Facilities Your Regular Apartments Doesn’t Provide
Prime Real Estate Group
Recreational areas You won’t have to specifically go to the bowling alley or join a snooker club to get access to state of the art indoor games. Most of the luxury apartments now offer a myriad of indoor gaming options to their customers in an effort to increase the social interaction among the inhabitants.
Fitness Studio Whether you prefer vigorous gym session or power yoga, luxury apartments now generally house private fitness centers complete with professional trainers and free memberships as added lifestyle amenities.
Private Pools One of the enviable facts of owning a luxury apartment is that they get to enjoy midnight dips in their private swimming pools! Yes you read that right! They are private! In their condos!
Pet Lodging Some apartments for sale in Jersey City are taking pet lodgings to a whole new level by implementing services like in-house pet spa, grooming and training facilities for the four legged friends of their building inhabitants.
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