Legadel Brochure

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What is Legadel? Legadel is a local organisation in north-west London that has been set up to help young children (age 4-7 years old) who have mild or moderate learning difficulties, by providing professional support in schools.

Why was Legadel created? In June 2012, a group of parents and professionals created Legadel, to identify young children who are not thriving in the school system. The focus is on children who are having difficulties mastering key learning skills including fi ne motor coordination, adequate speech and language development, and reading. Any of these problems can lead to behavioural, social or emotional issues, and make the child’s experience of school an unhappy one. Legadel will support parents who are aware their child has a problem and can spend many years trying to find the appropriate help. We understand that, even where help is available the system is extremely complex, lengthy and frustrating. In addition, the financial strain of privately financing many of these vital services can add extra pressure to an already difficult situation. Each one of the founders and trustees of Legadel has experience with children facing difficulties at school, either in a personal or in a professional capacity.

What is Legadel’s Statement?


To provide children presenting with mild-tomoderate special educational needs, whilst still in their early school years, the support to succeed. Through the development of a personal plan for each child, and the support of specially trained Learning Support Assistants these precious children will have the support they require to help them ‫בס”ד‬ achieve their maximum potential and enjoy their years at school.

outcomes for children in NorthWest London. Through our unified approach, these children and their families will be helped to access all the available facilities, within the school environment. The aim is that children will be in a better position to integrate into school life, socially, emotionally and behaviourally.

What are Legadel’s core values? LEGADEL BELIEVES THAT: • Every child can succeed if the right support is put in place at school. •

Early intervention is vital to enable a child to be successful at school and later in life.

Collaboration between professionals, parents and school staff ensures the optimal success of any intervention and is key to maintaining a child’s educational progress over time.

Having Learning Support Assistants who liaise with the relevant professionals ensures a holistic and effective intervention plan.

Children from families with limited financial means, deserve equal access to all forms of specialist support.

Confidentiality will be preserved for every child receiving Legadel services.

What support does Legadel offer? Legadel off ers schools a pool of resources to support children’s learning development. This includes therapy to promote appropriate levels of language, motor, social and emotional development. Legadel can facilitate access to both the Kodesh and Chol curricula. LEGADEL’S TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS INCLUDE: Speech & language therapist: Mrs Cynthia Pelman

What is Legadel’s Vision?

Occupational Therapist: Mrs Nicki Quentun

The vision is that by 2016 there will be evidence of a marked improvement in the

Educational Psychologist & Legadel Consultant: Rabbi Dr David Roth

Specialist Hebrew reading teacher: Mrs Faigy Gross

What are Legadel’s strengths?

Specialist literacy teacher: Mrs Jodi Kelly

In what way does Legadel differ from established organisations?

Legadel identifies and manages special educational needs quickly, and avoids becoming caught up in bureaucracy. The prime focus is on providing the required assistance to impact on the child’s achievement levels within the classroom.

There are other wonderful and professional organisations which for many years have supported and continue to support children and adolescents presenting with a wide • As a school-based programme, the range of needs across the community. SENCo at participating schools will Legadel is unique because: be able to liaise more frequently and The focus of Legadel is solely on children effectively with Legadel staff. who are not eligible for a statement of special • There will be multi-professional educational needs but have mild to moderate meetings regularly scheduled. This educational needs often ensures that the child’s children on School Action educational needs are or School Action Plus. being addressed and May I merit to raise (However if a child is are under constant identified as qualifying for children who will occupy review. an SEN statement we will themselves with Torah offer assistance) • Legadel’s training Legadel does not accept and support of and mitsvos…is what direct referrals from Learning Support we ask from Hashem. parents or carers of Assistants (who Legadel with be part of children. All referrals to observe the the Legadel manager professionals and the hishtadlus in trying have to come from the implement their to reach that goal. school SENCo. strategies) reduces The primary focus is on the cost to parents providing intervention for and creates a wider children aged 4-7. base of available assistance. Legadel is training a team of Learning Support • Parents are not required to ferry their Assistants to incorporate recommendations children to and from sessions, as all of professionals and therapists into learning the input is provided on the school’s sessions. premises.

What are a participating SCHOOL’S responsibilities towards Legadel?

A single and cohesive intervention plan will address both the Kodesh and Chol requirements of the child.

How is Legadel financed?

The Menahel or Head teacher will promote Legadel’s involvement and ensure full cooperation of all the staff.

Parents are asked to pay 40% of the costs (although no child will be refused support due to lack of funds).

The school SENCo will identify the children in need of Legadel’s assistance and monitor their progress as they access the mainstream curriculum.

Fund-raising and philanthropists.

We have already begun to seek assistance from the government, the local authority and grant awarding bodies.

The school will provide adequate physical space for Legadel staff to operate.




The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Sponsor a child for a week

£180 Y ES I will b e



early school y m g n ri du d e e c c Please help me su my future!, e p a sh ill w it ! rs a e y is helping me h ic h w l de a g Le rt o Please supp thrive at my best! Thanks


Legadel provides children presenting with mild-to-moderate special educational needs, support while still in early years. Providing this support will ensure success at school and help these precious children to grow and enjoy their years at school.


The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Support an LSA for a day

£360 Y ES I will b e



loomy kid, I’ve been g d n a ve ti c du ro p n From an u appy kid, I now h d n a w e n a to in transformed are delighted ts n re a p y m d n a l love my schoo gadel, my future Le to ks n a th ll a ’s it , with me looks brilliant! anks You’re the best! Th Esther

The vision is that by 2016 there will be evidence of a marked change in the outcomes for children with mild/moderate special educational needs in North West London. These children will enjoy more success in accessing the curriculum, and will be better adjusted socially, emotionally and behaviourally.


The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Sponsor speech & language therapy for a week

£500 Y ES I will b e



right support e th f o se u a c e b d I’ve succeede school with y m t a e c la p in t u that has been p es a great se e h t a th e m ld to Legadel! My daddy future in me. y school

Thanks Legadel & m


Early intervention is vital to enable a child to be successful at school and later in life. Collaboration between professionals, parents and school staff ensures the optimal success of any intervention and is key in maintaining a child’s educational progress over time.


The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Sponsor a child for a month

£750 Y ES I will b e



a Please help me for re better happier futu adel Please support Leg


Legadel identifies and manages mild/moderate special educational needs speedily, and avoids becoming bogged down by bureaucracy. The prime focus is on providing the required assistance to impact on the child’s achievement levels within the classroom.


The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Support a week in Legadel

£1200 Y ES I will b e



ds my educational nee ll a s e ss re dd a l de a Leg ope for the h d n a e c n de fi n o c which gives me ben Torah! future to be a real sor! Please be my spon Yanky

0 Legadel offers schools a on site pool of resources to support children’s learning development. This includes therapy to promote appropriate levels of language, motor, social and emotional development. Legadel can facilitate access to both the Kodesh and Chol curricula.

“The future of our children, depends on your generous donation!” Support Legadel, it’s for us and our children!

Sponsor Occupational therapy for a month

£1800 I’ve been Thanks to Legadel dously transformed tremen ! to what i am today Todah!


I will be a L


EL sponso r


The future of our KIDS. The future of our COMMUNITY


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Registered Charity No. 1154487

Rabbi A Denderowicz Mr S Gross Mr R Gutwirth Mr Y Lerner Mrs S Lisser Mr Y Schwartz

21 Western Ave, London, NW11 9HE T: 0208 209 0526 F: 0208 209 0742 E: info@legadel.org.uk www.legadel.org.uk

...‫ּובנֵי ָבנִים‬ ְ ‫ַדל ָּבנִים‬ ֵּ ‫ַכנּו ְלג‬ ֵּ ‫ְוז‬ ‫תֹורה‬ ָ ‫ירים ֶאת ָהעֹולָם ַּב‬ ִ ‫ּומ ִא‬ ְ ‫ּוב ָכל‬ ְ ‫טֹובים‬ ִ ‫ׂים‬ ‫ֲש‬ ִ ‫ּוב ַמע‬ ְ ‫ּבֹורא‬ ֵ ‫ֲבֹודת ַה‬ ַ ‫ֶאכת ע‬ ֶ ‫ְמל‬

21 Western Avenue, London, NW11 9HE T: 0208 209 0526 F: 0208 209 0742 E: info@legadel.org.uk Registered Charity No. 1154487 www.legadel.org.uk

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