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Enrollmentopenfor2023-24 VPKinLeeandareacounties
RegistrationforVoluntaryPrekindergarten(VPK)is nowopenforthe2023-2024schoolyearinLee,Collier, HendryandGladescounties.Thefreeeducationalprogramisavailableto4-year-oldsthatresideinFlorida, regardlessoffamilyincome.
VoluntaryPrekindergartenisdesignedtogivechildrenajump-startforschoolbyincorporatingearlyliteracyandmath,languageandsocialskills.VPKclassroomsaretaughtbyhighlyqualifiedteacherswitha focusonschoolreadinessandsocialandemotional well-being.Bydevelopingtheearlyskillschildrenneed tobecomestrongstudents,theyaremorelikelytobe successfulinschool.
Tobeeligible,childrenmustliveinFloridaandbe fouryearsoldonorbeforeSept.1ofthecurrentschool year.ThroughtheEarlyLearningCoalitionofSWFL,parentscanregistertheirqualifyingchildtoattend540 hoursofpreschoolduringtheregularschoolyear,or 300hoursofsummertimepreschool.In2021-2022, EarlyLearningCoalitionreported7,464childrenattended260differentVPKprogramsinLee,Collier,Hendry andGladesCounties.
Toregister,familiesmustfirstapplyforaVPKvoucheronlineatVPKSWFL.org.Individualscanalsovisitthe EarlyLearningCoalitionofficefrom8a.m.to5p.m. MondaythroughFridayforassistance,locatedat2675 WinklerAve.,Suite300,inFortMyers.Theofficeprovidesfreekiosks,andnoappointmentsareneeded.
Tolearnmoreaboutthe2023-2024VPKprogram, visitVPKSWFL.orgorcall239-935-6100.

Edu Care Acca demy
EduCare Academy in Bonita Springs is a local, family owned and nationally recognized child care and learning facility which prides itself on providing children and families with the highest quality of care in a safe and secure environment. This is achieved by employing a highly trained professional staff and applying state of the art computer and video technology.. In order to meet the needs of working families, EduCare is committed to providing extended hours of operation, meals are included. EduCare Academy in Bonita Springs is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and several holidays throughout the year." FREE VPK
10220 W. Terry St., Bonita Springs
239-992-3424 www.educarechildcenter.com
Jos eph H. Mess ina Ch ildren’s Center
Providing reliability and flexibility for the 21st century parent who may work a non-traditional schedule, we care for children 1 to 8 years old and are open 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Operated by Child Care of Southwest Florida and located near Page Field, this unique and exciting nationally accredited center offers community gardens and a natural playscape. Teachers facilitate learning by allowing children to plan their explorations, building early literacy, language, math and science skills through play. We provide free, nutritious meals and offer VPK
4650 Fowler St., Fort Myers 239-278-1148 • www.ccswfl.org

P.A. G eraci C hild De ve lop ment Center
Child Care of Southwest Florida’s P.A. Geraci Child Development Center is a nationally accredited center dedicated to providing the best educational program and a safe, loving place for children and their families. We empower children by helping them develop, refine and expand knowledge, skills, language, and social competence. We care for infants through 8-yearolds, morning and afternoon care and offer free VPK for 4 year olds. Family style nutritious meals and snacks provided for free. Open 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
3713 Canal Street, Fort Myers 239-337-4995 • www.ccswfl.org
Wellingto n Aca demy
Wellington Academy has been serving Lee County families for over 35 years. We are the providers of quality child care for children ages birth through VPK. Our qualified staff are here to help your child navigate the new modes of learning. Our schools are nationally accredited and Gold Seal approved. Voted by parents as the Best Preschool in the 2011 Parent’s Choice awards, 2015, 2016 & 2016 Best of SWFL Recipients! Our VPK program has been extremely successful in fully preparing students for Kindergarten and beyond. Wellington Academy’s Kindergarten Readiness Rates have been in the top 5% in Lee County for the last 5 years. Our VPK program offers a safe well-equipped classroom environment for your child while focusing on all of the Kindergarten readiness standards. Our schools are conveniently located near your home and work place to serve you better. Call or stop by today to reserve a spot for your child in our programs!
Fort Myers, 5244 Ramsey Way • 239-275-8818
North Cape Coral, 1024 SE 10th St. • 239-574-8818
South Cape Coral, 4412 SE 15th Ave. • 239-549-8818
Zio n Early Child hoo d Ce nter
The mission of Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center is to support families and help young children grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18) by nurturing their spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development (Proverbs 22:6) and equipping them to share the love of Christ with others (Mark 16:15). Program Goals: Children develop a personal relationship with Jesus, their Savior; Prepare children socially and emotionally for kindergarten; Set a solid foundation for selfdiscipline; and Set groundwork for life-long interest in academic learning and problem solving. A Voluntary PreKindergarten and School Readiness Provider, our fee schedule is available upon request.
7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers 239-481-4040