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One of the best ways to fund these additions to Legacy’s athletics program is through the newly revitalized Booster


THE LCA BOOSTER CLUB by: Madi Bixler ’14 Lynn Dupree, who was Upper School assistant principal at Legacy for four years, is now Senior Director of Athletics and Activities,

board is crucial to getting the revitalized program in place, Mr. Dupree has a bigger vision: “We want to get everyone involved,” he says. The group will begin expanding by developing subcommittees, says Mr. Cline. His goal is to get as many Legacy families involved as possible. “We don’t just want families of athletes — we want to lift the spirits of our athletes and of

and one of his primary responsibilities is to build a highly

our LCA community as well.”

functioning Booster Club.

The vision for the Booster Club is to go

Lynn Dupree

Tim Cline

Senior Director of Athletics and Activities

Booster Club President

Celebrating 40 years in Christian education, Mr. Dupree started his career as a varsity basketball coach and went into athletic administration. With an extensive background in fundraising and Booster Club management, it was clear that God perfectly positioned Mr. Dupree to take the reins of LCA’s

above and beyond to make Legacy better and events business for 25 years and

as a whole. The volunteer committee will

recently retired from Learfield, a collegiate

focus on increasing training, mentorship,

sports marketing company. Mr. Cline is

and ticket sales as it’s initial strategy.

eager to lead this initiative and has already

Their next focus is to build a robust

challenged LCA to think bigger. “What

membership program that will help

would we do if our checkbook wasn’t a

build community and engage supporters

problem?” Mr. Cline asks.

in strategic objectives.

“We have a beautiful gym for our athletics teams,” says Mr. Dupree, “but this was built when LCA had a much lower enrollment. My goal for the LCA Athletics Department is to enhance what we have and add more.” Mr. Dupree says he’d like to see our softball/baseball fields turfed, batting cages covered, lanes added to the track, a sports medicine clinic, and perhaps a new gym.

Mr. Dupree and Mr. Cline see the Booster Club as a way to thoughtfully engage students and parents in the joy of athletics. “We want our LCA Kindergarteners to aspire to be future Eagle athletes,” says Mr. Cline. The athletic program’s aim is to teach our athletes how to move forward in the midst of adversity and to stand firm in integrity. This is accomplished by producing God-fearing, self-disciplined

program. “I felt like I could help other

His goals may seem ambitious, but

men and women who understand serving,

coaches be successful and help grow

they’re based on reason. “We need to

sacrifice, humility, and teamwork.

programs,” Mr. Dupree says. Today,

develop our athletes so we can compete

Under the leadership of Mr. Dupree

at a different level,” he says. “To do that,

and Mr. Cline we can be sure that LCA’s

we need to grow and enhance our athletic

athletic program will keep moving

programs.” By developing LCA athletics

forward. The Bible encourages us to not

Mr. Cline, newly named LCA Booster Club

facilities, he says, we can provide better

be lukewarm, Mr. Dupree says. “Let’s

President, has been a part of the sports

resources for our athletes.

make this as big as we can,” says Mr. Cline.

with the help of Tim Cline — the father of three Legacy students — he’s enhancing the Booster Club.


Club. First, Mr. Dupree introduced an advisory board. And although the


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