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Welcome Letter
dear friends,
Did you ever wonder why there are orchids in every Lee Michaels store? Here’s the story.
“When Brenda and I made early business trips to the Far East—Hong Kong, Bangkok and Japan—we saw orchids everywhere we went,” says Lee Michael Berg, founder of Lee Michaels. “We fell in love with the delicate flower and decided to recreate in our home the elegant atmosphere we felt in the Far East.” Orchids—white cymbidiums—have been a mainstay in the Berg household ever since.
We want you, our valued customers, to feel that same elegance when you’re in our stores so we make sure there are orchids and fresh flowers in every Lee Michaels location. Not only do they provide beauty, they also create the perfect ambiance for browsing our fine jewelry displays.
In fact, right now is the perfect time to visit your favorite Lee Michaels. “We’ve just returned from Europe with the latest in jewelry and timepieces,” says Ryan Berg, Lee Michaels co-president. “We take pride in selecting items of the best quality and value for you.”
“We searched diligently for the finest jewelry values in Italy and the most elegant timepieces in Switzerland,” says Scott Berg, Lee Michaels copresident. “We aim to be a trendsetter in the industry.”
“One of those trends is that people are enjoying their jewelry more and wearing tons of it,” says Chad Berg, Lee Michaels co-president. “In response to this incredible demand, we are doubling the size of our flagship store at Lakeside in New Orleans.” Scheduled to open in the fall, the new store will be an impressive 10,000 square feet.
While the expansion of the New Orleans store is noteworthy, we are elevating the elegant ambiance in every Lee Michaels store. Now that we can all get out again, come by and see for yourself.
It’s time to celebrate life and the occasions that make it special! It’s time to celebrate those that we treasure with gifts that they’ll treasure for a lifetime. Let our knowledgeable, well-trained associates help you find that perfect gift. We offer a wide array of fine jewelry—much of which is handcrafted by expert jewelers, luxury timepieces and our own team of highly skilled watchmakers for local service and repair. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and make Lee Michaels your first choice when celebrating life’s special moments.
Looking back, perhaps orchids are the perfect flower for our stores. They are uniquely beautiful just like our jewelry and always treasured just like you, our customers.
Best wishes and blessings to you all,