2 minute read

Encourage Yourself Daily

by Christine C. Thomas, Ph.D.

Building self-awareness and self-worth takes time if you have lived a life of a negative self-image. There are some people who spend years trying to be somebody or someone for others instead of choosing to embrace who God has made them. Transforming how you think about yourself requires time and discipline. Being your authentic self means believing in yourself and trusting what the Word of God says about you. It will help change your perspective of life and the importance of fulfilling your purpose.


As you change, your relationships and circles of inluence will change as you embrace SELF with joy and happiness. I’m not who I was 30 years ago. As a matter of fact, I’m still growing each and every day. In this issue I’m sharing some of my life-changing tips I have embraced in my growth and development as Christine C. Thomas. It has led to my knowing my worth, my value and enjoying my purpose as a Courageous Lady. I now believe that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” and “I am a part of a royal priesthood, a chosen generation” and that “God created me with purpose” (Psalm 139:14, 1 Peter 2:9, and Jeremiah 29:11).

Enjoy these tips and don’t forget to share them with another lady.

• Love yourself first and then you will be able to love others. Everything about you is awesome. God made no mistake when he created you!

• Avoid listening to your own negative thoughts. Change your perspective by changing what you say about yourself. You can start your day by looking in the mirror and professing posiive affirmations from the fruit of your lips that you are beautiful. You are loved. You are smart. You are able to achieve your goals. You have purpose. You are loved by others. You are anointed to do great things. You are blessed and You are a blessing to others.

• Study the scriptures to learn how to live a life that comes directly from the Word of God. The Bible will be your compass on how to obey God, hear God, live for God, and be blessed by God. Your worth and values is in the Word of God.

• Meditate on scriptures to feed your soul.

• Embrace being an authentic you because there is no one else on this earth who can be you. Walk in being yourself with God’s grace, without fear or shame.

• Learn to appreciate yourself because everything about you is awesome. Accept the fact that God made no mistake when he created you!

• Choose to be happy and receive the joy that only the

Lord can give. There is a strength that comes from

His joy.

• Encourage yourself daily. Choose to be happy and don’t let your circumstances dictate how you are going to feel.

• Engage with family, friends and others who will celebrate you and not try and make you become someone else.

• Share your transformation with other women and girls who struggle with self-awareness and self-worth.

• Use a journal to document your transformational journey. Write down your past struggles and breakthroughs that have led to your growth and maturity.

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