Show de bola 2014 brazilian edition

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Show de Bola 2014

Projeto Show de Bola

A ideia: dar as mãos e criar arte de forma circular, espiral, infinita. Agregar artistas sensíveis e talentosos que pudessem mostrar a força da união e fazer história juntos. Respeitando as características individuais e produzir um campo mágico, um espaço lúdico, original, único, um verdadeiro patchwork de emoções e interpretações da vida em movimento. Uma vida que rola, que não para. Foi assim, atendendo ao meu chamado, que artistas de 21 países, incluindo o Brasil, assumiram o desafio de representar um pouco de suas culturas, expressando-se através de pinturas figurativas ou abstratas, fotografias ou esculturas, seguindo a temática: “A beleza e a riqueza de seu país”, numa visão pessoal, resultando num intercâmbio cultural e de experiências sem igual. O Projeto Show de Bola, faz alusão ao Globo Terrestre e a nossa interferência nesse jogo sem início ou fim, e dele participam 95 Artistas Plásticos, dos mais diferentes pontos desse nosso lindo planeta azul: Alemanha, Argentina, Austrália, Áustria, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, Espanha, Estados Unidos, França, Grã Bretanha, Holanda, Itália, Japão, México, Nigéria, Noruega, Nova Zelândia, Portugal, Quênia e Suíça.


Show de Bola, The Project

While this vision extended to different forms of international interaction, to me it was the instigator of the idea to bring it to life in the form of a cultural project. Following my vision, Show de Bola came to be. The vision was to create a circular, spiral, infinite form where artists could metaphorically hold hands. This form would respect the individual artists interpretation and artistic expression while building a whimsical, magical unique and original patchwork of emotions and unique artistic interpretation of life in motion. It would represent the moving and unending life. Artists from 21 different countries, including artists from Brazil, accepted the challenge to produce figurative and abstract paintings, photography, and sculptures. The theme suggested, “The Riches and Beauty of My Country,” gave the artists the opportunity to express their vision of the them, which resulted in an unmatched exchange of cultural experience. Show de Bola Project, the word Bola, “ball” in English, alluding to the Earth's Globe, brought together the work of ninety-five artists from different countries. The breakdown of countries/artists is as follows: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and United States.

Show de Bola 2014

O Projeto Show de Bola utilizou como mídia básica, para transposição das Obras em 2D, a tela em forma de um Hexágono, com 60 cm em cada uma de suas faces. Cada 7 hexágonos formam um círculo (“Bola”), permitindo a comunhão de temáticas e dos vários Artistas / Países. Uma simbiose onde cada obra fala por si e o conjunto mostra a riqueza plural de nossa diversidade como habitantes dessa enorme esfera global. Uma verdadeira colmeia de talentos e inspirações produzindo o rico mel da arte. Um formato único, inovador e de grande impacto, gigante tanto nos corações e nas mentes, como por suas dimensões surpreendentes: cada círculo, depois de montado, chega a medir aproximadamente 3 metros de diâmetro. Um verdadeiro Show de Bola! O caráter itinerante da Exposição confere ainda mais movimento às Obras de cada Artista que poderão ser expostas simultaneamente em três cidades ou locais separados, já que cada um se predispôs a fazer três Hexágonos distintos. As primeiras Exposições serão apresentadas em São Paulo / Capital; em Piracicaba, interior de São Paulo e na cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Capital. Além da Exposição física, as obras serão amplamente divulgadas digitalmente ampliando sua vocação itinerante e agregadora por meio das mídias sociais e também por cobertura jornalística. Entre os Artistas participantes estão os já consagrados, que são a maioria, assim como os novos talentos, todos de mãos e corações dados, incentivando a construção de uma carreira pelo rico mundo da arte. Sem privilégios ou discriminações, o formato e a forma dessa Obra plural, circular, expõe igualmente os artistas, já experientes ou em início de jornada, sendo o próprio público quem elegerá seus preferidos.


The Project's Thematic required, for the production of the initial two dimensional art pieces, a 60 cm side hexagonal canvas as a substratum. Groups of seven hexagons produced by different artists, conformed in a circular form, brought unity to the concepts artists expressed about their countries. In their final displays, assembled in impressive three-meter diameter circles, the art pieces interacted and complemented each other. This symbiotic union, where each piece spoke for itself, while the group expressed diversity's richness, brought to the exhibit's audiences an innovative and unique approach when combined with the project's final format. As part of its concept, Show de Bola's exhibits have a traveling component, where different pieces by the artists may simultaneously participate in shows happening in three different cities. Having that in mind, each artist produced three pieces following the guidelines provided. The project's opening exhibits happened in the cities of Piracicaba, state of São Paulo, São Paulo Capital, and in Rio de Janeiro. A side from the use of a physical location, virtual marketing and promotion, as well as the traditional promotional venues supported Show de Bola's vision to become a successful cultural project. Internationally recognized and established artists were the majority of the artists selected to participate in the project. However, emerging artists made their statement bringing strong pieces to represent their work. Independently of the professional recognition of the artist's work, all artists joined hands in this project without privileges and discrimination. In the end, the public would be the judge and would elect their favorite pieces.

Show de Bola 2014

Um projeto que aconteceu além da criação artística, encarando abraços e também enormes desafios, mostrando que com união, força, coragem e o espírito de jamais desistir é possível ultrapassar todos os obstáculos e alcançar resultados tangíveis e transformadores, que enobrecem e dão ainda mais valor à riqueza das manifestações de intercâmbio cultural, sempre mantendo firme o propósito maior de quem se dedica de corpo e alma às Artes. Como citou Marcos Barreto Corrêa em seu livro "Do Marketing ao Desenvolvimento Cultural", cultura é o elemento que garante a todos – criadores, artistas e plateias – o direito à celebração de sua identidade, à manifestação de sua sensibilidade e emoção, desenvolvendo, a um só tempo, o espírito crítico, a imaginação e o sentido de coletividade, num processo de conscientização, sociabilização e transformação social. Certamente, um brinde aos apreciadores das Artes Plásticas. Leda Maria do Prado Curadora e criadora do projeto

Leda Maria é historiadora de arte, artista e professora de artes e cerâmica. Suas obras e críticas aparecem em diversas revistas e jornais brasileiros e, catálogos e livros de arte na Europa e EUA. Sua carreira artística conta com vários prêmios.


This project happenead beyond artistic creation and interpretation. It faced the embrace and challenges expected in a project of this magnitude. However, it proved that with union, strength, courage and an unyielding spirit it is possible to surpass the most challenging trials. With this spirit, one can reach tangible and transforming results that make noble while giving a higher value and richness to the international cultural interchange. In conclusion, this catalog is the fruit of the beginning of this project's journey. It brings you a short overview of one piece from each artist involved in the Show de Bola Project of 2014. We added enough information about each artist for those who would like to learn more about them. As Marcos Barreto Corrêa says in his book “From Marketing to Cultural Development”: Culture is the element that guarantees all, creators, artists and audiences, the right to celebrate their identity, sensibility and emotion, developing at once, a critical spirit, imagination, and a sense of the collective in a process of conscientization, socialization and social transformation. We are certain that this catalog will become a celebratory toast to the arts, and to all Visual Arts lovers who come across this work. Leda Maria do Prado Creator and Curator of Show de Bola

Leda Maria is an art historian, artist, fine art and ceramics instructor. Various magazines, newspapers and contemporary art catalogues in Brazil, United States and Europe have published her art as well as her writings throughout the years. Leda Maria holds several awards for her work as an artist.

Show de Bola 2014

Show de Bola O convite de Leda Maria Prado, curadora e criadora do Projeto “Show de Bola”, para ser a sua coordenadora geral em São Paulo, muito me honrou. Além do mais, fiquei imensamente feliz e entusiasmada, por se tratar de um projeto artístico e cultural de caráter internacional, envolvendo artistas plásticos de 21 países. Todos unidos em torno do objetivo de explorar e divulgar as peculiaridades e diversidades da arte, cultura e riqueza dos seus países, utilizando-se de técnicas e formas variadas.

Carmen Pousada Coordinadora en São Paulo Coordinator in São Paulo


Trata-se de uma excelente oportunidade para os artistas participantes, brasileiros ou não, criarem obras, através de pinturas e esculturas, tanto figurativas como abstratas, resultado da própria imaginação, criatividade e experiência, destacando-se que me foi dada a satisfação de convidar alguns deles. Além de ser um belíssimo e oportuno Projeto Cultural, na verdade caracterizando um significativo intercâmbio cultural, demonstra mais uma vez que a arte não tem fronteiras e concorre acentuadamente para a fraternidade e união entre os povos. Invited by Leda Maria do Prado , the art curator and creator of the “Show de Bola project" to be the general coordinator in São Paulo, I was very honored and embraced the idea right way. Besides, I was immensely happy and excited about it, because it is an artistic and cultural international art project, involving artists from 21 countries. All united around the goal to exploit and disclose the peculiarities and diversities of art, culture and wealth of their countries, all kind of art to represent their own countries. And this is an excellent opportunity for the participants artists, brazilian or not brazillian artists to create works through paintings and sculpture, both figurative and abstract, the result of their own imagination, creativity and experience, highlighting the fact that I was given the pleasure of inviting some of them on the brazilian part. Besides being a beautiful and timely Cultural Project actually featuring a significant cultural exchange, demonstrates once again that art has no boundaries and contributes markedly to the brotherhood and unity among people.

Show de Bola 2014

eghosa ray akenbor fine artist nigeria

Eghosa Raymond Akenbor was born into a family of four in Warri, Delta state, Nigeria. Educated in Painting and General Art from a polytechnic (Auchi polytechnic Auchi, Edo state, Nigeria) with a Higher National Diploma as a qualification. Eghosa is an artist that is inspired by experimenting mediums and materials to create un-conventional art piece. His art are of various theme and concept on landscape, portraits, mixed media and collage with mediums like oil, acrylic, gouache and found objects. Outside painting on canvas, Eghosa is known as a textile designer who paints on cloths and a fine art teacher in a missionary secondary school in Nigeria. Eghosa have participated in various publications, group exhibitions locally and internationally and a solo exhibition.


Title: “Rhythm of Celebration I” Medium: Newspapers, Net, Squeezed balls of papers, Canvas, Acrylic. Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

patricia almeida ďŹ ne artist brazil

Patricia Almeida, born in Rancharia - SP, very early learned to work with plastic arts. Developed works using different techniques, like knitting and crocheting, producing unusual art objects. For 8 years has been dedicated to painting canvases in oil and acrylic, with works exhibited in the city of Sorocaba and Germany.


Title: “Brazil Things” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

sidnea d’amico fine artist brazil / usa

Sidnea is a Brazilian born artist, living and working in San Francisco, CA. Working in acrylics and incorporating mixed media, her work is colorful, vibrant and metaphoric. It often reflects the dynamics of urban life. D'Amico's works have been included in Art Fairs in New York, Miami, San Francisco and Greece and in many group exhibitions around California. Her work has been published in books such as International Contemporary Artists, Northern California Artists and Art Collectors. Also published in several newspapers, including The Gulf News in Middle East. Sidnea was invited to lecture on her artwork at MCCLA for the exhibition Visionary Women in SF. Represented Brazil/USA at Totovo Selo art symposium in Serbia and in Poland, won third price in painting when representing Brazil at Dubai International Art Symposium. Her artworks are part of several private and public collections.


Title: “Siesta em Verde Amarelo” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

graziela tanaka angeli visual artist brazil

Born in Brasil, in1976. At the age 8 years old she has started her passion for the ceramic arts, at age 12 she was invited to be monitors in the College of Plastic Arts - FATEA - Santo Andre City, Brazil, which years later would graduate (1996) in Fine Art. Descendant of artists, since her childhood learned to admire and look beautiful with the heart. Actually she is using the same modeling techniques, she handcraft cakes and sweets with sugar paste. Her work permits doing what you like the most: give life and shapes to parties look even more charming. She has participated in many exhibitions in Brazil and outside Brazil.


Title: “Feet” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marjorie tanaka angeli visual artist brazil

Born in Brazil, 1974. Art teacher, draftsman, ceramist and passionate about Art. Granddaughter of Shigeto Tanaka and daughter of Branca Emy Tanaka, both ďŹ ne artists. Since childhood she got involved with Art and teachers. She has participated in many art exhibitions in Brazil and abroad.


Title: “Cristo Redentor” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

andrea annunziata visual artist brazil

Andrea Annunziata was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. She has received her BFA from FAAP – FAP (Faculty of Fine Arts), in Architecture and Urbanism. Since 1998, she has dedicated herself to visual arts. In 2001, following prestigious shows, Annunziata moved to California what gave her the opportunity to exhibit her work at prominent venues. Concurrent to this experience Annunziata's work was included in noted art publications nationally and abroad. Since then, she's been invited to exhibit her work in numerous Brazilian and European shows, including The Grand-Palais des Champs Elysées in Paris. Currently, she works out of her studio in São Paulo surrounded by trees. Here, she has come to the understanding that the most important avenue to her inspiration is the connection with nature and her own inner self.


Title: “O Gigante Acordou” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

maria araujo fine artist brazil

Maria Araujo, resident in the city of Rio de Janeiro, writer, artist, graduated in Full Degree in teaching the arts in Bennett Methodist University, made the Graduate in Management and Cultural Production at FGV. Participated in the Third National Exhibition of Art ADESG in Army History Museum and Fort of Copacabana, where she won the trophy Personality 2010 Fluminense Fine Arts Association. Launched at the Paris Book Fair, book Seabra Building on the Heritage Receiving Diploma Et Le Mérite Dévoument Français. Exhibition at Art Shows in Brazil's Foreign Ministry Palace, exhibition at the Art Gallery Everest in Paris in March 2012, member of the Institute of Art Deco Brazil. On 25/10/2013 got silver medal at the French Senate for the good services rendered Arts, Sciences and Letters.


Title: “Lendas Brasileiras” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

carla arouesty ďŹ ne artist mexico

Carla Arouesty born in Mexico City, studied workshops at the Universidad Iberoamericana Art, has exhibited in different parts of the world including the Louvre Carrousel in Paris, Scotland, New York, Buenos Aires, Dakar Africa, Barcelona, Canary Islands, Mexico, Madrid etc. In 2014 she will participate in Tandil Buenos Aires Province in the Museum of Fine Arts where she is going to exhibit her works. Senior curators have criticized her art as beautiful, magical and human quality.


Title: “Camila y su Pasión” Medium: mixed media on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

patrĂ­cia azoni visual artist brazil

Brazilian architect, urban planner and artist formed in 1998, she has come to love the geometry's shapes, beginning their work in arts in 1999. She now lives and works in Curitiba - ParanĂĄ, Brazil. My Art... and in contact with the pure architecture I came across the art, which identiďŹ cation was immediate and since then, I translate traits in volumes and volumes, into compositions. My panels are born from a drawing in two dimensions, as well as the projects and the sketches sometimes colorful, sometimes in black and white, the lines are manifested in reliefs, being observed as the architecture at the instant that the panel register the birth of volumes, with dynamism and simplicity.


Title: “Meu Brasil Brasileiro” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marizeth baumgarten fine artist brazil

A creator of emotions, which is carried away by the inspiration that used surrealism to express creativity and to provoke your feelings and emotions, reactions, such as pleasure, fantasy, like your dreams, and use your imagination. Think, reflect and be part of these emotions that convey her work. In her works are present movement, dynamic, lyrical symbolism and romantic real or unreal, sometimes provocative and ambiguous. Born in Brazil, of German origin, Marizeth Baumgarten then moved to Spain where she lived for many years. She graduated as an Art Teacher at FAAP - Armando Alvares Penteado College, in São Paulo. In addition while living in Spain she studied fine arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently she lives in Switzerland.


Title: “New Stars” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

véronique besançon fine artist canada

Montreal-based, self-taught artist Véronique Besançon following the European immigration movements of the early 1900; of Hungarian and Russian, French heritage she was raised in France before immigrating to Canada in 1997 armed with her multicultural origins. Always surrounded by art, Besançon has experimented with writing, contemporary dance in Paris, theater in the South of France and for the last ten years, with the visual arts. Her paintings, a reconstruction of her personal journey are inspired by the multiple paths taken through life. Always present in her paintings, the freedom of movement and thought are visually expressed by her rich Mediterranean palette of colors and varied brush strokes. In 2009, Véronique Besançon had her first art exhibition. This is when she discovered the pleasure of sharing and discussing her work with the public. Since then, she has exhibited her paintings in private galleries, public places and virtual spaces in Canada and abroad.


Title: “En Ville” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

nicholas broughton ďŹ ne artist australia

Nicholas Broughton is a robust, dedicated artist and is a self-confessed 'addict to the canvas'. He is obsessive about his particular discipline and considers a day without painting to be incomplete. His formative years were spent in Brazil and he learned to adapt to a fascinating and variegated scene where different cultural backgrounds and traditions blend together. The Brazilian artist Di Cavalcanti was an early inuence but after he started painting seriously, the inuence of Picasso, Modigliani and Chagall has dominated his canvasses and sculptures. Nicholas's clarity of idea and image, and distinctive sense of color attest to his daring individual stance in making powerful impassioned statements.


Title: “Stormy Sky Favela” Medium: Mixed (Oil, bitumen and gold leaf) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

fernando brum fine artist brazil

Born in Rio de Janeiro in March 1989, Fernando Brum is graduated in Design from PUC- Rio, began his artworks in 2006, and has since participated in several group exhibitions in his hometown Rio de Janeiro. Recently he had his first exhibition in partnership with another artist, in an art gallery. In his line of research, works with elements of your everyday perception with strong influences of Jean Michel Basquiat, translating into canvas, collages or illustrations. Currently working at Estúdio Caverna, space that he shares with two other friends artists, located in Vidigal in Rio de Janeiro.


Title: “Bianca” Medium: Mixed media on canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

salomé de cambra fine artist spain

Spanish artist Salomé de Cambra paints in a range of materials. Some of her abstract canvases are so thickly layered that they are practically bas-relief sculptures, yet she is also capable of creating delightful Neo-Figurative landscape paintings. Amidst this varied imagery and set of materials, the Barcelona-based painter remains consistent in her sources of inspiration and her goal: to portray environments marked by human activity that convey a mood or emotion. This applies equally to her oil compositions of skiers slicing down soft, powdery slopes resplendent with wintry sunlight, her mixed media topographical images of landscapes portrayed from above as if via satellite, and her new geometrical compositions evoking the Arabic legacy in the Spanish culture to express her views on the humanity challenges such as Peace, Integration and Passion.


Title: “Red Carpet (Passion)” Medium: Giclée (Original Oil on Canvas) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

mariah campolina fine artist brazil

She lives in Brasília-DF, Brazil, her professional training is in administration and her first contact with art was in 2004 with Woodson Mackelly and Jether Peixoto at the Atelier of the Arts House in Salvador, Bahia. Already in Brasilia continued to take courses with Frank and Cassia in the M & M workshop, and workshops with Gerard Assis. Enriching her knowledge is still exploring the Mixed techniques, textures and colors. She has participated in national and international exhibitions. Her works range from academic to Contemporary.


Title: “Florada do Centro-Oeste” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

pamela walt chauve ďŹ ne artist france

Pamela Walt Chauve, a Franco-American, was born in Berkeley California in 1955. She specializes in oversized contemporary paintings in mixed materials and sculptures in bronze. An art student in both practical and performing arts, Pamela ďŹ rst studied drawing and painting at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1974. She attended Sarah Lawrence College in New York. Pamela later furthered her art studies in New York, Amsterdam and in Moscow, Russia. Pamela studied performing arts at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and had the pleasure of very briey studying with the late Lee Strasberg. Pamela lives in Paris with her husband and children and works as a commissioned artist. She has provided contemporary paintings for private collectors in Paris, Dallas, Laguna Beach, London, Switzerland, Singapore, Bahrein and Moscow.


Title: “French Can Can” Medium: Acrylic, resin and sand on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marcelo chiarella visual artist brazil

Ever since childhood, the artist has been fascinated by the art of the mosaic, be it Byzantine mosaic or any other type of image composed by juxtaposing tiles, stones, pieces of paper, plastic or the likes. By learning drawing and painting techniques, he created his own language through which to interpret an image and "translate" it into mosaic form, using acrylics on canvas to paint the pieces comprising it and take the concept of mosaic to a new dimension where each component is imprinted with a character all its own with regard to predominant color, light and shadow as well as some calligraphic effects. The end result is a ďŹ gurative piece of artwork consisting of hundreds of tiny abstracts.


Title: “Tribute to Genius” Medium: Canvas print Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

erica gropp colen fine artist brazil

Erica Gropp Colen is graduated in Fine Arts, at the Pontiff University of Campinas – PUCC in 1982. Has participated in several exhibitions in Brazil and has also many published articles in newspapers and magazines in the region of Campinas – SP – Brazil. The media in this new series was Posca pen on A3 canson paper. Posca marker is water based, for any surface, widely used in the decoration of surfboards and tennis. Lots of color and balance pleasantness and good humor that has the fish as main link between the works.


Title: “Mar de Santos” Medium: Posca, Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

elaine congro ďŹ ne artist brazil

Elaine T. S. Neves Congro, South Mato Grosso of TrĂŞs Lagoas - Brazil, dentists in training, currently pursuing business activity in the area of communication. She is dedicated, since 1989, the study of the visual arts by attending courses, shows, solo and group exhibitions. In his works, Elaine has an irreverent and subtle way of abstracting to screen their imagination, using the technique of acrylic painting.


Title: “Chica Bacana” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

giovana correia ďŹ ne artist brazil

She is graduated in Fine arts and got MFA in Arts. Internationally she has participated in exhibitions in London, England, New York, EUA, Paris, France, Seoul, South Korea, Italy, and in Madrid, Ceuta, Spain. In Brazil, she has participated in several art projects and exhibitions in important Museum and Galleries.The artist is a member of Academy the Arts, Sciences at Letters in Paris,. In 2011 she has exhibited at the SNBA - Salon Nationale de Beaux Arts, Museum du Louvre in Paris. The artist has received several international awards, being one of the most important, in 2011 and 2013 won medal of the Academy of Arts Sciences, and Letters - and the SNBA Salon Nationale de Beaux Arts Museum du Louvre in Paris. Her ďŹ rst paintings were made in watercolor.Then started to paint on canvas. She uses photography in her creation process. Today, her paintings can be found in many galleries, inside and outside of Brazil.


Title: “Among Brazilians Income III” Medium: Digital on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marcio decker visual artist brazil / usa


Decker found his passion for abstraction, architecture and the creative process before venturing to the western United States in early 2000's. Experimenting with his signature geometric abstracts, Decker produced several series of paintings and kinetic mixed media works coveted by private and corporate art collectors. Decker's works have been shown in Brazil, Colombia and recently at Milk Gallery, museum of Russian Art, 25CPW Gallery in New York City, NY, and The Museum of the Living Artists in San Diego, CA, Art Fusion Gallery and Spectrum Art Fair during Art Basel in Miami, FL. His inspiration comes from intense colors, textures and overlapping compositions that represent the endless source of creation possible with motion and energy.


Title: “Brasil Abstrato, copa 2014” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marilda dib visual artist-sculptress brazil

She was born in São Paulo - Brazil. Painter and sculptor, graduated at PUC- Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1971); Escola Panamericana of Art Design of São Paulo (2003); Mube – Brazilian Museum of Sculpture – São Paulo (2003). The artist has participated in several exhibitions in Brazil and abroad since 2003. Was awarded at six International Biennials. Her works are in the collections of the Museum of the Parliament of São Paulo, São Bento Monastery, at the Ibirapuera Park, Museum of Art in Brazil and the Vatican Museum in Italy.


Title: “Nascentes” Medium: Sculptur (Resin) Size: 8.8” x 8.8” x 8.8” (22 x 22 x 22 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

diana doctorovich ďŹ ne artist argentina / brazil

She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1975. And started her artistic activity at a very young age, and uses different techniques of drawing and painting, mainly oils, acrylics and pastels. She gets inspired by daily routine, and her passion for bright and live colors is manifested throughout her paintings. She is a member of the Brazilian Design and Visual Arts Association, ABD. Calls herself contemporary artist, and have participated in important exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, such as the VIII Biennale of Florence-2011, Artexpo New York in 2011-2012 in New York, and the I Biennale of Contemporary Art in Argentina, among others.


Title: “Corcovado” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

gabi domenig fine artist austria

Gabi Domenig was born in Austria in 1963. She is a through figurative artist. She paints mostly with acrylics and concerns herself primarily with the representation of man and especially of women. Her characters send out varied emotions such as pride, pain, love, sadness, loneliness, joy and longing. They are sensuous, strong, vulnerable, thoughtful, dreamy, seductive, promising and cautious. For the most part the figures are located in a particular environment cutout. Flowers, plants, animals, patterns and landscape sections are decorative parts, but are usually situated in the background. She tries to capture moments and build up emotional tensions. She does not want to stir up. The viewer should feel something of her passion when she paints. For her art should be life-affirming and beautiful, touching and connecting. A language without words. She had many exhibitions in her country and international exhibitions in : United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and USA.


Title: “Enjoying a great day” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

sula dray fine artist brazil

Sula Dray is graduated in Fashion Design at the Universidade Candido Mendes, RJ, and she is a member of the Brazilian Academy of fine Arts of Rio de Janeiro. She held exhibitions at the Conrad Hotel, in Uruguay; and got reviews attributed to the Uruguayan artist Carlos Paez Vilaró, known disciple of Pablo Picasso. Sula's paintings were exhibited at the International Exhibition of Art in Portugal; at the Ward-Nasse Gallery in New York, USA; at the Everarts Gallery in Paris, France, where she won a silver medal at the Academy of fine Arts, Sciences and Letters of Paris. She also participated at SNBA in the “Carroussel Du Louvre”, Paris,and got Special Prize in 2011.


Title: “Cena Carioca II” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

rollande dufault fine artist canada

With Bachelor degrees in both Fine Arts and Art History, Rollande Dufault is a professional Canadian artist who has been active on the international stage in countries such as Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, Romania, and the UnitedStates of America winning at the same time numerous awards. In 2011, she was selected by the prestigious “Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts'' in France to participate in the annual Salon SNBA held at the “Carrousel du Louvre” in Paris. In July 2012, she was awarded a bronze medal in Constanta Rumania and in 2013 she received a gold medal in Rome Italy. She was represented by WWAB at the Red Dot Art Show in Miami in 2012 and at The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art in Las Vegas in 2013. She is listed in ''Atim's 60 Top International Art Masters 2013'' by Art Tour International, NY (& 2014 to be published), -in the ''International Contemporary Art Masters'' Volume 6 by World Wide Art Books, California (& vol. 9 to be published)...


Title: “Canada - Brazil” Medium: Mixed Média Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

june edwards ďŹ ne artist usa

June Edwards is an artist living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she gets creative inspiration from the abundance of industrial architecture and machinery found in that region. She ďŹ nds the huge volumes and shapes attractive: they provide her with a rich source of design possibilities. As an artist, her intention is to create visually compelling abstract compositions of these structures, but she also wants to acknowledge the labor-intensive, vibrant and powerful industries of her hometown. She isolates and adjusts the colors and textures, and compositions emerge as the components are layered, arranged and manipulated. The expressive potential of these industrial shapes are explored as she creates various arrangements.


Title: “Furnace Structure 5” Medium: Archival digital print on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

dennis esteves fine artist brazil

Self-taught, Dennis Esteves Agabiti had his first exhibition at the age of 14. He had many exhibitions in Europe and got attention from the public. In 2007 he had a solo exhibition at MUBE (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture); in 2010 has participated in the COW PARADE - SP with the cow "milk stone" of his own. In 2010 D. Esteves celebrated his 20-years career, and encourages the cause of organ donation with donation large panel (Eternal - Oil on canvas - 295 x 120 cm) for the sector to capture organs of Santa Casa de São Paulo. In 2012 51a. Feast of the Grape Vineyard in SP, they has used the 03 works of the artist to illustrate entire visual programming this great event which received more than 400,000 visitors.


Title: “Sorveteiro” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

maria fatjó parés fine artist spain

Maria was born and raised in Barcelona (Spain), where she still lives and works. She received a Bachelor Degree in Communication (Advertising and Public Relations) from University Ramon Llull. However, as naïve painter she is a self-taught artist. Her main reference developing her painting style was the painter Pere Torné-Esquius (Barcelona 1879-Flavancourt 1936), to be exact 11 naïve works which had been painted by him to decorate a child´s room. Since 2009, Maria tries to achieve an art for all ages: a kind of art dedicated to both child and adult. She shows her artwork both at regional and international scale. She has been taking part in several exhibitions in Europe and USA.


Title: Cropped image of “El Barça” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

rose fernandes fine artist brazil

At age five had strong taste for art. With style and a thematic variation travels from realism to abstract. But it is on realism, especially in the representation of light and shadows that the work of Rose stands out and has its big difference. Vivid, the light reminds the Impressionists, as well as the love shown when he speaks of his work. His works express the fauna, flora and the ways of nature as being born of the screen itself. Stroll through nature to admire and then portray the natural beauty of the everyday, painting plain air and in the studio. Autodidact only attended workshops by the Cultural Foundation of Bahia School of Fine Arts of Paris. Held exhibitions in Brazil, including the MASP. abroad : Mexico, United States, Canada, France (SNBA - Carrousel of the Louvre), Germany and Italy. Private collections in Brazil (President Dilma Rousseff) and Foreign. Cataloged in books and annuals Art.


Title: “Red Macaws” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

cesar forero architect and visual artist canada

Forero is a Colombian-born Canadian with background in architecture, sculpture, painting, and performance; holds a BFA from the Minnesota State University and a MFA from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He has taught at universities in Colombia, United States, and Canada. Forero was honored with public commissions at: Town and Mine memorial in Matachewan; Kirkland Lake Commemorative Plaque (Toburn Site); ďŹ nalist in 2008 TTC Competition for St. Clair Avenue W.; and Pride 2014 Church Street Murals. His work stands in public and private collections. His exhibition record includes: solos in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Japan, and USA; multiple curated art shows since 1997; and stands his performance at the Art Gallery of Ontario, on April 2012. He has been the recipient of several grants from the Ontario Arts Council, awards in US and Canada, and was honored as 2007 Establish Visual Artist by the Mississauga Arts Council.


Title: “Regenerating fires” Medium: Acrylic, Oils, Enamel (Mixed media) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

nathalie frenière ďŹ ne artist canada

She visited several forms of expression, but the voice with which she expresses best is visual art. Afterward, she follows master class painting in Canada and different masters in Paris. She studied graphic design and practice this profession in Montreal. While working as a visual artist, she uses her background in graphic approach for all painting techniques, from drawing and calligraphy to oil painting. Since then, her work has been shown in gallery, and museum, solo and group exhibits, as well as symposia, in Canada, New York and France. Her technique gives birth to strong contrasts of colors and transparency. Through these paintings style both ďŹ gurative and abstract, her work is inspired by a spontaneous painting of characters and themes to deep atmospheres. In her drive to create, one constant remains: what is the emotion felt in a sublime moment who runs her hand.


Title: “Rivière Ontarienne” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

richard d’gagnon sculptor canada

I am a sculptor since 1985. I work mostly metals, copper, bronze, aluminum. I of course use other materials, such as wood, plaster, clay. My approach is mainly to express my emotions and abstractions. The ip side of the coin, what emerges in the environment present contrasts, perceptions, emotions, joys through the family and married life as well as current topics. Except for drawing lessons with painter and modeling classes at the Institute of Fine Arts, I am self-taught artist. However, my basic university training is in communication and I use my work to communicate my passion. I am president of the Ress-Art association and a member of the Quebec Council of Sculpture.


Title: “Unifying Ball – Ballon rassembleur – Bola Unificadora” Medium: Sculpture (cooper and granite) Size: 5” x 4” x 11” (13 x 10 x 28 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

patricia tanaka galvani visual artist brazil

Born in 1973. Got degree in ďŹ ne arts, ceramic arts, teacher, jewelry designer, art therapy and psychoeducation. A life turned to the arts but in a look for education. Her artistic initiation began in the family, being the granddaughter of a renowned painter and daughter of a renowned artist. Making art is inherent in life, expressing feelings and impressions with shapes and colors. Making the most beautiful, colorful and happy life with Simply Art.


Title: “Maritacas” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

raymundo garza lozano fine artist mexico

Chemical Engineer by profession, Artist by vocation; fifteen years ago, began elaborating artworks utilizing materials that he discovered in coatings formulation and not commonly used in plastic arts: luminiscent, metallic and pearlescent pigments; body filler, heavy dutty, primers and acrylic automotive coatings and different sustrates like a aluminum & steel mesh, tin sheets, etc. He has participated in many solo shows in Mexico. Recently, thank to the rapid spread of his works in virtual galleries, some of his painting have been chosen by Immagine & Poesia to be linked to poetry by renowed poets of international stature, and participated in specialized Art Books: ICA Vol VI and Artisti a New York. His artworks expresses the trascendence of men on the universe, life, history and his own spirituality, but also he shows human race´s own explotation, war and the enviromental damage that the ambition of the powerful and their empires belived to be justified.


Title: “Between the mountain and the desert” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

sylvain goudreau ďŹ ne artist canada

Sylvain Goudreau is a painter with over 30 years of experience exhibiting in North America, Europe and South America. His work has been honored and published by international groups. Fine Arts Undergraduate from Concordia University in Montreal, Goudreau has developed a style of his own blending together the three great movements of last century. His work is recognizable by his caricatured and expressionistic characters set in an amalgamation of impressionistic and abstract expressionistic milieu. Goudreau enjoys working on large canvases which allow him a freedom of movement and the possibility to portray life size ďŹ gures. Indeed, Goudreau was awarded for one of his large pieces entitled Before The Last Supper (152 x 243 cm).


Title: “Nagano in Montreal” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

regina guimmarĂŁes ďŹ ne artist brazil

She was born in Rio de Janeiro and is graduated at Fine Arts School of Rio de Janeiro. Has participated in several group exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. And got some awards also. And there is no limite to the artist about art.


Title: “Homenagem a Garrincha” (“Tribute to Garrincha”) Medium: mixed media Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

kathy hanuise fine artist belgium

Born in Belgium, in 1964. Got degree in Arts-designer and jewellery. She has participated in many exhibitions abroad and in her country. She got Quotation of Drouot, Cambridge Expertise. Source of inspirations: nature, effects of matters, transparency and reflection of light .The symbolism of life, natural sources: Aquatic and astral dreaming. Reflection of lights, darkness. Floral poetry of matters, spontaneity of colors. The timeless of the present moment, magic moment of the artistic expression. Sensibility and put into dialog set matters, poetry and immortality of moment, passer-by of the rural or maritime nature. Source of life. Soul wanders and stream of dreaming...Temporal of present past thrown towards the future.


Title: “Medusa 1” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

john harrison visual artist great britain

John Harrison is an English artist who has exhibited internationally, and is now based in New York. His work is in private collections around the world. He has worked in a diverse range of media. As a painter working in oils and watercolor he has exhibited in America, Africa, Brazil, and Europe. He has produced illustrations for books in watercolor and mixed media. As a documentary photographer he has highlighted the work done by aid organizations such as Skillshare Africa, UNICEF, and demining organizations. As a lecturer in the Visual Arts he has worked in the UK and Africa, including helping to set up a center of excellence in the visual arts in Mozambique Africa.


Title: “O belo Jogo” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

elin kruge helland fine artist norway

After she had taken several courses, and painted on porcelain through many years, she started to paint with oil on canvas in 1988. Under the guidance of Peder Mauseth she studied at The Art School from 1988-1993, and beyond that she is self- taught. In recent years she has discovered acrylic, and for the last three years she has brought her passion, and hobby (painting) toward a profession. She uses brushes, palletteknife and/or spounge to obtain different expressions in different directions. As she now feels good about sharing her paintings with a greater audience, her motto is: ”if it's fun, I'm in to it” And by following this motto, she has been given the opportunaty to participate in international exhibitions, and publications.


Title: “Midnight Sun” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

rossanna jardim fine artist brazil

Rossanna Jardim was born and work in Goiânia/Goiás. Psychologist, Psychanalyst of Children, for many years actually she works as fine artist. She had participated at eleventh Salão Paulista of Arte Contemporary art of São Paulo and got third placeon it and also has participated at Celg of Arts Plastic de Goiânia. She got an award from the Governor of state of Goiás, called Destaques do Ano. Realised solo exibitions at the Museu de Arte de Goiânia; at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás; at Potrich Galeria de Arte Contemporânea at Goiânia; Area Artis Gallery and at Cultural Space of Cosipa at São Paulo. Also in some other group exibitions at Museu Florestal Octávio Vecchi; at Casa das Rosas; at Galeria Casa da Xiclet in São Paulo; at Casa do Olhar, Santo André and at 26 International Art Expo New York and at Ward-Nasse Gallery - NY. In Goiânia at Frei Confaloni Gallery, Museu of Arte in Goiânia, and at Potrich Contemporary art Gallery.


Title: “Goiania’s Train Station” Medium: Gicée Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

juan jiménez visual artist spain

Madrid 1942. He is a precocious artist who studied art form with Antonio Pérez de Castro. Then he made Painting and drawing at the workshop of the Madrid artist Eduardo Briones Chicharro. He has always played the drawing model in the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid, of which he is a member. In his drawings mainly nude style, bullfighting, landscape ... has been selected in several contests of Penagos Prize drawing of Mapfre Foundation and has won several national and international awards, including the Gold Medal in Drawing at the Master's of Saint-Roch, Montblanc, Silver Medal in Watercolor at the III Salon de Peinture Franco Spanish in Beziers, Bronze Medal in watercolor at Grande Motte. His work, exhibited at international fairs and exhibitions is seen in various Spanish and Portuguese institutions and museums, also at the Castillo de Merode (Germany), and numerous private collections.


Title: “Descansando em roxo” Medium: Design Print on Canvas (limited edition in the format) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

gary jurysta visual artist usa

He is an artist currently living and painting in Pittsburgh, Pa, USA, home of the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers football team, Stanley Cup Champs Pittsburgh Penguins ice hockey team and the World Series winning Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team. He is very seriously committed to creating abstract paintings by systematically exploring the inherent qualities of fluid paint. During the painting process an intuitive arrangement of colors, lines, textures and contrasts determine the compositional visual 'rightness” of the completed piece. For this project, with the game of soccer in mind, he is aware of the action, movements, strategies and joy of winning, and hopes that these emotions are expressed in the painting. As an artist who enjoys watching sports, he "connects" with the creative moment of decisiveness when all of one's energies are needed in the precise instant to score the goal. It is an exhilarating moment of courage, an end of conflict, a time to celebrate peace.


Title: “Downfield” Medium: Acrylic on prepared fabric Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

anita juveniz fine artist brazil

Anita Queiroz Juveniz was born in a Brazilian city called Paranaíba, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. She is graduated in pedagogy and taught for a long period. Meanwhile, she has started in the plastic arts. The kick-off happened in the oil on canvas and acrylic painting. Some years later, Anita also ventured out by other techniques, attending drawing and painting workshops throughout Brazil. Among comings and goings, she had contributed to collective and individual exhibitions in Três Lagoas and Campo Grande as well. Later, she discovered the porcelain painting techniques and, nowadays, in her atelier, Anita dedicates herself professionally to this kind of art. Anita is an artist who expresses her artistic sensibility through contemporary brushstrokes that make the imagination to fly!


Title: “Cervo – Veado do Campo” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

saĂ­ra kleinhans curator & visual artist japan

She has been involved since the age of 15 with the ďŹ ne arts. Several courses and Art Works are for itself the foundations of a public and recognized performance support by several awards as the result of Art exhibitions in Japan and partnerships has gained strength and fame by earning several awards at exhibitions in Japan and participations in international exhibitions in Europe, Brazil and Japan in 2009 and founded the IAPAJ was elected Founder President of IAPAJ WORLDWIDE International Association of Plastic Artists in Japan and from there has gained several international partnerships as Executive Vice President of Zarco Academy of Arts International and Madeira International Art Biennale Portugal MIAB, Vice President of Malta Arts Biennale and Tempra Academy of Arts UK for Japan, Manager Art Director of UPP-United Photo Press World, NY for Japan.


Title: “Feelings” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

dolores de lara photographer spain

She was born in Solana, Real City in Spain, (1965), living now in Madrid. Her photo essays ranging from the royal family to the bullfighting environments or bohemians. Her artistic photographs appear in many museums and private collections around the world, highlighting the Bullfighting Museum in Plaza de Las Ventas in Madrid. Has photos published in books like tribute to astronaut "Pedro Duque, Spanish Universal" (2004), "Yearbook Taurino" and "José Pastor, a witness of the twentieth century" (Madrid Journalists Association) or "Pictures of taurine universe", Antonio Cabello, to highlight some . Among the awards are: Medal of Professional Merit of the magazine "News"; Prize of photojournalism Illustrated Tertulia, Madrid News Challenge XXI century, enterprising woman SSEE Award (2013 ); Labor Fact Award Best Thread Taurino, Town Hall Collado Mediano (2014). Senior Society International Studies Member (2008). Member of AMCA, AEPE and AECA (2012).


Title: “La Reina de España” Medium: Photography Print on Canvas (limited edition in the format) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

louise larose visual artist canada

Originally from Montreal, Louise Larose teaches Visual Arts to high school students. Her varied body of work, at the boundaries of abstract and the figurative art, reflects the source of her inspiration. She incorporates into her art everything that excites her: nature, travel, freedom but also intuition and the purity of emotion. To paint for her is a way to open a door to a private universe. After several years of watercolor and drawing, she soon discovered the endless freedom offered by acrylic. Her priority then became the use of color under her guidance to trace multiple paths, lines, shapes and textures. Her work uses light to express powerful emotions through a mixture of contrasts. After several exhibitions in Quebec, she had the opportunity to participate in international events in Brussels, Paris, Toronto and New-York. Her work is still present in Paris, New-York Toronto and Montréal galleries.


Title: “Love” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

marie lauzon fine artist canada

'' The art is a place of immensely poetic space! '' Marie Lauzon was born in Quebec, Canada. At the age of 4 years old, Marie attended the class Dalcroze on the method Émile Jacque-Dalcroze to the musical pre-nursery school; preparatory music school of the UQAM. She took 3 years of method Kodàly classes; an international method of relative solmisation. Then, she took the years of violin classes with Gyslain Bard and 2 years of piano with France David. Her last piano concert was in May 3rd, 1987 to Lachine. Afterward, Marie follow-up 3 years of classes of plastic arts with Françoise Miguel in the Cégep Lionel-Groulx. Marie has taken many classes art classes; a DEP in Computer Graphics Processes to Competences2000 and got certificate in plastic arts in the UQAM (2006). She has participated also in numerous artistic projects such as the " Symposium on the art to help ".


Title: “The music unites us” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

charlotte leadbeater fine artist great britain

Charlotte Leadbeater is graduated from Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, London in 1967, and exhibits nationally and internationally. She is on file with the National Portrait Gallery and V&A in London. She has exhibited at the Vaganova (Kirov) Ballet Academy in St Petersburg in 1999, and the Necrasov Museum for the 2003 celebrations in St Petersburg and her works at present are in the Vaganova Academy permanently. She was one of the founders of the award winning King Street Gallery in Carmarthen, Wales completing a successful gallery exchange with Wexford in Ireland, and Saint Petersburg, Russia. She lectures to art groups, and runs courses and workshops. The Venice Biennale has changed the way she looks at her work. It is a journey of transformation and 'work in progress' includes her theme of figures in movement, influenced by the Futurists in Italy.


Title: “Games Over” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

lerou sculptress canada

Marie-JosÊe Leroux, aka Lerou, is stone carver. Her artistic approach is oriented around the mystery and the unconscious, in an attempt to identify and capture the unspoken. The characters that emerge from the Lerou's hand represent mythical beings and timeless, archetypal forces from our human history. Technically, Lerou is attached to the representation of the human body, not tinged with realism, but through the round, simple and stylized shapes, lines, suggestions, reecting mainly the soul. She received the Honor Award from the Paris National Society of Fine Arts in 2011 and represented Canada at the Costa Rican International sculpture symposium in 2013. She is member of ISC, RAAV, ASPM, Manager for Canada of AIESM and vice-president of the Quebec Council of Sculpture.


Title: “Impeto” Medium: Alabaster Size: 7.48” x 7,48” x 7,48” (19 x 19 x 19 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

izabel litieri fine artist brazil

She is Brazilian from São Paulo. Graduated by the Panamericana School of arts, has begun her artist production exploring the acrylic technical in geometric figurative works, mainly on the monochromatic context. After that, she started to use the pastel and watercolor in some experiments. Currently, dedicates herself intensively to the Pontillism through the adoption of acrylic paint and brush pens, always dealing with pictorial context of landscapes, pictures, and others.


Title: “Nosso Pantanal” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

paula macedo fine artist brazil

Paula Macedo was born in 1964. Got degree in Fine Arts in United States in 1980, then returned to Brazil to attend Medical School. In 1990 studied at Panamericana School of Fine Arts of São Paulo. Exerts both professions throughout her life. 2000 Exhibition “Iron and Fire”. 2003 Exhibition “Red”. 2013 Exhibition “Drained” and composes the songs lyrics to the Blue Mix 4 CD. 2014 Paintings outdoors and Exhibition “Time Aesthetic”.


Title: “Azul” Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

maria mallmann fine artist brazil

Maria Mallmann, an artist who works with the art form flowing through the canvas, paints and brushes since 1994. Her artworks, launched throughout her exhibits reflect fashion collections to our interior, offering a door to freedom of expression of the human soul. All art works are constructed by experiences that inspire express on a canvas a complex view of life or nature, with complete artistic freedom. Thus Maria even explores impressionism, abstractionism, cubism and surrealism developing a relationship creature and creator who hopes to reach those who contemplate her work later. She does not tie to lines and shapes and well defined spaces. With movements and large gestures she allows the imagination and freedom to express art and show the intensity of her feelings. Nationally recognized the artist presents a solid intellectual, marketing and commercial career.


Title: “Infinito Espelhado” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

cĂŠlia mancini visual artist brazil

CĂŠlia Mancini Falco is a self thought artist since youth-hood and belongs to a family of artists. She took several courses as to advance technical skills and graduated in Art with emphasis in Visual Art habilitation and specialization in Integrated Communication, aiming to improve her abilities. Very critical about her work, she has become her own best competitor restless with the wish of surpassing herself. Throughout the years, she has participated of several events and exhibits presenting some of her work.


Title: “Canindés” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

leda maria visual artist united states of america / brazil

She has received her BFA from Fatea University – Faculdades Integradas Teresa D'Ávila in Fine Arts in 1997 and her MFA from FAAP – Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado in Art History in 2000. Studied Printmaking and Sculpture at The Art Student League of New York – USA, and Art History at Lorenzo De Medici School in Florence – Italy. Leda has been painting since she was 13 years old. And has participated in many exhibitions in Brazil, United States of America, Europe and Asia also. She has been published in several magazines, newspapers, in many art catalogs and art books in Brazil, some countries in Europe and USA, and got some awards.


Title: “I like Blue but I prefer Red” Medium: Mixed média Size: 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

cristina matarasso fine artist brazil

Born in the city of Garça, in the countryside, lives in São Paulo since 1964. Majored in classic piano very young and graduated in Publicity and Advertising at FAAP in 1975. Developed a work writing and coloring comic books at an animated cartoons studio. Was always interested in the art , from crafts to paintings, concerning portraits and landscapes. In 2009, established closer links to painting and attended the Waldo Bravo Contemporary Art Course, which earned her first invitation to expose her work at “Casa das Rosas”, a prestigious art center in São Paulo. In the exhibition opening, her painting received special attention from specialized media. Since then, she has been exhibiting her art work in Brazil and abroad. Her passion for bright and live colors is manifested throughout her paintings, that follow the precepts of Contemporary Art, always inspired by nature's beauty.


Title: “Flores” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

daniela matchael fine artist brazil

Graduated at the Panamerican School of Arts in São Paulo, Brazil. From her formal training Daniela says she developed her passion for Art History and the different approaches to the visual arts. After many years working as an apprentice to accomplished Brazilian artists, teaching drawing and painting classes, showing her work in galleries in the large cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo with numerous solo and group exhibitions. Painting on canvas has always been Daniela's preferred means of creating her art, with oils being her medium of preference. During a trip from Dallas to Denver 14 years ago Daniela found, while looking out of the plane's window, the inspiration for the series of paintings that have evolved into her more recent collection of work entitled “Fields”. One can feel Daniela's passion and vivacity through her paintings. Her varied palette and technique entice the viewer to attempt to disconnect from her paintings' near hypnotic qualities.


Title: “Corredeira” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

ghislaine melou fine artist france

She was born on a Wednesday, the day of Mercury, in the French town of Figeac –place of Champollion, the first to decipher hieroglyphics. Forty years of journeys, both spiritual and geographical, have fashioned my futuristic ethos. She get inspired by Thot, the Egyptian god of knowledge, and from cosmology to make her art. Her works explores the harmonious paradox of ancient and modern to create a personal artistic vision; an individual awareness shaped by encounters with the outside world. She has made 30 sketches in the space of fifteen minutes. An alliance between art and science had taken shape. She has started to paint in January of 2008. New symbols communicate a language of peace in her paintings. Numbers and colors are the sole landmarks of each new work. There is simplicity behind their complexity. A connection between our planet and the universe. She has displayed her works at the Cité de l'Espace in Toulouse; at Giverny; in Paris, in St Tropez, and Lot.


Title: “Light and Shadow” Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

vincent messelier ďŹ ne artist belgium

http://ďŹďŹ les/vincent-messelier.html

Vincent Messelier is a self-taught artist-painterphotographer since 2006. He is professional since 2011. He developed his own kind of style named Meridianism. You recognize horizontal and vertical stripes and lines that he makes with his pallet knives in Acrylic. He works in world themes that he puts on canvas from his own passion, inner feelings, made on Music, mostly jazz, depending on the moment. He also takes pictures, when traveling, he makes a second line where he projects these on details of the paintings, in several layers, blended, and again, with his own view on things, crossing his mind, heart and soul.


Title: “Magnificant secret of the red devil`s Teamwork” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

linda morin ďŹ ne artist canada

By combining three artistic movements, automatism, impressionism and expressionism, she reveals a fascinating world where art, fantasy and discovery intersect. The spontaneous and repetitive gestures of her pictorial language are ďŹ lled with vitality which creates a dynamic relationship between the elements of the composition. The subjects become secondary as they are replaced by the symbolism of the whole project that encourages introspection. The abstract and the real both meet in illustrating the coexistence between the concrete object that meets the eye and the lyrical poetry that the brain assimilates. She favors large-scale canvases for the freedom of execution and exploration they allow her. Throughout her professional career, she has shown her work in many galleries, art centers and museums across Canada and abroad. She has received many awards, grants and honorary mentions for her body of work.


Title: “Celebration in Brasil” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

anne mwiti visual artist kenya

Anne Mwiti is an art Lecturer, Department of Fine Art and Design, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Her interest to be an artist begun at a tender age of ďŹ ve years before preschool. She begun her professional art career late 2009, and considers herself as a young upcoming artist in the world of art and marketing. Her work has been published in international books such as the International Contemporary Artists vol. 4 and 5, Hidden Treasure Magazine, 2014. Anne has exhibited her work in group and solo exhibitions in various galleries in Kenya, as well as outside Kenya. Galleries such as, The Kenya Museums of Kenya, the Gallery Watatu, Diani Beach Art Gallery, One Off, have shown her works. She has participated in art auctions, where her art sold, such as the Pride of Kenya auction, the Heart of Art, and a private auction at The Kenya Museums of Kenya.


Title: “Brasil meets Africa” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

liesbeth oudshoorn ďŹ ne artist netherlands

As an artist, Lbetho (Liesbeth Oudshoorn) lives her life with the same intensity and passion with which she paints, so much so that art and life become absolutely inseparable for her. Not restricted by rules, styles or techniques, she lets herself be carried away by artistic inspiration and lapses into imagination using the brush to explore pictorial surfaces and spaces connected to emotions, memory and music. As she plays with creating bright and reďŹ ned compositions, led by a mysterious rhythmical force, she invents forms and colors that are masterly balanced with movement, rhythm, wide brushstrokes and thick layers of matter, thus creating effects of great joy and brightness. Animals play a starring role in her paintings, but she does not copy animals, she creates her own animals. Liesbeth donates a major part of her proceeds to charity, to contribute to a better quality of life.


Title: “Tulips from Amsterdam” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

solange palatnik visual artist brazil

Solange Palatnik, was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Gradueted in Fine Arts from Escola Nacional De Belas Artes” of “Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.” For many years she dedicates herself to the technique of etching in metal. She started to paint in 1994 and had participated of collective exhibitions in Brazil, United States and Paris. She did also several solo exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. The relief technique in Solange's paintings, allow the observer a tactile experience. They show flowers blooming and female figures, which have a strong presence, wearing o u t fi t s w i t h fl o w e r s a n d p o s s e s s i n g e x p r e s s i ve characteristics. When describing her works, she say's: “I have compelling urgency to complete my work, I crave for painting…”


Title: “Arara Azul” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

beth parin photographer usa

Beth has a unique ability to capture what most people can only dream of. Her unique way of looking at the world, through the eye of a lens, allows others the opportunity to gain a glimpse of the passion she has for the art she sees in all of life. Beth received her BFA from St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana and her MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in BlomďŹ eld Hills, Michigan. Beth is an Associate Professor in digital imaging and photography at Governors State University, where her academic research and artistic visions have allowed her the opportunity to receive several awards and share her artistic visions and knowledge in exhibitions and publications throughout North America, Europe, South America and Africa.


Title: “Color My World” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

partida prieto visual artist mexico

After high school he did some free-lance work as graphic designer and then he studied Advertising. Mixing his knowledge as an advertiser and his passion for art, he decided to pursue a career as an artist. Using bright colors and bold images his work was exhibited for the first time in 2007, and since then his paintings have been seen in malls, collective and private expos, including twice at the Museum of Modern Art of Mexico City and the Museum of Antropology of Mexico City. In 2010, he was in New York to show his art at Artexpo New York City, and some of his paintings can still be seen in the Soho at Ward-Nasse Gallery. He was selected by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts to show his art in the Carrousel du Louvre, becoming the youngest Mexican to do so.


Title: "The Flowers of Life” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

gonçalo pavanello visual artist brazil

Gonçalo Pavanello born in São Joaquim da Barra - SP in 1960, lives and works in São Bernardo do Campo - SP. Graduated in Communications / Advertising from the Methodist University of São Paulo. "Gonçalo Pavanello often appropriates photographs, pictograms, pictures, and create stunning images, it suffers strong influence of graphic design on a pop art and optical art line. In all his works reigns a harmony of colors and shapes that seduces”. Exhibitions: UMESP Campus São Bernardo, São Paulo Subway, Clube Pinheiros, Piola Gardens, House Looking Luis Sacilotto, Infraero, Casa da Fazenda Morumbi, Gallery Mali Villas Boas ...


Title: “Saci Pop” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

céline pellerin fine artist canada

Born near Québec city, Canada, she is attracted by anything that is creative, artistic and innovative. She is graduated in industrial engineering technical, in therapist neurolinguistic programming and one other in training of trainers. Self-taught artist, she painted for many years objects for an artshop and after, she operated her own. She contributes to Children's Wish and many other causes. She has exhibited in Québec, Canada, in New York, USA, on Côte d'Azur in France and in Fombio, Piacanza and Milan, Italy. Her comments were requesred by a painter for a art book in India and she was selected to be part of an art book in 2014, in Canada. She has participated in many national and international artistic exhibitions. She is in her element, connecting with her essence, an expression of her personality, paint the world her own way. “My inspiration and my passion guide my hand and my "brush stroke" is the witness.”


Title: “One sun for everyone” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

jim pescott fine artist canada

Jim Pescott paints with dots in a style he refers to as contemporary pointillism. In his words, “I paint with dots because everything on the earth is connected so nothing is solitary. Dots allow me to explore that connectivity.” Jim will tell you he paints landscapes because landscapes are life and they touch everyone. Jim has participated in the celebrated juried entry Salon 2011, Salon 2012 and Salon 2013 held by the historic Societe Nationale des Beaux-art at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France. And in June 2013, he was awarded a medal by the national Societe Academique d'Education st d'Encouranment Arts-Sciences-Lettres in Paris, France. In 2012, ARTtour International Magazine referred to Jim as a 'pointillism master'. Jim is entirely self-taught: he says he listens to what the canvas wants as he paints. He lives and creates in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Title: “Autumn Dance” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

katia politzer sculptress brazil

Katia Politzer was born and lives in Rio de Janeiro. She is graduated from Fine Art School at UFRJ and got several art classes at the Museum of Modern art, and School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, in Rio. And in the USA, at the De Cordova Museum and the Northeastern University. She developed and coordinated the technical course of Social Communication at the Institute of Technology ORT, where she also taught Art to Junior, Middle and High School students. She has participated in individual and group exhibitions. The most important events being at Funarte, Cultural Center of PostOffice, Museum Naval,Copacabana, Fort, Jockey Club in São Paulo and Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto in Santos, having been awarded many medals and trophies. The latest International exhibition was at the Carrousel du Louvre – Paris, in October of 2013.


Title: “Brasil´s Natural Beauty” Medium: Sculpture (fusing Glass) Size: 10" x 10" x 10" (25 x 25 x 25 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

eliomar rodrigues visual artist brazil

Among lots of toys in childhood, it was in his neighborhood, and on water, that Eliomar Rodrigues, Visual Arts' student – Federal University of Amazonas, found out the best way to create and expresses his feelings. The game grew into reality along time, and became his life philosophy which can prolong the well-being even when the world feels like shady and colorless. Being self-taught and having lived for eight years in Japan, Eliomar became member of IAPAJ (International Association of Plastic Artists of Japan), time enough to explore his senses, when he started his first collective expositions in Japan. Back to Brazil, other expositions was made as well, including individualized and diversified by researches and experiences, since boardpainted works, collage, sculptures and others… Among searches to turn this art on something pleasant, Eliomar reformulates and plays with his art concept, transmitting his particular feature in every work of him, and increasing his name and horizons to get nearer the perfection.


Title: “Eterno Retorno” Medium: Sculpture (Clay) Size: 40 x 33 x 22 cm


Show de Bola 2014

wânia rodrigues visual artist brazil

She is Brazilian and self-taught. She has began to paint at very young age. Has experienced various techniques throughout life and she has developed such as pencil drawings, ink, watercolors, acrylic and oil paint. She paints on canvas using the four elements as its basis, the figurative representation and playful mix of fish, flowers, hearts and phoenix bird of Greek mythology, wire sculptures and mandalas compose his work. She has been working as an art curator over nine years at ABRASCI and keeps exhibiting her works all over in Brazil and abroad.


Title: “Flor de Lotus Brasil” Medium: Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

cleusa rossetto visual artist brazil

She lives and works in São Paulo city. She has been working for decades in the science and technology of civil engineering. Her professional training is twofold: technology and engineering on one side, and architecture on the other. Her academic and research career has led her to work with various mathematical computing resources related to graphics expression. Although she paints since she was fifteen, in 2005 Cleusa decided to start a new artistic career applying her expertise in graphics computing, both commercial and tailor-made, to create complex pictures to innovate the artistic and visual expression. She co-founded and was responsible for the edition and publication of FEMMES&ARTS. She is curator of the yearly exhibitions at the Technology and Art Cultural Space of FATEC-SP (Technology Conference). In the last few years has been taking part in more than fifty individual and collective exhibitions both national and international, being awarded with several prizes.


Title: “De Olho no Amazonas” Medium: Archival digital Fine Art Print on Canvas (limited edition in the format) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

alayde (alaides puppin ruschel) sculptress brazil

Alayde, initiated in ARTS as a sculptress, after retiring as an agronomist, aiming the formation of ecological consciousness of human beings. Today imagery permeates her Art works, expressing something that emanates direct to human soul. By dedicating herself to ARTS started elaborating clay sculptures, followed by using Foundry work evolving then to metal sculptures of bronze, aluminum, and also resin. Taking into account her knowledge in cell biology the creativity blossomed, recently in a project of double face sculptures she was able to generate sculpture named Molecule composed of small squares superimposed in spirals lines conďŹ gures various interesting art works, being one of them now incorporated in the work presented as SHOW DE BOLA.

ALAYDE (alaides puppin ruschel)

Title: “Global Molecule” Medium: Transparent Resin Sculpture Size: 18.9” x 8.7” x 8.7” (48 x 22 x 22 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

lalo sánchez del valle visual artist mexico

Born in Mexico City in 1968, he knew since he was little that drawing, color, texture, volume — among many other elements — would be in his life. The first influences appeared through Professor Enrique Chriach; later he would continue his training at the National School of Fine Arts, in Paris. From there, his work has been exhibited individually and collectively in all the cities where he has resided: Paris, New York and Mexico City. As well, places such as the Maison de L'Unesco, in Paris — at an event inaugurated by Gabriel Garcia Marquez — and other galleries in New York's Soho have witnessed his paints. Lalo Sanchez Del Valle considers himself as a humanist and his autodidactic training confirms it. Only autodidacts confess in their statement that their interests, influences and inquisitiveness are so ample that they do not accept any possible specializing.


Title: “Airplane Kid” Medium: Mixed on canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

luma sanos sculptress brazil

Artistically known as Luma Sanos. Started her career as sculptor in 1994. Born in Brazil in 1958, graduated in Physics in Rio de Janeiro. Have discovered her true passion for sculpture after joining Flory Menezes atelier, in Rio. She has been trying ever since to transpose into material all kinds of shapes, emotions and movement. Throughout the years she has been taking courses that increase her possibilities, always trying different material and techniques. Someone saw some of my work and said: it made me smile. That is exactly the purpose of my artwork, bring magic and fantasy to people's life. She currently lives in Curitiba and work at "Atelier of sculpture called Fundação Cultural of Parque São Lourenço" with the orientation of the artist Elvo Damo and in her own atelier. She is represented by the Ward- Nasse Galery, NY since 2011.


Title: “Girl on the beach” Medium: Sculpture (Papier Mâché with iron structure, fabric and wood) Size: 10" x 10" x 10" (25 x 25 x 25 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

osmar santos ďŹ ne artist brazil

The greatest sports commentator of radio and television that Brazil has ever had. Began its work connected to painting ten years ago as art therapy after a car accident. Since then, he has never stopped painting, founding a new way to communicate through his hands. Over the years he has been getting better and naturally expressing himself between screens and multi colored inks, his favorite subjects are owers, birds, trees and soccer. With the painting he has been expressing his joy of life, and with his friend Wânia Rodrigues partnership, has exposed his work all over in Brazil.


Title: “Árvore Verdejante” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

sarro fine artist brazil

Adelio Sarro, was born in 1950 in São Paulo, Brazil, his paintings of the artist are full of elements, shapes and colors guided by soul and body, the ontological and the transcendent, with the constant dialectic between firmament looks and the presence of the terrestrial globe, with the scope of the represented characters. All his art is characterized by creativity and modernity of his forms, substantiated cause a psychic vision by the eyes of the receiver, motivating emotions arising from the harmony between the elements, shapes and colors, the artist known to decompose in its composition. In fact, in the Art world, the illusory presence of elements related to the objective world must motivate the imagination of the receiver, tuned the flashes of heart.


Title: “Trilhos Urbanos” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

ana claudia bonizzoni secol ďŹ ne artist brazil

Young professional versatile that always has developed Visual arts-related jobs. She is graduated in architecture and urbanism where she works over 15 years, but also coordinates cultural and business events. Her works show a lots of emotion, but sometimes present rational traits. From 2006 had great rise in her career extending its expertise to the corporate environment inuencing directly her paintings and bringing a phase with stronger expressions. Today, after the experience of being a mother joins a new phase, seeking more essence to her works. She has participated in national and international art exhibitions and competitions related to architecture and Design and got some prizes.


Title: “Girassóis” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

leandro serpa visual artist brazil

Leandro Serpa visual artist with poetic experimentation in various media that comprise the visual “Fanáticos” currently developing the project that researches the relationship between Art and Football Culture and Game, as well as an extensive production and research with monotype and image-word. Leandro has also expanded his experiments with materials through monotype. In this mode the field of graphic language artist discusses the place of images through processes in which articulates a free and open trial belonging to contemporary grammar with elements of graphic tradition. Based on these joints the artist builds a differentiated repertoire of images and a parallel practice of open educational potential of expanding the experience through workshops, or through sensation caused by viewing your work exposed.


Title: “ Fanáticos – Futebol Arte” Medium: Mixed Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

benno sökeland visual artist germany

Art should be fun and art should also say something - or even both. Benno Sökeland paints what just comes into his head. Most of his works are figurative and sometimes he works also abstract. One can see the world like it is or one can see it in a ironical way – the ambivalence of the view you also can find in his work. The artist defines a position to the world, like it was told in the Talmud “You don't see the world how it is, you see the world how you are“. Studies of visual communication including graphic design, illustration, painting at University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, received the diploma 1982. He had Many exhibitions in his homeland and abroad.


Title: “The Big Dream” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

helio de sousa fine artist usa / brazil

Helio de Sousa is a well known hair stylist at Concept Salon, located in Midtown Manhattan, where his works are shown to the delight of his clientele. Helio`s “Shoe Has Soul” collection has been the theme of exhibitions in several countries over the last few years. With more than 60 art pieces in his collection, including Works exhibited at the famous Barney`s in New York, Helio considered it a true honor to have been invited by POLI Productions to exhibit his work at the United Nations, in New York. Helio is currently organizing the publication of “Shoe Has Soul”, a book that will compile all his art work portraying famous – and anonymous – people`s shoes.


Title: “Havaiana Pop” Medium: Giclée (limited edition in the format) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

linda de sousa visual artist portugal / spain

Linda de Sousa (Lisbon, 1949) nationalized Spanish resident in Madrid, multidisciplinary artist, lecturer, art critic, curator and professor of ďŹ ne arts. She began her artistic career in the 80s, ďŹ rst with paint and gradually was expressed with different materials and in different genres: sculpture, performance, and installation, since her "Transparentes" series The White Night at the Museum Thyssen Bornemisza in Madrid. In her career she has performed more than a hundred exhibitions in and outside Spain. As an artist he has received several awards, including: First Prize Installation at the University of Chapingo (Mexico); Excellence Award Illustrated Tertulia de Madrid (Spain); First Prize in Arts in Beziers (France); Great Gold Medal at the Salon Arceburgo XXVII Minas Gerais (Brazil), among others. Her recent work focuses on the abuse of the weakest in society such as women, children or the elderly, a topic on which he has lectured at various universities and institutional forums.


Title: “Serie homeaje a los intelectuales (Novela Dacia Maraini)” Medium: Digitografia on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

nancy de souza ďŹ ne artist brazil

Although she's worked for over 10 years on education, after a degree on Portuguese and German, art has always been present and it became her main career on 1996. Having took part on many individual and group exhibitions she joined the Visual Arts School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and since then she has expanded her expertise by testing many new materials, but always keeping a link with the painting techniques. In the last 18 years she took part in many national and international exhibitions and has been awarded with many prizes.


Title: “Celebration in Brazil / Araras” Medium: Acrylic on textile Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

ruth stirnimann fine artist new zealand

Ruth Stirnimann is an internationally renowned artist born in Switzerland living and painting in Kaikoura, New Zealand. She works in two juxtaposing styles, complementing one another like yin and yang: informal abstract paintings and geometric works. She loves to go beyond the known, making intangible energies tangible. She has exhibited in many cities around the globe and is featured in several international art books. Ruth's geometric works are expressions of the creative, harmonious vibration underlying all life forms. She approaches her informal abstract works with openness, following the mysterious, creative force that flows through her. The many layers of each painting produce a great depth and profound harmony. Ruth says: “I consider my art as healing art, expanding consciousness, supporting harmony and balance on an individual and universal level. This is one of my contributions to heal and elevate the world as a whole, as everything and everyone is inextricably linked.”


Title: “Jubilation around the Globe” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

jeff tallon visual artist canada

In the early 2000's, after receiving a BFA in Drawing from ACAD, Jeff Tallon lived throughout Canada, Europe and Asia. These experiences inform the global yet local nature of his work and question nationalism, truth, identity, commerce, consumerism and communication. Since 2009, Tallon has been synthesizing painting and technology. Some of his paintings include QR Codes, which allow viewers to capture content using a hand-held device. Tallon's initial interactive paintings sent text messages to participants, which created a sense of faux-intimacy. Subsequently, the breadth of his work has grown to unite photography, oil paint, text, audio/video and the Internet.


Title: “Loonie” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

cilmara tamochunas ďŹ ne artist brazil

There are many factors that shape an artist... From early on, making use of her natural gift, Cilmara has been absorbing with great sensibility all the resources that each stage of life can offer. Therefore, each common situation such as studying, creating, raising up her daughters, decorating, working, traveling and portraying were rich sources of inspiration leading her to reproduce on canvas the deepest feelings only an artist can absorb and transmit in each stroke. She is inspired by the feelings and emotion captured on one's eyes and somehow she challenges herself to express it pictorially on portrays. Throughout her carrier she has participated in exhibitions around the world where she has given demonstrations of her technical abilities and has also been awarded prizes. Looking at her painting and letting it invade your soul is at least a great pleasure to the artist.


Title: “O Futuro” Medium: Texture, Charcoal and Acrilyc on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

branca emy tanaka visual artist brazil

Born in Brasil, 1947. Daughter of the reputed plastic artist Shigeto Tanaka. She has started her study at the Belas Artes School of São Paulo, and concluded at Teresa D´Avila College – FATEA, in Santo Andre - SP. She has attended several workshops and conferences about Art Education. She is a member and President of the Association of the Plastic Artists at the City of Tres Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, wherein promoted several artistic and cultural events between 1997 and 2000. She has participated in several solo exhibitions and collectives in Brasil, Portugal and Japan. Member of the International Academy of Arts of Japan. Member of the Group GART of Portugal. Actually lives in Tres Lagoas - Mato Grosso do Sul, and she is the coordinator at the Plastic Artists Center on the Department of Culture. She is represented in several private collections in Brazil and abroad.


Title: “Flor do Pantanal” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

alzira taquetti visual artist brazil

For the past 35 years she has researched the qualities and possibilities of the color blue. After much experimentation, she has found what now she calls “ my own Blues.� By preparing and mixing her own colors from the raw pigment, and she is able to produce her art with the colors that speaks out to her soul. Art is her breath of life into her favorite color. Whith her blues, she is able to blend life, pain, emotions and poetry.


Title: “Untiled 1” Medium: Acrylic and resin on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

vânia valdo ďŹ ne artist brazil

Born in Brazil and graduated in orthodontics, but as she has much ability with her hands, she always liked to work with art, but not thinking of being a professional, so she has started learning and doing for herself, and realized that many people were interested in her paintings so since last year she has started to exhibit her art. And she had exhibited in Vienna, Bratislava, and SNBA at Carrousel du Louvre. And as you can see I don't have a large curriculum, but I had very good start, and I hope my art will call your attention.


Title: “Universe Brasil” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

adilson vieira visual artist brazil

Set designer and art educator. Born in São Bernardo do Campo - SP - Brazil in 1965. Bachelor in Social Communication - Licensed in Advertising, formed by the Methodist Institute for Higher Education in 1989. Bachelor of Art Education - Licensed for Performing Arts, graduated from International College Teresa of Avila FATEA in 1995. Post Grad "Lato Sensu" Specialization in Teaching Education, Curriculum and Educational Practice - by the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro in 2001.


Title: “Balance” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

maya vinokurov fine artist canada

Maya's interest in drawing, painting and designing began at a very early age. Her painting convey a feeling of harmony between nature and humanity, featuring a dab of art deco…a dash of the surreal… a touch of aboriginal charm. She was born and raised in Latvia where she attended the Academy of Art and graduated from the Graphic Arts program at George Brown in Toronto, Canada. Maya is pleased to know that art-lovers find her work thought provoking, meaningful, and worthy of frequent visits. Her objective is to continue working in her own contemporary style, combined with techniques of the old master-in an expression of optimism, joy and serenity. Maya lives and works in Toronto, Canada with her husband. She has published her work in several art books and exhibits her art in galleries around the world.


Title: “Aura” Medium: Giclée (Acrylic) Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

paul-jĂźrgen weber visual artist germany

Source to my photo works is the world's visible reality as it is. Nature as well as human activities are all in all an endless domain of endemic art basics. My particular feature is to discover, select and process the intrinsic essence from the huge diversity and variety of forms, substances and situations with a discrete power of attraction to be converted into creative artwork. Only a different view on even well known items is able yet to provoke this kind of quality of art. There is a 'detected beauty', which has been already existing but has to be bared and recollected. But ďŹ nally it is no matter of words to get access to this kind of artwork. The key is to realize it subjectively by the individual beholder and his respective perception. In this sense my artwork wants to touch people and at the best to fascinate and to inspire.


Title: “Tribute to Lionel F” Medium: Photograph, Fine Art Print Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

odile weidig fine artist france

She has worked for fifteen years in a pharmacy, then she had two children (born in 1970 and 1971), so at that period quite her job and assumed the motherhood role. She played (rather good) tennis, scrabble...When her children leaved their home, she began to learn how to paint on canvas. And the best Germany was her teacher for five years. She had many exhibitions in Germany, France (Paris, Giverny, Avignon, Dijon, Strasbourg, Nancy...), New York, and got several first prizes, always in abstract style. She is am member of Who's Who International in Art, locally of ADAL (artistes lorrains) and in my own town, had exhibitions at gallery “Têtes de l'Art”.


Title: “Samba” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

adina worcman visual artist brazil

Adina Worcman, Brazilian naturalized, was born in Rosenheim - Germany in 1948. She is graduated in Pedagogy and Hebrew language, and since 1975 she is engaged in arts. She taught arts and hebrew, worked as a ceramist and studied sculpture and contemporary painting. She got many national and international prizes and since 1991 she creates trophies for many entities and companies. We can emphasize the Memorial for the Club Macabi and the Fifty Years Trophey for the Club A Hebraica, where the ex president Lula da Silva, the governor Geraldo Alckmin, the former mayor Marta Suplicy and the minister Claudia Costin were honored. She also created trophies for Natura Cosmetics, Dupont, Casa Bahia, Reale Lauyers Association, Associquim, Almaco, etc... In 2006 she got the 9 th place in Sculpture at the 6th International Rome Biennale.


Title: “Indio Brasileiro” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

jamile zaguir ďŹ ne artist brazil

Born in Dracena, SP, on 4 July" inherited from his father, the photographer Zaguir Feres, got the taste for art and graduated from the Fine Arts College of SĂŁo Paulo, where he also attended the workshop Cortazzio Anna, whom he perfected the techniques of drawing and painting. Participated in many exhibitions and her works has always used the technique and oil on canvas with all academic principles. She loves to make portraits, that she thinks they "capture the soul", now dominates acrylic on canvas using bold colors, highlighted by intense light.


Title: “Brasileiro” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 42” x 48” (104 x 120 cm)


Show de Bola 2014

EXHIBITION PLACES: Centro Cultural Martha Watts, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil Biblioteca Alceu Amoroso Lima, São Paulo, Brazil Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CURATOR: Leda Maria do Prado MONTAGE (Set up): Leda Maria do Prado

CATALOG: Front cover and back cover made by: Juh Leidl and Leda Maria Front cover art paintings top and bottom: Linda de Sousa On the right: Leda Maria On the left: Cleusa Rossetto Catalog designed: Linda de Sousa and Alicia Alonso de Sousa Review of catalog: Cleusa Rossetto TRANSLATIONS: Leda Maria and Daniela Matchael PHOTOGRAPHS & PRESENTATIONS: Provided by artists


Carmen Pousada Cultura & Arte

NIRENTALS Gestión integral de alquileres

Show de Bola 2014

6 jun 2014, 19h às 21h

Com apresentação da banda Threesome


6 a 27 jun 2014 apoio institucional

CENTRO CULTURAL MARTHA WATTS Rua Boa Morte, 1257, Centro, 13.400-901, Piracicaba,SP (55 11) 3124-1889 Horário: 2ª a 6ª feira das 9h às 12h e das 13h às

10 jun 2014, 19h galerias do 1º andar


11 jun a 13 jul 2014 apoio institucional

CENTRO CULTURAL JUSTIÇA FEDERAL Av. Rio Branco, 241, Centro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ - 2040-009 (55 11) 3261-2550 WWW.CCF.TRF2.GOV.BR

14 jun 2014, 14h às 16h visitação

Com apresentação da banda Threesome and Thais Helena (

14 jun a 14 jul apoio institucional

BIBLIOTECA ALCEU AMOROSO LIMA Rua Henrique Schaumann, 777 - Pinheiros 05413-021 São Paulo, SP (55 11) 3082-5023 Horário: 2ª a 6ª feira das 10h às 19h Sábado das 9h às 16h

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