1 minute read

ongoing events

daily sunday wednesday

Narcotics Anonymous – If you think you have a drug problem, and are tired of being sick and tired, there is a better way. Call 24-hour helpline 610439-1998. We are here to help. You are not alone.


Sunday Services – Metaphysical and nondenominational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, PastorUnique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211.

C o-Dependent Anonymous – CoDA is a 12-Step Fellowship of men and women with a common purpose to recover from codependence. The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. 7pm, Unity Church, 26 N. 3rd St., Emmaus. Call 610-737.-354 or visit Coda.org.

Yoga to Soothe the Soul – Gentle yoga to restore balance and release stress. Cost: donations $5$15 suggested. Every Sunday at 6pm starting on February 7, 2021. Contact Info: www. rebeccarosereiki.com. Call: 484-280-4963.

LV Lyme Support Group – First Wednesday of every month except July. Zoom calls only. Contact Heidi Healey at 973-610-0531 if interested. Speakers, Doctors, brochures and books. PA is #1 in reported cases, so we help educate the public. We also post in Lehigh Valley Lyme Support Group on Facebook and Pennsylvania Lyme Resource Network on Facebook.

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