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Strategic Plan Update

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Jingle & Mingle

Jingle & Mingle

Goal 1 STUDENT DEVELOPMENT LCA will provide opportunities for all students to discover their identity and security in Christ, acknowledge their worth as image-bearers, and pursue a life of virtue that honors God, fulfilling His divine plan for them.

Major Accomplishments • Organized PEP Talks, a popular parent-education program that equips and empowers parents to partner with the school to be countercultural.

• Launched the school’s Kingdom Diversity initiative, which fosters LCA as a community that welcomes and honors Christian families from all backgrounds. The initiative includes the appointment of the school’s first Diversity Coordinator and the formation of a diversity committee to support families of color on their journey through Legacy.

• Encouraged and enabled students to become “doers of the Word” through the expansion of mission trips for Middle and Upper School students to the Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone, Puerto Rico, and Houston. Almost 50 percent of the Upper School student body have served on at least one foreign mission trip.

• Appointed the school’s first Biblical Worldview and Cultural Engagement Coordinator, who is charged with developing a biblical-worldview training module for all instructional staff.

Goal 2 FACULTY AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT LCA will seek, retain, and develop passionate Christ-followers who possess a growth mindset, a servant’s heart, and a biblical worldview. All employees will embrace and embody LCA’s mission and core values.

Major Accomplishments

• Developed and implemented a comprehensive professionalevaluation program for faculty that measures how well they are embracing and embodying the school’s mission and core values. • Substantially increased salaries and benefits for teachers, enabling LCA to attract and retain the best mission-appropriate teachers possible in the competitive marketplace of North Texas.

• Administered YouScience as a tool to assess each student’s unique interests and abilities.

• Implemented the Character Strong program, a character-and spiritual-formation curriculum for Middle School students.

• Adopted imago Dei as one of the school’s six core values, to emphasize the importance of treating everyone with respect and dignity.

Goal 3 CURRICULUM AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT LCA will design curriculum and offer programs that develop the 21st-century skills of character, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Students will be challenged to go deeper in their learning by mastering content and applying new information to real-world situations, thereby building a sense of ownership and purpose for learning.

Major Accomplishments • Developed and launched the Professional Schools Program, an innovative initiative that matches each Upper School student’s unique gifts and special interests with a curriculum track designed to increase engagement, experiential learning, and career exploration.

• Designed and implemented LCAYou, a life-skills curriculum designed to foster social, emotional, and spiritual growth for Middle and Upper School students. • Launched our Spanish Immersion Program for Kindergarten and first grade.

• Eliminated national standardized testing before third grade. Adopted a comprehensive reading and literacy assessment for developing readers.

• Adopted ASPIRE for grades three through eight, a normreferenced test tied to college-readiness benchmarks established by the ACT.

Goal 4 CAMPUS AND FACILITIES LCA’s campus and facilities will provide a safe and warm learning environment reflecting the excellence of our Christ-centered teaching and programs, ensuring the highest standards of performance and competition while anticipating future facility needs driven by enrollment and programmatic goals.

Major Accomplishments • Completed the campus master plan, which limits future enrollment to no more than 1,200 students and establishes caps for each division. • Invested more than $500,000 to enhance the safety and security of the campus, including additional security personnel and camera coverage.

Goal 5 INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT LCA will create and implement a comprehensive development program to address emerging and ongoing capital and programmatic needs and enhancements, establish and grow an endowment to secure the future, and build and sustain a robust Annual Fund that fosters unrestricted support of the school’s operations. Uniting, informing, and involving parents, alumni, and friends will strengthen the school through their advocacy, association, and philanthropy, supporting the mission of our institution as we seek to further the Kingdom of God.

Major Accomplishments

• Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the development, admissions, and marketing/communications offices.

• Hired the school’s first Chief Advancement Officer, who is charged with overseeing and coordinating all institutional advancement functions. • Currently developing an implementation plan for a future major-gifts campaign that will incorporate the establishment of an endowment.

• Increased support for the Annual Fund as the primary vehicle to enhance operations of the school.

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