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Elder Thing
Chose très a ancienne
The toughness of the things was almost incredible. Even the terrific pressure of the deepest sea bottoms appeared powerless to harm them. Very few seemed to die at all except by violence, and their burial places were very limited.
— H. P. Lovecraft
An Elder Thing, or Old One, is a crinoid-like, halfvegetable organism with a star-shaped head, an erect barrel-like body, a multiplicity of tentacles, and five wings. When not in use, the wings are pulled into little pockets in the sides of the thick torso. This species is notable for its strong radial symmetry.
The Elder Thing civilization prospered on Earth for millions of years. Its last land stronghold was in Antarctica; with the advent of the last Ice Age, it was forced entirely undersea. Over the course of that civilization, the species became progressively more decadent, losing most of its ancient lore. Now its range is entirely submarine, confined to the deepest parts of the ocean.
Arriving on Earth over a billion years ago, the race survived the interstellar journey by means of a chemical process which rendered them impervious to temperature fluctuation, vacuum, and any need to eat or breath. On Earth the species created simple organisms as food, as well as Shoggoths to serve as slave-beasts. Either as accident or joke, the Elder Things also prompted the development of all earthly life.
Habitat : the deep sea. These creatures inhabited a wide variety of terrains; conceivably one might be found anywhere. Distribution : along the mid-Atlantic ridge. Eons ago, the Elder Thing was found across the entire southern hemisphere (later, only Antarctica). These intelligences originally came to Earth from another world. Closely related species are known to still thrive on distant planets.
Life and Habits : an Elder Thing reproduces through spores. It can derive nourishment from inorganic substances, but is much more active and vigorous when feeding on organic life, especially animals. The Elder Thing is extremely tough, can survive all ordinary temperatures, and can move with great speed on land, sea, and air.
The ill-fated Starkweather-Moore expedition emphasized the once-high aesthetic and intellectual development of the species.
Distinguishing Elder Things :
• Fungi From Yuggoth have rounded heads, only two wings, and are never found underwater.
Comparative height chart
Vertical Adjustment An Elder Thing can alter its height by extending its neck and/or stalk. When extended, the neck reveals a set of gill slits. Wing pockets are spaced around the torso, enabling the wings to be firmly tucked into the core mass. Extension of the wing stalks frequently indicates interest or excitement, or is done in preparation for flight. In flight, an Elder Thing usually extends both neck and stalk, as shown by the silhouette on the facing page.