Show de bola 2015 artexpo new york

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Show ShowdedeBola Bola2015 2015 New NewYork York USA USA

Contact the curator: Deposito Legal:M-11904-2015


Show de Bola Project

The idea: holding hands and creating art in a circular, spiral, infinite way. Gathering sensitive and talented artists, who could show the force of union and make history together. Respecting the individual characteristics, we aim to create a magical area, an original, unique, leisure space, a true patchwork of emotions and interpretations of life in motion. A life that rolls, that doesn't stop. It was this way that artists from different countries, including Brazil, answered my call and took up the challenge of representing a little bit of their cultures, expressing themselves through figurative or abstract paintings, photographs or sculptures, following the theme: “The Beauty and the Wealth of your Country” in a personal vision thus resulting in an interchange of culture and experiences without equal. The project Show da Bola refers to the Terrestrial Globe and our interference in this game without beginning or end. There are 40 plastic artists, from the most different parts of our beautiful blue planet, taking part in it. They come from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, Mali, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland and the United States. The project Show da Bola used as basic media, for the

Show de Bola New York

transposition of the Artworks in 2D, a cloth with the shape of an Hexagon, with 40 cm in each one of their faces. Every 7 Hexagons form a circle (Bola, i.e. ball) allowing the communion of themes and of the various artists/countries. A symbiosis where each work of art speaks for itself and the whole of them shows the plural richness of our diversity as inhabitants of this enormous global sphere. A real hive of talents and inspirations making the rich honey of Art. A unique format, innovative and of great impact, gigantic in hearts and minds, because of its surprising dimensions: each circle, after montage, measures roughly 3 meters in diameter. A true Show da Bola! The itinerant character of the Exhibition gives still more movement to the works of each artist which can be exhibited simultaneously in three cities or separate places, as each one of them will make three different Hexagons. The ďŹ rst two Exhibitions will be held in SĂŁo Paulo/Capital city; in Piracicaba/interior of SĂŁo Paulo; and in the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Aside from the Exhibition itself, the artworks will be greatly divulged digitally amplifying their itinerant vocation and added by the social media and also journalistic coverage. Among the participating Artists, there are those who are well-established, most of them, but also new talents, all holding hearts and hands together, encouraging the building of a path through the rich world of Art. Without privileges or discriminations, the format and the shape of this plural work, circular, exhibits the artists equally, the experienced ones and those at the beginning of their careers, being the public itself who will choose their favourite ones.


A project that grew up aside from the artistic creation, facing hugs and also great challenges, showing that union, strength, courage and the spirit of never giving up make it possible to overcome all the obstacles and to attain tangible and transforming results which honour and give even greater value to the richness of the manifestations of cultural interchanges, always keeping a ďŹ rm purpose, bigger on those who devote themselves to Art in body and soul. The Show da Bola is certainly a present to the lovers of Plastic Arts. Curator and creator of the project: Leda Maria do Prado.

Leda Maria is an art historian, artist, ďŹ ne art and ceramics instructor. Various magazines, newspapers and contemporary art catalogues in Brazil, United States and Europe have published her art as well as her writings throughout the years. Leda Maria holds several awards for her work as an artist.

Show de Bola New York

andrea annunziata

visual artist brazil

Andrea Annunziata was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. She has received her BFA from FAAP – FAP (Faculty of Fine Arts), in Architecture and Urbanism. Since 1998, she has dedicated herself to visual arts. In 2001, following prestigious shows, Annunziata moved to California what gave her the opportunity to exhibit her work at prominent venues. Concurrent to this experience Annunziata's work was included in noted art publications nationally and abroad. Since then, she's been invited to exhibit her work in numerous Brazilian and European shows, including The Grand-Palais des Champs Elysées in Paris. Currently, she works out of her studio in São Paulo surrounded by trees. Here, she has come to the understanding that the most important avenue to her inspiration is the connection with nature and her own inner self.


Title: “Fragmento de Madlane II” Medium: Oil on Canvas Size 31” W / 27” H


Show de Bola New York

elze arruda

visual artist brazil

Born in the state of Parana and raised in São Paulo State, Elze Arruda received her bachelors degree in fine arts from ASSETA in 1987. She also attended The Paulista Association of Fine Arts as well as the Brazilian Academy of Arts (ABRA), both in São Paulo. Always seeking to utilize new materials and techniques such as glass, wax, ceramics, concrete and recycled materials, the artist incorporates texture and transparency to her work. Arruda's paintings bring the Surrealism language, after Salvador Dali, to a contemporary dialog allowing realistic images to interact in an Oneiric reality. Through her work, the artist demonstrates the possibilities of a harmonic relationship between nature and human work. The artist has participated in many exhibitions and she has been involved in large scale in projects such as Terra Rasgada (Torn Earth) funded by the SESC, a government organization from the city of Sorocaba in the state of São Paulo.


Title: “Elos” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

patrícia azoni visual artist brazil

Brazilian architect, urban planner and artist formed in 1998, she has come to love the geometry's shapes, beginning their work in arts in 1999. When I am in contact with the pure architecture I came across the art, which identification was immediate and since then, I translate traits in volumes and volumes, into compositions. My panels are born from a drawing in two dimensions, as well as the projects and the sketches sometimes colorful , sometimes in black and white, the lines are manifested in reliefs, being observed as the architecture at the instant that the panel register the birth of volumes, with dynamism and simplicity.” She now lives and works in Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil.


Title: “Target” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

nicholas broughton

ďŹ ne artist australia

Nicholas Broughton is a robust, dedicated artist and is a self-confessed 'addict to the canvas'. He is obsessive about his particular discipline and considers a day without painting to be incomplete. His formative years were spent in Brazil and he learned to adapt to a fascinating and variegated scene where different cultural backgrounds and traditions blend together. The Brazilian artist Di Cavalcanti was an early inuence but after he started painting seriously, the inuence of Picasso, Modigliani and Chagall has dominated his canvasses and sculptures. Nicholas's clarity of idea and image, and distinctive sense of color attest to his daring individual stance in making powerful impassioned statements.


Title: “Night Time Favela” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

mariah campolina

fine artist brazil

She lives in Brasília-DF, Brazil, her professional training is in administration and her first contact with art was in 2004 with Woodson Mackelly and Jether Peixoto at the Atelier of the Arts House in Salvador, Bahia. Already in Brasilia continued to take courses with Frank and Cassia in the M & M workshop, and workshops with Gerard Assis. Enriching her knowledge is still exploring the Mixed techniques, textures and colors. She has participated in national and international exhibitions. Her works range from academic to Contemporary.


Title: “Ipê Rosa” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

pamela walt chauve

ďŹ ne artist france

Pamela Walt Chauve, a Franco-American, was born in Berkeley California in 1955. She specializes in oversized contemporary paintings in mixed materials and sculptures in bronze. An art student in both practical and performing arts, Pamela ďŹ rst studied drawing and painting at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1974. She attended Sarah Lawrence College in New York. Pamela later furthered her art studies in New York, Amsterdam and in Moscow, Russia. Pamela studied performing arts at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and had the pleasure of very briey studying with the late Lee Strasberg. Pamela lives in Paris with her husband and children and works as a commissioned artist. She has provided contemporary paintings for private collectors in Paris, Dallas, Laguna Beach, London, Switzerland, Singapore, Bahrein and Moscow.


Title: “French Can Can” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

diana doctorovich

ďŹ ne artist argentina / brazil

She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1975. And started her artistic activity at a very young age, and uses different techniques of drawing and painting, mainly oils, acrylics and pastels. She gets inspired by daily routine, and her passion for bright and live colors is manifested throughout her paintings. She is a member of the Brazilian Design and Visual Arts Association, ABD. Calls herself contemporary artist, and have participated in important exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, such as the VIII Biennale of Florence-2011, Artexpo New York in 2011-2012 in New York, and the I Biennale of Contemporary Art in Argentina, among others.


Title: “Corcovado” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

raymundo garza lozano fine artist mexico

Chemical Engineer by profession, Artist by vocation; fifteen years ago, began elaborating artworks utilizing materials that he discovered in coatings formulation and not commonly used in plastic arts: luminiscent, metallic and pearlescent pigments; body filler, heavy dutty, primers and acrylic automotive coatings and different sustrates like a aluminum & steel mesh, tin sheets, etc. He has participated in many solo shows in Mexico. Recently, thank to the rapid spread of his works in virtual galleries, some of his painting have been chosen by Immagine & Poesia to be linked to poetry by renowed poets of international stature, and participated in specialized Art Books: ICA Vol VI and Artisti a New York. His artworks expresses the trascendence of men on the universe, life, history and his own spirituality, but also he shows human race´s own explotation, war and the enviromental damage that the ambition of the powerful and their empires belived to be justified.


Title: “Mirages” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

erica gropp colen

fine artist brazil

Erica Gropp Colen is graduated in Fine Arts, at the Pontiff University of Campinas – PUCC in 1982. Has participated in several exhibitions in Brazil and has also many published articles in newspapers and magazines in the region of Campinas – SP – Brazil. The media in this new series was Posca pen on A3 canson paper. Posca marker is water based, for any surface, widely used in the decoration of surfboards and tennis. Lots of color and balance pleasantness and good humor that has the fish as main link between the works.


Title: “umbrellas” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

regina guimmarĂŁes

ďŹ ne artist brazil

She was born in Rio de Janeiro and is graduated at Fine Arts School of Rio de Janeiro. Has participated in several group exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. And got some awards also. And there is no limite to the artist about art.


Title: “John Lennon” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

juan jiménez

visual artist spain

Madrid 1942. He is a precocious artist who studied art form with Antonio Pérez de Castro. Then he made Painting and drawing at the workshop of the Madrid artist Eduardo Briones Chicharro. He has always played the drawing model in the Fine Arts Circle in Madrid, of which he is a member. In his drawings mainly nude style, bullfighting, landscape ... has been selected in several contests of Penagos Prize drawing of Mapfre Foundation and has won several national and international awards, including the Gold Medal in Drawing at the Master's of Saint-Roch, Montblanc, Silver Medal in Watercolor at the III Salon de Peinture Franco Spanish in Beziers, Bronze Medal in watercolor at Grande Motte. His work, exhibited at international fairs and exhibitions is seen in various Spanish and Portuguese institutions and museums, also at the Castillo de Merode (Germany), and numerous private collections.


Title: “Nude” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

saĂ­ra kleinhans

curator & visual artist japan

She has been involved since the age of 15 with the ďŹ ne arts. Several courses and Art Works are for itself the foundations of a public and recognized performance support by several awards as the result of Art exhibitions in Japan and partnerships has gained strength and fame by earning several awards at exhibitions in Japan and participations in international exhibitions in Europe, Brazil and Japan in 2009 and founded the IAPAJ was elected Founder President of IAPAJ WORLDWIDE International Association of Plastic Artists in Japan and from there has gained several international partnerships as Executive Vice President of Zarco Academy of Arts International and Madeira International Art Biennale Portugal MIAB, Vice President of Malta Arts Biennale and Tempra Academy of Arts UK for Japan, Manager Art Director of UPP-United Photo Press World, NY for Japan.


Title: “Fellings” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

pani kristophe

photographer france

Originally from France, Kristophe Pani is a self-taught photographer. Everything happened very fast for him, during private exhibition and in galleries, he was spotted by Mrs. P Berest, Artistic Director, and consequently that he began to present his photographic works and got exhibitions in some other French galleries, a trusted name in a place of photography, Bazacle Gallery next to the Jean Marie Perier. So he was introduced to the French art circle. What he likes? .... The detail, imperfection. That photography becomes an abstract painting that request in the light of being imaginative, contemplative. Kristophe Pani loves above all to show the invisible. He enjoys working with very little light , ash, sometimes with just a simple lighting bulb. His approach photography not end there, it is mainly through the abstraction of man and its complexity, ambiguity, birth, death and beliefs. He can spend a landscape, to photographs of nudes, city, object details, urban art. He had many exhibitions in France, in Toulouse, Paris, New York, and is upcoming soon in Berlin at a Cultural Project called Show de Bola , Brazil and New York.


Title: “Cosmic” Medium: Carton, Foam, Acrylic, on Canvas Size 31” W / 27” H


Show de Bola New York

juh leidl

fine artist brazil

Born in Brazil, Juh Leidl at the age of 14 conquered the golden medal at the Childen's Art Gallery in Zánka, Hungary. Studied Fine Arts at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, where she graduated with a major in painting and participated in group exhibitions promoted in the University Gallery and other galleries in Brazil. Worked at the Contemporary Art Museum of Campinas at the project Dali Monumental exhibition in 98 coordinated by Vania Lucia de Oliveira Carvalho. Post graduated at Escola Panamericana de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil (Pan-American School of Art of Sao Paulo). Raised in a family of artists, her uncle Raul Porto, a well known artist of the Concrete Movement in Brazil and her father Mauro Soares, a major contemporary artist- pop oriented, who has gained many influences that can be found in his latest artwork.


Title: “Fragmentos” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

ancel l贸pez

visual artist usa

Ancel Lopez tells his art through images full of symbols and messages. An art born between landscapes brimful of colors and scents which by a serene and deep look have been transformed into a work of art. The artist's symbols tells about passion, time body and fertility. Simple and natural values that everybody feels on his own skin and in deep of his heart.


Title: “El dulce calor de tu cuerpo” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

arbia loudhaief

visual artist tunisia

Born in Tunisia, she is the founder and president of the Plastic Artists without Borders Association. Arbia has learned from the best Tunisian artists while studying Fine Arts in Tunisia. Over the past two decades, she has exhibited her artistic masterpieces in many cities as Paris, Morocco, Montreal‌. Her paintings have been displayed in prestigious places such as the Museum of Modern art in Tunisia and were it was selected to decorate the eet of the Tunisian Navigation Company.


Title: “Goddess of Carthage” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

leda maria

visual artist united states of america / brazil

She was born in Brazil, raised in São Paulo, and hold degree in art history (MFA) at Faap- Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado and fine art (BFA) at Fatea- Faculdades Integradas Teresa D'Avila. Art History at Scuola Lorenzo de Medici in Florence – Italy.And sculpture , printmaking at The Art Student League of New York and drawing/painting at New York Studio School. She is a versatile visual artist whom works in watercolors, oils, acrylics, mixed media, and encaustic. She also makes ceramics , sculptures and installations. Influenced by Kandinsky and abstract expressionism, especially color field , but she also makes figurative paintings . Her passion, intellectual rigor, and solid technique to creates a genuinely original body of work.


Title: “Life is Red I” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

daniela matchael

visual artist brazil

Daniela Matchael received her formal fine arts training at the Panamerican School of Arts in Sao Paulo, Brazil. After finishing her studies, Daniela worked as an apprentice to accomplished Brazilian artists, taught art at private schools, and showed her work in galleries in the large cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. After moving to the United States she began painting murals, but still taught art at her private studio while still accepting private commissions. While flying over the Midwest, looking out of the plane’s window, she found the inspiration for her recent collection of work entitled “Fields.” Talking about her paintings, she often mentions the dialogue between the colors and movement. “My work is almost molecular, and represents all that moves the world around us.” One can feel Daniela’s passion and verve through her paintings. Her varied palette and technique invite the viewer to admire and connect with the paintings’ near hypnotic qualities.


Title: “Cardume I (Shoal I)” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

beth parin

photographer usa

Beth has a unique ability to capture what most people can only dream of. Her unique way of looking at the world, through the eye of a lens, allows others the opportunity to gain a glimpse of the passion she has for the art she sees in all of life. Beth received her BFA from St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana and her MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in BlomďŹ eld Hills, Michigan. Beth is an Associate Professor in digital imaging and photography at Governors State University, where her academic research and artistic visions have allowed her the opportunity to receive several awards and share her artistic visions and knowledge in exhibitions and publications throughout North America, Europe, South America and Africa.


Title: “Color My World” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

jim pescott fine artist canada

Jim Pescott paints with dots in a style he refers to as contemporary pointillism. In his words, “I paint with dots because everything on the earth is connected so nothing is solitary. Dots allow me to explore that connectivity.” Jim will tell you he paints landscapes because landscapes are life and they touch everyone. Jim has participated in the celebrated juried entry Salon 2011, Salon 2012 and Salon 2013 held by the historic Societe Nationale des Beaux-art at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France. And in June 2013, he was awarded a medal by the national Societe Academique d'Education st d'Encouranment Arts-SciencesLettres in Paris, France. In 2012, ARTtour International Magazine referred to Jim as a 'pointillism master'. Jim is entirely self-taught: he says he listens to what the canvas wants as he paints. He lives and creates in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He has participated in the 2014 SNBA in Paris in addition to 2011, 2012 and 2014. In 2015 he is going to participate at the 56th Venice Biennale at Costa Rica Pavillion.


Title: “When the sun absorbs The Shadows” Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

eunice tropia pinheiro

visual artist brazil

Pinheiro Eunice Tropia is a native of Ouro Preto – MG (1958). Already he exhibited in several expositions. Did workshops and courses where taught his art to children and communities in need. His work reflects your aesthetic baggage showing a symbiosis of his experience in the fashion world and its interpretation of the sacred. Eunice worked several years in styling where forged his aesthetic sense, about strong influence of religious art probably sharpened by the fact of living in the city of Ouro Preto, Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO). The artist is self-taught in his works portraying the religiosity of poetic and simple way, using various materials of everyday life, with remarkable simplicity and beauty. Some applications are sassy, without losing, however, respect for beliefs. The materials used by the artist run entirely on conventional model already used by other artists.


Title: “Communication is Key to Faith” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

katia politzer sculptress brazil

Katia Politzer was born and lives in Rio de Janeiro. She has a degree from UFRJ's School of Fine Arts and had many art classes in Brazil and USA. Katia has been actively presented her art works in a group and solo shows. The most important events in Brazil being at Funarte, Centro Cultural dos Correios and Forte Copacabana.Some of the international exhibitions were at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, the 2nd Bienal of Palermo in Italy and Spectrum Miami Art Show. She had received several awards, such as Sandro Botticelli Prize in Florence, Italy. For over twenty years she has been dedicated herself to Glass Artwork, mainly using the Fusing technique to create sculptures, panels and special projects, many of which with themes inspired by the Brazilian indigenous graphics and landscapes.


Title: “Mata” Medium: Sculpture (glass fusing technique) Size: (50 x 40 x 10 cm)


Show de Bola New York

ufemia rizk

visual artist canada

"Art is a universal language, a gloriďŹ cation of the human spirit." Born in Jaffa, raised in Lebanon, lived in Egypt and in Jordan where she studied art with Fahrelnissa Zeid. In 1993, moved to Montreal. First solo exhibition in Paris, 1979 at Katia Granoff gallery. Since then, she's had 12 solo exhibitions in the Middle East, Europe and Canada. Over 55 group exhibitions worldwide. In 1984, nominated Societaire at the Salon d'Automne Grand Palais Paris. She has gotten many international awards and distinctions. Artist Statement: "As an artist I trace this magic sign of human existence by telling a story with my brush and color to sing the melody of the world."


Title: “Emerging Planets” Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

luma sanos

sculptress brazil

Artistically known as Luma Sanos. I am a sculptor since 1994. Born in Brazil in 1958, graduated in Physics in Rio de Janeiro. I've discovered my true passion for sculpture after joining Flory Menezes atelier, in Rio. I have been trying ever since to transpose into material all kinds of shapes, emotions and movement. Throughout the years I have been taking courses that increase my possibilities, always trying different material and techniques. Someone saw some of my work and said: it made me smile. That is exactly the purpose of my artwork, bring magic and fantasy to people's life. I currenty live in Curitiba and work in "Atelier de esculturas da Fundação Cultural do Parque São Lourenço" with the orientation of artist Elvo Damo and in my own atelier. I'm represented by Ward- Nasse Galery, NY. since 2011.


Title: “Paper ring o' roses” Medium:Papier mache with iron structure Size 17 x 29 x 30cm


Show de Bola New York

joanne savoie

visual artist canada

Born in New Brunswick, Canada in 1957, Joanne Savoie has lived in Ottawa for many years. A graduate in graphic arts, she only became a full-time painter in 2006. Joanne Savoie has her own style, which joins illusion and reality, abstract and image; a style that could be described as impressionistic “dreaming”. She mainly uses a spatula, which gives movement and life to her paintings. The interaction between her and her canvas is immediate. She is constantly trying to grasp the impression of the moment, the fleeting emotions that, with her acute sense of observation, allow her to perceive ever-more intriguing subjects. The unconscious added to an unbridled imagination generate a world of fantasy. Joanne Savoie's paintings have been sold throughout Canada, in the United States, in Europe and as far away as China. Her work has been exhibited in many countries: France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, USA and Canada.


Title: “Cityscape at Night” Medium: Giclée on canvas Size: 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

durand seay

visual artist usa

The paintings of Durand Seay, artist and architect, are driven by his intrinsic connection to structures found in nature and the expressions of time. The work harnesses the viewer's subconscious to instill awareness, insight, achievement and the ascendancy of personal virtue. The work, surreal at times, explores fantastic imagery. His intuitive character guides the spontaneity to express an abstract language. Space becomes form like an architect implanting an idiom of time through movement. His work has been exhibited in numerous juried exhibitions all over the southeast since 1978, and recently in 2013 Montgomery Art Guild Museum of Fine Art Exhibition, Alabama and in 2009 “Imaginary Journeys�, Trevisan Arte Internationale invitational exhibition, Ferrara Italia.


Title: “ Silver Ring” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

linda de sousa

visual artist portugal / spain

Linda de Sousa (Lisbon, 1949) nationalized Spanish resident in Madrid, multidisciplinary artist, lecturer, art critic, curator and professor of ďŹ ne arts. She began her artistic career in the 80s, ďŹ rst with paint and gradually was expressed with different materials and in different genres: sculpture, performance, and installation, since her "Transparentes" series The White Night at the Museum Thyssen Bornemisza in Madrid. In her career she has performed more than a hundred exhibitions in and outside Spain. As an artist he has received several awards, including: First Prize Installation at the University of Chapingo (Mexico); Excellence Award Illustrated Tertulia de Madrid (Spain); First Prize in Arts in Beziers (France); Great Gold Medal at the Salon Arceburgo XXVII Minas Gerais (Brazil), among others. Her recent work focuses on the abuse of the weakest in society such as women, children or the elderly, a topic on which he has lectured at various universities and institutional forums.


Serie tribute to the intellectual Title: “Los gozos y las sombras” (Novela Gonzalo Torrente Ballester) Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H 54

Show de Bola New York

mayte spínola

fine artist spain

Mayte Spínola gives creative and personal homage to the great dreamer of innocence that was Miró, his paintings perpetrates the way of the master, in a creative flight towards the light. Passionate explorer of the pictoric field, it could be said that she paints in a state of poetic impregnation, almost trance like, surfaces in dominant monochromes that have a mysterious annunciating power. From the matter severe and definite signs sprout and stand tall, alien to the vibrating area that surrounds them. This notion of cosmic genesis of evolving atmosphere, of physical field expansion, is one of the indisputable characteristics of her paintings. Considering the inherent expressiveness of colour in her paintings we have to say: The pinks on white and light fabrics. The rampant ochre in ride. Joyful greens. Fire of yellows... Violets that ply from garnet to mauve... Rosa Martínez de Lahidalga


Title: “Tauromaquia II” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

ruth stirnimann

fine artist new zealand / switzerland The vibrant colours and disciplined designs in Ruth Stirniman's work evoke images of music. Allegro, vibrato, staccato are adjectives applicable to her work. Her paintings are alive and like all original music comes straight from the heart and soul of her being. This shows in her work and the meticulous, precise way she conveys her feelings. Ruth Stirnimann, born and brought up in Switzerland, lives and works in New Zealand.. Her works are internationally recognized with exhibitions in cities like Christchurch, Buenos Aires, Sydney, New York, Helsinki, Rome, Milan, Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. Her paintings are also represented at international art fairs such as Scope Basel, Berliner Liste, Biennale D'arte in Rome, St.Art in Strasbourg and Spectrum Miami. Her work is represented in many international contemporary art books. In December 2013 Ruth won the first prize over 1050 artists in the international art competition in Rome with the topic “La Tua Arte Nel Sociale” and was granted in August 2014 at the 6th International Festival of the Arts in Rome the International Prize of the festival.


Title: “Uniting Humanity” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

cilmara tamochunas

visual artist brazil

There are many factors that shape an artist... From early on, making use of her natural gift, Cilmara has been absorbing with great sensibility all the resources that each stage of life can offer. Therefore, each common situation such as studying, creating, raising up her daughters, decorating, working, traveling and portraying were rich sources of inspiration leading her to reproduce on canvas the deepest feelings only an artist can absorb and transmit in each stroke. She is inspired by the feelings and emotion captured on one's eyes and somehow she challenges herself to express it pictorially on portrays. Throughout her carrier she has participated in exhibitions around the world where she has given demonstrations of her technical abilities and has also been awarded prizes. Looking at her painting and letting it invade your soul is at least a great pleasure to the artist.


Title: “Introspection” Medium: Texture, Charcoal and Arylic on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

vânia valdo

fine artist brazil

Born in Brazil, and her first profession was in orthodontics, and as she has much ability with her hands, she always liked to work with art, but not thinking of being a professional, so she started learning and doing for herself, and than she realized that many people were interested in her paintings so since last year she opened her art to a curator, that also liked very much her art work, and since then 6months later she was invited to have exhibition in Vienna, Bratislava, and at The Carrousel du Louvre – SNBA in Paris.


Title: “Marilyn Monroe Pop III” Medium: Giclée on Canvas Size 31” W X 27”H


Show de Bola New York

EXHIBITION: Art Expo New York 2015 Booth Number 439


Volume 01

CATALOG: Front cover and back cover made by: Juh Leidl Front cover art paintings top and bottom: Linda de Sousa On the right: Leda Maria and Juh Leidl On the left: Juh Leidl and Leda Maria

DESIGN /PRODUCTION: Linda de Sousa Alicia Alonso de Sousa Juh Leidl

EDITOR AND PUBLISHER: Leda Maria Copyright漏 2015. The Show de Bola Project . All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. All rights in each work of art reproduced herein are retained by the artist. SPONSORS:


Gesti贸n integral de alquileres

Show de Bola New York

Show de Bola at Spectrum Miami Contemporany Art Show

·Pamela Walt Chauve ·Diana Doctorovich ·Raymundo Garza Lozano ·Erica Gropp Colen ·Regina Guimmarães

Artexpo NY 2015 ·Ufemia Rizk ·Luma Sanos ·Joanne Savoie ·Durand Seay ·Linda de Sousa

Leda Maria

·Arbia Loudhaief ·Daniela Matchael ·Beth Parin ·Jim Pescott ·Katia Politzer

·Juan Jimenez ·Saíra Kleinhans ·Pani Kristophe ·Juh Leidl ·Ancel López

Show de Bola 2015 New York USA

·Mayte Spínola ·Ruth Stirnimann ·Cilmara Tamochunas ·Eunice Tropia Pinheiro ·Vania Valdo

·Andrea Annunziata ·Elze Arruda ·Patricia Azoni ·Nicholas Broughton ·Mariah Campolina

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.