1 minute read
Muze, mythe, mysterie
samen opgroeien in een adoptie- of pleeggezin
text Femmie Juffer, Lindy Popma en Monique Steenstra photography Lilian van Rooij
What is it like growing up as brothers and sisters in an adoptive family, foster family or family home? Twenty-four young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty tell about their experiences in twelve double interviews. The stories and photo portraits give an insight into their mutual connection. Special attention is paid to the biologically own children in an adoptive or foster family. They speak with their foster brother or sister or their adopted brother or sister. The stories show that you can be brothers and sisters, but you can also become brothers and sisters. The interviews with the youngsters are followed by a substantive chapter. What do we know from scientific research about the unique and valuable relationship between siblings?
Siblings play together, compete with each other and can offer each other help and support. The young people with their personal stories give a voice to all those adopted and foster children who have similar experiences.
Femmie Juffer, Lindy Popma and Monique Steenstra were responsible for the compilation and editing of 18 x 18 and Pleegkinderen op de drempel published by Lecturis. Then the authors, together with photographer Lilian van Rooij, made Dit huis is een thuis (growing up in a multicultural adoptive or foster family), which also appeared at DATO-Lecturis.
size 170 x 215 mm 160 pages softcover design Marc Koppen ontwerp appears in May NUR 600 ISBN 978-94-6226-418-2 € 15,00