Redeemer City to City Annual Report 2016

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Dear Partners, When Kathy and I moved to New York City to plant Redeemer Presbyterian Church in 1989, we never imagined we’d be a part of a global gospel movement. People are moving to cities in unimagined numbers. Churches must go everywhere the world’s people go, but there are enormous challenges to urban ministry. Redeemer City to City (CTC) is a vital part of how God is at work in the great global cities of our world. Here’s a snapshot of how God worked through CTC in 2016: + 42 churches started + 10 networks formed (four affiliate and six regional) + 2,314 leaders trained CTC recruits, assesses, trains, coaches and funds church planters. The networks formed this year are catalyzing church growth and increasing the body of Christ. As these networks grow and mature, they will plant more churches, develop their own leaders and connect with and reach new cities. The potential for growth is exponential. I’m excited to welcome Steve Shackelford as our new CEO. I believe that Steve’s executive leadership experience, passion for our vision and ministry, and background in local church leadership all make him the right person to guide and shape this organization as it expands— seeking out and responding to opportunities around the globe. 2016 was a good year. CTC is healthy and growing, and I’m encouraged. As you read through this report, I hope you are too. Thank you for your commitment to this global mission. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. I look forward to working together to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in cities around the world.

TIM KELLER Chairman of the Board, Redeemer City to City


“Seeing churches get together, and then a lot of new churches started: That’s exciting.” —MATTHIEU AND CHRISTELLA KLASS Church Planters, Église Protestante de la Cambre; Brussels


Dear Friends, As I write this letter, my wife and I are just days away from boarding the plane that will move us to New York City. Looking back, we see how clearly God has prepared us for this, and we are excited to begin this new chapter in our lives. I was President and Chief Financial Officer for a large business development company when a friend asked me to consider the CEO position at Redeemer City to City. I was familiar with Tim Keller and with CTC, but I began to take a closer look at the organization. Coming from the business world, I’m accustomed to analyzing a company’s performance. Not unlike what I did as I researched CTC, this annual report examines what CTC accomplished in 2016. But there’s a significant difference here. The number of churches planted represents a direct link to the number of souls hearing the gospel for the first time. The number of leaders trained represents messengers spreading the gospel of grace in cities that desperately need it. This is gospel renewal in people’s hearts. This is gospel renewal in cities around the world. I am humbled and yet confident that God has called me to lead this organization and fantastic team for this strategic time of opportunity and growth. Thank you for partnering with us. I look forward to serving alongside you in this great mission.

STEVE SHACKELFORD Chief Executive Officer, Redeemer City to City


God is moving people to cities. For the first time, the world is 50% urban. By 2050, 75% of the human race will work, worship, play, raise families and live in a city. As God moves people to cities, they are pressed together—practically, racially, economically and spiritually. As God moves people to cities, reaching the world with the gospel means cities must be our missions priority.

We need a gospel movement in cities around the world.



+ Churches where the gospel is preached faithfully and lived out for the common good. + Churches where doctrine is Biblically sound and applied to the culture’s questions. + Churches where believers are edified and skeptics are welcomed. + Churches where disciples apply faith to their work and care for the poor. + Churches that are rooted in tradition and cooperative with other churches. + Churches that are financially self-supporting and generous in mission.


New Churches A SOUND MISSION AND INVESTMENT NEW CHURCHES ARE SCRIPTURAL As the Christian movement grew in the book of Acts, the apostles “appointed elders in each church, and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust” (Acts 23:14). Local communities have always been the primary building block of the body of Christ.

NEW CHURCHES ARE EVANGELISTIC Close neighborhood connections, hunger for growth, and openness to innovation make new churches much more effective at evangelism than established churches.

NEW CHURCHES MAKE NEW LEADERS Pastors and members can take risks, take ownership and lead their congregations and cities.


NEW CHURCHES BECOME SELF-SUPPORTING As churches grow, congregational giving funds the church from within and eliminates the need for outside sources.

NEW CHURCHES ARE CITY CLIMATE-CHANGERS When the gospel takes root in a city, Christians serve generously. Influential leaders use their wealth and influence for the good of those on the margins of society.

New churches

New churches

New churches

Churches become charitable institutions and start funding new work all over a city—new businesses and nonprofits, mercy and justice ministries, arts and civic initiatives.

Churches that receive grants from City to City commit to give those startup funds forward to new churches in their city or region.

New churches try new things. By necessity they are innovators and early adopters in ministry practices, setting the pace for the other churches in the community.

give money away.

recycle capital.

revive existing ones.


WHAT RENEWAL LOOKS LIKE We met Caro in the first small group held at Fuente de Redención Church in Mexico City. Caro came with a friend, and she came hurting. Her husband’s unfaithfulness had led to their divorce, and many struggles continued between them as he had taken property that was hers. Caro never expected to experience this kind of family heartache. She was angry with God. As she listened to the gospel in the small group, she began to understand that she had a greater problem than her failed marriage. That greater problem was her sin. The grace of God did a work in her heart, and she saw her need. Before going to sleep at night, Caro would say to God, “I cannot continue to lead my life. I need you to forgive me.” In the winter of 2015, she gave her life to Christ. As Caro continued to be transformed by the grace of Jesus, she came to see that God not only loved her, but he also loved her ex-husband. She stopped blaming him for all of their problems. It was extraordinary to see how her hatred toward him became a concern for Caro. She realized that he needed God, and his selfishness was evidence of not having God in his life. She asked


us to pray for him—that he would see his need for God and that the grace of God would transform his heart. Caro has two children—18-year-old Jesus and 20-year-old Amy. Caro began praying for them. She was very sad that her children would not agree to meet with us initially, so we prayed with her that God would work in the hearts of her children and that they would see their need for God.

L-R: Jesus, Caro and Amy from Fuente de Redención, Mexico City

Months later Caro’s children came with her to our first public worship service. It was wonderful to see how God was at work in each of their lives, as the message of the gospel led them to understand the central truth of Christianity. Our faith is not based on a set of rules to please God, but thanks to Christ and his death on the cross, God accepts us, despite our sin. Both of her children recognized their need for a Savior and turned to Christ in faith in 2016. Now Caro and her children are serving in the church. They are taking the New Life course and will become members and be baptized in April. In addition Caro is directing our recently started Ministerio de Misericordia (mercy ministry). We continue to pray that the grace of God will lead Caro’s exhusband to repentance. I give thanks to God, for the life of this family, for his mercy and for his grace in our church. I ask you to continue to support us in prayer because many people in Iztapalapa, Mexico City are coming to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. —LEONEL PACHECO Pastor, Fuente de Redención, Mexico City


The information we’re being exposed to is so rich in gospel truth. It’s changing me in so many ways. —JAMES ACEVEDO Church Planter, Staten Island, NY


Building a Gospel Movement Redeemer City to City is building a gospel movement by recruiting, assessing, training, coaching and funding leaders who start new churches and church networks in cities around the world. CTC uses three key approaches:







Our primary goal is to help start new churches that meet the spiritual and physical needs of their cities. This involves working directly with local leaders to start new churches, as well as with networks, denominations and other agencies involved in church planting and leadership development in each city.

Our main role is to train and coach entrepreneurial pastors in the unique skills and mindsets needed to start self-sustaining, biblically faithful churches that reach city dwellers. We also train pastoral, cultural and marketplace leaders to bring the power of the gospel to every part of life and ministry.

We work with Tim Keller and others to develop books, studies and online campaigns that address the questions of the city with the gospel. These resources reach tens of thousands of leaders who seek to live faithfully and minister effectively in the 21st century.

L-R: A church plant in Athens, Greece; Tim Keller teaching a class at Reformed Theological Seminary NYC; Three paperback editions of Center Church 11


This is gospel renewal happening in cities AROUND THE WORLD…


New York City A LAB FOR THE GLOBAL CHURCH _______________ The gospel movement in New York City is at a historic inflection point. Over the last 15 years, the number of churches grew from 100 to 251, and the body of Christ grew from 1% to 5% in centercity Manhattan. After two years of prayer and planning, in early 2016 CTC and Redeemer Presbyterian Church came together to create a new collaborative partnership for a strategy called the New York Project—an initiative focused on increasing the 5% of Christians to 15% over the next 10 years. Tripling the number of Christians will have an exponential effect on the patterns of life in NYC and could amount to a tipping point of gospel influence throughout this city and cities globally. This kind of growth in NYC provides a strong home base for CTC and will continue to serve as a catalyst for a gospel movement around the world.

NEW CHURCHES Resurrection Church, Brooklyn | Grace Tabernacle Church, Bronx | Crossroads Community Church, Jersey City | Hope Church, Long Island | Church of the Living Hope, Manhattan | Trinity Heights Church, Manhattan | C3 Church, Manhattan | Ethnos Community Church, New Brunswick | CityReach Church, Queens | Hope Church, Queens | The Community of Grace, Queens

LARRY AND LINDSEY MAYBERRY Church Planters, ConnectionNYC; Queens


2016 HIGHLIGHTS ++ In order to better reach secular New Yorkers, 85 New York pastors, church leaders and seminary students attended a training hosted by Tim Keller and Ravi Zacharias to address some of the hardest apologetic questions of our day, from economic inequality to gender identity. ++ A class of 73 apprentices from 33 churches across the city joined a new nine-month Apprentice Program created by CTC to help New York pastors develop young adult congregants into potential leaders, deepen their daily experience of the gospel, identify their unique calling and understand how to engage the city effectively. ++ CTC awarded 20 seminary scholarships (with plans to award 15-20 more) to incoming students for the master’s degree offered by Reformed Theological Seminary in NYC in partnership with CTC. The program specifically recruits leaders who are called to vocational ministry or church leadership in NYC. ++ To support bivocational pastors across the city, CTC repackaged the monthly Incubator training into a format that works with these pastors’ full schedules. The first cohort of this new program, called The Lab, was launched in September.


Africa & Middle East GOSPEL GROWTH IN THE WORLD’S FASTEST-GROWING CITIES _______________ Africa represents one of the greatest opportunities for gospel renewal because a number of cities on the continent have a growth rate that is several times that of cities elsewhere in the world. There is potential to dramatically influence the course of Christianity on the continent if new churches are planted and people are renewed by the gospel. There is great openness to teaching and an abundance of young leaders who are courageous and industrious. In the Middle East, Redeemer City to City (CTC) helped plant Redeemer Church of Dubai in 2010, and the church is quickly becoming a resource for the entire region. With their help, and that of CTC, five other churches are being planted in the UAE, and a Lebanese planter is starting a new church in Beirut. CTC is focused on helping them develop a robust ministry training center that could produce hundreds of church leaders, many of whom will work in sensitive areas in the region. CTC is also helping plant churches in Tel Aviv and Istanbul.

NEW NETWORKS City to City Africa

NEW CHURCHES Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town | Gospel Community Church, Kigali

TOBIE MEYER Church Planter, LIG.punt; Network Leader, City to City Africa; Pretoria


2016 HIGHLIGHTS ++ For the last few years, church planters in African cities influenced by CTC have wanted to connect over a shared vision to see their cities impacted by the gospel and to multiply churches. In 2016, 14 of these planters took a step in that direction when they met in Pretoria, South Africa. These planters represented a variety of leading African cities including Antananarivo, Bukavu, Cape Town, Durban, Kigali, Lagos, Nairobi and Pretoria. ++ The church planters concluded there would be great value in creating an interdenominational network. They formed City to City Africa, highlighting the idea of a peer-to-peer network focused on urban gospel ministry. The network will encourage and connect existing planters and identify, recruit, train and mentor new planters. The network also hopes to establish three to five regional church planting training centers. ++ CTC has helped plant churches in all the leading cities of South Africa and several of the townships. There are networks functioning in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, and churches are being planted in Accra, Lagos, Nairobi, Antananarivo, Bukavu and Kigali.


Asia Pacific RENEWAL AND REVIVAL _______________ In an area of the world with a strong climate of works-based righteousness, the gospel of grace is profoundly and radically changing hearts in the Asia Pacific region. Gospel leaders are being trained from an increasing array of cities and cultures, and it is rewarding to see the City to City Asia Pacific (CTCAP) network grow to the point of having local leaders teach and share out of their own experience in the Asia Pacific region. These leaders share a passion to build hundreds of new churches to fuel a gospel movement.

NEW NETWORKS City to City Taiwan | City to City India | City to City Korea | Grace Church Planting Network, Japan

NEW CHURCHES Name Withheld, Bangalore | Covenant City Church, Jakarta | Mustard Seed, Kobe | Name Withheld, Kuala Lumpur | plant@17, Kuala Lumpur | Name Withheld, New Delhi | Uiwang Seoksu Presbyterian Church, Seoul | Joshua Tree, Sydney | East Asia: 13 Churches (Assisted by China Partnership, a partner of City to City Asia Pacific) AKSHAY AND SHRUTI RAJKUMAR Church Planters, Redeemer; Delhi


2016 HIGHLIGHTS ++ In 2016, CTCAP launched 21 new churches across the region. There were also four new church planting networks established and 1,551 leaders actively trained through Intensives, Incubators and coaching. The 13 church planters who participated in the International Church Planting Intensive in Singapore and Hong Kong reflected the widest array of cities and cultures of Asia Pacific’s five Intensives to date. ++ In March, 80 church planters, trainers and donors from CTCAP gathered in Penang, Malaysia for a Renewal Retreat, the first gathering of the whole CTCAP community since its official launch in 2012. In many cases, the church planters are laboring alone in their cities, so the speakers encouraged these leaders to rest in the gospel and find rhythms of grace while in a busy and demanding calling. ++ Due to the vast size of the Asia Pacific region, three regional leaders have been identified: Guna Raman—Southeast Asia Regional Director, Stephen Ro—Movement Catalyst for Korea and Gary Watanabe—Movement Catalyst for Japan. ++ CTCAP is also translating the Incubator training material and Tim Keller’s Center Church into Japanese. The project is progressing well, but the team asks for prayer against spiritual attacks as they work to gain ground in a highly secular region.


Europe FOUNDATIONS FOR A GOSPEL MOVEMENT _______________ Until recently, there has been great resistance to the gospel in Europe, but now City to City Europe (CTCE) has entered an exciting new stage of development. Fifty mother churches have multiplied into 140 church plants. There are 500 leaders engaged, and networks and sub-regional networks are forming. After sowing seeds for years, it finally appears there is a network forming in London. There is enough momentum that CTCE anticipates 300 new churches in the next five years. What was once a small network centered on a few specific individuals has grown to include second and third generation church planters. Today there are church planters who have been trained by, supported or heavily influenced by Redeemer City To City (CTC) or CTCE in 46 cities across Europe. Momentum for church planting is building in nearly every key urban center, reaching people who have never attended an evangelical church.

NEW NETWORKS City to City United Kingdom | Greater Budapest City Network, Budapest

NEW CHURCHES CityKerk, Amstelveen | Esk Valley Church, Edinburgh | Rahlstedtprojekt, Hamburg | Lutheran Church Helsinki, Helsinki | Evangelical Church, Perugia


STEPHAN PUES Church Planter, Nordstern; Network Leader, City to City D.A.CH.; Frankfurt

2016 HIGHLIGHTS ++ In 2016, CTCE formed relationships with multiple denominations and networks of churches like New Frontiers International and the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches to strengthen church planting efforts across the continent. ++ In April, more than 250 leaders from across Europe gathered in Lisbon for a three-day training hosted by a local church. The number of attendees from the Iberian Peninsula had tripled since a similar network gathering held three years ago. This demonstrates how hosting gatherings in diverse geographic locations draws new people into the movement. ++ In October, nearly 150 leaders from across Ukraine attended a Gospel in the City event hosted by CTCE in Kiev. The group was interdenominational, reflecting the diverse and unique relationships that CTC believes are vital to developing robust and healthy church planting networks. One participant reflected, “I’ve never seen a conference in Ukraine where so many people from different denominations gathered together with so much unity around the gospel.�


Latin America A GREAT GOSPEL FOR A GREAT CITY _______________ Latin America is culturally Catholic. Over the years, Protestantism has grown, but it has brought with it a prosperity gospel—focused more on God’s blessings rather than on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Most Latin Americans have a general belief in the Bible, but they don’t see it as something that is relevant to them. Latin America is 80% urban. Cities are becoming more secular socially, culturally and spiritually, even though the number of Christians has grown. But some are hearing a new message of the gospel—one that teaches that God is near and at work in the midst of their trial. Some are seeing a new vision—one that inspires them to love their city. People are hearing the gospel unpacked in a new way that is engaging their skepticism and pluralism. The time is right in Latin America to build new churches and church planting networks.

NEW NETWORKS Beta Network, Buenos Aires | Lima Initiative, Lima | Mexico City Network, Mexico City | Gospel 360, Vina del Mar

NEW CHURCHES City Church, Lima | Pasion por Cristo, Linares | Fuente de Redención, Mexico City

JULIO AND OLGA CHIANG Church Planters, City Church; Network Leaders, Lima Initiative; Lima


2016 HIGHLIGHTS ++ Many leaders in Latin America have looked to Redeemer City to City (CTC) to help develop networks across the region. God is bringing together leaders from different denominations to collaborate in this mission. As a result, gospel movements are developing in Lima, Mexico City, Monterrey and Santiago. Leaders from these major cities, as well as Bogota and Buenos Aires, are working together. (Read a story of gospel renewal from a church in Mexico City on page 8 of this report.) ++ CTC Latin America and CTC held an event to initiate a church planting network in Lima. Forty pastors attended and discussed how they could start a gospel movement in their city. As a result, eight churches are now working together to plant churches in Lima. ++ In May, 68 leaders from three leading cities gathered with the goal of igniting a gospel movement in Bogata. From that meeting, 12 church planters were assessed and plan to start at least 10 new churches.


City to City in 2016…



Churches Launched


Networks Started


Leaders Trained













PASSION FOR THE MOVEMENT PARTNER STORY—LAWSON PEDIGO Lawson Pedigo is a lawyer from Dallas. He was introduced to Redeemer City to City (CTC) by a friend who invited him to HUB Weekend in New York City in 2014. While at HUB Weekend, he met Stephen Murray who was planting Hope City in Cape Town, South Africa. As soon as Lawson heard CTC’s mission articulated, he became a faithful and enthusiastic supporter. Lawson loves to take his adult kids on trips. They often go to global cities where they find and visit a CTC church plant. When possible, they share a meal with the church planter. They recently visited Olivier and Esther Engels and Matthieu and Christella Klass, founders of Église Protestante de la Cambre in Brussels. Lawson says, “You do the city as a tourist, and then you meet Christians who are ignited by the gospel, and it makes that city come alive in a whole different way.”


He stays connected and travels to other areas as well. He’s formed friendships with Leonardo De Chirico, pastor of Breccia di Roma in Rome, Julio Chiang, Director of the Lima Initiative, and Andres Garza, Regional Director of CTC Latin America in Monterrey, Mexico. Lawson says, “It’s one thing to phone or email, but there is no substitute for going to their city and walking their streets and seeing their heart—seeing that person in their environment and in their city, seeing their passion at work. There are men and women—real people—in these cities that I know because of CTC. We’ve talked and prayed together, shared a meal and met each other’s families. As a result, you are blessed from knowing that you have come alongside them and the encouragement is always mutual.”

Lawson Pedigo and his five children on vacation in Brussels during Christmas 2015—a destination they chose so they could connect and worship with a CTCsupported church in the city.

Lawson would encourage others to do the same. He says, “When you travel someplace, get on the CTC website, and find a church plant and someone you can take to dinner. You will feel at home worshiping in a CTC church plant because the Scriptures will be preached with integrity. You will also have your view of God’s ongoing and very active work throughout the world significantly strengthened and expanded. Expect the church planter to say, ‘It is meaningful to us that you responded to what God has put on your heart to meet and encourage us. Thank you.’ It is humbling to have this experience and to realize how a sovereign God is using even you to complete his eternal work in that city.”





EXPENSES ACTUALS OPERATIONS & ADVANCEMENT Strategic Operations $396,957 Administration $261,919 Advancement $830,027 HUB $223,894 Communications & Media $187,910 Total $1,900,707 GLOBAL PROGRAMS International Intensive $199,569 Network Leaders Forum $58,905 Global Leadership Team $56,989 Train the Trainer $45,003 Coach Training $32,249 Incubator $24,545 CRF Executive Management 1 $57,535 CTC Partnership $76,368 Short term missions / NYC missionary grants $23,000 Total $574,163


EXPENSES ACTUALS GLOBAL SPHERES NEW YORK CITY/NY PROJECT Programs 2 $403,290 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $277,797 Recruit, Assess, Coach $185,198 Catalysts $26,909 Grants $145,344 RCM Scholarships $32,976 NY Project Executive $37,820 NY Project Advancement $28,918 Public Faith & Evangelism $30,322 Total $1,168,574 LATIN AMERICA Programs 3 $53,386 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $98,733 Recruit, Assess, Coach $11,006 Grants $122,880 Total $286,005 AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST Programs 3 $25,684 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $55,120 Recruit, Assess, Coach $55,120 Grants $119,293 Dubai Project $3,949 Total $259,166 ASIA PACIFIC Programs 3 $130,858 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $144,975 Recruit, Assess, Coach $144,974 CTC Asia Pacific $32,856 India Project $194,999 Grants $180,357 Total $829,019


EUROPE Programs 3 $72,695 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $89,409 Recruit, Assess, Coach $89,314 CTC Europe $121,128 Catalysts $88,439 Grants $288,761 Total $749,746

EXPENSES ACTUALS NORTH AMERICA Programs 3 $76,381 Network Facilitation & Affiliate Building $91,247 Recruit, Assess, Coach $91,246 Grants $20,000 Total $278,874 CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Content Labs $180,917 Publishing $92,553 Preaching Project $8,937 CTC Learning $82,731 Leadership/Discipleship Project $36,500 Total $401,638 Total City to City Expenses $6,447,891 Revenue $6,672,470 Net $224,579 Church Plant Grant Revenues Church Plant Grant Expenses

$943,950 $1,035,000

1 CRF (City Renewal Fund) is a recyclable granting model wherein new churches repay grants back into the next generation of new churches in their city. This budget line represents costs to manage the program. 2 NYC Programs include: Incubator Program, Fellows Program, Apprentice Program. City Lab, The Lab, RTS MABS, City Ministry Year 3 Global Programs include: International Intensive Program Network Leaders Forum, Gospel in the City, Incubator Program, Train the Trainer, Coaches Training

2016 Giving Segment


Percent of Total










NY Project



CP Grants









,6 72 ,

7 21 $4



47 7

,5 70 43 $4


,4 68 ,0




,3 92 ,




47 0

* Investment/Product & Royalties/Program Income




4M 2M 0 2015




TIMOTHY KELLER Chairman of the Board Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church

CHRISTIAN HEMPELL Vice Chairman of the Board Vice President, Commercial Development and Corporate Partnerships, Intercontinental Hotels Group

MARY BETH VOGELZANG Partner, Vogelzang & Associates

TANYA PITRE Board Member

DAVID DILLON Senior Managing Director, Dillon Kane Group

JAMES HERRING Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

CARTER HINCKLEY Managing Director, Blue Ridge Partners

BRUCE TERRELL Secretary of the Board Executive Director, Redeemer Presbyterian Church


A Gospel Movement. Thank you for making this global mission possible. We’re just getting started.

1166 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 1620, New York, NY 10036

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