24 Oct - 1 Nov 2009
Manchester Science Festival 2009 Welcome to the third Manchester Science Festival! Workshop & Demo Walk & Tour Talk Exhibition Performance Film Debate
Now we are three! From 24 October – 1 November the Festival is back. We've got an exciting and jam-packed programme of events giving you the chance to explore, discover, question, and get hands-on with the very latest in all things science. To keep the whole family entertained over half term why not come along to one of our many workshops from robot building to spy skills, get curious with bubbles or discover more about Charles Darwin. You can meet the fastest car in the World, gaze up at the night's sky or for a real treat take the whole family to our exciting headline shows from Brainiac's very own Dr Bunhead and best-selling “Horrible Science” author Nick Arnold. And for the adults, something a little more sophisticated... try dabbling with the science of luck, scare yourself silly with our Science Festival fright-fest, or join in the debate of the latest hot topics. If you'd like to take your voyage of discovery at a more leisurely pace, you can explore the science of the city by foot on one of our many themed walks. Meet science face-to-face with pros like Steve Jones and Richard Wiseman, and see the funny side of science with some very talented stand-ups. This year, the Festival has spread all over Greater Manchester, so keep your eyes peeled for our famous science buskers, take in an exhibition or two, or even join in our online experiments from home. We had so much fun last year, we hope you enjoy what we have in store for you. You’ll laugh, you’ll gasp, you’ll never look at science the same way again. We look forward to seeing you there!
About the programme Use this programme to look through the range of events taking place throughout the Festival. Events are listed in date order with exhibitions and ongoing events at the back. To help you choose the events you want to go to, our themes and audience levels are there to guide you:
Themes Manchesticity – the city's endeavours, achievements, people, places and ideas Mind & body – activities and topics about our brains and brawn Our planet & beyond – exploring Earth and the impact we have on our home planet, and looking into our skies and space
Bright ideas – the best of cutting-edge and innovative science and research. Question those in the know and discuss the future
Audience level A lot of our events are suitable for mixed age groups. Where possible, we have listed who each event is most suitable for: Everyone / Adults / Teenagers / Families with children aged 11+ / Families with children aged 5+ / Also suitable for under 5s. Where the event is for a more specific audience, we have added additional information.
How to book Most events in the Festival are free. Where there is a charge, we have tried to keep this as low as possible. Some events in the programme are drop-in, some you just need to turn up at the start, but others you will need to book in advance. Information about event costs and how to book is included under each event listing in the programme. You can also find out more on our website: www.manchestersciencefestival.com You can also drop us a line: info@manchestersciencefestival.com or phone MOSI on 0161 833 0027 for more information Sign up to our newsletter or check out our blog as we report all the goings-on in the run-up to and during the Festival: www.manchestersciencefestival.blogspot.com You can also find us on twitter @mcrscifest and on Facebook. If tweeting about the Festival, please use #msf09 Disclaimer: Although we have tried our best to ensure all information is correct at time of going to print, events can be subject to change. Do check the website and with the venue/organisers before setting off. There may also be a couple of additional events added to the programme, which we will add to the website!
Trailblazers We have a series of Festival trailblazers taking place in the run-up to the Festival... Mind & body Our planet & beyond Manchesticity Bright ideas
Full of Life: Tavern tour
Alzheimer’s Research Trust talk
In association with Urbis, MOSI takes you on a special tour of Manchester's brewing history. Enjoy a stroll around the city centre and learn about some of the unique architecture and legends of the city's best loved pubs. You'll even get the chance to sample a couple of examples! Exclusively for Full of Life you'll also learn all about the brewing processes and get an insight into life in Manchester's breweries.
By 2025, one million people are predicted to be affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. In association with the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, specially selected speakers will tell you everything you need to know about living with dementia and the work being done to help.
Format: Walk Audience: Adults 50+ Venue: Tour starts at Urbis Date: Wednesday 30 September Time: 12pm – 2pm and 2pm – 4pm Cost and booking info: £2 per person. Places limited. To book a place please call 0161 833 0027 or email r.leese@mosi.org.uk Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI and Full of Life Festival
Dementia debate Trailblazer@IWMN Join our Curator for our special edition ‘A Closer Look’ tour and discover the ingenuity and innovation that thrived in Second World War Prisoner of War camps through our exhibition Captured: The Extraordinary Life of Prisoners of War. Format: Tour (A Closer Look) Audience: Adults Venue: Imperial War Museum North's Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Thursday 24 September Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book - meet at reception Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Imperial War Museum North
As Britain's population grows older, one of the greatest challenges we face is looking after people with dementia. Hot on the heels of the Nuffield report into dementia care, join experts in the subject to debate the issues and help contribute to how the government thinks about mental health for older people. Refreshments provided. Format: Debate Audience: Adults 50+ Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Monday 5 October Time: 1pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. To book a place please call 0161 833 0027 or email r.leese@mosi.org.uk Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI and Full of Life Festival
Format: Talk Audience: Adults 50+ Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Monday 5 October Time: 6pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. To book a place please call 0161 833 0027 or email r.leese@mosi.org.uk Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI and Full of Life Festival
Creation Equal parts ghost story, psychological thriller and love story, Creation is the powerful story of Charles Darwin and the single most explosive idea in modern history, starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly. This event will be introduced by Henry McGhie, Head of 'Natural Environments' Team and Curator of Zoology at the Manchester Museum who will talk about Charles Darwin’s life, discoveries and legacy. Format: Introduction and film Audience: Everyone. This film has certificate 12A Venue: Cornerhouse Date: Tuesday 6 October Time: 6.10pm – 8.30pm Cost and booking info: £7. Concessions available. To book visit www.cornerhouse.org Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Cornerhouse and Manchester Science Festival
Manchester Astronomical Society: A brief history
Another Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery and Human Origins
Kevin J Kilburn F.R.A.S. will be giving a talk about Manchester Astronomical Society and its fascinating history. He has been a member for 40 years and a former president of MAS. He is also the Secretary of the Society for the History of Astronomy.
Acclaimed author of the Artemis Fowl novels, Eoin Colfer was given the task of penning a 30th Anniversary sequel to the late, great Douglas Adams' phenomenally successful series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Adams' final book ended (as it began) with the complete destruction of Earth - not much of an opening for Eoin Colfer to start the newest book in the series, And Another Thing. So how does Colfer bring the eternal pessimist Arthur Dent, his alien best friend Ford Prefect and the two headed Galactic President Zaphod Beelbebrox back from the dead?
Lecture by James Moore, eminent historian of science, biographer of Darwin, and author (with Adrian Desmond) of an outstanding recent book Darwin's Sacred Cause. Learn how the anti-slavery cause, with which Darwin grew up, shaped his views on the evolutionary unity of mankind and man's place in the animal kingdom.
Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: The Portico Library. Please note there is no wheelchair access at this venue Date: Tuesday 13 October Time: 6.30pm – 9pm Cost and booking info: £16.50 with buffet. £5 talk only. Call 0161 236 6785, email assistant.librarian@theportico.org.uk or pop in to book your place Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Portico Library
Darwin: A Life in Poems Acclaimed poet Ruth Padel will be reading from her most recent collection, Darwin: A Life in Poems, a poetic biography of her great-great-grandfather, capturing the significant moments and experiences in the life of our greatest scientist. Padel is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and the Zoological Society of London. Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Manchester Museum, Animal Life Gallery Date: Thursday 15 October Time: 7.30pm Cost and booking info: £7 / £5 concessions. Book on 0843 208 0500 or www.manchesterliteraturefestival.co.uk Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Literature Festival
Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Contact Theatre Date: Thursday 15 October Time: 8pm Cost and booking info: £7 / £5 concessions. Book on 0161 274 0600 or www.contact-theatre.org Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Manchester Literature Festival
Format: Lecture Audience: Adults Venue: Roscoe building, Brunswick St, University of Manchester Date: Tuesday 20 October Time: 5.30pm – 7pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester and the Manchester Museum
Evolving words Manchester poets Shirley May and Ali Gadema have been working with the vibrant Young Identity young people's collective to create poetry that explores how Darwin's science connects to our 21st century lives. Come and witness the results at this one-off special event that we'll all leave talking about. Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Manchester Museum, Animal Life Gallery Date: Thursday 22 October Time: 7.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Book on 0843 208 0500 or www.manchesterliteraturefestival.co.uk Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Literature Festival
Saturday Mind & body
24 October TH
Our planet & beyond
Bright ideas
Dinosaur roar!
Science of food: Brewing beer
Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens.
Come and find out more about the ingredients and processes behind the brewing of beer.
Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Sustainable sounds Make and play instruments from recycled objects in this fun, educational workshop. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+ Venue: MOSI - Classroom Date: Saturday 24, Sunday 25 and Monday 26 October Time: 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Sustainable Sounds
Format: Info & handling session Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI - Meeting Room 2 Date: Saturday 24, Tuesday 27 and Thursday 29 October Time: 10am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Robot hack day Bring your old electronic junk and toys down to Madlab. Take them apart and put them back together again as... robots! Work on your own or team up with others - there will be prizes at the end of the day for the best entries. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Adults, teenagers and families 11+ Venue: Madlab Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: www.madlab.org.uk. You can stay as long/short as you like on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Time to adjust your set Television in the UK is going digital. Digital TV switchover is the biggest change in broadcasting since the move from black and white to colour over forty years ago. The Granada TV region begins its switch on 4 November this year – but what does it mean for you? Digital UK, the organisation helping people with switchover, will be at MOSI to answer all your questions about digital TV. You can also meet Digit Al, the iconic robot and star of BBC and commercial television. Format: Info and Q&A Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI – Connecting Manchester Gallery Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Digital UK
Family telecommunications weekend This exhibition traces the history of telecommunications from semaphore flags to the modern day mobile phone. Our world is driven by telecommunications thanks to the telephone, Internet, world wide web and mobile phone. Come and find out how the technology works, look at how it has changed and enjoy using vintage telecommunications equipment and home computers. Format: Hands-on exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - 1st Floor Balcony/Goldstone Room Date: Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October Time: Sat: 10am - 5pm, Sun: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Salford
Build a bugbot Using circuits you can build a robot that loves to be in the spotlight. Tweak your circuit and your robot will appear as though it's scared of the light, and try and run away. In this workshop, you can make your own robot, inspired by the work of a scientist called Valentino Braitenberg and learn how scientists and engineers are researching lots of simple robots that work together. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October Time: 10.30am, 1.30pm, 3pm (45 min sessions) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Brain in a bag You can make a working model of your brain out of household items! Can you teach a bunch of clothesline and loo roll to play snap? This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 10.30am, 1.30pm, 3pm (45 min sessions) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Walking With Robots
Bad Bugs Bookclub present: Plague - past, present and... A Trip to Eyam Join us on a trip back in time as we hop on the coach to visit the Derbyshire village of Eyam, scene of the spooky plague outbreak in the 1600s. We'll enjoy a guided tour and a discussion about microbiology over a pub lunch. The following Friday everyone will be invited back as we read the plague-related book 'Year of Wonders' by Geraldine Brooks at the second 'Bad Bugs Bookclub'. More details on page 27. Format: Guided walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ The bookclub will comprise a mix of scientists and the general public. It is essential that all members of the bookclub, and thus the village tour participants, read the book. Venue: Meet outside MOSI Date: Saturday 24 October followed by book club meeting on Friday 30 October. Time: The coach will leave MOSI at 9.30am to arrive in Eyam at 11am. Depart Eyam at 2pm to arrive back in Manchester at 3pm Cost and booking info: £10 per person. Book tickets online: http://mcrscifesteyam.eventbrite.com Payment will be taken on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Metropolitan University
Future tech workshop Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make? Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
The Bird Book The Bird Book is a stimulating and interactive show for young children (aged 4-9), which combines poetic storytelling, dynamic puppetry and live music. Two young boys embark on a great adventure to find out where the Osprey nests, following its trail in a hot air balloon. This enchanting event can be enjoyed by all the family. Format: Interactive show Audience: Families aged 4-9 Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 12pm - 1pm, 2pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £5 (includes 1 accompanying adult per child). Tickets are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Book on 0843 208 0500 or www.manchesterliteraturefestival.co.uk Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Manchester Literature Festival and The Manchester Museum
Saturday 24 October
Science slam Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket? Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in. For more information contact: learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Spy skills: Memory game Develop your spy skills by joining one of our fun and informative Studio Workshops. Make your own memory game, periscope or code wheel and get hands on with a real First World War trench periscope. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+. The Learning Studio includes a soft play area with early years toys and books for the under 5s Venue: Imperial War Museum North's Learning Studio Date: Saturday 24, Tuesday 27 and Saturday 31 October with other events during half term Time: 12.45pm, 1.45pm and 2.45 pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Imperial War Museum North
When it Changed: Science-into Fiction When it Changed is an 'experiment' in almost the correct sense of the word: a collaboration between leading scientists and literary authors to create a brand new strain of the SF bug; one that extends the scientific repertoire of the genre beyond the commonplaces of space-travel, time-travel or AI, and brings it back into contact with diverse, credible, and contemporary research areas. Format: Anthology launch Audience: Adults Venue: Friends Meeting House Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 1pm - 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Tickets £5 / £3 Book on 0843 208 0500 or www.manchesterliteraturefestival.co.uk Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Literature Festival
4000 years in 400 pages How do you fit 4000 years of science into 400 pages? Historians call this the Big Picture problem, and now Patricia Fara has provided a solution Science: A Four Thousand Year History. In this talk, she discusses three of the Big Questions she had to confront while she was writing her book: When did science begin? Who did science? How does science change? Some of her answers may be unexpected. Format: Talk Audience: Adults Venue: The John Rylands Library, Deansgate - Historic Reading Room Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 1pm - 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Oxford University Press
Dr Bunhead's crash test jelly babies Brainiac's most explosive TV scientist comes to Manchester; testing innocent jelly babies to destruction, all in the name of science. A "pyrotechnic extravaganza" [Daily Mail] featuring: spontaneously combusting jelly babies; exploding hot water bottles; S.A.S. trained stunt bananas; bottom-burp ignition... "Silly, crazy, dirty, dangerous and magnificent" [Daily Telegraph] live science for kids. A "burning, bubbling, exploding ball of fun" [Sunday Times].
Poetry and the planets How do we imagine the stars? This hands-on session looks at the way that the universe has been imagined in paintings, poetry and prose, and the kinds of scientific equipment that has been used to visualise it over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. You will be invited to picture the night sky and create your own picture-in-words of the stars and planets. Format: Workshop Audience: Families (9-12 years old) Venue: Salford Museum Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking essential. To book email: salford.museum@salford.gov.uk or phone: 0161 778 0800 Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: University of Salford
Format: Show Audience: Everyone Venue: Manchester Central Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 2pm - 3pm and 4pm - 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online at http://msfbunhead.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Footballing robots Make your own robo-footballer and play it in a team tournament with other robofootballers! Learn how to give your robot attacking or defending skills, and adapt it over several rounds to win your team the highest goal difference. You could be crowned champion! This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+ Venue: Madlab Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 6pm - 9pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: www.madlab.org.uk. Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
A pub guide to robots Meet the robots without the kids getting in the way! This evening is a chance to have a beer, meet researchers and roboticists and get hands-on with demos and activities. We'll be sharing our short “pub guide to…”, as well as giving you a chance to compete in the pub quiz. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Hands-on demonstrations and presentations Audience: Adults (16+) Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery and Cafe Date: Saturday 24 October Time: 6.30pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfpubrobots.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Saturday 24 October
25 TH
October The whistle-stop tour
Would you like a whistle-stop, backstage tour around a state-of-the-art train maintenance facility? Would you like to try our exciting simulator and experience what it's like to drive a train? Join us on this exclusive tour around Ardwick Train Maintenance Depot, open to the public for the very first time. Format: Walking guided tour Audience: Families 11+ (strictly 11yrs+ due to Health & Safety restrictions) Venue: Ardwick Train Maintenance Depot Date: Sunday 25 October Time: Tours on the hour from 10am. Last tour 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Limited places. 12 people maximum per tour, minimum age 11yrs. Book online at www.siemens.co.uk/msf Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Siemens plc
Sustainable sounds Make and play instruments from recycled objects in this fun, educational workshop. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+ Venue: MOSI Classroom Date: Saturday 24 – Monday 26 October Time: 10 – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Sustainable Sounds
Family telecommunications weekend This exhibition traces the history of telecommunications from semaphore flags to the modern day mobile phone. Our world is driven by telecommunications thanks to the telephone, Internet, world wide web and mobile phone. Come and find out how the technology works, look at how it has changed and enjoy using vintage telecommunications equipment and home computers. Format: Hands-on exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - 1st Floor Balcony/Goldstone Room Date: Saturday 24 – Sunday 25 October Time: Sat: 10am - 5pm, Sun: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Salford
Build a bugbot Using circuits you can build a robot that loves to be in the spotlight. Tweak your circuit and your robot will appear as though it's scared of the light, and try and run away. In this workshop, you can make your own robot, inspired by the work of a scientist called Valentino Braitenberg and learn how scientists and engineers are researching lots of simple robots that work together. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October Time: 10.30am, 1.30pm, 3pm (45 mins long) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
The sweet computer You don't need circuit boards or lines of code to build a computer – you just need some sweets! Build a computer and give it some tasty artificial intelligence. Along the way you'll see how real computers can learn. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Sunday 25 October Time: 10.30am, 1pm, 3.15pm (45 mins long) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking with Robots
Trencherfield Mill Steam Engine The 2,500 horse power Trencherfield Mill Steam Engine is one of the largest and finest working examples of its type. Built 100 years ago this mammoth metal powerhouse was regarded as a feat of industrial engineering. Visitors are able to enjoy this giant's immense size and power and, more importantly, experience it working as it did all those years ago - full steam ahead! Format: Engine viewing, talk and Q&A Audience: Families 11+ Venue: The Engine House, Trencherfield Mill Date: Sunday 25 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 11am - 11.45am and 1pm - 1.45pm Cost and booking info: Free. The engine is free to view at the times detailed. You can also view during the week by prior arrangement for group visits for a small charge. Please phone 01942 828128 for more information Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Wigan Heritage Services (as part of Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust)
Science slam
Science show
Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket?
Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system!
Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Tavern tour Experience a city steeped in drinking traditions and visit some of the city's best loved pubs, each with their unique character and history. Sample drinks are included along the way. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ (Spaces limited to 10 persons per tour) Venue: Walk starts at Urbis Date: Sunday 25 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 12pm Cost and booking info: £7. This includes two half pint drinks. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop-in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
Robot scenes Join us in the cult TV and sci-fi heaven that is TV21, for an evening with science broadcaster Quentin Cooper and leading researchers and roboticists. There'll be film clips to provoke discussion on the hottest topics in robotics - consciousness, their possible utopian or dystopian futures, science fiction vs reality, and more! Drop in after 6pm to grab a drink or have something to eat, and meet some robots and roboticists. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Film clips and discussion Audience: Adults. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult Venue: TV21 Date: Sunday 25 October Time: 7pm - 8.15pm, but come along from 6pm to eat and meet Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Sunday 25 October
26 October th
Dinosaur roar!
Creepy crawly robots
Robots in therapy and play
Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens.
Design and make your own moving robot! Learn how to recreate animal movements using simple mechanisms - crawling, flapping, waddling or rocking. Children – be sure to bring an adult so they can join in with the fun! This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival.
Find out how robots can be used in play activities to encourage social interaction skills in children with special needs, such as autism. There is then a chance to interact with the robot! This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival.
Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Sustainable sounds Make and play instruments from recycled objects in this fun, educational workshop. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+ Venue: MOSI - Classroom Date: Saturday 24 – Monday 26 October Time: 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Sustainable Sounds
Format: Workshop and hands-on activity Audience: Families aged 8-12 Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 October Time: 10.15am, 2.30pm (duration up to 1.5hrs) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking with robots
Bags of fun! Use everyday rubbish such as newspapers, magazines and comics and make them into fun paper bags, ideal for keeping all your bits and pieces in or giving to someone as a present! You'll learn to put the bag together and then decorate it with handmade paper beads, colourful paper decorations and fancy bag handles made from string. Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 October Time: 10.30am – 11.30am, 11.45am – 12.45pm & 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Ministry of Craft
Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+ Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 October Time: 11am, 11.30am, 12pm, 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm (15 mins long) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Walking With Robots
Radical city From cultural and social revolutionaries to radical businessmen, discover Manchester's political heritage. The tour promises to raise many issues relevant to us today. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Walk begins at Urbis Date: Monday 26 and Friday 30 October Time: Mon 26: 11am and Fri 30: 3pm Cost and booking info: £3 per person. To book Tel: 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop into the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
The Darwin drawing studio Drop in to our Darwin drawing studio. Create a masterpiece inspired by nature, like the ones Charles Darwin used in his scientific research. Format: Drawing workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Chemistry with cabbage A demonstration of 20 chemistry experiments that you can do at home using household ingredients. Find out how to make a lava lamp, join molecules together to make plastic, why you need to eat greens and how to clean an elephant's teeth. Format: Show Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for families with children 7+ Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 October Time: 11am – 12pm and 1pm – 2pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Lorelly Wilson Ltd
Science slam
Science show
Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket?
Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system!
Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
“Wish I'd Thought of That!” Inventors Club Inventors wanted! Could you design a self cleaning room, a robot to do your homework, grow food for a long space trip, non-smelly socks or even a telly for the future? You will be able to join in and make something new with hands-on activities and prizes for the best inventions. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 8 to 12. First session for 8 - 10 year olds and second session for 11 - 12 year olds Venue: Room 0.1, Behrens Building, MMU site, Didsbury Date: Monday 26 October Time: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: £5 per child. To book email: info@dep.org.uk Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Development Education Project
Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
After the cloud Learn how Manchester became an international model of city centre development following the aftermath of the 1996 IRA bomb. Track what changes have been made in planning and regeneration as you explore buildings old and new. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Walk begins at Urbis Date: Monday 26 and Wednesday 28 October Time: Mon 26 at 3pm and Wed 28 at 11am Cost and booking info: £3. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
Robotics networking event
Trauma: Science
An event for professionals working in the field of robotics and adjacent disciplines (science communication, design, programming, engineering, software, etc). Limited numbers by prior invite only, so please contact us in advance about the possibility of attending. Supported by the IET. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival.
As part of the Manchester Science Festival, Trauma will be screening Danny Boyle's Sunshine [2007]. This will be preceded by a short introduction about the film and followed by an informal discussion.
Format: Networking Audience: Professionals and academics only Venue: MDDA Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Email Claire.Rocks@uwe.ac.uk expressing interest about attending Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Urbis Research Forum: Science of the city An informal panel discussion bringing together different viewpoints on how we live, use and communicate in the modern city. Format: Panel discussion with Q & A session Audience: Adults Venue: Urbis Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6pm Cost and booking info: Free. To book phone 0161 605 8200 or email m.rainey@urbis.org.uk Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Format: Film Screening Audience: Everyone aged 15+ Film is Certificate 15 Venue: Manchester Lecture Theatre, All Saints Building, MMU Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6pm (ends approx 8.15pm) Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Trauma
Could the Thunderbirds really have flown? Dr Phil Atcliffe investigates the practicality, space and air worthiness of the Thunderbirds as well as other craft from popular sci-fi TV series. Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: Deans Activity Centre, Swinton Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6pm – 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online at www.see.salford.ac.uk/msf or telephone 0161 295 6323 Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: University of Salford
Didsbury SciBar: What is the Universe made of?
Ten things we don't know about sand
Join us as Professor Fred Loebinger, from Manchester University, gives an insight into the strange sub-nuclear world of quarks, gluons and leptons, with a look at the prominent role of Manchester scientists. You are invited to take part in a discussion of the latest discoveries, the promise of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the future of particle physics.
Michael Welland draws us into the world of sand - sand in grains, rocks, and vast and magnificent landscapes on which the wind plays haunting melodies. Packed with fascinating science, laced with tales of explorers, sand art, and the tribes of the desert, this work will appeal to all those intrigued by the nature of sand, and the beauty of deserts.
Format: Discussion Audience: Adults Venue: Pitcher & Piano, Didsbury Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free – just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: British Science Association
Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Blackwell Bookshop Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No booking required - just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Oxford University Press
Paranoia: The 21st-century fear
Recent outbreaks of swine flu and bird flu put society at threat. Join experts who research such disease and healthcare professionals for a lively debate about the threat pandemics pose to society, how we are dealing with them and the measures in place for the future. Find out all you want to know about pandemics and ask the experts your questions.
Paranoia is as common as depression, but most of us know little about it. Drawing on the latest scientific research, this new, accessible book answers the key questions about paranoia - from how we can deal with it, to whether we are living in a uniquely paranoid age. Join the authors as they highlight for the first time the central role of paranoia in our world today.
Format: Talk and discussion Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 October Time: 6.30pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free Booking required. Book online: http://msfpandemic.eventbrite.com Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Blackwell Bookshop Date: Monday 26 October Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No booking required - just turn up Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Oxford University Press
Monday 26 October
27October th
Dinosaur roar! Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens. Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Science of food: Brewing beer Come and find out more about the ingredients and processes behind the brewing of beer. Format: Info & handling session Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI - Meeting Room 2 Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 October Time: 10am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Creepy crawly robots
Teach a robot to act and speak
Design and make your own moving robot! Learn how to recreate animal movements using simple mechanisms - crawling, flapping, waddling or rocking. Children – be sure to bring an adult so they can join in with the fun! This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival.
How to teach a robot simple tasks! Learn about how the robot perceives the world and what sort of movements and speech it can produce. Try to combine the robot perceptions, movements and speech to teach it to act by itself. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival.
Format: Workshop/Hands-on activity Audience: Families 8-12 years old Venue: MOSI Date: Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 October Time: 10.15am, 2.30pm (duration up to 1.5hrs) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking with Robots
Eco - kites Literally take recycling to a new level by using your old plastic bags to make a fantastic kite! Learn the art of simple kite making, by cleverly combing bamboo cane and plastic bags. Then make your kite light up the sky by creating your own unique design with glitter pens, paint and coloured layered plastic. Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 10.30am – 11.30am, 11.45am – 12.45pm & 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Ministry of Craft
Format: Workshop Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 11am, 11.30am, 12pm, 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm (15-30 mins long) Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Walking With Robots
Future tech workshop Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make? Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
Robots in the home: Coming soon or urban myth? Have you ever wished you had a robot that could do the housework? Robotics expert Dr Jim Wyatt will explain what it takes to make a robot that could make a cup of tea and how this technology is expected to progress in the future. Audience members will also have the opportunity to meet some of Jim's robots. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Interactive talk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Trafford Centre Bandstand Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 11am - 12pm, 3pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up! Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Café Sci
The Darwin drawing studio Drop in to our Darwin drawing studio. Create a masterpiece inspired by nature, like the ones Charles Darwin used in his scientific research. Format: Drawing workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Mind & body
Our planet & beyond
Bright ideas
Plastics: A valuable resource
Spy skills: Periscopes
Explore the plastic waste issue and investigate the usefulness of plastic. Discover products made from recycled plastic and see a supervised demo of moulding new articles from used plastic milk bottles and drinks bottles.
Develop your spy skills by joining one of our fun and informative Studio Workshops. Make your own memory game, periscope or code wheel and get hands on with a real First World War trench periscope. Includes artefact handling
Format: Talk and workshop Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: MOSI - Classroom Date: Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Manchester Polymer Group
Science slam Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket? Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+. The Learning Studio includes a soft play area with early years toys and books for the under 5s Venue: Imperial War Museum North's Learning Studio Date: Saturday 24, Tuesday 27 and Saturday 31 October with other events during half term Time: 12.45pm, 1.45pm and 2.45 pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Imperial War Museum North
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Hydrogen: Energy of the future? What will we do when all the coal and oil runs out? During this talk Dr Dan Bull will explore the potential of hydrogen as a viable energy resource. With interactive demos of the power of hydrogen. Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: Emanuel Church Hall, Salford Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 6pm – 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required: www.see.salford.ac.uk/msf or telephone 0161 295 6323 Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: University of Salford
Thirst: Blood, vampires and science Join us for a screening of new vampire film Thirst, directed by Chan Wook-Park. SangHyun is a priest whose religious calling takes him to Africa to assist victims of a mysterious virus. As he himself succumbs to the illness, he is saved by a blood transfusion which has tragic consequences. Transformed into a vampire, he tries his very best not to kill, but an illicit love affair means that his morals are severely compromised. The film will be followed by a post screening discussion exploring the history and myths of vampires, disease, blood and fear. Format: Film and discussion Audience: Adults. Film has Certificate 18 Venue: Cornerhouse Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 6pm screening, discussion to follow. Check website before booking Cost and booking info: £7. Concessions available. To book visit www.cornerhouse.org Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Science Festival and Cornerhouse
Walking With Robots: What are the questions? An evening's conversation about current issues in robotics. What concerns you about robots? What would you like robots to do for you in the future? Would you like a robot pet? Could you work alongside a robot? What will happen when robots can think for themselves? We'll be talking about these and other issues: whatever you want to discuss. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Café Sci/Informal discussion Audience: Adults and Teenagers Venue: Café Couture, Manchester Museum Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
The magic of soap bubbles Using beautiful examples of bubbles of different shapes and sizes, Cyril Isenberg will amaze and entrance you. The real magic of soap bubbles will be revealed: the precise spherical shape, the fragile nature of the microscopically thin soap film, the beautiful colours that swirl and shimmer. Why does a bubble form a sphere? Why not a cube or tetrahedron? Answers to these and many other questions will be uncovered. Format: Talk and demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: C0.14 (Assembly Hall), John Dalton Building, MMU Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 6.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book - just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Institute of Physics
How to cut a cake and Math hysteria Welcome to Ian Stewart's magical world of mathematics! This is a strange world of never-ending chess games, empires on the moon, furious fireflies, and, of course, disputes over how best to cut a cake. Each quirky tale presents a fascinating mathematical puzzle - challenging, fun, and also introducing the reader to mathematical problems in an engaging and witty way. Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Blackwell Bookshop Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Just turn up Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Oxford University Press
The Earth after us If aliens came to Earth 100 millions years in the future, what traces would they find of long-extinct humanity's brief reign on the planet? This engaging and thoughtprovoking account looks at what our species will leave behind, buried deep in the rock strata, and provides us with a warning of our devastating environmental impact. Format: Author talk Audience: Adults Venue: Blackwell Bookshop Date: Tuesday 27 October Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Oxford University Press
Tuesday 27 October
28 October th
Wednesday Dinosaur roar!
The magic of computer science
Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens.
Stop for a moment to watch a magic trick performed by real researchers. Will you spot the secret? Here's a hint: it's all to do with computer science and maths! You might even find out how to do the tricks yourself…
Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Tape it up! Don't know how to sew? Not a problem. Come and join us to learn how to make a cool bag for school or at home using just industrial strength tape and a stapler - not a sewing needle in sight! Choose a size, your material (recycled t-shirts or bonded plastic bags) and get sticking. It really is as simple as that! Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 10.30am – 11.30am, 11.45am – 12.45pm & 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at the MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Ministry of Craft
Big draw dinosaur Help us create our own massive dippy dinosaur to celebrate the Big Draw and Manchester Science Festival 2009. This even has been inspired by children's book illustrator Lynne Chapman and her fabulous exhibition, Giddy Goats and Dippy Dinosaurs. Lynne will be at the gallery showing us her amazing illustrations in real life!
Format: Magic show Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Queen Mary, University of London
Format: Art workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: Central Art Gallery, Ashton-under-Lyne Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 11am - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in. Phone 0161 342 2650 for information Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Tameside Museums and Galleries Service
Future tech workshop
The Darwin drawing studio
Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make? Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
Drop in to our Darwin drawing studio. Create a masterpiece inspired by nature, like the ones Charles Darwin used in his scientific research. Format: Drawing workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Mind & body
Our planet & beyond
Bright ideas
Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Planets, stars and space rocks
Science slam
Comixed: A networked conversation
Come along to The Manchester Museum and find yourself exploring space! You are invited to 'ask an astronomer', hold some real space rocks, name your own constellation of stars, and much more.
Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket?
Join the Manchester Beacon and Research Councils UK over lunch as we co-create a comic strip exploring the scientific challenges of our time. Major issues like swine-flu, climate change and HDTV will be taken for a spin and remixed into a cooperative production by the Manchester Beacon's network of people, places and knowledge. Artists, academics and local people welcome. Join us on twitter at #comixed
Format: Family fun day Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in - just turn up Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: British Science Association and The Manchester Museum
Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Plastics: A valuable resource
Birds, bugs, monsters and more!
Explore the plastic waste issue and investigate the usefulness of plastic. Discover products made from recycled plastic and see a supervised demo of moulding new articles from used plastic milk bottles and drinks bottles. Format: Talk/Workshop Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Manchester Polymer Group
Take this opportunity to see some of the weird and wonderful books of science in our collections and find out about experiments and investigations that have changed the world! Format: Workshop Audience: Families aged 8-12 Venue: The John Rylands Library, Deansgate Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 12pm - 12.45pm and 2pm - 2.45pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking is essential as places are limited. To book a place please contact phone 0161 306 0555 or email jrl.events@manchester.ac.uk Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The John Rylands Library
Format: A networking workshop with food and conversation Audience: Adults 18+ Venue: Zion Arts Centre Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 12.30pm – 2pm Cost and booking info: Free, but places are limited. Book online: http://www.scifest.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: The Manchester Beacon for Public Engagement and Research Councils UK
Medicine revealed Posters from medical students, our doctors of the future, will display the medical conditions they study. Format: Posters session Audience: Adults and Families 8+ Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 1pm – 3pm Cost and booking: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Museum
Science + food = cooking Lisa Tse is head chef and CEO of Sweet Mandarin (www.sweetmandarin.com). Behind the wok, Chef Lisa's secret ingredient is science! Join Chef Lisa as she explores the science and technique behind the cooking, the history of different foods, and the advantages of different kinds of cooking equipment. This unmissable show will focus on demonstrating favourite dishes such as, dim sum, delicious stir fries and amazing fruit origami, that can easily be made at home. Tasters along the way! Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 2.30pm – 3.15pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msffood.eventbrite.com Spaces may be available on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Wednesday 28 October
Scurvy, gunpowder, lemons and thieves In the nineteenth century surgeons knew that bad food caused scurvy but they did not understand why. So they experimented with different remedies when scurvy broke out in prisoners. This talk looks at the history of scurvy, its treatment and the problems of human experiments, and explores the lives of prisoners who suffered in the process. Format: Talk Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for adults and teenagers Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 12pm - 1pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester
After the cloud Learn how Manchester became an international model of city centre development following the aftermath of the 1996 IRA bomb. Track what changes have been made in planning and regeneration as you explore buildings old and new. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Walk begins at Urbis Date: Monday 26 and Wednesday 28 October Time: Mon 26 at 3pm and Wed 28 at 11am Cost and booking info: £3. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
Suffragette city Uncover Manchester's roots in the fight for equal rights for women. From the militant actions of the Suffragettes to the campaign for free birth control, this tour covers both the known and neglected sides of women's history in Manchester. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Walk begins at Urbis Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
Ask the scientists: What is nuclear power? The North West has always been an important centre for nuclear research and activity. This event is a unique chance for YOU to discuss nuclear power with scientists from Manchester's Dalton Nuclear Institute. Format: Café Sci style event/Discussion Audience: Adults and Teenagers Venue: KRO Bar, Oxford Road Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 6pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfnuclear.eventbrite.com Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Manchester, School of Materials
Urbis Research Forum: Cyber city An informal and interdisciplinary panel discussion bringing together different viewpoints on technology and the city. Format: Panel discussion Audience: Adults Venue: Urbis Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 6pm Cost and booking info: Free. Just turn up Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
The vacuum: Why nothing is really important Without the ability to produce a vacuum we would not have the modern technologies of today, such as computers, mobile phones, TVs and game stations. Dr Richard Pilkington will show, through a range of exhibits and demonstrations, the importance and power of the vacuum. Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: The Broughton Trust , Salford Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 6pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online at www.see.salford.ac.uk/msf or phone 0161 295 6323 Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: University of Salford
Childhood obesity: Who or what makes our kids fat? Over 28% of English children under ten are overweight or obese. Should the government do more to tackle this, or should we be left to make our own choices? What are the facts and the myths surrounding childhood obesity? Come along to hear from a panel of experts and contribute your views. Format: Discussion and debate Audience: Adults and Teenagers Venue: The John Rylands Library, Deansgate Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 7pm – 9pm, doors open 6.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking strongly recommended, as places are limited. To book phone Nowgen on 0161 276 5956 or email: bookings@nowgen.org.uk Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Nowgen - A Centre for Genetics in Healthcare
It is rocket science Helen Keen loves space rockets. She brings their story to life with a fusion of stand-up comedy and tinfoil in her highly acclaimed solo show. With Space Nazis, Satanists, and Aeronautical Engineers! ‘It is rocket science!’ will take you on a whistle-stop tour around the great brains who put monkeys, ladies, dogs and gentlemen into orbit. “inspired… crisp sophisticated comedy” (The Guardian) Format: Comedy show Audience: Adults Venue: Islington Mill Date: Wednesday 28 October Time: 7pm - 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online at http://msfrocketscience.eventbrite.com Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Image Credit: ULA
Thursday 29 October th
Dinosaur roar! Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens. Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Future textiles Meet modern textile scientists as researchers from Bolton University will be on hand to talk about medical and fire protection materials. Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: Urbis Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 10am - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Centre for Materials Research and Innovation, University of Bolton
Inspirational ideas for recycling and reuse View student designs (by Beth Potts) based on reuse and recycling to create new textiles. Can you design textiles for tomorrow? Help to build the Inspiration Tree (designed by Aymeelee Rothwell) based on your ideas for recycling and reuse! Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: Urbis Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 10am - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Centre for Materials Research and Innovation, University of Bolton
Salford Uni science trail Explore the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Environment, taking part in hands-on activities and interactive talks as you go. From parasites to glaciers and physics. Format: Workshops Audience: Everyone Venue: University of Salford Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 10am – 10:30am registration, 10:30am 2:30pm activities Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Please book at www.see.salford.ac.uk/msf or telephone 0161 295 6323 Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Salford
Science of food: Brewing beer Come and find out more about the ingredients and processes behind the brewing of beer. Format: Drop-in info & handling session Audience: Families 11+ Venue: MOSI - Meeting Room 2 Date: Saturday 24, Tuesday 27 and Thursday 29 October Time: 10am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Fantastic space plastic Is your plastic recycling overflowing? Don't worry we have the answer by turning uninteresting containers and bottles into sparkly space inspired storage! Using a variety of shiny and textured recycled materials and some fabulous paper techniques, transform your chosen rubbish into a robot, alien or spaceship keepsake box or desk tidy. Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 10.30am – 11.30am, 11.45am – 12.45pm & 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Ministry of Craft
The magic of computer science
The Darwin drawing studio
Stop for a moment to watch a magic trick performed by real researchers. Will you spot the secret? Here's a hint: it's all to do with computer science and maths! You might even find out how to do the tricks yourself…
Drop in to our Darwin drawing studio. Create a masterpiece inspired by nature, like the ones Charles Darwin used in his scientific research.
Format: Magic show Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Queen Mary, University of London
Future tech workshop Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make? Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
Making sense of your brain Brain scientists and psychologists will help you fool your senses with hands-on activities. Format: Hands-on activities Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 11am - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Format: Drawing workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Science slam Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket? Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Award Lecture 2009: The new IQ - working memory Would you like to make your brain grow? Dr Tracy Alloway is part of a current science revolution into our understanding of how the brain works. Working memory, our ability to remember and manipulate information, is at the centre of this revolution. Join us to discover how the brain responds to training and what the best training tools are. Format: Talk Audience: Adults Venue: Kanaris Lecture Theatre, The Manchester Museum Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 12.30pm - 1.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. To guarantee a seat please reserve your place on the museum booking and information line: 0161 275 2648. Spaces may also be available on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: British Science Association
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Beastly science: Bernard Spilsbury, post-mortems and English courtrooms Bernard Spilsbury was a leading pathologist in the first half of the twentieth century and also a household name. Referred to by contemporaries as the people's pathologist, Spilsbury provided crucial prosecution evidence at over 200 murder trials. This talk will explore his command of the mortuary and post-mortem slabs and how he unravelled the mysteries of homicide. Format: Talk Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for adults and teenagers Venue: MOSI Date: Thursday 29 and Saturday 31 October Time: 12pm - 12.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester
Flash bang: Chemistry show Dr Steve Rossington will demonstrate his loud, explosive, whiz-bang and really cool view of chemistry. Not to be missed! Format: Chemistry show Audience: Everyone Venue: St Sebastian's Community Centre, Salford Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 6pm – 7.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required at www.see.salford.ac.uk/msf or telephone 0161 295 6323 Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: University of Salford
Thursday 29 October
Is human evolution over?
Bright ideas
Professor Steve Jones of University College London discusses human evolution in this fascinating talk. Looking at human lifestyle, he asks whether there is any chance of future human evolution. This event is part of Bolton's Darwin200 celebrations and Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive's fascinating exhibition, Simple Beginnings: The Story of Evolution.
To launch the Royal Society 350th Anniversary 'Local Heroes' events programme in the North West, some of Manchester's Royal Society Fellows and Research Fellows will discuss their work and share their thoughts for the future. Four professors – Dame Nancy Rothwell, Stephen Furber, Brian Cox and Andre Geim – will join us to focus on the latest developments in neuroscience, computer technology, particle physics and nanotechnology. Expect an inspiring and thought-provoking evening.
Format: Talk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Lecture Theatre, Bolton Museum, Aquarium Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 6pm - 7pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Format: Talks and debate Audience: Adults and Teenagers Venue: Manchester Place, University of Manchester Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 7pm – 8.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfbrightideas.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Science Festival and MOSI
Girl Geek Dinner The Girl Geek Dinners are organised all over the world. They provide a welcoming atmosphere for women to talk about technology. Enjoy delicious food, stimulating company, thought provoking conversation, inspirational speakers... a fabulous night out! Liv Wild from Thoughtworks will talk about happiness and innovation and Dominic Hodge will introduce Where's The Geeks. Format: Talk and dinner Audience: Adults Venue: Sweet Mandarin, Northern Quarter Date: Thursday 29 October Time: 7pm Cost and booking info: £5. Booking required. To book and find our more about the rules go to www.manchestergirlgeekdinners.co.uk Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Manchester Girl Geek Dinners
Dinosaur roar!
tH 30 October
Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens. Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Junk jumpers! Not all old jumpers need to go in the bin! Learn to cut and piece together scraps of shrunken wool jumpers to make a fantastic felt flower brooch or winner’s rosette, using some basic sewing skills. Choose from our huge collection of multi-coloured buttons to add an extra-special touch and leave proudly wearing your own recycled fashion! Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 October Time: 10.30am – 11.30am, 11.45am – 12.45pm & 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at the MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Ministry of Craft
Meet the scientists: Do-it-yourself DNA and more… Have you ever wondered how much DNA you eat everyday? Or what a stem cell really looks like? Is science all about test tubes and microscopes? Come along and take part in some fun activities for all the family and quiz some local biomedical scientists about… well anything biological! Format: Interactive demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October Time: 10.30am – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Nowgen - A Centre for Genetics in Healthcare
The magic of computer science Stop for a moment to watch a magic trick performed by real researchers. Will you spot the secret? Here's a hint: it's all to do with computer science and maths! You might even find out how to do the tricks yourself… Format: Magic show Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 Oct – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Queen Mary, University of London
Cool aeronautics
Future tech workshop
The Darwin drawing studio
The Royal Aeronautical Society's 'Cool Aeronautics' days have introduced 8-10 year olds across the country to the exciting world of aerospace. Now in its 6th year, Cool Aeronautics proudly visits Manchester giving you a unique opportunity to come and sample a workshop or talk about the world of aerospace.
Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make?
Drop in to our Darwin drawing studio. Create a masterpiece inspired by nature, like the ones Charles Darwin used in his scientific research.
Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
Format: Drawing workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Format: Workshop and talk Audience: Families 8+ Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 October Time: Workshop at 11am - 11.45am and 2pm 2.45pm. Talk 12.30pm - 1.15pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Royal Aeronautical Society and CEAS
Radical city From cultural and social revolutionaries to radical businessmen, discover Manchester's political heritage. The tour promises to raise many issues relevant to us today. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ Venue: Walk begins at Urbis Date: Monday 26 October and Friday 30 October Time: Mon 26 at 11am and Fri 30 at 3pm Cost and booking info: £3 per person. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
Green paper aeroplane challenge Have a go at making a 'green' paper aeroplane and see how far you can launch it! Take part in designing aeroplanes with low noise and low emissions - can you do better than the experts? Find out how Aerospace Engineers at the University of Manchester are developing technologies that will improve aircraft efficiency. Competition prizes available throughout the day! Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 2pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Manchester
Magic carpet Get comfy on our magic carpet and enjoy stories and activities all about flight. Format: Storytelling and craft Audience: Suitable for under 5s and their families/carers Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Friday 30 October Time: 11am - 12pm and 1pm - 2pm Cost and booking info: £1 per child. Book a week before the event (from Friday 23 October) on 0161 275 2648 Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Science slam
Join Urbis' Learning Team to enjoy a variety of craft activities reflecting the Festival's key themes. Why not come down and add to our huge body drawing, make a model solar system or even build your own egg rocket?
Find out more about flying bugs and seeds with the Manchester Museum nature flight experts.
Format: Drop-in workshop Audience: Suitable for all ages Venue: Urbis Foyer Date: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 October Time: 12pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: £3. Drop-in event. For more information contact learninginfo@urbis.org.uk www.urbis.org.uk/familyfun Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Urbis
Making paint from Earth's natural resources Learn to make traditional paint using natural pigments and egg yolk! A hands-on workshop introducing you to natural pigments derived from insects, minerals, rocks and plants. Learn to grind pigment, separate an egg, mix ingredients and finally how to apply your paint using traditional artist techniques. Fascinating, physical and fun. Format: Workshop Audience: Families, strictly 8+ only Venue: Touchstones Rochdale Date: Friday 30 October Time: 1pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Places limited (additional dates may be offered where demand exists). To book please ring: 01706 924492 or email: touchstones@link4life.org Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Link4Life
Friday 30 October
Format: Talk Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Friday 30 October Time: 1pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Deep time cabaret Award winning Horse + Bamboo Theatre present Deep Time Cabaret, an exciting new show from one of Europe's leading visual theatre companies. The show is a humorous and anarchic production that mixes theatre, Eastern European Absurdism, folk songs and dances with film and animation to create a visually evocative and powerful story about the wonder of the universe and our place in it. Format: Performance Audience: Families 11+ Venue: Islington Mill Date: Friday 30 October Time: 2pm – 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking essential. Book online: http://msfdeeptimecabaret.eventbrite.com Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Extraordinary materials: Bringing together science and art for all the family A chance for your family to explore the world of materials in a whole new way. Try out exciting hands-on experiments and use science to inspire your own artwork creations. Format: Workshop Audience: Teenagers and Families 5+. This is a family event but everyone is welcome! Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 October Time: 2pm – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: School of Materials, University of Manchester
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk before event Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Drunk in time
The Beagle has landed!
Broaden your cultural horizons with a trip to the pub. Join historian James Sumner on a light-headed stagger through scientific understandings of alcohol since 1600, as Isaac Newton, Humphry Davy and others ponder the great questions: Is wine alcoholic? Does rotting fish belong in beer? And what's more harmful – microbes or thunder?
Celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday with comedy as The Missing, Inc. bring to life a wildly inaccurate account of Darwin's voyage on HMS Beagle. This is no history lesson: the show is full of audience participation, songs and all-round silliness. In the words of The Missing, Inc... "You will learn nothing. Guaranteed.”
Format: Talk Audience: Adults Venue: The Lass O'Gowrie Date: Friday 30 October Time: 6pm - 7pm Cost and booking info: Free. No booking required – just turn up Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: British Science Association and the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester
The Luck Factor Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst others face repeated failure and sadness? Why are some people always in the right place at the right time, while others are always unlucky? For many years psychologist Richard Wiseman has worked with some of the world’s luckiest and unluckiest people to answer these fascinating questions. Discover the results of his work and find out how ‘The Luck Factor’ can change your life. Format: Show Audience: Adults Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 October Time: 6.30pm - 8pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfluck.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Format: Comedy show Audience: Adults and teenagers Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Friday 30 October Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm Cost and booking info: £3. To guarantee a seat please reserve your place on the museum booking and information line: 0161 275 2648. Spaces may also be available on the day Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: The Missing, Inc
Deep time cabaret Award winning Horse + Bamboo Theatre present Deep Time Cabaret, an exciting new show from one of Europe's leading visual theatre companies. The show is a humorous and anarchic production that mixes theatre, Eastern European Absurdism, folk songs and dances with film and animation to create a visually evocative and powerful story about the wonder of the universe and our place in it. Format: Performance Audience: Adults Venue: Islington Mill Date: Friday 30 October Time: 7pm arrival, 7.30pm – 9pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking essential. Book online: http://msfdeeptimecabaret.eventbrite.com Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Horse + Bamboo Theatre
Bad Bugs Bookclub: Year of Wonders The Bad Bugs Bookclub is back! This time the group will be dissecting the microbiology behind Geraldine Brooks' ‘Year of Wonders’. If you are interested in this event then you should also check out the accompanying coach tour to the plague village of Eyam (page 5). All attendees are requested to have read a copy of the novel (it's more fun that way). Accompanied by light refreshments. Format: Bookclub meeting with discussion Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for Adults, Teenagers and Families 11+ The bookclub will comprise a mix of scientists and the general public Venue: An Outlet, 77 Dale St, Manchester (underneath Carver's Warehouse), M1 2HG Date: Friday 30 October Time: 7pm – 9pm Cost and booking info: Free. Book your place at www.mcrscifestbadbugs.eventbrite.com Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Metropolitan University
Saturday Mind & body
Dinosaur roar! Visit Bolton Museum this October half term for a special week of free events, arts and crafts activities, talks and quizzes all about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world! You can also take part in a trail around the museum searching for prehistoric specimens. Format: Workshops and talks Audience: Families of all ages. Also suitable for under 5s Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25) Time: 9am – 5pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
31 October st
Our planet & beyond
Bright ideas
So you think you can design a jet engine?!
Meet the scientists: Do-ityourself DNA and more…
Take an amazing 3D journey through a jet engine to see how it works; discover new materials that are working at their limits; dance with materials and even fly a paper plane. Most importantly, meet researchers and engineers from the University and RollsRoyce and find out all about their day jobs. Format: Talk, play, dance, fly
Have you ever wondered how much DNA you eat everyday? Or what a stem cell really looks like? Is science all about test tubes and microscopes? Come along and take part in some fun activities for all the family and quiz some local biomedical scientists about… well anything biological!
Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI – 1st Floor Balcony/Goldstone Room Date: Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: University of Manchester Aerospace Research Institute
Format: Interactive demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October Time: 10.30am – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Nowgen - A Centre for Genetics in Healthcare
The magic of computer science Stop for a moment to watch a magic trick performed by real researchers. Will you spot the secret? Here's a hint: it's all to do with computer science and maths! You might even find out how to do the tricks yourself… Format: Magic show Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 Oct – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Queen Mary, University of London
You are the scientist: Does it rain more at the weekend? Using data collected just before the Festival and historical weather observations, you will come to your own conclusions about rainfall in Manchester. Scientists from Manchester University will be on hand to help you out and perform some small experiments to guide your findings. A prize will be available for the best science from the day! Join in the experiment at home: www.manchestersciencefestival.com/rain Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Classrooms Date: Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Manchester
Future tech workshop
The big microbe knit
Use your imagination and a variety of everyday materials to make your own piece of futuristic technology to take away with you. What will you make?
Join us for a day of creativity as we knit micro-organisms such as swine flu, salmonella and the common cold. Find out more about the microbes we encounter in our everyday lives and some of the more uncommon ones, learn how to knit and add to our growing colonies! This is a drop in event for all abilities - bring your own knitting kit, but supplies will also be available on the day.
Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Collections Centre Date: Saturday 24 October and Tuesday 27 – Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: MOSI
Green paper aeroplane challenge Have a go at making a 'green' paper aeroplane and see how far you can launch it! Take part in designing aeroplanes with low noise and low emissions - can you do better than the experts? Find out how Aerospace Engineers at the University of Manchester are developing technologies that will improve aircraft efficiency. Competition prizes available throughout the day! Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone Venue: Manchester Museum Date: Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 2pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: University of Manchester
Format: Workshop Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for adults and families 11+ Venue: Touchstones Rochdale Date: Saturday 31 October Time: 11am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in any time Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Spy skills: Code wheel Develop your spy skills by joining one of our fun and informative Studio Workshops. Make your own memory game, periscope or code wheel and get hands on with a real First World War trench periscope. Format: Workshop Audience: Families 5+. The Learning Studio includes a soft play area with early years toys and books for the under 5s Venue: Imperial War Museum North's Learning Studio Date: Saturday 24, Tuesday 27 and Saturday 31 October and other events during half term Time: 12.45pm, 1.45pm and 2.45pm Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book – just turn up Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Imperial War Museum North
Award Lecture 2009: Primate communication - links to human language?
Beastly science: Bernard Spilsbury, post-mortems and English courtrooms
How can we decipher how humans developed the ability to speak? There are no fossil remains to track! Dr Katie Slocombe approaches this problem by comparing human communication to non-human primate communication. Join us to hear her explain how this research is helping identify elements of language that we share with other primates and which are unique to humans.
Bernard Spilsbury was a leading pathologist in the first half of the twentieth century and also a household name. Referred to by contemporaries as the people's pathologist, Spilsbury provided crucial prosecution evidence at over 200 murder trials. This talk will explore his command of the mortuary and post-mortem slabs and how he unravelled the mysteries of homicide.
Format: Talk and Q&A Audience: Families 11+ Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Saturday 31 October Time: 2pm - 3pm Cost and booking info: Free. To guarantee a seat please reserve your place on the museum booking and information line: 0161 275 2648 Spaces may also be available on the day. Theme: Mind & body Organised by: British Science Association
Science show Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system! Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Saturday 31 October
Format: Talk Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for adults and teenagers Venue: MOSI Date: Thursday 29 and Saturday 31 October Time: 3pm - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester
Antimatter Frank Close explores the strange mirror world of antimatter, revealing that the reality is even more fascinating than the sci-fi stories suggest. Explaining the science behind one of physics' most extraordinary discoveries, he shows how, through understanding antimatter, we can shed light on some of the deepest mysteries of the universe. Format: Talk Audience: Adults and teenagers Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 31 October Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfantimatter.eventbrite.com Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: Oxford University Press
The science of the paranormal What was it like to participate in a Victorian séance? Was it really possible to contact the spirits or simply a trick of the mind? Find out by joining psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman as he turns back time and invites you to take part in a reconstruction of a darkroom séance. Not for the faint hearted! Format: Show and séance Audience: Adults Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 31 October Time: 6.30pm - 9pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online: http://msfparanormal.eventbrite.com Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
November November
So you think you can design a jet engine?! Take an amazing 3D journey through a jet engine to see how it works; discover new materials that are working at their limits; dance with materials and even fly a paper plane. Most importantly, meet researchers and engineers from the University and RollsRoyce and find out all about their day jobs. Format: Talk, play, dance, fly Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI – 1st Floor Balcony/Goldstone Room Date: Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 10am - 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: University of Manchester Aerospace Research Institute
The magic of computer science
Trencherfield Mill Steam Engine
Stop for a moment to watch a magic trick performed by real researchers. Will you spot the secret? Here's a hint: it's all to do with computer science and maths! You might even find out how to do the tricks yourself…
The 2,500 horse power Trencherfield Mill Steam Engine is one of the largest and finest working examples of its type. Built 100 years ago this mammoth metal powerhouse was regarded as a feat of industrial engineering. Visitors are able to enjoy this giant's immense size and power and, more importantly, experience it working as it did all those years ago - full steam ahead!
Format: Magic show Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Wednesday 28 Oct – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Queen Mary, University of London
Science of sport How do people balance, and what makes them fall over? What happens when a ball bounces? How is friction useful in sport and how do we use science to protect us from injury? Watch plastic cups loop the loop, and try to spot the trick in the game of crazy cricket. Be prepared to limber up and join in with the show which has lots of audience interaction. Format: Show Audience: Everyone, but most suitable for families 11+ Venue: MOSI Date: Sunday 1 November Time: 11am – 12pm and 1.30pm – 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at the MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Science made simple
Format: Engine viewing, talk and Q&A Audience: Families 11+ Venue: The Engine House, Trencherfield Mill Date: Sunday 25 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 11am - 11.45am and 1pm - 1.45pm Cost and booking info: Free. The engine is free to view at the times detailed. You can also view during the week by prior arrangement for group visits for a small charge. Please phone 01942 828128 for more information Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Wigan Heritage Services (as part of Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust )
Tavern tour Experience a city steeped in drinking traditions and visit some of the city's best loved pubs, each with their unique character and history. Sample drinks are included along the way. Format: Walk Audience: Adults, teenagers and families 11+ (Spaces limited to 10 persons per tour). Venue: Walk starts at Urbis Date: Sunday 25 October and Sunday 1 November Time: 12pm Cost and booking info: £7. This includes 2 half pint drinks. To book phone 0161 605 8200, email: tours@urbis.org.uk or drop in to the information desk in Urbis Foyer Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: Urbis
The brain and the book: Exploring neuroscience through literature The worlds of science and the arts are often seen as being at odds with one another. In this session, a scientist and a librarian come together to explore how brain science has influenced literature. How accurately is science represented in fiction? Is this important? Do neuroscience and the arts overlap more than we would expect? Format: Talk Audience: Adults Venue: MOSI Date: Sunday 1 November Time: 12pm – 1.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at the MOSI information desk on the day. Theme: Mind & body
The end of the line Imagine an ocean without fish. The End of the Line, directed by Rupert Murray, examines the effects of our love affair with fish as food, and the devastating implications of a future with no fish. There will be marine conservationists on hand after the film to answer your questions. Format: Film and talk Audience: Everyone. Film is Certificate PG - some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Sunday 1 November Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. To guarantee a seat please reserve your place on the museum booking and information line: 0161 275 2648. Spaces may also be available on the day. Theme: Our planet & beyond Organised by: British Science Association, The Manchester Museum and the Marine Conservation Society
Science show
The truth about hypnosis
Come along to one of our spectacular Science Shows and learn about a variety of fascinating science subjects, from outer space to the inner workings of your own digestive system!
Figures such as Charles Dickens thought hypnosis was a mysterious force that gave people strange powers. Others have seen it as a fraudulent stage trick. With the aid of demonstrations, Peter Naish from the Open University explains the latest scientific thinking concerning hypnosis, its uses and dangers. Stay behind for a group induction to see if you are responsive.
Format: Performance Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Making of Manchester Auditorium Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 2.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up at the MOSI information desk on the day. Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: MOSI
Nick Arnold presents: The Horrible Science Show Join best-selling author Nick Arnold for some hair-raising highlights from your favourite Horrible Science books. Get ready for evil experiments and The Horrible Science of YOU. With woeful water torture experiments, disgusting details and queasy quizzes this is roofraising family fun with extra squishy bits. Not to be missed! Format: Talk and demonstrations Audience: Families with children aged 6 - 13 Venue: Zion Arts Centre Date: Sunday 1 November Time: 3pm - 4.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required. Book online at http://msfhorriblescience.eventbrite.com Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Sunday 1 November
Format: Talk Audience: Adults Venue: The John Rylands Library, Deansgate Date: Sunday 1 November Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm Cost and booking info: Free, but booking is essential as places are limited. To book a place please contact John Rylands Library Visitor Services Team on 0161 306 0555 or jrl.events@manchester.ac.uk Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Manchester Science Festival
Events going on throughout the Festival Get yourself along to one of our Manchester Science walks, drop-in to an exhibition, take in a science busk while you're out shopping or take part in one of our experiments online...
Exhibitions There's lots to see and do at our exhibition programme during the Festival. All exhibitions are free. No need to book – just drop by or make a special visit.
Robo-mania at MOSI Build your own car ferry and see RoboThespian making a song-and-dance of everything. Meet Bridget the Mars Rover, and make the animatronic butterfly light up. Find out how robots help with firefighting and search and rescue situations, and watch out for the robot swarm! Plus much more every day. Please note: whilst some exhibitors/ activities will be on show the whole time, there are some that will only be present on either Sat/Sun or Mon/Tues. This event is part of the Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Format: Exhibition with hands-on demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Saturday 24 – Tuesday 27 October Time: 10.30am - 4.30pm Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Walking With Robots
Biomedical at MOSI Come and find out how science can help you stay healthy. Some of our activities include investigating the role of microbes in your body, discovering the history of medical science and exploring some amazing uses for light in medicine and healthcare. For the full programme, check the Festival website. Format: Exhibition and demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Wednesday 28 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI
Explore traditional Chinese medicine As part of MOSI's Biomedical Science Exhibition, experts from The Shanghai Association in China and the University of Salford will explore traditional Chinese Medicine including massage, tai chi and acupuncture. Find out more about their work, treatments and maybe get a taster! Format: Exhibition and demonstrations Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI - Special Exhibition Gallery Date: Wednesday 28 – Friday 30 October Time: 10.30am - 4.30pm Theme: Mind & body Organised by: MOSI
Our Kid: Celebrating biomedical research in Manchester This impressive, multimedia sculpture reflects the wonders of medicine. It tells many stories and highlights how Manchester is pioneering many exciting areas of biomedical research. It includes over 30 short film clips, including some made by young people, exploring the future of healthcare. Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI – Reception Area Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am – 4pm Cost and booking info: Free. Drop-in Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Nowgen - A Centre for Genetics in Healthcare
CBBC with Bamzooki and Pedro and Frankensheep Grab your mobile phone and join CBBC's animated inventor duo, 'Pedro and Frankensheep', on a high-tech science mystery trail. Then sign up for our all-new 'Bamzooki' workshops and watch your Zooks compete in a virtual tournament. Or just make your way to the CBBC stand to add your 'Best Inventions' prototypes to the Ed and Oucho MOSI 'wall of fame'. Format: Mobile mystery hunt and interactive activities Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10.30am - 4.30pm Cost and booking info: Free. Just come by – find us in the Special Exhibition Gallery or join in anywhere around MOSI via mobile Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: Ymogen
The BLOODHOUND Project Britain's latest Land Speed Record team, will present a full-size model of their 1,000 mph Land Speed Record car BLOODHOUND SSC. Meet members of the BLOODHOUND team running interactive workshops, talks and events on the science, engineering and maths behind the fastest car in the world. Format: Exhibition and hands-on activities Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 – Thursday 29 October Time: Activities throughout the day Cost and booking info: Free. Please sign up for activities at the MOSI information desk on the day Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: BLOODHOUND
Manchester Astronomical Society: Four centuries of astronomy
A natural selection: The life and literature of Charles Darwin
Simple beginnings: The story of evolution
Charles Darwin is arguably one of the greatest scientists of all time, and this year marks a double Darwin anniversary – the bicentennial of his birth in 1809 and 150 years since the publication of his most famous work, On the Origin of Species, in 1859. A Natural Selection is an exploration of Darwin's life and published works. The exhibition looks at Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection.
In this fascinating exhibition you can find out all about Charles Darwin; his life and travels; explore the theory of evolution in the nineteenth century; and take a closer look at evolution to see how animals adapt to their changing environments. Explore the problems and questions that Darwin posed, and how discoveries in genetics can help answer these questions.
Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: Christie Gallery, The John Rylands Library, Deansgate Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November (exhibition runs 16 July to 29 November 2009) Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: The John Rylands Library
To celebrate International Year of Astronomy 2009 Manchester Astronomical Society will take you on a journey of discovery spanning over 400 years. Viewing the archives of MAS from log books and minute books to scrap books as well as early telescopes, a brass lantern projector with early astronomical slides and a rare star atlas which was discovered at the Godlee Observatory. There'll be more modern equipment on display too, of course!
Mapping Manchester: Cartographic stories of the city
Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: The Portico Library Please note there is no wheelchair access Date: Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Exhibition opens 5 October Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: The Portico Library
Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: Historic Reading Room, The John Rylands Library, Deansgate Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November (exhibition runs 25 June 2009 to 17 January 2010) Theme: Manchesticity Organised by: The John Rylands Library
Maps can tell us different stories about the places where we live and work. This exhibition shows how mapping is particularly ingrained into urban life; it demonstrates how maps work and how they have evolved over time – reflecting changes in technology, society and economic conditions.
Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Date: Saturday 24 – Saturday 31 October (excluding Sunday 25 October. Exhibition runs from September – Saturday 7 November) Time: 9am - 5pm Theme: Mind & body Organised by: Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive
Nature discovery Step inside a magical world where younger children can explore nature. Format: Exhibition Audience: Younger children and their families Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November (this is an ongoing exhibition) Time: Tues - Sat: 10am - 5pm and Sun, Mon: 11am - 4pm Theme: Mind & body Organised by: The Manchester Museum
A Science-tastic family fun trail
In Darwin's footsteps
It'll be scientific, it'll be historical, it'll be fun! Bring along your young explorers (0-14 years old) for an hour's interactive walking tour of Manchester (intrepid explorer maps provided). Meeting place: Meet at MOSI Date and time: Saturday 24 Oct at 1pm, Friday 30 Oct at 11am and Sunday 1 Nov at 1pm Suitable for: Families with children aged 0 – 14 years old
Before your very eyes, extraordinary places and wildlife through the evocative words of Charles Darwin and breathtaking images from photographer Ben Hall. Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November (exhibition runs 5 September 2009 – 31 January 2010)
Time: Tues-Sat: 10am - 5pm and Sun, Mon: 11am - 4pm Theme: Mind & body Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Charles Darwin: Evolution of a scientist Roll up, roll up and see Charles Darwin's story unfold through larger than life graphics and objects he collected. Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: The Manchester Museum Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November (exhibition runs 3 October 2009 – 30 August 2010) Time: Tues - Sat: 10am - 5pm and Sun, Mon: 11am - 4pm Theme: Mind & body Organised by: The Manchester Museum
Creative connections: Art meets science A School of Materials Photography Competition was launched in early 2009 with the purpose of encouraging students to think creatively, to think beyond the scientific quality of their work, and to promote the Materials discipline in an exciting way. This exhibition features a selection of the photographs alongside textile designs and jewellery inspired by the images. Format: Exhibition Audience: Everyone Venue: MOSI Date: Saturday 24 October – Sunday 1 November Time: 10am– 4.30pm Theme: Bright ideas Organised by: School of Materials, The University of Manchester
University challenges
Manchester Science walks Why not get yourself along to one of our Manchester Science walks taking place each day during the Festival. Organised by Manchester Tourguides, each one has a different theme, exploring different parts of Manchester. Just turn up and pay the guide on the day. Walks are suitable for everyone, but mostly adults. Science-tastic is suitable for families of all ages. Walks are £5 per adult, £2 per child. Walks take place whatever the weather, so come prepared! All walks last one hour.
Guides from the University of Manchester's Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine present a tour of the University's original site. See where Rutherford and Geiger probed the secrets of the atom, Marie Stopes began her trailblazing career, computers learnt to sing, and Manchester uncovered ancient Egypt. Meeting place: Meet at the University of Manchester under the main arch of the Whitworth Building, west side of Oxford Road (nearly opposite Brunswick Street) Date and time: Saturday 24 Oct at 11am and Tuesday 27 Oct at 2pm
From charity to world class: Three centuries of Manchester hospitals Exploring the contrast between Manchester's hospitals, past and present, in terms of patient-led design and how it reflects attitudes to, and the provision of, care. This will include a tour of the new Children's Hospital, the largest in Europe. Meeting place: Meet at Royal Eye Hospital, corner of Oxford Road and Nelson St Date and time: Saturday 24 Oct at 3pm and Saturday 31 Oct at 3pm
Darwin's dangerous idea
Manchester and the atom bomb
In his anniversary year, Manchester salutes Charles Darwin and the idea that shook the world. We will see adaptations to different environments, survival of the fittest and living fossils as we explore the life and times of this most significant Victorian in this most significant Victorian city. Meeting place: Meet at Manchester Museum Date and time: Sunday 25 Oct at 11am and Sunday 1 Nov at 3pm
Computer says “Yes!”
It's all Manchester's fault, for Manchester was where atomic theory was devised at the beginning of the 19th century, where the atom was first split early in the 20th century, and – too late – where the first nuclear free zone was declared 35 years after the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan. Meeting place: Meet at Manchester Tourist Information Centre, Town Hall Extension Date and time: Monday 26 Oct at 2pm and Saturday 31 Oct at 11am
Manchester was where the first programmable computer was built in 1948, but the city long had a history of expertise in this new area of science, dating back to William Jevons and Douglas Hartree at Manchester University. Meeting place: Meet at the University of Manchester Student's Union, Oxford Road Date and time: Wednesday 28 Oct at 11am and Thursday 29 Oct at 11am
Fancy a brew? Beer and brewing in Manchester. Discover the science of brewing and how hops, barley and water combine to produce Britain's favourite alcoholic drink. See the process then drink the product. Audience notes: Over 18s only Meeting place: Meet at MOSI Date and time: Sunday 25 Oct at 1pm
I told you I was ill Healthcare in Manchester. When Manchester's Victorian population exploded, so did its problems with healthcare. The demands of the city have driven huge advances in healthcare, from the first hospitals to leading the way in many different fields right up to being at the cutting-edge of biomedical research today. Meeting place: Meet at Town Hall steps Date and time: Sunday 25 Oct at 3pm and Friday 30 Oct at 1pm
To bee or not to bee The bees are dying and the bee is the symbol of Manchester! We'll look at the history and uses of bees and their products, their amazing lifestyles and what modern life is doing to these industrious little workers. Meeting place: Meet at Town Hall steps Date and time: Tuesday 27 Oct at 11am and Saturday 31 Oct at 1pm
Green wizardry It's not easy being green! Discover the clever science behind some green technologies which help make our great city centre more environmentally friendly. Meeting place: Meet at Manchester Tourist Information Centre, Town Hall Extension Date and time: Monday 26 Oct at 11am and Wednesday 28 Oct at 1pm
web site
On the shoulders of giants Discover how Manchester's scientists and technologists continue to shape the world we live in. Find out what the giants of the past, Rutherford and Turing, would make of the would-be pioneers of today. Guided walk with short performances by actors. This event is supported by Corridor Manchester Meeting place: Meet at Manchester Museum, Oxford Road Date and time: Thursday 29 Oct at 1pm and Sunday 1 Nov at 11am
Events and activities taking place throughout the Festival There are lots of drop-in activities taking place around Manchester throughout the Festival. Sample some science whilst you're out shopping, keep your eyes peeled for your science buskers and costume characters or enjoy some science over a pint!
Online experiments Why not get scientific at home by taking part in our online experiments…
Does it rain more at the weekend?
Guerilla SciBar Infiltrating a bar near you. Who can say when or where. All we can say is that you'll know us when you see us. Taking place in pubs in Manchester throughout the Festival.
What, how, who, why, when? What effect does the salt on your peanuts have on blood pressure? How does the widget in a beer can work? There is science in everything - even your local pub quiz! Science quiz rounds will be taking over pub quizzes throughout October. Organised by: British Science Association
Costumed performances Science busking We'll be taking our famous hands-on science busking activities out and about around the city and the streets of Greater Manchester. Look out for our non-popping balloons, sumo wrestlers, and giant whoopie cushions! We'll also be getting robotic… see if you can spot us busking with robots across the city as part of Walking With Robots series at Manchester Science Festival. Demos and tricks galore! Taking place throughout Manchester in the run-up to and during the Festival. Venues include Trafford Centre, Arndale Market and Bury Market.
Keep an eye out for an appearance from our award-winning team of costumed performers. Meet a variety of historical characters in a number of locations during the festival. Look out for us around town during the Festival. Organised by: MOSI
We want you to make your own rain collector and take measurements of rainfall for one week to help us investigate if it rains more at the weekend. Visit www.manchestersciencefestival.com/rain to find out more. All the results will be used during the festival in another event – You are the scientist: does it rain more at the weekend? (find this event on page 29)
Scream experiment Screaming is a natural reaction when we are frightened and scared, but what makes a really good scream? Which scream is going to frighten people most - for instance are high-pitched screams more frightening? Are women screaming more scary than men? Trevor Cox from the University of Salford is investigating the sound quality of different screams and he needs you to help! Visit www.manchestersciencefestival.com/scream
to find out how you can take part and hear the results of his experiment at the Festival.
Central Art Gallery, Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 7SG 0161 342 2650 www.tameside.gov.uk/museumsgalleries
Working with communities The Manchester Beacon for Public Engagement has awarded four grants to academics, researchers, university students and community groups from Manchester and Salford to develop two-way public engagement activities during the Manchester Science Festival 2009. The Manchester Beacon will also offer networking opportunities to find out more about the support available for community engagement projects in the future. If you need any more information please contact Antonio Benitez, Beacon Development Officer: a.benitez@mosi.org.uk or 0161 606 0109
MSF schools' programme Our secondary schools’ programme will run on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 October. Each day will include entertaining, engaging and educational workshops, shows and activities exploring science, engineering, technology and maths. Students will have the chance to meet and question enthusiastic scientists, enjoy handson activities and develop their problem solving skills. Specifically for year 8 students, the schools’ programme will be FREE and will take place in a Manchester city centre location that will be easily accessible by public transport. Register your interest by emailing stempoint@mosi.org.uk quoting 'Science Festival' in the subject line.
More information and how to book Most events in the Festival are free. Where there is a charge, we have tried to keep this as low as possible. Some events in the programme are drop-in, some you just need to turn up at the start, but others you will need to book in advance. Information about event costs and how to book is included under each event listing in the programme. You can also find out more on our website: www.manchestersciencefestival.com You can also drop us a line: info@manchestersciencefestival.com or phone MOSI on 0161 833 0027 for more information
Venue information Here you can find the contact details of each venue involved in the Festival. Please note the contact details are for the venue only and not necessarily for booking. Please see individual event listing for details of how to book for events. Ardwick Train Maintenance Depot, Rondin Road, Ardwick, Manchester, M12 6BF. www.siemens.co.uk/msf Arndale Market, High Street, Manchester, M4 3AH www.arndalemarket.co.uk Blackwell Bookshop, The Precinct Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9RN 0161 274 3331 www.bookshop.blackwell.co.uk Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, BL1 1SE 01204 332211 www.boltonmuseums.org.uk The Broughton Trust, 20 Mocha Parade, Lower Broughton, Salford, M7 1QE Bury Market, Bury www.burymarket.com
Contact Theatre, Contact, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6JA 0161 274 0600 www.contact-theatre.org Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 5NH 0161 200 1500 www.cornerhouse.org Deans Activity Centre, Deans Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 0JF 0161 794 1088 Emanuel Church Hall, Pendleton Way, Salford, M6 5HX The Engine House, Trencherfield Mill, Heritage Way, Off Pottery Road, Wigan, WN3 4EF 01942 828128 www.wlct.org/culture/Heritage/tmse.htm Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS 0161 834 5797 www.manchesterandwarringtonquakers.org.uk
Imperial War Museum North, The Quays, Trafford Wharf Road,Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1TZ 0161 836 4000 http://north.iwm.org.uk Islington Mill, James Street, Salford, M3 5HW www.islingtonmill.com The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester 150 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH www.library.manchester.ac.uk
KRO Bar, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PG 0161 274 3100 www.kro.co.uk The Lass O'Gowrie, 36, Charles Street, M1 7DB 0161 273 6932 www.thelass.co.uk Madlab, 36-40 Edge Street, M4 1HN http://www.madlab.org.uk/ Manchester Central, Petersfield, Manchester, M2 3GX 0161 834 2700 www.manchestercentral.co.uk Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Road, All Saints Building, All Saints, Manchester, M15 6BH 0161 247 2000 www.mmu.ac.uk (various venues at MMU - see individual listings) The Manchester Museum, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL 0161 275 2634 www.manchester.ac.uk/museum
Pitcher & Piano, 1D School Lane Didsbury, M20 6SA 0161 448 9326 www.pitcherandpiano.com
Touchstones Rochdale, The Esplanade, Rochdale OL16 1AQ 01706 924492 www.link4life.org/touchstones
The Portico Library, 57 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HY 0161 236 6785 www.theportico.org.uk
Tv21, 10 Thomas Street, M4 1DH www.tv21manchester.com
Salford Museum, Peel Park, Crescent, Salford, M5 4WU 0161 778 0800 www.salford.gov.uk/museums Sweet Mandarin, 19 Copperas Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 1HS 0161 832 8848 www.sweetmandarin.com Trafford Centre (Bandstand), Manchester, M17 8AA 0161 749 1717/18 www.traffordcentre.co.uk
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL 0161 306 6000 www.manchester.ac.uk (various venues at the University of Manchester - see individual listings)
University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT 0161 295 5000 www.salford.ac.uk Urbis, Cathedral Gardens, Manchester, M4 3BG 0161 605 8200 www.urbis.org.uk Zion Arts Centre, 335 Stretford Road, Manchester, M15 5ZA 0161 226 1912 www.zionarts.com
MMU site, Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2QR www.mmu.ac.uk MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry), Liverpool Road, Castlefield, Manchester, M3 4FP 0161 832 2244 www.mosi.org.uk Outlet, 77 Dale St, Manchester (underneath Carver's Warehouse), M1 2HG
(Image Credit: USRA/Phil Watts)
Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), 117-119 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 6ED 0161 255 8111 www.manchesterdda.com
Festival partners
Festival sponsors
Huge thanks to the following organisations who have helped to advise, shape and contribute to this year's Manchester Science Festival.
Programme contributors
The following organisations have helped to contribute to the Manchester Science Festival programme. Thanks for your enthusiasm, ideas and creativeness.
Queen Mary, University of London
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24 Oct - 1 Nov 2009
www.manchestersciencefestival.com info@manchestersciencefestival.com - 0161 833 0027