Consecutus Quarter 2 Figures Again Beat Estimates Consecutus quarter 2 figures have beaten their estimates by 14% adding to their quarter 1 figure increase of 11%. August 1st, 2017 Consecutus Capital have recently made public that their quarter 2 figures to June 30th have beaten their previous estimates by 14%. This increase has added to the 11% the company saw on their expected quarter 1 figures. Again, the majority of the increase in growth came primarily from their retail client base which accounted for some 9% of the 14% increase seen. "These quarter 2 figures have set us up very nicely for the second half of the year which is invariably our best two quarters. The growth in our retail clients' sector is very satisfying indeed as we have recently focused a lot of attention to it and the figures speak for themselves," said Francis Jenkins, Senior Partner. "After quarter 1's increase we upwardly adjusted the figures for quarter 2 to allow for an 8% increase, so to see 14% on the books has us all very excited for quarters 3 and 4. Quarter 3 has already started very well and we look forward to carrying this momentum through to year-end," Jenkins added. Consecutus Capital announced that a review of their expected quarter 3 and quarter 4 figures is currently taking place and they will release these figures very soon. Visit us at Our reputation has been built on being able to offer our worldwide client base opportunities that extend beyond their geographical boundaries. Our proven research to market conditions is key to our success, and that of our clients, regardless of their location.