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Body Works Wellness Studio

Donna Porcino Licensed Massage Therapist, Spa Director & Special Event Planner for over 29 years in the field of practicing wellness as well as sharing with all she comes in contact with. Donna holds a 200-hour Yoga Certification.
B odyworks Wellness Studio is a magical experience for all who walk through our doors with uplifting scents of aromatherapy to the spiritual feel of incense filling our studio, as well as friendly staff members. We have a Himalayan Salt Cave for Personal or group Meditation, Sound Bowl Healing, Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael, Couples Massage Experience as well as Reiki Healing & Crystal Placement Healing.
We have a full menu of services with Massage, Shiatsu Sinus Face Treatments, Ear Candling, Full Body, Facial & Abdominal Cupping, Gua Sha, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Ionic foot Soak for detoxing the body, and Chakra balancing.
Yoga Classes for the basic beginner are wonderful for those getting started or just wanting to get familiar to go with the flow, as well as special targeted workshops to give a bit of a challenge. We also offer private yoga classes. All our staff is certified & licensed. Our Special workshops from ” Seeking Self” help us to learn the basics of de-stressing using Sound Therapy, Guided Meditation while tapping into our own abilities to connect and heal within. “Lunar Cycle” classes are held 2 times a month teaching us how to go with the cycle of the moon starting with the New Moon Manifesting and the Full Moon letting go…All of our Workshops are creative, fun, and relaxing and leave you with a sense of stillness & peace.
Shop at our Metaphysical/Spiritual Boutique to help you further you’re healing with a full variety of healing Crystals, Crystal Jewelry, Unique Spiritual Statues from Angels to Mother Gaia, Sage, Incense, Oracle Cards, Candles, Wind Chimes, Upcycled Blankets & Handmade totes to comfy Yoga attire and props.
B odyworks Wellness Studio takes great pleasure in group gatherings either at our studio or your location.
When seeking Harmony, Compassion, Balance & Peace in your heart, Visit Bodyworks Wellness Studio to assist you & for an unforgettable experience along your journey. Located at 95 Crystal Street East Stroudsburg, PA 1830. See ad on page 24.

Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification
So, you’ve started on your path to a healthier YOU in 2023? Maybe you are eating better and perhaps you have started an exercise routine to help you shed those unwanted pounds that mysteriously appeared. Another important question to ask in addressing your overall health is: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO DETOXIFY THE ORGANS AND CELLS OF YOUR BODY? Maybe it is time to incorporate Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification into your wellness regimen to address the unwanted toxicity that accumulates from chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals, viral and bacterial exposure. The ongoing list of unhealthy substances we encounter and absorb daily could fill an entire page.
No wonder we are left feeling depleted of energy and vitality! Many of our chronic illnesses and diseases are the result of the body’s inability to effectively detoxify enough of these toxins from our systems. It is a wise practice to incorporate regular detoxification programs into your healthcare routine to assist your body in maintaining good health.
During Ionic Foot Cleansing, the client sits in a comfortable chair and immerses their feet in a tub of warm salted water. A device called an array is inserted into the water which emits a very low electrical current into the water. This current enters the hundreds of pores located in the feet and stimulates the body’s organs to begin releasing the stored toxins. These toxins begin releasing into the tub of water and over the subsequent 24-48 hours the body continues to release and eliminate the toxins through urine and bowel elimination. Clients regularly report improved sleep, increased energy, a reduction in arthritic and joint pain, lower blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, and an overall feeling of better health when receiving regular treatments. Approximately, six to eight treatments are performed during a short duration of time and then clients typically choose to continue on a maintenance basis every three to four weeks thereafter.
Keep your commitment to better health by scheduling an Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification appointment, by calling our office at 610-266-6111. Here’s to a Healthy 2023! See ad on page 2.

Intuition vs. Fear
Intuition is often referred to as our sixth sense. It’s something we’re born with, call it a hunch, gut feeling, instinct or clairvoyance of some kind. Children live in that zone, unlimited by perceptions of what’s logical.
As adults, we’re trained to think and process information—yet intuition is more of a feeling. If we get hit by too many tragedies, we may confuse it with fear as we get stuck in self-protection mode. Building unbreakable walls around our hearts, intuitive power is drowned out by the overwhelming fight or flight response.
So how do we reignite our intuition? First, know the difference. Intuition is an inner knowing, whisper, nudge, or at times a clear message. It comes from the heart, encouraging our dreams, letting us know when things feel right or wrong and when we need to reach for something more or different.
Fear shouts and nags, full of anxiety and what-ifs. A jarring voice with only one goal, safety. It avoids risk and subdues all other emotions in its path. Intuition too can point us to safer choices but speaks from a place of wisdom, not fear. It helps us recognize patterns and red flags but doesn’t expect or look for them.
To rekindle our intuitive superpower, we need to be open, vulnerable, and willing to feel all the signals. CBT and other forms of psychotherapy can help open the door. Expansive techniques like art medicine, meditation and other mind, body, spirit practices like breathwork offer an ever-deepening heart-brain coherence that drives intuition to shine.
Michelle Lee is an artist and transformational workshop facilitator practicing throughout Northeast PA, the Harrisburg area, and Lehigh Valley. For details visit www.MichelleLeeArts.com or call 570-443-7777. See ad on page 30.