Freemen’s Park Campus Library
Subjects & Class Numbers You will find useful information at the following shelf numbers: 363.1 690 693.21 693.6 694 698
Construction: Health and Safety General Construction Brickwork Plastering Carpentry & Joinery Painting & Decorating
E-library 24 hour online access to a collection of electronic resources including databases, subject guides, ebooks and e-journals and pre-selected websites.
Journals taken by the library in your subject area: Building Construction Manager Construction News Good Woodworking Sign Update Suggested titles: Carpentry and joinery level 1 NVQ/SVQ diploma. (2010) Oxford, Heinemann (694 CAR) Carpentry and joinery level 2 NVQ/SVQ and CAA diploma 3rd ed. (2010) Oxford, Heinemann (694 CAR) Carpentry and joinery level 3 NVQ/SVQ diploma: candidate handbook. Jarvis, K (2011), Harlow, Heinemann (694 JAR) Brickwork level 1 for CAA construction diploma and NVQ. Thorpe, M (2010) Oxford, Heinemann (693.21 THO) Brickwork level 2 for CAA construction diploma and NVQ. Thorpe, M (2010) Oxford, Heinemann (693.21 THO) Plastering: NVQ and technical certificate level 2. Watkins, A (ed.) (2007) Harlow, Heinemann (693.6 WAT) Painting and decorating NVQ/SVQ diploma level 2 candidate handbook 3rd edition. Jarvis, K (2011) Harlow, Heinemann (698.1 JAR)
Key Internet Sites British Woodworking Federation Voice of the woodworking industry and builder’s joinery - details of BWF accreditation scheme - links to other sites.
CITB (Construction Training Board) Information about the industry, development of the workforce, current news items and careers within the industry.
Structural Timber Association The country’s leading timber organisation representing a wide membership of businesses and people involved in construction using engineered timber. Health and Safety Executive Provides you with access to health and safety fact sheets and a searchable database
Ibstock Brick Information on good practice in brickwork, detailed graphics and different brick types
Brick Cement Association Planning Portal Government-provided information on planning permission and building regulations MatWeb Information on properties of a variety of construction and non-construction materials