2 minute read
The wind in my memory
from 《我記憶裡的風》繪本
by Lee,Yi-Tse
The wind in my memory

廢校之後, 我就沒有機會回來找老師, 也不知道能不能再跟朋友們一起上學。
After the school was abandoned, I had no chance to come back to meet teachers, and I don't know if I can go to school with my friends again.

我開始回想在竹林裡度過的時光。 每當風吹過後院時, 竹葉摩擦、空心的竹身碰撞, 就會發出的清脆的聲響。
I began to think about the time I spent in the bamboo forest. When the wind blows through the backyard, the bamboo leaves rub against the hollow bamboo body, and there will be a crisp sound.
竹林裡蟲鳴鳥叫, 好多小生物在裡面生活著。 我曾經在一次大雨, 看到老鷹到竹林底下避雨呢!
In the bamboo forest, insects song and birds call, many small creatures live in it. I once saw an eagle taking shelter under a bamboo forest during a heavy rain!

晚上回到房間, 我點亮了檯燈、撥動竹片, 清脆的聲響像是風的輕聲細語, 我回想著與大自然相處的許多 快樂記憶。
When I returned to my room at night, I lit the lamp and flipped the bamboo. The crisp sound was like the soft whisper of the wind. I recalled many happy memories of being with nature.