1 minute read
Q: Are all courses offered online only for the Spring 2023 semester? A: No, Lehman College will be offering In-Person, Online-Asynchronous, Online-Synchronous, Online-Mix, Hybrid-Asynchronous, Hybrid-Synchronous, HyField and HyFlex courses for the Spring 2023 semester.
Q: How do I find more information on Schedule Builder? A: You can find more information on Schedule Builder on the Registrar’s website at https://www.lehman.edu/registrar/whatis-schedule-builder.php. You will find valuable resources such as video tutorials and PDF how-to guides.
Q: Where do I access my online courses? A: Students may access their online courses via the Blackboard Tile in CUNYfirst. Instructors will post additional course information such as syllabi, assignments, etc. Students may visit www.lehman.edu/itr/blackboard.php for additional resources.
Q: When will I have access to my course on Blackboard? A: It will typically take 24 to 48 hours after a student’s initial enrollment before the course appears on Blackboard. Instructors will usually activate their courses on Blackboard within a week of the first day of classes to allow students to view their content.