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English Literature
A level English Literature will teach you how to analyse complex literary issues with the help of important critical ideas and theories.
You will read, reflect and evaluate, then express your conclusions in an eloquent and precise way. These skills are very important in a wide range of jobs, forming the core of further literary study at university.
A level English Literature seeks to offer a wide range of engaging texts, from Shakespeare to 20th and 21st century novels. You will read and study these texts through the lens of genre (such as tragedy, social analysis, crime fiction) and critical theory (Marxism and feminism), experiencing both the teacher-led and independent study of literature in its historical and cultural context.
This approach also includes a range of wider reading, thereby extending your experience and appreciation of literature.
Progression routes A level English Literature offers superb preparation for university courses in English (it is highly regarded by higher education institutions including Oxford and Cambridge). It provides a degree of analytical rigour and cultural knowledge, appropriate for a wide range of careers.