Legacy Christian Academy Fall 2021 Impact Magazine

Page 63


One way in which LCA accomplishes its mission of developing strong leaders with biblical convictions is through chapel. Biblical truth is at the core of LCA’s foundation. We believe

This way, each student can relate to someone like themselves

the Bible is inspired by God, inerrant, and authoritative. The

during the chapel year.”

primacy of scripture is taught both inside and outside of the classroom. One of the ways LCA accomplishes the mission of developing strong biblical leaders is through chapel. Chapel at LCA looks a little different across grade levels, but each school’s chapel program is designed to foster and support

Apologetics and learning to defend our faith are important aspects of the Upper School curriculum. These truths are being taught in depth in the classroom; chapel, on the other hand, enables students to explore their personal walk with Christ.

every student’s faith journey, and to instill a love of God that

Advisory groups, a component of the Upper School

will last a lifetime.

chapel program, are a place to have fellowship and grow

Upper School

once a week in any conversation of the group’s choosing. “Last

relationships. Each teacher leads a small group of students

How do we develop a deeper faith? It’s a simple but powerful question that Upper School chapel asks its students. This year, the theme in Upper School chapel centers on loving God with heart, mind, and soul, as well as loving others as

week,” Mr. Hardage says, “my advisory and I talked about mental health and its importance.” Advisory provides students the ability to learn from their teachers and coaches and to share wisdom with one another.

Jesus has. “We’re focusing on the parables and teachings of

Worship is also an important part of Upper School chapel.

Jesus this year,” says Barrett Hardage, Upper School chapel

In the control booth of the LPAC, Sam Garner directs the

coordinator, Bible teacher, and coach. “More importantly,

music and Upper School worship team. During worship team

we’re encouraging students to draw conclusions from these

meetings, Mr. Garner leads the group through a book called

teachings, which are applicable – and relevant – to their lives.”

The Reset, by Jeremy Riddle, which is about the heart of

Upper School chapel speakers are individuals of different

worship. This small study encourages students to analyze their

races, religious backgrounds, and Christian denominations.

motives in leading worship. “Worship is between you and the

“Our goal with bringing in a variety of speakers,” Mr. Hardage says, “is to create connection points with the student body.

Lord,” Mr. Garner tells students. He reminds the team that their goal is to “give people a platform for worship.”



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