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豊泊荷·春花 Le bonheur Design
豊泊荷·春花 Le bonheur Design 帶有東方瑰麗也熱愛法式優雅寓意取名的 豊泊荷.春花,是以設計禮物的誠摯心意製作美好的飾品,更期許我們的設計,不管何時何地,都如荷花般的清雅美麗。春花是我們的品牌初衷,取自台灣早期的新娘頭飾-春仔花,以新娘頭飾開始的我們,不能忘本,以春花為名,做台灣好飾!
Le Bonheur Design Named after the oriental magnificence and French elegance, Le Bonheur Design was created as a token of heartwarming accessories as presents. We envision our graceful design just as the purified lotus at anytime and any place. Inspired by the bridal wedding veils in traditional Taiwanese costume, Le Bonheur Design is our original brand- Chun Zai flowers. Motivated by the beauty of wedding veil and not forgetting where we came from, Le Bonheur Design team are looking forward to serving our costumers quality Taiwanese wedding veils.