Valley Pennysaver 1.5.13

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January 5, 2013

Volumee 3 • Numberr 25

I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. Psalm 89:1 Lea White welcomes home LTC Scott White after a year’s deployment in Afghanistan. Photo by Cassie White

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

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Get the best response from your adver tisements by including the condition, age, price and best calling hours. Also we always recommend insertion for at least 2 times for maximum benefits. Our deadline is Thursday 12:00 Noon for the following Saturday’s paper.


WE PAY CASH! for all types of, Silver Gold & Diamond jewelry. Gold Is At An All-Time High

William Doerrer & Son Jewelers 16 Canal Street, Fort Plain

(518) 993-3388


Frozen Sweet Corn 5 Kinds of Sauerkraut Jams, Jellies, Popcorn SNAP Benefit Cards Accepted 2 Miles West of St. Johnsville


CHECK YOUR AD: ADVERTISERS should check their ads on the first week of insertion. Lee Publications, Inc. shall not be liable for typographical, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the first weeks insertion of the ad, and shall also not be liable for damages due to failure to publish an ad. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. Report any errors to 518-673-3011


Dutch Heritage Deli at JR’S 56 Willett Street Fort plain NY 13339 518-993-4668 now have a large selection of Meats and Cheese from our new supplier: Walnut Creek Foods! Cooked Ham 2.99 lb. Turkey Breast 2.99 lb. Smoked Turkey Breast $4.99 lb. Chicken Breast $4.99 Hormel Cooked Maple Ham, Smoked Virginia Ham $3.99 lb. Ressler Corn Beef $4.49 Roast Beef $4.99 lb. Hard Salami $4.99 lb. Farmers Cheese (very delicious) Muenster Cheese, 2.89 lb. Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Provolone Cheese, White America Cheese, 5 lb. block Schreiber’s White America Cheese $12.99 Lacy Swiss Cheese, & lots more choices still coming in! (prices subject to change)


please pick up your prize at our office within 2 weeks after winning.

Located at: 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY All Kinds. Corrugated Plastic Signs With Stakes. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518673-0101 or email Please allow 7-10 working days to receive your signs after ordering. Free Shipping

EZ GO GOLF CAR, One of a kind, custom built with every thing new from the frame up. New 350cc twin engine. 19mph new differential, 4 inch factory lift kit, rear convertible seat, with extended roof, chrome wheels with 10 inch tires, new black body, deluxe factory light kit, tinted lexan windshield, heavy duty rear springs. Never been used, $10,000 invested, priced for quick cash deal, or financing arranged. Call 315-8224264 leave message. LAYAWAY Available on ALL BOWS! New Bows are Lifetime Warranty, Made in USA. We also have Youth bows, Used bows, Crossbows, Indoor range, and Full Service Archery Shop, at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Fort Plain 518-993-1010. LIVE B A I T, TA C K L E , ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc.

ENEA FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Formerly the Smith-Woody Funeral Home

Still Serving the Community at Our Original Location, Our Only Location 9 Centerr Street,, St. Johnsville New York, 13452


Manager / Licensed Funeral Director St. Johnsville Resident



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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 DOLGEVILLE

Prices Good Sat. 1/5Fri. 1/11/13



50 Foot Long Fridays


Sub Sandwiches - “Quality - Fresh”


Dari 315-429-8518 Del

$ 99




SERVICE, SELECTION, SAVINGS!! WE’LL TREAT YOU RIGHT!! Choice Choice Farm Fresh All Natural Pork Angus Beef Angus Beef Whole Boneless DELMONICO FRYING





99 $ LB.

Hillshire Farm Deli-Select


99 LB.



$ 79


1 99





2/$ 00 YOGURT 10/$ 00 Yoplait

8-9 Oz. LUNCH MEATS 4-6 Oz. Fresh Produce “Deli-Fresh Savings” US #1

Giant (Size 56 Ct) California

499 249



5 Lb. Bag

Fresh California



Large Imported



$ 69 Lb.


$ 49 Lb.

Oven Gold Turkey

American Cheese

799 $ 99 4 $

Lb. Lb.

Lb. Lb.


Free Pick Up & Delivery Service To Our Dolgeville Big M For St. Johnsville Residents Fridays - Pickup Locations: 9:00AM - Midtown Estates, Church Street 9:10AM - St. Johnsville Laundromat 9:20AM - Midtown Estates, Main Street

Shoppers s willl be e returned d to o theirr pick-up p points s immediately y afterr shopping.

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 4

Why Buy Local? Support yourself Published weekly on Saturday by Lee Publications 6113 St. Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428

Publisher, President

Frederick W. Lee V.P., General Manager

Bruce Button V.P., Production

Mark W. Lee Circulation Manager... ....Tony Keba Classified Ad Manager.......Peggy Patrei Comptroller........Robert Moyer Managing Editor......Joan Kark-Wren Page Composition.......Deborah Countryman Production Coordinator........Jessica Mackay Shop Foreman...........Harry Delong

Ad Sales John Snyder, Sales Manager 518-673-0129, Mark Fowler, Sales Associate 518-673-0116, Kristen Lee, Sales Associate 518-673-0100, Mary Skinner, Sales Associate 518-673-0130, Jed Suits, Sales Associate 518-673-0131, Reader ads 518-673-3011 or 800-218-5586 Bruce Button-Corporate Sales Manager 518-673-3011, Accounting/Billing-Alyce Moyer 518-673-0149, Commercial Printing-Beth Snyder 518-673-0101, Delivery concerns-Tony Keba Send all correspondence to: PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 Advertising e-mail: Editorial e-mail: Web site: 518-673-3011 Phone • 518-673-2381 Fax

We cannot GUARANTEE the return of photographs. Publisher not responsible for typographical errors. Size, style of type and locations of advertisements are left to the discretion of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. We will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise or reject any and all advertising with or without cause being assigned which in his judgement is unwholesome or contrary to the interest of this publication. We assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisement, but if at fault, will reprint that portion of the ad in which the error appears.

When you buy from an independent, locally owned business, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms -- continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community.

Create more good jobs Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents.

Get better service Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.

Invest in community Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.

Put your taxes to good use Local businesses in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services. The Original Valley Pennysaver is delivered to 100 percent of the homes in the following towns: Ames Brooksman Corners Buel Canajoharie Ephratah Fort Plain Freysbush Hallsville Hessville Lasselville

Marshville Nelliston Oppenheim Palatine Bridge Randall Salt Springville Sprakers Sprout Brook St. Johnsville Starkville Find The Original Valley Pennysaver in strategic locations in:

Amsterdam Charleston Cherry Valley Dolgeville E. Springfield Fonda Fultonville Gloversville Herkimer Ilion Johnstown

Little Falls Mohawk Richfield Springs Salisbury Sammonsville Sharon Springs Springfield Center Stratford Tribes Hill Vails Mills

Page 5

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Turn your Antiques into hard earned CASH!! Let us clean out your barn corners and hay mows, lots of antique treasures can be found!! If you have an old barn that has items or junk in them give us a call!! We need Jugs, Crocks, Wooden Barrels, Backpack Baskets, Old Tin Signs Hand Scythes, and more! Antiques Consignments Wanted For Our Auctions!! Call JR’S Auction 518-993-4668 We Turn Your Items Into Cash For You!! MOMs and DADs! Need a new idea for your child’s Birthday party? How about an Archery party at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. Reasonable rates, plenty of space. Bows/Crossbows, Lessons, loaner bows, group rates, parties. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc.



“SPECIAL TRUCKLOAD SALE” Seasoned Approx. 5 Face Cords Delivered - $375.00

There is No Need to Lose Your House

SEASONED SPLIT MIXED HARDWOOD $225 Full Cord OUTSIDE FURNACE TRUCKLOAD SPECIAL - approx. 12 Face Cord Chunked Mixed Hardwood $700 Delivered within 25 mi. radius. HEAP ACCEPTED

We Have the Answers

697 Snells Bush Rd., Little Falls, NY 13365




printed and designed by Lee Publications: 100 (4.5x6) Invitations including envelopes with 100 RSVP postcards. Only $150.00 +tax. We can also do smaller and larger amounts. Call for pricing and designs 518-673-0101, or Also • Save the Dates • Shower Invitations • Baby Announcements • And More. Free Shipping

RKP Sporting Goods Get The Gear You Need For Hunting Layaways • Gift Certificates Calls • Blinds • Scents Wolverine & Muck Boots New & Used Bows Buying & Selling New & Used Guns Now Carrying Animal Feed

Are You In a Foreclosure?

Dog • Cat • Bird Chicken • Horse • Shavings All Natural Dry Dog Food, Meat Base-No Wheat Products

Ice Augers • Tip Ups • Jigs • Live Bait for Ice Fishing 315-868-5815 2830 0 State e Rt.. 29, Dolgeville,, NY Y 13329


— In Stock —

Roof Rakes 50# Bag Rock Salt Ice Melt 70# Bag Sand Snow Shovels

C.H. BURKDORF & SON “Quality Building Materials”

35 Hough St., St. Johnsville • 518-568-7016 •

Mrs. M.



SNOW PLOWING • Snow Plowing • Snow Removal • Snow Stacking • Snow Blowing • De-Icing (Salt or Sand) • Shoveling Now Accepting New Customers For The 2012 & 2013 Winter Season. Call For A Free Estimate.

518-673-5622 • 518-598-9116 Fully Insured 1100 Carlisle Rd., Canajoharie

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013 Hello Again, For a couple of years or more, my wife has been trying to encourage me to read “The Best of James Herriot – Favorite Memories of a Country Vet.” So earlier this evening with one eye on the television, I read the first 30 pages of his memories. While I enjoyed learning about Dr. James Herriot and his early days in the practice of veterinary medicine in the hill country of England, my mind kept wandering back to a few evenings I traveled with a well-known Fort Plain veterinarian as he visited dairy farms around Canajoharie, Palatine Bridge, Caroga Lake, Johnstown and St. Johnsville. At the time of our first trip together, I knew very little about the good doctor, his practice, or education. With the publishing business, I owned a dairy farm on Cunningham Road just east of Canajoharie. As we traveled along in his vet vehicle, we chatted about a little of this and that. I was beginning to think he was quite possibly a sort of egghead until I asked him where we were going. He answered, “Out near Ames. The farmer has a cow with a severe case of hollow horn.” While he didn’t seem like the type to be pulling my leg, I asked him what the cure for hollow horn was and without any indication of humor, he said, “I’m not usually sure until I see the horn,” or something like that. Now that several years have passed since Doc retired from his own practice, I wonder how many cases of hollow horn he cured, especially in a herd of polled Herefords. (They are hornless by nature and horned cattle already have hollow horns.) Pastor Dan West reminded me that polled Herefords without any legs are called ground beef. I imagine you are starting to question my choice of friends. Possibly I never chose, just got stuck with them, or the reverse is true. Until I met and traveled with Doc, I possibly thought that veterinarians had a relatively easy way of life. That was before I learned that nearly every night, regardless of road, time, or weather conditions, when a farmer phoned with a cow down sick with milk fever or a horse hardly able to breath, Doc was expected to be at the farm without excuse. I imagine he could put off a case of hollow horn for a day or two. I later learned this soft-spoken country humorist graduated from Cornell University and was a teaching professor at Purdue. Before setting this chatter into type, I asked a St. Johnsville retired attorney if I could be held liable for including this in Hello Again and he answered, “Only if you get caught.” Do you need new friends? I’ve got three I will loan to you: a pastor, a doctor, and an attorney. In fact, this Christmas season I will give them to you. While reading one of James Herriot’s novels, I ran across the word “somnambulistic” and wondered why anyone in his right mind would concoct and use such a word. I’m sure that a great orator and wordsmith such as Winston Churchill would never have repeated it in public, less he be accused of blowing off steam. According to Mr. Webster, it means sleepwalking. After using the word sleepwalking to refer to sleepwalking, do you feel like an ignoramus because you didn’t say somnambulistic? To me it does sound like some – bull. Now I’m sure we both have found a word we will never use. This little chatter seems to point out one of the major faults in our so-called higher education. We are forced to learn so much that we will never use and skip so much of what we do need to know. Do you know how to read your electric meter and figure your light bill? How to convert square feet into square yards so you can know the cost of carpet at $15 per square yard? Or who has the right of way on a New York State highway – you with your car or a farmer with a horse and buggy? It might pay to find out. Is it correct to refer to yourself as “I” or “me”? Now as far as me thinks, it is confusing to know whether I am me or I. If in doubt, call me Fred – it’s worked for the

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

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last 77 years. Over in the hill country there was an ant that worked hard all day in the fields. It was summer and the ant was busy cutting grass and dragging it home. The ant had a grasshopper for a neighbor. The grasshopper lived on welfare and sat in his doorway singing all day. When winter came, the ant had a whole bale of grass. But the ant had violated the Federal Farm Law for over-harvesting grass. He was fined $162.50 and the surplus was seized. The grasshopper received the surplus in exchange for his food stamps. If the ant failed to report his hard work gain, they could and would put him – after financially destroying him – in the pokey pokey. The ant was classified as self-employed so he had to pay New York and federal income taxes along with social security, unemployment insurance, and disability payments – keep books – fill in and submit reports to New York State, Uncle Sam, have his hard work place examined by government employed ants, and stand prepared to pay fines and penalties with additional interest if he failed in any payment or filing. I can hear old Abe saying, “Shiver my timbers – I thought I did away with slavery.” Well Christmas and New Year’s Eve have come and gone. So has the 365 days and nights of the year 2012. Around the 20th of December I noticed Santa’s big red cattle truck was no longer seen in the area. Also, I was told Santa, in an attempt to become more fashionable, had his whiskers trimmed. Early this morning when I took our dog Toby out for his walk, I noticed strange hoof prints in the driveway snow but the snow at the bottom of the garage overhead door had not been disturbed. I opened the overhead door and found my three-wheeled Spyder motorcycle was sitting there all shined up in its regular stall. While I am pleased that my red Spyder was able to help Santa – how did he return it to its regular garage space without disturbing the snow? This week I will have to keep my eye open for Santa’s red cattle truck. Maybe he will take off a few deserved weeks and head south. I’m glad he didn’t take my red Spyder roadster with him. I was going to ask my wife what she thought about all of this. I feel reasonably sure she would accuse me of becoming a little somnambulistic or a candidate for Santa to give me a ride in his bright red cattle truck up to the funny farm. My St. Johnsville fellow goose-watcher asked if I noticed that nearly all of the geese were gone. Now I wonder where did all of those huge gaggles of geese go. Until next time, enjoy this beautiful snow-covered winter wonderland. Say or wave hello to your neighbors and thank God for all of his blessings we receive. Remember God created the Heavens and Earth, then he created us in his own image so we could enjoy his handy work.

Fred Lee and the Lee Family

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

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Crystal Chandelier Restaurant & Banquet Facility


At the monthly board meeting on December 19, 2012, Highway Superintendent Arthur Logan requested the purchase of a new Western Star plow truck at the cost of $215,000.00. At 6:35 p.m., the Town of Palatine board members, in their infinite wisdom, approved his request, even though questions were raised regarding the NEED as well as the EXCESSIVE COST. The vote was as follows: Betty Sanders - - - - - - - - -YES Shawn Cotton - - - - - - - - -YES Richard Becker Jr. - - - - - -YES Michele Whiteman - - - - - -NO Brian Sweet - - - - - - - - - -NO Thank you to Michele and Brian for realizing the current economic climate that we are in and for their fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers of the Town of Palatine. More to come next month. Paul Spencer, Palatine Bridge



January 12th & 13th

Specializing In:

“Weddings, Banquets & Parties” 315.891.3366 Affiliated with: Adonis-Avanti Transportation Service & Crystal Coach Charters

SUPER SALE! 50 to 75% OFF select merchandise throughout the store! Clothing, mugs, ball caps, pet treats, shot glasses, skull merchandise, targets, gift items, and more! LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. At The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518993-1010. Public Consignment Auction; Tuesday Evening January 15th 6:00pm @ JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 13339 Bring your good quality items to sell and turn them into CASH!! If you have tools, collectables, antiques, or good salable items BRING THEM ON!! 518993-4668 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Having a new year storage problem? Let us help you find a solution with items like shelving and totes in a wide variety of sizes and colors, and great prices too.

Saturday 9am to 5pm Sunday 9am to 3pm Admission $8.00 • Seniors $7.00 under 14 - free with an adult Quality Investment Firearms, New, Used & Antique Knives, Swords and Vintage Military Collectables, Accessories & More DIRECTIONS: ADIRONDACK NORTHWAY, RT 87 TO EXIT 15, WEST ON RT. 50 TO CITY CENTER ON LEFT (BROADWAY) INFO: 518-584-0027

~Door Prizes! Gun Club Raffles! ~Educational Displays! Free Parking ~Food Available! ~ Downtown Shopping ~ 24 Hr. Security


Family Owned & Operated since 1982


Sportsman’s Auction Wednesday January 30th 6:00pm Good Quality Gun Consignments Wanted, will also be selling some contractor tools!! 10 guns are already consigned!! JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 13339 518-993-4668

Antique Vendors Wanted, Spaces available for rent. High Traffic Flow, New Antique Center Opening soon, At Dutch Heritage Antique Treasures 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY Call JR at 518-993-4668 or Tim at 518-332-5157 FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Master Mechanic bar and chain oil is in stock! It is only $6.99 per gallon for a limited time and while supplies last! RECORDS WANTED: We’ll buy your old records from 19301970. 45’s, 78’s, Albums, Rock-N-Roll, Blues, R&B, Country, etc. Call Pete 518-6732384. + DEAR FATHER, please help us worship Jesus and give presents to Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. + Epiphany prayer for Matthew 2:11. UMC 518993-3863 2006 CHRYSLER Sebring Touring, silver, 72k, V-6, auto, AC, CD, full power. SALE: $8,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518762-7124

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

The members of the Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank the residents and businesses of Canajoharie, Palatine Bridge and The Town of Root for their support throughout 2012. Your generosity continues to assist us to proudly provide fire protection, EMS services, hold social functions and educational services for the community. On behalf of the entire department we would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe 2013. Thank you, Suzanne Wells, President Frank Nestle, Chief

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 10lb Black oil sunflower seed and 20 lb Wild Bird Food is now on sale for $5.99 each. HICKORY ROCKERS, end tables, coffee tables, footstools, etc. Made for orders. 5% off all orders placed Jan.1 through Jan.15. Hickory Rocker Shop, 242 Groff Rd., Palatine Bridge, NY FOR SALE: 2000 LS Suzuki Savage, 11,000 miles, leather saddle bags, color green, excellent condition. 518-5737468, 518-573-2969. Or trade for 4 wheeler or snowmobile. FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186

2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 XL Custom Vance & Hines Pipes, Vance & Hines Fuel Pak, Stage 1 EFI Kit, Black, 8,500 Miles, $7,500. Excellent Condition!


FOR SALE: 4 Piece wooden desk w/2 locking drawers, 5 ft. laminate top, w/custom made shelves fitting around top of desk. Great for student or a business. Call (518) 568-2212 BUSINESS CARD MAGNETS only $75.00 for 250. Free Shipping. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or b s n y d e r @ l e e p u b. c o m Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery

2006 SUBARU Baha Sport, silver, 52k, 4cyl., auto, moonroof, leather trim, full power, all wheel drive. SALE: $17,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518762-7124

Prayer & Fasting Days There have been various calls to prayer and fasting in our American history. Denominations and even presidents have asked for these special days of focus and reflection. Our local pastors gathering has been made aware of other pastors groups considering this and feel it is a good thing and worthy of our time and effort. A group of like-minded pastors from a variety of churches in the Communion Valley are calling any and all Bible-believing Christians to spend the first Monday of January 2013 as a day to urgently seek our God through fasting and prayer. We recommend praying for a true revival in the hearts of all Christians and a return to Kingdom living in our churches. We also recommend lifting up the ministry of the gospel around the world, for our Lord to push forward laborers into the harvest, and for divine protection for all believers who are suffering persecution for the faith in our Lord Jesus. We’re going to continue this day of prayer and fasting throughout the year of 2013. The first Monday of every month is the designated day. There will be areas of focus posted every month on Facebook,, and through the pastors involved. It is our hope that we can bind our hearts together with holy resolve and that we can affect good change in our communities and around the world through our efforts. Seekers Fellowship 14 Park Place - PO Box 194 Blessings & Peace, Mike Yezierski, pastor St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-7485

Page 11

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

WE WON’T BE UNDERSOLD Online or off, lowest prices guaranteed on Keurig brewers and K-Cups. 230 varieties in stock

Shop from home...

Spring Water Available • Distilled Water • Spring Water M-F 9-5, Sat 9-3 • Fluoride Added Bottled Water • 5 Gal. #1 Bottles Available

WE CARRY FABRAL roofing & siding panels with LIFETIME warranty against fading and chalking and ENERGY STAR APPROVED. Can be ordered cut to length and many colors to choose from. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-5687016 STONECRAFT: A manufactured stone veneer which delivers grace, charm and a powerful feel of stone and offers distinctive irregular fieldstone shapes and natural looking broken edges. Available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518568-7016 Public Consignment Auction Every Tuesday Night, 6:00pm at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort plain NY 13339 518-993-4668 Good Quality Items Wanted!! If You Have Tools or Other Items You Want To Turn Into Cash Give Us A Call!! VIEWPOINT VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS are durable, low maintenance and ENERGY STAR APPROVED with lifetime warranty against glass breakage. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016


Call Beth at Lee Publications 518673-0101 Questions Free Shipping

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Lets Attend Church This Sunday”. You and your family are welcome at Grandview Baptist Church, corner of Lydius & Washington St., Ft. Plain, NY. Sunday School 10am. Morning Worship 11am. Book Your Spring Auctions now so that we can advertise and get the date you want!! We do On Sites, Real Estate, Farm Auctions, Machinery, Business Liquidations, and much more. JR’S Auction 518-9934668



BFR 454 Casull Revolver $500. New Holland 478 Haybine $1,900 OBO. Both in very nice condition. Call Shawn at 607-2870380.


available at Lee Publications. 25¢ a page. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. Open MondayFriday 8am-5pm. 518-673-0101 or

BLACK & WHITE COPIES only 15¢ each. Lee Publications. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. Open MondayFriday 8 am - 5 pm. 518-673-0101 or

WANTED: LAND FOR rent. 315-823-0139.

Calll uss todayy orr stop p byy ourr officee forr pickup!

Buy y 8 Boxes s off K-Cups



Shop 230 varieties of K-Cups.

405 S. Washington St., Herkimer, N.Y. 315-866-4054 800-734-0501

Exp. 12/31/13

7 W. Whitesboro St. Yorkville, N.Y. (315) 507-4739

Salisbury Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club 17TH Annual NYS Snowmobile Trail Grooming Equipment Show & Seminar

Saturday, January 12th • 8:30AM Seminar is FREE - Please pre-register to ensure spot. “HANDS ON” DEMONSTRATIONS For More Information Contact Mike Denapole (315) 866-0517 OR


Curtis Rd., Salisbury, NY FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186 INVOICES for your Business - 2, 3 or 4 part forms. Very reasonable. Call your sales representative or Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 Free Shipping SNOW IS HERE! Plastmo Gutters stand up to snow and ice and are easy to install for the DIY. Available in white or brown. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016


up to 11x17. Lee Publications, 6113 State Rt. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. 518-673-0101 or




PAYING CASH P Highest Prices Paid! L A T I N U M #




J E W E L R Y #


“WE DO M-F 9-5 PAY MORE!” SAT. 9-3 36 N. MAIN, G’VILLE # # 725-8255 # STERLING#DIAMONDS#

Page 12

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 13

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 PHOTO CALENDARS now available right here at Lee Publications. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 518-6733237. Choose up to 24 photos. Only $12.00 for digital photos and $15.00 if we scan them.

WOOD PELLETS: PreWinter Special on NEW ENGLAND PREMIUM PELLETS, with low ash. BUY NOW AND SAVE. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-5687016


Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 We have 47lb Alpo dog food priced just right at $18.99

We can print what you need. Please allow 2-3 weeks in advance. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 Free Shipping TURN your wedding, baby, graduation, scenery photos into beautiful canvas prints starting at only $40. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or email THERMA-TRU FiberClassic, Smooth-Star and Steel Exterior entry door units. Many styles to choose from. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016 PREFINISHED HARDWOOD FLOORING in 2¼”, 3”, 4” & 5” widths, many colors available with Lifetime Finish Warranty. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 ATV TRAILERS by Bosski Industries first automatic “Dump Assist” trailers GVWR 800lbs.+ 1600lbs. models available. Come check them out at North Creek Auto 315-866-3698 NEED PROTECTION FOR YOUR FLOOR under your wood stove? 36”x52” wood grain stove boards available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 WOOD PELLETS: Warm Front Brand by New England. Wood Pellets: Premium Grade $219.00 per ton while supplies last. Benuel Fisher Auctions 518-568-2257


at Lee Publications, 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. 518-673-0101

VENDORS WANTED: For outdoor flea market and indoor craft market at Amish Country Commons. 518-993-3311

WANTED: Experienced technician with tools, full time. Contact Licari Motor Car at 315-8684141.


DA IN . Closed N V O R A I D n A ER S at. 7am-4pm • Su

M i. 7am-8pm • S M U Fr S urs: Mon.mer Ho

New Sum

Premium Quality S/4/S Knotty Pine

1x4’s 1x6’s 1x8’s 1x10’s 1x12’s

8 ft. - 16 ft. 8 ft. - 16 ft. 8 ft. - 16 ft. 8 ft. - 16 ft. 8 ft. - 16 ft.

Premium m Quality y Tongue & Groove e Knotty y Pine

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8 ft. & 10 ft. 8 ft. & 10 ft.

Call For Prices

We Also Carry Hemlock Band Sawn Lumber We Special Order Metal Roofing & Siding Custom Cut to your length, painted starting at $1.83 / ft. Call or stop in and take advantage of our Reduced Metal Roofing Prices. Many colors to choose from.

We Have In Stock Grain For Your Animals Chick Starter • Pig Grower Layer • Beef Grower Horse Feed • Calf Starter Sheep & Goat • Salt Blocks

315-429-3627 302 Bacon Brook Rd., Dolgeville, NY 13329

Page 14

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Don’t worry if you make a mistake! You can print another at!

See Page 16 for the Answers to All of These Puzzles

Page 15

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013


“The Water People Since 1912” • Celebrating Our 100th Year


4th Generation Family Owned & Operated New York State D.E.C. Certified



GOULDS & STA-RITE Pumps - Service Sales & Service Rt. 20, Sloansville

STOVE PIPE: 24 gauge 6” & 8” x24” black stove pipe, elbows and dampers available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Great Stuff expanding foam for gaps and cracks is just $4.99 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 We now have a selection of pet leashes, collars, toys, and treats or beds. KEEP THE COLD OUT with Larson Combination Storm Doors. 32” & 36” x80” white in stock at $137.85. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 LET US HELP you get rid of your unwanted stuff. Place a reader ad today. Only $4.00 for the 1st 14 words. Call 518-673-3011


any size. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or email Please allow 7-10 working days to receive your banner after ordering. Free Shipping FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-8473186 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 1lb packages of rawhide curls are on sale now for just $4.99 2009 HONDA Civic LX, maroon, 29k, 4cyl., auto, 4-door, AC, CD, full power. Great on Gas!! SALE: $15,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-7627124

Corner of Washington & Lydius

Fort Plain

Independentt & Fundamental

Bible Preaching Bible Teaching Biblical Counseling

607-282-2318 Pastorr Dan n West

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 16 2002 MITSUBISHI Eclipse GT Spyder Convertible, white, 73k, V-6, auto, AC, CD, full power. SALE: $8,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-7627124

PREMIUM GRADE ANTHRACITE Coal Nut, Pea or Rice. Franklin Brand. Call Benuel Fisher Auctions 518-5682257

Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 We have heaters on sale starting at just $14.99.

GREG BENNETT Guitars. Authorized dealer. Imagineering Drum & Guitar shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315823-1500

Gun Consignments needed for our Gun Auction on January 30th 6:00pm @ JR’S Auction in Fort Plain 518-9934668 Looking for good quality Guns and Hunting related items!! Turn your guns into CASH!! Call JR 518-993-5668 or Tim 518-332-4668 2007 JEEP Liberty Lmtd 4x4, red, 50k, V-6, auto, leather, moonroof. SALE: $15,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 FOR SALE: Cement Mixer, Needs Motor. Call (518)568-2212

Answers to this week’s puzzles

STUDIO APT. FOR RENT: All utilities and parking included. References and security a must! Call Sharon at (315)429-3579 SNOW REMOVAL: Snow blower & loader services. Residential & commercial. St. Johnsville & Fort Plain Areas. 518993-9997. MAKE our phone ring so we can return the favor!! Place your reader ad today. Only $4 for the first 14 words. 518673-3237

Whatchamacallits Brewster’s Safety Rein Holders were advertised as a tool to prevent accidents and save on costly buggy repair. There were multiple versions of rein holders. The one pictured here slips around the edge of the buggy and can be tapped with a hammer to fully secure in place. Reins are then pinched between the arms on the clamp. Another version of the Safety Rein Holder is made for work related transportation. Planters, cultivators and other production-related horse carriages had bigger, hardier clamps that attached more permanently with screws. Rein holders were made with either brass or nickel and were warranted to not rust.

This tool is from the collection of Willis “Skip” Barshied.

Page 17

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Save $4 off an Oil Change for the month of December at Ike’s Garage, 58 S, Main St., St. Johnsville, NY (518)568-5055 Having problems with your well or pump? Call The Water People Provost Brothers! 518868-2126 FOR SALE: 1948 Ford 8N tractor with plow and a t t a c h m e n t s , $3,000/OBO. Call 607264-3680 20x30 TENT with four sides for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518-6733812 50 Lb. LARD for $62.50, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 BE PREPARED FOR THE BIG ONE! Rock salt, snow shovels, and roof rakes available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016

Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 EasyCare and EasyCare Platinum Paint are a great way to help redecorate any room. Buy now and get $5 off instantly per gallon (limit 5 gallons). NEED YOUR PORCH ENCLOSED? 2’x8’ or 12’ Palruff Clear Corrugated PVC Panels are 10 times stronger than fiberglass. Available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, Inc., 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-8473186 1992 BMW 325-I, 5Spd., 4 door, parts or repair, $600. Call 518673-4184

2006 YAMAHA Road Star Midnight Silverado, 1700cc, hard bags, windshield, Mustang custom seat w/back rests, 22k, black. $7,900/OBO. Road Ready!


e e s u o If y Karl with a K on Main St. wish him a

Happy New Year!

Page 18

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

WANDA - 1 - 2 year old female Chihuahua mix, black with a touch of white on her chest and one white paw. Found on Route 67, Palatine on December 23rd. Sweet and playful.

ECHO - 1 - 2 year old female Pit Bull mix, 55 lbs. Found on Route 5, St. Johnsville in September 2011. Good with some dogs, not cats. Older kids only.

MONTANA - 2 year old male Pit Bull mix. Found on Old Fort Plain Road, Canajoharie in October. Not good with cats. Fine with older kids.

DENVER - 1 - 2 year old male Pit Bull, 49 lbs. Found in Mohawk in October. Friendly and energetic.

ANNIE - 4 year old female Coonhound, 40 lbs. OK with dogs and indoor cats. Loves car rides. Smart, fast learner. Housebroken.

SNOWFLAKE - 2 year old female Pit Bull, SAKURA - Lovely 1 - 2 year old tiger and white blind and deaf. A great dog, a sweetheart. female. Found in Fultonville on December 5th. A darling cat with beautiful markings. Should be your only dog. Housebroken.

BALOO - 4 - 6 year old black male. Came to the shelter on December 15th. Sweet, friendly and lovable.

NEEDED: Canned Dog Food

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 23

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

n i n i g D&


Wrath of Grapes Fine Wine & Liquor 51 Hancock St. Fort Plain, NY • 518-993-2624

Over 9,000 Bottles Case Discounts on Wine

“We Don’t Sell You Wine, We Help You Choose Your Selection”

Hungry Bearr Cafe

Dine In Or Take Out 993-5306

Mon., Jan. 7th

(518) 568-2700

N Alll You u Can n Eatt Pancakes 3-77 pm N Spanishh Ricee w/Veg N Baked Chickenn w/Potatoo & Veg.

Tues., Jan. 8th - Chicken & Biscuits, Dressing & Mashed - Western Egg Sandwich w/Cup of Soup

Tues., Jan. 8th

Wed., Jan. 9th

N Shepherd’ss Piee w/Applesauce N Hott Roastt Beeff Sandwich w/Potatoo & Veg

- Goulash & Italian Bread & Butter - Mexican Cheeseburger, FF & Salad

Wed., Jan. 9th

Thurs., Jan 10th

N ALL L YOU U CAN N EAT SPAGHETTI 3-77 PM N Turkeyy & Cheddarr Monte Cristoo w/Fries N Spaghettii w/Meatballs,, Hott Sausagee and/orr Tosss Salad

Thurs., Jan. 10th

N Chicken-N-Biscuitss w/Veg N Seafoodd Saladd Wrapp w/Chips

Fri., Jan. 11th

N Freshh Haddockk Dinner,, (Friedd orr Baked)) w/Potatoo & Veg N Mac-N-Cheesee w/Veg w Englandd Clam m Chowderr N New

Sat., Jan. 12th

N Friedd Shrimpp w/Potatoo & Veg N Primee Ribb w/Potatoo & Veg 3-77 PM

Sun., Jan. 13th

N Stuffedd Frenchh Toast

Breakfastt Only Closedd att 12:300 pm

Homemade Soups & Desserts Hours:: Mon.-Sat.. 7 AM-77 PM Sun.. 7 AM-12:300 PM

122 Hancockk St.,, Fortt Plain

Mix & Match

- Mac & Cheese w/Applesauce - Liver & Onions, Mashed or FF & Salad

Fri., Jan 11th

Rt. 80 Bowl VanHornesville

Smorgasbord Saturday, January 12th 5-9PM Roast Beef, Ham, Beef Stroganoff $12.00 Adults $6.00 Children


- Fresh Haddock, FF or Mashed & Salad - Fresh Haddock on a Roll

After 4:00 PM Roast Turkey, Dressing, Mashed & Salad

Sat., Jan. 12th - 2 Blueberry Pancakes, Choice of Meat

Sun., Jan. 13th - 2 French Toast, Meat & Homefries


Now Accepting Credit Cards

7304 State Hwy. 5, St. Johnsville, NY Tues.-Thurs. 6am-3pm; Fri. 6am-7pm; Sat. 6am-11:30am; Sun. 7am-11:30am; Closed Mon.

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 24



PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • Ph: 518-673-3011 OR 800-218-5586


14 words $.10 each additional

Deadline Thursday Noon - Fill Out This Form OR Call Us To Place Your Reader Ad • READER AD FORM • Date________ COPY:

____ # of Weeks

______Starting Issue Date (Saturday Date)

(First 14 words $4.00 each additional word 10¢)

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 14 words - $4.00

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 24 words - $5.00

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Name on Credit Card (print): ________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Today’s Date: ________________ Amount Paid: ________________________________________ Ph: 518-673-3011 or 800-218-5586 • Fax: 518-673-2381 • Email:

Mail: The Original Pennysaver, PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428

Page 25

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Attention Give us a call, JR’S Auction @ 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY will host Auctions in different areas, including Sportsman’s and Gun Auctions, Tool Auctions, or other specialty Auctions that you need in your area!! Call JR’S Auction 518-993-4668 Will Travel!! Huge Special!! Clementine’s $2.50 lb., Baby Carrots 1lb. bag 2 for $1.00, Yogurt $1.00 per case various flavors @ JR’S Grocery 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 13339 518-993-4668 While Supplies Last, Don’t Miss Out!!! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Our newly remodeled store is home to a wide variety of new products and displays, stop on down and see what we have to offer. FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186


Full color glossy, heavy stock. 250 ($45.00); 500 ($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00). Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or Free Shipping WANTED - CA$H PAID: for old jewelry, books. Dolls toys, even if broken, 1970s older. 1960s & older: Clothing. Old frames, Christmas, Halloween items. Interested in almost anything old. Shirley 315-894-9032. INSULATION: All Types. New/ Existing Buildings. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Call Upstate Spray Foam Insulation 315-822-5238.

SNOWBLOWER SALE: Cub Cadet & Husqvarna Walk Behinds. Land Pride 3 point hitch units in stock. Stop by for Special Pricing. Randall Implements, Rt. 5S, Fultonville, NY 518-8534500 Spaces for Rent in our New Antique Center at Dutch Heritage Antique Treasures 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 13339 call for details and space rentals, JR @ 518-993-4668 or Tim @ 518-332-5157 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 We now have a large selection of bird feeders and food for your feathered friends, 20lb sunflower seed is just $11.97 BAKED VIRGINIA HAM $4.99 Lb., Genoa Salami $3.99 Lb., (sold by pounds only) if less than a pound 50¢ more a pound, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382


All sizes. Mounted or Unmounted. Just bring in or send us your photo at Lee Publications. Call 518-673-0101 or Free Shipping ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES: Fabricated for residential, commercial or agricultural construction. Call for a free quote. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 Check out our website for all the services we offer. Then call for an appointment! Ike’s Garage, 58 S. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY (518)568-5055 ONE BEDROOM APT FOR RENT. Perfect for one person, quiet location. Non smoker, $525 a month - must have references. Call 518-7747043.

Employment WANTED Bus Driver Substitutes Apply at Canajoharie Central School Bus Garage 76 Carlisle Road Canajoharie, NY 13317 518-673-6348 forr appt.

PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS 8x10 - $2.00 • 11x17 - $5.00 • 12x18 or 13x19 - $7.00. Come see us at Lee Publications, 6113 State Rt. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 518-673-3237 USED TIRE SALE: Huge Inventory, mounting & balancing FREE. No appointment necessary! Save money call Auto World, 534 North Perry Street, Johnstown 12095 518-762-7555 COMMON PINE: Excellent for trim boards; Also 1”x6” tongue & groove and 1”x12” rough cut. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016 A Mohawk Valley Premier Dealership is now hiring for telemarketers, sales reps and service writer. Apply in person only! Licari Motor Car, Rt. 28 N, Herkimer, NY FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy Ext. Cab P/U, V6, auto, 4WD, 150k miles, runs great, $2,000. 518-8488789


for trucks and cars. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 Free Shipping 2005 CHEVY Cobalt LS, blue, 68k, 4cyl., auto, AC, CD, Great on Gas!! SALE: $8,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 HOG CASINGS by the hank $26.95, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 CHECK OUT OUR produce at really low prices, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 WHY REPLACE YOUR ROOF? When all you need is a simple repair. Call Lakeside Kanga Roofing 315-823-0139. WANTED TO BUY: Old Grit newspapers (not the Grit magazine). 518-5685115 2 BEDROOM Apartment For Rent in Canajoharie. Call 518-993-2290

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 26




2437 State Rt 7 PO Box 670 Cobleskill, NY 12043 518-234-2558 518-234-4430 Fax


Buying Used Firearms Bill & Dee Dwyer 266 Shun Pike Rd. Sloansville, NY 12160 (518) 868-4662

Edward Updyke





Spray Foam


Insulation $ave on Your Heating and Cooling Bills $ave Energy

Call 518-284-2040

REAL ESTATE John n P.. Case Licensed Sales Representative

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24 Willow St., Amsterdam, NY 12010

Contractor’s Millwork, Inc. Est. 1986

Call 843-0307


Owners/Operators: Alden and Steven Witham Sharon Springs, NY

518-281-8008 518-568-2776

Showroom Open By Appt




Barrett’s Transmissions General Repair

Snow Plowing & Removal Commercial & Residential

“Over 30 Years Experience”

Cleaning Out Your Basement, Attic, Home, Business, Etc.? Call for Trailer Rental Prices to Haul Your Stuff Away! Also, Hauling Crusher Run, Gravel, Etc. Top Dollar Paid for Scrap Iron or Cars

315-823-4903 or 315-868-5747

Call Tony Crews, Owner for details

Garry-Jason Barrett Owners

148 Ripple Road Cherry Valley, NY 13320

Phone & Fax:


To Advertise Your Business Call 518-673-3011 or Fax to 518-673-3245 $13.00 Weekly for 13 Weeks $18.00 Weekly for 4 Weeks

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 27

Bridal Proposal (BPT) You’ve picked the perfect ring. You’ve practiced the words you’ll use when you propose. But you know she would be livid if you asked her on the big screen. Making an engagement truly memorable will win you points for a lifetime each time she retells your

engagement story. These tips will help your engagement stick out. With so many engagements between Christmas and Valentine’s Day, here are some great ways to make your engagement be one of a kind. Take it personally Make it a party Capture the moment

Come Join Us for Our...

Annual Bridal Show Januaryy 13,, 2013,, 12-4pm m Open to the public

Perthshire can save you time, stress and money by bringing together some of the finest wedding professionals. Attend the Fashion Show presented by A Fine Romance. Meet DJ’s, Photographers, Travel Agents, Hair Specialists & More!

Sample our delicious pasta station, hors d’oeuvres and wedding cake! Check out our new enclosed patio ~ Definitely a beautiful setting for a fairy tale wedding!


A Fine Romance Bridal Shop

BRIDAL ~ TUXEDO County Highway 107 & Smith Road (1 mile west of Perth Four Corners)

Hours: Tues-Thurs 12-8; Fri 12-5; Sat 10-4

We will be at the Perthshire Bridal Show January 13th.

1/2 Price Tuxedo Sale (Basic Tux)

Order by Feb. 28th. Any Tux can be used anytime in 2013. May not be combined with any other offer, discount or value Tux.

518-843-8351 •

Page 28 COLOR GLOSSY PHOTO CALENDARS. only $12.00 includes tax. Send us your digital prints and we will make a beautiful keepsake calendar for you. You may also bring in your photos on a disc or thumb drive. If you would like us to mail it is a $5.00 extra fee. Only 3 day turnaround time. Beth Snyder Lee Publications 518673-0101 Coin, Silver, & Gold Consignment Auction January 16th Wednesday Evening 6:00pm Consignments Wanted For, Silver Coins, Gold, Buffalo Nickels, Coin Proofs, Silver or Sterling Jewelry, Post Cards, Antiques and more. Contact JR?S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 13339 518-993-4668 Consign early to advertise and for pictures!! JR at 518-9934668 or Tim 518-3325156 Food Auction at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-9934668 Large Selection of Roast Beef, Corn Beef, Cooked Hams, Turkey Breast, Chicken Breast, Bolognas, Cheeses, Groceries, Yogurt, Cereal, Salad Dressing, Produce, Meat Platters, Frozen Meats, Pizzas, and much more!! Tuesday Night January 8th 6:00pm 518-993-4668 Don’t Miss Out!!! PET FOOD: Taste of the Wild, Diamond Naturals, EVO, California Natural, Country Value Pet Foods, and more! GRAIN FREE. Also carrying Parrot food, 17in MONSTER Beef Bones, treats, collars, leashes, etc… at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc.

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Thank you so much for your patience during our remodel, we are finally finished! Now we invite you back in to take a look around and enjoy our new layout, and shop our selection of products. We have added a wide variety of new merchandise for your shopping convenience. Thanks again, the management and staff of Fort Plain True Value. ICE FISHING Supplies, LIVE BAIT, augers, lures, tip-ups, jigs, minnows, etc. at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518993-1010. NFL Fans! We have Hats, Scarves, Blankets, Pillows, Mugs, Shot Glasses, Placemats, Pot Holders, and more! ALL Teams available. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. Attention Gun Shop Owners: If you have extra inventory or Hunting related Antiques give us a call to consign in our Sportsman Gun Auction on Wednesday January 30th 6:00pm JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-9934668 or Tim @ 518-3325157 NEED WOOD? WE HAVE IT! Common pine, select pine, clear pine, hardwood, moldings, spruce, Douglas fir, pressure treated and plywood. Just what you need for your fall projects! Also WOOD PELLETS! C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186

Antiques & Auctions



Sat., Jan. 12th Consignment Auction ~ 6:33pm

Sun., Jan. 13th Breeder Sale ~ 11:33am Sat., Jan. 19th Consignment Auction ~ 6.33pm Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY • (315)





Weekly Sales Every Monday 12:30 Produce, Misc. & small animals; 1:00 Dairy; **We will now sell lambs, goats, pigs, feeders immediately following Dairy. Calves and cull beef approx. 5:00-5:30PM. Help us increase our volume - thus making a better market for everyone. **We are Independent Marketers - working 24/7 to increase your bottom line. Take advantage of our low commission rates. Competitive marketing is the way to go. Monday, Dec. 17th sale - cull ave. .61 Top cow .86 wt. 1275 $1096.50 up to $1343.93, Bulls/Steers top $.84 wt. 1499 $1259.16, bull calves top $1.25, heifer calves up to $1.23. Monday, Jan. 7th - Monthly feeder & Fat Cow Sale - Back to normal schedule. Monday, Jan. 14th - Monthly Heifer Sale. Special: Durmadale Registered Jersey Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal - 40 Head sell. Dairy will sell at 1PM. Monday, Jan. 21st - Monthly Sheep, Lamb, Goat & Pig Sale. For Sale by Private Treaty - Certified Organic Dairy (NOFA) Herd of 27 Jersey Cows, 5 Guernsey Cows. Complete Milking Herd - Fall calving ave. 40# now with 4.3 F/ 3.2P. SCC 100,000. Contact Tom if interested. LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW - GIVE US A CALL. **Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Directions: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments. Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411

607-699-3637 or 607-847-8800 cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771

Page 29

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013 Auction Every Tuesday Night

JR’s s Auctions 56 Willett St. Fort Plain, NY 13339

8 • Tim m (518)) 332-5157 JR (518)) 993-4668

Don’t Miss This Auction!!

Attention Food Auction Tuesday Night, January 8th @ 6:00PM At Jr’s Discount Groceries. 56 Willett Street in Fort Plain

Food & Groceries Auction!!! • Butter, Margarine, Butter Blend • Hard Salami by the lb. Chipped Cooked Ham by the lb. • Turkey Breast, Roast Beef, 4 lb. Hams, 6 lb. Turkey Breast • Chicken Nuggets, Meats, Pepperoni by the stick • Frozen Pizza’s, Frozen Chicken Tenders, Scramblers

• Schreiber’s White American Cheese, Swiss, Munster & Farmers Cheese, Cheese by the Blocks • Frozen Meats and Vegetables, Tomatoes, Butternut Squash • Ice Cream & Much More!! • Bring Your Coolers!!!!

Large supply of frozen food items!! Don’t Miss It!!! Attention: We will also be selling boxes of materials, books, and some box lots that were left over from previous auctions!

The Auction Action Never Stops!!

Credit Cards Accepted! • Call for details 518-993-4668

Gun & Tool Consignment Auction!! Wednesday Evening, January 30th @ 6:00PM Guns, Contractor Tools, Reloading Equipment, Taxidermy!! Consignments Wanted!!

Attention at our Gun Auction we will be accepting top Quality Contractor Tools!! 10 Are Guns Already Consigned (watch for list and pictures) Call in to Consign Your Guns Early So That We Can Take Pictures and Advertise Them! 518-993-4668. Attention: All Guns must be in a Gun Case or Covered when entering and exiting the Building!! Guns not on premises until day of sale. Preview starting at 12:00 noon. Visa, Mastercard & Discover Credit Cards accepted. If paying with credit card an additional 3% will be added to your total! Stay posted!! Auctionzip ID #29324

SPECIAL L COIN,, GOLD D & SILVER R AUCTION N Wednesday y Evening,, January y 16th @ 6 PM Location: 56 Willett St., Fort Plain, NY

Consignments s Wanted d For!!!

Silverr Coins,, Gold,, Buffalo o Nickels,, Coin n Proofs,, g Jewelry,, Postt Cardss & More!! Silverr orr Sterling

If You Have Gold & Silver You Want To Cash In at Auction Prices This Is The Time To Do It!! The Gold & Silver Buyers Will Be Here!! Don’t Miss It!! We Aree Stilll Receivingg Forr Thiss Auction!! We Don’tt Know w Whatt Alll Willl Be Here,, Stayy Posted! Calll JR at 518-993-4668 8 or Tim m @ 518-332-5157 Major Credit Cards Accepted! Be sure to attend. Watch for more listings, Auctionzip ID #29324

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 30


525 E. Mill St., Little Falls

(315) 823-1709 40 McKinley Rd., Dolgeville


(315) 429-9962

Full line of Building Materials - Customer Steel Orders including Garages, Pole Barns, House Packages. Complete line of Treated Lumber for your deck projects.


$ 49 on Seconds Steel Roofing. Many Color In Stock. Lin/Ft


for Custom Size

Edge $ 10 Weather Standard Color 25 Lin/Ft

Year Warranty

Save energy There are several simple actions you can take to save energy. • Change a light and save a bundle. ENERGY STAR qualified light bulbs are 75 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs. When just one room in every home is brightened by ENER-

GY STAR lighting, the change will keep over one trillion pounds of carbon dioxide out of our air. • Make a quick trip to the hardware store or home improvement center for a hot water insulation kit to wrap your water heater and save on water heating costs.

Style Painting & Tile Construction Donald MacDowell - Owner

(518) 469-3797 • Email:

“Custom Craftsmanship Since 1992”

Thank You for making 2012 a fantastic year. Our families thank all of our 2012 customers and we will continue to be your #1 contractor for 2013... Call Now for Exterior Scheduling for Spring, and Sidewalk & Driveway Plowing this season.

Same Reliability and Low Cost. Yard Clean Up after storms & Roof Repair.

Thank You Again, Together building a brighter future one home at a time. HELP WANTED: Painters, Tapers, Basic Labor for possible work this winter.

Page 31

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Kerosene heaters If you use kerosene heaters follow these safety tips: 1. Follow the manufacturers instructions. 2. Use only the correct fuel for your unit. 3. Refuel outdoors ONLY and only when the unit is cool. 4. Keep the heater at least three feet away from furniture and other flammable objects.

5. When using the heater, use fire safeguards and ventilate properly. Remember, the fire hazard is greatly increased in the winter because alternate heating sources often are used without following proper safety precautions. Source: www.






Route 30 - Mayfield - Phone 661-5914 STOVES & FIREPLACES • Wood, Gas & Pellet • Fireplaces & Inserts • Chimney Repairs and Liners • Tools and Accessories • Chimney Cleaning & Installations • Glass Doors Serving You For Over 28 Years

Major Credit Cards Financing Available

FENCING • Wood Fence, Post & Rail • PVC Vinyl • Aluminum Ornamental • Chain Link & All Vinyl • Retaining Wall & Decks • Outdoor Furniture

Buying pellets Pellets should be made of pure wood with no additives. No binder is needed as naturally occurring lignin in the wood melts and then hardens when it cools. One common myth is that hard wood pellets will have more Btu’s than soft wood. Once wood is densified, it will all

have the same Btu content. The quality of pellets can vary significantly and once you find a good brand that works well in your stove, stick with it. Often people think the stove is not working properly when in fact they are using a substandard pellet. Wood pellets are cylindrical

in shape and measure up to 1.5 inches (38 millimeters) in length and 5/16 of an inch (8 millimeters) in diameter. Most pellets have 5-10 percent moisture content and a heating value of approximately 8,250 Btu/pound. Pellets can be purchased at hearth specialty stores, home

improvement stores, feed stores or online. Most pellet stoves are designed to burn wood pellets, which are normally manufactured from sawdust or woodchips. Source: University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet FS937

Page 32

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Calendar of Events ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER NOTE: Calendar entries must arrive at the Original Valley Pennysaver’s office by the Tuesday prior to our publication date for them to be included in the calendar of events. Send events to Lee Publications c/o The Original Valley Pennysaver, 6113 State Highway 5, P.O. Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. E-mail: or DEC 29 - APR 7 From Giverny to the Brooklyn Bridge: American Impressionist Paintings from the Arkell Collections Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, NY.

DEC 29 - MAR 31 Pastoral & Parkland: American Landscape Paintings Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, NY.

JAN 1-28 Arkell Center News and Events for January Arkell Center, Canajoharie, NY. • Daily Activities: Cards, dominos and reading. • Monday-Friday: Noon meals provided by the Meals of Montgomery Program (M.O.M). Reservations required by noon of the previous day. Call 518-673-2000 or 8432300. Suggested donation of $3 for those 60 years or older. • Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays: 10:15-11 am. Senior’s Exercise Program with Bob Smith. • Monday - Friday: Arkell Center’s Walking Program. If any senior from the public would like an indoor place to

walk in the winter, you are welcome between 10 & 12 to join us at Arkell Center. • Wednesdays: 3-4 pm. Gentle Yoga with instructor Patty P or Gloria W. • Jan 17: 2nd Time Around Big Band practice. SPECIAL EVENTS • Wednesdays - Jan 9, 16, 23 & 30: 12:45 pm. Senior Citizens Public Card Party. Donation $2, prizes & light refreshments. • Jan. 11: 12:30 pm. Canajoharie Sr. Citizens Club Annual Christmas Luncheon. Donations will be collected in lieu of a gift exchange this year. • Jan. 15: 11:30 am 12:30 pm. Blood Pressure Clinic. Home Health

Church Directory

Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 Ames - Sprout Brook UMC 613 Latimer Hill Rd. Ames, NY 13317 518-673-2265 Rev. Dr. Campbell Laker Sunday Service 9:30am

Church of the Nazarene 3316 State Route 29 W Johnstown, NY 12095 Offices: 518-762-2982 Cell: 857-523-8417

Cherry Valley Assembly of God 37 Alden St., Cherry Valley, 607-264-3306

66 Hancock St., (Rte. 5S) Fort Plain, NY 13339 315-858-2112 Pastor Carolee Coye Sunday Service 10am

Fordsbush Bible Church 131 Clark Rd., Fort Plain 518-568-7606 Pastor Kevin Keever Sunday School 10am, Morning Service 11am, Eve. Service 6pm, Wed. Service 6:45pm, Thurs. Visitation 6pm Home of Victory Christian Academy


Cornerstone Baptist Church

Currytown Reformed Church

Dolgeville Christian Fellowship

829 St. Hwy. 162, Sprakers 518-922-8422

3 Elm St., Dolgeville, NY 13329 315-429-9142

7274 St. Hwy. 10, Ames 518-673-3405

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Everlasting Joy Believers Fellowship

Rev. Mark Ioset Service: Sunday 9:15am Church School: Sunday 10:30am

Dolgeville United Methodist Church

Worship 11:00am Sunday School @ 9:30am beginning September 18th Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 12:30pm

PO Box 896 Richfield Springs, NY 13439

Pastor David Carpenter, Jr. Sundays 9:30am

Sunday Morning Service 11:00am Sunday School for All Ages 10:00am

21 N. Helmer Ave., Dolgeville Pastor: Rev. Diane E. DiLuzio 315-429-7381

1380 E. Lykers Rd., Sprakers 518-922-9088 Pastor Brett Popp

Church of Christ Uniting

Sunday School (adult & children) 10am, Worship 11am, Sunday Eve. Prayer 6:30pm, Thurs. Eve. of Encouragement 6:30pm

Sunday School 10am, Adults & Children Morning Worship 11am, Youth Ministry 5:45pm, Evening Worship 6pm, Wed. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7pm, Awana Club 6:15-8:15pm

Pastor, Rev. Mark Fowler

Christian Church of Charleston Four Corners

588-594 Albany St., Little Falls, NY 315-823-1323 Sunday Mass 10am Coffee Hour following Sunday Mass Sunday School & Youth Group Tuesday 10am Mass & Bible Study Friday 10am-2pm Thrift Shop

Rev. Donald Hoaglander Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:00am

Ephratah Reformed Church 140 Co. Hwy. 140, Ephratah, NY To live and share Jesus Christ both locally and globally. Everyday.Everywhere.Everyone.

Pastor Jeff Hindrliter Sunday School for all ages 10am September-June Sunday Morning Worship 11am Prayer & Praise Thursdays 7pm

Faith, Hope and Love

First Baptist Church

Christian Fellowship 18 W. Grand St., Palatine Bridge 518-673-5128 Rev. David W. Bowley

Springfield Center, NY Rev. - Gary Tyler Sundays 11:30am, For other service times please call

Fort Plain United Methodist Church 39 Center St., Fort Plain Rev. Alan Griffith

Sunday School 10:00am Morning Worship 11:00am Sunday night Worship 6:00pm Wed. night Bible Study 7:00pm Free meal & music every 2nd Sat. of the month 4-7pm

Freysbush United Methodist Church

Dr. Marvin Isum, Pastor

Worship Sunday 10:30am Midweek Fellowship Tuesday 7pm

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 26 Moyer St., Canajoharie 518-673-3440

Holy Communion Sundays at 9:30am Fellowship Time to Follow Call for Holy Day services

The Rev. Virginia L Ogden, Rector

Fonda Fultonville United Methodist Church 11 Montgomery St., Fultonville Pastor Nancy Pullen • 853-3311 Sunday Morning Worship 9:15-10:15, Sunday School 9:15-10:30, Coffee Fellowship Following Service Our Mission-To Actively Follow Christ and To Inspire Others To Accompany Us.

Fultonville Reformed Church

Church Office 518-993-3863 Parsonage 518-993-3645

Freysbush Rd., Fort Plain 518-993-3645 Rev. Alan Griffith, Officiating

Corner of 5S & 30 Pastor Jane Hubschmitt

Office Hrs Tues & Thurs. 10am-4pm ALL WELCOME, Worship Service 11am

Worship 9am, Sunday School 10am ALL ARE WELCOME coffee hour to follow service

Sunday School 10AM Family Worship 10:30AM

Page 33

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Calendar of Events Care Partners Corp. (Cosponsored by St. Mary’s & Nathan Littauer Hospital). In addition to conducting the blood pressure clinic, the Home Health Partners Corp. also provides health and wellness information. MEETINGS • Jan. 25: 1 pm. Canajoharie Senior Citizens Meeting. • Jan. 22: 2-3 pm. Alzheimers & Dementia Caregivers Support Group Meeting with Lisa Hubbard. Sponsored by the Alzheimers Assoc. of Northeastern NY.

JAN 5 AARP Safe Driving Course Fort Plain Senior Center. 8:30 am - 2:30 pm. Call to sign up. Call 315-8232423 or 518-993-5061. JAN 11 After Christmas Covered Dish Dinner Arkell Center. Sponsored by the Canajoharie Senior Citizens Center. Each senior is asked to bring a covered dish plus a $5 donation in lieu of a grab bag gift. The collection will go to a local charity. Annual dues of

$10 each are due, plus the Mystery Gift raffle will be available, tickets are 50¢ each. All seniors are invited to attend. Contact Carole Clouthier, 518-673-5335. Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at JAN 18 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at JAN 25 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at

JAN 26 Deck the Doors at Amsterdam City Hall Amsterdam, NY. 1-5 pm. Festive celebration of wreaths and silent auction presented by the Montgomery Co. Historical Society to benefit the Old Fort Johnson national Historic Landmark. On Internet at FEB 1 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at FEB 2 Amsterdam Mohawks 6th Annual Dinner St. Mary’s Institute. 5 pm. Contact Dan Nelli, 518-320-4868.

Church Directory

Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 Glen Reformed Church State Hwy 161 in the Hamlet of Glen 4 miles South of Fultonville

518-212-6022 Pastor Tim Alicki Sunday Worship at 9. Sunday School immediately following Children’s Message

Holy Family Parish Little Falls, NY 315-823-3410 Saturday 4pm Sunday 10:30am

Marshville Evangelical Church Route 10 South Rev. David Bowley Worship Sunday 9am

Paines Hollow United Methodist Church Intersection of 167 & 168, Paines Hollow Pastor Peg Donaghy 518-568-7604

Grace Christian Church

Pastor Dan West

Sunday 11:00am Holy Communion/sermon

Joy Fellowship

Lassellseville United Methodist Church

296 Co. Hwy. 119 St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-5507 William Hayes Pastor Joyce Loughran Assistant Pastor

State Hwy. 29 Pastor Robert A. Lindsay

Sunday School 9am, Morning Worship 9:30am Wednesday Evening Worship 6:30pm

Worship: Sunday 9:30am Sunday School to start soon

National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine and Indian Museum

Oppenheim United Methodist Church

3636 St. Hwy. 5, PO Box 627 Fonda, NY 12068-0627 518-853-3646

Route 29 Pastor: Rev. Diane E. DiLuzio 315-429-7381

Weekly Masses: Sat. 4:30pm, Sun. 10:30am

Randall Christian Church NY Rte. 5S Sunday Service 10am

Reformed Church of Sprakers

River of Jubilee Church

Worship ~ 10AM

32 Montgomery St., Cherry Valley 315-858-4016

Sunday School 9:30am Worship 11:00am

Pastor Lance Borofsky

Mark Tiffany, Preaching Elder

Grandview Baptist Church

Fr. Kyle Grennen, Priest-in-Charge

Sunday Worship 9:30AM Fellowship Hour to Follow

112 Sprakers Hill Rd

Grace Episcopal Church

20 Center St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Rev. Harry J. Teuchert 315-866-8626

Lighthouse Baptist Church 1524 St. Rt. 29A, PO Box 114 Stratford, NY 13470-0114 315-429-8854 Pastor Martin Smith Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am; Wed. Eve. Prayer Meeting 6:00pm; 2nd & 4th Sunday Dinner following Morning Service with Afternoon Service following dinner “Old-Fashioned Bible Preaching”

Our Lady of Hope R.C. Church 115 Reid St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 Parish Office 518-993-3822

Pastor: Father Dennis Murphy Mass Schedule: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday, 8:30am & 11am; Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am. Confessions: Sat. 3 & by appointment Please call parish office for Holy Day schedule

Reformed Church of Canajoharie

Reformed Church of Fort Plain

15-19 Front St., Canajoharie 518-673-2816 Rev. Miriam Barnes

165 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-993-4302 • Rev. Nancy E. Ryan

Worship 10am, Nursery Provided, Christian Education for children & adults 9am

Sunday Worship 10:30am, AA meetings on Tues. 7pm, Home of Manna House Meals, A Community Meal Program-Sat. & Sun 5pm

Seeker’s Fellowship

Pastor: Gail Adamoschek Pastor: Steve Adamoschek Sunday Service 10:00am Children’s Church Available Other Learning Opportunities Available Visit us on Facebook

Sunday School 10am Morning Service 11am Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 6:30pm

Worship 9:30 Sundays, Totally Awesome God-TAG time 6:30pm Wednesdays beginning in Oct., Sunday School 9:00am beginning September 18th

5057 State Highway 5 S Sprakers, NY 12166

518-322-1427 / 518-224-4455

15 Washington St. Fort Plain

110 E. Smith St., Herkimer, NY 13350 Services - Every Sunday - 10am & Wednesday - 6:30pm 315-292-7539 email -

14 Park Place St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-7700 Pastor Mike Yezierski

Sunday Worship 6pm, Tues. Prayer 7pm, Bible Study 7pm (Wed., Thurs. & Fri.) We teach the fullness of God’s Word, a life of holiness for the believer, and salvation for all who trust in Christ’s sacrifice.

Page 34

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Calendar of Events FEB 2, MAR 4, APR 6, MAY 4, JUN 1, JUL 6, AUG 3, SEP 7, OCT 5, NOV 2 & DEC 7 45st Acoustic Coffee House Fultonville Methodist Church, Montgomery St., Fultonville, NY. 6:30-10 pm. Now into our 4th year, the no admission, no donation Acoustic Coffee House is open to all types of music as long as no vulgarity, doesn’t offend anybody and is acoustic. If you can’t make it at 6:30, that’s OK there is a new performer every 9-13 min-

utes on average. Call 518-853-4964. FEB 8 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at FEB 15 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at FEB 22 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 1-

3:30 pm. On Internet at FEB 23 Deck the Doors at Amsterdam City Hall Amsterdam, NY. 1-5 pm. Festive celebration of wreaths and silent auction presented by the Montgomery Co. Historical Society to benefit the Old Fort Johnson national Historic Landmark. On Internet at MAR 1 Polishing the Pearls Memoir Class Canajoharie Library. 13:30 pm. On Internet at MAR 23 Deck the Doors at Amsterdam City Hall Amsterdam, NY. 1-5 pm.

Festive celebration of wreaths and silent auction presented by the Montgomery Co. Historical Society to benefit the Old Fort Johnson national Historic Landmark. On Internet at www.

Church Directory

Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 St. John’s & St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

143 Church St., Canajoharie 518-673-2224 Pastor Zach Labagh Sunday Worship 11am, Christian Ed. 9:45am

St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church 31 North Helmer Ave., Dolgeville 315-429-8338 Father William A. Gorman

St. John’s Lutheran Church 774 St. Hwy. 163, Freysbush, NY 518-421-1027 Sunday Worship 9:30am, Sunday School 10:30am, You are invited... Ladies Aid W.E.L.C.A. Meets 1st Sat. of every month. For Fellowship in Christ’s Service. Handicapped Accessible

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

7690 Rt. 80, Springfield Center 315-858-4016

Fr. Kyle Grennen, Priest-in-Charge

St. John’s Reformed Church

St. Johnsville Methodist Church

68 W. Main St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7396

7 East Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Rev. Harry J. Teuchert

Faithfully Following Jesus Christ Sunday Worship 10:30am

518-568-7983 • 315-866-8626

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

32 W. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY (next to NBT Bank) 518-568-3007 Church 518-568-2405 Parsonage Rev. David Johnson

Worship Sunday 3pm

36 Lydius St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-993-2040 Rev. Kenneth Dingman

Sunday Eucharist, 9:30am Coffee - Fellowship follows service Holy Days - as announced

Sunday Worship 10:30am, Tues. Bible Bungee-Jumping 7pm, “Bible Study” that actually makes sense! A Vibrant, Welcoming Community of Faith & Vision

St. Paul’s Universalist Church

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Community

Stratford United Methodist Church

170 Rural Grove Rd., Sprakers, NY 12166


1 Church St., Cherry Valley

Service Sunday 10am Coffee hour following service. Our Church is a home to inquisitive, spiritual free thinkers with diverse religious beliefs. All are welcome.


Route 29A 315-429-9085

Masses Sunday 8:30am & 11am

Rev. Roger Waldron

The Holy Spirit Polish National Catholic Church

The House of Zion, Inc.

The Rose of Sharon Church of God

Sunday Mass is 10:30am, Daily Mass Mon. & Wed. 8am

565 Albany St., Little Falls

618 E. Gansvoort St. Little Falls, NY 315-823-0793 Father Rafal Dadello Mass at 11am on Sunday

Trinity Lutheran Church 5430 St. Hwy. 10, Palatine Bridge 518-673-2224 Rev. Zach Labagh

Sunday Worship 9am, Sunday School 10am, (No services in July, meet at St. John’s St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Canajoharie). Communion on the first & third Sundays

580 Dillenbeck Road, Palatine Bridge 518-577-3069 Pastors Richard & Denise Allen

Saturday Morning Worship Service 11:30am Listen to UMT on live radio 97.5FM the 1st Sunday of every month 3pm-4pm

United Methodist Church of Canajoharie 50 E. Main St. 518-673-2717

Jesus says - “Come Unto Me” Join usSpecial Music Ministry, Beautiful Surroundings, Friendly People Sunday Service 10:30am - Email: Communion Last Sunday of the Month

Worship 9am

1485 St Rt 20, Sharon Springs, NY 518-284-3307 Pastor Fred Jones Worship Service Sunday at 11am & 7pm Tuesday night 7pm Bible Study at 122 Moyer St. Wednesday Bible Study at Spring Meadows 6pm Friday Youth at the Church All Welcome at 7pm

Valley Alliance Church 85 E. Main St., Nelliston 518-993-3458 Pastor Dave Prahst

Sunday School (all ages) 9:15am, Sunday Worship 10:30am, Wed. Praise & Prayer 7pm, Fri. Youth Group 7pm (7-12th grade)

Sunday Worship 11am

The Christian Church of Rural Grove 518-922-7831 Pastor Joshua Fetterhoff

Sunday School (all ages) 9:45am, Morning Service 11am, Eve. Service 6pm, Wed.-Family Night 7pm, “Where Bible Teaching is Fundamental”

The Time for Truth Ministries PO Box 351 Amsterdam, NY 12010 Phone 518-843-2121 Cell 518-774-8558

Victorious Life Church RMI Fellowship 104 Main St. & 431 St. Hwy. 80 Fort Plain, NY 518-993-3102 Sunday School 9am, Morning Worship 10:30am, Youth Group 5pm, Evening Worship 7-8pm

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013



Low Mileage, Runs Great, Looks Great


Meat & Cheese Platters, Large or Small, (Small $16.99) Made to order, Great for New Year Eves Dinner, available at Dutch Heritage Deli at JR’S 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-9934668

FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-847-3186

Lincoln TIG wire feed welder for sale, on wheels, uses stargon gas, can use aluminum wire as well. Excellent condition, must sell due to health, can’t weld anymore. $1,295.00 cash. 315-822-6438

PICK 5 for meats, frozen seafood and grocery items, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382

FOR SALE: Large Dog Crate 36”L x 23”W x 25”H Foldable, Double Door, Divider Panel. Only 3 Months Old, barely used. 518-993-5841

MASSEY FERGUSON 65 tractor/ backhoe with front end loader and extra rims, $4,000 or best offer. Dan 518-7060249

Office Space for Rent Located in Herkimer. Call (315) 866-2011.

Page 35



TIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME for winter using Kwickfoam insulating foam, foam tape & felt weather stripping. Available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016

GOLFCARS: Winter prices in effect on golf carts in stock. Electric models, Regular $1895. Cash winter price $1200. Vertucci Power Equipment 315-822-4264. Leave message.

Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Have a good cook in your family? Need a gift idea? We now carry Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks.

CENTRAL BOILER EClassic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Cleaner and Greener. 97% Efficient. EPA Qualified. Call North Creek Heat 315-866-3698

HIRING SOON! WE’RE a roofing company. Installers and salesmen needed. Must pass drug test and background check. Call Lakeside Kangaroof 315-8320362 ext 5. Ask for Hank.

A Mohawk Valley Premier Dealership is now hiring for telemarketers, sales reps and service writer. Apply in person only! Licari Motor Car, Rt. 28 N, Herkimer, NY

Page 36

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Send in this completed He y page. All correct k ids Fill entries will be put in a in for , drawing for $5.00! a c this han pag Include your name, age, $5. ce to e 00! win and address and mail to: The Original Valley Pennysaver, PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. • One entry per person. • Drawing limited to those under 12 years of age. • All entries must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14, 2012. Winners may pick up their $5.00 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, at 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY

Congratulations to the 12/22/12 winner — Joe Zook, Jr. of Fort Plain, NY Look for the answers in next week’s issue!

Answers to last week’s puzzles below

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 37



Here we are in a new year and we need “HELP”!!! We have several families looking for Homesteads - 20-200 acres both with or without buildings in the Sprout Brook - Brookman’s Corner - Minden and Town of Root areas. If you are thinking of marketing your property this year give us a call for a consultation. These are qualified buyers.


As the New Year starts first we would like to wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year.

Beautiful Oak Floors Modern Kitchen Off Street Parking $

Call 8am-2pm M-F If no answer call


CANAJOHARIE APARTMENTS 52 Maple Ave. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT Beautiful - Modern AC, Dishwasher, Range, Refrigerator Superior Service




Somee veryy goodd prospectss availablee too thee investor: 1. Villagee off Fortt Plain - 3 bedroom home on a 44x50’ lot - home has been completely refurbished, move-in condition, 2 Baths, 12x15’ Kitchen, 12x12’ Dining Room, 13x13’ Living Room, Laundry, Basement, excellent prime home or rental investment at the affordable price of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,0000 H-374 2. Villagee off Fortt Plain - near the school is a 1800’s Italiante, 4 bedroom home, Oak Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, 1.5 Baths, Laundry, Spacious Yard, lot 51x150’, plenty of room for play, gardening, pets. Full Basement: Great opportunity at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,9000 H-375 3. Villagee off Canajoharie - Really Unique Brick Home, 3 Bedrooms, large Dining Room and Parlor, with southern exposure makes this home bright and cheerful, 1.5 Baths, full limestone basement would make a wonderful family room. Full walk up attic, Grand Victorian Home being offered at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44,7000 H-370


Lic. Branch Office 518-673-8194 Lynn Russell, Assoc. Broker 588 St. Hwy. 162 Sprakers, NY 12166

Includes Heat & Hot Water



TIME TO INSULATE!! Kraft faced and unfaced fiberglass insulation available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518568-7016 2010 MERCURY Milan Premier, blue, 23k, 4cyl., auto, leather, full power. Great on gas!! SALE: $17,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 ATTENTION: Guineas For Sale. 3 colors to choose from purple, lavender, white. Good tick eaters. Get ready for next summer. $10 each. Call 518-993-5593

1999 MERCURY Grand Marquis LS, green, 92k, auto, leather, alloys, half vinyl top, nice car. SALE: $5,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 Need a new car? Get 0% financing at Sampson Motor Car where everyone is approved! 261 East Main Street Amsterdam. 518-848-7359 (518) 673-3011 ~ To Place Your Ad

HOME-GROWN BEEF FOR SALE. USDA inspected. Pieces, quarters, halves or whole. Damin Farm, 518-5682643

Low rates & quality service happen everyday for every customer! Ike’s Garage, 58 S. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY (518)568-5055 2005 FORD Focus 2x4, tan, 71K, 4 cyl., auto, full power. Great on gas!! SALE: $7,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 FREE SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-8473186

8 FOOT TABLES & folding chairs for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518673-3812 CUFFE COMPUTERS offers affordable repairs and upgrades as well as custom built systems. 518-993-4833. WE HAVE! Timberwolf log splitters. Call for pricing + models available. North Creek Auto 315866-3698 FOR SALE: 12’ John Boat. New trolling motor with battery, oars, life cushions. 518-568-2720

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 38 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT: Walking distance to downtown Canajoharie. Community kitchen, TV room, washer/dryer, off street parking, on-site management, newly renovated building, $85 to $125 per week. Chris 518-227-7697 PITTSBURGH PAINT: Spruce up your home with Pittsburgh Paint. Over 2000 colors to choose from in flat, eggshell or semi-gloss paint. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, Inc. 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-5687016 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Have a coffee lover in your house, we have Keurig coffee machines, k-cups, filters, and racks for those k-cups all in stock and at great prices. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain (518)993-3834 Our store hours are Monday-Friday 7:30am to 6pm, Saturday 7:30am to 4pm, Sunday 9am to 1pm, Thank you for shopping your local True Value. NEW! NEW! DELI fresh meats and cheese, bulk foods, dried fruits, canned goods, housewares, gifts, toys. Lakeside Country Cupboard. 1972 State Rte. 169, Little Falls, NY. Monday Friday 8-5, Saturday 9-4. Closed Sunday.


SOAP IN JANUARY: New laundromat in Little Falls: Offering FREE Wash Days and FREE Soap days. 48 West Main Street. 24 Hour Access Available. Call Debbie at 508-8473186

BUSINESS FOR SALE: Can include Land & Business. Call (518)5682212

Automotive and Car Care

COLOR COPIES only 75¢ page. Lee Publications. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428. Open MondayFriday 8am-5pm. 518-673-0101 or 2002 FORD Ranger 3.0L 6cyl. auto, 4x4, 107,000, $2,800. Serious inquiries only. 518-322-8219

HAVING A PARTY? Did you know the Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department rents the kitchen and banquet room. For your convenience we now have an elevator. 518673-3812 HEY, they all can’t be lying ~ Check it out! pc/?r=passion2profit

LOOKING FOR IT? Selling it? Looking for work? Looking to hire…

Give us a call at 518-673-3237 to place your reader ad today.

Did you know? Airbags were invented in the early 1950s by John W. Hetrick, an industrial engineer and member of the U.S. Navy. It wasn’t until roughly 20 years later that airbags began being used in

mass-produced autos. Nowadays, airbags have become an instrumental part of a vehicle’s safety system, offering extra protection in crashes. Each year, thousands of lives are

saved thanks in part to airbags. However, airbags are not without some measure of danger. It is estimated that airbags deploy at between 100 to 300 mph and in mere milliseconds.

The force of the airbag can cause injuries to the face and head. But such injuries pale in comparison to those the airbags protect drivers and passengers against.

Page 39

Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013


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Original Valley PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Page 40





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Page 1 - Section B • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013 • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • Section B - Page 2

RE A L ES TAT E GU I D E First Issue February 2, 2013 Deadline Friday, January 25, 2013

SERVING HOMES IN THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES: c Albany c Fulton c Herkimer c Montgomery c Oneida c Otsego c Saratoga c Schenectady c Schoharie

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(StatePoint) — If eating healthier and getting more exercise tops your New Year’s resolution list, consider extending these worthwhile goals to the whole family. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity in this country has more than tripled over the past 30 years. But you can help your family get the right nutrition and exercise to stay healthy. “Not only is it extremely important for kids to get all the vitamins, nutrients and physical activity they need to stay healthy, but habits formed early in life — both good and bad — can last a lifetime,” says Dr. Thomas McInerny, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP is offering some healthy living tips for parents to help kids get on the right track for the upcoming year. Improving eating habits • You may have bad childhood memories of being forced to sit at the table until you cleaned your plate. Don’t perpetuate this method of mealtime management! It

sends the wrong message by emphasizing quantity over quality and can lead to significant overeating. Foster a healthier attitude toward food by focusing on what you serve in the first place. • Establish a routine with regular meal and snack times. Always eat meals at the table. Children who eat meals with their family consume more fruits, vegetables, fiber, calcium-rich foods and vitamins. • Once kids are old enough, encourage selffeeding as much as possible. • Avoid soda, which is full of empty calories or artificial sweeteners. Milk and water are the best drink choices for your child. Offer whole milk or 2 percent milk to children ages 12 months to 2 years old, unless your pediatrician recommends low-fat milk. After age 2, offer low-fat milk. Limit juice to four to six ounces a day. • Kids can be picky at first, but don’t let a refusal of a new food stop you from trying again. Offer new foods multiple times in multiple ways. For infants, you may

need to even try 10 to 15 times over several months. Parents are extremely influential and can serve as a child’s best role model. Eat a variety of foods of different flavors, colors and textures. Encourage active play • Don’t let a full day go by without active play. Take trips to the park,

play in the yard, go for walks and make physical activity a part of your family’s daily routine. Reduce the amount of time spent in devices that restrain movement, such as strollers and bouncy seats. • Limit screen time, including TV, video games and computers, to less

than two hours a day. Avoid placing computers or television sets in children’s bedrooms so they can get the best sleep possible. • Encourage your kids to take part in sports teams, gymnastic and dance classes, and other activities that will get them moving.

More ideas about healthy living for families can be found at /growinghealthy. “No matter how old your child is, it’s never too early to establish household routines that foster healthy habits.” says McInerny.

piece of cardboard to keep them from tangling, and store in a dry, cool place until next year. HOME TIP: “To clean up tinsel stuck in the carpet, I put my grandkids to work by having them put on thick socks, stick fold-

ed-over duct tape all along the bottoms, and scoot around the floor! It works great! — Mary B., Watertown, MA (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

This is a hammer by Samantha Mazzotta Cleaning up after the holidays Happy New Year! While the holidays might not quite be over, planning for post-holiday cleanup can help combat the winter blues and keep you from being that one house on the block that has a holiday wreath hanging on the door until July. Here are a few tips that might help holiday cleanup go a little easier: • If you have a real tree, check with your local gov-

ernment to find out if and when there is tree pickup and disposal in your area. Otherwise, look for a tree disposal service nearby. Remove and pack away all the tree ornaments and decorations. The night before scheduled disposal or pickup, prep the tree. If the disposal service wants it in a tree bag, put the bag over the tree and cover the tree fully while it’s still in its stand. With a helper holding the tree in place, loosen the trunk from the stand and carefully lift

away. Drain excess water from the stand into a sink, dry and store for next year. • When removing the tree from the stand, don’t set the trunk down on the carpet or floor, as sap will create a sticky mess. Don’t use the tree as firewood: It’s not seasoned and the branches may have been pre-treated at the tree lot with chemicals to prevent insects. • Use a shop vac to vacuum up pine needles, tinsel and other small debris from where the tree once sat. • Put used wrapping paper into the recycling bin -- don’t burn it in the fireplace. • Tree sap on tile or wood floors, or on protective cloths, can be cleaned with warm water and soap. Sap on the carpet should be dabbed with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol until the sap comes up. • Take down outdoor Christmas lights and decorations in clear weather. Work with a partner and use a sturdy ladder for

lights on the roof eaves. Some DIYers replace burnt bulbs when they take down the lights, but I usually don’t, as I often have to replace burned or broken bulbs next holiday season anyway. Wrap the strands around a



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Page 3 - Section B • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Healthy New Year’s resolution ideas for kids

January 5, 2013 • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • Section B - Page 4

This new year, resolve to get more sleep (StatePoint) — There are many popular New Year’s resolutions that quickly come and go: eating healthy, losing weight, managing stress and saving money. In 2013, why not focus on one health change you’ll enjoy sticking to... getting more sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average American sleeps about six hours and 55 minutes per night during the week, and 15 percent of adults sleep less than six hours per night. “Lack of sleep can take a significant toll on your overall health and interfere with some of your daily activities,” said Dr. Michael Thorpy, director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York. Almost everybody has trouble sleeping now and then, but many Americans experience significant problems getting to sleep or continually wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back

asleep. Such problems may be clinical symptoms of insomnia. According to the National Sleep Foundation, if you have trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep, or you wake up in the morning feeling unrefreshed, you may be suffering from insomnia. Insomnia can affect people in different ways. Some sufferers have trouble initially getting to sleep, while others wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling back asleep. To help you get better sleep this year, Dr. Thorpy suggests these simple tips: • Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Establish a regular bedtime and wake time. • Set aside time at night to “wind down.” Spend some quiet time before bedtime. Such activities as watching TV, using the computer or working right before bedtime, or in the bedroom, can make it harder to fall asleep.

• Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. • Exercise regularly. Just don’t exercise rigor-

• Don’t clock-watch. If you awaken in the middle of the night and stay in bed, don’t lie there star-

gies stimulate the brain, making it tougher to fall back to sleep. If these tips don’t help,

require treatment. More information regarding insomnia is available at the National Sleep

ously near bedtime and check with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen.

ing at the clock. And don’t watch TV or use your laptop or cell phone, because these technolo-

speak with your healthcare professional to help determine if you are suffering from insomnia and

Foundation website at .

Dollars and sense by David Uffington How to deal quickly with holiday debt Did you overspend during the holidays? Have you loaded up your credit cards with debt? It’s easy to do. Retailers go all out to get consumers to let go of cash, and there’s the not-so-small desire to provide a happy season for loved ones. Now, however, it’s time to take a hard look at the debt that’s been incurred. When the bills arrive in January, open them immediately. Make a chart showing the total balance and the minimum monthly payment for each. Decide how much you can pay monthly on each one until all the balances are brought to

zero. At the very least, pay a few dollars more than the minimum, as this is something that goes on your credit report. Check the interest rates and put extra money into the payments for those cards with higher rates. Ideally, you should be able to pay off all your holiday debt in three payments, if not sooner. If you can’t, add extra money to those payments to the extent you reasonably can. As you pay off one card, use that payment amount to put extra on another card payment each month. Here’s what happens if you let the debts linger and only make minimum payments:

You’ll keep paying more interest. A sale item is no longer a sale item once you add months of interest to its cost. Your buying power is diminished. You’re paying today with money you haven’t earned yet. Your borrowing power is reduced. In the event of an emergency where you must take out a loan, you might be limited in how much you can borrow because of the debt you’ve already taken on. Your credit score can take a hit if you’ve put too much on your credit cards. Going over a certain percentage of total credit availability shows up as a negative in your score, and it will continue that way until you pay enough of the balance. If the excess debt leads to late payments or paying only minimum payments, your credit score will suffer. Debt hangs over your head, day after day. It doesn’t go away — until you pay it off. If you received cash for holiday gifts, consider using that to bring down some of your debt. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Tips for snowmobile operation in New York Please remember to wear your snowmobile helmet, stay on the trail, don’t drink and drive, and have a good time. Trails open after big game season ends in each zone, and the ground is snow covered. Privately owned land may have further restrictions, check with the local club, or posted signs, for more information. Any snowmobile operated in New York State must be registered with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), even if it is registered in another state or province, except under certain special circumstances. For more information about snowmobile registration, please contact the DMV. A portion of each registration goes to the Snowmobile Trail Development and Maintenance Fund. This fund supports over 10,000 miles of public snowmobile trails in New York State, snowmobile safety education programs and enforcement of NYS snowmobile laws. Snowmobilers must carry registration and proof of insurance documents on their person, not the snowmobile, at all times while snowmobiling. These documents must be produced at the request of any law enforcement officer or magistrate. Insurance documentation must be produced at the request of anyone who is injured or suffers property damage as a result of operation of a snowmobile. Holders of snowmobile safety certificates must carry the certificate when they are snowmobiling. For more information about snowmobile requirements and snowmobile safety, please call the Office of Parks, Recreation & Historical Preservation at 518-4740446. Source:

Heat your home safely If you plan to use a wood stove, fireplace, or space heater, be extremely careful. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and remember these safety tips: • Use fireplace, wood stoves, or other combustion heaters only if they are properly vented to the outside and do not leak flue gas into the indoor air space. • Do not burn paper in a fireplace. • Ensure adequate ventilation if you must use a kerosene heater. • Use only the type of fuel your heater is designed to use — don’t substitute. • Do not place a space heater within 3 feet of anything that may catch on fire, such as drapes, furniture, or bedding, and never cover your space heater. • Never place a space heater on top of furniture or near water.

• Never leave children unattended near a space heater. • Make sure that the cord of an electric space heater is not a tripping hazard but do not run the cord under carpets or rugs. • Avoid using extension cords to plug in your space heater. • If your space heater has a damaged electrical cord or produces sparks, do not use it. • Store a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher near the area to be heated. • Protect yourself from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by installing a battery-operated CO detector and never using generators, grills, camp stoves, or similar devices indoors. Cook safely • Never use a charcoal or gas grill indoors — the fumes are deadly. • Never use an electric generator indoors, inside the garage, or near the air

intake of your house because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. • Plug in appliances to the generator using individual heavy-duty, outdoor-rated cords. • Do not use the generator or appliances if they are wet because of the risk of electrocution. • Do not store gasoline indoors where the fumes could ignite. Light your home safely If there is a power failure: • Use battery-powered flashlights or lanterns rather than candles, if possible. • Never leave lit candles unattended. Conserve heat You may need fresh air coming in for your heater or for emergency cooking arrangements. However, if you don’t need extra ventilation, keep as much heat as possible inside your home. Avoid unnecessary opening of doors or windows. Close off un-

needed rooms, stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors, and close draperies or cover windows with blankets at night. Monitor body temperature Infants less than one year old should never sleep in a cold room because (1) infants lose body heat more easily than adults; and (2) unlike adults, infants can’t make enough body heat by shivering. Provide warm clothing for infants and try to maintain a warm indoor temperature. If the temperature cannot be maintained, make temporary arrangements to stay elsewhere. In an emergency, you can keep an infant warm using your own body heat. If you must sleep, take precautions to prevent rolling on the baby. Pillows and other soft bedding can also present a risk of smothering; remove them from the area

near the baby. Older adults often make less body heat because of a slower metabolism and less physical activity. If you are over 65 years of age, check the temperature in your home often during severely cold weather. Also, check on elderly friends and neighbors frequently to ensure that their homes are adequately heated. Keep a water supply Extreme cold can cause water pipes in your home to freeze and sometimes rupture. When very cold temperatures are expected: • Leave all water taps slightly open so they drip continuously. • Keep the indoor temperature warm. • Improve the circulation of heated air near pipes. For example, open kitchen cabinet doors beneath the kitchen sink. If your pipes do freeze, do not thaw them with a torch. Instead, thaw them slowly by directing the

warm air from an electric hair dryer onto the pipes. If you cannot thaw your pipes, or the pipes are ruptured, use bottled water or get water from a neighbor’s home. As an emergency measure — if no other water is available — snow can be melted for water. Bringing water to a rolling boil for one minute will kill most microorganisms or parasites that may be present, but won’t remove chemical pollutants sometimes found in snow. Eat and drink wisely Eating well-balanced meals will help you stay warmer. Do not drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages — they cause your body to lose heat more rapidly. Instead, drink warm, sweet beverages or broth to help maintain your body temperature. If you have any dietary restrictions, ask your doctor. S o u r c e :

Care and pruning of damaged trees Trees can be damaged by high winds, snow, ice and/or other severe weather. Some damage will require immediate attention while others may be dealt with at a later time. Safety is a primary concern when working with trees. Any work that requires a chain saw or cannot be performed from the ground should be done by a professional tree-care service or arborist.One or both should be consulted when assessing trees for possible removal. Insurance In all but life threatening situations, you may want to consider contacting your insurance carrier before any tree work is performed. Most homeowners’ policies will cover at least part of the cost of tree removal if some structural damage has occurred. Be conservative Many communities across the country have either had damage to, or have lost trees, because of major ice and/or snow storms, or other natural causes in recent years. Decisions made soon after the damage occurs can, and will, determine whether or not a damaged tree survives. Do not prune or remove more than necessary right after an occurence. Remove any hazards, and clean up roughly broken branches, but save major decisions on pruning and removals for later. While the damage may look severe at first, concentrate more on how to save the tree rather than making a quick decision to cut it down. Damaged trees may still be able to serve the function for which they were planted. Don’t be too hasty to remove a tree if that decision can be delayed until spring or even for a year. The tree may not have been damaged as badly as first believed. On the other hand, a major injury may reduce the useful life of the tree. Severe or large wounds can produce an entry point for decay, fungi or insects. If a tree is injured so badly that it must be removed, consider replacing it. Before planting a new tree, make sure the replacement tree is the proper species and size for the site. Contact your local DEC office, or tree nursery for advice on tree selection and planting. Hazardous trees Hanging or loosely attached branches and split trunks are obvious safety concerns. They should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of personal injury and/or property damage. Broken but firmly attached branches that pose no immediate

danger of falling can be pruned after the more hazardous branches have been removed. Trunks that are split down the middle are very difficult to brace adequately, and should be removed or addressed by a professional tree-care service or arborist. Leaning trees Some storms may not break the above ground portion of the tree but instead might tip the tree over by breaking some of the roots. Trees leaning from root breakage usually do not survive for long. If a tree tips in a storm, it often means the tree had damaged or poorly developed roots prior to falling or leaning over. Larger, more mature trees rarely survive attempts to pull them back into place. These generally should be removed and replaced. Smaller and more recently planted trees have a better chance of surviving if the

trees are gently pulled back to their vertical positions. Soil needs to be packed firmly around the root system and watered well. Trees should be staked until the roots have become established again. Power lines Branches hanging over power lines are a major safety hazard from the standpoint of both the person removing the branches, as well as any passers-by. Special training is required to safely prune these branches. Homeowners should not attempt to prune branches near, or laying on, power lines. Contact your local power company or a professional tree-care service trained in electrical line clearance to have these branches removed. Source:

Dollars and sense by David Uffington Use gift cards before they’re worthless Did you get gift cards for Christmas? If so, did you slide them into your wallet or the bottom of your purse, thinking to save them for later? While gift cards are like cash in that they allow you to buy things, they’re not like cash in that they often come with restrictions. The Gift Card Federal Law Act, passed in 2010, covered a number of problems with gift cards, but it did not cover all possible contingencies. For example, if a card hasn’t been used with a year, unlimited charges can be deducted from the card. An average fee is $3 per month. In at least two states, Tennessee and Maine,

state laws are in conflict with federal laws. In these states, cards that haven’t been used within two years are considered “unclaimed property.” In some other states, it’s three years. In yet other states, it’s against the law to sell gift cards with any expiration date. When the property is “unclaimed,” the value reverts to the store. If you have an old, unused card, consult your state’s laws for specifics. Cards good for brickand-mortar stores aren’t necessarily good for that store’s online branch. If you received an “all purpose” card issued by a bank, as opposed to one that is specific to a store, you might be charged a purchase fee. If you have a store-specific card and the busi-

ness goes bankrupt, you’re out of luck. The card itself can expire even if it still has a cash amount available on it. You might have to pay to have the card replaced. “Gift cards” that really aren’t gift cards aren’t protected under the new rules. These can include loyalty or promotional cards that aren’t labeled or sold as gift cards. On the positive side: Any expiration date must show on the card or package. Charges cannot be deducted for one year on any inactive card, and then not more than once in a month. Your best bet: If any packaging came with your gift card, read the fine print. If you were given the re-

ceipt with the card, hold on to it. If you lose the card, that receipt will show the date and amount of purchase. Use the card soon. Spend all of the money on it. If it’s a reloadable card and you add money to it, keep track of the transaction and know when it will expire. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 5 - Section B • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • January 5, 2013

Winter weather: indoor safety

January 5, 2013 • ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER • Section B - Page 6

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Supplement to the Original Valley Pennysaver, the Family Pennysaver and the DollarSaver Produced by Lee Publications • 6113 St. Hwy. 5 • Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • 518-673-3237 • 800-218-5586 • 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 XL Custom Vance & Hines Pipes, Vance & Hines Fuel Pak, Stage 1 EFI Kit, Black, 8,500 Miles, $7,500. Excellent Condition! 518378-3279 ATV TRAILERS by Bosski Industries first automatic “Dump Assist” trailers GVWR 800lbs.+ 1600lbs. models available. Come check them out at North Creek Auto 315-866-3698

Tips on caring for your battery this winter (NAPSA) — Cold weather affects a car’s battery more than any other engine component. Filled with fluid containing

jection systems, electric windows, sunroofs and audio systems — the more power the battery should have. If the car is

vehicle nonstarts. In cold weather, engines require more cranking amps and batteries are less efficient, reducing their

change. • Use a battery charger to maintain charge levels and keep the battery in good condition. If the bat-

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A vehicle's battery loses 33 percent of its power when the temperature dips below freezing. mostly water, batteries are susceptible to freezing. Additionally, cold weather thickens engine oil, forcing the battery to work harder when starting the car. A vehicle’s battery loses 33 percent of its power when the temperature dips below freezing and more than 50 percent of its power when the temperature falls below zero. Plus, the more electrical devices in the carsuch as electronic fuel in-

exposed to extreme cold, the best guarantee against failure is a battery with a high level of cold cranking amps, at least 550, depending on the type of engine in your vehicle. “Motorists should have their battery checked when they learn of an incoming wave of cold weather,” Interstate Batteries Technical Services Manager Gale Kimbrough said. “A fully charged battery is the best defense against cold weather and

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2005 FORD Focus 2x4, tan, 71K, 4 cyl., auto, full power. Great on gas!! SALE: $7,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 5 1 8 - 7 6 2 - 7 1 2 4

2002 FORD Ranger 3.0L 6cyl. auto, 4x4, 107,000, $2,800. Serious inquiries only. 518-322-8219 1992 BMW 325-I, 5-Spd., 4 door, parts or repair, $600. Call 518-673-4184 2007 JEEP Liberty Lmtd 4x4, red, 50k, V-6, auto, leather, moonroof. SALE: $15,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124

2006 CHRYSLER Sebring Touring, silver, 72k, V-6, auto, AC, CD, full power. SALE: $8,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 2010 MERCURY Milan Premier, blue, 23k, 4cyl., auto, leather, full power. Great on gas!! SALE: $17,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 5187 6 2 - 7 1 2 4

charge acceptance and ability to start an engine.” To help, the experts at Interstate Batteries recommend the following: • Have the vehicle’s starting and charging system tested every three months or every oil

tery is more than three years old, have it tested to ensure it can survive the coldest winter months. • Have the battery tested before taking a long trip or after it has been recharged.

• Inspect the battery cables, posts and fasteners. Make sure the cables are in good shape and are secured firmly to the battery. • Clean the battery terminals with a wire brush or battery cleaner spray. • Choose the appropriate battery for the vehicle. It should be the correct size and voltage, especially for a vehicle that experiences extremely harsh winter conditions. • When possible, keep the vehicle in a garage overnight, especially in areas with extremely harsh winter conditions. • Avoid damage to the battery and keep connections from loosening with a snug-fitting battery in the battery tray. • If the battery is not a sealed model, check the fluid levels, using distilled water to fill any cells that appear low. • Always wear protective eyewear; remove all jewelry and wear long sleeves to protect skin from an explosion of battery acid. For information, go to www.interstatebatteries.c om.


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