Color this picture! You may use this page to fulfill one of the activities listed under the Write badge.
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Summer Adventure Parties!
Come celebrate a summer of reading and adventure at our free Summer Adventure Parties! There will be face painting, obstacle courses, mascots, crafts, and more! Fri., July 13 w10 a.m. - noon John Metcalf Park 704 E. Ohio Ave. 80817 Fri., July 20 w 10 a.m. - noon Palmer Lake Village Green 66 Lower Glenway St. 80133 Fri., July 27 w 10 a.m. - noon George Fellows Park behind East Library 5550 N. Union Blvd. 80918
Events Just Right for Younger Ones Baby Time for ages 0 - 1 Enjoy songs, rhymes, and share a book! Toddler Time for ages 1 - 2 Enjoy rhymes, music and movement, and listen to a few short books. Interested? Check with your location for details.
Track your reading by minutes to earn points. 15 minutes is worth 25 points. If you want, complete the entire program through reading.
15 min. 15 min.
15 min. 15 min.
15 min. 15 min.
Mix and match! Points are what count. Read for 15 minutes for 25 points. Want to throw in some activities? They’re worth 25 points each. Color in the reading time circles, or check off completed activities as you go. Track your points by coloring in the clouds!
Complete an activity and check the box! Each activity is worth 25 points. You may do as few or as many activities as you want to earn points towards program completion.
15 min.
Attend a Baby Time (0 - 12 months), Toddler Time (ages 1 - 2), or Music and Movement (ages 2 - 3) program at the Library.
15 min.
Choose a familiar, favorite song and clap along to the rhythm as you sing.
Build a tower with blocks or boxes. Make a dress-up bin with simple dress-up clothes and accessories, such as hats, gloves, shoes, etc. Paint with water and brushes on the sidewalk.
Make a sound for an animal toy or picture and see if your child can imitate the sound.
Create a ramp with a piece of cardboard. Try rolling different types of objects down the ramp.
Kitchen band! Use a wooden spoon to play different beats on plastic containers and pans.
Make edible fingerpaint with yogurt or applesauce and food coloring.
Check out a kids’ music CD from the Library. 15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
Sign up for Bright by Text free text messages for children under 5 for game ideas. Just text BRIGHT to 274448.
Use a stick to draw in the sandbox, dirt, or mud.
Visit a playground.
Color a picture. You can use the drawing space in your gamecard to complete this activity!
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
Find signs all around you as you walk or drive. Can you see a STOP sign?
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
Take a nature walk. Talk about the trees. Feel the bark. Is it rough or smooth?
Finger trace letters in a book.
Pop some bubbles by “pinching” them with thumb and pointer fingers. Wear soft gloves for bouncing bubbles! Make a card with your child. Let them “write” a message. Scribbling is good writing practice.
Sort laundry together. Ask your child to find all the socks in the basket!
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
Earn an additional 1,500 points to complete the bonus level and be automatically entered for a chance to win a set of Sandra Boynton Board Books! Remember that one hour of reading equals 100 points, and any remaining activities are 25 points each.
100 points
100 points 100 points 15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
100 points 100 points
100 points 100 points
100 points 100 points
100 points
100 points 100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points