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Sport Science & Exercise
If sport is more than a game to you, consider studying a sportsrelated course and see how your favourite sport could become your career. Studying a course in sport not only equips students with practical and theoretical sports knowledge, it also covers important topics such as physical fitness, exercise and competitive performance. A course in a sport-related subject can lead to a multitude of varied careers, ranging from fitness training to leisure centre management; teaching to sports massage therapist.
Sport plays an important part in a healthy lifestyle. With exercise known to have positive benefits on wellbeing, this is an exciting and relevant subject area in which to study. With jobs in the industry on the increase, sport really can set you up for life.
If you are interested in pursuing a career as a professional athlete, check out Leeds Sports Connect - where training for those serious about a career in sport is partnered with academic teaching. For those interested in pursuing the Gamma Pathway, the School of Sport Science & Exercise offers an excellent range of courses which will set you on the path to a career in sport.
Course Level Study length
BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport 3 This is a two-year course.
Study for the Extended Certificate in Sport and enhance your knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of sports topics such as anatomy, fitness training and sports leadership. You will also explore career pathways within the sector. There are four units in total, of which two are externally assessed. This course is equivalent to one A-Level.
For those interested in pursuing the Gamma Pathway, please visit leedscitycollege.ac.uk/schools/school-of-sport-science-exercise to find out more about the courses you will study alongside your A level choices.