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Author’s Acknowledgments
I would like to thank:
Denise Brown for her leadership of this process, her openness to exploration and learning, and being a joyful thought partner all the way through.
Sara Zia Ebrahimi and Melissa Hamilton for their hard work in this process; their insights, challenges and encouragement; and keeping us all on track!
Denise Beek, Nia Samara Benjamin, Tahnee Jackson, Logan Cryer, Cesali Morales, Brittnie Knight and Dani Roomes for their huge contributions.
The Leeway Board, and particularly the impact assessment working group (Eli VandenBerg, Germaine Ingram and Carolyn Chernoff), for their leadership. Thanks go to Carolyn Chernoff for pointing out that love and relationship are at the heart of what Leeway does right at the beginning of the process, and in so doing sending us in the right direction. Particular thanks go to Germaine Ingram for detailed feedback. The report is stronger because of their insights.
All the interviewees and community meeting participants for their generosity and honesty.
Everyone at Bonfire Media for being amazingly talented, fun to work with and patient.
Aarati Kasturirangan, part of the Dragonfly team, for also being a reader.
It has been my honor to work with the Leeway community over the last year on this impact assessment process. It’s a process that I have loved, and one that has changed me.

Sage Crump at Looking Forward: The Future of Leeway Community Meeting, Moore College of Art and Design, December 2, 2018. Kenzi Crash 2018

This report was made possible through the generous support of the Surdna Foundation.