 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 0.80 mm No. 712212 115.04 € 136.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 € Hon Dozuki Deluxe 240 Blade length 240 mm Overall length 610 mm Cut depth 50 mm Blade thickness 0.20 mm Setting 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 0.80 mm No. 712213 127.65 € 151.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € 18



B DOZUKI DELUXE 240 - RIPCUT Ideal for dovetails and tenons: Hand-forged saw with ripcut teeth for making high-precision cuts running parallel to the grain. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 600 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.25 mm Setting 0.35 mm Rip teeth 1.50 mm No. 712250 72.18 € 85.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 €

D RYOBA DELUXE 240 Hand-crafted, all-purpose saws with two cutting edges, one for crosscutting and one for ripping. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 600 mm Blade width 105 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm Rip teeth 3.0-4.50 mm Setting 0.75 mm / 0.65 mm No. 712001 138.57 € 164.90 € Case p. 20 No. 712851 13.19 € 15.70 €

C KATABA DELUXE MINI - CROSSCUT Especially suited for making violins, model working, restoration and marquetry. Highly flexible blade.

E KOBIKI DELUXE 450 Hand saws for large-scale work and ripping logs. The Kobiki Deluxe is notable for its well-proportioned design and well-balanced feel. The angled handle is designed for heavy-duty, two-handed use.

Kataba Deluxe Mini 60 Blade length 60 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade width 20 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.40 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712310 41.93 € Kataba Deluxe Mini 120 Blade length 120 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.55 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712311 41.93 €

49.90 €

49.90 €

Kobiki Deluxe - crosscut Blade length 450 mm Overall length 700 mm Blade width 85 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.50 mm Crosscut teeth 3.30 mm No. 712291 121.76 €

144.90 €

Kobiki Deluxe - ripcut Blade length 450 mm Overall length 700 mm Blade width 85 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.75 mm Rip teeth 6.30-7.50 mm No. 712293 104.96 €

124.90 €

F AZEBIKI 90 Special saw with trapezoidal teeth on one edge and triangular teeth on the other for starting cuts midpanel, cutting grooves and making dovetails. Short, curved blade. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 445 mm Blade width 70 mm Blade thickness 0.45 mm Crosscut teeth 1.20 mm Rip teeth 3.30 mm Setting 0.70 mm / 0.90 mm No. 712100 27.65 €

32.90 €

G DELUXE FRET SAW Japanese precision saw with reinforced back for cutting fret grooves in guitar fingerboards. The un-set teeth allow tear-free, perfectly straight cuts. Made by Master Kanzawa, 61 RC, cedar handle. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 320 mm Tooth spacing 1.1 mm Kerf width 0.57 mm No. 712260 46.13 € 54.90 €

Saws | Japanese saws

Quick-change saws Infinite possibilities: Akagashi saws The Akagashi saw is a saw with a very robust handle made of high-grade Japanese red oak. The saw stands for high quality and precision. Now you can customise this first-class Japanese saw according to your individual needs. Using the smart quick-change fastener, you can combine different top-quality saw blades with various hand-made Japanese red oak handles in no time. Simply push up the lever and pull the saw blade down. The blade is locked twice, it fits tightly and is not loose. The oiled surface of the ergonomically shaped handle accentuates the red oak and also the rosewood band, which conceals the slot of the quick-change fastener. For users, this saw represents a new dimension in sawing – one swift movement is enough to have a tool with a choice of blades for all your sawing needs.











A AKAGASHI UNIVERSAL 270 For precise cuts along, across or diagonal to the fibre. Strongly set teeth minimize the friction and allow you to easily correct the direction of the cut. Due to the special tooth design with wider spacing the saw kerf stays clean. The extra-long handle is very comfortable to hold. In short, this saw is an all-rounder. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 520 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.75 mm Crosscut teeth 1.9 mm No. 712160 33.11 € 39.40 €

B AKAGASHI FINE 250 Fine trapezoid toothing characterises this superior saw. The perfect saw for craftsmen who prefer clean-cut surfaces and narrower saw kerfs. An extra-long handle makes for a great balanced saw. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 500 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.5 mm Setting 0.6 mm Crosscut teeth 1.4 mm No. 712162 35.63 € 42.40 €

C AKAGASHI EXTRA FINE 180 The 0.3 mm kerf of this saw is almost unsurpassed. The offset of the blade limits the cutting depth to 22 mm and therefore adds a lot of stability. A slightly shorter handle makes this saw perfect. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 410 mm Cut depth 22 mm Blade thickness 0.3 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712163 48.57 € 57.80 €

D AKAGASHI FLUSH CUT 170 This flush-cutting saw with its extremely flexible blade leaves a very smooth cut surface with no scratch marks. The razorsharp toothing finishes the job. Because of its extra-short handle, this saw may be used in confined and tight spaces. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 335 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.4 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712166 34.79 € 41.40 €

HANDLES FOR AKAGASHI SAWS G Red oak straight 135 mm No. 712985 H Red oak straight 175 mm No. 712984 I Red oak straight 215 mm No. 712983 J Plastic 210 mm No. 712486 K Red oak curved 165 mm No. 712981 L Red oak curved 125 mm No. 712982

20.92 20.92 20.92 8.82 20.92 20.92

€ € € € € €

24.90 € 24.90 € 24.90 € 10.50 € 24.90 € 24.90 €


BLADES FOR AKAGASHI SAWS Universal 270 No. 712986 12.18 Fine 250 No. 712988 14.71 Extra Fine 180 No. 712989 27.65 Flush-Cut 170 No. 712992 13.87 Keyhole 150 No. 712993 13.03

€ € € € €

14.50 € 17.50 € 32.90 € 16.50 € 15.50 €

For specifications of the saw blades see saw description text.

E AKAGASHI KEYHOLE SAW 150 This keyhole saw combines ruggedness with flexibility. The fine toothing allows exact cutting of curved shapes. An extrashort and bent handle adds to the easy handling and manoeuvrability. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 340 mm Blade width 10-15 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.8 mm Crosscut teeth 1.6 mm No. 712167 33.95 € 40.40 €



A Akagashi saw set with the most popular saw blades together with one handle stored in a cotton canvas saw case can be found at www.more-than-tools.de


F KATABA VARIO 270 - CROSSCUT For fine cuts in dry wood. Solid plastic case. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 455 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.75 mm Crosscut teeth 1.80 mm No. 712471 18.07 € 21.50 € Repl. blade No. 712481 9.83 € 11.70 € Kataba Vario saws, 5-piece set Price advantage Multiple-use thanks to extra blades: This set covers the entire range of sawing applications - from cuts in solid wood to plastics. The quickrelease mechanism allows blades to be exchanged in a matter of seconds. Comes with a protective saw guard made of transparent plastic. Kataba Vario 270, blade length 270 mm for fine wood cuts and four additional blades 210 mm in length: rough wood cuts, laminates, bamboo and plastics. No. 712470 46.13 € 54.90 € Repl.handle No. 712486 8.82 € 10.50 €





Saws | Japanese saws Saw cases Protect your fine Japanese saws from dust and damage by storing them in a suitable case and thus improving their tool and edge lives.

A SAW AND TOOL BAG This extra-long case doesn´t just accommodate saws of up to 60 cm in length, it also has room for plenty of other tools and parts. Four interior and six exterior pockets allow you to organise everything in limited space. Made of the finestquality robust nylon with a zip closure and two handles. External dimensions approx. 600 x 170 x 120 mm. No. 712896 41.93 € 49.90 €


B LEATHER CASES FOR DOZUKI AND KATABA European cowhide, rivet-reinforced seams, pushbutton closure, slide-in tongue with hang-up hole. Size 1 Blade length 150-180 mm Blade width max. 60 mm No. 712870 9.83 € 11.70 € Size 2 Blade length 240-270 mm Blade width max. 70 mm No. 712871 10.84 € 12.90 € Size 3 Blade length 240-315 mm Blade width max. 75 mm No. 712852 11.51 € 13.70 €

D C LEATHER CASES FOR RYOBA European cowhide, rivet-reinforced seams, pushbutton closure, slide-in tongue with hang-up hole. Size 1 Blade length 150-180 mm Blade width max. 75 mm No. 712858 10.67 € 12.70 € Size 2 Blade length 210-240 mm Blade width max. 105 mm No. 712851 13.19 € 15.70 €


Size 3 Blade length 270-300 mm Blade width max. 120 mm No. 712859 15.04 € 17.90 €


D JUTE CARRYING ROLLS FOR ALL TYPES 4 compartments, natural colour. Size 1 Blade width max. 70 mm External dimensions 400 x 400 mm No. 712877 4.96 € 5.90 €


Size 2 Blade width max. 90 mm External dimensions 600 x 600 mm No. 712878 7.48 € 8.90 € Size 3 Blade width max. 120 mm External dimensions 740 x 740 mm No. 712879 10.84 € 12.90 €



H CASE FOR AKAGASHI SAWS This cotton canvas saw case holds several combinations of saws for convenient transport and storage. The rear pocket provides space for three saw blades, while the front pocket holds the handle. You can close the case securely with a pushbutton and/or a cord. To prevent damage to the teeth, we additionally recommend using the protective guard no. 712952. External dimensions 265 x 100 mm No. 712169 13.45 € 16.00 €


G SAW TOOTH GUARD Plastic clip-on saw-blade guard. Overall length 600 mm. No. 712952 1.60 €

1.90 €

E JAPANESE SAW BAG Practical shoulder bag with DICK logo. Ripstop nylon corduroy with adjustable shoulder strap and compartments for at least 4 saws up to 75 cm in length. Two separate pockets for repl. blades. Without contents. Overall length max. 750 mm External dimensions of the bag 780 x 160 x 60 mm No. 712895 23.45 € 27.90 € F LEATHER CASE FOR FOLDING SAWS With belt loop. Fits saws No. 712739, 712738, 712754, 712752, 712732, 712736, 712118, 712107. External dimensions 320 x 90 mm No. 712853 12.52 € 14.90 €

Saws | Folding saws

Folding saws Benefit from the advantages of Japanese saws, even when working in the field. Folded, the blade is protected from tooth breakage. Unfolded, the blade is securely fastened for working. Thanks to their reliable mechanism, exact blade guidance and precise tooth pattern, Japanese folding saws are equal to fixed saws in every way.

Japanese folding saws for dry wood

A SILKY® DOZUKI AND KATABA FOLDING SAWS State-of-the-art saws: The blades of these saws can quickly and easily be folded into the handle simply by pressing down the locking lever. The blades are locked in two positions, with one of them also enabling mid-panel cuts. Due to their tapered blade, these saws cut almost frictionlessly, and the high-precision teeth have no setting, leaving the cutting surface grooveless. This is an advantage especially for sawn glued joints. Robust aluminium handles with a non-slip soft rubber grip. Hardchrome-plated (rustproof) blades with impulse-hardened teeth.




1 Dozuki Woodboy 240 - crosscut For the finest cuts. Tapered, hardchrome-plated blade. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 560 mm Cut depth 45 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Crosscut teeth 0.90 mm No. 712768 65.80 € 78.30 € Repl. blade No. 712769 33.03 € 39.30 € 2 Kataba Woodboy 240 - crosscut Ideal for deep cuts and surface-protecting, flush work due to the un-set tooth pattern. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 560 mm Blade width 46 mm Blade thickness 0.70 mm Crosscut teeth 1.10 mm No. 712766 58.57 € 69.70 € Repl. blade No. 712767 29.33 € 34.90 €

B SILKY® OYAKATA 270 - FINE Robust folding saw with fine teeth. The blade has been tapered and has no setting to minimise friction and guarantee clean cutting surfaces, an advantage for sawn glued joints. The specially ground raker teeth reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth, increasing the tool's service life and preventing clogging. The hardchrome-plated (rustproof) blade with impulse-hardened crosscut tooth pattern provides high wearresistance. Robust frame made of die-cast aluminium and a rubberised, non-slip grip. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 560 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Crosscut teeth 1.50 mm No. 712739 52.61 € 62.60 € Repl. blade No. 712749 26.81 € 31.90 € 2-piece Oyakata Set Price advantage Oyakata fine (No. 712739) with coarse replacement blade (No. 712838). No. 718965 75.55 € 89.90 €


C HATTORI® KATABA FOLDING SAW 265 For fine cuts, suitable for mounting and expanding, as well as many other tasks in cabinetmaking and carpentry. The coated blade reduces friction and corrosion. Hardwood handle. Blade length 265 mm Overall length 640 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.95 mm Crosscut teeth 1.60 mm No. 712763 22.18 € 26.40 € Repl. blade No. 712764 11.68 € 13.90 €

D JOINER´S FOLDING SAW ISHINOKO 210 The Ishinoko folding saw stands for fine cutting and excellent performance. With its ergonomically shaped soft rubber handle, it ensures a firm, comfortable grip and prevents fatigue. Chrome-plated steel housing, hardchrome-plated blade (rustproof). Blade length 210 mm Overall length 450 mm Blade width 36 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.15 mm Crosscut teeth 1.40 mm No. 712118 19.24 € 22.90 € Repl. blade No. 712119 12.52 € 14.90 €


E CUTTER SAW 110 This is a compact and versatile saw in cutter format, at home both in the workshop, on a construction site and in the field. The impulse-hardened tooth tips of the high-grade exchangeable blade provide good cutting performance in wood and particle board. The blade can quickly and easily be exchanged for cutter blades. Blade length 103 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade width 18 mm Blade thickness 0.45 mm Setting 0.50 mm Crosscut teeth 1.30 mm No. 712150 10.84 € 12.90 € Repl. blade No. 712151 5.46 € 6.50 €




Saws | Folding saws

Japanese folding saws for green wood

A A ORIKOMI 250 - COARSE For wet wood, carpentry and outdoor work: Optimal cutting performance, even diagonally to the grain, is guaranteed by this folding saw with sturdy aluminium construction and a non-slip elastomer grip. The trapezoidal toothing has additional clearing teeth added at a ratio of 1:7. A tooth spacing which becomes finer towards the blade enables a progressive cutting force. The hardchromeplated blade guarantees a long lifetime. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 510 mm Blade width 32 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1.15 mm Crosscut teeth 2.70-3.60 mm No. 712754 31.01 € 36.90 € Repl. blade No. 712755 16.72 € 19.90 €



B SILKY® OYAKATA 270 - COARSE This robust folding saw with its high cutting performance is ideal for cutting bigger stock (carpentry), insolation material and for pruning trees. To enable low friction and clean cutting surfaces, the blade has been tapered and has no setting. A clean cutting surface helps water run off quickly and thus lets the wood dry more quickly and prevent rotting. The specially ground raker teeth reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth, thus increasing the tool's service life and preventing clogging. The hardchrome-plated (rustproof) blade with impulse-hardened crosscut tooth pattern provides high wear-resistance. Robust frame made of die-cast aluminium and a rubberised, non-slip grip. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 560 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 1.30 mm Crosscut teeth 2.80 mm No. 712738 52.86 € 62.90 € Repl. blade No. 712838 26.81 € 31.90 €




2-piece oyakata set Price advantage Oyakata Coarse (No. 712738) with fine replacement blade (No. 712749). No. 718965 75.55 € 89.90 €

C SILKY® BIG BOY 360 - MEDIUM The perfect saw for carpenters working with large timbers. With its length of 360 mm, this saw has one of the longest blades among all folding saws. The chrome-plated blade is rust-resistant, and the impulse-hardened teeth guarantee a long service life. The tapered blade has additional raker teeth to reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth and thus increase the tool's service life. As the teeth have no setting, the cuts leave the cutting surfaces grooveless. A clean cutting surface helps water run off quickly and thus lets the wood dry more quickly and prevent rotting. The robust, yet light aluminium handle can be held either with one or both hands, and the rubberised coating provides a good grip in any circumstance. The folding saw can easily be locked and unlocked simply with a press of the thumb, which enables two different working positions of the saw blade and even sawing in places that are difficult to access. Blade length 360 mm Overall length 760 mm Blade width 42 mm Blade thickness 1.30 mm Crosscut teeth 3 mm No. 712499 53.70 € 63.90 € Repl. blade No. 712500 30.17 € 35.90 €


D SILKY® POCKET BOY 170 - COARSE Whether for professional woodworkers or outdoor work, these compact folding saws with their razor-sharp teeth easily stand the comparison with bigger saws. The robust metal folding mechanism locks the blade in two different positions. The taper-ground blade reduces friction, and the soft elastomer non-slip handle is very comfortable to hold. The tapered blades have additional raker teeth to reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth and thus increase the tool's service life. The teeth are impulse-hardened. Comes with a robust, transparent plastic sheath that can be worn on a belt.

Silky Pocket Boy folded inside its clear case.

Blade length 170 mm Overall length 370 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 1.0 mm Crosscut teeth 3 mm No. 712776 31.34 € 37.30 € Repl. blade No. 712777 18.82 € 22.40 €

E ALUMINIUM FOLDING SAW 150 Compact featherweight for trekking and camping: The solid aluminium handle, rubberised, non-slip grip and sturdy, hardchromeplated blade make this featherweight saw perfect for outdoor activities such as hunting, camping and trekking. The blade is taper-ground to reduce friction. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.3 mm Crosscut teeth 3.5 mm No. 712748 20.92 € 24.90 € Repl. blade No. 712847 12.52 € 14.90 €

F MINI FOLDING SAW HATTORI® Unparalleled value for money. Ideal for craft and hobby use. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 355 mm Blade width 24 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 2 mm No. 712734 10.50 € 12.50 €

You can find more folding saws under »Gardening Tools« and online at www.more-than-tools.de

The tooth tips of quality saw replacement blades are individually impulse-hardened, which makes them especially break-proof. DICK saws have toxin-free handles (all plastic handles are regularly tested).

Saws | Frame and hand saws

Frame and hand saws A

A FRAME SAW CLASSIC WITH JAPANESE SAW BLADE The frame saw Classic combines European tradition with Japanese cutting quality. Both the frame and the saw blades are produced exclusively for DICTUM. The ergonomically curved cheeks and knobs are made of precious wood with finely sanded, oiled and polished surfaces. The cedar stretcher lowers the weight of the saw and reduces vibrations.

B Classic 400 Universal Handy saw for precision work. With Turbo-Cut universal blade. Blade length 400 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 1.80 mm External dimensions 320 x 700 mm Approx. 550 g No. 712968 60.42 € 71.90 € Repl. blade No. 712971 18.32 € 21.80 €

B TURBO-CUT FRAME-SAW BLADES Japanese saw blades for upgrading your frame saw: The Japanese high-performance blades give your frame saw undreamed-of »turbo« power. Laser-hardened special tooth patterns make for effortless, true cuts and high surface quality in all wood types. The extremely hard tooth tips (degree of hardness over 70 Rockwell, cannot be resharpened) guarantee multiple edge life compared to conventional blades. Blade thickness 0.6 mm.

Classic 400 Jig blade For precise curve cuts. With Turbo-Cut jig blade. Blade length 400 mm Blade width 10 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 1.80 mm External dimensions 320 x 700 mm Approx. 550 g No. 712969 60.42 € 71.90 € Repl. blade No. 712972 18.32 € 21.80 €

Available in the following tooth patterns: Universal blade Highest performance for cuts across, along or diagonally to the grain. Universal tooth pattern. Crosscut blade For the cleanest cuts across the grain. Trapezoidal tooth pattern. Ripcut blade For cuts along the grain. Triangular tooth pattern. Jig blade For all precise curved cuts. Trapezoidal tooth pattern.

Classic 500 Universal The ideal saw for accurately cutting dovetails and other wood joints. With Turbo-Cut universal blade. Blade length 500 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 1.80 mm External dimensions 360 x 800 mm Approx. 750 g No. 712962 68.74 € 81.80 € Repl. blade No. 712956 20.76 € 24.70 € Classic 600 Universal The most popular frame saw: Our most popular and versatile frame saw with Turbo-Cut universal blade. Blade length 600 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 2 mm External dimensions 360 x 900 mm Approx. 800 g No. 712964 71.76 € 85.40 € Repl. blade No. 712957 23.45 € 27.90 € Classic 700 Universal This large, heavy-duty frame saw with excellent cutting performance is perfect for carpentry work. With Turbo-Cut universal blade. Blade length 700 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 2.20 mm External dimensions 410 x 1000 mm Approx. 1100 g No. 712965 75.55 € 89.90 € Repl. blade No. 712958 26.39 € 31.40 €

1 Universal blade 400 Blade length 400 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 1.80 mm Hole distance 370 mm No. 712971 18.32 € 2 Jig blade 400 Blade length 400 mm Blade width 10 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Crosscut teeth 1.80 mm Hole distance 370 mm No. 712972 18.32 € Universal blade 500 Blade length 500 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 1.80 mm Hole distance 470 mm No. 712956 20.76 € Universal blade 600 Blade length 600 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 2 mm Hole distance 570 mm No. 712957 23.45 €






21.80 €

21.80 €

Crosscut blade 600 Blade length 600 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.8 mm Crosscut teeth 2 mm Hole distance 570 mm No. 712950 23.70 €

24.70 €

Rip saw blade 600 Blade length 600 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.8 mm Rip teeth 2.80 mm Hole distance 570 mm No. 712951 23.70 €

27.90 €

Universal blade 700 Blade length 700 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 2.20 mm Hole distance 670 mm No. 712958 26.39 €

28.20 €

28.20 €

31.40 €

C TURBO-CUT HAND SAW This classic European hand saw with a Japanese high-performance blade allows precision cuts to be made with breathtaking speed. The teeth are designed to cut primarily on the push stroke, but are also specially sharpened to cut on the pull stroke as well. Rake teeth prevent the saw from clogging and keep it true. Screwed-down hardwood handle. Hardchrome-plated blade (corrosionfree), resharpenable teeth (e.g. with saw file No. 712802, p. 28). 1 Turbo-Cut Hand saw 330 Blade length 330 mm Overall length 420 mm Blade width 35-120 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1.05 mm Crosscut teeth 2 mm No. 712090 36.05 € 42.90 € 2 Turbo-Cut Hand saw 450 Blade length 450 mm Overall length 540 mm Blade width 37-120 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.10 mm Crosscut teeth 2.30 mm No. 712091 41.93 € 49.90 € 23

Saws | Flush-cutting saws, Veneer saws, Back saws




Flush-cutting saws Japanese flush-cutting saws are ideal for cutting dowels, pegs, tenons etc. flush to the surface of the piece without damaging its surface. Flexible blades with un-set teeth, limited cutting depth.

A KUGIHIKI 190 The blade of this professional Kugihiki is especially thin and flexible. Traditional, rattan-wrapped wooden handle. Blade length 190 mm Overall length 510 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712303 36.05 € 42.90 €

B MINI KUGIHIKI 150 Simple flush-cutting saw with hardwood handle. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Crosscut teeth 1.20 mm No. 712304 11.68 € 13.90 € C MINI KUGIHIKI Z-SAW® 150 Small flush-cutting saw for flush cuts without damaging surfaces. Replaceable blade, hardchrome-plated. Lightweight plastic handle. Double cutting edge. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.40 mm Crosscut teeth 1.20 / 1.50 mm No. 712321 11.51 € 13.70 € Repl. blade No. 712323 7.48 € 8.90 €

Veneer saws D JAPANESE VENEER SAW 70 For cutting veneer and mid-panel cuts. All-purpose teeth with very little setting. Beech wood handle. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.60 mm Universal toothing 1.30 mm No. 712703 12.52 € 14.90 €

E GERMAN VENEER SAW 75 Veneer saw made in Germany with cranked handle and double-edged, un-set saw blade. Triangular tooth pattern for push and pull strokes. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.55 mm Rip teeth 1.60 mm No. 703810 9.16 € 10.90 € Repl. blade No. 703811 5.46 € 6.50 €




Back saws F SILKY® MINI SAW 150 Multi-purpose Japanese compact saw with tip-hardened special tooth pattern, for cutting on the push and the pull. Also suitable for children. Slip-proof, rubberised handle, reliable blade locking mechanism. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 0.50 mm Setting 0.85 mm Universal toothing 1 mm No. 712490 19.24 € 22.90 € Repl. blade No. 712493 12.52 € 14.90 € G BACK SAW FOR HARDWOOD 165 Japanese cutting force in Western style: Small, pull-stroke saw with reinforced blade back for detailed work on models, musical instruments and in restoration. No setting. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 290 mm Cut depth 30 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Rip teeth 0.90 mm No. 712710 19.24 € 22.90 € 24

H LIE NIELSEN® STRAIGHT-HANDLED DOVETAIL SAW Sharpened by hand: This European-style back saw allows precise longitudinal cuts and is thus ideal for creating dovetail joints. The long handle of grained maple and the stable brass back guarantee perfect balance and smooth cutting. The blade teeth of Swedish spring steel are first milled and set on the machine and then fine-tuned by hand. Each saw undergoes an intensive cutting test before it leaves the factory. Blade length 254 mm Overall length 445 mm Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 0.4 mm Setting 0.75 mm Rip teeth 1.5 mm No. 712639 57.98 € 69.00 €

I BACK SAWS POWERGRIP 135/150 Small Japanese replaceable-blade saws for all fine wood cuts in model and hobby work. The rubberised handle fits the hand comfortably. Back saw powergrip 135 Blade length 135 mm Overall length 270 mm Cut depth 24 mm Blade thickness 0.35 mm Setting 0.55 mm Rip teeth 0.70 mm No. 712713 12.18 € 14.50 € Repl. blade No. 712699 6.39 € 7.60 € Back saw powergrip 150 Blade length 150 mm Overall length 295 mm Cut depth 32 mm Blade thickness 0.35 mm Setting 0.55 mm Crosscut teeth 1.30 mm No. 712714 15.04 € 17.90 € Repl. blade No. 712716 7.73 € 9.20 €

J RYOBA RESTAURO 125 This compact Japanese saw with two different tooth spacings and extra-thin blade is the first choice for the finest cuts in tight spaces and - thanks to the un-set toothing - for cutting dowels or other protruding wood pieces flush. The slim blade guarantees minimal cutting waste. Handle of Japanese red beech. Blade length 125 mm Overall length 270 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Setting 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 1 / 1.30 mm No. 712123 16.72 € 19.90 €

K KATABA RESTAURO 100 Compact Japanese saw for fine repair cuts and working in confined spaces. The extremely fine, un-set teeth leave very clean surfaces behind. The thin blade minimises the amount of cutting waste. Blade length 100 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade width 20 mm Blade thickness 0.30 mm Crosscut teeth 1 mm No. 712309 16.22 € 19.30 €

Saws | Coping saws, Compass saws B


Coping saws

A COPING SAWS GLARDON/VALLORBE® Precision coping saws for professional use: High-precision, professional coping saw by Swiss manufacturer Glardon. Perfect for intarsia, mother-of-pearl or goldsmith work and other artisan and precise mechanical applications. Tension length adjustable up to 150 mm, frame and mountings aluminium. Comes without blade. Jaw depth

1 75 mm No. 712521 31.85 € 37.90 € 2 100 mm No. 712525 38.40 € 45.70 €

1 C

SUPER GLARDON® SAW BLADES, STANDARD TOOTH PATTERN Coping-saw blades of the highest quality. Spring steel with rounded back. Blade length 130 mm. Pack of 12.

Fine Blade width 0.36 mm Blade thickness 0.18 mm Setting 0.21 mm Rip teeth 0.3 mm No. 712522 3.28 € Medium Blade width 0.58 mm Blade thickness 0.28 mm Setting 0.32 mm Rip teeth 0.5 mm No. 712523 2.77 € Coarse Blade length 130 mm Blade width 0.94 mm Blade thickness 0.40 mm Setting 0.48 mm Rip teeth 0.8 mm No. 712524 3.03 €


3.90 €

2 3.30 €

3.60 €

SUPER GLARDON® SAW BLADES, SPIRAL TOOTH PATTERN For cuts in any direction without having to turn the saw, very easy to use. Blade length 130 mm. Packs of 12.

Fine Blade thickness 0.70 mm No. 712530 3.28 €

3.90 €

Medium Blade thickness 0.75 mm No. 712531 3.28 €

3.90 €

Coarse Blade thickness 0.85 mm No. 712532 3.28 €

3.90 €

B JAPANESE COPING SAW With its great depth, this Japanese steelframe coping saw is perfectly suited for deep cuts. The saw blade, fixed with two hand knobs, is easily tightened by turning the handle. A metal sleeve inside the handle allows for precise adjustment of the tension in single-handed operation. If necessary, the blade-holding clamps can be set up in 4 positions if turning the saw is not possible. Chromeplated frame, plastic handle, weight 230 g. Comes with 3 blades (we recommend Super Glardon Saw Blades as replacement blades). Blade length 130 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade width 1 mm Blade thickness 0.40 mm Setting 0.50 mm Rip teeth 0.80 mm Depth 250 mm No. 712517 25.13 € 29.90 €

Freeway® Freeway saws come with a robust steel frame, which ensures high torsion resistance. A clamp at the end of every saw blade is easily hooked onto the socket and tightened by turning the handle.

C FREEWAY® DIAMOND SAW For hard materials: The diamond particles embedded in the blade allow this saw to be used for cutting the hardest materials, such as steel, stone, ceramic or glass, in any direction. Comes with one diamond saw blade and one conventional blade. Blade length 125 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 1.60 mm / 1 mm Depth 120 mm No. 712514 17.56 € 20.90 €

D COPING SAW FREEWAY® Sturdy coping saw for hobby use, training and school: The tough, spiral-tooth saw wire allows you to make cuts in any direction without turning the saw. The case-hardened saw wire (Ø 1 mm) is highly resistant to breakage and wear and therefore ideal for school and training use. Each saw comes with 2 saw wires. Blade length 125 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Depth 120 mm No. 712512 12.27 € 14.60 €

2 Replacement blades

2 Replacement blades

No. 712515

12.52 €

14.90 €

No. 712513

3.78 €

4.50 €

Compass saws E With long, slender Japanese blades for making holes and curved cuts and working in confined spaces.

E LONG COMPASS SAW 210 Robust, blued blade with wide tooth spacing for rough cut-outs. Handle made from beech with hang-up hole. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 345 mm Blade width 5-14 mm Blade thickness 1.30 mm Setting 1.40 mm Universal toothing 1.60 mm No. 712601 12.52 € 14.90 €

F SHORT COMPASS SAW 120 Ideal for working in confined spaces and for precise curved cuts and cut-outs. Rosewood handle. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade width 3-14 mm Blade thickness 0.60 mm Setting 0.70 mm Universal toothing 1.10 mm No. 712602 9.16 € 10.90 €



Saws | Mitre saws and saw guides

Mitre saws and saw guides A NOBEX® DOUBLE MITRE SAW CHAMPION 180 - SET With Japanese blade. Precise, versatile mitre saw made in Sweden with aluminium body machined so the stock lies perfectly flat, exact metal guides that ensure straight cuts, and a guide that can be locked at any angle with additional fixed stops. Two integrated clamps hold the workpiece tight, long pieces are supported by a pull-out support. Extra details like the length stop, cutting depth lock-out or compound mitre function set this multifunctional tool apart, as does the Japanese high-performance blade, which allows effortless, extremely quick cutting in solid wood. Set includes fine-tooth saw blade No. 712536 and Japanese high-performance saw blade No. 712534. Fixed angles for 4-, 5-, 6-, 8-, 12-cornered frames and 90° cuts, accuracy +/- 0.08°, approx. 5 kg Blade length 630 mm Table length 500 mm Max. depth of cut 180 mm No. 712539 167.98 € 199.90 €


For wood, Japanese tooth pattern Blade length 630 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1 mm Crosscut teeth 1.60 mm No. 712534 35.21 € 41.90 € For metal (HSS bi-metal, extra hard) Blade length 630 mm Blade width 19 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.30 mm Rip teeth 1 mm No. 712537 20.25 € 24.10 €

B TURBO-CUT MITRE SAW BLADE 550 The Japanese Turbo-Cut blade makes razor-sharp, high-quality cuts, even when cutting hardwood. This allows maximum precision when making frames and cutting boards and squares to size. Trapezoidal teeth designed to cut on the pull stroke, with rake teeth, hardened tips. Fits most standard mitre saws. Note: Cannot be used in the double mitre saw Champion 180, No. 712533! Blade length 550 mm Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 0.70 mm Setting 1 mm Crosscut teeth 1.80 mm Hole distance 515 mm No. 712980 20.92 €

24.90 €

C SAW GUIDE Z-SAW® This saw guide is fully adjustable in mitre and angle of inclination, making accurate, straight and very clean cuts of ledges, frames and joints. The sliding fence allows boards to be trimmed or bevelled easily. Adjustable from +/0°-45°, made of galvanised steel. Comes with protractor, positioning and sliding fence, dummy blade, Allen key and detailed instructions. Suitable for saws with blade thicknesses between 0.40 and 0.60 mm; we recommend the Kataba Speed Saw No. 712794. No. 712460 39.16 € 46.60 €





Lap joints

Saw guide set Price advantage Precision saw guide (No. 712460) with Kataba Speed Saw 265 (No. 712794) included. No. 712461 55.38 € 65.90 €


For fine cuts in wood Blade length 630 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1.20 mm Rip teeth 1 mm No. 712536 11.34 €

13.50 €

For hardwood and hard plastics Blade length 630 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1.20 mm Rip teeth 1.40 mm No. 712535 11.34 €

13.50 €

D SAW GUIDE SET MINI Z-SAW For right-angled trimming of squared timber and ledges, as well as precise 45° mitre cuts. Mitres can be cut at any angle with the setting gauge and a screw clamp. With the length stop in place, it is even possible to precisely cut boards and panels by hand. Set: Mitre block, including 90° guide, 45° guide, length stop, setting gauge, Kataba Mini saw (No. 712467) and instructions. No. 712464 36.05 € 42.90 € ®

Adjustments to be made with saw guide Z-Saw. Aluminium body

Precision guide designed to fit the Kataba Mini saw

Removable fence, mounts on either side




45° 0°

45° Mitre angles

Inclination angles


Saws | Saws for cutting other materials

A VERITAS® DOVETAIL SAW GUIDE SYSTEM Easy-to-use saw guide that allows both amateurs and experts to produce precise dovetail joints. The clamps Pins can be mounted in two positions on the guide so that it can be used for cutting both pins and tails. The inside of the aluminium guide contains a magnet that keeps the saw




(Kataba saw, e.g. no. 712794) perfectly aligned while you cut. The guide has a replaceable plastic cover on both sides to minTails imise friction and protect both the saw and the guide surface. Dovetail ratio

1 1:6 2 1:8

No. 712465 No. 712466

39.92 € 47.50 € 39.92 € 47.50 €

Saws for cutting other materials

Saws for metal

B HANDIWORK METAL 150 Back saws for non-hardened metals and hard plastics. The rubber handle sits comfortably and securely in the hand. Blades replaceable. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.35 mm Setting 0.65 mm Rip teeth 0.90 mm No. 712715 14.20 € 16.90 € Repl. blade No. 712704 7.14 € 8.50 €

C SMALL METAL SAW For cuts in hard-to-reach places, ideal for the tool bag. The saw blade integrated into the handle can be pulled past the small clamp, making flush cuts possible. Sturdy die-cast aluminium. Comes with 250 mm saw blade. Blade length 90 - 250 mm Overall length 370 mm Blade width 12 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.90 mm Teeth per inch 24 No. 703812 10.00 € 11.90 €

D METAL COPING SAW This robust metal coping saw will impress you with its straightforward practicality. You can pretension the blade with a sliding spring-loaded cylinder guide at the top end of the handle. The two clamping pins ensure that the saw blade rests securely and does not slide off the pins when tensioned. Thanks to a cross-bolt, the saw blade can be inclined in the holder in 45° increments. Aluminium pressure-injection die-cast handle with plastic shell. Blade length 300 mm Overall length 430 mm Blade width 12 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.9 mm Teeth per Inch 24 No. 712019 36.05 € 42.90 €



E E REPL. BLADES FOR METAL COPING SAW Japanese top quality, long edge life and sharpness. HSS steel. 2-piece set. Blade length Teeth per inch

300 mm 18 32

No. 712544 No. 712546

7.48 € 7.48 €


8.90 € 8.90 €

Saws for plastics


F SAW FOR PLASTIC For hard and soft plastics, plywood and composite materials. Backless saw with slender, replaceable blade and pistolshaped, rubberised handle. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 380 mm Blade width 32 mm Blade thickness 0.5 mm Setting 0.75 mm Crosscut teeth 1.5 mm No. 712503 16.72 € 19.90 € Repl. blade No. 712504 5.46 € 6.50 €



H INSULATION CUTTER 250 The serrated blade of high-strength, hardchrome-plated special steel (60 Rockwell) is especially suited for insulating and foamed material, polystyrene, felt and cardboard. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 380 mm Blade width 34 mm Blade thickness 0.9 mm No. 710751 19.24 €

22.90 €

G HARD MATERIAL SAW SELECT 250 Specially designed saw for cutting iron, brass, copper, aluminium, hard plastic, and plated materials (plasterboard). The fine, triangular teeth of the blade are coated to reduce friction. The sturdy aluminium handle covered with soft rubber fits comfortably in the hand. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 400 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.70 mm Setting 0.90 mm Universal toothing 1.80 mm No. 712610 18.40 € 21.90 € Repl. blade No. 712611 5.80 € 6.90 € 27

Saws | Saw accessories, scroll saw B



Saw accessories A SAW SET PLIER For Japanese and Western saws with adjustable depth stop for settings of 0.7-2.0 mm. By turning the depth-stop plate, with its spiral-shaped increasing bevel, different setting measurements can be adjusted. HSS plunger, aluminium body. Plunger width 1.5 mm, suitalbe for tooth spacing` s from 1.5 mm. Overall length 180 mm No. 711990 16.72 € 19.90 €

B DIAMOND SAW FILE Saw file with wear-resistant, diamondcoated surface, especially for very hard, tip-hardened teeth. Ø 2.8 x 20 mm Stroke length 100 mm No. 712802 27.65 € 32.90 €

C SAW FILES Diamond-shaped precision files for sharpening Japanese saw blades without tip-hardened teeth (Deluxe saws with full-hardened, non-exchangeable blades). Very fine 2.5 x 17 mm Cut length 75 mm No. 712813

8.82 €

Fine 3.0 x 20 mm Cut length 100 mm No. 712814 10.50 €

10.50 €

12.50 €

D TRIANGULAR SAW FILES Triangular files with round edges for sharpening European-style saws. The round edges maintain the slightly rounded gullet between the saw's teeth and thus prevent cracks between the teeth (sharp angles crack more easily than curved transitions). Width 6 mm Cut length 150 mm No. 712810

4.45 €

5.30 €

Width 7.5 mm Cut length 150 mm No. 712811

4.45 €

5.30 €

Things worth knowing: Please note that all Japanese saws with exchangeable blades have a tooth-tip hardening of over 70 Rockwell. Through abrasion when resharpening a tooth, it is possible to reach the range of basic hardness (approx. 60 Rockwell), causing a decrease in hardness and thus a shorter edge life!

Set of teeth: After sharpening the teeth, the toothing generally also needs to be set again. This is a very demanding task for fine-toothed Japanese saws.

In Japan, traditional saws are set by hand on an anvil.



MULTICUT-SE Hegner precision saws are considered the best on the market. Due to the continuously rated motor with electronically and progressively adjustable speed regulation, it is possible to cut wood, metal and plastic effortlessly and precisely. Easy exchanging of blades thanks to a speed lock mechanism and adjustable saw blade tension, saw stroke adjustable to either 19 or 12 mm. Base and table of gray cast iron, table surface precision-ground. The saw bench (435 x 230 mm) can be inclined progressively and, thanks to the scaling, precisely to 45° or 12°. With exhaust nozzle, Ø 35 mm. Pass length 460 mm, pass height 65 mm. 100 W motor, 230 V, 400-1400 tpm, 23 kg.

Includes: Assortment of quality saw blades (76 pcs.), 2 saw-blade clamps 0.7 mm, 2 screws for saw-blade clamps, 1 special clamp for internal cuts, 1 plastic table insert, 2 replacement rolls for quick gripping, 1 set operating tools, detailed instruction manual. No. 704805 772.27 € 919.00 € HEGNER® QUALITY SAW BLADES For wood, plastics and soft metals. In gross (144 pcs). Also fits Super Glardon® saw blades, see page 25. Length 130 mm. Blade width x Blade thickness

0.65 0.80 1.20 1.35 1.70 28

x x x x x

0.30 0.34 0.38 0.50 0.55

mm mm mm mm mm

No. 704815 No. 704816 No. 704817 No. 704818 No. 704819

21.51 21.51 21.51 21.51 22.52

€ € € € €

25.60 € 25.60 € 25.60 € 25.60 € 26.80 €

For perfect joints

Japanese type | 32 Striking chisels for cabinet work | 32 Finishing chisels for cabinet work | 35 Striking chisels for carpentry work | 36 Finishing chisels for carpentry work | 36

Hybrid type | 37

Western type | 38

Chinese type | 39

Tool rolls and accessories | 40



‌INDISPENSABLE FOR ACCURATE WOODWORKING! We distinguish between finishing chisels for



light to moderate work and striking chisels for

As a rule, these are made of alloyed steels

heavy-duty work. Finishing chisels are usually

Blades of two-layered steel

with relatively sturdy blades and little danger

pounded by hand. They therefore have no

Soft iron, protects the blade against cracking

of chipping. In particular the finely manufactu-

steel hoops at the handle end. Striking chisels,

and absorbs the shocks of the hammer blows,

red Pfeil chisels in traditional central Euro-

on the other hand, are driven by striking the

forge-welded with a thin layer of extremely

pean design have proven ideal for universal use.

tool (wooden mallet for Western chisels and

hard carbon-steel (with the exception of HSS

iron-headed hammer for Japanese chisels).

Nomi). The hardness values are 62-63 HRC

With regard to the blade, they are therefore

and 66 HRC (HSS steel) on the Rockwell scale. CHINESE CHISELS

designed more sturdily, and have a hoop at

Traditional Chinese chisels are convincing in

the handle end. We distinguish between the

Tapered blades

terms of their durable, crack-resistant HSS

following types:

The blade is set at a slight angle to the tang

steel blades, which also withstand rough

to increase the working depth to nearly double

treatment during restoration or joiner’s work.

the blade length.

The working of wear-inducing composite ma-

A Tang chisels: Classic design, ensuring firm anchoring of

terials is also no problem for these chisels.

the blade in the handle. On cheap tools with-

Integral design

The tapered shape of the blades is advan-

out an additional steel ferrule, the handles

The neck is seamlessly integrated in the

tageous for working into corners and under-

may split under heavy blows.

handle and therefore lies comfortably in the

cutting. The value for money of these chisels

hand. The solid conical steel ferrule protects

is unbeatable.

B Socket chisels:

the handle against fracture or becoming loose

This design allows a continuous transition

when struck with the iron-headed hammer.

from the neck to the handle and thus comfort-


able ergonomics. Through the conical fit of

Hollow-ground back

the socket, strong forces can be transmitted

The hollow relief (ura) on the back of the blade CONSTRUCTION

during striking.

reduces the contact surface and therefore also the friction and the required cutting

Why do Japanese chisels come without a hoop

C Japanese chisels (Nomi):

force. It also simplifies sharpening, as only

fitted at the end of the handle?

This design combines the benefits of both

the edges of the hard carbon-steel back of

In Japan, handles are not regarded as all that

types above.

the blade need to be lapped. Due to the

important. Instead it is the forged part of the

abrasion during sharpening, the straight cutt-

tool, the blade, that gets the attention. Pre-

ing edge remains intact, even though the

viously, the handle was self-made or modified

blade becomes shorter through sharpening

by the craftsman. Fitting the handle and the

over time (see illustration below).

hoop is seen as a way of familiarising oneself with the tool, getting to know its function and construction. This holistic approach often seems strange to Western craftsmen because

Japanese chisel design



Hollow back after repeated sharpening and finishing

they are used to buying tools ready for use. What is the advantage of Japanese hoops over Western ones?


Hollow back

If you buy a chisel with a hoop already fitted (Western style), you will probably pay no attention to the hoop. Most craftsmen choose



Tapered blade

their tools based on the steel and the ergonoNeck

Socket Ferrule

Steel ferrule

mics of the handle. When a chisel has been used for a while, Western models often deve-


lop the problem that the hammer blows on the handle have worn away the wood down to the hoop, so any further impacts will damage the hoop. Normally at this point you should remove the hoop, then remove the burr and fit the hoop again, driving it further down. Most Western-style hoops, however, are made




of very thin sheet metal and are either pres-


sed on or held in place on the handle by

of the hoop provides

slight deformation. When you remove the thin more space for the

should remove some of the wood there. Otherwise the impact is not transferred via the

sheet metal, it loses its shape and will no

compressed wood and

longer grip the handle. The Japanese version

locks the hoop in place.

uses a solid, turned hoop with an intelligent

Once an even

Why do the shoulder forged onto the blade and

design which allows it to be removed and re-

mushroom-shaped head

the steel ferrule only fit 100% in one position?

fitted as often as necessary. It will always be

has formed above the

The answer to this question lies in the manu-

firmly attached to the handle.

hoop, the hoop will sit firmly on the handle

facture. There are two ways of making the

and not be damaged by hammer blows.

steel ferrule in Japan.

conical section but via the area of contact.

In the first and most common variant, the area where the steel ferrule joins the forgedWhat is the difference between the steel ferrule

on shoulder is ground.

on Japanese chisels and the ferrule on Western- At first sight, the two style ones?

parts seem to be made

On Japanese chisels,

of one piece. In the se-

the impact is transfer-

cond variant, the steel

red to the blade via the

ferrule is accentuated

handle and the steel ferrule that is held in

by either a hammer finish (hand-forged) or

place by the conical shape. Unlike the ferru-

blueing. If the steel ferrule becomes slightly

les on Western-style chisels, Japanese steel

loose on the first variant, it looks as if the

ter is placed over the handle, so the smaller

ferrules are solid and turned. On Western-

chisel is cracked. But what looks like a crack

inside diameter should be at the end of the

style chisels, the impact is transferred via a

is actually created when the steel ferrule is

chisel. The hoop is driven onto the handle

tang and the shoulder

joined with the blade, where the steel ferrule

with the hammer until it sits approx. 3 mm

of the blade. Japanese

buckles slightly. Because the edge of the

down the handle. To remove the hoop, you

blades are therefore

steel ferrule deforms unevenly, the ferrule

tap it lightly in the opposite direction. If it is

connected to the

only fits in one position, and if the fit opens

difficult to drive the hoop upwards, you may

handle in two ways,

slightly, it appears as if a crack had formed.

have to remove some material from the end

while Western ones are

of the handle. In this case, use a file to re-

only fixed by the tang.

How do you fit the Japanese hoops? 1.) The end with the larger inside diame-

Construction of hoops

move some of the wood all around. If you take off too much wood in one place, the


hoop may be fixed at a slight angle. In this

There is no difference between the tang in a

case, you must remove some more wood at

Japanese or Western chisel. The steel ferrule

the point where the

in Japanese chisels and the ferrule in We-

hoop provides the

stern chisels prevent the handle from being

most resistance. If

split by the impact of the hammer.

the hoop still does not slide properly,

Conical section:

compress the wood

The forged-on shoulder touches the ferrule in

fibres at the end of

the Western version, but it only fixes it addi-

(see page 5).

the handle with a hammer.

tionally and does not transfer the impact to

Sharpening service

the blade. In the Japanese version, the for-

Sharpening pass Two free sharpenings.

Free lifetime sharpening for Premium

2.) Dip the end of the handle in some water

ged-on shoulder of the blade also touches the products. (see page 5).

to make it easer to shape.

steel ferrule, but the ferrule itself sits on a turned conical section on the handle. Thus

3.) Drive the hoop onto

the impact is also transferred through the

the handle.

steel ferrule.

4.) ÂťMushroomÂŤ the wood fibres out over the

How does the steel ferrule have to fit?

top edge of the hoop by hitting the end of the The steel ferrule transhandle with a hammer. If you are wary of

fers the impact via the

using the hammer, use a piece of hardwood.

conical section. There-

This will not damage the hoop and prevents a fore, if the ferrule touches the wood at the sharp burr. The slightly conical inside profile

upper end of the turned conical section, you 31

Chisels | Japanese type

Striking chisels for cabinet work

Japanese type Wherever absolute precision is required, when working even the hardest of woods, Japanese chisels (Nomi) are the first choice. The meticulous workmanship with which they are made, the multi-layered, ultra-sharp blades, the outstanding edge life, and of course the compact design, allow you to work ergonomically, comfortably and precisely. The soft iron body prevents brittle fractures in the double-layered blade and dampens the force of the strike. The thin cutting layer of carbon-steel is extremely hard-, unless otherwise noted, 62-63 HRC - while the HSS Nomi models exhibit a hardness of 66 HRC. Due to the angled blade, the cutting depth is increased to almost twice the blade length. As the back of the blade is hollow-ground, the contact surface is reduced, which in turn decreases the friction and the necessary cutting force. The handles, made of tough Japanese hardwoods, are mounted with sturdy steel ferrules at both ends, and are designed for efficiency when driven by an iron hammer.

A MOKUME NOMI With skillful handling of fire and iron, the master blacksmith Akio Tasai lends this highly aesthetic chisel a wood-like structure (Mokume). The folds appear on the surface like a relief, and make each piece unique. Cutting edge of Blue Paper Steel. With forged ferrule and hoop, the handle is made from selected sandalwood. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 6-7.5 mm


1 Single chisels Blade width

9 mm 12 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm



No. 718950 No. 718951 No. 718952 No. 718953 No. 718954 No. 718955

158.82 174.79 192.44 218.49 231.09 259.66

€ € € € € €

189.00 € 208.00 € 229.00 € 260.00 € 275.00 € 309.00 €

2 6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 9-36 mm No. 718960 1.221.85 € 1.454.00 €

B B KIHADA-UMEKI NOMI Artfully hand-forged and decorated chisels with a bark like texture (Kihada – bark). To achieve this texture, the twolayer blade with a cutting edge of White Paper Steel is hand-engraved with longitudinal grooves by a master blacksmith. The blade itself has a triangular profile similar to a dovetail chisel. This reduces the weight of the tool and ensures optimum balance of handle and blade. The blade sits in a blue anodised steel ferrule, which contrasts beautifully with the handle of fine-grained boxwood with hand-forged steel hoop. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 5-8 mm

1 Single chisels Blade width

9 mm 12 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm



No. 718835 No. 718836 No. 718837 No. 718838 No. 718839 No. 718840

108.40 112.61 116.81 129.41 137.82 146.22

€ € € € € €

129.00 € 134.00 € 139.00 € 154.00 € 164.00 € 174.00 €

2 6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 9-36 mm No. 718841 735.29 € 875.00 €

1 Single chisels Blade width


3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm 42 mm

C CHU-GATA NOMI Hand-worked blades for connoisseurs: These premium-quality chisels are extremely durable. The blade is laminated with White Paper Steel, and finished by means of hand-forging with low deformation. Like sword steel, this material is melted from purest ironsand. The back of the blade has multiple grooves for improved support when working near edges. Boxwood handle. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 5-7.5 mm

30.17 30.17 30.17 36.89 37.56 38.57 44.45 46.13 54.20 57.82

€ € € € € € € € € €

35.90 € 35.90 € 35.90 € 43.90 € 44.70 € 45.90 € 52.90 € 54.90 € 64.50 € 68.80 €

6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 710230 238.66 € 284.00 €

1 32

No. 710160 No. 710161 No. 710162 No. 710163 No. 710164 No. 710165 No. 710166 No. 710167 No. 710168 No. 710169


2 10-piece set Price advantage 10-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-42 mm No. 710170 423.53 € 504.00 €

Chisels | Japanese type

A DICK® OIRE NOMI European-style handle and oiled surface: These chisels are hand-made in a Japanese master forge and have a cutting edge of specially developed YC3 steel. YC3 steel is in it`s characteristics and composition similar to White Paper Steel and therefore takes a very fine edge. It is however considerably tougher which reduces the risk of chipping when working in knotty wood. The extra-long handle of Japanese white oak optimally absorbs impact and its oiled surface provides a very comfortable grip. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 250 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm


1 Single chisels Blade width



3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 21 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm 42 mm

No. 710320 No. 710321 No. 710322 No. 710323 No. 710324 No. 710325 No. 710326 No. 710327 No. 710328 No. 710329 No. 710330

28.15 28.15 29.08 30.50 30.67 32.69 33.53 36.05 37.73 40.25 41.93

€ € € € € € € € € € €

33.50 € 33.50 € 34.60 € 36.30 € 36.50 € 38.90 € 39.90 € 42.90 € 44.90 € 47.90 € 49.90 €

B OIRE NOMI For the professional: Professional-quality forged chisels from a Japanese master workshop. Ideal for wood joinery and high-precision work. Cutting edge of White Paper Steel. Japanese red oak handles with solid steel hoops. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm


6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 710331 208.40 € 248.00 €

2 10-piece set Price advantage 10-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-36 mm No. 710332 339.50 € 404.00 €

Precision chiselling: Due to their wedge-shaped bevel, chisels tend to drift towards the back of the blade when struck. Therefore, in precision work, you should not chisel right along the mark. Work with a clearance of 1 to 2 mm from the mark initially, then do the finishing work.

1 Single chisels Blade width



3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 21 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm

No. 710129 No. 710130 No. 710131 No. 710132 No. 710011 No. 710133 No. 710012 No. 710134 No. 710135 No. 710013

25.13 25.13 26.81 28.07 29.92 32.35 33.19 36.05 36.89 40.08

€ € € € € € € € € €

29.90 € 29.90 € 31.90 € 33.40 € 35.60 € 38.50 € 39.50 € 42.90 € 43.90 € 47.70 €

C TATAKI NOMI Ready to use, ideal for beginners: Well-crafted chisels with durable doublelayered blades (milled steel). Waxed handles of Japanese red oak. Blade length 58 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm


6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 710136 179.83 € 214.00 €

2 10-piece set Price advantage 10-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-36 mm No. 710137 301.68 € 359.00 €

Chiselling tip: When mortising through the entire thickness of a piece, start by making V-shaped cuts from the centre of the mortise outwards, until half the thickness has been removed. Then work from the opposite side. The back of the blade faces the centre of the mortise.

1 Single chisels Blade width



3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm 42 mm

No. 710780 No. 710781 No. 710782 No. 710783 No. 710784 No. 710785 No. 710786 No. 710787 No. 710788 No. 710789

13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 14.03 15.71 17.23 18.40 20.17

€ € € € € € € € € €

15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 16.70 € 18.70 € 20.50 € 21.90 € 24.00 €

6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 710790 103.28 € 122.90 €

2 10-piece set Price advantage 10-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-42 mm No. 710791 173.11 € 206.00 € 33

Chisels | Japanese type


A HATTORI® CHISEL SETS Great value-for-money Japanese chisels made of milled steel (double-layered, 60 Rockwell) in a kiri-wood case. Handles made of Japanese red oak. Blade length 58 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm 6-piece set Price advantage 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 710015 70.50 €

83.90 €

1 10-piece set Price advantage 3/6/9/12/15/18/24/30/36/42 mm No. 710016 116.81 € 139.00 €


Set up tips: Nomi do not come ready to use (except the HSS models). They must first be sharpened and finished. We recommend using Japanese waterstones. For high-precision applications, the back of the blade should also be flattened prior to use. This can be done using a steel plate and SiC powder or a diamond stone. The ferrule on the butt end of the handle should also be driven down prior to use so that the hammer only makes contact with the wood when striking the chisel. Detailed instructions are included with every chisel.

1 Single chisels Blade width




B HSS CHISELS FOR CABINETMAKERS Extremely resilient: For heavy-duty restoration, joinery and furniture-making work. Made from High Speed Steel (HSS), which has an extremely fine carbide structure, these tools have a very sharp edge. Very hard (approx. 66 Rockwell) and tough, these chisels are able to withstand the rough handling which is often unavoidable in a workshop. They can even be sharpened with a dry grinding machine without compromising the hardness of the steel. The extra-long handles are made of Japanese red oak and have pre-fitted, forged steel hoops. Ready to use. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm

3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm 42 mm

No. 718930 No. 718931 No. 718932 No. 718933 No. 718934 No. 718935 No. 718936 No. 718937 No. 718938 No. 718939

33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 35.13 36.89 38.57 41.85

€ € € € € € € € € €

39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 41.80 € 43.90 € 45.90 € 49.80 €

6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/9/12/18/24/30 mm No. 718940 221.01 € 263.00 €

2 10-piece set Price advantage 10-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-42 mm No. 718941 359.66 € 428.00 €


1 34


C DOVETAIL CHISELS For light-duty use, e.g. finishing of finger joints and dovetails. Thin blades, triangular cross-section, finely ground right to the edge. Cutting edge of White Paper Steel. Handles made of Japanese red oak. Blade length 55 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 3.5-6 mm

1 Single chisels Blade width

3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 18 mm 24 mm

No. 710260 No. 710261 No. 710262 No. 710263 No. 710264 No. 710265

33.53 33.53 34.87 36.30 40.25 44.79

€ € € € € €

39.90 € 39.90 € 41.50 € 43.20 € 47.90 € 53.30 €

2 6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-24 mm No. 710268 235.21 € 279.90 €

Chisels | Japanese type


A TAPERED CHISELS Chisels with tapered blade, ideal for undercutting in joinery and for cleaning corners. Cutting edge of White Paper Steel. The handles are made of Japanese red oak and have forged steel hoops. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 4-7 mm


B MINI CHISELS Easy-to-handle chisels for delicate work in fine cabinet-making, in restoration, and in making musical instruments. Double-layered (milled) steel, Japanese red oak handle. Blade length 40 mm Overall length 175 mm

Blade width

6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 21 mm

No. 710210 No. 710211 No. 710212 No. 710213 No. 710214 No. 710215

35.29 35.29 35.29 36.13 36.97 37.82

€ € € € € €

42.00 € 42.00 € 42.00 € 43.00 € 44.00 € 45.00 €

Blade width

1.5 mm No. 710240 21.68 € 25.80 € 3 mm No. 710241 21.68 € 25.80 €

Finishing chisels for cabinet work



1 C PARING CHISELS For delicate work: Painstakingly crafted lightweight push chisels without ferrules, forged on a spring hammer. Ideal for precision work and for finishing delicate joinery. Their long handles allow you to work very accurately with both hands. The blades made of White Paper Steel are slightly angled, so that even deep mortises can be worked with ease. The handles are made of Japanese red oak. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade thickness 3-4.5 mm

2 1 Single chisels


Blade width

3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 18 mm 24 mm

No. 710108 No. 710109 No. 710101 No. 710104 No. 710102 No. 710103

36.05 36.05 36.05 38.91 42.77 46.97

€ € € € € €

42.90 € 42.90 € 42.90 € 46.30 € 50.90 € 55.90 €

2 6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 3-24 mm No. 710106 248.66 € 295.90 €


5-PIECE SET Perfect tools for smoothing and finishing joinery. Double-layered, milled steel with good durability. Handles made of Japanese white oak. 5-piece set in a kiri-wood case: 9/18/24/30/42 mm. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 340 mm Blade thickness 5-7 mm No. 718868 133.61 € 159.00 €

E CRANKED PARING CHISELS Cranked blade made of White Paper Steel for cleaning grooves and recessed surfaces. Triangular blade cross-section. Handles made of Japanese red oak. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade thickness 7 mm

Blade width

9 mm No. 710156 70.25 € 83.60 € 15 mm No. 710157 73.87 € 87.90 € 18 mm No. 710158 77.23 € 91.90 € 24 mm No. 710159 85.46 € 101.70 € For protective caps see page 40.


Chisels | Japanese type

Striking chisels for carpentry work



1 A HATTORI® CARPENTER'S CHISELS, 4-PIECE SET Four sturdy chisels with extra-long blades made of milled steel (double-layered) for joinery and restoration in carpentry. Handles made of Japanese white oak. In a wooden case: 18/24/30/42 mm. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 9 mm No. 710850 142.02 € 169.00 €

C MORTISE CHISELS (ATSU-NOMI) Hand-forged in a master workshop: Hand-forged, solid mortise chisel of White Paper Steel with extra-long handle, ideal for deep mortises. With its blueannealed steel ferrule, the slim blade seamlessly joins the long handle. A forged steel hoop protects the wood, even against the strongest forces. Blade length 95 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 10-13 mm

B HSS CHISELS Robust and razor-sharp: Ideal for joinery and on-site restoration work. These powerful chisels made of extremely hard HSS steel offer excellent sharpness and a long edge life. Very hard (approx. 66 HRC) and tough, these chisels are able to withstand the rough handling which is often unavoidable in a workshop. Even sharpening on dry grinding machines is possible without compromising the hardness of the steel. The extra-long handles are made of Japanese red oak and have pre-fitted, forged steel hoops. Ready to use. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 6-8 mm


43.50 € 46.50 € 47.50 € 49.90 € 52.30 € 40.

15 24 30 42 48

mm mm mm mm mm


E TASAI SHINOGI NOMI These chisels are handmade in small batches by Japanese master blacksmith Akio Tasai. All materials used radiate elegance, and the uncompromisingly functional details reflect the depth of experience in the manufacture of these tools. The blade made from Blue Paper Steel is forged with a triangular profile, allowing joints to be reworked without damaging the edges. The double-hollow back of the blade reduces friction and makes trueing the extremely hard cutting edges easy. Annealing the forged steel ferrule to 300°C gives it a metallic blue shimmer with the effect of an ageless link between the handle and the neck of the blade. To complete this high-quality tool, the master uses a dark tagayasan handle which, thanks to its heavy weight, perfectly balances the forged blade. Blade width 36 mm Blade length 95 mm Overall length 375 mm Blade thickness 6-11 mm No. 710250 284.87 € 339.00 € For protective caps see page 40.

No. 718871 No. 718872 No. 718873 No. 718874 No. 718875

48.66 52.44 56.05 65.04 73.87

€ € € € €

57.90 € 62.40 € 66.70 € 77.40 € 87.90 €

3-piece set Price advantage 3-piece set in a leather tool roll: 15/24/30 mm No. 718870 167.23 € 199.00 €

2 5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set in a leather tool roll: 15/24/30/42/48 mm No. 718869 305.88 € 364.00 €



6 mm No. 710175 36.55 € 9 mm No. 710176 39.08 € 12 mm No. 710177 39.92 € 15 mm No. 710178 41.93 € 18 mm No. 710179 43.95 € For protective caps see page

Blade width

Finishing chisels for carpentry work

12 mm No. 718973 82.77 € 98.50 € 18 mm No. 718974 88.15 € 104.90 € 24 mm No. 718975 93.19 € 110.90 € For protective caps see page 40.

Blade width

1 Single chisels

Master carpenter Hiroshi Morita working on a mortise.

Blade width

D MORTISE CHISELS These heavy chisels are used to make or rework the guides of Japanese sliding doors (Shoji) and partition walls. The double-layer blade, laminated with White Paper Steel, has a square cross-section that is tapered towards the end of the blade and regains its original dimension just before the steel ring of the handle. This creates a support area that ensures guidance even in deep mortises and prevents damage to the edge of the hole. Handles made of white oak. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade thickness 7.5-12 mm


Chisels | Japanese type, Hybrid type



Hybrid type

A SLICK Hand-forged slick for making beam joints and for finishing work. Double-layered, well-proportioned blade with a cutting edge of White Paper Steel. Handle made of Japanese red oak. Blade width 54 mm Blade length 120 mm Overall length 580 mm Blade thickness 12 mm No. 710802 142.02 € 169.00 € For protective caps see page 40.

Hybrid chisels are a hybrid form of Western design and Japanese technology. They combine the benefits of both tool cultures and are designed for craftsmen who appreciate the Japanese construction but don't want to forego the Western design.


B HATTORI® SLICKS Well-proportioned, well-balanced slicks with double-layered blades (milled steel) and a long edge life. The handles are made of Japanese white oak. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 580 mm Blade thickness 12 mm Blade width

42 mm No. 710825 63.87 € 76.00 € 54 mm No. 710823 71.43 € 85.00 € For protective caps see page 40.

C DAMASCUS HYBRID CHISELS, 6-PIECE SET Japanese steel quality - Western blade form: The blades of 24-layer Damascus steel (Suminagashi), laminated with Blue Paper Steel (approx. 61 HRC), have outstanding endurance, even on the hardest woods. With its integral design, the hefty handle of Japanese red oak, with a strong heavy-duty ferrule, transmits the highest


D HYBRID CHISELS WITH LONG BLADES, 6-PIECE SET Sharpened for use, reinforced hoop. These chisels come in a completely Western design with a long blade of vanadium-alloyed steel for high durability (approx. 61 HRC). Due to its integral design, the long, hefty handle of Japanese red oak with a strong hoop transmits even the highest impact. The back of the blade is flat (not hollow-ground).

impacts to the blade. The blades are sharpened and ready for use, not angled and have a flat back (not hollow-ground). Set of 6 in kiri-wood case (6/12/19/25/32/38 mm). Blade length 65 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 7 mm No. 710838 245.38 € 292.00 €


A cotton canvas tool roll protects the chisels when not in use. 6 chisels (6/12/19/25/32/38 mm). Blade length 95 mm Overall length 255 mm Blade thickness 3-5 mm No. 710287 154.62 € 184.00 €

E DAMASCUS HYBRID CHISEL SET, 6 PIECES The long handle of Japanese red oak set on the short blade allows you to guide these Damascus chisels while holding them close to the blade. A conical steel ferrule creates a seamless join between handle and blade. Forged from soft 24layer Suminagashi with a hard core of

Blue Paper Steel (61 HRC), these chisels are also suitable for use on hard and knotted wood. Blades ready for use with plane back (not hollow ground). Set of 6 in kiri-wood case (6/9/12/15/19/25 mm). Blade length 43 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 6 mm No. 710839 226.05 € 269.00 €

For single chisles see www.more-than-tools.de 37

Chisels | Western type

Western type Striking chisels

A PFEIL® CHISELS Traditional quality: Precision-made chisels with a traditional design. Forged from a chrome/vanadium steel alloy, heat-treated in an electric furnace, then ground and polished by hand. The high quality of these chisels is exemplified by their uniform hardness (approx. 60 HRC) and homogeneous fine mirror polish. The blades come pre-sharpened, ready to use, and fitted with unvarnished hornbeam handles. Blade length 120-140 mm Overall length 260-280 mm Blade thickness 2.5-4.5 mm


1 Single chisels Blade width

4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 26 mm 30 mm 32 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700950 No. 700951 No. 700961 No. 700952 No. 700953 No. 700954 No. 700956 No. 700957 No. 700958 No. 700959 No. 700962 No. 700963

14.03 14.03 14.20 14.20 14.87 15.29 16.72 18.91 20.08 20.42 22.61 24.29

€ € € € € € € € € € € €

16.70 € 16.70 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 17.70 € 18.20 € 19.90 € 22.50 € 23.90 € 24.30 € 26.90 € 28.90 €


2 6-piece set Price advantage 6 piece set in an elegant beechwood case: 6/10/12/16/20/26 mm No. 700997 116.81 € 139.00 € 6-piece set Price advantage 6-piece set in a leather tool roll: 6/10/12/20/26/30 mm No. 700960 119.75 € 142.50 €


3 12-piece set Price advantage 12-piece set in a leather tool roll: 4-40 mm No. 700965 237.82 € 283.00 €



B ALL-METAL CHISELS, 4-PIECE SET Nothing is impossible with these chisels: These robust tools are not only great for reworking timber joints, but are also suited for occasional prying and for evening plaster. Their red colour means they can be identified and found with ease. The high chromium content and a hardness of 60-62 HRC at the cutting edge make for a strong and reliable tool. The neck and tang are made of softer steel to cushion hammer blows. Set comes in a robust tool roll. Blade width 25/30/35/40 mm Blade length 125-145 mm Overall length 300-360 mm Blade thickness 5.5 mm No. 701016 67.14 € 79.90 € For single chisles see www.more-than-tools.de


Finishing chisels

C PFEIL® PARING CHISELS, 6-PIECE SET These perfectly shaped paring chisels of chromium/vanadium steel, hardened to approximately 60 HRC, are ideal for finishing wood joints. With its oval shape, the octagonal oiled elm-wood handle provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. Its trapezium profile, created by the bevelled sides, means you can use the chisel in mortises or for finishing dovetails without damaging the edges. Comes in a tool roll. Blade length 100 mm Overall length 265 mm Blade thickness 3-5 mm No. 730030 123.53 € 147.00 €



D PFEIL® MINI CHISELS SET Handy and neat: These compact chisels made of chrome/vanadium steel (60 HRC) allow you to work very closely and precisely on the workpiece. They are therefore ideal for cleaning up fittings, fine wood joints and all other kinds of detailed work and can also be used for sculpting. Spherical handles made of smoked native robinia with brass ferrule, hand-polished blades and a maple wood storage block make this set a real eye-catcher. An ideal gift for people with a passion for wood. Blade width 6/12/19/25 mm Blade length 60 mm Overall length 150 mm Blade thickness 3-5 mm No. 700994 76.97 € 91.60 €

Chisels | Western type, Chinese type

B A CROWN® MINI CHISELS Compact chisels allow you to get close to the workpiece and give you precise hand control. Ideal for cleaning up fittings and wood joints. Polished blades made of alloyed tool steel (approx. 58 HRC). Rosewood handles with solid brass ferrules. Blade length 50-60 mm Overall length 150 mm Blade thickness 5-6 mm



4-piece set 4-piece set, in a fine wooden case: 6/12.5/19/25 mm No. 701150 91.60 € 109.00 €

1 7-piece set 7-piece set, in a fine wooden case: 6/10/12.5/16/19/22/25 mm No. 701170 163.03 € 194.00 €

1 1 B CROWN® SKEW CHISELS Single-bevelled, skew-ground chisels, made of alloyed tool steel (approx. 58 HRC). Rosewood handles. Blade width 13 mm Blade length 135 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 5 mm

2 C CROWN® CORNER CHISEL For right-angled finishing of corners and mortises. Precisely milled blade made of carbon-steel (55 HRC), rosewood handle. Cut length 10 x 10 mm Blade length 110 mm Overall length 255 mm No. 701158 49.58 € 59.00 €


1 Right 2 Left

No. 701152 18.40 € 21.90 € No. 701153 18.40 € 21.90 €

Chinese type Rugged HSS blades in a simple design. These Chinese chisels won't let you down, even under rough treatment in restoration and joinery work or when working on hard composite materials and glue joints.






1 Single chisels

CHISELS Extra-hard HSS steel (64 HRC) for heavy-duty applications and working on wearing materials. The slightly tapered blades reach corners and undercuts effortlessly. Fine-grained handle made of Chinese hardwood. Blade length 105 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 4 mm

Blade width

12.5 mm No. 700980 8.07 € 19 mm No. 700981 9.08 € 25 mm No. 700982 9.41 € 31 mm No. 700983 10.42 € 38 mm No. 700984 11.01 €


9.60 € 10.80 € 11.20 € 12.40 € 13.10 €

2 5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set, in a cotton tool roll: 12.5/19/25/31/38 mm No. 700985 52.27 € 62.20 €

E CHINESE HSS BROAD CHISELS These extra-broad chisels are perfect for large-scale carpentry, restoration and sculpture work. The front portion of the spade-shaped blade is made of HSS steel (64 HRC) and is hard-soldered to the body via a transitional metal layer. Durable handle made of fine-grained Chinese hardwood with a naturally seasoned surface. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 4 mm


1 Single chisels Blade width

40 50 63 75 90

mm mm mm mm mm

No. 700991 No. 700986 No. 700987 No. 700988 No. 700990

9.08 10.00 11.93 13.78 15.71

€ € € € €

10.80 € 11.90 € 14.20 € 16.40 € 18.70 €

2 5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set, in a cotton tool roll: 40/50/63/75/90 mm No. 700996 59.50 € 70.80 €


Chisels | Tool rolls and accessories

Tool rolls and accessories


For safely storing chisels and carving gouges.

A LEATHER TOOL ROLL Made of fine-quality leather. The seams are reinforced with rivets. 1 6 pockets Max. tool length 270 mm Outer dimensions 370 x 290 mm No. 717501 25.13 € 29.90 € 6 pockets Max. tool length 300 mm Outer dimensions 370 x 320 mm No. 717502 26.81 € 31.90 € 12 pockets Max. tool length 270 mm Outer dimensions 550 x 290 mm No. 717504 38.91 € 46.30 €


B 12 pockets Max. tool length 300 mm Outer dimensions 550 x 320 mm No. 717503 40.25 € 47.90 €


20 pockets Max. tool length 270 mm Outer dimensions 790 x 290 mm No. 717505 50.84 € 60.50 €

D PROTECTIVE CAPS, PLASTIC For Japanese chisels, transparent plastic. For blade width

B COTTON TOOL ROLLS Heavy fabric with shaped pockets for chisels, gouges, screwdrivers, spanners, pliers etc. Includes belt with snap fastener.

6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 36 mm 42 mm

1 5 pockets Max. tool length 240 mm Outer dimensions 310 x 400 mm No. 712900 8.07 € 9.60 €

No. 710085 No. 710086 No. 710087 No. 710088 No. 710089 No. 710090 No. 710091 No. 710092 No. 710093

0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42

€ € € € € € € € €

0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 € 0.50 €

1 10 pockets Max. tool length 280 mm Outer dimensions 600 x 400 mm No. 712901 14.79 € 17.60 €


C ROLLUP CASE Strong, impregnated cotton fabric rollup case. Belt with snap fastener. As the tools can only be inserted from one side, and are secured by a flap, they cannot fall out. Max. tool length 260 mm


1 6 pockets Outer dimensions 400 x 430 mm No. 707513 8.07 € 9.60 €

E LEATHER PROTECTIVE CAPS MADE OF PREFORMED LEATHER These preformed protective caps made of cow leather are fixed to the chisels necks via a snap. For Japanese chisels with a blade length of up to approx. 60 mm.

9 pockets Outer dimensions 560 x 430 mm No. 707514 10.76 € 12.80 € 12 pockets Outer dimensions 710 x 430 mm No. 707515 13.53 € 16.10 €

For blade width 3/6/9 mm No. 12/15/18 mm No. 21/24/30 mm No. 36/42 mm No.


715150 715151 715152 715153

3.28 3.36 3.53 3.78

€ € € €

3.90 € 4.00 € 4.20 € 4.50 €

F LEATHER PROTECTIVE CAPS MADE OF STRETCHABLE LEATHER High-class leather protective caps made of fine cow leather fixed to the neck of the chisels via two crosswise oriented straps and a snap.


F 3

2 1

1 Leather protective caps, for cranked paring chisels For blade width 9-24 mm No.


715164 4.12 €

4.90 €

2 Leather protective caps, for striking and finishing chisels

3 Leather protective caps, for mortise chisels

For blade width No. 3/6/9 mm 12/15/18 mm No. 21/24/30 mm No. No. 36/42 mm

For blade width 12-24 mm No.

715154 715155 715156 715157

3.87 3.95 4.03 4.12

€ € € €

4.60 € 4.70 € 4.80 € 4.90 €

715163 4.12 €

For blade width 6/9 mm see www.more-than-tools.de

4 Leather protective caps, for slicks 4.90 €

For blade width 36 / 42 mm No. 54 mm No.

715158 4.76 € 715159 4.96 €

5.70 € 5.90 €

Carving and sculpting tools | 44 European carving tools | 44 Japanese carving tools | 49

The extension of the artist’s arm!

Traditional Chinese carving tools | 50 Special tools | 50

Carver’s mallets | 51

Carving knives and xylography tools | 52 European type | 52 Japanese type | 55 Swedish type | 56

Drawknives | 57

Sculptor’s axes | 57

Adzes | 58


Sculpting tools


Creating a sculpture with axe and chisel

not only by their favourable price, but also by


from a trunk is surely one of the most intense their good steel quality and the conical shape experiences that woodcraft has to offer.

of their blades - particularly advantageous for

Sharpening on rapidly rotating grinding or

Not only the creative act itself, but intimate

deep reliefs, cut-outs and under-cuts.

polishing wheels is in fact in widespread use

contact with this unique natural material,

- nevertheless, we recommend the traditional

exploring its organically grown structure, and

The tools from Sweden, a country where four-

method of sharpening on water stones or on

the unforgettable odour of freshly cut wood

year-olds are already engaged in wood carving,

the Tormek wet grinding machine. This gives

all make sculpture a unique experience.

are especially convincing in terms of their

longer edge life, as the cutting edges are not

In this creative process, the tool must be

fine profiling and ergonomic grips.

heated, and ensures a more exact cutting

the extension of the artist’s own arm. Over a period of time, a heartfelt relationship develops

edge geometry without rounding off the be-


between the sculptor and the tool. When the

vels. You will find additional information on the sharpening of sculptors’ tools in our

tool lies comfortably in the hand, when the


balance is right, when there is long-lasting

Gouges are the classical sculptor’s tools.

Sharpening Primer, which you can order under www.more-than-tools.de

sharpness, then mind and body work together Their curvature is described by sweep numcreatively. The sculptor’s trust in »his« tool

bers (from 2 = very flat to 11 = very strongly

brings creativity to fruition.


Owing to their complex form and the com-


bined requirements of long-lasting sharpness

These have a cutting edge ground obliquely

Use a lager-sized gauge with mallet for the

and lightness of weight, the manufacture of

or at a right angle. By contrast with normal

crude composition of sculputures or reliefs.


gouges is one of the most difficult challenges wood working chisels, they are sharpened on of blacksmithing. Today, the Swiss »Pfeil®«

both sides. Due to their versatility for use

To make things easier, imagine the geometrical

brand, with a wide range of products present- with edges, contours, peripheries, surfaces

shape underneath the surface, e.g. the eye as

ing the main part of our offering, is regarded

and inscriptions, they are a must in every

a ball, the neck as a cylinder, etc.

as the leading manufacturer. These are the

basic set.

proven standard tools for sculptors and wood

Always work your way from the highest point

carvers - developed through intensive ex-

V-parting tools

(e.g. the nose) to the back. This gives you the

change with professionals and with a consis-

These have a V-shaped cross-section and

opportunity of making corrections if neces-

tantly high level of quality.

are used for cutting sharp-edged grooves,

sary by moving the form slightly backwards.

outlining patterns, and carving letters. We also offer hand-forged Japanese gouges

Define your reference points (e.g. centre

with two-layer blades, having a long edge life

Cranked tools

of the head, tip of the nose, elbow, etc.)

and excellent sharpness. These are stronger

Curved or cropped tools are advantageous

These should be best marked with a cross.

and shorter than European gouges and,

for elaborating concave surfaces, recesses or

thanks to their head hoop, well suited for

relief backgrounds. The narrower the work


situation, the greater the tools cropping required. Besides these basic types, there

Our Chinese cutting tools, which we obtain

are also a number of special tools forms, with

from traditional small blacksmith workshops,

which one can add on considerably to the

are unique in Europe. They are distinguished

basic assortment according to project.


Sculpting tools

Try to work evenly on every part of the object

For hollowing out troughs or bowls:

cannot get the cut you need with a straight

in order to retain a well-balanced overall

Trough-Maker's Adze, sweep 5, No. 706066

gouge, choose the short-bent version for


Pfeil Scorp Gouge, size 2, No. 700702

shallow recesses and the long-bent version

Pfeil Sculptor's Gouge, short-bent version,

for deep ones.

Always make sure to fasten your workpiece

see page 45.

properly (e.g. with the help of carver’s screw) in order to avoid injuries and any


disturbances of the working process. For beginners in woodcarving, we recommend wearing the »ProHands« protective gloves for Which tools are recommended for beginners?

How do I select a gouge?

For sculpting figures:

There are three criteria:

unclear or difficult working situations.

Allongee Gouge, sweep 7, blade width 50 mm (for rough material removal and large

1.) the sweep


2.) the blade width (measured perpendicular

Sweep 3, blade width 35 / 40 mm (clean-up) to the blade (also with 1S) Sweep 7, blade width 35 / 40 mm (clean-up) 3.) the longitudinal form of the blade

Sharpening pass Two free sharpenings (see page 5).

Sweep 11, blade width 15 / 18 mm (clean-up) Smaller widths of different sweeps for detail work depend on the workpiece.

What do I do if I have a gouge but am not

These tools are also used for our »Sculpting

satisfied with my choice?

Sharpening service Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products (see page 5).

Figures« workshop. First, decide which of the three criteria are For relief work:

fine and don't need to be corrected. If, for

Compact carving tools from Pfeil, see page 48

example, the sweep is fine but the blade is

Pfeil carving knives, see page 52

not wide enough, stick with the sweep

Introduction to Sculpting

Power Grip carving tool set, No. 710258

number but choose a wider blade. If both the

Sculpting of Figures

sweep and the blade width are fine, but you

Relief Carving


Sweep 7

Sweep 5

Sweep 7

Sweep 3

Courses to this subject

You will find a number of interesting workshops for sculptors in our current workshop programme, which you can order cost-free from us, www.more-than-tools.de.

Working on surfaces with different sweeps results in different surface structures, which means they can also be used to produce variations in design. The larger the sweep, the more noticeable the structure. 43

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools

European carving tools Pfeil® Carving Tools The exceptionally durable and wearresistant carving tools from the Swiss company Pfeil are not only well-known among experts. With over 700 forms and sweeps, Pfeil offers the largest and most variable product range. The products of the world’s leading manufacture of fine carving tools are made from specially alloyed, hard tool steel, forged and ground on precision machines, heat-treated in an electric furnace and sharpened by hand ready-for-use. The blades are uniformly hardened to 59-61 Rockwell along their entire length, the break-proof oiled ash handles are mounted with inner

ferrules. Only indigenous woods and solvent-free oils are used. Your advantage: Quick delivery straight from stock 3-year quality guarantee!

Standard Pfeil carving tools (p. 44 - 47) Blade length 120 mm Overall length 250 mm


A FLAT CHISELS, STRAIGHT, DOUBLE BEVEL Straight chisels are preferred for lettering, but are also suitable for chip carving and for smoothing straight or slightly convex surfaces in figure sculpting. The skewed variant can be drawn across the surface and cuts into corners more easily. Sweep 1, straight cut Blade width

2 mm 3 mm 5 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700800 No. 700801 No. 700802 No. 700803 No. 701220 No. 700804 No. 700805 No. 700806 No. 700807 No. 700808 No. 700763

16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 18.24 18.24 18.24 21.51 23.78 30.84 32.94

€ € € € € € € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 25.60 € 28.30 € 36.70 € 39.20 €

Sweep 1S, skew cut 2 mm No. 700810 3 mm No. 700811 5 mm No. 700812 8 mm No. 700813 12 mm No. 700814 16 mm No. 700815 20 mm No. 700816

16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 18.24 18.24 21.51

€ € € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 25.60 €


B GOUGES, STRAIGHT Gouges are used for anything from rough work to shaping to finishing, and are therefore the most versatile sculptor's tools. If necessary, each of these gouges can also be used the other way round to work on convex surfaces. The 11-sweep tools, which take you from gouge to V-parting tool, are often used to create shape transitions. Sweep 2 Blade width


5 mm 8 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 30 mm

No. 701223 No. 701224 No. 700818 No. 701355 No. 700820 No. 700819

16.39 16.39 18.24 18.24 21.51 28.49

€ € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 25.60 € 33.90 €

Sweep 3 3 mm 5 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700821 No. 700822 No. 700823 No. 701226 No. 700824 No. 700825 No. 700826 No. 700827 No. 700828 No. 700829 No. 700765

16.39 16.39 16.39 18.24 18.24 18.24 21.51 23.78 29.24 30.84 32.94

€ € € € € € € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 25.60 € 28.30 € 34.80 € 36.70 € 39.20 €

B GOUGES, STRAIGHT Sweep 4 Blade width

20 mm

No. 701356 21.51 €

25.60 €

Sweep 5 3 mm 5 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700830 No. 700831 No. 700832 No. 701227 No. 700833 No. 700834 No. 700835 No. 700836 No. 700837 No. 700838 No. 700766

€ € € € € € € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 25.60 € 28.30 € 34.80 € 36.70 € 39.20 €

Sweep 6 20 mm No. 701357 23.70 €

28.20 €

Sweep 7 4 mm 6 mm 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 18 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700848 No. 700840 No. 700841 No. 700849 No. 700842 No. 700843 No. 700844 No. 700845 No. 700846 No. 700847 No. 700767

17.31 17.31 18.57 18.57 18.57 21.93 23.11 23.11 29.24 32.94 38.40

€ € € € € € € € € € €

20.60 € 20.60 € 22.10 € 22.10 € 22.10 € 26.10 € 27.50 € 27.50 € 34.80 € 39.20 € 45.70 €

Sweep 8 4 mm 7 mm 10 mm 13 mm 16 mm 18 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm

No. 700850 No. 700851 No. 700852 No. 700853 No. 701229 No. 700854 No. 701230 No. 700855 No. 700856 No. 700857 No. 701231

17.31 17.31 18.57 18.57 21.93 21.93 23.11 23.11 29.24 32.94 38.40

€ € € € € € € € € € €

20.60 € 20.60 € 22.10 € 22.10 € 26.10 € 26.10 € 27.50 € 27.50 € 34.80 € 39.20 € 45.70 €

Sweep 9 2 mm 3 mm 5 mm 7 mm 10 mm 13 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm

No. 701232 No. 700858 No. 700860 No. 700861 No. 700862 No. 701233 No. 700863 No. 701234 No. 700864 No. 700859

17.31 17.31 17.31 17.31 18.57 18.57 21.93 23.11 23.11 29.24

€ € € € € € € € € €

20.60 € 20.60 € 20.60 € 20.60 € 22.10 € 22.10 € 26.10 € 27.50 € 27.50 € 34.80 €

Sweep 11 0.5 mm No. 701235 1 mm No. 700868 2 mm No. 700867 3 mm No. 700865 7 mm No. 701238 10 mm No. 700866 15 mm No. 700869 18 mm No. 701239

18.82 18.82 18.82 18.82 18.82 19.75 23.70 25.55

€ € € € € € € €

22.40 € 22.40 € 22.40 € 22.40 € 22.40 € 23.50 € 28.20 € 30.40 €

16.39 16.39 16.39 18.24 18.24 18.24 21.51 23.78 29.24 30.84 32.94

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools



A V-PARTING TOOLS, STRAIGHT V-parting tools are popularly used in relief carving to delimit areas. Another important use is the cutting of even grooves.

C SCULPTOR'S GOUGES, SHORT BENT FORM Similar to the long bent form, these gouges are also used for deep, curved shapes. The even stronger bent of the gouge allows you to carve transitions in even deeper areas and to create small radiuses and arches.

Sweep 12 (V 60°) Blade width

3 mm 4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm

No. 700870 No. 701242 No. 700871 No. 701243 No. 700872

19.16 19.16 19.16 21.01 21.93

€ € € € €

22.80 € 22.80 € 22.80 € 25.00 € 26.10 €

Sweep 13 (V 90°) 3 mm No. 700876 19.16 € 6 mm No. 701245 19.16 € 8 mm No. 700877 21.01 €

22.80 € 22.80 € 25.00 €

Sweep 14 (V 55°) 6 mm No. 700703 19.16 € 8 mm No. 700873 21.93 €

22.80 € 26.10 €

Sweep 15 (V 45°) 3 mm No. 700874 20.08 € 6 mm No. 700875 21.51 €

23.90 € 25.60 €

Sweep 16 (V 35°) 3 mm No. 700878 20.59 € 6 mm No. 700879 22.44 €

24.50 € 26.70 €

Sweep 7A Blade width

6 mm 10 mm 14 mm 18 mm 25 mm

No. 700887 No. 701261 No. 700880 No. 701262 No. 700881

17.31 18.24 18.24 21.93 21.93

€ € € € €

20.60 € 21.70 € 21.70 € 26.10 € 26.10 €

Sweep 8A 7 mm No. 700700 10 mm No. 700882 18 mm No. 700883 25 mm No. 700701

17.31 18.24 21.93 23.36

€ € € €

20.60 € 21.70 € 26.10 € 27.80 €

Sweep 11A 2 mm No. 700705 19.16 € 4 mm No. 700706 19.16 € 7 mm No. 700707 19.16 €

22.80 € 22.80 € 22.80 €

Sweep 12A (V 60°) 3 mm No. 700725 19.16 € 8 mm No. 700726 21.01 €

22.80 € 25.00 €

Sweep 22, winged V-parting tool 6 mm No. 700730 28.32 € 33.70 € 12 mm No. 700731 31.09 € 37.00 € Sweep 23, macaroni tool 6 mm No. 700760 23.36 €

D 27.80 €

D BACK BENT, INSIDE BEVEL Primarily used for convex shapes and cylindrical profiles which cannot be worked on with a turned straight gouge because of the strong curve.



Sweep 25

LONG BENT FORM The long bent form is used in curved recesses to allow you to cut out of the piece from the deepest point without damaging the edges of the recess.

Blade width

6 mm 10 mm 13 mm

No. 700736 21.93 € No. 700738 21.93 € No. 700737 21.93 €

26.10 € 26.10 € 26.10 €

Sweep 7L Blade width

14 20 25 35

mm mm mm mm

No. 700710 No. 700884 No. 700885 No. 700711

20.08 24.29 24.71 35.63

€ € € €

23.90 € 28.90 € 29.40 € 42.40 €

Sweep 8L 10 mm No. 700715 21.51 € 18 mm No. 700886 24.29 € 30 mm No. 700716 32.94 €

25.60 € 28.90 € 39.20 €

E E DOG-LEG GOUGE This gouge is used to clear the ground of deep, shouldered areas to their final depth and to rework corners. Sweep 21 Blade width

Sweep 12L (V 60°) 3 mm No. 700720 22.86 € 6 mm No. 701254 22.86 € 10 mm No. 700721 23.70 €

6 mm 12 mm

27.20 € 27.20 € 28.20 €


No. 700728 19.16 € No. 700729 19.16 €

22.80 € 22.80 €

F DRAGON GOUGE This strongly bent gouge is ideal for deep recesses and for finishing corners, lettering and ornaments. Straight bevel. Sweep 21 G Blade width

5 mm

Carving tools are often struck with a carver´s mallet.

Carver´s mallets page 51

No. 700689 20.67 €

24.60 €

See our Workshop Programme or our website at www.more-than-tools.de/workshops for sculpting and carving courses. 45

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools


A FISHTAIL GOUGES, THIN BLADE Thanks to their conical form, fishtail gouges are used for backcutting in relief carving and for general finishing work. Their projecting corners make it easy to cut within narrow recesses, in which the angle of the gouge can still be corrected.


Sweep 3F Blade width

6 mm 12 mm 16 mm

No. 700740 18.82 € No. 700741 19.75 € No. 700742 22.44 €

22.40 € 23.50 € 26.70 €

Sweep 5F 8 mm No. 700745 18.82 € 14 mm No. 700746 19.75 € 20 mm No. 700747 22.44 €

22.40 € 23.50 € 26.70 €

Sweep 7F 6 mm No. 700750 18.82 € 10 mm No. 700751 18.82 € 16 mm No. 700752 22.44 €

22.40 € 22.40 € 26.70 €

Sweep 9F 5 mm No. 700755 18.82 € 10 mm No. 700756 20.59 € 20 mm No. 700757 25.55 €

22.40 € 24.50 € 30.40 €

B ALLONGEE GOUGES With an extra-hard hornbeam handle and heavy-duty ferrule, this gouge is designed for rough shaping with the mallet and can resist even the toughest impact. Blade length 140 mm Overall length 300 mm Sweep Blade width

2 5 7 7 8 9

60 mm No. 700946 58.57 No. 700947 61.34 50 mm No. 701276 58.57 60 mm No. 700948 63.19 No. 701271 64.96 50 mm No. 700949 59.50





C PFEIL® CARVER’S SET WITH ASH HANDLES The standard version of the carver´s sets are supplied with characteristic oiled handles made from light ash. 1 Pfeil® carver’s set with ash handles, 8-piece set 8 standard carving tools as professional basis equipment for quality-conscious beginners. Delivered in a roll-up case. Sweep 9/4 mm; sweep 7/10 mm; sweep 5/12 mm; sweep 4/20 mm; flat chisel 12 mm; V-tool 8 mm; flat pointed 12 mm; chip carving knife form 12. Ash handles. No. 700896 172.27 € 205.00 € 46

2 Pfeil® carver’s set with ash handles, 12-piece set Set of 12 Pfeil carving tools for mediumsized figures, lettering and fine ornaments, compiled by the Sculptor`s School in Brienz. In a robust roll-up case. Sweep 1 (flat)/8 mm; sweep 1 (flat/skew)/8 mm; sweep 5/8 mm; sweep 5/20 mm; sweep 7/6 mm; sweep 7/14 mm; sweep 8/4 mm; sweep 9/10 mm; sweep 12 (V 60°)/6 mm; sweep 8 A/10 mm; sweep 7 L/20 mm. Ash handles. No. 700890 233.61 € 278.00 €

Pfeil® carver’s set with ash handles, 25-piece set With these 20 sculptor’s tools plus accessories you are perfectly equipped for a wide range of challenging carving projects: sweep 1 (flat)/16 mm; sweep 1 S (flat/skew)/16 mm; sweep 2/20 mm; sweep 3/3 mm; sweep 3/12 mm; sweep 3/25 mm; sweep 5/35 mm; sweep 7/20 mm; sweep 8/7 mm; sweep 8/18 mm; sweep 8/25 mm; sweep 9/7 mm; sweep 9/15 mm; sweep 11/10 mm; sweep 11/2 mm; sweep 12 (V 60°)/10 mm; sweep 14 (V 55°)/8 mm; sweep 15 (V 45°)/3 mm; sweep 8 A/18 mm; sweep 7 L/25 mm plus Brienz chip carving knife, 2 Arkansas sharpening stones, grinding oil and wooden carver’s mallet. Ash handles. With case

3 Canvas No. 700898 531.09 € 632.00 € 4 Wood No. 700892 695.80 € 828.00 €


€ 69.70 € € 73.00 € € 69.70 € € 75.20 € € 77.30 € € 70.80 €

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools





A PFEIL® CARVER´S SET WITH PLANE TREE HANDLES These carving sets, with handles made of oiled plane tree heartwood made exclusively for us are not just aesthetic but also hard-wearing. The decorative plane tree wood with its slightly red colour is due to its small annual rings and scattered pores very hard and tough and therefore takes more blows than ash wood. This beautiful wood is also characterized by its striped pattern that is a result of the cutting face of the medullary rays. 1 Pfeil® carver´s set with plane tree handles, 8-piece set 8 standard carving tools as professional basis equipment for quality-conscious beginners. Delivered in a roll-up case. Sweep 9/4 mm; sweep 7/10 mm; sweep 5/12 mm; sweep 4/20 mm; flat chisel 12 mm; V-tool 8 mm; flat pointed 12 mm; chip carving knife form 12. Plane tree handles. No. 730020 181.51 € 216.00 €

B PFEIL® »VAL GARDENA« CARVER´S SET, 11-PIECE SET Recommended by professional sculptors: This set of 11 Pfeil carving tools for quick and easy preliminary cutting of large figures was put together in cooperation with experienced sculptors from the State Vocational School in Gröden (South Tyrol). Delivered in a practical roll-up case made of robust »Schwingerhosenyarn«, with grey felt lining to protect the blades. The set comprises carving tools: sweep 1 (flat/skew) 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm; sweep 3/35 mm; sweep 4/20 mm; sweep 5/12 mm; sweep 7/10 mm and 35 mm; sweep 11/5 mm and 10 mm; ash handles. Carving knife: blade length 55 mm, cherry wood handle. No. 700669 251.26 € 299.00 €

2 Pfeil® carver´s set with plane tree handles, 12-piece set Set of 12 Pfeil carving tools for mediumsized figures, lettering and fine ornaments, compiled by the Sculptor`s School in Brienz. In a robust roll-up case. Sweep 1 (flat)/ 8 mm; sweep 1 (flat/skew)/8 mm; sweep 5/8 mm; sweep 5/20 mm; sweep 7/6 mm; sweep 7/14 mm; sweep 8/4 mm; sweep 9/10 mm; sweep 12 (V 60°)/6 mm; sweep 8 A/10 mm; sweep 7 L/20 mm. Plane tree handles. No. 730021 237.82 € 283.00 €

Pfeil® carver´s set with plane tree handles, 25-piece set With these 20 sculptor’s tools plus accessories you are perfectly equipped for a wide range of challenging carving projects: sweep 1 (flat)/16 mm; sweep 1 S (flat/skew)/16 mm; sweep 2/20 mm; sweep 3/3 mm; sweep 3/12 mm; sweep 3/25 mm; sweep 5/35 mm; sweep 7/20 mm; sweep 8/7 mm; sweep 8/18 mm; sweep 8/25 mm; sweep 9/7 mm; sweep 9/15 mm; sweep 11/10 mm; sweep 11/2 mm; sweep 12 (V 60°)/10 mm; sweep 14 (V 55°)/8 mm; sweep 15 (V 45°)/3 mm; sweep 8 A/18 mm; sweep 7 L/25 mm plus Brienz chip carving knife, 2 Arkansas sharpening stones, grinding oil and wooden carver’s mallet. Plane tree handles.

For stone sculpting tools see our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de

3 Canvas No. 730022 540.34 € 643.00 € 4 Wood No. 730023 705.04 € 839.00 €


With case



C DICK® EMPTY ROLL-UP CASES Protect your tools with these roll-up cases made of indestructible »Schwingerhosen yarn« linen, which is as much admired in Switzerland as leather trousers in Germany. The inside is lined with grey felt and thus protects the tools from touching each other and keeps away dust and shavings. Pockets

6 8 12 25

No. 700699 No. 730024 No. 730025 No. 730026

27.31 33.53 35.71 83.78

€ € € €

32.50 € 39.90 € 42.50 € 99.70 € 47

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools

Individual sculptor's gouge sets Carving and sculptor's gouges are used in creating a variety of objects, from detailed miniature models to filigree ornaments to large sculptures. Therefore it's not easy to put together a selection of tools that's suitable for any application. Here at DICTUM, you can put together your personal set of sculptor's tools tailored to your needs, at a 5% discount per set!

Sets are available as follows: 8-piece set, incl. Dick® tool roll for Standard and Compact sculptor's gouges (8 compartments), No. 908000. 12-piece set, incl. Dick® tool roll for Standard and Compact sculptor's gouges (12 compartments), No. 912000.

Choose 8 or 12 tools from our range: Pfeil® Compact carving tools Pfeil® Standard carving tools Pfeil® Allongee or Dräyer gouges

Because of the numerous selection options, please order your set with the individual article numbers by phone, fax or e-mail.

Pfeil® Compact carving tools Perfect for small objects and intricate work. The shorter blades and slender handles make these tools ideal for small hands performing delicate work. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 200 mm





Sweep 1

Sweep 7L

Blade width

8 mm

Blade width

No. 700670 13.11 €

15.60 €

Sweep 1S, skew cut 8 mm No. 700671 13.11 €

15.60 €

10 mm

No. 700677 15.13 €

18.00 €



Sweep 8A Blade width

Sweep 2

7 mm

No. 700680 15.13 €

18.00 €

Blade width

12 mm

No. 700672 15.13 €

18.00 €

Sweep 3 12 mm No. 701328 15.13 €

18.00 €

Sweep 5 3 mm No. 700673 14.96 € 8 mm No. 700674 14.96 € 12 mm No. 700675 15.13 €

17.80 € 17.80 € 18.00 €


E V-PARTING TOOLS, STRAIGHT Sweep 12 (V 60°) Blade width


Sweep 7 4 mm No. 700676 14.96 € 10 mm No. 701332 14.96 € 14 mm No. 700678 15.13 €

17.80 € 17.80 € 18.00 €

Sweep 8 4 mm No. 701333 14.96 € 7 mm No. 700679 14.96 € 10 mm No. 700681 14.96 €

17.80 € 17.80 € 17.80 €

Sweep 9 5 mm No. 700682 14.96 € 10 mm No. 700683 15.13 €

17.80 € 18.00 €

Sweep 11 1 mm No. 700684 15.46 € 2 mm No. 701336 15.46 € 11 mm No. 700685 15.46 €

18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 €

2 4 6 8

Interesting fact: The sweeps of gouges are based on a standard set by the so-called »Sheffield Illustrated List«. The sweeps are circular segments. The larger the

mm mm mm mm

No. 700686 No. 701338 No. 700688 No. 700687

15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46

€ € € €

18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 €

Sweep 15 (V 45°) 3 mm No. 701340 15.46 €

18.40 €

sweep, the stronger the concavity and the larger the arc segment. Thus, for example, sweep 3 describes a very flat concavity; sweep 9 describes a complete semi-circle.

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools




A PFEIL® COMPACT CARVING TOOLS, 4-PIECE SET Ideal for anyone who wishes to try their hand at woodworking. Particularly suitable for young people and makes a splendid gift. 700670/79/88 and 700921. No. 700690 51.26 € 61.00 €



6-PIECE SET 700670/71/74/79/84/86. Including a birch and maplewood rack. No. 700691 91.60 € 109.00 €

C PFEIL® COMPACT CARVING TOOLS, 12-PIECE SET 700670/71/73/74/79/80/82/83/84/85/ 86/88. Including a birch and maplewood rack. No. 700692 176.81 € 210.40 € D PFEIL® COMPACT CARVING TOOLS, 18-PIECE SET 700670/71/72/73/74/75/76/77/78/79/ 80/81/82/83/84/85/86/87. In a fine beechwood case. No. 700693 301.60 € 358.90 €

Japanese carving tools


As with many other handcraft traditions, the Japanese woodcarving craft has its origins in the ecclesiastical sphere. Even today, lavishly carved temples and precious family altars as well as the Buddha carving craft bear witness to the centuries of refinement of the sculpting art and of sculpting tools. Japanese sculpting and carving tools are characterised by double-layered blades with excellent sharpness. Their integral design and sturdy ferrules allows them to be struck with a mallet or hammer.

F E SCULPTOR’S TOOLS, 10-PIECE SET The compact design of these carefully crafted Nomi from a master workshop in Japan makes them well-suited for delicate tasks requiring precision, such as lettering and reliefs. Blades of doublelayered steel, core made from Blue Paper Steel, Japanese red oak handles. Gouges: sweep 5/15 mm; sweep 9/9 mm; sweep 6/6 mm; sweep 6 cranked/15 mm; flat point 15 mm; flat 12 mm; Yari-Kanna, 12 mm; skew chisel, right, 9 mm; V-parting tool, 7.5 mm; flat cranked 9 mm. 1

10-piece set in a kiri wood case. Blade length 20-50 mm Overall length 205-215 mm No. 714009 368.91 € 439.00 €

F GOUGES These gouges offer all the quality advantages of Japanese sculptor’s gouges at a good price-performance ratio. Double-layered blades, core made from SK 5, seamlessly integrated handles and a removable heavyduty head ferrule, which is fitted for use with a hammer. Outside bevel. Blade length 50 mm Overall length 220 mm Sweep 7 1 Single gouges Blade width

6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 21 mm 24 mm

No. 715251 No. 715252 No. 715253 No. 715254 No. 715255 No. 715256 No. 715257

14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.71 15.04 15.29

€ € € € € € €

16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 17.50 € 17.90 € 18.20 €

2 7-piece set 7-piece set, in a cotton tool roll: 715251-715257 No. 715250 112.61 € 134.00 €




JAPANESE POWERCARVER This electric carving tool has a reciprocating cutting head, which allows novice as well as professional carvers to achieve excellent surfaces even under difficult cutting conditions. At just 800 g, the aluminium pressure-injection die-cast housing is very light yet robust and can be used with one hand. The forged twolayer cutters are ultra-sharp thanks to their cutting edge of blue paper steel (63 HRC), while the shock-absorbing soft steel layer makes them robust and easy to sharpen. The cutters are easy to change, thanks to the clamping nut at

the cutting head, and are tightened with the supplied wrench. For safety, the cutter only reciprocates when the tool is pressed onto the wood surface. The heat from the motor is dissipated through cooling slits so that the tool can be used in non-stop operation. Set contains: Powercarver, gouge sweep 7/14 mm; sweep 8/7.5 mm; sweep 8/7.5 mm bent; V-tool 90° 11.5 mm; straight chisel 6.5 mm; wrench. Overall length 240 mm 800 g No. 715210 294.03 € 349.90 € 49

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools

Traditional Chinese carving tools These exceptional carving tools emanate from two forges on the southern Chinese city of Dongyang, a centre of the sculpting craft. With the small chisels, the durable blades are sharply tapered into a pointed tang. The larger chisels have a socket-shaped throat which holds the handle and prevents splitting. The small chisels are made of carbon-steel (C 60, approx. 58 HRC). The socket chisels are of forged double-layered steel (above 60 HRC). In line with Chinese tradition, the chisels are only roughly ground by the blacksmith. It is the user who makes the chisels ready-for-use by fine grinding to the required sharpness and mounting the handles.

B CARVING TOOLS, 12-PIECE SET Light-duty gouges with pointed tangs. Chinese hardwood handles. Mixture of forms (flat, flat/skew, curved, V), in cotton tool roll. Blade width 5-20 mm Overall length 180-210 mm No. 700972 95.21 € 113.30 €

Note: Due to the purely manual manufacturing process, the stated dimensions are subject to relatively wide fluctuations.

D SCULPTING TOOLS, 6-PIECE SET Double-layer forged gouges with socket tangs. Chinese hardwood handles. Mixture of forms (flat, curved, V), in cotton tool roll. Blade width 6-18 mm Overall length 180-210 mm No. 700973 47.65 € 56.70 €

A CARVING BLADES, 18-PIECE SET Light-duty gouges for relief carving and detail work. The blades have pointed tangs. Mixture of forms (flat, flat/skew, curved, V). Coarse ground, no handles. Blade width 2-32 mm Overall length 100-120 mm No. 700970 33.53 € 39.90 €


C SCULPTING BLADES 18-PIECE SET Tools for all-purpose carving. The blades have socket tangs. Mixture of forms (flat, flat/skew, curved, V). Coarse ground, no handles. Blade width 3-40 mm Overall length 100-120 mm No. 700971 71.18 € 84.70 €

E SCULPTING TOOLS, 12-PIECE SET Specifications as above. Mixture of forms (flat, flat/skew, curved, V), in cotton tool roll. Blade width 6-25 mm Overall length 180-210 mm No. 700974 90.67 € 107.90 €





Note how close to the blade the chisel is held.




Special tools

3 F YARI-KANNA SPEAR PLANES The Yari-Kanna is one of the oldest tools for smoothing wood and is recognised as the predecessor of the plane in Japan. The freehand application of this tool allows the user to follow the wood's grain and so produce wonderfully organic and tactile surfaces. Can be used on both flat and curved workpieces. Ideal for decorative panels, reliefs or sculptures. 50

1 Mokume Yari-Kanna The wood-like grain of the blades gives these Yari-Kanna a special aesthetic. The iron is folded repeatedly and then plated with white paper steel and set in a magnolia handle. Blade width 35 mm Blade length 120 mm Overall length 560 mm No. 710094 276.47 € 329.00 €

2 Two-hand Yari-Kanna For planing large wooden surfaces in carpentry and sculpting. Core made of Blue Paper Steel, handle made of tagayasan (rosewood). Blade width 25 mm Blade length 90 mm Overall length 410 mm No. 710095 167.23 € 199.00 €

3 One-hand Yari-Kanna For fine sculpting work, instrument making and restoration. Core made of White Paper Steel, tagayasan handle. Blade width 18 mm Blade length 60 mm Overall length 235 mm No. 710096 57.98 € 69.00 €

Sculpting tools | Carving and sculpting tools, Carver’s mallets A

B A MIKISYO Precision tool for removing fine shaving or chipping in carving and restoration work. Made of Blue Paper Steel. Blade width 4 mm Blade length 25 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 710097 36.97 € 44.00 €


B JAPANESE SCORP GOUGE Semi-circular, double-layer blade for hollowing out bowls, chair seats, etc. Core made of White Paper Steel, tagayasan handle. Inside bevel. Blade width 32 mm Blade length 75 mm Overall length 215 mm Radius approx. 16 mm No. 710812 150.42 € 179.00 € C PFEIL® SCORP GOUGE, SIZE 1 The curved blade is particularly suitable for bowls and hollow shapes. Where normal gouges can no longer be guided along the grain due to lack of space (e.g. in narrow spots), this tool saves the day because it is drawn across the surface. Blade width 33 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 700935 21.18 € 25.20 € D PFEIL® SCORP GOUGE, SIZE 2 This scorp gouge is primarily used for hollowing out large bowls and for chair seats. The hefty cherrywood handle provides a comfortable grip and the curved 3.5 mm blade can even tackle hardwood. Blade width 70 mm Overall length 235 mm Weight 280 g No. 700702 45.55 € 54.20 €


E CHINESE LONG-HANDLED GOUGES Ideal for hollowing out drums, deep vessels and large sculptures. The blades are bevelled on the inside and slightly angled, allowing more free play for the oak handles. Made of carbon-Steel. Overall length 680 mm

Sweep 4 Sweep 5

Sweep Blade width

4 5 5 9

76 51 63 30 40 50

mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 700978 No. 700976 No. 700977 No. 701001 No. 701002 No. 701003

25.13 20.92 23.11 27.14 28.99 31.01

€ 29.90 € € 24.90 € € 27.50 € € 32.30 € € 34.50 € € 36.90 €

Sweep 9

Carver's mallets







F PFEIL® BRASS MALLETS Highly functional brass mallets from the traditional company Pfeil, with beautiful cherry wood handles. Their bell-shaped heads enable the mallets to be held close to the neck in order to finely adjust the striking power. The mallets are shock absorbing and easy on your arms. 1 Size M Head Ø 47 mm Overall length 200 mm Total weight 450 g No. 730018 43.45 € 51.70 € 2 Size L Head Ø 49 mm Overall length 220 mm Total weight 700 g No. 730019 50.00 € 59.50 €


G PLASTIC MALLET Extremely robust, impact-absorbing plastic mallets with full-length arm of untreated American maple. The high-quality plastic hammer heads are completely wear-resistant and protect the handles of your tools. Heavier mallets with the same head shape have a lead core for additional weight and momentum. Overall length 270 mm




H HATTORI® HORNBEAM MALLETS Solid carver’s mallets in traditional German form, made of hornbeam, one of the hardest indigenous woods. The mortised handle is unvarnished.

2 Size M Head Ø 87 mm Overall length 270 mm Total weight 540 g No. 730016 12.77 € 15.20 €

1 Size S Head Ø 70 mm Overall length 270 mm Total weight 380 g No. 730015 11.43 € 13.60 €

3 Size L Head Ø 120 mm Overall length 270 mm Total weight 960 g No. 730017 15.88 € 18.90 €

1 Head Ø 70 mm Weight

400 g 600 g

No. 730040 No. 730041

25.13 € 29.90 € 30.17 € 35.90 € Mortised handles

2 Head Ø 85 mm Weight

600 g 800 g

No. 730042 No. 730043

29.33 € 34.90 € 33.53 € 39.90 €

The most secure way of attaching a handle is with a through mortise. The head sits securely between the

turned collar on the handle and the wedge at the top end.


Sculpting tools | Carver’s mallets, Carving knives and xylography tools

Shape of the mallet




1 A JAPANESE CARVER’S MALLET Turned from a piece of keyaki wood, extremely robust, high-level impact power. Head Ø 85 mm Overall length 270 mm Total weight 700 g No. 714054 26.81 € 31.90 €

Carving knives and xylography tools



DICK® Hornbeam mallets Designed together with a master sculptor, these mallets are perfectly balanced in their proportions and weight. The head is made from a single piece of fine-grained hornbeam. The mortised, varnished handle of robinia wood will resist even the hardest impacts.


The round shape of the mallet is essential for its use in sculpting because it allows you to control the impact in different directions. The head widens towards the top, which allows an ergonomic grip and precise blows. Since the wrist cannot be angled by 90° in the direction of the blow, the tapering of the mallet head makes up for the extra 10-15°. This allows an ergonomic grip with maximum striking precision.

B DICK® HORNBEAM MALLETS LONG 1 Size S Head Ø 70 mm Overall length 295 mm Total weight 380 g No. 730035 20.92 € 24.90 €

C DICK® HORNBEAM MALLETS SHORT 1 Bell-shaped Head Ø 85 mm Overall length 245 mm Total weight 500 g No. 730037 20.92 € 24.90 €

2 Size M Head Ø 87 mm Overall length 335 mm Total weight 540 g No. 730036 20.92 € 24.90 €

2 Cylindrical Head Ø 95 mm Overall length 250 mm Total weight 650 g No. 730038 20.92 € 24.90 €


European type






D PFEIL® CHIP CARVING KNIVES Chip carving knives ground and polished ready to use, with fine oiled cherry wood handles. The form and size are perfectly aligned for freehand carving of small figures, chamfering and wickerwork. Form

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Blade width

Blade length Overall length

9 mm 8 mm 13 mm 13 mm 14 mm 18 mm 8 mm 10 mm 11 mm 11 mm

50 mm 35 mm 50 mm 35 mm 40 mm 55 mm 35 mm 45 mm 55 mm 60 mm

No. 700920 No. 700923 No. 700926 No. 700922 No. 700927 No. 700928 No. 700929 No. 700930 No. 700931 No. 700934

9.58 € 8.07 € 8.07 € 10.67 € 8.07 € 8.07 € 8.07 € 9.58 € 10.67 € 10.67 €

Strong, 2.6 mm thick blade; can be used for free form carving and as a wickerwork knife. 16 mm 60 mm 200 mm 11 14

No. 700889

12.44 € 14.80 €

Curved, 2 edges. 12 mm 12 15 13 »Pfeil« 13 mm

50 mm 35 mm

160 mm 145 mm

No. 701282 No. 700921

12.44 € 14.80 € 8.07 € 9.60 €

Ash handle. 14 »Brienz« 15 mm

70 mm

190 mm

No. 700932

12.52 € 14.90 €











190 mm 165 mm 155 mm 145 mm 150 mm 135 mm 135 mm 195 mm 195 mm 195 mm

1 4 7 6 3 8 10 11 12 13


11.40 € 9.60 € 9.60 € 12.70 € 9.60 € 9.60 € 9.60 € 11.40 € 12.70 € 12.70 €

E PFEIL® CARVING KNIVES, 4-PIECE SET You won’t want to put these carving knives down. The ergonomic plumwood handles make for excellent control of these knives, enabling fine chamfering work as well as freehand carving of figures and small objects. The set contains 4 forms (knives with cambered blade and

round backs, large and small, knives with straight blade large and small). Case made of »Schwingerhosen yarn«. Blade length 30-45 mm Overall length 160-185 mm No. 700999 81.51 € 97.00 €

Sculpting tools | Carving knives and xylography tools

A C 1

C PFEIL® ABEGGLEN DETAIL KNIFE This knife has a round and a hollow ground blade, which means it can be used for deep cuts but also for cutting ornaments and letters. A hexagonal handle of oiled acacia wood provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. Blade width 15 mm Blade length 35 mm Overall length 190 mm No. 730031 25.63 € 30.50 €


3 A HERDIM® HSS BLADES These HSS blades are extremely hard (approx. 65 HRC), tough and resistant to wear. They are perfect for working hardwoods, veneers, synthetic materials and laminates as well as for making small planes. The blades are hardened along their entire length, have double bevels and rounded edges. Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness approx. 2 mm


Blade width

1 6 mm 2 8 mm 3 15 mm

No. 700371 9.58 € 11.40 € No. 700373 11.09 € 13.20 € No. 700375 12.10 € 14.40 €

D PFEIL® CHILD’S CARVING TOOL »JUNIOR CARVER« Carving is not just great fun for children, it also has educational value. The child-friendly handle of oiled beech and the short multiform blade of proven Pfeil quality make for easy handling. L-form blade. Blade width 16 mm Blade length 55 mm Overall length 140 mm No. 701500 13.53 € 16.10 €

B 1 2





6 E MINI CHISELS, 6-PIECE SET For fine restoration work and model building. Stainless steel hardened to approx. 50 HRC, coarse finish. 6-piece set. Blade width 3.5-6.5 mm Blade length 10 mm Overall length 140 mm No. 700430 11.01 € 13.10 €

7 B PFEIL® WOODWORKING KNIVES Made of alloyed Swiss steel. Approx. 59-60 Rockwell, double bevel. 7 With rosewood handle Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 2 mm

Without handle Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Blade width

1 2 3 4 5 6

3.5 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 19 mm

F PFEIL® SHOULDER KNIVES The shoulder knife was the most important veneering tool used from the Middle Ages until the start of the 20th century. Its long handle, which rests on the user's shoulder, allows the tool to be guided with more control and power than a knife guided solely by hand. Also ideal as chip carving knife. Ash handle. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 650 mm.

Blade width

No. 700401 No. 700402 No. 700403 No. 700404 No. 700405 No. 700406

8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57

€ € € € € €

10.20 € 10.20 € 10.20 € 10.20 € 10.20 € 10.20 €

3.5 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 19 mm

No. 700390 No. 700391 No. 700392 No. 700393 No. 700394 No. 700395

14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20

€ € € € € €

16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 €

1 2

Blade shape Straight No. Curved No.

700893 44.03 € 52.40 € 700894 44.03 € 52.40 €




Self portrait of the inlay maker Antonio Barili (Renaissance) with shoulder knife. 53

Sculpting tools | Carving knives and xylography tools

A PFEIL® LINOLEUM AND WOOD CARVING TOOLS Comfortable in the hand, tools for wood and linoleum carving, reliefs and small sculptures. Mushroom shaped handles made of untreated indigenous pearwood. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 125 mm

Set A Price advantage 6-piece set in a carton. Single tools set A

1 2 3 4 5 6

No. 700900 78.40 € 93.30 €


Blade width

L 1 flach L 1S flach/schräg L 1A flach/gekröpft L5 L 11 L 12A (V 60°)

8 8 8 8 3 4

mm mm mm mm mm mm

Set B Price advantage 6-piece set in a carton. Single tools set B

7 8 9 10 11 12

Blade width


3 mm 6 mm 10 mm 5 mm 1 mm 1 mm

Set C Price advantage 6-piece set in a carton. Single tools set C

13 14 15 16 17 18

Blade width


3 mm 7 mm 2 mm 0.5 mm 4 mm 2 mm

Set D Price advantage 6-piece set in a carton. Single tools set D

19 20 21 22 23 24

€ € € € € €

15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 €










No. 700905 No. 700907 No. 700908 No. 700909 No. 700910 No. 700912

13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36

€ € € € € €

15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 €










No. 700914 No. 700916 No. 700917 No. 700918 No. 700919 No. 700936

13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36

€ € € € € €







15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 €

No. 700891 78.40 € 93.30 €


Blade width


4 4 5 4 7 2

1 flach 1S flach/schräg 5 7 8A 11

13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36

No. 700939 78.40 € 93.30 €


8 8 9 11 12 (V 60°) 15 (V 45°)

No. 700902 No. 700903 No. 700904 No. 700906 No. 700911 No. 700913

No. 700901 78.40 € 93.30 €


5 7 7 9 11 12 (V 60°)


mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 700780 No. 700781 No. 700782 No. 700783 No. 700784 No. 700785

13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36 13.36

€ € € € € €

15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 € 15.90 €

25 12-piece set In a beautiful maplewood storage rack: 1 x no. 700902-13 12 tools in a storage rack No. 700899 179.83 € 214.00 € 25

B B PFEIL® WOODCARVING TOOLS The compact design and the mushroom shaped handles of untreated pearwood make these gouges ideal for carving woodblocks, small objects, ornaments, chamfering and reliefs. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 140 mm


1 Tools Set A, 8-piece Price advantage in a beautiful maplewood storage rack. 1 x No. 700790-700797 8 tools in a storage rack No. 700915 118.24 € 140.70 € Single tools set A

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Blade width


12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 10 mm 10 mm 8 mm 14 mm

1 flach 1S flach/schräg 3 5 8A gekröpft 9 12 (V60°) 7

No. 700790 No. 700791 No. 700792 No. 700793 No. 700794 No. 700795 No. 700796 No. 700797

15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46 15.46

€ € € € € € € €

18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 €

10 Tools Set B, 8-piece Price advantage in a beautiful maplewood storage rack. Sweep B2/12 mm; sweep B4/12 mm; sweep B7L/12 mm; sweep B8/10 mm; sweep B9/7 mm; sweep B11/7 mm; sweep B15/6 mm; sweep B25/10 mm 8 Tools in a storage rack No. 700998 118.24 € 140.70 €











Sculpting tools | Carving knives and xylography tools

Japanese type

A A CARVING SET, 9-PIECE The most important tools for carving small objects and reliefs in a functional roll-up case. Solid carbon-steel blades, approx. 62 HRC, sharpened and ready to use. Fitted with teak handle scales. Bevelled on one side. 9-piece set: knife 9 mm; Kiridashi 12 mm and 21 mm; sweep 6/5 mm and 12 mm; flat 10 mm; V 8 mm; saw 75 mm, TS 1.5 mm; files rough and fine, 52 mm. Overall length 150-190 mm No. 710742 150.42 € 179.00 €


B JAPANESE CHIP CARVING KNIVES Multilayer blades, very sharp and wearresistant. Handles of bubinga wood. Forms A and B bevelled on one side, C and D bevelled on both sides. Core made of Blue Paper Steel. Blade length 30 mm Overall length 180 mm


Form Form Form Form




1 2 3 4




No. 710715 No. 710716 No. 710717 No. 710718

14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20

€ € € €

16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 €

4-piece set Price advantage In a canvas case (form A, B, C, D) No. 710719 54.54 € 64.90 €

C CARVING KNIVES Exclusive carving knives with ergonomic cambered handles made of untreated Japanese white oak for perfect cutting control. Stainless A2 steel (approx. 62 HRC). Bevelled on both sides. Blade length 50-65 mm Overall length 80-195 mm













1 Form A 2 Form B 3 Form C 4 Form D 5 Form E 6 Form F 7 Form G 8 Form H 9 Form I 10 Form J


No. 710755 No. 710756 No. 710757 No. 710758 No. 710759 No. 710762 No. 710763 No. 710764 No. 710765 No. 710766

16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39 16.39

€ € € € € € € € € €

19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 € 19.50 €


5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set in a case (A, B, C, D, E). No. 710760 77.23 € 91.90 € 5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set in a case (F, G, H, I, J). No. 710761 77.23 € 91.90 €

D CARVING AND OUTDOOR KNIFE Foldable with locking blade. Handle of Japanese cherry wood. Right-hand bevel. Core made of Blue Paper Steel. Blade width 25 mm Blade length 100 mm Overall length 230 mm No. 710705 20.92 € 24.90 € E CARVING KNIFE WITH CORD HANDLE Similar to the handles of Samurai swords, the handle of this Japanese carving knife is bound with silk cord. Slipproof in the hand, it can be precisely guided, even with increased application of force. 3-layer blade, core-layer of Blue Paper Steel, hand guard, bevelled on both sides. Blade length 55 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade

1 Curved 2 Straight

No. 710747 25.13 € 29.90 € No. 710749 25.13 € 29.90 €



F POWER GRIP CARVING TOOLS, 7-PIECE SET Fine tools with thin blades of double-layered steel for carving masks, reliefs, woodblocks and linoleum. The cutting edges are hardened to 63 HRC and come sharpned and ready to use. 7-piece set in a gift box: gouge sweep 9/3 mm; sweep 9/6 mm; sweep 6/9 mm; sweep 3/9 mm; V-tool, 4.5 mm; straight chisel, 7.5 mm; skew chisel 7.5 mm. Blade length 32 mm Overall length 146 mm No. 710258 37.73 € 44.90 € G CARVING TOOLS, 5-PIECE SET Featherweight and razor-sharp, traditionally used in Japan for woodblock, mask and relief carving. The thin blades (63 HRC), forged of double-layer white paper steel come sharpened and ready to use. Handles of magnolia wood. Blade thickness approx. 2 mm. Straight chisel 9 mm; skew chisel 9 mm; gouge sweep 9/3 mm; gouge sweep 8/6 mm; V-tool 5 mm. 5-piece set in a kiri wood case. Blade length approx. 30 mm Overall length 210 mm No. 710741 100.00 € 119.00 €

H H WOODCARVING SET, 10 PIECES Sharpened for use: Hand-forged carving knives and gouges with a White Paper Steel cutting edge for cutting masks and reliefs in wood. The blades are hardened to 63 HRC. The short beech handles allow the tools to be held close to the blade for more controlled cutting.

Comes in a wooden box. Gouge sweep 7/15 mm; sweep 8/9 mm; sweep 7/4 mm; gouge bent sweep 5/13 mm; V-tool 60° 7 mm; straight chisel 13 mm and 7 mm; skew chisel 16 and 10 mm; skew chisel curved edge 14 mm. Blade length 30 - 35 mm Overall length 165 mm No. 710752 151.18 € 179.90 € 55

Sculpting tools | Carving knives and xylography tools

A 1



Swedish type

Frost® knives Cutting tools have been forged in the Swedish town of Mora for over 400 years. The Mora Knife, developed by Erich Frost over 100 years ago is synonymous with functionality and reliability. The majority of the blades presented here are forged from rolled 2.5 mm thick traditional triple-layered carbon-steel. The knives are distinguished by their excellent sharpening properties and long edge life (the hardness of the core layer is approx. 61 HRC). To preserve the steel's fine grain structure, alloys have not been added, meaning that the blades are not rustproof. The birch handles are firmly attached to the full-length tang.



F CARVING KNIFE # 105 Long, slim blade for carving larger pieces. Ergonomically designed handle, without ferrule or sheath. Blade length 79 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 701561 13.70 € 16.30 €

A NANO ONE MINI-CHISELS These small chisels made from SK-5 steel are primarily used for detail work in relief carving as well as in restoration work and model-building. The long, lightweight aluminium handles make them easy to guide. Very hard (55-60 HRC), fine-ground head shapes. Blade width 3 mm Overall length 140 mm

Svante Djärv Svante Djärv’s carving tools, hand-forged from Uddeholm steel, represent a revival of traditional Swedish knife making. The textured, Nordic-ash handles fit comfortably in the hand.






No. 701571 50.50 € 60.10 € No. 701573 50.50 € 60.10 €

11.68 € 13.90 € 11.68 € 13.90 € 11.68 € 13.90 € 11.68 € 13.90 €

Hans Karlsson Carving tools by Hans Karlsson with finely hand-forged blades and ergonomic handles. Blades of »Uddeholm Arne« tool steel (62 HRC). The ash handles are treated with natural linseed oil.




1 Straight cut No. 710294 2 Skew cut No. 710295 3 Gouge sweep 8 No. 710296 4 V-tool 90° No. 710297


K SKEDKNIV HOOK KNIFE With a curved blade for hollow forms. Curvature radius approx. 10 mm Blade length 40 mm Overall length 145 mm 1 left 2 right


N HOOK KNIVES Elegantly designed hook knife for working on hollow objects. The handle seamlessy joins the blade via a solid tang with forged-on shoulder. Curvature radius approx. 15 mm Blade length 55 mm Overall length 175 mm Bevel

B ALL-PURPOSE KNIFE # 137 A Frost classic for carvers, fishermen and outdoorsmen. Beautiful leather sheath with belt loop. Blade length 100 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 701563 25.13 € 29.90 €

G CHILDREN’S CARVING KNIFE # 73 Besides creativity, carving also requires a sense of shape forming and already in childhood makes the educationally important reference head-hand-material. Give your children access to the creative activity of woodworking with this carving knife, which is specially designed for a child's hand. Carbon-steel, handle with hand guard. Riveted leather sheath with a handle strap. Blade length 73 mm Overall length 165 mm No. 701564 23.87 € 28.40 €


C CARVING KNIFE # 120 Ideal for use in woodwork classes: Allround woodwork knife; also suitable for use in schools due to the compact blade. Plastic sheath included. Blade length 59 mm Overall length 165 mm No. 701560 15.04 € 17.90 €


D CARVING KNIFE # 106 Carving and outdoor knife in the classic, slim Mora design. Plastic sheath. Blade length 79 mm Overall length 190 mm No. 701567 15.04 € 17.90 €


E CARVING KNIFE # 123 Straight cutting edge, particularly suited for chip carving, reliefs and ornamentation. Blade length 58 mm Overall length 185 mm No. 701565 15.04 € 17.90 € 56

H HOOK KNIFE # 162 Double edged bevel. Curvature radius approx. 14 mm Blade length 50 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 701568 19.24 € 22.90 €


I HOOK KNIFE # 163 Double edged bevel. Curvature radius approx. 22 mm Blade length 61 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 701566 19.24 € 22.90 €


J HOOK KNIFE # 164 Single edged bevel left (standard). Curvature radius approx. 12 mm Blade length 50 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 701562 17.56 € 20.90 €

1 Right 2 Left

No. 701521 54.54 € 64.90 € No. 701522 54.54 € 64.90 €


Hook knives for concaved surfaces.


L SLÖJDKNIV CARVING KNIFE Universal carving knife, ash handle with riffled surface. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 165 mm No. 701570 50.08 € 59.60 €

O TRAGSKAV INSHAVE Drawknife for hollowing out bowls, troughs and chair seats. The U-shaped handle can be custom fitted by the user. Blade width 65 mm Overall length 170 mm approx. sweep 5 No. 701511 134.37 € 159.90 €


M BARNTÄLJKNIV CHILDREN’S CARVING KNIFE The handle is designed for small hands, with integrated hand-guard. Short, strong blade. Blade length 50 mm Overall length 145 mm No. 701574 47.23 € 56.20 €

P SPOON GOUGE With fine forged, cranked and curved blade, for making spoons, ladles and small bowls. Blade width 13 mm Blade length 42 mm Overall length 120 mm No. 701537 36.39 € 43.30 €

WOODCARVING COURSE & REFERENCE MANUAL Chris Pye's new book is akin to having a one-on-one course with a master carver. You'll learn what to look for in a workbench, the importance of preparing and sharpening your tools and execute a variety of techniques. 159 pages, colour photographs on every page, softcover, 280 x 220 mm, in English. No. 713014 14.86 € 15.90 €

ELEMENTS OF WOODCARVING By Chris Pye. This book presents 10 carving projects ranging from a carved copy of Dürer’s wellknown painting of supplicating hands to a leaping frog. Each project is described in detail, from the initial idea to the finished work. 165 pages, 309 photographs, softcover, 210 x 275 mm, in English. No. 713318 15.79 € 16.90 €

Sculpting tools | Drawknives, Sculptor’s axes A

Drawknives The drawknife is invaluable for boat builders, coopers, wainwrights and chair makers alike. It can be used for trimming and finishing straight and curved work pieces, as well as for rounding and chamfering.

B A GRÄNSFORS® DRAWKNIFE Well-designed hand-forged drawknife with bow-shaped, slightly cambered blade. Beech handles mounted in forged ferrules and screwed to the cranked, fulllength tangs. Blade length 300 mm Blade width 36 mm Overall length 560 mm No. 705985 108.40 € 129.00 € B PFEIL® DRAWKNIFE, ARCHED SLIGHTLY CONCAVE Traditional drawknife with slender, slightly convex blade for delicate work. Protective goat leather case. Blade length 240 mm Blade width 25 mm Overall length 430 mm No. 700966 64.12 € 76.30 € C PFEIL® HEAVY DRAWKNIFE, STRAIGHT With its powerful straight blade, this drawknife is suitable for removing substantial amounts of wood. Large handles with screwed tangs. Protective goat leather case. Blade length 250 mm Blade width 33 mm Overall length 430 mm No. 700967 105.29 € 125.30 €

Tips on the use of drawknives: Pull the drawknife with the bevel to the bottom at a slant to the work piece. This makes for better control and reduces the cutting force. For fine material removal you can achieve better control by placing both thumbs on the blade. For work after scribing and heavy material removal, it is advisable to first make several cuts close up to the scribe line and then to cut to size with continuous strokes.

D SVANTE DJÄRV DRAWKNIFE Lightweight drawknife for delicate work. Straight, hand-forged blade with textured ash handles. Blade length 135 mm Blade width 20 mm Overall length 265 mm No. 701569 67.82 € 80.70 €


E PFEIL® MINI-DRAWKNIVES Drawknife with sturdy blade. Cherry wood handle.


1 Straight handles Blade length 120 mm Blade width 22 mm Overall length 310 mm No. 700938 28.32 € 33.70 € 2 Cranked handles Blade length 110 mm Blade width 22 mm Overall length 280 mm No. 700937 31.34 € 37.30 €


F ARNAUD® DRAWKNIVES Forged French drawknife made of carbon-steel with cranked ball handles of red beech. Leather blade guard. Blade length 145 mm Blade width 32 mm Overall length 340 mm Straight No. 709995



31.93 € 38.00 €

Arched, slightly convex (Upward bending approx. 8 mm) No. 709996 31.93 € 38.00 €


Arched, slightly concave (Downward bending approx. 8 mm) No. 709997 31.93 € 38.00 €

Sculptor’s axes



G GRÄNSFORS® SCULPTOR’S AXE Ideal for roughing out and fine detail work on bowls and sculptures. Features curved cutting edge with flat bevel and pointed toe. Textured handle. Head weight 900 g Blade length 120 mm Overall length 370 mm No. 705964 86.55 € 103.00 € H TÄLJYXA CARVING HATCHET BY SVANTE DJÄRV Well-proportioned, handcrafted carving hatchet. Textured handle. Head weight 315 g Blade length 70 mm Overall length approx. 310 mm No. 701572 96.55 € 114.90 €

For more sculptor’s axes, see the Axes and Hatchets section.

Used with care, the sculptor´s axe will allow you to create the most detailed and expressive of forms. 57

Sculpting tools | Adzes

WHAT MAKES A GOOD ADZE? The adze is a relatively unknown tool, yet

be dragged (as when hoeing beds), which

3. Type of bevel:

unique in its function and extremely versa-

does not allow precise strokes and is not

a) Outside bevel:

tile. Success or failure in using the tool de-

ergonomic. In addition, the adze is immedia-

This type of bevel

pends very much on its design. A good adze

tely driven out of the workpiece again be-

changes the geometry

allows precise application and ergonomic

cause the elevation on the back acts as a

of the adze. Figure 3

use. A cheap model is often a bad invest-

kind of lever.

shows an exaggerated

ment because mass production does not set

version of this. Similar

great store by ergonomics and functionality.

to this bent back, the outside bevel also

Because the tool is not widely known, users

Figure 3 shows a

changes the angle of the support surface.

are often unaware of the great differences in

trough-maker's adze

Material can only be removed with additional

its use.

that was made follo-

hoeing movements (see above). An advantage

wing this principle

of this version is that the blade cannot pene-

and works perfectly.

trate the workpiece too easily because the figure 3

back quickly drives it back out. This bevel type is particularly suitable for rough removal of material. It is also easy to sharpen, similar


2. Using the blade:

to an axe.

In the drawings, the radius is shown as a red line. Being the radius, this line is almost per-

b) Inside bevel:

pendicular to the back of the adze. So the

The more elaborate in-

full surface of the cutting edge meets the

side bevel allows pre-

workpiece, similar to a plane blade.

cise application of the adze and, if the back is swung correctly, ergonomic use from the wrist. An inside bevel is a must whenever you require highly precise

figure 1

strokes, e.g. in sculpting.

figure 2

1. The correct stroke:

c) Combined inside

The adze is swung with the wrist, so this is

and outside bevel:

also the pivot point of the tool. If you draw an

figure 4

figure 5

If the outside bevel is slightly changed by

arc around the centre of the wrist (marked by an x in the drawings) which runs along the

In figures 2 and 5, the cutting edge does not

using a very flat bevel,

top of the blade, this shows the curve in which

fully align with this line. The adze in figure 2

this allows a combina-

the adze is swung (see figure 1 and 4).

thus penetrates the workpiece first with the

tion that offers all the advantages of both

sides of the curved blade. This makes it al-

bevel types: inside bevel for precise applica-

The back of the adze that touches this curve

most impossible to apply the adze with preci- tion, outside bevel to prevent the adze from

is the support surface, similar to a plane. Fi-

sion because you cannot work out when the

gure 5 shows how an adze works that does

tip will touch the workpiece.

not follow this radius, i.e. does not have a

In figure 3, on the other hand, the tip of the

round back. This kind of adze cannot bite

adze touches the workpiece first, which

All DICK速 adzes are designed according to

through wrist movement alone. It must also

makes it hard to apply the sides precisely.

the criteria detailed above. The heads are

catching in the workpiece.

made by experienced master blacksmiths and are fitted by hand by a wainwright or our own sculpting course instructors.


Sculpting tools | Adzes


Two-handed gouge-shaped adzes Gouge-shaped adzes have a wide range of applications and are suitable for hollowing out chair seats and boats as well as for sculpting. The longer handle allows you to work large pieces that are fixed to the floor. Two-handed adzes are often used for tiring work in which the second hand is a welcome support. The second hand also provides more impact.

The adze has always been an important and highly versatile tool for carpenters, cabinet makers, boat builders and sculptors alike, and different versions have therefore evolved for different purposes. They are used for hollowing-out often large objects such as troughs, smoothing, and other large-scale carving projects. The most important detail of a good adze is the right combination of form and length of the handle, which must suit the shape of the head. But also the bevel must be customised for the individual application. An inside bevel allows the adze to be applied precisely, while an outside bevel drives the blade quickly out of the wood again for rough work. All our adzes are made of carbon-steel.


Flat adzes Flat adzes are used to flatten and smooth planes. These planes may be finished later or keep their characteristic hewn surface. Therefore these adzes usually have an inside bevel.

C PFEIL® TWO-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 7 Robust, drop-forged adze with untreated ash handle. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Blade width 70 mm Overall length 460 mm Total weight 1000 g No. 700942 77.82 € 92.60 €



A PFEIL® TWO-HANDED FLAT ADZE, SWEEP 1 Robust, drop-forged adze with untreated ash handle. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Blade width 75 mm Overall length 460 mm Total weight 1000 g No. 700941 68.32 € 81.30 €

D DICK® TWO-HANDED GOUGESHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 8 Hand-forged: This adze, which is hand-forged to our design in a German smithy, has an inside bevel which allows precise application because the contact surface is not angled. The wide, slightly curved blade produces a wonderfully fine surface and is therefore ideal for smoothing. Optimally curved head shape. Handmade, handle of untreated hickory. Blade width 80 mm Overall length 555 mm Total weight 1300 g No. 708358 184.03 € 219.00 €


B DICK® ONE-HANDED FLAT ADZE, SWEEP 3 Hand-forged: This flat adze is hand-forged in free form in a German smithy, based on a design by our master sculptor. The head has a slight curve (sweep 3), which makes smoothing surfaces easier. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Optimally curved head shape. Handmade handle of oiled ash. Blade width 60 mm Overall length 400 mm Total weight 620 g No. 706065 109.16 € 129.90 €


E GRÄNSFORS® TWO-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 7 Hefty hand-forged adze with an extralong handle, ideal for hollowing chair seats while standing up. The chair seat is fixed to the floor, the feet are positioned to the left and right of it and the adze is swung through the legs. Outside bevel combined with a slight inside bevel for rough material removal. This drives the

blade quickly out of the workpiece again. Handle of oiled hickory. Blade width 70 mm Overall length 640 mm Total weight 1500 g No. 701585 191.60 € 228.00 € 59

Sculpting tools | Adzes

One-handed gouge-shaped adzes One-handed gouge-shaped adzes are particularly suitable for detail work and use close to the body, such as hollowing out bowls, sculpting or working on chair seats on the workbench.


A PFEIL® ONE-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 8 Small drop-forged one-handed adze with untreated ash handle. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Blade width 50 mm Overall length 275 mm Total weight 600 g No. 700944 77.82 € 92.60 €


B KARLSSON ONE-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 3 (merging into sweep 6) Handy, hand-forged Swedish adze with a low sweep for rough material removal. Outside bevel combined with a slight inside bevel to drive the blade quickly out of the workpiece again. Optimally curved head shape. Handle of oiled hickory. Blade width 65 mm Overall length 230 mm Total weight 790 g No. 701520 165.46 € 196.90 €

Trough-maker's adzes These classic one-hand, hammer-forged adzes are produced to the specifications of a master sculptor, who also attaches the handles. They have an ideal shape for carving out troughs and large bowls. Their light weight also makes them suitable for wood sculpting. Oiled ash handles.



C GRÄNSFORS® ONE-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 8 Small hand-forged one-handed adze with a combined inside/outside bevel for rough material removal. This bevel drives the blade quickly out of the workpiece again and prevents the adze getting stuck. The head has an optimally curved shape and the textured handle of oiled hickory provides a non-slip grip. Blade width 60 mm Overall length 240 mm Total weight 750 g No. 701584 158.82 € 189.00 €


E DICK® TROUGH-MAKER’S ADZE, SWEEP 5 Hand-forged: Hand-forged in Germany to a design of our master sculptor. With its light weight and specially shaped curved handle, this adze is ideal for carving out deep vessels such as troughs and bowls. The bent handle helps to protect your wrist while working and allows narrow strokes. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Handmade handle of oiled ash. Blade width 60 mm Overall length 280 mm Total weight 600 g No. 706066 117.56 € 139.90 € Trough-maker´s adzes are suited best for hollowing out troughs and large bowls. 60

D DICK® ONE-HANDED GOUGE-SHAPED ADZE, SWEEP 8 Hand-forged: This one-handed adze, hand-forged to the design of our master sculptor, is impressive in its flexible handling and solid design. The two shaped hand rests on the hand-made handle allow you to quickly change from rough material removal to fine detail work (with your hand close to the head of the adze). Ideal for all kinds of sculpting. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Handmade handle of oiled ash. Blade width 70 mm Overall length 400 mm Total weight 860 g No. 706052 109.16 € 129.90 €


F DICK® TROUGH-MAKER’S ADZE, SWEEP 7 Hand-forged: This small one-handed adze has been forged based on an old model and is a true rarity. The strongly curved handle is ideal for easily carving out narrow bowls and deep troughs. The adze, which is manufactured to a design of our master sculptor, has a high sweep and large width, which also makes it ideal for smoothing surfaces. Inside bevel for precise cutting action due to straight contact surface. Handmade handle of oiled ash. Blade width 80 mm Overall length 210 mm Total weight 990 g No. 706053 152.02 € 180.90 €

The oldest known tools for woodworking

Forest hatchets and axes | 63

Splitting hatchets and axes | 64

Splitting wedges | 65

Garden hatchets | 65

Outdoor and all-purpose hatchets | 66

Tools for carpenters and cabinetmakers | 67


Axes and hatchets



Gränsfors Bruks®


There are three basic types to be

Under the motto »An axe is as good as its

Since the 17th century the Smithy Aberl


smith«, the Swedish company Gränsfors

has been known for forging and making fine,

Bruks has been manufacturing top-quality

traditional tools. Its guiding principle is

Axes and hatchets for cutting

axes for over 100 years. Gränsfors axes are

simple and effective: You don't have to

These tools cut the wood fibres, e.g. for

forged by experienced specialists whose skill

reinvent the wheel to make great tools.

chopping down trees, removing branches,

is evident in the precision of the tools they

All tools made by the family-owned Smithy

or notching. As a rule, such tools have slender

make, which renders any refinement unne-

Aberl, which is already in its 11th generation,

double-bevelled blades with a relatively

cessary. This distinguishes Gränsfors axes

are made using the same methods as

pointed cutting angle to enable

from industrially manufactured axes. The

hundreds of years ago – tried and true! They

easy breaking into the wood.

unadulterated, smithied surface shows the

are made of hard and very tough carbon-steel

skills of the blacksmith and thus the quality

and, unless otherwise specified hardened to

Axes and hatchets for splitting

of the axe, which he then marks with his in-

56-57 HRC. Entirely specified, handmade

These tools split wood along the direction

itials. With few exceptions, the blades are

handles of hickory make these the

of the fibres, e.g. for chopping firewood,

made of carbon-steel and hardened to 56-57

perfect tools. Each axe comes with

shingles, split boards, or poles. As a rule,

HRC. The axe handles, made of best hickory

solid leather sheath.

such tools have thick and heavy double-

wood, are secured in the axe head with two

bevelled blades with a relatively blunt

wedges, and feel comfortable from the first

DICK® axes and hatchets

cutting angle for high splitting efficiency.

touch. The harmony of shape, weight and

The art of creating good hand tools is to

length make working with Gränsfors axes a

base them on old models that have proven

Axes and hatchets for cutting and splitting

pleasure. Gränsfors’s 20-year quality guaran-

effective over the years at the height of their

These tools are used for the trimming and

tee proves their confidence in the durability

development. Very often, the further develop-

smoothing of workpieces and for the production of their products. Each axe comes with a set of instructions and of beams, poles, wood for construction, and

ment of tools after this point only served to simplify their manufacture and save costs - at

wooden joints. As a rule, such tools have

a solid leather

the expense of their ergonomics and efficiency

slender one-sided bevelled blades. Typical


of use. Working closely with our master carpenter, we are now developing tools again that

examples are the classic broad axes. Japanese axes

have proven their efficiency and durability.

With their laminated forged blades, consi-

Our tools are made in small German forges

sting of an impact-absorbing soft iron body

which are still skilled in the old techniques.


with a hard carbon-steel cutting insert (58-

All heads are forged of carbon-steel. The ash

As axes are mostly used outside the workshop,

60 HRC), Japanese axes are the epitome of

handles are made and set by hand.

a mobile sharpening device such as the DMT

durability and sharpness. There are two basic

folding diamond sharpener (No. 705391) is

types of traditional Japanese axe heads: Ono


axes have a wide beard and a narrow throat,

It has two

making them excellent for smoothing wood.

different grits

The concentration of mass towards the cut-

and is extremely

ting edge improves stability and control du-


ring use. They can also be used one-handed,

You lay the blade

holding them close to the throat. Yoki have a

of the axe on a solid support, such as

slender, long head, making them best suited

a tree trunk, and guide the sharpener with

for separating and splitting work. Their

Cutting Out Gutters and Water Conduits

uniform strokes transversely to the cutting

handels are made from unvarnished Japanese

Setting Tool Handles by Hand

edge, while maintaining the bevel angle.

white oak. All come with a protective sheath.

Shingle Cutting


Sharpening pass Two free sharpenings (see page 5). Sharpening service Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products (see page 5). Workshops

Axes and hatchets | Forest hatchets and axes

Forest hatchets and axes (Manufacturer instructions, see page 62)

A GRÄNSFORS® FORESTRY AXE Curved cheeks for cutting fresh, resinous wood. Long shafts for extra strength and power.


1 Small forest axe For light-duty forest work, limbing trees and making firewood. Head weight approx. 700 g Blade length 80 mm Overall length 500 mm No. 705973 60.50 € 72.00 € 2 Forest axe For limbing felled trees. Head weight approx. 900 g Blade length 90 mm Overall length 670 mm No. 705961 66.39 €

1 2

79.00 €

B B GRÄNSFORS FELLING AXES Large axe, traditional American design, for chopping and limbing trees. The slender blade with small wedge angle drives deep into the wood, while the S-curved butted shaft makes work effortless. Head weight approx. 1500 g Blade length 110 mm ®

1 Short-handle chopping axe Overall length 800 mm No. 705987 99.16 €

118.00 €

2 Long-handle chopping axe Overall length 900 mm No. 705988 104.20 €

124.00 €


C GRÄNSFORS® DOUBLE-BITTED LOGGING AXE Axes featuring a cutting edge on each side of the head were already the tools of choice for Canadian loggers 100 years ago. Not only do two cutting edges allow you to work for longer periods of time without interruption but the edges can be sharpened to different bevel angles depending on the application (small angle for maximum cutting performance, large angle for heavy-duty use). Straight handle with thicker butt end. Note: Not approved for commercial use. Head weight 1600 g Blade length 150 mm Overall length 890 mm No. 701594 125.21 € 149.00 €




D ABERL® MALLET AXE Hand-forged: Because of its heavy, flatground butt, this axe is often used by professional lumberjacks to drive in felling wedges. The massive, robust blade is perfectly suited for removing branches of felled trees. The ergonomically curved, handmade hickory handle allows hours of fatigue-free work and, thanks to its length, gives extra drive to the axe head. Approx. 54-55 HRC. Overall length 790 mm Blade length 130 mm Head weight 1700 g No. 708356 142.02 € 169.00 €


F ABERL® FOREST HATCHET Hand-forged: This hatchet is especially suited for cutting off smaller limbs and is an ideal companion for all outdoor activities and forestry. The handmade and ergonomically shaped hickory handle makes it a pleasure to use. Overall length 380 mm Blade length 115 mm Head weight 900g No. 708354 142.02 € 169.00 € Hand-forged axes can be distinguished by their surface structure. Forging by hand compacts the material's microstructure, which makes the steel considerably more stable.


E ABERL® WERDENFELSER FOREST AXE Hand-forged: This axe is extremely comfortable to hold and is especially suited for lightduty forestry work, such as removing branches from the stem of a felled tree. The handmade, ergonomically shaped hickory handle allows fatigue-free working. Overall length 680 mm Blade length 135 mm Head weight 1000 g No. 708357 133.61 € 159.00 €


G BARK SCRAPER (KAWA MUKI) Japanese drawknife for removing bark and smoothing logs. Wear-resistant steel blade, handle of Japanese white oak. Blade length 120 mm Blade width 45 mm Overall length 730 mm No. 717920 33.53 € 39.90 € 63

Axes and hatchets | Splitting hatchets and axes

Splitting hatchets and axes A G

A GRÄNSFORS® SPLITTING AXES The thick heads of these axes have wide flaring cheeks and progressively increasing wedge angles to ensure maximum splitting power. The shaft has an iron sheath to protect it from wear and is textured at the end to provide a more secure grip. 1 Large splitting axe For splitting medium and large rounds. Head weight 2000 g Blade length 75 mm Overall length 700 mm No. 705962 81.51 € 97.00 €

G 1

2 Small splitting axe For splitting small and medium rounds. Head weight 1000 g Blade length 70 mm Overall length 590 mm No. 705979 72.27 € 86.00 € B GRÄNSFORS® SPLITTING HATCHET In spite of its small size, this splitting axe has great splitting power with its weighty, 1000 g, highly convex head. Its handy shape makes it ideal for small to medium rounds and making logs for firewood. The hickory shaft, which is textured at the base for better grip, can also be used one-handed if necessary. Head weight 1000 g Blade length 70 mm Overall length 480 mm No. 701592 69.75 € 83.00 € C GRÄNSFORS® SPLITTING MAUL Heavy axe for splitting large chunks of firewood. The hammer shaped head has wide flaring cheeks and is used to drive a splitting wedge. Head weight 3200 g Blade length 65 mm Overall length 800 mm No. 705969 89.08 € 106.00 €


2 Wood-chopping tips:


Keep a safe distance to others. Use a wide, heavy chopping block that is stable and approximately knee high. Any type of wood will do, but oak will last the longest. Place the piece to be split towards the back of the chopping block so that, should you miss it, the axe will hit the block and not the ground. Hold the axe by the end of the shaft to make best use of your strength. At the moment it strikes the wood, the axe shaft should be horizontal and your arms should be almost fully extended. It is usually easier to split a piece of wood from its narrower end. To split knotty or irregularly grown wood, the axe's edge must be extremely sharp. Always try to strike the centre (the mark) of a piece of wood to facilitate splitting, especially when splitting a knot. If the piece is not split on the first strike and the axe gets jammed in the piece, turn it over and strike the back of the head on the chopping block.



To split particularly large or irregularly grown rounds, use wedges. Always use two wedges. Start by driving one into the edge of the round to make a gap. Insert the second wedge into this gap and work alternatively towards the centre of the round, increasing the gap until the wood is split into two pieces.

D TRADITIONAL JAPANESE SPLITTING AXE Ideal for chopping firewood: Splitting axe with incredible power thanks to its elongated, highly convex head and long handle made of fine-grained Japanese white oak. The White Paper Steel edge will remain sharp even when splitting knotty hardwood. Double-bevel. Head weight 1300 g Blade length 75 mm Overall length 900 mm No. 710819 91.60 € 109.00 €

GRÄNSFORS® SPLITTING AXE AND DIAMOND WHETSTONE, SET Price advantage Splitting axe (No. 701592) and DMT finegrain diamond whetstone (No. 705386) with virtually infinite service life (also perfectly suited for other cutting tools). Comes in leather case, 111 x 23 x 5 mm. No. 718929 83.95 € 99.90 €


H E JAPANESE SPLITTING AXE For splitting medium and thick crosssections and driving in wedges. The highly convex head guarantees maximum splitting power. The three-layer blade with a hard carbon-steel core (58-60 Rockwell) is also suitable for shredding work. Has a large hardened striking surface. 900 mm long, unvarnished shaft of Japanese white oak. Head weight 1500 g Blade length 120 mm Overall length 900 mm No. 701661 91.60 € 109.00 € 64

F JAPANESE MINI SPLITTING AXE Little effort - striking effect: Ideal for splitting kindling and small logs. Highly convex elongated head shape, cutting wedge made of White Paper Steel, body of impact-absorbing soft iron. Head weight 400 g Blade length 50 mm Overall length 330 mm No. 701659 87.39 € 104.00 €

H ABERL® KINDLING SPLITTER Splitting dry pine into kindlings becomes a real pleasure with this tool. Can be mounted on the wall. The notches in the wooden base, which is made of untreated ash, hold any piece of wood securely in place.

Almost no cutting force is needed thanks to the long lever. Approx. 54-55 HRC. Blade length 320 mm Overall length 680 mm 2150 g No. 708359 150.42 € 179.00 €

Axes and hatchets | Splitting wedges, garden hatchets




MADE OF ALUMINIUM In former times axes were used to cut down trees, but nowadays these have been replaced by chain saws. This rapid development also affected splitting wedges. The oldest models, usually made of wood, have been replaced by low-wear splitting wedges made of steel. Now engineering has taken another step: Safety splitting wedges are made from extremely impactresistant, forged aluminium. They do not splinter and are no risk for chain saws. At the same time they are very light and protected against corrosion.

1 Twisted splitting wedge with tip Because of its twisted shape, the wedge angle enlarges while the wedge is being knocked in. This results in higher splitting forces. The tip is easily applied to the wood and forces itself in. Grooves on the side of the wedge bite into the wood and therefore prevent the wedge from recoiling. Overall length 230 mm Width 50 mm 900 g No. 706079 31.01 € 36.90 €



2 Twisted splitting wedge The 45° twist allows enlargement of the wedge angle during striking, thus increasing the splitting power. Fishbone grooves prevent the wedge from recoiling. Overall length 220 mm Width 45 mm 850 g No. 706075 29.33 € 34.90 €


3 Felling and splitting wedge An extra-long wedge to fell trees and split large blocks of wood. The scaled surface prevents the wedge from recoiling. Stroke height 35 mm Overall length 265 mm Width 55 mm 800 g No. 706074 25.13 € 29.90 €

B GRÄNSFORS SPLITTING WEDGE Maximum splitting power thanks to slight axial twist. Notched faces. We recommend using two wedges for large blocks. Warning: Never strike steel against steel! Width 40 mm Length 240 mm 1700 g No. 705965 39.50 € 47.00 €

Garden hatchets C





C JAPANESE GARDENING HATCHET (EDAUCHI ONO) High impact: Ideal for cutting off branches and roots, for sharpening and trimming posts. Hand-forged in 3 layers from best Hitachi steel. Untreated, ergonomically shaped Japanese white oak handle, magnolia wood sheath. Can be attached to belts. Head weight 600 g Blade length 150 mm Overall length 340 mm No. 701657 109.16 €

129.90 €

Japanese Cleavers (Nata) Nata are machete-like axes equipped with extremely sharp forged blades made from double-layered carbon-steel. In Japan, they are mainly used in the garden for limbing and trimming trees and bushes.

D NATA JIGATA Cleaver for gardening and forestry. The blade has a single right bevel, allowing cuts to be made flush to the trunk. Comes with a sheath and belt loop. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 390 mm 560 g No. 710804 66.30 € 78.90 €

E NATA AZUMAGATA Powerful cleaver made from three-layered carbon-steel. Double-bevel. Can also be used for splitting wood. Blade length 135 mm Overall length 360 mm 750 g No. 710803 41.93 € 49.90 €

Inserting the carbon-steel cutting wedge in the white-hot axe head.

F SILKY® NATA Cleavers from the Silky series will impress you with their sturdy full-length SK4 blades with removable rubber handle shells. These shells reduce the impact on the hand and lower arm by about 60% because they absorb the blow better than conventional handles made of

wood. The blunt trapezoidal bevel at the end of the blade is used to separate the bark after cutting it first with the blade. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 400 mm 650 g Single bevel The single bevel of this cleaver with a straight back is used to cut off branches flush but is also suitable for barking lumber. No. 710826 83.95 € 99.90 € Double Bevel Similar to an axe, the double-bevel cleaver is used for thinning out brushwood and uncontrolled growth. The double bevel is also ideal for cutting off wood chips for starting a fire. No. 710827 83.95 € 99.90 €

G DICK® SICKLE CLEAVER This tool is designed for clearing undergrowth and containing rank growth. Due to its long cutting edge, you can also cut thorny wood with up to 2 cm branch diameter from a safe distance. The handmade, untreated ashwood handle with its rounded end allows the tool to be held firmly and safely without slipping. Approx. 55-57 HRC. Head weight 750 g Blade length 320 mm Overall length 910 mm No. 708360 83.19 € 99.00 € 65

Axes and hatchets | Outdoor and all-purpose hatchets

Outdoor and all-purpose hatchets A F

A GRÄNSFORS® MINI HATCHET Gränsfors Bruks’s smallest axe, perfect for gardening, fishing, trekking or sculpting. Head weight approx. 200 g Blade length 60 mm Overall length 260 mm No. 705989 82.35 € 98.00 €

1 F GRÄNSFORS® INDIAN TRADE AXES Universal application: From the early 17th century, English and French explorers carried so-called trade axes with them to exchange with the native Americans living in the New World. They were popular amongst the native Americans due to their handy size and versatility in building shelters and tools, general woodworking and slaughtering animals. The practical plug join between the handle which thickens at the end and the mortise of the head make it easy to dismantle the axes for transport or sharpening. The cutting edge and head are forged from one piece of steel, the ash handle is manually fitted.


B GRÄNSFORS® HAND HATCHET Whether for making kindling or for small jobs around the garden, this hatchet is always a handy tool. The compact size means it fits easily in backpacks and toolboxes. Head weight 450 g Blade length 80 mm Overall length 240 mm No. 705963 53.78 € 64.00 €


1 French model Featuring a curved, particularly lightweight head and a »shearing« cutting action. Head weight approx. 330 g Blade length 80 mm Overall length 500 mm No. 701593 171.43 € 204.00 € 2 English model With a heavy head and slightly bearded blade. Head weight approx. 500 g Blade length 90 mm Overall length 500 mm No. 701595 171.43 €

204.00 €




C GRÄNSFORS® WILDLIFE HATCHET Handy axe with surprising power, perfect for the full range of outdoor activities. Head weight approx. 450 g Blade length 80 mm Overall length 360 mm No. 705960 57.14 € 68.00 € G JAPANESE HATCHET From a Japanese master workshop: This attractive, traditionally handforged axe is particularly suited for chopping small logs, trimming workpieces or for outdoor use. Thanks to the extremely wear-resistant three-layer steel (Blue Paper Steel) and the exposed cutting edges, this lightweight axe is extremely effective. The blade is decorated with Japanese characters. Bronzed surface, the rear has a hardened hammerhead. Handle of Japanese white oak. Head weight 400 g Blade length 85 mm Overall length 390 mm No. 701658 116.81 € 139.00 €


D GRÄNSFORS® HUNTER’S HATCHET The head is forged thinner than usual, slightly rounded and polished for skinning animals. This axe can be used to hew wood, cut up game and cut through bone. The grip of the handle is notched for better handling. Head weight approx. 650 g Blade length 80 mm Overall length 475 mm No. 705967 87.39 € 104.00 €

H LARGE JAPANESE ALL-PURPOSE HATCHET Hatchet with double bevel and slighly curved edge. Small socket for increased stability. Thanks to the single-sided beard, which protects the fingers, this hatchet can also be held with one hand near the head, for example for finishing work. Head weight 750 g Blade length 118 mm Overall length 360 mm No. 710807 55.38 € 65.90 €




E GRÄNSFORS® DOUBLE-BITTED THROWING AXE Originally a workers’ pastime, today axe throwing is a popular Scandinavian sport, which trains both your body and your concentration. With instructions. Straight handle (regular butt end). Head weight 1600 g Blade length 150 mm Overall length 750 mm No. 705971 123.53 € 147.00 €




See www.more-than-tools.de for a video demonstration of axe throwing.

JAPANESE ALL-PURPOSE HATCHET Handy and compact: Lightweight hatchet for woodworking, outdoors and woodcarving. Tomahawk-shaped head with a curved blade and hardened poll. Double-bevelled face. Head weight approx. 450 g Blade length 75 mm Overall length 330 mm No. 710821 54.54 € 64.90 €

SMALL JAPANESE ALL-PURPOSE HATCHET All-purpose hatchet with small socket and double bevel. Thanks to the straight edge, it can also be used for trimming and shaping workpieces. The single-sided beard protects the fingers when held with one hand near the head. Head weight 530 g Blade length 95 mm Overall length 330 mm No. 710806 33.53 € 39.90 €

Axes and hatchets | Tools for carpenters and cabinetmakers

Tools for carpenters and cabinetmakers



1 A GRÄNSFORS® SIDE AXE AND BROAD AXE, NO. 1900 Two types of axes are traditionally used in joinery: Universal Broad Axes have symmetrical, doublebevelled blades and straight handles. They are mainly for making wood joints and notches. Side Axes or Broad Axes have slightly tilted, single-bevelled blades and are used for straightening and smoothing logs and beams. The mortise is usually angled sidewards to protect the user's knuckles. Hybrid models also exist which can be used for both types of work.


1 Side axe, single bevel Thin blade with a wide beard and a single bevel, slightly tilted blade. Head weight 1300 g Blade length 175 mm Overall length 490 mm

2 Universal broad axe, double bevel Ideally suited for joint work. Specifications as left but with a doublebevelled blade and a symmetrical head. Head weight 1300 g Blade length 175 mm Overall length 490 mm No. 705986 154.62 € 184.00 €

Right bevel (the beam is to the left of the axe) No. 705968 175.63 €

209.00 €

Left bevel (the beam is to the right of the axe) No. 705972 175.63 €

209.00 €

B GRÄNSFORS® CARPENTER’S AXE The thin blade and straight edge of this axe make it perfect for shaping work pieces. The small beard allows the axe to be gripped close to the head. Head weight approx. 700 g Blade length 90 mm Overall length 450 mm No. 705974 63.03 € 75.00 €

E Axes are also suitable for precisely trimming a workpiece. Make V-shaped notches to the depth of the mark first and then remove the extra wood from the opposite side.


C GRÄNSFORS DANISH DOUBLE-BEARDED AXE Early medieval axe with two extra-long beards, ideal for hewing beams and boat planks. The head is offset to the left (right bevel); the handle is slightly curved and textured for a better grip. The original is on display at the Roskilde Viking Museum. Comes without leather blade sheath. Head weight 1100 g Blade length 370 mm Overall length 600 mm No. 705578 343.70 € 409.00 €

D GRÄNSFORS GOTLAND AXE Handy axe from the Viking period: This axe is a replica of an original Viking axe. It is well-suited for shaping wooden equipment, carpentry and sculpting. Hand-forged head with an inserted cutting- edge bit made from high carbonsteel. Double-bevel. Head weight 700 g Blade length 110 mm Overall length 380 mm No. 701582 322.69 € 384.00 €

E JAPANESE CARPENTER’S AXE Wood crafts in harmony with nature: Carpenter’s axe with curved head, wide beard and narrow throat for joining work and hewing and trimming trunks and beams. Besides reducing the cutting resistance, the red painted indentation on the blade, which is characteristic of this axe type, has a religious significance in Japan. The irregular recess represents the

fallibility of all man-made creation and is an apology for intervention in perfect and divine nature. The three-layer forged blade is bevelled on both sides. The handle is made of untreated Japanese white oak. Head weight 1000 g Blade length 130 mm Overall length 900 mm No. 701662 150.42 € 179.00 €

Hewing tips: Secure the log approx. at knee height and fasten it using log dogs.

The thickness of the shavings removed should not be more than 0.5 - 1 cm.

Make notches in the log down to the desired depth every 30 cm (for green wood) or 50 cm (dry wood).

A video clip demonstrating hewing techniques can be found in the multi-media section of our website (www.more-than-tools.de)

Always work with the grain. A round log, fixed to trestles with dogs, being squared with a broad axe. (How? See our workshop programme: courses on hewing logs and joinery)

Workshops Use uniform strokes and shearing-type cutting action. The upper body should move in rhythm with the stroke. Use very little effort, allowing the weight of the axe to do the work for you.

Cutting out gutters and water conduits Setting tool handles by hand Shingle cutting

When hewing beams with the right hand, the axe is held as shown in the figure. Work away from you. If possible, do not chop off the shaving, but use it as a guide for the next stroke.


Axes and hatchets | Tools for carpenters and cabinetmakers


A DICK® BROAD AXE Hand-forged broad axe based on a historical model, which, over decades of daily use, has proven the most effective tool for hewing logs and beams. The blade acts as a large rest, which allows ultra-smooth surfaces even on large beams. The cutting edge is slightly curved, so that only part of the blade penetrates the wood, which also makes it easier to work with. The blade has a single bevel on the side of the projecting head, and is securely set in the ash handle with cross-wedges. To protect the knuckles, the handle,

handmade and fitted by a wainwright, is cranked. Overall length 630 mm Blade length 330 mm Approx. 2300 g Right bevel (the beam is to the left of the axe) No. 708365

335.29 € 399.00 €

Left bevel (the beam is to the right of the axe) No. 708367

335.29 € 399.00 €

B DICK® DOUBLE-BITTED MORTISE AXE This hand-forged double-bitted mortise axe, symbol of the carpentry trade, is a combination of a mortise axe and a mortise chisel and is used to make mortises. An axe-shaped cutting edge, partially ground on both sides, at one end and a chisel-shaped cutting edge turned 90° and bevelled on the other, makes this tool highly versatile. Both cutting edges become narrower towards the socket to allow working of mortises in full depth. 1600 g 600 x 460 mm Blade length 45 / 20 mm No. 708363 142.02 € 169.00 €


C DICK® LOG DOG For securing logs prior to hewing. 20 mm square bar steel with hardened cutting edges which are set perpendicular to one another. 900 g Overall length 240 mm No. 705983 16.72 € 19.90 €



2 Tips for splitting shingles:

D DICK SPLITTING KNIFE This splitting knife excels through its shape, which has been developed and improved over many centuries. The turned, untreated handle with crosswedging is fixed in the conical eye of the iron, and due to its shape is very comfortable to hold. The cutting edge, which is made of carbon-steel with approx. 55 HRC easily splits shingles and battens. Splitting knives are hit with the rawhide hammer No. 705681. ®

With practice, very fine shingles can be made with the splitting knife.


E DICK® MORTISE AXE Designed by our master carpenter based on a historical model, this hand-forged axe is suitable for trimming wood joints and mortises. The slightly conically forged blade has an even-ground back and a slightly curved bevel. The narrow side of the blade is ground evenly to align across surfaces. Untreated ashwood handle. Overall length 405 mm Blade length 60 mm Approx. 1300 g No. 708364 74.79 € 89.00 €

1 Splitting knife standard Blade length 265 mm Weight approx. 1500 g No. 708361 74.79 € 89.00 € 2 Splitting knife long Blade length 335 mm Weight approx. 1800 g No. 708362 79.83 € 95.00 € See our workshop program or visit www.more-than-tools.de/workshops for courses on splitting shingles.

Resinous pine as well as oak and ash are well suited for making shingles. Use evenly grown rounds that are at least 30 cm in diameter, and quarter them using splitting wedges. Remove the sapwood and the heartwood near the centre. Use a splitting knife to make radial splits in the segments (standing years) of an average thickness of approx. 13 mm. Smooth the surfaces using a drawknife.

Accessories and replacement parts for axes and hatchets

So that our axes and hatchets become your life-long companions, we offer a wide range of replacement parts and accessories under www.more-than-tools.de


Lie-Nielsen® planes | 72

Veritas® planes | 78

DICK® planes | 79

Kunz® planes | 80

Thin shavings - smooth surfaces

Stanley® planes | 81

Anant® planes | 81

Accessories for metal planes | 82

Japanese planes | 82

Traditional chinese planes | 83

Western style planes | 84

Scraper blades | 85

Scrapers and putty knife | 86




a normal frog. The problem was solved quite 3



Wooden planes (general)

simply by changing the angle and direction of the blade to produce the same cutting angle as

5 6

in a bevel-down plane. The bevel-up principle is less widespread due to the poor quality of

Advantages - Warm and pleasant to touch


- Gentle to workpiece, no discolouration


cast iron in the early Stanley planes. Subject

of wood - Light weight prevents tiring


to extreme forces where the blade sits at the


mouth of the sole, the cast iron on these


planes broke easily. Today, however, better 9

bodies that are more resistant to the forces

Disadvantages - High sole wear with heavy loading - Warping may occur - Little resilent mass, less-smooth operation with difficult grains

Japanese planes (additional advantages or disadvantages besides A)

cast iron makes for much more stable plane

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Plane blade Chipbreaker Cap iron Lateral adjustment lever Rear handle Depth adjustment screw Frog Adjustment screw for mouth opening Plane body Front handle

of »bevel-up« planing.


Advantages and disadvantages

- Operated by pulling, giving good control –

Easily adjustable cutting angle The major advantage lies in the easily

gentle to the joints and less tiring - Smoother operation thanks to thick blade

adjustable cutting angle. Because the bevel

- High plane-blade quality

angle on the blade affects the cutting angle, the plane can be optimised by altering the



bevel angle on the blade - most easily done

- Take longer to set up (does not apply to

There are three types of metal planes:

with a micro or secondary bevel.

planes with replacement blades) - Possible warping due to atmospheric

»bevel-up« planes, »bevel-down« planes and scraping planes.

The chipbreaker, which usually adds stiffness

influences (does not apply to planes with

to the blade, is missing on bevel-up planes.

stabilised bodies and replacement blades) - No mechanical adjustment aids for

No chipbreaker



Therefore the iron used is much thicker.

plane blade and mouth Thicker blade The blade on a bevel-up plane is thicker than


Metal planes (general)

that of a bevel-down plane. This is an advantage, as it leads to smoother surfaces and chatters less.

Advantages - High wear resistance of sole base and edge of mouth - No warping of plane body due to atmospheric influences

The »bevel-up« plane evolved from the block

Low centre of gravity

plane - a one-handed plane previously used

Also an advantage is the low centre of gravity,

for planing cross-slots into posts to accommo-

which is created by the low-angle frog.

- High momentum: smoother running,

date blockings for reinforcement. Hence the

even with difficult grains and knots

name »block plane«. But back to the bevel-

Plane body and blade support from a single

up as the distinguishing feature. Basically,


the blade in the block plane is mounted the

In »bevel-down« planes an additional frog in

opposite way round from that of a conventional

the plane body supports the blade. In »bevel-


»bevel-down« plane. The reason for this

up« planes, the plane body and blade support

- Heavier, so tiring for larger planing jobs

is the small size of the block plane, which

are made from one piece, enhancing overall

- Can rust (not with bronze planes)

made it impossible and unergonomical to use stability.

- Simple adjustment of plane blade and usually also of mouth opening



Simple mouth adjustment

Advantages and disadvantages

Their blades still have a bevel (30°-45°),

»Bevel-up« planes have a screw at the front

Cutting angle depends on frog angle

which reduces the amount of material need-

end for adjusting the mouth opening easily.

The cutting angle is more easily adjusted in

ing to be »displaced« when raising the hook.

The cutting depth remains unaffected.

»bevel-up« than »bevel-down« planes.

The principle of scraping with a hook differs

However, frogs with different slope angles

greatly from cutting with a blade. Normally,

are available for Lie Nielsen planes.

the depth is determined by the hook and

Reduced weight The absence of the additional frog makes

angle. These planes are indispensable for

»bevel-up« planes lighter than »bevel-down«

Simple lateral blade adjustment


Lateral adjustment of the blade is easily done woods and grains (primarily hardwood).

achieving tear-out-free surfaces on difficult

via the adjustment lever. No lateral adjustment The »bevel-up« version works without a

Full blade support

lateral adjustment screw, which may be con-

The frog provides a smooth and large seat

sidered a disadvantage. As with the wooden

for the whole blade, reducing chatter to a

plane, the blade is adjusted by tapping


CUTTING ANGLES When should the different cutting angles or blade angles be used?

lightly on its sides. Additional weight Additional weight means the plane sits solidly

Cutting angle 36-38°

on the surface. This is particularly advan-

Preferred for end grain, where less tear-out

tageous for working with irregular grains and

is to be expected because the fibres break

wood that is difficult to plane.

easily. With this cutting angle, the fibres are actually cut off. When planing along the

Adjustment of mouth opening changes cutting

grain, you should only take fine shavings with


a small mouth opening to prevent premature

Because the frog runs on an inclined surface, splitting of the wood.


any adjustment to the mouth also affects the cutting depth. This can be counteracted by

Cutting angle 43-46°

turning the central adjusting mechanism.

Normal cutting angle for general work with relatively low cutting resistance. Cutting angle 50-60° On highly figured wood this angle creates less tear-out, by breaking the fibres before

The renowned plane inventor Leonard Bailey,


they split. A disadvantage is that the iron will

who worked for Stanley in his days, was a ma-

cut less and scrape more which dulls the iron

jor influence on modern plane design. Stan-

more quickly.

ley enhanced his system with its Bedrock Design, which enables the frog position to be

Blade angle 75-100° (cutting angle is defined

modified without loosening the blade fixture.

by a raised burr)

With the exception of a few minor adjust-

At this angle, you scrape instead of cutting

ments, his design has remained unchanged

Scraping planes arose from the idea of em-

(scraping plane). Since this type of planing

ever since. Only the blade-adjustment mech-

bedding a scraper into a plane body for more

causes minimal tear-out, it is ideal for wild

anism has been modified. It was revolu-

convenient use. Usually, a hook on the blade

grain structures and woods that are difficult

tionised by Thomas Norris, who introduced a

is used for scraping. The blade has to be

to plane.

single screw for adjusting both the cutting

ground perfectly angular to raise the hook,

depth and the blade angle.

which is applied to the upper edge of the

Experts continue to discuss the advantages

bevel with the burnisher, much like a scraper.

and disadvantages of this system, as, with

Tools with thick blades (by Lie Nielsen) do

the Bailey-type adjuster, adjustments can be

not require a hook but are also used with one.

made while planning through a low central

Those with thinner blades (made by Kunz

adjustment mechanism.

and Veritas) generally use the raised hook. 71

Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes

Lie-Nielsen® planes

»Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle

Based in the US, Lie-Nielsen specialises in re-introducing and improving traditional plane types. Lie-Nielsen makes its tools from only the finest materials, many of which had previously been too expensive, not yet fully developed or unavailable in suitable tool-making quality. Today, LieNielsen plane blades are made of A2 steel, which prolongs the edge life and prevents rust. In all models, a blade thickness of 3 to 3.5 mm reduces vibrations when the tool is in use. During production, blades are hardened to approx. 62 HRC and subjected to low-temperature treatment (cryogenic hardening) for an even finer grain and enhanced durability. Plane bodies are made of stressrelieved, wear-resistant spheroidal cast iron, which is highly resistant to cracking and absorbs vibrations. Because of the complex techniques required, Lie-Nielsen is the only producer to manufacture models with manganese bronze alloy plane bodies and components. Manganese bronze alloy is breakresistant, rust-proof and adds mass to the planes. The soles are perfectly plane and trued at right angles to the sides. Unless otherwise specified, the blade is angled at 45°. Cherry-wood handles make the tools comfortable to hold.

B 1

A 2 A NO. 100 PALM PLANE This replica of the Stanley 100 performs all precise craft carpentry, model-making or musical instrument-making work effortlessly and cleanly. 3 mm thick, vibration-resistant blade, tongue-shaped handle and bronze cap. The curved sole design is suitable for concave surfaces. Pitch of the iron 12°, bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 22.5 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 90 mm 210 g

Casting bronze for plane bodies

Flat sole No. 703775 67.82 € Repl. blade No. 703776 20.84 €

80.70 € 24.80 €

Round sole No. 703777 85.71 € 102.00 € Repl. blade No. 703778 27.14 € 32.30 €

Including sharpening service. See page 5 for more information.

B NO. 103 AND NO. 102 BLOCK PLANES Handy precision planes with bodies and polished cap irons made from bronze. The stainless steel adjuster allows accurate adjustment of the thick blades with minimum backlash. Blade width 32 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 135 mm 425 g 1 No. 103, angle 20° For heavier cuts with the grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. No. 703702 105.04 € 125.00 € 2 No. 102, low angle 12° For fine cuts and end grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. No. 703703 105.04 € 125.00 € For B1 and B2 Repl. blade No. 703722 27.65 € Toothed bl. No. 703739 50.34 €

Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products

32.90 € 59.90 €

Two free sharpenings

C NO. 9 1/2 AND NO. 60 1/2 BLOCK PLANES A solid body, precise blade guide and adjuster, and an accurately positioned bronze chipbreaker with polished hand grips guarantee convenient operation and perfect results. The mouth opening can be adjusted according to the application, using the configurable shoe (for removing thick or thin shavings). Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 160 mm 750 g



1 1 No. 91/2, angle 20° For heavier cuts with the grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. No. 703758 149.50 € 177.90 €

Bronze cap iron

Brass lever

2 No. 60 1/2, low angle 12° For fine cuts and end grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. No. 703714 149.50 € 177.90 € For C1 and C2 Repl. blade No. 703737 31.68 € 37.70 € Toothed blade No. 703740 50.34 € 59.90 €




D NO. 60 1/2 R RABBET BLOCK PLANE This plane is ideal for cutting rabbets or trimming tenons to fit. The low cutting angle of 12° also makes it an excellent choice for end grain. Fine blade-adjustment mechanism, non-adjustable mouth. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 44 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 160 mm 770 g 150.42 € 179.00 € 1 No. 703770 Nickered. 2 No. 703792 159.58 € 189.90 € Repl. blade for D1 and D2 No. 703771 36.89 €


43.90 €

Blade adjuster nut

Brass lock screw

Adjustable throat plate






E NO. 140 SKEW BLOCK PLANE A versatile plane with a tilted blade for a skewed cut. With its adjustable fence and removable right face, the reincarnation of the Stanley No. 140 is ideal for rabbets and cornices, even at an angle to the grain and with end grain. Pitch of the iron 12°, bevel angle 25°. Nickered. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 170 mm 1000 g No. 703708 203.36 € 242.00 € Repl. blade No. 703728 36.22 € 43.10 €

Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes

B RABBET PLANE NO. 73 When it was first introduced by Preston in the late 19th century, the No. 73 represented a major breakthrough in plane design. Record continued making the No. 73 until a few years ago. Now, Lie-Nielsen has begun manufacturing its own version with the same quality as its predecessor. The mouth, easily adjustable using a setscrew, and the precisely machined, box-shaped body make this plane the tool of choice for fitting and finishing shoulders, rabbets, tenons and grooves. Bronze cap iron. Pitch of the iron 18°, bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 43°.


A CHISEL PLANES NO. 97 1/2 Special plane for smoothing wood joints, rabbets, corners etc. Heavy blade on finely-milled bed, knurled screw for adjustment. Pitch of the iron 15°. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 40°. Bronze body. Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 4.8 mm Length 160 mm 630 g No. 703707 125.21 € 149.00 € Repl. blade No. 703727 36.22 € 43.10 €

Blade width 19 mm Blade thickness 3.6 mm Length 195 mm 1050 g No. 703779 175.63 € 209.00 € Repl. blade No. 703780 31.60 € 37.60 € Blade width 31 mm Blade thickness 3.6 mm Length 205 mm 2000 g No. 703756 226.05 € 269.00 € Repl. blade No. 703757 36.13 € 43.00 €


Mouth-plate locking screw

Bronze cap


Blade adjuster nut

Cap pivot pin

Mouth-plate adjuster screw

Threaded rod

Retainer pin Sole Adjustable mouth plate


Blade Cast iron body



C LOW-ANGLE BENCH PLANES NO. 164, NO. 62 Lighter than the conventional bench planes, these devices have a thicker blade and no chipbreaker, making them easier to set up. The blade is held in the bed with the bevel facing upwards. This makes the cutting angle easy to adjust. The plane body and blade support are cast from a single piece for greater plane stability and, thanks to the front handle, the mouth is easy and convenient to adjust. Brass caps.

Front knob Brass adjustment lever

Adjustable mouth plate

Bronze cap iron

1 No. 164 Low-angle smoothing plane This compact low-angle plane copes easily with planing against the grain, end grain and knotty wood. The central, Bailey-type blade adjuster allows smooth adjustment of the cutting depth, even while planing. The blade is set at a 12º angle. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Adjustable mouth. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 4.8 mm Length 245 mm 1760 g No. 703716 239.50 € 285.00 € Repl. blade No. 703741 36.22 € 43.10 € Toothed blade No. 703742 62.86 € 74.80 €

2 No. 62 Low-angle jack plane This plane is patterned after the Stanley No. 62, which was specially designed for smoothing butcherblocks. It easily copes with even the most difficult jobs, such as planing end grain and long-grained or knotty wood. The blade is set bevel-up in the milled bed at a 12° angle. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. The mouth opening can be adjusted via the moveable shoe. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 4.8 mm Length 355 mm 2180 g No. 703706 221.01 € 263.00 € Repl. blade No. 703726 36.22 € 43.10 € Toothed blade No. 703749 58.40 € 69.50 €

Frog area

Cap iron thumbscrew

Threaded rod


D LIE NIELSEN® HOT DOG The »Hot dog« is a tubular handle designed for comfort when using a shooting board. You can attach it to a bench plane to use the plane lying on its side. It is fixed with a hexagon socket screw that exerts pressure on the plane body. Powder coated aluminium. Fit’s No. 703706. Length 100 mm No. 717889 42.02 € 50.00 €


Cap screw



Sole Stainless steel adjuster nut

For special Lie Nielsen screwdrivers (chipbreaker, cap iron and frog) see chapter drills, pliers, screwdrivers. 73

Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes


A LOW-ANGLE JOINTER PLANE Its low-angle design and the long base make this jointer plane the ideal tool for joints and fittings but also for use with a shooting board. In addition, its length makes it an excellent tool for trueing large work pieces. The mouth opening is adjusted with two set screws. The blade sits bevel-up in the milled bed at a 12°

angle. The bevel angle is 25°, which results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 58 mm Blade thickness 6.4 mm Length 560 mm 3340 g. No. 702996 294.12 € 350.00 € Repl. blade No. 702997 50.34 € 59.90 €

Front knob

Bronze cap iron Cap screw

Adjustable mouth plate

Cap iron thumbscrew Blade

Frog area

Threaded rod

Sole Adjuster nut


B NO. 9 IRON MITRE PLANE The perfectly flat sole and perfectly square sides make this plane well suited for even the most demanding work on end grain, side grain and mitred surfaces. The lateral guide knob can be used on either side in conjunction with a shooting board. The mouth opening can be adjusted via a sliding plate. The 4 mm thick blade can be precisely adjusted to the nearest hundredth of a millimetre, even while planing. Pitch of the iron 20°, bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 4.8 mm Length 275 mm 2350 g No. 703743 335.29 € 399.00 € Repl. blade No. 703744 41.01 € 48.80 €




C BIG ROUTER PLANE Designed based on an early Stanley version, this router plane is very useful for planing precise mortises, grooves and other recessed areas. The improved depth stop and fine blade adjustment allow for precise adjustments of the square-shaped and therefore directionally stable guided iron. The blade can be fixed centrally (normal position) or 74

close to the edge for working corners. An included fence is fixed through elongated holes to the cast iron body and can be turned around for guiding along curved edges. 200 x 90 mm Blade width 9.5 mm 800 g No. 703781 117.56 € 139.90 € Repl. blade No. 703782 29.33 € 34.90 €

D SMALL ROUTER PLANE This small router plane is perfect for fine relief work and shallow mortise work for hinges. The compact design makes the plane easy to guide even on narrow long sides of doors. The square blade cannot twist in the iron body when removing large shavings or in diagonal use and is secured with a pressure screw. The body has two openings to allow the blade to be used in the middle of the base as well as open on the side, close to the edge of the base for use in corners. 105 x 55 mm. Blade width 5.3 mm 225 g No. 702995 75.55 € 89.90 € Repl. blade No. 702994 27.65 € 32.90 €

Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes

»Bevel-down« planes - Chipbreaker required - Cutting angle defined by frog angle

A NO. 4 SMOOTHING PLANE The standard smoothing plane is capable of taking the finest shavings from the most difficult woods. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 225 mm

Bench planes No. 4, No. 4 ½, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 The all-purpose woodworking plane. With its Bedrock design, this plane allows chatter-free cutting thanks to its fully supported blade and a mouth that can be adjusted without removing the cap iron and blade. Additional lateral blade adjustment and the low blade-feed adjuster mean the cutting depth can be changed during planing. Its heavy weight makes irregular grain or difficult woods easier to work. Brass frog and cap.

1 Spheroidal cast iron 1950 g No. 703712 271.34 € 322.90 € 2 Bronze 2100 g No. 703736


1 315.97 € 376.00 €

For A1 and A2 Repl. blade No. 703735 36.22 € Toothed blade No. 703738 58.40 €

43.10 € 69.50 €

B NO. 4 ½ SMOOTHING PLANE The ultimate smoothing plane, thanks to a large sole, extra-thick vibration-absorbent 3.6 mm blade and high weight. Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 3.6 mm Length 260 mm 2500 g No. 703751 293.28 € 349.00 €


Repl. blade

No. 703752

45.21 €

53.80 €

Lateral blade-adjustment lever

Bronze lever cap Cap screw Chipbreaker

Frog assembly



Adjuster nut Threaded rod


Frog holddown pins

Adjuster tab


Adjuster screw (frog) Locking screws



C HIGH-ANGLE FROGS High-angle frogs for smoothing difficult wood. Thanks to these replaceable frogs, the cutting angle, which is usually restricted to 45° in bench planes, can be increased to the steeper 50 or 55° angles of the renowned English smoothing planes (e.g. Norris). Blade width 50 mm 55° No. 717888 62.94 € 74.90 € 50° No. 717887 62.94 € 74.90 € Blade width 60 mm No. 717886 66.30 € 78.90 € 1 55° No. 717885 66.30 € 78.90 € 2 50°


For special Lie Nielsen screwdrivers (chipbreaker, cap iron and frog) see chapter drills, pliers, screwdrivers.

Plane guide

Pressure distribution

Difficult wood grains are often easier to work using the plane at a slight angle. However, the plane should be used parallel to the workpiece for the best surface quality. Difficult grains and softwoods can be smoothed better and with less effort if the surface is moistened.

When starting the plane, first apply pressure to the front of the sole. During the plane motion, the pressure should be evenly distributed. At the end of the board, the pressure should be on the rear of the sole. As the shavings become finer, the pressure on the plane

must be increased to hold the blade in constant contact. When resetting, lift the plane from the workpiece to protect the cutting edge.


Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes


A NO. 5 JACK PLANE The increased length and weight compared to the No. 4 plane makes it ideal, not only for smoothing but also for levelling surfaces. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 355 mm 2550 g No. 703715 293.28 € 349.00 € Repl. blade No. 703735 36.22 € 43.10 € Toothed blade No. 703738 58.40 € 69.50 €


B NO. 6 FORE PLANE Size midway between a jack plane and a jointer plane. Ideal for trueing, and joining of medium-sized boards. Flatness tolerance max. 0.1 mm. Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 3.6 mm Length 450 mm 3300 g No. 703759 335.29 € 399.00 € Repl. blade No. 703752 45.21 € 53.80 € C C NO. 7 JOINTER PLANE Most popular jointer size, excellent for trueing and for making fitting and joint surfaces. Flatness tolerance max. 0.1 mm. Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm Length 550 mm 3700 g No. 703753 377.31 € 449.00 € Repl. blade No. 703752 45.21 € 53.80 €



D BENCH RABBET PLANE This reproduction of a Stanley 10 ¼, which had not been made since the Second World War, and had never been made in the Bedrock design, is the largest rabbet plane of its kind. Like the long jack plane, it is suitable for trueing as well as smoothing, thanks to the large base. Its additional function as a rabbet plane makes it one of the most versatile planes on the market. The two knife-shaped nickers, which are fitted flush to the sides of the tool, allow cross-grain cutting with no tearout. The front knob can be tilted to easily guide the tool in corner cuts. Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 355 mm 2300 g No. 703764 315.13 € 375.00 € Repl. Blade No. 703765 46.13 € 54.90 €

Planes | Lie-Nielsen planes

Scraping planes - Scrape surfaces without tear-out, even on difficult woods - Cut using raised-edge burr




A SCRAPING PLANES NO. 212 AND NO. 112 Hardened blade (50-55 HRC) with 45° bevel to reduce material displacement. For preparing veneer surfaces, we recommend toothed blades. Adjustable blade angle (75-100°).

Bronze cap

1 No. 212 Scraping plane For working thin or small pieces made of hardwood such as fly rods, violin bows, frames etc. Bronze body. Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 135 mm 680 g No. 703710 157.98 € 188.00 € Repl. blade No. 703730 22.61 € 26.90 €

2 No. 112 Scraping plane Wide-bladed scraping plane ideal for finishing large surfaces such as table tops, parquet etc. Blade width 70 mm Blade thickness 3.6 Length 235 mm 1800 g No. 703717 211.76 € 252.00 € Repl. blade No. 703718 36.13 € 43.00 €

Toothed blades 1.4 mm No. 1.0 mm No.

Toothed blades 1.4 mm No. 1.0 mm No.

703731 40.67 € 703732 40.67 €

48.40 € 48.40 €

Bronze frog


69.90 € 69.90 €

Blade bevel (bevel-side toward handle

B NO. 66 BEADING TOOL Scraping plane with 8 profiled blades (16 different shapes) and one blade blank which can be shaped and hardened individually for cutting mouldings and grooves.


Spokeshaves - Large handles for high level of tool control - For working on straight, convex and concave surfaces



703760 58.74 € 703761 58.74 €


Threaded rod Locking screw (frog adj.)

Comes with 2 fences (straight, rounded). Bronze body. Blade width 16 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm Length 280 mm 500 g No. 703713 157.98 € 188.00 €

D 1

C 2

D MINI SPOKESHAVES Based on models by the company Preston which have not been produced for 80 years, this replica guarantees optimum results with its fine mouth openings and extra-thick blades. The winged handles made of polished bronze are comfortable to use. Cutting angle 38°. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 175 mm 135 g Sole

straight No. 703767 85.71 € 102.00 € round No. 703769 85.71 € 102.00 € Repl. blade No. 703768 31.68 € 37.70 €

3 D BOGGS SPOKESHAVE Precision-made spokeshaves with an extremely small mouth, created by LieNielsen in collaboration with master chair-maker Brian Boggs. Ideal for round and concave surfaces from chair parts to stair newels. The bronze bodies are joined seamlessly to the hickory handles, whose comfortable surface feel provides an extremely good grip. The 3.2 mm thick blade is fastened securely by a bronze cap with two pressure points on

the sides and knurled screws. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Overall length 265 mm 300 g Sole straight round Repl. blade 3 concave Repl. blade

1 2

No. 703772 121.85 € 145.00 € No. 703773 121.85 € 145.00 € No. 703774 37.48 € 44.60 € No. 703790 121.85 € 145.00 € No. 703791 37.48 € 44.60 €

See our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de for more Lie-Nielsen planes.


Planes | Veritas planes

Veritas® planes The corporate philosophy of Canadian tool manufacturer Veritas aims to develop new adjustment mechanisms and enhance historic plane design. With bodies made of stress-relieved spheroidal cast iron, these tools are highly resistant to cracking and distortion. Their soles are perfectly plane and trued at right angles to the sides. Their thick blades of high-strength A2 steel are hardened to 60-62 HRC and additionally subjected to a special lowtemperature process to achieve a finer grain. Two setscrews on the sides constrain the blade laterally, keeping it in place regardless of the type of stress applied. Unless otherwise specified, the blade is angled at 45°. With their material combination of finely-ground or blackcoated cast iron bodies, polished brass setscrews and beautiful bubinga handles, these planes are also pleasing to the eye.




1 »Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle

A APRON PLANE Veritas’s smallest plane weighs only 420 g but is impressively solid. Ideal for cabinetmakers, instrument makers and restorers. Central setscrew for iron depth and lateral adjustment. Non-adjustable mouth. Pitch of the iron 12°, bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 31 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm Length 140 mm 420 g No. 703695 91.60 € 109.00 € Repl. blade No. 703696 22.52 € 26.80 €

B BLOCK PLANE Compact all-round planes for fine shavings. The mouth opening can be adjusted according to the application, using the configurable shoe (for removing thick or thin shavings). The indentations in the sides make it easier to guide this handy plane accurately. Central setscrew for iron depth and lateral adjustment. Blade width 40.5 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 160 mm 800 g

1 Standard block plane 20° For heavier cuts with the grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. No. 703692 130.25 € 155.00 € 2 Low-angle block plane 12° For fine cuts and end grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. No. 703693 130.25 € 155.00 € For B1 and B2 Repl. blade No. 703694 33.53 €

39.90 €



See our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de for more Veritas planes.

C LOW-ANGLE SMOOTHING PLANE For planing difficult grain, end grain, cross-grain or knotty wood. The front handle allows easy and convenient adjustment of the plane mouth. Thanks to the central adjusting screw, the blade feed and lateral position can be adjusted quickly and precisely.

Blade angle 12°. A 25° bevel angle produces a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 265 mm 1700 g No. 703690 194.96 € 232.00 € Repl. blade No. 703691 28.99 € 34.50 €



»Bevel-down« planes - Chipbreaker required - Cutting angle defined by frog angle

Spokeshaves - Large handles for high level of tool control - For working on straight, convex and concave surfaces

D NO. 4 SMOOTHING PLANE The standard smoothing plane is capable of taking the finest shavings from the most difficult woods. With the central adjusting screw, the blade feed and lateral position can be adjusted quickly and precisely. The rear handle and frog form a movable unit that defines the mouth opening without requiring any re-adjustment of the cutting depth. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 240 mm 2000 g No. 703680 200.84 € 239.00 € Repl. blade No. 703681 41.93 € 49.90 €

E SPOKESHAVES For fine shavings when working on flat and long curved surfaces such as bows, boats, slats, planks and edges. Because they are guided by hand and are sensitive to the wood structure, spokeshaves must have hefty bodies and thick cutting blades (3.2 mm). The blade can be adjusted with knurled screws, the mouth opening with supplied shims. The radius of the round version is 44 mm, while the concave version has an inside radius of 33 mm. Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 270 mm 330 g 1 Straight sole Blade width

Combined feed and lateral Blade center- Adjustable adjustment knob ing set screws mouth opening


54 mm No. 703684 Repl. blade No. 703686 2 Round sole 54 mm No. 703685 Repl. blade No. 703686 3 Concave sole 40 mm No. 703687 Repl. blade No. 703688

79.83 € 22.27 €

95,00 € 26.50 €

79.83 € 22.27 €

95,00 € 26.50 €

88.24 € 105,00 € 29.41 € 35.00 €


3 F PULLSHAVE Highly effective tool for working all concave surfaces, e.g. stair construction, chair seats and large bowls, for making musical instruments, sculptures, etc. Optimum control thanks to two-handed operation. The chip thickness can be precisely set by means of two knurled screws. Radius approx. 87 mm Blade width 51 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm Length 260 mm 500 g No. 703625 116.81 € 139.00 € Repl. blade No. 703626 25.13 € 29.90 €


Planes | DICK planes

DICK® planes A Centuries ago, we at DICK developed a plane series for violin makers. Since then, Herdim® planes have established themselves on the market. We have now created a new series of metal planes which fulfils our expectations of good tools while at the same time still being affordable. The solid plane bodies made from cast steel with precisely ground soles aligned at right angles to the sides, together with the 3 mm thick blades made from SK4-steel (62 HRC) signify top quality. The blade adjuster allows for precise adjustments and the ergonomically shaped handles developed through tests as well as the polished cap irons sit well in the hand. Handles of native beech wood.



»Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle

A BLOCK PLANE Compact, solid block planes which, thanks to polished cap irons, sit well in the hand. The mouth opening can be adjusted according to the application, using the configurable shoe. Blade-depth adjusting and cap iron fixation with easy-to-adjust brass screw and knob. Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 160 mm 840 g


1 Normal blade angle 20° For working with the grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. No. 703330 46.13 € Repl. blade No. 703410 10.00 €

54.90 € 11.90 €

2 Low angle 12° For fine cuts and end grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. No. 703334 46.13 € Repl. blade No. 703414 10.00 €

54.90 € 11.90 €

3 Rabbet block plane This plane is ideal for cutting rabbets or trimming tenons to fit. It is an excellent choice for end grain thanks to the low cutting angle of 12°. A 25° bevel results in a cutting angle of 37°. Fine bladeadjustment mechanism, non-adjustable mouth. Blade width 44.5 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 160 mm 800 g No. 703335 46.97 € 55.90 € Repl. blade No. 703415 10.00 € 11.90 €

»Bevel-down« planes - Chipbreaker required - Cutting angle defined by frog angle

B BENCH PLANES NO. 4, NO. 5, NO. 6 With their Bedrock design, these planes allow chatter-free cutting thanks to the fully supported blade and a mouth that can be adjusted without removing the cap iron and blade. The rear handle, with its width of 26.5 mm, offers a comfortable grip even for large hands. Lateral blade adjustment through easyto-reach lever. Cutting angle 45°. 1 No. 4 Smoothing plane The standard smoothing plane is capable of taking the finest shavings from the most difficult woods. Blade width 51 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 250 mm 2250 g No. 703331 71.34 € 84.90 € Repl. blade No. 703411 14.20 € 16.90 €



2 2 No. 5 Jack plane The increased length and weight compared to the No. 4 plane makes this one ideal, not only for smoothing but also for levelling surfaces. Blade width 51 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 355 mm 2770 g No. 703332 83.95 € 99.90 € Repl. blade No. 703411 14.20 € 16.90 €

3 No. 6 Fore plane Mid-size plane ideal for trueing and joining of medium-sized boards. Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 450 mm 3730 g No. 703333 100.76 € 119.90 € Repl. blade No. 703413 14.20 € 16.90 € 3


C SPOKESHAVE This impressive new spokeshave in the DICK series has a 3 mm thick blade and an adjustable mouth which, unlike many cheaper spokeshaves, has a 0.5 - 0.8 mm tolerance. This makes it an indispensible tool both in bow making and for cutting round bars and edges in cabinet making. The compact plane body has comfortably large handles for easy control of the tool. For full-surface pressure without jammed shavings, the underside of the cap is

taper-ground, which makes it easy to regrind if necessary. Blade with 50 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 280 mm 320 g Available August 2011. No. 703336 30.17 € 35.90 € Repl. Blade No. 703416 3.70 € 4.40 € 79

Planes | Kunz planes

Kunz® planes


Kunz is known for its solid planes of wear-resistant grey cast iron with fineground soles and good value for money. The standard tool-steel blades are hardened to approx. 62 HRC. For planing extremely hard woods, durable HSS blades (approx. 65 HRC) are available as accessories. Their epoxy-coated green surfaces make the Kunz planes, made in Germany, unique.


»Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle

A NO. 102 BLOCK PLANE Handy plane for craft carpentry making musical instruments. Pitch of the iron 25°, bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 50°, which is suited best for hardwoods. Blade width 33 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm Length 130 mm 310 g No. 703140 16.72 € 19.90 € Repl. blade No. 703141 5.80 € 6.90 € HSS blade No. 703142 16.72 € 19.90 € Toothed blade No. 703156 8.24 € 9.80 €

»Bevel-down« planes - Chipbreaker required - Cutting angle defined by frog angle

B NO. 9 1/2 BLOCK PLANE Robust plane with lateral blade adjustment. The mouth can be adjusted via a throat plate. Low blade angle (12°). Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°. Blade width 41 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 180 mm 600 g No. 703243 63.78 € 75.90 € Repl. blade No. 703244 8.32 € 9.90 €

See our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de for more Kunz planes.


C C NO. 101 POCKET PLANE Compact block plane, simple design. Cutting angle 38°. No chipbreaker. Blade width 25 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 85 mm 120 g No. 703154 13.87 € 16.50 € Repl. blade No. 703130 3.78 € 4.50 € HSS blade No. 703155 12.52 € 14.90 €

D NO. 100 POCKET PLANE Same specifications as No. 703154 but with tongue-shaped handle. No chipbreaker. Blade width 25 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Sole length 85 mm 160 g No. 703120 14.20 € 16.90 € Repl. blade No. 703130 3.78 € 4.50 € HSS blade No. 703155 12.35 € 14.70 €

E E NO. 75 BULLNOSE PLANE For finishing rabbets, shoulders and grooves. Cutting angle 38°. No chip breaker. Blade width 26 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 100 mm 250 g No. 703118 25.13 € 29.90 € Repl. blade No. 703138 4.96 € 5.90 € HSS blade No. 703157 15.55 € 18.50 €

H NO. 80 CABINET SCRAPER For smoothing heavily structured woods and removing glue and paper remnants from veneered surfaces. Includes 1.1 mm thick scraper blade. Blade angle 110°. Blade width 70 mm Length 275 mm 640 g No. 703121 28.49 € 33.90 € Repl. blade No. 703131 4.96 € 5.90 € Toothed bl. No. 703153 14.20 € 16.90 €



F SMOOTHING PLANE NO. 4 PLUS This smoothing plane, from the new Kunz series »Kunz plus«, impresses with its precise technology and use of topquality materials such as domestic cherry wood. The blade is adjusted (lateral and depth) by only one screw, a technique that was first developed with the legendary Norris planes. The new Kunz version uses the cap-iron screw as a connection for all adjustments. This plane is very handy due to the low knob at the

front and the low design. The short, 3.5 mm thick iron gives additional space at the rear handle. The precisely ground body of the plane is made from resistant, annealed cast iron. Cutting angle 45° Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm Length 260 mm 1800 g No. 703241 167.23 € 199.00 € Repl. blade No. 703242 27.73 € 33.00 €

I 1

SPOKESHAVE WITHOUT FINE BLADE ADJUSTMENT NO. 50, NO. 55 For concave and convex surfaces, such as chair seats, hand rails or round bars. The concave version No. 55 (350 g) has an inside radius of 48 mm, the convex version No. 50 (250 g) an outside radius of 48 mm. Blade width 52 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 250 mm Sole


1 Convex No. 703124 20.08 € 23.90 € Repl. blade No. 703134 5.80 € 6.90 € 2 Concave No. 703125 20.92 € 24.90 € Repl. blade No. 703135 6.64 € 7.90 € J

J 1


Spokeshaves - Large handles for high level of tool control - For working on straight, convex and concave surfaces



G NO. 113 CIRCULAR PLANE Replica of a Stanley model from 1879. The curvature of the flexible steel sole is adjustable, allowing the plane to be used for both concave and convex surfaces. The double blade’s lateral position can be adjusted via a tilt

Scraping plane - Scrapes surfaces without tear-out, even on difficult woods - Cuts using raised-edge burr

lever, while a knurled screw adjusts the shaving thickness. Cutting angle 55°. Blade width 44 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 260 mm 1600 g No. 703123 209.24 € 249.00 € Repl. blade No. 703133 15.04 € 17.90 € HSS blade No. 703145 49.58 € 59.00 €


SPOKESHAVES WITH FINE BLADE ADJUSTMENT NO. 51 A, NO. 51 AR For fine shavings when working on flat and long curved surfaces. The blade depth can be precisely adjusted. Radius of round version (No. 51 AR) 35 mm. Blade width 52 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 250 mm 320 g Sole

1 Straight No. 703127 15.04 € 17.90 € 2 Round No. 703129 15.04 € 17.90 € For J1 and J2 Repl. blade No. 703137 4.96 € 5.90 € HSS blade No. 703139 19.75 € 23.50 €

Planes | Stanley planes, Anant planes

Stanley® planes Trueing plane soles

A »Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle

A STANLEY® BLOCK PLANE Grey cast iron block plane with ground sole and adjustable mouth opening. Cap iron clamped with eccentric lever. Lateral and depth adjustment. Japanese plane blades (No. 718070) available as an option.


1 1 No. 9 1/2, angle 21° For cuts with the grain. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 46°. Blade width 41.5 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 160 mm 770 g No. 703001 54.54 € 64.90 € Repl. blade No. 703002 8.66 € 10.30 € Toothed bl. No. 703014 17.56 € 20.90 €

Uneven soles of metal planes can be trued relatively quickly using wet emery cloths, which are fitted to a level surface (e.g. a milling table or a thick glass plate). Depending on the warping, use a grain of 120 initially, then gradually finer grains to approx. 600. Move the plane (with the blade pre-tensioned but retracted) elliptically with constant pressure on the moist emery cloth, checking the results repeatedly, until the sole is level. Use a straight edge to check that it is level No. 707291.

2 No. 60 1/2, low angle 13.5° Primarily for end-grain work. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 38.5°. Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 160 mm 660 g No. 703011 54.54 € 64.90 € Repl. blade No. 703012 8.66 € 10.30 €

Anant® planes A major argument in favour of Anant planes is their good value for money. Grey cast iron bodies and carbon-steel blades (58 HRC). Before use, the blades must be sharpened and the chipbreakers adjusted. For precise work the fit of the frog needs to be checked and if necessary the mouth has to be adjusted. The AA series has thicker soles for better momentum, finely lapped soles and sides, as well as thicker plane blades and chipbreakers. Handles of sheesham wood. Japanese plane blades suitable for Anant planes: page 82.

»Bevel-up« planes - No chipbreaker required - Simple adjustment of cutting angle by changing bevel angle


B NO. 77 ALL-PURPOSE RABBET PLANE Removable head allows conversion to a chisel plane. Mouth opening adjustable with shims, blade adjustment via a knurled screw. Pitch of the iron 20°. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a normal cutting angle of 45°. Blade width 29 mm Length 102 mm 460 g No. 703177 44.12 € 52.50 € Repl. blade No. 703178 7.06 € 8.40 €

Tuning metal planes: Flatten the front part of the back of the plane blade to ensure that there are no gaps in the contact with the chipbreaker edge. DMT diamond sharpening stones are perfect for this. Fit the chipbreaker flush with the blade to prevent blockages from thin shavings. The distance between the chipbreaker edge and blade edge should be approx. 2 mm for coarse work, 1 mm for medium, and 0.5 mm for fine shavings. The leading edge of the chipbreaker should be at a 45°-60° angle to the surface of the blade. The blade should

»Bevel-down« planes - Chipbreaker required - Cutting angle defined by frog angle

C A10 BENCH RABBET PLANE As the blade ends flush with the side faces, this plane is suitable not only for working surfaces, but also for cornices, corners and rabbets. Fine blade adjustment and lateral lever. Blade width 53 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 325 mm 1850 g No. 703206 48.91 € 58.20 € Repl. blade No. 703207 7.06 € 8.40 € D BENCH PLANES NO. AA 4, NO. AA 5 Universal plane with adjustable mouth opening for major stock removal and smoothing. Fine blade adjustment with knurled screw, lateral adjustment with side lever. The tool's heavy weight makes it easier to plane irregular grains or difficult woods.



1 No. AA 4 Smoothing plane The standard smoothing plane is capable of taking the finest shavings from the most difficult woods. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.3 mm Length 250 mm 1900 g No. 703215 35.55 € 42.30 € Repl. blade No. 703222 7.06 € 8.40 €


2 No. AA 5 Jack plane The increased length and weight compared to the No. 4 plane makes this plane ideal, not only for smoothing but also for levelling surfaces. Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 3.3 mm Length 355 mm 2240 g No. 703216 45.38 € 54.00 € Repl. blade No. 703222 7.06 € 8.40 €

rest perfectly flush in the bed of the plane, which can be finely tuned using a file. Check the flatness of the plane's sole using a precision metal ruler. Flatten the sole if necessary. We offer an alignment service for metal planes (see the Service section in the www.more-than-tools.de webshop). To remove fine shavings with a narrow mouth opening, it is important that the leading edge of the mouth is straight and smooth to prevent the plane from clogging. If necessary, shape the edge of the metal-plane mouth using a file. A slight, 15° chamfer may be added to facilitate the removal of the shavings.


E NO. 52 GROOVING PLANE For cutting grooves, tongues and rabbets. Parallel and depth fence, spur, nickel-plated body. Supplied with 9 blades (3 - 16 mm) and carvers. Blade width -16 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm Length 200 mm 1500 g No. 703181 115.04 € 9 repl. blades No. 703182 42.77 €


136.90 € 50.90 €


Planes | Accessories for metal planes, Japanese planes

Accessories for metal planes

B JAPANESE PLANE BLADES FOR RECORD, STANLEY, AND ANANT PLANES Made of double-layered, laminated steel to ensure superior durability, easier sharpening and better vibration control. The exceptionally fine-grained White Paper Steel will hold a razor-sharp edge. Blade thickness 2-3 mm.


3 3 Record 9 1/2, 60 1/2 and Anant 9 1/2 Groove width 11.8 mm. 41.5 x 110 mm No. 718074 38.57 € 45.90 €

B 4


A LEATHER BLOCK PLANE CASE Fits block planes: Lie-Nielsen 703758 / 714 / 770, Veritas 703695 / 692 / 693, Stanley 703011 / 001, DICK 703335 / 330 / 334. Well-finished case made of heavy-duty leather. The flap serves both as a belt loop and a closure. 40 x 55 x 185 mm No. 702999 32.77 € 39.00 €

1 Stanley 9 1/2 Groove width 15.1 mm. 41.5 x 110 mm No. 718073 41.93 €

4 Record, Anant 4 and 5 50 x 190 mm No. 718070 43.61 €

51.90 €

49.90 €



2 Stanley, Anant 60 1/2 35 x 110 mm No. 718075 41.93 €


49.90 €

5 Stanley, Record, Anant 4 1/2, 6 and 7 60 x 200 mm No. 718072 49.16 € 58.50 €

C ROSEWOOD PLANE HANDLES Untreated plantation-grown rosewood handles for retrofitting to your Kunz, Stanley, Record or similar metal planes. They fit all No. 3 - No. 8 planes, but sometimes may require slight modification to obtain a perfect fit. Set (handle, knob and screws). No. 702900 23.28 € 27.70 €

Japanese planes (Kanna) Japanese planes bring the wood's true inherent beauty to the fore. Kanna have been reduced to their most essential plane functions. The double-layered, tapered blade is much thicker than standard European blades, allowing chatter-free planing. The cap, also made of doublelayered steel, serves as a chipbreaker. The numerous adjustment mechanisms found on European planes are completely absent. Before using a Kanna for the first time, the blade’s back must be flattened and the blade properly seated in the tapered grooves of the body. To minimise friction, the sole can be given a slightly concave profile using a scraping plane. Anyone willing to make the initial effort of setting up and learning how to use these fascinating tools will be rewarded with exceptional results. Unless otherwise noted, the pitch of the iron is 40°. Instructions included.

Tapered blade

Blade bed Side groove Retaining pin

Hollow grind (Ura) Chamfered corners

D Chipbreaker Plane block, made of white or red oak

Old anchor chain links are excellent material for plane-blade bodies.


F SMOOTHING PLANE, 65 MM Made in a Japanese master workshop. The blade is made from White Paper Steel and very rare iron (manufactured before 1900) which, thanks to its silica particles evens and cleans the pores of the waterstone. Distinguishable from other irons by the black spots. Japanese wihte oak block. Blade width 65 mm Blade thickness 6 mm Length 290 mm 1255 g No. 717001 158.82 € 189.00 €




G INOMOTO SMOOTHING PLANE, 70 MM Made by Master Inomoto using the finest white oak and best steel. The blade is made from Blue Paper Steel and very rare iron (manufactured before 1900) which, thanks to its silica particles evens and cleans the pores of the waterstone. Distinguishable from other irons by the black spots. Comes with a test shaving. Blade width 70 mm Blade thickness 7 mm Length 290 mm 1355 g No. 717023 255.46 € 304.00 €

D SMOOTHING BLOCK PLANE, 42 MM Hand-made plane with cutting edge of Blue Paper Steel that can be conveniently used with one hand. Japanese white oak body. Blade width 42 mm Blade thickness 5 mm Length 150 mm 335 g No. 717013 57.98 € 69.00 €

E SMOOTHING PLANE, 64 MM Hand-made plane offering good value for money. Cutting edge of White Paper Steel. Block of Japanese white oak. Blade width 64 mm Blade thickness 6.5 mm Length 275 mm 1070 g No. 717006 66.39 € 79.00 €


H HARDWOOD PLANE, 55 MM Exclusively from DICTUM: Ideal for working hardwoods. The steep angle of the blade (45° instead of 40°) reduces the danger of tear-outs when working against the grain. The cutting steel made of the highest-quality powder HSS (66 Rockwell, very tough) gives the double-layered blade an outstanding edge life even with other wear-intensive materials, like exotic woods, laminates or glued woods. Japanese white oak block. Blade width 55 mm Blade thickness 6 mm Length 240 mm 750 g No. 718088 150.42 € 179.00 €

Before forge welding, the packet of the soft iron body and the hard steel strip is heated to approx. 1050° in the smith's furnace.

Planes | Japanese planes, Traditional Chinese planes

Ready-to-use Japanese planes with replaceable HSS blades The Kanna's remarkable smoothness is primarily attributable to its particularly thick plane blade, which generally must be sharpened by hand and set into the body before use. The Kanetomo planes allow you to forego these time-consuming steps by using replaceable HSS cutters. The cutters fit flush into a recess in the back of the heavy, vibration-absorbing blade. C D



= = = =

Plane blade Repl. HSS cutter Chipbreaker Pin for positioning the chipbreaker

The razor-sharp cutters will produce firstclass surface finishes even when working difficult materials. They are hardened to 68 Rockwell to guarantee superb edge life.



B CHAMFER PLANE, SKEWED For 45° bevels. The bevel width can be adjusted (0-16 mm). The chipbreaker and the slightly angled blade (pull-cutting) allow it to be used even with difficult grain. Japanese white oak body. Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 5.5 mm Length 200 mm 435 g No. 717031 94.12 € 112.00 €



A SMOOTHING PLANE (KANETOMO) Resin-impregnated Japanese red oak body, highly resistant to wear and warping. The chipbreaker is not adjustable. 1 Blade width 42 mm Length 180 mm 450 g No. 717074 54.54 € 64.90 €

2 Blade width 50 mm Length 225 mm 805 g No. 717018 55.38 € 65.90 €

3 Blade width 58 mm Length 255 mm 940 g No. 717057 57.90 € 68.90 €

5 repl. blades

5 repl. blades

5 repl. blades

No. 717075



12.52 € 14.90 €

No. 717019


12.52 € 14.90 €


C SCRAPING PLANE Vertical blade. For trueing the soles of Japanese planes, working very hard woods and thin pieces. Plane across or diagonal to the grain. Japanese white oak body. Blade width 42 mm Blade thickness 6 mm Length 155 m 400 g No. 717015 53.70 € 63.90 €

F RADIUS PLANE With two radii, 2.5 and 5 mm. Carbon-steel plane blade (62 Rockwell), with screw cap. Japanese white oak body. Blade thickness 3 mm Length 150 mm 190 g No. 717034 26.81 €

31.90 €

More Japanese planes are available online at www.more-than-tools.de

D COMPASS PLANE The sole is curved along its length and width, making it perfect for shaping seat bottoms, bowls, stringed-instrument bodies etc. Japanese white oak body. Blade width 36 mm Blade thickness 7 mm Length 155 mm 340 g No. 717020 100.00 € 119.00 €

No. 717058

12.52 € 14.90 €


E CHAMFER PLANE With removable fence for 45°, 60° and 30° bevels. Solid carbon-steel blade, approx. 62 Rockwell. Screw chipbreaker, Japanese white oak body. Blade width 20 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm Length 150 mm 290 g No. 717033 30.17 €

35.90 €

In Japan, the workpiece is not fixed between bench dogs, but is simply laid on a planing board or a planing beam with a stopper.

and guides it. Softwoods are easier to plane if they are moistened slightly. A dust-free workshop is recommended for high surface quality when planing. Grinding dust in particular blunts plane blades. Clean the wood surface thoroughly before planing.

The right hand is used to hold the front of the plane, push it down and pull. The left hand remains behind the blade

After working, push the Kanna blade back somewhat to reduce the tension on the block.

Traditional Chinese planes The basic design of the Chinese plane (Mu Bao) is similar to the Japanese Kanna. The major difference is that the Chinese plane can be used on either the pull or the push stroke, whereas the Japanese Kanna can only be used on the pull stroke. The larger Chinese planes have a cross-handle to facilitate pushstroke use (which can be removed for use on the pull stroke). The blades are held in place using a wedge or cap. The slightly wave-shaped plane bodies are made of either Hei Tan (a fine-grained type of ebony from Indonesia) or ShunGee (a type of rosewood). The uncoated surfaces are worked using scrapers and are polished. The plane blades are made of wear-resistant HSS steel (approx. 64 HRC), or forged carbon-steel (approx. 58 HRC) for special-purpose planes, which make Chinese planes visually appealing and solid all-round tools. Unless otherwise specified, the blade angle and thus the cutting angle is 40°.


A BLOCK PLANE Compact ebony body with square sides. HSS blade with chipbreaker. Blade width 44 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 105 mm 280 g No. 702956 26.81 € 31.90 € Repl. blade No. 702957 8.99 € 10.70 €


B SMALL SMOOTHING PLANE Ebony body with roof-like top. HSS plane blade with chipbreaker. Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm Length 175 mm 420 g No. 702954 41.68 € 49.60 € Repl. blade No. 702955 8.57 € 10.20 €


C BLOCK PLANE Ideal for working hardwoods and difficult grain. HSS plane blade with wooden wedge, no chipbreaker. Blade angle 60°. Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 125 mm 170 g No. 702962 20.76 € 24.70 € Repl. blade No. 702963 7.14 € 8.50 € 83

Planes | Traditional Chinese planes, Wetsern style planes



C 1

A RABBET PLANE Wave-shaped ebony body. HSS plane blade with wooden wedge, no chipbreaker. Blade width 25 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 150 mm 190 g No. 702964 25.13 € 29.90 € Repl. blade No. 702965 8.07 € 9.60 €

B RADIUS PLANE For rounding edges, dowels and hand rails. Rosewood body, carbon-steel blade with wedge, no chipbreaker. Radius 18 mm (concave). Blade width 26 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 160 mm 240 g No. 702958 18.99 € 22.60 € Repl. blade No. 702959 5.63 € 6.70 €



C MINI PLANES Rosewood plane body with polished brass hardware. High-quality HSS blades.Blade width 13 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 80 mm

2 Rabbet / chisel plane For working rabbets into the corners. 40 g No. 702947 19.92 € 23.70 € Repl. blade No. 702949 5.21 € 6.20 €

1 Block plane Curved body, with horn. 65 g No. 702946 19.92 € Repl. blade No. 702976 5.21 €

3 Scraping plane Cutting angle adjustable 80° to 90°. 60 g No. 702948 19.92 € 23.70 € Repl. blade No. 702976 5.21 € 6.20 €

23.70 € 6.20 €



D EBONY MINIATURE PLANES - SET Price advantage Well-suited for work with all hardwoods in the making of musical instruments as well as artistic carpentry and chair- and model-making. With bodies of vibrant, grained, Makassar ebony and polished brass caps, HSS blades

(64 Rockwell). Set, 5 pieces. Blade width 18 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm Length 90 mm No. 710845 96.55 €

114.90 €

E SPOKESHAVE, STRAIGHT SHAPE HSS blades, secured with wedge. Ebony body. Plain steel-plated sole. Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm Length 265 mm 107 g No. 702975 22.44 € 26.70 €

Spokeshaves do not have chipbreakers. In order to prevent tear-out during use, it is therefore particularly important that the blade is extremely sharp and that you work with the grain where possible.

F G 1


Western style planes

(FLOAT) Chinese carpenters traditionally use this scraping plane for bow-making or precisely shaping both flat and curved hardwood surfaces. The tool’s action is similar to that of a scraper blade, yet with the advantage that there is no wave effect when working even the most highly figured woods. Very efficient for rapidly removing stock when correcting the flatness or curvature of a surface. Cambered beech body. Blade width approx. 45 mm Length 230 mm Blade 1 straight No. 702978 26.81 € 31.90 € 2 concave No. 702979 26.81 € 31.90 €

G SPOKESHAVES, WING-SHAPED Carbon-steel blades, with cranked tangs that project through the tool’s body. Flat sole, Shun-Gee body.



10.84 € 12.90 €

Blade width 67 mm Length 190 mm 50 g No. 702971

12.18 € 14.50 €

Planing tips Planes and spokeshaves work better when the cutting edge of the blade is skewed to the direction of the cut (drawing cut). Technically, this is because the effective cutting angle of the blade is reduced, as is the amount of force required to make a cut.

E.C.E.® planes Tried-and-tested cabinetmaker's plane from traditional German manufacturer Emmerich. Unless otherwise specified, the soles are made of extremely wearresistant lignum vitae wood, whose self-lubricating effect ensures a smooth sliding action. The blades are sharpened and set ready for use. The blade angle and thus the cutting angle is 50°.

H E.C.E.® BLOCK PLANE Lightweight plane for assembly work and making musical instruments. Large, hemispherical-shaped adjusting screw for setting the shaving thickness. White beech body. Blade width 39 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm Length 150 mm 450 g No. 703101 55.97 € 66.60 € Repl. blade No. 703104 12.18 € 14.50 €

Blade width 42 mm Length 150 mm 25 g No. 702970


Planes and spokeshaves should be drawn across the workpiece quickly while applying even pressure. Slow strokes may lead to unsteady cutting (chattering).

I E.C.E.® REFORM SMOOTHING PLANE Classic smoothing plane. Shaving thickness adjustable with a setscrew free of backlash. Blade pre-tensioning, adjustable mouth opening via a sliding plate, and lateral blade adjustment via a rocker. The body and asymmetrical handle (for righthanders) are made of air-dried cherry wood. Blade width 48 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 225 mm 1200 g No. 703105 150.00 € 178.50 € Repl. blade No. 703106 20.34 € 24.20 €

Planes | Western style planes, Scraper blades



A E.C.E.® SMOOTHING PLANE Traditional German smoothing plane with integrated wedge support. The wedge can easily be removed by hand. Domestic red beech body, hornbeam sole with toothed joint. Blade width 48 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm Length 220 mm 1000 g No. 703109 58.57 € 69.70 € Repl. blade No. 703100 16.47 € 19.60 €

B E.C.E® PRIMUS RABBET PLANE Ideal for making and finishing rabbets and adjusting tenons and hand rails. Backlash-free blade adjustment with knurled screw. The mouth opening is adjustable via the sliding plate held in a grout and a wing nut. Durable white beech body. Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 270 mm 840 g No. 703092 127.98 € 152.30 € Repl. blade No. 703093 20.59 € 24.50 €



C E.C.E.® RABBET PLANE Mouth opening adjustable via sliding plate and wing nut. Hornbeam body and sole. Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm Length 270 mm 560 g No. 703108 59.50 € 70.80 € Repl. blade No. 703110 15.04 € 17.90 €

D E.C.E.® ROUTER PLANE For making grooves, grouts and other recessed surfaces. Red beech body. 3 L-shaped blades, bevel angle 25°. Widths 10, 15, 20 mm Length 220 mm 770 g No. 703098 77.73 € 92.50 € 3 repl. blades No. 703099 54.62 € 65.00 €



E ULMIA® DOVETAIL PLANE This Western style model has a solid plane body made of red beech with a white beech sole, which is hard and wear-resistant. The sole is inclined at an angle of 73 degrees to the right-hand surface. The metal fence allows for adjusting the required depth. The inclination and the pitch of the iron allow a skewed cut

and also easier sharpening because the iron is formed like a normal plane iron. The blade also guides the cutting forces towards the inside to prevent surface tearing along the dovetail tip. This technical solution is not considered by many other suppliers and therefore fairly rare. A scoring spur which can be fitted as required minimises the risk of surface tearing. Blade width 33 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 240 mm 965 g No. 703800 102.10 € 121.50 €

F DOVETAIL CUTTER With this dovetail cutter for use with a router, you can not only make joints more quickly and precisely, but also a lot more easily. The router cuts the grout into the wood and the matching sliding dovetail is added to the counterpart using our Ulmia Dovetail Plane. Cutter 17° and plane 73° match perfectly. The cutter is made of carbide metal and thus provides a long service life even when used for hardwood. Shaft diameter 8 mm Overall length 60 mm Diameter 20 mm Tilt angle 17 ° Max. depth of cut 16 mm No. 707361 37.73 € 44.90 €


G EDGE-TRIMMING PLANES For rounding or chamfering solid-wood edges, multilayer board, corian etc. The HSS double blades (pre-cut and postcut) allow clean cuts to be made even when working difficult grain. Maple body with brass fitting on the sole. Length 175 mm 155 g Rounding plane Radius 3 mm. Length 175 mm 155 g No. 703095 Repl. blade No. 703097

19.24 € 22.90 € 9.16 € 10.90 €

Chamfer plane 45° chamfer, 3 mm. Length 175 mm 155 g No. 703094 Repl. blade No. 703096

19.24 € 22.90 € 9.16 € 10.90 €

I H BOWMAKER´S SCRAPING PLANE Special tool for precision-finishing (tillering) traditional bows, also ideal for making instruments, ribs, model making or thinning leather straps. The spokeshave with a vertical blade facilitates high-precision shaving removal even with hardwoods and difficult grains. The extremely small mouth opening (0.5 mm) and chatter-free motion minimise the risk of

tear-out. A spring pre-tensioner makes it easier to adjust the blade and a brass plate protects the sole from wear. The body is made of pear wood finished with oil. Blade width 24 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Length 300 mm 140 g No. 702987 83.95 € 99.90 €

I SMALL BENCH PLANE This compact smoothing plane is patterned after models manufactured by Austrian company Weiß & Sohn. It features double blades with a high-quality

HSS cutting edge and an asymmetrical horn. Fine-grained, hardwood body. Cutting angle 45°. Blade width 36 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Length 190 mm 682 g No. 702968 26.81 € 31.90 € Repl. blade No. 702969 10.00 € 11.90 €


Scraper blades Scraper blades are indispensable for smoothing wooden surfaces, removing marks left by planing and routing, cleaning glued joints and levelling uneven varnish coats. Sharpened properly and burnished with a fine hook, they are capable of removing the finest shavings and leaving a smoother and more precise surface finish than can be attained by grinding. By varying the pressure, angle and curvature of the scraper, you can achieve superb results even against the grain (knotty wood, inlays, parquet etc.). We recommend using a fine-grain waterstone for finishing the cutting edge and

1 a diamond stone or fine flat file for levelling and squaring the edge when necessary.

J FRENCH SCRAPER BLADES Spring steel, approx. 50 HRC, excellent blade durability. 1 Rectangular 150 x 50 mm

2 Gooseneck 130 x 70 mm


0.25 mm 0.4 mm 0.6 mm 0.8 mm 1 mm




No. 703507 No. 703502 No. 703504 No. 703505 No. 703506

1.85 1.85 1.85 2.10 2.27

€ € € € €

2.20 € 2.20 € 2.20 € 2.50 € 2.70 €

0.4 mm 0.6 mm 0.8 mm

No. 703516 No. 703510 No. 703535

3.11 € 3.11 € 3.19 €

3.70 € 3.70 € 3.80 €

3 Scraper sets, 4-piece 4-piece sets: rectangular 150 x 50 mm, convex/concave 140 x 50 mm, rounded 140 x 70 mm, gooseneck 130 x 70 mm Thickness

0.4 mm 0.6 mm 0.8 mm

No. 703517 10.34 € 12.30 € No. 703518 10.84 € 12.90 € No. 703536 11.09 € 13.20 € 85

Accessories | Scraper blades, Scrapers and putty knife

Scrapers and putty knife A F K A SMALL SCRAPER SET, 3-PIECE For working on small workpieces or in hard-to-reach areas. 50 x 25 mm Thickness 0.4 mm No. 703539 2.35 € 2.80 €


B MINI SCRAPER SET, 7-PIECE 7-piece set of small scraper blades made of Swedish steel. Thickness 0.4 mm 27 x 45 mm to 50 x 110 mm No. 703500 25.13 € 29.90 €

F HATTORI BURNISHER Ø 10 MM This scraper-burnisher made from hardened HSS steel (64 HRC) is ideal for raising a burr on scrapers. The surface is finely polished for a smooth drawing movement and thus an even burr. A solid stainless steel ferrule joins the blade to the varnished rosewood handle. Overall length 285 mm No. 703521 11.68 € 13.90 € ®



K PUTTY KNIFE Traditional German-made putty knife. The hardened, flexibly ground and dryfined steel blade with a continuous narrow tang is attached with a brass clamp to an exotic-wood handle. Blade width 40 mm No. 718214 15.88 € 18.90 €

G KUNZ® BURNISHER, THREE-SQUARE Triangular cross-section for high burnishing pressure. Hardened tool steel 62 HRC. Beech handle. Overall length 240 mm No. 703537 12.52 € 14.90 €

L GLUE SCRAPER For removing dried, excess glue and scraping away extra varnish. Designed for heavy-duty use. Solid metal handle for two-handed use. High-quality, double-edged blade (HRC 60). Blade length 60 mm Handle 315 mm No. 703161 21.01 € 25.00 € Repl. blade No. 703162 6.64 € 7.90 €

M 1


C JAPANESE SCRAPER STEEL The same high-quality steel used for Japanese saw blades is now available as a semifinished product. The sheets are ideal for producing your own high-quality scraper blades with a long edge life, even when used with the hardest woods. Hitachi steel SK5, basic hardness approx. 54 HRC (can be cut and filed). Length 500 mm 0.5 x 90 x 500 mm No. 703523 8.32 € 9.90 € 0.7 x 70 x 500 mm No. 703524 7.39 € 8.80 €


D LEATHER CASE For protecting sharpened scraper and plane blades from damage. Snap-down flap, belt loop, 4 pockets. Interior dimensions 160 x 80 mm. No. 703549 13.95 € 16.60 €

H CARB CUT 2 Efficient sharpening tool for scraper blades and scrapertype turning tools, with two differently shaped hardened metal inserts made of durable carbides: a rounded one for smoothing at normal deformation pressure and a pointed one for high deformation pressure and larger burrs. Forged aluminium handle with hand guard. Leather pouch and instructions included. Length 150 mm No. 703533 25.13 € 29.90 €


1 Painter's putty knife Flexible painter's putty knife with a thin blade for applying putty or scraping off old layers. Blade width 77 mm Blade length 130 mm No. 718218 8.32 € 9.90 €

2 2 Rust scraper (flame-cleaning scraper, de-rusting putty knife) Rigid blade with single bevel for use in flame cleaning or for scraping off old layers. The angled shape of the blade makes it easy to reach into corners. Blade width 63 mm Blade length 87 mm No. 718217 6.64 € 7.90 €


I VERITAS® TRUEING GAUGE Clamp for flat files to facilitate trueing of scrapers, saw blades (suitable file: No. 704901) and even ski edges. 90° and 45° fence. Aluminium. Length 140 mm Max. file thickness 5 mm No. 703526 18.07 €


For information on sharpening scrapers blades, see our sharpening guide, which you can order free of charge.

N Scraper blade

21.50 €

N SCRAPER When removing paints, dry residual glue and for restoration projects, these handy scrapers are indispensable aids. The special steel blade, sharpened on one side, is simply inserted in the nickelplated blade mount. Beech handle.


35 mm 10 blades

60 mm 10 blades

No. 718220 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 718221 7.14 € 8.50 € No. 718222 11.09 € 13.20 € No. 718223 9.16 € 10.90 €




E VERITAS® SCRAPER HOLDER Makes using straight scraper blades easier and reduces the risk of cuts and burns. The scraping blade is tensioned on both sides, holding it particularly securely in place. The tension is centrally adjusted with a screw. Strong, fibreglassreinforced plastic body with brass fittings. Only suitable for 150 mm, standard-length scrapers. Comes with a super-hard, 0.75 mm thick scraper. No. 703527 37.90 € 45.10 €

M PUTTY KNIVES WITH PLASTIC HANDLES The handles of these high-quality putty knives with a full-length blade are extremely robust and have a textured surface for a secure grip. The hardened blade is made of stainless steel. With hang-up hole.

J VERITAS® VARIABLE BURNISHERS For safely Locking screw sharpening Carbide rod the edges of scraper blades. The bla0°-15° de of the scraper is Dial guided along knob Scraper blade an adjustable hardenedsteel rod to accurately work its edge. Fibreglass reinforced plastic body, hardenedsteel sharpening rod, angle adjustable from 0°-15°. With one 0.6 mm thick blade. No. 703528 31.01 € 36.90 €



O DICK® SERRATED SCRAPER FOR BOWMAKERS Sinew coating The serrated scraper is used Wood to apply a grooved joining Horn surface between Cross-section the horn layer and the wooden core of the riser of a composite bow. The grooves almost double the glueing surface. The entire blade of Japanese carbon steel is hardened to approx. 58-62 HRC and guarantees a long service life. A point angle of 50° on the teeth allows easy penetration but still makes them robust enough for use on the

hard horn material. Blade thickness 2 mm

1 Serrated scraper with handle Two riveted handles of Japanese red oak for precise control along with a T- shaped flush-mounted aluminium fence allow for easy handling. Outer dimensions 140 x 85 mm. No. 703239 50.34 € 59.90 € 2 Serrated scraper blade Blank for mounting own handles. Outer dimensions 130 x 70 mm. No. 703240 31.01 € 36.90 €

Bench stones | 89 Synthetic waterstones resp. oilstones | 89 DMT速速-diamond stones | 91 Natural stones | 91

Shaped stones and shaped sharpeners | 92


Synthetic waterstones resp. oilstones | 92 DMT速速-diamond stones | 93 Natural stones | 93

Sharpening stone accessories | 94

Quick-sharpeners | 94

Sharpening sets | 94

Sharpening systems | 96

Sharpening accessories | 98 Polishing devices | 98 Rust-removers and protectors | 99 Honing guides | 100


Sharpening devices




Sharpness is defined by the quality of the

Why not tool sharpening steel?

neral after diamond and, thanks to its solid

intersection of the two bevels which meet at

This serves only for the removal of burrs from

consistency, makes an ideal abrasive. Syn-

the cutting edge. Dull blades show a roun-

conventional kitchen knives up to a hardness

thetic manufacture already began in the 19th

Natural corundum is the second-hardest mi-

ding at the cutting edge. Sharpening is there- of 58 Rockwell. A tool sharpening steel does

century under the name aluminium oxide.

fore concerned with the precise abrasion of

not sharpen. Tool sharpening steels have a

The ÂťwhiteÂŤ aluminium oxide (sharpening

material on the bevelled surfaces in order

hardness of 60 to 70 Rockwell. They would

stones are often coloured) is the purest

to obtain a perfect cutting edge again.

only scratch Japanese blades or glide use-

grade. In some stone series, corundum is

lessly over the surface. For this reason, we

used as the main component but is mixed

do not offer tool sharpening steels in our

with metal oxides for increased toughness.


Corundum is a considerably finer abrasive


Cutting edge Bevel Bevel angle




than silicon carbide. Grit


The grit describes the fineness of a grinding

2 Silicon carbide

agent. In Europe, it is defined as the number

Synthetic production makes silicon carbide


of meshes per square inch of a sieve.

almost as hard as diamond. Silicon carbide

If you can slice a

Thus, for example, a grinding agent of grit

has especially sharp-edged crystals and is

ripe tomato with

500 just barely passes through a sieve with

considerably more brittle than corundum.

only the weight of

500 meshes per square inch. Occasionally,

Green silicon carbide is the toughest and pu-

the knife and if no

the grit is also expressed in terms of the grind- rest form of silicon carbide. This abrasive is mainly used for coarse grains and its strucing particle size in microns (= 1/1000 mm).

losses arise or can be seen due to squashing,

ture makes it highly effective.

you can consider the sharpening procedure successful!

Bond The bond is critical for the stone. If the abra-

Grain size


sive grains are too firmly embedded, they

The larger the abrasive grain, the more abra-

The greatest chal-

cannot be renewed, so they round off and bite

sive the stone. On the other hand, this also

lenge for a woodwor-

no longer. If the bond is too soft, the grains

means that smaller abrasive grains create a

king tool is always

are simply washed off and the stone is

finer abrasive surface. Here it is important

the working of end

quickly deformed.

that the grains on the abrasive surface are mostly of the same size.

grain. Only truly sharp chisels or planes leave perfectly smooth crosscut surfaces.


Synthetic resin bond The smooth grinding feeling you get with na-

Grain shape

tural Japanese stones is best achieved with

Round abrasive grains are not very effective.

this type of bond. The bond is softer and

Therefore only angular grains are used.

thus releases the abrasive particles more quickly.

Hardness The abrasive must be harder than the mate-

- Sharpening stones and accessories Found here in the catalogue and in

Ceramic bond

rial to be removed. Otherwise, the abrasive

our webshop

The ceramic bond usually consists of glass

wears quickly and is no longer effective.

- DVDs and books

powder, which melts when the stone is baked, or of emery (mineral) mixed with clay.


This type of bond is slightly more sensitive to

An abrasive grain must be stable enough to

Tips and tricks for sharpening for order

impact but also more open-pored than the

be worn at all. If it is not stable, it will break

cost-free under www.more-than-tools.de

synthetic resin bond. The abrasives are

under the pressure of the grinding.

For self-study - Sharpening primer

- Workshops

tightly embedded and hardly come loose.

One-day workshops / Combined workshops (infos under www.more-than-tools.de) - Sharpening service

Abrasive agent Besides natural sharpening stones, synthetic

Experts trained by Japanese sharpening

abrasives are mostly used, as they are easier

specialists give your cutting tools breath-

and cheaper to produce with consistent size,

taking sharpness (infos under www.more-

shape and hardness. The following two abra-


sives are normally used:


Sharpening devices | Bench stones

Bench stones Synthetic waterstones resp. oilstones King® / Sun Tiger® Matsunaga is one of the largest manufacturers of sharpening stones in Japan. In the West, these stones are usually known as King stones or Sun Tiger stones. The stones of the King or Sun Tiger series have a relatively soft bond, which allows the abrasives to be continually exposed during use, making the stone highly effective. These stones are particularly suitable for extremely hard, low-alloy carbon steels (White and Blue Paper Steel). Extremely hard steels soon blunt the abrasive grains, but the soft bond allows the blunted grains to be quickly washed off, so the stone continues to be effective. Before use, soak the stones in water for at least 15 minutes. They can also be stored in water permanently.

Sharpening stones Medium-grit stones for sharpening blunt edges.

Honing stones Fine-grit waterstones for removing burr, polishing and honing.

Combination stones With two different grits.



F GRIT 4000, KING® Aluminium oxide abrasive. 210 x 73 x 22 mm No. 711021 33.53 €

I GRIT 250/1000, SUN TIGER® For shaping and sharpening. 250-grit side green silicon carbide, 1000-grit side aluminium oxide. 150 x 50 x 25 mm No. 711016 15.55 € 18.50 €


B GRIT 800, KING® Aluminium oxide abrasive. 207 x 66 x 34 mm No. 711001 19.24 €

22.90 €



Coarse shaping stones Coarse-grained stones for abrading large amounts of material. For repairing nicks and chips, altering the bevel geometry, removing corrosion etc.

C GRIT 1000, KING® HYPER Highly effective abrasion with a somewhat softer bond than the standard series. Aluminium oxide abrasive. 205 x 70 x 34 mm No. 711008 44.45 € 52.90 €

G GRIT 6000, KING® Aluminium oxide abrasive. 185 x 62 x 19 mm No. 711003 21.76 €




39.90 €

J 25.90 €


2 1 D GRIT 1000, KING® Aluminium oxide abrasive. 207 x 66 x 34 mm No. 711011 20.08 €

23.90 €

H GRIT 8000, KING® GOLD STONE Aluminium oxide abrasive. 185 x 62 x 19 mm No. 711004 41.09 € 48.90 €

2 E

More King stones can be found on the Internet at www.more-than-tools.de

A GRIT 220/240, SUN TIGER Shaping stone with good sharpening qualities. Green silicon carbide abrasive. ®

1 Bench Stone 220, 205 x 66 x 34 mm No. 711010 27.65 € 32.90 € 2 Bench Stone 240, 205 x 75 x 50 mm No. 711000 33.53 € 39.90 €

Suehiro® Suehiro is a smaller Japanese company which has been producing sharpening stones for three generations. The stones from the original Suehiro series have a relatively soft bond and are thus designed for low-alloy carbon steels (Blue and White Paper Steel). Before use, soak the stones in water for at least 10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep them in water permanently.


K GRIT 100, SUEHIRO® Very aggressive, hard silicon carbide stone. Also suited for trueing other stones. 210 x 55 x 27 mm No. 710990 11.34 € 13.50 € L

L GRIT 1000/3000, SUEHIRO® Compact stone for sharpening and honing. White aluminium oxide abrasive. 134 x 40 x 26 mm No. 711533 11.68 € 13.90 €

3 J GRIT 1000/6000 Aluminium oxide abrasive. 1 Sun Tiger®, 150 x 50 x 25 mm No. 711007 19.24 € 22.90 €

E GRIT 1200, KING® Aluminium oxide abrasive. 207 x 66 x 34 mm No. 711002 19.24 €

22.90 €

M CERAX® BY SUEHIRO® Cerax is the best-known brand of the Suehiro company. The stones sold under this name have a medium-hard bond and are particularly suitable for high-alloy tool steels but also for low-alloy carbon steels. The coarse-grained alloy constituents (e.g. chromium and vanadium) in tool steels require a stone that wears slowly. The stone with the base has extra stability and is easy to store. The included Nagura stone is used for cleaning and unclogging the surface of the stone and for creating a fine polishing paste.

When sharpening one should note the sound and traces on the stone, both are indicative of the intensity and the uniformity of the contact between stone and steel.

Before use, soak the stones in water for at least 10 minutes, but do not store them in water permanently. White aluminium oxide abrasive.

2 King®, 205 x 50 x 25 mm No. 711005 29.24 €

34.80 €

3 King®, big, 207 x 66 x 36 mm No. 711006 39.41 € 46.90 €

Honing stones Fine-grit waterstones for removing burr, polishing and honing. GRIT 6000, CERAX® 206 x 73 x 23 mm with base No. 711554 52.86 € 62.90 € without base No. 711555 50.34 € 59.90 € GRIT 8000, CERAX® 206 x 73 x 23 mm with base No. 711556 69.66 € 82.90 € without base No. 711557 67.14 € 79.90 €

Forming of the stones Combination stones With two different grits.


Coarse shaping stones Coarse-grained stones for abrading large amounts of material. For repairing nicks and chips, altering the bevel geometry, removing corrosion etc. Grit 400, CERAX® 206 x 73 x 23 mm with base No. 711548 31.01 € 36.90 € without base No. 711549 28.49 € 33.90 €


Sharpening stones Medium-grit stones for sharpening blunt edges. GRIT 1000, CERAX® 206 x 73 x 23 mm with base No. 711550 41.93 € 49.90 € without base No. 711551 37.73 € 44.90 € GRIT 3000, CERAX® 206 x 73 x 23 mm with base No. 711552 43.61 € 51.90 € without base No. 711553 39.41 € 46.90 €

GRIT 1000/3000, CERAX® For sharpening. Without Nagura stone. 183 x 63 x 32 mm No. 711024 33.53 € 39.90 € GRIT 1000/6000, CERAX® For sharpening and finishing. 183 x 63 x 32 mm with base No. 711546 50.34 € 59.90 € without base No. 711547 37.73 € 44.90 €


Sharpening devices | Bench stones

Shapton® The premium range from Japanese company Shapton is the glass-stone series. The sharpening particles are highly pure and homogeneous. This is noticeable when changing to finer grits: The traces from the previous grit are quickly ground out. A special bond allows quick sharpening on a flat surface. The sharpening stone has a base of tempered glass and is thus 100% warp-free. Conventional sharpening stones may warp microscopically by absorbing water, but Shapton stones solve this problem with their extremely flat base of tempered glass. Another advantage of the glass base is that the grit rating on the underside is always visible even after much use. Before use, spray the stones with water. It is not recommended to keep them in water permanently. White aluminium oxide abrasive.

Naniwa® Naniwa is another large manufacturer of sharpening stones in Japan. The orginal Naniwa stones have a relatively hard bond. The stones stay flat but offer little abrasion. Before use, soak them in water



A SHAPTON®, HARD BOND A hard bond is particularly suitable for high-alloy tool steels. The coarse-grained alloy constituents (e.g. chromium and vanadium) in tool steels require a stone that wears slowly. 210 x 70 x 10 mm

B SHAPTON®, SOFTER BOND These stones are particularly suitable for extremely hard, low-alloy carbon steels (White and Blue Paper Steel). Extremely hard steels soon blunt the abrasive grains, but the soft bond allows the blunted grains to be quickly washed off, so the stone continues to be effective. 210 x 70 x 10 mm


No. 711601 30.17 € 35.90 € 220 No. 711602 36.05 € 42.90 € 500 No. 711603 39.41 € 46.90 € 1000 No. 711604 46.97 € 55.90 € 2000 No. 711612 52.86 € 62.90 € 3000 No. 711616 52.86 € 62.90 € 4000 No. 711617 58.74 € 69.90 € 6000 No. 711618 73.87 € 87.90 € 8000 10.000 No. 711621 123.53 € 147.00 € 16.000* No. 711608 92.44 € 110.00 € 30.000 No. 711609 251.26 € 299.00 € * Mixed grit: 6000 - 20.000. In blade sharpening tests there was no noticeable difference in sharpness between a jump 2000 to 16.000 (mixed grit) and a standard sharpening procedure.

for approx. 10 minutes. You can also store them in water permanently. White aluminium oxide abrasive.



Grit Grit

4000 6000 8000

No. 711605 No. 711606 No. 711607

52.86 € 62.90 € 58.74 € 69.90 € 73.87 € 87.90 €

E GRIT 1000/3000, NANIWA® For sharpening and finishing. 175 x 55 x 25 mm No. 711061 15.88 €

18.90 €

F GRIT 1000, EXTRA LARGE, NANIWA® Ideal for large knives, wide plane blades, drawknives and blades of all kind. 233 x 102 x 70 mm No. 711320 50.34 € 59.90 €

500, 2000, 8000 No. 711615 176.39 € 209.90 € 1000, 3000, 8000 No. 711622 200.84 € 239.00 €

D Grain 220 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 from 8000

Application Course shaping Flattening Pre-sharpening Medium sharpening Fine sharpening Taking off the burr Finishing and polishing

Super Stone by Naniwa® This series is particularly suitable for the final polishing of knife blades. The hard bond allows a very flat stone with a high polishing effect. Before use, soak the stones in water for approx. 10 minutes. Do not keep them in water permanently. White aluminium oxide abrasive.



C SHAPTON®, SET Price advantage Three sharpening stones with hard bond including sharpening stone holder.

G GRIT 8000, SUPER STONE® 210 x 70 x 20 mm No. 711023 67.14 €


59.90 €


H GRIT 10.000, SUPER STONE® With plastic base. 210 x 70 x 10 mm No. 711535 64.62 € 76.90 €

79.90 €

Several smaller manufacturers




I AKATSUKI®, GRIT 8000 This high-quality honing stone is made by a small Japanese company. It hardly clogs, with noticeable abrasion but still a high polishing effect. Because of its hard bond, the stone does not wear quickly. Thanks to its large surface, it is also suitable for wide plane blades and large knives. Before use, soak the stone in water for approx. 10 minutes. You can also store it in water permanently. 205 x 73 x 24 mm No. 711020 65.46 € 77.90 €

J JINZO®, GRIT 2000 This Japanese waterstone of aluminium oxide has a hard bond and therefore does not wear quickly. Before use, soak the stone in water for approx. 10 minutes. Do not keep it in water permanently. 215 x 75 x 50 mm No. 710991 46.97 € 55.90 €

Norton® US-based company Norton has been developing industrial abrasives since 1885. With separate production facilities for individual divisions in 28 countries, including Germany, France and Japan, the company has become the world leader in abrasives of all kinds.

M NORTON® INDIA OILSTONES The Norton India series provides the full range of oilstones for sharpening, plus the natural Arkansas stone for honing. The gentle, highly pure aluminium oxide used for their manufacture is much finer than the abrasives of other synthetic oilstones. Additionally the stone is highly effective and does not clog easily. Presoaked with oil in the factory, it comes ready for use.

For honing oil see page 93. 90

K SYNTHETIC CLEANING STONE (NAGURA) Synthetic stone for cleaning and unclogging the surface of the sharpening stones and for creating a fine polishing paste. 72 x 23 x 19 mm No. 711302 3.28 €

L CHINESE SHARPENING STONES Good sharpening performance at an attractive price. The stones of silicon carbide are highly effective, but the surface is not as fine as with comparable Japanese grits. Before use, soak the stones in water for approx. 10 minutes. Do not keep them in water permanently. 200 x 50 x 25 mm Grit

3.90 €

M 1

600 1000

No. 705522 No. 705523

10.84 € 10.84 €

12.90 € 12.90 €

Bench stones, Norton® 203 x 51 x 25 mm 1 rough, equals approx. grit 220 No. 711051 8.32 € 9.90 € 2 fine, equals approx. grit 1000 No. 711052 12.18 € 14.50 €



3 Combination stone, coarse/fine, Norton® 203 x 51 x 25 mm No. 711053 11.68 € 13.90 €

Sharpening devices | Bench stones

DMT® diamond stones The US-based company Diamond Machining Technology, (DMT) is the leading manufacturer of quality diamond sharpening stones. DMT tools are precision manufactured, highly wear resistant and extremely effective. The monocrystalline diamonds*, permanently embedded in a nickel matrix, guarantee remarkable sharpening speed even when working the hardest tool steels. The diamond-coated blocks remain permanently plane, and are especially suitable for tools with straight blades as well as for producing plane surfaces (e.g. backs of plane and chisel blades, plane soles, scrapers). Also suitable for carbide coated cutters, HSS, as well as non-metal materials (glass, ceramic etc.). We recommend moistening the DMT stones with water and grinding with little pressure.




B DUO-SHARP® COMBINATION STONES Diamond stone with two opposite plates of different grains. The stress-free sandwich construction guarantees flatness. Excellent for trueing (blade backs, other sharpening stones) and for sharpening cutting edges of all kinds. DMT Non-skid mat included.

E DIA-SHARP® BENCH STONES Continuous surface diamond coating on compact base plate. Ideal for pointed tools or accurately trueing the backs of tools. Rubber feet.



Fine / coarse 250 x 100 x 9.5 mm No. 705375 137.82 €


Fine / coarse 203 x 67 x 9.5 mm No. 705371 88.24 € Coarse / extra coarse 203 x 67 x 9.5 mm No. 705370 88.24 €



* Monocrystalline diamonds are significantly more wear resistant than the polycrystalline diamonds used to make lesser quality diamond sharpening tools.

Polycarbonate or metal base.

te l pla Stee

105.00 €

105.00 €

4 ™

A DIAMOND WHETSTONE MODELS For knives and tools. Plastic case, slip-proof rubber base. 152 x 50 x 19 mm Grit

Nickel-embedded diamonds Recesses prevent swarf from clogging the stone.

164.00 €

1 2 3 4

extra co. coarse fine extrafine

No. 705365 No. 705366 No. 705367 No. 705368

41.93 41.93 41.93 41.93

€ € € €

49.90 € 49.90 € 49.90 € 49.90 €


C DUO-SHARP® PLUS™ SET Double-sided Diamond Sharpening Tool, incl. mount. 203 x 67 x 9.5 mm No. 705372 91.60 € 109.00 €

Extra extra fine 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 705389

62.10 € 73.90 €

Extra fine 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 706281

52.69 € 62.70 €

Fine 152 x 51 x 6 mm No. 705380

28.15 € 33.50 €

Fine 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 705381

52.69 € 62.70 €

Coarse 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 705358

50.34 € 59.90 €

Extra extra coarse 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 705382

65.97 € 78.50 €

D Extra-extra coarse

(grit size 120 μm)


for trueing

Extra coarse (black)

(grit size 60 μm)


for coarse shaping, trueing

Coarse (blue)

(grit size 45 μm)


for coarse sharpening

Fine (red)

(grit size 25 μm)


for sharpening

Extra fine (green)

(grit size 9 μm)


for sharpening, honing

Extra extra fine

(grit size 9 μm)


for honing

F D MOUNT FOR DUO-SHARP® Fits No. 705375, 705371 and 705370. Stable plastic, handle on underside, antislip rubber pad. 311 x 117 x 57 mm No. 705399 16.72 € 19.90 €

F NON-SKID MAT Prevents sharpening stone slippage. 100 x 250 mm No. 705364 4.12 € 4.90 €

Honing stones, (Awasedo) Natural stones Natural Japanese stones »A blade and sharpening stone must be as perfect a match as bride and groom« according to legendary blacksmith, Shigeoshi Iwasaki. Finding the ideal pairing is no easy task in either case. Despite the excellent performance of synthetic stones, many experienced sharpeners still prefer natural stones for sharpening their finest blades. Japanese sharpening stones are particularly renowned for their ability to harmoniously sharpen hand-forged carbon-steels. They can bring a blade’s full potential to the fore and allow the sharpening process itself to become a pleasant ritual.

Sharpening stones, (Nakato)


G AKA Medium-coarse grit lime sandstone, very open texture, with good honing properties. Grit 400-800 150 x 45 x 30 mm No. 711534

10.76 € 12.80 €

220 x 65 x 65 mm No. 711519

25.13 € 29.90 €


The finest stones from the Honyama quarries are becoming increasingly difficult to acquire - we take great pleasure in still being able to offer these rare treasures. Natural Japanese stones may only be used with water and must be kept protected from frost. Please note that the stones may have slight natural imperfections and may vary somewhat in size.



H BINSUI Medium-grit lime sandstone for general sharpening. Readily absorbs water, cuts well and easily produces a fine slurry. Grit 800-1200 220 x 65 x 62 mm No. 711518 33.53 € 39.90 €

I JYO-HAKU Fine lime sandstone from the Kumamoto/Sage region with a dense structure and even grain for intermediate grinding. Grit 1000 - 1500 206 x 65 x 35 mm No. 711620 31.01 € 36.90 € J

K SHO-HONYAMA Very fine-grit stone cut from a thin stratum of sedimentary rock at the Sho-Honyama quarry. Unparalleled for honing and polishing hand-forged chisels, plane blades and carbon-steel knives. Mounted on a wooden base. Grit 6000-8000 200 x 72 x 22 mm No. 711516 117.56 € 139.90 €


J HONYAMA AO Fine-grit, grey sedimentary stone from the famous Honyama quarry. Very uniform fine grit for fine sharpening purposes. Synthetic base. Grit 1000-2000 185 x 58 x 38 mm No. 711517 55.38 € 65.90 €


L HONYAMA QUARRY STONES Natural fragments, planed flat on one side. From the point of view of sharpening properties comparable with good Belgian bench stones. Grit approx. 6000-8000 Approx. 100-140 x 70-90 x 10-20 mm No. 711303 27.65 € 32.90 €

M NATURAL CLEANING STONE (NAGURA) Stone for cleaning and unclogging the surface of the sharpening stones and for creating a fine polishing paste. Approx. 50 x 40 x 30 mm No. 711301 10.00 € 11.90 € 91

Sharpening devices | Bench stones, Shaped stones and shaped sharpeners

Rozsutec stones Sedimentary sandstone from the Slovakian Mala-Fatra Mountains, ideal for honing. Fine and even grit, high abrasion resistance. Grit approx. 8000.



A BENCH STONE 200 x 80 x 45 mm No. 705579

43.61 €

51.90 €

B FLAT BENCH STONE 150 x 50 x 20 mm No. 705580 10.00 €

Belgian coticule whetstones The quarrying of Belgian whetstones in the Ardennes is first mentioned in a Roman document. But the story of these natural honing stones goes further back than that. The approx. 480 million-yearold grey yellow sedimentary stones, originating from volcanic ash, are composed of very fine garnet crystals. During honing these are released and in combination with the water and abrasion debris make a honing paste. The garnets only remove fine shavings from the metal and ensure a good polish. Unique combination of speed and grain size. Interesting fact: To produce 1 kg of sharpening stones approx. 1500 kg of cliff must be removed. The thin yellow

11.90 €

slices are glued to a slate base and cut to size. Grit approx. 6000–8000. Measurements are approximate.

65.21 €

77.60 €

200 x 48 x 20 mm No. 705250

80.59 €

95.90 €

Tip: The slate base can be used for coarse sharpening.

33-39 cm2 No. 705564 17.14 € 20.40 € 48-58 cm2 No. 705565 31.85 € 37.90 €



150 x 40 x 20 mm No. 705556

49.41 €

250 x 60 x 25 mm No. 705555 192.44 €

58.80 € 229.00 €



150 x 48 x 20 mm No. 705258


Synthetic waterstones resp. oilstones

Dual Stone® by Suehiro® A new development, which will primarily appeal to sculptors, is the new Dual Stone series from Suehiro. The extremely hard abrasive grains have a relatively hard, non-porous bond. The main advantage of this series is that you can sharpen with water or oil, whichever you prefer, so the series can be optimally



Multiform stones For sculptors’ tools and turning tools.

Suehiro® Suehiro is a smaller Japanese company which has been producing sharpening stones for three generations. The stones from the original Suehiro series have a relatively soft bond and are thus designed for low-alloy carbon steels (Blue and White Paper Steel). Before use, soak the stones in water for at least 10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep them in water permanently. White aluminium oxide abrasive.




Shaped stones and shaped sharpeners

King® / Sun Tiger® Matsunaga is one of the largest manufacturers of sharpening stones in Japan. In the West, these stones are usually known as King stones or Sun Tiger stones. The stones of the King or Sun Tiger series have a relatively soft bond, which allows the abrasives to be continually exposed during use, making the stone highly effective. These stones are particularly suitable for extremely hard, low-alloy carbon steels (White and Blue Paper Steel). Extremely hard steels soon blunt the abrasive grains, but the soft bond allows the blunted grains to be quickly washed off, so the stone continues to be effective. Before use, soak the stones in water for at least 15 minutes. They can also be stored in water permanently. Aluminium oxide abrasive. 180-grit stone green silicon carbide.

Arkansas oil stones Fine grained, extremely wear-resistant honing stones, for use with an oil lubricant. Due to their high degree of hardness and stable bond, particularly well-suited for polishing curved cutting edges. The stones we offer have a uniform structure and are crack-free. The black stones are somewhat harder than the white ones. They originate from quarries in the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas (USA) that unfortunately are almost depleted. Grit approx. 6000-8000. Sizes are approximate.



F FLAT BENCH STONE 75 x 30 x 20 mm No. 705557 14.71 €

17.50 €


G BLUE COTICULE WHETSTONE Thicker and longer lasting than the cream-coloured stones, but with equally good honing properties. Approx. 250 x 60 x 13 mm No. 705570 44.71 € 53.20 €




H MULTIFORM STONES, KING® 61 x 22 x 5 mm



1 1000 2 4000 3 8000

No. 711204 No. 711205 No. 711206

4.62 € 5.21 € 6.64 €

5.50 € 6.20 € 7.90 €


2 1 1






No. 711201 14.03 € 16.70 € No. 711202 16.72 € 19.90 € No. 711203 26.81 € 31.90 €

1 180 2 1000 3 4000

K SLIPSTONE SETS, 2-PIECE, KING® For carving tools, consisting of: concave stone, radii of 2.5/ 5/8/12/16 mm, size 105 x 65 x 15 mm; convex stone, radii 2/3.5 mm, size 65 x 40 x 6 mm.

J CONICAL SLIPSTONES, KING For gouges. With concave and convex surfaces. 157 x Ø 78 x Ø 12 mm ®

I MULTIFORM STONES, KING® 100 x 50 x 10 mm 1 1000 2 4000 3 8000


No. 711401 25.97 € 30.90 € No. 711402 25.13 € 29.90 € No. 711403 26.81 € 31.90 €


1 1000 2 4000

No. 711208 15.04 € 17.90 € No. 711209 15.88 € 18.90 €

L MULTIFORM SHARPENING STONE, SUEHIRO® Ideal for sharpening and honing of all types of cutting tools: outcannel and incannel gouges, V-parting tools. The back side of the stone can also be used on chisels. 98 x 65 x 20 mm

L 1




complemented with Arkansas stones. You should rub the stones with water or oil before use and store them in a dry place. Because of the non-porous bond, the grits must be rated much finer.

1 280 2 1000 3 3000

No. 711536 11.18 € 13.30 € No. 711537 12.02 € 14.30 € No. 711538 15.46 € 18.40 €


M DUAL STONES® Rounded edges on both sides. 115 x 38 x 9 mm Grit


M 1

3-piece set Price advantage Grit 280 (No. 711536), grit 1000 (No. 711537) and grit 3000 (No. 711538) in a set. No. 711539 36.13 € 43.00 €


1 2 3 4

300 800 1000 4000

No. 711542 No. 711543 No. 711544 No. 711545

29.33 31.51 34.37 47.48

€ € € €

34.90 € 37.50 € 40.90 € 56.50 €

Sharpening devices | Shaped stones and shaped sharpeners

Norton® US-based company Norton has been developing industrial abrasives since 1885. With separate production facilities for individual divisions in 28 countries, including Germany, France and Japan, the company has become the world leader in abrasives of all kinds.

DMT® diamond stones The US-based company Diamond Machining Technology, Inc. (DMT) is the leading manufacturer of quality diamond sharpening stones. DMT tools are precision manufactured, highly wear resistant and extremely effective. The monocrystalline diamonds*, permanently embedded in a nickel matrix, guarantee remarkable sharpening speed even when working the hardest tool steels. The diamondcoated blocks remain permanently plane, and are especially suitable for tools with straight blades as well as for producing plane surfaces (e.g. backs of plane and chisel blades, plane soles, scrapers). Also suitable for carbide coated cutters, HSS, as well as non-metal materials (glass, ceramic etc.). We recommend moistening the DMT stones with water and grinding with little pressure.



* Monocrystalline diamonds are significantly more wear resistant than the polycrystalline diamonds used to make lesser quality diamond sharpening tools. Nickel-embedded diamonds Recesses prevent swarf from clogging the stone. Polycarbonate or metal base.

A NORTON® INDIA OILSTONES The Norton India series provides the full range of oilstones for sharpening, plus the natural Arkansas stone for honing. The gentle, highly pure aluminium oxide used for their manufacture is much finer than the abrasives of other synthetic oilstones. Additionally the stone is highly effective and does not clog easily. Presoaked with oil in the factory, it comes ready for use.


For sharpening courses see our workshop program or go to www.more-than-tools.de/workshops

A 1

2 Norton India, slipstones Fine (approx. grit 1000). 102 x 25 x 11 mm No. 711055 8.32 € 9.90 € 127 x 25 x 8 mm No. 711056 10.84 € 12.90 €






C DIAMOND WHETSTONE™ MINI Ideal for on the go: In a leather sheath, excellent for quickly sharpening router bits, small tools and knives. Fine grit. 111 x 23 x 5 mm No. 705386 22.69 € 27.00 €


4 D 5 B DIAFOLD® ALL-PURPOSE SHARPENER For sharpening outdoor knives, garden equipment, axes, shears or hard-metal machine tools. The foldable grip serves both as a protective sleeve for the diamond plate and while in storage. Single or double-sided coating. 110 x 23 mm 1 Extra fine / extra extra fine No. 706284 41.93 €

49.90 €

20.76 €


2 G DIA-SHARP MINI-HONE High-quality mini-hones with ergonomically shaped handles for easy sharpening of pruning shears, machine blades and router cutters. The compact design is ideal for tight spaces. 180 x 18 mm ®



D MINI-SHARP® POCKET WHETSTONE The sharpener for on the go. Folding case, key ring, fine grit. 70 x 25 x 5 mm No. 705395 11.68 € 13.90 €

1 rough 2 fine

No. 705424 No. 705390

7.48 € 8.90 € 7.48 € 8.90 €


E E DIAMOND CONE Conical diamond sharpener for sculptor and turning tools. Fine grit. Ø 9.5-19.3 mm Length 152 mm

H DIA-SHARP® MINI-HONE®, SET The hone-kit for all contingencies: coarse, fine, extra-fine 180 x 18 mm Grit 325, 600 and 1200 No. 706282 20.92 € 24.90 €


fine rough

2 Extra fine No. 705384 te l pla Stee

1 Norton India, grinding file Triangular, fine (approx. grit 1000). 102 x 13 mm No. 711054 3.28 € 3.90 €

No. 705393 No. 705423

29.33 € 34.90 € 29.33 € 34.90 €

24.70 €


3 Fine No. 705369

20.76 €

24.70 €

4 Coarse No. 705374

20.76 €

24.70 €

5 Fine / coarse No. 705391

38.57 €

45.90 €

F DIA-SHARP® SHARPENING CARD Sharpening plate, credit card-sized. Fine grit. 82 x 51 x 1 mm No. 705396 10.84 € 12.90 €

I CONE FILE For gouges, profiled blades, turning tools, tool making etc. Conical cross-section. Ø 3.3-9.5 mm File length 100 mm Fine grit No. 705392 25.97 € 30.90 €



Natural stones Arkansas oilstones Fine grained, extremely wear-resistant honing stones, for use with an oil lubricant. Due to their high degree of hardness and stable bond, particularly well-suited for polishing curved cutting edges. The stones we offer have a uniform structure and are crack-free. The black stones are somewhat harder than the white ones. They originate from quarries in the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas (USA) that unfortunately are almost depleted. Grit approx. 6000-8000. Sizes are approximate. Belgian coticule whetstones The quarrying of Belgian whetstones in the Ardennes is first mentioned in a Roman document. But the story of these natural honing stones goes further back than that. The approx. 480 million-yearold grey yellow sedimentary stones, originating from volcanic ash, are composed of very fine garnet crystals. During honing these are released and in combination with the water and abrasion debris make a honing paste. The garnets only remove fine shavings from the metal and ensure a good polish. Unique combination of speed and grain size. Grit approx. 6000–8000. Measurements are approximate.







J SLIPSTONE, WHITE 1 Round, 100 x Ø 9 mm No. 711120 11.68 € 13.90 € 2 Square, 100 x 10 x 10 mm No. 711121 8.66 € 10.30 € 3 Triangular, 100 x 10 mm No. 711122 10.00 € 11.90 € 4 Oval, 100 x 10 x 5 mm No. 711123 12.18 € 14.50 € 5 Knife-shaped, 100 x 25 x 5 mm No. 711124 12.10 € 14.40 € Slipstone Set in a wooden case, white 5-piece set: No. 711120-711124 No. 705267 55.13 € 65.60 €




K MULTIFORM SLIPSTONE, WHITE 56 x 56 x 173 mm 1 Flat-pointed straight back No. 711125 5.46 € 6.50 € 2 Knife-shaped No. 711126 4.96 € 5.90 € 3 Flat-pointed round back No. 711127 5.46 € 6.50 € 4 Flat-skewed rounded back No. 711128 5.46 € 6.50 € Multiform Sliptone Set in a wooden case, white 4-piece set: No. 711125-711128 No. 705260 21.76 € 25.90 €

Rozsutec stones Sedimentary sandstone from the Slovakian Mala-Fatra Mountains, ideal for honing. Fine and even grit, high abrasion resistance.

M M HALF-ROUND SLIPSTONES 75 x 3-7 mm No. 705558 6.89 €






L MULTIFORM SLIPSTONE, BLACK 56 x 56 x 173 mm 1 Flat-pointed straight back No. 711129 6.22 € 7.40 € 2 Knife-shaped No. 711130 5.71 € 6.80 € 3 Flat-pointed round back No. 711131 6.22 € 7.40 € 4 Flat-skewed rounded back No. 711132 6.22 € 7.40 € Multiform Slipstone Set in a wooden case, black 4-piece set: No. 711129-711132 No. 705261 25.13 € 29.90 €


8.20 €

O N N MULTIFORM SLIPSTONE approx. 100 x 40 x 8 mm No. 705571 11.09 € 13.20 €

O DROP-SHAPED 80 x 55 x 18 mm No. 705581

9.16 €

10.90 €

P HONING OIL Light mineral oil for Arkansas and other oil stones. Also suitable for lubrication purposes. 100 ml No. 705263 2.44 € 2.90 € 93

Sharpening devices | Sharpening stone accessories, Quick-sharpeners, Sharpening sets

Quick-sharpeners Sharpening stone accessories




A STONE HOLDER From stainless steel with anti-slip rubber clamping jaws and medium support bracket, in order to avoid breaking thin stones. Opening 220 mm Width 70 mm No. 711101 22.61 € 26.90 €

D TRUEING BLOCK WITH DIAMOND COATING For ultra precise trueing. Suitable for all water and ceramic stones. (Tolerances +/-4 micron). 253 x 80 x 24 mm No. 711613 209.24 € 249.00 € E

F DMT® TRUEING BLOCK Continuous surface diamond coating on compact base plate. Ideal for dressing water- or ceramic based stones. Rubber feet. Grit 120 μm, grit approx. 120 (extra-extra coarse). 203 x 76 x 10 mm No. 705382 65.97 € 78.50 €

1 G B

B ANTI-SLIP BLOCKS Slip-resistant rubber base for sharpening stones. 2-piece set. 93 x 87 x 15 mm No. 711102 9.16 € 10.90 €


C NON-SKID MAT Prevents sharpening stone slippage. 100 x 250 mm No. 705364 4.12 € 4.90 €

2 E TRUEING BLOCKS Hard ceramic blocks for trueing Japanese waterstones quickly and accurately. The stones are worked wet on the block until plane. The use of silicon carbide powder speeds up the process. 1 170 x 55 x 30 mm No. 711298 14.20 €

16.90 €

2 240 x 100 x 40 mm No. 711299 55.38 €

65.90 €

H TOKICO® KNIFE SHARPENER An uncomplicated knife sharpener that is suitable for both Japanese and European knives. Easy to operate, the Tokico allows even inexperienced users to quickly and successfully sharpen all types of cooking knives. The blade simply needs to be moistened and slid 3–5 times in both directions through the slits. Metal is gently removed by two rotating and correctly angled stones. Suitable for single and doublesided ground knives. 200 x 45 x 40 mm No. 705373 20.00 € 23.80 € I

G TRUEING GRILLE FOR SHARPENING STONES Finely woven, silicon carbide-coated grille for trueing uneven sharpening stones. The grille is placed on a flat surface and the watered whetstone is rubbed over it in a circular motion. 140 x 230 mm No. 711297 4.12 €

4.90 €

I CARBCUT 1 For speedy re-sharpening of knives (also serrated), axes and scissors, ideal for on the go. The V-form, wear-resistant carbide element is also suitable for deburring. Forged aluminium grip with hand protection. Includes instructions and case. Length 150 mm No. 703534 21.76 € 25.90 €

Sharpening sets Sharpening sets for selective application Price advantage Each cutting tool needs to be sharpened differently, depending on its design or purpose. However, opinions vary as to the best method and abra-

sives to use. With our sets, we aim to provide you with the basic equipment necessary for all common tools, with detailed sharpening instructions and photos.

of whetstone, shows the correct sharpening motions for sharpening single and double-bevelled knives and provides information on caring for knives. Knives sharpened in this way not only make your work easier but are also a pleasure to use and allow you to treat your food with respect. In German. DVD, 15 min. No. 713806 4.96 € 5.90 €

DVD - DAS SCHÄRFEN JAPANISCHER MESSER A Japanese master blacksmith with a legendary reputation in Japan shows you how to professionally sharpen kitchen knives on water stones. He introduces different types



SHARPENING SET FOR CHISELS AND PLANE BLADES OF HIGH-ALLOY TOOL STEEL (WESTERN CHISELS AND PLANES) This set comprises a DMT trueing block No. 705358 for rough pre-grinding of blades with nicks or for trueing the shar-

pening stone. It also contains a Cerax 1000/6000-grit combination stone No. 711546 for sharpening and honing as well as a double-jaw honing jig No. 711400 for precise sharpening. No. 711103 107.48 € 127.90 €

L SHARPENING SET FOR AXES AND DRAWKNIVES Use the DMT Diafold No. 705374 to remove large breakouts from the blade. The Sun Tiger 1000/6000-grit combination stone No. 711007 is used


for sharpening and honing. Includes trueing grille for sharpening stones No. 711297. No. 711105 41.01 € 48.80 €




and for trueing the sharpening stone. The King 1000/6000-grit combination stone for sharpening and honing rests securely on the Non-skid mat No. 705364. No. 711104 87.31 € 103.90 €

FOR AXES AND ADZES This set contains a DMT Diafold No. 705374 and a Sun Tiger 1000/6000-grit combination stone No. 711007 for the outer face of the adze or axe. The inner face is roughly pre-sharpened with the DMT diamond cone, rough, No. 705423

and then sharpened and honed with the King conical slipstone No. 711402 and the Belgian whetstone, half-round, No. 705560. Use the trueing grille for sharpening stones No. 711297 for trueing the combination stone. No. 711106 104.62 € 124.50 €

Sharpening devices | Sharpening sets


A F SHARPENING SET FOR SCRAPERS Scrapers are filed smooth with a Glardon/Vallorbe flat file No. 705008 and matching handle No. 701606, and then finely-ground with a King 1000/6000-grit A BASIC SHARPENING SET FOR ALL TOOLS This set provides you with a combination of sharpening stones for most tools (e.g. chisels, plane blades, knives). It contains a Sun Tiger 220-grit roughing stone No. 711010 for pre-sharpening, two King 800-grit and 1200-grit sharpening stones

No. 711001 and 711002 for sharpening, plus two King 4000-grit hones No. 711021 and an Akatsuki 8000-grit No. 711020 for honing and polishing. Also included are a trueing block No. 711299 for trueing the stones and a sharpening stone holder No. 711101. No. 711107 226.05 € 269.00 €


G SHARPENING SET FOR SCULPTOR'S GOUGES For pre-sharpening and sharpening, this set contains a Sun Tiger 220/1000-grit combination stone No. 711016. And for honing, a King 6000-grit honing stone No. 711003. The stones rest securely on


combination stone No. 711005. The hook is burnished with a Dick burnisher No. 703521. Use the trueing grille No. 711297 for trueing the stone. No. 711108 65.38 € 77.80 €

the included Non-skid mat No. 705364 and can be conveniently trued on the trueing grille No. 711297. Also included is a King 8000-grit multiform stone No. 711203, for honing the inner face. No. 711114 65.55 € 78.00 €

B SHARPENING SET FOR KNIVES OF LOW-ALLOY CARBON STEEL (BLUE AND WHITE PAPER STEEL) For repairing nicks, this set contains a King 220-grit coarse shaping stone No. 711010. The King 1000/6000-grit combination stone No. 711006 rests securely on the Non-skid mat No. 705364

and is used for both sharpening and honing. The set also contains a trueing grille for sharpening stones No. 711297 and a Togeru sharpening device No. 705377 which helps maintain the correct angle when sharpening knives. No. 711111 77.73 € 92.50 €


C C SHARPENING SET FOR KNIVES OF HIGH-ALLOY STEELS (VG-10, PM STEELS, 440 C, SKD 11) This set contains a Cerax 400-grit shaping stone No. 711548 for repairing nicks and a Cerax 1000/6000-grit combination stone No. 711546 for sharpening and honing. Use the trueing grille

No. 711297 for trueing the stones. Also included is a Togeru sharpening device No. 705377, which helps maintain the correct angle when sharpening knives. No. 711112 87.31 € 103.90 €

H SHARPENING SET FOR TURNING TOOLS This set gives you all you need for sharpening turning tools. The low-speed Creusen double-wheeled grinder No. 716025 for cool grinding ideally complements the Wolverine sharpening system

which consists of basic set No. 702170 and Vari Grind No. 702171. Also included is the Wolverine diamond truer No. 702173 for trueing the stones. The diamond bit No. 707399 is used to sharpen hooks and ring tools. No. 711113 375.63 € 447.00 €

Sharpening bestsellers as sets Price advantage


D SHARPENING SET FOR PRUNING SHEARS AND SCISSORS The blades of the shears are first sharpened with a rough DMT Mini-Hone No. 705424 and then with a fine one No. 705390. For cleaning up the blades and oiling the joint, the set contains a small 50 ml Ballistol spray No. 705444. No. 711109 16.72 € 19.90 €


I COMBI STONE WITH OIL AND DVD For sharpening and maintenance of knives. Set includes: Cerax combination stone grit 1000/6000 (No. 711546); DVD - Das Schärfen japanischer Messer (No. 713806), in German; Sinensis camellia oil No. 705280. No. 711027 54.62 € 65.00 €


E SHARPENING SET FOR STRAIGHT RAZORS In addition to stropping, regularly used straight razors should be honed on a sharpening stone every two months. For this purpose, this set contains two King sharpening stones 800 grit No. 711001 and 1200 grit No. 711002, as well as a King 8000-grit honing stone No. 711004. The stones rest securely on the Non-skid mat No. 705364 and



can be conveniently trued on the trueing grille No. 711297. The wide hanging strop No. 709139 and the Thiers-Issard sharpening paste No. 709019 are ideal for daily stropping. No. 711110 129.83 € 154.50 €

K COMBINATION STONE WITH DIA FOLD AND OIL This collection of high-quality products includes all the basic equipment for sharpeing knives and tools. The included sharpening brochure gives instructions on how to proceed. Have fun! Set includes: Japanese combination stone King, 1000/6000 grit No. 711007; Non-skid mat No. 705364; DMT® Dia Fold No. 705374; Sinensis camellia oil No. 705280; Sharpening primer. No. 711029 41.93 € 49.90 €

J COMBINATION SHARPENING STONE, WITH STONE HOLDER For sharpening and finishing. King combination stone grit 1000/6000 No. 711005 stone holder No. 711101. No. 711050 44.96 € 53.50 € 95

Sharpening devices | Sharpening systems

Sharpening systems Tormek® sharpening system Proven for many years and constantly perfected wet-working sharpening machines are the basis of the ingenious Tormek-sharpening system. A range of jigs, which can be mounted on the universal support, makes the sharpening of any cutting tool easier. Tormek enables the achievement of exact cutting geometry and consistent results for chisels, turning tools, knives, shears or machine tools. Also suitable for workshops and instructional settings because of safe operation – no sparks are produced and it has an overload safety clutch. The »Tormek-Original« ceramic wheel assures short sharpening times under all conditions in combination with the greatest possible tool protection. The front end can also be used for plane honing. The leather honing wheel removes burrs quickly and leaves a perfectly polished cutting edge. Designed for continuous operation (T-7) with solid housing and sliding water container.

A TORMEK® T-7 »Tormek-Original« sharpening stone, grit 220, Ø 250 x 50 mm; leather honing wheel Ø 215 x 30 mm; universal support, finely adjustable (can be used horizontally or vertically). Powder coated steel plate housing. 220 V, 200 W, 90 RPM, 16.8 kg. Includes: Precision 90° jig (SE 76) Adjustable trueing tool (TT 50) Stone preparer (SP 650) Angle gauge (WM 200) Honing paste (PA 70) Handbook (HB 10) Instruction video, (DVD-1), Workshop »Sharpening on the Tormek« No. 705191 444.54 € 529.00 € Tormek original repl. wheel (SG-250) No. 705201 116.81 € 139.00 €


Learn the professional use of the Tormek machine. If you buy a Tormek T-7 you may take part in a special course »Sharpening with Tormek« free of charge. Further information on the internet under www.more-than-tools.de/workshops

A summary of the advantages of the Tormek T-7 and T-3 sharpening machines: Longer working life: • Stainless steel spindle with EzyLock System for easier stone assembling • Better motor insulation • Electrophoretic dip painted casing (T-7) • Improved water container with magnetic dirt collector, overspill rim and drip-off plate (T-7) • 2 additional rubber feet to drain off water on the case (T-7) • 7-year guarantee!

B TORMEK® T-3 »Tormek-Original« sharpening stone, grit 220, Ø 200 x 40 mm; leather honing wheel Ø 145 x 26 mm; universal support with fine adjustment (horizontal and vertical settings). ABS plastic housing. 220 V, 120 W, 120 RPM, 7.3 kg. Includes: Precision 90° jig (SE 76) Angle gauge (WM 200) Honing paste (PA 70) Handbook (HB 10) Instruction video, (DVD 1) No. 705185 273.95 € 326.00 € Tormek orginal repl.wheel (SG-200) No. 705196 77.23 € 91.90 €


Tormek® Accessories Suitable for models 2000-2006, 12001206, T-3 and T-7 unless otherwise noted.



C KNIFE JIGS (SVM 45) - Width 45 mm Blade length min. 60 mm No. 705203 27.65 €

32.90 €

(SVM 140) - Width 140 mm Blade length min. 160 mm No. 705214 38.24 €

45.50 €

D SCISSORS JIG (SVX 150) Also suitable for hedge shears. No. 705205 33.53 €

39.90 €

H TURNING TOOL SETTER (TTS 100) For adjusting angle bevels of turning gouges and chisels, independent of wheel diameter. Used in combination with jigs (SVD 185) and (SVS 50). No. 705237 16.47 € 19.60 €

I PRECISION 90° JIG (SE 76) For plane blades and chisels. Also suitable for Japanese chisels, for Tormek T3, T7 and old series models, (included with T-7 and T-3). No. 705236 45.29 € 53.90 €








E PLANER/JOINTER JIG (SVH 320) For blades of any length, minimum blade width 13 mm. No. 705207 125.21 € 149.00 €

J AXE JIG (SVA 170) For axe heads up to 170 mm in size (larger axes can be sharpened without a jig using the universal support). No. 705228 11.43 € 13.60 €

F TOOL REST (SVD 110) For turning tools (scrapers, scorps, inshaves) chisels, scraper blades etc. »Torlock« locking system. No. 705218 24.79 € 29.50 €


G GOUGE JIG (SVD 185) For turning and firmer gouges, as well as cutters for hollowing tools etc., up to 25 mm wide. Adjustable in width, cutting angle and shape. No. 705247 60.92 € 72.50 €

L MULTI JIG (SVS 50) Universal jig for turning tools and carving gouges with straight and curved cutting edges and for skew and straight chisels. No. 705229 41.93 € 49.90 €


(LA 120) For honing and polishing the inside of gouges and V-shaped tools, interchangeable wheels. No. 705227 40.25 € 47.90 €


Sharpening devices | Sharpening systems A

A SHORT TOOL JIG (SVS 32) For short gouges, and V blades. Blade length min. 45 mm Blade width max. 32 mm No. 705239 15.55 €

H STONES FOR T-3 Fits models 1200-1206 and T-3. Approx. Ø 200 x 40 mm, bore 12 mm.

J STONES FOR T-7 Fits models 2000-2006 and T-7. Approx. Ø 250 x 50 mm, bore 12 mm.

18.50 €


B DRILL BIT SHARPENER ATTACHMENT (DBS-22) Sharpening the complex tip geometry of a drill by hand requires plenty of practice. Using the Tormek drill bit sharpener attachment, you can now sharpen a 4-facet drill bit with the usual wet-grinding method on your drill for maximum precision and service life. The optimum point and clearance angles can be set for any drilling operation with regard to the size of the drill and the material to be worked on. Even drills which are completely blunt and have their tips broken off can be returned to the perfect shape through sharpening. Ø 3-22 mm Point angles 90-150° No. 705231 163.78 € 194.90 €

J 1



1 Tormek® orginal replacement wheel (SG-200), grit 220 This hard-bond stone is suitable for pre-sharpening 2-layer blades as well as chromium-vanadium steel and HSS. No. 705196 77.23 € 91.90 €

1 DICK® Japanese sharpening wheel, grit 80 Extra-coarse stone with hard bond for repairing damaged tool blades. Primarily suitable for 2-layer blades and carbon steel. No. 716030 100.00 € 119.00 €

2 2

C ADJUSTABLE TRUEING TOOL (TT-50) With diamond tip, for trueing ingrained or unround grinding wheels. No. 705210 56.22 € 66.90 €


D DUST COVER (MH 380) Linen, to protect from wood dust. No. 705215 14.20 € 16.90 €


E STONE GRADER (SP 650) For regrading and dressing Tormek sharpening stones. No. 705209 17.56 € 20.90 €




2 DICK® Japanese sharpening wheel, grit 1000 Suitable for HSS as well as carbon-steel and 2-layer steel. Hard bond for highly effective polishing with little abrasion. No. 716040

100.00 €

119.00 €

2 Tormek® orginal replacement wheel (SG-250), grit 220 This hard-bond stone is suitable for pre-sharpening 2-layer blades as well as chromium-vanadium steel and HSS. No. 705201 116.81 € 139.00 €

3 3 Tormek® honing wheel (SJ 200), grit 4000 Extreme polishing performance for mirror surfaces, thanks to hard bond. Particularly recommended for chromium-vanadium steel but also for HSS blades and 2-layer steel. No. 705458 131.09 € 156.00 €

3 3 Tormek® sharpening wheel blackstone Silicon (SB 250), grit 220 Ideal for exceptionally hard materials such as HSS, but also carbon-steel. The hardness, shape and size of the abrasive make it highly effective. No. 705456 129.41 € 154.00 €

4 (TNT-708) Gouge jig, multi-jig , tool rest, leather honing wheel, turning tool setter, machine dust cover and instructions box for turners. No. 705454 209.24 €


4 DICK Japanese sharpening wheel, grit 800 Fast and effective with soft bond, for 2-layer blades, carbon-steel. Also ideal for grinding chromium-vanadium steel, for example Pfeil sculptor's gouges. No. 716060 158.82 € 189.00 € 249.00 €

G HOME ACCESSORIES KIT (HTK-705) Short jig, axe jig, knife jig, long knives jig, scissors jig. No. 705455 115.04 € 136.90 €


G 5 I

Tormek replacement parts can be found on the Internet at www.more-than-tools.de


Learn the professional use of the Tormek machine. If you buy a Tormek T-7 you may take part in a special course »Sharpening with Tormek« free of charge. Further information on the internet at www.more-than-tools.de/workshops

BENCH GRINDER MOUNTING SET (BGM-100) Though primarily designed for turners, this mounting set, in combination with the Gouge Jig (SVD-185), the Multi Jig (SVS-50) and the Tool Rest (SVD110), allows you to use all turning tools with the Tormek system also on a doublewheeled bench grinder. This makes the rough pre-sharpening of hard steels much easier. Using the turning-tool setter, you can transfer the same blade geometries to the Tormek machine for honing. Comes with Tormek universal support with fine adjustment, English guide to sharpening turning tools, and instructions for building a platform for the double-wheeled grinder. No. 705225 43.61 € 51.90 €

5 DICK® Japanese honing wheel, grit 4000 This stone has a softer bond and is highly effective. Suitable for HSS steel as well as for 2-layer-blades and carbon steel. No. 716061 192.44 € 229.00 €

6 6 Tormek® honing wheel (SJ 250), grit 4000 Extreme polishing performance for mirror surfaces, thanks to hard bond. Particularly recommended for chromium-vanadium steel but also for HSS blades and 2-layer steel. No. 705457 175.55 € 208.90 €


Sharpening devices | Sharpening systems, Sharpening accessories

Shinko® sharpening system

A A SHINKO® SHARPENING SYSTEM The Shinko grinder enables the achievement of professional sharpening results. Clogging rarely occurs with the open-pored Japanese waterstones. Water cooling and plane-honing produces long-lasting and strong edges. Because no heat is generated, the blade can be held very close to its edge and guided very accurately. No sparks are produced, allowing the device to be safely operated in workshops and instructional settings. The stone surrounding foam ring is easily pressed down when sharpening long blades.

Sharpening wheel: Japanese waterstone, grit 1000, Ø 180 x Ø 70 mm, thickness 20 mm, steel mount, wheel nut, splashguard. Motor: 220 V, 125 W, 50/60 Hz, 450 RPM gear-driven. Casing: Plastic, tool rest adjustable in height and angle. Water container with valve, drain tube. Overall weight approx. 5.5 kg No. 716020 203.36 € 242.00 €

Repl. stone, Grit 280 No. 716021 49.58 € 59.00 € Repl. stone, Grit 1000 No. 716022 55.80 € 66.40 € Repl. stone, Grit 6000 No. 716023 66.39 € 79.00 € SHINKO® SHARPENING SYSTEM, SET Price advantage System, incl. 3 waterstones. (grits 280, 1000 and 6000). No. 716024 251.26 € 299.00 €


B CREUSEN® DOUBLE-WHEELED GRINDER 7500 TS Unlike all other conventional doublewheeled grinders, the 7500 TS is specially designed to suit the needs of tool sharpening. The speed range of 14001700 rpm greatly reduces the risk of the steel getting too hot. Most conventional double grinders run at speeds of over 3000 rpm. The grinding wheels, too, differ from those of cheaper models. The abrasive used is aluminum oxide (white),


C WOLVERINE® DIAMOND TRUER This device can be mounted in the Wolverine holder of the basic set and is used for trueing and dressing the grinding wheels of double-wheeled grinders.

which is especially suitable for high-alloyed tool steels, allows cool grinding and is available in fine grits. In addition, both wheels are 40 mm wide, which is an unbeatable advantage especially when it comes to rolling over larger turning gouges. Grinding wheels: 150 x 40 x15 mm, 100 and 60 grit 230V, 350W No. 716025 226.81 € 269.90 €



D WOLVERINE SHARPENING SYSTEM The Oneway® sharpening system was specially designed for woodturning tools but, with its two different jigs, is also suitable for chisels and plane blades

as well as other tools. The arm is fitted to a double-wheeled grinder using a base system (fits all common models).

1 Basic set Thanks to the wide flat rest with adjustable angle, this system is suitable for scrapers and parting tools as well as chisels and planers. Includes a left and right base with eccentric locking mechanism, arm and flat rest. Platform 126 x 76 mm No. 702170 74.96 € 89.20 €

2 Vari grind This jig, which can be rotated in any direction is designed for sharpening turning and profile gouges. The angle can be accurately adjusted using the hole matrix. Notches on the back indicate the set angle. Max. Intake Ø 19 mm No. 702171 44.54 € 53.00 €

Creusen® replacement grinding wheel 150 x 40 x 15 mm Grit

100 No. 716026 60 No. 716027

33.53 € 33.53 €

39.90 € 39.90 €

A fine-adjustment knob positions the diamond in relation to the wheel and moves it alternately from left to right under slight pressure on the support arm. No. 702173 56.89 € 67.70 €

Sharpening accessories Polishing devices


1 E STEEL LAPPING PLATE Milled steel plate for lapping the backs of chisels and plane blades. Needs to be screwed to a wooden base. The blade is worked with the help of a piece of wood applied with pressure. Used with silicon carbide powder and water. 240 x 60 x 7 mm No. 713600 20.92 € 24.90 €

F FELT POLISHING WHEELS AND BUFFING WHEELS For machine polishing and honing of cutting edges, especially for knife blades and carving tools. Use with polish paste. Max. rotary speed 3600 RPM 150 x 20 mm Bore 20 mm


1 Felt buffing wheel Extra hard, wear-resistant felt for minor rounding off of sharpened edges. No. 705490 20.92 € 24.90 €

3 3 Felt buffing wheel, rounded off – mixed wool felt With rounded edges, particularly suitable for work on grooves. No. 705494 15.88 € 18.90 €

5 5 Buffing wheel - sisal Approx. 70 layers of especially evenly woven sisal, double sown, for fine polishing. No. 705496 13.36 € 15.90 €

G 2 2 Felt buffing wheel, straight – mixed wool felt Smoother felt, takes more polishing paste, enables more intense abrasion. No. 705493 12.52 € 14.90 €

4 4 Buffing wheel – multi-coloured cloth Approx. 40 layer cloth, double sown. No. 705495 5.63 € 6.70 €

G SPUR FOR FELT AND BUFFING WHEELS For chucks, with wheels, nut and adapter sleeve Ø 20/8 mm. No. 705491 7.48 € 8.90 €

Sharpening devices | Sharpening accessories


A 2-SIDED PADDLE STROP These strops can be used with or without paste to polish tool blades. The solid, non-slit beech base prevents cutting edges from being rounded off. If necessary, you can use finishing paste on the black (rougher) side; the fine brown side is usually used for stropping without paste. Can be held by the handle or screwed to a worktop through the two holes. 415 x 75 x 18 mm No. 709162 33.03 € 39.30 €



F JAPANESE POLISHING POWDER KONGOSA For polishing knife blades, tool mirror surfaces and removing oxide layers. Used with addition of water. Grit approx. 1000 50 g No. 716363 5.71 € 6.80 €

G B SILICON CARBIDE POWDER Use this powder to true up and polish the back of chisels blades and blades of planes. Put a small amount of powder mixed with a drop of water onto an even steel plate. Now grind the iron until you get an even surface and consistent microsection. 150 g Grit

No. 713603 No. 713604

50 180

4.12 € 4.12 €

4.90 € 4.90 €

G JAPANESE POLISHING POWDER SUITA Made from natural sharpening stones, this finishing powder should be applied after initial polishing with Kongosa. Grit approx. 8000 50 g No. 716364 7.48 € 8.90 €

J WAX POLISH This Wax Polish proJ tects plane soles made of steel and other flat surfaces from rust and at the same time reduces friction. Equally suited for cast-iron, steel and iron. It also inhibits the tarnishing of polished copper, brass and bronze items. Apply Wax Polish sparingly with cloth, then polish. Content 100 ml No. 705484 11.68 € 13.90 €

K VCI TOOL GUARD, 3 PIECE SET VCI means »vapour phase corrosion inhibitor«. A chemical agent votalitises and molecularly adheres to K metal surfaces inside drawers or tool cabinets which need to be protected against corrosion. This chemical agent is perfectly suited to protect difficult to access hollow spaces, internal screw threads and boreholes. The applied coating protects against humidity, filth, salts and oxygen. All you have to do is to take the lid off and to put the open can inside confined spaces which need to be protected. The back of the can features an adhesive strip. Each can will provide up to 12 months protection in volumes up to 0.056 m² (capacity around 50 liters). Durable if closed. Diameter: 35 mm No. 705483 14.20 € 16.90 €

Rust remover and rust protector


C DMT® DIAMOND POLISHING PASTE, SET For mirror-finish polishing of knives, cutting and plane blades. Put 2-3 drops of diamond paste on a metal, glass or hardwood surface and then polish applying even pressure. Begin with a grit size of 6 micron and continue the polishing with a diamond paste of 3 and finally 1 micron. Set contains 3 syringes of paste with grit sizes 6 (5 g), 3 and 1 (2 g). No. 705400 16.72 € 19.90 €


H RUST REMOVER Effective anti-rust formula: Even if you own tools, which are completely covered with rust, it may not be too late H for them. This Rust Remover is the solution to this problem. Simply mix the non-acidic formulation with water and submerge your rusty tools. It won't attack plastics, rubbers and wood. The formula is biodegradable, 500 milliliters make up a solution of ten liters for rust remover. After the initial rust has been removed, the tools are protected from further corrosion. No. 705487 29.33 € 34.90 €


E POLISHING PASTES These wax-like polishing pastes are applied to felt buffing wheels and smooth leather sides of strops. No. 711530 only for steel/stainless steel, 711531 and 711532 also for aluminium. 35 x 45 x 80 mm Approx. 180 g Grit

1 Coarse No. 705265 3.28 € 2 Medium No. 705264 3.28 € No. 705266 3.28 € 3 Fine

3.90 € 3.90 € 3.90 €

N SINENSIS® CAMELLIA OIL Versatile, light oil from the seeds of the camellia tree: Corrosion protection: Camellia oil is acidfree, not volatile and not susceptible to resinification, making it the ideal oil to protect tools from rust. Made from pure natural plant products and food safe, it is especially suited for the preservation of kitchen knives made of carbon-steel. Wood protection: When applied to wooden surfaces, it is absorbed quickly due to its low viscosity. Once absorbed, it helps protect the wood from damage by moisture, dirt and UV light. Clear, not discolouring, it accentuates the wood’s natural beauty. Body care: Camellia oil makes an excellent base for the preparation of lotions, creams and soaps for cosmetic use.




After derusting




11.90 €

Before derusting


O JAPANESE CAMELLIA OIL The unalloyed carbon-steel which mosthigh-quality blades are made of is not corrosion-free. To protect them from rust, occasionally apply a thin coat of light, acid-free, non-evaporating oil. This extremely light oil is extracted from the leaves of the camellia tree. Just a thin coat will reliably protect a steel blade from corrosion. Camellia oil is not susceptible to resinification and may also be used for cleaning, sharpening and lubrication purposes. Not suitable for direct contact with food and kitchen knives. For that purpose we recommend the pure Chinese Camellia oil (No. 705280) Content




100 ml No. 705280 3.87 € 4.60 € 1 250 ml No. 705281 6.05 € 7.20 € 2 1000 ml No. 705282 13.95 € 16.60 €

M BALLISTOL Ballistol provides reliable rust protection, cleans and oils metals, impregnates and preserves leather and wood surfaces, and is even suitable for the disinfection of minor cuts. In the garden it can be used to treat tree cancer and to combat aphids (in a 3% solution with water). Ballistol is based on pure medical white oil, spiked with natural plant products. It is thus ecologically-friendly and biodegradable. ®




L ANTI-CORROSION COATING This anti rust coating, which complies with military standards, L gives superb protection from corrosion to all metals. Once applied, the non-yellowing film protects for up to two years. Shake well before use and apply with brush, cloth or spray. Can be wiped off easily. Content 125 ml No. 705486 10.00 €

D GUNDEL-PUTZ® POLISH AND WHETTING PASTE Proven cleaning and polishing agent for all shiny metals (steel, stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, silver, gold, nickel, chromium etc.). Ideal for honing blades on leather, e.g. Tormek sharpening system, strops, etc. Non-toxic, acid and formaldehyde-free. 100 ml No. 705262 4.96 € 5.90 €


I RUST REMOVER, GEL Are you tired of using I rusty tools? With this gel-like rust remover you can remove rust easily and quickly. Apply the undiluted gel on the surface with a kitchen sponge and simply rub off the rust. Can also be used for large surfaces. This gel does not stain wood and most synthetic substances. Bio-degradable. Content 250 ml No. 705488 19.24 € 22.90 €

1 100 ml No. 713800 4.96 € 2 250 ml No. 713801 6.13 €

5.90 € 7.30 €


Content 1 Glass bottle

50 ml No. 705270 2 Spray bottle 200 ml No. 705445 3 Storage container 500 ml No. 705440

2.77 €

3.30 €

7.48 €

8.90 €

11.85 € 14.10 €

P SPRAY BOTTLE (EMPTY) 250 ml No. 705441 5.80 €

6.90 € 99

Sharpening devices | Sharpening accessories

D 1 A B

A JAPANESE RUST-PREVENTION OIL Ideal for badly corroded blades such as garden shears, sickles, branch saws or outdoor knives. Greases, protects from dirt and is also suitable for the removal of surface rust. 60 ml No. 711541 5.80 € 6.90 €

Honing guides For clamping and precise-angle sharpening of chisels and planes on bench stones. Minimum blade length 60 mm. Limited applicability for sharpening hand-forged (e.g. Japanese) tool blades.


B OIL POT (ABURATSUBO) Oil pot, including wads, fitted with a wick. For protecting blades and for greasing when chiselling out mortises. Use with camellia oil (not included). Capacity 100 ml No. 713810 9.16 € 10.90 €


C BAMBOO ABURATSUBO Bamboo container with lid (contents not included). Filled with cotton wads it can be used as an Aburatsubo, or for the storage of small and valuable objects. Approx. 50 x 110 mm No. 713812 5.80 € 6.90 €


2 D RUST ERASER 3 These rubberised abrasive blocks provide an effective means of removing surface rust from valuable knives without damaging the blades. Using water as a lubricant, the rust is »erased«. The blocks are also excellent for removing tough stains from pots, taps, sinks, antiques and automotive parts. 65 x 40 x 9 mm Grit

1 Coarse No. 711530 2 Medium No. 711531 No. 711532 3 Fine

5.80 € 5.80 € 5.80 €

6.90 € 6.90 € 6.90 €



E VERITAS® SHARPENING SYSTEM I Clamp the blade in the jig and set the desired bevel angle using the angle jig. The sharpening is done on a plane bench stone. The wide roller assures stability and preserves the surface of the stone. The tappet screw allows honing to a second (micro-) bevel without having to reclamp the blade. Set, honing guide and angle jig. Honing jig

G VERITAS® SMALL BLADE HOLDER This mount enables easier sharpening of short blades such as spokeshaves, reversing blades or small violin planes. Two magnets and a moveable fence hold the blades securely, the die-cast aluminium grip extends the blade and enables a controlled sharpening, either by hand or with the Veritas sharpening system (No. 707168). 102 x 38 x 10 mm No. 702110 14.71 € 17.50 €

J UNIVERSAL HONING GUIDE The wide roller preserves the surface of the stone and prevents tilting. Can be used as an angle jig with grinding machines which have a tool rest. Aluminium body with brass roller. Width 40 mm Max. blade width 65 mm Max. blade thickness 10 mm No. 707149 13.28 € 15.80 €

Angle jig


H Blade width max. 60 mm Blade thickness max. 15 mm No. 707168 46.13 €

L DOUBLE JAW HONING JIG The blade is centrally held in one of the two grooves in the vise-like aluminium jaws. Roller width 26 mm Opening 82 mm Max. blade thickness 7 mm No. 711400 14.20 € 16.90 €

54.90 €

M DMT®-SHARPENING SYSTEM, H ANGLE GAUGE FOR TOOL EDGES For checking bevel angles. Brass coated. 12 angles (15°-120°) Ø 46 mm No. 707261 3.70 €


F I STANLEY® SHARPENING GUIDE SET With plastic rollers and a folding angle gauge, indluding sharpening stone and oil. Max. blade width 65 mm Max. blade thickness 9 mm Grit 120 / 240 No. 707166 20.76 € 24.70 €

F VERITAS® SHARPENING SYSTEM II A high-precision gauge for precise and consistent perpendicular sharpening of all straight-edged blades. Also suitable for short, irregular and tapered Japanese blades. Aluminium body, easy-gliding brass roller. Quickly adjustable gauge with grip. Instructions included. Thickness max.13 mm Width 6-72 mm Bevel angle 15°-54° Counter chamfer (10°-20°) No. 703666 49.58 € 59.00 € 100

DEVICE For keeping the correct angle when sharpening knives manually. Simply put on the back of the blade – when sharpening, position the incorporated ceramic fence on the honing stone surface. That way the bevel angle is held fast and warping movements are avoided. Suitable for double-bevelled knives. Blade width 30-50 mm Blade thickness max. 3 mm No. 705377 8.32 € 9.90 €

FINE/EXTRA-FINE Sharpening knives and tools can be so easy – especially with this Sharpening System from DMT. The easy transportable Diafold Magna-Guide Sharpening System features an Aligner Blade Guide (ABG) which provides 7-angle adjustability for the right edge every time – from big outdoor knives to fine kitchen knives. It works in conjunction with the Magnetic Angle Guide (MAG) to keep the blade at the ideal angle for sharpening. The deep clamp design securely holds blades up to 9.5 millimeters in thickness while sharpening, without scratching the blade.

I Included in delivery are: DMT Aligner Clamp, Magnetic Angle Guide, Diafold sharpener with fine and extra-fine grits. No. 705428 46.97 € 55.90 €

HAMMERS NAILS PRY BARS Powerful and bounce-free

Japanese hammers | 102

Werstern hammers | 103 Picard速 | 103 Estwing速 | 103

Soft-face hammers and rawhide hammers | 104

Veneer hammers | 104

Mallets | 105

Accessories | 105

Punch awls an drivers | 105

Wrecking bars | 106


Hammers, nails, pry bars | Japanese hammers

Japanese hammers The simple outward appearance of the Japanese hammer conceals its inner sophistication. The hammer head is soft in the middle and hardened only at the ends. This allows the full force of a blow to be transferred while simultaneously dampening vibrations and reducing the hammer's 'bounce'. One face of the hammer is flat while the other is ground with a slight crown, making it especially useful for driving nails flush with a surface and for marquetry work. The Genno's high efficiency means you can generally select a lighter weight in comparison to conventional European carpenter’s hammers. The handles are made of sturdy, wear-resistant Japanese white oak and are extra long and ergonomically designed for comfortable use. Replacement handles are available upon request. The specified weights refer to the weight of the head alone.





A DAMASCUS STEEL HAMMER A triumph of Japanese blacksmithing: This attractive damascus steel hammer proves that a highly sophisticated implement can be produced from mankind´s oldest tool, despite its archaic appearance. The polished layers of Yellow Paper Steel and the softer centre made of 25-layer damascus steel produce a delightful colour-contrast. Handle made of ebony. The master´s signature is engraved on the head. Head weight 375 g Overall length 360 mm No. 705692 419.33 € 499.00 €

B SQUARE HAMMER, ENGRAVED An attractive tool and a beautiful gift: Those who are fond of attention to detail will certainly appreciate Master Sato’s hand-engraved Genno. To highlight the mythological animal motifs engraved on both sides of the hammer head, the surface is copper-patinated. Head weight 375 g Overall length 340 mm No. 714203 64.71 € 77.00 € C OCTAGONAL HEAD HAMMER Octagonal-headed hammer with flat cheeks, ideal for adjusting and fitting work. The cheeks can also be used as striking surfaces. Overall length 300-360 mm Head weight 115 g No. 225 g No. 375 g No. 570 g No. 750 g No.

714001 714002 714003 714004 714005

19.24 20.92 24.29 30.17 38.57

€ € € € €

22.90 € 24.90 € 28.90 € 35.90 € 45.90 €

D SQUARE HAMMER All-purpose hammer with particularly good directional stability, ideal for assembly work, driving nails etc. A 375 g Genno is suitable for striking Japanese chisels. Square-headed, rounded edges. Overall length 300-360 mm Head weight 115 g No. 225 g No. 375 g No. 570 g No. 750 g No.


714101 714102 714103 714104 714105

19.24 21.43 25.13 31.85 37.73

€ € € € €

22.90 € 25.50 € 29.90 € 37.90 € 44.90 €



E NOMI GENNO Easy-to-handle hammer for driving Japanese chisels and carving tools. Round head with large striking area makes mishits unlikely. Head weight 375 g Overall length 240 mm No. 714011 20.92 € 24.90 €



H FUNATE GENNO The bell-shaped head increases directional stability during use and the tapered end allows high-precision work. Drop-forged head, copper-plated, with a slightly crowned face. Overall length 360 mm Head weight 170 g No. 300 g No.

714110 714112

25.13 € 29.90 € 28.07 € 33.40 €


I JAPANESE CARPENTER’S HAMMER This is the perfect tool for driving nails. The conical head stays true, does not bounce and the sharp nail claw is exceptionally efficient at removing nails. The faces and cheeks are designed to allow use in tight spaces. Extra-long handle. Head weight 400 g Overall length 390 mm No. 714120 19.92 € 23.70 €

F CARPENTER’S HAMMER Puristic, well-balanced carpenter’s hammer with slightly bell-shaped head and round cross-section. The flanks are bronzed, the faces are finely ground. Head weight 375 g Overall length 335 mm No. 714010 19.24 € 22.90 €

G GENNO HATTORI® Japanese-style hammer for driving chisels and nails. Round head with one flat and one rounded striking face, selectively hardened. Head weight 375 g Overall length 300 mm No. 700975 10.84 € 12.90 €


J MINI HAMMERS, 6 PIECE SET For craftsmanship: The mini hammers from Japanese master blacksmiths are ideal for delicate work. Thanks to their drop-shaped handles, they are well-balanced and lie superbly in the hand. The forged heads made of

carbon-steel are differentially hardened and facilitate delicate and rebound-free strikes. Handles made of natural hickory. 6-part set. Head weight approx. 70 g Overall length 215 mm No. 714036 81.43 € 96.90 €

Hammers, nails, pry bars | Japanese hammers, Western hammers

A JAPANESE HAMMER (KOZUCHI) Maximum efficiency: For practically effortless hammering with a high driving force and perfect balance. The heads are forged by hand, and the harmoniously proportioned head and ergonomic handle yield a wonderfully organic tool which you simply will not want to put down. The asymmetrical construction allows maximum directional stability during use. Overall length 210 or 310 mm respectively. Head weight

1 290 g No. 714322 2 600 g No. 714323

52.02 € 61.90 € 58.74 € 69.90 €

B BLACKSMITHING HAMMERS From a Japanese master workshop: The archaic appearance of the Japanese blacksmith hammer reveals little about its inner qualities. In relation to its weight, the strongly asymmetrical face, which tapers from a square cross-section to the round strike surface, provides for high impact force as well as rebound-free and fatigue-free working. Partially hardened and delicately balanced together with the ergonomically formed shaft, it supports the impact rhythm during forging work. Replacement handles are available. Overall length 300 respectively 330 mm Head weight







Replacement handles are available at www.more-than-tools.de

1 750 g No. 714016 72.94 € 86.80 € 2 1350 g No. 714017 88.15 € 104.90 €

Western hammers



Picard® Picard hammers have been manufactured in Germany for over 150 years. With innovation and experience, the company develops products of exeptional quality.

C PICARD® ROOFING HAMMER 698 The classic carpenter’s tool: Unbreakable, oval steel tube handle with a vibration-absorbing dampening, non-slip elastomer grip. The head features a differentially hardened point and claw, checkered face and magnetic nail slots which can also accommodate small nails. Head weight 600 g Overall length 315 mm No. 705685 33.53 € 39.90 €


D PICARD® ROOFING HAMMER 790 LEATHER HANDLE The head and neck are forged from one piece and bonded seamlessly to the leather grip, making this Picard hammer almost indestructible. The handle is made of disk-stacked leather and screwed to the full-length tang through a head plate. If necessary, it can be tightened using the screw at the butt end. Thanks to the untreated leather, the handle absorbs damp and adjusts to the individual shape of the hand. Smooth face, selectively hardened and fully polished head with magnetic nail slot. Head weight 700 g Overall length 315 mm No. 705686 58.74 € 69.90 €

E PICARD® BLACKSMITH’S HAMMER Drop-forged hammer with traditional Scandinavian shape: elliptical eye, conically tapered hammer face with ferruled edges and rounded fin. Ash handle with annular wedge. Overall length 360 mm Head weight

1000 g 1500 g

No. 705334 28.15 € 33.50 € No. 705335 34.96 € 41.60 €

Estwing® The head, neck and leather handle of this hammer are joined seamlessly to make a practically indestructible striking tool. The full-length tangs and, heads are forged from one piece. The heads are differentially hardened and, together with the neck, fully polished.The handle is made of disk-stacked varnished leather and riveted at the end.




G ESTWING® LOCKSMITH`S HAMMER Highly versatile – for use in metalworking, as well as assembly and fitting work, driving nails into wood, and much more. Head weight 300 g Overall length 300 mm No. 705695 41.93 € 49.90 €

F F PICARD® WARRINGTON HAMMER All-purpose hammer with classic head shape for assembly and inlay work. The fin is rounded, the face slightly convex in order to prevent indentations. Ash handle. Overall length 300 / 320 mm Head Ø 20 / 25 mm Head weight

180 g 300 g

No. 705682 17.39 € 20.70 € No. 705683 20.59 € 24.50 €

H ESTWING® CLAW HAMMER With their round, smooth, bell-shaped head with slightly curved face and the curved nail claw, claw hammers are ideal for driving in and loosening nails while protecting the surface. Head weight 560 g Overall length 315 mm No. 705698 53.36 € 63.50 € I ESTWING® ALL-PURPOSE HATCHET Robust axe, ideal for professional carpentry tasks. Thin blade with hammer head and nail claw. Can be suspended from a belt using the leather blade protector. Total weight approx. 900 g Overall length 325 mm Blade length 90 mm No. 705691 69.66 € 82.90 € 103

Hammers, nails, pry bars | Western hammers, Soft-face hammers and rawhide hammers, Veneer hammers

A ESTWING® ROCK PICK A rock pick is a combination of a hammer and a pick, used by geologists. The long, hardened, pointed tip allows stones to be struck with extreme accuracy, and thus split with precision. Head weight 390 g Overall length 320 mm No. 705697 50.34 € 59.90 € B ESTWING® ROOFING HAMMER The point can be driven into the wood, and is thus used for moving beams and keeping the hammer on the roof. With magnetic nail claw and smooth face. Head weight 600 g Overall length 330 mm No. 705699 55.38 € 65.90 €



C CHASING HAMMER Chasing hammer with a large, slightly convex face for driving gravers and small punches as well as a ball-peen side for creating a hammered look. Chasing refers to the decorative texturing of metal surfaces. Ash handle. Diameter 28 and 14 mm length 270 mm Total weight approx. 160 g No. 705333 16.72 € 19.90 €


Soft-face hammers and rawhide hammers Soft-face hammers



D WHITE RUBBER HAMMER To stop marks being left. The advantage these hammers (with heads made of white rubber) have over their black counterparts is that they do not leave unattractive marks on light-coloured surfaces. Slightly convex head, solid red beech shaft in conical socket. Overall length 305 / 340 mm Head Ø 54 / 61 mm





370 g 670 g

No. 705679 12.52 € 14.90 € No. 705680 15.71 € 18.70 €

Rawhide hammers

E WIHA SOFT-FACE MALLET This hammer is used for assembly work and fitting parts together. The yellow face is medium hard and made of colourfast and wear-resistant polyurethane. Soft materials can be hammered without leaving pitting using the blue face, which is made of soft, colourfast and wearresistant elastomer. The durable housing is made from malleable cast iron. A comfortable-to-hold hickory handle completes this great product. Overall length 290 / 325 mm Head Ø 30 / 40 mm

F RAWHIDE HAMMERS, LEAD CORE American buffalo hide coiled around a lead core dampens the blow and simultaneously protects the surfaces of sensitive pieces from damage. Ideal for furniture assembly, interior, restoration, parquetry and tiling work. The rawhide heads are highly resistant to wear and can also be used for striking chisels and carving tools. Hickory handles. Overall length 230 / 290 mm Head Ø 32 / 45 mm




300 g 640 g


No. 717865 13.95 € 16.60 € No. 717869 17.39 € 20.70 €

260 g 450 g

No. 714327 22.27 € 26.50 € No. 714328 27.56 € 32.80 €

G RAWHIDE HAMMER This rawhide hammer is a specialised tool used with a splitting knife to split wooden shingles. The head of the hammer is made from the hide of water buffalo, which is rolled and compressed three times. Then the hammer head has to rest for months. It is very tough and shock-absorbent. As the head is made of rawhide, it has a large diameter and is very effective but at the same time lightweight. The handle is made of lacquered ash. Total weight 1250 g Overall length 360 mm Head Ø 89 mm No. 705681 83.19 € 99.00 €

Veneer hammers Hammer veneering is a proven technique for making and restoring veneers. The pre-steamed and ironed veneer is pressed down using the warmed veneer hammer. Working from the middle of the piece outwards, the hammer is moved back and forth across the piece to force out bubbles and excess glue. The rounded face distributes pressure efficiently and evenly.

H VENEER HAMMER Elegant, solid-steel model for small-scale work. Polished brass face for low friction and good heat transfer. Chisel-shaped butt end for disassembly work. Slip-resistant, soft plastic grip. Total weight 475 g Overall length 355 mm Fin width 85 mm No. 705688 36.30 € 43.20 €

Hammers, nails, pry bars | Mallets, Accessoires, Punch awls and drivers


A DICK® SQUARE MALLETS Mortised Handles These mallets are ideal for both assembly work and driving chisels. The hard, single-piece head of domestic white beech has a trapezoid shape for precise, ergonomic strokes. All edges are slightly bevelled to prevent damage to the workpiece. The varnished robinia handle has a double curve to fit the shape of the hand perfectly and is securely wedged to the head.


The most secure way of attaching a handle is with a through mortise. The head sits securely between the turned collar on the handle and the wedge at the top end.

1 Head width 65 mm Overall length 343 mm 300 g No. 730044 18.91 € 22.50 € 2 Head width 75 mm Overall length 376 mm 600 g No. 730045 20.92 € 24.90 € 1




B C B JAPANESE PRECISION WOOD NAILS For decorative corner, T or L joints which are exposed to high mechanical loads, conical wooden nails are the first choice. After pre-drilling with an appropriate conical drill, the nails are applied with a gentle hammer strike and a little glue. Also ideal for restoring furniture, musical instruments, historical fitted features or to fill small imperfections. Made of longfibred, tough melawis wood. Length


C TAPERED DRILL BIT For drilling holes for conical wooden nails and screws. Made of HSS. Length 75 mm. Hexagonal shaft. Diameter

3 mm

No. 717284

8.32 €

9.90 €

3 mm: ideal wooden nails 717281 and 717311

4 mm 5 mm 6 mm

F PREBENA® HAMMER TACKER This hammer tacker has a reliable, easyto-feed loading system and a robust metal housing, which guarantees a long life. The minimal effort required to use the hammer, its non-slip handle and easy dismantling without tools make this hammer tacker an ideal companion on site. Suitable for fastening shingles, roofing felt, insulation material… For staples from 6-9 mm. Overall length 300 mm 900 g Nr. 717318 36.05 € 42.90 €

STAPLES FOR PREBENA® HAMMER TACKER, 5.000 PCS Galvanised. Staple length 9 mm Width 10.6 mm No. 717319 12.86 € 15.30 €

No. 717285 9.16 € 10.90 € No. 717286 10.00 € 11.90 € No. 717287 12.52 € 14.90 €


3.5 / 1.8 mm 35 mm 20 pieces 300 pieces 45 mm 20 pieces 300 pieces 4.7 / 2.2 mm 45 mm 20 pieces 300 pieces 5.0 / 2.5 mm 60 mm 12 pieces 180 pieces 6.0 / 3.0 mm 88 mm 6 pieces 90 pieces

No. 717280 No. 717310 No. 717281 No. 717311 No. 717282 No. 717312 No. 717283 No. 717313 No. 717314 No. 717315


2.77 33.53 2.77 33.53 2.77 33.53 2.77 33.53 2.77 33.53

€ € € € € € € € € €

3.30 € 39.90 € 3.30 € 39.90 € 3.30 € 39.90 € 3.30 € 39.90 € 3.30 € 39.90 €


G MINI ANVIL With a rounded and a flat horn. Ideal for jewellery work. Forged steel, polished and chrome-plated, mounted on a solid iron base, standard quality finish. Length 130 mm approx. 550 g No. 700153 16.72 € 19.90 €

H BLACKSMITH`S ANVIL This easy-to-transport anvil, cut from a railway track, is suitable for small blacksmithing works. Face milled flat and chamfered on two sides. 120 x 100 x 115 mm Face 100 x 60 mm 3400 g No. 706566 40.76 € 48.50 €


D SHAKER NAILS Manufactured using traditional methods: These decorative copper nails are beaten in the USA on original machines dating from the 19th century. They are used to rivet the frames of shaker jars, for delicate craftsmanship work, model construction, leather applications or for ornamental purposes.

E BRASS RIVETS For the widest variety of materials, in particular for the assembly of knife grip plates, for joining thin components made of wood, metal, plastic or leather, or for decorative purposes. If necessary, they can be cropped, and the heads can be rounded off. They are driven with a hammer (if necessary, with dimpling punch). 1 pack = 50 capsules and 50 bolts.

* maximum thickness of the materials which are to be joined together Shaft diameter 4 mm. Length Pieces

5 mm 400 No. 830142 8 mm 300 No. 830143


7.48 € 8.90 € 9.16 € 10.90 €

Ø head thickness* 6 mm 11mm No. 6 mm 15 mm No. 8.5 mm 25 mm No.

830150 6.64 € 7.90 € 830151 7.48 € 8.90 € 830152 10.25 € 12.20 €

Punch awls and drivers I I DICK® CENTROFIX The professional mounting jig: This revolutionary spring-loaded centre punch allows you to pierce the centre of bored screw holes for fittings such as drawer pull-outs and hinges. When you press the hammer button, the hardened centering tip is punched into the wood and retracted into its original position by a spring. A 45° cone on the tip centres the tool in the bore hole or the counterbore, allowing it to be used in premounted cabinets without a good

view of the screw hole. The tool can be completely disassembled and consists of a stainless steel body, a replaceable centring tip and a walnut handle with protective stainless steel end cap. Overall length 143 mm 145 g No. 717214 38.57 € 45.90 €


Hammers, nails, pry bars | Punch awls and drivers, Wrecking bars

A NAIL STARTER Tool for making pilot holes to start long nails. Forged, hardened steel blade with a hilted tang. Red oak handle, ferruled on both sides. Blade length approx. 150 mm Overall length 290 mm No. 717200 28.49 € 33.90 € B PUNCH AWL Hardened stainless-steel point, also for marking. White oak handle. Blade length 55 mm Overall length 105 mm No. 717205 7.48 €






Blade length 75 mm Overall length 140 mm No. 717206 11.68 €


Wrecking bars E WRECKING BARS Reliable wrecking bar made of fully hardened spring steel and therefore particularly light. The wide, precisionground pry tips at both ends allow the bar to be easily wedged without damaging the surface of the piece. 10-year warranty. Length 900 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 13 mm 2400 g No. 705978 63.87 € 76.00 € Length 700 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 13 mm 1800 g No. 705977 52.10 € 62.00 € Length 600 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 10 mm 1300 g No. 705976 44.54 € 53.00 € Length 500 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 10 mm 950 g No. 705966 37.82 € 45.00 € Length 270 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 8 mm 340 g No. 705975 35.29 € 42.00 € JAPANESE NAIL PULLER Compact, highly efficient tools for pulling nails and disassembling components. The expertly crafted claws and smoothly curved faces prevent the workpiece from becoming marred during disassembly. The flat face on the back of the claw can be used to drive the claw under a nail or as a hammer. Made of finely polished drop-forged steel with case-hardened working surfaces.

F WRECKING BARS For heavy-duty use. Pry bar (without slit) 35 mm. Overall length 450 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 6 mm 850 g No. 714308 24.29 €

1 PUNCH AWL This punch awl is used for pre-punching holes and drill holes in wood. No. 717859 4.79 € 5.70 € 2 REAMING AWL A reamer is used for enlarging holes and drill holes in wood to facilitate screwing operations. No. 717858 4.79 € 5.70 €

8.90 €

13.90 €

D JAPANESE DRIVER SET, 4-PART To drive nails, pins, splints etc. Chromeplated surface, octagonal shaft. 4-part set. Working length 50 mm Overall length 150 mm Ø 3/4/5/6 mm No. 710797 9.16 € 10.90 €


H STAINLESS STEEL NAIL PULLER Made from stainless steel suited for outdoor use. Slightly smaller forged claw on long side for easier insertion of the nailhead. Partially polished. Overall length 360 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 5 / 6 mm 560 g No. 714342 54.54 € 64.90 € I NAIL PULLER, WIDE CLAW The precision-ground claw is wide and thin, allowing pieces to be gently eased apart without damaging their surfaces. Max. nail shaft Ø 2 / 2.5 mm. Pry tip 49 mm Overall length 300 mm 375 g No. 714309 14.20 €



16.90 €


Pry tip 45 mm Overall length 190 mm 185 g No. 714311 13.36 €

15.90 €

Pry tip 37 mm Overall length 150 mm 110 g No. 714298 11.68 €

13.90 €

J NAIL PULLER, EXTRA THIN Lightweight iron without hammer head. Extra-thin pry bar, 27 mm. Overall length 200 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 2 / 2 mm 80 g No. 714307 13.19 €

15.70 €

K PRECISION NAIL PULLER, S-TYPE For furniture and fine work. Overall length 160 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 2 / 2.5 mm 90 g No. 714310 14.20 € 16.90 €




28.90 €

G NAIL PULLER For cabinetmaking and carpentry. Double-sided claw. Overall length 360 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 5 / 6 mm 690 g No. 714314 22.61 € 26.90 € 106

C PUNCH AWL, REAMING AWL WIHA® This tool features a semi-gloss lacquered handle made of beech which looks good and is comfortable to hold. The throughhardened blade is nickel-plated. Overall length 190 mm

L PICARD® NAIL PULLER Robust drop-forged tool with a head for nails with a maximum diameter of 2.5 mm. Beech handle with hoop and ferrule. Overall length 230 mm Max. nail shaft Ø 6 mm No. 705665 26.22 € 31.20 €


Woodturning tools

Standard turning tools | 109 Crown® | 109 Taylor® | 110

Hook and ring tools | 110

Hollowing tools | 111

Ornamental-forming and special tools | 111

Combination tools | 112

Let’s take turns! Tool sets | 114

Lathes and accessories | 115

Chucks | 117

Measuring tools, occuputional safety | 118


Woodturning tools

WOODTURNING - A HANDICRAFT OF LONG-STANDING TRADITION NEWLY INTERPRETED Sharpening pass Two free sharpenings (see page 5). Sharpening service


Bowl gouge

For smoothing straight, curved, hollow and

Used in a similar way to the spindle gouge,

slightly profiled surfaces and for cutting

you can use the bowl gouge to work on the

narrow profiles and notches.

inside and outside of bowls and hollow workpieces.

Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products (see page 5). Workshops:

Parting tools As the name implies, parting tools are


used for cutting off (parting) finished work.

Scrapers are preferred for finishing surfaces

Turning – A Two Day Basic Class

Primary uses also include working on or

because they allow the best surface quality.

Turning – A Two Day Advanced Class

backcutting end grain in spindle turning,

But this is not their only use – they are also

Turning Green Wood

and cutting grooves.

suitable for creating profile edges.

Multi-axle turning

Hook tools

Some faceplate turning tools can also be

Pen Turning

The hook is a versatile tool for hollowing

used for spindle turning and vice versa. How-

Turning rectangular bowls

out workpieces. Thanks to the complex blade

ever, this should be left to the experienced

Open-work woodturning technique

geometry, it is equally suitable for bulk wood

turner because it requires mastering the cor-

removal and finishing end grain.

rect techniques. Some tools are only suitable

Turning wood balls

for one purpose.

For more information see www.more-than-tools.de/workshops

Ring tool Like the hook, the ring tool is used for cutting end grain on tumblers and vases. If used correctly, you can achieve fine surfaces with it.



Spindle turning and faceplate turning.

Most hollowers are cranked and thus suitable

Blade width measuring X


for hollowing end grain in vessels with narrow SPINDLE TURNING


Here, the wood fibres run parallel to the spindle axis. You clamp the workpiece either


with a spur driver and the revolving centre

The wood fibres run perpendicular to the

or with a chuck, which, in the case of long

spindle axis, which means you have to work

workpieces, can also be supported by the

on cross-grain twice per revolution. Work-

revolving centre.

pieces that are turned across the grain can

Examples: chair legs, newels, tool handles,

be clamped in chucks, on faceplates or screw Decisive for pleasure in turning is the quality

vases, tumblers...

chucks. They are rarely supported by the

of the blades. The steels must be heat-resis-

Tools: Roughing-out gouges, spindle gouges,

tailstock because it would be obstructive

tant in order to prevent the softening of the

chisels, parting tools, hook tools, ring tools

and the mostly short pieces do not require

cutting edges. The HSS steels, which com-

and hollowers.

support. With heavy workpieces, however,

prise most of our blades, are stable and ex-

tailstock support is recommended at the

tremely wear-resistant up to 570°C. Still


harder and more abrasion-resistant is PM

Roughing-out gouges

Examples: bowls, boxes, plates...

steel, manufactured by powder metallurgical

A roughing-out gouge is usually required to

Tools: bowl gouges and scrapers.

methods. The vesilience behaviour is also

make edged workpieces round or to remove

Tools for faceplate turning are somewhat

very important: Strong handles of dense wood

bulk material.

more solid than tools for spindle turning to

dampen vibrations and contribute to better

accommodate the forces during cutting.


Spindle gouges The spindle gouge is an all-purpose tool for cutting profiles, recesses, fillets, V slots and curvatures, which can also give you a high surface quality.



Woodturning tools | Standard turning tools

Standard turning tools

Crown®-turning tools The tools forged by the Sheffield-based Crown Works are excellently designed and expertly crafted. The blades are made of carefully tempered, extremely durable M2 HSS steel. They are polished and fitted in ergonomically designed rosewood handles with heavy-duty brass ferrules. All specified dimensions are approximate. Crown®-PRO-PM tools The ultimate turning tools: PRO-PM gouges are the top of the line for exotic hardwoods, laminates or wood with mineral inclusions. The very high percentage of cobalt (8%) and tungsten (10.5%) make them highly durable. The tools hold their edge at least five times longer than HSS tools. All PRO-PM tools come fitted with dark stained ash handles. We extend a 5-year warranty to all our crown turning tools!


Spindle gouges ®

CROWN »ENGLISH SPINDLE GOUGES« Flat-milled from round material, fingernailgrind. Blade width / Overall length 6 / 400 mm No. 701905 9 / 400 mm No. 701906 12 / 400 mm No. 701907

CROWN SKEW CHISELS Standard tools for smoothing both flat and curved surfaces. Skew edged, double-bevelled blades.

21.09 € 25.10 € 23.11 € 27.50 € 28.82 € 34.30 €

Die Forged Gouge 25 / 400 mm No. 701908 35.38 € 42.10 € PRO-PM 10 / 495 mm No. 701972 37.56 € 44.70 € 12 / 495 mm No. 701973 41.93 € 49.90 € CROWN® »GERMANSTYLE SPINDLE GOUGES« The standard gouges for spindle work. The die-forged flutes run the entire length of the blades. Finger-shaped bevels. Blade width / Overall length 7 / 380 mm No. 701936 9 / 380 mm No. 701937 12 / 380 mm No. 701938 18 / 380 mm No. 701939 24 / 380 mm No. 701940 32 / 520 mm No. 701941

Scrapers ®

36.72 38.49 39.41 46.13 63.87 73.87

€ € € € € €

43.70 € 45.80 € 46.90 € 54.90 € 76.00 € 87.90 €

Blade width / Overall length 13 / 380 mm No. 701914 19 / 380 mm No. 701915 25 / 380 mm No. 701916

PRO-PM 19 / 485 mm

No. 701977 46.13 € 54.90 €

CROWN® OVAL SKEW CHISELS For spindle turning and facework. Specially designed to reduce friction between the blade and tool rest to allow them to be easier to guide than chisels made of rectangular stock. Skew edged, double-bevelled. Blade width / Overall length 19 / 380 mm No. 701917 25 / 380 mm No. 701918

CROWN HEAVY-DUTY BOWL GOUGES Primarily for large-scale facework. Made of round stock with milled, deep flutes. Fingernail-grind.

31.76 € 37.80 € 38.57 € 45.90 € 46.97 € 55.90 €

»Superflute« 22 / 660 mm No. 701912 78.99 € 94.00 € PRO-PM 12 / 665 mm No. 701975 57.06 € 67.90 € 16 / 665 mm No. 701976 73.03 € 86.90 € CROWN® »ELLSWORTH« GOUGES Designed by Master Woodturner David Ellsworth, these versatile bowl gouges are for rough and finish shaping of the inside and outside of hollow forms. Special elliptical grind. Blade width / Overall length 16 / 690 mm No. 701961

35.21 € 41.90 €

Parting tools


Blade width / Overall length 9 / 610 mm No. 701909 13 / 610 mm No. 701910 16 / 610 mm No. 701911

31.26 € 37.20 € 36.64 € 43.60 €

CROWN® ROUNDED SKEW CHISEL WITH ROUNDED EDGE The rounded support edge facilitates finer movements and prevents the cutting edge from becoming embedded. High Speed Steel. Blade width / Overall length 19 / 380 mm No. 701987

Bowl gouges

26.64 € 31.70 € 30.67 € 36.50 € 38.66 € 46.00 €

CROWN TRIANGULAR PARTING TOOLS Double bevel. Blade width / Overall length 3 / 365 mm No. 701926 6 / 380mm No. 701927

28.32 € 33.70 € 28.40 € 33.80 €

Blade width / Overall length 6,5 / 400 mm No. 701929

CROWN® DIAMOND PARTING TOOL Double-bevelled, taper-ground, English-style. Blade width / Overall length 5 / 400 mm No. 701928

Blade width / Overall length 1,6 / 210 mm No. 701965

Forged / Milled gouges Compared with milled gouges, forged turning gouges have a denser structure and are thus more resistant to wear. In the past, this difference was much more serious, resulting in two gouge variants. Today, the preference is to forge the larger gouges to reduce material waste.

Blade width / Overall length 30 / 380 mm No. 701901 35 / 530 mm No. 701902

40.76 € 48.50 € 50.34 € 59.90 €

PRO-PM 30 / 485 mm

No. 701954 79.83 € 95.00 €

€ € € €

78.90 € 19.20 € 20.90 € 19.60 €

31.51 € 37.50 €

CROWN® BOWL FINISHING SCRAPER, ROUND Heavy-duty scraper for finishing the inside of large hollow forms. Blade width / Overall length 25 / 550 mm No. 701960

53.95 € 64.20 €

CROWN® HOOK NOSE SCRAPER Also suitable for finishing undercuts.

42.35 € 50.40 €

CROWN® DOVETAIL SCRAPER For cutting the recess to accommodate the jaws of a dovetail chuck.

29.33 € 34.90 €

36.55 € 43.50 €

A 36.30 € 43.20 €

No. 701955 104.20 € 124.00 €

CROWN® HEAVY-DUTY ROUGHING OUT GOUGES For removing large amounts of stock during preliminary rounding. Die-forged, deep fluted blades with straight bevels.

Blade width / Overall length 19 / 380 mm No. 701930

Blade width / Overall length 13 / 340 mm No. 701985

CROWN® FLUTED PARTING TOOL Single bevelled, German-style.

76.47 € 91.00 €

Roughing out gouges

66.30 16.13 17.56 16.47

CROWN® SIDE CUTTING SCRAPER, ROUND For finishing the bottoms and inner surfaces of hollow forms and for undercutting.

Blade width / Overall length 25 / 500 mm No. 701986

CROWN® KNIFE-SHAPED PARTING TOOL Thin, very rigid blade for making fine grooves and parting cuts. Height 30 mm

Ready-to-use bevel by DICTUM Engl. spindle gouges, bowl gouges and roughing out gouges are specialy ground by us and are therefore ready to use.

Blade-Ø / Overall length 27 / 380 mm No. 701943 Round No. 701945 Drop No. 701946 Square No. 701944


PRO-PM 16 / 665 mm

CROWN® MULTI-TIP SCRAPER Versatile tools for finishing the inner and outer surfaces of any shape. With 3 exchangeable, taper-ground HSS cutters: round, pear-shaped and square.

24.29 € 28.90 €

A VERITAS® SCRAPER BURNISHER This scraper burnisher is used to roll a smooth-edged scraping hook on HSS scrapers. Many experienced turners use a slight hook on the cutting edge of their scrapers to improve the cutting action. Of course in principle you can use the burr created during sharpening, but this is brittle and uneven. This version allows you to press the scraper against the burnishing rod on the screwed-on base using the cylinder rod for leverage. You can choose different settings for the radius by changing the position of the burnishing rods and you can choose an angle for 70-75° or 75-80° bevel angles. 117 x 65 mm No. 703515 37.73 € 44.90 € 109

Woodturning tools | Standard turning tools, Hook and ring tools

Henry Taylor® Turning Tools For over 150 years, turning tools of the finest quality have been manufactured by Henry Taylor® in Sheffield (England). The company combines traditional manufacturing techniques such as forging by hand with modern hardening and tempering treatments. Only the best Sheffield steel (HSS) is used for all blades, which are attached to the heavy, dark-stained handles of English hardwood with solid brass ferrules. Henry Taylor Tools design their tools in association with world-leading woodturners such as Roy Child, Richard Raffan, Dale and Darrel Nishi - which reflects the high quality of the tools. Blade width of gouges = outside diameter

Bowl gouges

Chisels ®

HENRY TAYLOR SUPERFLUTE BOWL GOUGE, OUTSIDE CUTTING The original Superflute gouge designed by Roy Child is one of the most popular bowl gouges in the world. The slightly open profile allows the creation of smooth outside surfaces. Straight bevel.

HENRY TAYLOR® CHISEL, ROUND BAR Due to its round profile, this tool allows the blade to move freely along the tool rest for making profile cuts.

Blade width / Overall length 10 / 530 mm No. 702027 13 / 530 mm No. 702025 17 / 650 mm No. 702026 20 / 640 mm No. 702028

HENRY TAYLOR® OVAL SKEW CHISEL For fine cutting along the grain. Less friction on the tool rest, easier control and turning than with a square profile. Skewground double bevel.

37.73 45.29 78.07 88.99

€ 44.90 € € 53.90 € € 92.90 € € 105.90 €


HENRY TAYLOR® DEEP FLUTING GOUGE For cutting deep profiles along the grain (chamfers, curves, grooves).

HENRY TAYLOR BOWL GOUGE, INSIDE CUTTING Primarily for working inside bowls. The bevel is drawn back to reduce the risk of the cutting edge digging into the workpiece. Fingernail bevel.

Blade width / Overall length 6,5 / 330 mm No. 702031 10 / 400 mm No. 702029 13 / 410 mm No. 702030

Blade width / Overall length 10 / 530 mm No. 702023 13 / 530 mm No. 702022 17 / 660 mm No. 702024

Spindle gouges

19.23 € 22.90 € 25.13 € 29.90 € 34.62 € 41.20 €

Blade width / Overall length 13 / 520 mm No. 702018

Blade width / Overall length 19 / 420 mm No. 702016 25 / 420 mm No. 702015

22.27 € 26.50 €

30.17 € 35.90 € 35.21 € 41.90 €

35.21 € 41.90 € 43.61 € 51.90 € 56.72 € 67.50 €

Roughing out gouges HENRY TAYLOR® HEAVY ROUGHING GOUGES For removing large amounts of stock in the initial shaping of rough stock into round. Die-forged, deep fluted blades with straight bevels. Blade width / Overall length 27 / 470 mm No. 702019 36 / 600 mm No. 702021 50 / 600 mm No. 702020

47.82 € 56.90 € 58.40 € 69.50 € 83.11 € 98.90 €

HENRY TAYLOR® »ELLSWORTH« -BOWL GOUGE A bowl gouge designed by top master turner David Ellsworth. Can be used universally for both finishing and rough cuts on either the inside or outside of the vessel. Special elliptical bevel. Blade width / Overall length 16 / 640 mm No. 702014

81.43 € 96.90 €

Parting tool HENRY TAYLOR® DIAMOND PARTING TOOL Taper-ground profile for reduced friction on the sides. Double bevel. Blade width / Overall length 5,5 / 420 mm No. 702017

46.64 € 55.50 €

Hook and ring tools A


As a rule, deep turning hooks are used to cut from inside to outside (illustration taken from the book »Das Drechslerwerk« No. 713575, which is available at our webshop under www.more-than-tools.de).


A CROWN® RING TOOL Ideal tool for hollowing into end grain on thinwalled wet-wood objects such as cups and vases. Thin dual-bevel HSS ring, designed for light-duty use. Blade-Ø / Overall length 12 / 400 mm No. 701931

33.53 € 39.90 €

B STUBAI® HSS RING TURNING TOOLS Robust ring tools with changeable cutters for rough and fine cutting work on bowls and hollow vessels. The holder can be fitted with changeable tools made by Wiedemann (socket Ø 8 mm). The cutting ring can be used from both sides. Overall length 600 mm Ø internal / Ø external 12 / 18 mm No. 702005 116.47 Repl. blade No. 702007 78.74 20 / 26 mm No. 702006 145.63 Repl. blade No. 702008 106.22

€ 138.60 € € 93.70 € € 173.30 € € 126.40 €

D D DMT® MINI HONE, FINE For deburring the outside of ring tools after sharpening. 180 x 18 mm No. 705390 7.48 € 8.90 € 110

C HOOK TURNING TOOL For turning deep and wide hollow forms. The tool is suitable for soft and medium-hard wood or green wood. Heat-resistant, very tough HSS steel (65 HRC), forged, beech handle with a copper ferrule. Hook Ø approx. 10 mm, Shaft Ø 12 mm. Overall length 510 mm Handle length 260 mm No. 701999 82.18 € 97.80 €

E E DIAMOND SHARPENER To sharpen the inside of hooks and ring tools, clamp the sharpener in a power drill or cordless screwdriver and guide it along the cutting edge. The conical, slighly rounded head makes it easy to apply. Ø 6 x 69 mm No. 707399 8.32 € 9.90 €

TURNING WOOD Richard Raffan is an internationally renowned woodturner who has become famous through his numerous works but also for the way he teaches. Countless beginners have already learned woodturning from this comprehensive standard work. From choosing the tools, to application techniques, right through to sharpening this book contains everything you need to know. The descriptions include spectactular close-up photos and clear illustrations, making the various topics easy for users to understand. 218 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, paperback, 220 x 275 mm. No. 713553 17.66 € 18.90 €

Woodturning tools | Hollowing tools, Ornamental-forming and special tools

Hollowing tools A


2 B

Cryogenically hardened steel A super-cold treatment at -185 C° after hardening gives the steel an even finer structure and vastly improves edge retention. Japanese emery cloth for fine sanding see chapter finishing.

B CROWN® CRYO HOLLOWING TOOL Ideal for hollowing out small and medium-sized vessels. This probe is wellsuited for very hard woods and delicate cuts, while the included scrapers are used for finishing already cut surfaces. All cutters are made of cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Set includes: Handle, probe with collet,

Heart Scraper, Egg Scraper, replacement probe. Blade width 3.5 mm Overall length 440 mm Handle length 255 mm No. 702049 44.45 € Replacement Probes No. 702059 13.87 €

A CROWN® BEAVER DEEP HOLLOWING TOOL Special tool for deep hollow forms. The adjustable depth stop allows clean and accurate cuts to be made safely even when your view is restricted by the piece. Instructions included. Blade width / Overall length

1 Straight No. 701947 108.40 € 129.00 € 2 Gooseneck For sides and undercuts. 13 / 615 mm No. 701948 116.81 € 139.00 € Replacement tip, for both models No. 701949 35.21 € 41.90 € 13 / 645 mm

52.90 € 16.50 €

Ornamental-forming and special tools C


C CROWN® CHATTER TOOL To create decorative wave patterns on endgrain Woodturning parts (bowls, jewellery, jar lids, etc). The thin tongue oscillates upon contact with the rotating part, and this generates regular chatter marks. Incl. changeable straight and rounded tongues. Instruction manual. Width 10 mm Overall length 300 mm No. 701154 46.13 € 54.90 € Replacement lip, straight No. 701155 6.64 € 7.90 € Replacement lip, rounded No. 701156 6.64 € 7.90 €


D CROWN® THREAD CHASER SET For cutting internal and external threads, e.g. for making threaded boxes. Hardened tool steel, rosewood handles. Instructions included. »Hint: Try out first – only practise leads to success!« Each set consists of one inside and one outside thread chaser. gradient = toothing/inch Overall length 235 mm Gradient

12 Inch 18 Inch

No. 701956 61.76 € 73.50 € No. 701958 62.61 € 74.50 €

E CROWN® CHINESE BALL TOOL SET Challenge for professional turners: Special set of tools for turning up to 5 nested ball according to the model of the Chinese ball. The 6piece set consists of a bead forming tool, tool mount and four ball-cutting knives. Instruction brochure included. For frequent use we recommend fitting each of the ball-cutting knives with its own tool mount. 6-piece set. Overall length approx. 300 mm No. 701981 121.68 € 144.80 € Replacement tool mount No. 701982 31.85 € 37.90 €


F CHINESE BALL A piece of woodturning wizardry in its finished form. Three nested balls made of cedro wood. Exterior Ø 60 mm No. 831012 27.31 € 32.50 €


1 G 2 H

G CROWN® BEAD FORMING TOOL For cutting accurate beads and pre-shaping rings. 6 bzw. 10 mm

H CROWN® CAPTIVE RING TOOL For producing loose rings and rings that are captured by the workpiece, doublebevelled blades.

Blade width / Overall length 6 / 380 mm No. 701933 10 / 380 mm No. 701934

Blade width / Overall length 6 / 380 mm No. 701962 10 / 380 mm No. 701963

25.97 € 30.90 € 26.89 € 32.00 €

I CROWN® SPIRALLING AND TEXTURING TOOL This tool is ideal for cutting spiral decorations on your turned work as well as creating high-contrast surface textures. Using the indexing line on the front, the rotary rest is easily adjusted to the individual pitch or twist of spirals and textures. Coarser or finer textures can be achieved using the included cutters.

1 Standard Overall length 485 mm. Set includes: Handle, three texturing wheels. No. 702056 92.35 € 109.90 € 2 Mini Overall length 225 mm. Set includes: Handle,two texturing wheels. No. 702057 41.93 € 49.90 €

28.49 € 33.90 € 30.25 € 36.00 € 111

Woodturning tools | Combination tools

Combination tools C








A CROWN® REVOLUTION For specialised use in cutting along and across the grain. The fully depth-adjustable Super Ring enables this tool to be used securely in extremely undercut hollow forms such as vases and other deep vessels, even when it is difficult to see. The tool is also suitable for discontinuous cuts and burl wood. The depth of the cut can be set individually. Thanks to the modular articulated design, the tool can be optimally adjusted to the workpiece. In addition to the pleasantly soft, foamcushioned main grip, a small brass side handle gives added control. The set also contains five different cutters for finishing surfaces. All cutters are made of cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Set includes: Main handle, side handle, articulated shaft and fully depth-adjustable Super Ring, replacement ring tip, collet, Key Cutter, Fat Key Cutter, Heart Scraper, Egg Scraper. Handle length 455 Shaft length 340 mm No. 702060 163.78 € 194.90 €

B LONG SIDE HANDLE Long side handle for added leverage, control and balance of the tool. Length 255 mm No. 702063 25.13 € 29.90 € C FAT KEY CUTTER Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 9 mm No. 702069 12.52 € 14.90 €


G NEGATIVE RAKE SCRAPING TIP For smooth finishing of both inside and outside surfaces of a workpiece. The negative rake setting prevents the blade from catching in the workpiece. Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 28 mm No. 702061 27.65 € 32.90 €

D KEY CUTTER Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 5 mm No. 702068 10.50 € 12.50 €

H PROBE Ideal for hollowing out deep vessels made of very hard woods and for delicate cuts. Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 3.5 mm No. 702064 20.59 € 24.50 € Replacement Probes No. 702059 13.87 € 16.50 €

E EGG SCRAPER Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 13 mm No. 702067 10.50 € 12.50 €

Kelton™ The company Kelton from New Zealand (home of high-quality turning tools) is the most innovative company on the market for turning tools. Many different famous turners and carvers have some influence on these products and thus keep on improving the tools. Since using high-quality materials and sturdy design you will enjoy these tools for a long time.

K KELTON™ MC NAUGHTON SYSTEM Make two out of one: With this remarkable tool, you are able to save the middle part of a bowl in one piece and therefore produce several bowls out of one wooden block. Especially with scarce pieces of wood that have unique grain it is possible to optimally make use of the wood and meanwhile save time. The tool post has to be inserted into the banjo, it will than not only serve as a guide for the bowl saver but also as a tool support for hollowers by a separate support yoke. The solid design allows working without vibrations on big bowls

F HEART SCRAPER Compatible with the Crown Cryo Turning Tool or Crown Revolution. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width 19 mm No. 702066 10.84 € 12.90 €


I BOWL GOUGE BLADES These solid bowl gouge blades are fitted onto the Crown Revolution handle and can be adjusted in length. Fingernail bevel. Cryogenically hardened HSS steel. Blade width / Overall length 12 / 305 mm No. 702048 16 / 305 mm No. 702058

36.89 € 43.90 € 44.45 € 52.90 €

Cryogenically hardened steel A super-cold treatment at -185 C° after hardening gives the steel an even finer structure and vastly improves edge retention.


SHARPENING STICK FOR CUTTERS This long brass sharpening stick will hold two cutters securely during the sharpening process. Length 140 mm No. 702062 13.87 € 16.50 €

Madrone set »No more wasting valuable wood. The Kelton Center Saver is the tool that woodturners have been needing since the industrial revolution.« Mike Mahoney, USA


and is thus user-friendly. The set includes a tool post, comprising 4 parts, a standard handle (KH 3) with a slip resistant plastic wrapping and a set of blades (4 pieces). The K3 handle can also be used with Kelton hollowers. By using a special hardening process the blades are highly wear resistant and have therefore a long lifetime. Designed by Kel Mc Naughton.

Handle length 410 mm Blade width 25 mm Max. diameter of the saved bowl 355 mm Shaft diameter 25.4 mm (1 Inch) No. 702071 284.87 € 339.00 € Shaft diameter 30 mm No. 702089 284.87 €

339.00 €

L KELTON™ LARGE BOWL BLADES, 3-PIECE SET These large bowl blades can be used with the Kelton™ McNaughton System Standard and are suitable for large bowls, plates and similar objects. Blade width 30 mm Max. diameter of the saved bowl 457 mm No. 702095 175.63 € 209.00 €

Woodturning tools | Combination tools



A KELTON™ NEGATIVE RAKE SCRAPER The Kelton™ Negative Rake Scraper is a universal tool that can be used in many different ways to achieve optimum results. It allows quick removal of bulk material as well as delicate finishing. The unique swivelling head assembly, combined with the negative rake setting, allows almost any tool position for working on both the inside and outside of workpieces, as well as making it easy to scrape across the grain in hollow projects. The three milled flats on the main shaft prevent the tool from rotating so that it can be used safely even with an angled tool tip. Overall length 270 mm Shaft diameter 16 mm Blade width 23.5 mm No. 702093 92.35 € 109.90 €

»In another life« by Ed Koenig

B KELTON™ HOLLOWERS, 3-PIECE SET The Kelton hollowers have been designed to work the insides of vessels with narrow openings. Thanks to their special geometry, they do not only help experts but also beginners with quick removal of wood as well as fine smoothening and are, at the same time easy to sharpen. Made out of HSS steel they have a long lifetime. Three different head shapes for different vessel shapes will enable perfect results. Hollowers 13 mm Overall length 340 mm Shaft diameter 13 mm No. 702073 77.31 €

92.00 €

Hollowers 16 mm Overall length 360 mm Shaft diameter 16 mm No. 702074 108.40 €

129.00 €

Hollowers 19 mm Overall length 445 mm Shaft diameter 19 mm No. 702075 148.74 €

177.00 €


D KELTON™ ULTIMATE HANDLE ER 25 Delivered with two collets for shaft diameters 13 and 16 mm. If necessary the last 10 cm of the handle can be filled with lead granules to make the handle heavier and minimize vibrations. Overall length 425 mm No. 702084 100.00 € 119.00 €



C KELTON™ HOOK TOOL Hook tools have a long tradition when it comes to turning. This tool has a clever thought-out geometry in order to ensure the safe turning of bowls and other moulds. Besides it is possible to adjust the angle of the hook so it suits the personal liking. The blade, made out of HSS steel, is hardened in a special method and hence has - compared to conventional hooks - an extra long lifetime. No matter whether you have to remove larger chippings or a smooth surface is needed, this is the perfect tool for dry as well as for green wood hollowing. Designed by Kel Mc Naughton. Shaft Diameter 16 mm Overall length 335 mm No. 702076 73.11 € 87.00 €


E KELTON™ ULTIMATE HANDLE ER 32 Delivered with two collets for shaft diameters 16 and 19 mm. Set contains a main handle and a extension. Overall length 445 + 150 mm No. 702085 142.02 € 169.00 €

Hollow form, sweetgum »I've been using the Kelton Hollowers for many years. I like that they are one piece with no moving parts or glued in tips. They don't clog and allow access into hollow vessels through small openings. They're easy to sharpen, stay sharp a long time and can be used for rapid wood removal or smooth finishing cuts. The quality of these tools is unsurpassed. I've tried many different hollowing tools over the years and have found the Keltons to be some of the best tools available and last many years.« Ed Koenig, USA

»The Kelton ER Handle System is an exceptional handle system in every respect. I have tried almost every handle on the market, and this Kelton system is head and shoulders above all of the others. It is unsurpassed in its versatility, comfort and ease of use. The grip material allows one to use a lighter grip on the handle and is especially beneficial for those with any arthritis or other problems in their hands.« Carole Valentine, USA


F KELTON™ ULTIMATE HANDLE ER 16 This handle can also be used as an extension for the ER 25. Delivered with two collets for shaft diameters 8 and 10 mm. Overall length 275 mm No. 702086 79.83 € 95.00 €

G KELTON™ TORQUE ARRESTOR HANDLE ER 25 A torque arrestor handle which can be used as additional support with the Ultimate Handles, ER 25/32. Overall length 140 mm No. 702087 20.92 € 24.90 €

H H KELTON™ STANDARD HANDLES These tools do not slip in the hands through a special plastic wrapping around the handle. Two simple headless screws allow an easy exchange of the insets and safely clamp them. Since the handles have two ends it is possible to clamp a 13mm as well as a 16mm shank. The metal core has enough counterbalance for the insets and prevents vibrations by its large mass.

1 The surface is bronzed. It is possible to fix an additional torque arrestor handle in the crosswise threaded holes at each end in order to gain better control. Designed by Kel Mc Naughton. Diameter 32 mm

2 1 Standard handle KH 2 Overall length 255 mm No. 702072 43.70 €

52.00 €

2 Standard handle KH 3 Overall length 410 mm No. 702077 45.38 €

54.00 €

3 3 Torque arrestor gandle KH 2 / KH 3 A torque arrestor handle which can be used as additional support with the Kelton Standard Handles. Overall length 140 mm No. 702078 20.92 € 24.90 € 113

Woodturning tools | Tool sets

Tool sets A




Crown® turning tool sets

A STANDARD SET, 8-PIECE Roughing out gouge, 19 mm, No. 701901; 2 English spindle gouges, 6 mm and 12 mm, No. 701905 and No. 701907; German style spindle gouge, 19 mm, No.701939; skew chisel, 12 mm, No. 701914; oval skew chisel, 25 mm, No. 701918; side cutting scraper (round), 19 mm, No.701930; diamond parting tool, 5 mm, No. 701928. Comes in wooden case. No. 701994 268.07 € 319.00 €

B MINIATURE SET, 5-PIECE 2 English spindle gouges, 3 mm and 6 mm; skew chisel, 6 mm; round nose scraper, 6 mm; parting tool, milled on both sides, 1.5 mm. In wooden case. Overall length approx. 260 mm Handle length 160 mm No. 701952 100.00 € 119.00 €

C SPECIAL PEN TURNING SET, 3-PIECE HSS tools to make writing equipment. Gouge 6 mm; oval skew chisel 13 mm; parting tool 3 mm. Handles made of rosewood. Overall length 230 mm Handle length 140 mm No. 701988 70.59 € 84.00 €

D PRO-PM TURNING TOOL SET, 5-PIECE Made of ultra-hard sintered steel, these tools hold their edges 5 times longer. Roughing out gouge, forged, 19 mm; heavy-duty bowl gouge, 10 mm; short bowl gouge, 10 mm; diamond parting tool, 5 mm; skew chisel, 19 mm. Overall length approx. 490 mm Handle length 320 mm No. 701980 305.88 € 364.00 €

Taylor® turning tool sets These well-designed turning tools come from the distinguished Henry Taylor forge, founded in 1834 in the English city of Sheffield. They are characterised by particularly high-quality craftsmanship, the fine bevel of the inner surfaces facilitates smooth working surfaces with low cutting forces. Made of HSS steel with a long edge life.

E E HSS TURNING TOOL SET, 5-PIECE Roughing out gouge, 19 mm; bowl gouge, 9 mm; parting tool, 3 mm; round nose scraper, 19 mm; oval skew chisel, 19 mm. Overall length 410 mm Handle length 240 mm Parting tool: Overall length 290 mm Handle length 175 mm No. 702010 142.02 € 169.00 €

Hattori® turning tool sets, HSS Cost-effective, robust turning tools made of heat-resistant HSS steel (63 HRC) with 3-year quality guarantee. Ergonomically formed hardwood handles, finely polished surfaces, ‘de-sharpened’ edges, and generously-proportioned brass hoops. Each set is supplied in a wooden case. The listed specifications are approximate.

H MINI SET, 5-PIECE For small scale spindle and faceplate turning. Spindle gouges, 3 mm and 6 mm; round scraper, 6 mm; skew scraper, 6 mm; standard parting tool, triangular, 2 x 6 mm. Overall length 260 mm Handle length 155 mm No. 701853 40.17 € 47.80 €

G MAXI SET, 6-PIECE The basic assortment of tools for spindle and faceplate turning. Heavy-duty roughing out gouge, 19 mm; spindle gouges, 10 mm and 13 mm; oval chisel, 25 mm; round nose scraper, 19 mm; diamond parting tool, width 5 mm. Overall length 470 mm Handle length 300 mm No. 701850 142.77 € 169.90 €

I MIDI SET, 8-PIECE Versatile set of compact gouges for spindle turning and small scale faceplate turning. Roughing out gouge, 16 mm; 2 spindle gouges, 10 mm, curved and flat; oval chisel, 13 mm; scraper, 13 mm; round scraper, 13 mm; standard parting tool, triangular, 4 x 13 mm; diamond parting tool, 4 mm. Overall length 290 mm Handle length 195 mm No. 701851 90.76 € 108.00 €


F F MICRO-HOLLOWING TOOL SET, 3-PIECE For processing smaller workpieces with undercut and bowls. Straight scraper tool for rough material removal when hollowing out, two angled scraper tools for the fine processing of the hollow shape and the hard-to-reach areas behind the neck. Overall length 280 mm Handle length 175 mm No. 702011 63.03 € 75.00 €




Woodturning tools | Lathes and accessories

Lathes and accessories Hager® With over 35 years of experience in the production of turning lathes, the German company Hager has become one of the leading manufacturers. Hager offers tailored special solutions in the field of turning, and stands for high-quality, functionally well thought out products. The turning lathes are produced in accordance with DIN standards, and the long-term supply of spare parts and accessories is guaranteed. All accessories are compatible with all models.

A HAGER® STAR LATHE Innovative short lathe with direct drive for turning beginners. 2 speeds, adjustable via safety switch without changing the belt. Continuously adjustable electronic speed control with gentle ramp up/ down. The sturdy base frame absorbs vibrations and guarantees smooth working. The pivotable spindle stock allows you to turn large bowls while standing directly in front of the workpiece. The tool rest and tailstock are easily secured using a keyless eccentric clamp. Exact spindle alignment, high repeat accuracy. Specifications: Height of centre over bed 200 mm, distance between centres 640 mm, speed range 3002500 rpm, hollow spindle Ø 15 mm (#2 MT inner cone) with M33 x 3.5 DIN 800 thread and four bearings, tailstock with #2 MT quill (100 mm travel) and measuring scale, threephase motor 0.75 kW (1 HP), motor rating 230 V, working height/axis centre 1130 mm, length 1300 mm, width 550 mm, height 1300 mm, 117 kg.

When buying a lathe you receive a voucher over 150 € for any turning workshop at DICTUM.


Standard equipment: Tool rest base and tailstock with eccentric clamp, tool rest 250 mm, #2 MT four-tooth spur driver with jacknut Ø 24 mm, #2 MT revolving centre, prepared for external turning equipment, knockout rod, operating instructions. No. 705550 1764.71 € 2100.00 €

B HAGER® HDE 49 LATHE The universal lathe for virtually any purpose. 3 speed levels guarantee maximum torque, while the heavy, torsion-resistant base frame with U-shaped transverse



traverse ensures maximum stability and vibration-free working. Continuously adjustable electronic speed control with gentle ramp up/down. The pivotable spindle stock allows you to turn large bowls while standing directly in front of the workpiece. The tool rest and tailstock are easily secured using a keyless eccentric clamp. Exact spindle alignment, high repeat accuracy. Specifications: Height of centre over bed 225 mm, distance between centres 1000 mm, speed ranges 150-450 / 400-1200 / 950-2900 rpm, hollow spindle Ø 20 mm (#3 MT inner cone) with M33 x 3.5 DIN 800 thread and four bearings,

tailstock with #2 MT quill (100 mm travel) and measuring scale, three-phase motor 1.5 KW (2 HP), motor rating 230 V, working height/axis centre 1110 mm, length 1670 mm, width 520 mm, 135 kg.

Standard equipment: Tool rest base and tailstock with eccentric clamp, tool rest 300 mm, #3 MT four-tooth spur driver without jacknut Ø 24 mm, #2 MT revolving centre, prepared for external turning equipment, knockout rod, operating instructions. No. 705553 2809.24 € 3343.00 €


All lathes excluding shipping costs.

Oneway® Fitted with the latest technology, these high-precision lathes manufactured in Canada guarantee a long life and are a pleasure to use. The innovative design combines the benefits of cast materials and the advantages of stable weldedsteel constructions.

C ONEWAY® 1224 LATHE High-quality compact lathe with base frame and small footprint. The continuously variable 2-step speed controller can be fixed in two positions. It comes programmed ready for use with built-in ramp up/down. The heavy, torsion-resistant base cabinet with a lowmounted motor for reduced vibrations can also be used for storage. The offset tubular bed construction guarantees almost perfect torsional rigidity and means that chips fall through cleanly. The patented clamping mechanism makes it easy to lock the tool rest and tailstock into position without a key. Unparalleled smoothness and repeat accuracy. Specifications: Height of centre over bed 159 mm, distance between centres 609 mm, speed ranges 150-2000 / 150-4000 rpm,

hollow spindle Ø 7/16 inch (11.1 mm) (#2 MT inner cone) with 1"–8tpi RH thread and three bearings, tailstock with #2 MT quill (80 mm travel) and measuring scale, threephase motor 0.75 KW (1 HP), motor rating 220 V, working height/axis centre 1130 mm, length 1194 mm, width 597 mm, 136 kg.

Standard equipment: Cast iron tool rest with patented clamping mechanism, cast iron tailstock, steel faceplate Ø 76 mm, tool rest from globular cast iron 280 mm, #2 MT live centre system, #2 MT »Safe Driver«, knockout rod, 24-position indexing, operating instructions. No. 705551 2016.81 € 2400.00 €

D ONEWAY® 2436 LATHE Heavy professional lathe with external turning option for all your needs. 3 speed levels, programmed for gentle ramp up/down, can be continuously adjusted on the pivotable controls. The vertically adjustable base frame with torsion-resistant bed is very heavy and optimally absorbs vibrations. On the outboard spindle you can work smoothly on bowls of almost unlimited diameter. The patented clamping mechanism makes it easy to lock the tool rest and tailstock into position without a key. Unparalleled smoothness and repeat accuracy. Specifications: Height of centre over bed 305 mm, distance between centres 914 mm, speed ranges 20-800 / 190-1900 / 305-3050 rpm, hollow spindle Ø 5/8 inch (15.8 mm) with 400 mm long hole (#2 MT inner cone) with M33 x 3.5

DIN 800 thread and three bearings, tailstock with #3 MT quill (100 mm travel) and measuring scale. Three-phase motor, motor rating 220 V, working height/axis centre adjustable from 1092 – 1219 mm in 25 mm steps, length 1524 mm, width 787 mm, 385 kg.

Standard equipment: Cast iron tool rest with patented clamping mechanism, cast iron tailstock, steel faceplate Ø 152 mm, tool rest from globular cast iron 355 mm, #3 MT live centre system, #2 MT »Safe Driver«, knockout rod, 48-position indexing, operating instructions. 1.5 KW (2 PS) No. 705552 4917.65 € 5852.00 € 2.25 KW (3 PS) No. 705549 5171.43 € 6154.00 €


Woodturning tools | Lathes and accessories





A ONEWAY® SPUR DRIVER WITHOUT JACKNUT, #2 MT For use on lathes with hollow spindles to clamp workpieces for spindle turning. Ø 25.4 mm No. 702123 39.41 € 46.90 €

E HAGER® SUPPORT RING Stabilises long workpieces in combination with revolving centre. Inside Ø 20 mm No. 705548 10.92 € 13.00 €

F F HAGER® ADAPTER Allows #2 MT lathe accessories to be used in #3 MT collets. No. 705541 10.00 € 11.90 €


G B ONEWAY® LIVE CENTRE SYSTEM This system is based on a two-bearing live centre with a cutting ring and a threaded shaft onto which you can fit different attachments including self-made ones. Comes with a cone that can be used on both the inside and outside of turnings, as well as a large point and knockout rod. Cone diameter 90 mm Point diameter 45 mm

J KELTON™ HOLLOWING GATE A clever and stable tool rest that fits into every banjo. Both multitip scrapers and hollowers can be guided on this rotable support. The rotation of the yoke enables you to start the cut in an arch. This circumstance eliminates sideways forces and gives you better control over your tool. If working on deep bowls and vessels it is possible to extend the arm into the workpiece. The surface is bronzed. The tool is delivered with three jokes for 13, 16, 19 mm shaft diameter. Designed by Kel Mc Naughton. Height 175 mm Arm length 210 mm Shaft diameter 25.4 mm (1 Inch) No. 702070 98.32 € 117.00 € Shaft diameter 30 mm No. 702088 98.32 € 117.00 €

2 Kelton™ carvers jig clamp unit This clamp unit can also be clamped into parallel vices and bench vices without using the carvers jig base. The ball guiding allows a fixation at almost any angle while the hex shank can be fixed in different positions in the vice. Using it in combination with the carvers jig base this clamping element will be an adequate chuck. Set contains ball guiding, t-handle as well as a 100mm face plate and a carver´s srew. The surface is bronzed. Overall length 280 mm No. 702080 188.24 € 224.00 €


3 Kelton™ lathe spindle replicator With this spindle replicator it is possible to fix chucks to the vice. Thread: M33 x DIN 800 Overall length 125 mm No. 702083 46.97 € 55.90 €


DRILL CHUCK Precise chuck for fast and easy highforce clamping without key. Clamping range 3-16 mm Morse taper

No. 705543 69.66 € 82.90 € No. 705544 69.66 € 82.90 €

#2 MT #3 MT

Morse taper

#2 MT #3 MT

No. 702137 99.08 € 117.90 € No. 702138 99.08 € 117.90 €



C HAGER® SPUR DRIVER WITH JACKNUT Indispensable clamping aid for spindle turning.

Spur driver with jacknut #2 MT Ø mm

15 mm 20 mm 24 mm

H HAGER® CLAMPING ARBOR CHUCK Ideal for clamping workpieces with natural edges which cannot be clamped in normal chucks. After drilling a Ø 30 mm core hole into the workpiece and pushing the workpiece onto the clamping arbor, the eccentric knurled disk anchors the workpiece in the bore hole. Thread, M33 DIN 800 Arbor length 43 mm Ø 30 mm No. 705542 53.70 € 63.90 €

No. 705572 65.13 € 77.50 € No. 705573 65.13 € 77.50 € No. 705574 65.13 € 77.50 €

K KELTON™ CARVERS JIG The possibility to lock workpieces in different positions does appeal to turners, carvers, sculptors and other woodworkers alike. The sturdy and versatile mechanism can be installed on the bed of lathes as well as on work benches, while different clamping devices can be used. Whether you have a turned object that you do not want to take out of the chuck or – as a carver – want to use different sized faceplates, this tool offers solutions for many clamping problems. Designed by Kel Mc Naughton.



Spur driver with jacknut #3 MT Ø mm

20 mm 24 mm 30 mm

No. 705575 72.18 € 85.90 € No. 705576 72.18 € 85.90 € No. 705577 72.18 € 85.90 €

1 D I D HAGER REVOLVING CENTRE One bearing, the whole head rotates. Shaft Ø 20 mm ®

Morse taper

#2 MT #3 MT


No. 705546 73.03 € 86.90 € No. 705547 82.27 € 97.90 €


HAGER ADJUSTABLE CURVED TOOL REST Tool rest with 90° curve. Features convenient length adjustment with an Allen-head screw. Ideal for hollowing. Approx. 230 x 110 mm No. 705545 67.98 € 80.90 €

1 Kelton™ carvers jig base This base will guide the clamp unit of the carvers jig and enables to fix it to the Woodturning lathe and work bench. Containing a base plate, two handles, a carriage bolt and two washer plates. The surface is bronzed. Base plate 240 x 75 mm No. 702079 87.39 € 104.00 €

4 4 Kelton™ faceplates Faceplate for workpieces with little clamping surface. The surface is bronzed. Overall length 80 mm Ø mm

38 mm 64 mm

No. 702081 41.18 € 49.00 € No. 702082 49.58 € 59.00 €

Woodturning tools | Chucks

Chucks Oneway® woodturning-chucks All chucks of the trademark Oneway are produced in Canada to guarantee high quality and accuracy. For both chucks Talon / Stronghold many accessories are

available, from which you can chose according to your needs. The body` s are manufactured in one continuous operation in order to guarantee the highestpossible true running-accuracy.



A ONEWAY® TALON The Oneway Talon chuck is a self centering 4 jaw chuck. Suitable for almost all turning needs, this is the standard chuck for the turner. It is easy to handle singlehanded with the help of the included chuck key. This way you can use your other hand to position the workpiece. The body, manufactured out of one piece, is low vibrating and rotates accurately. A nickel coating protects the chuck from rust. The case hardened jaw slides, made from chrome-nickel-steel, are extremely wear resistant and run smoothly and exactly in the toothed guiding. Recommended for Woodturning lathes with a swing up to 200 mm.

The set contains a taper lock adaptor, premium profiled jaw’s size 2, chuck key, woodworm screw, Allen key. Different taper lock adaptors are available upon request. Diameter 85 mm Weight approx. 2 kg Jaws # 2: external chucking 41 - 37 mm / internal chucking 51 - 90 mm. M33-Adapter M33 x DIN 800 No. 702159

195.71 €

232.90 €

1 Inch-Adapter 1 - 8 (Inch) No. 702160

195.71 €

232.90 €


B ONEWAY® STRONGHOLD The advantage of this self centering 4 jaw chuck lies in it`s heavy design. Suitable for large objects, this chuck offers security in almost all clamping situations. It is easy to handle single-handed with the help of the included chuck key. This way you can use your other hand to position the workpiece. The body, manufactured out of one piece, is low vibrating and rotates accurately. A nickel coating protects the chuck from rust. The case hardened jaw slides, made from chromenickel-steel, are extremely wear resistant


C TOWER JAWS, PREMIUM PROFILED SERRATED Tower jaws will excel when it comes down to turning long pieces without tailstock support. It is possible to fix workpieces by clamping or spreading them. The serration on the inside of the jaws safely fixes the workpiece. The shape of the inner jaws is not completely round but angled. This patented design enables the jaws to safely clamp square stock and minimises the damage of the surface. The jaws also have more contact points than conventional serrated jaws when clamping round stock. This enables a higher clamping force.

and run smoothly and exactly in the toothed guiding. Recommended for Woodturning lathes with a swing from 200 mm on. The set contains a taper lock adaptor, premium profiled jaw` s size 2, chuck key, woodworm screw, Allen key. Different taper lock adaptors are available upon request. Diameter 105 mm Weight approx. 3.6 kg M33 x DIN 800 Jaws # 2: external chucking 44 - 82 mm / internal chucking 60 - 101 mm No. 702158 249.50 € 296.90 €


D SPIGOT JAWS, PREMIUM PROFILED SERRATED For clamping smaller pieces these spigot jaws are the right choice. It is possible to fix workpieces by clamping or spreading them. The serration on the inside of the jaws safely fixes the workpiece. The shape of the inner jaws is not completely round but angled. This patented design enables the jaws to safely clamp square stock and minimizes the damage of the surface. The jaws also have more contact points than conventional serrated jaws when clamping round stock. This enables a higher clamping force.


E PREMIUM PROFILED SERRATED JAWS Serrated jaws are used during all standard clamping situations. It is possible to fix workpieces by clamping or spreading them. The serration on the inside of the jaws safely fixes the workpiece. The shape of the inner jaws is not completely round but angled. This patented design enables the jaws to safely clamp square stock and minimizes the damage of the surface. The jaws also have more contact points than conventional serrated jaws when clamping round stock. This enables a higher clamping force.

F DOVETAIL JAWS The outside and inside surface of the jaws is smooth and not serrated. This enables you to gently clamp round workpieces. Only low clamping force can be practiced due to the non-serrated inside surface. Talon Size 2 Ex. ch.* 41-73 mm / In. ch.* 51-90 mm

No. 702145 Size 3

30.08 €

35.80 €

Ex. ch.* 66-95 mm / In. ch.* 85-120 mm

No. 702147

37.73 €

44.90 €

Stronghold Size 2 Talon Size 2

Talon Ex. ch.* 9-41 mm / In. ch.* 25-60 mm

Talon Size 3

Ex. ch.* 12-66 mm / In. ch.* 51-85 mm

No. 702142

Ex. ch.* 73-101 mm / In. ch.* 85-117 mm

No. 702124 Size 3

No. 702149 Size 3

No. 702146

Ex. ch.* 92-127 mm / In. ch.* 111-152 mm


44.96 €

33.53 €

39.90 €

53.50 €

Ex. ch.* 85-114 mm / In. ch.* 98-130 mm

Ex. ch.* 12-66 mm / In. ch.* 28-66 mm

No. 702151

No. 702121

50.84 €

60.50 €

40.25 €

47.90 €

Ex. ch.* 51-89 mm / In. ch.* 66-114 mm

41.09 €

48.90 €

No. 702126 Size 4

Stronghold Size 3

Ex. ch.* 51-85 mm / In. ch.* 70-108 mm

No. 702130 Size 3

50.84 €

60.50 €

Ex. ch.* = External chucking In. ch.* = Internal chucking

No. 702125 Size 4

41.09 €

42.90 € 48.90 €

Ex. ch.* 108-136 mm / In. ch.* 127-165 mm

Ex. ch.* 98-133 mm / In. ch.* 114-152 mm

Stronghold Size 2

36.05 €

46.64 €

No. 702128

49.50 €

58.90 €

55.50 €

Ex. ch.* 114-146 mm / In. ch.* 124-165 mm

No. 702127

48.66 €

57.90 €

Ex. ch.* 92-127 mm / In. ch.* 111-149 mm

No. 702132

55.88 €

66.50 € 117

Woodturning tools | Chucks, Measuring tools, occuputional safety



C 2

1 A SPIGOT JAWS, DOVETAIL PROFILE For clamping smaller pieces these spigot jaws are the right choice. It is possible to fix workpieces by clamping or spreading them. The outside and inside surface of the jaws is smooth and not serrated. This enables you to gently clamp round workpieces. Only low clamping force can be practiced due to the non-serrated inside surface.


B FACEPLATE SEGMENTS These segments make it possible to clamp complex shapes in order to finish them, e.g. pieces without stub. No matter, whether you have to work round, oval or angled pieces, the movable rubber nobs keep hold of each workpiece. The clamping force is limited due to the construction of the jaws. In order to achieve larger dimensions of the segments they have been produced out of aluminium. This way the centrifugal forces are minimized compared to steel segments.

C FLAT JAWS FOR INDIVIDUAL CLAMPING SITUATIONS Wooden blocks are screwed to the face of the jaws which are then turned. This way you are able to make your own custom grip jaw set.

3 1 Stronghold, Size 1 Ex. ch.* 76-216 mm / In. ch.* 127-257 mm

No. 702133

77.23 €

33.53 €

39.90 €


Ex. ch.* 51-200 mm / In. ch.* 101-251 mm

Ex. ch.* 70-279 mm / In. ch.* 120-305 mm

No. 702152

No. 702134

77.23 €

91.90 €

82.77 €

40.90 €

Stronghold No. 702136

34.37 €

40.90 €

Ex. ch.* = External chucking In. ch.* = Internal chucking

2 Stronghold, Size 2

Talon, Size 1

34.37 €

91.90 €

Ex. ch.* 6-44 mm / In. ch.* 27-63 mm

No. 702143

Talon No. 702154

98.50 €

Ex. ch.* 9-50 mm / In. ch.* 25-66 mm

No. 702122

40.25 €

47.90 €

Talon, Size 2

3 Stronghold, Size 3

Ex. ch.* 73-273 mm / In. ch.* 124-298 mm

Ex. ch.* 44-355 mm / In. ch.* 120-381 mm

No. 702153

No. 702135

82.77 €

98.50 €

104.96 €

124.90 €

An overview table with chucking capacity of the single jaws can be found online at www.more-than-tools.de

Measuring tools, occupational safety, I D STARRET CALLIPERS Solid callipers made from alloyed tool steel with smoothed sides and edges. The opening can be tensioned at the joint with an adjustable screw that does not shift during use. ®




1 Starret® outside callipers For checking material thickness. Leg length 300 mm Max. opening 400 mm No. 707348 60.42 € 71.90 €

F KELTON™ CALLIPER Due to its protruding shape, this tool allows you to measure the wall and base thickness of even narrow vessels with more accurate results than traditional double-ended callipers. 450 x 220 mm No. 702094 58.74 €

I CENTRE FINDER FOR ROUND STOCK Makes work fabulously easy: Simply place it on the end of a round piece of wood and mark two lines - the point of their intersection is the exact centre. Length 130 mm Maximum Ø of workpiece 220 mm No. 707262 6.13 € 7.30 €

69.90 € For more occupational safety products see chapter workshop accessories.

G 2

2 Starret® inside callipers For checking openings and insides of hollow objects. Leg length 300 mm Max. opening 400 mm No. 707349 48.66 € 57.90 €

J G VERITAS® CENTRE MARKER For easy finding and marking the centre of any round or square blank of up to 150 mm in Ø or across. You fix the marker to the wall, and tap the blank with a hammer. Then you rotate the blank a quarter turn and tap again. The result is two scoring lines that intersect at the exact centre. 80 x 80 x 70 mm No. 707312 19.24 € 22.90 €


E OUTSIDE CALLIPERS Robust outside callipers with hinge and quarter-circle division with set screw. Satin-finish carbon-steel. Side length 190 mm Max. opening 250 mm No. 707203 40.92 € 48.70 € 118

H DIVIDERS Robust hinge dividers with quarter-circle division and set screw. Satin-finish carbon-steel. Side length 190 mm Max. opening 245 mm No. 707201 24.87 € 29.60 €

J DICK® WOODTURNER'S JACKET Lightweight turner's jacket made of cotton blended fabric. Velcro fasteners on sleeves and collar, collar can be secured when not in use, 2 back pockets, zip.



No. 701887 No. 701888 No. 701889

50.34 € 59.90 € 50.34 € 59.90 € 50.34 € 59.90 €

Hand-cut rasps | 120

Machine-cut rasps | 122

Handmade quality! Dreadnought rasps, plane- and sawrasps | 122

Files for metal working | 124 Glardon/Vallorbe速-files | 124 Diamond files | 126 Files for knife makers | 126

Files for wood-based materials | 127

Handles and accessories | 128


Rasps and files | Hand-cut rasps






Hand-cut rasps


Cut length Herdim® Precision Rasps Herdim® rasps are hand-cut rasps which are manufactured in countless worksteps by the »last of their craft«. The smoothing and shaping of the blank, cutting of the teeth, meticulous hardening, annealing and trueing are typical manufacturing steps of the handmade rasp. Up to 10,000 teeth, each one raised individually with a hammer and special pointed punch, ensure smooth results without becoming clogged. Made of hardened carbon-steel, the rasps are highly durable. The tangs are annealed.


Cut length

3 4 5

25x4 mm 25x4 mm 25x4 mm

200 mm 200 mm 200 mm

No. 704505 No. 704506 No. 704507

28.49 € 33.90 € 31.26 € 37.20 € 35.88 € 42.70 €


Cross section

Cut length

3 5 5 5

16x4 10x4 16x4 20x5

150 125 150 200

mm mm mm mm

Cut length

16x4 24x5 24x5 30x7 16x4 20x4 24x5

150 200 200 250 150 150 200

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 704758 No. 704720 No. 704721 No. 704727 No. 704752 No. 704716 No. 704722

27.65 33.11 36.89 54.03 30.17 32.27 38.99

€ € € € € € €

32.90 € 39.40 € 43.90 € 64.30 € 35.90 € 38.40 € 46.40 €

87.98 € 104.70 €

No. 704753 No. 704502 No. 704704 No. 704707

Herdim »Ultra« over 10,000 teeth 10 20x5 mm 200 mm No. 704709

22.61 20.67 25.38 35.21


Cross section

Cut length

3 3 5 5

16x5 20x5 16x5 20x5

150 200 150 200

mm mm mm mm

mm mm mm mm

No. 704754 No. 704755 No. 704732 No. 704733

25.55 30.17 28.49 33.95

€ € € €

30.40 € 35.90 € 33.90 € 40.40 €

No. 704757 No. 704741

22.86 € 27.20 € 25.97 € 30.90 €

No. 704551

31.01 € 36.90 €




Cross section

3 4 4 4 5 5 5





Herdim »Ultra« over 10,000 teeth 10 24x5 mm 200 mm No. 704724

Hammering the teeth




Cut by masters, cherished by experts: Until the early 20th century, the teeth of rasps were cut exclusively by hand (using a special pointed punch and hammer) into the body of the rasp before it was hardened. Because of the slightly varying depths and distances of the individual teeth, the work face is slightly inhomogeneous in texture. This leads to a smoother cutting performance on fibrous material such as wood (no »chattering«). For this reason, professionals still prefer hand-cut rasps even today.

mm mm mm mm


€ € € €

26.90 € 24.60 € 30.20 € 41.90 €

87.98 € 104.70 €


Cross section

Cut length

3 5

10x3 mm 10x3 mm

150 mm 150 mm


Cross section

Cut length


18x5 mm

150 mm

G RIFFLER SET, 8-PIECE Crafted and hardened with great care by master craftspeople. For shaping convex and concave surfaces. The teeth are cut on both sides, the ends bent in opposite directions. Square midsection. Comes in a leather roll. Overall length 185 mm, cut length 55 mm, cut 4: equaling, warding, trapezoid, square, three-square, half-round, crossing, round. No. 704599 167.14 € 198.90 € Tips for care: • When storing, avoid contact with one another and with other tools. • Do not hang on magnetic bars. • Store individually in a wooden rack. • If possible, wear thin cotton gloves when working, as the teeth edges corrode when they come in contact with sweat from your hands. • Clean rasps with a brass brush No. 705091, p. 128. • Remove residual resin by dipping the rasp in turpentine oil No. 705288.

Rasps and files | Hand-cut rasps










Hattori® Rasps Our portfolio of Hattori® rasps, which are also traditionally cut by hand in small workshops, is unique throughout Europe. Due to their special shape, they can be used universally and offer good value for money. The arched arrangement of the teeth makes these rasps incredibly effective and provides smooth results. Blades made of C45 carbon-steel.

H FLAT RASP, EXTRA WIDE Cross section 40 x 4 mm Cut length 240 mm, cut 4 No. 704682 10.59 €

I SHOEMAKER'S RASP (4 VARIATIONS) Half-round, flat, each with a coarse rasp and file cut. For leather and wood. Cross section 23 x 5 mm length 200 mm No. 704688 4.62 € 5.50 €

A CABINET RASP SPECIAL Extra long, very thin cabinet rasp with a fine cut. Cut

Cross section

Cut length


30 x 4 mm

350 mm

No. 704679

7.31 €

8.70 €

6.05 €

7.20 €


Cross section

Cut length


24 x 4 mm

200 mm

No. 704571


Cross section

Cut length

4/6 7

25 x 4 mm 10 x 3 mm

210 mm 120 mm

No. 704671 No. 704670

8.57 € 10.20 € 4.71 € 5.60 €


Cross section

Cut length

3 4

25x5 mm 25x5 mm

200 mm 210 mm

No. 704572 No. 704672

5.71 € 6.80 € 8.57 € 10.20 €

No. 704674 No. 704675 No. 704673

4.71 € 5.60 € 8.57 € 10.20 € 4.37 € 5.20 €



Cross section

5 5 7

15x3.5 mm 130 mm 25x4.5 mm 200 mm 10x3.5 mm 100 mm


Cross section

Cut length

2 3

8 mm 6 mm

240 mm 160 mm

No. 704678 No. 704574

7.39 € 5.38 €

8.80 € 6.40 €


Cross section

Cut length

6 7

15x4 mm 8x2.5 mm

130 mm 100 mm

No. 704677 No. 704676

12.60 €

4.71 € 4.29 €

5.60 € 5.10 €

J RASP SET, 4-PIECE Four Hattori rasps: 200 mm flat rasp, 200 mm cabinet rasp, 150 mm slim half-round rasp, 85 mm riffler. Cut 4 No. 704579 26.64 € 31.70 € K RIFFLER SETS, 8-PIECE 8 rasps each, with different head shapes, suitable for a variety of applications in stairbuilding and sculpting and soapstone working. Cut 3.


Small Overall length approx. 180 mm Cut length approx. 50 mm No. 704680 16.64 € 19.80 € Medium Overall length approx. 190 mm Cut length approx. 50 mm No. 704559 18.07 € 21.50 € Large Overall length approx. 270 mm Cut length approx. 70 mm No. 704578 21.68 € 25.80 €

L MINI RIFFLER SET, 5-PIECE For model-making, making musical instruments etc. Overall length 140-180 mm head length 20-50 mm, cut 4 No. 704681 13.87 € 16.50 € M SHAPING HEAD SET, 5-PIECE With a coarse rasp hand-cut, for wood and plastic. 5 pieces. Head Ø approx. 16 mm No. 704690 8.57 € 10.20 €


M 121

Rasps and files | Machine-cut rasps, Dreadnought rasps, plane- and sawrasps

Machine-cut rasps A F.D.® HOOF RASP FILE Large rasp which can be used on both sides: extra coarse, machine-raised rasp teeth on one side and a very coarse file pattern on the other. Also suitable for softwood, plastics, soapstone, etc. Cross section 40 x 5 mm Cut length 300 mm No. 704563 24.45 € 29.10 € B GLARDON/VALLORBE® HABILIS RASPS, 5-PIECE SET Precision rasps with rectangular handle tangs. (60-64 HRC) 5-piece set: flat, half-round, triangular, square, round. Overall length 205 mm Cut length 100 mm Cut 3 No. 704566 67.31 € 80.10 €

F. D.® »Historic« fine rasps Until now it was not possible to create the fine cut of hand-cut rasps through machining. Now for the first time, these new »Historic« rasps, developed together with a violin-making school in Mittenwald, Germany, offer a machined cut that surpasses the hand-made cut in terms of surface smoothness. Furthermore, the rows of teeth are cut slightly offset to create an irregular texture that allows for a smoother cutting performance.

C GLARDON/VALLORBE® NEEDLE RASPS, 6-PIECE SET Precision needle rasps made of extra hard steel (60-64 HRC). Set, 6 pieces: flat, flat-pointed, half-round, triangular, square, round. Overall length 140 mm Cut length 75 mm Cut 4 No. 704565 50.34 € 59.90 €



»Historic« fine rasps are available online at www.more-than-tools.de


Dreadnought rasps, plane- and sawrasps

D LIE NIELSEN® FLOATS The term »float« for an extra-coarse single-cut file goes back to the 19th century. As is still customary today, these files were manufactured on milling machines. They are ideal for working on hard materials and end grain. Because they also produce a very smooth surface and allow precise work, they were also widely used for making wooden plane bodies. You will also find that these float files make it very easy to finish mortises, surfaces or bevels. The float files are hardened to 52 HRC. This allows the files to be sharpened by hand with a triangular file while guaranteeing maximum service life. 1 Bed float Special float for finishing wooden plane bodies. Rectangular maple handle. Cross section 26 x 5 mm Cut length 150 mm Overall length 320 mm Nr. 715160 49.58 € 59.00 € 2 Mortise float Slim float for the precise finishing of mortises. Octagonal, tapered maple handle. Cross section 12 x 6 mm Cut length 90 mm Overall length 245 mm Nr. 715161 49.58 € 59.00 €

E SUPERHARD FILE RASPS Sturdy rasps for glued joints, laminates and synthetic materials as well as quick shaping in sculpturing. The extremely sharp teeth are arranged in an arched pattern to ensure efficient stock removal and smooth surfaces without clogging. Hardened to over 60 HRC for maximum service life.










1 Plastic handle, flat, coarse/medium Double-sided cut. Overall length 280 mm Cut length 180 mm Width 19 mm No. 718091 15.04 € 17.90 €

2 Handle tang, half-round, medium Single-sided cut. Overall length 200 mm Cut length 120 mm Width 16 mm No. 711071 11.34 € 13.50 €

4 Pointed tang, flat, medium Single-sided cut. Overall length 245 mm Cut length 200 mm Width 20 mm No. 711072 13.36 €

Plastic handle, half-round, medium Single-sided cut. Overall length 280 mm Cut length 180 mm Width 19 mm No. 718093 14.20 € 16.90 €

3 Handle tang, half-round, ultrafine Single-sided cut. Overall length 200 mm Cut length 110 mm Width 10 mm No. 711074 14.54 € 17.30 €

More Superhard file rasps are available online at www.more-than-tools.de

15.90 €

Rasps and files | Dreadnought rasps, plane- and sawrasps

A MICROPLANE® PLANE RASPS Microplane guarantees unsurpassed removal, dust-free work and smooth surfaces with hundreds of fine cutters. The rust-proof stainless-steel blades, are hardened to approx. 60 HRC and are extremely durable. 1 Microplane® plane rasp, flat For use in pull direction. Coarse teeth. Cross section 26 x 8 Cut length 200 mm Overall length 320 mm No. 705169 16.76 € 19.95 € 2 Microplane® plane rasp, round Coarse teeth. Cross-section 9 mm Cut length 80 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 705163 10.00 € 11.90 € 3 Microplane® plane rasp, round, large Coarse teeth. Cross-section Ø 16 mm Cut length 200 mm Overall length 325 mm No. 704200 14.20 € 16.90 € 4 Microplane® plane rasp, square, small Coarse teeth. Cross section 7 x 5 mm Point angle 80° Cut length 80 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 704202 9.75 € 11.60 € 5 Microplane® plane rasp, square, large Coarse teeth. Cross section 13 x 14 mm Point angle 92° Cut length 200 mm Overall length 320 mm No. 704201 14.20 € 16.90 €








7 Microplane® snap-in blades Flat - fine Cross section 26 x 9 mm No. 704204 10.84 € 12.90 €


Flat - coarse Cross section 26 x 9 mm No. 704207 10.84 € 12.90 €

6 Microplane® snap-in rasp, basic set Snap-in handle with replaceable blades for use in a push or pull direction. Includes 2 flat blades, coarse and fine. Cross section 26 x 9 mm Cut length 200 mm Overall length 380 mm No. 704203 19.75 € 23.50 €

B SAW RASP Japanese turbo rasps: All woodworkers appreciate the cutting performance of Japanese hand saws. Ten sawblades arranged in a diamond pattern for this Japanese saw rasp create a tool for fast stock removal that does not clog. It is a very versatile tool not only for working wood but also for light metal, plastic and plaster. The saw blades come with a tooth spacing of 2.5 and 1 mm providing coarse teeth on one side for fast stock removal and very fine teeth on the other side for clean-up work. Cut length 275 Overall length 385 mm No. 704540 16.72 € 19.90 €

C SAW RASP WITH CRANKED HANDLE This saw rasp with cranked handle allows working with higher surface pressure making it particularly suitable when dressing flat stock. The blade is easily reversed and can be replaced. Cut length 255 mm Overall length 390 mm No. 704541 20.08 € 23.90 € Repl. blade No. 704542 14.20 € 16.90 €

Round - coarse Cross section Ø 25 mm No. 704205 10.84 € 12.90 € Angle - coarse Cross section 20 x 5 mm Point angle 100° No. 704206 10.84 € 12.90 €

8 Microplane® rotary shaper Shaping head for use in drills, aluminium body with cutter insert. Length 70 mm Ø 50 mm No. 704988 20.97 € 24.95 € Repl. blade No. 704989 14.24 € 16.95 €



C D SAW RASP Fine saw blade wrapped around an oval wooden rod for working softwoods and making structures. Overall length 215 mm Cut length 80 mm 15 x 25 mm No. 704689 4.03 € 4.80 € 123

Rasps and files | Files for metal working







Files for metal working Glardon/Vallorbe® files The traditional Swiss Glardon/Vallorbe® Company makes top-quality precision files which meet the high quality standards of the watch industry. 200 years of experience come to the fore in excellent durability and sharpness. The files are designed for working steel, but they are equally suitable for fine working of wood, aluminium, brass and hard plastics. Hardened to 64-65 HRC. Shoulder



Cut length


A GLARDON/VALLORBE® FLAT FILES Double cut Slender, with one narrow side cut. Cut

Cross section

000 22x5 mm 26x6.5 mm 00 17x2 mm 19x4 mm 22x5 mm 26x6.5 mm 0 10x2 mm 15x2 mm 17x2 mm 19x4 mm 22x5 mm 26x6.5 mm 1 12.5x3 mm 17x2 mm 19x4 mm 22x5 mm 26x6.5 mm 2 15x2 mm 17x2 mm 22x5 mm 3 22x5 mm 4 22x5 mm


Cut length

200 250 150 150 200 250 100 125 150 150 200 250 100 150 150 200 250 125 150 200 200 200

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 705012 No. 705039 No. 705003 No. 705192 No. 705006 No. 705009 No. 704999 No. 705001 No. 705004 No. 705193 No. 705007 No. 705010 No. 705000 No. 705005 No. 705194 No. 705008 No. 705011 No. 705002 No. 705078 No. 705013 No. 705014 No. 705035

18.24 25.63 14.96 12.52 17.73 26.30 16.64 14.45 15.38 13.53 18.57 27.48 12.10 16.13 14.03 19.58 28.57 15.46 17.23 20.59 21.26 22.35

€ € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €

21.70 € 30.50 € 17.80 € 14.90 € 21.10 € 31.30 € 19.80 € 17.20 € 18.30 € 16.10 € 22.10 € 32.70 € 14.40 € 19.20 € 16.70 € 23.30 € 34.00 € 18.40 € 20.50 € 24.50 € 25.30 € 26.60 €

B F.D. FLAT FILES Single cut For better surface finishes, both narrow sides cut. ®


Cross section

Cut length

2 2

21x3 mm 25x4 mm

200 mm 250 mm

No. 704901 No. 704902

4.79 € 6.47 €


Cross section

Cut length

00 0

21x6 mm 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm

200 150 200 150 200


mm mm mm mm mm

No. 705032 No. 705030 No. 705033 No. 705031 No. 705034

50.08 34.71 52.35 35.29 54.79

€ € € € €

59.60 € 41.30 € 62.30 € 42.00 € 65.20 €

€ € € € € € € € € € €

38.70 € 29.20 € 39.10 € 28.90 € 30.70 € 40.90 € 32.10 € 42.90 € 35.10 € 48.00 € 36.60 €


Cross section

000 21x6 mm 00 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm 0 13x4 mm 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm 1 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm 2 15x4.5 mm 21x6 mm 3 15x4.5 mm

Cut length

200 150 200 125 150 200 150 200 150 200 150

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 705086 No. 705022 No. 705025 No. 705020 No. 705023 No. 705026 No. 705024 No. 705027 No. 705068 No. 705087 No. 705069

32.52 24.54 32.86 24.29 25.80 34.37 26.97 36.05 29.50 40.34 30.76

F GLARDON/VALLORBE® HALF-ROUND FILES, SLIM Files for bow tips, violin f-holes. Cut

Cross section

Cut length

0 2

10x3 mm 10x3 mm

150 mm 150 mm

No. 705028 No. 705029

28.57 € 34.00 € 31.60 € 37.60 €

5.70 € 7.70 €

C GLARDON/VALLORBE® WARDING FILES Slender, with cut sides. Cut length


Cross section

0 2

15.4x1.7mm 150 mm 15.4x1.7 mm 150 mm

No. 704923 No. 704924

17.23 € 20.50 € 18.74 € 22.30 €

The cut specifications for Glardon/Vallorbe® files are in accordance with the Swiss norm. Cut table Swiss cut extra coarse (for wood) 000 very coarse (for wood) 00 coarse (for wood) 0 medium (for wood) 1 fine (for wood/metal) 2 very fine (for metal) 3 extremely fine (for metal) 4

German cut 1 1 1 2 3 4 5

How fine or rough a file is, is not only indicated by its specified cut, but also by the cut length. (Long files are usually used for rough work on large surfaces, while short files are primarily used for fine, precise work.) So a short file has a finer tooth pattern than a long file with the same cut.


Rasps and files | Files for metal working









A GLARDON/VALLORBE® ROUND FILES Highest precision files, cut extends right to the tip. Cut

1 0 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10

Cross section Cut length

4 mm 5 mm 1.5 mm 3.3 mm 3.6 mm 8 mm 0.8 mm 1 mm 1.5 mm 2 mm

150 mm 120 mm 75 mm 90 mm 100 mm 190 mm 38 mm 50 mm 55 mm 65 mm

No. 705097 No. 705099 No. 705094 No. 704926 No. 704927 No. 704922 No. 705092 No. 705093 No. 705066 No. 705057

15.55 11.09 13.61 6.81 7.90 15.80 9.41 10.00 9.41 9.41

€ € € € € € € € € €

18.50 € 13.20 € 16.20 € 8.10 € 9.40 € 18.80 € 11.20 € 11.90 € 11.20 € 11.20 €
















0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

No. 705140 No. 705040 No. 705141 No. 705041 No. 705142 No. 705042 No. 705143 No. 705043 No. 705144 No. 705044 No. 705145 No. 705045 No. 705146 No. 705046



5.04 5.04 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 6.81 6.81 5.04 5.04 5.97 5.97 6.47 6,47

€ € € € € € € € € € € € € €









C GLARDON/VALLORBE® HABILIS FILES Habilis files have slender square tangs which serve as handles, making them suitable for particularly delicate work. 60-64 HRC. Cut length 105 mm Overall length 215 mm Cut 1 1 2 3 4 5



Flat Half-round Three-square Square Round

10x2.6 mm 12.2x3.4 mm 9.4 mm 5.8x5.8 mm 6.5 mm

Glardon/Vallorbe® habilis files, 5-piece set Price advantage 5-piece set in case: Flat, half-round, three-square square, round. No. 704935 56.55 €

B GLARDON/VALLORBE® NEEDLE FILES For precision work on metal and wood. With round, knurled steel handle. Hardened to 64-66 HRC. Cut 0 = coarse, cut 1 = fine. Overall length 140 mm Cut length 75 mm Ø handle 3 mm 1


No. 704930 No. 704931 No. 704932 No. 704933 No. 704921

11.34 14.37 13.70 13.87 8.99

€ € € € €

13.50 € 17.10 € 16.30 € 16.50 € 10.70 €

67.30 €

6.00 € 6.00 € 7.10 € 7.10 € 7.10 € 7.10 € 8.10 € 8.10 € 6.00 € 6.00 € 7.10 € 7.10 € 7.70 € 7.70 €

Glardon/Vallorbe® needle files, 6-piece set Price advantage Flat, half-round, square, triangular, round, barrette. No. 705054 33.78 € 40.20 € Cut 0 No. 705053 33.78 € 40.20 € Cut 1








Rasps and files | Files for metal working

A F.D.® FILES FOR LIGHT METALS Files with deep, steep special cut for working on light metals such as aluminium. 1 Flat Cross section 15.5 x 3 mm Cut length 150 mm Nr. 704413 16.47 € 19.60 € 2 Half-round Cross section 17.5 x 5 mm Cut length 150 mm Nr. 704414 28.99 € 34.50 €

Diamond files For hardened steel, hardened metal, glass, ceramics etc.





B DIAMOND NEEDLE FILE SET, 10-PIECE Flat 6 x 1.5 mm, half-round 5 x 2 mm, square 2.5 mm, three-square 3.5 mm, round 3 mm, warding 5 x 1.5 mm, knifeshaped 5 x 1.5 mm, barrette 5 x 2 mm, crossing 5 x 2 mm, crossing 3.5 x 2.5 mm. Coarse grain. Overall length 140 mm Coating length approx. 50 mm No. 711044 23.70 € 28.20 €


C DIAMOND FILE SET, 5-PIECE Flat 9 x 2.3 mm, half-round 9 x 3 mm, square 4.5 mm, three-square 6 mm, round 5 mm. Coarse grain. Overall length 180 mm Coating length approx. 70 mm No. 711045 16.55 € 19.70 €













Files for knife makers Glardon/Vallorbe® Valtitan Files The perfect files for knife-makers: At 72 HRC, they are the hardest of all toothed files. They allow materials which had been considered impossible to file, e.g. hardened steel, sintered steel, HSS etc. to be filed without breaking teeth. Other advantages: Valtitan files do not clog, they are largely rust-proof and even more powerful. They impress users with greater chip removal and longer service life. Guaranteed workability of materials up to 65 HRC. Cut 0



Cut length

1 25.3x6.3 mm 2 21.4x4.8 mm 3 18.5x4.0 mm

250 mm 200 mm 150 mm

Cut length

No. 704405 No. 704400 No. 704404

31.01 € 36.90 € 25.63 € 30.50 € 18.40 € 21.90 €


Cut length

1 14.5x4.5 mm 2 12.0x4.0 mm

200 mm 150 mm

No. 704401 No. 704406

26.89 € 32.00 € 19.58 € 23.30 €


Cut length

14.2 mm

200 mm


No. 704408

28.49 € 33.90 €

Ø mm 7.5

200 mm

No. 704403

22.1 € 26.30 €


Cut length

1 21.4x6.3 mm 2 15.3x4.7 mm

200 mm 150 mm

No. 704407 No. 704402

41.09 € 48.90 € 31.43 € 37.40 €

Rasps and files | Files for metal working, Files for wood-based materials

A F.D.® CHECKERING FILE To prevent the fingers from slipping, checkerings are cut into knife handles and on the backs of blades. The checkering file is especially suited for this task. The extraordinary cut originates through lengthwise grooves in the blade which are crossed by 90° grooves. Through this cut small teeth are formed which cut on the push stroke. To produce the checkering the file is moved in one spot forward and backwards. Suited for wood, non-ferrous metals and unhardened steel. Cross section 19 x 5.2 mm Cut length 150 mm Cut 00 No. 704410 32.27 € 38.40 €

B F.D.® MILL SAW FILE The ideal file for the ambitious knife maker, who makes his own blades. The round edges help to file the transition from the blade to the ricasso, an area which is an important attribute of a high quality blade.

Cross section 20 x 4 mm Cut Length 200 mm Cut 3 No. 704411 6.89 €

8.20 €

Files for wood-based materials A

C F.D.® CABINET WOOD FILE The classic file for cabinet-makers. Cut 1.


1 Cut length 250 mm Cross section 29 x 5.3 mm No. 704430 14.20 € 16.90 € 2 Cut length 300 mm Cross section 35.5 x 6 mm No. 704431 17.39 € 20.70 € D F.D.® HALF-ROUND WOOD FILE Special knife cut for high efficiency. Cut 0. 1 Cut length 200 mm Cross section 21 x 6 mm No. 704433 11.18 € 13.30 € 2 Cut length 250 mm Cross section 25 x 7 mm No. 704432 12.02 € 14.30 € E F.D.® ALL PURPOSE FILES Ideal for general use due to the two different cuts on the flat sides. The rough side is used to remove material quickly while the finer side is suited for surface finishing. Recommended for wood, soft metals and plastic. Plastic handle. One narrow side cut. 1 Cut length 200 mm Cross section 20 x 5 mm No. 704434 8.57 € 10.20 € 2 Cut length 250 mm Cross section 25 x 6.3 mm No. 704435 10.34 € 12.30 €

F PRECISION HAND GRINDERS NT Lasts 50x longer than sandpaper: For fine work in making models and musical instruments, also suitable for deburring aluminium and plastic parts. Particularly suitable for controlled removal of material in hard-to-reach areas, grinds in both directions. Sturdy diecast aluminium handle, shoe with easy to remove and replace hardened steel grinding plate. Please sand on a sample piece first. Surface of the sanding pad may leave black stains during first use (anti-corrosion coating). This is not a sign of bad quality and only needs to be done during first contact with wood. Grit 280-400.










1 Sanding platen triangular, pointed Length 80 mm, width 7-28 mm No. 705126 6.47 € 7.70 € Replacement grinding plate No. 705129 2.94 € 3.50 € 2 Sanding platen rectangular, slim Length 150 mm, width 24 mm No. 705127 8.32 € 9.90 € Replacement grinding plate No. 705130 4.12 € 4.90 € 3 Sanding platen rectangular, broad Length 150 mm, width 50 mm No. 705128 10.67 € 12.70 € Replacement grinding plate No. 705131 6.47 € 7.70 €




3 127

Rasps and files | Handles and accessories

Handles and accessories








F A ROSEWOOD HANDLES Patterned after old English models and turned from fine East Indian rosewood. Polished heavy duty ferrule.

C DROP-SHAPED HANDLE Polished boxwood, powerful ferrule. Ferrule Ø


16 mm

70 mm

No. 701604

2.35 €

2.80 €

2.61 € 2.61 € 2.61 €

3.10 € 3.10 € 3.10 €

4.29 € 4.29 € 4.54 €

5.10 € 5.10 € 5.40 €

1 Slim drop-shaped design Ferrule Ø


15 mm 18 mm

85 mm 85 mm

No. 701618 No. 701619

3.28 € 3.28 €

3.90 € 3.90 €

2 Elegant octagonal design Ferrule Ø


15 mm 18 mm

130 mm 130 mm

No. 701616 No. 701617

5.38 € 6.39 €

6.40 € 7.60 €


15 mm 19 mm

90 mm 120 mm

No. 701605 No. 701606

D BALL-SHAPED HANDLE Polished boxwood, powerful tang ferrule. Ferrule Ø


18 mm 20 mm 22 mm

105 mm 105 mm 105 mm

No. 701601 No. 701602 No. 701603

E SCREW-THREAD HANDLES For files with pointed tangs, fastening via internal threads, plastic.

B UNIVERSAL HANDLES Octagonal, with a round neck. Untreated Swiss pear wood. Ferrule Ø

F FILE BRUSH For cleaning file and rasp teeth. Beechwood with brass bristles. Overall length 250 mm Head 40 x 100 mm No. 705091 7.90 € 9.40 €

4.71 € 5.21 €

5.60 € 6.20 €

Internal thread Ø


7 mm 9 mm 11 mm

105 mm 105 mm 120 mm

No. 704955 No. 704952 No. 704956

Handle chart for rasps and files: Multiple orders possible for each item.







701618 fits No.

701619 fits No.

701616 fits No.

701617 fits No.

701605 fits No.

701606 fits No.

701604 fits No.

701601 fits No.

701602 fits No.

701603 fits No.

704952 fits No.

704955 fits No.

704956 fits No.

704502 704673 704676 704741 704757 705029

704406 704413 704502 704574 704670 704673 704674 704677 704704 704733 704741 704753 704923 704924 705000 705002 705022 705023 705024 705028 705030 705031 705068 705069 705097 705099

704403 704406 704455 704551 704678 704704 704716 704732 704758 705003 705004 705005 705078

704400 704401 704403 704404 704413 704414 704430 704432 704572 704576 704671 704672 704675 704678 704682 704685 704686 704707 704720 704721 704722 704724 704752 704753 704901 704902 704922 705006 705007 705008 705012 705013 705014 705025 705026 705027 705032 705033 705034 705035 705086 705087 705192 705193 705194 711072

704402 704406 704414 704574 704673 704676 704677 704704 704733 704752 704754 704757 704758 704999 705000 705001 705002 705020 705022 705023 705024 705030 705031 705068 705069 705099

704400 704401 704403 704406 704407 704408 704413 704430 704432 704572 704576 704585 704671 704672 704675 704678 704682 704686 704704 704707 704720 704721 704722 704724 704727 704753 704755 704901 704922 705006 705007 705008 705012 705013 705014 705025 705026 705027 705032 705033 705034 705035 705086 705087 705192 705193 705194 711072 711087

704502 704574 704673 704676 704733 704741 704923 704924 704999 705000 705001 705002 705028 705029 705099

704401 704402 704403 704404 704406 704414 704455 704551 704677 704678 704704 704716 704732 704752 704754 704758 704922 704923 704924 705003 705004 705005 705022 705023 705024 705030 705068 705069 705192 705193 705194

704400 704401 704403 704407 704408 704455 704572 704574 704576 704671 704672 704675 704678 704685 704686 704707 704720 704721 704722 704724 704753 704755 704901 704922 705003 705004 705005 705006 705007 705022 705023 705024 705025 705026 705027 705030 705032 705033 705034 705068 705069 705086 705087 705192 705193 705194

704400 704401 704405 704430 704432 704572 704576 704685 704707 704720 704721 704722 704727 704901 704902 705006 705007 705008 705012 705013 705014 705025 705027 705032 705086 705087 711072

704400 704404 704407 704408 704714 704430 704432 704672 704675 704727 704754 704755 704902 705006 705007 705008 705013 705014 705025 705026 705027 705032 705033 705034 705035 705086 705087

704402 704406 704413 704572 704720 704721 704722 704724 704752 704753 704758 704901 705022 705023 705024 705030 705031 705068 705069 705192 705193 705194

704405 704502 704670 704674 704677 704709 704741 704923 704924 705010 705011 705028 705029 705031 705039


Measuring instruments | 130 Rules | 130 Folding rules and tape measures | 130 Callipers | 131 Protractors | 132

Scribing tools | 132 Marking gauges | 132 Chalk lines and marking tools | 133 Compasses and accessories | 133

Inspection and transferring instruments | 134

Precision provides safety!

Squares | 134 Sliding bevels and profile gauges | 137 Flatness inspection | 137 Inclination measuring tools and moisture meter | 138

Surveying tools | 139 Optical survey | 139 Retrievers, pickups and tweezers | 139

Workshop knives | 140 Marking and veneer knives | 140 Scalpels and craft knives | 140


Measuring and inspection instruments | Measuring instruments

Measuring instruments Rules


1 A PRECISION RULES Highly wear-resistant rule made of hardchrome-plated stainless steel. Hardened with milled edges. Matt finish and deep-etched mm scale. 1 Shinwa® precision rule, 1.5 metre This flexible 1.5 m-long rule from Shinwa is extremely precise and exceptionally easy to read. Use it for precisely marking or measuring even large workpieces. Made of hardened spring steel, it is guaranteed to keep its shape for years to come. Hardchrome-plated surface with burr-free side edges for maximum linearity. Scale length 1500 mm Width 40 mm Thickness 2 mm 1000 g No. 717126 91.60 € 109.00 €



2 Semi-rigid design Thickness 1 mm Widths 25/30/35 mm

4 Ultra-flexible version Measure around the curve: Highly flexible rule for measuring and marking curved surfaces and small angles, e.g. when turning, in model construction, boat building etc. Thickness 0.2 mm Width 13 mm



300 mm No. 707255 7.31 € 8.70 € 600 mm No. 707256 12.52 € 14.90 € 1000 mm No. 717127 20.92 € 24.90 €

200 mm No. 707270 5.38 € 6.40 € 300 mm No. 707271 7.06 € 8.40 € 600 mm No. 707272 12.52 € 14.90 €

3 Flexible version Thickness 0.5 mm Width 15 mm Length

150 mm No. 707263 3.28 € 3.90 € 300 mm No. 707264 6.47 € 7.70 € 600 mm No. 717129 11.68 € 13.90 € 1000 mm No. 717128 20.08 € 23.90 €

C SHINWA® CUTTING RULE WITH HANDLE The deep-etched mm and »Sun« scale (jap. measuring unit) and the steel edge make this wear-resistant aluminium cutting rule an ideal tool for precise square cuts. The rubber pad on the underside prevents slipping and the rubber-coated handle provides protection from incision wounds while also allowing the tool to be used in a vertical position. Width 60 mm Length

B FLEXIBLE RULE Flexible rule for marking, scribing or transferring curves and arches. Vinyl with a lead core, mm and inch scale, inking edge. Length 600 mm No. 708094 4.45 € 5.30 €





600 mm No. 707156 41.93 € 49.90 € 1000 mm No. 707157 50.34 € 59.90 €

D SHINWA® CUTTING RULE Rigid aluminium cutting rule with hardened steel edge for protection against wear. Deep-etched mm scale, rubber pad. Length 1000 mm Width 56 mm No. 717124 26.47 € 31.50 €

E Folding rules and tape measures

E HULTAFORS® FOLDING RULE When it comes to professional quality folding rules, there’s only one choice: the Swedish folding rules from Hultafors synonymous with uncompromising quality since 1883. Millimetre markings on both sides. Length 2 m


1 1 Hultafors® downy birch folding rule Light and break-proof: Made of the finest Swedish glass birch, this folding rule has cult status. Despite its lightweight construction, with wood just 2 mm thick, it is extremely resistant to breakage. The flush-fitting pivots are made of hardened Swedish steel, guaranteed to show no signs of wear, even after years of use. Width 17 mm No. 708024 6.64 € 7.90 €

2 Hultafors® fibreglass folding rule Exact 90° locking: Locking into place at exactly 90°, this polyamide Swedish rule is an extremely versatile tool. Reinforced with fibreglass, it is extremely durable and very stable. The measuring scale is imprinted on both sides, making it easy to read even after years of use. Width 15 mm No. 708025 6.30 € 7.50 €


Measuring and inspection instruments | Measuring instruments

A WHITE BEECH FOLDING RULE White beech folding rule with 2.7 mm thick segments and patented lockingcam mechanism. Millimetre scale on both sides. Length 2 m Width 16 mm 80 g No. 708031 2.94 € 3.50 € B WOOD STOCK® FOLDING RULE Wood-sample collection and folding rule in one: Each segment of this folding rule is made from a different type of wood. The front side has a clear scale and the rear side provides information on the distribution, characteristics and use of each tree. The folding rule not only provides correct measurements but also offers a fun introduction to the world of wood. All wood used is FSC-certified and the rule comes in an attractive black sliding box. Our tip: Also ideal as a gift – not just for craftsmen! Length 2 m



1 1 Native woods Sycamore, birch, oak, alder, ash, sweet chestnut, cherry, larch, robinia, beech. No. 708029 16.72 € 19.90 €


2 Brazilian woods Amapá, Jatobá, Louro Gamela, Louro Itauba, Louro Preto, Muiracatiara, Muirapiranga, Pau Amarelo, Sucupira Vermelho, Violeta. No. 708030 19.24 € 22.90 €

C C TALMETER® MARKING MEASURE Precise and indestructible: The Swedish Talmeter marking measures combine the highest precision with infallible mechanical design. The reliable locking mechanism, clear scale markings and indicator help prevent measurement errors. The extension allows accurate inside measurements to be made. An additional diameter scale lets you directly measure diameters of round objects. The edges at the tip of each measure and on the base of the casing allow a measurement to be directly transferred to the workpiece. High precision, complies with standard ISO EU II. Scale in mm.

1 Length 2 m Case 65 x 50 x 25 mm Tape width 16 mm No. 708020 15.04 €

17.90 €

2 Length 3 m Case 75 x 55 x 25 mm Tape width 16 mm No. 708021 18.40 €

21.90 €



3 Length 6 m Case 85 x 70 x 35 mm Tape width 25 mm High rigidity, with position locking. Without diameter scale. No. 708023 39.08 € 46.50 € 3

D 1



2 D HARDWOOD TAPE MEASURES Good in the hand: Handmade cases from selected hardwoods. Inch/mm scale. Length 2 m Case 50 x 50 x 14 mm Tape width 7 mm 1 Rosewood No. 707160 2 Ebony No. 707158

8.32 €

9.90 €

10.00 €

11.90 €

E STANLEY® TAPE MEASURE, 3 METERS Small retractable tape measure with locking mechanism and high-impact housing. Easily fits into any pocket or, thanks to the belt clip, can be worn on a belt. The polymer coating makes the tape highly wear-resistant and the anti-reflective finish means the scale is easy to read even in direct sunlight. Scale in mm. Length 3 m Case 50 x 50 x 14 mm Tape width 13 mm No. 707287 3.61 € 4.30 €

F TAPE MEASURE R1, 5 METERS Unlike conventional tape measures, this one is used with the left hand while you mark the dimensions with the right. For this purpose, the scale is mirror-inverted, which allows right-handed users to mark much more accurately. The anti-reflective retractable tape is contained in a high-

impact housing and is stopped and held in place with a locking mechanism. With belt clip. Scale in mm and inches. Length 5 m Case 70 x 70 x 30 mm Tape width 18 mm No. 708033 10.00 € 11.90 €


G G DIGITAL CALLIPERS Multi-purpose callipers with a large fivedigit LCD display for internal and external depth measurement. Display can be switched between mm/inch. Resolution of 0.01 mm. Display can be zeroed at any position. Stainless steel slide, hardened faces, incl. 1.5 V battery, plastic case.

1 1 Measuring range 150 mm Jaw length 40 mm No. 707170 33.53 €

39.90 €

2 Measuring range 100 mm Jaw length 30 mm No. 707258 30.84 €

36.70 €



Measuring and inspection instruments | Measuring instruments, Scribing tools





A DIAL CALLIPER A sturdy dial calliper with a shock- and dust-proof analogue dial indicator, ideal for workshop use. Stainless steel slide and dial, with hardened faces, two screws for locking the slide and calibration ring in place; accurate to within 0.01 mm, plastic case. Measuring range 150 mm Jaw length 40 mm No. 707259 32.77 € 39.00 €

C PRECISION CALLIPER Bevelled scale for parallax-free reading. Deep-etched stainless steel, slide with locking screw, 0.05 mm vernier. Measuring range 150 mm Jaw length 40 mm No. 707303 17.23 € 20.50 €


B SHINWA® PLASTIC DIAL CALLIPER Extra-light and durable GRP dial callipers that are gentle on the workpiece. Recommended for mobile use and for measuring sensitive parts, e.g. in restoration work. External, internal and depth measurements. 1/10 display accuracy, with wall bracket. Measuring range 150 mm Jaw length 40 mm No. 707225 20.59 € 24.50 €

D MINI POCKET CALLIPER Lightweight, compact caliper for taking inside and outside measurements of small or delicate objects, models, veneers, etc. Stainless steel, deep-etched scale with a 0.05 mm vernier. Measuring range 70 mm Jaw length 20 mm No. 707243 12.52 € 14.90 €


E KÄFER® CALLIPER For measuring the wall thickness of musical instruments, cladding, hollow bodies and veneer etc. Robust cast-aluminium frame with precision dial gauge. Measuring range is 30 mm, display accuracy is 0.1 mm. A left-handed version is available on request. Jaw depth 200 mm No. 707101 172.18 € 204.90 € Protractors

F PRECISION PROTRACTORS With precise angle markings, running in both directions (0° - 180°), stainless steel. 1 Scale width 90 mm Side length 150 mm No. 717148 13.61 €



16.20 €

2 Scale width 120 mm Chrome-plated, matt surface with deepetched scale. Side length 238 mm No. 717140 25.13 € 29.90 € G STARRETT® MITRE ANGLE GAUGE Read the mitre angle: With the Starrett protractor, you can read both the mitre angle and half angle and then immediately transfer them to the saw setting. Protractor with double scale, solid aluminium. Side length 300 mm No. 718300 100.00 € 119.00 €



H JAPANESE MINI PROTRACTOR Arm for chamfer angle with tool blades. With scale markings. Side length 100 mm No. 717141 10.00 € 11.90 €


I ANGLEFIX® MITRE GAUGE This mitre gauge makes it easier to quickly transfer mitre angles without making mistakes. The bevels with integrated conversion halve the measured angle and indicate this with a metal tongue. High-quality plastic body, encapsulated conversion mechanism. 170 x 145 mm No. 707249 15.04 € 17.90 €


Scribing tools Marking gauges

J J JAPANESE MARKING GAUGES Japanese marking gauges are equipped with single-bevel cutting blades, allowing them to leave very fine, tear-out-free marks in end grain and other difficult grain patterns. The clean marks then serve as a perfect guide for cutting mortises with a chisel. Keshiki can also be used to score thin boards or thick veneers for subsequent splitting. Made from durable Japanese white oak. 132

1 1 Single blade, wedge lock Graduated markings to 60 mm Working range 0-120 mm No. 717100 10.84 € 12.90 € Repl. blade No. 717108 2.44 € 2.90 €

2 2 Single blade, screw clamping Working range 0-150 mm No. 717101 16.47 € 19.60 € Repl. blade No. 717108 2.44 € 2.90 €

3 3 Dual blade, screw clamping For marking parallel lines. Working capacity 0-90 mm No. 717107 12.52 €

14.90 €

Measuring and inspection instruments | Scribing tools





A VERITAS® MARKING GAUGE Precise scribing guaranteed! The cutting wheel is bevelled on one side only, facilitating accurate and reliable results even when cutting end grain or difficult grain patterns. Jerk-free adjustment thanks to precision guide with friction brake. Steel rod, hardened cutter, anodised aluminium head with brass fence and adjustment screw. Deep-etched scale in mm. Working range 0 - 150 mm No. 707178 28.49 € 33.90 €


B VERITAS® MICRO-ADJUST MARKING GAUGE Features a micro-adjustment mechanism for highly accurate markings. Otherwise as above. No. 703656 34.37 € 40.90 €

C MINI PRECISION MARKING GAUGE Can be used with a needle or scribing knife: This compact marking gauge is an ingenious scribing tool for wood joints, small wooden objects, model making and craft carpentry. It can be fitted with a straight or disc-shaped scribing knife or a needle, according to preference. The fence, which is locked in place with a clamping sleeve, may also be adjusted with one hand; its asymmetric shape makes precise scribing possible, even on thin workpieces. Includes 12 straight blades, 1 disc knife, 1 needle. Working range 0-85 mm 65 g No. 703645 22.27 € 26.50 €

D ULMIA® MARKING GAUGE WITH DISC KNIFE Instead of being scratched, the mark is cut with a disc blade, without tearing. While scribers tend to follow the grain, the disc blade holds an exact course even across the grain and with difficult fibre flows. The single-bevel blade is easy to remove and sharpen. Marking gauge head made of hornbeam with inlaid measurement scale 0-150 mm, block surface has hardwood layer with undulating glued join, brass locking screw. No. 707164 44.79 € 53.30 €

Chalk lines and marking tools


G SHINWA® INK LINE Similar in function to a chalk line, an ink line is used to mark straight lines on wood and other materials. A fine silk line is drawn out through an ink-soaked wad of cotton, tensioned and then snapped against the workpiece. This allows you to mark very long (up to 10 m), fine and exceptionally accurate lines, also on un-even workpieces. Can also be used as a plumb line. Unbreakable plastic body, leak-proof, auto-rewind thread. Ink not included. Operating instructions included. 180 x 80 x 40 mm Thread length 20 m No. 717298 31.51 € 37.50 € Repl. thread No. 717291 2.94 € 3.50 €


H SHINWA® MINI INK LINE Professional quality, compact ink line. Auto-rewind thread. Ink not included. Operating instructions included. 145 x 70 x 35 mm Thread length 15 m No. 717299 21.76 € 25.90 € Repl. thread No. 717294 2.44 € 2.90 €




J CHALK LINE POWER WINDER Chalk line with hand crank, 3.5:1 gear ratio for fast rewinding, and fast unwinding without turning the crank. Chalk view window in high-impact ABS plastic housing lets you see exactly how much chalk you have left. Slide-in compartment for quick filling, steel crank and hook fold into the case. Chalk not provided. 135 x 75 x 50 mm String length 30 m No. 707288 14.71 € 17.50 €

L DREI STERNE® MARKING CHALK Fatty additives make these pens weatherproof, light-fast and non-erasable. You can label almost anything with this, especially outdoors. Box with 12 blue pens. 100 x 9.5 mm No. 707357 4.96 € 5.90 €



I LIQUID INK For ink lines, water-soluble. 1 Black



180 ml 2 Red 100 ml


F CROWN® MINI MARKING GAUGE Beautiful handy marking gauge of varnished rosewood, made in England. The wedge-locked V-cutter cuts the fibre, which helps it stay true. Working range 3-110 mm No. 707175 13.03 € 15.50 €

Replacement blades for marking gauges can be found at www.more-than-tools.de


E CROWN® PATENTED MARKING GAUGE Precisely manufactured marking gauge from England with two scribe needles, one separately adjustable via a slider and setscrew. This results in high repetition accuracy and saves time when marking parallel scribings for tenons and grooves, etc. An additional scribing needle on the opposite side of the arm can be used for simple scribing. Rosewood with brass fittings. Working range 0-110 mm No. 707196 46.97 € 55.90 €

No. 717305

4.03 €

4.80 €

No. 717304

4.79 €

5.70 €

K CHALK FOR CHALK LINE For reliable markings, blue. 225 g No. 717296 6.89 €

8.20 €

M LETTER & NUMBER AUTOMATIC PUNCH SET Marking your tools and workpieces helps avoid misunderstandings. With this set you can easily mark wood and non-hardened metal. The knurled brass handle is spring-loaded, so you don’t need a hammer. Simply insert a letter or number bit into the hexagon socket and press down. Letters are approximately 4 mm high. Comes in plastic box. No. 708324 17.56 € 20.90 €

Compasses and accessories


1 Shaft length 150 mm Opening 160 mm No. 707150 14.20 € Shaft length 200 mm Opening 215 mm No. 707330 16.05 € 1


N COMPASSES Elegant French compasses made of gunmetal finished steel, with hardened points, quick-acting screws.

16.90 € 19.10 €

2 Shaft length 150 mm, with pencil holder Opening 160 mm No. 707151 18.24 € 21.70 € Shaft length 200 mm, with pencil holder Opening 215 mm No. 707331 20.84 € 24.80 €


O VERITAS® LOG SCRIBE (SCRIBER) Essential for building log cabins: For transferring contours to round stock, especially for marking corner joints (log home building). The two built-in levels allow very high-precision marking results. Two steel pins with a pointed tip for compass work and a rounded tip for smooth scribing, pencil holder. Aluminium body with brass fittings, solid plastic case. Instructions included. Max. opening 300 mm No. 707269 88.24 € 105.00 € 133

Measuring and inspection instruments | Scribing tools, Inspection and transferring instruments



A PANTOGRAPH Classic tool: The pantograph (Greek for all-round writer) transfers drawings, contours and profiles in the same, larger or smaller scale from the plan to the workpiece and thus saves a detour via the computer and photocopier. With the help of the milled scale and fixing nuts made of solid brass, the transfer ratio can be adjusted from 10x enlargement to 10x reduction. Not suitable for high-precision requirements. Length 500 mm No. 708095 27.90 € 33.20 €

B B PARALLEL MARKER Unspectacular but essential: Ideal for marking built-in elements, joints, door casings, etc. Guide it along the reference surface and the adjustable pencil draws the marking line. Can also be used as a compass, thanks to the steel pin in the lower shaft. Plastic. Opening 4-75 mm No. 716152 6.89 € 8.20 €

C POINT.2.POINT For laying out equal spacings, e.g. for dovetails, dowels, etc. Extends to 600 mm and can be locked in any position to transfer up to 8 position markings (7 equal spacings) to the workpiece. Stainless steel, with brass screws. Not suitable for high-precision applications. Max. extension 600 mm No. 707267 20.76 € 24.70 €

Inspection and transferring instruments F

G Squares

G JAPANESE CARPENTER'S SQUARE Precision square with mm graduations permanently etched on both sides of both edges. Stainless steel. Thickness 2 mm Width 20 mm 500 x 245 mm No. 717133 26.81 € 31.90 €

Tips: The Sashigane 500 mm can also be used as a try square. Simply bend the longer side slightly and place it flush against the workpiece. Check the accuracy of the Sashigane on any straight edge by marking a perpendicular line, turning the square over and remarking the same line. If the line is not identical, the square is inaccurate and should be adjusted. To correct

an inaccurate square, place the corner of the Sashigane on an anvil. If the angle is too large, lightly tap the outside corner (A) with a small hammer. If the angle is too small, tap the inside corner (B). The Anvil A hammer blows misshape the steel slightly, causing it to open B or close. Do not strike too hard, and recheck the angle often. Square

F FLEXIBLE SQUARE (SASHIGANE) This light and easy-toread stainless steel square is used not only as a framing square and scale, but also as Circumference an angle of inclination and try square. The blade is 15 mm wide, the standard measurement in Japan for tenons and board thickSquare nesses. The front of the square has the usual deep-etched metric markings (mm). Cross-section The back has two calibrations: one gives the diameter (x 3.14) and the other the length of one side of a square inscribed by that diameter (x 0.7). The bevelled edges and slight hollow grind prevent ink markings from being smudged. Thickness 1.3 mm Width 15 mm 510 x 250 mm No. 717130 26.81 € 31.90 €


H GERMAN CARPENTER’S SQUARE The standard square for every carpenter is made of stainless spring steel and has a seamless cut. An etched scale on both sides of the square can be used for external and internal measuring. The holes, spaced 5 mm apart, on the short shank are used for parallel marking. For this technique the long shank works as a fence and the oval-shaped holes centre the pencil during pulling. Accuracy 0.005 mm per 1 cm length Thickness 1.2 mm Width 35 mm 800 x 320 mm No. 707279 20.92 € 24.90 €



I JAPANESE MINI CARPENTER’S SQUARE Stainless steel square for small workpieces and joints. Permanently etched on both sides and both edges. Thickness 1 mm Width 15 mm 150 x 70 mm No. 707148 14.20 € 16.90 €

J J ANGLE END STOPS Transforms your carpenter's square into a try square: the hexagonal end stops made of brass are quickly and easily fitted onto the carpenter’s square with knurled screws. The end stop facilitates the repeated marking of bevels, e.g. in roofing beams. Blade/tounge thickness max. 6 mm, 2-piece set. No. 708096 8.15 € 9.70 €

D KUNZ® COMPASS HEADS For building beam compasses. Grey cast iron heads with pencil holders and steel points. Max. opening 30 mm No. 707217 18.49 € 22.00 € E

E VERITAS® BEAM COMPASS HEADS For making compasses of any size. Two aluminium heads with pencil holders and steel points, one of which is eccentric to facilitate fine adjustment. Brass hardware. Can be mounted on any thin piece of wood. No. 707231 48.74 € 58.00 €

Measuring and inspection instruments | Inspection and transferring instruments

A C A NOBEX® OCTO FOLDING SQUARE Seven angle positions (22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, 135° and 157.5°) and high accuracy (+/- 0.06°). The hardened stainless steel blade latches into the pressured ball bearing without free play and the try square fits any toolbag. Scale on both sides. Aluminium stock. Stock length 135 / 160 / 185 mm Blade length

200 mm 300 mm 400 mm

No. 707297 16.72 € 19.90 € No. 707298 18.91 € 22.50 € No. 707299 23.11 € 27.50 €


B JAPANESE TRY SQUARE Handy and accurate: Precision square with mm scale on both sides, inner and outer dimensions. Stock decorated with Japanese motives. Stainless steel. 150 x 100 mm No. 717115 22.61 € 26.90 €


C CARPENTER’S TRY SQUARE Rosewood with brass fitting. Hardened steel blade. 275 x 155 mm No. 707172 17.39 € 20.70 €

D MINI TRY SQUARE With a 45° mitre stop. 105 x 68 mm No. 707171 14.62 €



E MINI TRY SQUARES Small Japanese try square with stainless steel blade and brass side, ground. Stock length 38 / 40 / 65 mm Blade length

45 mm No. 707274 60 mm No. 717120 100 mm No. 717121

17.40 €

8.32 € 8.32 € 8.32 €

9.90 € 9.90 € 9.90 €


F SOLID STEEL TRY SQUARE Small precision square with a guaranteed accuracy of 0.1 mm. Tool steel (not stainless). 125 x 80 mm No. 707245 10.08 € 12.00 €


G ULMIA® PRECISION TRY SQUARE This square from Ulmia satisfies all the requirements of an optimum measuring tool. The stock is made of fine rosewood with hand recesses and is protected by two brass edges with dovetail joint. The hardened steel blade is permanently fixed by four rivets bound to brass frames inlaid on both sides of the handle. Accuracy +/- 0.02 mm Stock length 105 / 150 / 195 mm Blade length

150 mm No. 707304 35.88 € 42.70 € 250 mm No. 707305 41.93 € 49.90 € 350 mm No. 707306 52.86 € 62.90 €


H ULMIA PRECISION MITRE GAUGE For scribing mitres at angles of 45° and 135°. Stock of rosewood with dovetail joined brass edges, steel blade hardened and blued. Fastened by double rivets to inlaid brass plates on both sides. Accuracy +/- 0.02 mm Blade length 350 mm No. 707309 45.97 € 54.70 € ®

J SHINWA® MITRE SQUARES Precision square with Japanese ornamentation. Ground stop and edges. Stainless steel.


1 No scale 110 x 90 mm 45° No. 717131


9.16 €

10.90 €

To check the squareness of a try square, make a mark line on a board, then turn the try square over and make a second line. If the lines are not identical then the angle between them is twice the actual deviation. To correct this, you can use a scriber to scratch a line on the blade at half this angle and then use a fine file to trim the blade edge to this line.



2 Deep-etched mm scale markings 170 x 100 mm 45°, 90°, 135° No. 717147 15.29 € 18.20 € 2 2

I VERITAS® SLIDING SQUARE Innovative: The carefully conceived sliding square proves to be the ideal aid for scribing hinges, fittings and mortise joints. The stainless steel plate is graduated along three sides. The right side of the blade can be inscribed by users due to the matt finish. Slip-proof, light metal end stop with brass locking screw. Two diamond-shaped openings make parallel marking easier. Measuring scale 0-100 mm No. 703647 28.99 € 34.50 €

K SHINWA® 3-D MITRE SQUARE Time-saving and precise: Can be used for marking 45° and 90° mitres on battens or counterbattens. This saves time and increases precision in making mitre joints or with cross-cuts. The fence also allows the tool to be used for scribing parallel lines. Made of anodised aluminium, with permanently etched scale markings. 1 45°/90° Square For mitres and cross-cuts. 169 x 63 x 73 mm No. 717122 15.88 €

18.90 €

2 45°/45° Square For marking pairs of mitres. 200 x 63 x 73 mm No. 717123 16.72 €

19.90 €


Measuring and inspection instruments | Inspection and transferring instruments



A VERITAS® DOVETAIL MARKERS Precision tools for marking dovetails. Aluminium, black anodised, extra-long stock, relieved inside corner. 40 x 50 x 65 mm Dovetail ratio 1:6 (softwood) No. 703654 13.03 € 15.50 € Dovetail ratio 1:8 (hardwood) No. 703655 13.03 € 15.50 €



B LIE NIELSEN® DOVETAIL MARKERS Smart precision marker for laying out dovetail joints with two different slopes for hardwood (1:7) and softwood (1:6). Brass plate with mortised cocobolo stock. Plate 45 x 45 mm Height 32 mm No. 707284 28.49 € 33.90 €

C DOVETAIL GAUGE For marking straight and angled dovetail joints, 1:8 ratio. Adjustable width (6 - 40 mm) and angle, stainless steel. Blade and guide length 150 mm No. 707179 19.24 € 22.90 €

D ALPHA MARKING TOOL The alpha square is an advanced version of the carpenter's square and an indispensible marking tool for all carpenters. You can set this tool to any additional degrees you may require between 0° and 90° and mark them or read them off on the beam. The movable bracket with degree scale is seamlessly welded to the horizontal and vertical marking blades and is also firmly riveted to the square it-

self. With careful consideration of where you place the tool along the edges of the workpiece, you can greatly reduce the time required for marking because you do not have to set any opposite angles. Stainless spring steel with etched scale. Scale division 0.5°. Thickness 1.2 mm Width 35 mm 795 x 430 mm No. 707316 73.03 € 86.90 €




E STARRETT® COMBINATION SQUARE, 4-PIECE SET High precision: Versatile, precise measuring and marking tool, consisting of a 300 mm precision rule which can be fitted with either a combination 45°/ 90° square head with integrated spirit level, a locking protractor or a centering head. Deep-etched mm scale with ½ mm on reverse. Hardened stainless steel rule, grey cast iron heads coated with solvent-resistant, weatherproof wrinkle finish, precisionground edges. Comes in plastic case. No. 718302 178.15 € 212.00 €


F STARRETT® COMBINATION SQUARE, 2-PIECE SET Hardened stainless steel rule and slidable 45°/ 90° square head, with spirit level. Deep-etched mm scale with ½ mm on reverse. Grey cast iron heads coated with solvent-resistant, weatherproof wrinkle finish, precision-ground edges. No. 718301 72.18 € 85.90 €

G COMBINATION SQUARE, 4-PIECE SET Multi-functional: 300 mm rule which can be fitted with either a combination 45°/ 90° square head, a locking protractor or a centering head. Deep-etched mm and inch scales. Chrome-plated matt stainless steel rule, grey cast iron heads, ground edges. No. 707300 50.34 € 59.90 € Repl. rule No. 707302 15.38 € 18.30 €

H COMBINATION SQUARE, 2-PIECE SET Rule and slidable 45°/ 90° square head. Deep-etched mm and inch scales. Chromeplated matt stainless steel rule, grey cast iron heads, ground edges. No. 707301 28.07 € 33.40 € I

COMPACT COMBINATION SQUARE, 2-PIECE SET Handy measuring and marking tool, consisting of a 150 mm rule with slidable 45°/ 90° square head. Chrome-plated matt stainless steel rule. Grey cast iron heads, ground edges. Deep-etched mm and inch scales. No. 800159 20.76 € 24.70 €

Measuring and inspection instruments | Inspection and transferring instruments

Sliding bevels and profile gauges Profile gauges


A VERITAS® PRECISION SLIDING BEVELS Precision sliding bevels with one-handed blade locking, integrated flush in the stock. Stock made of warp-free, epoxy-saturated hardwood, stainless steel blade. Stock length 165 mm Blade length 250 mm No. 707230 46.13 € 54.90 €

Create a positive and negative image of any profile by pressing. The ease of use is only surpassed by the wide range of possible applications. Restorers and turners can use this for copying profiles, floor layers can use it for fitting work, boat builders and violin makers can use it for checking arches.


E ENGLISH SLIDING BEVEL Rosewood with brass fittings. Hardened steel blade. Stock length 150 mm Blade length 225 mm No. 707174 21.43 € 25.50 €




I B VERITAS® BEVEL SETTER Set bevels faster: This is an ingenious tool for setting angles when lining up and for marking or measuring workpieces. Pieces can be positioned freely in line with the etched markings or with the help of the fence. Special dovetail and polygon markings are on the back, as is a mm scale. 75 x 180 mm No. 703667 29.33 € 34.90 €

PROFILE GAUGES WITH STAINLESS STEEL PINS With fine stainless steel pins for particularly accurate results. Needle Ø of 0.75 mm. Specified in mm. Depth 50 mm, length 150 mm No. 707167 11.68 € 13.90 €

F SHINWA® SLIDING BEVELS Japanese precision sliding bevels with aluminium stock. Chrome-plated steel blade. The locking mechanism is positioned in the upper part of the stock to prevent it from interfering during use. Stock length 125 / 150 mm

Depth 105 mm, length 300 mm No. 717142 41.09 € 48.90 €

Blade length

200 mm No. 717144 16.64 € 19.80 € 250 mm No. 717146 17.56 € 20.90 €





2 J C VERITAS® SET, BEVEL SETTER AND PRECISION SLIDING BEVEL Price advantage Bevel: 165 mm x 250 mm Bevel setter: 75 x 180 mm No. 703669 67.14 € 79.90 €

PROFILE GAUGES WITH PLASTIC BLADES For measuring and transferring profiles. No offset, as blades are flush with the frame. Depth 40 mm Blade thickness 1.3 mm

G SLIDING BEVEL, ROSEWOOD Stock made of rosewood with brass fittings. Angles are fixed through an adjustment screw, which is not in the way like a lever when marking or transferring angles. Blued and hardened steel blade. Stock length 150 mm Blade length 230 mm No. 707327 17.56 € 20.90 €


1 125 mm No. 707145 9.92 € 11.80 € 2 255 mm No. 707147 16.30 € 19.40 € Extension for both lengths 125 mm No. 707146 9.92 € 11.80 € Flatness inspection




D ULMIA® PRECISION SLIDING BEVEL For measuring, transferring and scribing angles. Stock made of rosewood, ends protected by inlaid riveted brass plates. Simple locking of the hardened blued steel blade via large wingnuts. Stock length 180 / 235 mm Blade length

250 mm No. 707311 34.62 € 41.20 € 330 mm No. 707310 38.32 € 45.60 €

H MINI SLIDING BEVEL, ROSEWOOD Stainless steel blade. Stock length 65 mm Blade length 95 mm No. 707176 12.69 € 15.10 €

K PRECISION KNIFE EDGE SQUARES For checking the squareness of an edge, using the light-gap method. The blade is bevelled on both sides. Blade crosssection 18 x 5.5 mm, stainless steel. Accuracy grade 00 in accordance with DIN 875, squareness tolerance of 0.004 mm, comes in a protective case. Stock length 70 / 130 mm Blade length

100 mm No. 707280 20.76 € 24.70 € 200 mm No. 707281 41.34 € 49.20 €

L PRECISION KNIFE EDGE RULES Highest precision: The best way of checking if a surface is flat is with this straight edge, using the lightgap method. The rules are bevelled on the measurement edge and have a textured rubber grip. Stainless steel, accuracy grade 00 in accordance with DIN 874, comes in a protective case. Tolerance 0.002-0.004 mm Thickness approx. 8 mm Length

100 mm No. 707290 12.27 € 14.60 € 300 mm No. 707291 30.76 € 36.60 € 500 mm No. 707292 60.92 € 72.50 € 137

Measuring and inspection instruments | Inspection and transferring instruments

Inclination measuring tools and moisture meter



2 A BMI® ROBUST SPIRIT LEVEL The extremely torsion-resistant 4-chamber aluminium profile and two shock-absorbing rubber end caps make this spirit level the ideal tool on site. Two vertical block vials and one horizontal vial with magnifying effect, as well as milled measuring surfaces ensure extreme accuracy on all surfaces.

1 Length 60 cm 600 x 60 x 27 mm 640 g No. 707295

50.34 €

59.90 €

2 Length 80 cm 800 x 60 x 27 mm 880 g No. 707296

58.74 €

69.90 €

BMI spirit levels - Selected, high-quality materials - High measuring accuracy (0.5 mm/m in normal positions and when measuring overhead)

- Up to 30 years warranty from BMI on the service life of the vials - Ultrasonically welded vials with nonglare reading



2 B BMI® ULTRASONIC SPIRIT LEVEL The hefty 1.8 mm thick aluminium profile makes this spirit level a torsion-resistant lightweight. A horizontal and a vertical vial, both also visible from the top, ensure accuracy in any measuring situation. The magnifying effect of both vials allows easy reading, while a rubber end cap protects the spirit level from damage.

1 Length 60 cm 600 x 50 x 22 mm 390 g No. 707293

24.29 €

28.90 €

2 Length 80 cm 800 x 50 x 22 mm 500 g No. 707294

27.65 €

32.90 €

F ACRYLIC MEASURING TOOLS Compact and light measuring tools of unbreakable acrylic glass. Their crystalline appearance is not only elegant but also makes handling easier. The high level of manufacturing precision means that either side can be used for reference.


F 1 1 Mini level With two vials, for checking the horizontality, verticality or squareness. Accurate to within 0.14°. 15 x 25 x 75 mm No. 717151 14.71 € 17.50 €


C SPIRIT LEVEL, ROSEWOOD Fine, compact spirit level in the traditional »torpedo« form. Rosewood with brass fittings. 230 x 19 x 38 mm No. 707177 25.13 € 29.90 €



2 Card level A credit-card size, 6 mm thick spirit level, with a 45°/60°/90° display as well as a deviation indicator (1/100 and 2/100). 54 x 86 mm No. 717155 10.34 € 12.30 €


D SHINWA® LINE SPIRIT LEVEL You can use this ultra-light spirit level to check whether a tensioned line guide is level or not. The spirit level is hung on the line by the two eyelets for this. It can also be used as a normal surface spirit level. Length 100 mm 15 g No. 707226 9.16 € 10.90 €


G BRASS PLUMB LINE Plumb bob of varnished brass with nut to fasten the string and replaceable tip of hardened steel. The 3 m braided polyamide string is tearproof and weather-resistant and is cut hot to prevent frazzling. Replacement tip included. Body length 120 mm Ø 28 mm String length 3 m No. 707286 14.20 € 16.90 €

E GRADOMETER Compact Japanese level for accurately measuring oblique or inclination angles, e.g. in carpentry, interior extensions or plumbing. Rotating bubble level with angle, graduated and inclination scale, 0° to 90°, accuracy: +/- 1°. Aluminium, V-shaped groove (for pipes, etc.), rubber impact protection. Length 100 mm No. 717158 18.40 € 21.90 €

H MOISTURE METER Nothing is more irritating than the drying cracks or heavy warping that can occur after working on wood that is too wet. This moisture meter provides assistance with two different measuring modes: search mode provides non-destructive measurement to a depth of 5 cm, needle mode measures to a depth of 1.2 cm. Also suitable for concrete. Measuring range of 0-80%. Sturdy professional quality in a plastic case with wood chart. No. 707285 205.04 € 244.00 €


Measuring and inspection instruments | Surveying tools

Surveying tools




Optical survey

A A BEND-A-LIGHT® This lamp with a flexible, coated brass shaft provides bright light in hollow and hard-to-reach spaces. The supplied protective tube can also be fitted onto the handle to extend it. Head Ø 5 mm.


1 Bend-A-Light®, Short Short version with krypton bulb and compartment for 2 AA 1.5 V batteries. Overall length 400 mm Shaft length 250 mm No. 708001 28.99 € 34.50 € Repl. bulb No. 708002 7.65 € 9.10 €


B TELESCOPIC MIRROR Double ball-jointed mirror with telescopic handle. Fits into any shirt pocket thanks to its compact length. Length 195-690 mm (telescopic) Mirror Ø 30 mm No. 707112 12.10 € 14.40 €

D INSPECTION MIRRORS For inspecting hollow bodies and positions that are difficult to access. 170 mm version with flexible mirror shaft, bendable into any position, low magnification. Mirror Ø 24 / 30 mm

C LARGE INSPECTION MIRROR Particularly large inspection mirror with telescopic shaft. Ball joint allows swivelling in any position. Length 275-380 mm Joint 11 mm Mirror Ø 55 mm No. 707109 12.10 € 14.40 €

1 170 mm No. 707113 6.30 € 7.50 € Repl. mirror No. 707115 3.70 € 4.40 € 2 225 mm No. 707111 10.00 € 11.90 € Repl. mirror No. 707100 4.96 € 5.90 €


2 Bend-A-Light , Long Long version with LED bulb and compartment for 3 AA 1.5 V batteries. Overall length 620 mm Shaft length 380 mm No. 708005 36.05 € 42.90 € Repl. bulb No. 708014 15.88 € 18.90 € ®



E Retrievers, pickups and tweezers

E ILLUMINATED MAGNIFYING GLASS Free-standing illuminated magnifying glass can be used for inspecting holes and cracks in musical instruments and antiques as well as jewellery, miniatures, stamps, etc. 15x magnification, optical glass lens, bright LED bulb with 40,000 hours lifetime. Plastic housing. Batteries (3 x 1.5 V AAA) not included. Comes in case. 110 x 37 x 25mm Lens Ø 21 mm No. 708015 23.95 € 28.50 € Repl. bulb No. 708022 0.92 € 1.10 €



F RETRIEVER For grasping and holding hard-to-reach objects (stringed instrument sound posts, etc). Flexible shaft made from corrugated hose (retains its position once bent). With three claws. Length 500 mm Mount approx. 16 mm Gripper head Ø 9 mm No. 717190 19.24 € 22.90 € G MAGNETIC PICKUP, EXTRA STRENGTH Extra-strength tool for retrieving screws or other ferromagnetic objects from narrow recesses and hollows – retractable and with pocket clip. Max. length 600 mm Lifting power approx. 1500 g Tip Ø 11 mm No. 707119 10.00 € 11.90 €

I PRECISION TWEEZERS Stainless steel. I 1 Pointed tip Slightly cranked, slim. Overall length 110 mm No. 707141 4.12 €


4.90 €


2 2 Round tip Cranked Overall length 110 mm No. 707142 4.12 €

4.90 €


H H TWEEZERS, SKEW-GROUND Robust stainless steel tweezers with bevelled, skew-ground tips and rubber grip for precise control. Overall length 122 mm No. 707253 10.00 € 11.90 €

J TWEEZERS, 6-PIECE SET High-quality tweezers for technical applications. Pointed 120 mm, 150 mm and 180 mm; Cranked 175 mm; Flat with sliding lock 165 mm; Reverse action (self-locking) 165 mm No. 707143 9.16 € 10.90 €

K HOOKS AND PICKS, 6-PIECE SET Stainless steel dental picks and hooks with fine needle-point tips for picking up, adjusting, marking or cleaning small objects. Overall length 130-160 mm No. 700431 12.61 € 15.00 € 139

Measuring and inspection instruments | Workshop knives

Workshop knives Marking and veneer knives




A KOGATANA DELUXE These hand-forged knives made of folded Suminagashi steel (20 - 30 layers) are notable for their exceptional edge life, even when working with exotic hardwoods. Double bevel. 64 HRC. Overall length 160-180 mm Blade thickness 2-3 mm

E CARVING AND VENEER KNIVES Extra-strong blade of high-grade surgical steel XC 100 (stainless, approx. 62 HRC), pre-sharpened. The handle scales of polished Makassar ebony are fastened with sturdy brass rivets. Blade width 24 mm Blade length 70 mm Overall length 180 mm

I PFEIL® SCRIBER KNIFE The prism-shaped blade of this scriber knife allows scribing to the left or right of a guide. The handle of oiled cherrywood has a hollowed finger area close to the nib for a better grip. Stick tang blade hardened to 60 HRC. Suitable for both left- and right-handed users. Blade width 18 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 717113 12.77 € 15.20 €

Blade width

3 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm

No. 710505 No. 710504 No. 710503 No. 710507 No. 710502 No. 710506 No. 710501

33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 41.09

€ € € € € € €

39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 48.90 €


Double Right Left

No. 700411 19.75 € 23.50 € No. 700412 19.75 € 23.50 € No. 700413 19.75 € 23.50 €



B KOGATANA STANDARD 2- or 3-layer steel. 58 HRC. Overall length 160-180 mm Blade thickness 2-3 mm

F UNIVERSAL BRONZE CUTTING KNIFE Despite its simple beauty, this elegant silver-bronze cutting knife will meet the highest demands.

Double bevel Blade width

No. 710205 No. 710204 No. 710203 No. 710207 No. 710202 No. 710206 No. 710201

10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 11.43

€ € € € € € €



3 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm

12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 13.60 €

J HATTORI® SCRIBER KNIFE This handy scriber knife with prism-shaped blade is ideal for universal scribing to the left or right of a guide. The blade is hardened to 59 HRC and firmly fastened to the round rosewood handle with a stick tang. Suitable for both left- and right-handed users. Blade width 16 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 717102 8.32 € 9.90 €

Scalpels and craft knives


Blade width

No. 710405 No. 710404 No. 710407 No. 710402 No. 710406 No. 710401

10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84 11.43

€ € € € € €

12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 12.90 € 13.60 €

Left bevel Blade width

6 mm 10 mm 12 mm 18 mm

No. 710304 No. 710307 No. 710302 No. 710301

13.53 13.53 13.53 14.62

€ € € €

16.10 € 16.10 € 16.10 € 17.40 €

1 Folding knife with plastic handle Light, comfortable to hold handle scales with integrated reserve-blade compartment (for 5 blades) and a thumb press on the spine for increased pressure. Overall length 160 mm 130 g No. 710540 16.13 € 19.20 €


Right bevel 3 mm 6 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm

O BESSEY® FOLDING KNIVES WITH CUTTER BLADES Cult tools: The high-grade springloaded folding mechanism that is free of play, the quick blade-release, the ergonomically shaped handle with belt clip and the distinctive appearance are the hallmarks of this knife. It can be used for cutting wood, veneer, cardboard, leather, plastic and flooring materials.

It is sand-cast by hand from an alloy of high-purity copper, tin and 1% silver. It is uniformly hard and has a good weight. The knife is ideal for cutting a variety of different materials such as veneers, leather, paper and, thanks to its solid design, also thicker materials. Double bevel. Blade width 11 mm Overall length 145 mm No. 719176 125.97 € 149.90 €

K SCALPEL For precision cuts in wood, paper, plastic and technical applications. Surgical scalpel with solid stainless steel handle and secure blade-locking mechanism. 0.4 mm thin, extremely sharp blades of hardened XC 100 stainless steel. Handle only (without blade). Handle length 160 mm No. 700415 13.36 € 15.90 € L

2 Folding knife with wooden handle Handle scales of fine laminated wood. Riveted five times and polished. No reserve-blade compartment. Overall length 150 mm 175 g No. 710541 15.29 € 18.20 € P 1



P BESSEY® CUTTER BLADES Set of 10. 1 Utility No. 710542 4.12 € 2 Hook No. 710543 5.04 € Set of 5. 3 Linoleum No. 710544 5.46 € 4 Scoring No. 710538 5.29 €


4.90 € 6.00 € 6.50 € 6.30 €

C G 1 2 C YOKOTE KOGATANA Double-layered steel blade with hammered surface. Right bevel. 1 With handle and sheath Magnolia wood. Blade width 20 mm Blade length 75 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 710708 14.20 € 16.90 € 2 Blade without handle Blade width 20 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 710709 12.27 € 14.60 €


G PURFLING CUTTER For marking parallel lines and cutting a precise groove for inlay strips. Two parallel blades of two-layer steel. Width 2.5-12 mm Overall length 145 mm No. 717110 33.53 € 39.90 €


No. 710530 26.81 € 31.90 € No. 710531 30.50 € 36.30 €


H MARKING KNIFE For precise scribing. Japanese two-layer steel, ground on the right-hand side. Width 15 mm Overall length 170 mm No. 717111 10.00 € 11.90 €

The double-bevel knives are for allpurpose use. The single-bevel knives are for making cuts along a straight edge and for cutting perpendicular edges. Ideal for inlay and veneer work.

Right bevel

Left bevel

Q 1


1 2 3 4 5

Form Form Form Form Form


No. 700421 No. 700423 No. 700425 No. 700427 No. 700429

4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96

€ € € € €

5.90 € 5.90 € 5.90 € 5.90 € 5.90 €


Blade width

9 mm 15 mm



Bevel: Marking and inlay knives

D VENEER KNIFE (KIRIDASHI) Hand-forged slim knives made of doublelayered steel with embossed surface and rattan binding. Right bevel. Overall length 200 mm

1 2 3 L SCALPEL BLADES Sets of 12.

M JAPANESE CUTTER Japanese multi-purpose knife made of stainless steel, for wood, paper, plastic, etc. Sharpened ready for use (resharpenable). Blade length 60 mm Handle length 115 mm No. 710535 8.15 € 9.70 €


2 Q JAPANESE CRAFT KNIVES A sturdy craft knife does not necessarily need to be expensive. This Japanese craft knife is a great example of this. The 3 mm thick blade of easy-to-sharpen carbon-steel (SK5*) is mounted in a sturdy steel housing with a strong retention spring. The generously dimensioned, natural bubinga wood handle scales provide a secure grip even under the toughest use. A stop prevents the blade from being damaged when closing the knife. This knife is an essential item for every workshop and offers reliability and longevity in outdoor activities. * Hardness approx. 58 HRC, not rustproof. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 125 g

N JAPANESE PROFESSIONAL GLASS CUTTER Finely ground, sintered carbide cutter with unsurpassed lifetime means effortless glas cutting. Permanent lubrication thanks to petroleum reservoir in handle. Head width 14 mm Length 160 mm No. 716155 27.31 € 32.50 €

1 Curved edge For universal use. No. 709045

10.84 € 12.90 €

2 Straight edge For precision cuts, carving, pruning and striping. No. 709046 10.50 € 12.50 €

Clamps Binding together!

Solid steel bar clamps and cast iron screw clamps | 142

C-clamps and edge clamps | 142

One-hand clamps | 143

Edge-protecting clamps | 144

Mitre clamps | 145

I-beam bar clamps and clamp fixtures | 145

Tape tensioner | 146


Clamps | Solid steel bar clamps and cast iron screw clamps, C-clamps and edge clamps

Solid steel bar clamps and cast iron screw clamps


A SOLID STEEL BAR CLAMPS Thanks to the all-steel arms, these clamps are designed for flexible, elastic clamping (metal and wood) and guarantee high strength at a low weight. They have also been proven as industrial clamps for the fixation of welding parts. The galvanised fixed arm and the clamping pad are forged from a single piece. The burnished trapezoidal spindle runs precisely in the guide and allows delicate clamping. Ball-jointed clamping pad. Wooden handle. Jaw depth

1 50 mm 2 3 4 5

60 mm 80 mm 100 mm 120 mm

Jaw opening


100 300 120 160 200 250

200 g 300 g 300 g 500 g 900 g 1200 g

mm mm mm mm mm mm

1 2 3

No. 705632 No. 705633 No. 705634 No. 705635 No. 705636 No. 705637

8.32 10.34 10.00 12.52 16.72 20.92

€ € € € € €

9.90 € 12.30 € 11.90 € 14.90 € 19.90 € 24.90 €



1. Rigid clamping, e.g. malleable cast-iron clamps: With rigid clamping you can achieve strong clamping forces, making this type of clamping preferable for glued woodjoints. 2. Flexible clamping, e.g. all-steel clamps: Thanks to the flexible fixed and sliding


arms, the clamping force is much less affected by vibrations than with rigid malleable cast-iron clamps, so the workpiece is held more firmly in place. Flexible clamping is often used when clamping and fixing wood and metal parts in order to work on them, or for clamping workpieces to machine parts that are subject to vibrations.

B BESSEY® MALLEABLE CAST IRON SCREW CLAMPS Unbending: This clamp stays rigid, even at a high tightening torque, and does not slacken. The robust, hardened, hollow profile bar with ribbing and corrugated malleable cast-iron clamp arms are designed for clamping for up to 6000 N. A set screw in the sliding arm, which grips into the ribbing of the bar, offers maximum security against loosening and slippage. Balljointed swivel pad, strong trapezoid thread, beechwood handle. 1 2 3 4

Jaw depth

Jaw opening


50 mm 100 mm 120 mm 120 mm

100 mm 200 mm 500 mm 1000 mm

260 g 1100 g 2000 g 2850 g


No. 705713 No. 705714 No. 705715 No. 705716

11.51 24.87 36.97 47.06

€ € € €

C BESSEY® PROTECTIVE STRIPS To protect the surface of the clamped object from damage. 2 units, can be cut to size, suitable for No. 705713-705716. No. 705790 5.80 € 6.90 €

13.70 € 29.60 € 44.00 € 56.00 €

C-clamps and edge clamps D C-CLAMPS Compact, heavy-duty clamp with round frame for applying concentrated pressure. Forged-steel frame, zinc-plated; swivel pad. Jaw opening 17 mm Jaw depth 20 mm 40 g No. 705910 4.12 € 4.90 €

E EDGE CLAMP Solid 3-way clamp for gluing edges and other rectangular joints. Forged steel clamp arm, zinc-plated. Jaw opening 65 x 65 mm 580 g No. 705943 14.03 €


For more clamps (such as Bessey®) see our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de


H 16.70 €

F MINI SCREW CLAMPS, 3-PIECE SET Aluminium bar with foot, steel screws, plastic pads, simple design. 3-piece set. 23 x 32 mm, 35 g 30 x 43 mm, 45 g 37 x 56 mm, 65 g No. 705721 8.32 € 9.90 € 142


G BESSEY® EDGE CLAMP DEVICE Attachment for securing edging, trim, veneers, etc. Can be used with most standard screw clamps with a maximum bar thickness of 12 mm. Spindle length 75 mm 350 g No. 705793 12.02 € 14.30 €


H C-CLAMPS These clamps are made of a special alloy steel and achieve the highest clamping forces up to 15.000 N thanks to their Cshaped forged arm. The burnished spindle with tommy bar turns smoothly and precisely. Steel arm with nickel plating, ball-jointed clamping pad. Weight 430, 630 or 950 g Jaw depth

1 50 mm 2 60 mm


Jaw opening

50 mm 75 mm 100 mm

No. 705640 No. 705641 No. 705642

18.40 € 21.90 € 20.92 € 24.90 € 26.64 € 31.70 €


Clamps | C-clamps and edge clamps, One-hand clamps

A 1






8 A HERDIM® REPAIR CLAMPS Lightweight, precision clamps for repairing musical instruments and other fine handcrafted objects. Forged-steel frame with galvanised surfaces. Fast action brass screw with ball-jointed swivel pad and knurled knob, rubber coated.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Jaw depth

Jaw opening


22 mm 27 mm 40 mm 90 mm 85 mm 135 mm 205 mm 50 mm 150 mm 300 mm

12 15 30 30 40 40 40 80 80 80

11 g 18 g 35 g 75 g 115 g 170 g 300 g 105 g 205 g 720 g

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


No. 735719 No. 735718 No. 735714 No. 735715 No. 735702 No. 735704 No. 735707 No. 735709 No. 735711 No. 735713

16.22 16.72 17.56 19.50 23.11 24.54 28.74 25.88 31.85 39.92

€ € € € € € € € € €


19.30 € 19.90 € 20.90 € 23.20 € 27.50 € 29.20 € 34.20 € 30.80 € 37.90 € 47.50 €


B SILIKON PROTECTIVE PADS FOR HERDIM®-REPAIR CLAMPS For surface protection. Ø 12 mm No. 820068 2.10 € 2.50 € Ø 15 mm No. 820067 2.44 € 2.90 € Ø 17 mm No. 820066 2.86 € 3.40 €

7-piece set Price advantage No. 735702/04/07/14/15/18/19. No. 735754 131.09 € 156.00 €



One-hand clamps C QUICK-LEVER CLAMPS The advanced version of the all-steel clamp for fast, vibration-resistant clamping, thanks to a plastic-coated, non-slip ratchet-type lever. Galvanised fixed arm and clamping pad forged from a single piece. Precisely made, wear-resistant catch mechanism for controlled clamping force. Jaw depth 100 / 140 mm Weight 1150 or 2300 g

D BESSEY® KLIKLAMP Preserves your workpiece: The clamp arms of ultra-light magnesium can be quickly set to the exact amount of clamping pressure desired using the ratchet lever. Their exceptionally light weight and protective clamping surfaces make them especially well-suited for delicate workpieces and assembly work. Galvanised steel bar. Jaw depth 80 mm 300 g

Jaw opening

200 mm No. 705630 33.53 € 39.90 € 300 mm No. 705631 46.97 € 55.90 €

E ONE-HAND SPREADER CLAMPS® Spreader clamps can be easily attached, virtually free-of-play, and can be tensioned with one hand by means of a pistol handle with ratchet function. Large-area jaws with soft plastic protectors preserve the workpiece and ensure even clamping pressure through the one-sided ball-head mounting. By reversing the feet, the clamp can also be used for spreading. Break-proof fibreglass-reinforced polyamide arms, bar of hardened steel. Jaw depth 85 mm. Weight 670, 780 or 1000 g

Jaw opening

200 mm No. 705792 18.24 € 21.70 €



1 Spreading mode

Jaw opening

150 mm No. 705771 12.94 € 15.40 € 300 mm No. 705772 15.38 € 18.30 € 600 mm No. 705774 18.40 € 21.90 € 3-piece set Price advantage Set includes No. 705771, 705772, 705774. No. 705770 41.93 € 49.90 €

F POWER CLAMPS® Controlled clamping pressure: Lightning-quick, easy-to-use and precisely adjustable clamping pressure. The self-locking mechanism maintains the exact amount of pressure until the clamp is released by the stop lever. Ideal for veneering, assembly work and making repairs. Swivel clamping pads made of soft plastic, break-resistant fibreglassreinforced plastic arms.

2 1 Jaw opening 50 mm Jaw depth 55 mm 140 g No. 705670 8.07 €

9.60 €

2 Jaw opening 100 mm Jaw depth 75 mm 265 g No. 705672 9.58 € 11.40 €


Clamps | One-hand clamps, Edge-protecting clamps

A A GORILLA CLAMPS® These inexpensive gluing clamps guarantee powerful clamping pressure, yet are extremely lightweight. Their swivel jaws adjust to the contours of the workpiece, while their fibre-reinforced arms withstand heavy-duty use.


Jaw depth

1 30 mm No. 705866 2 50 mm No. 705867 3 80 mm No. 705868

1.43 € 1.60 € 2.10 €

3-piece set Price advantage No. 705866-868. No. 705869 4.62 €

B VARIO SPRING CLAMP These spring clamps have a particularly wide range of applications, because the spring power can be easily set from 0.5 kg to 25 kg with a Phillips-head screw. Movable soft jaws adjust to the workpiece and avoid dents. Handles made of fibreglass-reinforced plastic. Jaw depth 40 mm max. opening 25 mm No. 705919 3.28 € 3.90 €


1.70 € 1.90 € 2.50 €


5.50 €



Edge-protecting clamps



C KLEMMSIA® CLAMPS The original from Germany: Light, fast-acting clamps. The clamping pressure can be regulated via a cam lever. Cork pads protect the surface of the workpiece. One movable clamp arm. Zinc-plated steel bar with hornbeam jaws.

E JAPANESE CLAMPS (HATAGANE) Slender brass clamps with parallel clamping pads for gluing delicate materials and for marking and cutting latticework and frames, etc. Jaw depth Jaw opening Weight

12 mm Jaw depth

Jaw opening Weight

110 mm 200 400 600 800 150 mm 200 200 mm 200

mm mm mm mm mm mm

440 610 780 915 500 530

g g g g g g

No. 705810 No. 705823 No. 705812 No. 705824 No. 705825 No. 705811

8.32 9.92 11.60 13.28 12.52 13.36

€ € € € € €

9.90 € 11.80 € 13.80 € 15.80 € 14.90 € 15.90 €

15 mm

95 mm 155 mm 270 mm

45 g 90 g 105 g

No. 713201 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 713203 8.82 € 10.50 € No. 713205 10.50 € 12.50 €

D KLEMMSIA® CLAMP, BOTH CLAMP ARMS MOVABLE Otherwise, specification as above. Jaw depth

Jaw opening Weight

110 mm 1200 mm 1265 g

No. 705818 17.90 € 21.30 €


F PARALLEL CLAMPS The wooden jaws of these practical clamps can close at a variety of angles. Clamping pressure is distributed evenly without torsion. Screws made of galvanised steel, jaws and handles of maple. Tip: To quickly open parallel clamps, hold the handles with both hands and turn them as you would a crank.

G BESSEY® BODY CLAMPS The exactly parallel clamping faces make the body clamp the ideal tool for assembling furniture corpuses. With the extralarge contact surfaces, even sensitive workpieces can be clamped without further supports. Workpiece supports fitted on the bar prevent direct contact with the workpiece and produce exact rectangularity. No tools are needed for reversing the lower arm, so that this clamp can also be used as a spreader. Jaw depth 95 mm Weight 3100 or 3850 g Jaw opening

800 mm No. 705717 53.70 € 63.90 € 1250 mm No. 705718 66.97 € 79.70 € Jaw depth

Jaw opening Weight

55 mm 80 mm 105 mm 130 mm

60 mm 80 mm 135 mm 180 mm

180 g 410 g 850 g 1080 g

No. 705871 No. 705872 No. 705873 No. 705874

4-piece set Price advantage No. 705871-705874. No. 705875 24.37 €

4.62 5.80 7.48 9.16

€ 5.50 € € 6.90 € € 8.90 € € 10.90 €

29.00 €

H H CABINET ASSEMBLY CLAMPS, 2-PIECE SET When assembling and screwing together cabinets, for example kitchen units, you often use clamps to fix them flush. Unlike conventional one-handed clamps, which often get in the way with their long


guide bar, cabinet assembly clamps are compact. In addition, you can easily fix even heavy cabinets flush, thanks to the front pressure screw. Aluminium frame with rubber jaws to protect the workpiece. Jaw depth 35-60 mm Jaw opening 30-40 mm each 820 g No. 705657 63.78 € 75.90 €


Clamps | Mitre clamps, I-beam bar clamps and clamp fixtures

Mitre clamps A SPRING MITRE BRACKET SET Lightweight spring brackets for quick and easy assembly of frames and other wooden constructions. Only one hand is required to operate the mitre pliers, so the other hand remains free for the workpiece. Protective covers can be applied to the pointed ends when working with sensitive surfaces. Brackets of (x) hardened spring steel. Set includes 4 clamps. Distance between points: 55 mm, For moulding width: 40-65 mm No. 705741 16.72 € 19.90 € B PROTECTIVE COVERS, 4 UNITS Fits Spring Mitre Bracket Set No. 705741. No. 705746 1.85 € 2.20 €



C REPLACEMENT BRACKETS, 4 UNITS Fits Spring Mitre Bracket Set No. 705741. Distance between points

For moulding width (x)

15 30 45 55

15-25 25-35 35-50 40-65

mm mm mm mm

mm mm mm mm

No. 705742 No. 705743 No. 705744 No. 705745

2.77 2.94 3.28 3.28

€ € € €

3.30 € 3.50 € 3.90 € 3.90 €



D MITRE CLAMP For working and gluing frames and profiles. Base plate with two boreholes for fastening to the worktop. Cast-iron, precisely milled 90° workpiece fitting. Jaw opening 100 mm 3000 g No. 705936 44.54 € 53.00 €

E PRECISION MITRE CLAMP Heavy-duty vice for precise rectangular jointing, working and gluing frames and other profiles. The vice can be turned 360° on its base, angled up to 90° and locked into every position. The central saw slot allows work to be done while the piece is clamped in position. Four holes in the base for securing the vice to a workbench. Made of cast iron. Jaw opening 100 mm 4800 g No. 705769 63.03 € 75.00 €

I-beam bar clamps and clamp fixtures


F PONY® CLAMP FIXTURES Length according to need: Gluing clamps of optional length by mounting onto any 3/4” standard pipe (outer Ø 26 mm) with threaded ends. The tail has a quick-release clutch for rapid adjustment. Spindle travel 50 mm. 1 Pony® No. 50 Crank handle Jaw depth 42 mm No. 705954

19.75 €


23.50 €



2 Pony No. 56 Reversible heads for use as a spreader, winged-screw 2-piece set, head and tail castings (without pipe). Jaw depth 62 mm No. 705944 22.27 € 26.50 €

G PONY® CLAMP SADDLES, 4-PIECE SET For making a variety of clamping jigs. Aluminium, with fixing screw and mounting hole. No. 705909 13.87 € 16.50 €



H ALUMINIUM BAR CLAMPS These extremely lightweight aluminium gluing clamps offer high tensile strength and will not cause glue to stain upon contact. Screw, tail and headpieces made of steel. The bar features notches in 25 mm increments for quick adjustment.

Load capacity max. 7500 N Bar cross-section 20 x 40 mm Jaw depth 42 mm Jaw opening


610 mm 910 mm 1220 mm

1050 g 1400 g 1800 g

No. 705940 40.25 € 47.90 € No. 705941 44.45 € 52.90 € No. 705942 50.34 € 59.90 € 145

Clamps | I-beam bar clamps and clamp fixtures , Tape tensioner


A CLAMP FIXTURES Robust quality at a low price: Heavy-duty clamp fixtures for mounting on any board or square bar up to 25 mm in thickness. Swivel pad. 2-piece set: head and tail castings. Spindle length 110 mm Jaws 40 x 50 mm No. 705950 20.92 € 24.90 €


B HEAVY DUTY I-BEAM BAR CLAMP Sometimes you need a pressure reserve, e.g. when gluing door frames, staircases or thick panels. With its rigid I-profile, powerful trapezoid thread and robust hand crank, this door clamp is a match for the most difficult challenges. I-profile 85 x 45 x 4 mm Jaw opening 1200 mm Jaws 55 x 85 mm Spindle length 150 mm 14.5 kg No. 705827 80.59 € 95.90 €

Tape tensioner


C BESSEY® TAPE TENSIONER WITH VARIO CORNER PADS Multi-angular structures, cylinders and irregular workpieces are very difficult to glue using clamps; these usually require complex support structures. In such cases you are better served with a tape tensioner: You place the tape, made of tear-resistant polyester, around the workpiece and tension it seamlessly. The second application for this tool is in the gluing of frames cut to mitre. The four supplied Vario angles for angles of 60° to 180° exert even pressure on the mitre joints and also ensure the necessary separation distance from the workpiece. Tensioning scope max. 7 m with integrated roll up mechanism. No. 705710 40.17 € 47.80 €


D PARQUET CLAMP If you want to lay parquet or floorboards without visible joins, our parquet clamp is the right tool for you. It consists of two robust angle profiles. One is attached to the already fixed board, while the other is equipped with a ratchet mechanism, which is tightened with its 4.2 m tape of tear-resistant polyester (25 x 1 mm) to the board to be laid. 137 x 120 mm No. 705828 26.81 € 31.90 €


E TAPE TENSIONER This band clamp allows you to clamp round and irregular shapes. The strong linen band locks itself in the roller guides and can be fitted to the workpiece from both sides. The final tension is set via the handle of the trapezoid spindle. Band length 6.1 m No. 705656 77.73 € 92.50 €


F MULTI CLIP Bonding, pressing and securing: Patented traction clamp for securing wooden parts for assembly or gluing, bundling cables, rods or wires, securing ladders, posts or pipes, etc.

Two or more clamps can be combined to accommodate larger objects. Made of high-strength gluerepellent plastic. Jaw opening Ø 12-100 mm Clamping force max. 1000 N 17 g No. 705870 2.69 € 3.20 € 146

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers Trust them for reliability and precision!

Drill chucking tools | 149

Bit chucking heads and bits | 150

Wood drills | 151

Metal drills | 153

Countersinks and countersink drills | 153

Cylindrical and tapered cutters | 154

Circle cutters and threading tools | 155

Screwdrivers | 156

Pliers | 157


Drills, pliers, screwdrivers



Twist augers

Three-jaw chucks

Twist augers are the classic wood drills,

The most widely used chucks, predominantly

which when properly used produce clean,

for cylindrical shafts.

extended grip surface for the bit.

precise and straight holes. They have a

Four-jaw chucks

Instead of two slots, as on a Phillips screw,

screw tip that is drawn into the wood by

Suited for square shaped shafts (good hold)

the Torx screw has three slots shaped like a

itself. Hand-driven augers have a tip with

and cylindrical shafts, but not for hexagonal

hexagon head. The rounded edges help

a steep-angle thread, and machine-driven


prevent material fatigue.

Torx screw The advantage of Torx screws is the

augers a flat thread. A deep flute for chips helps clear the boring chips. One or two


spurs separate the fibres, and the wood is

The Allen screw can also be conside-

then peeled away by the horizontally positio-

For the right bit, it`s not only necessary to

ned cutting lip. The tool-steel augers are designed for low rotational speeds and soft

match the screw, but also to stand the stress. red an improvement of the Phillips screw. Like the Torx screw, the Allen screw also The range of bits offered on the market,

to moderately hard types of wood.

which seems to be confusing for amateurs,

provides an extended grip surface, and

is due to the many improvements by screw

it is very robust. However, this screw

and bit manufacturers, who constantly

is not suitable for fast-turning machines,

Brad point drills

develop their products, and therefore offer

but is more widely used for manual screwing,

These are the most widely used machine-

many different bit versions.

especially in the metalworking field.

driven wood drills. The brad-point tip centres Some manufacturers develop specific head-

the drill, and the fibres are separated with either angled chipping bevels or relief-ground lips. An extra-deep and steep flute for chips

Slotted screw

shapes for their screws. Other developments

The slotted screw was the first screw

include Torx Plus screws, Tri-wing screws,

ensures efficient elimination of the chips.

on the market and is still used today.

square-head screws and other newly develo-

Depending on the intended use, the drills are

The disadvantage of this head shape is that

ped shapes that are only used for specific

made of tool steel (softwood) or heat-

the bit can easily slip through, which might

applications (for example in the field of auto-

resistant HSS steel (hardwood).

damage the screw. Also when the screw is

motive, electrical, and safety engineering).

turned quickly, the bit may slip off. This screw head shape is mainly used for manual Forstner bits


Bit sets (standard quality)

Due to their short head with a small centring

Basically, the bit material must satisfy two

brad point, the rotating cutting edge, and two

requirements: it must be hard and tough.

horizontal cutting lips, Forstner bits have a

Phillips screw (Phillips, PH)

However, because these are contrasting

function similar to routing. They allow clean

To improve slotted screws, a second

properties, the choice of material is crucial.

bores with an exact diameter. They are well

slot was added to the screw head, and in

For standard-quality bits, a tough steel is

suited to countersinking, blind holes, cham-

order to provide more contact surface the

used that doesn't break easily and still has

fered bores at the edge of a workpiece,

centre was widened as well. This head shape

good hardening properties.

re-boring existing bores, drilling end grain,

prevailed for a long time. The bit cannot

skewed-angle bores, and drilling out knots.

move outside, but if the contact pressure is not strong enough, it might slip and oscillate,

Bit sets (torsion development)

which could also damage screw and bit.

The harder the bit, the longer its edge life, but with the disadvantage that the bit be-

Multi-use twist drills

comes brittle and breaks easily. In the

The multi-use twist drill made of HSS solves a multitude of problems. Thanks to its high heat resistance, it can be used on a wide

Pozidriv screw (PZ)

development of these torsion bits, different

The Pozidriv screw is an improvement

applications (wood/metal) were analysed and

range of materials. It has an ultra-flat flute

of the Phillips screw, as it provides not only a

the corresponding torsion forces determined.

profile which guarantees good cooling of the

cross-head but also additional notches.

Based on the findings, a steel was chosen

cutting edges. Suitable for all materials that

The bit provides edges that grip into the

that is optimally tough for the given

produce medium and long shavings, such as

notches. This design protects the bit from

application but still very hard.

soft metals, stainless steels and wood.

slipping through.


Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Drill chucking tools

Drill chucking tools



A BRACE If there is no power supply or you have to bore extremely delicate holes, it is advisable to use a brace. This French model works extremely smoothly due to the ball-bearing mounting of its head. The chuck has a right-left adjustable ratchet, which enables drilling and screwing even in confined spaces. 3-jaw, jaw opening 3.5-16 mm 4-jaw, jaw opening 5-16 mm Overall length 360 mm 1100 g

D HAND DRILL WITH BREAST PLATE Hand-driven drill. Two speeds by interchanging the crank and side handle. Closed housing of diecast aluminium, hardwood handles, three-jaw chuck (diameter max. 10 mm). Made in Germany. Length 360 mm 1325 g No. 717251 65.55 € 78.00 €


3-jaw 4-jaw

No. 707182 51.85 € 61.70 € No. 707283 51.85 € 61.70 €



B PRECISION DRILL SET, 7-PIECE SET Japanese auger bits for drilling precise, smooth and tear-free holes in wood. Double bevel bits with pre-cutters and fine screw points. Hardchrome-plated tool steel (rustproof). Cylindrical drill bits Ø 3/4/5/6/8mm, conical bit for plastic materials Ø 6mm, and conical bit for making Ø 3mm pilot holes, all with hexagonal shafts. Set, hand brace and drill bits Ø 3-8 mm. Overall length 230mm 100 g No. 717250 38.57 € 45.90 €

E DRILL STAND WITH CHUCK Thanks to the integrated geared-rim chuck, this drill stand is ideal for use with cordless screwdrivers. Precise guide for 90° drillings, but you can also achieve other drilling angles by sliding the guide rods through the base. Manually adjustable depth-stop rings, non-slip rubber base, V-shaped support for round workpieces on the top of the base. Height 350 mm Support table Ø 130 mm Jaw opening 0-13 mm No. 716149 100.76 € 119.90 €


F C HAND DRILL Small hand drill with bevel gear drive, made in Germany. Hardwood handle, fast-action chuck (Ø max. 8mm). Overall length 295 mm 570 g No. 717249 26.47 € 31.50 €

F KANZAWA® ANGLE DRILL HEAD 90°-head for drilling in corners and in conditions where space is limited (distance to wall min. 20 mm). The handle can be attached in 3 different positions. Aluminium housing, ballbearing shafts, 3-jaw chuck 1.5-10 mm, hexagonal drive shaft 8 mm. includes key. 17 x 36 x 62 mm 500 g No. 717212 40.25 € 47.90 € 149

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Bit chucking heads and bits

Bit chucking heads and bits


A DICK® SCREW AND DOWEL CASE, 700-PIECE Prepared for any situation: Does this sound familiar? Whether assembling furniture, installing lamps or fitting curtain rods, often you are missing a specific screw or you can not find the matching dowel. To offer a solution for any situation without having to buy each screw individually or in large quantities, we have put together a selection of the most common screws and matching dowels. The label on the case lid tells you which screw is the right one for the individual dowels and for which situations. 335 x 250 x 60 mm

Schröder® standard bits With this tool set you can handle any standard screw. Durable bits for machine or manual operation (58-60 HRC).

The set includes: Plastic case; countersunk screws, 50 pieces each (Phillips head): 3 x 20 / 3.5 x 30 / 3.5 x 35 / 3.5 x 40 / 4 x 35 / 4 x 50 / 4.5 x 50 / 4.5 x 60 / 4.5 x 70 / 5 x 60; Fischer dowels, 50 pieces each: UX 5 x 30 / UX 6 x 35 / SX 8 x 40 / FU 6 x 35 No. 718945 54.54 € 64.90 €



31-PIECE Set with a magnet holder, 6.3 mm adaptor and 30 bits in solid metal box. PH 2x1/2x2/2x3, PZ 2x1/2x2/2x3, T 10/15/20/25/30/40, Hexagon socket 2.5/3/4/5/6/8, Flat head 3/4.5/5.5/6.5/8 No. 707400 33.53 € 39.90 €

Wiha® standard bits Wiha standard bits perfectly fit the screw heads, significantly reducing wear and tear. Good hardness additionally increases durability. Durable and efficient bits that will do the job. Suitable for machine or manual operation (59 - 61 HRC).

BOX, 21-PIECE Set with 20 bits and a magnetic holder in a handy plastic box. PH 1/2x2/3, PZ 1/2x2/3, T 10/15/2x20/ 2x25/27/30/40, Hexagon socket 4/5/6 No. 707401 16.72 € 19.90 €


1 2 3


STANDARD The bits are delivered in a box made of impact-resistant plastic material which may be opened one-handed. Magnet holder included.

17.60 €

2 Bit set PH, PZ, Torx PH 1/2/3, PZ 1/2/3, T 15/20/25/30 No. 717856 13.87 € 16.50 €


G WIHA® 11-PIECE BIT SET HOT Extra-hard torsion bits (62 - 63 HRC). Especially suitable for turning screws in wood. When screws are turned into wood, the bit and screw head are under increasing torsional stress. This torsional stress is perfectly absorbed. The bits come in a box made of impact-resistant plastic, which may be opened one-handed. Slotted, Phillips and Pozidriv. Bits with bitholder. The gold-coloured coating functions as a corrosion prevention and helps to identify the bits. PH 1/2x2/3, PZ 1/2x2/3, Flat head 5.5/6.5 No. 717857 15.63 € 18.60 €


1 2


1 Bit set Torx T 7/8/9/10/15/20/25/27/30/40 No. 717866 14.79 €





H WIHA® BIT SET ZOT, 11 PIECES Extremely durable: Tough-hard torsion quality (61-62 HRC), ideal for tightening screws in hard metals. When you fasten screws in a thread, the load on the bit increases abruptly when the screw touches the workpiece. To accommodate these rapidly increasing torsion forces, the bit is tough-hard. The necessary wear-resistance is achieved through special heat treatment. These bits come in a high-impact plastic box that can be handled with one hand. Flat-head, Phillips and Pozidriv bits with bit holder. PH 1/2x2/3, PZ 1/2x2/3, Flat head 5.5/6.5 No. 717849 15.63 € 18.60 €

4 5 6

7 8 9 10

E WIHA® STANDARD BITS Overall length 25 mm Phillips, 3 pieces each 1 PH 1 No. 717480 2 PH 2 No. 717481 3 PH 3 No. 717482 Pozidriv, 3 pieces each 4 PZ 1 No. 717483 5 PZ 2 No. 717484 6 PZ 3 No. 717485 Torx, 2 pieces each 7 T15 No. 717486 8 T20 No. 717487 9 T25 No. 717488 10 T30 No. 717489

2.69 € 2.69 € 2.69 €

3.20 € 3.20 € 3.20 €

2.69 € 2.69 € 2.69 €

3.20 € 3.20 € 3.20 €

2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94

3.50 € 3.50 € 3.50 € 3.50 €

€ € € €


I FLEXIBLE SHAFT Made in Japan by the market leader in automotive tools, this flexible shaft can be used with both normal cordless screwdrivers and cordless impact screwdrivers. At 330 mm long, the flexible bit holder is ideal for inaccessible spots, whether in the engine compartment or when assembling furniture or wooden structures. You simply bend the shaft into the optimum working position at the front hand rest and hold it by this rest. Thanks to a quick-change fastener, the bit is locked securely in place. Comes with two-sided PH2 bit. Overall length 330 mm No. 717216 30.17 € 35.90 €

3 F WIHA® STANDARD BITS, LONG VERSION Allows access to hard-to-reach screw heads. One piece each. Overall length 110 mm 1 Phillips 5.80 € 6.90 € PH 1 No. 717470 5.80 € 6.90 € PH 2 No. 717471 5.80 € 6.90 € PH 3 No. 717472 2 Pozidriv 5.80 € 6.90 € PZ 1 No. 717473 5.80 € 6.90 € PZ 2 No. 717474 5.80 € 6.90 € PZ 2 No. 717475 3 Torx No. 717476 6.05 € 7.20 € T15 No. 717477 6.05 € 7.20 € T20 No. 717478 6.05 € 7.20 € T25 No. 717479 6.05 € 7.20 € T30

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Bit chucking heads and bits, Wood drills A

B 1





1 Overall length 60 mm No. 717491 3.53 €

STAINLESS STEEL Simple bit holders with stainless steel sleeve and strong magnetic function. Ø 10 mm

2 Overall length 100 mm Additional snap ring retention. No. 717564 10.00 € 11.90 €

4.20 €

B WERA RAPIDAPTOR UNIVERSAL BIT HOLDER These 3 points sum up the advantages of the Rapidaptor bit holder: Simple bit insertion and retention at the same time, ®

convenient bit release by pushing the sleeve forward as well as free turning of the sleeve for easy application of the screw. Ø 15 mm

1 Overall length 50 mm No. 717562 11.68 € 13.90 € 2 Overall length 100 mm No. 717563 16.72 € 19.90 €

Wood drills



C WOOD TWIST DRILLS, 8-PIECE SET Primarily for drilling softwood. With two pre-cutters, deep groove. 8-piece set, 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10mm. Carbon-steel. Overall length 60 - 130 mm No. 706049 7.14 € 8.50 €



D BIT WOOD TWIST DRILL, 6-PIECE SET Bit wood drills with quick bit insert for easy accessory change. The hexagonal shaft prevents slippage, even during impact. Suitable for drilling in hard and soft wood as well as sheet materials. Comes in a metal case. Diameters: 3/4/5/6/8/10 mm Overall length 65 - 100 mm No. 717448 26.89 € 32.00 €


E PREMIUM QUALITY LONG WOOD TWIST DRILL These superior Long Brad Point Drills are made of high-alloy tool steel. Due to precision-ground protruding cutting edges (stretched spiral), wood fibers get cut before the hole is drilled. The long Drill runs smoothly and withstands flexural stress. For exact drilling to hardwood and softwood as well as sheet materials. Overall length 200 mm Diameter: 6 mm No. 707362 17.56 € 20.90 € Diameter: 8 mm No. 707363 23.45 € 27.90 € Diameter: 10 mm No. 707364 26.47 € 31.50 €

F PREMIUM QUALITY BIT WOOD TWIST DRILL, 5-PIECE SET High-quality wood drill with hexagonal shaft for fast bit changing in collets. The hexagonal shape also prevents the shaft from slipping in the case of impacts such as when drilling into knots. Precisely sharpened drill for smooth-sided drill holes, even in fibrous woods and with a fast feed rate. High-quality steel alloy for durability, even in hardwood and sheet materials. Comes in a plastic box. Diameters: 3/4/5/6/8 mm Overall length 70 - 110 mm No. 707409 35.13 € 41.80 €


G WOOD TWIST DRILL, HSS STEEL, 8-PIECE SET Price advantage Ten times the service life: Made of heat-resistant, wear-resistant HSS steel. Ideal for heavy-duty drilling in hardwood. The edges last 10 times as long as carbon-steel bits. Taper-ground lips for perfectly clean boreholes. 8-piece set, 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 mm. Overall length 60 - 130 mm No. 706048 55.38 € 65.90 €


H DRILL STOPS, 7-PIECE SET Slide-on rings with locking screws for wood and metal drills. These serve as simple and effective depth stops when drilling. Ø 3.2/4.8/6.4/8/9.5/11.1 and 12.7 mm, including Allen key for locking screws. No. 701879 6.05 €

Do not use conventional twist drills when drilling wood, because they are designed for metal and have an unsuitable cutting-edge geometry which leaves small grooves in the wood.

7.20 €

I AUGER BIT, 6-PIECE SET Price advantage Coiled wood drill bits for cutting clean holes, with screw tips and spurs. Primarly for drilling softwood. 6-piece set, in wooden case. Ø 10/12/14/16/18/20 mm Overall length approx. 235 mm No. 706023 31.01 € 36.90 €

Auger bits made of carbon steel can be sharpened themselves with warding files (e.g. needle file No. 705041) or a suitable diamond file. Only sharpen the inside of the pre-cutters and the bevelled edge.

J AUGER BITS High-quality wood drill bits for cutting clean holes in soft- and hardwood, with screw tips and spurs. For use in either a brace or speed-controlled power drill. Overall length approx. 235 mm



Diameter 1 19 mm No. 717235 12.52 € 14.90 € 2 25 mm No. 706021 13.03 € 15.50 € 3 30 mm No. 706022 16.39 € 19.50 €

K LONG AUGER BITS Extra-long auger bits with screwtips and spurs, for carpentry, log building (for inserting long dowels), pre-drilling wooden mortises and making woodwind instruments. High quality, made in Japan. Overall length 600 mm Diameter

For individual drills, visit www.more-than-tools.de

15 20 25 30

mm mm mm mm

No. 717260 No. 717261 No. 717262 No. 717263

21.76 30.17 37.73 43.61

€ € € €

25.90 € 35.90 € 44.90 € 51.90 € 151

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Wood drills


A FORSTNER BITS, 10-PIECE SET Forstner bits with conventional straight cutting edges. Primarly for drilling softwood.

10-piece set in wooden case, Ø 6/10/12/16/20/22/25/32/35/38 mm No. 706035 28.66 € 34.10 €

B WAVE CUTTER® FORSTNER BITS This drill cuts particularly easily and produces exact, tear-free, blind holes with smooth walls in softwood and hardwood - even with edge boreholes and angled boreholes. Thanks to patented wave-shaped cutting rims the friction is reduced, heat build-up avoided and a long service life achieved. Forged head with wide chip channel for better chip ejection, brad-point tip. Overall length 90 mm Working length 60 mm



1 Wave-Cutter® single drills Shaft Ø 8 mm Ø

15 mm No. 707380 20 mm No. 707381 25 mm No. 707382 30 mm No. 707383 Shaft Ø 10 mm 35 mm No. 707384 40 mm No. 707385 45 mm No. 707386 50 mm No. 707387 60 mm No. 707388

15.71 17.48 19.58 21.93

€ € € €

18.70 € 20.80 € 23.30 € 26.10 €

25.71 29.83 35.97 40.67 65.88

€ € € € €

30.60 € 35.50 € 42.80 € 48.40 € 78.40 €

2 Extension for Wave-Cutter® Forstner bit with cylinder shaft With locking screws. Length 330 mm for shaft Ø

8 mm 10 mm

No. 707390 22.77 € 27.10 € No. 707391 22.77 € 27.10 €

C COLT® MAXICUT® FORSTNER BITS The Colt MaxiCut cutter head uses a novel geometric design that combines the advantages of both a Forstner and a universal bit. Drilling half or diagonal holes or drilling holes into extremely hard woods, MDF boards, or veneer laminate sheets are no problem for the Colt MaxiCut. Together with the self-cutting centering tip, the chip breakers on the main cutters reduce heat build up and increase service life. These bits feature the RotaStop function for quick release. The idea behind RotaStop is to provide the shank with a complex geometry that makes not only for simple tool change but also for optimal torque transmission without slip. Overall length 90 mm Working length 60 mm Shaft diameter 10 mm Ø mm

25 30 35 40 45 50

mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 701890 No. 701891 No. 701892 No. 701893 No. 701894 No. 701895

23.95 27.65 33.70 39.08 51.43 56.72

€ € € € € €

28.50 € 32.90 € 40.10 € 46.50 € 61.20 € 67.50 €

RotaStop® In comparison to a standard round shaft the Rotastop shaft has a complex geometric shape. It interlocks in connection with a suitable counterpart (Rotastopsleeve) and therefore avoids slipping. Even when used in a standard drill chuck it locks itself through to the gradient transitions on the shaft.

When sharpening drill bits (or other tools with difficult geometry) it is a good idea to blacken the surfaces to be ground with a waterproof felt-tip pen. This allows you to see at a glance which surfaces have already been ground.




3 Wave-Cutter® 5-piece Price advantage Forstner bit set (with cylinder shaft) 5-piece set (Ø 15/20/25/30/35 mm) up to Ø 30 mm: shaft 8 x 30 mm, from Ø 35 mm: shaft 10 x 30 mm. In beechwood case. No. 707389 79.83 € 95.00 €


4 ®

4 Wave-Cutter 16-piece Forstner bit set (with cylinder shaft) 16 pieces (Ø 12/15/16/18/20/22/24/ 25/26/28/30/35/38/40/45/50 mm),

F 3D BIT Drill bit and router cutter in one looking like a Forstner bit at first sight, this bit is a unique combination of cutting blades that allow it to also be moved backwards and sideways to a limited extent. The drill bit is stabilised by a centering tip and the two main cutting blades. Another major advantage of this drill bit is the long shaft which, combined with the sideways cutting function, allows easy drilling of curved holes, for example for running cables or tubes in drywall constructions. Spurs pre-cut the hole, thus allowing smooth and clean hole edges. Hardened tool-steel alloy.



Shaft Ø mm

EXTENSIONS The RotaStop extensions are precision-made for Colt MaxiCut bits to guarantee accurate concentricity and prevent slippage. Only fits Colt Forstner bits. Extension 150 mm No. 701896 20.84 € 24.80 € Extension 270 mm No. 701897 26.22 € 31.20 €

7 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm 20 mm 22 mm 25 mm 32 mm

No. 717460 No. 717461 No. 717462 No. 717463 No. 717464 No. 717465 No. 717466 No. 717467 No. 717468

6.39 6.64 6.97 7.48 7.82 8.15 8.57 10.00 12.18

€ 7.60 € € 7.90 € € 8.30 € € 8.90 € € 9.30 € € 9.70 € € 10.20 € € 11.90 € € 14.50 €

E E COLT® ROTASTOP® MORSE TAPER ADAPTERS Use these adapters to clamp Colt Forstner bits directly into the lathe tailstock or into the taper socket of the drill press. The bits can be inserted either as they are or in combination with RotaStop extensions. Overall length 135 mm #2 MT No. 701899 37.23 € 44.30 € #3 MT No. 701898 44.45 € 52.90 €



up to Ø 30 mm: shaft 8 x 30 mm, from Ø 35 mm: shaft 10 x 30 mm. In beechwood case. No. 707396 234.45 € 279.00 €


For a product video see www.more-than-tools.de/product videos

G ADJUSTABLE DRILL BIT Wood drill bit for brace, seamlessly adjustable from Ø 22 mm to Ø 76 mm via two sliding cutters. Shaft suitable for three-jaw chuck. Overall length 160 mm No. 707181 25.13 € 29.90 € H MILLING DRILL BIT Twist drill with milling teeth in the middle of the tool. To create notches or widen existing cut-outs, you drive the drill into the workpiece and move it horizontally. The hexagonal shank prevents it from slipping right through. For plywood up to 10 mm thickness. Ø 6 mm Overall length 102 mm Useful length incl. tip 63 mm No. 717252 16.72 € 19.90 €

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Metal drills, Countersinks and countersink drills

Metal drills




1 A TWIST DRILLS FOR METAL, 19-PIECE SET Twist drills with cylindrical shaft for steels, cast materials, hard and soft plastics as well as non-ferrous metals. The blades are shaped to make these drills ideal for free-hand drilling, even without pre-punching. Crafted from HSS steel for a long service life. Set of 19 in an ABS case Ø 1-10 mm in steps of 0.5 mm. No. 717449 75.21 € 89.50 €

B PREMIUM QUALITY BIT METAL TWIST DRILL, 5-PIECE SET Every craftsman should possess such an assortment of Metal Drills which feature the most popular diameters. Due to hex shank ideally suited for bit holders. Hex shank also prevents complete piercing of the Metal Drill – an important feature. For superior cutting performance, the cross-shaped Drills are precision-ground. Diameters: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 mm Overall length 60 - 70 mm No. 707370 35.13 € 41.80 €


C MULTIPURPOSE TWIST DRILLS, PREMIUM QUALITY These HSS drills with an ultra-flat flute profile can be used for many materials such as iron and non-ferrous metals, but also for wood and plastics. In particular the drills are excellent for riveting knife handles, which involves precise drilling through often all kinds of different materials.

1 Long multipurpose twist drills Good for drilling deep or recessed holes. Overall length 100 - 139 mm Diameter

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

No. 717450 No. 717451 No. 717452 No. 717453 No. 717454 No. 717455 No. 717456

8.24 9.41 10.00 11.18 12.52 13.61 14.20

€ € € € € € €

9.80 € 11.20 € 11.90 € 13.30 € 14.90 € 16.20 € 16.90 €

2 Multipurpose twist drill, 19-Piece Set In a metal case, Ø 1-10 mm in steps of 0.5 mm. Overall length 35 - 130 mm No. 717447 105.46 € 125.50 €

Countersinks and countersink drills



D CONICAL, ADJUSTABLE COUNTERSINK DRILL, 7-PIECE SET For better-looking and stronger screw joints: The pre-drilling of wood screws takes on a different quality with this countersink drill. Greater tensile strength is achieved with the tapered design than with cylinder drills; at the same time the risk of screw breakage is reduced. The drilling depth is precisely adjustable to the borehole depth by means of an adjusting ring. The countersunk head is also adjustable in depth, so that a dowel can be inserted if required (for invisible screw joins). A steep and deep groove prevents plugging and overheating of the drill. Manufactured in Japan from wear-resistant HSS steel. Overall length 80-100 mm No. 717327 71.09 €


E COUNTERSINK DRILL, 2-PIECE Japanese precision tools for countersinking and capping wood screws. Made of heat-proof, wear-resistant HSS steel. Hexagonal shaft Length 20 mm

Diameter Ø 8 mm Tapered pre-cutter Ø 3 mm, countersunk head Ø 8mm, dowel cutter Ø 8 mm No. 701871 26.64 € 31.70 € Diameter Ø 10 mm Tapered pre-cutter Ø 3.5 mm, countersunk head Ø 10 mm, dowel cutter Ø 10 mm No. 701872 28.49 € 33.90 € Diameter Ø 12 mm Tapered pre-cutter Ø 4 mm, countersunk head Ø 12 mm, dowel cutter Ø 12 mm No. 701969 33.53 € 39.90 € 84.60 €


F PILOT DRILL With this pilot drill, you do not have to change bits from drill to countersink when drilling screw holes. You can set the depth of the hole without countersink to between 10 and 45 mm with a grub screw. The hexagonal shank prevents the drill from slipping through and allows it to be used in bit holders. Drill diameter 2.8 mm Countersink head diameter 10 mm No. 707408 8.32 € 9.90 €

G AUGER GIMLETS, 7-PIECE SET Also for children: These hand-drills are popular with everyone, not just the nostagically-inclined. They are light, the drill pulls itself into the wood due to the tapered screw tip and the deep grove guarantees good chip removal. In addition, their slightly tapered shape leads to greater tensile strength of screw joints. 7 pieces in cardboard box. Diameter 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0 mm. No. 701884 7.90 € 9.40 €



For replacement drill bits see www.more-than-tools.de

H CROSSHOLE COUNTERSINK These 90° crosshole countersinks for wood are hardened to 62-64 HRC and are ideal for flawless countersinking. The crosshole provides excellent chip clearance and prevents jamming with the workpiece. The special edge geometry of these outstanding countersinks allows for chatter-free and burr-free operations. Hex shank forms a reliable stop. Shaft 6 mm

1 Single crosshole countersink for drill hole diameter

2-5 mm No. 707464 5-10 mm No. 707465 10-15 mm No. 707466 15-20 mm No. 707467

10.34 13.45 17.23 30.17

€ € € €

12.30 € 16.00 € 20.50 € 35.90 €

2 Crosshole countersink, 4-piece set For drill hole diameter 2-5 / 5-10 / 1015 / 15-20, in metal case. No. 707468 69.16 € 82.30 €

2 153

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Countersinks and countersink drills, Cylindrical and tapered cutters



SINK WITH BIT HOLDER, 7-PIECE SET For sinking countersunk head screws, for countersinking and deburring boreholes in wood, non-ferrous metals, alloyed, and unalloyed steels. These 3 flute HSS countersinks are chatter-free and stand out for low heat build-up, excellent chip ejection, and high-quality surface finish. Six countersinks with hexagonal shaft (Ø 6.3/8.3/10.4/12.4/16.5, and 20.5 mm) including universal bit holder with quickchange chuck. Comes in a sturdy metal case. No. 707392 87.14 € 103.70 €


A 90° COUNTERSINK WITH BIT HOLDER, 7-PIECE SET These HSS countersinks with three blades are suited for steel as well as light metal, for plastic as well as wood. The hexagonal shaft allows safe clamping without slippage and also insertion into quick-change bit holders. Comes in a metal case (Ø 6.3/8.3/10.4/12.4/16.5, and 20.5 mm) with bit holder. No. 707469 57.98 € 69.00 €

Cylindrical and tapered cutters



F D TAPERED SPOON BIT For making cylindrical holes conical and for drilling skewed-angle conical holes for chair legs, arm rests, etc. Overall length 175 mm Taper length 120 mm Taper 1/4.5 Max. Ø 32 mm No. 706999 47.82 €

56.90 €


C CYLINDRICAL AND TAPERED PLUG CUTTERS, 8-PIECE SET For making wooden discs and plugs for sealing boreholes, restoring knots, etc. The tapered cutters facilitate a seamless tight fit. Set includes four cylindrical and four tapered drills of hardened tool steel (resharpenable) in a wooden case. Length 10-25 mm Nominal Ø 8/10/12/16 mm No. 701865 27.39 € 32.60 €

E TAPERED PLUG CUTTERS For cutting slightly conical wooden dowels for closing drill holes, max. length 12 mm. Diameter

6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm

No. 701860 No. 701861 No. 701862 No. 701863 No. 701864

4.96 5.46 5.80 6.39 6.97

€ € € € €

5.90 € 6.50 € 6.90 € 7.60 € 8.30 €

G VERITAS® TAPERED DRILL BIT When clamped in a brace with 4-jaw chuck, this drill bit conically enlarges cylindrical holes. Your chair construction is thus more stable and safe if legs or rungs are wedged from the rear and the resulting join is resilient to traction. For boreholes with a diameter of 11-30 mm. Wedge angle 12.8°, to fit Veritas cone No. 701880-82). cutter ( Overall length 142 mm Cone length 86 mm No. 701867 28.49 € 33.90 € Replacement blade No. 701868 5.80 € 6.90 €

KNOT REPAIR SET This precision conical drill and dowel cutter set can be used to repair loose or unsightly knots and other defects Knot removing cleanly and efficiently. Conical dowels can be fitted more tightly than cylindrical dowels and do not diminish Dowel cutting the strength of the piece when glued in place. We recommend using a Japanese flush-cutting Kugihiki saw (e.g. No. 712321) for cutting off the tops of Dowel inserting the dowels. Hole Ø 5 25 mm, drill length 80 mm, HSS drill bit, aluminium dowel cutter, resharpenable carbon-steel cutter. With wooden case and inFlush-cutting struction booklet. 105.80 €125.90 € No. 717255 Replacement blade No. 717256 25.13 € 29.90 €


ADAPTER FOR VERITAS® DOWEL CUTTERS I Fits No. 706962. Ø 12.5 mm No. 706966 2.94 €


L 3.50 €


H VERITAS® DOWEL AND ROD CUTTER This practical tool is used to produce precisely rounded rods and dowels from square stock. Using a hand drill and adapter, the square-shaped wood is driven through the dowel cutter, which is attached to the workbench. For short pieces and for cutting tenons, the dowel cutter can also be turned by hand on a firmly clamped work-piece. The curved blade facilitates clean and easy cutting, and by adjusting the blade the diameter can be fine-tuned. Aluminium body. Length of cutters 60 mm Ø mm Ø inch

9.5 3/8 No. 706962 18.40 € 21.90 € Repl. blade No. 706965 4.37 € 5.20 € 154


1.90 €


K VERITAS® CONE CUTTER For cutting conical ends on cylindrical rods, e.g. Windsor chair legs, rungs, etc.. Wedge angle 12.8°, adjustable blade with straight cutting edge 63 mm long, carbon steel (60 HRC), aluminium body. Suitable tapered drill bit No. 701867. Cone end Ø 15.9 mm (5/8") Max. rod Ø approx. 28 mm. No. 701882 20.08 € 23.90 € Replacement blade No. 701883 3.61 € 4.30 €

L ROUNDING PLANE, 3-PIECE SET For quick and easy cutting of short cylindrical rods or tenons from round or square stock. Carbon steel cutter, resharpenable. 3 pieces, end diameter 12/18/25 mm. No. 707211 23.36 € 27.80 € 3 replacement blades No. 707212 11.60 € 13.80 € N

M DOMING PLANE, 3-PIECE SET For rounding the heads of cylindrical rods. 3 pieces, Ø 12/18/25 mm No. 707213 24.79 € 29.50 € 3 replacement blades No. 707214 11.60 € 13.80 €

N POINTER PLANE For sharpening the ends of cylindrical rods. Max. rod Ø 25 mm No. 707215 14.54 € 17.30 € Replacement blade No. 707216 4.45 € 5.30 €

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Cylindrical and tapered cutters, Circle cutter and threading tools



A VERITAS® DOWEL ROD CUTTER An ingenious tool which lets you make perfectly sized dowel rods from square timber.

B ADDITIONAL TOOLS FOR DOWEL ROD CUTTER (GUIDE BUSHINGS AND SQUARE SOCKETS) Ø 6.3 mm (¼") No. 703658 37.65 € 44.80 € Ø 7.9 + 9.5 mm (5/16" + 3/8") No. 703659 39.33 € 46.80 € Ø 11.1 + 12.7 mm (7/16" + 1/2") No. 703660 39.33 € 46.80 € Ø 14.3 + 15.9 mm (9/16" + 5/8") No. 703661 39.83 € 47.40 €

Simply make slightly oversized (+ 3mm) square blanks and use a power drill to drive them through the dowel maker. The tool has two blades (pre-cutters and post-cutters), a micrometre adjustment mechanism and square socket. Ideal for making toys, models and furniture and for restoration work. Anodised aluminium body with screw-on foot, 2 A2 high-performance steel cutters (pre-cutters and post-cutters) and 2 guide bushings as well as a square socket drive with power drill adapter. Basic set Ø 25 mm (1"). No. 703657 209.24 € 249.00 € Replacement blade (pre-cut) No. 703664 17.48 € 20.80 € Replacement blade (post-cut) No. 703665 19.24 € 22.90 €

Mortise joints on a green wood chair by T. Grögler.


Ø 17.5 + 19.0 mm (11/16" + 3/4") No. 703662 39.83 € 47.40 € Ø 20.6 + 22.2 mm (13/16" + 7/8") No. 703663 41.93 € 49.90 €

C VERITAS® TENON CUTTERS, ROUNDED SHOULDERS The mortise and tenon joint is a sturdy wood joint ideal for making chair legs, rungs, frames and other structures. With rustic and green wood furniture they allow elegant, glue-free construction of high durability. Driven by an electric drill or brace (with brace adapter), these Veritas cutters produce smooth precision-cut tenons with rounded shoulders. Well-balanced, anodised aluminium body with a high-performance tool-steel cutter. A built-in spirit level facilitates in-line cutting. Max. tenon length approx. 68 mm Hexagonal shaft 8 mm Ø Tenon Ø inch 16 mm 5/8 No. 19 mm 3/4 No. 25 mm 1 No. 32 mm 1¼ No. 38 mm 1½ No. 50 mm 2 No.

706980 80.59 € 95.90 € 706981 82.18 € 97.80 € 706982 83.87 € 99.80 € 706983 92.35 €109.90 € 706984 95.71 €113.90 € 706989102.44 €121.90 € Replacement blade No. 706990 16.72 € 19.90 €

D D ADAPTER FOR VERITAS® TENON CUTTER With rectangular shaft for mounting in a brace. Fits No. 706980-82. No. 706992 7.06 € 8.40 €

Tip: Mortise joints tighten themselves if the timber moisture content of the tenon is lower than that of the counterpiece with the mortise hole when it is fitted (green wood carpentry).


E CYLINDRICAL TENON CUTTERS, 5-PIECE SET Double function: Tenon and disc cutter! Powerful pilothole drill for cutting cylindrical tenons for mortise jointing as well as for making wooden dowels up to 70 mm in length. 5 pieces in a wooden case, carbon steel. Tenons Ø 10/12/16/20/25 mm No. 701870 50.34 € 59.90 €

Circle cutters and threading tools





F JAPANESE CIRCLE CUTTER The inside and outside cutters ensure clean results even in thin or fibrous materials. Adjustable from Ø 30 mm to 120 mm, with an additional arm for holes up to Ø 300 mm. Resharpenable HSS blades, cutting depth of 28 mm (56 mm if cutting from both sides). Driven by a controllablespeed drill. With instruction booklet. Please note: Additional arms are not included and must be ordered separately. No. 716165 31.85 € 37.90 € 2 replacement blades No. 716166 11.01 € 13.10 € Additional arm, up to 200 mm No. 716167 6.22 € 7.40 € Additional arm, up to 300 mm No. 716168 9.92 € 11.80 €

G HOLE CUTTER WITH KNOB HANDLE, SMALL For veneers, guitar sound holes, leather, paper, cardboard, etc. Centering tip, incl. 4 resharpenable blades in receptacle (knob handle), aluminium body with scale, knob handle with quick-adjustment mechanism. Diameter Ø 40-210 mm. No. 716163 18.82 € 22.40 € 10 replacement blades No. 716169 4.12 € 4.90 € H HOLE CUTTER WITH KNOB HANDLE, LARGE This large hole cutter with a solid-steel guide is suitable for cutting holes with up to 660 mm diameter. A knob handle at the centering tip which can be rotated in any direction allows convenient cutting, while the quick-adjustment mechanism and scale allow the cutter to be positioned easily. Includes 4 resharpenable blades in receptacle (knob handle). Diameter Ø 110-660 mm No. 716148 36.89 € 43.90 € 10 replacement blades No. 716169 4.12 € 4.90 €

I WOOD THREADING TOOLS, 2-PIECE SETS For making practical wooden threads with a virtually unlimited number of applications for making furniture, racks, toys, nutcrackers, lamps etc. Two-piece set (thread box and tap), for cutting internal and external threads. Tap made of hardened tool steel, hardwood thread box with a removable hardened steel cutter. The pitch of screw thread is given per inch. Suitable dowel rods ( No. 831001-05) External screw threads are cut more easily and cleanly if the wooden rods are first laid in linseed oil. Also make sure that hardwood blocks are well dried out and that your cutting edge is sharp.

12.5 mm (½"), pitch 8 No. 707185 43.61 €

51,90 €

19 mm (¾"), pitch 6 No. 707186 44.96 €

53.50 €

25 mm (1"), pitch 6 No. 707187 46.97 €

55.90 €

32 mm (1¼"), pitch 6 No. 707188 50.84 €

60.50 €

38 mm (1½"), pitch 6 No. 707189 54.54 €

64.90 €

Replacement cutter No. 707195

9.16 € 10.90 € 155

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Screwdrivers


C LIE NIELSEN® SCREWDRIVERS FOR ADJUSTING PLANES Exact-fit screwdriver for adjusting the settings of Lie-Nielsen planes. Adjustment screws for chipbreaker, cap and frog can be turned easily without damaging the material. Stainless steel blades, handles of figured and stained maple with brass ferrule.









SCREWDRIVERS Despite being one of the tools tool designers just love to toy with, screwdrivers are not immune from frustrating shortcomings such as broken blades and uncomfortable handles. For the Japanese market leader Anex, only uncompromising functionality counts:

• The blades are hardened to 60 Rockwell along their entire length and have abraded precision heads with the highest level of grip and wear-resistance.

B WOODEN SCREWDRIVERS, 5-PIECE SET With a full-length blade made from a chromium-molybdenum-vanadium alloy, these screwdrivers can resist even the strongest forces. A forged-on hexagon allows you to use a spanner for effective force transmission. The curved beech handle provides a non-slip grip, has a roll-off guard where it meets the hoop and a leather splinter-protection cap at the end of the handle. Overall length 180 - 270 mm Flat head 5.5 / 7.0 / 9.0 / PH1 / PH2 No. 717814 22.44 € 26.70 €



1 Suited for chipbreaker Overall length 120 mm Blade width 12 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm No. 717882 20.92 €

24.90 €

2 Suited for cap and handle Overall length 125 mm Blade width 8 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm No. 717883 20.92 €

24.90 €

3 Suited for frog Overall length 250 mm Blade width 6 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm No. 717884 20.92 €

24.90 €


• The anti-twist mechanism holding the blades in place will not loosen even after years of heavy-duty use.

D WERA® KRAFTFORM KOMPAKT RATCHET SCREW DRIVER, 17-PIECE SET A revolution in screw drivers: Wera's sturdy yet smooth ratchet mechanism makes it possible to fasten or loosen screws without releasing the tool. The hexagonal reverse direction switch made from robust, diecast zinc alloys prevents the tool from rolling on the work top and allows for easy switching. Torques of up to 50 NM can be transmitted in both directions, with an additional center posi-

• The delta-shaped wooden handles rest comfortably in the hand and lend the tools an aesthetically pleasing touch. The reinforced ferrules at the tops and bottoms of the handles can even be struck with a hammer for heavy-duty applications.

tion for making fine adjustments. Bits are easily changed by insertion with the function for rapid bit change and retention. This versatile multi-talent comes with 16 long bits in the most common shapes and sizes (PH, PZ, slotted, Torx, and hexagon socket). Bit length 90 mm Handle length 145 mm Pouch closed 170 x 120 x 40 mm No. 717560 51.18 € 60.90 €

• Chrome-plated blades and ferrules, magnetised tips.

1 Flat head Width 5.5 mm Thickness 0.7 mm Blade length 75 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 717800 8.32 €

E 9.90 €

Width 6.0 mm Thickness 0.8 mm Blade length 100 mm Overall length 220 mm No. 717801 10.00 € 11.90 € Width 8.0 mm Thickness 1.0 mm Blade length 150 mm Overall length 285 mm No. 717802 13.36 € 15.90 €

2 Phillips head No. 1 Blade length 75 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 717803 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 2 Blade length 100 mm Overall length 220 mm No. 717804 10.00 € 11.90 € No. 3 Blade length 150 mm Overall length 285 mm No. 717805 13.36 € 15.90 € 156

E RATCHET SCREWDRIVER For decades this tool has proven itself a classic, equally valued in boat construction and for assembly and restoration tasks. Screws can be inserted and removed rapidly, even in tight spaces. The chuck can be switched to the left or right and locked. Hardened and smoothly operating rotating mechanism with a long service life, beech handle. Comes with 3 bits corresponding to DIN 7432 (flat and Phillips head). Overall length 480 mm No. 707130 41.60 € 49.50 € F F BIT ADAPTER FOR RATCHET SCREWDRIVER Since the ratchet screwdriver only accommodates special bits (according to DIN 7432), this adapter is a recommended accessory. It allows the use of commonly available 6.35 mm standard hexagonal bits. Magnetic 72 x 6 mm. No. 707129 7.82 € 9.30 €


G WIHA POCKET STAR®, FOLD UP HEX KEY SET A hexagon socket key set should have three characteristics: It should be small enough to fit in your pocket, it should be easy to select the right key, and it should be comfortable to handle. The Wiha Pocket Star unites these three components. The push button assist allows fast key access and individual folding-out of the keys to working position. The glass fiber reinforced plastic housing with ergonomically rounded handle allows comfortable use, even in a 180° position. Hexagon socket 2/2.5/3/4/5/6/8 120 x 40 x 32 mm No. 717490 12.18 € 14.50 €

Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Pliers

Pliers A

A KEIBA® PLIERS The better pliers: Axial and radial bronze bearings help give Keiba pliers an exceptionally smooth action and make them practically nonwearing*. They are also bounce-free, for example when cutting hard wire. Forged from extrahard Hitachi steel, working surfaces hardened to 60 HRC, handles Bronze bearing coated with napped elastomer. * In endurance tests, no measurable wear was determined, even after 100,000 opening and closing actions.

1 1 Combination pliers With wire cutters. Overall length 175 mm 240 g No. 717815 29.33 €

34.90 €

2 2 Flat-round pliers Extra-slim, with wire cutters. Overall length 150 mm 130 g No. 717816 24.03 €


28.60 €

3 Wire cutters Side cutting pliers with notch. Overall length 150 mm 180 g No. 717817 25.13 €

29.90 €


B MTC® JAPANESE PLIERS These high-grade Japanese pliers have a sensitive action but are also suitable for heavy-duty work. Made from the highestquality Hitachi steels, well-proportioned, carefully hardened, individually inspected and adjusted. 1 Combination pliers Slim model. Grooved wire cutters with additional interior jaws. Weight 255 / 340 g Length

175 mm No. 717822 10.84 € 12.90 € 200 mm No. 717823 11.60 € 13.80 €



2 Micro combination pliers For precision work, with springloaded handle. Overall length 115 mm 70 g No. 717820 9.75 €

11.60 €


3 Needle pliers For fine bending and gripping work, smooth jaws, spring-loaded handle. Overall length 125 mm 70 g No. 717825 9.75 € 11.60 €


4 Flat-round pliers Extra slim model. With wire cutters, serrated jaws, spring-loaded handle. Overall length 150 mm 70 g No. 717826 11.51 € 13.70 €

Tool handles without toxins – from DICTUM! Alarming toxin levels in tool handles of cheap imports! News of toxic compounds in tool handles has surfaced again. Most of the tested products were cheap imports from China and Taiwan. Because of the regular enquiries we get from customers, we want to tell you how we deal with this volatile topic. Our manufacturers are given clear instructions concerning the use of pollutant-free materials. At DICTUM, there are strict in-house inspections to ensure that the synthetic handles of our tools are free of harmful PAH.

5 5 Precision pull pliers Precision pliers for removing nails, pins and staples. The rolling action of the extra-wide rounded head minimises pressure on the underlying surface, thus protecting the work piece. Overall length 150 mm Jaw width 22 mm 200 g No. 717808 12.86 € 15.30 €


6 Wire cutters Extra-hard (64 HRC), also suitable for piano wire. Scissor-like cutting action for cleanly severing wires, nails, cables and ropes up to approx. 6 mm in diameter. Overall length 200 mm 340 g No. 717830 17.31 € 20.60 €


Drills, pliers, screwdrivers | Pliers

A SOFT TOUCH THE PLIERS WITH PROTECTIVE JAWS No more dents on sensitive work pieces: With their replaceable plastic jaws, Japanese soft-touch pliers preserve wood, precious metals, polished or varnished surfaces. The jaw opening can be adjusted to the workpiece with a sliding pivot. The soft handle covers ensure that the pliers sit comfortably in the hand. Powder-coated steel arms, adjustable movement.


1 Combination pliers With wire cutters. Overall length 150 mm 175 g No. 717824 12.52 € 14.90 € Replacement jaws No. 800323 2.94 € 3.50 € 2 Water pipe pliers The perfect pliers for gently gripping copper, plastic or stainless steel pipes. With replaceable plastic jaws. Ø 6-50 mm. Overall length 250 mm 310 g No. 717836 22.86 € 27.20 € Replacement jaws No. 717837 2.94 € 3.50 €


3 Pipe pliers With round and V-shaped jaws (Ø to approx. 70 mm). Overall length 270 mm 440 g No. 717829 32.27 € 38.40 € Replacement jaws, round No. 800324 7.98 € 9.50 € Replacement jaws, V-shaped No. 800325 7.98 € 9.50 €






1 B SCREW-REMOVING PLIERS Specially designed Japanese pliers for unscrewing tight screws with a damaged head or slot. The sharp-toothed grooves at the ends of the inner jaws allow you to grip and twist round-head and cylinder-head screws close to the flange. Also useful for blocked and corroded steel screws or screws with unusually shaped slots.

2 1 Screw-removing pliers, size 1 Overall length 150 mm, max. head Ø approx.: front-end jaws 8 mm / side jaws 10 mm 125 g No. 717807 20.08 € 23.90 € 2 Screw-removing pliers, size 2 The jaw opening can be conveniently adjusted with a sliding pivot. Overall length 175 mm max. head Ø approx.: front-end jaws 10 mm / side jaws 14 mm 190 g No. 717847 21.76 € 25.90 €




C PIANO WIRE CUTTER Cuts cleanly and easily through steel wire, nails and bolts up to 3.2 mm diameter. Light construction, leverage adjustment, precisely guided, extra-hard cutting jaws. Safety locking in locked state. Self-opening handles of powdercoated sheet steel, adjustable stop screw, carrying strap. Overall length 200 mm 270 g No. 717831 18.99 € 22.60 €

E ADJUSTABLE WRENCH Extra-light: Light and durable adjustable wrench with perforated handle. The jaws are hardened, the surface chrome-plated and ground at the edges. High-strength, forged alloy steel. Overall length 240 mm Opening max. 36 mm 310 g No. 717809 33.53 € 39.90 €

D SHEET METAL SHEARS Ideal for precise sheet metal work: Japanese sheet metal shears for short straight and contour cuts with a wide radius to the left and right. The microtoothing on the cutting edge prevents slipping, while the leverage saves effort. The multi-component handle made of high-quality plastic provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. The cheeks made from alloyed chromium molybdenum steel allow sheet steel of up to 1.2 mm and stainless steel panels of up to 0.7 mm to be cut easily. Overall length 255 mm Blade length 45 mm 410 g No. 708174 16.72 € 19.90 €

F MINI ADJUSTABLE WRENCH Small adjustable wrench of chrome vanadium steel, hardened jaws, rubber-coated handle. Opening 17 mm Length 110 mm 65 g No. 717838 14.20 € 16.90 €

Workbenches | 160

Working with method! Accessories and clamping devices | 163

Tool sets | 166

Useful aids | 168

Workwear | 168


Workshop accessories and toolkits | Workbenches

Workbenches DICK® Workbenches The workbench – one of the most important tools for many handicraft projects – will only become your life-long companion if it is of extremely solid construction, high-quality workmanship and offers a wide range of functions. Working closely with renowned German workbench manufacturers and based on our many years of experience in the trade, we have incorporated all these needs in our workbenches. Workbenches are delivered unassembled (detailed assembly instructions included).

A DICK® JUNIOR WORKBENCH The workbench which grows with your kids: This space-saving workbench provides the same functionality as professional workbenches, and is therefore ideally suited for craftsmen such as goldsmiths, silversmiths and knifemakers who work on smaller objects. The legs are available in different lengths and can easily be replaced, which also makes this bench the right choice for children and teenagers. Free shipping within Germany. For shipping outside Germany, please contact our customer service. Design: • Made of steamed beech for minimal shrinkage and expansion • Worktop made of long, bonded one-piece bars

B DICK® ALLROUND WORKBENCH This heavy workbench will captivate you with its proven construction, flexible working heights and abundant additional clamping options. The insertion clamp allows you to fasten workpieces in the centre of the worktop or at the front of the workbench.

A • No compromises on design compared with professional workbenches • Breadboard end optimally protects the worktop from warpage (central carriage bolt and tongue) • Solid base • Replacement legs available in different lengths, allowing different working heights • Tool well for storing tools • Worktop oiled, base untreated Vices and bench dogs: • Two German front vices, 400 mm, max. opening 170 mm, screw Ø 24 mm • Four cast-aluminium bench dogs Accessories: • Veritas brass bench dogs, hold-downs and clamps fit in the 19 mm holes for bench dogs Left-handed version available (special order through customer service) at a 20% higher price. Worktop thickness 90 / 45 mm Worktop dimensions 1170 mm x 560 mm Overall dimensions 1250 x 640 mm Weight approx. 50 kg



for bench height

670 mm No. 706300 365.55 € 435.00 € 750 mm No. 706077 373.95 € 445.00 € 860 mm No. 706302 382.35 € 455.00 €

670 mm No. 706301 92.44 € 110.00 € 750 mm No. 706078 96.64 € 115.00 € 860 mm No. 706303 100.84 € 120.00 €

Worktop secured through breadboard end

Below shot of front vice


Construction: • Made of steamed beech for minimal shrinkage and expansion • Heavy weight for good stability • Worktop of serrated and glued bars • Breadboard end optimally protects the worktop from warpage (central carriage bolt and serrated joints) • Base held together with mortise and tenon joints • Base with torsion-free stretchers thanks to integrated truss rods and full-length tension screws. • Different bench heights possible • Oiled top Vices and bench dogs: • Tail vice torsion-resistant due to multiple glueing, 580 mm, with wear-resistant steel-encased guide, max. opening 250 mm, scew Ø 28 mm • Solid French front vice, 525 mm, with flat guide for minimum backlash and additional clamping support, max. opening 200 mm, screw Ø 28 mm • 4 round, retractable aluminium bench dogs Ø 30 mm for clamping objects of any shape 2 retractable aluminium square bench dogs for easy clamping with the tail vice Accessories: • Numerous clamping options thanks to additional holes for bench dogs and using an insertion clamp No. 706320 160

Free shipping within Germany. For shipping outside Germany, please contact our customer service. Allround Workbench 1700 Worktop thickness 120 / 65 mm Bench top dimensions 1700 mm x 640 mm Overall dimensions 1795 x 830 Weight approx. 126 kg Height 750 mm 870 mm 900 mm

No. 706310 1050.42 € 1250.00 € No. 706311 1050.42 € 1250.00 € No. 706312 1050.42 € 1250.00 €

Below shot of front vice

Clamping support

Clamping possibility with insertion clamp

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Workbenches

A DICK® DELUXE WORKBENCH This heavy, solid workbench will impress you not only with its outstanding quality but also with its functional design and well-thought-out accessories.


Construction: • Made of steamed beech for minimal shrinkage and expansion • Heavy weight for good stability • Worktop made of long bonded onepiece bars • Breadboard end optimally protects the worktop from warpage (central carriage bolt and tongue) • Breadboard end shortened at the front vice for a plane clamping surface on the vice • Base held together with mortise and tenon joints • Torsion-free stretchers thanks to solid design and full-length tension screws • Oiled top


Vices and bench dogs: • Tail vice torsion-resistant due to multiple glueing with wear-resistant steelencased guide • Solid German front vice, 480 mm, with round guide and twin-screw for maximum force transmission, max. opening 175 mm, screw Ø 28 mm • Dowels in front vice for workpiece support • Front vice joined at an angle for maximum pressure • 4 long round and retractable aluminium bench dogs for clamping objects of any shape • 2 short round and retractable aluminium bench dogs for additional clamping at the front of the tail vice

Free shipping within Germany. For shipping outside Germany, please contact our customer service. These benches are custom-made. Therfore the delivery time is minimum 8 weeks.

Accessories: • Extra accessories such as a drawer and levelling supports for individual customizing • Free workbench introduction courses by the manufacturer • Almost unlimited clamping options thanks to additional holes for bench dogs and use of lever clamp No. 705794


Worktop thickness 100 / 54 mm Height 930 mm

1 Model Deluxe 1600 500 mm tail vice with max. opening 220 mm, screw Ø 24 mm. Worktop dimensions 1600 x 600 mm Overall dimensions 1780 x 820 mm Weight approx. 95 kg No. 706089 1335.29 € 1589.00 € 2 Model Deluxe 2000 600 mm tail vice is hidden under the worktop for an extraordinarily long life with max. opening 240 mm, screw Ø 28 mm. Comes with tool well. Worktop dimensions 2000 mm x 640 mm overall dimensions 2180 x 860 mm weight approx. 125 kg No. 706099 1647.06 € 1960.00 € Levelling supports in underframe For easy and precise levelling of the workbench, we also offer the Deluxe workbenches with levelling supports. By turning a carriage bolt, you can adjust each leg individually without inconvenient underlaying. This counteracts worktop warpage when the workbench is set up on an uneven floor. No. 705623 120.17 € 143.00 €

Wider worktop For an even larger work area, the model 2000 is also available with a wider worktop. The solid worktop is 700 mm wide and has no tool well. No. 705627 179.83 € 214.00 €

Clamping option with lever clamp

Clamping option in the front of the workbench

Round bench dog holes on sides

Slightly angled front vice for max. clamping pressure

Bench worktop secured through bread-board end

Below shot of front vice

Drawer An optional finger-jointed drawer on hanging guides under the worktop serves for storing accessories (additional bench dogs and clamping devices) and tools. Outer dimensions 550 x 430 x 130 mm No. 705622 101.68 € 121.00 €


Workshop accessories and toolkits | Workbenches

A ULMIA® WORKBENCHES A good bench must be solid, have a plane working surface and be fitted with vices that grip pieces of all sizes firmly. These requirements are all fulfilled by this workbench from Ulmia.


Construction: • Made of steamed beech for minimal shrinkage and expansion • Heavy weight for good stability • Worktop with serrated and glued fulllength bars • Breadboard end optimally protects the worktop from warpage (central carriage bolt and serrated joint) • Base held together with mortise and tenon joints • Base with torsion-free stretchers due to integrated truss rods and full-length tension screws • Oiled top Vices and bench dogs: • Torsion-resistant tail vice due to multiple glueing, vice 580 mm with patented aluminium-encased guide, max. opening 240 mm, screw Ø 28 mm • Solid German front vice, 525 mm with round guide, max. opening 140 mm, screw Ø 28 mm • 4 round, retractable aluminium bench dogs for clamping objects of any shape

Worktop thickness 120 / 65 mm Height 900 mm

Accessories: • Allows use of insertion clamp No. 706320

Model 1500 Bench top dimensions 150 x 64 cm overall dimensions 160 x 85 cm approx. 100 kg No. 706085 1032.00 € 1229.00 €

Workbenches are delivered unassembled (detailed assembly instructions included). Free shipping within Germany. For shipping outside Germany, please contact our customer service.

Model 2000 Bench top dimensions 200 x 64 cm overall dimensions 208 x 85 cm approx. 120 kg No. 706087 1125.21 € 1339.00 €


C BENCH SUPPORT The solid, height-adjustable bench support allows you to support long boards that are clamped in the front or tail vice. Because of it´s height (930 mm), workpieces lying on the worktop thus also have a second leg. 930 x 360 x 360 mm No. 705621 122.69 € 146.00 €


Serrated worktop Tail vice (cut)

Front vice

importantly, is absolutely safe. Based on a Swedish model, the workbench presented here is light, sturdy and very versatile due to the adjustable yoke and footrest. Pinewood bench, frame and legs. Supplied unassembled, with instructions. Length 125 cm Bench height 54 cm Max. jaw opening 15 cm No. 706080 251.26 € 299.00 €

VERITAS® SHAVING HORSE PLAN Building plan of a traditional shaving horse with different working positions. 13-page exact description and detailed illustration on 12 pages. In English, with inch measurements. No. 703653 8.32 € 9.90 €


D SHAVING HORSE The traditional shaving horse is an indispensable tool when working with drawknives. Rods, rungs, table legs and other long, round or board-shaped parts can be gripped with the foot-activated mechanism and then freely shaped with the use of both hands. Shaving horses allow you to work in a position which is ergonomic, reduces stress on the back and most

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Accessories and clamping devices

Accessories and clamping devices




C ULMIA® ALUMINIUM BENCH DOGS, 1 PAIR Round, rotatable bench dogs with a ball detent locking mechanism. 2-piece set Ø 30 mm Length 200 mm No. 706086 34.37 € 40.90 €

A LEVER CLAMP Novel clamp, created together with a renowned clamp manufacturer, for clamping workpieces in the middle of the worktop or on the side of the workbench. Using this accessory on the DICK® Deluxe workbench quickly solves any clamping problem, no matter how complex it may appear.

B INSERTION CLAMP This clamp allows workpieces to be fastened in the centre of the worktop or at the front of the workbench. Made in collaboration with a German clamp manufacturer. Fits Ulmia and DICK® Allround workbenches.

D SQUARE BENCH DOGS, 1 PAIR Aluminium bench dogs with steel pressure spring for fixing at the required height. Fits Allround workbenches. Shaft 29 x 20 mm Head 34 x 20 mm No. 706321 38.57 € 45.90 €

E F E DELUXE BENCH DOGS, 1 PAIR Round bench dogs with steel bolts and replaceable aluminium cap. Plastic pressure elements in the shaft hold the bench dogs at the required height. Shaft-Ø 20 mm Head-Ø 30 mm Length

195 mm No. 705624 105 mm No. 705625

Due to the precisely defined hole diameter and the perpendicular position of the holes, the clamp can only be used with the DICK® Deluxe workbench. Jaw opening 200 mm Jaw depth 140 mm No. 705794 90.76 € 108.00 €


Jaw opening 250 mm Jaw depth 100 mm No. 706320 75.55 €

DELUXE BENCH DOGS To provide the bench dogs with additional support in the case of higher clamping forces, you can insert additional clamping sleeves into the recessed holes for the round bench dogs. No. 705626 5.71 € 6.80 €

G VERITAS® BRASS BENCH DOGS Cylindrical brass posts (Ø 18.8 mm) with side springs. The textured jaws have an inward cant (2°) to prevent the workpiece from slipping upwards. 2 pieces each. Fits No. 706300, 706302, 706077. Suitable auger: No. 717235






1 60 mm No. 705924 16.72 € 19.90 € 2 110 mm No. 705925 20.50 € 24.40 €



H ANANT® HOLD DOWN CLAMP Hold down clamp based on a classic English model with moveable pressure plate on the arm. The toothed rod runs through a flange, which can be mounted to the plate or to bench frame. Dropforged arm and body. Jaw depth 200 mm Jaw height 220 mm Rod Ø 23 mm No. 705937 35.55 € 42.30 €

89.90 €

51.85 € 61.70 € 45.80 € 54.50 €




I HOLD DOWN CLAMPS Quickly fastens all types of workpieces to the joiner’s bench plate. The rod of the forged hold down clamp is slipped into a drill hole, self-locking mechanisms. 1 Jaw depth 100 mm Jaw height 100 mm Rod Ø 17 mm No. 705756 7.82 €

9.30 €

2 Jaw depth 200 mm Jaw height 220 mm Rod Ø 22 mm No. 705757 17.39 €

20.70 €

J VERITAS® HOLD DOWN CLAMP A third arm at the workbench! Workpieces in all forms and shapes, which are hard to clamp down, can now be held in place easily and securely. The toothed rod is inserted into a horizontal or vertical 19 mm hole (drilled with auger No. 717235) on the workbench plate. Tightening the nut activates the self-locking mechanism. Supplied with assembly instructions. Arm and body made of aluminium, steel rod. Fits No. 706300, 706302, 706077. Jaw depth 200 mm Jaw height 200 mm No. 705760 67.14 € 79.90 €

K BENCH CLAMPS VERITAS® These clamping tools will make your workbench even more versatile. The rods can be inserted into a 19 mm drill hole anywhere on the bench’s top, front or frame. (Suitable auger No. 717235). Irregularly shaped workpieces are no match for this clamping system with its pull-out and rotational action. Rod and clamping spindle made of steel with gunmetal finish, brass knob handle and jaws. Fits No. 706300, -077, -302, -305, -306. Jaw size 50 x 15 mm Spindle length 100 mm Bolt Ø 18.8 mm Length

65 mm No. 705926 24.29 € 28.90 € 160 mm No. 705927 26.81 € 31.90 € 163

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Accessories and clamping devices


A VERITAS® QUICK-RELEASE TAIL VICE Retro-fitting a tail vice onto an existing workbench is usually an elaborate process, but this model from Veritas can be fitted to the underside of a worktop without requiring complex modifications to the workbench. All you need is a usermade jaw for the tail vice and an equally thick apron to extend the worktop. The symmetrical base plate with the tee socket for the handle and the quick-release


lever can be mounted for a vice that is fitted either on the right or the left end of the workbench. You can easily switch between the quick-release mechanism and normal screw travel using a lever behind the handle. Comes with vice body, mounting plate, handles and screws. Max. opening 196 mm. Screw diameter 19 mm. Required space: 432 x 156 mm. No. 705815 209.24 € 249.00 €

B VERITAS® TWIN-SCREW VICE This vice allows you to clamp workpieces anywhere in the vice while the jaws stay parallel. The chain drive ensures parallelism and virtually eliminates the racking common in other vices. The vice can be operated using either handle. A springloaded lock pin lets you disengage the chain for controlled jaw skewing for slightly out-of-square work. Easy to mount to allow retrofitting and individual

widths (distance between screws). The aluminium chain cover must be cut to the required length. For assembly, you require a 38-mm drill bit (1½ inch), e.g. No. 707406. Screw diameter 27 mm Maximum spacing 400 mm (restricted by cover). No. 705816 175.63 € 209.00 €

C C STANDARD BENCH VICE Metal vice with double guide rods, trapezoidal thread, extendable bench dog. Screwed to the bottom of the bench plate (installation height 60 mm), jaw drill holes for fastening wooden blocks. Jaw opening 300 mm Jaw width 180 mm Jaw height 75 mm 5.7 kg No. 705768 43.36 € 51.60 €


D PRECISION BENCH VICES Solid metal vice enables exact and quick clamping on the joiner’s bench. The grey cast iron jaws run on two 22 mm strong steel guide rods virtually free of play. Spindles have asymmetrically-shaped threads to withstand extreme loads. Quick adjustment with the lever locking mechanism prevents time-consuming winding. The extendable dog enables clamping of longer objects. Easy installation by screwing the vice to the bottom of the bench plate (installation height 60 mm), jaw drill holes for fastening wooden blocks. 164


Jaw opening 190 mm Jaw width 175 Jaw height 75 mm 9.2 kg No. 705765 109.16 €

129.90 €

Jaw opening 300 mm Jaw width 225 mm Jaw height 75 mm 14.5 kg No. 705766 142.02 €

169.00 €

E PATTERNMAKER´S VISE This vice is one of the most versatile tools for the workbench top. The exceptionally solid, grey cast iron heads can be tightened parallel to one another or individually swiveled to accept oddly shaped pieces. The vice mounts through any hole in the bench top (a dog hole will do). Once mounted, it can be easily swiveled a full 360° and locked in place via a winged nut. The swivel base can be either mounted above the bench top (working height

250 mm) or below (working height 215 mm). Cast iron body, steel guide rails, trapezoidal threads on the spindle with hand crank, softwood jaws with soft polyurethane linings. Jaw opening 150 mm Jaw width 125 mm Bench top thickness max. 130 mm 14 kg No. 705755 116.81 € 139.00 €

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Accessories and clamping devices

A MULTIPURPOSE BENCH VICE Multifunctional: The most diverse clamping tool for the demanding woodworker: the main jaws can be adjusted conically up to 5° while an additional jaw can be swivelled up to 30° on a second axis. Without loosening the clamp, the entire piece can be swung upwards and locked into any position up to 90° and rotated 360°. Four adjustable bench dogs accommodate pieces of various shapes. The heavy grey cast iron construction holds work pieces securely and reduces vibration, even under great loads. This vice is easily attached to the workbench by aligning the mounting plate flush with the bench top and tightening the support from below. Instructions included. Jaw opening 350 mm Jaw width 345 Jaw height 125 mm Weight 25 kg No. 705767 276.47 € 329.00 €


360° rotation action

B MITRE TRIMMER For precise trimming and clean mitre cuts. Simply cut stock slightly oversize and then make the final cut using the mitre trimmer. Ideal for cutting frames, baseboards and also for precision 90°cutting of scantling, poles etc. The sharp, skewed blades allow high-precision shearing cuts. The gear driven lever allows effortless use. Mitre

Clamping with bench dogs

Additional jaw with swivel action

Tilting from a horizontal to a vertical position

Angling the jaw with a cam lever




B Butt joint

C VERITAS® CARVER’S VICE Robust sculptor’s vice with a fully rotating, height-adjustable plate. The sturdy arched aluminium body and secure clamping mechanism make this vice suitable for heavy-duty work. The vice can be bolted to the bench or mounted in a dog hole (e.g. with auger no. 717235). Base 115 x 90 mm Max. height 240 mm Plate Ø 87 mm 2.3 kg No. 705929 92.35 € 109.90 €

Chamfered edges

Heavy-duty, grey iron casting with precisely machined working surfaces, doublesided guides and two finely adjustable, 90° and 45° fences. Comes with two hardened tool steel cutting inserts, 6 mm strong, which are detachable for easy sharpening. Length 580 mm Max. stock size approx. 85 x 70 mm Approx. 12 kg No. 705798 184.03 € 219.00 €

D DOG HOLE MOUNT For fastening a (rotating) vice to a plate drill hole, Ø 19 mm (e.g. drilled with auger No. 717235). Length 125 mm 1/2" screw thread No. 705932 10.00 € 11.90 €


H F G 1 E PARALLEL VICE HEUER® The original from Germany: At its Plettenberg plant, the German company Brockhaus started manufacturing drop-forged vices with dual-prism, inside guide tracks in 1927, setting a world-wide standard. The guide tracks prevent contamination and damages while the machined track surfaces guarantee precision and long service life. The centrally located and well-protected spindle with double-action trapezoid thread gives the vice its high and optimally distributed clamping force. Drop-forged, surface-hardened clamping jaws, pipegripping jaws and a rear jaw with small anvil, giving this vice the ability to withstand high loads, make this vice a versatile aid in the workshop. Jaw opening 150 mm Jaw depth 65 mm Jaw width 120 mm Pipe-gripping jaws 16-55 mm Approx. 9 kg No. 706100 160.67 € 191.20 €


F MAGNEFIX PROTECTIVE JAWS Protects your workpiece from dents. Aluminium body, easy and secure application using integrated special magnets. Despite the high amount of magnetic force, it does not penetrate to the clamping surfaces so that the workpiece is not magnetised nor is swarf attracted.

G ROTATING PLATE This makes your Heuer vice (No. 706100) even more manoeuvrable. Completely steel-forged rotating plate which can be set to any angle quickly and securely using the spindle key. The closed construction protects the vice from shavings and dirt. Extremely precise guide tracks through the accurately milled rotating assembly and support plate. Approx. 2.5 kg No. 706101 52.27 € 62.20 €

1 Aluminium with grooves For non-sensitive workpieces. No. 706102 22.94 €

27.30 €

2 Aluminium with felt pad For highly sensitive workpieces. No. 706103 29.58 €

35.20 €

H MULTI-ANGLE VISE The ball-jointed foot can be adjusted to any angle, making the vice extremely versatile. The workpiece is screwed onto the plate from the bottom. The grub screw makes the plate easily detachable from the central mount. Base 140 x 125 mm Height 125 mm Plate Ø 90 mm 3.3 kg No. 705830 48.40 € 57.60 €


Workshop accessories and toolkits | Accessories and clamping devices, Tool sets

A SWIVEL VICE A ball-jointed foot lets you rotate this solid vice about all three axes. The position can be set to meet the specific demands of the workpiece, the two knob handle screws allow for quick and secure fastening. Small anvil on the back. The base plate can be fastened to the work plate with four screws. Replaceable jaws. Jaw opening 70 mm Jaw width 80 mm Overall height 255 mm 8.6 kg No. 705826 66.30 € 78.90 €



B MULTI-ANGLE VICE Light aluminium vice, rotatable in all directions, for light assembly or other tasks. Ball-joint with quick locking mechanism. Jaw opening 100 mm Jaw width 75 mm Table clamps max. 53 mm 1.2 kg No. 705796 21.76 € 25.90 €


Tool sets


DICK® Tool carriers Systematic tool storage: For your tools ready at hand and a clear work-space: DICK tool carriers make sure your workshop is tidy and with their mix of design and functionality, they are a perfect example of our company philosophy. Each tool has its own place where it is safe and will not be damaged. When away on an installation job, you will profit from having a light-weight selection of tools at hand to carry out virtually any type of job. The stable tool carriers made of glue-laminated beech plywood are exclusively manufactured in Germany according to our company guidelines and quality standards. This practical tool carrier will simplify installation jobs and be of great advantage to you in the workshop. The suitable plastic Systainers® are

C TOOL SET »JUNIOR« Price advantage A compact set of high-quality Japanese and Swedish tools designed for young woodworkers and professionals working in the field. Dozuki Universal Compact precision saw No. 712848 Ryoba Compact double-edged saw No. 712849 Tataki Nomi chisels: 9/12/18/24 mm No. 710782, 710783, 710785, 710786 Genno hammer, 375 g No. 714010 Combination sharpening stone No. 711007 Talmeter measuring tape, 2 m No. 708020 Folding square, 300x175 mm No. 707298 Cotton tool bag, 9 pockets No. 707514 No. 718894 173.95 € 207.00 €

standardised, durable and stackable. (The tool carriers are compatible with the commercially available plastic Systainers no. IV and V.). The tool sets »Japan« and »Cabinet-making and interior work«, compiled by specialists, will equip your workshop with a whole range of premium hand tools, perfectly stowed in the DICK tool carrier and an optional Systainer.

D FOUR FILMS ABOUT DIFFERENT HANDCRAFT TECHNIQUES ON ONE DVD Schärfen mit Wassersteinen, Japanische Holzverbindungen, Shoji, Japanische Holzbearbeitungswerkzeuge. DVD, 135 minutes, in German. No. 713709 10.84 € 12.90 €


Your benefits: • Price advantage compared to the price of the individual pieces! • All the individual tools are available for purchase at all times.


»Japan« series

E SYSTAINER® WITH DICK® TOOL CARRIER »JAPAN« EQUIPPED, 19 ITEMS Price advantage A practical selection of high quality Japanese tools from the DICK range, for all woodworking tasks.The tool carrier is equipped with: Chisels No. 710781, -782, -783, -785, -786, -787; Saws No. 712809, -806, -602; Planes No. 717006, -041;


Hammer No. 714103; Sharpening stone No. 711005; Set squares No. 717131, -132; Compass No. 707150; Marking gauge No. 717103. Length 360 mm Width 270 mm Height 280 mm 7.7 kg No. 718804 494.96 € 589.00 €

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Tool sets

»Cabinet-making and interior work« series

A SYSTAINER® WITH DICK® TOOL CARRIER »CABINET-MAKING AND INTERIOR WORK« EQUIPPED, 44 ITEMS Price advantage An assortment of basic hand tools for cabinet-making and interior work. This carrier also provides two additional compartments for small items. The tool carrier contains: Chisels No. 710781, -782, -83, -785, -786, -787; Saws No. 712848, -104; Planes No. 703108, -101; Pliers No. 717822, -808; Screwdrivers No. 717800, -801, -803, -804; Voltage tester No. 800330; Auger bits No. 706040, -041, -042, -043, -044, -045, -046, -047; Folding rule No. 708024; Parallel marker No. 716152; Marking gauge No. 707178; Folding square No. 707298; Spirit level No. 717156; Bit screwdriver sets No. 717851; -852; Hammer No. 714103; Titebond® No. 450360; 2 x clamps No. 705781; File No. 705023; File handle No. 704955 (not mounted); Cutter Bessey® No. 710540; Sharpening stone No. 711007; Sanding block No. 705120; Punch awl No. 717206; 2 DICK-pencils. Length 370 mm Width 263 mm Height 293 mm 13.1 kg No. 718813 646.22 € 769.00 €




B DICK® TOOL CARRIER »CABINETMAKING AND INTERIOR WORK« EQUIPPED, 43 ITEMS Price advantage For contents of tool carrier see No. 718813. Extendable up to 62 items see No. 718816. 11 kg No. 718812 599.16 € 713.00 €


C SUPPLEMENTARY TOOL SET »SPECIAL«, 19 ITEMS Price advantage For DICK tool carrier »Cabinet-making and interior work«, holds 43 items (No. 718812). The pack contains: Saws No. 712845, -602; Talmeter® marking measure No. 708021; Bevel No. 707311; Adjustable wrench No. 717809; Pliers No. 717836, -826, -807; Drills No. 707389; Rasp No. 704732; Rasp handle No. 704955; Punch awl No. 717205; Punch set No. 710797. No. 718816 276.47 € 329.00 €



D SYSTAINER® WITH DICK® TOOL CARRIER »CABINET-MAKING AND INTERIOR WORK« WITHOUT CONTENTS, HOLDS 62 ITEMS For 62 items plus compartments for small items. 4.7 kg No. 718811 142.86 € 170.00 €



Workshop accessories and toolkits | Useful aids, Workwear

Useful aids



A TOOLFIX Extra strength (can hold up to ca. 2.5 kg) magnetic tool bar. For easy access to your tools. Black plastic body, mounts using screws. 349 x 34 x 23 mm No. 707210 21.76 € 25.90 € G B

B DOUBLE-SIDED MAGNETIC TOOL BAR Maximum strength (up to 10 kg) tool bar. Can be mounted using screws or via its own magnetic power (on ferromagnetic wall surfaces) Chrome-plated metal rails, 2 mounting brackets. 600 x 25 x 20 mm No. 707222 20.34 € 24.20 €


G JAPANESE SHOES (JIKA-TABI) WITH AIR SYSTEM Jika-Tabi - Japanese worker's shoes - turn the feet into fully functional clamping, climbing and gripping tools - for holding workpieces, artistic balancing on roof structures or climbing. An integrated air cushion makes them gentle on the joints and extremely comfortable to wear. The separate big toe provides full mobility, while the soft natural-rubber sole gives you excellent balance and an almost barefoot feeling. The shoes are made of hard-wearing double-layer cotton with reinforced toe, heel and sides and are closed at the back with hooks. Colour: black.


C MAPLE TOOL BAR Magnetic tool bar for hand tools and kitchen knives. Maple body with 2 permanent magnetic rails. 460 x 47 x 22 mm No. 707224 11.93 € 14.20 €

To determine your size, measure the full length of your foot and add 0.7-1 cm. E.g. foot length = 25.5 cm, Tabi size 26.5 cm


D TOOLHOLDER Magnetic tool bar for light to medium weight tools. Powder-coated steel rail with plastic body. 500 x 40 x 25 mm No. 707220 5.46 € 6.50 € Two frequently asked questions regarding magnetic tool bars: Does magnetisation negatively affect the sharpness of cutting tools? No, magnetising steel does not change its crystalline structure. It can, however, complicate re-sharpening because the magnetised metal particles (swarf) tend to stick to the cutting edge. Are all steels ferromagnetic? No, pure austenitic stainless steels (including many VA steels) are not magnetic. However, these steels often have ferritic elements, meaning that the majority of the steels used to make stainless steel knives do stick to magnetic tool holders.


F JAPANESE WORKING CLOTHES Its high-quality cotton cloth makes it highly durable and responsive to humidity. Suitable for craftsmen, artists, painters, sculptors alike as well as for meditating or simply wearing around the house. Strong cotton cloth, soft and pleasant to the touch. Jacket comes with open, medium-length Kimono style sleeves, one


No. 707620 No. 707621 No. 707622 No. 707623


83.95 83.95 83.95 83.95

€ € € €

99.90 € 99.90 € 99.90 € 99.90 €


H 5-TOE SOCKS, FOUR PAIRS Seamless knitted socks with separate toes, in keeping with Japanese tradition. They allow better airing, and so help prevent sweating and athlete's foot. Blended fabric of 85% cotton and 15% nylon. One size, black. No. 707667 8.91 € 10.60 €

33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53 36.05 36.05

€ € € € € € € € € €

39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 42.90 € 42.90 €


I JAPANESE KNEE SOCKS, TWO PAIRS Soft-touch winter socks with traditional separate big toe. Can also be worn with Jika-Tabi. Blended fabric of 55% acrylic, 30% cotton and 15% nylon. One size, black. No. 707668

No. 707670 No. 707671 No. 707672 No. 707673 No. 707674 No. 707675 No. 707676 No. 707677 No. 707678 No. 707679

240 245 250 255 260 265 270 280 290 300



side pocket and overlapping lapels to tie. Loose-fit trousers with cuffs and three pockets. Indigo.

12.52 €

14.90 €


J JAPANESE SOCKS (GUNSOKU), ONE PAIR For Jika-Tabi. Elastic cotton fabric, reinforced heel and toes, one size, beige/grey. No. 707615 5.55 € 6.60 € For more traditional Japanese clothing see www.more-than-tools.de

K DICK® COTTON APRON The hefty cotton fabric is seamed on all sides, and impregnated to repel water and dirt. The large, sealable front pocket is perfect for tools and materials while the small pouch serves to keep your glasses. Size

60 x 82 cm No. 707505 30.00 € 35.70 € 90 x 87 cm No. 707506 35.13 € 41.80 €

E ROLLER BALLS, 6-PIECE SET These ball transfer units allow you extend machine tables and move heavy workpieces wherever you need them. The steel balls, 25 mm diameter, are fitted in a zinc-plated bearing, which can be fastened easily with two screws. 6-piece set. No. 820205 16.47 € 19.60 € 168

L FRENCH LEATHER APRON This heavy-duty leather apron provides reliable protection against dirt, dust, wood chips and shavings. Made from a single piece of 2 mm thick leather, it is ideally suited for woodworking, woodturning, sharpening, sculpting and gardening. Inside breast pocket, adjustable shoulder straps. 90 x 60 cm No. 707500 80.59 € 95.90 €

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Useful aids, Workwear





A PROHANDS® CUT-RESISTANT GLOVES Never cut your hands again when working with sharp tools, sheet metal or glass. Made of extremely durable Dyneema® yarn*, these lightweight gloves are highly resistant to cuts caused by various types of tools. That makes them equally practical for working with wood, using sharp chisels, saws, or carving gouges, glass, gardening, forestry, and as a locksmith. The gloves are also practical in vocational centres, for freehand sculpting and in craft education. Very thin and flexible, the backs of these gloves are made of breathable fabric and the interiors are coated with non-slip rubber. The backs, interiors and cuffs are all protected. (Protection not for machine work and chainsaws). Protective category 3544 according to DIN EN 388. S = 6, M = 7, L = 8, XL = 9, XXL = 10. *Dyneema® is a high-tech fabric with a tensile strength that is approximately 15 times stronger than steel. It is used for bullet-proof vests among other things. Size

No. 707650 No. 707651 No. 707652 No. 707653 No. 707654


15.04 15.04 15.88 16.13 16.72

€ € € € €

17.90 € 17.90 € 18.90 € 19.20 € 19.90 €

D FINGER PROTECTORS, 3-PIECE SET Fastened to the fingers with elasticated straps, these leather finger protectors protect you from injury when working with sharp tools, sewing, cultivating thorny plants, and many other uses. They are also ideal for protecting your fingers if you have cut them. Set includes protectors for two fingers and one thumb. No. 717513 8.32 € 9.90 €

I SAFETY GOGGLES STANDARD Modern, lightweight safety goggles with flexible, non-slip sports temples for comfort. Soft nose pads ensure optimum fit and can be removed for cleaning. 100% UV protection, scratch-resistant. 25 g No. 707552 9.16 € 10.90 €



E PELTOR™ OPTIME 1 HEARING PROTECTOR This all-round hearing protector from market leader Peltor™ provides the best imaginable protection despite being comfortably light. The slim profile of the muffs still provides a generous inside depth and, combined with the two-point attachment, ensures the best possible comfort even during extended use. Attenuation rating SNR (Single Number Rating) 27 dB. Recommended noise rating 87-98 dB. 180 g No. 707551 14.96 € 17.80 €

J SAFETY GOGGLES PROFESSIONAL High-quality safety goggles with extra-wide, curved lenses for maximum coverage of the eye area. Adjustable angle and temple length. The soft, non-slip pads at all touchpoints such as eyebrows, bridge of the nose and temples ensure a comfortable fit. 100% UV protection, scratchresistant, anti-fog. 35 g No. 707901 12.52 € 14.90 €




B HYDRATEX GLOVES These water-resistant, breathable gloves are suitable for outdoor work in any weather, e.g. gardening, carpentry or forestry. The waterproof Nylon/Lycra back keeps your hands cool and dry, while the velvet leather on the palm feels comfortable on the skin.

F CORDED EARPLUGS, 2 PAIRS Multi-use earplugs with easy-clean flanges. The material of these earplugs uses the body heat to adjust to the shape of the individual ear canal. The earplugs are attached to a cord so that they do not get lost when taken out frequently. No. 707905 1.26 € 1.50 €


GOGGLES For ultimate protection, these safety goggles have high-quality face cushioning and keep off wind, debris and dust. The easily adjustable flame-resistant headband, attached with a simple snap lock, provides an excellent, comfortable fit even in demanding work environments. Thanks to the anti-fog coating on the inside and the anti-scratch coating on the outside, the lenses last 3x longer than conventional ones. 100% UV protection, scratch-resistant. 35 g No. 707902 16.72 € 19.90 €

L JSP POWERCAP LITE IP This respirator visor with built-in fan is comfortable to wear while offering the safety of a face shield as well as dust and pollen protection. The fan is powered by rechargeable batteries and lets clean, filtered air flow over the face without impairing breathing like conventional respirators. The visor, whose soft foam lining fits tightly at the chin and temples, does not fog up and offers enough space for glasses and beards. The visor, filter and fan housing are made of high-impact plastic to protect the wearer from airborne debris (e.g. when turning). For optimum comfort, even over long periods, the PowerCap Lite weighs only 440 g.Comes with rechargeable batteries, charger, two filters, a flow meter and usage instructions in a handy resealable plastic box. Battery life: 4 hours (charge time 8 hrs.) or 8 hours (charge time 16 hrs.) Lithium-ion batteries. Flow rate 160 litres/minute. Battery life 4 hrs. No. 707530 Battery life 8 hrs. No. 707531

263.87 €

314.00 €

298.32 €

355.00 €

Replacement Battery for JSP PowerCap Lite IP 4 hrs. Fit`s No. 707530. No. 707532 18.40 € 21.90 € Replacement Battery for JSP PowerCap Lite IP 8 hrs. Fit`s No. 707531. No. 707533 36.05 € 42.90 € Replacement Filter Set For JSP PowerCap Lite IP Fit`s No. 707530 and 707531. No. 707534 20.92 € 24.90 €



No. 707915 No. 707916 No. 707917 No. 707918

10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50

€ € € €

12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 €

G EARPLUGS, 5 PAIRS Simple earplugs made of smooth, selfadjusting foam that are rolled up and inserted in the ear canal. Includes storage case. No. 707906 0.76 € 0.90 €



C POWERCOAT GLOVES Developed for lacquer manufacturers, these solvent-resistant nitrile gloves provide optimum protection from paint, lacquer, oil and detergents. The rubber-like material nitrile has excellent chemical and mechanical properties and an unequalled sense of touch. A diamond finish ensures a secure grip. Size


No. 707912 No. 707913 No. 707914

2.69 € 2.69 € 2.69 €

3.20 € 3.20 € 3.20 €


EARPLUGS These folding banded earplugs easily fit into any pocket and rest outside the ear canal opening without pressure. The band can be worn in several positions, whether on the head, under the chin or round the neck. The perfect solution for users who are in and out of noisy areas. No. 707904 4.12 € 4.90 €

M BIONIC FACE SHIELD The Bionic face shield combines modern ergonomic design with first-class protection and comfort. The robust catch adjustment mechanism allows you to position the visor as you please to adjust to different situations. With the ratcheting headgear mechanism and adjustable headband, the shield can be adjusted to any head shape and size. A soft, easily removable sweatband and a foam lining to protect the back of the head ensure a comfortable fit. The high-impact, easyto-replace visor with extended chin and top-of-head protection is also suitable for wearers of glasses and for use with respirators. 345 g No. 707903 31.01 € 36.90 € 169

Workshop accessories and toolkits | Workwear

A A WOOLPOWER PRODUCTS Unisex-Thermal-Underwear for Hunting, Handcraft and Outdoor Activities: All Woolpower products are made of »Ullfrottè Original«. This material is made of two-thirds fine Merino wool and one-third synthetic fibers which guarantees optimum elasticity and durability. Different material thicknesses are available (200 g/m², 400 g/m² and 600 g/m²) and can ideally be combined depending on temperature and ®

form of activity. Ullfrotté Original products are produced by using circular knitting machines. The advantage of this technology is that the garments which are worn next to the skin only have minimum seams which results in a very comfortable fit. Wool does not retain odor and therefore the clothes do not smell unpleasant even after long periods of use. Woolpower articles are certified by ÖkoTex - an international human ecology label that shows that the garments contain no toxic or harmful substances. Can be machine washed at up to 60° C (104° F) and tumble tried at medium heat. Made in Sweden. Each garment is labeled with the name of the seamstress.

1 ®

1 Woolpower long-sleeved crewneck green 400 g/m² Long-sleeved crewneck shirt. The back is longer to prevent undesired ingress of coldness. Cuffs are knitted in. Material: 60% Merino wool, 25% Polyester, 13% Polyamide, 2% Elastane.



2 2 Woolpower® cardigan black 600 g/m² Very warm cardigan with thick collar and a full length zipper. Cuffs have thumb holes. The back is longer to prevent undesired ingress of coldness. The collar has the Woolpower logo knitted-in. Material: 70% Merino wool, 30% Polyamide.

No. 815010 No. 815011 No. 815012 No. 815013 No. 815014

92.35 92.35 92.35 92.35 92.35

€ € € € €

109.90 € 109.90 € 109.90 € 109.90 € 109.90 €

62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.94

€ € € € €

74.90 € 74.90 € 74.90 € 74.90 € 74.90 €




No. 815005 No. 815006 No. 815007 No. 815008 No. 815009

121.76 121.76 121.76 121.76 121.76

€ € € € €

144.90 € 144.90 € 144.90 € 144.90 € 144.90 €

3 Woolpower® vest navy 400 g/m² Vest with thick collar and a full length zipper. Straight bottom hem. The collar has the Woolpower logo knitted-in as well as an embroidered Woolpower logo on the chest. Material: 70% Merino wool, 28% Polyamide, 2% Elastane.

Terry-knitted material The special knitting technique offers excellent heat-insulating properties and warms even when wet. Woolpower socks absorb and transport away perspiration without losing heat-insulating properties.



No. 815015 No. 815016 No. 815017 No. 815018 No. 815019

5 5 Woolpower® sport socks logo black 400 g/m² These thicker socks enhance heat-insulating, keep your feet comfortably warm and protect against wetness and cold weather. Material: 64% Merino wool, 32% Polyamide, 4% Elastane. Size

36-39 No. 815020 40-44 No. 815021 45-48 No. 815022

4 4 Woolpower® long-sleeved crewneck black 200 g/m² Long-sleeved crewneck shirt. The back is longer to prevent undesired ingress of coldness. Cuffs are knitted in. Material: 60% Merino wool, 25% Polyester, 13% Polyamide, 2% Elastane.

16.90 € 16.90 € 16.90 €



No. 815000 No. 815001 No. 815002 No. 815003 No. 815004

58.74 58.74 58.74 58.74 58.74

€ € € € €

69.90 € 69.90 € 69.90 € 69.90 € 69.90 €


Size for women for men

XS 36-38 42-44

S 40-42 46-48

M 44-46 50-52

L 48-50 54-56

XL 52-54 58-60

Size chart in cm chest measurement weist measurement

XS 82-90 66-74

S 90-98 74-82

M 98-106 82-90

L 106-114 90-100

XL 114-122 100-110


14.20 € 14.20 € 14.20 €


6 Woolpower® knee-length socks black 400 g/m² Thicker knee-length socks. They enhance heat-insulating, keep your feet comfortably warm and protect against wetness and cold weather. Material: 64% Merino wool, 36% Polyamide.

7 Woolpower® socks black 600 g/m² Thick socks, ideal to use at low temperatures or to wear as »slippers« to prevent cold feet. Material: 60% Merino wool, 40% Polyamide.



36-39 No. 815023 40-44 No. 815024 45-48 No. 815025

21.76 € 21.76 € 21.76 €

25.90 € 25.90 € 25.90 €

36-39 No. 815026 40-44 No. 815027 45-48 No. 815028

18.40 € 18.40 € 18.40 €

21.90 € 21.90 € 21.90 €

Leder- und Papierwerkzeuge | Blindtext

Leather-working tools | 172

Leather care | 174

Paper-working tools | 174


Leather- and paper-working tools | Leather-working tools

Leather-working tools




E A STITCH MARKER Elegant stainless steel tool with brass hoop and betula wood handles for marking seams. Thanks to the bent shaft, the stainless steel wheel can be moved ergonomically and marks stitches every 4 mm. Length 145 mm No. 708326 75.55 € 89.90 €


D AWL HANDLE Clamping handle with knurled ferrule. Beech handle. Length 95 mm No. 708301 10.50 € 12.50 € E AWL ASSORTMENT Stabbing awl, curved sewing awl and stitching awl. Fits awl handle No. 708301. No. 708302 3.95 € 4.70 €

H REVOLVING PUNCH PLIERS For punching leather, cardboard, rubber, plastic etc. With six punches with diameters of 2/ 2.5/ 3/ 3.5/ 4 and 4.5 mm. The diameter is displayed in the view window. Pressed, anti-skid corded steel shanks with stop. Length 210 mm 270 g No. 711995 12.52 € 14.90 €


1 2


3 M THONGING CHISELS High-quality Japanese chisels for marking and punching holes. Diamond-shaped prongs at a 45° angle. Prong spacing 5 mm 1 1 prong No. 717209 5.38 € 6.40 € 2 3 prongs No. 717207 18.40 € 21.90 € 3 6 prongs No. 717208 32.69 € 38.90 €


1 B SEWING HOLSTER Guard with metal insert for pushing needles through leather, thick fabric and felt. Strong leather, riveted. Righthanded. 55 g. No. 708300 17.14 € 20.40 €



F LINEN THREAD Unwaxed linen thread for hand-stitched seams in leatherwork. Is usually drawn through beeswax before use. 1 Linen thread, black Thickness 0.8 mm Length 30 m No. 831402 4.87 € 2 Linen thread, beige Thickness 1.2 mm Length 25 m No. 831405 5.71 €

5.80 €

N I JAPANESE LEATHER CHISEL For cutting and trimming leather and cardboard. Single-bevel blade made of double-layer steel. Magnolia handle. Overall length 185 mm Blade length 65 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Width 36 mm No. 710714 11.43 € 13.60 €

N COMMON EDGE TOOL For bevelling and rounding off leather edges. Each tool is ground by hand and tested. Stained maple handle. Length 135 mm Blade width

4.0 mm 4.8 mm

No. 708309 33.11 € 39.40 € No. 708325 33.11 € 39.40 €

6.80 €



C PFEIL® HALFMOON KNIFE The traditional saddler's knife with a wide, semicircular blade allows the knife to be guided at a right angle even when cutting thick leather. Long, exact cuts are made with the middle of the blade, tight curves with the tips. Also used for thinning out leather. Handle made from oiled native cherry wood, with brass ferrule. Blade width

G LINEN THREAD, WAXED Thanks to its waxed surface, this smooth linen thread is water-resistant and keeps its shape. Thickness 0.8 mm Length 10 m No. 709025 3.28 € 3.90 € For more linen threads see www.more-than-tools.de

125 mm No. 701366 89.33 € 106.30 € 150 mm No. 701367 91.60 € 109.00 €



J JAPANESE LEATHER KNIFE Wide, curved blade made of double-layer steel with wrapped handle. Right bevel. Length 195 mm Width approx. 25 mm No. 710532 25.13 € 29.90 €

O CURVED LEATHER PLANE For tapering (thinning) leather edges. Replaceable blade. Overall length 170 mm Blade 40 mm No. 708306 11.51 € 13.70 € 20 replacement blades No. 708307 11.18 € 13.30 €



K BEVEL KNIFE Single, right-bevelled and slightly curved knife for skiving (trimming) leather edges. Thickness 2 mm 260 x 22 mm No. 704564 17.31 € 20.60 €

P FOLDING BONE Folding bone for smoothing seams, folding and polishing leather edges as well as folding paper. Buffalo bone. 180 x 20 x 5 mm No. 708305 9.41 € 11.20 €

L FRENCH LEATHER SCISSORS These professional saddler's shears easily cut through leather up to 4 mm thick. The serrated edge on the lower blade prevents the material from slipping. The hook-shaped form can be used for marking and creasing. Also suitable for rubber, heavy cardboard, soft plastic etc. Overall length 220 mm Blade length 80 mm 270 g No. 708146 77.82 € 92.60 €

HANDBUCH LEDERARBEITEN By Valerie Michael. Introduction to the fascinating world of leather crafting. The book presents materials, tools and basic techniques. 128 pages, 178 photographs, some in colour, hardcover, 210 x 260 mm, in German. No. 713130 36.36 €

38.90 €

Leather- and paper-working tools | Leather-working tools

A LEATHER DRILL PUNCH Japanese drill-action punch awl for cutting clean holes in leather, plastic and cardboard. Very sharp, hardened cutting heads. Brass shank, beech handle.



A 1 1 Leather drill punch, 6-piece standard set Set: Ø 1.5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 mm No. 716156 25.13 € 29.90 €



2 Leather drill punch, 10-piece professional set Set in wooden case: Ø 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 mm No. 716159 45.29 € 53.90 €

18-piece punch set with different patterns for decorating leather and wooden surfaces. Punches can also be heated for branding. Tool steel. 11 x 11 x 68 mm No. 708311 24.12 € 28.70 €

E SHOEMAKER’S HAMMER Well-balanced slim hammer with a rounded face, slim pane and ergonomically shaped ash handle. Head weight 300 g Length 260 mm No. 705687 17.39 € 20.70 €

B HOLE PUNCHES, 8-PIECE SET Price advantage High-quality punches made in Germany for making holes in leather, cardboard, plastic etc. From special steel, dropforged, stove-enamelled. Ø 3 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 25 mm No. 708329 57.48 € 68.40 €


From above, this hammer resembles a horseshoe magnet because of its split end, which provides a stronger magnetic force than a design with a round magnet. The split magnetic end allows you to position tacks safely and easily, while the striking face is used to drive them in. Head weight 140 g Length 280 mm No. 708310 43.61 € 51.90 €



G STRAP CUTTER This wooden strap cutter cuts leather straps up to 100 mm wide. The leather is guided through the continuously adjustable clamping bars and cut with a cutter which is easy to replace. 205 x 165 mm Max. thickness of leather 7 mm No. 708327 26.81 € 31.90 € Replacement cutter No. 708338 4.96 € 5.90 €

C C HOLE PUNCH SET WITH CIRCLE CUTTER, 19-PIECE SET Hole punch set consisting of chrome-plated handle, 15 punch blades of different diameters, a spring-loaded centering tip and a circle cutter. The small blades are screwed onto the handle, while medium blades (small base) and large blades (large base) are inserted and snap on. This makes it easy to cut rings of different diameters and punch accurate holes. The circle cutter with hardened tip (68-70 HRC) allows you to cut holes of up to 160 mm diameter. Blade Ø 3, 4 and continuing at 2 mm intervals up to 30 mm. Burnished blades, chrome-plated handle. Handle length 120 mm No. 708344 103.78 € 123.50 €

For more leather-working tools see our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de


H LEATHER-SKIVER Whether you want to split or skive pieces of leather, this mechanical leather-skiver with its hardened blade makes the task much easier. Based on the patented Osborne 84 model, this machine will impress you with its ultra-solid construction. A swivel handle lets you safely adjust the roller precisely to the thickness of the leather. If required, you can lock it in position with a stop. A brass retainer helps you insert the leather and prevents premature splitting. Two Allen head srews allow you to conveniently adjust the blade or remove it for sharpening. 305 x 150 x 245 mm Cutter width 20 mm 6.2 kg No. 708328 553.78 € 659.00 €


Leather- and paper-working tools | Leather care, Paper-working tools

Leather care

Paper-working tools

A RAPIDE® LEATHER CARE PRODUCTS High-quality products for the preservation and care of leather. Primarily based on vegetable oils and waxes, these products are environment-friendly, non-allergenic and in perfect harmony with the natural product leather.




1 ®

1 Rapide leather cream For durable protection and preservation of all smooth leather products such as saddles, boots, seats, bags and backpacks. Applied with a cloth or brush, it soaks into the pores of the leather and keeps it supple. Free of solvents, pleasant smell, uncoloured. Contents

150 ml 1000 ml

No. 820145 No. 820146

4 Rapide® leather oil For the deep impregnation of smooth and thick leather. Soaks in well, keeps the leather moist and protects it from water and dirt. Free of solvents, pleasant smell, uncoloured.



100 ml No. 820142 4.12 € 4.90 € 1000 ml No. 820143 10.00 € 11.90 €

E CUTTING PAD Elastic, slip-proof pad with printed grid and »self-repairing« surface. Can also be used as a base for writing and drawing. With imprinted grid. 450 x 600 mm No. 708093 14.79 € 17.60 €



4.62 € 5.50 € 8.74 € 10.40 €

F ALUMINIUM GUIDE RAIL FOR B SADDLE SOAP (GLYCERINE SOAP) Due to its high content of moisturising glycerine, this saddle soap is ideal for cleaning all kinds of leather items without drying them out. Rub well with a squeezed sponge or cloth. 250 g No. 820144 5.80 € 6.90 €

MAT CUTTER With groove for the mat cutter (No. 708090), slip-proof and with scale markings. Length 600 mm No. 708092 11.09 € 13.20 €

Cutting rules are to be found in chapter measuring and inspection instruments.

2 2 Rapide® white vaseline Vaseline should always be at hand as an all-purpose cream for protecting dry skin, preserving leather, but also as a lubricant and anti-rust agent. White Vaseline by Rapide is a pure paraffin product, free of aromatic hydrocarbons and other harmful substances. 150 ml No. 820147 3.95 € 4.70 €

I FOLDING BONE Folding bone for smoothing seams, folding and polishing leather edges as well as folding paper. Buffalo bone. 180 x 20 x 5 mm No. 708305 9.41 € 11.20 €




C LEATHER BALM EQUIFIX® Without care, leather products soon become dry and brittle. This resin and acidfree leather balm with beeswax makes leather supple, tear-resistant and impregnates it very effectively. 500 g No. 820148 7.23 € 8.60 €

G PAPER CUTTER For cutting paper, cardboard, foil and thin fabrics. Rotating blade, ergonomic aluminium handle. Blade Ø 45 mm (thickness 0.3 mm) Overall length 150 mm No. 710536 9.16 € 10.90 € Replacement blade No. 710537 2.94 € 3.50 €

J GLUE FOR SHOJI PAPER Starch-based liquid glue, especially suited for Shoji paper. Dosing spout with stop for accurate application to Shoji rungs. 150 ml No. 715990 2.44 €

2.90 €



3 3 Rapide® leather dressing Milky emulsion for cleaning and impregnating all kinds of leather, even reindeer and elk leather. Keeps the leather flexible, humid and renders it water-repellent. Content

250 ml No. 820140 7.06 € 8.40 € 1000 ml No. 820141 20.42 € 24.30 €


D BALLISTOL® PLUVONIN IMPREGNATION SPRAY Pluvonin is a highly effective spray for impregnating all textiles and napped leather, based on nanotechnology. It is ideal for weatherproofing outdoor clothing as well as backpacks, tents, maps, sails and umbrellas. This product is hydrocarbon-free and does not damage the ozone layer. 200 ml No. 705442 3.87 € 4.60 €

H MAT CUTTER For 45° and 90° cuts. V-shaped, sharpened blade for cutting clean edges. Plastic body with 2 blade holders and 5 double-sided blades. No. 708090 11.68 € 5 replacement blades No. 708091 4.96 €

13.90 € 5.90 €

MAKING SHOJI - DO-IT-YOURSELF SLIDING DOORS, DIVIDING WALLS Masterpieces of Japanese Craft Culture, by Toshio Odate. explains how to make a Japanese sliding door, from layout to gluing on the paper. Having been trained himself as a tategushi, or sliding-door maker, in Japan, he gives insight into this traditional craft with great expertise and explains the process comprehensibly. 120 pages, 217 b/w photographs and 51 drawings, softcover, 210 x 280 mm. No. 713470 19.53 € 20.90 €

Bringing out the beauty of wood!

Smoothing and polishing material | 177

Surface protection and colours | 180 Oils | 180 Waxes | 181 Urushi | 182 Resins | 184 Powders and pigments | 184 Brushes and polishing fabric | 184

Glues and glue pots | 185



FINISHING Urushi-techniques and products Manufacture:

For more detailed information on this

The harvested raw

and other techniques,

lacquer is first filte-

visit www.more-than-tools.de

red in a centrifuge with added wadding Suri Urushi

Nuritate Urushi

to eliminate impuriSuri Urushi:

The trend in surface coating of high-quality

ties. Because the raw lacquer sap has a high

furniture and objects is heading more and

water content, it is only suitable for simple

more towards natural finishes. These often

undercoats at this point. For top coats, the


have the disadvantage that they require ela-

water content is significantly reduced and

Suri Urushi is suitable for many turned ob-

borate maintenance and are not as resistant

the mass is homogenised by heating with

jects, although using it on hollow items with

to heat, water and alcohol, which also makes

constant stirring. This crucial process requi-

very small openings is trickier. But you can

them more prone to dirt. Urushi is one of the

res plenty of experience. Then, depending on

also coat smaller items of furniture such as

few natural finishes without these disadvan-

what type of lacquer is to be produced from

boxes with this lacquering technique. Wood

tages. In addition to a variety of oils, waxes

the raw mass, oils and pigments are added.

types with a neutral colour and attractive structure are especially suitable, for example

and shellac, we would therefore also like to introduce you to the full range of Urushi lac-


elm, chestnut, ash, beech, alder or birch.

quers. In Japan, many objects of daily use

Urushi is waterproof, food-safe and resistant

This lacquer colours the wood slightly darker.

have been coated with Urushi lacquer for

to alcohol and solvents.

hundreds of years. However, the familiar arts

The coating does not become brittle or crack

and crafts objects usually have a series of co- with age, and develops a beautiful patina with use. Even today you can find lacquered vering layers which, though very durable, require elaborate application. This is probably

pieces that date back to 3500 BC. In some

one of the reasons why Urushi lacquer is not

of them, the surface is virtually intact.

Coating procedure: 1. Pre-sand with 600-grit sandpaper 2. Dilute Ki Urushi for Suri Urushi

widely known in Europe. Most people are not aware that Urushi can also be used without a


No. 716306 with turpentine oil.

covering coat.

There are two main techniques for applying

(The dilution is reduced with each coat and

the lacquer, which basically only differ in the

the final one is undiluted.)

final coat: Nuritate and Roiro. However, these two types of lacquering only form the basis of 3. Apply with brush, e.g. No. 706181. What is Urushi?

Urushi. The real art lies in decorating the objects with ornamental layers, inlays or engra-

4. Then wipe with polishing paper No.

Lacquer tree:

vings, which often

716307 to rub the lacquer into the pores.

Urushi-Sumach is a lacquer tree that grows

involves other ma-

mainly in moderate subtropical regions

terials such as tex-

5. Let the object dry for 24 hours

(Japan, China, Korea). Japan is known for

tured leather, sea shells and metallic dust or

(room temperature 10-24째 C, high humidity

the best quality.

chips. A variety of techniques are used in

80-85 %). For this process, professionals use

Japan which are not really suitable for begin-

a humidity cabinet that is sprayed with water,

Lacquer production:

ners and are therefore only practised by re-

but for smaller objects a box lined with wet

To produce Urushi lacquer, the tree is cut

storers or lacquer artists. To introduce the

cloths is sufficient.

every 4-5 days and

complex topic of Urushi and make it inter-

the sap is tapped

esting for hobbyists, we present two simple

6. For optimum protection of the lacquer,

from the trunk. An

"techniques" in addition to the two main

five layers are recommended

average of 25 ml a

techniques of Nuritate and Roiro. This also

(repeat steps 2-5).

day can be tapped

allows beginners to easily discover the bene-

from each tree.

fits of this high-quality material. Finally, we

The main harvest

will give a brief explanation of the Suri Urushi

For more Urushi techniques, visit

time is from June to September.

technique as the simplest coating technique.



Finishing | Smoothing and polishing material



Smoothing and polishing material Emery cloth Flexible and sturdy: Thin, very efficient emery cloth from Japan, ideal for the perfect grinding of wood, paint and metal. It stands out by its rapid action and wear endurance. The linen backing makes it extremely flexible, so it matches up to the finest profiles.

Hartmut Münzberg, master violin maker: »For retouching varnishies or intermediate sanding in varnishing, the abrasive cloth must be flexible, evenly abrasive and highly wear-resistant. I am enthusiastic about Kovax abrasive cloth from Japan.«


A KOVAX® FLEX CLOTH SHEETS Packs of 10 sheets 230 x 280 mm

B KOVAX®, IN ROLLS (One roll) 100 mm x 15 m Grit



120 180 240 320 400 600 1000

No. 704974 No. 704975 No. 704976 No. 704977 No. 704978 No. 704979 No. 704980

10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 11.68

€ € € € € € €

13.00 € 13.00 € 13.00 € 13.00 € 13.00 € 13.00 € 13.90 €


C SANDING AID Sanding large surfaces made easy: Thin steel plate with foam rubber coating and stable handle of red beech. The abrasive cloth is fastened to the sanding aid with two practical clamp mountings. Base plate 90 x 185 mm No. 705125 11.34 € 13.50 €


80 100 120 180 240 320 400

No. 704981 No. 704982 No. 704983 No. 704984 No. 704985 No. 704986 No. 704987

41.09 39.33 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81 36.81

€ € € € € € €

48.90 € 46.80 € 43.80 € 43.80 € 43.80 € 43.80 € 43.80 €


D SUEHIRO® SANDING BLOCK Japanese hand sander with durable and effective selfadhesive sanding pads (Velcro coated). Incl. 3 pads. Grit 80 / 120 / 320 115 x 55 mm No. 705120 7.31 € 8.70 €


Replacement pads 5 pcs. each 115 x 55 mm Grit

80 120 240 320

No. 705121 No. 705122 No. 705123 No. 705124

4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54

€ € € €

5.40 € 5.40 € 5.40 € 5.40 €

POLISHING CLOTH, 16-PIECE SET Ideal for wet or dry, fine and intermediate sanding of wood or metal surfaces of any shape. The wavelike distribution of the sanding particles results in particularly high efficiency and leaves a uniform surface pattern. The soft, highly flexible grinding fibre is fixed to a practical hand pad by means of a Velcro fastener and can be brushed or washed after use. 5 double sheets 170 x 130 mm of each grit 600, 800, 1500, 1 hand pad 75 x 120 mm No. 704966 33.53 € 39.90 €



Hegner® sanding discs for wood With Velcro coating, 5 discs each, for Disk Sanding Machine 704810. Ø 300 mm

Hegner® sanding discs for metal With Velcro coating, 3 discs each, for Disk Sanding Machine 704810. Ø 300 mm



60 80 120 240 320

No. 704826 No. 704827 No. 704829 No. 704830 No. 704831

21.51 18.07 18.07 20.50 20.50

€ € € € €

25.60 € 21.50 € 21.50 € 24.40 € 24.40 €

60 100 120

No. 704835 No. 704837 No. 704838

24.12 € 28.70 € 22.18 € 26.40 € 22.18 € 26.40 €

SANDING MACHINE Rock solid, versatile sanding machine by Hegner, the Black Forest precision machine company. Changing the Ø 300 mm sanding discs on the plate is simple, thanks to Velcro fastening. The 520 x 260 mm anodised aluminium table provides secure support for the workpiece. It extends behind the sanding disc on both sides, so inside edges too can be easily worked on. The table can be tilted continuously up to 45 degrees incline, a mitred limit stop with scaling and locking handle enables precise adjustments for angular cuts and series. With extraction connector, Ø 58 mm. Sturdy aluminium housing in red, hammered varnish. 0.75 kW motor with undervoltage release and 3 m cable. 230 V 1400 RPM 25 kg No. 704810 576.47 € 686.00 €


G HEGNER® CYLINDRICAL GRINDING FIXTURE RSE 400 This fixture allows you to easily fix roughly cut round workpieces with the help of a central hole and grind them precisely round. The outside diameter to be ground can be set on a scale from 30-400 mm with a slider. Tenon diameter 6, 8, 10, 12 or 15 mm. Support table 270 x 150 mm No. 704811 94.12 € 112.00 €


Finishing | Smoothing and polishing material




Micro-Mesh® abrasive and polishing cloth The finest quality smoothing and polishing material: MicroMesh is excellent for intermediate sanding between coats of paint, retouching and fine finishing work on wood, plastic, plexiglass and metal surfaces, including polishing, on irregular and curved surfaces in particular. The abrasive particles are suspended in a silicon matrix firmly bound to a thin, highly flexible textile basis, so that no residues remain on the finished surface. MM can be used dry, with water, or with petroleum, and is very long-lasting under normal wear.


1500 1800 2400 3200 3600 4000 6000 8000 12000

No. 705101 No. 705102 No. 705103 No. 705104 No. 705105 No. 705106 No. 705107 No. 705108 No. 705109

2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18

€ € € € € € € € €

2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 € 2.60 €

Assortment, 11-piece Price advantage 1 sheet each of grit 1500, 1800, 2400, 3200, 3600, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12,000, 1 polishing file, 1 grinding block. No. 705115 20.08 € 23.90 € Assortment, 20-piece Price advantage 2 sheets of each grit 1500, 1800, 2400, 3200, 3600, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12,000, 1 polishing file, 1 grinding block. No. 705116 35.21 € 41.90 €




D MICRO-MESH® POLISHING FILE Ideal for varnish repairs. Flexible, file coated on both sides with grits 3200, 6000, 12,000. 145 x 12 mm No. 705110 1.85 € 2.20 € E SANDING BLOCK Made of foam. 70 x 45 x 23 mm No. 705114 1.93 €

2.30 €



F MICRO MESH® FILES, 2-PIECE SET This flexible file is suitable for sanding turned pen blanks or as a contour file for other applications. The thick foam core is coated on both sides with abrasive fabric and thus adapts to all shapes. The long file can be conveniently bent around an object (turned piece) while sanding. Grit: 1800/2400/3200/3600/ 4000/6000/8000/12000. 215 x 25 mm No. 705300 6.64 € 7.90 €

I STICK SANDER File-like sanding stick for detail applications in model making, instrument making etc. Incl. 1 high-quality textile sanding belt, grit 240. 6.5 x 160 mm No. 705430 4.96 € 5.90 €



No. 705431 No. 705432 No. 705433 No. 705434 No. 705435 No. 705436

3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28


1500 1800 2400 3200 3600 4000 6000 8000 12000

No. 705411 No. 705412 No. 705413 No. 705414 No. 705415 No. 705416 No. 705417 No. 705418 No. 705419

1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.76

€ € € € € € € € €

2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 € 2.10 €

€ € € € € €

3.90 € 3.90 € 3.90 € 3.90 € 3.90 € 3.90 €

C MICRO-MESH® SOFT PADS, 9-PIECE SET, COLOUR-CODED Suitable for every contour: Precise and easy to use for intermediate sanding, polishing and varnish repairs. Flexible foam core coated on both sides with abrasive fabric. Colour-coded with table for quick overview. 1 soft pad in each grit: 1500, 1800, 2400, 3200, 3600, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000. 50 x 50 x 4 mm No. 705410 7.73 € 9.20 €

Assortment, 9-piece Price advantage 1 soft pad in each grit 1500, 1800, 2400, 3200, 3600, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000. No. 705420 14.03 € 16.70 €


G MICRO-MESH® CRAFT KIT This kit consists of a 9-piece set of colour-coded soft pads with abrasive fabric on both sides and three Micro-Mesh® MX polishing files for coarser abrasion of hard materials and difficult-to reach spots. Also included for the perfect finish are a Micro-Gloss® polish and polishing cloth for removing the finest scratches after using Micro-Mesh® sandpapers. 1 soft pad in each grit: 1500, 1800, 2400, 3200, 3600, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000. 50 x 50 x 4 mm. 3 MX polishing files with different grains on each side: 100, 150, 180, 240, 400, 600. 55 g Micro-Gloss® polish, 300 x 300 mm polishing cloth. No. 705310 16.64 € 19.80 €


Sanding belts for stick sander Sets of 3. 120 180 240 320 400 600

B MICRO-MESH® SOFT PADS Adapt to all shapes: Precise and easy to use for intermediate grinding, polishing and varnish repairs. Elastic foam core coated on both sides with abrasive cloth. 100 x 75 x 5 mm

H MICRO MESH® MX The coarser grit of Micro-Mesh® MX is designed for rapid sanding. Well suited for smoothing varnished surfaces, working hard materials (metal, stone, hard plastics), cleaning oxidised or stained surfaces, removing scratches, and for sharpening and polishing. MX is less flexible than MM due to the somewhat stiffer textile base used. Single sheets (153 x 82 mm). 7-piece Set Grit: 60/100/150/240/360/600/1200 No. 705481 14.37 € 17.10 € 12-piece Set Grit: 80/100/120/150/180/240/ 320/360/400/600/800/1200 No. 705117 19.33 € 23.00 €

J MICRO GLOSS® POLISH Eliminates the finest scratches: Micro Gloss is a water-based polish containing aluminium oxide particles 1 μm in size for finely polishing acrylic, metal, wood and hard varnishes. It completely removes the visible scratches left by Micro Mesh® and leaves a brilliantly glossy finish. Does not discolour. 55 g No. 705482 5.46 € 6.50 €

Finishing | Smoothing and polishing material

Kirjes®-sanding system Perfect finish to any shape in wood: The quality and perception of any piece of work is largely influenced by its finish. Flat surfaces can easily be finished with a smoothing plane or sand paper. However concave or convex shapes, the inner surfaces of rectangles and irregular shapes are much more difficult. So far a machine finish was not possible while a hand surface was extremely time consuming. This gap has now been closed by the Swedish manufacturer Kirjes with its integrated sanding and polish system. A sleeve of highly flexible abrasive cloth is fitted on a cylindrical or dome - shaped rubber bulb which is then inflated with a special hand pump through an air valve on the shaft. Such pneumatic drum sanders are very elastic, perfectly conforming to any shape. In addition to sanding sleeves, brush sleeves for polishing are also on offer. They will give your work a polished surface. All inflatable drum sanders are fixed to the drill chuck of a 130 cm flexible shaft. The perfect tool for inner surfaces of carved and curved objects, for hard to reach areas, spoons, musical instruments, sculptures, ornaments, wooden toys, knife handles...






3 A KIRJES®-SANDING SYSTEM Complete sanding system including motor, flexible shaft, drum sanding kit No. 100, English manual and DVD. No. 707437 277.23 € 329.90 €

B SANDING & POLISHING MOTOR Powerful and silent motor, equipped with two scroll drill chunks 0-10 mm. 300 W 230 V 3000 RPM 4.5 kg No. 707432 109.16 € 129.90 €



C FLEXIBLE SHAFT Highly flexible, equipped with three capsuled ball-bearings and key chuck 0-10 mm. Intended for low-speed use (ca. 3000 RPM), max. speed 10,000 RPM. Length 130 cm No. 707433 67.14 € 79.90 €


H POLISHING BRUSH SLEEVES The Kirjes brush attachment is used for even distribution of waxes on fibrous and porous surfaces. You can also use it to buff the first wax layers when they are dry.

F BASIC SANDING KIT Set includes: 1x drum sander Ø 42 x 44 1x dome sander Ø 42 x 35 2 x 4 sanding sleeves grit 80, 150, 220, 320, hand pump, cleaning stick No. 707436 83.95 € 99.90 €

1 cylindric Ø 20 x 32 mm 2 pieces. No. 707418 3.28 €

3.90 €

2 cylindric Ø 28 x 80 mm 2 pieces. No. 707419 6.13 €

7.30 €

3 cylindric Ø 42 x 44 mm 2 pieces. No. 707420 6.13 €

7.30 €

4 ball shaped Ø 42 x 35 mm 1 piece. No. 707421 6.13 €

7.30 €

G Kirjes natural oil wax (No. 705356) see page 181.

D D EXTRACTOR HANDLE This extractor handle is made to vacuum fine saw dust produced with the KirjesSystem right at the point of formation. The flexible shaft with connection piece (Inner-Ø 32 mm) is easily fitted on any conventional vacuum cleaner. No. 707434 33.53 € 39.90 €




3 E CLEANING STICK FOR KIRJES®-SANDING SYSTEM For cleaning the sanding cloth sleeves to increase their service life. 150 x 40 x 40 mm No. 707431 5.80 € 6.90 €

For more Kirjes products see our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de


I POLISHING CLOTH SLEEVES These polishing cloth sleeves are used for the final polishing of dried wax layers. 2 pieces. E G DRUM SANDING KIT NO. 100 Set includes: 1x drum sander Ø 20 x 32 1x drum sander Ø 28 x 80 1x drum sander Ø 42 x 44 1x dome sander Ø 42 x 35 4 x 3 sanding sleeves grit 80, 150, 320 hand pump No. 707435 120.92 € 143.90 €

1 cylindric Ø 20 x 32 mm No. 707422 3.28 €

3.90 €

2 cylindric Ø 28 x 80 mm No. 707423 6.13 €

7.30 €

3 cylindric Ø 42 x 44 mm No. 707424 6.13 €

7.30 €

4 ball shaped Ø 42 x 35 mm No. 707425 6.13 €

7.30 € 179

Finishing | Surface protection and colours

Surface protection and colours Oils

A SINENSIS® CAMELLIA OIL Versatile, light oil from the seeds of the camellia tree: Corrosion protection: Camellia oil is acidfree, not volatile and not susceptible to resinification, making it the ideal oil to protect tools from rust. Made from pure natural plant products and food safe, it is especially suited for the preservation of kitchen knives made of carbon-steel. Wood protection: When applied to wooden surfaces, it is absorbed quickly due to its low viscosity. Once absorbed, it helps protect the wood from damage by moisture, dirt and UV light. Clear, not discolouring, it accentuates the wood’s natural beauty. Non-hardening. Body care: Camellia oil makes an excellent base for the preparation of lotions, creams and soaps for cosmetic use.






1 100 ml No. 705280 3.87 € 4.60 € 2 250 ml No. 705281 6.05 € 7.20 € 3 1000 ml No. 705282 13.95 € 16.60 €


B LINOLJA® ORGANIC SWEDISH LINSEED OIL Cold-pressed from linseeds, this hardening oil is for the ecological protection of wood. Highly transparent, chemical-free and food safe with only minimal odour. Linolja can be used directly in its pure form. It is also suitable for producing linseed-oil paint (with iron-oxide pigment), as well as mixed with tar oil for use on exteriors. 1 Linolja®, cold-bleached Especially bright and colour-fast. Pre-oxidation makes this oil dry much faster and slightly bleached.



1000 ml No. 705275 15.80 € 18.80 € 5000 ml No. 705269 62.44 € 74.30 €

2 Ra Linolja®, raw Untreated linseed oil, a pure natural product, dries slowly so penetrates deep into the wood, polishes well. Content

1000 ml No. 705354 7.48 € 8.90 € 5000 ml No. 705355 29.58 € 35.20 €

C POPPY-SEED OIL Colour-true: Food safe oil extracted from the seeds of the white poppy flower (Papaver somniferum) is ideal for fine craftwork objects, turned parts, toys, kitchen furniture and kitchen utensils. Because of its good grip it is suitable for knife and tool handles and, along with pigments, for making valuable paint oils and artists’ colours. The high transparency of poppy-seed oil makes it the perfect base for violin varnishes and clear protective wood finishes. It provides excellent protection against moisture and dirt, does not yellow, and penetrates deeply into the wood. Poppyseed oil dries much slower than linseed oil. Multiple coats of poppy-seed oil yield a warm, silky gloss and a surface which is pleasant to the touch. Poppyseed oil can be mixed with other vegetable oils and solvents.




1000 ml No. 705272 13.36 € 15.90 €

Drying oils (e.g. tung oil, linseed oil) not only protect the surface from contamination, but also harden the layers of wood near the surface. The lower their viscosity and the more slowly they dry, the deeper they penetrate (so priming should always be diluted 20% to 50%). 180

D LIGNEA® TUNG OIL High-quality natural oil for indoor and outdoor use: Lignea, the oil obtained from the fruits of the tung tree, has many uses both indoors and out, e.g. for indoor and outdoor furniture, decks, flooring, turned items, musical instruments, wooden toys and wooden boats and can be used for impregnating fabrics and even masonry. Tung oil is absorbed by wooden surfaces very quickly and hardens them after it has dried, making them mechanically stronger and highly water-resistant. It provides approximately twice as much protection as linseed oil. It deepens colours and enhances the contrast of the grain, but the wood retains its natural visual and tactile characteristics. The protective film is elastic, even in the long term, and, in contrast to linseed oil, darkens very little. If the finish becomes damaged, it can be easily retouched by rubbing more oil over the damaged area. Lignea can be applied without any problems, even in multiple coats, using either a brush or a piece of cloth, and can be thinned with turpentine or mixed with other vegetable oils (e.g. linseed or camellia oil) depending on the user’s preference.


Tips: Tung oil in both its pure and liquid form has a distinctive smell that disappears after drying or when mixed with either orange oil or balsam oil of turpentine. Because of its odour, we do not recommend it for cupboard interiors. The tung oil offered here is ecologically sound. It is not pre-oxidized, nor is it mixed with chemical drying agents. Consequently, it takes up to two days to become dry. (Drying times vary considerably depending on the environmental conditions, type of wood and preparation of the surface.) Once dry, the oil's film is chemically stable and free of dangerous emissions. Pure tung oil is relatively viscous, but its ability to penetrate can be improved by thinning with balsam oil of turpentine (No. 705288) or by warming. Content

1000 ml No. 705286 20.59 € 24.50 € 5000 ml No. 705283 74.79 € 89.00 € On oiled surfaces, the wood grain, and above all the contrast between longitudinal and transverse wood, is clearly accented. Here is an ash table top by Charles Beresford with tenons mortised through, shellac priming + two layers of tung oil with 10% orange oil.

Examples of possible mixtures can be found in our brochure titled »Oberflächenfibel«, which you can download free of charge on the Internet at www.more-than-tools.de

Finishing | Surface protection and colours






A PURE ORANGE OIL Natural diluting and cleaning agent: Low-viscosity orange oil from the peel of the sweet orange, ideal for thinning vegetable-based protective wood oils, and its grease dissolving properties make it a useful household cleaner. Mixing 10 - 20% of it with a linseed or tung oil finish markedly improves penetration, facilitates application and lends these oils a refreshing aroma. In combination with carnauba wax or beeswax it can make a variety of agents for cleaning and caring for wooden surfaces, antiques and leather. Orange oil is also suited for use as aromatic oil. Content

1 250 ml No. 705277 9.92 € 11.80 € 2 1000 ml No. 705278 22.61 € 26.90 €


B TURPENTINE OIL Solvent with ethereal aroma: One of the most valuable solvents on a natural basis, ideal for thinning vegetable oils, oil paints and varnishes as well as for making glazes and polishes with resins, waxes or pigments. This low-viscosity oil, obtained by double-distilling the resin of the maritime pine tree, is colourless and has a fresh, ethereal aroma. Please observe the normal safety precautions for the use of volatile solvents containing hydrocarbons.

C SWEDISH PINE TAR One of the oldest wood preservatives, ideal as paintwork for houses, shingles, fences, equipment, sleds and boats. This wood tar obtained by the pyrolysis and careful distillation of resin-rich pine rootstock is moreover the ideal material for axe and tool handles, because it lets the wood breathe and improves its grip. Because of its long drying time, it penetrates deep into the wood, lends it a beautiful patina, and gives it lasting protection against the effects of weather. The relatively viscous Furutjära can be diluted with turpentine oil or linseed oil. Because of its strongly smoky aroma, we only recommend it for use outdoors.

9.92 € 11.80 €


2 Dalbränd Tjära® fine pine tar This high-quality wood tar is somewhat lighter and thinner than Furutjära pine tar and emphasises the grain more. Content

1000 ml No. 705351 16.72 € 19.90 € 5000 ml No. 705352 64.71 € 77.00 €



1 Furutjära® pine tar Viscous black wood tar for optimum protection against UV radiation and other effects of the weather.

3 Fintjära®, deluxe pine tar Effective patina: Exceptionally high-quality tar from the initial distillate. Lighter and somewhat thinner, with a delicate aroma.



1000 ml No. 705347 10.42 € 12.40 € 5000 ml No. 705349 44.12 € 52.50 €

1000 mm No. 705341 21.93 € 26.10 € 5000 mm No. 705342 83.87 € 99.80 €


1000 ml No. 705288




D PARAFFIN WAX Colour-true and water-resistant: Transparent wax for sealing cross-grained wood surfaces, for application while turning on a lathe, for mixing with beeswax, as preservative protection for wood and metals, and for lubricating sliding mating parts. Extracted from mineral oil, colourless and odourless, solvent-free and highly water-resistant. Weight

1000 g

No. 810016

6.64 €

7.90 €

F PURE BEESWAX GRANULATE Protective and fragrant: The traditional wood polishing and preservative agent for hard-wearing surfaces with a silky gloss. The exudate of honeybees has been used since time immemorial for the care and conservation of wood surfaces and as a filler and adhesive. In its pure form, applied after being heated slightly (max. 70°C), it penetrates raw wood surfaces well. Mixing with oil or alcohol can produce pasty or liquid polishes or cleaning solutions for furniture care. Granulate.




500 g 1000 g

No. 810006 10.50 € 12.50 € No. 810007 18.91 € 22.50 €


E PROPOLIS GRANULATE Refines oils and paints: Propolis, a plant resin collected by honey-bees, makes paints and oils smoother and longer-lasting, and lends to them an agreeable aroma. With its disinfecting effect, propolis prevents bacterial or fungal attack without displaying physiologically questionable side effects. Ideal for treating wooden parts that contact the skin, such as cooking utensils, breadboards, sauna and bath furniture, and children's toys. The resin offered may either be directly dissolved in paintwork or oil or be further processed with high-percentage spirits in a liquid concentration. Recipes are enclosed. Weight

100 g

No. 810012 37.65 € 44.80 €

G CARNAUBA WAX The hardest wax: For particularly wear resistant, glossy final polishing. Can also be used as a lubricant for sliding wooden parts and as corrosion protection for metal surfaces. The wax of the Brazilian carnauba palm is distinguished by its great hardness and good physiological compatibility. The wax offered is unbleached and has a melting point of approx. 90°C. Suggested recipe for wax polishing paste: carnauba wax/beeswax/oil of turpentine: 1/2/2. Weight

500 g 1000 g

No. 810009 10.67 € 12.70 € No. 810010 14.45 € 17.20 €

H DICK® HOLZBALSAM (WAX FOR PRESERVING WOOD) Through and through natural: Contains a high percentage of all-natural bee wax. HolzBalsam contains pure natural ingredients which preserve the wood. It is free of chemical substances, mineral oil derivatives and drying activators. The ideal natural preserver for toys, kitchen equipment, turned wooden objects, wooden furniture, wooden floors, carved items and all handicraft objects. Valuable substances out of nature underline the beauty of a wooden surface with a silky smooth touch. The pleasant smelling palm made of ingredients such as bee wax, carnauba wax, linseed oil, tung oil and orange oil not only preserves normal wooden surfaces. It is easily spread on cork, smooth leather and metal for protection against moisture. Content 300 g No. 705350 13.19 € 15.70 €

I KIRJES® NATURAL OIL WAX Accentuates the natural beauty of the wood and protects it from moisture and contamination. The wax of the common bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) makes Swedish oil wax one of the top-quality organic wood preservatives. Further components include beeswax and Swedish linseed oil. It is free from chemicals and solvents. Content 300 g No. 705356 17.90 € 21.30 €

When building up coats, please remember the principle »soft and hard«, e.g. first a shellac priming, then a tung-oil mixture, and lastly wax.


Finishing | Surface protection and colours

Urushi Japanese Urushi embodies the art of varnishing in its highest form. It is made from the natural resin of the Asian tea tree (rhus vernicifera) and has been used in Japan to protect and lend a beautiful gloss to furniture, bowls, boxes, handles and jewelry for over 6,000 years.



Urushi bowl made by Hiroyuki Watanabe

Once fully hardened, Urushi varnishes are resistant to water, heat, alcohol, acids, bases and solvents. In addition, Urushi varnishes are not susceptible to wear and are 100% natural. Any number of coats can be applied, without the risks of cracking or granulation. Urushi can be applied to almost any surface, including wood, clay, fabric, paper, metal or plastic and can also be burned on. Coloured Urushi can either be used directly out of the tube or made by mixing pigments into uncoloured Urushi. It requires special varnishing techniques and must be dried at a constant humidity. Turpentine oil can be used to thin Urushi. Urushi can cause allergic reactions during application. Always use solvent-resistant gloves and work in well-ventilated rooms.



B PIGMENTS 50 g containers. Very fine, non-fading pigments made from coloured titanium oxide for making your own coloured Urushi lacquers. Uncoloured Urushi lacquers are usually dark brown after hardening. Some common colours such as red and black are also sold ready for use as top coat by the manufacturer. To create other colours and dye intermediate layers, you mix a maximum of 40% pigments with the individual lacquer mixtures you are applying, depending on the colour intensity you want. Please note that the higher the pigment content in the lacquer, the


5 longer it takes to harden and the more difficult it is to apply thin layers.

1 2 3 4 5

Colour Dark Red Red Yellow Blue Black

No. 716300 No. 716301 No. 716302 No. 716303 No. 716304

23.45 23.45 23.45 23.45 23.45

€ € € € €

27.90 € 27.90 € 27.90 € 27.90 € 27.90 €




A LACQUERS 100 g tubes. Ki Urushi Raw Urushi with a water content of about 25% for all priming work. The universal base lacquer is suitable for sealing wooden surfaces before applying the lacquer layers as well as for mixing priming coats with clay. This lacquer is also required for mixing a kind of adhesive by adding rice glue (boiled, mashed rice) for applying layers of textile. Uncoloured. No. 716240 28.99 € 34.50 € Ki Urushi for Suri Urushi This raw lacquer with a high water content (25%) is used for the Suri Urushi technique without covering layers. It is similar to the Ki Urushi used for undercoats but is much thinner. The two lacquer types are produced from lacquer trees that grow in different areas. Uncoloured. No. 716306 27.65 € 32.90 € Oil-free raw lacquers Lower-quality, oil-free lacquer for intermediate layers in the Nuritate and Roiro technique. The uncoloured lacquer is dark brown by nature but can be coloured with pigments if required. Most coloured coats are mixed by the painter. But because of their frequent use, premixed black lacquers have always been provided by the lacquer manufacturer. Naka Nuri Urushi, uncoloured No. 716309 36.89 € 43.90 € Naka Nuri Urushi, black No. 716310 36.89 € 43.90 €

For more detailed information on Urushi techniques, visit www.more-than-tools.de




Oil-free lacquers These high-quality, oil-free lacquers are used for hard and shiny top coats in the Roiro technique. The uncoloured lacquer is dark brown by nature but can be coloured with pigments if required. Most coloured coats are mixed by the painter. But because of their frequent use, premixed black lacquers have always been provided by the lacquer manufacturer. Kijiro Urushi, uncoloured No. 716324 45.29 € 53.90 € Kuro Roiro Urushi, black No. 716325 45.29 € 53.90 € Lacquers mixed with oil Lacquers mixed with approx. 20% oil for top coats in the Nuritate Urushi technique. Because of the high oil content, the top coat is not polished in the Nuritate Urushi technique. The uncoloured lacquer is dark brown by nature but can be coloured with pigments if required. Most coloured coats are mixed by the painter. But because of their frequent use, pre-mixed black and red lacquers have always been provided by the lacquer manufacturer. Jo-Shuai Urushi, uncoloured No. 716241 37.98 € 45.20 € Jo-Shuai Urushi, red No. 716242 54.29 € 64.60 € Jo-Kuro Urushi, black No. 716243 37.98 € 45.20 €

1 C CLAY 50 g containers. Clay is an important component of the priming coat in the Roiro and Nuritate Urushi covering techniques. The priming buffers the movement of the base material and allows an optimum bond with the subsequent lacquer layers.

1 Soft clay After mining and drying, the soft Jinoko clay is baked in a furnace before being crushed. It is used for the first priming layers. No. 716360 18.82 € 22.40 € 2 Hard clay Tonoko is a hard clay from specific regions and, unlike Jinoko clay, is not baked. Because of its hardness it is used in the final priming layers. No. 716362 8.99 € 10.70 €


D URUSHI BRUSHES (KIRIDASHI HAKE) Hand-made specialised brushes with a Vshaped head for even application of Urushi top coats. In the manufacturing process, fine Japanese hair is glued together and embedded in a cedar wood shaft. After use, the brush must be rinsed thoroughly in balsam oil of turpentine. Length approx. 200 mm Width

Kijo-mi Urushi Filtered raw lacquer with a high water content of approx. 25% that is well suited for final polishing. In the Roiro technique, this lacquer is used to impregnate the last Urushi layer. It dries much faster than the other lacquers (approx. 2-4 hours) and is polished with a mix of Migakiko polishing powder and camellia oil. This lacquer is used uncoloured even on coloured objects. Uncoloured. No. 716323 94.03 € 111.90 €


15 mm 24 mm 30 mm

No. 716370 52.52 € 62.50 € No. 716371 75.04 € 89.30 € No. 716372 79.50 € 94.60 €


E WOODEN PUTTY KNIFE FOR MIXING This putty knife of hard to find chishabera wood is used for mixing diluted Urushi lacquers (Urushi and turpentine oil). This wood is relatively inflexible and thus particularly suitable for putty knives used for mixing. Overall length 310 mm Blade width 45 mm No. 716312 13.36 € 15.90 €

F F PLASTIC PUTTY KNIFE FOR MIXING Plastic putty knife for mixing simple Urushi lacquers (Urushi and turpentine oil), e.g. for the Suri Urushi technique. Overall length 185 mm Blade width 40 mm No. 716308 3.28 € 3.90 € G

G WOODEN PUTTY KNIFE FOR APPLYING Putty knives used for applying Urushi primer layers (Sabi) are made of hinoki (Japanese cypress) wood. These light knives are highly flexible and easily adjust to round surfaces of bowls. Overall length 295 mm Blade width 45 mm No. 716311 4.96 € 5.90 €

Finishing | Surface protection and colours



D 1

A MIGAKIKO POLISHING POWDER For Roiro Urushi technique: Fine mineral powder for the final polishing of Roiro Urushi lacquers. The powder is used together with oil (e.g. camellia oil) for polishing the dried Kijo-mi Urushi impregnation. 180 g No. 716366 46.47 € 55.30 €


B AMOR POLISHING PASTE For Roiro Urushi technique: A polishing paste of soda lye, wax and pigments that is used in the final stage of the Roiro Urushi technique. The smoothly sanded surface of the object's Naka Nuri layer is polished using a soft cloth with polishing paste applied. Then the surface is impregnated several times with Kijo-mi Urushi and allowed to dry briefly, before getting its final polish with a mix of Migakiko (polishing powder) and oil. 250 g No. 716326 37.73 € 44.90 €






E 3 C CHARCOAL »SUMI« Traditionally, »Sumi« charcoal from special types or parts of trees is used with water for sanding the intermediate layers of lacquer. Only old, well-seasoned wood is used for the charcoal. The complex process in the furnace, during which the wood must not burn up, usually takes two full days. 100 g 1 Ho Sumi (intermediate sanding) Harder charcoal from magnolia heartwood that is used for intermediate sanding of the Shita Nuri layer. No. 716320 27.65 € 32.90 € 2 Suruga Sumi (intermediate sanding) Softer charcoal from the wood of the tung oil tree that is specially used for intermediate sanding of the Naka Nuri layer (intermediate layer). No. 716321 57.06 € 67.90 €



D CYRISTAL (COAL IMITATION) For intermediate sanding of Urushi: Cyristal is an artificially made abrasive used for sanding the intermediate Urushi lacquer layers. Traditionally, you use coal from wood types with different hardnesses for this purpose, but because this coal is very expensive and more complicated to use, sanding with Cyristal is recommended especially for beginners. 50 x 30 x 20 mm Grit

1 2 3 4 5 6


220 400 800 1500 2000 3000

No. 716314 10.84 € 12.90 € No. 716315 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 716316 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 716317 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 716318 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 716319 9.16 € 10.90 €

E POLISHING PAPER, 10 PIECE SET For Suri Urushi technique: This polishing paper is used in the Suri Urushi technique for rubbing a layer of Urushi into the wood structure after applying it with a brush. Before use, the paper is crumpled up and unfolded again to create many polishing contact points and unstiffen the paper. 410 x 290 mm No. 716307 3.28 € 3.90 €

3 Roiro Sumi (fine sanding of Urushi) Charcoal made from magnolia sapwood. This soft coal is particularly suitable for fine sanding prior to Roiro polishing. No. 716322 28.49 € 33.90 €





G FILTER PAPER (MIYOSHINOGAMI), 10 PIECE SET This filter paper is used to filter expensive lacquers before use or after adding pigments, to avoid lumps and impurities in the lacquer later. To use it, you lay several sheets of paper (5-10) on top of each other and pour in the lacquer. Then you wring out the paper. The thin and tearproof chemical paper fibres are based on the mulberry tree fibres that were used in the past but are hardly used today because of their high price. 520 x 300 mm No. 716313 3.61 € 4.30 € F SURI URUSHI SET FOR BEGINNERS This set is ideal for beginners to learn the Suri Urushi surface technique. The natural, transparent but darkening lacquer is extremely easy-care and yet highly resistant to alcohol and water. The set contains all the tools and implements you need to turn the ash wood bowl provided into an artistic item of daily use. The lacquer is enough for two more objects of this size. Instruction manual included.

Set contains: Powercoat gloves No. 707907; 100 ml Turpentine oil No. 705293; Polishing paper for Suri Urushi technique, 10 piece set No. 716307; Plastic putty knife for mixing Urushi No. 716308; Bowl blank, Small No. 820355; 50 g Ki Urushi for Suri Urushi; Wet sandpaper 320 and 600 grit; Mixing plate; Brush. No. 716330 66.81 € 79.50 €


H BOWL BLANKS Beautiful ash bowl blanks which you can sand and surface-treat as you wish. The livley wood structure is particularly emphasised when treated with the Suri Urushi lacquer technique. Height 67 mm and 57 mm Diameter 1 90 mm 2 120 mm

No. 820355 No. 820356

7.14 € 8.50 € 9.66 € 11.50 €


I POWERCOAT GLOVES Developed for lacquer manufacturers, these solvent-resistant nitrile gloves provide optimum protection from paint, lacquer, oil and detergents. The rubber-like material nitrile has excellent chemical and mechanical properties and an unequalled sense of touch. A diamond finish ensures a secure grip. Size


No. 707912 No. 707913 No. 707914

2.69 € 2.69 € 2.69 €

3.20 € 3.20 € 3.20 € 183

Finishing | Surface protection and colours


A SHELLAC The consummate surface technique: French polishing is an incomparable way of bringing out the beauty of the wood. It creates a mechanically wear-resistant, physiologically compatible surface that does not become brittle and is of constant colour. The resin, an exudate of a scale insect, has been known since time immemorial as one of the best materials for making clear wood finishes. Shellac is notable for its hardness, transparency and bonding strength. Its excellent insulative properties make it the substance of choice for use in traditional gilding (as a primer coat and fixative). For most applications, the shellac flakes are generally dissolved in alcohol and applied using either a cloth rubbing pad or brush in several coats. The shellac flakes offered here are highly pure, dewaxed and can be mixed to create a specifically desired tone or effect.

A 1 1 Astra shellac Bleached, highly transparent shellac, for clear polishes. Weight

250 g 1000 g

No. 810030 8.82 € 10.50 € No. 810031 29.92 € 35.60 €



B BENZOIN Captivating aroma: Benzoin processed into paint is traditionally used as a glossy polished covering on shellac surfaces or high-quality oil-varnished surfaces. The pure benzoin almond offered here is obtained by cutting into the bark of Siamese Styrax trees and removing the exuded and hardened resin. Benzoin is an aromatic resin of medium hardness. Because of its agreeable, vanilla-like aroma, it is also used in the manufacture of perfumes, aromatic oils, incense and ointments. 100 g granulate No. 810023 5.80 € 6.90 € OBERFLÄCHENBEHANDLUNG VON HOLZ Classic techniques and recipes from Sam Allen. Surface treatment not only makes wood easy to care for, it also enhances its beauty. Sam Allen provides all the comprehensive and very practical traditional methods, such as French polishing, painting, oiling and waxing, grinding, pickling and varnishing. 128 pp., 165 colour illustrations, hardcover, 210 x 255 mm, in German. No. 713739 29.91 € 32.00 €


Courses in French polishing can be found in our workshop programme or on the internet at www.more-than-tools.de

E NATURAL FINISHING STARTER KIT, 11-PIECE SET Price advantage Basic set with great price advantage consisting of natural oils, waxes and resins for mixing your own finishes. An attached brochure guides through the process. Delivered with a French flat oil brush for easy application. Contents: Linolja, Schwedish linseed oil (705275) 1 Liter

Powders and pigments

Brushes and polishing fabric

Lignea, Chinese tung oil (705286) 1 Liter Turpentine oil (705288) 1 Liter Pure orange oil (705277) 250 ml Sinensis, camellia oil (705280) 100 ml Flat oil brush (706181) width 50 mm Pure bees wax (810006) granulate, 500 g Carnauba wax (810009) 500 g Benzoin (810023) 100 g Alkanet root (810024) 100 g Komet shellac (810034) 250 g No. 705299 88.24 € 105.00 €

2 Komet shellac Orange-coloured shellac for polishes that display a slight tinge. Weight

250 g 1000 g

No. 810034 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 810035 25.13 € 29.90 €



C 3 3 Superior shellac Reddish shellac for polishing with marked toning and for accentuating the grain. Weight

250 g 1000 g

No. 810037 8.49 € 10.10 € No. 810038 28.40 € 33.80 €

Note: As a natural product, shellac may display variations in colour from the illustration. DVD - INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH POLISHING In this training film, an expert shares with us the knowledge of the finest form of surface treatment as acquired by him over many years. Peter Zehmisch explains the materials and the individual operations (priming, basic polishing, cover polishing, polishing out scratches, and fine polishing). DVD, approx. 21 min., in English. No. 713753 10.84 € 12.90 €

Tips and tricks for using, mixing proportions and build-up of coats can be found in our brochure »Oberflächenfibel«, which you can download free of charge from www.more-than-tools.de 184

C PUMICE POWDER Fine polishing powder for intermediate grinding, e.g. in French polishing or as a pore filler (is transparent with shellac). Pure silicate rocks. Applied with water or liquid paraffin. 250 g No. 810050 2.18 € 2.60 €


F FLAT OIL BRUSH Hand-made in a traditional brushmaker's shop in France for high absorption capacity, shape stability and even flow. The hand-sorted Chungking bristles with uncut, naturally split ends ensure a high capillary effect and form a dense brush head which allows a controlled flow. Slightly dome-shaped head for even application without overlapping. Nickelplated ferrules, stained beech handle. Length approx. 240 mm Width 50 mm No. 706181 7.31 € 8.70 €

D SWEDISH RED, IRON-OXIDE PIGMENT The classic wood preserving paint:

It determines the appearance of the landscape of Sweden: The warm, russet colour of the wooden facades of the barns, houses and churches is also an effective wood preservative. The pollutant-free iron-oxide pigment (unleaded) can easily be processed in aqueous solution or in a linseed oil emulsion to yield a rich, breathing, natural paint that protects the wood against UV radiation and attacks by pests. With instructions. 1000 g No. 705344 11.01 € 13.10 €

G SQUIRREL HAIR BRUSH For applying shellac, fine oil varnishes and watercolours. Best quality, made from the tail hairs of Siberian squirrels. Length 185 - 190 mm Width

13 25 38 50

mm mm mm mm

No. 706109 5.71 € 6.80 € No. 706110 7.48 € 8.90 € No. 706111 10.50 € 12.50 € No. 706112 16.72 € 19.90 €


BEHANDLUNG VON HOLZOBERFLÄCHEN By Derrick Crump. Nothing is more disappointing than a complex surface treatment which doesn’t have the desired result. This book helps you avoid mistakes with a thorough introduction to the chemistry of stains, paints, oils and waxes and their correct use, as well as surface preparation. 176 pages, over 300 illustrations, hardcover, 197 x 272 mm, in German. No. 713360 23.36 € 25.00 €

H POLISHING AND CLEANING FABRIC Ideal material for a rubbing pad for French polishing as well as for cleaning, polishing and the careful packing of sensitive parts. Finely woven tubular fabric made of tough, lint-free, terry-cloth-like cotton, does not fluff. 20 m No. 810008 33.53 € 39.90 €

Finishing | Glues and glue pots

Glues and glue pots


Bindan® glues Bindan® glues have been produced for more than 70 years at Bindulin in Germany.


Titebond® glues The first choice when bond strength counts. For extremely solid glue joints in woodworking applications, restoration and musical instrument making. For more than 65 years, Titebond has been the market leader in bonding wood and wood products in the United States.



C TITEBOND® PREMIUM II For high strength waterproof bonds. Suitable for exterior use (exterior doors, garden furniture etc). Otherwise the same as Titebond® Original. Technical Notes: Polyvinyl acetate glue. Application and storage temperature 10-30°C. Clamping time 30-60 minutes. Attains maximum hardness after 24 hours. Can be thinned up to 5% with water. Storage life 12 months. Weight

A TITEBOND® ORIGINAL For strong bonds in wood, laminates, particle board, leather, horn, bone, motherof-pearl, cloth and porous materials for interior use. Bond strength usually stronger than that of the material itself, resistant to most solvents, can be varnished and is easy to sand without becoming soft. Excess glue can be cleaned up with water. Non-toxic and solvent-free. Assembly time after glue application approx. 5 minutes. The dried glue joint is yellowish and transparent. Can be softened again by heating. Technical Notes: Aliphatic resin emulsion glue. Application and storage temperature 10-30°C. Clamping time 30-60 minutes. Attains maximum hardness after 24 hours. Can be thinned up to 5% with water. Storage life 12 months.

237 g 946 g

No. 450364 5.80 € 6.90 € No. 450365 14.79 € 17.60 €


No. 450360 4.71 € 5.60 € No. 450361 12.27 € 14.60 € No. 450369 31.34 € 37.30 €



BINDAN-P® WOOD GLUE (PROPELLER GLUE) High-quality, ready-to-use synthetic resin glue with outstanding power of adhesion. Even its nickname of »propeller glue« is a reminder that you can trust this glue: The first propellers were made by laminating layers of wood, and indeed with Bindan. For wood, wooden materials, cardboard, polystyrene foam, felt, fabrics and leather. Waterproof in accordance with B3, working time approx. 10 min., formaldehyde-free, solvent-free. 800 g No. 450383 10.08 € 12.00 €


237 g

No. 450366 11.43 € 13.60 €

Quality verdict by German product testing foundation Stiftung Warentest: »very good«



237 g 946 g 3784 g

F TITEBOND® PU-GLUE High-strength, water-proof, all-purpose constructional glue. Besides wood-wood joins, will bond almost any combination of porous or solid materials (metals, ceramic, plastics, stone etc). Very hard bond, dries to a yellow film, fills gaps, easy to sand, solvent-free, chemically stable, working time of 20 minutes. Technical Notes: Polyurethane glue contains isocyanate (avoid skin contact), and hardens by absorbing water (not for underwater applications), application and storage temperature 10-30°C. Clamping time approx. 45 minutes, maximum hardness after 4 hours. Storage life 12 months.

D TITEBOND® II GLUE, DARK Brown coloured glue for high strength waterproof bonds for exterior use (doors, garden furniture, etc). Ideal for inconspicuous glue joints in dark woods like Teak or Iroko. Technical Notes: Cross-linking polyvinyl acetate. Application temperature 10-30° C. Clamping time 30-60 minutes. Attains maximum strength after 24 hours. Can be thinned with 5% water. Storage life 12 months.

G TITEBOND® WOODFILLER Repairs cracks, holes and other defects in all kinds of wood. Excellent adhesion; excess can be wiped off with damp cloth. Repaired area can be sanded, cut, planed, drilled and stained easily. Not for exterior use, non flammable. Avoid dirt and dust on the working area. Apply with a spatula, rounding off on top to facilitate sanding. Let dry for two hours before sanding. Resists shrinking and cracking. Water-based latex-polymer.

J BINDULIN DUO-MIX® EPOXY GLUE Glues almost everything: Quick-setting, transparent two-component epoxy resin adhesive. Bonds metal, wood, glass, hard plastics, bakelite, porcelain, ivory and precious stones, among other things, in 5-10 minutes. Resistant to water and chemicals. Double injector. 27 g No. 450381 9.41 € 11.20 €



118 g

No. 450371

4.79 €

5.70 €


237 g

No. 450372

5.63 €

6.70 €


1 B TITEBOND® ULTIMATE III Extreme water-resistance, high bonding strength and an application time of at least 10 minutes make it the perfect glue for demanding applications. For both interior and exterior use, dries to a nontoxic, light brown glue joint. Technical Notes: Polymer glue (not for underwater use), application and storage temperature 5-30°C. Clamping time approx. 30-60 minutes, maximum hardness after 24 hours. Storage life 12 months. Weight

237 g 946 g

No. 450362 7.31 € 8.70 € No. 450363 18.15 € 21.60 €

Test winner: Titebond® Ultimate III Titebond Ultimate III emerged the absolute winner (best overall) from a comparison test by Fine Woodworking, the American magazine (July 2007). It achieved the highest marks for bond strength in all woods (maple, oak, ipé) and all kinds of fit. Six wood glues were compared: other dispersion adhesives, epoxy, liquid hide glue, hot-setting adhesive, polyurethane adhesive.

E TITEBOND® HIDE GLUE Liquid hide glue for high strength, hard bonds. No creep, excellent sandability and can be overpainted. Its sensitivity to moisture allows for easy disassembly of parts, making this glue particularly well suited for restorations and musical instrument making. Long setting time, assembly time after glue application approx. 10 minutes. The dried glue joint is transparent. Technical Notes: Glutine glue with additives. Not for exterior use or use on objects which come in contact with food. Application and storage temperature 10-30°C. Clamping time 30-60 minutes. Attains maximum hardness after 24 hours. Can be thinned with water. Storage life 12 months. Weight

237 g

No. 450368

8.57 € 10.20 €



H TITEBOND® INSTAND BOND WOOD ADHESIVE Fast-action glue for small contact surfaces with a narrow joining gap especially for glueing together wood and wood composites. But other materials such as natural rubber, aluminium, stainless steel, fibreglass, PVC or porcelain can also be easily glued together or to wood and composites. The individual types differ in viscosity and hardening time. High ageing resistance. Technical Notes: Cyanoacrylate glue, Application time 7-30 seconds, clamping time 30-60 seconds, maximum hardness after 8 hours. Storage life 2 years. 55 g No. 450377 10.84 € 12.90 € 1 Gel 2 Thick No. 450376 10.84 € 12.90 € 3 Medium No. 450375 10.84 € 12.90 €

BINDULIN DUO-COL® Slow-setting epoxy resin adhesive for the chemical welding of metals, steel, plastics, hard materials, also for joining glass, porcelain, concrete and wood. Dropping time approx. 2 h, hardening time approx. 10 h at room temperature. The hardening time may be shortened and the tensile strength of the bond increased by the application of heat. Glue joint slightly tinted. Resistant to water and chemicals. 2 tubes x 20 g No. 450382 6.97 € 8.30 €



L BINDAN-CIN® BOAT GLUE Two-component, joint-filling, highly weather-resistant resorcinol resin adhesive. Suitable for all wood joints (even if wood is very moist and has a high resin content) as well as wood-plastic joints. The glue joints, which dry to a dark brown, are seawater resistant (B4) and temperature resistant up to 200°C. Resorcinol resin 250 g hardener 37.5 g No. 450380 15.46 € 18.40 € 185

Finishing | Glues and glue pots


Herdim® glue pots Exclusively from DICTUM: Water-jacketed glue pots for the uncomplicated heating of hot-setting adhesives, priming and waxes. A built-in thermostat ensures the correct temperature within +/- 3° C.

A GLUE INJECTORS, 3-PIECE SET For the specific application of glue to points of difficult access, e.g. in repairs of veneering or chair-leg bonds, cracks etc. Also ideal for the application of oil or for the dosage of paints and other liquids. Can be dismantled for cleaning. Contains 1.0 / 2.5 / 5.0 ml Needle diameter 0.5 / 0.6 / 0.7 mm No. 716232 5.63 € 6.70 €


B VENEER TAPE, 200 METER This veneer tape is for taping together veneer into a single sheet, as a safeguard against slippage and for marquetry work. Three hole tape, offering both visibility through the holes and easy application to round and hollow surfaces. Tape can be easily removed with scraper or sand-paper. Width 20 mm No. 450138 5.80 € 6.90 €

Glue Container

Glue brushes





Designed for constant professional use, these glue pots have proved themselves over and over again in woodworking, restoration and instrument making. Nickelplated brass housing with heat-resistant plastic handle and slip-proof base. Maximum temperature approx. 85°C.

I PLASTIC GLUE POT Asymmetrical, double-chambered containers, 1/3 divided, for simultaneously heating glue and water (for thinning purposes). Made of polypropylene; tough, heat resistant and chemically neutral. Content

1 250 ml No. 736015 3.78 € 2 Lid with hole for brush No. 736016 4.96 € 1000 ml No. 736007 8.32 € Lid with hole for brush No. 736008 8.32 €

4.50 € 5.90 € 9.90 € 9.90 €




N GLUE BRUSHES Natural bristles, wrapped in corrosion-free string to prevent discolouration of the glue. Length 200-240 mm Ø head

1 2 3 4

14 16 18 21

mm mm mm mm

No. 706105 6.64 No. 706106 7.48 No. 706107 8.32 No. 706108 10.84

€ 7.90 € € 8.90 € € 9.90 € € 12.90 €


J 2

Hot-setting adhesives Glues of animal origin are simple to use, resist aging, can be softened again by heating, which makes them very useful for repairs. In contrast to synthetic glues, they can be overpainted and pickled. Also suitable as priming for painting and gilding. Cold water is added to the glue, which is left to soak. It is then carefully heated in a water bath.

1 J GLASS GLUE CONTAINER, 250 ML 1 No. 736005 11.68 € 13.90 € 2 Lid with hole for brush No. 736012 10.34 € 12.30 €

G HERDIM® 0.25 LITRE GLUE POT Compact glue pot for violin making and other precision small scale work. Ø 105 mm, height 160 mm, 120 W


C Ceramic container 220 V No. 736001 144.54 € 110 V No. 736002 144.54 €

C BONE GLUE, GRANULATE For hard bonds, very easy to sand. 250 g No. 450141 2.86 € 3.40 € 1000 g No. 450144 6.64 € 7.90 € 10 kg No. 450156 57.98 € 69.00 €


172.00 € 172.00 €



168.00 € 168.00 €



O LINDEN BAST GLUE BRUSH Made from linden bast fibres absolutely free of fat, ideal for the application of hotsetting adhesives, pickling and cleaning glue joints. The bast bristles are stiff, very resistant to wear and can be shaped using a chisel for very precise application of the glue. When the head becomes worn, new bristles can be produced by progressively hammering apart the linden fibres further down the handle. Length 210 mm Width


Plastic container with lid 220 V No. 736013 141.18 € 110 V No. 736014 141.18 €


250 ml No. 736000 1000 ml No. 736009

8.07 € 9.60 € 16.47 € 19.60 €

1 2 3 4

6 mm 11 mm 14 mm 30 mm

No. 706125 3.11 No. 706126 4.54 No. 706127 6.05 No. 706128 12.44

€ 3.70 € € 5.40 € € 7.20 € € 14.80 €


H D HIDE GLUE, GRANULATE For elastic bonds. 250 g No. 450140 4.12 € 1000 g No. 450143 7.14 €

L STAINLESS STEEL GLUE CONTAINER 250 ml No. 736006 8.82 € 10.50 €

4.90 € 8.50 €

E Spirit lamp

E RABBIT SKIN GLUE, GRANULATE More viscous than either hide or bone glue. High yield, very elastic. No. 450153 5.21 € 6.20 € 500 g 8.82 € 10.50 € 1000 g No. 450154


1 F

F ISINGLASS GLUE, GRANULATE For difficult repairs requiring highest bond strengths. The glue itself consists of the air bladders of sturgeons. In recent years, the drastically reduced fishing quotas have made this glue a precious commodity. 100 g No. 450142 48.57 € 57.80 € 186

H HERDIM® 1 LITRE GLUE POT For large-scale projects such as restoration, piano making, painting, stucco and gilding. Includes plastic glue container with lid. Ø 160 mm Height 220 mm 240 W 220 V No. 736003 204.20 € 243.00 €

M SPIRIT LAMP WITH DIAL REGULATOR Glass container with dail regulator, 120 cm3 capacity, burning time approx. 2-3 hours. Can be set upright or at an angle due to its polygonal shape. Round wick Ø 6 mm, with cap. No. 706013 10.92 € 13.00 € Replacement wick, 15 cm No. 706014 1.09 € 1.30 €




P FRENCH GLUE BRUSHES The split-ended, uncut bristles give these brushes excellent capillary power. Handmade using natural bristles from free-range hogs. Corrosion-free string wrapping. Length 280-300 mm Ø head

1 2 3 4

4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm

No. 706130 No. 706131 No. 706132 No. 706133

3.53 3.61 4.12 5.13

€ € € €

4.20 € 4.30 € 4.90 € 6.10 €

European wood | 188

Exotic wood | 189

A dream come true! Stabilised wood and laminated materials | 191

Nuts, cones, roots etc. | 192

Linen, rattan | 192

Semifinished wooden products | 192

Leather | 193

Horn | 194

Other animal materials | 195

Shoji paper | 195

Steels | 196


Materials | European wood

European wood A LINDENWOOD The linden tree is not only a tree of myths, fidelity and love (Freya, goddess of fertility lived in one), it’s also one of the carver’s favourite woods. Its soft wood and uniform cell structure allows it to be easily worked by hand.

B WILD OLIVE (MUTENYE) Hard, dense heartwood with a lively grain for turning and carving, for knife handles or inlay work. The natural oil content makes it particularly resistant to water and soiling.

E MASUR BIRCH The contrast between the light-coloured heartwood and dramatic dark-coloured rays running through the wood have made Masur birch wood from the polar regions highly sought after by carvers and wood turners alike. Masur birch is both highly wear resistant and warm to the touch, making it the perfect choice for exquisite knife and tool handles, kitchen utensils, decorative objects, intarsia and small bowls. Air dried pieces, specially selected for their lively grain patterns.

C BOXWOOD Boxwood is the wood turner's dream come true - it has a very fine grain, is rigid but easy to work, finishes well and takes on a beautiful polish. Perfect for making bowls, figurines, handles, balls, mechanical parts the possibilities are limited only by the size of the blank. Large pieces of this slow-growing wood are very rare. Harvested in the French Pyrenees.


1 1st quality Lindenwood blocks 300 x 100 x 80 mm No. 831288 300 x 130 x 90 mm No. 831109 400 x 100 x 80 mm No. 831289


6.64 € 7.48 €

150 x 20 x 20 mm No. 831263

2.86 €

3.40 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831165

4.20 €

5.00 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831166

9.41 € 11.20 €

380 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831264

14.29 € 17.00 €

120 x 40 x 30 mm No. 831325

13.78 € 16.40 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831167

22.27 € 26.50 €

120 x 50 x 30 mm No. 831327

16.39 € 19.50 €

H 1


7.90 €

1 Premium quality Highly figured.

8.90 €


9.16 € 10.90 €

400 x 130 x 130 mm No. 831110 16.72 € 19.90 € Lindenwood board For carving and chip-carving. 250 x 175 x 25 mm No. 831103 6.64 €

1 French boxwood Premium-quality wood, few knots, virtually no cracks. Lengths 200-600 mm Approx. 5 kg Cross section 50-75 mm No. 520081

7.90 €


C SICILIAN OLIVEWOOD Slow growing wood of the Sicilian olive tree with attractive grain. Due to its very high density and excellent polishability, it is suitable for making everyday pieces and jewellery of high aesthetic value and wear-resistance. The cuts on offer are relatively fresh and therefore have to be processed under controlled drying conditions (instructions included).

2 2 1st quality 120 x 40 x 30 mm No. 831326

8.15 €

120 x 50 x 30 mm No. 831328

8.99 € 10.70 €

58.74 € 69,90 €

Approx. 10 kg 50-75 mm No. 520082 91.60 € 109,00 € 76-130 mm No. 520086 155.46 € 185,00 €

9.70 €

Small boxwood bowl

2 2nd quality (slight fractures, discolorations) 300 x 130 x 90 mm No. R831109

4.12 €

400 x 130 x 130 mm No. R831110

9.16 € 10.90 €

200 x 50 x 50 mm No. 831329

24.29 € 28.90 €

4.90 €



F 150 x 30 x 30 mm No. 831135

6.30 €

7.50 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831187

7.06 €

8.40 €


300 x 38 x 38 mm. No. 831105

12.77 € 15.20 €

300 x 65 x 65 mm No. 831106

18.74 € 22.30 €

3 Linden wood offcuts, approx. 7.5 kg Various pieces of dried linden wood, suitable for smaller carving projects and chip-carving. No. 831138 16.72 € 19.90 €

F BRUYÈRE WOOD Wood harvested from the root stock of the French wild briar tree has been sought after by pipe makers for centuries due to its beautifully figured grain and high resistance to heat. Its unique appearance and excellent polishing qualities also make it great for making jewellery, intarsia and knife handles. 95 x 30 x 6 mm Price per pair No. 831259 9.75 € 11.60 € G JUNIPER, GRAINED The wood obtained from the French juniper is fascinating, not just because of its wild-grown structure but also its enduring aromatic fragrance. The waterrepellant and skin-friendly wood is ideal for handle shells for knives. The oval »wood pebbles« can be used as air fresheners in rooms or cupboards, where they also keep out moths.

D G 4

4 Lindenwood boards – 5 pieces Close-grained and of uniform cell structure are these boards of much sought-after native Lindenwood. For carving, chip-carving, printing blocks and toys. Approx. 350 x 130-200 x 40 mm No. 831178 14.71 € 17.50 € 188

1 Handle shells 2 pieces each, 105 x 30 x 8 mm No. 831340 8.74 € 10.40 € D OLIVEWOOD OFFCUTS, approx. 4.5 KG A random assortment of beautifully grained pieces of olivewood in irregular sizes, some of which have slight defects and cracks. Suitable for small carvings, turned pieces, jewellery, knife handles or inlay work. No. 831131 17.56 € 20.90 €

2 2 5 Wood pebbles Approx. 50 mm No. 831341 12.52 €

14.90 €

2 Boxwood rounds, approx. 5 kg Various diameters and lengths, air-dried for at least 3 years. Ø from approx. 40 mm No. 520037 26.72 € 31.80 €

3 3 Boxwood assortment, approx. 4.5 kg Top-quality boxwood, air-dried for at least 3 years, free of cracks. A typical assortment contains several 19 x 19 to 38 x 38 mm squares, 150-300 mm in length, and two rounds Ø 50-65 mm. No. 520038 45.29 € 53.90 €

Materials | European wood, Exotic wood

A WOODTURNING ASSORTMENT From western precious wood: Fine-quality, dry blanks for the beginning turner. Cylindrical blanks of different thicknesses and diameters, with waxed end grains. The bags contain a random selection of European hardwoods (cherry, maple, pear, ash, elm, acacia etc.).


Approx. 3 kg Rounds Ø 80-180 mm. No. 831015 16.72 € 19.90 € Approx. 6 kg Rounds Ø 80-220 mm. No. 831016 34.37 € 40.90 €

Exotic wood B EBONY Ebony, one of the hardest, densest woods in the world, is often used in turnery, cabinet making, restoration work and instrument making for parts which need to either be particularly beautiful or resistant to wear, e.g. keys, furniture and tool handles, jewellery, bowls and intarsia. Ebony takes on an excellent finish due to its fine-pored structure. Due to high demand, delivery times may be delayed. We will inform you immediately, if this is the case.

C GRENADILL With a bulk density of up to 1400 kg/m3, the dark brown to black heartwood is one of the hardest, densest and most durable woods that nature can offer. Grenadill is easy to polish and is particularly suitable for small, high-grade turned or carved workpieces.




1 Ebony blanks 300 x 50 x 15 mm No. 831021

5.55 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831140

13.61 €

E PINK IVORY Pink Ivory (Berchemia zeyheri) is one of the most magnificent coloured woods, with a spectrum ranging from bright pink to fiery red. Extremely dense (990 kg/m3) with the finest pore structure, it takes on a fine polish and is ideal for creating exquisite pieces of jewellery, knife handles and turned pieces.


G BOCOTE Bocote (Mexico Rosewood) is a decorative hardwood from South America of light brown colour with dark brown veins. Due to the high oil content, this wood is perfect for turning and polishes very well. Density 1100 kg/m3.


150 x 20 x 20 mm No. 831265

3.87 €

4.60 €

150 x 20 x 20 mm No. 831139

3.45 €

4.10 €

150 x 25 x 25 mm No. 831267

3.28 €

3.90 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831168

6.89 €

8.20 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831144

7.90 €

9.40 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831268

4.37 €

5.20 €

12.77 €

15.20 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831075

9.16 €

10.90 €

6.60 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831169

15.63 €

18.60 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831260

16.20 €

380 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831266

17.39 €

20.70 €

380 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831145

14.79 €

17.60 €

300 x 50 x 50 mm No. 831182

14.62 €

17.40 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831170 37.65 €

44.80 €

125 x 125 x 50 mm No. 831087 28.32 €

33.70 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831076 25.13 €

29.90 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831171 35.29 €

42.00 €

2 2 Ebony assortment, approx. 4.5 kg Heartwood ranging in colour from jet black to slightly striped. A typical selection contains 19 x 19 to 38 x 38 mm squares, 10-25 cm in length, plus 1-2 larger pieces. Ca. 10-20 pieces total. All the pieces have waxed ends and are virtually free of cracks. No. 831020 47.14 € 56.10 €

D ROSEWOOD Rosewood has always been prized as one of the finest woods, coveted equally by turners, wood sculptors and musical instrument makers. Its pink-to-crimson annual growth rings bordered by dark brown veins are visually striking. High density (850 kg/m3), load-bearing, aromatic, polishes well.


All sizes and weights provided are approximate values which are affected by the natural drying process of the wood.

F COCOBOLO Cocobolo is one of the most magnificent precious woods with its deep red heartwood striped with dark brown/black veins and a slightly wavy grain. Despite its strength, it is an excellent turning wood that produces wonderful surfaces. Used for woodwind instruments, handles, and jewellery, for inlay work and much more. Density 1100 kg/m3.

H MOPANE Brownish red to violet hued, high density heartwood from South Africa. The narrow-ringed, evenly-grained wood is characterised by a fine dark brown veining and light brown to green sapwood.



6.64 €

7.90 €

150 x 25 x 25 mm No. 831248

3.78 €

4.50 €

150 x 20 x 20 mm No. 831261

2.52 €

3.00 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831143 18.74 €

22.30 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831249

5.46 €

6.50 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831162

4.29 €

5.10 €

9.50 €

11.30 €

520 x 70 x 8.5 mm No. 831029

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831077

10.00 €

11.90 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831163

300 x 50 x 50 mm No. 831079

15.88 €

18.90 €

380 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831262

12.77 €

15.20 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831078 25.13 €

29.90 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831164 21.26 €

25.30 € 189

Materials | Exotic wood

A WESTERN RED CEDAR Alaska cedar is one of the finest woods for carving and turning, thanks to its slow growth, durability, and good workability. With colour ranging from pink to reddish brown, a low resin content and the ability to take on a silky finish without additional substances, this wood is wonderful for creating highly expressive objects. Untreated, seasoned blocks.


B PANGA PANGA Panga panga is a dark brown hardwood from East Africa, which has lighter streaks running through it and is therefore similar in structure to wenge. Thanks to its hardness and low shrinkage, this wood is used primarily for high-quality parquet flooring. It is easy to turn and polish and its fine markings make it especially decorative. Density 900 kg/m³.


300 x 150 x 150 mm No. 831014 35.97 €


162 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831354

3.78 €

4.50 €

160 x 45 x 45 mm No. 831358

D WENGE This tropical wood from West Africa has a light brown core, which takes on a coffee-coloured hue when dry. The richly contrasting, coarse light/dark structure, usually combined with irregular or interlocked grain, gives wenge its exceptionally decorative character. The hard and heavy wood is used for high-quality interior design furnishings and fittings, but also for turning and carving. Density 860 kg/m³.


4.12 €

4.90 €

150 x 20 x 20 mm No. 831366

2.69 €

3.20 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831367

4.96 €

5.90 €

300 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831368

9.66 € 11.50 €

380 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831369

11.68 € 13.90 €

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831370

17.73 € 21.10 €

42.80 € 305 x 50 x 50 mm No. 831355 610 x 55 x 55 mm No. 831356 150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831357

E MUHUHU This very hard wood from East Africa is a favourite for carving and turning. When freshly cut, it has a yellowish, light brown colour, which darkens slightly when dry. In Africa the aromatic oil of the tree is distilled to make essential oil. Other characteristics of the wood include its fine but irregular structure and the pleasantly spicy scent it gives off when worked on. Density 920 kg/m³.


10.00 € 11.90 € 19.75 € 23.50 €

610 x 50 x 50 mm No. 831360 100 x 100 x 70 mm No. 831361

22.61 € 26.90 € 11.68 € 13.90 €

14.20 € 16.90 €

F MGURURE Mgurure has proved itself as an alternative to grenadilla, especially for shaped parts of musical instruments. This dark brown, almost black wood from East Africa is very hard and heavy, but is easy to turn and polish. It dries slowly with only minor shrinkage.

A AUSTRALIAN PRECIOUS WOODS In stark contrast to many types of tropical precious woods, Australian precious woods are harvested in a strictly controlled manner exclusively by federally licensed timber merchants. Burls growing on 100-year-old trees are carefully re-

moved in a manner which actually revitalizes the living tree. The extraordinarily wild grain makes these timbers wonderful for turning bowls and boxes, making knife handles, and carving fine objects and jewellery.


305 x 40 x 40 mm No. 831363

4.96 €

5.90 €

150 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831350

2.44 €

2.90 €

400 x 40 x 40 mm No. 831364

6.30 €

7.50 €

305 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831351

5.80 €

6.90 €

10.50 € 12.50 €

610 x 38 x 38 mm No. 831352

150 x 150 x 50 mm No. 831365

C TAMBOTI A hard, dense wood from South Africa, characterised by a rich shade of brown with dark-brown to black streaks. Tamboti is highly prized by turners and carvers as well as furniture makers. It is an easy wood to work, has a silky sheen and a pleasantly sweetish, aromatic scent. The high oil content means it dries very slowly. Offcuts should not be burnt, as the smoke is toxic. Through to small tree diameters this species can only be delivered with sapwood. Density 900 kg/m³.

11.68 € 13.90 €

Red Mallee

Lace Sheoak

Figured Jarrah





1 1 Bowl blanks assortment A random selection of colourful Australian hardwood blanks for turning shallow bowls. Waxed end grain, virtually crack-free. The selection can include such woods as red mallee, sheoak, goldfield, lace sheoak, figured jarrah and mulga. Approx. 5 kg From 120 x 120 x 50 mm No. 831115 58.74 € 69.90 € Approx. 10 kg From 200 x 200 x 80 mm or 300 x 300 x 50 mm No. 831116 117.56 € 139.90 €

2 2 Square timber Blanks for making high-quality knife handles, turnery and decorative objects. Sealed end grain, virtually crack-free. 300 x 40 x 40 mm Wood type Red Mallee Lace Sheoak Fig. Jarrah Goldfield Mulga Sheoak

28.49 20.92 19.16 25.13 19.92 16.72

€ € € € € €

33.90 € 24.90 € 22.80 € 29.90 € 23.70 € 19.90 €

3 Grain wood offcuts, approx. 5 kg A random assortment of beautifully grained, colourful australian hardwood pieces such as jarrah, goldfield, sheoak, mulga etc. in irregular sizes, some of which have attached bark, slight defects or cracks. Suitable for small carvings, turned pieces, jewellery, knife handles or inlay work. Price per bag No. 831132 22.61 € 26.90 €

4 4 Squared timber assortment, approx. 5 kg A random selection of precious woods in fantastic colours and grain patterns. Sealed end grain, virtually crack-free. The selection can include such woods as red mallee, sheoak, goldfield, lace sheoak, figured jarrah and mulga. From 19 x 19 mm Lengths 150-300 mm No. 831117 83.19 € 99.00 €

120 x 40 x 30 mm Wood type Red Mallee Lace Sheoak Fig. Jarrah Goldfield Mulga Sheoak


No. 831120 No. 831121 No. 831122 No. 831123 No. 831124 No. 831134


No. 831330 13.36 € 15.90 € No. 831331 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 831332 8.32 € 9.90 € No. 831333 10.84 € 12.90 € No. 831334 8.99 € 10.70 € No. 831335 8.32 € 9.90 €

Fore more wood see our online shop: www.more-than-tools.de

All sizes and weights provided are approximate values which are affected by the natural drying process of the wood.

Materials | Exotic Wood, Stabilised wood and laminated materials



A SNAKEWOOD Snakewood (also known as Amourette) is one of the most decorative and hardest woods in the world. It is called snakewood because of the wavy, almost scale-like appearance of its grain, which is very similar to snakeskin. Perfect for making extraordinary jewellery, knife handles and turnery. Price per piece. 95 x 30 x 6 mm No. 831150

7.06 €

8.40 €

120 x 30 x 20 mm No. 831151

19.75 €

23.50 €

120 x 30 x 30 mm No. 831152

28.40 €

33.80 €



B PALMWOOD Its distinctive grain structure makes palmwood a difficult material to work with. But its dark-brown clusters of fibre set in the light heartwood gives it an extremely vibrant appearance, making it desirable for knife handles and ornaments.

C DESERT IRONWOOD Because of its slow growth, desert ironwood is one of the hardest and densest woods in the world. It is golden brown with dark streaks and a yellowish sapwood and grows predominantly in the deserts of Arizona and California, USA as well as Mexico. It polishes extremely well and is hard and durable, making it ideal for knife handles.

120 x 40 x 30 mm No. 831343

120 x 40 x 30 mm No. 831269

10.84 €

12.90 €

23.45 €

27.90 €

D ASIAN WOOD SAMPLE SET Collection of 20 different types of wood found primarily in Asia: Champac, boxwood, cedar, rubberwood, maple, silverwood, gamari, pine, mango, haldu, mahogany, toonwood, badam, jackfruit, teak, coconut palm, padauk, ebony, rosewood, sisham and laurel. Polished on one side. Plate approx. 85 x 45 x 3.5 mm No. 831010 10.84 € 12.90 €

All sizes and weights provided are approximate values which are affected by the natural drying process of the wood.

Stabilised wood and laminated materials 4 E STABILISED WOOD FOR KNIFE HANDLES AND TURNING PIECES: Stabilised wood is completely saturated with synthetic resin via a vacuum-pressure process. The result is a durable and virtually odourless hybrid material. Stabilised wood absorbs practically no water, does not warp and can be worked with regular tools without problems. It is therefore suitable for all areas where wood is subject to high wear and the material should not expand and contract. Weight and density correspond to that of tropical hard wood. 120 x 40 x 30 mm

4 Stabilised lime tree burl From roots or burls. With an extraordinary pattern. No. 831271 30.67 € 36.50 €

G WHITE PAPER MICARTA Micarta is one of the most favoured handle materials in knifemaking – even for fine collector’s knives. There are good reasons for this: Micarta is produced using a special high pressure procedure which combines absorbant material (cellulose material, linen etc.) with epoxy resin. The resulting material is an almost indestructible, resistant against oils and chemicals. Paper Micarta feels slip free and very comfortable in the hand, even under wet or cold conditions. The material can be easily refined by applying scrimshaw, engraving and carving. Price per piece. G

5 5 Stabilised walnut burl From roots or burls. Fascinates with its extraordinary pattern. No. 831270 31.01 € 36.90 €


1 1 White Paper Micarta Tough and beautiful: 254 x 38 x 3 mm No. 800348 10.00 € 254 x 38 x 6 mm No. 800349 15.04 €

11.90 €

I 1

2 I PAKKA WOOD Ideal for outdoor and kitchen knives: Pakka wood is the collective term for impregnated veneers which are laminated under high pressure. If used for knife handles, the shape of the handle brings out the different wood layers which results in an attractive look. Our blocks are made from coloured birch veneers which are completely saturated with synthetic resin. This procedure makes the material water-resistant and easy workable. Can be glued with epoxy glue. Two pieces, 120 x 35 x 8 mm 1 2

Colour ebony mahogany

No. 719563 No. 719564

6.39 € 8.32 €

7.60 € 9.90 €

17.90 €

1 1 Stabilised spalted maple The spalted maplewood has an intensive pattern caused by fungal infestation. No. 831177 31.01 € 36.90 €

6 2 6 Stabilised palmwood Cross-sectional profiles that are stabilised with resin, which emphasises the beautiful structure. 120 x 30 x 30 mm No. 831342 30.17 € 35.90 €

2 Black Linen Micarta Tough and beautiful: 254 x 38 x 9.5 mm No. 831411 16.72 € 19.90 € 254 x 38 x 6 mm No. 831410 11.93 € 14.20 €

1 J 2

F 2

H 1

2 Stabilised spalted birch Spalted birchwood with intensive pattern caused by fungal infestation. No. 831176 31.51 € 37.50 €

3 2


3 3 Stabilised bog oak block Bog oak wood comes from oak logs that lay airtight under sand or mud in bogs for thousands of years. No. 831175 30.17 € 35.90 €

F STABILISED PEN BLANKS These stabilised pen blanks made from cross-cut poplar can easily be turned into small objects. The different colours create unique patterns. 150 x 20 x 20 mm 1 2 3

Colour red/blue No. green/yellow No. anthracite No.

831272 831273 831274

8.15 € 9.70 € 8.15 € 9.70 € 8.15 € 9.70 €

H PAPERSTONE Ideal for knife handles: Paperstone is a new product made from 100% recycled paper which has been saturated with natural resins. The paperresin mixture is then pressed together under high pressure and heat. This results in a material that is water- and UVresistant and heat resistant up to 180° C. It can be worked with normal woodworking tools and glued with epoxy glue. Foodsafe. Two pieces. 130 x 36 x 6,4 mm No. 831244 8.32 € 9.90 € 130 x 36 x 10 mm No. 831245 10.17 € 12.10 €

J VULCANIZED FIBER Vulcanized fibre is a composite material made from paper. It is ideal as a layer between tang and handle materials to enhance appearance.

250 x 130 x 0.8 mm

1 2 3

Colour black white rust-red

No. 719577 No. 719578 No. 719579

4.12 € 4.12 € 4.12 €

4.90 € 4.90 € 4.90 € 191

Materials | Nuts, cones, roots etc., Linen, rattan, Semifinished wooden products

Nuts, cones, roots etc.

Semifinished wooden products


H SHAKER PEGS Simple, yet elegant, hand-turned Shakerstyle knobs and coat hangers of pure design and perfect workmanship. Finegrained boxwood, polished, with tapered tenons.


A TAGUA NUTS, 1 KG These amazing high-density nuts are produced by the female species of the ivory palm tree native to Ecuador. Their marbled, creamy white flesh can easily be carved, sanded, turned, scraped (scrimshaw) and polished to make an endless array of ornamental objects. Tagua nuts are completely free of toxins and thus suitable for making children's toys. The surface can be stained or coloured using textile dyes. Weight per nut approx. 30-60 g Ø approx. 30-50 mm No. 831042 10.67 € 12.70 €

E GRASSTREE ROOTS Cylindrical root of the grass tree (Xanthorrhoea). The wood is easy to turn and oxidizes to a redbrown colour once exposed to air. Length 150-500 mm Weight 1-10 kg Price per kg No. 831102 10.84 € 12.90 €


Linen, rattan



F FABRIC BAND LINEN, GREY For breathable seats: Fabric band serves for spanning the seats and back rests of chairs and benches (e.g. shaker furniture).

Not only is it extremely durable, compared to solid seat surfaces it is also extremely light and breathable. Fabric band is extremely easy to process: It is fastened to the chair frame with upholstery nails and then plaited. Exhilarating checked patterns can by achieved through the combination of differently coloured tapes. Our tip: also suitable for room partitions and panels. 100 m x 25 mm No. 830300 46.72 € 55.60 €

G 1


G RATTAN WRAPPING From time immemorial, thin strips pulled from rattan cane have been used to wrap all types of handles in Asia. This natural material, which is very comfortable to hold, lends elegance to the handles of Japanese saws as well as those of knives and other equipment. Its curved profile produces a slightly rounded surface structure that not only looks attractive, it also serves to regulate moisture, improve grip and prevent hand fatigue. Smooth surface, flexible and break-proof, can be affixed with wood glue. 1 Fine Length 3-4 m (1-2 strips) Width 4 mm No. 708898 3.87 €

5.00 € 7.90 €

K BAMBOO BACKINGS Ideal for making bows: Japanese backings in absolute prime quality, unblemished surface, long and regular knot distances, precisely dressed and trimmed for easy processing. Bundle with 5 backings. Length 2 m Width

40 mm No. 708900 45 mm No. 708901

1 Shaker pegs Overall length 82 mm Ø 25 mm Tenon length 16 mm Tenon Ø 13 mm No. 820090 2.44 €

67.14 € 79.90 € 83.95 € 99.90 €

Handles for Japanese kitchen knives 2.90 €

2 Extra fine Length 2.5 m Width 2 mm No. 708899

3.36 €



2 2.50 €


3 Small drawer pull Overall length 32 mm Ø 16 mm Tenon length 12 mm Tenon Ø 6 mm No. 820092 1.26 €


I VIOLIN PEGS AND END BUTTONS Also serve as fine furniture knobs. They are made of exquisite ebony, have rounded edges, slightly tapered shafts and polished surfaces.

C GOLDFIELD BURLS Fine-grained, impressively coloured Australian burls. Their natural round shape and high density makes them ideal for turning unique bowls. Weight per burl 1-12 kg price per kg No. 831100 15.38 € 18.30 €



2 Large drawer pull Overall length 42 mm Ø 30 mm Tenon length 15 mm Tenon Ø 19 mm No. 820094 2.10 €



D BANKSIA CONES The irregularly shaped cones of the banksia grandis tree can be easily turned to make unique and bizarre vases, jewellery and other small objects. Size 1 Ca. 400-650 g No. 831101 4.20 € Size 2 Ca. 651-1000 g No. 831111 6.64 €


3 Root and grained wood may have irregularities, inner cracks and pockets.

B BLACK WALNUTS The fruits of the American black walnut tree have very hard, wrinkled inner shells with surprisingly intricate interiors. When cut lengthwise or crosswise (preferably with a Japanese Dozuki saw, e.g. No. 712808), the nuts reveal their amorphous inner structure. These slices can be used to make unique, eye-catching key pendants or jewellery. Ø approx. 25-40 mm Price per piece No. 831040 0.76 € 0.90 €




WITH GLUE-LAMINATED BUBINGA WOOD FERRULES Kitchen knife handles made of Japanese magnolia wood (ho), lightweight, waterproof and warm to the touch. Tang hole is pre-drilled.

1 Small, with finger groove 115 x 22 x 18 mm No. 719565 11.34 €

13.50 €

2 Large, with finger groove 125 x 27 x 22 mm No. 719566 11.68 €

13.90 €

3 Without finger groove 125 x 27 x 22 mm No. 719567 11.68 €

13.90 €

2 M 1 Violin pegs Head Ø 22 mm shank Ø 9 mm No. 820072

1.18 €

1.40 €

2 End buttons Head Ø 14 mm shank Ø 8 mm No. 820075

0.50 €

0.60 €




BUFFALO HORN FERRULE Tang hole is pre-drilled.

1 Without finger groove 128 x 28 x 22 mm No. 719561 19.92 €

23.70 €

2 With finger groove 135 x 24 x 18 mm No. 719562 19.08 €

22.70 €


J WOODEN DOWELS Fine-grained, East Indian hardwood (haldu) for making wooden screws, dowels and turned objects. Finishes and polishes well. Length 500 mm

4.60 €


4.00 €

12.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm 32 mm 38 mm

No. 831001 No. 831002 No. 831003 No. 831004 No. 831005

2.94 3.78 4.79 5.63 7.06

€ € € € €

3.50 € 4.50 € 5.70 € 6.70 € 8.40 €

N CHESTNUT WOOD KNIFE HANDLE With finger groove. Chestnut wood, plastic ferrule. Tang hole is pre-drilled. 125 x 27 x 21 mm. No. 719560 6.81 € 8.10 €

We recommend pressing the heated tang into the knife handle without glue.Therefore even when the tang becomes loose, it can be re-adjusted for a tight fit.

Materials | Leather

Leather H A SWEDISH COWHIDE Vegetable tanned: Strong, vegetable-tanned leather made from Swedish cowhides. Approx. 2.2 mm thick, acid-free, excellent for making knife sheaths. Natural colour, soft (can be hardened using soda), colourable.








H UNDULATE RAY LEATHER, MEDIUM GRINDING Undulate rays feature a raised structure in their middle section. When the skins are dyed and lightly sanded, this emerges in the natural white colour in the shape of an eye or a cross. This striking effect gives the piece a quite mythical radiance. Approx. 30 x 13 cm



2 Half side (= ¼ skin) Approx. 10-12 sqft.

Price per sqft

D REINDEER LEATHER, WHOLE HIDE Vegetable tanned: Leather made from the hides of polar reindeer is particularly soft, yet highly durable and shapeable at the same time. This makes it well suited for making shoes, gloves, hats and other articles of clothing

as well as for a variety of other leatherworking projects. Whole hides, red-brown. Thickness approx. 0.8 mm Approx. 10-12 sqft Outer dimensions approx. 1.1 x 1.1 m Price per sqft No. 820185 9.58 € 11.40 €

1 Black 2 Claret 3 Dark brown 4 Grey 5 Beige

No. 830860 No. 830875 No. 830876 No. 830877 No. 830878

18.66 19.92 19.92 21.76 21.76

€ € € € €

22.20 € 23.70 € 23.70 € 25.90 € 25.90 €



1 Natural No. 820128 13.95 € 16.60 € 2 Brown No. 820129 14.20 € 16.90 €



F I BLACK UNDULATE RAY LEATHER, MEDIUM GRINDING - EXTRA LARGE Approx. 45 x 18 cm No. 830861 34.12 € 40.60 €


Blank Approx. 120 x 250 mm Colour

3 Natural No. 709071 4 Brown No. 709072

6.97 € 7.48 €

8.30 € 8.90 €


B BARK-TANNED SWEDISH LEATHER, FOR MAKING KNIFE SHEATHS From the purveyor to the court: Jan Sandlund's B tannery, the official supplier of the Swedish royal court, makes this fine leather using a technique that is many centuries old. The time intensive process involves tanning the leather in bark extracts and then air drying it. The so-called »rough edge leather« has a beautiful natural patina that continues to improve with age. It is easy to shape when wet, but is very hard and wear resistant once dried. In addition, it will not corrode steel and is hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin. A truly unique natural product. Thickness approx. 2 mm 20 x 30 cm No. 820121 27.90 € 33.20 €







E KANGAROO LEATHER Its use for making football shoes and motorcycle clothing shows how very strong and indestructible this leather is. The skins of wild Australian kangaroos is vegetable tanned, barrel-dyed, and then milled mechanically. The processing with vegetable tanning substances makes the leather incredibly supple and smooth, it is skin friendly and easily processed. Wildware with typical natural properties. Whole hides, approx. 0.5 m2 Thickness approx. 0.6 mm Price per square decimeter

F ELK LEATHER Strong and supple: The skin of the Scandinavian elk uniquely combines qualities like softness and sturdiness. Its distinct texture becomes even more beautiful by use. The leather is equally suitable for clothing, bags, belts or linings. Gained as a by-product from hunting, the hides show two or more bullet holes. We supply whole or half hides. Thickness approx. 2.5 mm Approx. 11-22 sqft Price per sqft

Colour No. 1 Natural 2 Medium brown No. No. 3 Black

1 Medium brown No. 820099 10.67 € 12.70 € 2 Dark brown No. 820149 10.67 € 12.70 €

831188 1.60 € 1.90 € 831189 1.51 € 1.80 € 831246 1.51 € 1.80 €

(sqft. = square foot = 0.093 m2, conventional measuring unit for leather)


J LEATHER STRIP For belt loops and cords. 14 x 350 mm No. 709070 1.51 €

1.80 €


K SALMON LEATHER, BARK-TANNED The (approx. 0.4 mm thin) but hardwearing salmon leather is soft to the touch and easy to work with. Since the tanning is a complex process, this type of leather is rarely found in good quality. Our hides are plant tanned using chestnut bark in a procedure developed by the Nanai (original inhabitants of Siberia) and then varnished. Half skins. Approx. 60 x 10 cm No. 831275 20.92 € 24.90 €

G 1 L

2 3 4

C RHUBARB-TANNED SHEEP LEATHER This leather, garnered from the freerange sheep of the Lüneburger heath, is a real rarity. By raising the sheep in a species-appropriate manner and tanning the hide with a rhubarb-based tincture, this leather is as smooth as silk and exceedingly tear-resistant. The leather's beguiling aroma makes it ideal for clothing, purses, bags, shoe lining or wrapping handles. Whole hides. Thickness approx. 1.2 mm Size

ca. 0,5 m2 No. 831099 36.89 € 43.90 € ca. 0,7 m2 No. 831149 41.93 € 49.90 €

LEDER By Josephine Barbe. History, techniques, projects. This book contains important information on the history of leather and introduces types of leather and processing techniques. 25 projects, shoes, bags, cushions, jewellery and many more items are described comprehensibly and the degree of difficulty is indicated. 176 pages, 247 colour pictures, 65 illustrations, hardcover, 240 x 266 mm. In German. No. 713826 37.29 € 39.90 €



G RED DEER LEATHER The leather of the European red deer is soft, smooth and very tear-resistant. Processing with natural plant tanning substances makes it chrome-free and therefore very kind to your skin. A valuable and durable material for clothing and bags. Whole hide, approx. 0.9 - 1.4 m² Thickness 1.0 - 1.4 mm

L CATFISH LEATHER The leather of the catfish, one of the few fish without scales, is extremely tough, durable and easily shaped. Due to its fine pored structure, it is breathable and thus perfect for handle wrappings. Approx. 50 x 11 cm Colour

1 2 3 4

Reed Grey Black Brown

No. 831220 No. 831221 No. 831222 No. 831223

3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03

€ € € €

3.60 € 3.60 € 3.60 € 3.60 €


1 Dark brown No. 830873 91.60 € 109.00 € 2 Light brown No. 830874 91.60 € 109.00 €

More leather online at www.more-than-tools.de 193

Materials | Horn

Horn Since the dawn of mankind, horn has been used for a plethora of craft and artistic purposes. It can be worked relatively easily by sawing, sanding, turning or carving, it polishes well and can be reshaped when it is heated. Unlike plastic, horn is non-static, regulates moisture well and is gentle on the skin.

A 1


E INDIAN WATER BUFFALO HORN, EXTRA-LONG The extra-long horns of Indian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are genuine rarities. They are well suited for further processing for inlay, turning and jewelry work. Length at least 50 cm No. 831044 15.88 € 18.90 €

F Outside

2 A COLOURED COW HORN The vividly structured horn of the Indian and African cow (Bos Indicus) is a fantastic natural material. It is easy to work by turning, carving, sanding or steam bending to make vessels, knife handles, musical instruments, inlays or other unique objects. 1 Whole horns Extra-long horns, nicely striped colour, sanded and polished. Length approx. 500 mm Price per piece No. 831050 28.15 € 33.50 € 2 Horn plates Sanded and polished. Approx.100 x 50 x 3-4 mm Price per piece No. 831058 6.05 € 7.20 €



F HORNSTRIPS FOR BOWMAKERS In archery language, horn is said to have a »memory«, which means that after strain the material springs back to its original position. Therefore, this raw material is preferred in the making of bows from laminates. The raw material and the direction of the cut are essential for its use in bows. These horn strips from domesticated water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are cut from the outer curve of the horn and thus have the correct fibre flow. In addition, our horn always has the maximum length and no fibre twists. Overall length 650-750 mm No. 831290 25.13 € 29.90 € Overall length min. 750 mm No. 831291 37.73 € 44.90 €

J RAMS HORN, PAIR Spiral-shaped horn pairs from semi-wild Pyrenees sheep. Its wavy pattern makes it not only suitable for decorative objects, but also for craft applications, e.g. for hande scales or jewellery. Available in pairs only (taken from the same animal). Length ca. 300 mm No. 831059 71.34 € 84.90 €


K BUFFALO HORNS, TIPS These especially dense horns from African Zebu buffalos are ideal for amulets, brooches, buttons, bowls, spoons, knife handles, pipe mouthpieces and many other objects. Completely solid tip pieces. Length approx. 150-200 mm Ø Approx. 30-40 mm Approx. 150-350 g Price per 100 g No. 831293 4.03 € 4.80 €


N RAM'S HORN SCALE Sought-after material for knife handle scales: The horn of semi-wild pyrenean sheep is beautifully structured and easy to shape and finish. These characteristics make it especially suited as a material for making knife handle scales. Knifemakers who set a high value on great looks, natural materials and handles which are comfortable to hold appreciate Ram's Horn greatly. Even handles for larger knives may be made out of these generously dimensioned Ram's Horn Scales. Length 100-120 mm Width 30-40 mm Thickness 10-20 mm Price per piece No. 831185 9.08 € 10.80 €

O 1



B FLAT COW HORN PLATES, TRANSPARENT Their lively markings and translucency make them ideal for inlay work and art and craft objects. In restoration, they can be used as a substitute for tortoiseshell. 160 x 60 x 2 mm Price per piece No. 831089 12.61 € 15.00 €

C 1 2

L G BUFFALO HORN PLATES, EXTRA LONG Plates made from the extra long, black horns of the Indian water buffalo (bubalus bubalis), a domesticated and not endangered species. The plates are wellsuited for making jewelry, inlay, mouth pieces etc. Length approx. 400-500 mm Width approx. 40-60 mm Price per piece Thickness

3-5 mm No. 831031 6-9 mm No. 831032

3 C WATUSSI HORN SQUARES Horn squares made from African Watussi cattle, ideal for small turnery, jewellery, inlay etc. 75 x 15 x 15 mm Colour

No. 831035 1 Dark 2 Medium No. 831036 No. 831037 3 Light

6.22 € 6.22 € 6.22 €

7.40 € 7.40 € 7.40 €


16.55 € 19.70 € 22.27 € 26.50 €


H BLACK BUFFALO HORN PLATE, POLISHED The horn of the African water buffalo is a fantastic natural material. It is easy to work by turning, carving, sanding or steam bending. When used as a knife handle, it can be refined with white ornaments using the scrimshaw technique. Sanded and polished. Approx. 100 x 50 x 3-4 mm No. 831224 3.28 € 3.90 € I

D COW HORN PLATES Plates made from Norman cow horn with steam heating and pressing. Due to their lively yellow-brown pattern and transparency, they look just like (protected) tortoise shell. Suitable for intarsia, restoring (in place of tortoise shell), jewellery and lighting objects. Approx. 150-200 cm2 Thickness approx. 4-8 mm Approx. 100 g Price per 100 g No. 831292 4.20 € 5.00 € 194

L BUFFALO HORN TIPS, POLISHED Polished water buffalo horn tips, suitable for bow tips, jewellery, furniture handles and other small objects. Length ca. 6-7 cm Ø Approx. 20-25 mm Price per piece No. 831033 7.48 € 8.90 €

I BUFFALO HORN PLATES, HONEY-COLOURED These buffalo horn plates from Indian water buffalo are decolourised and then dyed to give them a beautiful honey colour. They are ideal for knife handle shells, ornaments or inlays. 125 x 36 x 9,5 m Price per pair No. 719576 7.48 € 8.90 €

O REINDEER HORN Pieces and slices of reindeer horn, ideal for knife handle tips, handle scales and connecting pieces. 1 Slices Ø approx. 20-30 mm Thickness 14 mm Price per piece No. 709068 3.45 € 4.10 € 2 Lengths Ø ca. 20-30 mm Length ca. 100-300 mm Approx. 70-250 g Price per 100 g No. 709134 4.37 € 5.20 €



M YAK HORNS, PAIR Due to the hard living conditions in the highlands of Central Asia, yak horns possess an especially high density and firmness, as well as a massive cross section over a large part of their length. Yak horn* is therefore eminently suitable for handle scales, fine turning work and many other craftwork applications. Delivered in pairs. * The horns originate from the domesticated yaks of Mongolia and are not subject to species protection. Length approx. 400 mm No. 831161 62.18 € 74.00 €

P STAG HORN CROWN PIECES Stag horn crowns are rarities especially sought after by scrimshaw artists. Their high density make detailed work possible, which is in beautiful contrast to the pedicle shell. Also suitable for inlays, small turnery and ornamental items. Base sanded and polished. Ø 50-60 mm Price per piece No. 831060 5.13 € 6.10 € Tools for engraving horn according to the scrimshaw technique available online: www.more-than-tools.de

Materials | Other animal materials, Shoji paper


Other animal materials A A BONE PLATES For making knife handle scales, inlays, jewellery and as a replacement for elephant ivory. Very hard and resistant to wear, easy to sand and finish. Made from thick-walled, sterilized water buffalo bones. Price per piece 55 x 18 x 5 mm No. 831154 55 x 18 x 2 mm No. 831155 95 x 32 x 6* mm No. 831156 95 x 32 x 2 mm No. 831157

3.78 €

4.50 €

3.78 €

4.50 €

6.97 €

8.30 €

6.97 €

8.30 €

D IVORY ALTERNATIVE Ideal for knife handles: The high-grade ivory alternative made of polyester comes astoundingly close to real ivory, which is species protected. The colour and fine grain give the material a natural appearance. The ivory alternative is good to work with and can be polished to a high gloss finish.

D 1

* Due to their larger size, these pieces may have some natural curvature and be slightly more porous.

Mother-of-Pearl The shimmering multi-layered deposits found on the inside surface of sea shells yield one of the most fascinating natural materials known to humankind. Motherof-pearl's magical glossiness and intriguing array of colors make it perfect for enhancing the appearance of turnery, furniture, ornamental objects, toys and music instruments. It is easy to work and

1 Block Ideal for buttons, jewellery, knife handles with a hidden tang or flat tang and for making musical instruments. 130 x 35 x 25 mm. No. 831172 12.02 € 14.30 €

polish and therefore ideal for intarsia, marquetry and jewelry applications. The white, pink, black and gold motherof-pearl is harvested from the saltwater pearl (pinctada maxima). The paua mother-of-pearl is harvested from a mussle species (haliotis iris) from the South Seas that has a highly figured and colorful grain (blue/turquoise/green). Thickness approx. 1.3 mm




2 B CAMEL BONE - HANDLE SCALES Smooth white camel-bone panels for use as knife handle shells, ornaments or inlays. Price per pair. Flat 130 x 40 x 6 mm No. 719585 8.32 € 9.90 € Half-round 115 x 33 x 6 mm No. 719575 8.32 € 9.90 € Half-round 130 x 40 x 6 mm No. 719574 10.00 € 11.90 €

Mammoth tusks The fascinating, 10,000 year old relics are the fossilized tusks of the Siberian woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius). The pieces offered here have a lively surface pattern, polished, with a flat ground back. Can be used as handle scales, for turning an ordinary knife into a unique rarity.

2 Handle shells 254 x 38 x 9.5 mm No. 831416 254 x 38 x 6 mm No. 831415

10.00 € 11.90 € 7.98 €

30.59 €

36.40 €

Please note: All of the natural materials offered here are not subject to species conservation (CITES). The source species are not in danger of extinction.


1 White 2 Black 3 Gold

No. 830845 27.23 € 32.40 € No. 830846 41.93 € 49.90 € No. 830847 33.53 € 39.90 €


L RED DEER BACK SINEW Because of their length and high quality, back sinews of red deer are perfect for laminated backings on wooden or composite bows. The lamination (backing) with shredded sinew prevents breakage and reinforces the bow. The sinew fibres can also be used for the traditional bow string splices. The dried sinew strands (approx.10-30 g) are stored in dry conditions and will last almost indefinitely. Overall length at least 450 mm No. 831228 12.61 € 15.00 €

H Horse Hair Horse hair has long been used for manufacturing brushes, woven fabrics and upholstery. However, its toughness, elasticity and pleasantness to the touch make it ideal for making hand-crafted objects as well. It can be woven into fabrics, string or ropes and lends jewelry and artistic objects its wonderful silky gloss and attractive, natural appearance. For example, the 'hitching' technique can be used to make beautiful armbands and decorative objects from multi-coloured horse hair (see: www.horsehairdesign.de). The hair we offer is 'dressed' sorted by length and color, chemically washed and disinfected multiple times and the defective hair has been removed.

Shoji paper (Shoji Gami) 1

E BLACK HAIR Natural colour, very strong, silky gloss. Length approx. 700 mm No. 820085 24.54 € 29.20 €

No. 830800 5.63 € 6.70 € No. 830802 6.64 € 7.90 € No. 830804 11.68 € 13.90 €

Japanese sliding doors, known as Shoji, serve to create a subtle barrier between light and space, interior and exterior, thereby giving rooms a uniquely enchanting atmosphere. They are traditionally covered with translucent paper, which is applied to the wooden lattice using rice glue. Shoji paper is also suitable for Japanese lamps, lanterns, prints and ink paintings. Rice glue included.

I 1





I EYES, Ø 5 mm Circular pieces. 20 pieces per pack. Colour

White Pink Gold Paua

No. 830816 No. 830822 No. 830834 No. 830840

2.69 2.94 2.94 2.94

€ € € €

3.20 € 3.50 € 3.50 € 3.50 €



Tip: Horse hair is also an exceptional polishing material for smoothing wooden surfaces, e.g. after applying oil.



1 White 2 Black 3 Paua

F F WHITE HAIR Natural color (unbleached), thin and flexible, colorable, silky gloss. Length approx. 600 mm No. 820087 28.49 € 33.90 €


H SQUARES 5-piece sets. 20 x 20 mm

1 2 3 4


No. 831090


G IRREGULAR PLATES Random assortments of sizes. 50 grams per pack (5-10 plates). From 20 x 30 mm to 40 x 60 mm

9.50 €


C MAMMOTH HANDLE SCALES, BROWN Tusks harvested from permafrost zones or glacial ice. They are notable for their particularly attractive brownish colouring and are highly sought after by knife-makers and collectors alike. 55 x 18 x 5 mm Price per pair


K OSTRICH SINEWS, 5 PIECES Ideal for laminated backings on wooden or composite bows. The lamination increases draw strength and prevents breakage of the bow. Almost unlimited durability when stored under dry conditions. These sinews are dried gently at our company and so keep their elasticity after drying. 7-9 sinews are adequate for one composite bow. One sinew approx. 10-30 g Minimum length 300 mm No. 831247 15.04 € 17.90 €




J EYES, Ø 10 mm Circular pieces. 20 pieces per pack. Colour

1 2 3 4

White Pink Gold Paua

No. 830818 No. 830824 No. 830836 No. 830842

4.96 5.46 5.46 5.46

M SHOJI PAPER, PLAIN 1 roll 28 cm x 18.8 m No. 716100 8.32 € 9.90 € 1 roll 94 cm x 7.2 m No. 716103 11.68 € 13.90 €

€ € € €

5.90 € 6.50 € 6.50 € 6.50 €

More mother-of-pearl available online at www.more-than-tools.de

N SHOJI PAPER, BAMBOO PRINT Delicate, watermark-like design. 1 roll N 94 cm x 7.2 m No. 716107 12.18 €

14.50 €

O SHOJI PAPER, FIBRE PATTERN Fine, light fibre inclusions. 1 roll O 94 cm x 7.2 m No. 715997 11.68 €

13.90 € 195

Materials | Steels

Steels Multi-layer steel

Mono steel



A PM SUMINAGASHI FLAT STEEL For ultimate requirements: This novel Japanese blade steel leaves nothing to be desired: A core of the hardest powder metallurgical steel SG-2* makes the blade wear-resistant and tough, the double-sided suminagashi plating, made of nickel and rustproof stainless steel, gives it a spectacular appearance. Whether used as a kitchen knife or for outdoor use, this steel impresses with its outstanding durability, sharpness retention and resistance to corrosion. Flat stock, untempered, further processing by forging, heat treatment instructions included.

D MULTI-LAYER STEEL (SUMINAGASHI) The finest white paper steel 22-layer 1,5 mm Suminagashi steel with a medial layer of White Paper Steel. The 11 layers 11 layers multi-layer 5.5 mm steel can be ground or forged and then hardened to produce blades of both incredible sharpness and resilience. Flat steel, not stainless. Supplied unhardened with heat treatment instructions. 5.5 x 33 mm x 1 m No. 719610 53.19 € 63.30 €

* (C 1,3%, Cr 15%, Mo 3%, V 2%) 7 x 30 x 490 mm No. 719613 172.18 € 204.90 € 3 x 40 x 250 mm No. 719627 54.54 € 64.90 €


B SUMINAGASHI FLAT STEEL, EXTRA THIN Stainless, for cooking and folding knives: 33 layers of the best knife steel are revealed in this Suminagashi steel through a flat bevel and appropriate etching. Extremely edge-retaining medial layer from VG10 gold steel*. The outer layers of stainless steel give the blade the typical Suminagashi grain. The forging surface is not ground-finished, tempering instructions included. *(1% C, 15% Cr, 1% Mo, 0,2% V, 1,5% Co) 2-2.2 x 55 x 250 mm No. 719614 36.47 € 43.40 €



C JAPANESE MULTI-LAYER STEEL »KATANA« Close to the sword: Steel with this composition was frequently used in Japanese swords (Katana). The high carbon core layer does 8 layers 1.5 mm 8 layers only extend to the middle of the blade's profile. Multiple layers of softer steel folded on either side make this metal virtually unbreakable with excellent cutting properties. This type of construction also minimizes the risk of cracking during hardening. Usually the steel is forged further, but a blade can also be ground from the steel directly. The material is supplied unhardened; instructions for heat treatment included (final hardness 62 Rockwell). Not rust-proof.

1 White Paper Steel core


Finest grain, sharpest grade. (C 1,2%, S<0.004%, P<0.025%) 5.5 x 35 x 380 mm No. 719617 28.99 € 34.50 €

2 Blue Paper Steel core


Somewhat tougher and more wear-resistant (carbide formation) than White Paper Steel, with a slightly coarser grain. (C 1.2%, Cr 0.4%, W 1.8%) 5.5 x 35 x 380 mm No. 719618 31.85 € 37.90 €



G BLUE PAPER STEEL Tough and edge retaining:


Alloyed Japanese carbon-steel, martensitic, due to carbide formation somewhat tougher and more wear-resistant than White Paper Steel, coarser grain. With heat treatment instructions. (C 1,1-1,2%, Si 0,1-0,2%, Mn 0,2-0,3%, Cr 0,2-0,5%, W 1,0-1,5%, P <0,025%, S <0,004%) 4.5 x 30 x 500 mm No. 719621 31.01 € 36.90 €


1 2 3 E DAMASCUS FLAT STEEL High-performance Damascus: This beautifully structured Damascus Flat Steel with 192 layers is made in the Indus Valley. It is forged from low alloy 1095 carbon-steel (1.274) and Nickel steel 15N20, which is often used for band saws. A powerful combination! The silvery Nickel steel contrasts strongly with the darker 1095 carbon steel, which produces this nice pattern. Comes with detailed heat treating instructions. 230 x 38 x 4 mm 280 g 1 Random damascus No. 719402 48.66 € 57.90 € 2 Rose damascus No. 719404 67.14 € 79.90 € 3 Firestorm damascus No. 719406 67.14 € 79.90 €

F JAPANESE TRIPLE-LAYER STEEL Japanese triplePaper steel layer steel is 1.0 mm renowned for its extraordinary sharpness, long edge life and excellent sharp3.5 mm enability (minimal burr). They can either be ground (using wet grinders) or forged into the desired form. Also suitable for making Damascus steel (folding techniques). Semifinished product, not stainless. Supplied unhardened with instructions for hardening and tempering. 3.5 x 33 x 350 mm

Non-alloy Japanese carbon-steel, finest martensitic structure. Extremely sharp, close to sword steel. With heat treatment instructions. (C 1,1-1,2%, Si 0,1-0,2%, P <0,025%, S <0,004%) 4.5 x 30 x 500 mm No. 719620 24.87 € 29.60 €

»This is what knife makers have been waiting for.« Magazine »Katana«, 2007


I SWEDISH STEEL Sheets made of cold-rolled Uddeholm carbon-steel for forging tool and knife blades. Also suitable for forge welding. Comes with heat treatment instructions. Steel No. 1770 (C 0.7%, Si 0.4%, Mn 0.7%, P <0.035%, S <0.05%) annealed, oil hardened, final hardness Approx. 56-59 HRC. 2.5 x 120 x 500 mm No. 709099 16.72 € 19.90 € 2.5 x 120 x 1000 mm No. 709098 27.06 € 32.20 € For workshops on forging see online www.more-than-tools.de/workshops


2 1 Medial layer White Paper Steel Unalloyed, extremely fine crystalline structure, similar to sword steel. Side layers from low-carbon-steel, not hardening. 3.5 x 33 x 350 mm No. 719615 12.69 € 15.10 € 2 Medial layer Blue Paper Steel Lightly alloyed, due to carbide formation somewhat tougher and more wear-resistant. Steel with low carbon content, not hardening. 3.5 x 33 x 350 mm No. 719616 15.04 € 17.90 €

JAPANESE SWORD STEEL TAMAHAGANE The dream of every sword smith: Japanese masters made the queen of blades from amorphous material. Original Tamahagane is made in the days-long Tatara process using the purest ore sand (masa) and pine charcoal. We have a small quota of this precious material, which formed the basis of over 1000 years of high culture of forging swords. The material can be made into blades by experienced blacksmiths, and is also an asset to every collection as an object, due to its mystically shimmering fragments, which are streaked by coloured metal oxides. 750-1000 g Price per g No. 719608 0.25 € 0.30 €

H WHITE PAPER STEEL The finest grain:

Triple-layer steels




MESSER SCHMIEDEN FÜR ANFÄNGER From the workshop series by Ernst G. Siebeneicher and Jürgen Rosinski. This practical manual gives a straightforward and good value introduction to the fascinating hobby of bladesmithing. With countless step-by-step photos, it shows you how to construct a simple smith's hearth, how to make the necessary tools yourself, how to forge a stick tang blade out of spring steel and to make it into a finished knife. 128 pages, numerous colour photographs, softcover, 170 x 230 mm. In German. No. 713796 27.85 € 29.80 €

Semifinished metal materials


K STEEL MOKUME, IN PLATE FORM Mokume Gane is synonymous with vivid patterns and a play of colours in the material, produced through time-consuming work. The semifinished product is suitable for making handcrafted objects, from jewellery to knife handle scales. It can be worked by filing, sawing, grinding, polishing, soldering or cold-forming. The plate has 24 layers and is made by hot isostatic pressing of numerous layers of steel, copper and brass. Approx. 100 x 50 x 4 mm No. 719612 44.79 € 53.30 €

L L MOSAIC PINS Decorations instead of rivets: Give your knife handle shells a touch of class with these fetching mosaic pins made in Japan. The rosette-shaped pattern is composed of fine brass and copper wires cased in a high-strength stainless steel tube. Also suitable for embedding in jewellery and decorative art. Length 120 mm





Ø mm

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

mm mm mm mm

No. 708390 No. 708391 No. 708392 No. 708393


20.92 20.92 20.92 20.92

€ € € €

24.90 € 24.90 € 24.90 € 24.90 €


HEAD PLATES Brass. 20 x 30 x 3 mm For blade thickness

2.5 mm 3.2 mm

No. 709069 No. 709101

1.85 € 1.85 €

2.20 € 2.20 €

ÂťThe hocho is the soul of the cookÂŤ. Japanese proverb

Traditional hocho | 201

Western design hocho | 208

Knives for special applications | 216

Kitchen utensils | 218 Knife blocks | 218 Cutting boards | 219 Peeler, rasps and accessories | 220 Tea bowls, tea boxes and teapots | 222 Cast-iron cookware | 224

Hunting and outdoor knives | 225

Blades and blade blanks | 239

Knife kits | 241

Obsidian | 242

Brief glossary of steel terms | 242



KITCHEN QUALITY STARTS WITH CUTTING Tools reflect the state of our culture.


The tools we use to cut food, for example, don't just say something about our cooking


Ultra-sharp cutting for exquisite taste

The superb taste is achieved by a sharp, refined shape and the effort that was put into clean cut that severs the cells rather than their manufacture reflect our respect for what squashing or crushing them, as a duller


nature provides.

blade might. This also means that the food

slices are no problem, even with ripe

retains all its flavours. When cutting onions,

tomatoes. Wide blade for good guidance

culture - but the quality of their blades, their

Vegetable knife with straight blade for clean cutting on the chopping board; paper-thin

a sharp blade has the added benefit that only along the finger knuckles.


a little juice leaks from the cuts - and it's

Japan has cultivated the aesthetics of food

mainly the essential oils contained in the


preparation like no other country, with the

juice that bring tears to the eyes.

For small fish and for cleaning vegetables and salads, as well as chopping herbs.

Hocho - the handforged knife - being the most important tool. With it, the cook


Minimal cutting effort


They stay sharp longer and are


very easy to sharpen

For cutting and filleting fish or ham with

celebrates the art of cutting, which makes the preparation of fine fish and delicate vegetables a feast for the eyes. The razor-

a pull stroke. Slim blade in the shape of a

sharp cut doesn't crush the cells, the juice is retained, and the natural flavour of the foods comes into its own. Iron (soft, resilient)

Carbon steel (hard)


willow leaf or Katana (sword).

The blade shapes are wide, the rear cutting edge stays sharp.

You can use the full length of the cutting edge, which is an advantage both for


chopping and filleting.

For cutting fish and light mincing. Thick, wide blade. The back of the blade can be used to chop thin bones.

The blades are forged traditionally in multiple layers, with hard carbon steel forge-


welded with tough iron. Only this elaborate


procedure ensures an optimum synthesis of

Small all-purpose knife for fruit, peeling and cutting small objects.

breaking strength and ultimate sharpness.


In this respect, Hocho clearly show their

All-round knife for meat, fish and vegetables

relation to the Samurai sword.

(Santoku = the three virtues). Wide blade for

The shape of these knives has developed

good guidance along the finger knuckles.


solely from their intended purpose, which gives them an aesthetic quality not remotely


influenced by fashion trends. The light

Versatile cooking knife for cutting up,

As a start, we recommend a Santoku

wooden handles, the well-balanced design

filleting and preparing meat and fish. Slim

(all-purpose knife) and a Petty

and the extraordinary sharpness make using

blades for intricate tasks, pull or push cuts.

(fruit and peeling knife).

Hocho a remarkable experience. More than 25 years' import experience, the best contacts to leading Japanese forges and, last but not least, a 3-year warranty are your HOCHO TERMS

guarantee of quality for the blades. Tip (kisaki)

Blade (hira)

Back (mune)

Bevel line (shinogisuji)

Ferrule (kuchigane)

Bevel (kiriha) Temper line (hamon)

Tang (nakago)

Cutting edge (ha)

Blade length (hawatari)


Neck (emoto)

Heel (ago)

Handle end (ejiri)

Handle (e)



it finer, which improves the mechanical

b) Design with full-length tang and handle

and chemical properties of the steel. Forged

shells (integral or semi-integral design):

blades can be distinguished in particular by

Depending on the material, these knives are

The Japanese company Hitachi Metals

the increasing thickness of the back of the

normally hard-wearing. However, their centre

makes special cutting steels which represent

blade towards the tang, which makes the

of gravity is slightly further back and they are

the highest global standard and are used for

blade stronger and improves the balance.

usually more heavy than a).

almost all the Hocho we offer. These Yasuki

The backs of stamped blades, on the other

Special Steels (YSS), named after their place

hand, are evenly thick. In machine forging,

of origin, are produced from iron sand, the

only a few shaping steps are normally carried

same material that was used to make the

out, which calls for much higher temperatures BEWARE OF FAKES

legendary Samurai swords. They have a highly

than hand forging - and high heat


Highest quality: not rustproof

pure structure and thus offer the best achiev- has a negative effect on the structure.

Widely used Japanese-looking knives from

able sharpness for cutting. Different variants

Asian low-wage countries are often only

of this steel are used for different purposes:


White Paper Steel (Unalloyed carbon steel)

CHOOSING THE RIGHT KNIFE Choosing the right knife depends primarily on

similar in shape to the original Hocho. All Hochos from DICTUM come from

is particularly hard and has an especially fine

the intended purpose (vegetables, fish, meat,

martensitic structure. This means you can

all-purpose, etc.), but you should also

grind it to exceptional sharpness, which it

consider how much time you are prepared

You can distinguish mass-produced knives

retains for a long time. These blades are

to spend on looking after it. How »easy-care«

by the low quality of their materials and

particularly suitable for the gentle preparation

a knife is depends mainly on the blade steel


of foods - but they are prone to oxidation,

and the design of the handles: How do i recognise a Japanese knife?

which means rust.


Blue Paper Steel

Japan and are of the best quality.

Blade steel

The visible quality features of original

a) Classic carbon steel (one or more layers):

Japanese knives include:

A compromise is the slightly alloyed,

not rustproof. The blade must therefore be

corrosion-resistant Blue Paper Steel. Original

dried after use and regularly oiled. However,

- The traditional form.

Japanese knives made from these materials

it achieves ultimate sharpness and is easy to

- They often have a Japanese signature,

are treated with non-corrosive, food-safe


not a Chinese one, which is usually engraved in the metal individually by the smith.

oils (e.g. camellia oil) to prevent oxidation. b) Carbon steel for the cutting edge, embed-

- As Japanese blades are always made of

ded in stainless steel (three or more layers).

at least two and usually even three layers

Nowadays, Western-style knives are also

The blade is largely rustproof, only the

of metal, a wavy border line must be visible

made from powder-metallurgy steels (so-

exposed cutting edge can oxidise. A good

at the cutting edge.

called PM steels), which are even harder

compromise between maintenance require-

- The so-called Suminagashi pattern -

than low-alloy steel types and are even

ments and ease of sharpening. As sharp as a).

the damask-like structure of the multi-layer


PM steels

steel - is often imitated in cheap knives by

rustproof. However, they cannot be ground to such a fine cutting edge as unalloyed carbon

c) Stainless steel (one or more layers).

etching, which becomes apparent at the

steel (White Paper Steel).

The blade is rustproof and does not need to

latest during sharpening. When buying a

be oiled. However, due to the high chromium

knife, compare two knives of the same type.

content, it is not as easy to sharpen (chromium

The etched pattern is always the same, while

see »Expert Knowledge« on our website

affects the sharpening stone and causes a

the structure lines of multilayer steel are


larger burr). These knives are also unfit for

slightly different in each knife.

the dishwasher.

- Original Japanese knives are all products of

For more information on cutting steels,

high-quality workmanship: The blade must


be absolutely straight and must sit equally

Forged or stamped?

straight in the handle. No traces of machine

Forging by hand carefully forms the workpiece, always keeping it within the optimum

Handle construction:

grinding must be visible on the cutting edge,

temperature range. The striking force and

a) Classic design with attached wooden

and the tip is also finely ground.

frequency are applied as required. This re-

handles: These can expand when wet and

sults in a forming process that also benefits

may become loose (light tapping will tighten

the crystalline structure of the metal, making

them again). These knives must be kept dry. 199




For precise cuts, e.g.

Cutting pad

for thin slices, guide the

The correct cutting pad - and this applies

blade along the finger

to all knives, not just original Japanese ones -

knuckles of the free

is made of wood or plastic. Working on porce-


lain, marble or glass quickly dulls the blade.

- All knives come with a sharpening pass

Unlike in European practice, Japanese chefs

for two free sharpenings. Send us your knives

prefer soft woods such as gingko or cypress.

and we will return them razor-sharp within a

For peeling cuts, e.g.


few days. All you pay is the postage.

when cutting up a radish


or cucumber, hold and

Contrary to some advertising claims, even


turn the piece of food

the best knife will not stay sharp forever.

- High classed knives include the unlimited

close to the cutting edge.

Sharpening once in a while is therefore

sharpening service.

essential if you want to enjoy using your

Just send us your knife whenever you feel

Hocho permanently. Japanese kitchen knives

it's not sharp enough. You will get it back

are exclusively sharpened on fine-grained

sharpened free of charge within a few days.

For decorative cuts,

waterstones. Therefore you require at least

All you pay is the postage.

hold the blade close

a combination sharpening stone. Dry grinding

to the tip.

tools, such as sharpening steels, mechanical grinding tools or sharpening machines,


should not be used.

- We also sharpen knives from other

Depending on how sharp you want your blade

manufacturers. See our webshop or page 5

Use the back cutting

and how often you use the knife, you should

for prices.

edge for removing

sharpen it 1-12 times a year (the sushi

blemishes from fruit

chef whets it every day, similar to a razor).

and vegetables, turning

We provide instructions with each knife.

Store your knives in a wooden knife block,

the piece of food. Sharpening courses

For filleting and sashimi,

knife rest or casket. Japanese cooks wrap

The perfect introduction to the art of

their knives in individual cloths.

sharpening knives given by experts who

We advise against using magnetic holders

were trained in Japan.

because they magnetise the blade and make it harder to sharpen.

guide the knife with pulling strokes. The


Training video

bevelled section points

Demonstrates the sharpening of Japanese




Clean the knife by hand, rinsing it under luke-warm water and, if required, adding a

Sharpening primer

little washing-up liquid. Do not use scouring

Our sharpening primer can be downloaded

powder and never put the knife in the

free of charge at our webshop.

dishwasher, even if it is rustproof. Stained or slightly rusty blades can be cleaned with a rust eraser.


Knives | Traditional hocho

Traditional hocho Outstanding knives with traditional blade shapes have been made in the traditional manner in small Japanese foundries for centuries. Often with a high level of manual work or even completely handmade. Knives of this classical form are known as »Wabocho« in Japan. They are valued by experts because of the best steels, carefully selected materials for the handles and ferrules, a high level of workmanship, original design – and last but not least, extreme sharpness and sharpness retention.


The blades usually have a hard carbon steel core forge welded to one or two outer layers of iron – similar to multilayer Samurai swords. Traditional materials and forms are also used for the handles. In a demanding acceptance process, DICTUM selects the best manufacturers on site and carefully checks the quality of all products.

From master´s hand The master blacksmith performs all the important work only for very special works of art. This makes every piece unique, special and valuable. The blacksmith guarantees this with his name.

A KOBAYASHI HOCHO DELUXE Spectacular blades from master craftsman: The forging of knives has always had a strongly mystical cultural history. This is the only explanation for the fact that the products are often enhanced way beyond their actual utility. The passionate search for perfection characterised by the Samurai sword blacksmiths can still be found in certain blacksmiths today. The imperial supplier Kobayashi Sensei is a member of this species. His Hochos are perfectly formed compositions of the finest materials. He joins multiply folded, high-purity carbon-steel to a cutting edge of Blue Paper Steel to make exceptional blades with a hardness of 61 HRC: a classical wave pattern on the wide sides of the blade and a breathtakingly sharp cutting edge. Handle made of makassar ebony, a very dense, non-fading and ageing-resistant exotic wood. With buffalo horn ferrule. 14 layers, right-bevelled, not rustproof.

Inclusive sharpening service for free. Please note the information on page 5. Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products Two free sharpenings


1 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 180 mm Overall length 320 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 220 g No. 719046 389.92 €


464.00 €

2 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade in the form of a willow leaf. Blade length 300 mm Overall length 460 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 260 g No. 719407 564.71 € 672.00 €


3 Deba Thick-walled blade for cutting and light chopping. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 335 mm Blade thickness 9 mm 430 g No. 719045 604.20 € 719.00 €


Knives | Traditional hocho

Shigeki Hocho Every piece is unique: Master Shigeki practices steel folding and forge welding with great virtuosity to create blades with an enchanting aesthetic - each one unique in its structure.

A SHIGEKI HOCHO »CLASSIC« Hard Blue Paper Steel is used for the core cutting layer and low alloyed steels for the outer layers. Every piece is hand signed and packed in a beautiful case made of kiriwood. Magnolia wood handle with a buffalo horn ferrule. Hardness approx. 62 HRC, not rustproof.


1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) 31 layers, double-bevelled. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 130 g No. 719290 100.00 € 119.00 €


2 Sashimi (fish knife) 16 layers, single right-hand bevel. Blade length 230 mm Overall length 375 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 160 g No. 719183 146.22 € 174.00 €


3 Deba 16 layers, single right-hand bevel. Blade length 170 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 6.5 mm 280 g No. 719184 146.22 € 174.00 €


B SHIGEKI HOCHO »URUSHI HANDLE« Combining an ancient tradition of Japanese lacquerware with a fine blade to create a unique masterpiece. In Japan, the art of lacquerware has been developed to ultimate perfection. Japanese artisans have redesigned the magnolia wood handles of our new urushi* series following this technique. They are coated with deep red urushi varnish

and show highly attractive fine gold decorations on the left side of the handle. Every piece is hand signed and packed in a beautiful case made of kiriwood. Polished buffalo horn ferrule. Cutting edge of Blue Paper Steel. Hardness approx. 62 HRC, not rustproof. *Urushi is extracted from the sap of the

Japanese varnish tree and has been used for varnishing furniture, bowls, jars and handles for more than 6000 years. Urushi is resistant to water, heat, alcohol, acids, alkaline solutions and solvents and it is non-aging and food-safe. Urushi varnishing is considered the supreme discipline of Japanese art of lacquering.

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) 31 layers, double-bevelled. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 130 g No. 719332 150.42 € 179.00 € 2 Sashimi (fish knife) 16 layers, single right-hand bevel. Blade length 230 mm Overall length 375 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 165 g No. 719331 247.90 € 295.00 €

B 1




3 Deba 16 layers, single right-hand bevel. Blade length 170 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 6.5 mm 285 g No. 719330 247.90 € 295.00 €

Knives | Traditional hocho

A SHIGEFUSA HOCHO Original and pure: Master Shigefusa uses original materials to create knives in classical shapes following the strict code of traditional

Japanese aesthetics. With meditative devotion, he creates the finest blades in his workshop using traditional swordsmithing methods. This includes forge welding of the individual layers in a

charcoal furnace, forming of the blades with a scraper blade and then grinding and polishing by hand on a veritable arsenal of water stones. Magnolia wood handles with buffalo horn ferrules. Cut-


ting edge of high-carbon steel, hardness approx. 64 HRC, not rustproof.

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) 61 layers, double-bevelled. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 150 g No. 719137 280.67 € 334.00 €


2 Usuba (vegetable knife) Triple-layered blade, double-bevelled. Surface has a forged structure, gunmetal finish. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 180 g No. 719206 138.66 € 165.00 €


Creations from master craftsmen

B NAKAGOSHI HOCHO These traditional Japanese kitchen knives are handmade by Mr. Satoshi Nakagohi and his son in his small workshop on the island Shikoku. The blades have two layers, with a cutting edge of White Paper Steel and are bevelled on one side. The magnolia wood handles fit securely in the hand. Not rustproof. Hardness approx. 61 HRC. Bevel right.

B 1

1 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 150 g No. 719471 62.94 € 74.90 €


2 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 280 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 80 g No. 719472 57.98 € 69.00 €


3 Blade length 200 mm Overall length 345 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 125 g No. 719473 65.97 € 78.50 €


4 Blade length 270 mm Overall length 420 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 210 g No. 719474 83.61 € 99.50 € 5 Deba Blade length 180 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade thickness 8 mm 375 g No. 719475 104.20 € 124.00 €

Knives of the Nakagoshi series for left-handers can be found in our web shop at www.more-than-tools.de



C TRADITIONAL KNIVES 3-piece set Price advantage The best knives from the two master blacksmiths Hayashi and Nakagoshi in a single set: - 719027 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719471 Usuba (vegetable knife) - 719473 Sashimi (fish knife) - 705886 wooden case No. 719470 190.76 € 227.00 € 203

Knives | Traditional hocho

A HAYASHI HOCHO Light and elegant: Aesthetically pleasing knife with a twelve-layer blade from Damascus steel. The blade is grounded very thin and allows you to cut very fine. The handles are made of water-resistant magnolia wood with ferrules of glue-laminated exotic wood. Cutting edge of White Paper Steel with a hardness of approx. 60 HRC. Not rustproof, bevelled on both sides.

A 2

All knives are supplied with or without a wooden sheath as desired.



Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 140 g

1 2

Sheath With Without

No. 719112 No. 719207


80.59 € 95.90 € 67.14 € 79.90 €


3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 145 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 80 g

3 4

Sheath With Without

No. 719226 No. 719225

Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 140 g

76.89 € 91.50 € 65.97 € 78.50 €

B TADAFUSA HOCHO Hammer marks on the forged skin - Art and handcraft of high utility: The individual traces of the blacksmith’s hammer from this traditional workshop can be seen in the so-called »forged skin« on the 3-layered blade surface. This not only gives the blade a raw, original appearance but also makes it easier to care for, making this doublebevelled knife robust and suitable for daily use. The cutting edge of non-rustproof Blue Paper Steel is perfectly polished and sharpened, the outer layers are of rustproof steel. The glue-laminated, exotic wood ferrule provides an attractive visual contrast to the blades. Hardness approx. 63 HRC.

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 130 g No. 719077 67.14 € 2 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 135 g No. 719078 67.14 € 3 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 135 g No. 719141 65.46 € 4 Ajikiri (trimming knife) Blade length 105 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 80 g No. 719142 46.97 € 204

5 6

Sheath With Without

No. 719228 No. 719227

83.11 € 98.90 € 71.34 € 84.90 €

3-piece set Price advantage Sheath With Without

No. 719432 217.65 € 259.00 € No. 719433 184.87 € 220.00 €

B 1


3 79.90 €

4 79.90 €


77.90 €

55.90 €

5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719077 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719078 Usuba (vegetable knife) - in an elegant gift box No. 719088 127.73 € 152.00 €

Knives | Traditional hocho

A KURO OCHI HOCHO The archetype of the Japanese knife: Each of these 3-layered blades, made according to a traditional design, is personally signed by the master blacksmith. The cutting edge of hard blue paper steel (61 HRC) is flanked by tough steel. The black-burned surface forms an effective contrast to the ferrule of extremely rare, grained buffalo horn and the handle of natural magnolia wood. Not rustproof. 1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 160 g No. 719251 56.22 € 2 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 140 g No. 719252 49.33 € 3 Ajikiri (trimming knife) Blade length 120 mm Overall length 235 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 60 g No. 719250 48.49 € 4 Herbs Knife Blade length 90 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 2.7 mm 70 g No. 719249 44.03 €

B 1



A 1

66.90 €


58.70 €

5 3 57.70 €

52.40 €

5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719251 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719252 Usuba (vegetable knife) No. 719339 95.80 € 114.00 €


B SUIMON HOCHO The interestingly patterned blade is made of Japanese Damascus steel which has been very carefully, highly polished. The cutting edge is made out of high-alloy SKD11 steel* with a hardness of 62 Rockwell which holds an edge perfectly. The core layer is sandwiched between two layers of pure nickel and stainless steel, a total of 32 layers each side. This build up produces the contrasting blade pattern and leads to additional breaking strength and rust resistance. The octagonal shape of the magnolia wood handle combined with two genuine water buffalo horn bolsters completes the perfect look of the knife. Rust resistant. *Steel analysis: 1.6 % carbon, 13 % chromium, 1 % molybdenum, 0.4 % vanadium 1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade thickness 2,5 mm 130 g. No. 719360 184.03 € 219.00 € 2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 185 mm Overall length 320 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 140 g. No. 719361 184.03 € 219.00 €


3 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 305 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 140 g. No. 719367 184.03 € 219.00 € 4 Petty (small all-purpose knife) Blade length 115 mm Overall length 235 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 60 g. No. 719366 129.41 € 154.00 €


Knives | Traditional hocho



A MATSUBA HOCHO A compact filleting knife, used in Japan for small fish and also for meat. The sleek, Katana-shaped blade has a shearing cutting action. The extreme sharpness and single bevel allow precise cutting. 2-layer carbon steel (White Paper Steel cutting edge), not rustproof, forged in a master workshop in Takefu, magnolia wood handle, horn ferrule. Hardness approx. 60 HRC. Blade length 150 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 90 g No. 719237 78.57 € 93.50 €

B JAPANESE MINCING KNIFE Allows the aroma of herbs to develop: This knife is forged exclusively for our customers by our Japanese master. Fitted with a heavy, arched blade it chops all types of herbs with a rocking cut. Tender stems and leaves are not squashed but cut to enhance the flavour. Three-layer steel blade*, ground razorsharp, surface left in forged condition with burned-in linseed oil (antirust). Every knife is signed by the master. Magnolia wood handle with a buffalo horn ferrule, bevelled on both sides. * Middle layer of blue paper steel, 61 HRC, iron outer layers (not rustproof). Blade length 135 mm Overall length 270 mm Blade thickness 6 mm 280 g No. 719253 65.04 € 77.40 €

C ALL-PURPOSE KNIFE WITH SHARPENING STONE AND DVD Price advantage Sharp as a razor and almost without resistance, the blade of the Santoku with double bevel cuts fish, meat and vegetables equally. The beautifully shaped handle made of Magnolia wood and genuine buffalo horn ferrule is very comfortable to hold. A wooden sheath protects the blade. In order to keep the valuable knife sharp use the combination sharpening stone together with the instruction on DVD.

Sharp and good






D SMALL KNIFE, INCL. SHEATH Light-duty knives with rustproof, triplelayered blades and sheaths made of water resistant Enju wood. Double-bevelled. 1 All-purpose Knife Blade length 105 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 1.2 mm 40 g No. 719217 12.52 €


14.90 €

2 Fruit Knife Blade length 100 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 1.2 mm 30 g No. 719020 11.68 €

13.90 €

3 Vegetable Knife Blade length 105 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 1.2 mm 40 g No. 719229 12.52 €

14.90 €

4 Compact Knife Set With this starter kit you are well prepared for any cutting work. Three compact knives in an attractive red leather roll-up case: - 719217 All-purpose knife - 719229 Vegetable knife - 719020 Fruit knife No. 719195 37.73 € 44.90 €

Our Japanese master blacksmith will show you how to professionally sharpen kitchen knives on water stones. He presents different types of stones, showing motions and gives care instructions. Santoku Hocho: triple-layered blade, core layer »Blue Paper Steel«, not rustproof. Sharpening stone: grit 1000/6000. DVD (15 minutes), in German. In a gift box. No. 719196 75.55 € 89.90 €

Knives | Traditional hocho

A SAKU HOCHO These all-purpose blades are exactly right for becoming acquainted with traditional Japanese knives: The rust-resistant, sharp cutting edge is flanked by two layers of rustproof stainless steel, which makes it easier to care for. The handle is of hard, fine quality rosewood. Optionally available with a wooden sheath. Hardness approx. 60 HRC.


1 4

Blade length 140 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 90 g

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife)



With Without

No. 719221 31.01 € 36.90 € No. 719054 23.45 € 27.90 €

2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Sheath

Black Natural Without

No. 719222 31.01 € 36.90 € No. 719234 30.17 € 35.90 € No. 719068 23.45 € 27.90 €

3 Usuba (vegetable knife) Sheath

With Without

No. 719218 31.01 € 36.90 € No. 719036 23.45 € 27.90 €

4 3-piece Set in a roll pouch Saku Hocho 3-piece knife set with dark brown leather roll pouch. Great for storage or as a gift. - 719221 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719222 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719218 Usuba (vegetable knife) No. 719385 96.64 € 115.00 €

B JAPANESE KNIFE SET WITH COMBINATION SHARPENING STONE AND SHARPENING DVD Price advantage Celebrate the art of cutting with our versatile Japanese knives: A Gyuto for fish and meat, the Usuba for slicing waferthin vegetables and for peeling. In order to help you keep these valuable pieces razor-sharp, a combination sharpening stone is included, along with an instructional DVD. The set comes in a beautiful wooden storage case.



Set includes: - 719068 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719036 Usuba (vegetable knife) - 711007 Sharpening stone 1000/6000 - 713806 Sharpening DVD (in German) - 705888 Wooden case No. 719241 83.95 € 99.90 €

An uncomplicated knife sharpener that is suitable for both Japanese and European knives: Easy to operate, the Tokico® allows even inexperienced users to quickly and successfully sharpen all types of cooking knives. The blade simply needs to be moistened and slid 3-5 times in both directions through the slits. Metal is gently removed by two rotating and correctly angled stones. Suitable for single and double-sided ground knives. Please note: The Tokico® is not suitable for damaged or worn out blades.

C JAPANESE KNIFE WITH COMBINATION SHARPENING STONE AND SHARPENING PRIMER Price advantage Cooking Knife Starter Set: Razor-sharp cuts forever are almost guaranteed with this starter set! If necessary, the handy Santoku knife can easily be sharpened on the included water stone. The also included Sharpening Primer gives instructions on how to proceed. Set includes: - Santoku (all-purpose knife), Blade length 140 mm, 3-layer steel blade with carbon steel core (not stainless), plated on both sides with stainless steel, handle and sheath made from bubinga wood. - Combination stone (711061), grit 1000/3000 for sharpening and finishing, 175 x 55 x 25 mm - Sharpening Primer No. 711064 41.93 € 49.90 €



D SAKU ALL-PURPOSE KNIFE WITH TOKICO® KNIFE SHARPENER Price advantage - 719054 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 705373 Tokico® knife sharpener No. 719398 36.89 € 43.90 €


Knives | Western design hocho

Western design hocho The combination of Japanese blade quality and Western kitchen techniques results in high quality cutting utensils. Comfortable in the hand, outstandingly sharp but easy to care for.

Blades from master´s hand



Katsuhiro Hocho For the highest standards of use and aesthetics: These unique kitchen knives are forged from one of the world’s hardest blade steels. They are characterised not only by their phenomenal sharpness and durability, but also by the fascinating pattern of the 65-layer blade (cutting edge of SG-2 steel). These masterpieces are perfected by handles of either water-resistant desert ironwood, the densest wood in the world, or of water-resistant black linen Micarta. The polished nickel-silver bolsters harmonise superbly with the ergonomic handle. The pinning of the handle scales with rosette-shaped mosaic pins makes the knives real eye-catchers. Despite their top cutting performance, the knives are hardwearing due to their rustproof blades bevelled on both sides, and waterproof handles, making them the first choice among professional chefs. Hardness 63 HRC. 208





A KATSUHIRO HOCHO WITH BLACK LINEN MICARTA HANDLE 1 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 135 mm Overall length 250 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 100 g No. 719341 251.26 € 299.00 €


2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 210 mm Overall length 340 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 180 g No. 719344 360.50 € 429.00 €

4 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 190 g No. 719342 310.08 € 369.00 €

3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 235 mm Overall length 365 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 240 g No. 719345 486.55 € 579.00 €

5 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 210 g No. 719343 318.49 €

379.00 €

6 2-piece set Price advantage - 719341 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719342 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - casket with sliding lid No. 719346 536.97 € 639.00 €

Knives | Western design hocho








1 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 135 mm Overall length 250 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 100 g No. 719256 259.66 € 309.00 € 2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 270 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm 120 g No. 719257 272.27 € 324.00 € 3 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 170 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 190 g No. 719248 318.49 € 379.00 €

6 4 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 2.1 mm 200 g No. 719259 318.49 € 5 Sashimi (fish knife) For meat and fish. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm 170 g No. 719258 360.50 €

379.00 €

429.00 €

6 2-piece set Price advantage - 719257 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719248 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - casket with sliding lid No. 719338 566.39 € 674.00 € 209

Knives | Western design hocho

A TAKAMURA HOCHO Chef's Knives: These knives are characterised by clear design and a unique cutting feeling: The cutting edge of these blades is powder metallurgical SG-2 steel with a Rockwell hardness of 63 HRC. This metal offers high wear resistance and extreme hardness and sharpness. The particularly clear aesthetics of this knife are created through a 65-layer blade. Stainless steel fittings, handle scales of sturdy wood laminate. Double-bevelled. All knives in a lovely, black lacquered wooden sheath. Stainless.



1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm overall length 295 mm blade thickness 2 mm 180 g No. 719325 259.66 € 309.00 € 2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 180 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 175 g No. 719324 259.66 € 309.00 € Blade length 210 mm Overall length 340 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 185 g No. 719323 293.28 €

349.00 €

Blade length 240 mm Overall length 375 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 240 g No. 719322 419.33 €

499.00 €

Blade length 270 mm Overall length 410 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 310 g No. 719321 431.93 €

514.00 €

Blade length 300 mm Overall length 440 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 340 g No. 719320 452.94 €

539.00 €

3 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade length 270 mm Overall length 395 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 200 g No. 719327 431.93 €

514.00 €



4 Deba Thick-walled blade for cutting and light chopping. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 350 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 340 g No. 719328 431.93 € 514.00 €


5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719325 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719323 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) No. 719329 503.36 € 599.00 €


Inclusive sharpening service for free. Please note the information on page 5. Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products Two free sharpenings


Knives | Western design hocho A

Sharp, for all intents and purposes


A DICK® SERIES »KLASSIK« Classical aesthetics, traditional technology: Perfect, traditional Damascus blades and optimally balanced handles of brown laminated exotic wood: Traditional methods result in classical aesthetics for daily use. 32 layered Suminagashi steel blade with a cutting edge of VG-10 steel. Rustproof. Hardness approx. 62 HRC.


1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 1.7 mm 170 g No. 719296 112.61 € 134.00 €


2 Petty (small all-purpose knife) Blade length 80 mm Overall length 185 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 70 g No. 719308 52.10 € 62.00 €


3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 120 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 70 g No. 719292 78.15 € 5


93.00 €

4 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 90 g No. 719293 93.28 € 111.00 € 5 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 180 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 1.7 mm 150 g No. 719294 121.01 € 144.00 € 6 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 210 mm Overall length 335 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 200 g No. 719295 142.02 € 169.00 €



7 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 240 mm Overall length 365 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm 260 g No. 719298 163.03 € 194.00 € 8 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 1.7 mm 165 g No. 719297 112.61 €

134.00 €


9 2-piece set Price advantage - 719296 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719308 Petty (small all-purpose knife) No. 719397 154.62 € 184.00 €


10 5-piece set Price advantage Set includes: - 719296 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719297 Usuba (vegetable knife) - 719292 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719294 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719295 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 705884 precious knife case of laminated birch wood No. 705883 604.20 € 719.00 € 211

Knives | Western design hocho A


A MATSUNE HOCHO These all-purpose knives for the daily use have 32 layers of rustproof stainless steel and a cutting edge of VG-10 steel. Mirror polished blades and handles of ebony-coloured, glue-laminated exotic wood. Hardness approx. 61 HRC. 1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 170 g 121.01 € 144.00 € No. 719457 2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 120 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 70 g No. 719450 78.15 €




93.00 €

3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade thickness 1.6 mm 90 g No. 719451 85.71 € 102.00 €


4 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 180 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 160 g No. 719452 121.01 € 144.00 € 5 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 210 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 200 g No. 719453 137.82 € 164.00 € 6 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 240 mm Overall length 370 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm 260 g No. 719454 163.03 € 194.00 €



7 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 270 mm Overall length 395 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm 270 g No. 719455 215.97 € 257.00 € 8 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 190 g 121.01 € No. 719458 9 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade length 240 mm Overall length 360 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm 200 g No. 719456 190.76 €


144.00 €

9 227.00 €

10 10 2-piece set Price advantage - 719457 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719451 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - casket with sliding lid 200.00 € 238.00 € No. 719459


Knives | Western design hocho

A KUSAKICHI HOCHO Traditional technique, easy to use: These knives can be cared for in the same manner as Western knives: The cutting edge of rustproof VG-10 steel is surrounded by 16 rustproof layers with a hammered surface. Handles of laminated rosewood. Hardness approx. 61 HRC.


1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 185 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 180 g No. 719246 99.16 € 118.00 € 2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 140 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 90 g No. 719245 65.55 € 3 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 185 g No. 719247 82.35 €

5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719245 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719246 Santoku (all-purpose knife) No. 719255 149.58 € 178.00 € 78.00 €


98.00 €

4 Petty (small all-purpose knife) Blade length 80 mm Overall length 190 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 70 g No. 719435 37.73 € 44.90 €





6 3-piece set Price advantage - 719245 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719246 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719247 Usuba (vegetable knife) No. 719254 226.05 € 269.00 €


Puristical Classics Kitchen knives with purist, simple wooden handles are valued for their clear form and light weight. Sometimes reserved, sometimes playful and dramatic but always committed to the traditions of handcraft.

B B 3D-KNIVES A new dimension of knife handles: These elegant Japanese knives impress by their modern design. The handle is made from beautifully grained, laminated, exotic wood, its »sharp« design investing the knife with a very ergonomic grip.

With its beveled end the handle perfectly fits the heel of the hand, almost like a palm stone. Dark and elegant, the handle encompasses a hand-forged, 32-layer blade of Suminagashi steel. The cutting edge is forged from VG-10 steel (stainless). These knives are distinguished by their remarkably light weight. Professional chefs agree that the knives lie comfortably in the hand and that they are good and easy to work with. Hardness approx. 61 HRC.

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 150 g No. 719436 108.40 € 129.00 €




2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 155 mm Overall length 270 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 110 g No. 719437 87.39 € 104.00 € 3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 190 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 150 g No. 719438 108.40 € 129.00 € 4 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 1.7 mm 160 g No. 719439 108.40 €

129.00 €


5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719436 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719437 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) No. 719441 184.03 € 219.00 €

4 213

Knives | Western design hocho





A SHIGEKI HOCHO High contrast and sharp: Due to the contrast between the Damascus blades and the red sandal wood laminated handles these knives are a real eye catcher. The 32 layers of Japanese Damascus steel and the cutting edge of VG10 steel are rustproof. Attractive price/performance ratio. Hardness approx. 61 HRC. 1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 160 g No. 719128 77.06 €

2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 155 mm Overall length 265 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 90 g No. 719059 55.38 €


65.90 €

4 3-piece set Price advantage - 719128 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719059 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719129 Usuba (vegetable knife) - 705885 Wooden case No. 719233 209.24 € 249.00 €

The handle is made of ebony-coloured laminated exotic wood. It is fastened to the tang with three rivets and ends in a stainless steel ferrule. Signed by the master, hardness approx. 64 HRC. Not stainless.

B 1

1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Overall length 270 mm Blade length 150 mm Blade thickness 1.8 mm 155 g No. 719461 82.18 € 97.80 €


2 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Overall length 240 mm Blade length 135 mm Blade thickness 1.6 mm 80 g No. 719462 66.81 € 79.50 €


3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Overall length 300 mm Blade length 180 mm Blade thickness 1.9 mm 170 g No. 719463 88.24 € 105.00 € 4 Usuba (vegetable knife) Overall length 285 mm Blade length 165 mm Blade thickness 1.9 mm 190 g No. 719464 88.24 € 105.00 € 5 2-piece set Price advantage - 719461 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719462 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) No. 719460 134.37 € 159.90 €




91.70 €

91.70 €

Similar knives with quince wood handle see www.more-than-tools.de

B MURATA HOCHO A successful combination: A hand-forged original-looking Japanese blade with a Western-style handle. The black forged skin was left on the 3-layer blade, which not only creates an attractive look but also makes the blade less prone to rust. Tough steel flanks the cutting edge layer of hard Blue Paper Steel.

3 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 165 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 150 g No. 719129 77.06 €

Knives | Western design hocho








A ARATA HOCHO Archaic design at a beginner’s price: Lovely shaped knives with hand-forged blades of archaic appearance. The cutting edge is of Blue Paper Steel flanked by two layers of rustproof steel. Hammered surface, handles of thermally treated bubinga wood. Hardness approx. 63 HRC. 1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 170 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 3.1 mm 160 g No. 719148 77.82 €

92.60 €

2 Petty (small all-purpose knife) Blade length 90 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 50 g No. 719370 43.61 € 51.90 € 3 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 125 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 60 g No. 719371 61.26 €

72.90 €

4 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 180 mm Overall length 320 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 160 g No. 719372 77.82 €

92.60 €

5 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) Blade length 210 mm Overall length 350 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 180 g No. 719373 90.76 € 108.00 € 6 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 150 mm Overall length 295 mm Blade thickness 3.4 mm 185 g No. 719147 77.82 €

92.60 €

7 Sashimi (fish knife) Blade length 245 mm Overall length 380 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 180 g No. 719374 107.56 €

128.00 €



DVD – DAS SCHÄRFEN JAPANISCHER MESSER A Japanese master blacksmith with a legendary reputation in Japan shows you how to professionally sharpen kitchen knives on water stones. He introduces different types of whetstone, shows the correct sharpening motions for sharpening single and double-bevelled knives and provides information on caring for knives. Knives sharpened in this way not only make your work easier but are also a pleasure to use and allow you to treat your food with respect. DVD 15 min, in German. No. 713806 4.96 € 5.90 €

8 3-piece set Price advantage Set includes: - 719148 Santoku (all-purpose knife) - 719371 Gyuto (fish and meat knife) - 719147 Usuba (vegetable knife) No. 719375 199.16 € 237.00 €


Knives | Knives for special applications

Knives for special applications A BREAD KNIFE Long tried and tested, super-sharp Japanese serrated knife. It has a long, flexible blade of solid stainless steel, polished to a fine mirror finish, laminated exotic wood handle. Stainless. Blade length 250 mm Overall length 375 mm Blade thickness 1.3 mm 110 g No. 719065 21.76 € 25.90 € B SALAMI AND BAGUETTE KNIFE Flexible Blade of 6M steel (hardness approx. 58 HRC) with serrated edge and hand guard. Handle of hammered, satinbrushed stainless steel. The seamless construction ensures the highest level of hygiene. Stainless. Blade length 160 mm Overall length 280 mm Blade thickness 1.9 mm 70 g No. 719158 54.54 € 64.90 €



C C TRADITIONAL CHINESE CHOPPING KNIVES Apart from the wok, the chopping cleaver is the most important utensil in Chinese cuisine. It is well-suited for chopping and portioning meat and vegetables as well as finely mincing herbs.


1 Deluxe cleaver This cleaver from a traditional Shanghai manufacturer features a high-quality, triple-layered steel blade with an extra hard steel core offering unsurpassed sharpness and edge life. The blade, ferrule and tang are forged from a single piece of steel to which the colourfully accented pakka wood handle is seamlessly attached. Rustproof. Blade length 185 mm Overall length 310 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 430 g No. 708082 50.34 € 59.90 €


2 Standard cleaver Heavy chopping cleaver for portioning meat and fish, also suitable for cutting thin bones. Rustproof blade with a hole for hanging, beech wood handle scales triple-riveted to a full-length tang. Blade length 175 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 500 g No. 708081 25.13 € 29.90 €

F »ONO« JAPANESE KITCHEN FOLDING KNIVES These practical knives are useful whenever cooking underway. Whether sailing or camping, the folding knives can be stored in a minimum of space and are well protected when underway. Easy to maintain and a great eye catcher: The blade is fully rustproof, 32 layers of Japanese Damascus steel surround the cutting edge of VG-10 steel. The blade latch safely in position via a Back Lock mechanism. Handle scales of laminated exotic wood, sturdy nylon sheath with a belt loop.

D D SMALL ALL PURPOSE KNIFE »MIKI« Ideally for peeling and cleaning fruit and vegetables and all types of small cutting tasks in the kitchen. It consists of a VG-10 steel cutting edge and stainless steel outer edges. Rustproof. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 188 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 60 g No. 719304 32.69 € 38.90 €


For more multi purpose knives see www.more-than-tools.de


LIONSTEEL Simply constructed all-purpose knife with olive wood handle. Ideal for all smaller tasks in the kitchen or also suitable to be used as a steak knife. The blade is made of rustproof 1.4116 steel. Hardness approx. 56-57 HRC. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 190 mm Blade thickness 1.3 mm 53 g No. 709325 15.04 € 17.90 €




1 Santoku (all-purpose knife) Blade length 100 mm Overall length 250 mm (folded out) Blade thickness 3 mm 220 g No. 719286 150.42 € 179.00 € 2 Usuba (vegetable knife) Blade length 100 mm Overall length 255 mm (folded out) Blade thickness 3 mm 225 g No. 719287 150.42 € 179.00 €

Knives | Knives for special applications




Gabun ebony


A LAGUIOLE DELUXE TABLE-KNIVES, 6-PIECE SET These exquisite Laguiole knives are made by hand by Hervé Line-Golz in France. Only the most beautiful materials are used for these knives, which are entirely made by hand. A specialty of these exclusive table knives is the DELTA handle. With the handle widening towards the end and its slightly curved shape, this knife provides an excellent grip. At the same time, its wide handle shape is very practical, allowing the knife to stand upright in its place with the blade facing down. The back of the handle is ornamented and includes the Laguiole trade-

mark, the bee. The blade is made of stainless steel. In this set of knives, each user will find »their« knife immediately because each handle is beautifully made from a different type of exotic wood: Cocobolo, Bocote, Gabun ebony, Macassar ebony, Patawa and Thuya. Comes in a wooden box. Blade length 105 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 2 mm approx. 100 g No. 719359 419.33 € 499.00 €

Macassar ebony



B STEAK KNIFE SET, 6 PIECES With their special teeth, these knives will take all the effort out of cutting your steak or grilled food. The mirror finish on the blade, handle tang and handle end give the steak knives an elegant and timeless look. Made from a single piece of steel, they have no joints and thus

meet the highest standards of hygiene in everyday use. The knives are stainless and easy-care. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm 80 g No. 719337 62.61 € 74.50 €


Knives | Kitchen utensils


Kitchen utensils

Knife blocks

A FLEXIBLE KNIFE BLOCK Universal application: On the one hand it should be handy, on the other hand it has become an attractive kitchen object. This bamboo knife block meets both expectations. In contrast to other kinds of wood, highgrade bamboo hardly warps after being dried. The insert can be removed for cleaning purposes and rearranged in any order according to the size and variety of your knives. Practical item: the loose bottom can be released very quickly and can be used as a cutting board. 10 trays Width 3 x 37 mm, 2 x 44 mm, 3 x 50 mm, 1 x 95 mm, 1 x 105 mm No. 718981 163.87 € 195.00 €

B KNIFE BLOCKS Fine knives should not be stored in a cutlery box or on a magnetic holder because the resulting magnetisation makes sharpening more difficult. Instead, we recommend these knife blocks specially designed for Japanese Hochos, made in Germany according to our stringent quality criteria. They accommodate 7 knives with blades up to 270 mm long and 9 mm wide, as well as a pair of scissors. The solid weight provides stability and the pitched arrangement allows fast access. The surface is sanded and treated with vegetable oil. They are also suitable for European kitchen knives.


1 Knife block, thermo beech Knife block of thermo beech with maple inserts. For 7 knives and one pair of scissors. * High-temperature treated thermo wood is not only resistant against bacteria and fungal decay, it is particularly stable and durable. No. 718992 70.08 € 83.40 €


2 Knife block, natural beech Knife block of European beech with thermo beech inserts. For 7 knives and one pair of scissors. No. 718990 49.58 € 59.00 €






C KNIFE RESTS A great way to always have your kitchen knives ready at hand: Whether on the working surface or in the drawer. The blades are safely separated from each other thus staying sharper for longer. Available in thermo beech* and natural beech, for 3 knives with blade lengths of up to 180 mm. * High-temperature treated thermo wood is not only resistant against bacteria and fungal decay, it is particularly stable and durable. 270 x 80 x 43 mm 1 Knife rest, thermo beech No. 718997 28.99 €

34.50 €

2 Knife rest, natural beech No. 718994 23.95 €

28.50 €

Knives | Kitchen utensils

Cutting boards

A ACACIA END GRAIN CUTTING AND CHOPPING BOARD This gorgeous grained cutting board made of hard-wearing acacia wood* sets the tone in your kitchen. The food safe, glued cross-grained pieces with varied shadowing are especially hard and water resistant. Brushing with clean water and oiling with vegetable oil will preserve the beautiful surface of this natural work of art for a long time. * Acacia wood is not a rainforest wood and is not endangered. This product is made of plantation wood. 350 x 350 x 30 mm No. 706037 51.68 € 61.50 €

B GINGKO CUTTING BOARD Rarity: Tough but not too hard, easy on knife cutting edges, good looking and antibacterial, gingko is an ideal wood for cutting boards. This solid board is made of non-glued, air-dried Japanese ginko, with a planed and untreated surface. 360 x 210 x 30 mm No. 706028 46.13 € 54.90 €



C Interesting fact: In Asian mythology, the split leaves of the gingko tree symbolise Yin and Yang, the balance of all things. Gingko trees can supposedly reach an age of up to 4,000 years. The oldest gingko tree in Germany was planted in 1750 and stands in the city of Frankfurt a.M, in the suburb Rödelheim.

C ACACIA CUTTING BOARD This massive board made of wonderfully grained, hard-wearing acacia wood* provides excellent service for all chopping and cutting work in the kitchen. Brushing with clean water and oiling with vegetable oil will preserve the beautiful surface of this natural work of art for a long time. * Acacia wood is not a rainforest wood and is not endangered. This product is made of plantation wood. 450 x 250 x 20 mm No. 706036 30.17 € 35.90 €

D CHESTNUT CUTTING BOARD Sweet chestnut wood* is tough and highly water resistant. The heavy board remains stable when chopping and mincing. With juice groove. * Antibacterial and antifungal; the chestnut shingle roof of the Mont Saint-Michel monastery is over 180 years old. 400 x 300 x 32 mm 2.2 kg No. 706034 33.53 € 39.90 €





MADE OF BAMBOO Elegant and beautiful cutting and serving board made of bamboo. The dark color of the cutting surface comes from a special heat treatment process which hardens the wood and makes it wear resistant.

1 Small, 340 x 200 x 25 mm approx. 1.1 kg No. 706054 12.52 € 14.90 € 2 Medium, 465 x 300 x 25 mm approx. 2.2 kg No. 706038 25.13 € 29.90 € Brushes for cleaning see page 270.

2 219

Knives | Kitchen utensils

Peeler, rasps and accessories

A JAPANESE CUTTING UTENSILS Excellent kitchen slicers, graters and peelers. Blades of rustproof steel, natural wood handles.


1 Mini slicer For ginger, small cucumbers and truffles. 90 x 145 mm No. 719164 10.00 € 11.90 € 2 Peeler For carrots, radishes and asparagus. 73 x 135 mm No. 719162 8.32 € 9.90 € 3 Peeling slicer For radishes, cucumbers and root vegetables. 50 x 185 mm No. 719163 10.00 € 11.90 € 4 Ceramic peeler This innovative feather-light ceramic peeler peels asparagus, vegetables and fruit effortlessly and without clogging to release the pure flavour of the food. This is due to the blades of zircon ceramic, a material that is not only sharper, but also retains its cutting edge 10 times longer than hardened steel. Dishwasher safe. Blade length 40 mm 30 g No. 719185 15.04 € 17.90 €





5 Cheese grater with spaghetti portioner Ideal for parmesan, pecorino and mediumhard cheese. The grated material lands in a drawer, the grating insert can be removed for cleaning. A special extra feature: The rounded cutouts in the handle can be used for portioning spaghetti. 200 x 115 x 85 mm No. 719167 41.93 € 49.90 €



B MICROPLANE® 4-SIDED BOX GRATER 4 in one: This 4-sided Box Crater of Microplane® copes with all tasks due to the cutting technology and the ergonomic design: Blades made of best stainless steel. 4 friction surfaces: Fine, Middle and Extra Coarse graters and one slicer. The fine grater blade can be removed in order to clean the grater. The razor sharp blades prevent from clogging. Soft grip and skid-proof stands for safety and stability. Dishwasher safe. 280 x 130 x 85 mm No. 705159 37.77 € 44.95 €

E PROFESSIONAL MICROPLANE® KITCHEN RASP The dozens of razor-sharp mini plane blades on this rasp will revolutionize the way you grate: Effortlessly transform parmesan, ginger, garlic, nuts and chocolate. The professional stainless steel utensil can be cleaned in the dishwasher. With hanging eyelet. Friction surface 60 x 135 mm Overall length 330 mm

1 2 3

fine medium coarse

No. 705153 24.33 € 28.95 € No. 705154 24.33 € 28.95 € No. 705132 24.33 € 28.95 €



Front side

Back side



C PREMIUM MICROPLANE® ZESTER/GRATER This stainless steel grater is ideal for grating citrus fruits, garlic, ginger and nutmeg. Ergonomic soft touch handle



with hanging eyelet. Dishwasher-safe. Friction Surface 25 x 200 mm Overall length 320 mm No. 705181 18.45 € 21.95 €

D SLIDER ATTACHMENT FOR KITCHEN RASP This grater attachement allows you to grate even small pieces safely. It protects your fingers from injuries by the sharp blade. Fits all professional series rasps. 65 x 73 x 60 mm No. 705172 4.16 €

4.95 €


Knives | Kitchen utensils

A FRENCH SOMMELIER KNIVES CHÂTEAU LAGUIOLE The world’s best sommeliers swear by the Château Laguiole sommelier knives, made in the famous SCIP workshop in Thiers, France. The corkscrew with »soul« (internal space between the spirals) evenly distributes the pulling force and prevents the cork from breaking, the leverage is optimally balanced and makes pulling easier. Horn handle, engraved springs. Supplied in an exclusive leather case. Blade length 35 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 90 g No. 709049 107.90 € 128.40 €

C C FISHBONE TWEEZERS These tweezers, made out of brushed rust-free steel is a must when enjoying fish meals. The jaws, which are partially ground on the inner surface, enable a precise grab. The simple and thus modern design is suitable for every household while the surface is very easy to clean. Overall length 145 mm approx. 55 g No. 720017 14.20 € 16.90 €



B POULTRY SHEARS Recommended by French master chefs: Highly durable French poultry shears. The poultry shears are forged in a traditional manner from (non-rustproof) carbon steel, a material that is vastly superior to normal rustproof steels with regard to sharpness and retention of sharpness. The surface is chromed. Lower jaw is toothed, can be dismantled for cleaning, folding lock. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 240 mm 280 g No. 718125 56.72 € 67.50 €

D DESIGNER KITCHEN SHEARS Exceptionally light Japanese kitchen shears with a light action. For cutting poultry, fish, herbs and vegetables. Adjustable path, blades of rustproof hardened stainless steel. Can be dismantled very quickly for washing. Overall length 205 mm Blade length 75 mm 115 g No. 718137 25.97 € 30.90 €


For more household scissors, see the scissors section.

E SANTOKU (ALL-PURPOSE KNIFE) AND KITCHEN SHEARS IN A SET Well-made Santoku with a very fine-ground blade of stainless steel. The blade, bolsters and tang are dropforged from a single piece of steel for extra stability and great balance. Handle of laminated wood. Light Japanese kitchen shears for cutting poultry and fish. The rustproof shears can be easily dismantled for cleaning. Santoku: Blade length 170 mm Overall length 285 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 145 g Shears: Blade length 75 mm Overall length 205 mm 115 g No. 719399 71.34 € 84.90 €



F BAMBOO VINEGAR (CHIKUSAKUEKI) One of the oldest cleaning agents in Japan, bamboo vinegar can be used for the following purposes: As a fat-dissolving cleanser (either undiluted or with water added) in the kitchen, bathroom or workshop. Particularly effective on cutting boards, work surfaces, knife blocks, etc. For eliminating mould and insect infestations in storage areas,

textiles or Tatami mats. For treating plants with infested roots or leaves or as a fertiliser; simply add some when watering. For extinguishing unpleasant odours. Not for consumption! Instructions included. 500 ml bottle No. 716249 14.20 € 16.90 €

For more kitchen utensils see www.more-than-tools.de 221

Knives | Kitchen utensils

A CAST-IRON TEAPOTS Enjoy the simple beauty of Zen-Buddhist tea culture with these teapots by Japanese master craftsmen. Precision-cast from molten iron in a sand mould, the outsides are black-annealed to protect against oxidation, while the insides are enamelled. Includes stainless steel strainer insert.

Tea bowls, tea boxes and teapots


The way of tea For hundreds of years tea has enjoyed a primary place of honour among the foods of Japan, and the ritual value placed on it reaches its pinnacle in the


1 Teapot Zui-Un In a traditional discus shape. The vividly structured surface is decorated with a pattern of spiral-shaped raised dots manually pressed into the sand mould. Capacity 1.2 litre Ø 210 mm Height 70 mm No. 820040 117.56 € 139.90 €

tea ceremony. Based on the principles of Zen Buddhism, the utensils used in the ritual are marked by their formal simplicity and the highest possible level of craftsmanship.


4 Teapot Tsuki This elegant, discus-shaped teapot exemplifies the work of renowned designer Hisao Iwashimizu. Its earthy structure has a bluish patina, and contrasts with the shiny black handle. Capacity 0.5 litre Ø approx. 165 mm Height approx. 40 mm No. 820302 75.55 € 89.90 €

2 2 Teapot Hiragata-Obi Finely patterned, delicate teapot. Capacity 0.6 litre Ø 170 mm Height 60 mm No. 820025 55.38 € 65.90 €


5 Teapot Chokaku Red teapot with black handle. This teapot gets its colour from a very elaborate specialised lacquering technique known as »yakitsuke«. The delicate black pigmentation is then applied on top. Capacity 0.65 litre Ø approx. 90 mm Height approx. 100 mm No. 820307 76.89 € 91.50 €

3 3 Teapot Katsura Classic teapot with large volume and traditional knobbly pattern. Capacity 1.25 litre Ø approx. 170 mm Height approx. 94 mm No. 820300 119.33 € 142.00 €


Note: Unlike Chinese copies and similar massproduced items, the teapots offered here are guaranteed hand-made by Japanese master craftsmen, with the corresponding high standard of quality and workmanship. The glazes are guaranteed heavy-metal-free.



B TEAPOT STAND KATSURA Ø 140 x 20 mm No. 820301 13.03 €

C TEAPOT STAND ARARE Ø 150 x 18 mm No. 820026 16.72 €

15.50 €


19.90 €

D TEAPOT WARMER 120 x 120 x 65 mm No. 820041 28.99 €

34.50 €

Knives | Kitchen utensils

Cherry Bark Tea Box (Kabazaiku) Kabazaiku, the traditional art of bark crafting, is especially common in the area around Akita, where the wild cherry tree forms a particularly hard skin in the harsh mountain climate. For more than 200 years, artistic craftsmen have been creating fascinating objects from cherry bark. To allow the bark to be shaped, it is first cleaned and made supple with steam, then the preshaped pieces of bark are attached to the wooden object with glue using a heated trowel. Cherry bark naturally keeps the air moisture relatively stable and is thus an ideal material for tea boxes. A precisely closing inside lid preserves the aroma of the tea. The tea boxes are at the same time useful containers and works of art.


A TEA BOX, HIGH-CONTRAST Choose your own combination: The four tea boxes made from high-contrast wood types are both functional and make aesthetically pleasing design objects. They are made of cherry bark, American walnut, cherry wood and maple. The top layer of the laminated cover is made of fine veneer. Inside container of polished cherry bark. Holds approx. 180 g tea. Ø 80 mm Height 117 mm







1 Cherry bark Wood types from top to bottom: Cherry bark, American walnut, cherry wood and maple. No. 820312 109.16 € 129.90 €

3 Cherry wood Wood types from top to bottom: Cherry wood, cherry bark, maple and American walnut. No. 820314 109.16 € 129.90 €

2 Walnut Wood types from top to bottom: American walnut, maple, cherry bark and cherry wood. No. 820313 109.16 € 129.90 €

4 Maple Wood types from top to bottom: Maple, cherry wood, American walnut, cherry bark. No. 820315 109.16 € 129.90 €


E TEA BOWLS Originally inspired by Korean folk art, the Japanese tea pottery perfected itself fully over 1000 years. Despite variations in style and formal differences, the model for designing tea bowls was always the perfect beauty of nature. B TEA BOX, NATURAL FINISH These boxes are made of multiple layers of cherry bark. The top part of the core container is polished, while the outside retains its natural finish. Large, Holds approx. 180 g tea. Ø 80 mm Height 115 mm No. 820305 82.35 € 98.00 € Small, Holds approx. 150 g tea. Ø 80 mm Height 90 mm No. 820311 73.95 € 88.00 €

2 2 Tea Bowl Set Craquelé green, 5-pieces With their random crackle-glaze effect (craquelé), these small, reed-green tea bowls are beautiful to behold. Set of 5 pieces in attractive wooden case. Ø 80 mm Height 55 mm No. 820304 35.21 € 41.90 €

C TEA BOX, POLISHED The inside container of this tea box is made of metal and, like the spoon, is covered with a layer of polished cherry bark. Holds approx. 150 g tea. Ø 83 mm Höhe 92 mm No. 820316 31.01 € 36.90 €

D MATCHA TEA CADDY This black metal tea caddy will keep your Matcha tea fresh. Comes with strainer and spoon so that you can sieve your tea quickly and easily before use to prevent lumps. Holds approx. 150 g of tea. Ø 82 mm Height 95 mm No. 820317 13.36 € 15.90 €


1 1 Tea bowl Chawan This delicate tea bowl bears the hallmark of renowned designer Hisanori Masuda, with a simple, harmonious shape that fits perfectly in your hand. Lime green on the outside, glazed white on the inside, it turns tea-drinking into a pleasure for the senses. Ø 75 mm Height 55 mm No. 820303 12.52 € 14.90 €

3 3 Tea Bowls Set Craquelé, 5 pieces Elegant tea bowls with a subtle crackle effect. After baking, the bowls are cooled quickly and the difference in temperature creates an irregular network of fine cracks. The set comprises five tea bowls in different colours: dark blue, light blue, green, pink and greyish white. Comes in an elegant wooden case and makes an ideal gift. Ø 85 mm Height 55 mm No. 820319 43.61 € 51.90 €

4 4 Thin-walled tea bowl (Koshimaru) Crackle glaze was developed in 16th century Japan in the heyday of tea culture. A special clay mixture and temperature control during firing produce a network of random cracks. Combined with the opaque bluish shimmer of the glaze, this turns the bowl into an exquisite work of art for enjoying your daily tea ritual. This thin tea bowl is completely hand-made. Ø 130 mm Height 75 mm No. 820038 50.34 € 59.90 €

5 5 Matcha Tea Bowl This artfully designed bowl makes preparing and drinking traditional Japanese matcha tea a sheer pleasure. The basic colour of the bowl is dark red, shot through with a white swirl on both the inside and outside. Because they are made by hand, each piece is slightly different in shape and colouring. Ø 120 mm Height 70 mm No. 820318 33.53 € 39.90 €


Knives | Kitchen utensils Cast-iron cookware

A CAST-IRON COOKING POTS AND PANS For over 900 years the Japanese city of Mizusawa has been producing iron utensils for the kitchen and for tea culture. During this time the method of production - pouring molten iron into a sand mould - has hardly changed, and the city’s reputation for creating objects of timeless beauty remains. The traditional pots and pans presented here will captivate you with their simple and practical designs and precise castiron finish. The natural casting is blackannealed at 900° for added protection against oxidation.


Cast iron has several advantages over stainless steel or aluminium: • The thicker walls of the vessels retain heat and transfer it evenly to the contents • Has around three times better heat conduction than stainless steel, so the heat is distributed more evenly in the pot and the contents are also heated through the walls • Is highly ferromagnetic, therefore heats up rapidly on/in induction ovens • The pots can also be used with gas cookers and outdoors (with charcoal and open fires) All pots and pans come with instructions for use and care. Not suitable for electric cookers.

1 Rice pot Compact pot with even release of heat from all sides, for cooking perfect rice dishes. Retains heat for over an hour! With enamel coating on the inside. Ø 210 mm Height 115 mm Capacitiy 2.5 liters 3.2 kg No. 820320 73.11 € 87.00 €



2 Grill pan Thanks to its removable handle, this original pan can also be used in the oven or under the grill. Its textured surface ensures that nothing sticks. Comes with serving board made from flamed cedarwood. Ideal for preparing and serving shrimp or small fish. Not suitable for induction ovens. 240 x 210 x 25 mm 1.5 kg No. 820321 50.34 € 59.90 €

3 Deep pan Gurirusukiretto This pan gives you two cooking utensils in one: It’s big enough for stewing or steaming meat or vegetable dishes, but also the 2.6 kg lid can be used as a separate frying pan. Ridges in the base prevent food from sticking. Lid: Ø 240 mm, height 30 mm, 2.6 kg Pan: Ø 240 mm, height 60 mm, 2.8 kg No. 820322 142.77 € 169.90 €


For further cast-iron cooking vessels see www.more-than-tools.de

B CAST-IRON ROLL MORTAR This utensil is as functional as it is easy to handle. A few rolling movements of the cast iron millwheel in the bowl and the spice grains are ground. Cast in sand, ground by hand to a perfect fit, sand blasted, firebronzed with linseed oil to a deep black colour. Manufactured in Germany by hand. Length 120 mm 3.3 kg No. 719178 125.21 € 149.00 € 224



C BRONZE ROCKER KNIFE The simple, ergonomic form and its perceptible selfweight make the rocker knife a pleasure to use. It is individually cast in sand by means of hand moulding. The specially-composed alloy (high-purity copper, tin and 1% silver) is characterised by its fine grain and hardness. It does not affect the taste of food, even when grinding hot spices or chopping herbs. Length 100 mm Thickness approx. 10 mm 220 g No. 719175 115.13 € 137.00 €

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

Hunting and outdoor knives Traditional Japanese knives


A KITAEJI TSUCHIME 120 A jewel of the art of blacksmithing: The Shirogami (white paper) steel used for this masterful hunting knife is extracted with magnets from the sand of the Hino river, smelted in a charcoal furnace and then forge welded with multilayer Japanese steel. Fine hand polishing on natural stone accents the grain of the multiply folded blade. It is double-bevelled and signed by

the master blacksmith. Rosewood handle, leather sheath with belt loop. White paper steel, not rustproof. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 270 mm Blade thickness 5.5 mm 220 g No. 719034 838.66 € 998.00 €


B »MORIYUKI« OUTDOOR KNIFE Whether hunting or trekking, you can rely on this sturdy outdoor knife even under the hardest conditions. The strong, ergonomically shaped beech handle is decorated with ornamental rivets. The bronzed blade has a core layer of tough blue paper steel (not rustproof), is 5 mm thick and hand signed by the master blacksmith. The meticulously worked robust leather sheath has two fastening straps. It can be worn on a belt. Blade length 160 mm Overall length 280 mm Blade thickness 5 mm 280 g No. 719284 138.66 € 165.00 €



C »KEN NATA« HUNTING AND OUTDOOR KNIFE Light, sharp and handy: The knife maker undertook intensive research with hunters. The result is the design of this very practical knife. It is very light, robust, very sharp and easy to sharpen. This makes the combination of Blue Paper Steel for the cutting layer and one layer of low carbon steel on each side. The blade is Bowie style. Decorative hammer marks are left in the upper area of the blade. The makers signature is partly gold coloured. Traditional forged iron ferrule with a widely dimensioned guard. The grip is made of black stained heat treated and brushed oak wood. Strong thong. The

knife comes with a solid saddle leather sheath with a belt loop. Not rostproof. Blade length 135 mm Overall length 260 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 170 g No. 709158 108.40 € 129.00 €

D HUNTING KNIFE Hand-forged knife with an archaic appearance, of 16-layered Japanese Damascus steel and a core of blue paper steel with excellent sharpness retention (approx. 60 HRC). The red notch is the signature of the blacksmith. Not rustproof. Cordwrapped handle, leather sheath. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 130 g No. 719215 83.95 € 99.90 € 225

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

A SAJI'S OUTDOOR KNIVES Masterly composed from classical components, master knifesmith Takeshi Saji's everyday knives use to cause quite a sensation - not only in Japan. With their multi-layered steel blades these knives are a real feast for the eyes and show an impressive sharpness due to their White Paper steel core.

The legendary sharpness and edge life of these knives is hard to match. The shape of the handles guarantees a comfortable grip and a safe handling - also suited for European hands. The solid anchoring of the tang and the antislip handles make these utility knives ideal even for robust purposes. Great importance has been at-

tached to functionality and to the fact that you get good value for money. Every blade shows the handengraved signature of the master himself. White Paper Steel core (C = 1.2 %, hardness approx. 60 HRC) with outer layers of low-alloy iron, not corrosion-free.


1 Hunting knife Kawa Aka With 11-layered Suminagashi blade. Wooden oak-handle with red ray skin wrapping. Magnolia wood scabbard with leather mounts, belt loop. Urushi varnishing. Blade length 130 mm Overall length 250 mm Blade thickness 4.7 mm 180 g No. 719268 192.44 € 229.00 €


2 Hunting knife Kawa Kuro This sturdy knife will withstand all challenges during your hunting or trekking activities. The oak wood handle, wrapped in black ray skin, ensures a secure grip even under wet conditions. Scabbard made of magnolia wood with leather mounts, belt loop. Gunmetal finished 11-layered with Suminagashi pattern blade. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 4.5 mm 190 g No. 719260 192.44 € 229.00 €

»The knife for the lonely wolf.« Manager magazine, 2008


3 Hunting knife Tango Chirimen A particular feature of this hunting knife is the wrapping of knife handle and sheath with the cloth called »Tango Chirimen« and stained dark brown rattan. The silk weave is produced in the area Tango (prefecture Kyoto). A special weaving technique gives the cloth strength and provides a distinctive beautiful ripple pattern. Knife handle of oak wood, sheath made of magnolia wood with cord. 11-layered blade with a cutting edge of White Paper Steel. Blade length 130 mm Overall length 250 mm Blade thickness 4.5 mm 210 g No. 719365 217.65 € 259.00 €

3 226

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

4 Knife with cherry bark handle With this generously dimensioned utility knife the master blacksmith reanimates the traditional art of cherry bark handwork (Kaba Zaiku). The beautifully grained, breathing skin of the cherry tree adds class to the handle and sheath. The strong blade of 11-layered Suminagashi steel is amazingly sharp and durable even under the most demanding conditions. Blade length 155 mm Overall length 280 mm Blade thickness 5.5 mm 250 g No. 709036 217.65 € 259.00 € 4

5 Archaic outdoor knife A strong three-layer blade with a cutting edge of white paper steel makes this knife very sharp and durable. The blade is reliably anchored in the unvarnished wooden oak handle by a hand forged ferrule. With leather covered magnolia wood sheath. Blade length 135 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade thickness 5 mm 170 g No. 719280 133.61 € 159.00 €


6 Konoha knife Purist: The Konoha Hocho is characterised by a clear form and rustic finish. Powerful three-layer blade in a willow leaf form (iron/White Paper Steel/iron), with an akagashi (oak) handle, belt sheath of formed naturally tanned leather and karabiner. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 185 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 70 g No. 719139 116.81 € 139.00 €

Inclusive sharpening service for free. Please note the information on page 5.


Free lifetime sharpening for Premium products Two free sharpenings


Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

Japanese knives in a Western style

A HIRO® HUNTER 32 layers of rustproof stainless steel and a cutting edge of VG-10 steel make this hunting knife a reliable companion for all outdoor activities. The design of the handle also shows a perfect symbiosis of functionality and harmonious design. Intensely grained quince wood with nickel silver fittings, leather sheath with belt loop. Hardness approx. 60 HRC. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 150 g No. 719350 217.65 € 259.00 €


B HUNTING KNIFE WITH OAK WOOD HANDLE This exceptional knife features a 4.4-inch bowie blade. The hammered surface adds to the archaic appearance. The core layer of Blue Paper Steel (not rustproof) is hard and tough at the same time and may be honed to a razor sharp edge. For added stability and easy-maintenance it is sandwiched between 32 layers of stainless steel which creates a nice structure. The Loveless design rivets are made of stainless steel and brass. This sturdy knife comes with a high-quality saddle leather sheath (with belt loop). Hardness approx. 64 HRC. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 170 g No. 719349 128.57 € 153.00 €

C HUNTING KNIFE WITH DESERT IRON WOOD HANDLE Hand-forged fully integral knife with a 65-layered blade of stainless steel with a cutting edge of SG-2 steel. The handle scales are made of desert iron wood with a lively grain, two rosette-shaped mosaic pins adorn the handle which has a hanging eyelet. Hand guard is made of nickel silver. Delivery with sturdy hand-made cowhide leather sheath with belt loop. Hardness approx. 62 HRC, rust resistant. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 4.5 mm 190 g No. 719525 418.49 € 498.00 €

D HIRO® HUNTER »CLASSIC« The classic hunting knife: The combination of rustproof AUS6 mono-steel drop-point blade and fine laminated wooden handle with nickel silver fittings has proven its worth thousands of times. This evergreen hunting knife feels great in the hand and is durable and reliable in even the most demanding of outdoor activities. Leather sheath with a belt loop. Hardness approx. 56 HRC. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 130 g No. 719506 82.35 € 98.00 € 228




Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

European hunting knives


A HUNTING KNIFE LIONSTEEL® An elegantly designed and handy universal knife forged from a single piece of rustproof 440C steel. The fitted handle scales are attached with two screws. In addition, the knife has a thong hole. Includes brown leather sheath with belt loop. Hardness approx. 58-59 HRC. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 3.9 mm


1 Olive wood handle 140 g No. 709330 75.55 € 89.90 € 2 Staghorn Handle 155 g No. 709331

92.35 € 109.90 €




B FULLY INTEGRAL HUNTING KNIFE Clear, simple aesthetic design: A very handy and elegant hunting knife forged from a single piece of steel. The rust-resistant D2 steel* is extremely sharp and wear-resistant. The handle scales fit exactly and the ergonomic handle ensures a good, secure grip. With its 9.5 mm thick blade, this solid knife is also capable of heavy-duty application. Comes with robust hand-made, cowhide sheath with belt loop. Hardness approx. 59-60 HRC. This knife series won first place in the category "Best of fixed hunting knives" at the 2008 Brno knife show. * C 1.55%, Cr 12%, Mo 0.8%, V 0.9 % Blade length 90 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 9.5 mm 185 g 1 Macassar Ebony One of the densest and hardest woods in the world. Jet black. No. 719586 217.65 € 259.00 € 2 Thuya Burl Wood Reddish brown wood with a lively grain from Morocco. No. 719587 217.65 € 259.00 €



Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

From a German master blacksmith

A HUNTING KNIFE WITH EBONY HANDLE Every piece is unique: This high quality hunting knife is traditionally forged by hand by a Bavarian master forge. The forged blade is made out of random Damascus, for which 220 layers of cold working steel and spring steel have been forge-welded. The elegant and ergonomic ebony handle is shapely framed by knob and stud made out of nickel-silver. Each masterpiece will be delivered in a saddle leather sheath with integrated belt loop. Not rustproof. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 90 g No. 719570 377.31 € 449.00 €

B HUNTING KNIFE WITH IBEX HORN HANDLE This limited-edition hunting knife is captivating in its skilled workmanship and sophisticated design. The high-contrast blade is made of handforged wild damast laminated from 220 layers of cold work steel and spring steel (59 HRC). The blade is therefore not rustproof, but is very easy to sharpen and yields an excellent lasting sharpness. The two bolster pairs and the rivets are made of stainless steel, while the handle scales are made of polished ibex horn, a highly limited material. Because of this, the knives are only manufactured in a low-volume and limited edition. The hand-made sheath is made of hard-wearing cowhide. Blade length 95 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 150 g No. 719572 603.36 € 718.00 €

C HAND-MADE FISHERMAN'S KNIFE This classically beautiful fisherman's knife is captivating in its harmony of design and material. Each piece is unique and was made completely by hand in a German master forge. The blade is made of 65 layers of Japanese multi-layer steel, with a cutting edge of legendary SG2 powder steel and outer edges of stainless steel and pure nickel (62 HRC, stainless). The bolster pairs and rivets are also made of stainless steel and are thus a perfect match. The versatility of this reliable outdoor knife is impressive. Due to their weight, the rear bolster pairs can be used to kill the fish. The understated sheath is made of two parts with a clever design: To stun the fish, you pull the knife out of the holder including the blade protector, thus protecting the hand. The handle scales are made of hard-wearing, stabilised camel bone. Even when wet, this masterpiece provides a good and secure grip. Handmade leather sheath made of robust cowhide, with belt loop. Blade length 105 mm Overall length 215 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 160 g No. 719571 629.41 € 749.00 €



To stun the fish, pull the knife out of the holder including the blade protector, thus protecting the hand. 230

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

Nordic hunting and outdoor knives


1 A SWEDISH »DAMASCUS« HUNTING KNIVES Exclusive Nordic style knives for demanding requirements: The vividly grained blades of rustproof Damascus steel are very wear-resistant. Stained masur birch and reindeer horn handles with a brass hand guard and leather sheath. Hardness 59 HRC.


B ELK Robust outdoor knife with rustproof Sandvik 12C27 blade. Stained and oiled masur birch handle and reindeer horn ferrule with a hand guard. Leather sheath with a belt loop. Hardness 57 HRC. Blade length 100 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 100 g No. 709093 67.98 € 80.90 €


D FOX Swedish utility knife with a sharp carbon steel blade (Uddeholm No. 1770, not rustproof), handle of Nordic masur birch, reindeer horn and brass fittings. Engraved case of vegetable tanned leather. Hardness 57 HRC. Blade length 100 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 100 g No. 709060 56.13 € 66.80 €

1 Striped Damascus Blade length 88 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 100 g No. 709061 221.85 €

264.00 €

2 2 Rose Damascus steel Blade length 88 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 4 mm 100 g No. 709103 221.85 €

264.00 €


C NORDIC HUNTING KNIFE WITH DIAMOND SHARPENER Ideal outdoor set - always sharp: Knives with the typical Nordic design have been made for centuries in the Arctic tundra. Experiences from daily usage under harsh conditions have created and formed these knives. The outdoor knife features a stainless 12C27 steel blade (57 HRC) and a handle of oiled masur birch with reindeer horn ferrule – all materials are from Sweden and the surrounding nature.

A diamond sharpener with a fine and coarse side touches up your knife wherever you are and whenever you need it.. Sharpener may be stored inside the sheath. Knife blade length 95 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 100 g No. 709044 79.66 € 94.80 €


E FISHERMAN’S KNIFE For filleting fish. Sleek, flexible blade of rustproof Sandvik 12C27 steel. Birch handle and reindeer horn ferrule with hand guard. Leather sheath with a belt loop. Hardness 57 HRC. Blade length 125 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade thickness 1.2 mm 60 g No. 709095 45.97 € 54.70 €


Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives


A WILDERNESS/BOAR Ideal for hunting and trekking: robust, rustproof Sandvik 12C27 blade, ergonomic handle of stained masur birch, brass hand guard, leather sheath with belt loop. Hardness 57 HRC.

Blade length 80 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 80 g No. 709096 50.25 € 59.80 €


Blade length 95 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 100 g No. 709097 54.62 € 65.00 €

OUTDOOR KNIFE ROGNALD This classical Nordic knife was developed over 100 years ago by Rognald Brusletto, the founder of a blade foundry that is now well known far beyond the borders of Norway. The compact form makes it ex-


C FISHERMAN'S KNIFE BRUSLETTO® FISKERN A perfect knife for all fishermen. The slim blade made of rustproof 440C steel is ideally for eviscerating fish. The handle combination of cork and Nordic birch assures that the knife won’t sink in case that it will drop

tremely durable, easy to carry and suitable for wood carving. Rustproof Sandvik 12C27 blade, incl. leather sheath with a belt loop. Hardness 57-58 HRC. Blade length 65 mm Overall length 170 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 80 g No. 708897 65.29 € 77.70 €


into the water - it is floating. Delivery includes leather case with belt loop. Hardness approx. 57-58 HRC. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 1.7 mm 55 g No. 709252 67.14 € 79.90 €

D BRUSLETTO BAMSEN Hunting and Outdoor knife with handle of oiled masur birch and aluminium ferrules. The blade is made of rustproof Sandvik steel 12C27 with a hardness of approx. 57-58 HRC. Delivery includes

leather case with belt loop. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 225 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm 150 g No. 709253 90.76 €

108.00 €

E BRUSLETTO TIUR Hunting and Outdoor knife with slim blade. Ergonomically shaped handle of American walnut tree wood with aluminum ferrule. Blade made of rustproof Sandvik steel 12C27 with a hardness of approx. 57-58 HRC. Delivery includes leather case with belt loop. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 235 mm Blade thickness 2.4 mm 90 g No. 709254 83.95 € 99.90 €



F FIRE STICK (WILDMARKSSTICKAN) Essential for every trekking tour: When your matches and lighter let you down, then you can always rely on the fire stick to provide you with a warming campfire. Simply rub any steel blade across the fire stick to create a burst of sparks large enough to easily light dry paper or kindling. Magnesium stick with a reindeer horn handle, approx. 10 cm long. With instruction booklet. No. 708890 8.32 € 9.90 € 232


G OUTDOOR SET Price advantage Three things that people need for their outdoor activities: Brusletto outdoor knife with a rustproof Swedish steel blade and a leather sheath that can be carried on a belt, the ultra-compact Japanese wire

saw that, despite of a weight of only 12 g, can saw arm-thick branches, and a fire stick that generates copious sparks when stroked along a knife blade. No. 718961 74.12 € 88.20 €

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

Japanese Folding Knives

A MCUSTA® FOLDING KNIVES The perfect pocket knife consists of quality without compromise, Japanese tradition, a touch of high technology and a dash of cult status. This exceptional

combination, and the exotic handle materials and designs, have made the name of Mcusta well known all over the world. Hardness approx. 60 HRC.

1 Katana 3-layered rustproof blade, with a cutting edge of VG-10 steel. Suminagashi handle scales with diamond-like pattern and through-holes, very similar in appearance to a traditionally wrapped Katana handle, with case. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 170 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 80 g No. 719231 200.84 € 239.00 €

2 Aloa Aloa coloured micarta handle scales with belt clip, without case. Finest quality 33layer rustproof Suminagashi steel with a cutting edge of VG-10 steel. Blade mounted free of play in Teflon bearings, can be dismantled for cleaning. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 170 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 65 g No. 719232 154.62 € 184.00 €

3 Cocobolo 33-layered rustproof blade with a cutting edge of VG-10 steel. The titanized stainless steel handle is decorated with fine cocobolo wood grip plates. Delivery with case.

Blade length 70 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 50 g No. 719446 149.58 €

178.00 €

4 Aluminium The blue anodized cut-outs contrast beautifully with the black aluminium handle. The belt clip is directly attached to the steel plate and thus lies flat. 3layer rustproof tanto blade with a cutting edge of VG-10 steel, without case.

Blade length 80 mm Overall length 190 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 95 g No. 719445 149.58 €

178.00 €

A 1







B HIRO® SUMINAGASHI FOLDING KNIFE Fine knives with eye-catching blades of rustproof, wonderfully patterned Japanese Damascus steel. The typical wave patterns in the 3 mm blades of 33-layer Takefu VG-10 steel are a real eye-catcher, and the handles of natural materials form a stylish contrast to the blades. Solid case. Blade with spring lock and double cam (no impact when folding closed). With a leather sheath. Hardness approx. 60 HRC.

1 Cocobolo Handle scales of polished cocobolo. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 100 g No. 719224 116.81 € 139.00 € 2 Deer horn Handle scales of Japanese deer horn (Ojika). Blade length 75 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 120 g No. 719202 142.02 € 169.00 €

For more interesting pocket knives see www.more-than-tools.de

C 1


C »NORTH MAN« FOLDING KNIFE These hand forged blades stand up to the heaviest demands. The mechanics and backlock are solidly made and show no signs of wear even after years of use. Blades of rustproof Hitachi GIN1 steel, walnut handle scales. Hardness approx. 57 HRC. With a leather sheath.

1 Blade length 55 mm Overall length 130 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 50 g No. 719513 57.98 €

69.00 €

2 Blade length 70 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 105 g No. 719514 73.95 €

88.00 €

3 Blade length 95 mm Overall length 230 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 190 g No. 719515 83.95 €

99.90 €



Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

A »IC CUT« POCKET KNIFE This pocket knife is finely polished and carefully finished with the finest details. The forged blades of rustproof Hitachi steel (AUS 6) are razor sharp and mounted in a polished nickel silver housing. Double cam locking system (to prevent the cutting edge from damage when folding the knife).




Higonokami pocket knives Until two decades ago, nearly every young man in Japan owned a Higonokami pocket knife. It has been manufactured in the traditional manner for over a century. The blade is set in a handle without locking mechanism and is opened using the lever tang.


Handle scales of waterproof, glue-laminated exotic wood. With a leather sheath. Hardness approx. 56 HRC. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 160 g No. 719503 67.14 €

79.90 €

Additional sizes in our web shop at www.more-than-tools.de

B ELEGANT FOLDING KNIFE Aesthetic and elegant: Back Lock pocket knife in an unusual combination of materials. The handle scales of finely patterned micarta are reminiscent of ivory and harmonise perfectly with the rustproof stainless steel flanges and brass plates. The blade is made of VG-10 steel.

The handle scales are outstandingly suitable for scrimshaw decoration. Hardness approx. 60 HRC. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 150 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 50 g No. 719400 67.14 € 79.90 €

C »ABALONY« MINI FOLDING KNIFE This Japanese mini folding knife with handle scales of coloured abalone is a real jewel. The lockable blade of highest quality Gin1 steel (59 HRC, rustproof) is impressively sharp. This knife

will be your constant companion as a fine key ring or a piece of jewellery. Blade length 35 mm Overall length 85 mm Blade thickness 1.95 mm 20 g No. 709034 41.93 € 49.90 €


2 D HIGONOKAMI BURASU Handle of folded brass plate. Triple-layered carbon steel blade (Blue Paper Steel), not rustproof. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 165 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 40 g 1 Without case No. 719069 18.49 € 22.00 € 2 With a soft leather sheath No. 719070 22.27 € 26.50 € 3 With a stiff leather folding sheath No. 719073 25.55 € 30.40 €

G 3

E HIGONOKAMI KURO Hammered blade surface, handle made of galvanized sheet metal and is goldembossed on both sides. Triple-layered carbon steel blade (Blue Paper Steel), not rustproof. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 165 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 45 g Without case No. 719074 16.55 € 19.70 € With a soft leather sheath No. 719075 19.92 € 23.70 € With a stiff leather folding sheath No. 719076 23.87 € 28.40 €

G FOLDING LEATHER CASE 2.5 mm thick leather, vegetable tanned. Serves as a comfortable handle when the knife is in use. For Higonokami pocket knives No. 719069 and 719074. No. 719072 7.90 €

9.40 €



F HIGONOKAMI DAMAST Master blacksmith Takeshi Saji, wellknown by making hunting knives, manufactures this traditional Japanese folding knife. 12 layers of steel are surrounding the cutting edge of Super-Blue Paper Steel* which is characterized by its longterm cutting performance. The blade is set in a folded sheet of brass. With signature of the master blacksmith »Saji«. 234

Not rustproof. Hardness approx. 60 HRC. Delivery with leather case. *C 1.4-1.5%, Si 0.1-0.2%, Mn 0.2-0.3%, Cr 0.3-0.5%, W 2-2.5%, V 0.3-0.5% Blade length 80 mm Overall length 180 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 63 g No. 709048 158.82 € 189.00 €

H MINI HIGONOKAMI This fully functional miniature version of the Japanese Higonokami will not only enrich any knife-lover's collection but is also a useful daily companion. Blade of triple-layered steel (not rustproof), simple finish, brass plate handle. Blade length 40 mm Overall length 90 mm Blade thickness 2.45 mm 16 g No. 709043 8.32 € 9.90 €

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

European folding knives and knife pendants

A 1





E 1


A FALCON® FOLDING KNIVES These high quality yet inexpensive folding knives have been made by a family company in the Italian knife metropolis of Maniago for nearly 100 years. These reliable and attractive utility knives are manually produced under the trade name of »Falcon«. All blades have a reliable spring locking mechanism. Blade material: back-lock, rustproof tool steel, approx. 58 HRC. All Falcon knives are supplied in a sturdy cordura case. 1 Sport Knife 165/1.0 Strong knife with formed olive wood handle scales, stainless steel flanges. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 180 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 110 g No. 709279 32.77 € 39.00 €

2 Hunting Knife 165/3 Hefty knife with gutting blade and saw. Formed linen micarta handle scales, nickel silver flanges. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 180 mm Blade thickness 2.9 mm 190 g No. 709280 49.58 € 59.00 €

B MERCATOR® POCKET KNIFE This folding knife is an icon of German knife design and has been produced almost unchanged since the era of Emperor Wilhelm II. Light and compact (only 7 mm thick) but almost indestructible, it is a reliable companion for all outdoor activities. The spring lock and hand guard offer a high level of safety, even under

the hardest use (e.g. carving). C-75 carbon-steel blade, steel plate handle, painted black, hanging eyelet. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.7 mm 75 g No. 709168 18.49 € 22.00 €

C FOLDING KNIFE »PAPERSTONE« Functional and original in design and material: Its extraordinary design renders this knife unique and practical at the same time. The details are convincing: The handle is modeled on that of a razor, the lock is formed like a sphere that snaps into position in the groove designed for this purpose, and the material used for the handle is »Paperstone«. Paperstone is produced from recycled paper, without any formaldehyde added. Mixing the paper with natural resins results in a very

tough material that is absolutely scratchproof, food-safe, and very hard. The blade is made of stainless Sandvik steel 12C27. The knife comes with a leather case. Produced in the knife-making centre of France in Thiers. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 70 g No. 709204 38.91 € 46.30 €

D TRATTENBACHER FOLDING POCKET KNIFE The Löschenkohl factory in Trattenbach is a relic of the once blooming foundry industry in Lower Austria. The folding pocket knives have been ideal bread knives since the 16th century, but hobbyists, hikers and craftsmen alike can also appreciate these rustic folding knives.

Original shape, with turned beech handle and wide roof-shaped blade. Rustproof blade, approx. 50 HRC, simple finish. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 178 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm 30 g No. 719149 4.37 € 5.20 €

E DOUK-DOUK The functional, affordable and durable Douk-Douk developed into an icon of knife design in the last century. Originally developed in 1928 for the French colonies in Africa and Asia, this knife has been numerously copied but the originals offered here have unmistakable characteristics. Blade of XC70 carbon steel hardened to 53 Rockwell, lightly hollowground to be razor sharp, rear edge with finger grips, the side plates are decoratively etched. The handle scales of folded seam gunmetal plate have a convex form so that they sit better in the hand. Embossed with the symbol of the shaman for luck. To avoid injuries, the strong XC48 steel spring can also be

latched in the middle position when folding the blade. Made by the 4th generation of Pierre Cognet in the French knife metropolis of Thiers. Not rustproof.

1 Small Blade length 68 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 40 g No. 709300 12.02 €

14.30 €

2 Medium Blade length 83 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 3 mm 70 g No. 709301 15.88 €

18.90 €

F F KNIFE PENDANT WITH LEATHER SHEATH Hand-forged and fully functional: This beautiful knife made out of carbon steel (approx. 61 HRC) is completely handcrafted. Its ancient design makes it very attractive and it is also fully functional. The dark scaled surface of the metal

is a nice contrast to the light brown leather sheath. This leather sheath, with integrated cut protection, made out of high quality, plant tanned leather, is soft to the touch and absolutely skin-friendly. Overall length 95 mm No. 719707 33.53 € 39.90 € 235

Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives


A FOLDING KNIFE LIONSTEEL® OPERA The product line »Opera« has been designed in cooperation with »Max Design«, a well-known Italian artisan. The result is a number of first class utility knives with Back-Lock mechanism. Different knife handle materials can be chosen. The handy knives have a hanging eyelet with twisted leather string. Delivery with leather belt pouch. Blade made of rustproof 440C steel with a hardness of approx. 57-58 HRC. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm

B FOLDING KNIFE OPERA »DAMASCUS« The most precious piece from the series of Opera-knives has a blade made of rustproof powder metallurgically produced damascus steel called »Heimskringla«. The back of the



1 Olive 75 g No. 709320 2 Buffalo horn 80 g No. 709321


53.78 € 64.00 €

57.98 € 69.00 €

blade and handle have a decorative pattern. Olive wood has been used for the handle scales. Delivery with wooden case made of Mogano which fits the knife exactly. Hardness approx. 56-57 HRC. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 75 g No. 709323 167.23 € 199.00 €

3 Stag horn 100 g No. 709322

71.43 € 85.00 €





DAGHETTA This knife has been designed in cooperation with »Max Design«, a well-known Italian artisan. The knife is equipped with a special locking mechanism called »TOL« - Tactical Operation Lock System designed by Lionsteel. This system locks the back spring creating a very secure lock. A spring loaded lock release allows opening and closing. The blade is made of rustproof 440C steel, the handle of

anodized black aluminum. The belt clip can be removed and can be mounted on both sides of the knife handle. Hardness approx. 57-58 HRC. Blade length 105 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 105 g No. 709324 49.58 € 59.00 €

D FOLDING KNIFE PERCEVAL T45 Perceval, a French knife-making atelier developed this elegant extremely flat folding knife in cooperation with the Italian company Maserin. The modern pocket knife is locked by a frame-lock closing mechanism. The belt clip which lies flat against the handle is fitted with

Torx screws and is thus removable. The rustproof folding knife has a blade of X100CrMo13 steel which is mounted on Teflon washers. Handle made of X40Cr Mo13 steel. Hardness approx. 56 HRC. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 70 g No. 709229 58.82 € 70.00 €

E FOLDING KNIFE SPHÈRE Practical utility knife with a special locking mechanism - the sphere at the end of the blade snaps into place securely in a recess on the handle. Loosening or tightening the screw on the handle adjusts the smoothness of the folding mechanism.

Made in Thiers, France. Blade made of rustproof Sandvik steel 12C27. Olive wood handle. Delivery with case. Hardness approx. 56-57 HRC. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 2 mm 50 g No. 709238 27.65 € 32.90 €

F LE SELECT®, FOLDING KNIFE Handle scales with an interesting grain pattern of American desert ironwood make up the handle, which is completed with stainless steel bolsters. Hammer marks on the black forged skin give this knife a rustic look. Only the cutting edge is polished. The spring and »bee« are forged from a single piece and the back of

the handle is decorated by hand. Blade of stainless 12C27 Sandvik steel, hardness approx. 56-57 HRC. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 215 mm Blade thickness 2.2 mm 120 g No. 709249 112.61 € 134.00 €



Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives






B B FOLDING KNIFE BELT POUCH Belt Pouch made from high-quality cow leather, with snap fastener. Fits all Laguiole L'Aiglon and Bird folding knives. No. 709227 7.73 € 9.20 €

4 Model »Buis« Forged blade of non-rustproof, carbon steel that sharpens well and fine polished french boxwood handle scales with brass bolsters. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 90 g No. 709056 58.74 € 69.90 €

C 1


ARTO folding knives Laguiole A French company of long tradition, ARTO has been producing premium knives, kitchen cutlery, and fine tableware since 1945. For several years now the company has been well known, among others, for its series of elegant, superior pocket knives.

A LAGUIOLE FOLDING KNIVES The Laguiole folding knife is an icon of French design. The trademarks of this classic knife are the ergonomic shape of blade and handle, the »Bee« stop and the fine engraving on the spring. All Laguiole »L`Aiglon« handles have the traditional »Shepherd`s cross« of fine brass rivets or silver nails. Shepherds bringing their flocks to the Auvergne highlands used to stick the blade into the ground and pray in front of the cross. All blades and bolsters are polished to a mirrorfinish. Each knife is delivered with a leather case. 1 Model »Ebène« Ebony wood handle with brass bolsters and rustproof blade of Sandvik steel 12C27. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 100 g No. 709050 58.74 € 69.90 € 2 Model »Tire-Bouchon« Finely polished ebony handles scales, blade and corkscrew of rustproof Sandvik steel 12C27, stainless steel bolsters. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 90 g No. 709055 67.14 € 79.90 € 3 Model »Amourette« Fine scales of gorgeous grained snakewood give this Laguiole knife an individual and exclusive character. Spring and »Bee« are forged from a single piece and the elegant pattern on the blade and spring back are handmade. Blade of rustproof Sandvik steel 12C27. Stainless steel bolsters. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 220 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm 90 g No. 709218 88.24 € 105.00 €

C LE THIERS®, FOLDING KNIVES Elegant lines: Named after the French region around Thiers, this folding knife will captivate you with its elegant lines. The handle scales are made of high-quality robust leather. The white stitching along the handle emphasises the great style of design. The spring is hand-decorated. Blade of Swedish stainless 12C27 Sandvik steel. Hardness approx. 56-57 HRC. Overall length 210 mm Blade length 90 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm 65 g 1 With black leather handle. No. 709236 83.95 € 99.90 € 2 With brown leather handle. No. 709237 83.95 € 99.90 €


Knives | Hunting and outdoor knives

A FOLDING KNIVES BY MANU LAPLACE Clear, elegant design with no frills - the French master knife-maker Manu Laplace has been developing and making folding knives of timeless beauty and uncompromising functionality for four generations. In his forge in Thiers, France, he creates two series of knives. These small works of art from the finest steels and woods are a pleasure to touch and look at. The compact knives of the 1515S series make discreet companions, while the full-size knives of the 1515 series suit all purposes. With great attention to detail, Manu Laplace artistically decorates the individual models by hand - even the back of the blade, the spring and even the inside of the spacer on some models. Blades of stainless Swedish 12C27 Sandvik steel (58 HRC) are guided in Teflon bushings and secured with an easy-tooperate linerlock. Comes in padded gift box.

1 1515S Olivewood Polished handle scales made of grained olivewood. Slightly curved smooth back spring. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 2.1 mm 70 g No. 709271 129.41 € 154.00 €



2 1515S Spalted stabilized beech Beech wood handle scales made of spalted stabilized end grain. Radial cutting makes a feature of the growth rings, which give a stunning appearance. The back spring and the inside of the spring have handfiled ornamental leaf pattern, while the hollowed spaces create a three-dimensional effect. The tang of the knife is adorned with a circular pattern (BouchonnageTechnique). This knife is a true rarity! Blade length 60 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade thickness 2.1 mm 70 g No. 709235 223.53 € 266.00 €



3 1515 Buffalo horn Polished, black water buffalo horn handle scales. The slightly curved smooth back spring is engraved with two feathers on the inside. The handle is completed with a stainless steel bolster.

Blade length 80 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 130 g No. 709267 150.42 € 179.00 €


4 1515 Snakewood Handle scales of exotically grained snakewood from the South American Republic of Surinam. The back spring and the inside of the spring have handfiled ornamental patterns. The handle is


5 1515 Spalted beech Handle scales made of spalted beech, the distinctive grain and wood coloration is caused by fungi. The back spring and the inside of the spring have hand-filed ornamental leaf pattern, while the hollowed spaces create a three-dimensional effect. The tang of the knife is adorned with a

circular pattern (Bouchonnage-Technique). Blade length 80 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 110 g No. 709234 215.13 € 256.00 €

completed with a stainless steel bolster. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.8 mm 130 g No. 709260 163.03 € 194.00 €


6 1515 Maple Handle scales made of decent looking but still very attractive figured maple wood. The back spring and the inside of the spring have three hand-filed ornamental leaf patterns. The tang of the knife is adorned with a circular pattern (Bouchonnage-Technique).

Blade length 80mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.3 mm 110 g No. 709285 142.02 € 169.00 € For more interesting pocket knives see www.more-than-tools.de


B BELT POUCH, FOR ALL MODEL 1515 Cognac coloured, hand-sewn belt pouch from France, of 2.5 mm thick fine tanned leather. No. 709259 40.67 € 48.40 € 238

C C LEATHER ROLL-UP CASE FOR STRAIGHT RAZORS OR FOLDING KNIVES Exclusive and space-saving, this roll-up case of fine brown calf leather provides safe and compact storage for straight razors or folding knives and is convenient for travellers to use. It is rolled and fastened with two leather straps and can be hung on a hook using the leather loop. It will accommodate up to 7 razors and/or folding knives. Hand-made in France by Thiers Issard. 365 x 210 mm No. 709154 55.46 € 66.00 €

Knives | Blades and blade blanks

Blades and blade blanks For Japanese kitchen knives Multi-layered steel blanks with a core of White of Blue Paper Steel, hardened to approx. 61 HRC and annealed in the

tang region. The blades are not rustproof. Dimensions are approximate. Supplied with working instructions.

For Japanese hunting and outdoor knives


E HUNTING KNIFE SHAPE For hunting and outdoor knives. Forged and pre-ground, core of white paper steel, 3-layer, double-bevelled, with grooved blade. Not rustproof.

A 1

Blade length 180 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 5.5 mm No. 719544 89.92 €

107.00 €

Rockwell hardness 62 HRC. Not rustproof. Blade thickness approx. 3 mm

F 2 F SMALL MULTI-LAYERED BLADE A SANTOKU SHAPE For All-Purpose Knives. White Paper Steel core. Double-bevelled. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm

1 Blade blank with black forged skin, 3 layers No. 719553 37.14 € 44.20 € 2 Blade blank, 15 layers No. 719555 59.92 €

71.30 €

Finished blade, 15 layers No. 719557 71.34 €

84.90 €

BLANK This blade is perfectly suited to build a pendant or carving knife. The core layer of White Paper Steel is sandwiched between 30 layers of Suminagashi steel. As all blades are handmade, they can vary slightly with regard to form and size.

Blade length approx. 50 mm Overall length approx. 85 mm No. 709290 13.61 € 16.20 € Blade length approx. 30 mm Overall length approx. 90 mm No. 709291 13.61 € 16.20 €



BLADE BLANK The blade is well suited to make a knife an every day companion, a neck knife or a little hunter for the smaller tasks in the forest. Three-layered blade with a cutting layer of White Paper Steel. The rough forged surface of the upper part of the


blade gives an attractive contrast to the fine polished cutting layer. Rockwell hardness 61 HRC. Not stainless. Blade length 80 mm Overall length 135 mm Blade thickness 3 mm No. 709292 13.61 € 16.20 €

2 Western design knife blades

B USUBA SHAPE For vegetable knives. White Paper Steel Core. Double-bevelled. Blade length 165 mm Overall length 240 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm

1 Blade blank with black forged skin, 3 layers No. 719554 37.31 € 44.40 € 2 Blade blank, 15 layers No. 719556 59.92 €

71.30 €

Finished blade, 15 layers No. 719558 71.34 €

84.90 €

H 1


3 H SWEDISH DAMASCUS BLADES Magnificently structured, rustproof Damascus blades, manufactured using powder metallurgy sintering and forging, approx. 120 layers. Hardened and annealed, martensitic structure, approx 60 HRC.

C C AJIKIRI SHAPE For small chopping and rocker knives. Blue Paper Steel Core, 3 layers, double-bevelled. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 170 mm Blade thickness 3 mm No. 719539 25.63 €

1 Striped Damascus Blade length 100 mm Overall length 155 mm Blade thickness 3.3 mm No. 709092 109.24 €

130.00 €

2 Rose Damascus steel Blade length 88 mm Overall length 146 mm Blade thickness 3.3 mm No. 709104 109.24 €

130.00 €

3 »Damascus« carving blade Striped Damascus steel blade for a small carving knife. Blade length 35 mm Overall length 60 mm Blade thickness 2 mm No. 709105 41.93 € 49.90 €

30.50 €

D D SASHIMI SHAPE For fish knives in a willow leaf shape. White Paper Steel Core, 2 layers, right-bevelled. Blade length 200 mm Overall length 300 mm Blade thickness 3 mm No. 719542 59.92 € 71.30 €


I OUTDOOR BLADE Norwegian blade for building knives for outdoor use. Manufactured in traditional shape using Uddeholm steel, hardened to 57 Rockwell and sharpened for use.

Rustproof chromium steel. (0.6% C, 13.5% Cr) Blade length 130 mm Overall length 245 mm Blade thickness 2 mm No. 709107 30.67 € 36.50 €


Knives | Blades and blade blanks


Damascus Blade Blanks These beautifully structured damascus blades with 192 layers are made in the Indus Valley. In order to achieve a high cutting performance, low alloy 1095* carbon steel is forged irrevocably with Nickel steel 15N20*. All blanks are already etched and hardened to 60 HRC.



The edges are not completely sharpened. As these not-rustproof blanks are entirely handmade, each is unique. They may vary slightly in form and size. Analysis: (*1095: C 0.95%; *15N20: C 0.75%, N 2%, M 0.4%)

3 E 4 E ROUND STICK TANG BLADE BLANKS Blade blank for a Bavarian style hunter with a stick tang (round). Random Damascus. The blade blanks are drop-forged. Blade thickness 4 mm

5 A FROSTS/MORA BLADES Three-layer carbon steel, for making carving or outdoor knives. Middle layer hardness approx. 61 Rockwell, high endurance, sharpens well, not rustproof. Blade thickness 2.6 mm 1 Blade length 60 mm Straight blade. Overall length 170 mm No. 709210 15.04 € 17.90 €

3 Blade length 75 mm Overall length 160 mm No. 709212 13.87 € 16.50 € 4 Blade length 100 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 709213 14.37 € 17.10 €


5 Blade length 112 mm Overall length 220 mm No. 709214 15.04 € 17.90 €

Blade length 100 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 719425 47.39 € 56.40 € Blade length 110 mm Overall length 210 mm No. 719426 53.70 € 63.90 €



2 Blade length 60 mm Curved blade. Overall length 170 mm No. 709211 11.51 € 13.70 € 3

B 4 B CARBON STEEL BLADES Uddeholm mono steel No. 1770, (0.7% C, 0.3% Si, 0.5% Mn), very sharp, not rustproof. Blade thickness approx. 2.5 mm Blade length 75 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 709076 8.66 € 10.30 €

Blade length 80 mm Overall length 195 mm No. 709077 8.82 € 10.50 € Blade length 90 mm Overall length 200 mm No. 709064 9.33 € 11.10 € Blade length 100 mm Overall length 210 mm No. 709078 9.58 € 11.40 €

F STICK TANG BLADE BLANKS Blade thickness 3 mm 1 Ladder Damascus Blade length 90 mm Overall length 165 mm No. 719315 41.93 € 49.90 €

3 Rose Damascus Blade length 120 mm Overall length 195 mm No. 719317 61.85 € 73.60 €

2 Random Damascus Blade length 105 mm Overall length 180 mm No. 719316 39.75 € 47.30 €

4 Ladder Damascus Blade length 95 mm Overall length 175 mm No. 719318 54.54 € 64.90 €

G C 1 C CHROMIUM STEEL BLADES Rustproof, martensitic Sandvik steel 12C27, (0.6% C, 13.5% Cr), tough and hard-wearing.

Blade length 80 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm No. 709063 12.35 € 14.70 €

Blade length 75 mm Overall length 180 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm No. 709073 11.43 € 13.60 €

Blade length 90 mm Overall length 200 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm No. 709075 12.52 € 14.90 € Blade length 100 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 3.2 mm No. 709074 12.86 € 15.30 €

2 G FULL TANG BLADE WITH HAND GUARD Full tang blade blank with hand guard, largely finished. All you have to do is sharpen the edge and attach bolsters and handle scales to the tang, which is fairly easy due to pre-drilled tang holes (2.5 mm) and thong tube hole 6 mm. Blade thickness 4 mm

1 Random Damascus Blade length 100 mm Overall length 210 mm No. 719319 56.13 €

66.80 €

2 Ladder Damascus Blade length 90 mm Overall length 210 mm No. 719427 67.14 €

79.90 €



1 D BRUSLETTO KNIFE BLADE BLANK, TROLLUNGEN Short blade, ideal for a carving knife. Blade made of rustproof Sandvik Steel 12C27, hardened to approx. 58 HRC, pre-ground and tempered.


Blackened surface. Blade length 52 mm Overall length 90 mm Blade thickness 2 mm No. 709126 15.04 €

2 17.90 €

H FULL TANG BLADE BLANKS Pre-drilled tang holes (2.5 mm), thong tube hole 6 mm. Blade thickness 4 mm

1 Random Damascus Blade length 100 mm Overall length 215 mm No. 719415 46.13 € 54.90 €

For more full tang blade blanks see www.more-than-tools.de

2 Ladder Damascus Blade length 90 mm Overall length 195 mm No. 719417 56.13 € 66.80 €

Knives | Knife kits

Knife kits

Fixed knives

Folding knives




Create a knife with an impressively etched 33-layer Suminagashi blade (middle layer of VG10 steel). The handle scales of select cocobolo wood are pre-mounted.

Fittings and plates of nickel silver. Stable and attractive punched leather sheath and belt loop for storage and transport. With detailed assembly instructions. Outer edges of rustproof stainless steel. Blade length 75 mm Overall length 175 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Weight of the finished knife approx. 110 g No. 709180 83.19 € 99.00 €

Compose your own individual outdoor knife with high quality components from IC Cut: 3.5 mm thick blade of rustproof

AUS6 steel, hardened and annealed, flat-ground sides, hollow-ground cutting edge, laminated cocobolo handle scales, studs, sturdy belt-mounting leather sheath, assembly instructions. Blade length 110 mm Overall length 235 mm Blade thickness 3.5 mm Weight of the finished knife approx. 240 g No. 709039 55.04 € 65.50 €



B HIRO® FOLDING KNIFE KIT With this kit from the Japanese master blacksmith Hiro, and a bit of manual dexterity, you can build your own pocket knife. Blade of rustproof Hitachi GIN1 steel, nickel silver fittings, handle scales of glue-laminated walnut wood.


With detailed assembly instructions. Blade length 67 mm Overall length 170 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Weight of the finished knife approx. 120 g No. 719517 50.34 € 59.90 €


With these high quality components and a small amount of work you can build your

own individual hunting knife. Falken blade, walnut handle, sturdy hand protection, 2.2 mm sheath leather, inlay, needle, thread, rivet, assembly instructions. Blade length 87 mm Overall length 210 mm Blade thickness 3.3 mm No. 709130 53.95 € 64.20 €

C G C »IVORY« FOLDING KNIFE KIT A reliable daily companion - for self-assembly! Kit for a handy, light back-lock knife. The micarta handle scales with an ivory appearance are already fastened to the plates and are outstandingly suitable for scrimshaw decoration. Blade of rustproof 440 A tool steel, nickel silver flan-

ges and plates. With detailed assembly instructions. Blade length 55 mm Overall length 140 mm Blade thickness 2 mm Weight of the finished knife approx. 50 g No. 709189 30.00 € 35.70 €

G KIT FOR A NORDIC STYLE KNIFE Includes all the materials required for making your own highly individual Nordic knife. Hardened, pre-sharpened Uddeholm No. 1770 carbon steel blade, masur birch, reindeer horn slice, brass

head plate, leather, thread, with brief assembly instructions. Blade length 93 mm Overall length 205 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm No. 709062 31.34 € 37.30 €

MESSER MACHEN WIE DIE PROFIS By Ernst G. Siebeneicher-Hellwig. A wide choice of materials, the workmanship and the freedom of design make knifemaking a creative craft. This book teaches you how to make your own knife. It starts with a brief introduction to steel and describes the most common handle materials and the

required tools. For beginners, the book explains in detail the individual steps involved in making a knife, based on various kits (including hunting knives and folding knives). For advanced knifemakers, it contains instructions for developing and making your own knives from scratch. Information on embellishment and decorating techniques complete the book. 128 pages, approx. 100 colour photographs, hardcover, 163 x 219 mm. In German. No. 713004 15.84 € 16.95 €



Assemble your individual folding knife – with a little craftsman’s skill and the »Back Lock« knife kit. The kit contains all necessary components, including a

satined blade of rustproof Hitachi steel (AUS6), pre-assembled handle scales of waterproof glue-laminated exotic wood as well as plates and flanges of nickel silver. With detailed assembly instructions. Blade length 85 mm Overall length 195 mm Blade thickness 3 mm Weight of the finished knife approx. 170 g No. 709184 33.53 € 39.90 €


Knives | Obsidian


Igneous obsidian was used to make arrowheads and knife blades long before humankind discovered how to forge steel blades. The extreme sharpness of this material made it essential to the ancient Japanese for bear hunting and to the Aztecs as ritual knives. The knowledge

required to fracture this extremely brittle naturally occurring material into useful blade shapes has virtually disappeared. One enclave remains in Hokkaido, where high-quality obsidian is still available in sufficient quantities. We are pleased to be able to offer original Hokkaido obsidian of this quality to ambitious knifemakers, experimental anthropologists and other

handcraft artists. The semi-translucent stones also are amazingly eye-catching, allowing them to be additionally suitable for making jewellery and other fine objects.

We wish to point out that the invisible structure of the obsidian and a lack of experience may result in an unusable product in many cases. »Instructions« are provided.

To work this stone you require a stone for splitting large chunks, a deer horn hammer and a deer horn tip for the fine splitting work and leather hand protection.



A OBSIDIAN KNIFE BY SUEMORI Unikates: The Hokkaido-based knife-maker Tokashi Suemori learned the archaic art of fracturing obsidian from the Ainu, an ancient tribe in the north of Japan. We are occasionally able to offer examples of his work, with each piece having a unique form. The price lies between about 280450 € depending on the size and form of the knife. No. 716247 Price on request

B OBSIDIAN, BLACK Medium sized pieces, transparent black. 300-700 g/stone (approx. 80-150 mm), minimum order quantity 1 kg. Price per kg No. 716245 18.40 € 21.90 €


C OBSIDIAN, BROWN Relatively large pieces, brown/black speckled, 800 g to 2 kg/stone (approx. 100-200 mm), minimum order quantity 1 kg. Price per kg No. 716246 13.53 € 16.10 €


D DEER HORN TIP Red deer horn tip for finely splitting the obsidian. Length 300-350 mm No. 820130 2.94 € 3.50 €


E HORN HAMMER Reindeerhorn hammer for roughly splitting the obsidian. Length 250-300 mm No. 820131 11.93 € 14.20 €

Brief glossary of steel terms ATS 34: A very pure, rustproof carbon steel made in Japan that displays a very fine crystalline structure due to its high molybdenum content. (C = 1%, Cr = 13.5%, Mo = 3.5%, Mn = 0.4%, P = 0.023%, S = 0.003%) AUS 6 M: Similarly to »Silver Paper Steel«, just slightly softer. (C= 0.6%, Cr= 14%, Mo = 0.2%, V = 0.2%) Blue Paper Steel (Ao Gami): Similar to White Paper Steel but alloyed with an additional 0.4% chromium and 1.8% tungsten. This makes it somewhat tougher. Cowry X: Stainless heavy duty steel made using the powder metallurgy process. (C = 3%, Cr = 20%, Mo = 1%, V = 0.3%, HRC 65-67). Damascus steel: Named after Damascus, the ancient centre of the metalworking trade, this steel is well-known for its highly grained surface. First produced in India around 300 BC. The unique structure was originally created using steel segregation techniques during cooling (to make what was known as Wootz steel). In modern Damascus steels, this structure is created by forge welding and folding steels of different carbon contents together. Iron (Fe): Does not occur naturally in its pure form (other than in meteorite iron). Obtained by smelting iron oxides (iron ore, magnetite, etc.) it was first produced in Asia approx. 2600 years ago. HSS (High Speed Steel): A type of steel which is heat resistant to approx. 570 °C due to a relatively high content of chromium,


molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium. Used in machine and turning tool blades. Carbon steel: A non-alloyed tool steel with a carbon content of 0.2 - 1.7% which can be sharpened to a very high degree due to its fine grain structure. Alloying: The addition of certain metals (e.g. chromium, manganese) to change the characteristics of the base metal. SG-2: Stainless heavy duty steel made using the powder metallurgy process. (C = 1.3%, Cr = 15%, Mo = 3%, V = 2%, HRC 63-65). Silver Paper Steel (Gin Gami, GIN1): Rustproof blade steel made by Hitachi. Particularly corrosion- and wear-resistant due to its high chromium content (chromium carbides). (C = 0.9%, Cr = 16%, Mn = 0.6%, Mo = 0.4%, S = < 0.004%, P < 0.025%). Sintered steel: Sintering allows metals which normally cannot be alloyed or welded together to be combined. The components are mixed in powdered form and then hot isostatically pressed in a process known as Powder Metallurgy (PM). The Swedish Damasteel AB company has used this technique since 1995 to produce rustproof Damascus steel with an extremely fine martensitic structure. The steel, called RWL 34, contains 1% C, 14% Cr, 4% Mo and 0.2% V. It displays excellent sharpening properties, is extremely tough and very resistant to wear, making it ideal for use in the blades of outdoor knives. SKD 11: High-alloyed Japanese tool steel, which was originally developed for the use of machine

tools. Due to its high percentage of carbide it is very abrasion resistant, durable and non-corroding but not rust-proof.

Suminagashi steel: A Japanese variation of Damascus steel that contains a carbon steel core, in contrast to European Damascus blades.

Hardening: Heating hardenable steel to above the transformation point (approx. 780 °C for carbon steels, approx. 1050 °C for rustproof steels, depending on the alloy) and subse-quently quenching them (in water, oil or air) results in the formation of a new, finer crystalline structure. The steel gets harder, more brittle and more sharpenable because of the finer structure. The hardness can be tested using the Rockwell method (pressing a diamond cone into the surface of the steel).

Tamahagane: Japanese sword steel produced from iron sand (Masa) smelted in a charcoal fired furnace. This process, called »Tatara«, is the earliest known method (approx. 1800 years old) in which steel can be obtained directly from the raw material without any intermediate steps. It yields steel with the highest possible degree of purity.

Annealing: After hardening, the steel must be annealed to avoid brittleness. In general, the steel is heated in a controlled manner (for a specific time at between 180 and 300 °C) to remove the internal stresses in the structure. In the process, the steel becomes somewhat less hard, but gets tougher and less prone to chipping.

VG-10 steel: Rustproof high-class blade steel, made in Takefu. Its high content of cobalt and carbides make it extremely durable. (C = 1.0%, Cr = 15%, Mo = 1.0%, V = 0.2%, Co = 1.5%).

It is important to note that the properties exhibited by an individual blade do not solely depend on the chemical composition of the steel used. The blacksmith’s skill and the nature of the hardening process employed also play a very important role in the quality of the outcome. Careful forging, for example, further refines and homogenises the steel’s structure. Prolonged heating during the forging, hardening or annealing process lead to carbon diffusion that diminishes the hardness and edge life of the blade. Impurities (e.g. P, S) have a very detrimental effect on the blade and cause a dramatic increase in the brittleness of the edge.

Steel: A forgeable, alloyed or non-alloyed iron with a carbon content (C) of between 0.1% and maximally 1.7%.

White Paper Steel (Shiro Gami): Trade name for a type of highly pure carbon steel made by the Hitachi Company that is smelted from iron sand (Masa) and is of particularly high quality, mainly used for making cutting tools. (C = 1.2%, S < 0.004%, P < 0.025%). Tool steel: Alloyed or non-alloyed steel with a carbon content of at least 0.2%, a level which allows the steel to be hardened. 440 C: Hardenable stainless steel originally developed for making ball bearings. High resistance to corrosion and wear. (C = 1%, Cr = 17%, Mn = 1%, S = 0.05%, P = 0.04%).

This glossary is regularely updated and can also be found on our website www.more-than-tools.de

Light and convenient!

Razors and accessories | 245

Scissors | 249


Razors and scissors


Sharpening pass Two free sharpenings (see page 5). Sharpening service

middle of the blade. In the picture, this ridge

available grits of up to 30000, they are ideal

is shown disproportionately, but it can also be

for the fine grinding of razors. For many, this

detected on the razor itself by a different

will be sharp enough, but others will want to

reflection of the blade. The ridge increases

polish the blade further with finishing pastes.

Free lifetime sharpening for Premium

stability and allows an even finer cutting edge. Following use of an appropriate hone (or

products (see page 5).

When ground to perfection, a razor like this

hones) to restore the correct edge geometry,

can »sing«. You can detect a full hollow with

we recommend successive use of bio-diamond

the »nail test«: When pressed on the thumb-

compounds in the following grades:

nail, the cutting edge will yield already to light

6 micron, 3 micron, 1 micron and 0.25 micron.

pressure and then spring back fully. This me-

These steps are then followed by stropping

ans that the blade is very thin and highly ela-

on a surface with chromoxide finishing paste

stic at the front and can thus easily follow

and then stropping of the razor on unpasted

the skin contours. A blade with a 1/2 or 1/4



Double stabalizing piece



hollow-ground is slightly less flexible when shaving than a full hollow. This makes them

For an out-of-the-box razor that may not yet be

easier to control, which means that the razor

completely shave-ready:

is also well-suited for beginners.

For beginners, the Thiers Issard aluminium-

Point Hollow ground Cutting edge Jimps

oxide-based sharpening paste is sufficient to Handle

Blade widths

make a blade fit for shaving. After the paste,

Blade widths are traditionally specified in in-

strop the blade without paste.

ches. A 3/8 razor is a smallish razor, which is Blade profile:




used, for example, by barbers to shave the

For professionals, we recommend using the

neck or for parts of the body that are not too

following in this order: Bio-diamond sharpe-


ning pastes 6 micron, 3 micron, 1 micron,

Most razors are offered as 5/8 and 6/8 inch,

0.25 micron, chromoxide paste and finally,

which are the best sizes for shaving.

an unpasted strop.

A 7/8 inch requires special experience,

In addition, for regular razor care once every

therefore beginners should start with 5/8

2 or 3 weeks, the following sequence:

or 11/16-inch razors. In principle, the size

Bio-diamond paste 1 micron, bio-diamond

should suit the size of the hand and the face. paste 0.25 micron, chromoxide paste and Types of hollow grind:

The 5/8- or 6/8-inch widths are the most

A: Flat (flat-ground razor)

common sizes for beard shaving and are

B: ½ hollow

ideal for the chin and cheeks.

For a razor already in regular use:

C: Full hollow

Sizes in ascending order:

Before shaving, we recommend using either

3/8“, 5/8“, 11/16“, 6/8“ and 7/8“.

a strop coated with Thiers-Issard finishing

The first straight razor blades were wedge-

paste, followed by an unpasted strop or, if

shaped, rather like kitchen knives. This is


called a flat grind. Over time, the idea of a

The choice is yours:

blade with a hollow grind developed. This

Opinions often differ when it comes to sharp-

hollow grind makes the blade easier to hone

ening - a good solution for one person may be

and allows an extremely fine cutting edge.

far from perfect for another. We would like to

The thinner the cutting edge, the better the

give a general recommendation from our ex-

shave, because the blade edge can adjust


better to the skin contours, which is why full hollow, 1/2 hollow and 1/4 hollow grind deve- For a blade needing restoration: loped. The full hollow blade type is the most

A blade that needs restoring should always

elaborate and therefore the most expensive.

be honed on a honing stone first. For this

As you can see in the picture above, the

purpose we recommend our Shapton stones.

blades actually have two hollows, between

The ceramic bond makes the stones harder

which a thin »ridge« is formed along the

than water stones and, because of the readily


finally, an unpasted strop.

you wish, an unpasted strop by itself.

Sharpening set for straight razors, see page 95.

Razors and scissors | Razors and accessories

Razors and accessories

Thiers Issard Since 1884, traditional French company Thiers Issard in Auvergne has been making exquisite razors for wet shaving. The blades are made almost exclusively from Carbonsong C135 steel* with an extremely high carbon content of 1.35%. Due to this high carbon content and the extreme hardness of approx. 64-65 HRC, they can be ground to a very thin edge, thus providing the necessary sharpness for a comfortable shave. For a better grip, the underside of the tang is serrated on all razors. Leather pouch included.


A RAZOR »SUPER GNOME« Slim, unpretentious razor with a narrow satin finished 1/2 hollowed blade. Manufactured of historic blanks which were forged decades ago in Solingen. Delicate razors of this type are becoming increasingly popular, also among the ladies. Black handle scales made of high-grade plastic. Blade width 3/8'' Blade length 70 mm Overall length 215 mm No. 709199 72.27 € 86.00 €

B »LE DANDY« RAZOR Handle scales made of high-grade plastic, blade engraved with »Le Dandy«. Blade with round head and full hollow, polished to a satin finish. Blade length 70 mm Overall length 245 mm

* Carbon-steel is far superior to rustproof steel as far as sharpness is concerned. The supposed disadvantage of rust susceptibility is offset by following the care instructions. Care instructions: After shaving, clean the knife with pure water and dry thoroughly. If the razor is not used over a long period of time, it should be slightly oiled ( e.g. camellia oil, No. 705280).

Colour white Blade width


5/8“ No. 709307 82.27 No. 709308 83.95 6/8“ Colour black (without picture) 5/8“ No. 709014 82.27 No. 709309 83.95 6/8“

€ 97.90 € € 99.90 € € 97.90 € € 99.90 €

C 1

2 C RAZOR WITH GOLD ENGRAVING 5/8“ The blade is etched with the black wolf and ram logo and is additionally decorated by hand with 24-carat gold leaf. Blade with round head, full hollow polished to a mirror finish. Blade width 5/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 250 mm

1 Blond horn Elegant blond handle of Norman cow horn. No. 709015 167.23 € 199.00 € 2 Snakewood Wood with a very vivid grain and beautiful red-black colour. No. 709016 163.03 € 194.00 € 3 Boxwood The boxwood handle has a relief-like structure with a floral design. No. 709191 167.23 € 199.00 €



D RAZOR WITH ENGRAVING 5/8", STAMINA WOOD The blade is etched with the black wolf and ram logo. The red stamina wood handle is extremely resistant to moisture. Blade with round head, full hollow polished to a satin finish.

Blade width 5/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 250 mm No. 709314 125.21 €

149.00 €


E RAZOR 5/8" DESERT IRONWOOD This wood from the Arizona desert has a beautiful grain and, due to its high density, is extremely resistant to moisture. Blade with round head and full hollow, polished to a mirror finish.

Blade width 5/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 250 mm No. 709315 205.88 €

245.00 €


Razors and scissors | Razors and accessories

A B A RAZOR 11/16", BLOND HORN Elegant blond handle of Norman cow horn. The blade is ¼ hollow-ground and is slightly less flexible when shaving than a full hollow. On the other hand, this makes the ¼ hollow easier to control, which means that the razor is also well-suited for beginners. The thumb notch is serrated for a better grip. Polished to a mirror finish with round head. Blade width 11/16" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 240 mm No. 709329 184.03 € 219.00 €

B RAZOR 11/16" »SILVERWING MAHOGANY« The 100-year old mahogany wood from Cuba is a true rarity. The fine-grained reddish brown wood is used for the handle scales and the case. The »fleur-deLis« (lily) - a wellknown symbol of the French monarchy – appears on the spine of the blade together with a crown, and on one side of the

handle. To allow engraving on the rounded spine of the blade, Thiers Issard developed a special new method.

The blade is ¼ hollow-ground and is slightly less flexible when shaving than a full hollow. On the other hand, this makes the ¼ hollow easier to control, which means that the razor is also

well-suited for beginners. The thumb notch is serrated for a better grip. Limited edition, razor and box are engraved with the item number. Mirror-polished blade with round head. Blade width 11/16" Blade length 65 mm Overall length 240 mm No. 709294 273.11 € 325.00 €

C 1 C RAZOR WITH GOLD ENGRAVING 6/8" The blade is etched with the black wolf and ram logo and is additionally decorated by hand with 24-carat gold leaf. Blade with round head, full hollow polished to a mirror finish. 1 Dark Horn These historical blades were forged at the beginning of the 19th century using the best Sheffield cast steel. The back of the

blade is decoratively hand-filed, handle made of dark Norman cow horn.

Blade with round head and full hollow, polished to a mirror finish. Blade width 6/8" Blade length 75 mm Overall length 240 mm No. 709122 175.63 € 209.00 €

2 2 Desert Ironwood This wood from the Arizona desert has a beautiful grain and, due to its high density, is extremely resistant to moisture. Blade with round head and full hollow, polished to a mirror finish. Blade width 6/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 245 mm No. 709318 214.29 € 255.00 €


D RAZOR WITH ENGRAVING 6/8", BLOND HORN Elegant blond handle of Norman cow horn. The blade is etched with the black wolf and ram logo. Blade with round head, full hollow polished to a satin finish.

Blade width 6/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 245 mm No. 709316 163.03 €

194.00 €


E RAZOR 6/8", SNAKEWOOD Handles scales made of snakewood with a very vivid grain and beautiful red-black colour. Blade with round head, full hollow polished to a mirror finish.

F RAZOR 7/8", DARK HORN Handle scales of dark Norman cow horn. The thumb notch is serrated for a secure grip. Full hollow polished to a mirror finish, hook nose. Blade width 7/8" Blade length 75 mm Overall length 260 mm No. 709319 192.44 € 229.00 € F


Blade width 6/8" Blade length 70 mm Overall length 245 mm No. 709317 158.82 €

189.00 €

Sharpening set for straight razors, see page 95.

Razors and scissors | Razors and accessories

A LEATHER ROLL-UP CASE FOR STRAIGHT RAZORS OR FOLDING KNIVES Exclusive and space-saving, this roll-up case of fine brown calf leather provides safe and compact storage for straight razors or folding knives and is convenient for travellers to use. It is rolled and fastened with two leather straps and can be hung on a hook using the leather loop. It will accommodate up to 7 razors and/or folding knives. Hand-made in France by Thiers Issard. 365 x 210 mm No. 709154 55.46 € 66.00 €



B LEATHER CASE FOR RAZOR High quality brown calf leather case with leather tongue closing. Fits all Thier Issard Razors. Ideal for travelling. No. 709159 11.34 € 13.50 €

C FRENCH WET-SHAVING SET A gem for those who like wet shaving: This 7-piece wet-shaving set from Thiers Issard makes shaving a pleasure. The blade is ¼" hollow-ground and is slightly less flexible when shaving than a full hollow. On the other hand, this makes the ¼" hollow easier to control, which means that the razor is also well-suited for beginners. Handle of cream-coloured plastic scales, blade with round head, satin finish. Blade length 70 mm, overall length 245 mm. The grey badger hair shaving brush (21 mm) also with a cream coloured handle fits the razor (No. 709298). The sharpening paste (No. 709019) and the narrow strop with a black, roughened side for the paste and a fine leather side for stropping ensure perfect sharpness. A soap dish made of polished stainless steel (Ø 90 mm, 85 g) with lid prevents your shaving soap from dehydrating (No. 709197). The pleasant lavender aroma shaving soap calms your skin during shaving (No. 709299). An alum block for skincare after the shave is kept safe in a sturdy plastic box and its crystals ensure fast healing of small cuts (No. 709195). No. 709113 175.63 € 209.00 €


D D WET SHAVING SET, Price advantage 6-PIECES (SAFETY RAZOR WITH ACCESSORIES) Ideal for beginners in wet shaving: It contains the Safety Razor Merkur 1904 (No. 790295) and 10 pieces Personna razor blades (No. 709296), a badger hair shaving brush with white plastic handle (No. 709298), the shaving soap dish with lid (No. 709197), a skincare shaving soap with lavender scent 80 g (No. 709299) and an alum block 125 g for skin care after shaving (No. 709195). No. 709114 96.64 € 115.00 €



E SAFETY RAZOR MERKUR 1904 This razor is a replica of the very first model from 1904. It has a closed comb and consists of three parts. To insert the razor blade in the shaving head, you simply unscrew the handle. The decorated 6sided handle provides a non-slip grip. Delivery with one razor blade. Overall length80 mm Handle length 75 mm 66 g No. 709295 24.37 € 29.00 €

F RAZOR BLADES 10 Personna razor blades to fit safety razor Merkur 1904, article No. 709295. No. 709296 2.52 € 3.00 €

G JAPANESE RAZOR The archetypal razor: The knives offered here are created in the workshop of the legendary blacksmith Shigeyoshi Iwasaki, who is over 80 years old. He produces them together with his student Ryoichi Mizuochi. The knives are made of finest carbon-steel, forge welded in a charcoal furnace with Rentetsu iron and polished on natural stone. Only those pieces satisfying the stringent standards of the master are certified with his seal on the rear side of the blade. A fascinating cult object for collectors and users alike. Provided in a lovely kiri wood case. Not rustproof.

Blade length 50 mm Overall length 160 mm Blade width 21 mm No. 709023 243.70 €

290.00 € 247

Razors and scissors | Razors and accessories Shaving brush Thiers Issard Fine badger hair remains elastic even when wet and thus produces an especially creamy foam - essential for a close, comfortable shave that lasts for many hours. The badger hair is selected, bound and attached to the handle by hand.


BADGER HAIR, PLASTIC HANDLE Overall length approx. 105 mm Base diameter 33 mm Ring diameter 21 mm

PREMIUM BADGER HAIR Only the finest and softest badger hair (Super Badger) is used for these brushes. Furthermore, the badger hair is »handplucked«, i.e. the individual hairs are arranged by hand so that the brush head has a symmetrical shape and an even, parallel pattern. Overall length approx. 100 mm Base diameter 33 mm Ring diameter 23 mm

1 White No. 709298

32.77 € 39.00 €

1 Horn handle, blonde No. 709123 105.88 € 126.00 €

2 Black No. 709297

32.77 € 39.00 €







C SHAVING SOAP High-quality shaving soap has been produced in Germany's oldest family-run soap factory since 1840. Now in its fifth generation, the family uses a traditional manufacturing process which compresses the soaps in a fivefold rolling process, making them particularly rich. The shaving soaps are made from vegetable ingredients only and are gentle on the skin. Fine perfume oils from Grasse in France give them a sensual aroma. The thick, creamy lather is highly effective and lets the razor blade glide gently over the skin, protecting and nourishing men's sensitive skin during shaving. The re-sealable container is also ideal for on-the-go. 110 g in aluminium container. Classic Aromatic lemon scent with a hint of leather. No. 709304 21.01 € 25.00 € Sandalwood With a tart sandalwood note. No. 709305 21.01 € 25.00 €






D SANDALWOOD SHAVING CREAM Soft cream for the perfect shave with pleasant sandalwood aromas. In plastic container. 180 g No. 709022 19.24 € 22.90 € E ALUM CRYSTAL SHAVING BLOCK Shaving and disinfection block of pure alum (a type of aluminium sulphate) for small wounds caused by shaving. Haemostatic, astringent and antiseptic effect. When dissolved with water on the skin, alum disinfects and closes wounds. To do this, one lightly rubs the moistened block over the injured spot. 125 g No. 709195 13.03 € 15.50 €

F SHAVING SOAP THIERS ISSARD Creamy, skincare shaving soap with discrete scent. The warm lather opens the pores of the skin, softens whiskers while shaving and allows the blade to glide over the skin more smoothly. Thus the whiskers are not torn out but shaved off cleanly, smoothly and painlessly. Approx. 80 g Lavender No. 709299 8.74 € 10.40 € Almond No. 709194 8.74 € 10.40 €

2 Horn handle, dark No. 709306 92.44 € 110.00 €


G SHAVING SOAP DISH WITH LID Rustproof steel shaving soap dish with high-gloss polished finish. The lid protects the shaving soap from dust and dirt. The easy-to-clean dish weighs only 85 g. Ø 90 mm 85 g No. 709197 19.24 € 22.90 €

More razor accessories can be found at www.more-than-tools.de


1 H

2 H STROP BOX The stylish container for storing and sharpening razors. Lined with leather on both sides, twist lid. Leather surface 170 x 40 mm 330 x 40 x 35 mm No. 709013 58.74 € 69.90 €

I PADDLE STROPS French strop with different leather sides, attached to a beech paddle with wood ribs. These allow the strop to adjust to the blade, similar to a hanging strop. Sharpening paste can be applied on both sides; the brown leather is suitable for daily stropping.

Sharpening set for straight razors, see page 95.

2 Wide Extra-wide version, suitable for beginners. Leather surface 250 x 75 mm 410 x 75 x 20 mm No. 709024 44.45 € 52.90 €

K BIO DIAMOND PASTES, 4-PIECE SET These Bio Diamond sharpening pastes have a more fluid, water-based carrier with no harmful chemical additives or solvents and are therefore particularly gentle on the skin. The fluid substance in the handy dispenser allows easy and economical application. Normally the pastes last for many years. The high content of even-sized, sieved diamond particles ensures fast and effective abrasion. Any residual paste can be easily removed. Color coding: yellow 6 micron, green 3 micron, red 1 micron, grey 0.25 micron. Content per tube 10 ml No. 709125 100.00 € 119.00 €

L CHROMOXIDE FINISHING PASTE After sharpening with extra-fine diamond grits, e.g. 0.25, this finishing paste is used to take the »bite« out of a too aggressive blade, thus avoiding possible irritation and/or razor-burn. Applied on the fine leather side of an additional strop, this paste will give you the smoothest edge you’ve ever experienced. Oil-based carrier. Content: 50 g No. 709124 18.40 € 21.90 €

Please refer to the tips on sharpening razors in the attached user instructions.

J THIERS ISSARD SHARPENING PASTE The paste for regular, effortless use: Thanks to its aluminium oxide abrasive, which is less aggressive than diamond, the Thiers Issard sharpening paste is ideal for delaying the more complex basic sharpening (approx. every 2-3 weeks) a little longer. The paste is used to retain the sharpness for longer and can regularly be applied before each 3rd or 4th shave. Rub a thin layer of paste into the cotton side of a hanging strop or the second leather side of the strop. First »sharpen« on the paste side and then finish on the leather side without paste. 10 g No. 709019 4.79 € 5.70 € 248




1 Narrow in synthetic leather case Ideal professional strop for on the go, thanks to practical storage in synthetic leather case. Leather surface 215 x 35 mm 350 x 35 x 15 mm No. 709018 41.93 € 49.90 €

Razors and scissors | Razors and accessories, Scissors


A STROP STARTER SET Price advantage The 75 mm wide strop for easy blade management and the Thiers Issard sharpening paste make up the ideal set for newcomers to wet shaving. For refining the blade between sharpenings, the sharpening paste is applied to the rougher leather side. 410 x 75 x 20 mm No. 709136 46.22 € 55.00 €


B HANGING STROP STARTER SET Price advantage This set consists of an 80 mm wide hanging strop that's ideal for beginners because the blade is easier to manage, a leather cream for leather care and a Thiers Issard sharpening paste for refining the edge on the cotton side between sharpenings. 695 x 80 x 3 mm No. 709137 50.34 € 59.90 €

C 1


Strop During shaving, the ultra-fine edge of the razor bends when it meets a beard hair. This »burr« that forms on the razor blade partially straightens up with time (min. 24 hours), but stropping removes it completely. The razor strop works like a burnisher with a conventional blade that isn't sharpened but cuts only with the fine rised burr.

Hanging strop / paddle strop with ribs Basically, hanging strops and paddle strops require the blade to be managed in the same way. The type of strop is more a matter of taste. The fine ribs in the wood of the paddle strop create an elasticity that feels similar to stropping on a hanging strop. Both types are available in two widths. On the narrow version, the razor must be handled differently than on the wide version.

On the narrow strop, you must draw the blade in the form of an elongated X, which seems more difficult for beginners. Professionals, however, can strop individual parts of the cutting edge with much more control on a narrow strop. The narrow width also reduces bending in the transverse direction. On a wide strop, you can draw the blade in parallel to the edge of the strop, which is much easier to learn for a beginner.

C HANGING STROPS Hanging strops are used to straighten up razor edges, since they adjust to the rounding of the blade. The supplied hook is mounted on the wall and the strop is hung on it with the attached swivelling clamp. The swivelling clamp also allows quick switching of the two sides. The sanded top of our strops is made of highquality vegetable-tanned cowhide (Thickness 3 mm), which is exceptionally soft. If required, the rear, cotton side of the strop can be used with so-called sharpening pastes, and thus serves as a substitute for sharpening on a fine honing stone. Overall length 695 mm Working length 390 mm 1 Hanging strop 40 mm A 40 mm wide strop requires a more precise stropping technique than a wider strop. The great advantage of a narrow strop is that the leather hardly bends along the narrow width. This ensures exquisite sharpness. No. 709138 32.77 € 39.00 € 2 Hanging strop 80 mm With its 80 mm width, this strop is ideal for beginners, since they can draw the razor at a right angle along the whole width. No. 709139 45.38 € 54.00 € More strops can be found in the sharpening devices chapter.

Scissors Japanese scissors (Nigiri) Japanese Nigiri are scissors in their most archetypal form. Forged from a single piece of steel, they are exceptionally light and comfortable to hold. Pressure from the thumb and forefinger produces well-controlled cuts; the spring action of the thinly forged handle causes the blades to reopen automatically. Nigiri are suitable for all precise work with paper and fabric, opening seams, and pruning houseplants. All Nigiri come in elegant gift boxes.


D SISHU NIGIRI, HAND-FORGED Hand-forged, double-layered steel blade, extra finelyground edge, very sharp. Overall length 105 mm Blade length 45 mm 20 g No. 718105 28.49 € 33.90 €


E NAGA-HA NIGIRI, HAND-FORGED Hand-forged, double-layered steel blade, bronzed black finish, finelyground edge. Overall length 150 mm Blade length 65 mm 60 g No. 718127 24.29 € 28.90 € F

Japanese tailor's scissors Hand-made, lightweight tailor’s scissors for cutting material softly and effortlessly. The carefully hand-forged blades, the manually sharpened facets and the precision adjustment when they are assembled make these scissors the perfect tool for the high demands of tailoring. The cutting action can be adjusted.


F SISHU NIGIRI Double-layered steel, bronzed black finish. Overall length 120 mm Blade length 55 mm 25 g No. 718106 19.24 € 22.90 € G

G MINI NIGIRI Silk cord wrapped handle, solid blade, standardground edge. Overall length 75 mm Blade length 27 mm 10 g No. 718101 5.80 € 6.90 €

H DELUXE TAILOR’S SCISSORS Exclusive mirror-polished, stainless steel blades, gold-plated handles, right-handed. The blades are sharpened by hand, and promise an extraordinarily long service life. Overall length 260 mm Blade length 115 mm 275 g No. 718132 81.09 € 96.50 €

Free handed grinding of scissors. 249

Razors and scissors | Scissors



A PROFESSIONAL TAILOR’S SCISSORS Top-quality tailor's scissors made of finely polished high-performance Yasugi carbon-steel. Double-layered, hardened to 65 HRC, with a brass nut. Blade length 85 / 105 mm

B TAILOR’S SCISSORS Double-layered steel. Blade length 90 / 105 mm Overall length

200 mm No. 718136 24.20 € 28.80 € 240 mm No. 718135 29.66 € 35.30 €

Overall length

195 mm No. 718130 32.69 € 38.90 € 240 mm No. 718131 49.50 € 58.90 €

C PINKING SHEARS For decorative finishing of cloth edges. The curved notches in the blades made of differentially hardened, chrome-plated carbon-steel make these Japanese shears a masterpiece of precision mechanics. Overall length 230 mm Blade length 100 mm 245 g No. 718139 43.61 € 51.90 €



G TRADITIONAL CHINESE SCISSORS All-purpose stainless steel scissors with polished blades. The Chinese symbols for luck and longevity, a peacock and a dragon, grace the brassbound handles. Blade length 55 / 60 / 70 mm

All-purpose scissors



Overall length

150 mm No. 708151 9.58 € 11.40 € 175 mm No. 708152 10.59 € 12.60 € 195 mm No. 708153 11.60 € 13.80 €

D TRADITIONAL JAPANESE HOUSEHOLD SCISSORS Wonderfully lightweight (80 g) and with high-precision cutting, these hand-forged scissors are outstanding in both form and function. Double-layered steel. Adjustable cutting action. Overall length 185 mm Blade length 70 mm 80 g No. 718147 33.53 € 39.90 €

E FRENCH HOUSEHOLD SCISSORS AND FABRIC SCISSORS Strong, classical, multipurpose handmade scissors for cutting fabric, paper and thin leather. Overall length 170 mm Blade length 70 mm 75 g No. 708142 26.72 € 31.80 €

F FRENCH HOUSEHOLD AND SEWING SCISSORS Extraordinarily light. Made of hard-chrome-plated carbon-steel. Overall length 140 mm Blade length 60 mm 30 g No. 708141 18.24 € 21.70 €


TRADITIONAL CHINESE SCISSORS, 3-PIECE SET Price advantage No. 708151, 708152 and 708153. No. 708154 27.14 € 32.30 €

Hair cutting scissors

I HAIR CUTTING SCISSORS High-quality, great price: These haircutting scissors prove that scissors that meet professional demands can also be affordable. They offer all the features you would expect from highquality haircutting scissors at an attractive price: - Forged blades from 420 J2* stainless steel. - Hollow-ground backs and manually sharpened facets for a clean cut. - Large knurled screw with 1/20 pitch for fine adjustment. - Perfectly rounded and burr-free handles with ergonomic bows for a good grip. - Smooth, gentle cutting with rubber stopper. - Removable finger rest. - 2 finger rings for size adjustment. Hardness approx. HRC 54.





1 Super cut gold The gold-coloured surface coating not only gives these scissors an attractive look but also makes them easy-care and resistant to chemical hair care products. Asymmetric handles.

2 Super cut Thanks to their ergonomic asymmetric handles, these scissors are very comfortable to hold. Adjustment screw and finger rest with gold-coloured coating (TiN).

Overall length 140 mm Blade length 55 mm 45 g No. 708189 48.66 €

57.90 €

Overall length 140 mm Blade length 60 mm 40 g No. 708198 31.85 €

37.90 €

59.90 €

Overall length 150 mm Blade length 65 mm 60 g No. 708185 33.53 €

39.90 €

Overall length 150 mm Blade length 65 mm 50 g No. 708204 50.34 €

3 Classic The classic straight shape ensures optimal balance. Overall length 140 mm Blade length 60 mm 45 g No. 708177 29.33 € 34.90 € Overall length 150 mm Blade length 65 mm 50 g No. 708192 31.01 € 36.90 €

More scissors can be found at www.more-than-tools.de


The sheer pleasure of gardening.

Hoes and claws | 253

Shovels, forks and rakes | 255

Garden knives| 256

One-hand garden shears | 257

Two-hand garden shears | 260 Hedge shears | 260 Branch shears | 261

Tools for bonsai trees and ornamental plants | 262

Watering cans | 262

Japanese pruning saws | 263 Folding saws | 263 Fixed blade pruning saws | 264 Telescoping pruning saws | 265

Scythes and accessories | 267

Sickles | 268

Gardening sets | 269

Gardening accessories and useful items | 269


Garden tools



are cut with trimming shears are usually quite

and shears. Lay the tool on a solid support,

Pruning shears are basically divided into two

thin, so the cutting force is less important.

moisten the blade with water, and guide the

different types: bypass and anvil shears.

sharpener with uniform strokes - while main-

Bypass shears have two cutting blades that

taining the specified bevel angle - transverse-

slide past each other. Anvil shears operate

ly to the cutting edge. Sharpen firstly with

on a different principle, whereby the cutting

the coarse grit and then with the fine grit,

blade comes down on a flat surface, called

until you no longer feel any burrs on the

the anvil.

Most anvil shears have straight blades becau- cutting edge. se this design allows a more solid anvil. Shears for paring branches and hedges Take the shears apart and sharpen only the

Bypass shears Precise, clean cut


blade facet on the bevelled side (front), and

• •

Ideal for cutting

When sawing off thick, heavy branches, you

the high-quality hardened tool on a bench

green wood

should first take the pressure off the branch

grinder, as the hardness and life are adverse-


not on the concave backside! Never sharpen


before you cut it off close to the trunk. Other- ly affected by overheating! If you wish, you

wise, in the worst case, the weight of the

can call upon our professional sharpening

branch may cause the bark on the trunk to


More force required

Anvil shears

tear during sawing. You can avoid this with a


simple cutting technique:


Effective force transmission (less effort

Bypass shears

required) for cutting dead wood

Precise, clean cuts, ideal for cutting green wood.

Drawbacks: • •

The cut material is slightly squashed

1.) Make a cut with the saw on the underside

during cutting

of the branch about 30 cm away from the

Anvil shears

The bark may get damaged

trunk. (Don't cut too deep, as otherwise the

Effective force tranmission, for cut-

saw may get stuck in the kerf because of the

ting dead wood.

weight of the branch.) Both types can have a curved or straight bla-

2.) Make a cut with the saw on the top of the

Fruit tree pruning

de. The advantage of a curved blade is the

branch about 40 - 45 cm away from the

Slightly set saws offer smoothest

slightly skewed cut, which requires less effort trunk. (Its own weight should cause the branch to break off in a controlled manner.) when cutting.

surfaces which minimises the risk of fungal or bacterial diseases.

3.) Now you can make the final cut at the trunk without pressure from the branch.

General pruning These saws allow quick cuts to the disadvantage of less smoother


surfaces through a medium wide setting.

Most bypass shears operate on the principle

As basic equipment, we recommend a

of the skew cut, the only exception being

DMT diamond combination sharpener

Forestry work

trimming shears. This type of shear needs a

(No. 705391) with fine and coarse grit,

Robust saws which thanks to wide

slim blade, which is difficult to achieve with

which has proven itself in mobile use. It is

setting are suited best for forestry work.

a curved shape. The parts of the plants that

equally suited for use with knives, axes, hoes,

Sharpening service for cutting tools Let our specialists, who are trained in Japan, restore your cutting tools to their original sharpness. We gently sharpen your garden tools on waterstones – naturally also with the abrasives we offer in our product range. We will return your tools to you, razor-sharp, in a few days.


To find out more about our sharpening service, please call: +49 (0)991-9109-910 or +49 (0)1805-9109-910*. *(14 cents/min. from German landlines / calls from mobiles may cost more).

Garden tools | Hoes and claws

Hoes and claws Hand-forged gardening tools It only takes a glance at a traditionally arranged Japanese garden to understand that such detailed precision requires extremely sharp gardening tools. Most sickles and soil working tools presented here are manufactured in selected master workshops, hand-forged from carbonsteel using traditional techniques.

They can be sharpened on waterstones. Even though carbon-steel is not rust free, sharpest edges are possible while sharpening is done with ease. We recommend storing the gardening tools in a dry place, and oiling them slightly if they are unused for an extended period (e.g. with Japanese rust-protection oil, No. 711541).

For sharpening, we recommend Japanese waterstones and DMT® diamond stones. More care and expense is needed when using hand-forged tools but the joy created while working with them is every bit worth the effort.





1 Light weed hoe, stainless-steel Low-maintenance: Weighing just over one kilogram, this handy hoe with a slightly concaved, tapered blade is particularly light and therefore recommended for lady gardeners. The narrow blade enables precise work around existing plants, a particular advantage when working in densely planted beds. Stainless steel. Handle made of Japanese white oak. Blade 150 x 70 mm Overall length 1200 mm 1050 g No. 717934 52.86 € 62.90 €



2 Two-handed hoe, carbon-steel Powerful hoe for digging, loosening soil and planting. Blade 205 x 85 mm Overall length 1200 mm 1850 g No. 717921 52.52 € 62.50 € 3 Japanese weeding hoe Light, hand-forged hoe with a good balance and a sharp two-layer blade. The tang is secured irremovably in a forged ring on the untreated tough Japanese white oak shaft. Blade 80 x x180 mm Overall length 1400 mm 750 g No. 718162 40.76 € 48.50 €



4 Trenching hoe With a saddle-shaped blade, for drawing furrows and making piles. Handle made of ramin. Blade 230 x 125 mm Overall length 1450 mm 1000 g No. 717906 41.09 € 48.90 € 5 Sickle hoe For weeding and loosening the soil. The sharp, slightly drop-point blade cuts even through thick roots. Double-layered steel blade, pasania wood handle. Blade 130 x 210 mm Overall length 1200 mm 970 g No. 718155 41.93 € 49.90 €


6 Weeding hoe Combination of a sharp sickle blade and a seven-tine rake for weeding large areas. Menpisang handle. Blade 65 x 240 mm Rake 75 x 185 mm Overall length 1500 mm 1000 g No. 717922 41.93 € 49.90 € B EDGING KNIFE Heavy forged blade with hardened cutting edge, ideal for cutting off lawn edges. Hardened carbon-steel. Blade 270 x 100 mm Overall length 1600 mm 2150 g No. 718154 61.34 € 73.00 € 253

Garden tools | Hoes and claws


A ONE-HANDED HOES For loosening and arranging soil around plants. Springhammer forged from highquality carbon-steel, hardened cutting edges. Tapered blade to improve strength and balance. Handles made of Jap. white oak where not otherwise stated.

1 Planting hoe Tapered blade. Blade 130 x 75 mm Overall length 405 mm 450 g No. 717902 15.88 €

2 Double hoe With hoe and pick. Blade 120 x 50 mm Overall length 405 mm 550 g No. 717904 19.16 €

3 Prong hoe With wide hoe and prongs. Blade 80 x 65 mm Fork 105 x 70 mm Overall length 405 mm 550 g No. 717903 19.16 €


22.80 €


18.90 €


22.80 €

4 4 One-handed trenching hoe Lightweight hoe for careful work in densley grown beds. Double-layered blade. Pasania handle. Blade 140 x 55 mm Overall length 400 mm 215 g No. 717905 17.56 € 20.90 €

5 5 Hand weeder For removing weeds from densley grown areas. Double-layered blade. Birch handle. Blade 30 x 80 mm Overall length 380 mm 150 g No. 717908 12.52 € 14.90 €

B GARDENING CLAWS For loosening soil for better aeration and nutrient absorbing and removing deeplyrooted weeds.


3 3 Long-prong rake Deep-reaching, strong triple prongs for loosening soil and exposing roots. Japanese white oak handle. Claw 115 x 100 mm Overall length 350 mm 320 g No. 717914 13.28 € 15.80 €

1 1 Garden claw Handy, robust garden claw with five forged tines for loosening the soil. The angled head and ash handle ensure ergonomic positioning of the hand and allow you to penetrate deeper into the soil. Claw 95 x 100 mm Overall length 280 mm 225 g No. 717967 17.31 € 20.60 €

2 Grubber Robust, forged 5-tine claw with extralong ash handle, ideal for raised beds. The angled head allows ergonomic positioning of the hand. Claw 95 x 100 mm Overall length 910 mm 530 g No. 717968 23.03 € 27.40 €




5 Single-prong claw Sharp forged prongs. Ergonomicallyshaped magnolia handle. Claw length 75 mm Overall length 210 mm 120 g No. 717910 13.36 € 15.90 €

4 4 3-prong claw Forged prongs. Ergonomic magnolia handle. Claw 70 x 50 mm Overall length 210 mm 160 g No. 717911 15.80 €

18.80 €

6 6 Cat’s paw claw Ideal for digging up and removing deep roots. Forged hook mounted in an iron sleeve. Japanese white oak handle with knob. Claw length 95 mm Overall length 380 mm 230 g No. 717909 23.95 € 28.50 €

Garden tools | Shovels, forks and rakes

Shovels, forks and rakes

G PLANTING TROWEL STAINLESS STEEL Durable all-steel trowels for digging small planting holes and repotting house plants. Narrow, lance-shaped blade with depth indicator.

A A JAPANESE POINTED BLADE SPADE STAINLESS STEEL These elegant stainless steel garden tools are made exclusively for our customers in Japanese master workshops. They are completely made of rustproof stainlesssteel and very easy to look after. Thanks to the polished surface, dirt and soil does not cling to the tools. The shovels and forks are hardened and therefore extremely wear-resistant. The head, shaft and handle are precisely welded together, hand-ground and polished. The broad YD handles guarantee that they will be comfortable to hold.

E E PLANTING TROWEL This forged planting trowel is a handy tool for planting and bedding out young plants as well as digging out stubborn weeds. The elliptical blade with a slight tip and a sharpened all-round edge is particularly suitable for hard and stony ground. Blade 160 x 80 mm Overall length 340 mm 270 g No. 717969 13.36 € 15.90 €

The special bonus: With their tear-proof, textile transport case, these shovels are ideal for mobile use. The head case is secured to the tool shaft with a Velcro fastener.




1 Slender planting trowel Blade 150 x 60 mm Overall length 280 mm 170 g No. 717925 7.48 €

8.90 €

2 Wide planting trowel Blade 150 x 75 mm Overall length 280 mm 180 g No. 717940 7.98 €

9.50 €

F F FLOWER SCOOP SET STAINLESS STEEL Handy aid for transplanting young plants, distributing seeds and soil refilling. Set with three conical scoops with different diameters. Overall length 170 mm No. 717926 10.84 € 12.90 €

Forged stainless steel spade with pointed head for breaking and digging work. Including case. Blade 190 x 250 mm Overall length 950 mm 1500 g No. 717937 83.19 € 99.00 €

H B GARDENER’S SPADE Through its extra long socket which is double riveted into the handle this spade is made for digging and turning over soil as well as for in depth loosening of ground. An edge tread protects your shoes from damage. A special hardened blade allows for better spring and at the same time decent hardness. The shaft made from high quality ash is bent in the lower part for ergonomic reasons. Blade 285 x 185 mm Overall length 1150 mm 2150 g No. 717944 44.45 € 52.90 €

C FORGED SHOVEL Very tough: This forged shovel bribes through its sturdiness. A solid spring socket on the head fixes the untreated ash handle. The hardened and tempered shovelhead out of alloyed steel has a gill for more strength and is pointed towards the end to ease the gathering of soil and stones. Overall length 155 cm Blade 270 x 280 mm 2300 g No. 717930 38.57 € 45.90 €



H JAPANESE PLANTING TROWEL Lightweight compact professional hand spade with a thin, yet robust stainless steel blade. Blade 150 x 80 mm Overall length 280 mm 170 g No. 717923 7.48 € 8.90 €

I I JAPANESE DIBBLE Dibble with a practical knob handle and stainless steel tip. Plastic body with scale, zinc-plated steel core. Overall length 210 mm 280 g No. 717924 8.32 €

9.90 €


J DIBBLE WITH BRASS TIP Beautiful ash dibble with brass tip and leather band for making planting holes in the ground. The milled-in depth scale helps prevent too deep holes, thus avoiding harmful hollow spaces under the plant. Overall length 300 mm 125 g No. 717966 19.08 € 22.70 €

D D POTTING TROWEL With this heart-shaped, slightly rounded trowel, you can fill flower pots without spilling the soil. The slightly sharpened blade edge also allows you to cut roots when bedding out plants and makes work in hard ground less tiring. Blade 110 x 100 mm Overall length 180 mm 230 g No. 717971 14.71 € 17.50 €

K K BULB PLANTER For making holes of the same depth with smooth sides. The bevel on the tube forms a kind of cutting edge that penetrates the soil easily. Ash handle. Ø 40 mm Overall length 275 mm 190 g No. 717972 15.55 € 18.50 € 255

Garden tools | Shovels, forks and rakes, Garden knives



C TOOL HANDLE A tool handle made of untreated pine rests well in the hand and is low in weight. Fits for No. 717942. Shipping is only possible within Germany. Diameter 28 mm Overall length 1500 mm No. 717965 8.32 € 9.90 €


A ROSE BED FORK This two pronged rose fork is used for planting roses and aerating rose roots with ease. This is especially important as aeration encourages root growth. In order for them to be able to free minerals it is essential that the soil bacteria have sufficient oxygen. Even weak roses will recover. The heavy-duty steel head is dieforged, the handle is made of solid ash. Fork 270 x 70 mm Prongs width 15 mm Prong spacing 40 mm Overall length 1120 mm 1150 g No. 717939 33.53 € 39.90 €


D ADJUSTABLE LEAF-RAKE This tough and at the same time light leaf rake can be changed in width from 30 to 50 cm, which makes it possible to gather yet the smallest leaves and grass. Even pebbles cannot stop this rake. A thump nut on the back of the rake allows for easy adjustment. The two outward pins on each side of the rake are wider than the others which give more efficiency, for example when raking moss. All metal parts are galvanised for rust protection and to provide a non-stick surface against soil and dirt. The rake is delivered without handle. 22 pins Overall length 440 mm 680 g No. 717942 17.56 € 20.90 €

B GARDEN FORK The short design makes this fork ideal for raised beds. The forged head with wide, slightly bevelled prongs is attached to the T-shaped ash handle by way of a socket. Fork 170 x 110 mm Prong width 15 mm Overall length 610 mm 590 g No. 717970 29.50 € 35.10 €


Garden knives




E NURSERY GRAFTING KNIFE Classic garden knife for plant cuttings and slim wood shoots. The sickle-shaped blade allows small branches to be pressed into the cutting edge. This knife is also perfectly suited for dressing cuts after tree pruning. Blade length 60 mm Overall length 180 mm 100 g No. 718108 33.53 € 39.90 €

F JAPANESE GARDEN KNIFE Powerful garden knife with a curved carbon-steel grafting blade and a large handle made of untreated bubinga wood. With hanging eyelet. Blade length 75mm Overall length 195mm 120 g No. 709169 10.84 € 12.90 €

G TINA® GRAFTING KNIFE Beautifully shaped grafting knife with bark lifter on the back of the blade. The narrow point of the blade makes it ideal for rose grafting. Tina®, a company from the south of Germany, has been making garden knives for more than 150 years. This grafting knife will captivate you with its polished walnut handle scales and hand-forged blade of carbon-steel. Blade length 45 mm Overall length 160 mm 50 g No. 709164 46.97 € 55.90 €

PLANTING KNIFE WITH SCALE For digging out plants and digging precise planting holes. The shovel-shaped stainless-steel blade has a 15 cm scale and is ground on both sides. One side is serrated. Non-slip plastic handle with an oblong hole for hanging. Plastic sheath. Blade length 190 mm Overall length 330 mm 220 g No. 718109 20.92 €



I VICTORINOX® GRAFTING KNIFE Versatile Swiss-made grafting knife with stainless steel blades. The straight blade with curved tip is particularly suitable for grafting fruit trees, while the curved blade is used to prune trees and shrubs. Brass bark lifter and lining. Textured polyamide handle scales. Blade length 55 mm Overall length 190 mm 85 g No. 709150 27.98 € 33.30 €



J GRAFTING KNIFE WITH FOLDING BARK LIFTER Precise grafting guaranteed: The special blade form makes this knife ideal for vine grafting. The folding bark lifter is made of antibacterial brass. Carbon-steel blade. Pastic handle scales. Blade length 65 mm Overall length 170 mm 85 g No. 709310 18.49 € 22.00 €

K SICKLE KNIFE (KAMA) Sickle-shaped knife with waved edge for weeding and harvesting flowers, herbs and vegetables. Stainless steel. Beech handle. Blade length 140 mm Overall length 270 mm 75 g No. 718158 6.97 €

8.30 €

24.90 €


PLANTING KNIFE With its pointed form with a hollow rear, the Japanese garden knife is suitable for both planting and for exposing and moving potted and outdoor plants. The toothed blade serves to cut roots and branches. Hardwood handle, sheath with belt loop, hardened stainless steel, rust-proof, dirtresistant polished surface. Blade length 185 mm Overall length 320 mm 225 g No. 718157 19.24 €

22.90 €

Garden tools | One-hand garden shears

One-hand garden shears





Japanese pruning shears Japanese pruning shears combine the knowledge of a gardening and forging culture that is continually developing. They are extremely sharp and wear-resistant. For premium-class pruning shears, only the best-quality steels are used. In small forges, true masterpieces are created completely by hand from highpurity carbon-steel. The forged surfaces and the form of the handles are testament to the master's skills. The result is pruning shears with a long life that make gardening a lasting pleasure. Their sharpness allows you to cut plants gently with minimal effort. Cleanly cut plant fibres heal more quickly and protect the plant from infections. This enhances plant growth and vitalises the plants.

A PREMIUM CLASS GARDENING SHEARS With his top class gardening shears, master blacksmith Hidehisa pays tribute to the beauty of nature. He dedicates himself to creating finely dimensioned masterpieces which are light in weight and aesthetically pleasing. Made from YCS3-steel, all joints are polished and adjusted by hand. The handles are faced with oiled walnut wood, making these cutting tools a joy both to behold and to hold. Due to their extreme sharpness, they cut almost effortlessly while doing no harm to the plants. Comes with leather blade sheath.

1 Pruning shears For trimming fruit trees, hedges and decorative wood. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm Approx. 200 g No. 707489 106.64 € 126.90 € 2 Rose and harvesting shears For pruning rose trees and harvesting fruit, grapes and flowers. Cutting length 55 mm Overall length 200 mm Approx. 165 g No. 707490 88.82 € 105.70 €

All pruning shears are delivered with a sharpening pass for two free sharpenings (see page 5).

B ELEGANT BRANCH SHEARS WITH RATTAN WRAPPING This branch shears are the precious product of a cooperation of traditional art of forging and craftwork. The rattan wrapping of the handles provide a comfortable feeling. The solid blade made of carbon-steel (SK5) is particularly suitable for cutting branches without damaging the plants because of the extreme sharpness of the blades. The spring is located inside the shears to protect it from loss and dirt. Adjustable fitting is provided by a screw. The shears come in a leather sheath and in an elegant gift box. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 235 g No. 718183 104.20 € 124.00 € A small version of this branch shear can be found at our webshop, www.more-than-tools.de



C STAINLESS STEEL PRUNING SHEARS Easy to care for: Master craftsman Nakajima makes these exceptional quality pruning shears from solid rust-proof stainless-steel. The sturdy, high-gloss polished blades with casehardened blades cut twigs and thin branches effortlessly without damaging the plants. The structured grips are non-slip and comfortable to hold, and warm to body temperature within seconds. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 260 g No. 718172 88.99 € 105.90 € Leather Case No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 €


D TREE AND VINE SHEARS Shears with extremely sharp cutting edges, ideal for cutting fruit trees, rose bushes and vines. Finely polished blades with outstanding durability, ergonomically forged handles, double-layered blade. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 250 g No. 718115 58.74 € 69.90 € Leather Case No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 €

H LEATHER CASE Saddler quality, with belt loop. Fits No. 718115, 718172, 718173, 718133, 718169, 707487. No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 €



E GIFT SET PRUNING SHEARS AND LEATHER CASE Price advantage The ultimate tool for keen gardeners – a very valuable gift set: a pair of extra strong pruning and garden shears (No. 718115) with leather case (No. 718118) in a very attractive gift box. No. 718186 75.55 € 89.90 €


F BRANCH SHEARS WITH LEATHER WRAPPING Sturdy, forged shears (C-58-steel) made for effortless cutting through branches and twigs. Smooth leather is rustically strung around the curved handles, contoured to fit the heel of the hand. The shears therefore lie comfortably in the hand. They are easy to clean after finishing work, as the cutting edges are polished so that dirt can hardly cling to them. The leather wrapping can be easily replaced, making these shears a companion for life. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 280 g No. 718133 65.04 € 77.40 € Leather Case No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 €

G REPLACEMENT LEATHER WRAPPING FOR BRANCH SHEARS, RED Fits No. 718133. No. 708921 11.68 € 13.90 €


Garden tools | One-hand garden shears


A ERGONOMIC PRUNING SHEARS Thanks to their ergonomically formed, extra-wide handles, these garden shears are comfortable to hold, even during extended use. Forged of extra-hard White Paper Steel, they are ideal for pruning fruit trees, hedges and bushes. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200mm 230g No. 707487 58.74 € 69.90 € Leather Case No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 €


B KIJO PRUNING SHEARS Feather-light shears with non-slip coated, easy to hold metal handles. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 205 g No. 718169 14.45 € 17.20 € Leather Case No. 718118 12.52 € 14.90 € A two-piece set consisting of the Kijo pruning shears and a DMT diamond sharpener available at www.more-than-tools.de

Set consisting of ergonomic pruning shears and leather case at www.more-than-tools.de


C PRUNING AND HARVEST SHEARS WITH LEATHER SHEATH A powerful tool for ambitious gardeners. They feature a visual, colored handle with a soft cushion to ensure superior handling. To facilitate work a spring between the handles causes the jaws to open again after closing. The replaceable blades are made of carbon-steel, take a fine edge and stay sharp for a very long time. Spare blades and springs are available. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 210 mm 205 g No. 718191 28.07 € 33.40 €


D ROSE SHEARS The slender blade is particularly suitable for cutting roses and grapes, removing flowers and precision trimming. The fitting can be adjusted. Cutting length 60 mm Overall length 200 mm 180 g No. 718098 46.97 € 55.90 €

E TRIMMING SHEARS These trimming shears are exactly right when it comes to harvesting fruits or thinning out your shrubs. The slender, tapered shape of the forged cutting edge will allow you to access even stems in the back or fruits hidden behind leaves. The non-slip, roughened surface lets the handles lie well in the hand and the



safety latch can be easily locked. The slightly curved contour of the polished blade, made from carbon-steel, results in a skewed cut that leaves an extraordinarily clean cut surface. Cutting length 75 mm Overall length 210 mm 220 g No. 718134 56.30 € 67.00 €

blade inserts. Hardness ca. 58 RC. Leather sheath with belt loop. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 200 mm 295 g No. 707480 58.40 € 69.50 €


1 G ARNO® FRENCH GARDEN SHEARS Ergonomic design and sophisticated function - the professional garden shears made by the traditional French company Arno have embodied these characteristics 258

F BOXWOOD SHEARS For pruning bushes and decorative plants there simply is no better tool than the Hakari Hasami. Forged from a single piece of steel, with mirror-polished flanks. The easy action of these shears makes pruning with them truly pleasurable. Hollowground, spring-return blades, adjustable. Handle with hand guard. Cutting length 120 mm Overall length 260 mm 250 g No. 718166 67.14 € 79.90 €

2 since 1927. French viticulturists and fruit growers swear by the shears, which save energy and protect plants when harvesting fruit and grapes and growing flowers.

1 Arno® olivewood pruning shears Strong shears primarily for pruning fruit trees. The olivewood handles rest comfortable in the hand. Drop-forged, selectively hardened carbon-steel with hardened

2 Arno® small leather-handled pruning shears This shapely pair of shears is perfect for small tasks and small hands. Its lightweight and comfortable leather-lined handles keep your hands from tiring even after long hours of use. Drop-forged, selectively hardened stainless-steel blades with a naturally forged surface texture (not polish ground). Leather sheath with belt loop and snap closure. Max. branch-Ø 10 mm Overall length 185 mm 175 g No. 707481 38.49 € 45.80 €

Garden tools | One-hand garden shears


1 A LÖWE® PRUNERS The invention of the anvil pruner in 1923 turned Löwe into the world market leader in anvil pruners. Both then and now, all the firm's pruners are 100% made in Germany. The specially developed blade steel guarantees the necessary hardness with maximum toughness, making the blades virtually unbreakable, even at temperatures below freezing. All parts are available separately and can be easily replaced if necessary.

2 1 Löwe® 1 Orginal anvil pruner The principle of the anvil pruner, whereby a cutting blade closes against a flat surface (anvil), allows better force transmission, making them effortless to work with. This sturdy model is the tried-andtested orginal from Löwe with plasticcoated handles and a robust blade-stopping mechanism. Max. branch Ø 20 mm Overall length 205 mm 290 g No. 718251 26.72 € 31.80 € 2 Löwe® 5 Small anvil pruner This small anvil pruner with robust bladestopping mechanism lets you work tirelessly thanks to the anvil principle. The inwardly curved plastic-coated handles

3 are especially suitable for small hands. At just 175 grammes, it is a true lightweight and is ideal for carrying around in your pocket for trimming and tidying. Max. branch Ø 15 mm overall length 170 mm 175 g No. 718252 21.51 € 25.60 €

3 Löwe® 8 Anvil pruner with curved blade The Löwe 8 combines the advantages of an anvil pruner with those of a bypass pruner. A curved blade holds the material to be cut perfectly in the jaws, while the anvil principle allows a strong cutting for-

ce. The distance between the handles can be adjusted via a setscrew to suit both large and small hands. Occasional adjustment while you work prevents your hands from tiring and, by shifting the pressure, increases the service life of the blade and anvil. This model also features a slim head shape for constricted spaces, inwardly curved plastic-coated handles for smaller hands, and an externally affixed blade which is easy to replace. Max. branch Ø 20 mm overall length 210 mm 230 g No. 718253 36.89 € 43.90 €


1 B BARNEL® PRUNING SHEARS Barnel®, a globally renowned manufacturer based in the US, has been making superlative garden tools since the 1970s. Barnel® shears have a patented centre oiler, by which oil is apA plied directly to the blades. The oiler can be quickly refilled with an B oil can ( e.g. 713800). C Each model has a twoposition lock which lets D you change the pruner to a smaller cutting capacity, thus reducing A: Ball bearing valve effort, and secures the B: Oil reservoir shears when not in use. C: Oil release channels D: Spring Spare parts available. 1 Pruning shears Robust lightweight pruning shears with soft-coated handles for a non-slip grip. Carbon-steel blades. Drop-forged aluminium handles and body. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 210 mm 230 g No. 718225 41.93 € 49.90 € 2 Pruning shears with revolving handle Light yet robust pruner with soft-coated handle for a good grip. The revolving handle design prevents rubbing on the


palm, which avoids blisters and allows comfortable continuous use. Carbon-steel blades. Drop-forged aluminium handles and body. Max. branch-Ø 15-20 mm Overall length 210 mm 280 g No. 718226 47.56 € 56.60 €




3 Mini pruner Small pruner for light gardening. Perfect grip also in small hands. Cold-forged Japanese sword-steel blades with hard chrome finish. Pressure injection die cast body. Max. branch-Ø 15 mm Overall length 175 mm 170 g No. 718224 31.01 € 36.90 €

4 Trimming shears Small trimming shears with slim tip for gentle cutting of low stems. Cold-forged Japanese sword-steel blades with hard chrome finish. Pressure injection die cast body. Oiler, sliding lock. Cutting length 65 mm Overall length 200 mm 160 g No. 718227 28.49 € 33.90 €

C ALL-PURPOSE SCISSORS BARNEL® Scissors for craft work and making flower arrangements. Their small size and finger ring ensure a comfortable grip even when used for long periods. The robust design is completed by an easy-care stainless steel blade. Without oiler and position lock. Blade length 45 mm Overall length 155 mm 90 g No. 718229 10.84 € 12.90 €


D TRIMMING SHEARS BARNEL® For picking fruit and flowers or trimming withered shoots. The slim blade ensures that the surrounding parts of the plant do not get caught or damaged. Forged from carbon steel with a deep juice groove to guide any sticky plant juices away from the blade. Handles of light aluminium alloy with nickel coating. Without oiler and position lock. Blade length 50 mm Overall length 190 mm 110 g No. 718228 12.18 € 14.50 € 259

Garden tools | Two-hand garden shears

Branch shears



A BARNEL® TWO-HANDED PRUNING SHEARS WITH OILER Powerful performance: The jaws of these extra light loppers are drop forged and therefore have a very fine and uniform metal structure. An oiler makes it easy to apply oil to the cutting edges. Together with a special hardened bolt this cutting mechanism is almost indestructible and cuts branches up to 35 mm with ease. Two light handles which are torsion-resistant through an oval shaped chamber system, are made of high quality aluminium. A dampener minimises the shock load after the cutting and a juice rim at the anvil prevents the blades from sticking together. The hand rest on the handle is covered with high quality, easy to clean rubber which offers a good grip. The blade, anvil, bolt and the handles can be ordered separately and are replaced easily. Max. branch-Ø 35 mm Overall length 800 mm 1270 g No. 707492 67.14 € 79.90 €

B TELESCOPIC RATCHET LOPPER With its ratchet mechanism, this lopper allows you to cut branches of up to Ø 45 mm with only a third of the strength you normally require. With each cut (5 ratchets), the transmission ratio changes, always ensuring the best possible leverage from each stroke without having to reapply the tool. The telescopic handles can be locked securely in six positions and, thanks to their length of 490-830

mm, allow you to conveniently cut trees without a ladder. Coated blade for smooth cutting and easy cleaning. Plastic-coated aluminium handles. Max. branch-Ø 45 mm Overall length 660 mm 1580 g No. 707475 29.33 € 34.90 €


Tool handles without toxins (all plastic handles are regulary tested).

C LÖWE 20 ANVIL LOPPER These anvil lopping shears are lightweight but tough as they come. The robust blade on the slim cutting head is Teflon-coated to minimise friction and prevent the cut material from sticking. The anvil principle allows maximum cutting power with a slight drawing cut. With an overall length of 800 mm, this tool with its ergonomi®

E cally shaped plastic grips on sturdy tubular handles allows ideal leverage for branches up to 40 mm in diameter. Max. branch Ø 40 mm overall length 800 mm 1120 g No. 718250 69.33 € 82.50 €


D D JAPANESE BRANCH AND ROOT SHEARS Hitachi steel for cutting branches and roots (up to Ø 25 mm). Japanese white oak handles. Max. branch-Ø 25 mm Overall length 600 mm 950 g No. 707479 50.17 € 59.70 €

Combined telescoping saw and shears for pruning and harvesting fruit trees. Steplessly extendable up to a length of 3 m. Anodised aluminium telescoping rod, high-strength carbon-steel blades. Max. branch-Ø 15 mm Overall length 1.8 - 3 m Approx. 1.3 kg No. 712705 87.39 € 104.00 € Repl. blade No. 712706 17.48 € 20.80 € 261

Garden tools | Tools for bonsai trees and ornamental plants, Watering cans

Tools for bonsai trees and ornamental plants D



A BONSAI SHEARS Classic: For caring for bonsai trees and house plants. A sample of this tool was added to the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York. Twolayer blade, adjustable fitting. Cutting length 50 mm Overall length 180 mm 220 g No. 718111 41.01 € 48.80 €

B TRADITIONAL CHINESE SCISSORS All-purpose stainless steel scissors with polished blades. The Chinese symbols for luck and longevity, a peacock and a dragon, grace the brassbound handles. Blade length 55 / 60 / 70 mm


C SMALL BONSAI SHEARS Miniature gardening shears for precise pruning of house plants. Cutting length 40 mm Overall length 120 mm 70 g No. 718112 25.13 € 29.90 €

D 8-PIECE BONSAI TOOL SET Professional Japanese tools for any work required for growing and caring for bonsai trees. Includes budding and pruning shears, leaf tweezers with trowel, root, concave and wire pliers, brush, shovel claw. With case, 250 x 220 mm No. 707900 150.42 € 179.00 €



E INDOOR GARDENING SET, 3-PIECE Trowel, pick and rake. Chrome-plated steel. Overall length 210-260 mm No. 717915 10.84 € 12.90 €

F CONCAVE BRANCH CUTTERS Pliers for pruning branches and buds cleanly. With angled cutting edge for flush cuts right at the trunk. Cutting length 22 mm Overall length 205 mm 185 g No. 717916 35.63 € 42.40 €

Overall length

150 mm 175 mm 195 mm

No. 708151 9.58 € 11.40 € No. 708152 10.59 € 12.60 € No. 708153 11.60 € 13.80 €

TRADITIONAL CHINESE SCISSORS, 3-PIECE SET Price advantage No. 708151, 708152 and 708153 in a set. No. 708154 27.14 € 32.30 €


Watering cans


G INDOOR WATERING CAN, 0.45 LITRE The perfect design of this elegant copper watering can makes day-to-day plant care a pleasure, and transforms this everyday object into an unusual ornament. The

surface is patinised and coated. Overall length 370 mm No. 718918 53.87 € 64.10 €

H LONG-SPOUT WATERING CAN, 4 LITRES The slim, extra-long spout of this masterfully manufactured, hand-soldered watering can makes watering potted plants and bonsai trees accurately real easy. A sieve in the filling opening prevents the ultrafine pouring nozzles from becoming blocked. Brass container with

removable sprinkler head. Overall length 800 mm No. 718921 100.00 €

119.00 €

3 I

1 I HAWS WATERING CANS Haws world-renowned metal watering cans have been hand-made in England since 1886. The optimally balanced models are not only pleasing to the eye but also delight every gardener with their functionality. High-quality brass roses for different uses complete these watering cans and make watering a pleasure. For other designs and colours see www.more-than-tools.de


1 Heritage watering can 8.8 litres The watering can classic, which holds as much as 8.8 litres, embodies traditional English style with its lattice weave styling to the body. The steeper slant to the rose makes it the ideal can for general watering purposes including seedlings. When not in use, the brass rose can be secured in a parking point without dripping. The two hardwood handles provide a comfortable grip, while the domed lid prevents spillage when watering. Galvanised and with a powder paint coating, the watering cans are permanently resistant to rust. Overall length 700 mm No. 718982 67.14 € 79.90 € Green No. 718983 67.14 € 79.90 € Red

2 2 Slimcan watering can 5 litres (red) Thanks to its oval shape (held close to the body) and lower capacity, this model is ideal for longer distances and highgrown sensitive blossoms.The oval brass rose, which faces upwards and sits driptight on the soldered-in neck, sprays the water fine as rain and is therefore suitable even for watering seeds or blossoms. The practical C-shaped flanged handle is extremely robust and can be held with both hands. And the patented curved shape ensures an even spray. Galvanised and with a powder paint coating, the watering cans are permanently resistant to rust. Overall length 650 mm No. 718984 41.93 € 49.90 €

4 3 Indoor watering can 1 litres (red) This charming small indoor watering can from Haws features a fine brass rose for gentle sprinkling, which can be removed if necessary. The curved spout allows easy, precise dosage. Overall length 400 mm No. 718976 33.53 € 39.90 € 4 Gift set: Indoor watering can (green) and spray bottle Additional to the indoor watering can this set comes with a nickel-plated 0.3 litre spray bottle for misting e.g. Orchids. Overall length 400 mm No. 718978 41.93 € 49.90 €

Garden tools | Japanese pruning saws

Japanese pruning saws For environmentally-friendly trimming of trees: Professional Japanese pruning saws help to maintain and care for lumber and ornamental trees. Trees with cleanly cut off branches, such as those cut with a sharp Japanese saw, are less susceptible to fungal or bacterial diseases. In contrast to the widely available average quality low-cost products, all our pruning saws are manufactured in Japanese master workshops. The teeth are razor-sharp and the blade surfaces are hard chromeplated and therefore corrosion-free. The tips are hardened to maximise the saw’s durability and resistance to breakage. Replacement blades will be available for many years to come.

Folding saws


1 A SILKY® POCKET BOY Whether for gardening or trekking – this compact folding saw with its razor-sharp teeth easily stand the comparison with bigger saws. The robust metal folding mechanism locks the blade in two different positions. The taper-ground blade reduces friction, and the soft elastomer non-slip handle is very comfortable to hold. The tapered blades have additional raker teeth in order to reduce the


B ALUMINIUM FOLDING SAW 150 Compact featherweight for trekking and camping: The solid aluminium handle, rubberized, non-slip grip and the sturdy, hard chromeplated blade make this featherweight saw perfectly suited for outdoor activities such as hunting, camping and trekking trips. The blade is taper-ground to reduce friction.

1 Pocket Boy 130 - coarse Blade length 130 mm Overall length 290 mm Blade thickness 0.9 mm No. 712774 28.49 € 33.90 € Repl. blade No. 712775 16.47 € 19.60 € 2 Pocket Boy 170 - coarse Blade length 170 mm Overall length 370 mm Blade thickness 1.0 mm No. 712776 31.34 € 37.30 € Repl. blade No. 712777 18.82 € 22.40 €


Blade length 150 mm Overall length 330 mm Blade width 30 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.3 mm Crosscut teeth 3.5 mm No. 712748 20.92 € 24.90 € Repl. blade No. 712847 12.52 € 14.90 €


D ORIKOMI 250 - COARSE For general pruning and outdoor use: Optimal cutting performance, even diagonally to the grain, is guaranteed by this folding saw with sturdy aluminium construction and a non-slip elastomer grip. The trapezoidal toothing has additional clearing teeth added at a ratio of 1:7. A tooth spacing, which becomes finer towards the blade enables a progressive cutting force. The hard-chrome-plated, corrosion-free blade, guarantees a long lifetime.

cutting wear of the other teeth and thus increase the tool's service life. The teeth are impulsehardened. Comes with a robust, transparent plastic sheath that can be worn on a belt. Blade width 30 mm Crosscut teeth 3 mm


C JAPANESE FOLDING SAW DELUXE 240 The details make the difference to industrially-manufactured series products. For example, the blade of this saw is taperground 0.2 mm, and the teeth sides are polished to make cutting even easier. Clearing teeth prevent clogging. Manual straightening on the aligning anvil by the master saw-smith himself ensures that

the saw blade runs smoothly. Curved Kashi body with rounded edges. Blade length 240 mm Overall length 525 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.6 mm Setting 0.9 mm Crosscut teeth 2 mm No. 712107 55.38 € 65.90 € Repl. blade No. 712108 28.99 € 34.50 €


Blade length 250 mm Overall length510 mm Blade width 32 mm Blade thickness 0.80 mm Setting 1.15 mm Crosscut teeth 2.70-3.60 mm No. 712754 31.01 € 36.90 € Repl. blade No. 712755 16.72 € 19.90 €

E SILKY® OYAKATA 270 - COARSE This robust folding saw with its high cutting performance is ideal for pruning trees. To enable a low friction and clean cutting surfaces, the blade has been tapered and has no set. A clean cutting surface helps water to run off quickly and thus lets the wood dry more quickly and prevent rotting. The specially ground raker teeth reduce the cutting wear of the other teeth, thus they increase the tool's service life and prevent clogging.

The hardchrome-plated (rustproof) blade with impulse-hardened cross-cut tooth pattern provides a high wear-resistance. Robust frame made of die-cast aluminium and a rubberised, non-slip grip. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 560 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 1.30 mm Crosscut teeth 2.80 mm No. 712738 52.86 € 62.90 € Repl. blade No. 712838 26.81 € 31.90 €


F SILKY® BIG BOY - COARSE Maximum cutting performance: The chrome-plated taper-ground saw blade is rust-proof, the impulse hardened tooth tips ensure great durability. The curred line of the teeth makes for particularly effective cutting. The sturdy yet lightweight aluminium handle can be used with one or both hands, while the rubberised grip makes it easy to hold even in difficult conditions as well as cushioning vibrations. Simply press a button at your thumb to lock and unlock the folding saw.

Blade length 360 mm Overall length 760 mm Blade width 42 mm Blade thickness 1.45 mm Crosscut teeth 5 mm No. 712721 60.76 € 72.30 € Repl. blade No. 712722 33.53 € 39.90 €

Tool handles without toxins (all plastic handles are regulary tested).

For more pruning saws see our webshop at www.more-than-tools.de


Garden tools | Japanese pruning saws

A SILKY® KATANA BOY 500 The latest and biggest model by Silky, for carpentry work, tree care and forestry can easily stand the comparison with the Katana, the legendary Samurai sword. The taper-ground blade with no set helps to reduce friction to a minimum, therefore you can saw with only little pressure, leaving the cutting surface grooveless. A clean cutting surface helps water to run off quickly and thus lets the wood dry more quickly and prevent rotting. With its blade length of 500 mm, this saw is ideal for cutting larger stock. Also ideal for green wood and construction wood. The robust, yet lightweight aluminium handle is suitable for use with both hands, and with its rubberised coating it remains comfortable to hold even in difficult conditions. The folding saw is locked and unlocked in a safe and easy way, simply by pressing a thumb and using a knurled screw, which is located at the catch


spring. The rustproof, hardchrome-plated blade with impulse-hardened teeth provides a long service life. Comes with a robust nylon shoulder bag with Velcro fastener and pocket for replacement blades. Blade length 500 mm Overall length 1180 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm Setting 1.9 mm Crosscut teeth 6 mm No. 712048 146.22 € 174.00 € Repl. blade No. 712049 69.75 € 83.00 €

Fixed blade pruning saws


B DICK® CLASSIC PRUNING SAW These pruning saws are made exclusively for DICK customers by a leading Japanese manufacturer. Its slender design makes it ideal for pruning fruit trees, trimming hedges and bushes. Taperground blade with coarse trapezoidal toothing for excellent cutting performance, coated for rust-proofing. Untreated beech handle absorbs moisture, preventing blisters. Comes in a beechwood case with a belt loop.


Classic 240 Blade length 240 mm Overall length 390 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.2 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm No. 712116 24.29 € 28.90 € Repl. blade No. 712822 16.30 € 19.40 €

C KOBIKI Sturdy saw for forestry work. This saw can cut thick branches and even small trunks in just a few strokes. Differential toothing (tooth size increases towards the tip of the blade) allows smooth, fast cuts to be made. Hardwood handle and sheath, with belt loop.

Classic 270 Blade length 270 mm Overall length 420 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.2 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm No. 712117 26.13 € 31.10 € Repl. blade No. 712827 17.14 € 20.40 €

Kobiki 330 Blade length 330 mm Overall length 480 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.5 mm Crosscut teeth 3.5-4.5 mm No. 712724 30.67 € 36.50 € Repl. blade No. 712824 18.40 € 21.90 €


D KENRYU® POWERGRIP These slender professional pruning saws cope easily with all domestic gardening tasks and are equally suited for professional forestry applications. Taper-ground blade, ergonomic handles with non-slip, rubberized grips. Comes with a locking plastic sheath with belt loop.

F F WIRE SAW Ideal for camping and trekking: Our most compact saw consists of a spiral toothed wire with two pull rings. It can even be used to make a very effective frame saw with the help of a flexible branch. Cuts wood, plastic, plaster, limestone and metals. Length 500 mm Ø 1 mm 12 g No. 712520 5.80 € 6.90 € 264


Kenryu® Powergrip 270 Blade length 270 mm Overall length 440 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.2 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm No. 712743 27.23 € 32.40 € Repl. blade No. 712827 17.14 € 20.40 € Kenryu® Powergrip 300 Blade length 300 mm Overall length 470 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.2 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm No. 712760 29.58 € 35.20 € Repl. blade No. 712829 18.40 € 21.90 €

Kobiki 300 Blade length 300 mm Overall length 450 mm Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.5 mm Crosscut teeth 3.2-4 mm No. 712723 28.49 € 33.90 € Repl. blade No. 712823 16.64 € 19.80 €

E UNIVERSAL PRUNING SAW An excellent handy all-round saw for the hobby gardener. Comfortable pistolshaped handle and hardwood sheath. Without setting. Blade length 210 mm Overall length 340 mm Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 0.7 mm Crosscut teeth 2.5 mm No. 712040 15.88 € 18.90 €


G SUPER SPEED PRUNING SAW The curred, taper-ground blade ensures particularly high performance, capable of dealing with even thick branches. Ergonomic hardwood handle, no sheath. Blade length 330 mm Overall length 500 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 1.2 mm Setting 1.7 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm No. 712742 22.61 € 26.90 € Repl. blade No. 712842 16.72 € 19.90 €

Garden tools | Japanese pruning saws

Telescoping pruning saws


A Z-SAW® MULTI-SAW 273 Multi- purpose saw for fruit trees and general pruning work. The blade can be tilted relative to the handle so you can always find the ideal cutting position even under awkward conditions. A coating with Teflon minimises the friction and protects the blade

from rust. A sheath with removable belt loop makes it easy to carry. Beech handle. Blade length 270 mm Overall length 460 mm Blade width 45 mm Blade thickness 0.8 mm Setting 1.1 mm Crosscut teeth 2.4 mm No. 712740 58.74 € 69.90 € Repl. blade No. 712840 17.56 € 20.90 €




B KOBIKI CLASSIC Traditional Japanese forestry saw with excellent cutting performance thanks to differential toothing. It cuts through even branches as thick as your arm with just a few strokes. Angled wooden handle with hanging loop, also suitable for two-handed use. Blade length 330 mm Overall length 510 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 0.9 mm Setting 1.3 mm Crosscut teeth 4.5-5.5 mm No. 712788 18.99 € 22.60 €


C SILKY® ZORIN TIMBER SAW Exceptional cutting performance: A large saw for felling small trees and removing thick branches. The rubberized, pistol-shaped handle allows you to grip with both hands. The extremely sharp, differential toothing ensures maximum cutting performance. Taper-ground, hard chrome-plated blade. Sturdy ABS sheath, with fastener and removable carrying strap. Blade length 370 mm Overall length 610 mm Blade width 50 mm Blade thickness 1.3 mm Setting 1.8 mm Crosscut teeth 5-6.5 mm No. 712757 88.99 € 105.90 € Repl. blade No. 712759 50.34 € 59.90 €

Straight saw blades:



Curved saw blades:

1 3




Advantages: • Easy to manoeuvre between branches • Clean cuts







Advantages: • Quicker cut (more teeth at work at a time) • Good guidance in the kerf

D JAPANESE TELESCOPIC PRUNING SAW, CURVED BLADE Its curved cutting edge makes this saw highly effective because more teeth are at work on the cut surface than with a straight edge. The oval-shaped aluminium pole is extremely rigid and the ball locking mechanism with additional locking clamps makes it highly stable when extended. The blade can be locked in different positions and retracted for transport. Blade length 320 mm Overall length 1.86-2.76 m Blade width 40 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.6 mm Crosscut teeth 4.8 mm 970 g No. 712727 63.78 € 75.90 € Repl. blade No. 712821 29.33 € 34.90 €

E JAPANESE TELESCOPING PRUNING SAW Light but stable telescopic saw for tree care, which can be perfectly adjusted to any cutting height thanks to its continuously extendable aluminium pole. Slim blade with proven Japanese cutting action for use in dense treetops. The head can be unscrewed for easy transport and storage. Blade length 300 mm Overall length 2.1-3.4 m Blade width 35 mm Blade thickness 1 mm Setting 1.6 mm Crosscut teeth 4 mm 1.2 kg No. 712728 58.74 € 69.90 € Repl. blade No. 712828 23.45 € 27.90 €

Tool handles without toxins (all plastic handles are regulary tested).


Garden tools | Japanese pruning saws

A SILKY® LONGBOY FOLDING POLE SAW Long and extremely effective: The »Silky Longboy« telescope, folding saw is the first choice of professionals working in forestry and for fruit tree care. • Unset teeth for reduced friction and clean cuts • Hard-chrome-plated blade (rust-proof, easy cleaning) • Specially impulse-hardened tooth points without overheating the tooth for long service life • Hooks on the saw blade for gathering branches • Light weight • Saw blade retractable for transport • Break-proof sheath Blade length 360 mm Overall length 1.8-3.54 m Blade width 55 mm Blade thickness 1.6 mm Crosscut teeth 4.3 mm 2.1 kg No. 712050 219.33 € 261.00 € Repl. blade No. 712051 41.01 € 48.80 €




C SILKY® PROFESSIONAL TELESCOPING SAWS For professional use: Superlative saws in a class of their own for professional use in tree care and forestry.

• Fully hardened teeth for sharpening by hand • Ball locking mechanism and additional locking clamps on the handle • Blade (rust-proof, easy cleaning) • Two hooks on saw blade for gathering and trimming small branches and to prevent slippage • Quick-change fastener on the saw blade for easy transport • Raker teeth push cut material out of the saw cut and extend the edge life • Break-proof sheath

B TELESCOPIC SAWS BARNEL® Value for money These telescopic tree-care saws will impress you with their practical design and high-quality workmanship. • Ball locking mechanism with springloaded lever and additional locking clamps on the handle • Hard-chrome-plated blade (rust-proof, easy cleaning) • Impulse-hardened tooth points • Two hooks on saw blade for gathering and trimming small branches and to prevent slippage • Quick-change fastener on the saw blade for easy transport • Raker teeth push cut material out of the saw cut and extend the edge life • Break-proof sheath

Blade length 390 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm Setting 2.2 mm Crosscut teeth 4.5 mm

1 Three-part, 4.90 m Overall length 2.40-4.90 m 2.25 kg No. 712046 200.84 € 239.00 € 2 Four-part, 6.30 m Overall length 2.54-6.30 m 3.05 kg No. 712045 253.78 € 302.00 €

Blade length 430 mm Blade width 60 mm Blade thickness 1.5 mm Setting 2.0 mm Crosscut teeth 5.2 mm

Repl. blade for Silky® Professional Telescoping Saws

No. 712047

1 Three-part, 5.10 m Overall length 2.24-5.10 m 2.67 kg No. 718247 158.82 € 189.00 €

No. 718249 266

53.70 €

63.90 €

73.70 €


2 Four-part, 6.41 m Overall length 2.86-6.41 m 3.45 kg No. 718248 217.65 € 259.00 € Repl. blade for Telescopic Saws Barnel®

61.93 €





D DIAMOND SAW FILE Saw file with wear-resistant, diamondcoated surface. Ø 2.8 x 20 mm Stroke length 100 mm No. 712802 27.65 € 32.90 €

Garden tools | Scythes and accessories

Scythes and accessories Mowing with a scythe is not only an environmentally-friendly alternative to lawnmowers, but also perfect exercise. The rhythmic mowing movements train your arms and upper body, the silence and the aroma of freshly-mown grass have an almost meditative effect. A must-have for uninterrupted enjoyment is a wellbalanced scythe which retains its sharpness for a long time.



A SCHRÖCKENFUX® SCYTHES Schröckenfux, a company from the Austrian Krems Valley, is one of the last scythe makers in central Europe. For over 450 years, carbon-steel blanks have been shaped to elegantly curved, razor-thin scythe and sickle blades. 1 »Original Razor-Cut« gardening scythe Universal scythe with a slender peened blade, patented snath (153 cm), adjustable for height and body position, oval steel tube with wooden handles. Completely ready for mowing, instructions are included. Blade width 50 mm Blade length

600 mm No. 705600 Repl. blade No. 705602 700 mm No. 705601 Repl. blade No. 705603

71.60 € 37.23 € 73.45 € 39.66 €

85.20 € 44.30 € 87.40 € 47.20 €

2 Brush scythe Ideal for controlled mowing of weeds and undergrowth along hedges or on fruit tree meadows. The blade is shorter and thicker than grass blades, and is not easily damaged when it hits a foreign body. The snath can be adjusted for height (170 – 185 cm) and body position. Whetted and sharpened ready for mowing, with instructions. Blade length 50 cm Blade width approx. 60 mm No. 705607 70.50 € 83.90 € Repl. blade No. 705608 36.89 € 43.90 € 3 Ash wood snath Optimal body positioning for mowing via adjustable handles and S-shape. Fits Schröckenfux and all standard scythe blades. Snath cross section 26 x 30 mm Overall length 185 cm For individuals 155-185 cm No. 705609 56.05 € 66.70 € Overall length 195 cm For individuals 185 cm and up in height No. 705610 57.90 € 68.90 €





C PEENING HAMMER Hammer with die forged head and polished faces for peening scythes. Ergonomically shaped shaft made of copper beech secured with an annular wedge. Head weight 600 g Shaft 230 mm Overall length 255 mm No. 714115 19.24 € 22.90 €

B WHETSTONE Natural sandstone, perfectly shaped for honing scythe and sickle blades. Elliptical shape. 215 x 30 x 16 mm No. 705582 9.16 € 10.90 € D DVD - SCYTHING TECHNIQUES In this introduction, scythe-master Ernst Schoiswohl and Canadian organic farmer Peter Vido, teach knowledge which has virtually been forgotten. From adjusting the snath, body position when mowing, to peening and honing the blade, viewers will learn everything they need to know about working with scythes. DVD - 20 minutes. No. 713752 7.48 € 8.90 €

D COWHORN WHETSTONE HOLDER This traditional-style whetstone holder is made of natural, polished Austrian cowhorn. Offers an even classier way of keeping your whetstone wet and within reach when scything large areas. Fitted with a belt clip. No. 705590 27.56 € 32.80 €



E PEENING ANVIL Die forged steel anvil with a polished face for peening scythes and a horn for fastening on wooden blocks. The scythe blade is laid on the anvil, the cutting edge is peened with the hammer. For detailed instructions on peening scythes, we recommend the DVD »Scything Techniques« (No. 713752). Face 40 x 40 mm Height 100 mm 500 g No. 705664 22.52 € 26.80 €

G PEENING ANVIL WITH STOPPER Peening made easy: Peening makes the cutting edge of scythe and sickle blades thinner, harder and easier to sharpen. But peening is quite a challenge. A well balanced blow with the hammer, an even feed motion and a precise positioning of the blade on the anvil are required. All demand a lot of practise. This new peening anvil solves this problem. The blade is placed on an adjustable support plate. A depth stop makes sure that the blade is exactly positioned on the domed anvil. Another advantage: you can always easily view the field of work. The anvil is made of impact-resistant steel, the surface area is hardened to a depth of 3 cm to 62 HRC. Because the anvil is not hardened through the hammer will not bounce. We recommend a square hammer with a slight crown and a head weight of approx. 600-800 g, e.g. No. 714104. Suited for all scythe and sickle blades. The anvil has a horn for beating it to a wooden block. Includes instruction sheet and abrasive web for cleaning blade, anvil and hammer. Galvanized. 800 g Height 100 mm No. 705587 62.27 € 74.10 €


H PEENING JIG For controlled peening of scythe and sickle blades. Round anvil with stop, centring pin for holding in a wooden block. Two striking sleeves for coarse and fine peening. 800 g No. 705591 43.11 € 51.30 € Learn to mow with a scythe and how to peen the blade in our Scythe workshop, see www.more-than-tools.de/workshops


F COPPER WHETSTONE HOLDER Fill the container with water and wear it on your belt! The perfect device for keeping your whetstone wet and handy when scything large areas. Copper, with a belt clip. 190 x 75 x 40 mm No. 705589 15.46 € 18.40 €

Peening and honing To preserve its sharpness, a scythe blade must be regularly honed and periodically peened along its cutting edge. This cold-hardens the metal and makes the grain finer, which makes it easier to sharpen and increases its durability. It also thins the cutting edge, improving the cutting performance. Peening using a hammer and anvil is an art which is mastered by only a handful of craftspeople today. The use of the peening jig simplifies the task.


Garden tools | Sickles

Sickles A JAPANESE SICKLES These hand-forged sickles are featherlight and extremly sharp, making gardening work much easier. Their handles consists of water-resistant Japanese hardwoods like ho or white oak.




1 Damascus-steel sickle The powerful blade of this multi-layer Damascus steel sickle cuts through even the strongest grasses, weeds and undergrowth effortlessly. Harvesting salad and vegetables with it is a pleasure. Blade length 155 mm Overall length 400 mm 365 g No. 718161 83.95 € 99.90 €

2 Farming sickle Sickle with thick blade. Cuts branches, undergrowth and brush. 4 mm thick three-layer steel blade. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 430 mm 460 g No. 718152 33.53 € 39.90 €

3 3 Grass sickle, cranked Strong sickle for tough grass, herbs and undergrowth. Blade length 195 mm Overall length 560 mm 200 g No. 718151 26.81 €


31.90 €



5 5 Harvesting sickle Compact sickle with toothed blade, ideal for harvesting salad, vegetables and herbs. Blade length 170 mm Overall length 350 mm 100 g No. 718150 8.32 € 9.90 €


D JAPANESE CLEAVER Sharp and three-layered: Universal cleaver for tree care and gardening. The sharp blade cuts through thumb-sized branches with ease, the sickle shape makes it easier to remove undergrowth, reeds and thick-stemmed herbs. Cord-wound handle with hanging eyelet. Blade length 170 mm Overall length 430 mm 620 g No. 718163 75.55 € 89.90 € 268

4 Grass sickle Ultralight: Sickle for fine grasses and delicate herbs. Thin two-layer blade. Blade length 180 mm Overall length 385 mm 120 g No. 718119 28.32 € 33.70 €

6 6 Drop-point farming sickle With three-layer, robust head for removing brush and clearing undergrowth. Blade length 170 mm Overall length 500 mm 430 g No. 718156 37.39 € 44.50 €

E DICK® SICKLE CLEAVER This tool is made to be used for clearing undergrowth and containing rank growth. Due to its long cutting edge, you can also cut thorny wood up to 2 cm branch diameter from a safe distance. The hand-made untreated ashwood handle with its rounded end makes sure that the tool can be held firmly and safely without slipping. Approx. 55-57 HRC. Head weight 750 g Blade length 320 mm Overall length 910 mm No. 708360 83.19 € 99.00 €

F FRENCH MACHETE The machete is used by the French Foreign Legion for decades. However, the extralong sturdy carbon-steel blade is not only suitable for survival training in tropical rainforests. This machete is an ideal tool for forestry, gardening, hunting or fishing. It is easy to sharpen and retains its edge even after heavy-duty work. Thick leather case with belt loop. Blade length 550 mm Overall length 710 mm 1000 g No. 705620 90.76 € 108.00 €

B SICKLE HOE Short, L-shaped hoe for weeding and loosening soil. Cranked blade hand-forged from double-layered steel. Blade length 120 mm Overall length 375 mm 190 g No. 717907 16.72 € 19.90 €


For garden hatchets see chapter axes and hatches.


C WEED SICKLE The serrated edge allows you to cut weeds in beds and lawns, while the tip of the sickle can be used to rake out unwanted plants growing at lawn edges. This type of sickle is not swung in the typical way but pulled in the direction of the handle. Stainless steel blade, maple handle. Blade length 105 mm Overall length 250 mm 100 g No. 718053 10.00 € 11.90 €

Garden tools | Gardening sets, Gardening accessories and useful items

Gardening sets

A A JAPANESE GARDENING SET, 7-PIECES Price advantage For Professionals: Professional set of Japanese quality tools for pruning and planting. It includes the Kijo pruning shear (No. 718169) for cutting without damaging the plant, a Silky Pocket Boy 170 mm folding saw (No. 712776), a universal planting, rooting and transplanting knife (No. 718157), a flower and all-round shears (No. 718099), the sickle knife for harvesting and cutting weeds (No. 718158) and the Japanese garden knife (No. 709169), stylishly housed in the gardening apron made of split leather (No. 707501). No. 718916 129.41 € 154.00 €


B JAPANESE GARDEN TOOL SET, 5 PIECES Price advantage Good start: With this professional set of Japanese gardening tools, you are optimally equipped for pruning and other work with plants. It contains a Dick classic pruning saw (No. 712116) in a beechwood sheath for trimming fruit trees and hedges, the lightweight (205 g) Kijo pruning shear (No. 718169), a Japanese garden knife (No. 709169), and a sheathed planting knife (No. 718157) for replanting potted and outdoor plants. Practical storage and transport with the tool roll (No. 707514) made of strong cotton cloth with clip fastener. No. 712633 71.01 € 84.50 € »All a Gardener’s Heart Desires« Magazine »Wohnen & Garten« (Home and Garden), 2008

Gardening accessories and useful items



C GARDENING APRON The stylish way to always have all important tools ready at hand: practical hip apron made of thick cotton with fine leather, 6 pockets reinforced with rivets. 32 x 64 cm No. 707501 38.57 € 45.90 €

D D DICK COTTON APRON Whether you are turning, gardening or sculpting - this French apron simply makes working more enjoyable. The hefty cotton fabric is impregnated to repel water and dirt. The large, sealable front pocket is perfect for tools and materials while the small pouch serves to keep your glasses. ®


E HEMP STRING The plant friendly, black hemp string is traditionally used in Japan for tying bamboo fences and trellises when shaping bushes and trees. It is highly tearresistant, nonelastic and easy to knot. Overall length 200 m Ø 3 mm No. 708891

12.86 €

15.30 €

60x82 cm No. 707505 30.00 € 35.70 € 90x87 cm No. 707506 35.13 € 41.80 € 269

Garden tools | Gardening accessories and useful items


H 1

G WIND-CHIME HOUSE This miniature of a Buddhist bell house adds a touch of Asian atmosphere to your garden. Cast-iron pagoda and miniature bell, surface black annealed for rustproofing. 185 x 185 x 130 mm 1700 g No. 820034 41.60 € 49.50 €



H WIND BELLS Cast iron bell whose tender tones play the song of the wind. Surface ornamented in the style of a Buddhist temple bell and with patina. 110/185 g 1 Wind bells, green Ø 50 mm No. 820032 Ø 60 mm No. 820033

7.14 € 8.24 €

8.50 € 9.80 €

2 Wind bells, black Ø 50 mm No. 820206 Ø 60 mm No. 820207

7.14 € 8.24 €

8.50 € 9.80 €


A JAPANESE RUBBER BOOTS Cult object: Japanese boots with separate big toe provide a better footing, improve the wearer’s sense of balance and circulation. Insiders have long considered these traditional boots to contribute significantly to the extraordinary long lifespan of the Japanese. To us, these eye-catchers have all the makings of a cult object. For mowing, in the garden, for pond maintenance or just to show off. A small nipple on the heel makes the boots easy to take off. Ribbed cotton cuff. Natural rubber, nylon inside. Wear these boots with 5-toe socks No. 707667.

D JAPANESE GARDENING GLOVES These thin, cosy gardening gloves made of finely perforated pigskin facilitate precise control of tools and plants. Inner lined with full-grain leather for better grip, Velcro fastener on cuff. Size

No. 707655 No. 707656 No. 707657


8.32 € 8.32 € 8.32 €

9.90 € 9.90 € 9.90 €




38-39 40 41-42 43

No. 707662 No. 707663 No. 707664 No. 707665

33.53 33.53 33.53 33.53

€ € € €

39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 € 39.90 €


B 5-TOE SOCKS - FOUR PAIRS Seamless knitted socks with separate toes, in keeping with Japanese tradition. They allow better airing, and so help prevent sweating and athlete's foot. Blended fabric of 85% cotton and 15% nylon. One size, black. No. 707667 8.91 € 10.60 €


E HYDRATEX GLOVES These water-resistant, breathable gloves are suitable for outdoor work in any weather, e.g. gardening, carpentry or forestry. The waterproof Nylon/Lycra back keeps your hands cool and dry, while the velvet leather on the palm feels comfortable on the skin.

I THEMED WIND CHIME Beautifully detailed wind chime with stylised motif of sun, moon and clouds. With its diamond design, the bell contrasts with the smooth surface of the top. Cast iron top and bell. Blackened for rust protection. Ø 150 x 90 mm 920 g No. 820208 32.69 € 38.90 €


TRADITIONAL JAPANESE WIND CHIME Green wind chime with textured surface in traditional style. The pagoda-shaped round roof sits on an open-worked body which gives this wind chime the desired Japanese touch. The top and bell are made of thick cast iron and are coated for rust protection. Ø 200 x 160 mm 1680 g No. 820209 67.14 € 79.90 €



No. 707915 No. 707916 No. 707917 No. 707918

10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50

€ € € €

12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 €



C PIPE CUTTER For cutting flexible hoses (PVC, rubber etc.) up to a diameter of 37mm. Stainless special toughened steel (58 HRC), suitable for sharpening. Aluminium handles. Overall length 205 mm No. 717832 11.09 € 13.20 € Repl. blade No. 717833 3.28 € 3.90 € 270


F JAPANESE SCRUB BRUSHES These brushes made of palm fibers are ideal for cleaning garden tools or wooden objects as well as cutting boards. They can be used wet or dry are hardwearing and long lasting. Hanging the brushes with the attached loop extends their life span. Length

100 mm No. 716111 130 mm No. 716112 160 mm No. 716113

3.28 € 4.12 € 4.96 €

3.90 € 4.90 € 5.90 €

K JAPANESE GARDENER´S HAT This classically designed hat is not only essential to rice farmers and Japanese gardeners - it is suitable for other outdoor activities as well - from fishing to sunbathing. The fine bamboo weave and reed covering allows the hat to keep you cool, while its light weight of 160 g

makes it barely noticeable even on long days. diameter 42 cm 160 g No. 708894 18.40 € 21.90 €

Handicraft at its best!

Wooden objects | 272

Metal and ceramic objects | 274

Horn products | 275

Leather products | 276


Handicraft | Wooden objects

Wooden objects A A URUSHI Urushi has been extracted from the Asian tea tree (rhus vernicifera) for over 6000 years. It is waterproof, food-safe, resistant to alcohol and solvents, does not become brittle or crack with age and develops a beautiful patina with use.

1 Urushi Bowl by Hiroyuki Watanabe Varnishing artist Hiroyuki Watanabe works in a remote Japanese mountain village named Shionofuchi, not because he wishes to flee modern civilization but because of the necessity of working in an environment completely free of dust. He turns the wooden bowl blanks himself using Keyaki wood. The finish consists of at least 13 coats of Urushi, each of which must dry for an extended period of time in a steam chamber (Urushi actually »dries« by absorbing water). The ground coat and porefiller Mr. Watanabe uses is made of Ki-Urushi and powdered clay. The edges of the bowl are reinforced with cotton fabric and 7 additional layers of

1 Urushi, each of which is increasingly fine and has been smoothed with a charcoal abrasive. The last coat consists of pure Jo-Shuai-Urushi, which lends the piece a deep, clear, magical gloss unmatched by any other surface finishing technique. The bowls additionally feel wonderful to the touch due to Urushi's natural warmth. Each bowl is signed by Master Watanabe and comes in an elegant display box. The limited production capacity may lead to shipping delays. Ø approx. 120 x 70 mm No. 831019 125.21 € 149.00 €

2 2 »Tamari« Urushi plate set, 5 pieces The red base coat on these plates is varnished using the »Tame Nuri« technique.

Its oil-based Urushi requires no final polishing. Ø 150 mm No. 831534 83.19 € 99.00 €


3 Curry spoon »Take Akebono« This spoon was made using the Suri Urushi technique. First, the hollow and the rattan-covered handle are varnished with red and black Urushi lacquer. When the top, black layer is dry, light grinding creates a contrasting patterned effect. The spoon is then coated by hand with Suri Urushi. 195 x 35 mm No. 831537 11.68 € 13.90 € 4 4 »Kasuga« Urushi bowl set, 5 pieces With a red basecoat on the inside and a black one on the outside, these bowls are hand-painted in the »Tame Nuri« technique. The special gloss created by this technique is the result of an oil-based Urushi lacquer that is not polished after the final coat. Ø 110 x 70 mm No. 831533 167.23 € 199.00 €

5 5 »Kaga-Zotani« Urushi bowl set, 5 pieces The dark red, smooth inside contrasts with the rough structure of its transparent outside to create a perfectly balanced bowl. The manually applied coat of Suri Urushi brings out the spiral and circular patterns on the outside in particular. Ø 110 x 70 mm No. 831532 73.87 € 87.90 €

7 7 »Keyaki Junboku« Urushi bowl This bowl is made of Keyaki wood (Japanese elm) with a beautiful grain pattern. It has been perfected by hand with Suri Urushi. Inside, the base has a special circular pattern, while the outside is ornamented with rounded shapes. The Suri Urushi coating technique applied on these bowls allows a transparent lacquer 272

structure. The dark colouring of the pores emphasises the wood grain. Ø 200 x 60 mm No. 831535 82.27 € 97.90 €

6 6 »Kiritachi Negoro« Urushi bowl This bowl fascinates with its fully textured surface and beautiful contrast of red and black. Its surface is coated first with black and then with red Urushi. The top, red coat is slightly ground to create a beautiful contrast. The surface is finished with black Suri Urushi. Ø 110 x 70 mm No. 831531 20.08 € 23.90 €

8 8 »Kaki« Urushi bowl with lid This turned bowl is varnished with red Suri Urushi. It has the basic shape of the Kaki fruit, which has its origins in Japan. The lid is varnished with transparent Suri Urushi and represents the cup-shaped leaves of the fruit tree. Ø 150 x 100 mm No. 831536 58.74 € 69.90 €

9 9 »Natsume« Urushi vase Elegant, slightly bellied vase with a removable insert. The lacquer finish, with red bleeding into black, has a modern yet classic look. The dark colours provide a beautiful contrast to the flowers. The insert is made of copper-anodised aluminium. Ø 97 x 200 mm No. 831538 83.19 € 99.00 €

Handicraft | Wooden objects



A SHAKER BOX Lovingly crafted box made from cherry wood to a traditional design. The oval box is probably the best example of the simple aesthetic of the Shakers. There's nothing decorative about this box per se, and yet the carved »fingers«

C PUZZLE BOXES (HIMITSU BAKO) Himitsu Bako boxes are certainly among the most intriguing hand-crafted wooden objects made in Japan. At first glance, they appear to be nothing more than simple boxes with intricately inlaid surfaces. Try to open them and you will quickly discover that their intricacy is more than just cosmetic. The panels must be manipulated in a pre-set series of steps to release the locking mechanisms hidden by the mosaic and allow the lid to slide open. The production of these highly precise mechanisms is a challenge which requires decades of experience the youngest master Himitsu makers are over 60 years old. Made of solid cedar inlaid with different types of natural wood. Solution included.

fixed with Shaker nails lend an elegant appearance in their own way. Combining beauty with usefulness, the Shakers used these boxes in different sizes in both the home and the workshop for everything except liquids. 150 x 100 x 57 mm No. 820354 7.48 € 8.90 €





B EXOTIC-WOOD BOTTLE STOPPERS These high-quality bottle stoppers made from exotic woods (wenge, zebrawood) and stainless steel are both decorative and classically elegant, with the waxed surfaces emphasising the natural grain of the wood. Whether you choose elegant dark wenge wood or vibrant zebrawood, these bottle stoppers are guaranteed to catch the eye in your kitchen, bar or on the dining table.

D BALL GRID However you twist and turn it, the balls inside this grid will remain trapped. Assembled, the grid makes an impressive piece of art, but getting the balls in and out of their cells takes a lot of patience. 24 »geared« lattice bars of maple and padouk are designed to curb the 6 balls. Solution provided. 170 x 170 x 170 mm No. 820221 17.23 € 20.50 €

2 Zebrawood, onion-shaped, small No. 820351 10.84 € 12.90 € 3 Wenge, cylindrical, large No. 820352 10.84 € 12.90 € 4 Wenge, onion-shaped, small No. 820353 10.84 € 12.90 €


1 Himitsu Bako, 5-sun* 21-step. 150 x 95 x 70 mm No. 820036 82.35 €

98.00 €

2 Himitsu Bako, 4-sun* 7-step. 120 x 80 x 55 mm No. 820035 43.61 €

51.90 €

3 Himitsu Bako Mini, 2.5-sun* 4-step. 73 x 60 x 50 mm No. 820047 23.45 € 27.90 €


* sun = traditional Japanese unit, approx. 30 mm.



1 Zebrawood, cylindrical, large No. 820350 10.84 € 12.90 €

E E CRYSTAL PUZZLE 33 pieces and great patience are required to create this complex wooden crystal structure. Its solid bars of padouk and maple are wedged together with notches and their contrast creates an amazing 3D effect. Solution provided. 125 x 125 x 125 mm No. 820220 11.68 € 13.90 €

F F PYRAMID Contrary to expectation, this pyramid does not consist of individual bars. All in all, it comprises only 20 pieces – just enough to get puzzlers racking their brains! To minimise support flats and increase complexity, a fixed diagonal batten cross is glued into the wooden frame. Colourful woods such as maple, wenge or padouk also make this pyramid an attractive decorative object. Solution provided. 150 x 150 x 90 mm No. 820223 15.04 € 17.90 €


G G TRICK CUBE This hand-made trick cube from Japan can be opened with its hidden slider and filled. Its inconspicuous corner panels of wenge and maple are a perfect fit, keeping the design a well-guarded secret. Making such precise guides and joints by hand requires decades of experience. Solution provided. 60 x 60 mm No. 820187 37.82 € 45.00 € 273

Handicraft | Wooden objects, Metal and ceramic objects

A BOXWOOD PRODUCTS Our boxwood products are made by a small family-run company in the Jura region in France. The extremely slowgrowing, easy-to-polish boxwood flourishes wild in the Jura mountains. Its hardness makes it ideal for creating small wooden objects and even for cutting wooden screw threads.

A 1 1 Sewing set Practical sewing set in a robust container, ideal for travelling. Contains a thimble with decorative grooves along its length and a turned bobbin to wind different


threads onto. The bobbin also serves as a needle holder. Delivered without needles. Ø 25 x 85 mm No. 820224 5.80 € 6.90 €

3 Table skittles The ideal game for fun evenings with friends or even alone. Set the 9 pins up on a table or other flat surface and try to knock them over from a distance with the two wooden balls. Pin height 65 mm. No. 820226 5.80 € 6.90 €



2 2 Darning egg Handy boxwood egg for darning holes in clothes. Place the egg under the area that needs mending to hold the fabric in place and provide a firm foundation for repairs. Ø 40 x 60 mm No. 820225 2.44 € 2.90 € 4 Kniffel (Yahtzee) Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of this popular dice game for the whole family? The five dices are stored securely in the handy container. Includes instructions. Ø 30 x 110 mm No. 820228 11.68 € 13.90 €

B LEIHO STOOL A unique piece from our master workshop: It can be used as chair or table, or other way up, for storing firewood or magazines. Unobtrusive elegance and perfect form characterise our LeiHo stool. This versatile piece of furniture is crafted

with great care in our workshop. Thin slats of walnut and maple provide a charming contrast. LeiHo is a highly versatile piece of furniture and an eyecatcher for every home. Finished with a fragrant mixture of organic linseed and orange oil. Width 400 x depth 345 x height 450 mm No. 831241 125.21 € 149.00 €

Metal and ceramic objects D

C C JAPANESE LETTER OPENER COPPER AND STEEL Dagger-shaped three-layered Japanese Letter Opener, made of attractively structured copper, iron and Blue Paper Steel. The blade is sharpened. The Letter Opener features a decoratively plaited cord made of dark brown leather. The Blue Paper Steel (not stainless)

of the cutting edge layer consists of very clean high carbon-steel which is used for high grade knives and the famous Japanese swords. Blade length 90 mm Overall length 180 mm Blade thickness 2.5 mm No. 719364 27.73 € 33.00 €

D MOKUME LETTER OPENER This opener offers connoisseurs of fine Japanese blades a stylish way of opening their mail. The blade consists of a lamination of various metals forged in the shape of a Kozuka (small knife normally carried together with Japanese sword).

The surface of the letter opener has been etched and polished to reveal an intricately figured metal surface very similar to wood grain patterns (Mokume). 190 x 12 x 2 mm No. 719108 75.55 € 89.90 €


E LETTER OPENER KATANA Sword-shaped letter opener, forged in Master Swordsmith Yamamura’s workshop. Polished, stainless steel blade with 274

imitation hamon (tempered edge). Handle and sheath made from Ho (Magnolia wood). Blade length 105 mm No. 719067 12.52 € 14.90 €

Handicraft | Metal and ceramic objects, Horn products

A BANKO WARE Some 260 years ago, a wealthy merchant stamped the word »bankofueki« (lit.: »eternity«) into his ceramic creations. His techniques were revived toward the end of the Edo period (1600-1868) and have since found a lot of admirers. These two vases are glazed in deep blue using a special speckling technique.


1 Flower vase, small Ø 130 x 175 mm No. 831561 23.45 € 27.90 €



2 Flower vase, large Ø 125 x 320 mm No. 831560 36.89 € 43.90 €

Horn products For centuries hornware has proven itself in daily use. This natural material does not only offer a distinctive appearance but also a variety of positive features. Genuine horn products are safe to use, food safe, free from toxins and tasteless as well as acid-proof and color-fast.

B DECORATIVE FRUIT BOWL A bowl versatile and impressive as nature itself. The organic form is attained by a

These features make horn products the ideal kitchen tool and accessory. Like every other natural material, horn is not homogeneous in colour and shape. Therefore each single horn product is unique due to its finish and material!


special handcraft technique. The different shades of color of the horn lend the bowl a unique haptic impression and natural elegance. Approx. 390 x 230 x 180 mm No. 820153 49.58 € 59.00 €

C SALT AND PEPPER SHAKER This set appeals by its pure design and thus has a modern look. A lock underneath the shakers enables you to refill them. A tray, made of black varnished wood gives this accessory a special touch. 95 x 55 x 45 mm No. 820160 20.92 € 24.90 €

E SMALL JEWEL CASE Made out of teakwood and covered with horn plates, which are colour-coordinated. The horn plates show a continuous patterning, which continues in the top.



The inner wooden body, made of teakwood, assures stability and offers a beautiful contrast to the exterior. 155 x 110 x 85 mm No. 820158 41.93 € 49.90 €


D SALAD SERVERS »LAKA« The combination of dark horn and handles made out of cow bone make these salad servers a special kitchen tool. Overall length 300 mm No. 820167 20.92 € 24.90 €

F BRACELET »MOON« Get yourself a unique copy. Every single segment is different on each bracelet. The lunated horn segments are connected with a sturdy and elastic thread. Inner diameter 50 mm Width 40 mm No. 820163 16.72 € 19.90 € 275

Handicraft | Leather products

Leather products A REINDEER LEATHER PRODUCTS Reindeer leather is particularly pliable and soft. It is traditionally used for making mittens, shoes, hats, jackets and bags. The products offered here are made 200 km north of the arctic circle near the border between Sweden and Finland.


2 Wallet

1 Pouch For small or delicate objects such as jewellery, coins, watches. In Sweden they are also used for storing spices and coffee. 150 x 70 mm No. 820101 25.97 € 30.90 €






B SALMON LEATHER BAG This roomy bag offers plenty of space for a laptop or your shopping and still looks elegant. The vegetable-tanned salmon leather is sewn together with crossstitches at the sides and lined with high-quality smooth calf leather on the inside. The shoulder strap and handles of dark brown calf leather blend in perfectly with the natural look. Additional pushbutton clips keep the handles safely together during use. Overall dimension 390 x 390 x 95 mm No. 820018 251.26 € 299.00 €

The art of leatherwork: »Inden-Ya« A Japanese family-run business has been devoted to the manufacture of leather products ornamented with Urushi lacquer since the 16th century. Back then, they mainly produced protective leather garments for Samurai warriors, and helmets. Today they make leather products for everyday use. The softest deer leather is smoke-stained and dyed using a traditional Indian technique. The decorative pattern is then silkscreened onto it by hand, using traditional Urushi lacquer made from natural tree resin. The surface has a tangible texture which is completely water-resistant and has a pleasant leathery smell.

Made of finest reindeer leather. 2 Eurocompatible bill compartments, credit card slots and zipper pocket for coins. 100 x 125 mm No. 820103 38.57 € 45.90 €


C SALMON-LEATHER MANICURE SET Classy manicure set with solid-coloured, pale salmon-leather case including nail scissors, nail file, nail clippers and tweezers. The beautiful salmon leather is also used inside the case to hold the items in place. Compact shape means it fits into any handbag. 120 x 65 x 20 mm No. 830869 54.54 € 64.90 €




D LADIES´ RAY LEATHER PURSE From the depths of the ocean directly to the runway of the fashion capitals: this fascinating ladies´ purse from undulate ray leather guarantees a grand entrance.

E MEN'S STINGRAY WALLET The linear structure of the stingray makes this wallet a real eye-catcher.

F »INDEN-YA« BUSINESS CARD CASE This little case is ideal for holding business cards. It has one wide and two narrow pockets inside. 110 x 70 mm 1 Flower ornament No. 820240

50.34 € 59.90 €

2 Diamond pattern No. 820241

50.34 € 59.90 €


3 Arabesque ornament No. 820242 50.34 € 59.90 €

12 card holders and 5 lengthwise compartments, one of which has a zip. Approx. 180 x 100 x 20 mm No. 830864 82.35 € 98.00 € 276

2 inside pockets for notes, a coin compartment with press button, 3 credit card holders. Approx. 115 x 95 x 10 mm No. 830865 66.39 € 79.00 €

G G »INDEN-YA« DRAWSTRING POUCH Blue drawstring pouch with dragonfly pattern for keeping trinkets in. Lined with black silk. 120 x 110 mm No. 820007 41.93 € 49.90 €

Wood indentification, storing, sawmilling | 278

Sculpting and carving | 278

Furniture making, woodworking | 279

Carpentry, architecture | 281

Indispensable tutors on the path of learning! Tools | 281

Woodturning | 282

Finishing | 282

Bow making | 282

Boat building | 283

Sharpening | 283

Knife-making | 283

Forging and steel | 284

Leather and jewellery | 284

Wooden toys | 284

Garden, nature and travel | 284

Instrument making | 286

DVD´s | 286


Books | Wood identification, storing, sawmilling, sculpting and carving

The more intensively one studies a particular subject, the more fascinating it becomes. Books are indispensable companions on the way to learning and new discovery, as are DVDs and workshops. The books we offer mainly address the tools, techniques and traditions of working wood by hand and metal-work. The selection process we use is simple - all the books we offer have been read by our own experts and selected for the quality of their content. Price note As the German books are subject to the store price agreement, we are obliged to pass on any price changes to our customers.

GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR WOOD-BUYING BUCKS If you're a woodworker who wants to purchase wood wisely and save money by finding, cutting and drying it on your own, this guide from the experts at American Woodworker is a must-have. It also provides valuable information on unusual grains, from fiddleback to spalted wood to bird's eye maple. Surface treatments and tips for the popular hardwoods oak, cherry and walnut are also included. 207 pages, colour photographs on every page, softcover, 230 x 190 mm. No. 713013 14.86 € 15.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.

Wood identification, storing, sawmilling ATLAS DER HOLZARTEN Atlas of wood types. 150 types of wood in words and pictures. This comprehensive atlas of wood introduces 150 types of wood and provides instruction on their uses. Clear tables in several languages scientifically document the wood types. Each wood’s growth, appearance, properties, and utility are extensively documented. 192 pages, 276 colour illustrations,150 geographical maps hardcover 220 x 295 mm, in German. No. 713782 37.29 € 39.90 €

HOLZFÜHRER - EINHEIMISCHE HOLZARTEN MIT MAKROAUFNAHMEN By Jean-Denis Godet. This practical guide to wood for foresters, gardeners and hobby joiners is an introduction to the 30 main domestic types of wood. Detailed photographs of flowers, leaves, fruit and buds make it easy to identify the trees. Lists the density and uses of the individual types of wood. 128 pages, 540 colour photographs, softcover, 210 x 297 mm, in German. No. 713169 18.60 € 19.90 €

THE CRAFT & ART OF BAMBOO In Europe too, Bamboo is becoming increasingly popular as a material for floors, chopping boards and decorative use in gardens. Its cultivation, characteristics and joining techniques, however, are not commonly known in our culture. This book by Carol Stangler shows you how to use individual types, how to cultivate and harvest or buy them, and how to cut and join the canes. Numerous projects provide creative ideas for using this expressive and versatile material. 160 pages, many colour photographs and drawings, softcover, 220 x 255 mm. No. 713910 12.06 € 12.90 €

HOLZ ERKENNEN UND BENUTZEN By Terry Porter. A practical reference book. A total of 202 types of wood are described in detail with their typical properties, growth shapes, weights and health risks. Both the Latin names and a table of German names and synonyms guarantee that you have an overview. 256 pages, 305 colour photographs, hardcover, 210 x 275 mm, in German. No. 713161 39.25 €

HOLZMERKMALE This book by Christoph Richter teaches you how to tell the inner composition of trees from their external form and identify the causes of specific characteristics of wood - essential knowledge for foresters, wood engineers and wood buyers. But it will also help the wookworking professions such as turners and cabinetmakers to select the right wood and find unusual grains. The book explains wood characteristics, imperfections and shake by comparing photos, and discusses how they arise and how to avoid them. The photos show, for example, the bark structure or shape of the tree and the grains or imperfections that might occur inside the cut product. 223 pages, numerous colour photographs and illustrations, hardcover, 300 x 215 mm, in German. No. 713453 37.29 € 39.90 €

HOLZ TROCKNEN UND LAGERN A comprehensive book for all crafts that involve seasoning wood. Author Alan Holtham, who studied forestry and wood science, gives an insight into the correct storage and drying of wood. The book describes industrial kiln drying as well as the correct stacking and storage for air drying. In other chapters, the author describes how to select the correct type of wood for a project, mistakes made in drying, and the use of recycled timber. 192 pages, many colour photographs hardcover, 225 x 260 mm, in German. No. 713622 37.29 € 39.90 €

19.00 €

42.00 € See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.


GRÜNHOLZ SCHNITZEN - EIN KINDERLEICHTER GRUNDKURS Green wood is the ideal material for teaching children how to carve because of its excellent workability. With the help of this book, all aspiring woodworkers will soon be able to make a variety of spoons, forks, combs, games, pipes and countless other useful objects. The properties of various species of European wood and the proper selection of tools and finishing materials are also discussed. 71 pages with over 100 coloured photos, hardcover, 245 x 225 mm, in German. No. 713230 17.76 € 19.00 €

GRUNDKURS SCHNITZEN By Dick Onians. This in-depth technical book guides ambitious carvers from simple relief work to complex sculpted figures. The author pays particular attention to designs suitable for the workpiece and the anatomy of humans and animals. 183 pages, 275 photographs and 65 illustrations, hardcover, 217 x 282 mm, in German. No. 713358 27.94 €

29.90 €

CARVING By Jeremy Williams. A systematic introduction to wood and tools, and the various carving techniques makes getting started in carving easier. Valuable tips prevent beginners’ mistakes; step-by-step instructions guide you to a mastery of low and high relief carving and sculpture. 128 pages, 360 illustrations, softcover, 170 x 240 mm. in German. No. 713287 16.64 €

17.80 €

ORNAMENTALES SCHNITZEN Chamfering, low carving, relief carving. A book of patterns by Franz Stadlhofer, Franz Leeb and Josef Mader. A comprehensive collection of ornamental, primarily Alpine motives for decorating furniture, interiors, picture frames and wooden tools, complete with their traditional background. Technical details and instructions for low carving, relief carving and text complete the book. 160 pages, 400 drawings and colour photographs hardcover, 213 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713304 23.36 € 25.00 €

Sculpting and carving KLEINE SCHNITZEREIEN Carving green wood - on the go and anywhere, by Chris Lubkemann. A small carving knife is enough to carve replicas of the 18 green wood projects described in the book. Whether spoons, tools, animal heads, miniatures, flutes - you can find the material you need by the side of the road. Step-by-step photographs, carving tricks and tips, recipes and outdoor tips make this book a pleasure to read. 98 pages, approx. 400 colour photographs, hardcover, 170 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713763 17.76 €

SCHNITZEN LERNEN FÜR KIDS By Robin Edward Trudel. Carving is a fascinating handicraft. It trains the fine motor skills, concentration and the consciousness of form. After a brief description of tools and a basic introduction to wood carving, each chapter is devoted to one age group respectively. Step-by-step illustrations provide motivation and precise working instructions at the same time. This simple introduction to carving makes the reader want more! 96 pages, 342 coloured illustrations, hardcover, 170 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713852 20.56 € 22.00 €

SKULPTUREN AUS HOLZ By Josepmaria Teixidó í Camí and Jacinto Chicarro Santamera. An introduction to the art and technique of sculpture in wood. This fundamental book offers an in-depth introduction to the art of sculpture and sculpting techniques. Wooden sculptures from different periods and cultures are introduced, as is the material wood. The creation of a range of sculptures is documented, through the design, planning and implementation stages. 192 pages, 552 colour photographs, hardcover, 235 x 305 mm, in German. No. 713825 37.29 € 39.90 €

Books | Sculpting and carving, Furniture making, woodworking

SWEDISH CARVING SCHOOL Working with knifes and axes, by Wille Sundqvist. This book by the great Swedish sculptor is characterised by his love of wood and the carving tradition of his homeland. 216 pages, 334 illustrations and photographs, hardcover, 215 x 235 mm, in German. No. 713125 30.65 €

32.80 €

TOTEMPFÄHLE UND MASKEN SELBST GEMACHT By Alan & Gill Bridgewater. Learn the archaic world of shapes of the North-West Pacific Indians based on twenty projects of varying difficulty. Totem poles, masks, chests and ritual items, richly ornamented with motives from the world of shamans and spirits. Excellent detail drawings and sequence descriptions make it easier to approach this fascinating wood culture. 194 pages, 174 b/w illustrations, 4 colour photographs, softcover, 210 x 280 mm in German. No. 713730 27.85 € 29.80 €

HOLZSCHNITZEN - PROJEKTE UND TECHNIKEN Chris Pye's latest work on woodcarving focuses on architectural carving projects such as handrails and decorative knobs and brackets, as well as designing different traditional friezes. It also includes a section on lettering and explains five simple and three advanced projects, from a doorstop to a bird of prey. Projects suitable for anyone, with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. In the introductory section, Chris provides valuable information on sharpening and using the V-tool, which he uses a lot in his work. 175 pages, many colour photographs and drawings, hardcover, 220 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713909 27.94 € 29.90 €

THE LITTLE BOOK OF WHITTLING The Little Book of Whittling shows you how to create small works of art with nothing more than a pocket knife and a twig. This is not only fun for children but also a welcome way of unwinding for adults. In this book, Chris Lubkemann presents simple ideas step by step that will inspire children and adults alike. 97 pages, colour photographs throughout the book, softcover, 150 x 230 mm. No. 713912 9.25 €

9.90 €

WOODCARVING COURSE & REFERENCE MANUAL Chris Pye's Woodcarving Course & Reference Manual is akin to having a one-on-one course with a master carver. You'll learn what to look for in a workbench, the importance of preparing and sharpening your carving tools, and how to make precise cuts and execute a variety of techniques. Like any good instructor, Pye includes practice exercises to get you comfortable with the tools and techniques, so you can develop your skills and carve with confidence. 159 pages, colour photographs on every page, softcover 280 x 220 mm. No. 713014 14.86 € 15.90 €

HOLZSCHNITZEN, VOLUME 1 In Volume 1, you will learn all about gouge design, steel, typology, recommendations on purchasing and care. The chapters on sharpening (100 pages) are of immense practical value. 239 pages, 248 colour photographs, 141 b/w drawings, hardcover, 210 x 276 mm, in German. No. 713121 27.94 €

29.90 €

HOLZSCHNITZEN, VOLUME 12 The second volume of the carving compendium deals with workshops and their equipment, making best use of tools and designing an ideal workspace, selection and drying the carving material. Sections on surface treatments, designing and making models complete this ambitious technical book. 176 pages, 192 colour photographs, 12 b/w photographs and 107 b/w drawings, hardcover, 210 x 276 mm, in German. No. 713122 27.94 € 29.90 €

Furniture making, woodworking MÖBEL AUS HOLZ By Sam Maloof. This book by masterful furniture maker Sam Maloof is just as ingenious as his wonderful furniture. He teaches readers his secure sense of shape and his profound love of working with wood with typical ease and clarity. Like a good friend, he allows the reader intensive and intimate insight into his creations, work and life. Workshop photographs become real works of art, casual handwritten notes become calligraphic treasures and even the smallest sketches radiate liveliness and joy. An eye-opener for anyone involved in furniture making. 224 pages, 70 colour illustrations, 236 b/w photographs, hardcover, 225 x 302 mm, in German. No. 713535 27.94 € 29.90 €

DER MÖBELBAU By Fritz Spannagel. First published in 1954, this classic remains just as topical today. Its importance is derived from the systematic instructions, descriptive illustrations and detailed descriptions of the joints and other techniques of woodworking craft. The book is largely intended for apprentice and qualified joiners, but also for architects and woodworking teachers. 368 pages, 1538 illustrations, hardcover, 220 x 297 mm, in German. No. 713543 32.52 € 34.80 €

VORLAGENBUCH MÖBEL & MEHR By A. P. Kettless. 80 woodworking projects with a range of difficulties are presented clearly in drawings, material lists and step-by-step instructions. Build shelves, tool boxes, tables and chairs, garden furniture, garden gates, sheds, chests of drawers and even simple boats. 240 pages, hundreds of drawings hardcover, 190 x 240 mm in German. No. 713858 26.92 €

28.80 €

MAKING SHOJI Masterpieces of Japanese Craft Culture, by Toshio Odate. In this book, Toshio Odate explains how to make a Japanese sliding door, from layout to gluing on the paper. Having been trained himself as a tategushi or sliding-door maker, in Japan, he gives insight into this traditional craft with great expertise and explains the process comprehensibly. 120 pages, 217 b/w photographs and 51 drawings, paperback, 210 x 280 mm. No. 713470 19.53 € 20.90 €

HOLZVERBINDUNGEN By Terrie Noll. »Holzverbindungen« (The Joint Book) provides clearly described, easy-to-follow step-bystep instructions for making all kinds of basic wood joints and their variations. The well-explained overview is complemented by useful information on the required materials and interesting aspects of furniture design. 144 pages, 700 coloured images and drawings, hardcover, 290 x 226 mm, in German. No. 713189 27.94 €

29.90 €

MÖBEL AUS WILDHOLZ Design, building techniques, objects, by Daniel Mack. As nature shaped the wood, wild wood builders use it in their furniture. Daniel Mack’s book is an entertaining introduction to the subject, from materials and tools to building instructions for various projects. 165 pages, over 300 photographs and illustrations some in colour, 215 x 215 mm, in German. No. 713464 24.21 € 25.90 €

GRÜNHOLZ The art of working with fresh wood, by Mike Abbott. An ancient method rediscovered! The author explains the types of wood and their applications when freshly cut. He also describes the tools required, their handling and care and guides the reader through various projects. 208 pages, 397 b/w illustrations, softcover, 200 x 280 mm, in German. No. 713476 20.56 €

22.00 €

THE WORKSHOP BOOK By Scott Landis. A Craftsman’s Guide to Making the Most of any Work Space. If you are planning a workshop, this book will prove a valuable source of ideas and advice. Based on the 20 sample floor plans included, it shows you how to make the best use of the space you have available. The location of tool, wood and accessory storage areas, power tools, electrical sockets and dust collectors is all discussed in great detail. 216 pages, 301 photographs and 76 drawings, softcover, 240 x 285 mm. No. 713586 18.60 € 19.90 €

THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO JOINERY. By Gary Rogowski. All types of wood joints used in handicrafts are presented in this reference work. The author explains their purpose and procedures for making them using handheld tools. Novices and professionals alike will benefit from the logical step-by-step photographs and descriptions. 390 pages, over 1700 photographs and drawings, hardcover, 240 x 282 mm. No. 713761 27.94 € 29.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books. 279

Books | Furniture making, woodworking

WERKSTATTHILFEN SELBER BAUEN Have you ever held a workpiece in your hands and thought »How on earth am I going to work on this?«. This book by Sandor Nagyszalanczy, former editor of »Fine Woodworking« magazine, provides clear instructions on how to make templates and workshop aids which are essential for efficient and precise work. Whether sanding aids, sawing, planing or milling templates, this book offers solutions for even complex shapes. 266 pages, over 850 colour photographs and drawings, hardcover, 240 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713508 37.29 € 39.90 €

SHAKER FURNITURE Widely admired for its clean lines, simple beauty, and long-lasting quality, Shaker furniture has stood the test of time in form and function. This book delves into this traditional style with 12 enduring projects such as the Enfield side chair, a meeting-house bench, a trestle table, and a pie safe. Stepby-step instructions, accompanied by clear drawings, detail every stage of the project. A perfect guide for building furniture from plans as well as developing your skill at designing projects of your own. 143 pages, numerous colour illustrations, softcover, 230 x 190 mm. No. 713898 15.79 € 16.90 €

KÄSTEN UND SCHACHTELN PERFEKT KONSTRUIEREN UND BAUEN In this book, Doug Stowe explains everything you need to know about boxes - from selecting and working the raw materials, right through to joining techniques and possible fittings. In step-by-step instructions organised in structured chapters, he explains both using machines and cutting by hand. The author, an American furniture designer and box maker, provides solutions for virtually any idea with simple and practical explanations. 151 pages, numerous colour photographs, hardcover, 280 x 235 mm, in German. No. 713904 27.94 € 29.90 €

MAKING AUTHENTIC SHAKER FURNITURE With Measured Drawings of Museum Classics, by John G. Shea. This book introduces you to the Shaker culture and provides instructions for making 80 pieces of furniture and other household objects. Measured drawings and numerous photos are provided alongside detailed instructions for making the various wood joints, surface finishing techniques and varnishes required. 208 pages, 250 photographs, 140 drawings, softcover, 210 x 280 mm. No. 713423 12.06 € 12.90 €

PRACTICAL DESGIN This book offers a selection of the best articles on design from the American magazine »Fine Woodworking«. Many renowned cabinet makers and designers explain possible solutions to frequently asked questions, from designing cabinets, to the building of drawers under table tops, through to custommade chairs. The content is easy to understand, with numerous photos and drawings, and gives a clear insight into the often complex art of furniture design. 185 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, softcover, 220 x 275 mm. No. 713555 12.99 € 13.90 €

CLASSIC JOINTS WITH POWER TOOLS By Yeung Chan. A guide to creating all common and some rare wood joints with basic machine equipment such as a small circular saw, band saw, power drill and power router. Each of the more than 100 joints is easy to make following the step-by-step instructions and photos. This comprehensive guide also contains numerous instructions for building templates and jigs. 174 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, softcover, 220 x 255 mm. No. 713613 13.93 € 14.90 €

500 CABINETS This photo book will inspire any cabinet maker to design new pieces of furniture. Over 420 pages, it presents 500 cabinets, each completely different in form, colour and design. The level of difficulty of the international pieces ranges from manageable to »impossible« and is also ideal as an inspiration for journeyman's pieces. 419 pages, colour illustrations throughout, softcover, 205 x 205 mm. No. 713616 17.66 € 18.90 €

MAKING HEIRLOOM BOXES By Peter Lloyd. Professional woodworker Peter Lloyd presents 11 exquisite boxes in solid wood that manage to be elegant, original and practical at the same time. Each box is made from a single piece of hardwood. No other materials are used, allowing the wood’s figure and the individual design to speak for themselves. 169 pages, numerous photos, and illustrations, softcover, 213 x 275 mm. No. 713265 15.79 €

PRAXISBUCH HOLZ A comprehensive work which covers the most important topics of woodworking and at the same time describes 25 projects for beginners through to professionals with stepby-step instructions. The main chapters cover everything from hand tools to stationary machines, joints and techniques. The Woods chapter describes a variety of different types of wood, divided into hard and soft woods, in short but concise texts with photos. This volume contains everything you ever wanted to know about the material wood and its processing. 399 pages, colour photographs on every page, hardcover, 285 x 225 mm, in German. No. 713009 37.34 € 39.95 €

HOLZIS HANDBUCH FÜR SCHREINER By Carsten Hilbert. Over 2,200 terms, from gluing on to bonds, help apprentice carpenters, qualified carpenters and ambitious hobby carpenters whenever they have questions. The comprehensive knowledge of carpentry in user-friendly form, numerous tables, many tips and tricks make this book an invaluable companion. 424 pages, 1600 colour illustrations and many useful tables, softcover 110 x 180 mm, in German. No. 713876 26.64 €

28.50 €

HOLZ, VERARBEITUNG - WERKZEUGKUNDE Step-by-step instructions. Over 2000 colour photos, sketches and drawings are used to present native and exotic types of wood, their uses and properties, tools and working techniques of joiners and carpenters in detail. Techniques such as woodturning, marquetry and carving are described, as are numerous projects, such as chessboards, beds, picture frames or chests. 439 pages, over 2000 colour photographs, sketches and drawings, hardcover, 260 x 304 mm, in German. No. 713823 13.97 € 14.95 €

16.90 €

1000 TIPPS FÜR HOLZWERKER 96-year-old English engineer Percy Blandford, who worked mainly as a furniture and boat designer after the war, has compiled 1,000 tips for woodworkers in this handy book. Over the years, more than 2,000 tips were published in various British and American magazines under his name or a pseudonym. The tips are divided into subject areas, from preparation and design, to working with hand and machine tools, right through to surface treatment and sharpening. 369 pages, b/w sketches on every page, hardcover 175 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713596 25.05 € 26.80 €

WERKBUCH HOLZ By Declan O'Donoghue. This practical guide is a comprehensive and understandable introduction to the techniques of the craft of woodwork. The range of subjects stretches from individual processing methods and joints, to self-made items. The authors give ideas for designing own projects and teach you to use manual and electrical tools and machines safely. Chapters on woods of the world, selecting the right wood and storing and preparing it round off this high-quality book. 232 pages, 900 colour photographs, 8 b/w photographs, 100 line drawings, 3 overview maps, hardcover, 245 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713743 18.60 € 19.90 €

SIMPLY WOOD In Simply Wood, South African Roshaan Ganief shows the artistic side of using a scroll saw. The book presents numerous patterns that are easy to copy and can also be customised in your own creative way. From coasters to panels for framed furniture to framed wall art, this book contains numerous exceptional projects. 199 pages, many colour photographs and drawings, softcover, 190 x 230 mm. No. 713913 13.93 €

14.90 €

HOLZ BIEGEN How do you bend or deform wood? This book presents the whole spectrum of different methods. In addition to basic procedures and the required equipment, Wolfgang Fiwek gives an insight into all manner of workshops, from cane makers to musical instrument makers to boat builders. Readers will also find practical and individual solutions used by different manufacturers and craftsmen to bend wood. 192 pages, colour illustrations throughout, hardcover 210 x 276 mm, in German. No. 713624 37.29 € 39.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books. 280

Books | Carpentry, architecture, Tools

Carpentry, architecture DAS HOLZBAU-BUCH (1909) By Adolf Opderbecke. Anyone who is interested in classical wood construction will find all the information they need in this reprint of a standard work from 1909. The wood joints, wall and roof structures, stairs and interior fittings are explained comprehensively in detailed drawings. 352 pages, 736 illustrations, 30 panels, hardcover, 220 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713402 29.91 €

DAS ZIMMERMANNSBUCH (1895) By Theodor Krauth and Franz Sales Meyer. This textbook has lost none of its topicality since its first publication in 1895. Even today, any carpenter or restorer interested in the traditional techniques would do well to consult it. From material science to decorative carving, all aspects of the carpenter´s craft are discussed in detail. 512 pages, 131 panels, 361 illustrations, hardcover, 175 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713799 25.23 €

32.00 €

27.00 €

THE COMPLETE JAPANESE JOINERY By Hideo Sato and Yasua Nakahara. This classic book is a must for anyone wanting to learn how to make Japanese wood joints. Starting with the selection and preparation of the wood, it introduces and provides detailed drawings of over 100 straight and cross joints and explains their uses. Also contains an introduction to using and sharpening Japanese tools. 397 pages, over 500 drawings, softcover, 185 x 230 mm. No. 713587 22.34 € 23.90 €

TRAUMHAFTE BAUMHÄUSER 30 new and extraordinary designs in wood are presented in this book. The team around La Cabane Perchée is becoming more and more ambitious and refined when it comes to the constructions. Not a single tree will have its groth interrupted and no metal will harm the bark. Superb pictures of the tree houses and their exclusive interiors as well as spectacular views await you. This book is full of ideas and made for anyone who longs for their childhood dream of a life up in the trees.124 pages, coloured photographs and drawings on every page, 360 x 260 mm, in German. No. 713897 42.06 € 45.00 €

BLOCKHÄUSER UND HÜTTEN SELBST GEBAUT By Sven-Gunnar Håkansson. In this technical book, the Swedish author presents the fundamentals of log construction. The design basics, wood selection, joints, insulation, roofing, wood coating and design appropriate for the material are discussed in detail. Numerous examples, from sauna cabins to residential houses, are fully documented in photographs. 338 pages, over 500 photographs and drawings, hardcover, 175 x 245 mm, in German. No. 713213 34.49 € 36.90 €

CIRCULAR WORK IN CARPENTRY AND JOINERY The knowledge of how to lay out and make simple and complex curved pieces in carpentry and joinery was long forgotten. This book consists of original texts from master carpenter George Collings, who already wrote on this subject in the late 19th century. It provides detailed instructions for many projects - from laying out round window frames to making mitres meet under unusual angles, right through to constructing a conical roof for an oriel window. The original texts are supplemented with additional notes from today's perspective, which allow the reader to follow even complicated aspects. 126 pages, b/w drawings and sketches on every page softcover, 220 x 280 mm. No. 713210 19.53 € 20.90 €

BLOCKHAUSBAU Do you want to build a blockhouse or have you always been fascinated by the technique? With impressive photographs and brief but detailed descriptions, this book paves the way to the finished house of your dreams and also covers subjects such as interior fittings and roof construction. The author Ralph Pfersich has found his passion in building with logs after a career involving many related activities, from tool-making to forestry. In this book, he shares not only his experience but also the philosophy of building blockhouses. 180 pages, numerous b/w photographs, softcover, 210 x 150 mm, in German. No. 713899 28.04 € 30.00 €

BLOCKVERBINDUNGEN »Blockverbindungen« (log house joints) is the follow-up to Jan-Ove Jansson's successful title »Blockhausbau« (building a log house). This new book describes other corner joints besides the familiar Enkelkattsknut. The book also contains building instructions for a shelter, as a project for beginners, and an interesting chapter on historic building in the Swedish countryside. 74 pages,colour illustrations throughout hardcover, 200 x 270 mm, in German. No. 713623 23.18 €

24.80 €


By Toshio Odate. This re-issued book and the DVD with four instructional videos open the door to the fantastic world of the art of Japanese joinery. You will not only learn how to sharpen precisely and how to use gouges, planes, saws and marking tools, but you can also follow their use with various sample applications. In the DVD, a Japanese carpenter makes a range of wood joints, and the book’s author, Toshio Odate, demonstrates how to make a small sliding door. Book: 198 pages, numerous b/w photographs and drawings, hardback 245 x 310 mm, in German. DVD: 4 films, 135 min, in German. No. 713779 33.53 €

39.90 €

JAPANESE WOODWORKING TOOLS By Toshio Odate. Japanese saws and planes have different designs and uses to western tools. Toshio Odate, a Japanese joiner and professor of design, explains the tools and their use in detail, and describes technical and historical aspects. An indispensable reference work for anyone who wants to use Japanese tools properly. 198 pages, lavishly illustrated with b/w photographs and drawings, softcover, 245 x 310 mm. No. 713502 19,53 € 20.90 €

THE TOOLBOX BOOK A Craftsman’s Guide to Tool Chests, Cabinets and Storage Systems, by Jim Tolpin. As well as fulfilling indispensable practical requirements, toolboxes can also be aesthetically pleasing woodworking masterpieces in their own right. The author describes many types of tool storage systems, from the basic toolbag to the exquisitely ornamented cabinet, and shows you how to make each piece in numerous sketches and vivid colour photographs. 199 pages, 190 photographs, 100 detailed drawings, softcover, 240 x 285 mm. No. 713559 18.60 € 19.90 €

HOW TO CHOOSE AND USE BENCH PLANES AND SCRAPERS This book by John English provides simple guidance for both novices and experienced users on choosing the right plane for their needs. John English, himself a skilled cabinetmaker and author, discusses the geometry of the various planes and explains the different designs and work techniques. In short, everything you need to know before buying or choosing your tool for a project. 110 pages, colour photographs on every page, softcover, 280 x 215 mm. No. 713012 16.73 € 17.90 €

WOODWORKER`S GUIDE TO HANDPLANES The Woodworker`s Guide To Handplanes by Scott Wynn teaches woodworkers how to choose, maintain and use handplanes. It shows all the main types and explains the many nuances of each, from the standard Stanley-Bailey-Record planes and traditional woodbodied planes to the contemporary designs from Veritas, Lie Nielsen and Clifton. Another chapter explains in detail how to build socalled »shooting boards« for planing end grain. The detailed analysis and complete coverage of all plane types makes this book the most comprehensive reference work on planes on the market. 317 pages, many colour photographs and sketches, softcover, 215 x 280 mm. No. 713907 25.14 € 26.90 €

FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVEN MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS By Henry T. Brown. This small book dates from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and lists over 500 moving contraptions made of cogs, disks, levers, chains, strings, shafts and joints. An excellent initiation into the magical world of mechanics, with many applications in making toys and practical devices. 122 pages, 507 illustrations, softcover, 150 x 225 mm. No. 713110 23.27 €

24.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books. 281

Books | Carpentry, architecture, Woodturning, Finishing, Bow making

HANDBUCH OBERFRÄSE – AUSWÄHLEN, BEDIENEN, BEHERRSCHEN - DVD INKLUSIVE In this book, journalist and master carpenter Guido Henn explains step by step everything you need to know about power routers. In a clear and accessible style, he presents various models, guides you through choosing the right cutter and explains how to operate and maintain your equipment. Henn also focuses on the many possibilities of making templates, jigs and fixtures and of stationary use, which afford the craftsman countless ways of working. Many of the techniques, e.g. cutting dovetails, are also demonstrated on an accompanying DVD. 277 pages, colour photographs on every page, hardcover, 235 x 280 mm, in German. No. 713532 41.87 € 44.80 €

Woodturning GRUNDKURS DRECHSELN By Keith Rowley. Even when turning wood, you should not have to learn from your mistakes. This is precisely the purpose of this clearly formulated and easy to understand standard work. Richly illustrated, it teaches the fundamental craft and technical skills and introduces the various projects. 180 pages, 275 photographs and 65 drawings hardcover, 217 x 282 mm, in German. No. 713359 27.94 €

DRECHSELARBEITEN By Mark Baker. The English master woodturner presents 50 woodturning pieces of varying difficulty in this work, thus giving an overview of the main forms of woodturning. Precise instructions, tool lists, scale drawings, tips on techniques and tools, types of wood and surface treatment make the book a valuable guide. 192 pages, numerous colour photographs, hardcover, 217 x 282 mm in German. No. 713156 27.94 €

GRÜNHOLZ DRECHSELN By Michael O’Donnell. The fascination of turning green wood starts when you first think about the nature of trees. The book teaches this basic understanding and guides hobbyists from cutting, selecting tools and tensioning right through to several projects. Clear photographs make it easy to understand the process of making transparent end-grain bowls and cups. 134 pages, 207 photographs and 85 drawings, softcover 210 x 275 mm, in German. No. 713334 27.10 €

29.90 €

DOSEN DRECHSELN In this book, renowned German wood turner Helga Becker presents numerous projects of her own as well as of five other outstanding wood turners with step-by-step instructions. In numerous photographs, she illustrates the tricks and knacks used in the individual projects in a way that even the layperson can understand. A stunning book that will inspire you to venture into new areas. 196 pages, numerous colour photographs, hardcover, 265 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713903 35.51 € 38.00 €

Finishing OBERFLÄCHENBEHANDLUNG VON HOLZ Classic techniques and recipes from Sam Allen. Surface treatment not only makes wood easy to care for, it also enhances its beauty. Sam Allen provides all the comprehensive and very practical traditional methods, such as French polishing, painting, oiling and waxing, grinding, pickling and varnishing. 128 pages, 165 colour illustrations, hardcover, 210 x 255 mm, in German. No. 713739 29.91 €

32.00 €

29.90 € BEHANDLUNG VON HOLZOBERFLÄCHEN By Derrick Crump. Nothing is more disappointing than a complex surface treatment which doesn’t have the desired result. This book helps you avoid mistakes with a thorough introduction to the chemistry of stains, paints, oils and waxes and their correct use, as well as surface preparation. 176 pages, over 300 illustrations, hardcover, 197 x 272 mm, in German. No. 713360 23.36 €

25.00 €

29.00 €

TURNING WOOD Richard Raffan is an internationally renowned woodturner who has become famous through his numerous works but also for the way he teaches. Countless beginners have already learned woodturning from this comprehensive standard work. From choosing the tools, to application techniques, right through to sharpening - this book contains everything you need to know. The descriptions include spectactular close-up photos and clear illustrations, making the various topics easy for users to understand. 218 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, softcover, 220 x 275 mm. No. 713553 17.66 € 18.90 €


FIXTURES AND CHUCKS Fixtures and Chucks for Woodturning by Doc Green is a reference work for both woodturning beginners and professionals. It presents all kinds of different options for clamping workpieces with and without chucks, with countless close-up photos, illustrations and complete building instructions for templates. An indispensable reference work for any clamping situation. 175 pages, colour illustrations throughout, softcover, 220 x 280 mm. No. 713615 16.73 € 17.90 €

Bow making DAS BOGENBAUER-BUCH European bow making from the Stone Age to today. A group of experts focuses on the history and design of European longbows, and offers beginners clear instructions, and advanced learners tips on selecting wood and adhesives, as well as precise dimensions for making the different bow shapes yourself. 236 pages, 127 b/w photographs, 12 colour panels and many illustrations hardcover, 215 x 275 mm, in German. No. 713349 27.85 € 29.80 €

BOGENSCHIESSEN - AUSRÜSTUNG, ZUBEHÖR, SELBST GEMACHT By Volkmar Hübschmann. Archery is even more fun with customised equipment. Fourteen experts provide step-by-step instructions for making your own equipment, accessories, quiver types, bow strings, arrows and targets. 224 pages, 560 colour photographs, hardcover, 215 x 275 mm in German. No. 713844 37.20 €

39.80 €

REFLEXBOGEN, GESCHICHTE UND HERSTELLUNG For thousands of years, composite bows have represented the finest craftsmanship and are no less fascinating today. However, the knowledge of these bows had almost been forgotten. Here many famous authors and experienced bow makers have come together to gather old and new information about techniques, forms, suitable materials and tools from the Stone Age to our modern world. This book will not only show you step by step everything you need to know about composite bows, but you will also be able to use this knowledge and the practical instructions to build your own unique bow. 336 pages, numerous photos and illustrations in colour, hardcover, 275 x 215 mm, in German. No. 713611 44.86 € 48.00 €

DIE HORNBOGENARMBRUST By Holger Richter. Even today, crossbows impress us with their power and elegant shape. As much of the knowledge of how to make them has been lost, this volume provides valuable information in numerous detailed photos and design drawings. Precise dimensions and many colour panels are an excellent basis for making a realistic replica. 192 pages, many colour illustrations hardcover, 215 x 275 mm, in German. No. 713190 37.20 €

39.80 €

BOGEN, PFEILE, KÖCHER AUS SECHS KONTINENTEN From the Arctic harpoon arrow to the Indian steel bow and African poison arrow through to Japanese palanquin bows, Charles Elbert Grayson (1910-2009) has assembled and catalogued them all. His outstanding collection - one of the largest in the world - is on display at the Museum of Anthropology in Missouri, USA. The 300 most interesting pieces in the collection are presented in this illustrated book with a short biography of each one. The objects are sorted according to regions of the world and accompanied by brief descriptions revealing their historical, cultural or technological background. 224 pages, colour photograhs and illustrations on every page, softcover, 270 x 210 mm, in German. No. 713011 26.17 € 28.00 €

»The traditional bowyer`s bible« see www.more-than-tools.de

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.

Books | Boat building, Sharpening, Knife-making

Boat building


BOOTSBAU - PRAKTISCHER SCHIFFBAU By A. Brix. This reprint from 1929 shows the designs of a wide range of sailing, rowing and motor boats, as well as coastal, rescue, pilot and fishing vehicles in over 500 line drawings. Practical texts and detailed drawings make the introduction to classical boat building easy to understand. Boat owners, model builders and boat builders appreciate the »Brix« as a reliable guide. 394 pages, 494 b/w drawings, numerous tables, hardcover, 170 x 244 mm, in German. No. 713150 26.17 € 28.00 €

MESSER SCHÄRFEN WIE DIE PROFIS By Carsten Bothe. Knives need regular care and must be sharpened correctly. This book introduces suitable sharpening tools and explains the correct sharpening technique for each tool. It also explains the correct way to sharpen axes, scissors and tools. Numerous tips by the author make sharpening a pleasure. 112 pages, about 60 colour photographs, softcover, 158 x 213 mm, in German. No. 713167 7.94 €

KAYAK CRAFT Rib construction for top-quality kayaks, by Ted Moores. The dream of building a perfect kayak can come true. Ted Moores describes the construction of the Endeavour 17 and three other kayaks with dimensions and designs. With professional tips and techniques from the boat-building pioneer, nothing stands in the way of a perfect result. 188 pages, numerous b/w photographs and drawings, softcover, 220 x 278 mm, in German. No. 713147 32.71 € 35.00 €

CANOECRAFT The art of building a canoe, by Ted Moores and Merilyn Mohr. This book explains how to build a canoe with your own hands in a clear fashion. Seven North American boat types are presented with their dimensions and design. The procedure for building them is explained in detail. 245 pages, numerous illustrations, softcover, 270 x 205 mm, in German. No. 713406 32.71 €

ALLES WAS SCHARF MACHT By Egon Binder. This compact paperback is an introduction to sharpening all kinds of cutting implements. Practical sharpening methods for knives, woodworking tools, scissors, chain saws and even razors are described. Chapters on sharpening implements and cultural articles complete this brief guide to sharpening. 121 pages, 50 colour photographs softcover, 130 x 190 mm, in German. No. 713160 9.25 €

KLEINES BREVIER VOM MESSERMACHEN By Bo Bergmann. In this compact book, the master of Scandinavian knife making offers an ideal introduction to a wonderful hobby. However, even experienced knife makers will find interesting information here on tools, materials, work techniques and finishing. The documenting of different types of knives makes this book a valuable guide for every knife maker. 112 pages, 46 b/w drawings and 8 colour panels, hardcover, 130 x 205 mm, in German. No. 713163 20.56 € 8.50 €

9.90 €

TAUNTON’S COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SHARPENING By Thomas Lie-Nielsen. Step-bystep instructions and abundant insider tips are provided for sharpening all types of woodworking tools and knives. A discussion on types of steel and a complete overview of all sharpening tools and machines complete the most comprehensive and technically in-depth book on sharpening currently available. 216 pages, over 750 colour photographs, numerous drawings, hardcover, 240 x 285 mm. No. 713774 27.94 € 29.90 € 35.00 €

BOOTSBAU PRAXIS Building the interior of a hull yourself is a safe and cost-efficient way to get a new boat. This book by Michael Naujok provides the basics in detail, from building and installing the individual components such as the ceiling liners, installing gas and water, heating and airing, right through to designing the pantry. Whether you are restoring an old boat or building a new one, these instructions will provide expert guidance. 176 pages, many photos, hardcover, 175 x 245 mm, in German. No. 713537 23.27 € 24.90 €

BUILDING A STRIP CANOE After supervising the construction of more than 500 canoes during 30 years as an outdoor resources instructor in the school system in Skowhegan, Maine, Gil Gilpatrick shares his experience with easy step-by-step instructions on how to build strip canoes. »Building A Strip Canoe« includes plans and patterns for eight proven designs, along with directions for making handwoven cane seats and attractive, lightweight but robust paddles. A book that will successfully guide both novice and accomplished woodworkers through the process of building a sturdy, ready-to-use strip canoe. 111 pages, numerous colour photographs, softcover, 220 x 280 mm. No. 713395 17.66 € 18.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.

SCHÄRFEN - GRUNDLAGEN, TECHNIKEN, AUSRÜSTUNG By Thomas Lie-Nielsen. Step-bystep instructions and abundant insider tips are provided for sharpening all types of woodworking tools and knives. A discussion on types of steel and a complete overview of all sharpening tools and machines complete the most comprehensive and technically in-depth book on sharpening currently available. 216 pages, over 750 colour photographs and numerous drawings, hardcover, 285 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713513 37.29 €

39.90 €

MESSER MACHEN WIE DIE PROFIS By Ernst G. Siebeneicher-Hellwig. A wide choice of materials, the workmanship and the freedom of design make knife-making a creative craft. This book teaches you how to make your own knife. It starts with a brief introduction to steel and describes the most common handle materials and the required tools. For beginners, the book explains in detail the individual steps involved in making a knife, based on various kits (including hunting knives and folding knives). For advanced knifemakers, it contains instructions for developing and making your own knives from scratch. Information on embellishment and decorating techniques complete the book. 128 pages, approx. 100 colour photographs hardcover, 163 x 219 mm, in German. No. 713004 15.84 € 16.95 €

STECKANGELMESSER Step by step from raw steel to finished knife with leather sheath. In this volume on workshop practice, Heinrich Schmidbauer and Hans Joachim Wieland show you how to make a stick-tang fixed knife and accompanying leather sheath. Every step of the process is explained in words and pictures, making this an ideal book for beginners. 111 pages, numerous colour photographs, spiral binding, 170 x 230 mm, in German. No. 713006 23.18 €

24.80 €

NORDISCHE SCHEIDEN In this volume on workshop practice, renowned Swedish knifemaker Thomas Löfgren shows step by step how to make a Scandinavian-style leather sheath. The quiver-style sheath is characterised by its high design, which almost completely encloses the knife handle. Every step of the process is clearly explained in words and pictures. The basic principles of designing and crafting the sheath are explained, giving readers a basis for making their own designs. 78 pages, numerous colour photographs, spiral binding, 170 x 230 mm, in German. No. 713007 18.50 € 19.80 €

MESSERSCHEIDEN VOLUME 1 In this volume on workshop practice, David Hölter and Peter Fronteddu demonstrate how to design and produce a leather sheath for a fixed knife. This issue looks at four different types of sheath: - a leather sheath with a fold-over integral belt loop - a leather-lined sheath with a riveted belt loop - a sheath with safety straps with a stitched-on belt loop - a sheath with a closing flap and a stitched-on belt clip From the first sketches to final leather treatment, every step of the process is explained clearly through text and pictures. The book also comprises a complete template for each type of sheath and provides a general introduction to leatherwork. 141 pages, many colour photographs, spiral binding, 177 x 230 mm, in German. No. 713321 27.85 € 29.80 €

Knife making SCHWEDEN-MESSER Make your own handles and sheaths, by Bo Bergman. In addition to functional properties, the perfect all-round knife must be to the personal taste of the user. The best way to guarantee this is to make the knife yourself. Bo Bergman shows you how to make your own personalised all-round tool. 136 pages, 244 illustrations, softcover, 170 x 240 mm in German. No. 713448 25.23 €

22.00 €

27.00 € 283

Books | Forging and steel, Leather and jewellery, Wooden toys, Garden, nature and travel

Forging and steel

Leather and jewellery

SCHMIEDEN LERNEN By Lars Enander and Karl-Gunnar Norén. The authors introduce readers to the craft of blacksmithing in a conversational style, starting with setting up a workshop and foundry, tools and metal science. Techniques are practised in simple and progressively more challenging projects, right through to forge welding. Learn to make smithying tools, an axe head, and knife blades using laminated and damascene techniques, fittings and blacksmith art, among other items. 168 pages, approx. 300 illustrations, hardcover, 210 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713232 27.94 € 29.90 €

LEDER By Josephine Barbe. History, techniques, projects. This book provides important information on the history of leather and introduces types of leather and processing techniques. 25 projects, shoes, bags, cushions, jewellery and many more items are described comprehensibly with the degree of difficulty indicated. 176 pages, 247 colour pictures, 65 illustrations, hardcover, 240 x 266 mm, in German. No. 713826 37.29 € 39.90 €

DIE KUNST DES SCHMIEDENS The big textbook of traditional techniques, by Håvard Bergland. This book shows you how to forge knife blades, woodworking tools, fittings, locks and works of art in detail in step-by-step drawings, photographs of the objects and work situations, as well as chapters on material science. 344 pages, over 1500 illustrations, hardcover 220 x 265 mm, in German. No. 713715 46.54 €

DER SCHMIED AM AMBOSS A practical workbook for all blacksmiths, by Herrmann Hundehagen. In practical form, this introductory book teaches all you need to know about hand-forging. In a modern format, it describes in detail the required tools and equipment, reshaping and welding techniques, and even includes heat treatment. An absolute must for every professional and hobby blacksmith! 162 pages, 186 b/w illustrations and photographs, hardcover, 152 x 220 mm, in German. No. 713305 25.23 €

MESSER SCHMIEDEN FÜR ANFÄNGER From the workshop series by Ernst G. Siebeneicher and Jürgen Rosinski. This practical manual gives a straightforward and good value introduction to the fascinating hobby of bladesmithing. With countless stepby-step photos, it shows you how to construct a simple smith's hearth, how to make the necessary tools yourself, how to forge a stick tang blade out of spring steel and to make it into a finished knife. 128 pages, numerous colour photographs, paperback, 170 x 230 mm, in German. No. 713796 27.85 €

HANDBUCH LEDERARBEITEN By Valerie Michael. Introduction to the fascinating world of leather crafting. The book presents materials, tools and basic techniques. 128 pages, 178 photographs some in colour, hardcover, 210 x 260 mm, in German. No. 713130 36.36 €

49.80 €

HANDBUCH SCHMUCK This comprehensive and ambitious workshop book by internationally renowned artist, goldsmith and designer Anastasia Young includes everything you need to know for making jewellery: from choosing the right tools, to the materials, right through to the design and the individual techniques. Metals as well as synthetic and natural materials are processed step by step to create beautiful pieces of jewellery using numerous techniques such as inlaying, embossing, hallmarking, laminating and texturing. 320 pages, many colour photographs, hardcover, 225 x 260 mm, in German. No. 713617 42.06 € 45.00 €

BAGGER, KRÄNE & CO Have you ever seen wooden toys in the form of a fully functional wooden digger or combine harvester? Erik Skarman's book for amateur craftsmen guides you through the creation of 24 »technical« objects. By following the outline drawings and descriptions, you can make robust toys with the simplest means. Fun for both children and adults. 79 pages, colour photographs and drawings on every page, hardcover, 200 x 275 mm, in German. No. 713505 18.50 € 19.80 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.

27.00 €

29.80 €

DAMASZENER STAHL - THEORIE UND PRAXIS Damascus steel is a fascinating material which has been used by man for thousands of years. In his comprehensive book, Gunther Löbach explains the different types of Damascus steel and describes the various patterns and how to create them using computer illustrations. In the large practical section, he covers suitable materials and the forger's equipment, before describing important working techniques in detail. The book is completed by numerous practical tips, which are also summarised in a large poster for the workshop. 176 pages, numerous colour photographs, hardcover 200 x 250 mm, in German. No. 713005 37.20 € 39.80 €


38.90 €

HOLZSPIELZEUG - NEUE IDEEN ZUM BASTELN UND SPIELEN Once again, Monika Kern, inspired by her work in a day-care centre, shows the creative possibilities of working with wood. From a knight's shield to a robot with secret compartment to a variety of board games, this book contains many projects for you to recreate. The step-bystep instructions are accompanied by lists of materials and photographs of the raw material as well as the finished items. The first chapter of the book describes the required tools in a childfriendly way. 110 pages, many colour photographs, hardcover, 200 x 270 mm, in German. No. 713908 18.60 € 19.90 €

Wooden toys

Garden, nature and travel

SPIELE UND SPIELZEUG AUS HOLZ SELBST GEMACHT By Willi Brokbals. This instruction book presents 12 classic games and 13 original toys with craft expertise. With clear drawings, parts lists and descriptions of steps, the projects are easy to understand, even for the less experienced. There is enough freedom to exercise your own creativity. 159 pages, 34 colour photographs, 117 drawings and 27 tables, hardcover, 195 x 264 mm, in German. No. 713713 23.27 €

MAUERN AUS NATURSTEIN By Volker Friedrich. This book gives an in-depth introduction into selecting the right material for building natural stone walls, treating and processing it. The procedure for building walls is documented step-by-step, and joints, seals and planting are discussed based on numerous examples. Of course there are also sections on tools and materials, as well as exact instructions and invaluable practical tips. 167 pages, 104 colour photographs, 58 drawings, 20 tables, hardcover, 194 x 265 mm, in German. No. 713829 32.62 €

34.90 €

ANLEITUNG ZUM FLECHTEN MIT WEIDEN By Bernhard and Regula VerdetFierz. Wicker plants, their care, harvesting and processing to make practical and aesthetic objects are comprehensively presented in this book. Detailed drawings explain the individual weaving procedures and make getting started in weaving easier. Includes projects suitable for both novices and advanced craft workers. 361 pages, 450 b/w illustrations, softcover, 176 x 247 mm in German. No. 713820 27.01 €

28.90 €

24.90 €

WIR BASTELN HOLZSPIELZEUG - FAHRZEUGE From flatbed trucks to racing cars, this book by Monika Kern explains the wide world of wooden toys with fun and easy-to-copy ideas. A list of the tools you need is followed by numerous projects which are easy to recreate using the step-by-step instructions and clearly laid-out lists of materials. The work helps develop children's imagination, ability and fine motor skills, but adults too will find it rewarding to build the functional vehicles. 96 pages, numerous photos in colour, hardcover, 200 x 270 mm, in German. No. 713327 18.60 € 19.90 €

Books | Garden, nature and travel

EINFACH MÄHEN MIT DER SENSE. By Bernhard Lehnert. The scything becomes more and more popular. For all who learned how to do it scything is a relaxing action in fresh air. The author provides hints and tips for the right choice of the scythe and how to do the scything using many illustrations. How to peen and whet is well described. 80 pages, 133 illustrations, 146 x 210 mm, softcover, in German. No. 713894 10.23 €

DEUTSCHLANDS ALTE BÄUME Trees that are hundreds of years old appear grand and mystical. Their shape, trunk, bark and root structures tell their story and give them character. This unique photo book takes you on a visual journey throughout Germany to almost 200 legendary tree characters. 193 pages,many colour photographs, hardcover, 250 x 300 mm, in German. No. 713536 27.99 €

DAS GROSSE BUCH DER SELBSTVERSORGUNG This contemporary title describes a whole host of ideas for sustainable, environmentally-conscious living in harmony with nature. Dick and James Strawbridge, who have their own farm in Cornwall, England, explain techniques and give tips for embarking on a self-sufficient lifestyle step by step. From saving energy to generating your own power, to organic market gardening in a small garden, to home-made bread and cheese - this book contains everything you need to know to lead an eco-friendly life. 256 pages, many colour photographs, hardcover, 235 x 280 mm, in German. No. 713614 23.32 € 24.95 €

FEUER From the Stone Age to the burning glass. By Roland Müller. This book systematically describes the theory and practice of lighting fires with simple equipment. It presents the whole range of tools and materials for cinder, plant science, flints, fire sticks, drills, right through to burning glasses. An interesting book on a unique subject! 205 pages, 116 colour photographs numerous tables, hardcover, 175 x 245 mm, in German. No. 713137 23.36 €

29.95 €

10.95 € OBSTBAUMSCHNITT GRUNDKURS Only fruit trees that are cut properly and regularly guarantee a healthy and tasty harvest year after year. This book by Uwe Jakubik is designed for hobby gardeners who want clear and concise information about what's important when cutting fruit trees. From preparing the ground to protecting the plants, right through to the correct pruning techniques, this book will tell you all you need to know about cultivating your fruit trees and increasing their yield. 96 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, hardcover, 170 x 235 mm, in German. No. 713540 13.93 € 14.90 €

BAUMHAUS, BRÜCKE, WASSERRAD By Benoit Delalandre. Written for children, this book offers instructions on virtually anything you may have tried yourself as a child - from different knot techniques, to making missiles and musical instruments, right through to building huts and furniture. The practical tips and tricks based on simple materials such as a rope and branches will amaze even parents. 61 pages, many colour illustrations, hardcover 245 x 245 mm, in German. No. 713619 12.10 € 12.95 €

25.00 €

VOGELHÄUSCHEN This comprehensive work on birdhouses by Eberhard Gabler, winner of the European Environmental Award and a dedicated ornithologist, gives practical step-by-step instructions for building birdhouses appropriate to the individual species. The book presents 15 common bird species in Germany and what they need for nesting. Thanks to the building instructions with detailed and dimensioned drawings of the individual parts, you can easily build the shelters yourself. The book also explains the importance of feeding birds in winter and how to build appropriate feeders. 109 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, hardcover, 170 x 220 mm, in German. No. 713533 9.30 € 9.95 €

BAUEN MIT STEIN UND HOLZ To pave and create garden paths or steps, all you need is a little skill and this book by Eva Ott. As well as an introduction to techniques, materials and tools, it not only describes the basics of paving, but also contains step-by-step instructions for small projects for building the garden of your dreams, from walls, to steps, to a pergola. 126 pages, many colour photographs, hardcover. 170 x 225 mm, in German. No. 713534 12.10 € 12.95 €

NIWAKI In this book, author Jake Hobson, who broadened his years of experience in designing Japanese gardens during a year at a tree nursery in Osaka, explains the techniques of Japanese topiary. The Japanese art of shaping trees is surprisingly easy to learn. Clear step-by-step instructions with drawings show you how to turn a young tree into a »Niwaki« or how to thin out pine needles to create unusual patterns. 144 pages, many colour photographs and illustrations, hardcover, 225 x 285 mm, in German. No. 713618 37.29 € 39.90 €

DAS NEUE BUCH VOM LEBEN AUF DEM LANDE Whether growing fruits and vegetables or sowing and harvesting corn and field crops, this book by John Seymour will answer all your questions about living off the land. It also provides an overview of livestock breeds and how to look after them and vividly explains how to make your own cheese, butter and wine. This extended edition also covers such contemporary issues as alternative energy supplies and waste recycling. The wealth of information, engagingly presented, makes this book fascinating reading not just for the self-sufficient community. 411 pages, numerous illustrations, hardcover, 220 x 280 mm, in German. No. 713126 23.32 € 24.95 €

DER NUTZGARTEN - MONAT FÜR MONAT RICHTIG PLANEN Learn how to create a proper kitchen garden in a small space with little gardening know-how, that will supply you all year round. The first section of the book explains how to create the beds, the use of fertiliser and the tools you need for gardening. The main part comprises a gardening calendar, which tells you the right times for sowing, fertilising and picking, as well as a picking planner with valuable tips on popular and unusual varieties of fruits, vegetables and other plants. And in case of mishaps, you will also find first aid tips for useful plants from A-Z. 352 pages, colour photographs on every page hardcover, 205 x 240 mm, in German. No. 713454 18.64 € 19.95 €

MIT HOLZ ARBEITEN IM HAUS UND DRUM HERUM 48 popular Scandinavian-style projects by authors Anna & Anders Jeppsson: clear and simple, functional and friendly. From simple shelves for different purposes in the house, to occasional and children's furniture, right through to complex projects such as a storage shed or kids' playhouse, this book covers all levels of difficulty. These projects feature unconventional ideas for solving everyday problems. Clear drawings, simple texts and lists of materials enable any layperson to build these objects, while photographs show the finished product. 152 pages, numerous colour photographs and drawings hardcover, 275 x 225 mm, in German. No. 713901 23.27 € 24.90 €

MIT HOLZ ARBEITEN IM GARTEN This book is the first »tool« you need to make your dreams of a large terrace, a flower box, an outdoor kitchen, a fence or a number of other projects in the garden come true, and provides many ways to success. The authors Anna and Anders Jeppsson are DIY enthusiasts themselves and, together with architect HansOve Ohlsson, they create easy-to-follow instructions with varying degrees of difficulty that are suitable for beginners as well as experienced amateurs. Illustrative colour photographs and clear detail drawings and building instructions inspire you to have a go. 215 pages, numerous colour photographs and drawings, hardcover, 275 x 200 mm, in German. No. 713902 25.14 € 26.90 €

KIYO - ALS FAMILIE UNTERWEGS IN JAPAN Stefan Rosenboom wrote this extraordinary book with many emotive photographs about an unconvential family trip into the back-country of Japan, which has had relatively little attention as a tourist destination. Despite all preconceptions of the problems of travelling in a country whose language you don't speak and whose culture often seems completely alien, the family even ends up making friends for life. A book that shows readers another side of Japan, which you can experience yourself in 12 stories, and which may inspire your own travel plans. 173 pages, a vast number of coloured and b/w photographs, hardcover, 250 x 165 mm, in German. No. 713911 23.27 € 24.90 €

See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.


Books | Instrument making, DVD´s

Instrument making GEIGENBAUSCHULE MITTENWALD 1977-1981 By Andreas Zimmermann. This book contains reproductions of the handwritten notes taken by master violinmaker Andreas Zimmermann while attending the violinmaking school in Mittenwald, Germany. The notes contain step-by-step descriptions of how to make a violin, from the initial marking of the wood to the final application of the strings. The final section of Zimmermann's notes details varnishing techniques and the properties of various resins and dyes as well as important techniques for repairing stringed instruments and bows. Numerous precisely drawn sketches give the reader a clearer picture of many steps of the techniques described. 354 pages, 87 b/w drawings, softcover, 160 x 225 mm, in German. No. 713733 27.10 € 29.00 €

THE ART OF VIOLIN MAKING By Chris Johnson and Roy Courtnall. Anyone involved in the art of violin making will love this large-format reference book. It focuses on the individual steps professionals use in violin making. The accompanying drawings, detail photographs and descriptions make the violin-making process easy for amateurs to understand. A presentation of great past and present makers with their instruments, glossary, trade directory and notes on various instrument collections complete this unique book. 253 pages, over 400 photographs and illustrations some in color, hardcover, 220 x 305 mm. No. 713445 91.59 € 98.00 €

MAKING MASTER GUITARS By Roy Courtnall. A craftsman’s guide to the exciting and challenging pursuit of making classical guitars. Part one of the book contains chapters on nine famous makers and serves as a unique record of the different methods that have evolved since Antonio de Torres first defined the essential characteristics of the modern classical guitar in the 1850’s. A set of detailed drawings of one of each maker’s guitars is also provided. Parts two and three provide practical information on the selection of tools, workshop setup and step-by-step instructions on guitar construction, illustrated by numerous photographs and drawings. 330 pages, numerous b/w photographs and sketches, hardcover, 220 x 305 mm. No. 713394 74.67 € 79.90 € See www.more-than-tools.de for more books.

SCYTHING TECHNIQUES In this introduction, scythe-master Ernst Schoiswohl and Canadian organic farmer Peter Vido, teach knowledge which has virtually been forgotten. From adjusting the snath, body position when mowing, to peening and honing the blade, viewers will learn everything they need to know about working with scythes. DVD, 20 minutes. No. 713734 7.48 € German No. 713752 7.48 € English 286



DAS SCHÄRFEN JAPANISCHER MESSER A Japanese master blacksmith with a legendary reputation in Japan shows you how to professionally sharpen kitchen knives on water stones. He introduces different types of whetstone, shows the correct sharpening motions for sharpening single and double-bevelled knives and provides information on caring for knives. Knives sharpened in this way not only make your work easier but are also a pleasure to use and allow you to treat your food with respect. DVD, 15 minutes, in German. No. 713806 4.96 € 5.90 €

GRUNDKURS SCHNITZEN MIT WOLFGANG KOROTKOW In this DVD, master sculptor and restorer Wolfang Korotkow engagingly teaches the basics of carving. Using a carved leaf with grapes, the author explains the design, the choice of tools and the correct carving techniques as well as how to sharpen and look after your tools. DVD, 45 minutes, in German. No. 713914 28.57 €



12.90 €

B CHRISTOPHER SCHWARZ Christopher Schwarz is the editor of Popular Woodworking magazine and a furniture-making enthusiast. He built his own workbench at age 8 and helped his father build two houses on their family farm using almost exclusively hand tools. 1 Coarse, medium & fine Most woodworking projects involve roughing, refining and finishing operations. In this DVD, Christopher explores the right tool to use for each stage. He groups tools according to which functions they perform, and shows that by choosing the right tool for each step, woodworking can be quick and precise. DVD, 65 minutes. No. 713628 21.76 € 25.90 € 2 Sawing fundamentals Learning to cut accurately with handsaws takes practice and the right techniques. In this DVD, Christopher describes how to choose the right saw for the specific job, and the proper grip and stance. DVD, 57 minutes. No. 713633 21.76 € 25.90 €

34.00 €

3 Building furniture with hand planes Which hand planes do you need to build furniture? How do you use them? In this DVD, Christopher Schwarz explores jointer planes, smoothing planes and block planes, demonstrating their use to make parts for building a small Shaker hanging cabinet. DVD, 60 minutes. No. 713629 21.76 € 25.90 € C

Lie-Nielsen DVD´s






A DAVID CHARLESWORTH English author and teacher of furniture making, David Charlesworth: His speciality is getting the most out of hand tools to get precise results in traditional but efficient ways. 1 Hand tool techniques part 1: Plane sharpening This DVD explores David's techniques for sharpening plane blades. Learn how to get a razor-sharp edge in minutes, and how to camber an edge with confidence. DVD, 75 minutes. No. 713625 21.76 € 25.90 €

DVD´s INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH POLISHING In this training film, an expert shares with us the knowledge of the finest form of surface treatment as acquired by him over many years. Peter Zehmisch explains the materials and the individual operations (priming, basic polishing, cover polishing, polishing out scratches, and fine polishing). DVD approx. 21 minutes. German No. 713736 10.84 € English No. 713753 10.84 €

FOUR FILMS ABOUT DIFFERENT HANDCRAFT TECHNIQUES ON ONE DVD Schärfen mit Wassersteinen, Japanische Holzverbindungen, Shoji, Japanische Holzbearbeitungswerkzeuge. DVD 135 minutes, in German. Also available as a set: Book and DVD. See page 281. No. 713709 10.84 €

12.90 € 12.90 €

2 Hand tool techniques part 2: Hand planing This video explores David's hand-planing techniques for precise, efficient preparation of furniture-size components. It describes in detail how to smooth a surface, true a side edge at a right angle, as well as how to deal with twisted and warped wood and work on end grain. DVD, 93 minutes. No. 713626 21.76 € 25.90 €

8.90 € 8.90 €

3 Furniture making techniques This DVD explores the five most difficult planing processes in furniture making. The first chapter deals with getting a smooth surface directly from the hand plane on difficult-to-plane woods. The next three chapters contain tips on correct jointing to achieve clean glue joints, crisp, decorative bevels to finish edges, and how to finish planing an assembled frame and panel. Finally, the DVD contains a chapter on effective use of the shoulder plane. DVD, 188 minutes. No. 713627 33.53 € 39.90 €


C GEORGE WALKER For more than 25 years, George Walker has been building furniture and, after finishing his training as a cabinet maker, has focused more and more on using hand tools. He has written numerous articles on traditional furniture making in the 18th century. 1 Unlocking the secrets of traditional design Furniture is pleasing to the eye when various elements work together to create a harmonious whole. 18th-century furniture design, like architecture, relied heavily on proportional schemes derived from classical architectural orders. George Walker demonstrates how to use this approach to create visual harmony. DVD, 68 minutes. No. 713631 21.76 € 25.90 € 2 Unlocking the secrets of traditional design: Moldings Mouldings add visual interest, symmetry and structure to architecture, interiors and furniture. George Walker shows how to create mouldings for furniture using basic tools and techniques to create harmonious designs. DVD, 50 minutes. No. 713632 21.76 € 25.90 €

DEN BOGEN RAUS HABEN… BAU EINES ENGLISCHEN LANGBOGENS In this DVD, bow-makers Linda Schilling and Michael Wlotzka describe the complete process of building an English long bow: from selecting the wood, to tillering, right through to the finishing. The detailed explanations of the individual steps will answer all your questions. All in all, an ideal video for anyone interested in bow making. DVD, 68 minutes, in German. No. 713635 16.72 €

19.90 €

Index Aberl® Axes/hatchets


Blacksmithing hammers



Crown® Turning tools



Cut-resistant gloves


Ceramic peeler


Cutting boards



Cutting pad



Cutting rule




Adjustable drill bit


Block planes


Blue Paper Steel


Cerax® Stones by Suehiro®


BMI® Spirit level


Chalk line

Boat glue


Chamfer plane

Adjustable wrench Adzes Ajikiri (Knives)



Centre marker


72, 78-81


83, 85

Akagashi saws




Chasing hammer


Damascus blade blanks

Akatsuki® Honing stone


Body clamps


Chatter tool


Damascus chisel

Bone glue


Checkering file


Damascus steel



Damascus steel hammer


239-240 32, 37

All purpose files


All-metal chisels


Bone plates


Cheese grater

Allongee gouges


Bonsai shears


Child´s carving knifes


Deba knives

All-purpose hatchets


Bonsai tools


Child’s carving tool


Deer horn tip



Chinese carving tools


Deluxe saws

Bottle stoppers


Chinese chisels


Desert ironwood


109, 110

Chinese planes


Dial calliper


Diamond files


Diamond pastes


Diamond sharpener




All-purpose knives


All-purpose knives small

205 et seq.

Alpha marking tool


Bowl gouges

Alpha square


Bowmaker´s scraping plane

Alum crystal shaving block



Anant® Planes


Boxwood shears

85 188 258, 260

Chinese sharpening stones Chip carving knives Chisel plane

90 52, 55 73

242 18

Angle drill head





Angle gauge for tool edges




Chisels for cabinet work 32-35, 37, 38

DICK® Axes for carpenters



Branch shears

Chisels for carpentry work

DICK® Centrofix


Anvil lopper


Brass mallets

DICK® Knifes series Klassik


Anvil pruner


Brass plump line


Chopping knives

Arata Hocho


Brass rivets


Chromium steel blades

92, 93

Bread knife


Chromoxide finishing paste Chucks

Arkansas oil stones Arts and craft

272 et seq.

Broad axe

257, 261 51

63, 64, 67, 68

Auger bits


Brush scythe

Auger gimlets



Australian precious wood


Brusletto® Hunting knife


Bruyère wood Buffalo horn plates

Auto Mach® Powercarver Awl handle

49 172

Axes and hatchets

63 et seq.

Azebiki saws


Buffing wheels Bulb planter Bullnose planes

Back bent gouges


Back saws




Burnisher Cabinet assembly clamp

Bamboo backings


Cabinet rasps

Bamboo vinegar


Cabinet scraper

Bar clamps


Cabinetmakers mallet

Bark scraper Bead forming tool Beading tool


Chisels, (turning)

Chu-Gata Nomi chisels

36-38 109, 110 216 239-240

79 166


Digital callipers






DMT® Bench stones


DMT® Shaped sharpeners


Circular plane


DMT® Sharpening system



Clamp fixtures


Dog-leg gouge



Clamping arbor chuck


Doming plane


Claw hammer


Double hoe


Claws (gardening)


Double-bearded axe


90, 91

Double-bitted logging axe




Double-bitted mortise axe




Double-bitted throwing axe

98 255 80, 81 86 144

Cleaning stones (Nagura)

Cleavers (Nata)







Dovetail chisels


Colt® Forstner bits


Dovetail cutter



Combination pliers


Dovetail gauge


Dovetail markers


120, 121




Combination square




Combination stones

89, 90

Camel bone

DICK® Planes DICK® Tool carriers

111 77



184, 186

Circle cutter

30 et seq.

201-203, 210


Dovetail plane


Combination tools


Dovetail saws

99, 180

Common edge tool


Dowel rod cutter

85 12, 24 154

Beam compass heads


Camellia oil Sinensis®

Beaver deep hollowing tool


Captive ring tool


Compact carving tool sets


Carbon-steel blades


Compact carving tools

Carnauba wax


Compact knives




Compass heads


Dreadnought rasps


Beeswax granulate Belgian coticule whetstones

92, 93

49 48-49

Dozuki saws

12-13, 18, 21

Dragon gouge

45 57

Belt pouch for folding knives 237-238

Carpenter’s axe

Bench clamps


Carpenter’s hammer

Drill chuck


Bench dogs


Carpenter’s square




Drill chucking tools


75-76, 78, 79, 81

Carpenter’s try square


Cone cutter


Drill stand


Bench rabbet plane

76, 81

Carrying rolls for saws


Conical slipstones


Drill stops


Bench stones


Carver’s sets, Chinese


Coping saws

Carver’s sets, Japanese


Corner chisel



Cotton apron


Countersink drill


Bench planes

Bench support Bench vice

162 163, 164

Carver’s sets, Pfeil®



Carver’s vice



Carver's mallets

Bessey® Clamps


Carving blade blanks

Bevel knife


Carving hatchet

Bindan® Glues


Carving knives


165 51-52

Compass saws


19, 25

25, 27

153, 154

Dual Stone® by Suehiro®



Cow horn




Cow horn plates






Edge clamp


52, 53, 55, 56

Cranked paring chisels


Edge-trimming planes

Cast iron kitchenware


Creusen® Grinder


Edging knife

Bit metal twist drill


Catfish leather


Crosshole countersink


Elk leather

Bit wood twist drill




Crossing files


Ellsworth gouges



Center saver


Crossing rasps

Black walnuts


Centre finder


Crown® Revolution

Carving tools

84, 85

E.C.E.® Reform smoothing plane


150, 151


E.C.E.® Planes

Bit holder

Bit chucking heads




120, 121 112


85 253 193 109, 110

Emery cloth


Epoxy glue

185 287

Index Estwing® Hammers


European carving tools


Gardening scyth


Herdim® Glue pot


Japanese shoes


Gardening sets


Herdim® Precision rasps


Japanese socks



Herdim® Repair clamps


Jig saw


Hexagon socket key set


Jinoko clay


European wood


Gardening shears

Exotic wood


Genno Glardon/Vallorbe® Files


Hide glue


Jinzo® Stone

Fabric scissors


Glardon/Vallorbe® Raps


Higonokami pocket knives


Jointer plane

Face shield


Glass cutter


Hocho traditional Japanese


JSP PowerCap Lite IP


Faceplate segments




Hocho western design


Juniper, grained


Falcon® Folding knives


Glue brush


Hoes (gardening)


Farming sickle


182 90 76

Glue for Shoji paper


Hold down clamp


Käfer® Calliper


Felling and splitting wedge


Glue injectors


Hole cutter


Kangaroo leather


Felling axes


Glue pots


Hole punches


Karesuando hunting knives

Felt polishing wheels


Glue scraper



Kataba saws


Figured Jarrah




Hollowing tools

File handles


Goldfield burls


Honing guides

Gorilla clamps®


Honing oil


Kelton™ Handles

Hook knives


Kelton™ Tools



Files for knife makers Files for light metals Files for metal working


Gotland axe




67 44, 48, 49, 50

Gouge-shaped adze


Hook tools

111, 113 100

110, 113

Katsuhiro Hocho


Keiba® Pliers

157 113 112-113, 116, 118

Keyhole saw



Kindling splitter

Horn hammer


King® Stones


14-15, 18, 19 21

19, 25 64

Files for wood-based materials


Grafting knives

Finger protectors


Gränsfors® Axes/hatchets 63-64,66-67

Hornstrips for bowmakers


Kirjes® Sanding system


Finishing chisels


Grass sickle


Horse hair


Kitchen folding knives


Grasstree roots


Hot-setting adhesives


Kitchen knife blades


Fish / meat knives 204-205, 207-215

Grater Microplane®


Household scissors


Kitchen knives trad. Japanese 201-207

Fish knives



HSS broad chisels


Kitchen knives western design 208-215

Grill pan


HSS chisels

Fire stick

232 201-203, 206 et seq.

Fishbone tweezers


Fisherman’s knives




Fishtail gouges


Grooving plane

Flat adze


Grubber (gardening)

Flat chisels


Gundel-Putz® Polishing paste

Flat files

124, 126

Flat rasp

120, 121

Gyuto knives


Hultafors® Folding rule


Hunter’s hatchet

254 99

204-205, 207-215

34, 36, 39 130 66

89, 92

Kitchen rasp


Kitchen shears


Kitchen utensils


Hunting knives European 229-232, 235

Klemmsia® Clamps

Hunting knives Japanese



Knee socks



Hybrid chisels



Knife blades


Flexible rule


Habilis files


I-beam bar clamp


Knife blocks


Flexible shaft


Hager® Lathes


Impregnation spray


Knife edge rules


Flexible square (Sashigane)


Hair cutting scissors




Knife edge squares



Halfmoon knife


Indian trade axes

Knife kits


272, 275

Half-round files


Indoor watering can


Knife pendant


Ink line Shinwa®


Knife rests

Insertion clamp (workbenches)


Knife sets

Floats Flower vase Flush-cutting saws

19, 24

Half-round rasps

120, 121



Folding bone


Hammer tacker

Folding knife kits



102 et seq.

Inside callipers



Folding knives Bessey®


Hand drill


Inspection mirrors


Knot repair set


Hand grinders NT


Insulation cutter


Kobayashi Hocho Deluxe



Kobiki saw

Folding knives European



Folding knives Japanese 233-234, 216

Hand hatchet


Iron mitre plane

Folding rule

Hand saws


Iron-oxide pigment

Folding saws Folding saws (gardening) Folding square Nobex® Octo

130-131 21, 22 263-264 135


Hand-cut rasps

120, 121


Isinglass glue


Kugihiki saw


Ivory alternative


Kunz® Planes


272 et seq. Jack plane


Handles for kitchen knives


Japanese axes/hatchets


Hanging strop


Japanese blades

Forest axe Forks (gardening)


Hans Karlsson carving tools

Forstner bits


Harvest shears

56 258, 259


Kovax® Emery cloth


76, 79



Handle chart for rasps and files

Fore plane Forest hatchet

Hand weeder

203-215, 217, 221

Japanese Camellia oil Japanese carpenter's square

76, 79, 81


Kuro Ochi Hocho


Kusakichi Hocho


Lace sheoak


Laguiole folding knives




64-67 239 99 134

Frame saws


Harvesting sickle


Japanese carving knives




Frost® Carving knives


Hatagane (jap. clamps)


Japanese carving tools





Leather apron



Leather balm


Frost/Mora® Blades


Hattori® Chisels

Fruit knife


Hattori® Rasps


Japanese clamps (Hatagane)

Full tang blades


Hattori® Scriber knife


Japanese hammers

Hattori® Turning tool sets


34, 35, 36, 37

Japanese chisels


Leather care products


Japanese hedge shears


Leather case for razor



Leather cream


Leather dressing


Garden claw


Haws watering cans


Japanese marking gauges

Garden fork


Hayashi Hocho


Japanese plane blades

Hedge shears


Japanese planes (Kanna)



Japanese pruning shears

Garden hatchets



Leather drill punch



Leather knife


Garden knives


Hegner® Disc sanding machine

Garden shears


Hegner® Scroll saw

Japanese razor


Leather oil


Gardener´s hat


Hemp string


Japanese rubber boots


Leather plane


Gardening apron


Henry Taylor® Turning tools


Japanese scissors


Leather products


Gardening gloves


Herbs knife


Japanese scraper steel

Leather purse





Index 32

Parallel marker

Leather roll for folding knives


Mokume Nomi chisels

Leather roll-up case for razors


Mono steel


Parallel vice

Leather scissors




Paring chisels

Mora blades


Parquet clamp





Parting tool

Letter opener


Mortise axe


Mortise chisels

Leather tool roll for chisels


Lever clamp (workbenches) Lie-Nielsen® Planes


Mosaic pins

134 165 35, 37, 38 , 39 146 109, 110

Rabbet block plane Rabbet plane

72, 79 73, 76, 81, 84, 85

Rabbit skin glue


Radius plane


Patternmaker´s vice






Rams horn


Peening anvil



83 256 194 121-123

Light clamps




Peening hammer


Ratchet screwdriver





Peltor™ Hearing protector






Multi-angle vice

Petty knives 205, 211, 213, 215, 216

Rawhide hammers


Linen Micarta


Multi-bladed scraping plane

Linen thread



Linseed Oil Linolja®


Multiform stones

Lionsteel® Knives

216, 229, 236

165, 166 84 146 92, 93


Pfeil® Carver` s sets



Pfeil® Carving knives,


Reaming awl

245-246 106

Pfeil® Carving tools


Red deer leather


Multi-layer steel


Pfeil® Chip carving knives


Red deer sinew


Live centre system


Multipurpose bench vice


Pfeil® Chisels


Red mallee


Locksmith`s hammer


Multipurpose twist drills


Pfeil® Paring chisels


Reindeer horn


Murata Hocho


Pfeil® Wood carving tools


Reindeer leather


Pfeil® Xylography tools


Reindeer leather products


Piano wire cutter


Replaceable blade planes


Picard® Hammers




Log dog


Log scribe


Long-handled gouges


Loppers Low-angle bench planes Low-anlge jointer plane

90, 91



Nail puller

73, 78

Nail starter


Pilot drill


Revolving centre


Nakagoshi Hocho


Pine tar


Revolving punch pliers



Löwe® Anvil pruners

Nagura stones


Naniwa® Stones


Pink Ivory


Rice pot

Nata (Cleavers)


Pinking shears


Riffler rasps



Pipe cutter


Ring tools


91, 93

Pipe pliers


Rock pick


120, 121



Natural Japanese stones

Machine-cut rasps


Natural stones

Magnetic pickup


Needle files



Magnetic tack hammer


Needle pliers


Planting hoe


Roll mortar


Magnetic tool bar


Nobex® Mitre saw


Planting knife


Roller balls


Magnifying glass


Non-skid mat


Planting trowel


Roll-up cases for sculpturing tools

Malleable cast iron clamps


Norton® Stones

90, 93

Plastic Mallets


Mallet axe Mallets

63 51, 52, 105

72 et seq.

Rocker knives

206, 224

Roofing hammer


103, 104

Number punch set




Rose and harvesting shears




Plumb line


Rose bed fork


Rose shears


Pocket Boy folding saw


Mammoth tusks


Manu Laplace folding knives




Pocket plane

72, 78, 80

Marking and veneer knives


Obsidian knife




Marking chalk


Octagonal head hammer


Polishing devices


Round files


Marking gauges




Polishing paste


Round rasps


Marking knife



Polishing powder


Rounding plane

Masur birch


Oire Nomi chisels

Mat cutter



Matsuba Hocho


One-hand clamps

Matsune Hocho


One-hand garden shears

Mc-Naughton System


Mcusta® Folding knives


Measuring instruments


90, 92, 93



Roughing out gouges

109, 110


Poppy-seed oil


Router plane

74, 85




Rozsutec stones

92, 93


Potting trowel


Rubber boots


Poultry shears




One-handed hoes


Power clamps


Rust eraser




Oneway® Lathes


Prebena® Hammer tacker


Rust remover

Oneway® Stronghold chuck


Prong claw


Rust-prevention oil


Ryoba saws

100 16, 18

Metal drills


Oneway® Talon chuck


Prong hoe




Orange oil


Prong rake


Micro-Mesh® Abrasive cloth


Ornamental punches




Saddle soap


Microplane® Kitchen rasps


Ostrich sinews


Propolis Granulate


Safety goggles


Microplane® Plane rasps


Outdoor blades


Protective caps for chisels

Mill saw file


Outdoor knives




Outside callipers

Milling drill bit Mini chisels Mini chisels (carving)

35, 38, 39

Oyakata folding saw

118 21, 22

53, 56

Pruning saw Pruning shears

40 132 263-265

257-159, 261

Safety razor


Saji hunting knives Saku Hocho

226-227 207

Salad servers


Pull pliers


Salami and baguette knife


Pumice powder


Salmon leather


Mini hatchet


Pakka wood


Punch awl


Salt and pepper shaker


Mini planes




Purfling cutter


Sanding block






Santoku knives

Mitre angle gauge




Putty knife

Mitre clamps


Paper cutter


Puzzle boxes

Mini hammers

Mini screw clamps


Paddle strops

99, 248

86 273

Paper Micarta


Mitre squares




Quick-change saws


Mitre trimmer


Paraffin wax


Quick-lever clamps


Moisture meter


Parallel clamps



Mitre saws



177 202-216

Sashigane (jap. square) Sashimi knives


201-203, 206 et seq.

Saw bags


Saw cases


Saw files Saw guides

28 26, 27 289

Index 123

Silky® Longboy




Veneer hammer


Saw set pliers


Silky® Oyakata


Tape measures


Veneer knife


Saw sets


Silky® Saws

14, 21, 22, 24

Tape tensioner


Veneer saws



Veneer tape


Saw rasps


7 et seq.

Sinensis® Camellia oil

Saws for metal


Skew chisels

Saws for plastics





Sliding bevels

Schröckenfux® Scythes



Schröder® Bits






Scorp gouge


Scraper blades


Scraper holder




Scraping planes

77, 83


Tapered chisels


Tapered plug cutters


Veritas® Honing guide


Tapered spoon bit


Veritas® Marking gauge


36, 37 137

Taylor® Turning tools


Veritas® Planes

92, 93

Tea bowls


Veritas® Tapered drill bit


Tea boxes


Vine shears

Tea pots


V-Parting tools Vulcanized fiber




Warding files


168, 170

Soft-face hammers


Teapot stand


Sommelier knife


Telescopic mirror



Telescopic ratchet lopper


109, 110

Telescoping pruning saws


Spade Spindle gouges

78 154 257 45, 48

Spiralling and texturing tool


Tenon cutters


Warrington hammer



Thonging chisels


Water buffalo horn

194 158

Screw and dowel case


Spirit level



Splitting axes


Thread chaser set


Water pipe pliers

Screw-removing pliers


Splitting hatchets


Timber saw


Watering cans


Scriber knife


Splitting knife


Titebond® Glues


Wave Cutter® Forstner bits



Splitting maul


Togeru® Knife sharpening device





Splitting wedges


Tokico® Knife sharpener

Weed sickle




77, 78, 79, 80, 84



Spoon gouge


Scribing tools Scroll saw Sculpting blade blanks Sculpting tools Sculptor’s axe



Tonoko clay


Weeding hoe

Tool rest




Wera® Ratchet screwdriver

156 103

Spreader clamps


Tool rolls for chisels


Sculptor's gouge, short bent

45, 48

Spring clamp


Tool sets


Western hammers

Sculptor's gouge, long bent

45, 48

Spring mitre bracket set


Tool sets (turning)


Western Red Cedar

Spur driver




Western style chisels



Western style planes




Square bench dogs


Tools for bonsai trees

Sewing holster


Square hammer


Tormek® Sharpening system

Sewing scissors


Square mallets


Traction clamp

Shaker box


Stabilised wood


Trenching hoe

Shaker nails


Stag horn crown pieces


Trimming knives

Shaker pegs


Stanley® Planes


Starrett® Combination square

Serrated scraper for bowmakers

Shaped stones




Wet-shaving set



White Paper Steel



Wiha® Bits



Wild olive


Trimming shears

258, 259

Wildlife hatchet


Triple-layer steel




Wind bells


Shapton® Stones


Steak knife set


Trough-maker’s adze


Wind-chime house


Sharpening accessories




Trueing blocks


Wire cutters


Steel bar clamps


Trueing grille


Wire saw


Sharpening devices Sharpening paste Sharpening sets

89 et seq. 248 94-95

Steel lapping plate


Try square


Wolverine Sharpening system


Wood carving tool sets


Wood carving tools


Steel terms


Tung oil Lignea®


Stick tang blades


Turning tools

Sharpening stones


Stitch marker


Turpentine oil


Wood clamp

Sharpening systems


Stone holder



Wood drills



Twin-screw vice


Wood file



Twist drills for metal


Wood glue

185, 186


Wood nails

105 155

Sharpening stone accessories



109, 110


Shaving brush


Stool LeiHo

Shaving horse


Strap cutter

Shaving soap


Suehiro® Stones

Sheep leather


Suimon Hocho


Two-hand garden shears


Wood threading tools

Sheep shears


Suminagashi flat steel


Two-handed hoes


Wood twist drills


Sheet metal shears


Sun Tiger® Stones

Wooden dowels


89, 92

Twisted splitting wedge




Super stone by Naniwa®


Ulmia® Dovetail plane


Wooden puzzles




Superhard file rasps


Ulmia® Marking gauge


Wooden screwdrivers


Shigefusa Hocho


Surveying tools


Ulmia® Mitre gauge


Woodturner's jacket


Shigeki Hocho Shinko® Sharpening system

202, 214 98

Svante Djärv Carving tools


Ulmia® Sliding bevel


Woodturning assortment


Swedish carving knives


Ulmia® Try square


Woolpower® Products


Ulmia® Workbench



160, 161

Undulate ray leather


Working clothes

168, 170

Universal bit holder


Wrecking bars


Universal bronze cutting knife

140 194

Shoemaker’s hammer


Swivel vice

Shoji paper


Synthetic oilstones

Shoulder knives Shovels Sicilian olivewood Sickle cleaver

53 255

Synthetic waterstones

166 90, 93 89-90, 92

Systainer® with tool carrier


Urushi crafted objects


Yak horns

Table knives


Urushi lacquers




188 65, 268

Sickle hoe


Tadafusa Hocho


Urushi products

Sickle knife


Tagua nuts


Usuba knives 201, 203-209, 211-216



Tail vice


Tailor's scissors


Valtitan files

Side axe Silicon carbide powder

67,68 99


Takamura Hocho


Variable burnishers

Silky® Big Boy


Talmeter® Marking measure



Silky® Katana Boy




Vegetable knives 201, 203-209 et seq.


86 174


3d Bit




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