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Credos of Our Calling – Loyalty
The intense and ineffable feeling of allegiance and solicitude toward a person or organization in recognition of attractive qualities or a sense of underlying oneness constitutes the invaluable virtue of loyalty. While it embodies a steadfast affection of spirit to a nation, an organization, or a person, most often, loyalty suggests a kinship of ideals, customs, causes, or duties.
Famed self-help author, Napoleon Hill, explained that the lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life. Regrettably, modernity has portrayed loyalty as an increasingly less valuable virtue. One may observe this trend reflected in many areas of life, from employment, where the last generation worked for a single company for their entire lives to the current job tenure of less than five years; to the world of sports where athletes regularly change rosters; to communities where the average American moves twice each decade; to declining customer loyalty in business and brands.
Loyalty, is however, a seminal virtue. It is not passé nor is it to be cast aside, for unless one can find some aspect of loyalty, one cannot find stability and peace in active living. Loyalty is a feature of one’s character that inspires boundless hope.
Indeed, the virtue of loyalty encompasses a disposition to be willing to accept duties and challenges that benefit that person or organization, for the kindred spirit underpins a sincere motivation.
English-born American biographer, James Parton explained that “Loyalty is seven-tenths of business success.” Those in the healthcare professions recognize this key attribute as an instrumental one, both in the educational arena and in the nurturing of the patient experience.
The Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) has long embraced the virtue of loyalty, exhibiting an enduring and vibrant allegiance to its students and its alumni, an authentic relationship that has been reciprocated in firm and constant continuation. Proverbs reminds one that leaders who sacrifice for their followers receive the gift of loyalty.
Loyalty does not waver. It is focused upon action versus inaction and it does not thrive upon mere verbal assurances. Loyalty is a willing decision, demanding yet wholly rewarding.
The word loyalty calls to mind a profound sense of belonging and solidarity. With it comes the notion of a reliable fidelity coupled with unyielding dedication and duty.
The medical profession finds its place among those who draw “Loyalty is the sister of justice.” strength from loyal relationships and who find a reinforcement of spirit and a compassionate comfort in the quiet recesses of a healing heart. – Horace For those who carry forth a belief in the possible and whose character is shaped by pure and honorable virtues, an indispensable Credo of our Calling always will be Loyalty.