9 minute read

Bridging Traditional with Functional

Restoring wellness through a holistic approach of hormone balancing and nutrition throughout all stages of life.


 Female and Male Hormone Imbalance

 Menopause

 Individualized Bio-Identical Hormones

 Insomnia

 Adrenal Dysfunction & Fatigue

 Decreased Libido in both Men & Women

 Thyroid and Endocrine Disorders

Conditions We Treat: Integrated Health Campus 5925 Tilghman St, Suite 90 Allentown, PA 18104 484-294-4199 www.HormoneWellness.net

 Weight Gain, Loss of Muscle Mass & Strength

 Vitamin & Dietary Deficiencies

 Adult & Adolescent Female Acne & Hirsutism Related Hormone Disorders

 Polycystic Ovarian Hormone

 Preconception Fertility Counseling


J. Peters, D.O.,


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Once your sample arrives in the laboratory, confidential results will be available from your secure online account within 2 to 5 days.

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Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself and be lenient to everyone else.

The development of character is the great business of life. Your ability to develop a reputation as a person of character and honor is the highest achievement of social life.

The person you are today, your innermost character, is the sum total of all your choices and decisions in life to date. Each time you consistently make good choices and decisions, your character is strengthened, and your self-worth increases. Conversely, each time you compromise your value system by consciously choosing poor choices, your character is weakened. A person of character possesses a series of virtues or values. These are courage, compassion, generosity, temperance, persistence, and friendliness, among others. But the most important value in determining the depth and strength of your character is integrity.

It is integrity, living in complete truth with yourself and others, that most demonstrates the quality of your character.

In a way, integrity is actually the value that guarantees all other values. The higher your level of integrity, the more honest you are with yourself, and the more likely it is you will live consistently with all other values you admire and respect.

It takes tremendous self-discipline to become a person of character. It takes considerable willpower to always “do the right thing” in every situation. It takes self-discipline and willpower to resist the temptation to cut corners, to take the easy way, or to act for shortterm advantage.

All of life is a test, ultimately proving our character. Wisdom can be developed privately, through study and reflection. But character can only be developed in the give and take of daily life when forced to choose and decide among alternatives. It is only when you are under pressure when forced to choose one way or another, that your true character is demonstrated.

In addition to feeling positive about yourself when you behave with character, you earn the respect and esteem of people around you. They look up to you and admire you, doors are opened, and new opportunities are presented. You will be paid more and promoted faster and given even greater responsibilities. As you become a person of honor, all things become possible for you.

Have a great month Dr. D. Rodger ND, MBA

Dr. D Rodger ND, MBA

What is Iridology and How It Can Benefit You?

by Annie Vinatieri (CCI), Certified Comprehensive Iridologist IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association)

“Theeye is the jewel of the body.” Iridologists agree with Henry David Thoreau’s words! In fact, the human eye has millions of nerve fibers in the optic nerve alone. The eye’s makeup is second only to the brain in complexity. Iridology is a holistic modality that utilizes a complex understanding of the iris. This is used as a health assessment tool. In constitutional iridology, the iris is divided into the following color groupings: Lymphatic (blue eye); Mixed or Biliary (light brown or green eye); and Hematogenic (dark brown eye). It is subdivided into many different sections, each related to a specific part of the body’s internal organs and systems. Each eye is like a snowflake or fingerprintno two are alike. Iridologists see clues and markers related to genetic predisposition and cumulative health concerns. Seeing a fuller picture of the body’s internal map can help visitors unravel issues related to digestion, low energy, hormone imbalance, and more.

When you visit an iridologist, you will likely spend a bit of time speaking with them regarding your mental, physical, and emotional health. They may examine your iris and take photographs. An iridologist often recommends actions you can consider such as supplementing with herbs, nutrition changes, alternative therapies, and stress management tactics. Many visitors are surprised at the accuracy of a reading and what an iridologist is able to see in the eye. An assessment is a valuable tool to help your health. The eyes truly are the window to the soul!

For more info: Mountain Vista Wellness. 570.956.7840. annie@mountainvistawellness.com. See Ad on page 11.

Wisdom & Healing Mind, Body & Soul LLC


Reiki practitioner, ordained minister and Spiritual Mentor, Jamie Welzig will help you to heal and return to a state of balance and harmony. She has practiced Reiki since 2011 and recently received Reiki Practitioner Level III. She will achieve her teaching certificate and teach Usui Reiki courses to others. Jamie uses gentle touch with the intention of guided flow of life force energy through the client’s body. This technique is healing to all beings, all plants, and all things. Using crystals for a crystal Reiki session may further release emotional, mental and spiritual blockages. Allow the positive to flow, and the healing begins.

Reiki will help speed up the healing process after an illness or surgery. It helps with calming everyday stressors. Reiki dissolves energy blocks and tension within our body’s chakras. It detoxifies and stimulates the body’s own immune system.

Animals accept Reiki in the same way. The approach is slightly different, however, the outcome is similar: relieving anxiety, creating a stronger sense of well-being, relieving pain, strengthening the immune system, supporting healing, helping with behavioral issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction, promoting overall wellness.

Understanding and reconnecting to your inner spiritual essence often brings harmony and guidance in your life. During a Spiritual Mentor session, Jamie will listen and support you while you discuss life’s journeys.

“Success is a state of balance, well-being, and harmony. Once we have that, everything else falls into place.”

For more info: Wisdom & Healing Mind, Body, Soul. Reiki Practitioner & Spiritual Mentor Quakertown, PA. loveandhealingenergies@gmail.com. 267-446-5556. See ad on page 34.

How to Do it All

We’ve heard it all before: get your physical, eat right, exercise more, spend time outside, get good sleep, decrease your stress, etc. It can seem daunting to try and tackle all those. It’s a tall list. It’s hard to know where to start.

What if we asked instead, what’s the ONE thing that we can address that will have an impact on ALL of them? The short answer: address the state of your nervous system. Your nervous system is all-important – it coordinates and controls the entirety of your body, from head to toe. If it’s in a state of imbalance, if it’s overwhelmed, then so is your body.

Everything in the men’s health arena can be tied to how well a man’s nervous system is functioning… from Low T, to those last 10 pounds he can’t get rid of, from prostatitis to improving cardiovascular function.

It applies to women’s health and children’s health… health in general.

The nerves of your spinal cord transmit information from your body to your brain, and vice versa. Signals constantly come into the brain telling it where you are in space, what’s working, how much food you ate, who’s talking to you, that your shirt tag is scratching your neck, or that your body is thirsty. The nervous system processes billions of inputs every second, and then relays to the body what to do next - drink some water, jump back and yell because you just stepped on a nail, reply to a question the bank teller just asked you.

A breakdown in your brain-body communication leads to a breakdown in how both your brain and your body function. This breakdown in communication is tied up in or is even the root cause of, your body not working right. It’s this break-

Living the Language of Your Soul

Many people say they’re not creative because they can’t draw a stick figure (or anything else) to save their life. A lot of high-ticket artwork looks like some artists have that same problem. The reality is, we’re all highly creative. We’re born artists.

Everyone has the same powers that professional artists have. Dreams, imagination, intuition, and emotion all speak from the seat of the soul. The heart is our inspiration.

If you have a heart, you’re creative. Like anything else, art takes practice to feel comfortable, to let go, and to sink into your unique flow. Most of us don’t take the time to hone this, or worse, we close our heart to its full potential.

As the language of the soul, the arts communicate through form, color, energy, emotion, and beyond visuals into music, poetry, food, and architecture. Each expression brings to the forefront not only areas of sensitivity but a superpowered inspiration to catalyze change.

The challenge is getting quiet enough inside to listen, then playing spontaneously through self-expression to free the wild child… the inner artist.

That creativity is at the root of all discovery - science, medicine, technology, entertainment, sports, and everything else. The proven data comes later after our dreams inspire the work that brings it into being.

Life itself is art in motion, with so many tools available. Meditation fuels our inner fire. Journaling, energy work, dancing, our senses, and nature… these are only a few of the other options. There’s so much tinder just waiting for the connection to bring our dreams to light.

Michelle Lee is an artist and transformational workshop facilitator practicing throughout Northeast PA, the Harrisburg area, and Lehigh Valley. For details, visit www.MichelleLeeArts.com or call 570-443-7777. See ad on page 17.

down that chiropractic seeks to resolve.

The body innately can heal itself, provided there is no interference. The gentle chiropractic adjustments we provide in our office, Azure Star Chiropractic, are designed to easily tune your nervous system, removing this interference, so that your aches and pains, your high blood pressure, and your hormone levels can all improve.

We see it day in and day out—patients safely go off their meds, injuries heal, the pain disappears, babies sleep through the night, and lives improve. It’s not because we’re trying to cause all these things to happen. Rather, they are a byproduct of a healthy, adaptable, resilient, and capable nervous system.

Give us a call and see how we can help you live a better life, starting today.

For more info: Azure Star Chiropractic. Dr. Indy Ishaya. 484-206-5191. info@azurestarchiropractic.com. AzureStarChiropractic.com See ad on page 17.

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