2 minute read
Legends never die.
March/April 2020


2Pat Dry & Shave Using a brow razor, use the razor in a downwards motion along cheeks and other large areas of face. For smaller areas like upper lip use the razor in an upward motion. (go against the grain)
Written by Beauty Enthusiast, Zoe Ruddock

1Cleanse & Gently Exfoliate. Recommendations: - Use a super gentle exfoliator like Dermalogica’s Daily MicroFoliant. You can add this powder exfoliator into your cleanser.
3Recommendations: - Go to your local beauty supply store and pick up a brow archer tool/razor
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Use a hydrating toner, essence, or beauty water and apply all over face. Follow up with your favorite hydrating moisturizer.

Recommendations: - Skip any acids/chemical exfoliants you normal incorporate into your skin care routine.

4Enjoy Instant Smoother & Softer Skin!

What has the game of basketball taught you? The game of basketball has taught me a lot of things from being discipline, hard work, dedication and many more things. I could go on for awhile about how much I’ve learned playing basketball.
When did you know you wanted to pursue basketball as a career? I don’t know the exact age but I would probably say high school when I knew I could make a career out of playing.
What's your go-to move when you need to score the ball? Different variations of step backs.
What are the perks to playing basketball overseas? Seeing the world, trying different cultural foods, adapting to different cultures, meeting people, and playing basketball around the world.
As a basketball player overseas, where have you traveled thus far? I have traveled to Kosovo, Germany, Poland, Russia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Belgium and Qatar.
Have you learned any new languages while being overseas? I wouldn’t say I know different languages but I do know a few words and phrases.
Can you recall one of your favorite experiences since graduating from college? Proposing to my fiancé while we were in Germany together was big for me. Something I won’t forget.
What or who inspires you? My family, my fiancé and friends all inspire me.
This issue is a tribute to the legendary life of Kobe Bryant, what did his life and career mean to you? Were you a fan? I was Kobe fan when I was younger, me and my mom but when LeBron came around I kind of went away from Kobe. But the great respect I had/have for him never went anywhere. His passing away really affected me because I was so intrigued to see the things he was doing after basketball in his life. I’m a hard worker so I couldn’t not be a fan of his but to see him carry that same passion AND love in his personal life and professional life outside of basketball was big for me. I don’t think there was anybody like him.