Creative Ways to Structure the Equity of Development Deals

Let’s say there’s a deal you’re interested in. The cost to acquire the land and the construction of new units (plus interest, fees, etc.) will cost $2,000,000.
We require 15% equity for typical construction loans. In this example, 15% of $2,000,000 is $300,000. How can you provide that $300,000?
1 Cash Equity
2 Become an equity partner with Legacy using our Mezz Financing
3 Private Investor
4 Pledge from LOF Investment Funds
Borrower provides $300,000.
If 90/10 Equity Partnership, Borrower provides $30,000; Legacy provides $270,000. Profit split is 40/60. (60% for builder)
Borrowers can utilize their own investors for Equity or have Investors invest in one of the Legacy Funds. (See Option 4)
Borrower or Investor can pledge 90% of amount in fund. Borrower/Investor would need a minimum of $333,333 in fund to pledge $300,000 of equity.
No profit share. Carries less interest.
1. You have a partner in the project.
2. Loss will never exceed your equity invested (less risk).
3. Less cash in the deal.
1. Less cash in deal.
2. Builder can dictate own terms with private investors.
1. Money stays in fund collecting returns.
2. Reinvest distributions to compound returns, or receive monthly/ quarterly distributions to a designated account.
5 Cross-Collateral from Investment Property
6 Combination of Options 1-5
Borrower can use 75% of the equity in an investment property.
Borrow can work with Legacy to create a hybrid equity structures.
Less cash in the deal.
Borrower controls how much cash goes in the deal.
Ready to take advantage of one of our unique approaches? Please contact Business Purpose Lending Call: 425-635-4700 | Email: