You Can't Do That! By: Lee E. Shilo
ŠLee E. Shilo-All Rights Reserved-2010
You Can't Do That! I know, some of you are thinking that other people tell you, that imagination is not real. They will tell you, that you need a plan, an outline, or something concrete when you are writing to follow...blah...blah...blah! Sure, I'm not going to dispute that, however, what they do not realize, is that imagination was not always taught in school. In many cases, it was frowned upon. So how would a person like this have any idea of what I was trying to convey? People like this do not want you to succeed. They would rather pull you down to their own logistical thinking, than have to deal with imagination. I am sorry, but it truly burns my bacon, when people tell others, that they cannot do this, or that, and you will never succeed because...etc, etc.
Believe me when I tell you, imagination IS real! It is as real as you want to make it. Where would we be if imagination did not imagine the future, or imagine the wonderful technologies we have today? Science and imagination are but different sides of the same coin. Where do you think, scientific inspiration comes from, imagination, that's where? If you want to tell me it was not imagination, and that it was always in the back of my mind from the start, then fine. How did it get out? Through imagination, that's how! So please, do not listen to those stodgy, stuffed shirts, with their negativity trying to pull you down to their unimaginative level. Just be reassured in the fact that they are sadly lacking in one of life's greatest pleasures and gifts. Once you have unlocked your imagination, it is, possible to go home again. All you have to do is believe what I am trying to tell you.
I am on your side, and have been where you are, where it is sterile and practical. I unlocked my imagination, and I can help unlock yours. Imagination does not need to be planned, thought out, or outlined. But it does however, need to be spontaneous, fun, and yes even sometimes silly. Would you know what "Dimensional Digging" was all about? Me neither, but I'll bet I could imagine what it could be, and write about it. Most of us have heard the saying, "it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Well, for me, " it's not if you win or lose, but if you play the game at all." The one thing about getting stuck or having writer's block, is that you can not think of what to write. Easy, write about how hard it is to write, when you get writer's block. The thing is, if you cannot write about what you want to write about, then write about what you do not want to write about.
In any case, it should get you writing, and isn't that the whole point? After you are warmed up, it should be easier to write about what you want.
One way of sparking up the old gray matter, is to think of a favorite Poet or Author's story and quote them. For example, my favorite story might be Moby Dick, by Melville. Quote: "From hells gate I stabbeth thee, hate for hates sake!" end Quote.
Now, if I did not know the story, it would actually be better. Can you imagine what a cold quote like this could conjure up in someones mind?
A cold quote like this could begin to ignite your mind into action, and isn't that the entire point? Write about what you think it is about, or just what feelings it evokes. Feelings are very powerful to an imagination writer. They set the mood, a tone, and identifies with the reader, much of the time. When a reader can identify with you, then you as a writer have done your job.
One of my favorite Poets is Robert Frost. Quote: "The woods are dark and deep and I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep." end Quote.
Once again, if you are unfamiliar with this quote, all the better.
It has content, setting, and mood all rolled up into one. If you did not know what this quote was about, once again, all the better. A reader with no reference to this quote might imagine it to be a darker version of a "Little Red Riding Hood" story. As a Fantasy/Fiction, it has excellent potential.
What you do well, does not necessarily mean it is your passion. What you need to do, and what you want to do, often conflict. You must make a choice of writing about what you are passionate about, or writing what you know, better than anyone else. Research to find a need, if it coincides with one of the above statements, your choice will be clear. It all comes down to passions, wants, and needs. If you are extremely lucky, you will find a balance between them, and writing will be a breeze.
Unfortunately, that is not the case with ninety percent (90%) of us writer's. We all struggle with the same problems. We all search for better answers. When we find a few of these precious gems of knowledge, we tend to jealously guard them. Instead, I would like to propose in the spirit of cooperation, we begin a trading compendium of techniques, that we may all benefit from. In this way, we may all see more excellent writing emerge from obscurity. If we do not become more open and trusting of our new, young fellow writer's, that are on the rise today, then we doom ourselves, and the public to the same old stories told in different ways, until it all becomes a mediocrity.
It is all fine and well to guard your writing secrets when you are writing and selling, but when you retire, or quit, why take it with you?
Let your writing babies, gems, and secrets go, so that they may be free, free to be consumed and digested by the new-blood of excellent writer's. The more we can contribute, the more we can halt the insane inbreeding of writing that only gives us the same old, bland stories. We need difference, we need pepper, we need spice! Then, and only then, will we begin to read interesting variations, and ultimately, originality in our future writer's