Safeguarding and Wellbeing It’s okay to need some extra support... Exam stress? Worried about your wellbeing? We can help. We work hard to ensure your college experience is the best it can be.
Mental health and wellbeing
be accessed by students needing
time out.
It’s always good to talk. Our counsellors and mental health
Academic support
officers can offer wellbeing
You will receive academic support
support such as counselling,
from your teachers and coaching
guided self help and a safe space
tutors. You can also contact our
to talk; our mental health first
iLearn team for skills training,
aiders can direct you to support
1–2–1 advice, workshops or
services; and you can follow our
engaging learning materials. Or
wellbeing tips during exam season
visit our Independent Learning
as part of our Stress Less initiative.
Zones to access a range of
If you are worried about someone
resources such as books, Google
else, our Safeguarding team is
Chromebooks, CDs and DVDs.
also available for support and
advice. Our Oasis Room – a haven
Additionally, you can take part in
of relaxation and tranquility – can
exam preparation sessions.